Page created by Jerome Holt

                             5 PROGRAMME


5th Anniversary Jersey Festival of Words 2019

A warm welcome to the fifth Jersey Festival of Words
VOICES from a momentous century echo loud and                                                                                      A five-day feast of ideas and            Once again, the public events are            Festival of Words to announce its first
                                                                                                                                   entertainment also ranges from           complemented by a stimulating                patron. Cathy Rentzenbrink, who
clear through the Jersey Festival of Words 2019.                                                                                   Premier League lawyer Daniel             schools programme, sponsored by              interviews, writes and broadcasts on
                                                                                                                                   Geey’s insights into football’s          Santander International, and including       books and writers around Britain as
One hundred years on from the            In an inimitable career throughout                                                        finance, Done Deal, to former            Blue Peter star Konnie Huq.                  well as being the best-selling author
epoch-making drama that first            television’s golden age, 20th century                                                     Jersey teacher Bram Wanrooij’s                                                        of The Last Act of Love and A Manual
enfranchised female voters in Britain,   legends such as Nelson Mandela,                                                           examination of the refugee crisis and                                                 for Heartache, has been a friend of
an inspiring parade of ghosts from       Muhammad Ali, Miss Piggy, Michael                                                         its impact on Europe and from Red                                                     the Jersey festival from its optimistic
history are summoned to join the         Caine, Spike Milligan, Victoria                                                           Noise, a hybrid of stand-up comedy,                                                   beginnings and we are proud and
powerful ranks of modern women           Beckham and Paul McCartney were                                                           poetry and theatrical monologue                                                       delighted that she has agreed to
who inherited the new world they         among the hundreds of stars who                                                           by Edinburgh Fringe First winner                                                      become its patron. (See below)
fought for.                              opened up in the long-running series                                                      Owen O’Neill to an adventurous new
                                         he will be recalling on the Opera                                                         children’s show for Dr Who.                                                           A celebration of women has emerged
A distinct feminist slant is             House stage.                                                                                                                                                                    as a timely festival theme this year
nevertheless just one element of the                                                                                                                                                                                     but far from exclusively. As the old
particularly eclectic and wide-ranging   There is little doubt that, had their                                                                                              Jersey-based poets, playwrights,             saying goes, there is much, much
programme with which we celebrate        eras coincided, the Parkinson show                                                                                                 novelists and short story writers will       more to catch the attention of book-
our festival’s fifth year.               would have featured appearances                                                                                                    play a full part too, as will the Island’s   lovers of all tastes, all ages and all
                                         by the leaders of the suffragette            such names as those of comedian                                                       resurgent native language, Jèrriais,         genders. You can read all about it
And what better person could             movement whose courage and                   and novelist Jenny Eclair, talking                                                    and aspiring entrants to the various         in the following pages and we hope
there be to redress the gender           passionate determination won votes           about her new book Inheritance; TV                                                    literary competitions now firmly up          you will agree that, five years in,
balance a touch than the century’s       for women in England in 1918, with           presenter turned triathlete Louise                                                    and running in association with the          the Island’s own book festival has
greatest television interviewer, the     Jersey following not far behind 100          Minchin; Raynor Winn, whose                                                           festival.                                    created a valuable addition to its
legendary Sir Michael Parkinson?         years ago this year.                         long, life-changing coastal walk                                                                                                   vibrant, flourishing and distinctive
Journalist, raconteur, incomparable                                                   after becoming homeless resulted                                                      With an ever-widening circle of              cultural scene.
communicator… Sir Michael will           Instead, those magnificent                   in the best-selling The Salt Path;                                                    partners, sponsors and venues and
share memories from his years of         campaigners have been brought                Leah Hazard, who swapped a                                                            a clear vision established, this also
revelatory on-screen conversation        irresistibly to life for new generations     television career for a new role as a                                                 seems like a good time for the Jersey
with the biggest personalities of the    by festival author Diane Atkinson’s          midwife, movingly and entertainingly
age in showbusiness, culture, sport      definitive history of the movement,          described in Hard Pushed; and,
and politics.                            Rise Up, Women!                              making a welcome return to Jersey,
                                                                                      Janet Hoggarth, whose new novel’s             This year Jersey Festival of Words celebrates its fifth birthday and I am delighted
                                         Another century-spanning female              title, The Single Mums’ Mansion,              and honoured to have been made a patron. I fell in love with Jersey the first time
                                         collective is convened in She is             gives the clue to its subject.                I visited and always long to come back. I love the friendliness of the people, the
                                         Fierce: Brave, Bold and Beautiful                                                          sense of well-curated history, and I always feel very well at home. Literary festivals
                                         Poems by Women. Its editor, Ana                                    Humanity’s              are life-affirming experiences. There is something so cheering about the way local
                                         Sampson, will be on stage to discuss                               relationship with       communities work hard to bring authors together for a few days to exchange ideas
                                         her anthology of women’s poetry                                    the oceans is           and information and to, above all, have a good time while talking about books.
                                         through the ages, from well-loved                                  another big issue
                                         classics to innovative current writing                             adding to the rich      I’m looking forward to interviewing Sir Robin Knox-Johnston about his long and
                                         and with local poets joining her to                                variety of our fifth     eventful sea-faring life, Leah Hazard about her role as a midwife, and Graham
                                         help with the readings.                                            festival, graced         Farmelo who has a knack for making maths accessible even to those of us who
                                                                                                            50 years on from        do not think of ourselves as mathematicians. And I’ll be sitting in the audience, too,
                                                              Poetry is strongly                            his first single-       for Raynor Winn, Bram Wanrooij, Frieda Hughes and Ana Sampson. I already
                                                              represented in          handed, non-stop circumnavigation             know I will hugely enjoy the fifth year of Jersey Festival of Words. I hope you do too,
                                                              this year’s festival,   by the legendary sailor Sir Robin             and look forward to seeing you there.
                                                              to which we also        Knox-Johnston, whose insatiable
                                                              have the pleasure       appetite for life, challenge and              Cathy Rentzenbrink Festival Patron
                                         of welcoming Frieda Hughes, a                adventure shines through the
                                         renowned literary figure in her own          pages of his new autobiography,
                                         right as well as by association with         Running Free; and also featuring a
                                         her late parents, feminist icon Sylvia       presentation on his book The Deep            All festival details and ticket bookings available at
                                                                                      by leading marine biologist Alex
                                         Plath and Ted Hughes.
                                                                                      Rogers, a consultant to Sir David
                                         Women’s writing of all kinds features        Attenborough’s visually stunning
                                         prominently throughout the five days         BBC series Blue Planet II.
                                                                                                                                       @JerseyWordFest                     JerseyFestivalofWords
                                         of the festival. It includes
5th Anniversary Jersey Festival of Words 2019

