5011 White Oak Avenue, Encino, CA 91316 (818) 342-4686 www.ourladyofgrace.org - Our Lady of Grace, Encino
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PAGE 2 7TH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 24, 2020 PRAYER REQUEST FOR OUR BELOVED SICK PARISH STAFF Veronica Pomposa Allison Arahkn Julie Sianzon Angela Rostani Pablo Godinez Franklin Moya Yolanda Aburto Jose Luis Reyes Jr. Fr. Marinello Saguin, Administrator Claire Mansour Mariano Velazquez Nelson Aburto Stephanie Rivas frmarinello@ourladyofgrace.org Soledad Vargas Susan Morales Karo Dylanian Angela Berry Mercedes Echegoyen Paula Aguilar Juan Legaspi Ruth Sorney Jeff Kinzli Chuck Denet Shereen Peer Debbie Lane Fr. Thomas Feltz, Priest in Residence Aidan Bradley Ed Ricard Michael Peer Kathy Morelli Dawn Hopkins Gary Thomas Grace Cihanowiz Tony Mammo Glen Heffernan, Deacon Imelda Clark Patricia Branagan Krizia Flores Tonya Fuentes dnglen@ourladyofgrace.org Phillip Ribas Phyllis Richardson William Roberts Fuentes Family Maria Robles Harolyn Ma soff Renee Harbour Karim Cama, Business Manager Dolores Casper Pat Borland Ma. Josefa Lopez Jose & Helen (YB) Rita Gen le Betzi Mar nez businessmanager@ourladyofgrace.org Claudia De Luca, Receptionist United with our Holy Father Pope Francis, let us pray in solidarity for our brothers ministries@ourladyofgrace.org and sisters here and around the world who are sick. Let us pray for those who have lost loved ones to this virus. May God console them and grant them peace. Leslie Reyes, Parish Secretary / Bulletin We pray also for doctors, nurses, and caregivers, for public health officials and all Editor civic leaders. May God grant them courage and prudence as they seek to respond administrator@ourladyofgrace.org to this emergency with compassion and in service to the common good. In this time of need, I invite all the faithful to seek together the maternal intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and I share this prayer with you: Jeannie Rogers, Liturgy/Music liturgy@ourladyofgrace.org Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, Queen of the Angels and Mother of the Americas. We fly to Jill Moore, RCIA/Evangelization you today as your beloved children. We ask you to intercede for us with your Son, as you did at jillm@ourladyofgrace.org the wedding in Cana. Pray for us, loving Mother, Anisha Virgen, Adult Faith Formation and gain for our nation and world, and for all our families and loved ones, the protection of your holy angels, anishav@ourladyofgrace.org that we may be spared the worst of this illness. For those already afflicted, we ask you to obtain the grace of healing and deliverance. Hear the cries of Jesse Rodriguez, Religious Education those who are vulnerable and fearful, wipe away their tears and help them dre@ourladyofgrace.org to trust. In this time of trial and testing, teach all of us in the Church to love one another and to be patient and kind. OLG SCHOOL Help us to bring the peace of Jesus to our land and to our hearts. We come to you with confidence, knowing that you truly are our compassionate mother, health of the sick Thomas Ambriz, School Principal and cause of our joy. (818) 344-4126 Shelter us under the mantle of your protection, keep us in the embrace of your arms, principal@ourladyofgrace.co help us always to know the love of your Son, Jesus. Amen
PAGE 3 7TH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 24, 2020 The practice of requesting a Mass to be offered for loved ones, living or deceased, is a beautiful and wonderful part of our Catholic tradition. Masses are offered for many reasons: for the souls in purgatory, in remembrance of someone who is deceased, or in honor of a birthday. If you would like to have a Mass said for someone, please call our parish office at (818) 342-4686 to request a Mass intention or email administrator@ourladyofgrace.org During this time that we experience “Stay at Home” orders due to Covid-19, Fr. Marinello continues to celebrate daily Mass in private and offers Mass for those intentions that have been requested. Below is our list of intentions from May 2020. A heartfelt Birthday wishes to our very own Fr. Marinello, whoʹs birthday we celebrated on May 15th! Happy Birthday Fr. Marinello!!! From your family at OLG! 3-May Melissa Rios 14-May Tito Abe (birthday) 31-May Wojciech & Janina Kepski 3-May Evan Lawn 15-May Clarita Arlantico 31-May Adam & Maria Dajnowicz 3-May Rev. Seamus Kuebler, O.S.A. 17-May Lucian Ernest 31-May Mary Corn Fischer 3-May Kelly Sotelo Garcia 17-May Clarita Arlantico 31-May Harvey Frank 3-May Clarita Arlantico 18-May Martini Family Intentions 31-May Charles Queenan 3-May Anne Nicolson 