The Messiah February 2022 - Issue #644 - Messiah Lutheran Church

Page created by Jose Cummings
The Messiah February 2022 - Issue #644 - Messiah Lutheran Church
The Messiah

               February 2022 - Issue #644
PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for next month’s Messenger articles is February 20.
The Messiah February 2022 - Issue #644 - Messiah Lutheran Church
In One Body
As I write this article, Messiah has suspended in-
person worship because of the latest surge in Covid
cases. We hope to be back to meeting in-person soon.
Looking back over the past two years, I am struck by
how many different ways the people of Messiah have
gathered for worship.
When in-person worship was suspended in March
2020, worship leaders created video files on their
own, which Paul Holzer assembled for broadcast over
the Internet on Sunday mornings. For a few weeks in
the summer of 2020, we switched to worshiping
outdoors in the parking lot, with worshipers staying in
their cars. Then we switched to live-streamed services
from the sanctuary, with only a few worship leaders
present to provide the music, prayers, readings, and
sermons. In summer 2021 we worshiped in-person outdoors, on chairs in the parking lot or on the
lawn. Then we switched to in-person worship for everyone, more or less as in pre-pandemic days,
except we all wore masks. And now we are back, temporarily we hope, with only a few readers
and musicians present in the sanctuary.
None of these ventures (experiments!) in worship would have been possible without the diverse
gifts of Messiah’s members and staff, each of whom brought their own special skills, along with
their flexibility and good humor.
All this reminds me of the apostle Paul’s words in his First Letter to the Corinthians about the body
of Christ being made up of many members, with each member crucial to the health of the whole
body. “If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole body were
hearing, where would the sense of smell be? But as it is God has arranged the members in the
body, each one of them as he chose” (1 Corinthians 12:17-19).
Or to paraphrase the apostle: If the whole body were a preacher, where would the music of praise
come from? If the whole body were made up of pianists, who would do the videography? And if
the whole body were made up of video and audio technicians, who would do the singing? Who
would produce the worship bulletins? Who would organize the lectors and assisting ministers? Who
would make meals for the hungry and assemble school kits for children overseas? “But as it is,
God has arranged the members in the body, each one of them as he chose.”
That we need one another has been clearer than ever during the pandemic. “The eye cannot say
to the hand, ‘I have no need of you,’” writes the apostle, “nor again the head to the feet, “I have
no need of you.’”
Not only do we need each other’s gifts, talents, interests, and perspectives. We need one another
in all our diversity to truly be the body of Christ. When we break fellowship with one another, or
when we imagine that we can get along without each other, it’s the
body of Christ we are breaking.
 The Messiah Messenger                        pg. 2                                  February 2022
The Messiah February 2022 - Issue #644 - Messiah Lutheran Church
From the Pastor (continued)
Therefore, Christians who prefer one kind of music in church cannot say to those who like another
kind, “We have no need of you.” Older Christians cannot say to younger Christians, “We have no
need of you.” And vice versa. Those who lean to the liberal side of an issue cannot say to those
who lean to the conservative side, “We have no need of you.” And vice versa. Christ has brought
us together for service and for sharing our gifts with one another and the world.
“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though
many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in the one Spirit, we were all baptized into the one
body . . . and were all made to drink of the same Spirit.”
Faithfully, Pastor David

                                       In Memoriam
Dorothy Nagel
                                    Longtime member of
                                    Messiah, Dorothy Nagel
                                    went to her heavenly
                                    home the morning of
                                    January 2, 2022 at the
                                    age of 94. Dorothy has
                                    been a member of
                                    Messiah since 1964 and
                                    her daughter Sue Kopij
                                    remains active in the
Born in Chicago, Dorothy graduated from Austin High
School in 1945. She was a homemaker and a supervisor at
AC Nielsen Company. Dorothy was more recently active at
Messiah with MLCW and Chat Room before having to move
due to health reasons. She also enjoyed activities at her
senior center. She was a devoted mother and loved her
grandchildren. Dorothy is survived by her two children,
Susan Nagel -Kopij (Edward) and Bruce Nagel (Nancy); five grandchildren, Kristin, Carolyn, Brian,
Eric, and David; and five great-grandchildren, James, Tessa, Zachary, Vincent, and Rebekah. She
was the loving wife of Robert Nagel for 52 years. He preceded her in death in 2002.
Dorothy was laid to rest at Elm Lawn Cemetery in Elmhurst, IL on Friday, January, 14.
Please continue to hold Dorothy’s family and friends in our prayers.