                                                                                                                              Schools Programme
LAURA CORYTON                                                                                                                                                             YASMIN RAHMAN                             CHRISTOPHER LLOYD
SPEAK UP!                                                                                                                                                                 ALL THE THINGS                 KS5        ABSOLUTELY
WEDNESDAY 25 SEPTEMBER                                                                                                                                                    WE NEVER SAID                             EVERYTHING!
BEAULIEU SCHOOL                                                                                                                                                           HIGHLANDS COLLEGE                         OPERA HOUSE                      KS3
13.55               KS4                                                                                                                                                   FRIDAY 27 SEPTEMBER                       FRIDAY 27 SEPTEMBER
                                                                                                                                                                          10.45                                     12.00
Speaking up can be difficult,
but did you know just how                                              KS2
                                                                                                                                                                          Written in three points of view,                              A History
powerful your own voice                                                                                                                                                   a moving and impactful debut                                  of Earth,
can be?                                                                KS3                                                                                                exploring the life-saving power                               Dinosaurs,
                                                                                                                                                                          of friendship.                                                Rulers, Robots
Speak Up! addresses what it means
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and Other
to stand up for what you believe         A.F. HARROLD                            KONNIE HUQ                                                                               16-year-old Mehreen’s anxiety and                             Things Too
in on both a public and personal         MIDNIGHT FEASTS                         COOKIE                                                                                   depression, or ‘Chaos’, as she calls
level. Laura Coryton explores how                                                                                                                                         it, has taken over her life. So she
to make sure your voice is heard,
                                         OPERA HOUSE                             OPERA HOUSE                                  CATHY CASSIDY                                                                                             to Mention.
                                         THURSDAY 26 SEPTEMBER                   THURSDAY 26 SEPTEMBER                                                                    joins MementoMori, a website that
as well as what happens when your
                                         10.00                                   12.00
                                                                                                                              SAMI’S SILVER LINING                        matches people with partners and
voice is challenged by others. She                                                                                                                                                                                  Join best-selling non-fiction author
                                                                                                                              OPERA HOUSE                                 allocates them a date and method of
tackles tricky subjects like feminism,                                                                                                                                    death. Mehreen is paired with Cara        Christopher Lloyd on his latest and
consent, online bullying and self-       Returning to Jersey Festival            Get ready to meet                  KS2       FRIDAY 27 SEPTEMBER                                                                   greatest voyage through the 13-billion
                                                                                                                                                                          and Olivia, two strangers dealing with
confidence in a meaningful but           of Words is the hugely                  Cookie Haque – funny,                        10.00                                                                                 year story of Absolutely Everything!
                                                                                                                                                                          their own serious issues.
accessible and entertaining way.         entertaining poet A.F. Harrold.         science-obsessed and                                                                                                               from the beginning of time to the
                                                                                 ready to take on the
                                                                                                                    KS3       The must-have second                                                                  present day.
Laura Coryton is an inspirational                                                                                             book in the brilliant     KS2
                                         Midnight Feasts is a tasty anthology    world!
young woman who led the                  for children, edited by A.F. Harrold                                                 Lost and Found series
international campaign against           and beautifully illustrated by Katy                                                  from Cathy Cassidy,
tampon tax, which gained over a                                                                        Join author,
                                         Riddell, featuring poems about food                           broadcaster            bestselling author of the KS3
quarter of a million signatures and      from a diverse range of poets from
has led to changes both in UK and                                                                      and beloved            Chocolate Box Girls.
                                         William Carlos Williams and Imtiaz                            former Blue Peter
European law. Laura was featured in      Dharker to Joseph Coelho and
the BBC’s 100 Women series of 2016.                                                                    presenter Konnie                             Forced to flee his
                                         Sabrina Mahfouz.                                              Huq as she                                   home in Syria for
                                                                                                       introduces you to                            safety in England,                                              Using a giant 25-foot-long timeline
                                         One thing that unites us all – across                         Cookie and her                               Sami attempts
                                         time, nations and peoples – is food.                                                                                             As they secretly meet over the            as a backdrop, and his signature
                                                                                                       adventures in the                            to begin a new                                                  coat of many pockets, Christopher
                                         From chocolate, rice pudding and                              first of a sparkling                         life but struggles    coming days, Mehreen develops a
                                         sandwiches to breakfast in bed,                                                                                                  strong bond with the only people          will stop off at 15 defining moments
                                                                                 new 7-12-year-old series. Cookie has                               to overcome                                                     that have shaped all history – natural,
                                         banana phones and the fruit of a        never quite felt as if she fits in – a                             the pain of the       who seem to understand what she’s
                                         mythical jelabi tree.                                                                                                            going through. But soon, the thing        stone age, ancient and modern. Each
                                                                                 quirky girl with a touch of the geek,                              past. Memories                                                  moment is represented by a different
                                                                                 from a Bangladeshi family, and with                                of the long and       that brought them together has also
                                         Harrold’s new novel The Afterwards                                                                                               created a supportive friendship that      everyday object that represents a
                                                                                 an uncanny ability to get herself into                             dangerous                                                       theme as significant to explaining the
                                         is a powerful, poignant, darkly comic   almost constant scrapes. Populated           journey across icy waters, armed            makes them realise that maybe life
                                         and deeply moving story about                                                                                                    could be worth living. It’s not long      past as it is pertinent to determining
                                                                                 by a hilarious cast of characters, the       with only his dad’s old coat, a flute,                                                the future.
                                         friendship at its most extraordinary.   Cookie books will strike a chord with        and the hope of a brighter future, are      before all three want out of the pact
                                                                                 anyone who’s ever been to school.            never far away. Can his new friends         they made. But in a terrifying twist of
                                                                                                                              and a blossoming romance melt his           fate, the website won’t let them stop,
                                                                                 With live draw-alongs, brain-busting         frozen heart, or is it too late to find a   and an increasingly sinister game
                                                                                 quizzes and games galore – prepare           silver lining?                              begins …
                                                                                 for non-stop comedy fun.

                                                                                                                               Entry is FREE for all students. Please email info@jerseyfestivalofwords.org to book.
                                                                                                                               All events sponsored by Santander International
5th Anniversary Jersey Festival of Words 2019

