PGA ANNOUNCEMENT - Slieve Russell Hotel

Page created by Ann Bowen
PGA ANNOUNCEMENT - Slieve Russell Hotel
PGA ANNOUNCEMENT - Slieve Russell Hotel

It is with great pride that I welcome the PGA
National to West Cavan and their new home here
in Ireland, PGA National Ireland Slieve Russell.
         am absolutely delighted that     courses in the country by Irish Golfer
  I      we have met all the criteria     Magazine. We believe that having
as set out by The PGA to become           this association with The PGA will
part of their renowned stable of na-      only help grow our green fee busi-
tional courses across the world.          ness further, and even extend our
  It is a great achievement for the       reach into the UK and Europe.
whole team here and it’s a testament        Together we will now drive the busi-
to the hard work of the staff out on      ness forward. The hotel has many dif-
the golf course in terms of the efforts   ferent revenue streams, which include,
that they’ve put into the facility over   conferencing & events, weddings,
the past number of years to bring us      spa packages, accommodation, golf
to this point.                            and of course dining and leisure but
  We’ve been in negotiations with         we’ve been looking at ways to de-
The PGA since the end of July last        velop our golf business for some time
year and to get this over the line is     now and this feels like the perfect fit.
extremely satisfying. This is an excit-     I hope you enjoy the magazine
ing partnership between The PGA           and know that you’re welcome at
and PGA National Ireland Slieve           The PGA’s designated home at PGA
Russell and we hope it will relaunch      National Ireland Slieve Russell any
our golf facility of which we have        time.
always been most proud.
  We feel we have a terrific golf         Warm wishes,
course here. PGA National Ireland
Slieve Russell has achieved many          Tony Walker,
accolades over the years, including       General Manager,
being voted in the top-5 parkland         Slieve Russell Hotel
PGA ANNOUNCEMENT - Slieve Russell Hotel

The PGA is delighted to announce that the Slieve
Russell Hotel, Golf & Country Club, Ballyconnell,
County Cavan, has been confirmed as ‘PGA
National Ireland’.
        ust 90 minutes from Dublin        for golfers of all abilities looking to
  J     and 2 hours from Belfast, PGA     improve their game.
National Ireland Slieve Russell offers      Slieve Russell, general manager,
luxury accommodation, a world-class       Tony Walker said: “The golf and
Ciuin spa, state-of-the-art conferenc-    leisure facilities at Slieve Russell are
ing and a range of indoor and out-        among the best in the country, and
door leisure activities all set against   rebranding as PGA National Ireland
the stunning backdrop of the natural      will not only enhance our position
landscape of West Cavan.                  at the forefront of Irish golf but also
  Considered by many as one of Ire-       present new opportunities interna-
land’s finest parkland courses, PGA       tionally.”
National Ireland Slieve Russell has         The PGA’s seal of approval is a
hosted two European Tour events,          highly valued international endorse-
the 1996 Irish PGA Championship           ment assuring visitors and owners
and continues to stage one of Ire-        that the resort’s golf and facilities      ther strengthens The PGA’s reputation
land’s most prestigious PGA Pro-Am        are of the highest quality.                internationally and we look forward
tournaments.                                The PGA’s chief executive, Robert        to promoting PGA National Ireland
  PGA Head Professional Gordon            Maxfield, added: “We are delighted         Slieve Russell to both PGA Members
Smyth and his team deliver expert         to welcome PGA National Ireland            and golfers across the globe.”
tuition at the outstanding golf acad-     Slieve Russell to our exceptional list
emy where state-of-the-art video          of PGA branded facilities.                 Robert Maxfield, CEO,
analysis and training programmes            “The PGA National - Ireland fur-         The Professional Golfers’ Association   ® PGA is a registered trademark of The Professional Golfers’ Association Limited.
PGA ANNOUNCEMENT - Slieve Russell Hotel
     AWAITS YOU IN 2019

                        Ballyconnell, Co. Cavan
                        Tel: (049) 952 6444 Email: Web:
PGA ANNOUNCEMENT - Slieve Russell Hotel

