A Christmas Message from Pastor John - Normandy Church

A Christmas Message from Pastor John - Normandy Church
450 W. Alex-Bell Road •Dayton OH 45459 • 937-433-1636 • Email : info@normandyumc.org

                                           Gather... Grow... Go... and enjoy the journey!              DECEMBER 2022

                A Christmas Message from Pastor John
Dear Friends:

As the Christmas season is upon us, let us be thankful to almighty God for the gift of His son Jesus to be our Savior.
Because of His unselfish love for us, we have the assurance of eternal life. Despite the economic trials of this past year,
the Lord continues to bless each and every one of us. One of those constant blessings for us is the life and ministry
of Normandy United Methodist Church. God has entrusted us with a beautiful church in which to worship Him and to
fellowship with one another in His name.

As we meet people losing their jobs and struggling with financial issues during this season, my thoughts center around
the birth of our Savior to bring us peace and assurance. I can’t help but reflect on the Christmas carol “O Little Town
of Bethlehem.” The words, “The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight,” resonate in my mind. These
words bring much comfort to us as we celebrate the holidays amidst some very uncertain circumstances. We can bring
our hopes and our fears to Jesus and allow him to work in and through us so that through his hope we may be comforted
and assured.

During this holiday season, I welcome you to attend our regular Advent worship services on Sundays at 10:00am as well
as our Christmas Eve candlelight services on December 24th at 5:00 and 7:00pm. We will also celebrate Christmas on
Sunday, December 25th at 10:00am.

We are truly blessed at Normandy UMC by so many vital ministries                     Worship is broadcast on these days
in our church family and our community. In our blessings, we continue                and times:
to reach out to those who need to know the Lord Jesus, as well as those
who are in need of his care. On behalf of my wife Lisa and children;                 Sundays
Robert, Mary and William and Marietta, we wish you a holiday season                  1:00 pm Spectrum 991, AT&T 99
filled with God’s richest blessings.                                                 2:00 pm DATV-North, channel 992
 					                                             Rev. John
                                                                                     11:00 am Spectrum 991, AT&T 99

                                                                                     10:00 pm DATV-North, channel 992

  Your Normandy Staff
  ▪ Rev. John Guliano, Pastor: jguliano@normandyumc.org
  ▪ Carla Bryant, Administrative Assistant: cbryant@normandyumc.org
  ▪ Rick Lewis, Director of Music & Senior Adult Ministries: rlewis@normandyumc.org
  ▪ Amy Reese, Director of Children’s Ministry: areese@normandyumc.org
  ▪ Noah Carpenter, Organist/Accompanist		                  ▪ Nicole Tracey, Nursery
  ▪ Sean Hardin, Facilities & Maintenance Coordinator       ▪ Ruth Calhoun, Nursery
A Christmas Message from Pastor John - Normandy Church
Coping withbythe Holidays                                          Christmas Greetings
             John Guliano, Professional Clinical Counselor                from Priscilla Circle
The holiday season is supposed to be a time of joy, parties and           In this holiday season the members of
gatherings with friends and families. But the holidays can be difficult
for many dealing with personal grief, loneliness, illnesses, economic     Priscilla Circle wish for each of you the
concerns, separation, and other relationship issues. We talk about        love, peace, and happiness that the
peace on earth but live with the reality of terrorism and the reality     true spirit of Christmas brings.
that many of our service men and women from our country are in
areas of coflict. The commercialism of the holiday season bombards
us with many unrealistic expectations. And many feel overwhelmed
when our “ to-do” list goes on forever.

The holidays are especially difficult when our feelings of sadness,
loneliness, depression, and anxiety are the opposite of the
“Hallmark” images we see all around us. Try as much as possible to
maintain your routines like sleeping, exercising, taking medications
and appointments. It is all right to excuse yourself for some time
away from social gatherings. While continually isolating yourself
is not helpful, there are times when solitude can be a time of
                                                                             St. Paul UMC's
replenishment, reconnections, and satisfaction.                              Breakfast with
There are many opportunities to volunteer during the holiday season.       Santa December 17
The satisfaction of giving to others can help you put your own
problems in perspective. Live in the now! Try to let go of past regrets   Normandy’s Breakfast with Santa for the
and experiences and find joy in the present moment. And remember,         children of St. Paul UMC is scheduled for
laughter is good medicine! Overall, may the holidays remind us            Saturday December 17 at 8 am. Volunteers
that God welcomes us and loves us just as we are. His love always         should arrive at 8 am unless you have been
surrounds us, and he will keep us in His care.                            told to arrive earlier. St. Paul UMC's address
                                                                          is 101 Huffman Avenue, Dayton, OH 45403.
                                                                          All candy donations should have been
                                                                          turned in by November 27. If you signed
                                                                          up to buy a gift for a child, it should be