                                        DANIEL GEEY                               SIR ROBIN KNOX-JOHNSTON                                                                  Celebrating the lives of the women         THE GRUFFALO
LAURA DENNISON                                                                                                                                                             who answered the call to ‘Rise Up’ -
                                        DONE DEAL                                 RUNNING FREE                                                                             a richly diverse group of actresses        IN JÈRRIAIS
EAT IT ANYWAY                           OPERA HOUSE                               OPERA HOUSE                                                                              and mill-workers, teachers and             VICTORIA COLLEGE
VICTORIA COLLEGE /                      THURSDAY 26 SEPTEMBER                     THURSDAY 26 SEPTEMBER                                                                    doctors, boot-makers and sweated           GREAT HALL
WEDNESDAY 25 SEPTEMBER /                18.00 - 19.00 / £8                        20.00 - 21.15 / £15                                                                      workers, Rise Up, Women! is a              SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER
14.30 (JCG + VCJ KS4 only)                                                                                                                                                 stirring chronicle of their grace,         10.00 - 11.30 / £5
                                        Event sponsored                                                                                                                    resilience and determination that
Sponsored by Saltgate                   by Voisin Law                                                                                                                      changed the world for ever.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Following the
in association with Victoria College                                                                                                                                                                                                          success in
                                                                                                                                                                           LA POÈT’TIE OPEN MIC                                               2018 of J’allons
                                                                                                                                                                           SOCIÉTÉ JERSIAISE                                                  à la chasse
                                                                                                                                                                           MEMBERS’ ROOM                                                      à l’ourse, a
                                                                                                                                                                           FRIDAY 27 SEPTEMBER                                                Jèrriais version
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              of Michael
                                                                                                                                                                           19.00 – 21.00 / FREE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Rosen’s We’re
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Going on a Bear Hunt, the Jèrriais
                                                                                                                                                                           Join Juliette Hart of La Poèt’tie and
                                                                                                                                  DIANE ATKINSON                                                                      Teaching Service is looking to repeat
                                                                                                                                                                           Ben Spink of L’Office du Jèrriais for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the success in 2019 with a translation
                                                                                                                                  RISE UP, WOMEN!                          a special session of Jersey’s own
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of another classic children’s story,
                                                                                                                                                                           monthly poetry open mic collective.
                                                                                                                                  OPERA HOUSE                                                                         The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson.
                                                                                                                                  FRIDAY 27 SEPTEMBER                      All are invited to read, perform and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Join the little brown ‘souothis’ as we
                                                                                                                                  18.00 - 19.00 / £8                                                                  take a stroll through the deep dark
                                                                                                                                                                           appreciate any and every style of
                 Eve Simmons and                                                                                                                                           poetry. They are a very friendly and
                 Laura Dennison,                                                                                                                    First published        welcoming group which celebrates
                                                                                                                                                    to coincide with                                                  To celebrate the launch of Lé
                 co-founders of the                                                                                                                                        the spoken word.
                                                                                                                                                    the centenary of                                                  Gruffalo, we invite families to come
                 acclaimed website                                                                                                                                                                                    and enjoy storytelling and Gruffalo-
                 Not Plant Based,                                                                                                                   British women          There is just one rule: for those
                                                                                                                                                    gaining the vote                                                  themed craft activities. There’s
                 are on a mission to                                                                                                                                       bringing their own poem it should
                                                                                                                                                    in February 2018,                                                 even a chance you may get to say
                 help you love food                                               When Robin Knox-Johnston sailed                                                          include at least one word of Jèrriais,
                                                                                                                                  Rise Up, Women! has cemented                                                        ‘bouônjour’ to the Gruffalo himself.
                 again. The principle                                             in to Falmouth in April 1969 on board                                                    s’i’ t’pliaît!
                 is very simple:                                                  his 32-foot yacht Suhaili, he made              Diane Atkinson’s status as the most
                 eat what you like                    An insider’s guide to       history. He had become the first man            authoritative voice writing on the
and don’t worry about it. This is a                   football contracts,         ever to circumnavigate the globe                suffrage movement today.
game-changing narrative for anyone                    multi-million pound         non-stop and single handed. His
who has struggled to find a balance                    transfers and Premier       journey had lasted 312 days, and
between healthy and happy, empty                      League big business.        he’d had to battle against storms and            SIR MICHAEL PARKINSON                                                                Event sponsored by:
and full.                                                                         huge waves to make his way home.                 AN EVENING WITH SIR MICHAEL PARKINSON
                                        What really happens inside a club on                                                       OPERA HOUSE
PLAYS ROUGH                             transfer deadline day? Are football                             Fifty years on
                                                                                                        from that record-
                                                                                                                                   FRIDAY 27 SEPTEMBER
                                        agents overpaid? And which team’s
TAKING THE FIFTH                        players can never wear red boots?                               breaking voyage,           20.00 - 21.15 / £25
16 NEW STREET                                                                                           Running Free is
WEDNESDAY 25 SEPTEMBER                                                                                  Knox-Johnston’s                                         An Evening with Sir Michael Parkinson celebrates
                                        Written by leading Premier League
                                                                                                                                                                the life and career of a man who has interviewed
19.00 + 20.00 (TWO SESSIONS)            lawyer Daniel Geey, who has dealt                               vivid account of a
                                                                                                        life lived to the full,                                 over 2000 of the most important cultural figures
£10                                     with all these incidents first hand,
                                                                                                                                                                of the 20th and 21st centuries.
                                        Done Deal explores the issues – from                            an action-packed,
                    The Georgian        pitch to boardroom – that shape the                             rollercoaster ride
                                                                                  across the high seas, where mistakes                                          In conversation with his son Mike, and showing
                    House will be       modern game and how these impact
                                                                                  can prove fatal. Knox-Johnston                                                highlights from the Parkinson archive, this
                    cuddling three      leagues, clubs, players and fans.
                                                                                  writes with pride about Britain’s great                                       is a unique opportunity to get an intimate,
                    short plays from                                                                                                                            entertaining and informative look at his
                    Plays Rough;        Featuring insider anecdotes and           maritime tradition, and his insatiable
                                                                                  appetite for life shines through on                                           remarkable journey from a pit village in Yorkshire
                    there is no ghost   expert contributions, Done Deal
                                                                                  every page.                                                                   to the top of those famous stairs, while reliving
in the kitchen as a modern day          provides football fans with a fresh
                                                                                                                                                                the best moments from a show that for many
archaeological architect finds out to   and authoritative perspective on all
                                                                                                                                                                defined their Saturday night.
his cost, an 18th century reflection    off-field football matters.
on the scurrilous French on the first                                                                                                                           Included in the ticket price will be a signed
floor, and an explosive marriage                                                                                                                                paperback copy of Michael Parkinson’s
taking off on the top level as man                                                                                                                              new book George Best: A Memoir.
walks on the moon.

Venue Key:           Opera House        Opera House Studio          Arts Centre         Arts Centre Maria Ritchie Room              Jersey Library         School Events          Miscellaneous Venues (Check individual listing for specific location details)
5th Anniversary Jersey Festival of Words 2019