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The Messiah February 2022 - Issue #644 - Messiah Lutheran Church
Worship Service Update:
In light of the recent surge of the covid virus variants, we
received an update from Metro Chicago Synod regarding in-
person worship services. The update did not necessarily call
for the cessation of in-person services, but instead gave
guidelines for each congregation to consider when
determining how to proceed. The primary consideration of course is the safety of each member of
our congregation. At this time, the EC along with Pastor David has decided to suspend in person
worship until it is deemed safe to gather as a group. At this time services will be live-streamed
from the sanctuary. The decision was reached out of an abundance of caution and consideration.
The Executive Committee and Pastor David will continue to monitor this evolving situation and
provide updates as they change. Currently those updates may occur on a week-to-week basis so
please watch email updates. As we've learned this past year and a half, it’s important that we
remain flexible and adapt to these changes as they are presented. We are doing our part to
protect one another, our families, our neighbors, and the wider community. Please contact the
church office if you have any questions.
As a reminder, church services will continue to be available through two different online avenues.
All of the services are posted on the Messiah Facebook page as well as our YouTube channel under
the name Messiah Park Ridge. The YouTube channel can be found at this web address, Services are posted at 10:15 am Sunday mornings, but
can be watched at any time. If you need help accessing either viewing platform, please reach out
to the church office and we can help. Thanks to Paul Holzer for making sure we can participate
virtually in worship!

                             Communication With Church & Each Other:
                             If you are in need of pastoral care, please leave a message on
                             the church phone or send an email to the church at
                    or Pastor David at
                    Phone and email messages are
                             checked regularly. Please be sure to check your email often so
                             you don’t miss any updates. If you know someone who doesn’t
                             have email or doesn’t check it regularly, please keep them up to
date! If you have information to share with all members, submit it to the church office for the
weekly Messiah Message Board!
If you are not receiving email communication, please first check your spam or promotions
folder in your email. Often email providers automatically move mass emails into those folders
and if you are not checking, you may be deleting important information. If you are still not
receiving email communication, please reach out to the office to be added to the email list.
Or if you don’t have email, contact the office to be put on a call list.

The Messiah Messenger                        pg. 4                                 February 2022
The Messiah February 2022 - Issue #644 - Messiah Lutheran Church
                            EC Corner:
                        The ministry profile has been submitted to the synod and the profile is now
                        on the open call list. Rich Seggeling will be installed as the EC Vice
                        President at the annual meeting. Thanks to Sue Kopij, Trudi and Jim
                        Handzel and Paul Holzer for taking down the Christmas decorations. Paul
                        Holzer is restarting the virtual coffee hours which provide the greatly
                        missed fellowship hour after the worship services. The other boiler is
leaking and there is need for some plumbing work in the parsonage. 2021 financial statements
have been mailed out. Center of Concern has suspended their luncheon program due to the Covid
19 resurgence. We thank the EC and Pastor David for their leadership and continuing to
guide our future steps.

                               Annual Report & Meeting
                               The Executive Committee will be scheduling the congregation’s annual
                               meeting soon – please watch for the announcement of the meeting
                               date! Meanwhile, please submit your annual report as soon as possible.
                               If you have any questions about annual reports or need help, please
                               contact the church office.

                                                   Supporting Messiah
                         Now that we’re into the 2 month of 2022, it’s time to review all the ways we
                         can provide financial support to Messiah and its ministries. With having
                         services online, it’s sometimes hard to remember to submit our offerings so
                         that the church can continue to operate.
                         Besides the traditional check or cash donation/offering (which can be mailed to
                         the church office), there are various other ways to support Messiah. A variety
                         of avenues to contribute include Messiah’s Facebook page, Pay Pal, Amazon
                         Smile and Good Shop:
Facebook: Facebook users can donate via Facebook by going to Messiah’s “business page” To make a donation to Messiah’s general fund,
simply click on the Donate button on the right of page and follow directions.
Pay Pal: Pay Pal is another online giving tool accessible through Messiah’s website. Pay Pal is a
payment system that is linked to your personal account and you can securely personalize your
giving as you see fit.
Amazon Smile: As we are doing more shopping online these days, please remember to use
AmazonSmile when shopping on Amazon. With Messiah designated as your charity of choice, the
AmazonSmile Foundation will donate a portion of every qualifying order to Messiah. If you have the
Amazon app on your phone, you can now set it up with AmazonSmile so that your purchases
automatically generate donations to Messiah! First, be sure you’ve signed up on AmazonSmile and
designate Messiah Lutheran Church Park Ridge as your designated charity. Then, open the Amazon
app and find “Settings” in the main menu. Tap on AmazonSmile and follow the on-screen
instructions to turn on AmazonSmile on your phone!