There’s something immediately more alluring about
a golf club when its name is preceded by the
words, PGA National. Be it the prestige, or the
word association, the famous three letters make it
instantly more playable.

        or PGA National Ireland              “On top of that, to be Ireland’s only
  F     Slieve Russell, that accredi-     PGA destination resort gives us the
tation has been almost two years in       chance to rebrand ourselves and get
the making and having now signed          the message out there that we’re a little
a partnership agreement with The          different – we’ve been picked by the
Professional Golfers’ Association,        PGA to be their National golf course.”
Irish golf has its own PGA designat-         In PGA National Ireland Slieve
ed destination once more; the PGA         Russell, The PGA has selected a
National Ireland Slieve Russell.          venue with a proven pedigree in
   The pristine Patrick Merrigan de-      championship golf. The PGA Na-
signed parkland has always been           tional Ireland Slieve Russell Masters
held in high regard but for Head          Pro-am has been at the centre of the
Professional, Gordon Smyth, the           Regional circuit’s schedule for 27
partnership reaffirms PGA Nation-         years with its prize pots boasting well
al Ireland Slieve Russell’s position at   over €1million during that time while
the heart of Ireland’s golfing map.       the estate has hosted the European
   “When you look at some of the oth-     Challenge Tour twice in the past too.
er resorts that boast the honour around      That history, coupled with world-
the world – Gleneagles in Scotland,       class facilities and the golf course itself
The Belfry in England, Aphrodite Hills    being awarded fifth best parkland
in Cyprus, Antalya in Turkey – they’re    in Irish Golfer Magazine’s top-100,
all high-end resorts and for us to be     makes the Ballyconnell venue a wor-
part of that family is very exciting.     thy recipient of the prestigious hon-
PGA ANNOUNCEMENT - Slieve Russell Hotel

our with its future harbouring endless     to groups or corporate clients. Fine
opportunity.                               Gael held their Ard Fheis there a
   “Even being mentioned alongside         couple of years ago, Renault Ireland
the likes of Gleneagles and The Bel-       have used it for their corporate days.
fry is hugely beneficial,” continued       We’ve been constantly evolving but
Smyth. “You’re talking about courses       hopefully now we can take that next
that have hosted Ryder Cups. It has        step and compete with the best re-
to fit with the brand and image that       sorts Ireland has to offer.
they’re looking to project so to be           Indeed, the PGA coming on board
part of that bracket can only be a         should be seen as a feather in the
good thing.”                               cap for a region that has arguably
   If PGA National Ireland Slieve Rus-     been overlooked in the past, but giv-
sell wasn’t at the forefront of people’s   en this fresh impetus, Head Profes-
thinking before, it will be now and        sional Smyth doesn’t envisage such
with the golf industry slowly showing      oversights persisting in Cavan’s fu-
signs of growth after a near-decade        ture.
of struggle, Smyth hopes PGA Na-              “County Cavan is constantly com-
tional Ireland Slieve Russell can ride     peting with the fantastic coastal of-
the wave, enabling the Cavan resort        ferings across the country but Tourism
to become a viable alternative to the      Ireland has helped hugely with their
country’s more “accessible” options.       Hidden Heartlands adverts to ensure
   “We’re always looking to im-            we’re not forgotten,” he said.
prove,” Smyth added. “Even before             “With The PGA now on board,
this announcement came about, we           obviously the more activities we can
were busy making changes to the            offer to bring people into this area the
golf course. We’ve just finished a re-     better. If tourists are coming from East
furbishment of the Cranaghan Suite,        to West, we want to present ourselves
one of our larger function rooms, the      as the link in between so we’ll open
cost of which approached nearly            conversations with courses in Dublin
€1million upon completion.                 and elsewhere to ensure The PGA
   “That’s now a state of the art,         National at Slieve Russell is always
modern facility that we can offer          a stop on the way between coasts.”

