Chloe'STORY By MindyTillman

Page created by Paul Klein
Fall 2012

Chloe’ STORY
Chloe has had a rough time of it lately. Adopted as a puppy, she lived the majority
                                                                                             By Mindy Tillman

of her 4 years with a young couple, until they decided she was no longer par t of their plans
when they star ted a family. They took her to a local shelter where they probably figured
she would be adopted quickly.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. She was in the        voice with utter obedience. She walks well on a leash,
kennels for three weeks and wasn’t doing well. Chloe       and can be around the other dogs and cats in her foster
is a Whippet mix, a sensitive breed easily stressed by     home even though she was an only dog for a long time.
being in the loud and over-stimulating environment of
the shelter. She was depressed and in jeopardy of          Chloe has started to show signs that she may have
being euthanized. She also appeared to be having a         an environmental allergy as well as a food allergy,
food allergy and was being medicated for it. Chloe         and possibly an underlying auto-immune disease.
was underweight and still having a terrible allergic       Through the excellent care she is receiving from
reaction to her food by the time she was rescued.          Second Chance Companions (SCC) and their veteri-
Her foster home had to work hard to gain her trust.        narian, we are confident that she’ll be able to get this
After several vet visits, better medication and a change   under control and have it managed throughout her
in diet, she started to show signs of improvement.         life. Chloe is a trooper, eager to please and always
With the love and patience of her foster family, her       a happy girl with the cutest “I’m smiling at you”
confidence grew and she was blossoming into a              expression, even when she is feeling under
wonderful girl. Chloe is a very well behaved dog who       the weather.
knows basic commands and responds to a gentle
                                                           I feel so fortunate to have Chloe in my life to help
                                                           find her a forever home, an opportunity given to
                                                           me by being a foster volunteer with Second
                                                           Chance Companions.

                                                              If you are interested in fostering,
                                                              please contact us at
                                                              or call (360) 687-4569.
by Barbette Schoening

    2012             has been very busy for SCC and its volunteers. The year began with the receipt of a grant
    from the ASPCA to provide low-cost vaccines for the community. With the help of local vets, we were
    able to offer vaccinations for hundreds of local animals. We held Great Balls of Fur in May at Heisen House
    Vineyards and had a great turn-out. Other fundraisers included a Book Sale, Bingo, Garden Tour and Garage
    Sale. We participated in several events, including the Vancouver Brewfest, Clark County Fair, and PetSmart
    National Adoption Events. The success of these events could not have been achieved without the dedica-
    tion and help of our volunteers. They are the driving force behind SCC that keeps everything moving.
    They are the ones that show up at events in order to support us. I want to send out a special thank you
    to those people that have made this year so great for Second Chance Companions!

    Second Chance Companions offers several opportunities            food and water, and most importantly, being the public face for
    for any animal lover to help out. The most common myth           SCC while interacting with the public.
    in rescue is that we only need help in fostering. Yes, there
    is an ongoing need for fosters, but other areas such as          AniMeals Program
    adoption counseling, fundraising and special events also         Volunteers for the AniMeals program deliver food to Meals
    need a lot of help.                                              on Wheels and the food banks for those who need help
                                                                     feeding their pets. We need volunteers to help pick up the
    Email and Phone Support                                          food from various donation locations, bag the food and then
    We need help with responding to calls and/or e-mail              deliver it to Meals on Wheels, low income senior programs
    inquiries from people wanting to place or adopt pets, or         and the food bank distribution centers
    seeking general information. It is a very crucial part of our
    group because we help people in the community who are            Foster Program
    trying to find new homes for their own pet in addition to        The Foster program is always in need of volunteers. Volunteers
    the animals in SCC has in our own foster care system.            take homeless animals into their homes and care for them until
    As an email and phone support volunteer, you would               their new permanent home can be found. Many animals that
    be able to help an animal find a new home                        come into our foster program have owners who are moving
                                                                     and are unable to take their pets with them. SCC pays for
    Fundraising and Special Events                                   all medical care for the animal. We ask foster volunteers to
    Volunteers plan and partiicpate in fundraisers and special       open up their hearts and homes to help out the animals.
    events. Examples would be information booths at community
    fairs or joining the Great Balls of Fur team. This position is
    important because it provides the opportunity to develop         If you are able to help out in any of these areas,
    great public relations with the community and helps raise        please contact us at or call
    much needed funding for SCC.                                     (360) 687-4569.

    PetSmart Adoption Center                                         All the areas listed above affect the animals in our community
    This position involves taking care of the animals we have        and make a difference. This happens through the assistance
    available in our adoption locations in Vancouver and Portland.   from animal lovers, just like you, trying to help one animal
    This includes making sure the animals have clean cages, fresh    at a time.