 The Messiah Messenger                           pg. 5                                 February 2022
The Messiah February 2022 - Issue #644 - Messiah Lutheran Church
Supporting Messiah (continued)
Good Shop: Another option for online shopping is Goodshop which offers coupon codes to online
shoppers all while giving a percentage back to the shopper’s charity of choice. Win, Win! Once you
have created an account and selected your charity of choice, all you have to do, before starting
your online shopping, is to first go to the and find the coupon code of the store
you will be ordering from. You then copy the coupon code, do your shopping, and paste the code in
the appropriate area during check out. That’s it! Messiah will receive a percentage from your order
directly from Goodshop. The percentage amount is listed alongside the code.

                                MESSIAH MINISTRIES
       Check out Pastor Knutson’s web page for his activity in South Africa.

           Music Ministry: Be Thou My Vision and the Transfiguration
                               Light permeates the stories of Jesus. Epiphany, a season of the
                               church that especially focuses on light finds its culmination in the
                               story of the “transfiguration” of Jesus on a mountaintop. This story is
                               always told on the last Sunday of Epiphany (this year, Feb. 27), prior
                               to the beginning of Lent. At the beginning of Epiphany—the first
                               week in January--we hear the story of a shining heavenly light, a
                               stellar phenomenon that ancient astrologers saw and used to seek a
                               baby who was born “King of kings.” At the end of Epiphany, the
                               story of the Transfiguration depicts Jesus immersed in brilliant white
                               light while on a mountaintop.
Be Thou My Vision is one hymn that I think may capture the essence of the story of the
Transfiguration. Its melody is based on a lovely Irish tune; its text may be 1,200 years old!
In verse one, the hymn merges the presence of God with light: Be thou my vision, O Lord of my
heart; naught be all else to me, save that thou art. Thou my best thought, by day or by night,
waking or sleeping, thy presence my light.
The old King James version of the Scriptures translates a verse in Proverbs that may be familiar to
many of you: “Where there is no vision, the people perish:..” (Proverbs 29:18a). Instead of
“vision,” other more modern translations use the words “prophecy” or “revelation.”
Where there is no God-centered vision or prophecy or revelation, we languish. Where there is
vision or prophecy or revelation at the center of our lives, we can be assured that there is light to
guide and transform our lives day by day. Be Thou My Vision is a hymn that reminds us of our
Center, our Light, and our Vision.
You can read and sing the hymn at ELW 793. To hear it performed, click on this link: Be Thou My
Vision - Getty ( Keith and Kristyn Getty, faith-
based musicians who are also Irish natives, have produced a music video of this hymn, with guitar,
violin, vocals, and scenes of coastal Ireland. Another option you might enjoy is the hymn sung by
tenor soloist Nathan Pacheco, accompanied by a pianist and cellist set inside a sanctuary. Click on
Be Thou My Vision - Pacheco (
Bill Decker, Music Coordinator
The Messiah Messenger                          pg. 6                                  February 2022
The Messiah February 2022 - Issue #644 - Messiah Lutheran Church
Assistance Ministry
The Assistance Ministry team has continued to give lunches “to go”, both a hot meal and a brown
bag with a sandwich and healthy sides and limited clothing, toiletries and canned goods as
requested. Because of the cold weather, we have been having them step inside the entryway to
receive their lunches, one person at a time. Our guests appreciate the fact that we have
continued to provide meals and understand why we are not having in person dining at this time.
We continue to be blessed with donations of frozen food, bakery items, clothing and food from
many different persons, businesses, friends, congregation members, CCC families and staff,
Scouts and former members of Messiah. We certainly would not be able to provide such
nutritious hot meals without these generous donations.
The confirmation students and adult mentors helped out on one Monday. They made
sandwiches, packed lunches and handed out lunches and canned goods to our guests. They did
a great job and, I think enjoyed being able to help others in a positive way. Our
Messiah students, Kaelyn Yager and Henry Allemeier were part of this group.
Thanks Kaelyn and Henry!
Please continue to pray for our guests. Many are struggling in this
cold weather. We also have a need for fruit cups and granola bars
for our brown bag lunches.
With thanks, Connie Kaufman

