Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela May 30, 2021 30 de mayo, del 2021

Page created by Wallace Perry
Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela May 30, 2021 30 de mayo, del 2021
Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School
Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela
               May 30, 2021
           30 de mayo, del 2021
Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela May 30, 2021 30 de mayo, del 2021
Mother of Good Counsel Parish & School ~ May 30, 2021
                                    A Parish staffed by Salvatorians since our foundation in 1925 .
                                   6924 W. Lisbon Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53210 ~ Main Number: 414- 442-7600
                                                Website: ~ School FAX 442-0644
            Weekend Masses: Sat. 5:00 PM, Sunday 10:00 AM, Misa 12 PM~ Weekday Masses: Tuesday, Thursday & Sat. 8:15 AM
                                          and Wednesday at 7:00 PM in Spanish
                         Individual Reconciliation by appointment only. Please contact Fr. Reed.

      Our Parish Mission Statement
“Mother of Good Counsel is a Catholic
                                                                       Readings for the week of
community committed to the teachings of                                     May 30, 2021
Jesus Christ through Worship, Ministry,
Stewardship, and Outreach.”                            Sunday: Dt 4:32-34, 39-40/Ps 33:4-5, 6, 9, 18-19,
                                                              20, 22 [12b]/Rom 8:14-17/Mt 28:16-20
       Calendar for the week of May 30                 Monday: Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16/Is 12:2-3,
            The Most Holy Trinity                             4bcd, 5-6 [6]/Lk 1:39-56
 Sunday, May 30,                                       Tuesday: Tb 2:9-14/Ps 112:1-2, 7-8, 9 [cf. 7c]/Mk
 10:00am Mass ~ Church                                        12:13-17
 12:00pm Misa en español ~ Iglesia                     Wednesday: Tb 3:1-11a, 16-17a/Ps 25:2-3, 4-5ab,
 Monday, May 31 Memorial Day                                  6 and 7bc, 8-9 [1]/Mk 12:18-27
 6:30pm    Addiction Prayer Group                      Thursday: Tb 6:10-11; 7:1bcde, 9-17; 8:4-9a/Ps
 7:00pm    AA/Al-Anon Meeting                                 128:1-2, 3, 4-5 [cf. 1a]/Mk 12:28-34
 Tuesday, June 1                                       Friday: Tb 11:5-17/Ps 146:1b-2, 6c-7, 8-9a, 9bc-10
 8:15am    Mass ~ Church                                      [1b]/Mk 12:35-37
 6:00pm    Pastoral Council                            Saturday: Tb 12:1, 5-15, 20/Tb 13:2, 6efgh, 7, 8
 Wednesday, June 2
                                                              [1b]/Mk 12:38-44
 9:00am    Adoration ~ Chapel by appointment
                                                       Next Sunday: Ex 24:3-8/Ps 116:12-13, 15-16, 17-
 6:00pm    Adoration ~ Church
 7:00pm    Misa en español ~ Iglesia
                                                              18 [13]/Heb 9:11-15/Mk 14:12-16, 22-26
 7:30pm AA Meeting ~ Paulik Hall
 Thursday, June 3
 8:15am    Mass ~ Church
 4:30pm    Bell Choir Practice
 6:30pm    Jubilate Choir Practice
 Friday, June 4
 6:15pm    MGC 8th Grade Graduation
 7:00pm    Boy Scouts ~Scout’s House
 Saturday, June 5
 8:15am    Mass followed by Individual
 5:00pm    Mass of Anticipation ~ Church
 Sunday, June 6 First Communions                                                                        Daniel Amann &
                                                   Sunday, May 30                10:00AM         †      Anthony Lappen
 BLOOD DRIIVE 9am to 2pm
                                                                                                       Francisco Rodriguez
 10:00am Mass ~ Church                             Domingo, 30 de mayo           12:00PM         †       Torres & Amada
 12:00pm Misa en español ~ Iglesia                                                                     Mercado Rodriguez
                                                   Tuesday, June 1               8:15AM          †     Howard & Dorothy
Sacristy Linens
                                                   Miércoles, 2 de junio         7:00PM          †      For MGC Parish
June 13: Connie Stoner                                                                                    John & Jane
                                                   Thursday, June 3              8:15AM          †        Kolvenbach
           Lector Schedule                         Saturday, June 5              8:15AM          †     Terrance Baudhuin