19-May Joselito Mamaril 31-May Yelena Asriyan 3-May Kathy Martyn 21-May Nell & John Wooden 31-May Nozell Dilay Tolentino 4-May Maurice Cronin 24-May Clarita Arlantico 31-May Eileen Healy 5-May John LeFevre 24-May Zofia Wozniak-Sztandera 31-May Fr. Michael Sears 6-May Juana Reyes 24-May Jennifer Perla 31-May Joseph Green 8-May Kayla Abe 24-May Zygmunt Wozniak 31-May Joanne Miller 9-May Mary Cronin 24-May Stanislaw & Alina Wozniak 31-May Erica Kepski 9-May Constantin Balcana 24-May Stefan & Maria Wozniak 31-May Christopher Kepski 9-May Barbara Jur 24-May Czeslaw & Maria Wozniak 31-May The Ernest Family (Celine, Sheran, Nirusha) 10-May Clarita Arlantico 24-May Pamela Long 31-May John LeFevre 10-May Aida Gomez 24-May John LeFevre 10-May Alisa Romero 31-May Clarita Arlantico 10-May John LeFevre 31-May Carmelene & Chris Simmons 10-May Jose Valle 31-May Samuel Abe 10-May Ricardo Cortez 31-May Lucia Reyes
PAGE 4 7TH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 24, 2020 FROM THE DESK OF FR. MARINELLO Dear Faith Family of Our Lady of Grace, Praised be Jesus Christ! As we near the end of the Easter season, we hear the gospel reading from John. The setting is Jesus' final prayer to the Father prior to him being betrayed on the night before his death. The prayer is more than three chapters long (15-17). Yet the episode in these three chapters summarizes for us who Jesus is in the Gospel of St. John. Jesus was with God from the beginning. God's love for the world meant sending his Son into the world to reveal the name of God to the chosen. Jesus prays these chosen few who know the only true God. They know the one sent by God, Jesus Christ. And this knowledge is eternal life. Now Jesus prepares to re- turn to the Father, departing this world. Those chosen few, who came to know God and the one he sent, Je- sus his Son, remain in the world with the assistance of another Advocate. We live in the world but are not of the world. Such is the Christian identity, as it is rooted in Jesus' identity. God so loved the world that he gave his only son. But he calls us to be His chosen people. When we feel called by the allure of the world, let us recall that the world is only a temporary home for us. The disciples on that Ascension Day are our models as they looked up to the skies. They were reminded of what their life's goal was all about to attain heaven. Where the Lord and Master goes, we are meant to be since we are his CHOSEN. Pope St Leo the Great reflected on the joy the disciples experienced on that glorious day in these words: “(T)hat blessed company had a great and inexpressible cause for joy when it saw man’s nature rising above the dignity of the whole heavenly creation, above the ranks of angels, above the exalted status of arch- angels. Now would there be any limit to its upward course until humanity was admitted to a seat at the right hand of the eternal father, to be enthroned at last in the glory of him to whose nature it was wedded in the Person of the Son.” A bright future awaits us where love reigns and glory is resplendent. With eyes of faith this week, let us see anew and reorient our lives. Have a blessed week. Stay safe and healthy! In Jesus and Mary, -Fr. Marinello Saguin
PAGE 5 7TH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 24, 2020 CARTA DE PADRE MARINELLO ¡Querida Familia de Fe de Nuestra Señora de la Gracia, ¡Alabado sea Jesucristo! Al acercarnos al final de la temporada de Pascua, escuchamos la lectura del Evangelio de Juan. El escenario es la última oración de Jesús al Padre antes de que sea traicionado la noche antes de su muerte. La oración tiene más de tres capítulos (15-17). Sin embargo, el episodio de estos tres capí- tulos resume para nosotros quién es Jesús en el Evangelio de San Juan. Jesús estuvo con Dios desde el principio. El amor de Dios por el mundo significaba enviar a su Hijo al mundo para revelar el nombre de Dios a los elegidos. Jesús ora con estos pocos elegidos que conocen al único Dios verdadero. Y este conocimiento es la vida eterna. Ahora Jesús se prepara para regresar al Padre, partiendo de este mundo. Aquellos pocos elegidos, que llegaron a conocer al enviado, Jesús hijo de Dios Padre, permanecen en el mundo con la ayuda del Paráclito. Vivimos en el mundo, pero no somos del mundo. Tal es la identidad cristiana, ya que está arraigada en la identidad de Jesús. Dios amó tanto al mundo que dio a su único hijo. Pero nos llama a ser Su pueblo elegido. Cuando nos sintamos llamados por el encanto del mundo, recordemos que el mun- do es sólo un hogar temporal para nosotros. Los discípulos en ese Día de la Ascensión son nues- tros modelos mientras miraban hacia los cielos. Se