Fall 2012

                                                                   GREAT BALLS OF FUR 2012
                                                                   MAKES THE SWITCH TO SPRING
                                                                   For several years, many of our supporters have asked us to switch
                                                                   our biggest fund-raiser from the Fall to the Spring. There are so
                                                                   many other fund-raisers and activities happening in the Fall with
                                                                   too many conflicting dates. So we did it!

                                                                   With the help of Michele Bloomquist over at Heisen House
                                                                   Vineyards in Battle Ground, SCC also changed the venue.

Vancouver Brewfest
                                                                   Helen Raptis, Host of “AM Northwest” on KATU TV and
                                                                   David Schmitke, Host/Producer of “At Your Service Saturday”
                                                                   on KEX Radio hosted the Italian themed event, “Furever in
Vancouver’s first ever Craft Brewfest was held August 10 and 11,   Florence”. Guests were served antipasti while listening to the
2012, at Esther Short Park in Vancouver, WA. The festival was      Italian sounds of Accordionist, Michael Maffei.
structured to benefit charitable organizations in our neighbor-
hood and Second Chance Companions was selected as one of           It was a casual outdoor event and we hoped for good weather,
them. There were many unique beers to enjoy while listening        which we had until 10 minutes after the event ended in which
to fantastic live music at the festival, crafts and goods from a   the skies opened and the rains poured. Everyone enjoyed a
variety of interesting vendors, and local food booths. On          wonderful afternoon sipping on delicious local wines. We truly
October 18th, Cody Gray presented a check for $2500 to             want to thank Michele, Chris and Jacey for their hospitality at
the Second Chance Companions Board. SCC would like to              Heisen House Vineyards. SCC raised a lot of money to help
send a special thank you to Cody Gray and Andrew Stromberg         the animals in our community. Grazie!
for your donation to SCC.

Vino in the Village
Battle Ground Village’s

During this last summer, Battle Ground Village hosted several
“Vino in the Village Events” which were very successful in
which they donated part of the proceeds to Second Chance
Companions. Pairings of good wine and delicious food
were provided by restaurants in Battle Ground Village while
strolling through the quaint shops. Selected local wineries
included English Estate, Heisen House Vineyards, Rusty Grape,
Confluence Vineyard and Gouger Cellars. SCC would like
to extend a thank you to Battle Ground Village, Dennis Pavlina
from Bone’s, Mike De Kalb and Christina Haas from Laurelwood,
Kathy from Pasta Gigi’s and Kevin and Mike from The Coachmen
for all your work and donation.


Liz Anderson                                   Holly Blosser                                  Sandy Prue
Since joining SCC in 2011, Liz Anderson’s      When Holly Blosser decided not to seek         Soon after joining SCC in 2009, Sandy
presence has been well felt. She volun-        a fourth term as one of the two SCC Vice       Prue found herself filling two very time-
teers twice a week to care for the SCC         Presidents last spring, she ended a decade     consuming positions – Board Treasurer
foster cats housed in the PetSmart Adop-       of serving on the SCC Board. Still involved,   and Great Balls of Fur (GBF) Chairperson.
tion Center. This involves cleaning cages      however, she continues to serve as a           Being a new volunteer made her service
and providing love, exercise, fresh food and   liaison between SCC and the Clark County       as Treasurer especially challenging as she
water for up to 10 cats at a time. It also     Animal Control Board, maintains the dog        had to become familiar with the various
means taking home laundry to provide fresh     and cat lists, serves as website adminis-      functions of SCC as well as the SCC
bedding. Liz implemented regular cleaning      trator (a daunting task in itself) and helps   accounting procedures. While opting not
of the areas under and around the cages.       at many special events. In previous years,     to seek another term as treasurer this last
Her specialty has been socializing shy cats    she fostered numerous cats and was             spring, Sandy continued as the head of the
and helping them get adopted. While            fundamental in establishing the use of the     GBF committee. This annual dinner and
doing so, Liz became very attached and         Vancouver PetSmart Adoption Center for         auction fundraiser requires year-round
adopted two feline sisters who had been in     housing the SCC foster cats.                   planning and execution.
foster care for over four years.
                                               Thank you, Holly, for all you have done over   Thank you, Sandy, for being such an active
Thank you Liz for all your help!               the years and the many things you continue     and supportive volunteer.
                                               to do for SCC.