      Christmas at Normandy 2022                                          placed in one of the Breakfast With Santa
                                                                          boxes at church by Sunday, December 11
                                                                          at 10 am. Chocolate milk needs to be in the
  12/4 - 6:00pm        Yuletide at Normandy Concert                       kitchen fridge by Wednesday, December
                                                                          14 at 3 pm. We will be at our table in the
  12/10 - 7:00pm       “A Gift of Song” Wright State Opera
                                                                          Narthex(Welcome Center) December 4 and
  		                   Theatre tells the story of Silent Night
                                                                          11 if you have any questions. Plan to join

                                                                          the Christian Outreach Committee for a day
  12/17 - 11:00am      Family Birthday Party for Jesus
  		                   pre-k thru 5th grade                               of joy in giving.

  12/17 & 12/18        Open House and Santa - 6:00 to 8:30 pm             We are also looking for one or more people
                       Christmas splendor in the Grant mansion            interested in leading Breakfast with Santa
                                                                          beginning in 2023.
  12/24                Christmas Eve Services
  		                   5:00pm – Children-focused                          If you have any questions, an interest in
  		                   7:00pm – Traditional                               leading, or would like to donate but attend
                                                                          church online, please call or text Rebecca
  12/25 - 10:00am Christmas Morning Service		                             Haberlandt or Anita Blazak.

A Christmas Message from Pastor John - Normandy Church
Music Ministry                                                                December
     with Rick                                                                   Birthdays
Merry Christmas! What a wonderful surprise and blessing it is that we have        Ernest Carlson		       1
a brand new, latest model of a Rodgers Organ in time for the Christmas            John Imhof		           1
season! When it became apparent that we would indeed be looking at a
new instrument, my first thought was, “We can get a deposit by the end of         April Culpepper		      4
the year and hopefully have it by Easter!” How amazed was I at the over-          Janet Wells		          4
whelming response and enthusiasm from our congregation?! Apparently,
                                                                                  Danna Cox		            7
God had other plans. Thanks to your faithfulness and generosity, we are
already enjoying the magnificent Rodgers Infinity 367, and many will              Nancy Lees		           7
be blessed by it for years to come. I often say my favorite sound is the          Jack Spence		          7
congregational singing, and you do it so well, especially with such great
                                                                                  Marilyn Hoback		       8
accompaniment. And how great is it that we have such a talent as Noah,
and also a Pastor that plays?                                                     Gianna Collins		       10

THANK YOU for investing in our worship time and our ministry here at              Anita Foster		         10
Normandy.                                                                         Dick Satterthwaite		   10