les recordó cuál era la meta de su vida estaba a punto de alcanzar el cielo. Donde el Señor y el Maestro va, estamos destinados a estar ya que so- mos sus ELEGIDOS. El Papa san León el Grande reflexionó sobre la alegría que los discípulos ex- perimentaron en ese glorioso día en estas palabras: "Esa bendita compañía tenía una gran e inex- presable causa de gozo cuando vio la naturaleza del hombre elevarse por encima de la dignidad de toda la creación celestial, por encima de las filas de los ángeles, por encima del estado exaltado de los arcángeles. Ahora habría algún límite a su curso ascendente hasta que la humanidad fuera ad- mitida a un asiento a la derecha del padre eterno, para ser entronizada por fin en la gloria de él a cuya naturaleza fue conmovida en la Persona del Hijo." Un futuro brillante nos espera donde reina el amor y la gloria resplandece. Con los ojos de fe esta semana, veamos de nuevo y reorientemos nuestras vidas. Que tenga una semana bendecida. ¡Manténganse sanos y seguros! En Jesus y Maria, Padre Marinello Saguin
PAGE 6 7TH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 24, 2020 ARCHBISHOP GOMEZ URGES THE FAITHFUL TO KEEP HELPING EACH OTHER “IN THIS TIME WHEN FAITH IS TESTED” ---In his weekly column the Archbishop recognized the provision of more than 300,000 meals to low-income children in March alone, plus clothing, shelter and the financial support provided to those in need--- Speaking on behalf of all the priests in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, in his weekly column published in the Archdio- cese’s multimedia news platform Angelus News, Archbishop José H. Gomez expressed the shared longing of all priests to once again be together with the faithful during this Easter Season, and acknowledged that although there might be frustration due to the extended quarantine and stay-at-home orders due to COVID-19 (coronavirus) this is a time to re- flect on how God is calling us to show love for him by serving our neighbors. The column is available online to share widely with the faithful through our parishes, schools and ministries at https://angelusnews.com/voices/see-how-they- love-one-another/ (English) and https://angelusnews.com/archbishops-esp/miren-como-se-aman/ (Spanish). The article can also be posted on Facebook by sharing this post: https://www.facebook.com/archbishopgomez/ posts/3760653940643249. “In my own reflections I see God calling us, in a most dramatic way, to realize how much we need him, how we cannot live without him. But I also see God calling us to a deeper sense of solidarity, to realize that we are responsible for one another, that we depend on one another, and we have to take care of one another,” said Archbishop Gomez in his column, “See how they love one another,” (Miren cómo se aman). Archbishop Gomez recalls how in the first century of Christianity, when plagues and pestilence overwhelmed the popula- tion, non-Christians marveled as they watched Christians show their charity and compassion to others. “And it has been beautiful for me to witness so many of you showing your love for God by serving your neighbors in this time of crisis,” continued Archbishop Gomez. “Although our Catholic school buildings are closed, we are still educating tens of thousands of young people every day through distance learning. And we are feeding thousands of poor children every day, offering ‘grab and go’ meals at our schools. In the past month alone, we provided more than 300,000 meals. “And although our church buildings are closed, our parishes remain ‘open.’ We are helping people in our food pantries and giving financial assistance to our neighbors who need food, clothing, and shelter. Our Hearts to Serve hotline is as- sisting hundreds or people seeking everything from help paying bills to mental health resources.” Archbishop Gomez also acknowledged the “beautiful network of compassion” that has been formed between the Archdi- ocese and agencies such as the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, the Knights of Columbus, Habitat for Humanity, and the archdiocesan Catholic Communication Collaboration (C3). He encouraged the faithful to intensify their prayers and to keep loving one another “in this time when faith is tested.” For the latest news and information from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, sign up for our the Archdiocese’s free Always Forward newsletter at https://newsletter.angelusnews.com/.
PAGE 8 7TH SUNDAY OF EASTER MAY 24, 2020 BulleƟn # 513885 Our Lady of Grace Church Leslie Reyes (818) 429-8681 administrator@ourladyofgrace.org How many copies to print = 0
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