2021 Platte County 4-H Calendar - Nebraska Extension - Platte County 2715 13th Street Columbus, NE 68601-4916 Phone: 402-563-4901 Fax: ...

Page created by Darren Ramsey
2021 Platte County 4-H Calendar - Nebraska Extension - Platte County 2715 13th Street Columbus, NE 68601-4916 Phone: 402-563-4901 Fax: ...
2021 Platte County 4-H Calendar

       Nebraska Extension - Platte County
               2715 13th Street
          Columbus, NE 68601-4916
              Phone: 402-563-4901
               Fax: 402-563-8001
           Website: http://platte.unl.edu
    Facebook: Nebraska Extension-Platte County
           Twitter: @UNL Platte County
2021 Platte County 4-H Calendar - Nebraska Extension - Platte County 2715 13th Street Columbus, NE 68601-4916 Phone: 402-563-4901 Fax: ...
What is 4-H?
    4-H is an informal, practical, learn-by-doing educational program for rural and urban youth, ages 9 to 19. To be in 4-H, youth
should turn 9 during the calendar year. Clover Kids is a 4-H program for youth turning the age of 6 during the calendar year
through age 8. 4-H is the youth education program of Nebraska Extension.
The 4-H emblem is a four-leaf clover with an “H” on each leaf. The letters of the emblem stand for Head, Heart, Hands and Health
- the foundation of all 4-H programs.
I pledge: My Head to clearer thinking, My Heart to greater loyalty, My Hands to larger service and My Health to better living for
my club, my community, my country, and my world.
Green - natures most common color; symbolizes springtime, life and youth.
White - symbolizes purity and high ideals.
    Slogan                Motto                 Mascot
Learn by doing. To make the best better.        Lil’ Green
    4-H Clubs
The 4-H Club is one of the major methods of involving boys and girls in the 4-H program. The 4-H Club meeting is an important
way to help members learn to make decisions, develop skills in group discussions, try new ideas, develop citizenship and leader-
ship skills, acquire new knowledge, develop confidence, gain a sense of group pride, and form a cooperative attitude. In Nebraska,
the 4-H Club enrollment reporting year is October 1 - September 30. A club may organize any time during the year. However, en-
rollment of 4-H members, clubs and volunteers are due by June 15 of the current year utilizing an internet based database.
    Learning Through 4-H is a Family Affair
4-H centers in the home and family. Members and parents often attend meetings together. Working on projects takes place at
home, in the yard or around the kitchen table with guidance from mom or dad, an older brother or sister, a grandparent, or a
neighbor. 4-H members need the support and encouragement of their families. Growing together through 4-H enhances family
2021 Platte County 4-H Calendar - Nebraska Extension - Platte County 2715 13th Street Columbus, NE 68601-4916 Phone: 402-563-4901 Fax: ...
January 2021
       Sun                   Mon                 Tue        Wed        Thu            Fri              Sat
                                                                             1                    2

                                                                                  Office Closed
3                    4                      5          6          7          8                    9

10                   11                     12         13         14         15                   16
    Junior Leaders       Growing Clovers
     Club Meeting                                                            Leader Training
                          Club Meeting                                        Registration
       1:00 p.m.            6:00 p.m.
       via Zoom                                                                 Deadline

17                   18                     19         20         21         22                   23

                          Office Closed
24                   25                     26         27         28         29                   30
                         Leader Training
                          5:15 p.m. and
                         4-H Council Mtg.
                            7:30 p.m.
2021 Platte County 4-H Calendar - Nebraska Extension - Platte County 2715 13th Street Columbus, NE 68601-4916 Phone: 402-563-4901 Fax: ...
Platte County Robotics
FLL Robotics Regional    Robotics Summer Camps
2021 Platte County 4-H Calendar - Nebraska Extension - Platte County 2715 13th Street Columbus, NE 68601-4916 Phone: 402-563-4901 Fax: ...
February 2021
     Sun                   Mon                  Tue              Wed        Thu        Fri         Sat
                   1                    2                   3          4          5          6
                                              4-H Month                                       County Fair
                   Growing Clovers           Proclamation
                    Club Meeting
                                                                                             Market Cattle
                                             With County                                        Weigh-In
                     6:00 p.m. @               Board of
                   Extension Office                                                          10 a.m.– Noon
7                  8                    9                   10         11         12         13
                   & Family Night
                   5:00 - 7:30 p.m.
                      @ Runza