We are blessed with such a wonderful Music Ministry and Tech Team here at         Rita Heckmann		        12
Normandy. Whether you sing, play, listen, light, or amplify– know that you        Bill Hunt		            12
are appreciated.
                                                                                  Judy Knell		           14
Special Events for December include:                                              Gretchen Lee		         15
   • Sunday, December 4 – 6:00 pm: Yuletide at Normandy – our annual
		 concert featuring our Music Ministry and guests. Invite your family            Bob Milos		            15
		 and friends to this wonderful evening of Christmas Joy!                        Joann Chipman		        16
   • Saturday, December 10 – 7:00 pm: The Gift of Song – presented by             Peter Tarbell		        16
		 the Wright State Opera. A beautiful telling of the story of the favorite
		 carol, Silent Night. (Presented in English)                                    Rochelle Rapin		       18
   • Sat/Sun, December 17/18 – 6:00-8:30: Christmas Open House: Enjoy             Kathryn Tarbell		      20
		 the magnificent Grant Mansion fully decorated for Christmas, with
                                                                                  Scott S. Miller		      21
		 special music, homemade cookies, hot chocolate, and photo time with
		 Santa and Mrs. Claus!                                                          Coe Lyons		            22
                                                                                  Greg Palmer		          22
          The Purpose of Christmas                                                Brenda Benedict		      24
                                                                                  Amy Kress		            24
The Roundtable Sunday Class will start a three-week video-based study by
Rick Warren entitled “The Purpose of Christmas.” Christmas is the most            Nadia North		          27
celebrated holiday of the year for billions of people. But what is the purpose    Mike Ratcliff		        28
                        of Christmas? What makes Christmas so special?
                        What is God’s purpose for Christmas?          		          Sarah Schwab		         28
                         Once you understand the purpose of Christmas,            Chris Eddington		      29
                          your life will never be the same. Join us starting      Sarah Eddington		      29
                            on Sunday, December 4th at 11:15 am.
                            We meet in the Grant building– the room               Greg Wellinghoff		     30
                            to be determined. Everyone is welcome.
                                                                                 Happy Birthday!
A Christmas Message from Pastor John - Normandy Church
UMW General Meeting
                                                                                          Normandy Church
Great entertainment and good fellowship! If you haven't yet
signed up for the Normandy Women's General Meeting, there
is still time. It is Tuesday, December 6 at 11:30 am in Fellowship
Hall. Lunch will be served, and entertainment will be the
                                                                         A Growing Church!
women's Limelight a cappella quartet. A sign-up sheet will be        While many churches have seen attendance
available through Sunday December 4 by the reception office, or      dwindle since COVID hit, Normandy has seen a
call the church office at 937-433-1636 to be added. All women        steady increase in attendance and membership.
are welcome, but we do need a reservation for food preparation.
UMW officers will be installed at this meeting. The presentation     This past year, Normandy has welcomed 42 new
of local Mission Pins will also take place at this meeting. Please   members, many of whom have become quite
come celebrate the holidays with the UMW.                            active in various areas of ministry!

                                                                     Our worship service, while traditional, is lively
                                                                     with contemporary elements such as state-of-the-
                                                                     art graphics and videos to support Pastor John's
                                                                     message topics, and our Music Director, Rick,
                                                                     welcomes varied styles of special music.
                  Hannah Circle                                      Thank you for being here and helping us grow!

Hannah Circle will be meeting on December 14 at 7:00 pm
(note that this is a week earlier than usual). Betty Miller will
provide devotions, and Bobbi Skipton and Betty Miller will
provide beverages for our refreshments. Circle participants will
bring a plate of cookies to share for refreshments and a separate
plate to share for the Open House on December 17th and 18th.

For our program we will sing Christmas carols together for our
enjoyment. La la la la la. New persons are always welcome to                  December is
join us.
                                                                            Love Bag Month
                    Geraniums                                        December is our month for collecting food
The geraniums continued to be beautiful in our landscape even        and supplies for St. Paul UMC. With groceries
late in the fall. For months they presented a welcoming greeting     continuing to go up in price, it is making it more
as we entered the building. We are grateful for the beautiful        difficult for some families to purchase food
plants, and we acknowledge they responded to the loving care         for their families. We appreciate Normandy’s
given by the following people through the second half of the         generosity.
growing season.
                                                                     Donations may be brought at any time during
Thanks to Jan Black, Bobbie Skipton, Mindy Tompkins, Marty           church office hours, 9:00 - 3:00 and Sundays
Horn, Charlotte Lynch, Carol Ann Miller, Janet Wells, Hylda          when you come for church. We so appreciate all
Strange, Connie Kuhn, Misty Cornelius, Judy Vallo, Nancy Lees,       the donations that were brought during October.
Sue Green, and Karen Satterthwaite.                                  The current needs for St. Paul include canned
                                                                     vegetables and fruit, canned meat, peanut butter,
                                                                     cereal, shelf milk, macaroni and cheese, pasta,
                                                                     pasta sauce, boxed potatoes and rice, canned
                                                                     beans, chicken noodle, vegetable, and tomato
                                                                     soup, crackers, salty snacks, jelly, razors and
                                                                     shaving cream, deodorant, shampoo, soap, toilet
                                                                     paper, paper towels, toothpaste, and dish soap.
                                                                     Thanks in advance. Mike and Misty C.
A Christmas Message from Pastor John - Normandy Church
Another Successful Bazaar
Thank You for another successful Bazaar made possible by the help of our Church Family. We made over $27,200. The
Normandy United Methodist Women Board did meet, and the funds are going to the following organizations: Missions
supported by National UMW, McCurdy Ministries, Wings of the Morning, Red Bird Mission, Children & Youth Future,
UMCOR International Disaster, UMCOR Domestic Disaster, UMCOR – Ukraine, Missionaries Deborah Lester Dornon,
Tansen Hospital, Lydia’s Mission in South Africa, Midwest Distribution Center, World Vision, Samaritan Purse, Henderson
Settlement, Heifer International, Oasis House, St. Paul UMC, Wesley Dayton, Alpha Community Centers, Food2Go,
MVDUMW Community Care fund, YWCA Domestic Violence Shelter, Building Bridges, Daybreak, Homefull, Rebuilding
Together Dayton, Mercy Manor, BOGG, Brigid’s Path, House of Bread, Hannah’s Treasure Chest, Serve Community Store,
Alzheimer Association, Compassion International, Shriner’s Hospital, Normandy Camp Scholarships, Youth Mission
Activities, Normandy Congregational Care, and Normandy Church Projects. This is a wonderful distribution to give, and
it was all made possible by your gifts, talents and service. Thank you!
                                                         		        –Debbie Milos, NUMW Bazaar Chair and Treasurer