June 5:                                            Saturday, June 5              5:00PM          †       Deloris Dolan
       Gail Berna-Dompke                                                                                   Gil & Jerry
                                                   Sunday, June 6                10:00AM         †
June 6:                                                                                                   Kwiatkowski
       Beth Heffernan & Linda Maigatter                                                                Christopher C Mungo-
                                                   Domingo, 6 de junio           12:00PM         †    van, Amada Mercado &
                                                                                                            Delfina Lua
Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela May 30, 2021 30 de mayo, del 2021
Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela ~ 30 de mayo, 2021
                                     6924 W. Lisbon Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53210 ~ Numero de teléfono: 414- 442-7600
                                                 Pagina de web: ~ Escuela FAX 442-0644
                            Misa de fin de semana: sábado 5:00 pm, domingo 10:00 am, domingo a las 12:00 pm en español
       Misas durante la semana: martes, jueves y sábado a las 8:15 AM en ingles y Miércoles a las 7:00 pm en español
 Confesión individual por cita únicamente, favor de comunicarse con el Padre Reed. Actualmente todas las misas están siendo
                        transmitidas por Facebook Live bajo el nombre Mother of Good Counsel Parish.
                                                                      Domingo 30 de mayo, 2021
           La Oficina está abierta

     Lunes a Jueves de 8:00am-2:30pm
         Viernes 8:00am-12:00pm

                                                                  Por el eterno Descanso de
               Equipo Pastoral: Número de
                                                                Francisco Rodriguez Torres y
                                                                Amada Mercado Rodriguez y el
Pastor: Padre Reed Mungovan, SDS
414 331 9687 celular o extensión 125                            cumpleaüos de Valeria Malagon
para mensajes únicamente
                                                             Las lecturas de la semana del
Director de Formación:                                             30 de mayo, 2021
Mariza y Robert……………..414-899-1811
                                                        Domingo: Dt 4, 32-34. 39-40/Sal 32, 4-5. 6.9. 18-19.
Personal docente de la Escuela                                20. 22 [12]/Rom 8, 14-17/ Mt 28, 16-20
                                                        Lunes: Sof 3, 14-18 o Rom 12, 9-16/Is 12, 2-3. 4. 5-6
Directora: Rachel Johnston……..ext.119                         [6]/Lc 1, 39-56
                                                        Martes: Tob 2, 9-14/Sal 111, 1-2. 7-8. 9 [cfr. 7]/Mc 12,
                                                        Miércoles: Tob 3, 1-11. 16-17/Sal 24, 2-3. 4-5. 6 y 7.
   Nuestra Misión como Parroquia                              8-9 [1]/Mc 12, 18-27
Madre del Buen Consejo es una comunidad                 Jueves: Tob 6, 10-11; 7, 1. 9-17; 8, 4-9/Sal 127, 1-2.
católica comprometida a las enseñanzas de                     3. 4-5 [cfr. 1]/Mc 12, 28-34
 Cristo Jesús a través de los ministerios de            Viernes: Tob 11, 5-17/Sal 145, 1-2. 6-7. 8-9. 9-10 [1]/
  eucaristía, oración, apoyo económico y                      Mc 12, 35-37
                ayuda social.                           Sábado: Tob 12, 1. 5-15. 20/Tob 13, 2. 6. 7. 8 [1]/Mc
                                                              12, 38-44
                                                        Domingo siguiente: Ex 24, 3-8/Sal 115, 12-13. 15-16.
                                                              17-18 [13]/Heb 9, 11-15/ Mc 14, 12-16. 22-26
   Requisitos para la misa y fiesta de
 La quinceañera y su familia necesitan ser
 miembros de nuestra Iglesia por lo menos un               Estamos orgullosos y agradecidos con los Soldados y
 año.                                                      Veteranos de nuestra parroquia. Especialmente con
                                                           estos dos valientes, Junior León (Marine) hijo de
               La quinceañera necesita estar
                                                           Laura Rodríguez, y Nelson Xavier Nuñez (National
               involucrada en un ministerio
               en la misa por lo menos medio
                                                           Guard) hijo de Maria González Nuñez (Conchita).
               año y pertenecer a nuestro                  Tengamos a estos jóvenes y sus familias en
               programa de educación                       nuestras oraciones. ¡ Que Dios los bendiga!
Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela May 30, 2021 30 de mayo, del 2021
From the Desk of Father Reed C. Mungovan, S.D.S.
   Dear Friends in Christ,

   .This weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity.