                                                      Quilts & Kits
                       Thanks to the Confirmation Class for assembling school kits! Four of the
                       confirmands and their mentors were able to come on Martin Luther King
                       Day when they had a day off of school to put together 100 school kits and
                       prepare towels for the personal care kits! We set up the assembly line and
                       prepared materials the day before so everything was ready for them.
                       Pastor David even learned how to use a “bodkin” to thread cording needed
                       to complete some of the backpacks! Thanks Pastor David! We’ll be packing
                       the kits in boxes to take out to Elgin so they can be shipped out. Next step
is assembling personal care kits and then finishing off quilts that were already pinned. We hope
by then we’ll be able to gather people together again to work on our next set of quilts & kits!
If you want to check out the Quilts & Kits program at Lutheran World Relief, go to                                               Trudi Handzel & Carol Hrodey

The Messiah Messenger                         pg. 7                                  February 2022
The Messiah February 2022 - Issue #644 - Messiah Lutheran Church
            Sunday                      Monday                          Tuesday
30                            31                             1
10:15 AM Worship              5:00 AM HKCC AM Prayer         5:00 AM HKCC AM Prayer
2:00 PM HKCC Worship          11:00 AM Assistance Ministry
3:30 PM HKCC Fellowship       12:45 PM MLC Staff Meeting
                              4:30 PM Confirmation
                              7:00 PM Al-Anon Meeting

6                             7                              8
10:15 AM Worship              5:00 AM HKCC AM Prayer         5:00 AM HKCC AM Prayer
2:00 PM HKCC Worship          11:00 AM Assistance Ministry   6:00 PM CCC Board Meeting
3:30 PM HKCC Fellowship       12:45 PM MLC Staff Meeting
                              4:30 PM Confirmation
                              7:00 PM Al-Anon Meeting

13                            14                             15
10:15 AM Worship              5:00 AM HKCC AM Prayer         5:00 AM HKCC AM Prayer
2:00 PM HKCC Worship          11:00 AM Assistance Ministry
3:30 PM HKCC Fellowship       12:45 PM MLC Staff Meeting
                              4:30 PM Confirmation
                              7:00 PM Al-Anon Meeting

20                            21                             22
10:15 AM Worship              5:00 AM HKCC AM Prayer         5:00 AM HKCC AM Prayer
1:00 PM Newsletter Articles   11:00 AM Assistance Ministry
Due                           12:45 PM MLC Staff Meeting
2:00 PM HKCC Worship          4:30 PM Confirmation
3:30 PM HKCC Fellowship       7:00 PM Al-Anon Meeting
                              7:30 PM EC Meeting

27                            28                             1
9:00 AM CHAT Room             5:00 AM HKCC AM Prayer         5:00 AM HKCC AM Prayer
10:15 AM Worship              11:00 AM Assistance Ministry
2:00 PM HKCC Worship          12:45 PM MLC Staff Meeting
3:30 PM HKCC Fellowship       4:30 PM Confirmation
                              7:00 PM Al-Anon Meeting