Candy Helpers
With the help of rollers, dippers, stirrers, cutters, wrappers, and boxers we were able to make over 3000 Buckeyes, 2000
caramels, plus other assorted candies. Thank you to each of our Church Family who helped! There are simply too many
to list and make sure all who helped receives the proper well-deserved recognition. Rest assured you are appreciated.
Thank you very much and I hope you will come out in October, 2023 to help again. Thanks so much!
								                                                            –Bev Orosz and Debbie Milos, Co-chairs of Candy
PS. Thanks to Dick Hoback’s team for his 122 packages of peanut brittle.

Bazaar Baked Goods
For the Bazaar we made 458 pies and tarts, and 80 coffee/pound cakes. Thank you to each of our Church family who
helped! A shout-out goes to Heidi Anderson, Gale Peck, Bev Orosz and Mary Jean Megginson who were there practically
every day. Another shout-out goes to the team of apple peelers led by Marty and Gary Horn who peeled 7 bushels of
apples. The aromas in the Church were awesome on the days we baked! Thank you all for your participation.
								                                                        –Debbie Milos, Baked Goods Chair

                                                                           Flowers are Fun!
                                                             Wouldn't you have fun being part of the Flower Delivery
    Blessing our Normandy Staff                              Team to take altar flowers to Normandy folks who are
                                                             recovering from surgery, or who are homebound and would
                                                             enjoy a short visit from a friendly person? We are in need of
  Christmas Love Offering                                    a couple more team members so that each one only has the
                                                             duty once a month. Usually, we divide up the flowers into
Normandy is blessed to have a dedicated and capable          a couple of bouquets and share them with folks who could
staff! Don't you think? If you would like to show your       use some TLC from their church family. If you are possibly
appreciation for our Normandy staff this Christmas,          interested or have questions, please call Carol Ann Miller.
you will find envelopes marked "Staff Love Offering" at
the Welcome Desk in the Welcome Center (Narthex) as
well as on the table outside the reception office. You
can: 1) put your offering in the collection plate during
Sunday's worship service, 2) bring it to the office during
the 9:00 to 3:00 office hours, or 3) mail to the church.
If writing a check, please put "Staff Offering" on the
memo line. Please have your offering at the church by
Monday, December 20. Thank you!
A Christmas Message from Pastor John - Normandy Church
Our Mitten Tree is Back!
                  God's                                      Purchase mittens, gloves, hats and