                  Even being mentioned alongside the likes of Gleneagles and The Belfry is hugely beneficial. You’re talking about courses
                  that have hosted Ryder Cups. It has to fit with the brand and image that they’re looking to project so to be part of that
                  bracket can only be a good thing
PGA ANNOUNCEMENT - Slieve Russell Hotel

PGA National Ireland Slieve Russell’s Head
Professional, Gordon Smyth talks about the
benefits of partnering up with The Professional
Golfers’ Association
1) Just how big of a deal is this          2019 Irish Golfer Magazine, the
PGA designation for everyone               practice facilities, everything. We’ve
at PGA National Ireland Slieve             got it all.
It puts the PGA National Ireland           3) Has this partnership been a
Slieve Russell nationally on the map.      long time coming?
We’re delighted about getting it.          A lot of work has gone into it. It’s
When you look at some of the other         been a year and a half of thinking
resorts working with the PGA around        about it, talking to The PGA. We’ve
the world – Gleneagles in Scotland,        flown to the Belfry to negotiate and
The Belfry in England - they’re all        iron out everything just to make sure
high-end resorts and for us to be in       we got it over the line. It’s been a
that family is fantastic.                  long process but it’s very exciting to
                                           be where we are now.
2) Why do you think the PGA
chose PGA National Ireland                 4) As a business, how big a boost
Slieve Russell?                            is this partnership in achieving
It’s a superb facility, location and has   upcoming targets?
a great history with The PGA. Our          It’s a massive help. It puts PGA Na-
PGA Pro-am has been one of the             tional Ireland Slieve Russell in the
longest running Pro-ams spanning 27        forefront of everyone’s minds initial-
years in the region. The most prize        ly – whether they’re looking to book
money played for across the whole          a group or organising a corporate
region was at PGA National Ireland         day or even just a person wanting
Slieve Russell. The golf course is the     a game of golf. And the timing is
fifth best parkland in the top-100         great.
PGA ANNOUNCEMENT - Slieve Russell Hotel

5) Did the golf course have to             7) What does this partnership
meet any specific requirements             say to groups and societies still
to attain the accreditation?               considering their 2019 golfing
The fact that we’ve hosted tourna-         destinations?
ments - The Irish PGA Championship,        We’ve always welcomed groups
two Challenge Tour events; Henrik          of golfers for their getaways and
Stenson shot a course record 65 in         society days and this designation will
one of those. World Number One             only add to their overall experience.
Justin Rose has played here. So, it        With all our facilities on site we have
met the standards – it’s over 7,000        everything a visiting golf group could
yards off the championship tees. We        require, without having to leave the
have 16 green keepers out there,           resort. Everything is on site. Four res-
gardeners, and a level of attention        taurants, lots of bars throughout the
to the golf course that we’ve never        complex, leisure centre, spa, con-
compromised.                               ference rooms and the golf courses.
                                           We have the championship course,
6) Will playing opportunities for          the nine-hole academy course which
your members be impacted by                is like a par-3 course and the crazy
this PGA designation?                      golf course which everyone enjoys
Our members have always been               for a bit of craic, a Ken Kearney
able to get out here any day and           design based on the 9 best holes out
that won’t be affected by this. Our        on the course. Add to that the tennis
members come first, they’re here           courts and driving range and it really
day-in, day-out, but hopefully a re-       is the ideal venue to stay and play.
sult of this we will pick up a different
mix of business from groups, cor-          8) Does The PGA coming on
porates etc. If you can get people         board present new investment
out in Ireland midweek playing golf        opportunities?
you’re doing well.                         It does but we were making chang-
                                           es even before this came about.