   Father Francis Fernandez writes in his series, In Conversation with God,
          “The good fortune of having the presence of the Blessed Trinity in the soul is not meant only for
          extraordinary individuals, for people endowed with exceptional charisma or qualities, but for the
          ordinary Christian, who is called to sanctity in the midst of his or her professional activities and
          who wants to love God with all his being, even though, as St. Teresa of Avila points out, there
          are many souls who remain in the outer courtyard of the castle (of the soul), which is the place
          occupied by the sentinels; they are not interested in entering it, and they have no idea of what
          there is in that wonderful place, or of who dwells inside it … In this wonderful place – in the soul
          illuminated by grace – God is with us: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”
   O Holy Trinity, help me to dwell in You more deeply today and to know that You dwell within me. Amen.

   We continue to live-stream all our masses on They are then placed on our

   I appreciate you very much,
   Fr. Reed Christopher Mungovan, SDS
   Holy Mary, Mother of Good Counsel, pray for us.

        LIVE THE LITURGY - INSPIRATION                             SENIOR MINISTRY
                FOR THE WEEK                                       Building Resilience over a Lifetime
           The immensity, scope, intimacy, and pervasiveness       “We should learn from and be inspired by
 of God’s presence is too intense for the human mind. We           both the aging process and the elders
 often limit God by our expectations of Him and have a hard        around us. This is an opportunity to recog-
 time just letting God be God. Some people all too easily          nize age as an asset and a source of
 lose faith because God does not meet their expectations.
 Worse still, the idea of faith is rejected altogether by others   strength. Many older adults stand ready,
 because of polarities and experiences they have that don’t        wanting to help and waiting to be asked. A
 square with who they need God to be. The Holy Trinity is          resilient resource is waiting in a time of
 one of those teachings that is best encountered rather than       need.”
 dissected. It is only through being present with the Trinity
 that we can experience both the immensity and otherness
 of God’s presence as well as the intimacy of the God who
 wants us to call Him “dad.” We feel the loving guidance of a
 God who wants to take us from fear and give us confi-
 dence. Our God of yesterday, today, and tomorrow is a God
 of all ages whose three-fold Presence invades all senses,
 seasons, and times. God, who is Father, Son, and Holy
 Spirit, is much more than any of our expectations if we
 simply let God be who God is.

  The Parish Office will be
close Monday May 31 , 2021
     in observance of
Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela May 30, 2021 30 de mayo, del 2021
Desde el escritorio del Padre Reed C. Mungovan, S.D.S.
 Queridos Amigos en Cristo,

 Hoy celebramos la Santísima Trinidad.

 El Padre Francisco Fernández escribe en su libro Hablar con Dios,
       “Esta dicha de la presencia de la Trinidad Beatísima en el alma no está destinada sólo
       para personas extraordinarias, con carismas o cualidades excepcionales, sino también
       para el cristiano común, llamado a la santidad en medio de sus quehaceres profesionales
       y que desea amar a Dios con todo su ser, aunque, como señala Santa Teresa de Jesús,
       ‘hay muchas almas que están alrededor del castillo (del alma), que es adonde están los
       guardias, y no les interesa entrar, ni saben qué hay en aquel tan precioso lugar, ni quién
       está dentro...’. En ese ‘precioso lugar’, en el alma que resplandece por gracia, está Dios
       con nosotros: el Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo.”
 O Santísima Trinidad, ayúdame a vivir en Ti hoy y ayúdame a saber que Tú vives en mi. Amen.

 Estamos transmitiendo las Misas por y están en nuestra página web:

 Les aprecio mucho,
 Padre Reed Christopher Mungovan, SDS
 Santa María, Madre del Buen Consejo, ruega por nosotros.
 Holy Mary, Mother of Good Counsel, pray for us.