                Promises                                     scarves and hang then on the tree
                                                             which is located in the Hallway
                                                             Happenings area, beginning Sunday,
                                                             November 27, December and ending
                                                             Sunday, December 11. The children
In just the blink of an eye, a year has gone by and
                                                             of St. Paul UMC and The Other Place
the holidays are here. God's promises couldn't be more
                                                             will greatly appreciate the warmth of
evident than at Christmas. As we journey through
                                                             your gift.
Advent (a world from the Latin adventus which means
coming), we wait in hope for Jesus to come again. We         Thanks for your support,
wait in hope for the mystery of God coming in human          Nancy Lees
form. We wait in hope for God's love to come and
break through the boundaries of human frailties and
shortcomings and bring a reign of justice and mercy to
the world. The Bethlehem baby reminds us that God is
present with us in Jesus Christ. What a promise!                   A Gift in Memory of...
The birth of a Savior was announced to the shepherds–              Memorials for Elmer Bradshaw
regular, ordinary folk– watching their sheep by the              		 Carol Ann Miller, Scholarship Endowment Fund
stars at night. They were terrified. But the angel said to       		 Gail Montgomery, Memorial Fund
them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great          		 Frederica Pence, Memorial Fund
joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of
David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the
Lord. This will be a sign to you: you will find a baby
wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger." (Luke 2:8-12).
This promise is for us regular, ordinary folk today, just
like 2000 years ago.

As we journey together during this HOLYday season,
take time to revel and reflect in the wait. Rest in God's
promise of a Savior and do not be afraid. Take time to
spread the Good News of great joy in Jesus Christ. Give
generously of the gifts God has given us– especially                        LOUD Sunday
the gift of faith. Bring a friend to church to share in
                                                             Some of our Normandy Kids were excited to pass their little
the "The Gifts of Christmas" sermon series for this
                                                             metal buckets, collecting your pocket change on November 20,
is a promise for all people. Live out the promise and
                                                             for our third LOUD Sunday. The kids collected $222.63 which
take time to remember those in need. My prayer for
                                                             will go to Operation Christmas Child's Shoebox Ministry. Your
our community and world is that we are cradled in
                                                             generosity has given this ongoing mission project a whopping
the arms of the Prince of Peace and are at peace with
                                                             $758.58 in just three months! It's great to see our Normandy
one another. May this HOLYday season be a joyous
                                                             Kids helping other kids in such a special way! LOUD Sunday is
celebration of God's promise in Jesus Christ, Emmanuel,
                                                             the 3rd Sunday of the month with the next being December 18.
God with us.

Many Blessings at Christmas and in the New Year,
Pastor John

                                                                    LOUD SUNDAY!
A Christmas Message from Pastor John - Normandy Church
Missions and Outreach Committee
Happy Holidays to all at NUMC! Now that the pandemic is behind us and we are all back to worship in person, I wanted
to extend an especially warm welcome to Pastor John, Noah and all of the many new members at Normandy! Your
presence is noted and palpable! It’s great to see so many new smiling faces, especially on all of those wonderful kids!

It’s been over a year since we’ve had an opportunity to get together for the Missions and Outreach Committee to
discuss the mission and goals of NUMC for continued local, regional and global outreach initiatives. There are many
opportunities for members, new and old, to lend a hand in God’s glorious name! I wanted to mention a few of the many,
as well as the contact person for each, so if indeed one feels called to participate, either in person, through prayer, or
financially with support, you will have a member to call on for more information!

 • Heifer Project: Bob and Judy Knell - 937.886.0066
				 Amelia Hounshell - 937.307.4569

 • St. Paul’s Church: Love Bags: Mike & Misty Cornelius - 937.848.4088
				                  Monthly Meals: Bob Knell - 937.886.0066

     • Food 2 Go: Dana Graves - 937.438.8565

     • Jackson Seed Ministry: Jeanne Wayt - 937.886.0570

     • Belize Medical and Construction Mission Trip: Dr. Ron DeVore - 937.776.3260

It’s a blessing to be a part of such a wonderful and generous church with hearts of gold! Be bold and prayerfully
consider becoming involved, as the song goes…”Do Something”…to continue spreading Jesus’ love to all of those in
need locally, regionally and around the world! God Bless you all!