                  We’ve always welcomed groups of golfers for their getaways and society days and this designation will only add to
                  their overall experience. With all our facilities on site we have everything a visiting golf group could require, without
                  having to leave the resort
PGA ANNOUNCEMENT - Slieve Russell Hotel

We’re working on some of the tees,       10) Given the struggles the in-
some of the holes – 12 is getting        dustry has gone through in the
a redesign, changing some of the         last decade, does The PGA’s in-
tees on the 8th to bring more of         terest in Ireland suggest that the
the water into play. Whether the         boom might be back?
accreditation was there or not, we’re    We have certainly seen an increase
always looking at ways to improve        in enquiries and business so things
the golf course. The team is led by      look very positive. Our Business De-
Peter Robinson and Brendan Hegar-        velopment Manager and in-house
ty and the two lads run a great ship     sales team are actively working
but it’s an ongoing process.             with new and existing clients to
                                         re-introduce PGA National Ireland
9) Does this position PGA Na-            Slieve Russell as an option for future
tional Ireland Slieve Russell to         bookings. So we’re hopeful that this
host specific PGA events in the          designation will help grow our future
future?                                  business.
Yes, we are now a suitable fit to host
national events on the PGA calen-
dar and we’re hoping to welcome
one in 2020.

                 We have certainly seen an increase in
                 enquiries and business so things look
                 very positive. Our Business Development
                 Manager and in-house sales team are
                 actively working with new and existing
                 clients to re-introduce PGA National
                 Ireland Slieve Russell as an option for
                 future bookings
PGA ANNOUNCEMENT - Slieve Russell Hotel
            • 3rd June              (Singles Ladies and Gents)

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1) What do you think The PGA              the UK with the Belfry and Glene-
saw in PGA National Ireland               agles, but it should give us the op-
Slieve Russell to make it their           portunity to link in and attract some
home here in Ireland?                     of that European golf from Portugal,
I suppose the overall offering that       Cyprus or Turkey, not only to PGA
we have here - number one being           National Ireland Slieve Russell but
the championship golf course that         ultimately Ireland as well.
met the criteria set out by The PGA
for a national course; in length, pres-   3) What does it mean to be Ire-
entation and its sizable challenge.       land’s only PGA designated golf
The nine-hole par-3 course and driv-      course?
ing range to supplement that and          We’re very proud to be the only Na-
a resident professional in Gordon         tional PGA course here in Ireland.
on site all helped too. They would        It’s a tremendous achievement for
have taken the bedrooms and Coun-         the whole entire team here to have
try Club facilities into consideration    this recognition from The PGA and
also and the overall hotel and resort     a great acknowledgment for every-
was quite key to the designation          one working at the hotel.
                                          4) For the wider region of Bal-
2) Considering some of the                lyconnell and Cavan in general
courses worldwide with this ac-           that has relied on the tourism
creditation, what doors do you            the resort can bring, how im-
see this opening in terms of the          portant is this move in securing
brand at SR?                              that position?
It will certainly open the doors to       Very important. We’re a key em-
grow the business. Taking into ac-        ployer in West Cavan and on the
count the geographical locations of       outskirts of Ballyconnell. Presently
the other PGA courses, not only in        we employ just over 300 staff be-

