3rd Project Phase Elaboration and Materialisation - PROCESS GUIDELINES Prepared by Niccolò Becattini - ELPID

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3rd Project Phase Elaboration and Materialisation - PROCESS GUIDELINES Prepared by Niccolò Becattini - ELPID
3rd Project Phase Elaboration
and Materialisation

Prepared by Niccolò Becattini

May, 2019
3rd Project Phase Elaboration and Materialisation - PROCESS GUIDELINES Prepared by Niccolò Becattini - ELPID
3rd Project Phase
Elaboration and Materialisation
Characteristics that requirements and the specification should comply with

                              Niccolò Becattini
3rd Project Phase Elaboration and Materialisation - PROCESS GUIDELINES Prepared by Niccolò Becattini - ELPID
Where we were, are and will be
      Initial Phase (1)

                                                Product Development Process
  Fuzzy Front End  Project
    Definition and Vision

  Conceptual Phase (2)
   Conceptual Design and
      Early Embodiment
  of the solution  Solution

   Elaboration and
Materialization Phase (3)
 Late embodiment and Detail
Design of the solution  Virtual
  Prototype of the solution,
simulation and documentation
  Evaluation Phase (4)
 Workshop for final solution
 refinement and estimation
       of its potential
3rd Project Phase Elaboration and Materialisation - PROCESS GUIDELINES Prepared by Niccolò Becattini - ELPID
Elaboration and Materialisation Phase
3rd Project Phase Elaboration and Materialisation - PROCESS GUIDELINES Prepared by Niccolò Becattini - ELPID
Deliverables and Deadlines
• Report: May 23rd
    • Max 10000 words
• 3D CAD files: May 23rd
    • Parts
    • Sub-Assemblies
    • Complete Assembly
• Simulation Files: May 23rd
    • Motion study
    • Static analysis
• Bill of Materials: May 23rd
• Draft of the whole solution (not drafts/drawings of sub-assemblies or parts) and exploded view: May 23rd
• Renders: Optional for phase 3, to be done compulsorily in Ljubljana)

                                               3 Weeks
                         Duration of this phase:

                         Next Review Meeting: May 27

                         Consolidation Meeting: May 30
3rd Project Phase Elaboration and Materialisation - PROCESS GUIDELINES Prepared by Niccolò Becattini - ELPID
Expectations for 3rd project review

Concept Refinement                                                Mechanical               Consolidation of the
                                 Parts & Assembly
    (e.g. combination of                                           Behaviour                  solution and
solutions, definition of sub-
                                 (Tasks to be distributed
                                                                  assessment                 Documentation
           systems)                                         (Simulations for parts, sub-   (Finalization of 3D models,
                                   among all the team
           +                    members, according to the   assemblies, final assembly.      Report, Bill of Materials,
                                                            E.g. FEM, Kinematic and/or     File Structure, Render, Cost
      Gantt Chart                       planning)
                                                               Dynamic Analyses...)                 analysis…)

     May 6th-10th                   May 9th-20th                  May 15th-23th                May 18th-26th

                     Note: Despite this is displayed as a sequential process, dates show that
            overlaps and iterations might be necessary for fine tuning the solution and documenting it
3rd Project Phase Elaboration and Materialisation - PROCESS GUIDELINES Prepared by Niccolò Becattini - ELPID
Concept Refinement
                     1. Reconsider the concept which was selected
                        as the most promising during the 2nd
                        review meeting
                     2. Apply/propose the required modification
                        as highlighted by the company
                     3. Start planning a general layout for your
                         • Where will the subsystems be placed?
                         • How much room do they need?
                     4. Check for existing components that should
                        not be produced from scratch and that are
                        available in the market
                         • Check for existing 3D models to
                         • Check the toolbox/shop of
                             components embedded in your CAD
                             modelling system
3rd Project Phase Elaboration and Materialisation - PROCESS GUIDELINES Prepared by Niccolò Becattini - ELPID
Gantt Chart

              1. Identify required sub-systems for your
              2. Organize your work in tasks and
                  • Sub-systems can be used as a
                      reference to organize tasks
              3. Identify relationships between
                 subsystems and plan the tasks
                 accordingly (in time and contents)
              4. Define appropriate timeslots for each
                 task and subtask
              5. Allocate sufficient human resources to
                 carry out each of your tasks
                  • Define responsibilities
                  • Define required inputs
                  • Define expected outputs
3rd Project Phase Elaboration and Materialisation - PROCESS GUIDELINES Prepared by Niccolò Becattini - ELPID
Parts and Assembly Modelling

                       1. Share ideas with your team mates about the
                          software to use and find an agreement
                       2. Define, if needed, an adequate file format for
                          file exchange among team members
                            • If your group uses SolidWorks and Catia,
                                it is easy to share part files between
                                software and also across versions of the
                                same software by means of .3dxml file
                                format to limit feature losses
                       3. Start modelling parts as stated in Gantt
                          Chart (refer to prof. Grafinger’s lecture for
                          modelling guidelines)
                       4. Mate parts and create sub-assemblies
                          according to the Gantt Chart
                       5. Mate sub-assemblies and make a complete
                          3D model of your solution
3rd Project Phase Elaboration and Materialisation - PROCESS GUIDELINES Prepared by Niccolò Becattini - ELPID
(Mechanical) Behaviour Assessment

                         1. Identify moving and static parts
                         2. Double check the consistency of
                            mutual relationships
                            between/among parts and
                            subassemblies with the expected
                            analysis you want to run
                         3. Identify working conditions you
                            would like to simulate, for
                             • Constraints
                             • Loads
                             • Movements
                             • Maximum or minimum room
                             • …
                         4. Refer to prof. Grafinger’s lecture
                            for simulation guidelines
Consolidation and Documentation
                        1. Finalize the complete 3D model of
                           your solution by fixing what was not
                           satisfactory after the assessment
                        2. Define a structure for your report
                        3. Include in your report some crucial
                           factors to evaluate the goodness of
                           your solution:
                            • Manufacturing costs
                            • Potential sale prices
                            • Potentially evaluated differences
                                between Make OR Buy
                        4. Attach relevant files to your report
                            • 3D models
                            • Bill of Materials (BOM)
                            • Renders (if any)
                            • …
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