Thru Him,
Dr. Ron DeVore, Chair

   Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Normandy-United-Methodist-Church/116245905069419
   You Tube: http://www.YouTube.com/c/Normandychurch
   Online Giving: https://normandychurch.breezechms.com/give/online

Christmas Poinsettia Order Form – Please return to office by Monday, December 12.
Do you have someone you would like to remember at Christmas by helping decorate the sanctuary with
Christmas Poinsettias? The cost is $10 per plant. You may put this form along with your payment in the
offering boxes at the back of the sanctuary or return it to the church office by Monday, December 12, 2022.
Please make checks payable to Normandy UMC with Poinsettias noted on the memo line.
Number of plants__________
Amount enclosed__________

Given by_________________________________________________________________________

In memory of _____________________________________________________________________

In honor of_______________________________________________________________________
A Christmas Message from Pastor John - Normandy Church
Operation Christmas                                                   Senior Ministry
        Child Update                                            The theme of our Open House this year is angels. We
                                                                are having a book study on The Angels of Christmas, the
Another year of shoebox gifts has been a success! We            choir is singing ‘Angels Are Making Their Rounds’, and
collected 82 shoeboxes, and in addition to the boxes,           several of our favorite carols are about angels. Both the
our Children’s Ministry is donating the November LOUD           book and the choir piece tell of the angels that visited
Sunday coins to the organization as well! THANKS for,           Zechariah, Joseph, Mary, and the shepherds. One of the
once again, supporting this great ministry. The boxes           things these angels have in common is the first thing
and donations were delivered in the afternoon on                they said to each one they met– ‘Fear not’ or ‘Do not be
Monday, November 21 to Patterson Park Church, which             afraid.' I looked it up, and several resources claim that
is the main collection center in our area. The director         those words are used 365 times in the Bible– once for
                                                                every day of the year. Coincidence? I think not! As we
there told Rick that they were near to filling the fourth
                                                                anticipate, then celebrate the coming of Jesus, what can
28’ semi-trailer and expected to need a fifth! How great
                                                                be more comforting than knowing we have nothing to
for our local churches, businesses, and organizations
                                                                fear? The Prince of Peace, The Light of the World, our
to be so generous in spreading the Gospel to children           Comforter, Redeemer and Savior, the King of kings has
around the world!                                               come to us. Hallelujah!
If you tracked your shoebox, be sure to let Rick know           While our Thursday at Normandy lunches are on a brief
when you find out where it goes!                                hiatus, keep these dates open for the winter months
                                                                when we’ll gather to enjoy a hot lunch and fellowship:
                                                                Thursday, January 26, and February 23. Watch future
                                                                newsletters and our Friday emails for updates as those
                                                                dates get closer. –Rick

                                                                   A Child's Song Of Christmas
                                                                            Marjorie L. C. Pickthall (1883-1922)

                                                                   My counterpane is soft as silk,

     Youth Happenings
                                                                   My blankets white as creamy milk.
                                                                   The hay was soft to Him, I know,
                                                                   Our little Lord of long ago.
The youth (6th thru 12th grades are having a party!                Above the roofs the pigeons fly
Sunday, December 11, 5:00 - 7:00 pm is our Youth                   In silver wheels across the sky.
                                                                   The stable-doves they cooed to them,
Christmas Party in Fellowship Hall. We’ll have food, fun,
                                                                   Mary and Christ in Bethlehem.
games, and– by popular demand– the plastic wrap ball
returns!!! Whatever you can unwrap, you can keep!                  Bright shines the sun across the drifts,
Please bring a gag gift (under $10) for an exchange                And bright upon my Christmas gifts.
game. This is our only event for December. Watch your              They brought Him incense, myrrh, and gold,
email, youth, for an upcoming winter schedule.                     Our little Lord who lived of old.

Have a Merry Christmas!!!                                          Oh, soft and clear our mother sings
                                                                   Of Christmas joys and Christmas things.
                                                                   God's holy angels sang to them,
                                                                   Mary and Christ in Bethlehem.

                                                                   Our hearts they hold all Christmas dear,
                                                                   And earth seems sweet and heaven seems near,
                                                                   Oh, heaven was in His sight, I know,
                                                                   That little Child of long ago.

A Christmas Message from Pastor John - Normandy Church
Normandy Kids
The season of Advent has arrived and so have the activity packets for each family provided by Children’s Ministry. Pick up
yours in the Lower-Level or the Welcome Center.