14                 15                   16                  17         18         19         20
  4-H Kick Off                                                                                FLL Robotics
Party @ Center 7                                                                                Regional
    Theatre,                                                                                 Qualifier & FLL Jr
   Columbus                                                                                   Showcase @
                        Office Closed                                                               CMS
21                 22                   23                  24         25         26         27


                              Nebraska 4-H Month
2021 Platte County 4-H Calendar - Nebraska Extension - Platte County 2715 13th Street Columbus, NE 68601-4916 Phone: 402-563-4901 Fax: ...
Policies of the 4-H Program
1) All 4-H club members must be enrolled in their 4-H project by June 15 in order to exhibit at the
   County Fair. Enrollment is completed on-line at https://ne.4honline.com.
2) The enrollment fee for Clover Kids and 4-H’ers is $5.00 per member per year.
3) Clover Kids may only enroll in Clover Kid projects and all activities are non-competitive.
4) Age requirement:
         * Any youth who turns 6, 7 or 8 during the calendar year may enroll as a Clover Kid.
         * Any youth who turns 9 to 19 during the calendar year may enroll as a 4-H’er.
         * The year a 4-H’er turns 19 is the last year they can enroll in 4-H.
5) Clubs must receive authorization to use the 4-H emblem for promotion or to use for sale items.
   Contact Extension Office for more information.
6) Local 4-H clubs finance themselves by their own fundraising projects. Before starting any fundraisers,
   check with the Extension Office to comply with regulations.

                                                                                                            Extension Board
                                    Extension Staff
                                                                                                      Wilma Arp          402-563-2657
Jill A. Goedeken, Unit Leader/Extension Educator, Child and 4-H - jgoedeken2@unl.edu
                                                                                                      Brad Christensen   308-750-1574
Kelly Feehan, Extension Educator, Water, Climate & Environment and Community - kfeehan2@unl.edu
                                                                                                      Beau Klug          402-910-2217
Aliesha Meusch, Program Assistant - aliesha.meusch@unl.edu
                                                                                                      Carol Korth        402-920-1248
Jayd Roberts, Youth Coordinator - jroberts41@unl.edu

Beth Jones, Extension Office Assistant - bjones30@unl.edu                                             Angie Kruse        402-276-6909

Sandra Swanson, 4-H Office Assistant - sswanson5@unl.edu                                              Jeff Martensen     402-246-2086

                                                                                                      Shary Mueller      402-564-7761
2021 Platte County 4-H Calendar - Nebraska Extension - Platte County 2715 13th Street Columbus, NE 68601-4916 Phone: 402-563-4901 Fax: ...
March 2021
     Sun        Mon                      Tue                 Wed        Thu        Fri        Sat
           1                   2                        3          4          5          6
           Growing Clovers
            Club Meeting
             6:00 p.m. @
           Extension Office

7          8                   9                        10         11         12         13

14         15                  16                       17         18         19         20
           Quality Assurance
           (YQCA) Training
              3-4 p.m. @
            Extension Office

21         22                  23                       24         25         26         27
                                   School Enrichment
                                   Event: Life On The
                               Recognition Banquet
                                   @ Ag Park
28         29                  30                       31
2021 Platte County 4-H Calendar - Nebraska Extension - Platte County 2715 13th Street Columbus, NE 68601-4916 Phone: 402-563-4901 Fax: ...
Jr. Leaders 4-H Club

Objective: To excel in leadership, citizenship and service activities.
  Age Requirement: Turn 13 years old during current calendar year.
2021 Platte County 4-H Calendar - Nebraska Extension - Platte County 2715 13th Street Columbus, NE 68601-4916 Phone: 402-563-4901 Fax: ...
April 2021
        Sun               Mon                   Tue        Wed           Thu                    Fri               Sat
                                                                 1      Speech &       2                    3