FRIEDA HUGHES                                           commissioned to            A Sunday Times bestseller and                                                        Traci O’Dea is an American writer          Graham Farmelo is an award-winning
                                                        write The Poppy Field      shortlisted for the 2018 Costa                                                       living in Jersey. Her work has been        science writer and biographer,
ALTERNATIVE VALUES                                      to commemorate             Biography Award, The Salt Path                                                       published in international poetry          specialising in physics and
OPERA HOUSE                                             the centenary of           is a beautiful, powerfully honest                                                    magazines, on posters in Washington        physicists.
SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER                                   the end of the First       and deeply moving memoir about                                                       DC, in the anthology Where I See
10.00 - 11.00 / £10                                     World War and is           overcoming adversity, the redemptive                                                 the Sun: Contemporary Poems of             EMILY LEARY
                                                        now working on a           qualities of walking and nature, about                                               the Virgin Islands, and in the Jersey
Born in London in 1960, Frieda                          series. She also writes    survival, the meaning of ‘home’ and                                                  Evening Post.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   GET YOUR KIDS
Hughes is a painter and poet.            psychological thrillers for Hera Books    above all, about love.                                                                                                          TO EAT ANYTHING
She has also written children’s          as Ella Drummond and contemporary                                                                                              GRAHAM FARMELO                             SAMARÈS SCHOOL
books, articles for magazines and        romance series for Green Shutter          LEAH HAZARD                                                                                                                     SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER
newspapers, and was the Times            Books as Georgina Troy.                                                            THE BLONDE PLOTTERS
                                                                                                                                                                        THE UNIVERSE SPEAKS
Poetry columnist from 2006-2008.
                                                                                   HARD PUSHED                                                                          IN NUMBERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   14.00 - 15.00 / FREE
                                         RAYNOR WINN                               OPERA HOUSE                              MYVLF – VIRTUAL
                                                                                                                                                                        ARTS CENTRE                                Sponsored by
                                         THE SALT PATH
                                                                                   SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER                    LITERARY FESTIVAL                           SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER                      Caring Cooks
                                                                                   12.00 - 13.00 / £8                       ARTS CENTRE MRR
                                         ARTS CENTRE                                                                                                                    14.00 - 15.00 / £8
                                                                                                                            SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER                                                                  Join Emily Leary and discover her
                                         SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER                     Leah Hazard’s life on the NHS
                                                                                                                            12.30 / £5                                                                             wonderfully practical approach to
                                         11.00 - 12.00 / £8                        frontline, working within a maternity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   fussy eating.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Event sponsored
                                                                                   system at breaking point, is more
                                                                                                                            The Blonde Plotters will be talking                           by JICAS
                                         In one devastating week, Raynor           extreme than you could ever imagine.
                                                                                                                            about MYVLF, how it benefits readers                                                   Get Your Kids to Eat Anything is
                                         and her husband Moth lost their           From the bloody to the beautiful,
                                                                                                                            and authors, and their next virtual         How Modern Maths Reveals                   an achievable ‘how to’ for parents
                                         home of 20 years, just as a terminal      from moments of vulnerability to
                                                                                                                            event coming in November.                   Nature’s Deepest Secrets - a thrilling     in the battle to overcome picky
                                         diagnosis threatened to take away         remarkable displays of human
                                                                                                                                                                        exploration of the relationship            eating. Emily Leary’s unique 5-phase
                                         their future together. With nowhere       strength, from heart-wrenching grief
                                                                                                                            The Blonde Plotters are three local         between physics and maths, and             programme looks at the issue of
                                         else to go, they decided to walk the      to the pure, perfect joy of a new-born
                                                                                                                            authors, Gwyn Garfield-Bennett,             the leaps of imagination that have         ‘fussy eating’ in a holistic way that
                                         South West Coast Path: a 630-mile         baby, Leah has seen it all.
                                                                                                                            Kelly Clayton and Deborah Carr. In          enriched our understanding of the          links imagination with food, and
                                         sea-swept trail from Somerset to
                                                                                                                            April they revealed a project they had      universe.                                  which situates parents alongside –
Daughter of renowned poets Sylvia        Dorset, via Devon and Cornwall.
                                                                                                                            spent eighteen months developing:                                                      not in opposition to – their children.
Plath and Ted Hughes, Frieda
                                                                                                                            MYVLF.com is the first global virtual
Hughes will be sharing some of her
                                                                                                                            literary festival venue – connecting                                                   Emily Leary is a multi-award-
experiences and observations in a
                                                                                                                            readers and authors. In June, they                                                     winning writer, presenter, blogger
reading from her recently published
                                                                                                                            held their inaugural event hosting                                                     and a married working mum of two
selected poems Out of the Ashes.
                                                                                                                            author speakers including Peter                                                        children. In 2011 she launched her
                                                                                                                            James, Tess Gerritsen, C L Taylor                                                      blog, A Mummy Too, which has
Frieda Hughes’s fable-like poems
                                                                                                                            and Barbara Erskine.                                                                   become one of the most popular
draw on her early years in Devon and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   websites in the UK for parents and
Yorkshire, a life-long engagement
                                                                                                                            TRACI O’DEA                                                                            is consistently listed in the top 10
with nature and itinerant wildlife,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   in UK blogging charts.
and later experiences when living in                                                                                        POETRY LUNCH
Australia, London, and most recently                                                                                        OPERA HOUSE STUDIO
Wales.                                                                                                                      SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER
                                                                                                                            13.30 - 14.30 / £5
MY PUBLISHING                                                                                                                                     Join poet Traci
                                                                                                                                                  O’Dea for a
JOURNEY                                                                                                                                           poetry reading
ARTS CENTRE MRR                                                                                                                                   with a difference.
SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER                                   This ancient, wind-
                                                                                                                                                  The audience is
                                                        battered landscape
10.30 - 11.30 / £5                                                                                                                                invited to listen
                                                        stripped them of every
                                                                                                                                                  to Traci’s poems
                                                        comfort they had
Join local author Deborah Carr,                                                                                                                   while sampling        Many of the world’s leading
                                                        previously known. With     Moving, compassionate and intensely
who will be talking about her route                                                                                         dishes inspired by them. One poem,          physicists are confident that they
                                         very little money for food or shelter,    candid, Leah’s novel Hard Pushed is
to publication and how she organises                                                                                        File Between Leaves & Reams,                are on track to discover a new
                                         Raynor and Moth carried everything        a love letter to new mothers and to
her time writing for different                                                                                              which mentions such diverse fare as         understanding of the universe which
                                         on their backs and wild camped on         her fellow midwives – there for us at
publishers.                                                                                                                 spinach, peanuts and oysters, won           will entail a complete rethink of
                                         beaches and clifftops. But slowly,        the most challenging, empowering
                                                                                                                            third prize in last year’s inaugural        gravity, space and time. Always lively
                                         with every step, every encounter, and     and defining moments of our lives.
Deborah Carr writes historical fiction                                                                                      Jersey Festival of Words Poetry             and authoritative, Farmelo navigates
                                         every test along the way, the walk set    Join her as she discusses her book
for HarperCollins’ romance imprint,                                                                                         competition.                                through some of the most exciting
                                         them on a remarkable journey.             with writer Cathy Rentzenbrink.
HarperImpulse. She was                                                                                                                                                  developments and controversies in
                                                                                                                                                                        modern thought.

Venue Key:           Opera House         Opera House Studio          Arts Centre        Arts Centre Maria Ritchie Room         Jersey Library           School Events          Miscellaneous Venues (Check individual listing for specific location details)
5th Anniversary Jersey Festival of Words 2019

   10.00               10.30           11.00              11.30         12.00        12.30           13.00         13.30         14.00              14.30          15.00             15.30         16.00             16.30         17.00             17.30   18.00         18.30            19.00         19.30          20.00             20.30         21.00         21.30

                                                                                                                                                 Laura Coryton / Speak Up!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Jacky Hyams                    Plays Rough / Taking The Fifth
                                                                                                                                    KS4          Beaulieu School (13.55 start)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Main stage / Library             16 New Street £10 (19:00 start)
                                                                                                                                                     FREE for students

                                                                                                                                                            Eve Simmons & Laura
                                                                                                                                                          Dennison / Eat It Anyway                                                                                                                                                  Plays Rough / Taking The Fifth
                                                                                                                                                         Victoria College (JCG + VCJ)                                                                                                                                               16 New Street £10 (20:00 start)
                                                                                                                                                             FREE for students

   10.00               10.30           11.00              11.30         12.00        12.30           13.00         13.30         14.00              14.30          15.00             15.30         16.00             16.30         17.00             17.30   18.00         18.30            19.00         19.30          20.00             20.30         21.00         21.30

             A.F. Harrold / Midnight   KS2                                   Konnie Huq / Cookie     KS2                                  It Started With A Mystery                                                                                               The Alan Whicker Archive                                          Sir Robin Knox-Johnston
                                               Hidden Treasures

              Feasts / Opera House                                              Opera House                                                  By Agatha Christie…                                                                                                     By Catherine Kirby,                                                  Running Free
                                       KS3    Falle Room / Library                                   KS3
               FREE for students                                             FREE for students                                             Meeting room 1 / Library                                                                                              Archivist / Reference Library                                          Opera House £15

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Daniel Geey
                           Discover Your Family History                                                                                                           DIY Book Production With Patrick Cahill
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Done Deal
                           Open Learning Centre / Library                                                                                                                Meeting room 2 / Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Opera House £8

   10.00               10.30           11.00              11.30         12.00        12.30           13.00         13.30         14.00              14.30          15.00             15.30         16.00             16.30         17.00             17.30   18.00         18.30            19.00         19.30          20.00             20.30         21.00         21.30

                Cathy Cassidy                                                 Christopher Lloyd                                                                                                                                                                        Diane Atkinson                                                      An Evening With
                                       KS2                                                           KS2
              Sami’s Silver Lining                                          Absolutely Everything!                                                                                                                                                                    Rise Up, Women!                                                   Sir Michael Parkinson
                 Opera House           KS3                                      Opera House          KS3
              FREE for students                                              FREE for students                                                                                                                                                                         Opera House £8                                                      Opera House £25

                                     Yasmin Rahman / All The Things
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   La Poèt’tie Open Mic
                                     We Never Said / Highlands College
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Société Jersiaise Members’ Room Free
                                           FREE for students         KS5