Fall 2012

In Memory of                           Gifts of Hope
Bill Hatch
     by Jack Buehler                   SCC would like to thank the generous donors listed below who have made
     by Alex Carel                     contributions during the months of January 2012 through June 2012.
     by Barbara Dunbar
     by Margaret Florey                A Dogs Best Friend                  Desiree East                      Eddie and Sandy Quinn
     by L. E. Hashimoto                Alder Creek Kayak and Canoe         Traci Ellis                       Joseph and Jane Raabe
     by Jim and Judy Hatch             All Natural Pet                     Linda Evens                       Rib City Grill
     by Sandra Hatch                   Carol Andersen                      Margy Florey                      Tera Rich
     by Mel and Shirley Johnson
     by Dylan, Emily and Owen Lee      Beth Anderson                       Bob and Carol Fox                 Rose’s Restaurant
     by John Lee                       Applewood Restaurant and Bar        Steven Fox-Middleton              Linda Runkle
     by Joyce Lounsberry               Mary Atkinson                       Karen and Fred Garmire Jr.        Susan Ruxton
     by Dennis and Kathy Mattson       Banfield Charities                  Green Mountain Golf Course        Safeway
     by Joseph Noll                    Beaches Restaurant and Bar          C.J. Hart                         Arthur and Sandra Sailer
     by Patricia Tarnow
     by Vera Witteman                  Jon Bennett                         Kelsey Hawk                       Steve Savage
                                       Big Brown Dog Inc./                 Maryellen Hayenga                 Ingeborg and George Schoening
Joan Schultz
   by Sherrell and Anne Hendricks           DBA Oswego Veterinary 		       Hazel Dell Carwash                Scottish Terrier Club of Vancouver
   by Carol Olley                           Hospital                       Nan Henriksen                     Julia Scott
   by Donna Shultz                     Bob’s Cat Tree                      Hockinson Café at Battle Ground   Snap Fitness
Bobby, Beezer and Petie                Ardith Buchanan                     Kathleen Horner                   Carolyn Stone
   by Ronald and Anita Tomlinson       Canine Utopia                       Joan Houser                       Deanna Sullivan
Delores Dobbins                        Suzann Carr                         Brian Ilie                        SW Washington Humane Society
   by Carla Klein                      Cascade Park Animal Hospital        Janet Johnson                     Tac-Ops Indoor Air Soft Arena
Hobbes the cat                         Cascade Scottish Terrier Club       K-9 Agility of Clark County       Target
  by Sara Behrman and F.X. Rosica      Clark County Sheriff ’s Office      Jan Lake                          Mike Taylor
Kirby                                  Jessica Colleran                    Lake Oswego Veterinary            Tetra Pak Materials LP
   by Brenda Finley                    Columbia River Carin Terrier Club   Aiko Lawson                       The Heathman
Koko, Casey and Mocha                  Columbia Veterinary Center          Legacy Health Systems             The Source Climbing Center
   by Linda and Roy Lindley            Creature Comforts                   Legacy Salmon Creek               Violet Towne
Leah Brenner                           Da-Kines Café                             Emergency Room              Susan Turcotte
   by Ruth Wagner                      Sherry Davis                        Los Jalapenos                     Twilight Pizza Bistro
Magic the Best Friend of Mark Reilly   Lisa Dimas                          Billie Lovell                     Voodoo Donuts
   by Joseph and Carole MacDonald      Forrest and Barbara Dunbar          Main Street Pet Solutions         Diane Walck
Mary Lee Pappenfus                                                         Malibu Raceway                    Walmart
   by Arthur Choat                                                         Mary Matzke                       Susan Erickson-White and
Missy Ribbons                                                              McFarlane’s Bark                       Greg White
   by Ellen Nagel                                                          New Seasons Market                George Whitehouse

                                       In Honor of
Murphy                                                                     Norma and Peter McReynolds        WINCO
  by Mary Wilen and Lawrence Love                                          Jeff and Jamie Morris-Pease       Molly Wise
Oskar Boroske                                                              Mosaic Financial                  Karen Wright
  by Elinor Boroske                                                        Mountain View Ice Arena
Otis                                                                       Native Foods Café and
   by Edward McNamara                                                            Bridgeport Mall
                                          by Ava Wessel
Penny                                                                      Natural Pet Northwest
                                       Kathy Byers Birthday
   by Bruce and Kathy Barker                                               Northwest Natural Pet
                                          by Renee Taggart
Ruby                                                                       Cheryl Oltmann
                                       Jennifer Moore
   by Terianne Lewis                                                       OMSI
                                          by Patricia Hathaway
Sheryl Jacobsen                                                            Oregon Humane Society
                                       Mama Kitty
   by Earlene Trestrail                                                    Thomas R. O’Sullivan
                                         by Lynda Ryan Hill
Snoopy                                                                     Denese Owens
   by Jeannie Hernandez                                                    Pawsitive Paws 4H
                                          by Aiko Lawson
Smokey Wong                                                                Gary Perlstein
                                       Sasha Siegel
  by Peggy and Peter Wong                                                  Sherri Perry
                                          by John Siegel
Steven Hashimoto                                                           Pets on Broadway
                                       Tolu and her puppies
   by L.E Hasimoto and A.C. Woods                                          Patricia and Thomas Pickett
                                          by Morgan Stanley
                                          Smith Barney Global Impact       Portland Spirit River Cruise
                                          Funding Trust Inc.               Jerri Price