  The Messiah Messenger                      pg. 8                                February 2022
The Messiah February 2022 - Issue #644 - Messiah Lutheran Church
       Wednesday                   Thursday                        Friday                   Saturday
2                            3                         4                           5
5:00 AM HKCC AM Prayer       5:00 AM HKCC AM           5:00 AM HKCC AM Prayer      11:00 AM HAC Worship
9:15 AM Child Care Chapel Prayer                       6:00 PM Scout Pack 105      1:00 PM HAC
12:00 PM Bulletin Articles 3:15 PM Women About         Meeting                     Fellowship
Due                          Business                  7:00 PM HAC Bible Study & 8:00 PM HKCC PM
12:00 PM CCC Staff                                     Rehearsal                   Prayer
Meeting                                                7:30 PM
8:00 PM HKCC PM Prayer
9                            10                        11                          12
5:00 AM HKCC AM Prayer       5:00 AM HKCC AM           5:00 AM HKCC AM Prayer      9:00 AM Brotherhood
9:15 AM Child Care Chapel Prayer                       6:00 PM Scout Pack 105      Breakfast
12:00 PM Bulletin Articles                             Meeting                     11:00 AM HAC Worship
Due                                                    7:00 PM HAC Bible Study & 8:00 PM HKCC PM
12:00 PM CCC Staff                                     Rehearsal                   Prayer
Meeting                                                7:30 PM
8:00 PM HKCC PM Prayer
16                           17                        18                          19
5:00 AM HKCC AM Prayer       5:00 AM HKCC AM           5:00 AM HKCC AM Prayer      11:00 AM HAC Worship
9:15 AM Child Care Chapel Prayer                       6:00 PM Scout Pack 105      8:00 PM HKCC PM
12:00 PM Bulletin Articles                             Meeting                     Prayer
Due                                                    7:00 PM HAC Bible Study &
12:00 PM CCC Staff                                     Rehearsal
Meeting                                                7:30 PM
8:00 PM HKCC PM Prayer
23                           24                        25                          26
5:00 AM HKCC AM Prayer       5:00 AM HKCC AM           5:00 AM HKCC AM Prayer      11:00 AM HAC Worship
9:15 AM Child Care Chapel Prayer                       6:00 PM Scout Pack 105      8:00 PM HKCC PM
12:00 PM Bulletin Articles                             Meeting                     Prayer
Due                                                    7:00 PM HAC Bible Study &
12:00 PM CCC Staff                                     Rehearsal
Meeting                                                7:30 PM
8:00 PM HKCC PM Prayer
2                            3                         4                           5
5:00 AM HKCC AM Prayer       5:00 AM HKCC AM           5:00 AM HKCC AM Prayer      11:00 AM HAC Worship
9:15 AM Child Care Chapel Prayer                       6:00 PM Scout Pack 105      1:00 PM HAC
12:00 PM CCC Staff           3:15 PM Women About       Meeting                     Fellowship
Meeting                      Business                  7:00 PM HAC Bible Study & 8:00 PM HKCC PM
8:00 PM HKCC PM Prayer                                 Rehearsal                   Prayer

  The Messiah Messenger                        pg. 9                                        February 2022
The Messiah February 2022 - Issue #644 - Messiah Lutheran Church
                                   Christian Education
Confirmation Service Project
The confirmation students gathered at Messiah for a service day on Martin Luther King Day –
their day off of school! That’s dedication! Service to others is a shining example of Dr. King’s
preaching. The students assisted the Quilts and Kits team with the assembly of school kits and
preparing materials for personal care kits. Plus they also put together to-go lunches and handed
out lunches and canned goods to our Assistance Ministry guests.

             Completing 100 school kits!               Kaelyn Yager & Diane Blanks preparing hot
                                                                    lunches to go.

                          Messiah Lutheran Child Care Center
Registration for the Summer and Fall programs begins February 14 th for new families. If you
know of anyone looking for information, please have them contact the Child Care Center office
using the information below.

                          February Manna dates:
                          Orders Due            Available for Pick-Up
                          February 7th              February 10th (noon)

For more information on CCC Activities and Programs contact CCC Office at 847-825-3767 or see
the website at

The Messiah Messenger                      pg. 10                                  February 2022
February 2022
Men’s Brotherhood Breakfast
Men’s Brotherhood has resumed meeting in person at Jimmy’s Restaurant
in Des Plaines located at 1440 Rand Rd. The next breakfast gathering will
take place on Saturday, February 12th at 9:00 a.m. All Messiah men are
invited to participate. Contact Rich Seggeling or Paul Holzer if you have

            Transfiguration of our Lord – February 27th
Glimpses of Glory
A Gospel Message from Sundays and Seasons.

Sometimes transformation happens before our
very eyes without us even noticing it.
God’s glory was on full display for the disciples
that day on the mountaintop, and as people of
faith, we profess that God’s transforming power
is still at work among us today. But if we are
waiting for a dazzling mountaintop moment, we
just might miss God’s glorious work happening
in and around us in real time. These are the
pivotal moments that change our perspective,
invite us to embark on a new adventure in
discipleship, and expand our capacity for love
of God and neighbor. These are the moments
when Christ is revealed to us. With generations
before us, we too are invited to enter the
mysteries of faith.
Perhaps Christ is revealed in the chaos of a
children’s choir, in kneading bread that will
nourish bodies, in the careful stitches of
quilters that will bring warmth to a cold night. Perhaps you have glimpsed God’s glory in the
casseroles lovingly prepared for funerals, in a baby shower for teenage parents, in a meal shared
among unlikely table mates. Maybe you have been surprised to find Jesus’ love in the eyes of a
stranger. Maybe you have experienced God’s transformative power in the hard work of justice, in
the learning and unlearning and courageous reimagining of new ways of being so that all of God’s
creation might flourish. Perhaps today you will meet God in the proclamation, in bread broken and
wine poured, in water splashed gently onto a forehead.
God is here. Christ is among us. The Spirit leads us in every time and place. Where do you see
God’s glory on display in your life and community?