tween full and part time. It should      think we offer good value for money                                           the PGA National. We’ll have
help secure those jobs for the future    already and I don’t feel we’d need                                            new signage in the building too.
for the entire operation through the     to change that moving forward.                                                We’re currently working on cre-
additional golfers the designation                                                                                     ating a new arrival area into the
will bring to the hotel. It’s one of     7) How do you see it impacting                                                golf course at the back of the first
those pieces of our jigsaw that we       the corporate offering at the re-                                             tee and we’ll continue to improve
feel will help secure and grow our       sort?                                                                         the course as best we can. We’re
business into the future.                I’d like to think having the recog-                                           doing some work on the 12th tee
                                         nition of a PGA National course                                               at the moment, we’ve plans to
5) I know throughout the reces-          would help to attract more corpo-                                             do some work on the 8th proba-
sion that PGA National Ireland           rate golf. Our own experience leads                                           bly towards the winter this year
Slieve Russell refused to let staff      us to believe that corporate golf is                                          but we’re constantly evolving to
go or let the standards drop de-         back on the agenda again and I                                                improving the golf offering here
spite the pressures that came            think it will allow us an opportunity                                         at PGA National Ireland Slieve
with it. Does this announcement          to attract more corporate golf to                                             Russell.
feel like somewhat of a vindica-         the resort, certainly in the next 18
tion?                                    months to five years.                                                         10) How viable an alternative
We did take that decision back                                                                                         is County Cavan now as an
8-10 years ago that we didn’t want       8) The golf industry is often a                                               all-round destination for golf
to reduce the standard on the golf       good barometer of the strength                                                in Ireland.
course like many other courses had       of the Irish economy – how do                                                 I think it’s a tremendous alter-
done. We wanted to maintain our          you feel this PGA designation re-                                             native. We are the premier golf
standards and we achieved that           flects on the industry as a whole?                                            course within the Hidden Heart-
by maintaining our staffing num-         The timing of this announcement                                               lands brand and the largest re-
bers and by retaining the significant    is tremendous for the golf industry                                           sort in the region. We continue
budget we put in place each year.        in general in Ireland. It shows in                                            to invest heavily in our product
So yes, it’s a vindication of the hard   some ways the confidence that the                                             and this announcement is just the
work we’ve completed and the com-        PGA has in the golf offering here                                             latest improvement.
mitment to the hotel and golf course     in Ireland.
that we’ve undertaken throughout
the years.                               9) What’s next – can we expect
                                         to see any changes in the imme-
6) Does it tempt you to increase         diate future?
your price points across the             We’re working on that at the mo-        The timing of this announcement is
product?                                 ment for a new brand for PGA Na-        tremendous for the golf industry in
At this point in time, no. We like to    tional Ireland Slieve Russell and
                                                                                 general in Ireland

CATERING FOR ALL YOUR                                      S
                                                                 lieve Russell Hotel’s combi-
                                                                 nation of luxury and style
                                                                                                 your every requirement, why not
                                                                                                 make Slieve Russell the next stop
                                                                                                                                          flected Sales & Marketing Manager,
                                                                                                                                          Orlaith Jordan. “The revamp was
CORPORATE NEEDS                                          creates the ideal venue for all your    on your corporate calendar?              mostly cosmetic; curtains, carpet,
                                                         business needs, with its 300 acres of     The jewel in the hotel’s corpo-        wallpaper, all the furniture – ban-
Located just 90 minutes from Dublin and easily           pristinely manicured parkland there     rate crown since its establishment       quet chairs but we did an extensive
accessible from all corners of Ireland, Slieve           to cater for corporate events of all    in 2005 is its colossal Cranaghan        upgrade of all the audio equipment
                                                         sizes. With complimentary parking       Suite. The venue has just undertaken     too which was the key aspect of the
Russell Hotel is home to Cavan’s premier
                                                         for up to 800 guests, a purpose-built   a €1million facelift and it now stands   work.
conference centre with its state-of-the-art facilities   conference centre that can accom-       alone as an all-inclusive sub-dividing     “We recognised the need to be on
and recent €1million refurbishment of its                modate up to 1,200 delegates with       conference room that’s sure to attract   top of our game when it comes to
Cranaghan Suite making the venue a standout              private entrance and 222 luxury         premier clients to match.                an audio-visual offering so although
                                                         bedrooms and 13 suites awaiting           “It was time for an upgrade,” re-      a lot of the money spent is hiding
amongst Ireland’s largest corporate players.