   DE LA SEMANA (Live the Liturgy)
                                                           Happy Birthday
                                                             June 1st to 6th
        La inmensidad, el alcance, la
intimidad y la omnipresencia de la                   Lilian Aldaña                  Nathanial Lee
presencia de Dios es demasiado intensa              Jessica Basile                  Ronald Hagen
para la mente humana. A menudo limitamos           Daisy Bermudez                   Gabriele Harris
a Dios por nuestras expectativas de Él y           Margaret Steppe                Brenna R O’Toole
nos resulta difícil dejar que Dios sea Dios.        Kayla Benitez               Sandra Rubin-Stanosz
Algunas personas pierden la fe con demasi-         Cassandra Eckl                Cassandra L Young
ada facilidad porque Dios no cumple con           Ronald E Klamerus               Jessica Banuelos
sus expectativas. Peor aún, otros rechazan          Rodimiro Vela                 Carli Jo Hoffmann
por completo la idea de la fe debido a las          Sylvia Williams                Tina Marie Miller
polaridades y las experiencias que tienen             Mary Cook                Nicklaus Nauertz-Schalk
                                                    Katrina Drees                 Jeanette Schilling
que no cuadran con lo que necesitan que
Dios sea. La Santísima Trinidad es una de           Carol Worthan
                                                 Magelaake Amuhngwa
esas enseñanzas que se encuentra en
                                                     Emily Braun
lugar de ser diseccionada. Solo estando              James Ezell
presentes con la Trinidad podemos experi-
mentar tanto la inmensidad y la alteridad de
la presencia de Dios tanto como la intimidad
del Dios que quiere que lo llamemos                            El domingo 6 de junio Versity estará
"papá". Sentimos la guía amorosa de un                         aquí de 9 am a 2 pm colectando
Dios que quiere sacarnos del miedo y                           donación de sangre. Si está
darnos confianza. Nuestro Dios de ayer, de                     interesado favor de ir a la página
hoy y de mañana es un Dios de todas las                        web: o
edades cuya triple Presencia invade todos                      llamar al 877-232-4376 para
los sentidos, las estaciones y los tiempos.                     registrarse. ¡Como agradecimiento
Dios, que es Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo,                     por la donación, recibirá una
es mucho más                                                    camiseta de Versiti!
Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela May 30, 2021 30 de mayo, del 2021
Be the Heart: Join or
                                                                                        Support the Mission of
                                                                                        the St. Vincent de Paul

                                                                        “…(our) hearts beat with the heartbeat
                                                                            of the poor.” Rule, Part 1, 1.9

                                                                          A Vincentian heart is a heart on fire
                                                                  to serve the mission of Christ. A ‘super
                                                                  volunteer’ of his time, Frederic Ozanam
                                                                  and six companions founded the Society of
                                                                  St. Vincent de Paul in 1833. Blessed
                                                                  Frederic’s vision was “to establish a
                                                                  network of charity and social justice to
                                                                  circle the world.” His vision reached the
                                                                  United States in 1845 and today there are
                                                                  44 well-established ‘St. Vinnie’ groups,
                                                                  called conferences, in Milwaukee County.
                                                                  We are deeply grateful for conference
                                                                  members who are unhesitant to show
                                                                  Christ’s love to people experiencing pov-
                                                                  erty, suffering and need. In this turbulent
                                                                  time of the COVID-19 pandemic they
                                                                  reliably move into action to relieve distress
                                                                  in your community. They bring hope to
                                                                  situations that seem impossible and they
                                                                  remain faithful to their purpose because
                                                                  they see the face of Christ in others. Do
                                                                  you long to see Christ’s face? Is your heart
                                                                  burning with zeal for Christ’s mission? Has
                                                                  your heart been moved with compassion
                                                                  during this time of great need?
                                                                  We invite you to follow your heart and
                                                                  serve with us. Contact us to offer your
                                                                  support or to learn more about the
                                                                  Vincentian way of service: 414-462-7837
                                                                  ext. 109 or call the
                                                                  MGC St. Vincent de Paul Conference and
                                                                  leave your contact information at
                                                                  414-442-7600 ext. 155.

4 Stages of Marriage – The 4 stages of marriage are: (1) Romance,
(2) Disillusionment, (3) Misery, and (4) Awakening. Many marriages
experience the first 3 Stages. Marriages that end in divorce never
make it to the 4th Stage of Awakening. Don’t give up without learning
about the 4th Stage of Awakening. If your marriage suffers from
Disillusionment or Misery, please contact Retrouvaille (pronounced
retro-VI with a long I).