Kids Connection (preschool-5th grade) is the place to be on Sundays at 10:00 am! Join us in the Lower-Level as we hear
the wonderful story of Jesus’ birth.

Yuletide is Normandy's annual kick-off to the Christmas season, and your family is invited! Our own Sonshine Singers will
be participating. Check the Music Ministry article on page 3 for more details about this event on December 4th.

Kids Club 45 is looking forward to serving “decorate your own” cookies during the Open House on the 18th. If your child
is in 4th or 5th grade and has not received information about this, please contact Amy Reese.

All are welcome to the Family Christmas Party on Saturday, December 17th from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm in Fellowship
Hall. Parents will meet with Pastor John while the children (preschool thru 5th grade) enjoy party games and crafts.
Then we will all gather together for a light lunch and enjoy cake and ice cream. This will certainly be a memorable
holiday event! Please RSVP in the Hallway Happenings area.

The Safe Sanctuaries Policy requires two leaders present in each classroom. Please take time on Sunday to connect with
your child’s teacher and sign up to take a turn assisting the class. This is important for the children’s safety as well as the
teacher’s ability to lead successfully.

The Nursery/Toddler Room is open for infants (6 weeks+) through age 3 from 9:45 am to 11:15 am every Sunday
morning. Childcare will also be available during Yuletide and the Christmas Eve services at 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm.

Questions concerning any of these programs or the many volunteer opportunities should be directed to Amy Reese,
Director of Children’s Ministry. at 433-1636 or areese@normandyumc.org.

               2022 Summary           Financial Report –10/31/2022
                    Summary Financial Report             10/31/2022
                                                             Budget          Actual         Variance
                 TOTAL INCOME                                 489,856        527,821            37,965
                 ‐ Apportionments                             48,833          48,840                 (7)
                 ‐ Staff Parish                              275,000         218,382             56,618
                 ‐ Trustees                                  104,167         139,393            (35,226)
                 ‐ Committees                                 52,500          26,736             25,764
                 ‐ Admin                                      19,500          17,319              2,181
                 ‐ Reserves                                        ‐               ‐                  0
                 TOTAL EXPENSES                              500,000         450,670             49,330

                 GAIN (LOSS)                                  (10,144)         77,151            87,295

     Notes: Our financial status looks good as we enter the last two months of the year. Your support of Normandy
     is fantastic. Expenses remain under budget at this time but expect them to increase due to programs and needs
     over the finalNotes ‐ Our financial
                     two months   but willstatus
                                           still belooks good
                                                     under    as we
                                                           budget at enter the last
                                                                     year end.       2 months
                                                                                If you have anyofquestions
                                                                                                  the year. on
                                                                                                               this or other
                   support of Normandy     is fantastic.  Expenses remain   under   budget at this
     finance matters, please contact David Kelsey, Treasurer or Dick Satterthwaite, Finance Chair. time but  expect  them
                 to increase due to programs and needs over the final two months, but will still be under
                 budget at year end. If you have any questions on this or other finance matters please contact
                                                           9 ‐ Finance Chair.
                 David Kelsey‐Treasurer or Dick Satterthwaite
A Christmas Message from Pastor John - Normandy Church
December 15, 2022 Thursday