The Messiah Messenger                         pg. 11                              February 2022
Coming in March
                                     Ash Wednesday
                                        March 2nd
                        Marks the beginning of Lent, 2022
What Is Ash Wednesday?
Excerpted from an article by Mary Fairchild
In Western Christianity, Ash Wednesday marks the first day or the start of the season of Lent.
Officially named "Day of Ashes," Ash Wednesday always falls 40 days before Easter (Sundays are
not included in the count). Lent is a time when Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period
of fasting, repentance, moderation, giving up of sinful habits, and spiritual discipline.
Not all Christian churches observe Ash Wednesday and Lent. These commemorations are mostly
kept by the Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian and Anglican denominations, and also by Roman
The Bible does not mention Ash Wednesday or the custom of Lent, however, the practice of
repentance and mourning in ashes is found in 2 Samuel 13:19; Esther 4:1; Job 2:8; Daniel 9:3;
and Matthew 11:21.
What Do the Ashes Signify?
During Ash Wednesday mass or services, a minister distributes ashes by lightly rubbing the shape
of a cross with ashes onto the foreheads of worshipers. The tradition of tracing a cross on the
forehead is meant to identify the faithful with Jesus Christ.
How Are the Ashes Made?
To make the ashes, palm fronds are collected from the previous year's Palm Sunday services. The
ashes are burned, crushed into a fine powder, and then saved in bowls. During the following
year's Ash Wednesday masses, the ashes are blessed and sprinkled with holy water by the

The Messiah Messenger                         pg. 12                               February 2022
Coming in March (continued)
Messiah Book Club
                    The next book club meeting
                    will be Thursday, March 10, 2022 at 7:00- 9:00 pm in the Friendship Place
                    unless otherwise notified!
                    Next Selection: The Ensemble by Aja Gabel
                    Summary: "A riveting look inside the world of classical musicians and an
                    intimate study of friendships." — Marie Claire The addictive novel about four
                    young friends navigating the cutthroat world of classical music and their
                    complex relationships with each other, as ambition, passion, and love
                    intertwine over the course of their lives. Jana. Brit. Daniel.

                      Henry. They would never have been friends if they hadn't needed each other.
They would never have found each other except for the art which drew them together. They
would never have become family without their love for the music, for each other. Brit is the
second violinist, a beautiful and quiet orphan; on the viola is Henry, a prodigy who's always had
it easy; the cellist is Daniel, the oldest and an angry skeptic who sleeps around; and on first
violin is Jana, their flinty, resilient leader. Together, they are the Van Ness Quartet. After the
group's youthful, rocky start, they experience devastating failure and wild success, heartbreak
and marriage, triumph and loss, betrayal and enduring loyalty. They are always tied to each
other - by career, by the intensity of their art, by the secrets they carry, by choosing each other
over and over again. Following these four unforgettable characters, Aja Gabel's debut novel
gives a riveting look into the high-stakes, cutthroat world of musicians, and of lives made in
concert. The story of Brit and Henry and Daniel and Jana, The Ensemble is a heart-skipping
portrait of ambition, friendship, and the tenderness of youth. All are welcome to attend and if
you have questions, please contact Paul Holzer.

                        Bulletin Dedication
If you would like to dedicate a weekly bulletin in honor, memory, or in
celebration of a loved one please sign up using the dedication chart
across from the Assistance Ministry food pantry. If you recall, the EC
decided to use silk flowers to decorate the altar from week to week, so
we are no longer dedicating flowers.