ready for each other, and we never would have had the chance if it
                                                                            weren’t for the selfless patience and support of SCC and its volunteers.
                                                                            Thank you, thank you from both of us. Orlena

Blue                                                                        Casey
                                                                            Dear SCC,
Dear SCC,                                                                   I adopted a kitty named Casey from you
We just wanted to touch base with                                           about 4 years ago, so here’s little update
you about little Blue. He is growing                                        on my curious little friend. We are sooo
fast, cute as a button and still embraced                                   happy together and Casey is so spoiled! I
by his daddy Black Cat. He follows Black                                    moved in with my mom 2 years ago and
around and imitates every behavior- so                                      was worried Casey might not like it there
cute. He is antagonistic towards our dog                                    because there was a hyper yellow lab. To
Sam in the same way Black is (nice antagonis-                               my surprise, Casey loves the dog! He chases her
tic- not mean). And, he WAS so afraid of dogs - what a change.              through the house and tolerates puppy kisses often!
He nips Sam when Sam gets too close and charges him just to show            Casey is still an indoor only cat, but he has tons of fun inside the house.
him who’s boss. Poor Sam.                                                   He loves it when I hide and peek out at him, but his favorite is when
                                                                            I build little caves/forts with blankets that he can hide in and peek out
Best wishes, Nancy                                                          at me from. As soon as I say “oh no, where’s my kitty kitty?”, he starts
                                                                            purring really loud! I’ve attached some pictures of Casey having fun

                            Lacey                                           around the house! I hope they bring you as much joy as he has brought
                                                                            to our home!
                              Dear SCC,                                     Sincerely, Cori
                                Attached is a photo of a female Border

                                 Collie, Lacey, who I adopted from you in
                                 May of 2003 as a young 6 month old...
                                She’s now almost 9 years old and the
                               LOVE OF MY LIFE. Lacey is doing great...                                    Dear SCC,
                             She is my best friend and agility partner,                                     After a year of petlessness, I decided
                          still running strong in agility as a “middle-                                     to adopt a rescue cat and met Tiki, an
                       aged woman”.                                                                         8 year-old Seal Point Siamese. He’s a
Thought you guys would enjoy a photo and update!                                                           lover and a snuggler, wants to talk about
                                                                                                          everything - Tiki is a happy, kid-loving guy.
I love Lacey! Gayla                                                                                      Horizontal surfaces have a new meaning
                                                                                                     and cause around here! Sit down, lay down

                                                                                                or fall down and you will immediately have a cat
                                                                            on you and wanting to discuss it! Tiki took about 2.5 minutes to take
                                                                            to our space and claim it as his own. Now he’s a polite man, our Tiki,
Dear SCC,                                                                   but we are more ‘his’ pets that Tiki is ours... It’s almost perfect. The
In November of 2011, I had been going                                       litter box went flawlessly, brushing is easy, food, water and playing
through a rough time medically and                                          have all been handled with ease. We have become a forever family.
my doctor suggested that having a pet                                       Sincerely, Kate
might be beneficial to me. It took about
a month for the idea to take hold, and by
January of 2012 I knew that I was ready to
add a cat to my life. I’d never been around them
that much, so I did a lot of research of what to expect and how to
                                                                            Roxy              (formerly Serena)