                                                                                                                Martin Toft                                                                                                                                                  Film Screening And Panel Discussion
                                       Calligraphy Workshop With Adele Dark                                                                                       DIY Book Production With Patrick Cahill
                                                                                                              On Mãori Culture                                                                                                                                                          H Is For Harry
                                               Meeting room 2 / Library                                                                                                  Meeting room 2 / Library
                                                                                                               Meeting Room                                                                                                                                                           Reference Library

   10.00               10.30           11.00              11.30         12.00        12.30           13.00         13.30         14.00              14.30          15.00             15.30         16.00             16.30         17.00             17.30   18.00         18.30            19.00         19.30          20.00             20.30         21.00         21.30

                   Frieda Hughes                       Raynor Winn                Leah Hazard                                   Traci O’Dea                 Barbara Kendall-Davies                Kate Nash                     Dreena Collins                         Louise Minchin                                                       Jenny Eclair
                 Alternative Values                   The Salt Path               Hard Pushed                                  Poetry Lunch                  Truth Will Find A Way           The Bestselling Novel           Writing Short Stories                       Dare To Tri                                                        Inheritance
                  Opera House £10                     Arts Centre £8             Opera House £8                            Opera House Studio £5              Arts Centre MRR £5             Opera House Studio £8           Arts Centre MRR £5                       Opera House £10                                                     Opera House £15

                                                                                          The Blonde Plotters / MyVLF                        Graham Farmelo                             Richard Roper and Nick Duerden                                                          Owen O’Neill                                                          Bram Wanrooij
                       The Gruffalo In Jèrriais
                                                                                           – Virtual Literary Festival                    The Universe Speaks In                               A Life Less Lonely                                                                Red Noise                                                              Displaced
                    Victoria College Great Hall £5
                                                                                              Arts Centre MRR £5                          Numbers / Arts Centre £8                             Victoria College £8                                                             Arts Centre £12                                                        Arts Centre £8

                                   Deborah Carr                                                                                           Emily Leary / Get Your Kids                                         Emily Leary                                               Linda Rose Parkes

                               My Publishing Journey                                                                                           To Eat Anything                                           Cooking Demo For Kids                                              This Close
                                Arts Centre MRR £5                                                                                          Samarès School Free                                           Samarès School £15                                           Opera House Studio £5

                                                                                                                                            Janet Hoggarth                                                     Andrew Lownie                                                      Kate Thompson / Secrets
                                                     Hidden Treasures
                                                                                                                                      The Single Mums’ Mansion                                                The Mountbattens                                                     Of The Homefront Girls
                                                        Falle Room
                                                                                                                                            Opera House £8                                                      Arts Centre £8                                                      Main Stage / Library

                                                 Sienna The Surfer:                                                                                                                                        David Solomons / Doctor
                                                                                                                                            Edward Blampied
                                               Authors And Illustrator                                                                                                                                    Who: The Secret In Vault 13
                                                                                                                                            Children’s Library
                                                  Children’s Library                                                                                                                                           Opera House £8

                                                                                                                                          Creating A Children’s Book:                                                 Heroines, Histories
                                       Calligraphy Workshop With Adele Dark
                                                                                                                                            Panel Discussion With                                                    And Handmade Books
                                               Meeting room 2 / Library
                                                                                                                                             Penny Byrne / Library                                                    Main Stage / Library

   10.00               10.30           11.00              11.30         12.00        12.30           13.00         13.30         14.00              14.30          15.00             15.30         16.00             16.30         17.00             17.30   18.00         18.30            19.00         19.30          20.00             20.30         21.00         21.30

            Adam and Charlotte Guillain                                     Polyglot Creative Writing                         Ana Sampson                                 Jersey Festival Of Words                              Alex Rogers
               Mermaid And Pirate                                               For Non-writers                               She Is Fierce                                  Poetry Competition                                   The Deep

            Mash-up / Arts Centre £6.50                                       Arts Centre MRR £15                             Arts Centre £8                            Prizegiving / Arts Centre (BG)                         Arts Centre £10

                                                                            JEP Writing Competition                                                                              Jèrriais Singing Workshop
                                                                                  Prizegiving                                                                                       With Badlabecques
                                                                                Arts Centre (BG)                                                                                     Arts Centre MRR £5

            Venue Key:                   Opera House                    Opera House Studio                 Arts Centre             Arts Centre Maria Ritchie Room                                              Jersey Library                    School Events         Miscellaneous Venues (Check individual listing for specific location details)
5th Anniversary Jersey Festival of Words 2019