   DECEMBER 2022 EVENTS                                  Time to start sending your January newsletter articles to Carla
                                                         7:30pm AA Library
                                                         December 16, 2022 Friday – No Events Scheduled
                                                         December 17, 2022 Saturday
                                                         11am Family Birthday Party for Jesus (PreK – 5th grade)
December 1, 2022 Thursday                                6pm-8:30pm Normandy Christmas Open House
10:30am UMW Book Club Fellowship Hall                    December 18, 2022 Sunday
6:30pm UMM Bible Study Music Room                        10am Kids Connection
7pm Sarah Circle Fellowship Hall                         10am Worship
7:30pm AA Library                                        11:15am Roundtable Class
December 2, 2022 Friday – No Events Scheduled            1pm Worship Service Spectrum 991, AT&T 99
December 3, 2022 Saturday                                2pm Worship Service DATV-North, Channel 992
4pm Emmaus Meeting for Men's Walk Lower-Level            6pm-8:30pm Normandy Christmas Open House
December 4, 2022 Sunday                                  8pm AA Room 1
10am Kids Connection                                     December 19, 2022 Monday
10am Worship                                             10am Staff Meeting
11:15am Roundtable Class                                 11am Worship Service Spectrum 991, AT&T 99
1pm Worship Service Spectrum 991, AT&T 99                7pm Boy Scout Troop #316 Fellowship Hall
2pm Worship Service DATV-North, Channel 992              7pm Worship Team
6pm Yuletide Worship Center                              December 20, 2022 Tuesday
8pm AA Room 1                                            11am Advent Study Music Room
December 5, 2022 Monday                                  1pm Clergy Cluster Group Library
10am Staff Meeting                                       5pm Emmaus Men's Share Group
11am Worship Service Spectrum 991, AT&T 99               6:30pm Outreach & Missions
7pm Boy Scout Troop #316 Fellowship Hall                 6:30pm SPRC
7pm Clond Violin Recital Worship Center                  7pm UMM Fellowship Hall
December 6, 2022 Tuesday                                 December 21, 2022 Wednesday
11:30am UMW - General Meeting Fellowship Hall            6pm Bells Practice
11am Advent Study Music Room                             7pm Choir Practice
1pm Clergy Cluster Group Library                         10pm Worship Service DATV-North, Channel 992
5pm Emmaus Men's Share Group                             December 22, 2022 Thursday
December 7, 2022 Wednesday                               3:15pm Girl Scout Troop# 33456 Lower-Level S.S Room
5pm Quilters Guild Fellowship Hall                       7:30pm AA Library
6pm Bells Practice                                       December 23, 2022 Friday – No Events Scheduled
7pm Choir Practice                                       December 24, 2022 Christmas Eve
10pm Worship Service DATV-North, Channel 992             5pm Christmas Eve Service (children-focused)
December 8, 2022 Thursday                                7pm Christmas Eve Service (traditional)
6:30pm UMM Bible Study Music Room                        December 25, 2022 Sunday Christmas Day
7:30pm AA Library                                        10am Kids Connection
December 9, 2022 Friday – No Events Scheduled            10am Worship
December 10, 2022 Saturday                               11:15am Roundtable Class
7pm “A Gift of Song” Wright State Opera Worship Center   1pm Worship Service Spectrum 991, AT&T 99
December 11, 2022 Sunday                                 2pm Worship Service DATV-North, Channel 992
10am Kids Connection                                     8pm AA Room 1
10am Worship                                             December 26, 2022 Monday Church Offices Closed
11:15am Roundtable Class                                 10:30am Memorial Service Chapel
1pm Worship Service Spectrum 991, AT&T 99                11am Worship Service Spectrum 991, AT&T 99
2pm Worship Service DATV-North, Channel 992              7pm Boy Scout Troop #316 Fellowship Hall
5pm Youth Christmas Party Fellowship Hall                December 27, 2022 Tuesday
8pm AA Room 1                                            1pm Clergy Cluster Group Library
December 12, 2022 Monday                                 5pm Emmaus Men's Share Group
10am Staff Meeting                                       6:30pm Church Council Music Room
11am Worship Service Spectrum 991, AT&T 99               6:30pm Emmaus Board Chapel, Library
6:15pm Emmaus Gathering Library, Worship Center          7pm La Leche League Lower-level S.S. Room
6:30pm Finance Music Room                                December 28, 2022 Wednesday
7pm Boy Scout Troop #316 Fellowship Hall                 6pm Bells Practice
December 13, 2022 Tuesday                                7pm Choir Practice
11am Advent Study Music Room                             10pm Worship Service DATV-North, Channel 992
1pm Clergy Cluster Group Library                         December 29, 2022 Thursday
5pm Emmaus Men's Share Group                             7:30pm AA Library
6:30pm Trustees Meeting Library                          December 30, 2022 Friday – No Events Scheduled
7pm Emmaus Exec & Board Meeting Fellowship Hall          December 31, 2022 New Year’s Eve – No Events Scheduled
December 14, 2022 Wednesday
6pm Bells Practice
7pm Choir Practice                                       Please note: Christmas decorating is underway in
7pm Hannah Circle Fellowship Hall
10pm Worship Service DATV-North, Channel 992             the Grant house, so some meeting locations are
                                                         subject to change as the decorating progresses.
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