For confidential information about or to register for the program
beginning with a weekend July 16-18, 2021 in Oconomowoc,
please call (414) 502-7685 or email:
or visit the website at
Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela May 30, 2021 30 de mayo, del 2021
PASTORAL STAFF: MGC Main Number 414-442-7600
                                                            Pastor: Fr. Reed Christopher Mungovan, SDS
Please remember in your prayers: Anne Bauer, Valerie               414-331-9687 cell or ext. 125 for messages only
Bradford, Richard Bowd, Laura Brzakala, Emily Collins,   
Harold Dallapiazza, Quirt Dallapiazza, Ron DeHarde,         Deacon Andy Meuler.................................................x104
Arlyne Fleissner, Ellen Fredricks, Scott Fredricks, Maria
Godinez, Ginny Hack, Barbara Kass, Beth Klamerus            Deacon Dean Collins................................. 262-782-0535
Newton, Ed Kovochich, Art Kreitzer, Mark Nadolski, Jose
Navarro Jr, Lucy Navarro, Kris Nehrbass, Jack O’Dell,    
Marlene & Joe Oswald, Leo Pallasch, Elaine Reidy, Joel      Directors of Faith Formation: Mariza Cruz Konzal
Rivera,, Jose Sanchez, Agnes Schilz, Annette Swanson,,      & Robert Konzal…….……….…ext. 107 or 414-899-1811
Mary Uhlenkamp, Paul Willmering, Jeffrey Yockey,         
Barbara Zukowski,
                                                            Director of Music: Linda July……….........................x103
If you know of someone who needs or would appreciate     
a visit from Fr. Reed please call: 414-442-7600 ext. 125.   Director of Business Office :
                                                            Sandy De La Garza…............................................... x105
                                                            Finance Assistant: Kathy Mymudes………………...x105
              Military Prayer list                       
                                                            Director of Facilities: Adolfo Delgado……............. x168
  National Guard; Nelson Xavier Nunez, son of               Administrative Assistant:
  Maria Gonzalez Nunez (Conchita)                           Gaby Rodriguez………………………………….........x102
  Marine Luis Ornelas, son of Rosa Laura Reynoso         
  Ramirez                                                   SCHOOL STAFF
                                                            Principal: Rachel Johnston ……............................. x119
  Navy Petty Officer Kyle Walcheske, nephew of
  Cathy Walcheske
                                                            School Secretary: Barb Berthold …........................ x118
  Air Force; Louis Cruz, nephew of Robert & Mariza       
  Konzal                                                    Director of ECP: Mindy Kwiatkowski…………..….. x123
  Senior Chief Petty Officer U.S. Coast Guard            
  Kenneth Seefeld, grandson of Elaine Seefeld               Cafeteria Director: Lisa Klug…………….…………...x122
  Marine Sergeant Dwain J. Burke, nephew of                 Trustees
  Brenda & Bob Beaumier                                     Karen Murphy & Dan Scholz
  Army Sergeant Major James Cook, son of Mary &             Pastoral Council Chairperson: Phil Koth..414-350-3745
  Michael Cook
                                                            St. Vincent DePaul: ……………….….414-442-7600 x155
  Air Force Sergeant Kurt Buckawiecki, grandson-
  in-law of Arthur Kreitzer                                 Eucharistic Minister to the Homebound
                                                            Mary Betzwieser………….…………….……414-313-0012
  Special Forces Army Sergeant Joshua Kohut, an
  MGC Graduate & son of Kathy Kohut                         Other Ministries:
  Army Warrant Officer Bradley Dompke, Godson               Contact the Parish Office at 414-442-7600 x102 or the
  of Tony and Gail Dompke                                   School Office x118. For a more complete listing of our
                                                            ministries check our website at
  Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant David John
  Winter, son of Joan M. Winter and John F. Winter
                                                            We are streaming masses live on
  PFC Marine Stephen Thelaner, grandson of Dan &   (at https://
  Judith Scholz
                                                   ) or
  Please keep them and all people affected by war in        on our parish and school
  your Prayers and thoughts! Contact us in the Parish       website
  Office if you have any family members or friends
  who are currently serving and we will add their
  names to our prayer list.
Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela May 30, 2021 30 de mayo, del 2021 Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela May 30, 2021 30 de mayo, del 2021 Mother of Good Counsel Parish and School Madre del Buen Consejo Parroquia y Escuela May 30, 2021 30 de mayo, del 2021
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