                                        BARBARA KENDALL-DAVIES                     friends and family members to              masterclass, creating your own                                                       DREENA COLLINS
                                                                                   teenagers who manage their social          rainbow pizza which will be cooked
                                        TRUTH WILL                                 lives through the glow of a mobile         on site in the wood-fired oven and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   WRITING SHORT
                                        FIND A WAY                                 phone, it can affect anyone and            consumed by YOU!                                                                     STORIES
                                        ARTS CENTRE MRR                            everyone, irrespective of age, race                                                                                             ARTS CENTRE MRR
                                        SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER                      or class.                                  ANDREW LOWNIE                                                                        SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER
                                        14.30 - 15.30 / £5                                                                    THE MOUNTBATTENS                                                                     16.30 - 17.30 / £5
                                                                                   Join author Richard Roper
                                                                                   (Something to Live For) and journalist     ARTS CENTRE
                                                          Set in Mayfair, Truth                                                                                                                                                   Join us for a journey
                                                          Will Find a Way
                                                                                   Nick Duerden (A Life Less Lonely)          SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER                                                                               in creative writing and
                                                          features a group
                                                                                   for a discussion on the effects of         16.00 - 17.00 / £8                                                                                  publishing. Dreena
                                                                                   isolation and a call to arms about
                                                          of friends whose                                                                                                                                                        Collins will share her
                                                                                   how we can end the stigma attached                            Prize-winning
                                                          private lives are                                                                                                                                                       experiences, tips and
                                                                                   to loneliness. The event will conclude                        and bestselling
                                                          as unconventional                                                                                                                                                       lessons learnt, as well
                                                                                   with tea and cake for all attendees.                          historian Andrew
                                                          as those of the                                                                                                                                          as read extracts from her work, in this
                                        Bloomsbury Set. The group’s                                                                              Lownie returns to                                                 interactive session.
                                        linchpin, Lady Monica Montford,            KATE NASH                                                     Jersey Festival
                                        runs the Gayton Art Gallery, a             THE BESTSELLING                                               of Words with a
                                                                                                                                                 nuanced portrayal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Dreena Collins is
                                        central meeting place for the                                                                                                                                                                  a local author who
                                        friends when they visit the capital.
                                                                                   NOVEL                                      of two very unusual people and their                                                                     has been listed in
                                        The interweaving of their personal         OPERA HOUSE STUDIO                         complex marriage.                                                                                        numerous writing
                                        relationships is as complex as a           SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER                                                                DAVID SOLOMONS                                                 competitions,
                                        game of chess; will they all remain        15.30 - 16.30 / £8                                                                                                                                  including the
JANET HOGGARTH                          on good terms?
                                                                                                                                                                        DOCTOR WHO: THE                                                Mslexia short
THE SINGLE                                                                                           Leading literary                                                   SECRET IN VAULT 13                                             story prize.
MUMS’ MANSION                           Barbara Kendall-Davies is the author                         agent Kate Nash                                                    OPERA HOUSE                                                    Dreena has been
                                        of the seminal, two-volume biography                         explains the                                                       SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER                                          published in
OPERA HOUSE                             The Years of Fame and The Years of                           key ingredients                                                                                               periodicals and magazines, as well as
SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER                                                                                                                                                   16.00 - 17.00 / £8
                                        Grace of the French singer, composer                         that bestselling                                                                                              the Eyelands 2018 story anthology.
14.00 - 15.00 / £8                      and teacher Pauline Viardot Garcia,                          novels share and                                                                                              In 2019, she self-published two short
                                        as well as a family history, The Food                        how publishers,                                                                                               story collections: The Blue Hour and
                     After her          of Love, set at the beginning of the                         agents, retailers                                                                                             The Day I Nearly Drowned.
                     husband            Second World War, and an esoteric                            and authors all                                                    Sponsored by Fairway Group
                     leaves,            exploration of life after death, Life Is   work together to make a novel a                                                                                                 LINDA ROSE PARKES
                     Amanda Wilkie      Everlasting.                               commercial success.
                                                                                                                                                                        Jump into the TARDIS and head on           THIS CLOSE
                                                                                                                                                                        an intergalactic journey with David        OPERA HOUSE STUDIO
                     finds herself                                                 Kate will share her top tips for finding                                             Solomons, who has written a laugh-
                     alone with her                                                and securing the right literary agent                                                                                           SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER
                                                                                                                                                                        out-loud Doctor Who adventure
                     three children                                                and explain how literary agents work                                                 featuring the Thirteenth Doctor and        18.00 - 19.15 / £5
                     in a rambling                                                 to find the right publisher for a book.                                              her companions. Can you win the
                     Victorian house                                               Going behind the scenes in the world                                                                                            Join acclaimed poet Linda Rose
                                                                                                                                                                        (re)generation game or save the
                     in London.                                                    of publishing, this is a talk that any                                                                                          Parkes as she reads from her latest
                                                                                                                                                                        world by identifying a predator from
                                                                                   aspiring author shouldn’t miss.                                                      a pot plant? Learn about creating          collection, This Close, and other new
A few months later, Amanda’s heavily                                                                                          Earl Mountbatten of Burma is one of                                                  poems.
                                                                                                                              the major British historical figures of   new worlds and new stories in this
pregnant friend, Ali, crashes into      RICHARD ROPER                              EMILY LEARY                                the 20th century (and a central figure    interactive, high energy and hilarious
her kitchen announcing her partner                                                                                                                                                                                                  Linda will be
                                        AND NICK DUERDEN                           COOKING DEMO                               in The Crown) whose career included       event.
is also about to abscond. Once                                                                                                                                                                                                      joined by poets
Ali’s baby Grace is born, Amanda        A LIFE LESS LONELY                         FOR KIDS                                   being Supreme Allied Commander
                                                                                                                                                                                              David Solomons                        Sandra Noel, Nicky
encourages them to move in. When        VICTORIA COLLEGE                                                                      of South East Asia during World War                                                                   Mesch, Linda Lock,
                                                                                   SAMARÈS SCHOOL                             Two and the last Viceroy of India.                              is the best-
Jacqui, a long-lost friend and fellow   SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER                                                                                                                                                                       Juliette Hart and
                                                                                   SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER                      Once the richest woman in Britain                               selling author of
single mum, starts dropping by daily,   15.00 - 17.00 / £8                                                                                                                                                                          Sharon Champion
                                                                                   15.45 - 17.00 / £15                        and a playgirl who enjoyed numerous                             the My Brother
the household is complete…                                                                                                                                                                                                          performing some of
                                                                                                                              affairs, Edwina Mountbatten emerged                             is a Superhero
                                        Sponsored by Saltgate                                                                                                                                 books, and won                        their own work, with
Join Janet Hoggarth as she                                                         Sponsored by                               from World War Two as a magnetic
                                        in association with Victoria College                                                                                                                  the 2018 Laugh                        music from Mike
discusses her bestselling novel The                                                Caring Cooks                               and talented charity worker loved
                                                                                                                                                                                              Out Loud Awards      Freeman on saxophone, and vocals
Single Mums’ Mansion, based on her                                                                                            around the world. Their lives provide                                                and guitar from Martin Greene.
                                                                                   For kids who love to cook, or parents      an opportunity to look at the most        (Lollies) with the second book in this
experiences of living communally as
                                                                                   who want to encourage their kids to        important and controversial issues of     series, My Gym Teacher is an Alien
a single parent.                        Loneliness has reached the levels                                                                                                                                          Intense, daring yet never solemn...
                                                                                   become more passionate about food          the last century.                         Overlord.
                                        of an epidemic in the UK. From the                                                                                                                                         come and be immersed in a
                                                                                   – join Emily Leary, author of Get Your
                                        bullied child to the new parent, from                                                                                                                                      polyphony of voices.
                                                                                   Kids to Eat Anything for an alfresco
                                        the pensioner who has outlived

Venue Key:          Opera House         Opera House Studio           Arts Centre        Arts Centre Maria Ritchie Room           Jersey Library         School Events          Miscellaneous Venues (Check individual listing for specific location details)
5th Anniversary Jersey Festival of Words 2019