behind the scenes, it would come           wedding venue for many years with
to the fore on the day of your con-        its already established corporate
ference. We now feel we can offer          offering about to reap the benefits
a top-spec audio-visual aspect to          of an extensive refurbishment and
any conference set-up with a further       a recovering Irish economy, whilst
ability to transform the room for re-      coinciding with its very exciting part-
ception drinks or a gala dinner for        nership with PGA National.
over 600 guests.                             “We couldn’t have done the re-
  “There’s a lot of space in the hotel.    vamp at a better time,” added Jor-
It’s one thing we find when clients        dan. “Now we’re placed to be able
come to visit is that they’re pleasantly   to offer a wonderful facility to people
surprised by all the space available       who are in a position to book confer-
and the vast options at their dispos-      ences at a venue that will give them
al.”                                       the sought-after quality we possess.
  Space certainly isn’t an issue with        “The PGA designation will only
the exquisite Woodford & Erne Suite,       enhance that impression of the prop-
which can dine over 350 people and         erty. A lot of our corporate clients
act as another conference centre           tend to be golfers so it’s great to be
option, conveniently located nearby        able to incorporate our golf offering
the Cranaghan building. Flexibility        into their business packages and
is further highlighted with the Conall     having The PGA on board should
Cearnach and Setanta Restaurants           only improve things.”
offering more dining options for up
to 300 delegates in an elegant set-        Extensive details of Slieve
ting illuminated by natural light.         Russell’s Corporate offering
  No wonder then that the Slieve           can be found at https://www.
Russell Hotel has been a leading 

                  The revamp was mostly cosmetic;
                  curtains, carpet, wallpaper, all the
                  furniture – banquet chairs but we did
                  an extensive upgrade of all the audio
                  equipment too which was the key
                  aspect of the work.

Proud to be associated with PGA National
Slieve Russell
         any people in Ireland and be-   called Lisa. “First of all, it was trying to
 M       yond first became aware of      break 50, then it was trying to break
prodigious golfing twins, Leona and      40, and 30 – and we still use it all the
Lisa Maguire when a 10-year old          time. We’re only five minutes away so
Lisa won the Tiger Woods endorsed        we’ve been very lucky to have one
Young Masters Golf Junior Series at      of Ireland’s top courses right on our
La Manga in 2005. A certain Leona        doorstep.”
happened to finish second. Howev-          Indeed, PGA National Ireland Slieve
er, for those blessed with a Cavan       Russell acted as a second home for
postcode, and particularly for those     the girls as their obsession with golf
associated with PGA National Ireland     only grew.
Slieve Russell throughout the years,       “We’d get dropped off early morn-
the mercurial twins would have been      ing, maybe go home for a bit of din-
known long before that.                  ner and then back up again until
  Now professional athletes under        dark- we spent all day, every day up
Niall Horan’s Modest! Golf umbrel-       here during the summers. You couldn’t
la, it’s been a remarkable rise from     really ask for a better place to be,”
the gates of PGA National Ireland        added Lisa.
Slieve Russell to a global audience        For sister Leona, now a fully-fledged
for the pair, but despite the glorious   member of the European Tour, playing
adventure so far, they’ve never lost     with her home club badge attached
sight of where it began.                 to her apparel has always been a
  “We started down on the par-3          source of great pride.
course when we were 10 or so, going        “It’s nice to carry a bit of home with
                                                                                             Leona and Lisa Maguire
out with Dad in the summer time,” re-    you wherever you go,” said Leona

who splits her schedule this year be-        “But it’s hard to pick one because
tween Europe and her Symetra Tour         the course gets better all the time.
commitments in America.                   They’ve planted new trees and made
  “I’m very proud to represent Ireland    it more defined and trickier. 12 has
on tour and no matter where I play        changed – shifted the green and
in the world, I feel like I’m putting     made it a much more interesting hole
Cavan on the map. I always get huge       and it’s very cool to play. It’s a spe-
home support and it’s always great        cial place to be.”
to see a few Cavan jerseys in the            The constant evolution of the chal-
crowd even when I play abroad.”           lenging Patrick Merrigan designed
  When it comes to their beloved          parkland undoubtedly contributed to
PGA National Ireland Slieve Rus-          PGA National Ireland Slieve Russell
sell layout, picking a standout hole      attaining this coveted accreditation,
amongst so many proved difficult but      and for Leona, who has plied her
after forceful negotiation, unsurpris-    trade on more tracks around the
ingly the pair fell on the same one.      world than most, it’s a match made
  “Probably 13, the par-5 around          in heaven for the PGA.
the corner,” said Leona, who likened         “It’s one of Ireland’s hidden gems,”
her home track to East Lake Country       said Leona. “It’s a proper champion-
Club with its sloping greens, water       ship golf course with some stunning
features, elevation changes and tree-     water holes and it’s always in incredi-
lined fairways. “It’s a great risk and    ble condition. It’s also complemented
reward par-5. I love hitting over the     by a great 9-hole par-3 Academy
iconic SR flowerbed with my drive.”       course that’s perfect for practising
  While Lisa continued, “You can          irons or for all the family to enjoy.
decide to go at it in two or you can         “With its beautiful gardens, hotel,
lay up and use your wedge game            conference rooms and spa that make
to make birdie. When we were 15,          it a one stop shop for everyone; golf-
16 we made it in two and it was a         ers, business people and holiday
really big deal but it’s a proper risk/   makers, Slieve Russell is the perfect
reward hole.                              fit for the PGA I think.”