prepare. My husband and I purchased the food bowls, the litter box,         Dear SCC,
the scratching tower, the bed, grooming tools and the toys. We were         Thanks for allowing me to live with my
ready…we just couldn’t find the cat! I knew what I was looking for,         mom, Alicia, after she just moved here to
and I was willing to wait until I found her.                                Vancouver. I quickly adjusted to my new
                                                                            surroundings with mom and when she
I began my search at the Humane Society, and then began searching           works I hold down the house with my
online through Petfinder. I had seen Chloe’s photo and while other cats     daily routine of bird watching, lounging on
were being adopted left and right, her profile stayed online. In March,     the window sill and finding numerous things to
my husband and I finally called to get more information about her, and      play with (like toilet paper…so much fun
when I heard her story I knew she was supposed to be mine.                  to unravel!)
In the two short weeks since I’ve had her, she has become my little         At first mom tried calling me “Serena”, but I had such a sparkly attitude,
shadow. She sleeps by my side and talks to me throughout the day.           she calls me Roxy. It really reflects all the energy I have.
She’ll jump into my lap wherever I’m sitting. If I’m lying down, she’ll
settle on my chest to ‘groom’ my face and hair! I really feel that she      When the day is over, I like to take up a lot of the bed and sleep on
knew how much I needed her, and I’m lucky that we bonded so quickly.        the covers when it’s cold. We have a great routine and she loves how
I can’t imagine life without her, and I’m so very thankful to Terry and     sweet and friendly I am.
Second Chance Companions for being so patient with her and believ-          Thanks for letting me come home with her.
ing that she would someday be adoptable. It took a while for us to be       Love…Roxy

Fall 2012


We’re Celebrating
And You’re Invited!
                  Great Balls of Fur is Saturday, May 18, 2013 at the Heathman Lodge
                  in Vancouver, WA featuring our guest Emcee’s Helen Raptis, Host of
                  “AM Northwest” on KATU TV and David Schmitke, Host/Producer
                  of “At Your Service Saturday” on KEX Radio.
                  Second Chance Companions has rescued                Our Great Balls of Fur theme is
                  thousands of animals over the last 20 years.              MEOWgaritaville.
                                                                      So bring out your tropical attire, flip flops,
                  Through our Spay and Neuter program,
                                                                      and leis – ‘No shirts, No shoes, No problem’ –
                  we have altered thousands of pets. Since we         to enter some fun-themed contests.

                  added our AniMeals program several years
                                                                      6pm Silent Auction and Yappy Hour
                  ago, we have helped low income seniors feed         7pm Dinner
                  their pets thousands of pounds of pet food.         8pm Live Auction
                  Over the years, our volunteers have donated
                                                                      9-11pm Dancing and Conga Line
                                                                      to the Island music of Tropical Storm
                  thousands of hours of their time to care for
                                                                      $50 per person or $450 for a table of 10
                  unwanted animals. Now it’s your turn to
                                                                      Mail checks (made out to SCC) to:
                  help us continue this legacy and save more
                                                                      Sandy Prue
                  animals for another 20 years.                       PO Box 1822, La Center WA 98629

                  EARLY PARROT SPECIAL                                                      Limited Offer
                  Prepay by Feb 28, 2013 and SAVE $$$$
                  $45.00 per person or $400.00 for a table of 10

                  Name                                 Phone number

                  Address                              City                      State                Zip


                  Number of people           x$                  =$                        Enclosed

Non-Profit Org
                                                                                                                             U.S. Postage PAID
                                                                                                                            Battle Ground, WA
                           P.O. BOX 2343                                                                                      PERMIT NO. 6
                     BATTLE GROUND, WA 98604
                         Phone 360-687-4569

       Please check this box and return this cover page if you do not wish to receive Second Chance News, or let us know your new address.

                                                                                                                               Fall 2012

SCC Board of Directors
Barbette Schoening                  Important Numbers
                                    Animal Control                                           Veterinarian Services
Terry Spangler                      Battle Ground 		             360-342-5100                Alder Creek Vet        		 360-687-3141
Vice President                      Camas/Washougal 		           360-335-0432                Animal Care Clinic 		     360-253-4241
Dawn Forlini                        Clark County 		              360-397-2488                Columbia River 		         360-694-3007
Vice President                      La Center 		                 360-263-2745                Veterinary Specialists
                                    Ridgefield 		                360-887-3556                Columbia Vet           		 360-694-9514
Debby Anderson
Secretary                           Yacolt 		                    360-686-3922                East Mill Plain Vet 		    360-892-0032
                                                                                             East Padden Vet        		 360-892-1500
Susan Ritenburgh
                                                                                             Southwestern Washington 360-693-4747

                                   SCC’s Mission
                                                                                             Humane Society

                                    Founded in 1993, Second Chance Companions is a 501(c) 3 non-profit pet organization
                                    dedicated to helping animals in SW Washington and the Portland Metro area.
                                    We are a humane, no-kill organization staffed entirely by dedicated volunteers.
                                    Although we do not run an independent shelter, we feed, care for, adopt out, and spay & neuter
                                    as many animals as possible.
                                    In addition, we educate the community and are always seeking volunteers and resources that
                                    help us to accomplish our mission.
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