The Messiah Messenger                         pg. 13                                 February 2022
                         The following are the scripture readings for January
           1st Reading                       Psalm                       2nd Reading                      Gospel
                               February – 6 Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
                                                                  1 Corinthians 15:1-
      Isaiah 6:1-13                       Psalm 138                                                   Luke 5:1-11
                             February 13th - Sixth Sunday after Epiphany
                                                                      1 Corinthians
   Jeremiah 17:5-10                        Psalm 1                                                    Luke 6:17-26
                           February 20th – Seventh Sunday after Epiphany
                                      Psalm 37:1-11, 39-            1 Corinthians
  Genesis 45:3-11, 15                                                                                 Luke 6:27-38
                                              40                   15:35-38, 42-50
                              February 27th – Transfiguration of our Lord
                                                                  2 Corinthians 3:12-
    Exodus 34:29-35                       Psalm 99                                                    Luke 9:28-36
                                      Worship Teams for February
                           February 6       February 13           February 20           February 27

Assisting Ministers         Vikki H         Barbara H                TBD                 Karen B

     Readers                 TBD              Trudi H                TBD                   TBD

Projection & Video       Jim H & Paul H    Jim H & Paul H        Jim H & Paul H        Jim H & Paul H

     Counter                 Jim H             Jim H                 Jim H                 Jim H

 The Messiah Messenger                                  pg. 14                                          February 2022
  We pray for each other, our congregation, our families, our community, our state, our
                  country and the world during this challenging time.

Those who are ill, in recovery, or facing adversity:
The Dumerer Family The Hauser Family Mary Jane Kovach
Trudi & Jim Handzel Richard Levy            Carol Hrodey
The Bonilla Family      David Jensen
Matthew Seggeling (son of Rich and Jean Seggeling)
Maria Raicia (mother of Laura Hauser)
Sonja Snell (family of Bill and Cindy Decker)
Katie Brandon and Carol Rudy (friends of Dotti Burger)
Domonic & Leah Mareuccilli Family, Anne Flick (Friends of the Lippert
Pat & Ted Gradt, Amanda Jensen, John, Karen Heisler, and Sy
Rubenstein (friends and family of the Jensen Family)
Ron, Margot, Maggie, Steve W., Mary, Bruce, and Terry DeSchepper (friends of David Swanson)
Ed, J.T., Sandi, Donna, Mark, Becky, and Carmelina (family & friends of the Handzel Family)
Joshua Harady (friend of Tim Saul)
Brady Nelson (family friends of Alaine Wong)
George and Rosie (siblings of Cookie Bonilla)

Those who are homebound:
Arlene Baranowski Barb Loverme     Eva Thoren

Those serving in the armed services and first responders:
(those known to us & all those who serve)
Brandon Ajyek Tim David          Tyler Daye     Jarred Engvall       Bobby Hanson
Jenni Hanson    Mikey Hanson Andreas Johnson Claudine Ward           Jason Koesler
Joey Rosequist Brian Nagel       Eric Nagel     David Nagel          Officer Matt McGannon

Those attending college and graduate school:
Thomas Yager Phil Holzer     Nick Levy    Novena Christal        Haley Lippert
Dina Salemi    Arden Sasak   Adam Hauser Ryan Hauser             Kevin Kovach
Nikolas Ryczek Michael Yager Caitlin Levy

Those who celebrate:
Jean Reeve 2/3, Sarah Litwin 2/8, William Norberg 2/9, Jaxon Winiarski 2/11, Bob Hanson 2/16,
Linka Jones 2/17, Tim Saul 2/18, Ava Manzella 2/19, Nikolaus Ryczek 2/19, Sarah Nugnis 2/24,
and Rosemary Paulus 2/26.

Anniversaries this month.
Dave & Connie Kaufman, 2/28 (46 years!)

 The Messiah Messenger                     pg. 15                                February 2022
                                Worship Currently Virtually on Sundays at 10:15

                                Child Care Center
                                Year- round 3-K

                                Monday - Friday 6:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
In this issue:
From the Pastor                 Other Schedules
Messiah Updates                 Pastor’s Office Hours
Messiah Ministries              Available upon request
February Calendar &
    Activities                  Church Office
Transfiguration                 Mondays, Wednesday, & Fridays
Coming in March                 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
This Month in
    Worship                     Assistance Ministry
Prayers of the People           Monday 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.


 1605 Vernon Avenue
 Park Ridge, Illinois 60068
 Phone: (847) 823-6984
 Fax: (847) 823-6996
 Child Care Center Phone: (847) 825-3767
 Child Care Email:
 Child Care Homepage:

                                                                        RETURN SERVICE

 The Messiah Messenger                                pg. 16                      February 2022
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