                  I’m very proud to represent Ireland on tour and no matter where I play in the world, I feel like I’m putting Cavan
                  on the map. I always get huge home support and it’s always great to see a few Cavan jerseys in the crowd even
                  when I play abroad.

        fter a long walk on the fair-      to your specific skincare needs. The
  A     ways, a long talk in the confer-   Spa was also one of the first in Ireland
ence centre or even just to treat your     to practice Biotec Facial Treatments,
mind to a well-earned rest, why not        with the advanced bio-electric tech-
relax and unwind at the Ciúin Spa at       nology working in perfect synergy
Slieve Russell, the ideal safe haven to    with the skin’s natural bio-electric field
leave your worries behind.                 to produce eye-opening results.
  The Ciúin Spa offers the ultimate          But as much and all as a visit to the
pampering journey to soothe your           Ciúin Spa is focussed on the individu-
soul and recharge your body and            al’s well-being, the serene facility ac-
mind, with a team of highly qualified      commodates group bookings for up
therapists on hand with personalised       to 20-30 people with relaxation suites
treatments to cater for all your needs.    available to book for the day around
  With everything from massage,            afternoon tea and other delicious
facials and waxing to pregnancy            refreshments, often best experienced
treatments and cancer care touch           when shared with friends.
treatments that have been running            The Hydrotherapy Suite at the Spa
successfully for eight years now, the      provides the perfect escape with a
Ciúin Spa provides a variety of treat-     steam room, jacuzzi, adventure show-
ments specifically designed to offer       ers, heated loungers, herb sauna, salt
a unique experience, using the most        grotto and much more, all on hand to
potent actives available in the world      allow you to embrace your tranquil
today.                                     side with the loved ones in your life.
  Ciúin Spa boasts Elemis Skin Anal-
ysis, the only spa in Ireland to adopt     Bookings for the award winning
the revolutionary technology, that         Spa can be made at https://
takes pictures of the skin to reveal
what lies beneath your wrinkles; from      php while the Spa Team can be
the pigment to the hydration and any       reached via our Spa Enquiry
potential activity, with the data then     Form or on +353 (0)49 9526444
used to further focus your treatment       or email


• 	18 Hole ‘PGA National Ireland’ Championship      • 	Gift Shop
                                                     • 	Leisure Centre, Pool & Fitness Suite
• 	9 Hole ‘PGA National Academy’ Course
                                                     • 	3 Restaurants- Setanta, Conall Cearnach & Summit
• 	9 Hole Adventure Golf Course
                                                     • 	3 Bars- Kells, Shannon & Summit
• 	Golf Academy Training Centre & Short Game area
                                                     • 	222 bedrooms including 13 suites
• 	Onsite PGA Professional
                                                     • 	3 State of the Art Function Rooms- Woodford, Erne &
• 	Ciúin Spa & Wellness Centre                          Cranaghan Suite’
         Ideal venue for Golf Societies, Corporate Golf Outings, Conferences,
            Functions & Events or just a short break to get away from it all.

                                                                                    Bookings online at
® PGA is a registered trademark of The Professional Golfers’ Association Limited.
                                                                                    Phone 049 9525090/049 9525093 Email:
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