OWEN O’NEILL                              LOUISE MINCHIN                                                                                                               ADAM AND CHARLOTTE
RED NOISE                                 DARE TO TRI                                                                                                                  GUILLAIN
ARTS CENTRE                               OPERA HOUSE                                                                                                                  MERMAID AND
SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER                     SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER                                                                                                        PIRATE MASH-UP
18.00 - 19.30 / £12                       18.00 - 19.00 / £10                                                                                                          ARTS CENTRE
                                                                                                                                                                       SUNDAY 29 SEPTEMBER
Join Owen O’Neill for 90 minutes of
Red Noise – a hybrid of stand-up
                                                                                                                                                                       10.00 - 11.00 / £6.50
comedy, theatrical monologue and
                                                                                                                                                                       Event sponsored
poetry, blended to perfection.
                                                                                                                                                                       by ECOF
                                          Event sponsored by Canaccord
Owen O’Neill has toured the               Genuity Wealth Management                                                         BRAM WANROOIJ                              Join Adam and Charlotte Guillain for
world with his one-man shows
accumulating a string of awards           One of the UK’s best-known news                                                   DISPLACED                                  a musical, interactive family event
including three Fringe Firsts at          presenters and television broadcasters,                                           ARTS CENTRE                                with puppets, focusing on their two
                                                                                                                            SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER                      bestselling series, Molly’s Magic
the Edinburgh Fringe Festival,            Louise Minchin has been the anchor of
                                                                                                                                                                       Wardrobe and George’s Amazing
the Edinburgh Critics Award for           BBC Breakfast for the past six years.                                             20.30 - 21.30 / £8
best comedy, the Angel Award for          Following a fun televised cycling stunt
best one-man show, the Time Out           in 2012, she embarked upon a sporting                                             Event sponsored
                                                                                                                                                                       Molly’s Magic Wardrobe: The               POLYGLOT CREATIVE
Comedy Award, Best Actor at the           journey culminating in her wearing the                                            by JCRAG
2010 1st Irish Theatre Festival in New    colours of Great Britain at the World
                                                                                                                                                                       Mermaid Mission. In this rhyming          WRITING FOR
                                                                                                                                                                       adventure full of magic, Molly visits
York City and Best Short Film award       Triathlon Championship in 2015.                                                   Join former Jersey resident, Bram
                                                                                                                                                                       the enchanted dressing-up wardrobe        NON-WRITERS
at the Boston Film Festival 2008.                                                                                           Wanrooij, who has recently published                                                 ARTS CENTRE MRR
                                                                                                                                                                       in her Granny’s house. Today she’s
                                          Dare to Tri is the story of how a newly discovered sport became a passion and     Displaced, on Europe and the global
                                                                                                                                                                       going to be… a mermaid! Molly dives       SUNDAY 29 SEPTEMBER
True stories from his life include:       then an obsession, charting Minchin’s progress as she takes her first tentative   refugee crisis.
being struck by lightning at nine         steps as a triathlete. Join her as she discusses her book and experiences with
                                                                                                                                                                       below the sea and soon finds herself      11.30 - 13.30 / £15 (max 12)
                                                                                                                                                                       on a mission: she must race to save
years old and being told he had the       Festival of Words vice-chair Paul Bisson.                                                             Displaced attempts
                                                                                                                                                                       the mermaids’ shipwreck from some         This workshop is open to people
cure for cancer; being interrogated                                                                                                             to answer the
                                                                                                                                                                       pesky sharks!                             with little or no experience, who are
by an IRA man with a stammer (the                                                                                                               question of why
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 interested in playing with words and
longest two hours of his life); how his    JENNY ECLAIR                                                                                         the European
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 with the various languages spoken
feature film debut with Liam Neeson                                                                                                             refugee crisis has
went horribly wrong; and being             INHERITANCE                                                                                          escalated at this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 inside the group of participants. We’ll
brought up in a family of 16 siblings      OPERA HOUSE                                                                                          particular point in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 use varied and playful techniques
and having to queue for breakfast.         SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER                                                                                                                                                 to liberate our creativity and create
                                                                                                                                                history, bringing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 individual and collective texts,
                                           20.00 - 21.15 / £15                                                                                  together seemingly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 making the most of our diversity and
                                                                                                                                                separated themes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 our imaginations. You only need to
                                           Join acclaimed comedian Jenny Eclair                                             of escalating inequality, declining
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 speak at least one of the following
                                           as she discusses her heart-breaking new                                          faith in institutions and politicians,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 languages: English, Portuguese,
                                           novel Inheritance, which combines an                                             the retracting of governments from
                                           incredible poignancy and unforgettable                                           public issues (deregulation), and a
                                           characters with the author’s trademark                                           marketization of politics and climate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Morgane Masterman is a translator
                                           wit and observational humour.                                                    change.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and inter-cultural youth worker and
                                                                                                                                                                       George’s Amazing Adventures: Pizza        is one of the founders of Associação
                                                                                                                            Bram Wanrooij is an educator, activist
                                                                                                                                                                       for Pirates. A boy called George had      Faísca Voadora, a Portuguese non-
                                                                                                                            and researcher, currently living and
                                                                                                                                                                       a wonderful plan – to search for a real   profit organisation for inter-cultural
                                                                                                                            working in Hanoi, Vietnam.
                                                                                                                                                                       pirate crew. So he packed up a pizza,     exchanges and training.
                                                                                            Jenny Eclair is the Sunday
                                                                                                                                                                       his favourite feast…
                                                                                            Times top ten bestselling
                                                                                            author of four critically
                                                                                            acclaimed novels. One of
                                                                                            the UK’s most popular
                                                                                                                             JEP WRITING                                                                            JERSEY FESTIVAL
                                                                                            and successful comedians         COMPETITION                                                                            OF WORDS POETRY
                                                                                            of her generation, she           PRIZEGIVING                                                                            COMPETITION
                                                                                            helped develop and
                                                                                                                             ARTS CENTRE (BG)                                                                       PRIZEGIVING
                                                                                            regularly appeared in the
                                                                                            show Grumpy Old Women            SUNDAY 29 SEPTEMBER                                                                    ARTS CENTRE (BG)
                                                                                            and a variety of successful      12.00 - 12.45                                                                          SUNDAY 29 SEPTEMBER
                                                                                            spin-offs, and was the first                                                                                            15.00 - 15.45
                                                                                            woman to win Edinburgh’s
                                                                                            prestigious Perrier Award.

Venue Key:           Opera House          Opera House Studio         Arts Centre        Arts Centre Maria Ritchie Room         Jersey Library          School Events          Miscellaneous Venues (Check individual listing for specific location details)
5th Anniversary Jersey Festival of Words 2019

                                           JÈRRIAIS SINGING WORKSHOP                                                      The following JERSEY                            LIBRARY EVENTS are all FREE.
BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL                         WITH BADLABECQUES                                                              Please check event for booking details. Bookings can be made via www.culture.je.
                                           ARTS CENTRE (MRR)
POEMS BY WOMEN                             SUNDAY 29 SEPTEMBER                                                                                 JACKY HYAMS                               DIY BOOK PRODUCTION
ARTS CENTRE                                15.00 -16.30 / £5                                                                                   MAIN STAGE                                WITH PATRICK CAHILL
                                                                                                                                               WEDNESDAY 25 SEPTEMBER                    MEETING ROOM 2
13.30 - 14.30 / £8                                                                     This informal workshop will
                                                                                                                                               18.00 - 19.00                             THURSDAY 26 SEPTEMBER 14.00 - 17.00
                                                                                       give you the opportunity to
                                                                                       learn a bit of Jèrriais through                                                                   FRIDAY 27 SEPTEMBER 14.00 - 17.00
                                                                                                                          Author and journalist Jacky Hyams will be discussing
                                                                                       song in the company of local
                                                                                                                          two of her World War 2 books, Spitfire Stories and
                                                                                       band Badlabecques. Lead                                                                           Supported by the Société Jersiaise.
                                                                                                                          The Female Few. Both books focus on the female
                                                                                       singer Kit Ashton will give a
                                                                                                                          Spitfire pilots of the ATA (Air Transport Auxiliary) and the
                                                                                       brief outline of the story of                                                                     This short workshop focuses on the principles of paper-
                                                                                                                          important role many thousands of women played behind
                                                                                       each song before proceeding                                                                       based book production and exploring the structural
                                                                                                                          the scenes in the wartime story of the iconic plane.
                                                                                       to teach it to the audience.                                                                      components of a book, their limitations, and pre-press
                                                                                       No prior knowledge of Jèrriais                                                                    considerations, before introducing some basic binding
                                                                                       is necessary, just an open         DISCOVER YOUR FAMILY HISTORY                                   techniques through practical tasks. Tools, equipment
                                                                                       mind and enthusiasm for            OPEN LEARNING CENTRE                                           and materials will be provided.
                                                                                       learning our Island’s native       THURSDAY 26 SEPTEMBER
                                                                                       language. There will be a short
                                                                                       interval to give you time to
                                                                                                                          10.00 - 12.00                                                  THE ALAN WHICKER ARCHIVE
                                                                                       lubricate your vocal cords.                                    Jersey Library’s staff will        BY CATHERINE KIRBY, ARCHIVIST
                                                                                                                                                      show you how to discover           REFERENCE LIBRARY
                                                                                                                                                      your family’s history,             THURSDAY 26 SEPTEMBER
                                          ALEX ROGERS                                                                                                 using the broad range of           18.00 - 19.00
                                                                                                                                                      resources in the Library,
                                          THE DEEP                                                                                                    from newspaper archives            Stories from the three-year journey through globetrotting
                                          ARTS CENTRE                                                                                                 and reference resources to         journalist and Jersey resident the late Alan Whicker’s
                                          SUNDAY 29 SEPTEMBER                                                                                         the latest online databases        boxes of letters, telegrams, passports, newspaper
                                          16.30 - 17.30 / £10                                                             such as Ancestry UK and Forces War Records.                    cuttings, research notes, diaries, photographs and jigsaw
She is Fierce is a powerful collection                                                                                                                                                   puzzles. The talk is also a reminder of the ways we used
of 150 poems that celebrates the
                                          Event sponsored by Ports of Jersey                                              HIDDEN TREASURES                                               to communicate before the invention of the internet.
centenary of women’s suffrage. Join                                                                                       FALLE ROOM
                                          Our oceans are facing a catastrophe and have already suffered irreparable
editor Ana Sampson as she talks
                                          damage – this is the rallying cry for help from one of the world’s leading
                                                                                                                          THURSDAY 26 SEPTEMBER 11.00 - 12.00                                    CALLIGRAPHY WORKSHOP
about the anthology and hear a                                                                                            SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 11.00 - 12.00
selection of the poems.                   experts in marine biology, in a bid to help and repair our oceans.                                                                                     WITH ADELE DARK
                                                                                                                                                                                         MEETING ROOM 2
                                                                                                                                                 View the historical collection at
The collection contains an inclusive                                              Professor Alex Rogers, who recently
                                                                                                                                                 the Jersey Library which includes
                                                                                                                                                                                         FRIDAY 27 SEPTEMBER 10.00 - 13.00
array of voices, from modern and                                                  served as a scientific consultant on                                                                   SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 10.00 - 13.00
                                                                                  the BBC’s Blue Planet II series, has                           donations from the Reverend Philip
innovative poets such as Maya                                                                                                                    Falle, founder of Jersey’s Public
Angelou and Carol Ann Duffy to                                                    spent the past 30 years studying
                                                                                                                                                 Library, and Dr Daniel Dumaresq.        Explore Roman Capitals and lettering during this
classic beloved poets from previous                                               life in the deep ocean. Local ocean
                                                                                                                                                                                         workshop and design a panel to include your name and
centuries including Emily Dickinson,                                              campaigner Matt Porteus will be
                                                                                                                                                                                         other words reflecting your loves and life. We will be using
Christina Rossetti and Charlotte                                                  talking to him about his new book       IT STARTED WITH A MYSTERY                                      square edged nibs and other writing tools. Inks and paper
                                                                                  The Deep, which brings us right to
Bronte. Each poem is accompanied
                                                                                  the edge of what is known about
                                                                                                                          BY AGATHA CHRISTIE…                                            will be provided.
by a short biography of the poet.
                                                                                  our oceans today.                       ULVERSCROFT LARGE PRINT BOOKS
With poems on friendship,                                                                                                 MEETING ROOM 1                                                 MARTIN TOFT ON MÃORI CULTURE
resistance, protest, body image,                                                  Introducing us to glittering coral      THURSDAY 26 SEPTEMBER                                          MEETING ROOM
mental health, nature, joy, love, and                                             gardens, submarine mountains and        14.00 - 15.00                                                  FRIDAY 27 SEPTEMBER
from suffragettes to school girls, from                                           a range of bizarre and breath-taking                                                                   13.00 - 14.00
spoken word superstars to civil rights                                            sea creatures, many of which he                      Learn more about the history of large print
activists, from aristocratic ladies to                                            discovered first-hand, Rogers not                    and audio books with Lorraine Whitehall           In Te Ahi Kā – The Fires of Occupation photographer
kitchen maids, these are voices that                                              only illustrates the ocean’s enormous                and Mark Merrill from the Ulverscroft             Martin Toft explores the deep physical and metaphysical
deserve to be heard.                                                              and untold impact on our lives, but                  Group. Hear how they bid for books against        relationships between an ancestral river and its
                                                                                  also shows how we are damaging it       various publishing houses, learn about their long-term         indigenous people in New Zealand. He will discuss the
                                                                                  catastrophically through pollution,     relationships with famous authors and see original artwork     making of his critically acclaimed book spanning 20 years,
                                                                                  overfishing, and the insidious and      for their book covers.                                         including research in 19th century archives and his own
                                                                                  global effects of climate change.
                                                                                                                                                                                         spiritual kinships with a Maori tribe.

Venue Key:           Arts Centre          Arts Centre Maria Ritchie Room             Jersey Library
5th Anniversary Jersey Festival of Words 2019

                                                                                                                                                       Victoria College
The following JERSEY                            LIBRARY EVENTS are all FREE.
Please check event for booking details. Bookings can be made via www.culture.je.

                                                               PANEL DISCUSSION WITH PENNY BYRNE:
                                                               CREATING A CHILDREN’S BOOK
                                                               REFERENCE LIBRARY
                                                               SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER
                                                               14.00 - 15.00

                                                                                  The pleasures and pitfalls of putting
                                                                                  together and publishing a children’s
                                                                                  book; a panel discussion of local
                                                                                  writers and illustrators hosted by

                                                                                                                                                      Arts Centre MRR

                                                                                                                                                                                                                All festival details and ticket bookings available at
                                                                                  author Penny Byrne (Seymour’s

                                                                                                                                                         Arts Centre
                                                                                  Seaside Picnic).

                                                               HEROINES, HISTORIES
                                                               AND HANDMADE BOOKS
H IS FOR HARRY                                                 MAIN STAGE
REFERENCE LIBRARY                                              SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER
FRIDAY 27 SEPTEMBER                                            16.00 - 17.30
18.00 - 20.00
                                                                                      An entertaining and illuminating
Organised by Every Child Our Future.                                                  event presented by a mother and
                                                                                      daughter duo, poet Mary Thomson

                                                                                                                                                                                          Société Jersiaise
H is for Harry is a coming of age story about Harry, a                                and actress Cathy Sara. Through
charismatic 11-year-old boy, who arrives at secondary                                 readings and conversation they
school in suburban London unable to read or write. With                               will explore themes linked to books

the help of his extremely dedicated teacher, can Harry

                                                                                      and poetry and their individual and
overcome the illiteracy ingrained across generations of        shared stories, including the artistry of acting and the
his family? The screening will be followed by a short panel    creation of single poem ‘books’.
session to address the issues raised by the film.

                                                                                                                                                                          16 New Street
                                                               KATE THOMPSON
SIENNA THE SURFER:                                             SECRETS OF THE HOMEFRONT
AUTHORS AND ILLUSTRATOR                                        GIRLS
CHILDREN’S LIBRARY                                             MAIN STAGE
SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER                                          SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER
11.00 - 12.00                                                  18.30 - 19.30
                A special interactive session for primary

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Opera House www.jerseyoperahouse.co.uk
                school children with authors Angela
                McKinlay and Kate Munrow, and illustrator

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Société Jersiaise societe-jersiaise.org
                Kaydia Torrell. Sienna the Surfer is

                                                                                                                                                                                                              16 New Street www.nationaltrust.je
                an exciting adventure story set in our

                                                                                                                                      Opera House Studio
                beautiful island of Jersey, celebrating the

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Arts Centre www.artscentre.je
                multitude of interests of young girls today.

                                                                                                                                        Opera House
                No booking required.

                                                                                                                                                                                                              USEFUL CONTACTS:
                     EDWARD BLAMPIED
                     CHILDREN’S LIBRARY
                     SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER                     Award-winning journalist, ghostwriter and Sunday Times
                                                               bestselling novelist Kate Thompson discusses her latest
                     14.00 - 15.00
                                                               book Secrets of the Homefront Girls - the story of the
                                                               courageous women of World War Two, working in the
Local artist Edward Blampied introduces The Motor
                                                               Yardley Cosmetics factory in London’s East End - with
Mice, his new series of beautifully-illustrated children’s
                                                               local journalist and author Gwyn Garfield-Bennett.
books, and shares a story or two with children.
No booking required.
5th Anniversary Jersey Festival of Words 2019

     Sponsors and Supporters

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