      TSC Spring Paper Clover Drive
                                                                      Registration &
4                   5                      6          7          8                     9                    10
                    Growing Clovers Club
                    Meeting 6:00 p.m. @
                      Extension Office

                    4-H Council Meeting
                        8:00 p.m. @
                      Extension Office
11                  12                     13         14         15                    16                   17
                                                                      County Fair                           Quality Assurance
                                                                        Broiler                             (YQCA) Training
                                                                        Order                                 10-11 a.m. @
                                                                       Deadline                              Extension Office

18                  19                     20         21         22                    23                   24

25                  26                     27         28         29                    30
      Speech &
     4:00 p.m. @
                                                                                            Office Closed
2021 Platte County 4-H Calendar - Nebraska Extension - Platte County 2715 13th Street Columbus, NE 68601-4916 Phone: 402-563-4901 Fax: ...
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA)
   Nebraska 4-H requires all youth enrolled in livestock projects to complete annual quality assurance certification through
    Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA). YQCA is a national multi-species quality assurance program focused on
                        three core pillars: food safety, animal well-being, and character development.

    YQCA certification is required for all 4-H members enrolled in any of the following projects:

 Beef (bucket calf, feeder calf, breeding beef, market beef)
 Dairy Cattle
 Goat (breeding meat goat, dairy goat, meat goat)
 Poultry
 Rabbit
 Sheep (breeding sheep, market sheep)
 Swine (breeding swine, market swine)

Annual Training

     Nebraska 4-H members ages 8-18, who are enrolled in any of the livestock projects listed above are required to partici-
pate in an annual YQCA training. Annual training requirements may be satisfied by completing either an online web-based
training course or a face-to-face instructor-led training course. The online web-based training cost $12.00/per person and
face-to-face instructor-led training cost $3.00/per person.

Face-to-Face Training Pre-registration

     All 4-H’ers are required to pre-register for the Face-to-Face training utilizing
the following website: http://yqca.learngrow.io. See calendar for training dates.

YQCA Deadline

    YQCA training must be completed May 28, 2021, deadline.
May 2021
     Sun           Mon                 Tue          Wed               Thu                Fri                Sat
                                                                                    Diamond Clover     1
                                                                                   Goal Submission
                                                                                      and Jr. Camp
2          3                      4          5                   6                 7                   8
                                                County Fair                         Horse ID’s, Horse
               Growing Clovers                                                     Level Testing, Dis-
                Club Meeting                 Information Night
                                                                                     trict Horse Form
                 6:00 p.m. @                    5:15 p.m. @                        and Jr. Camp Reg-
               Extension Office               Extension Office                      istration Deadline
9          10                     11         12                  13                14                 15
                                                                                                      County & State Fair
                                                                                                       Goat, Sheep and
                                                                                                      Swine Tagging, ID
                                                                                                      Sheet, DNA Day @
                                                                                                           Ag Park
16         17                     18         19                  20                21                 22
               County Fair
                Animal ID

23         24                     25         26                  27                28 Quality         29
            Quality Assurance
             (YQCA) Training                     Ag Safety Day      Livestock       Assurance
               10-11 a.m. &                       @ Ag Park      Judging Contest      (YQCA)
                5-6 p.m. @                         1:00 p.m.        @ Leigh         Certification
             Extension Office                                                        Deadline
30         31

                Office Closed
June 2021
     Sun           Mon                     Tue                 Wed                     Thu                 Fri                Sat
                                   1                   2                       3                    4                  5

                                                              Regional Jr. Camp
                                                                               June 2 - 4
6          7                       8                   9                       10                   11                 12
           Growing Clovers Club
                 Meeting           Platte County
               6:00 p.m. @
             Extension Office
                                      Pen of 3
                                   Show 9 a.m.
                    Pen of 3
                    Weigh-In       @ Sale Barn
                7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
13         14                      15                  16                      17                   18                 19
                                        County Fair
                                       Entry & State   District Horse
                                        Fair ID/DNA     Show @ Ag
                                         Deadline           Park

20         21                      22                  23                      24                   25                 26

             4-H Council                                        Fair                Plant Science
           Meeting 8:00 p.m.                               Superintendent           & Entomology
             @ Extension                                   Meeting 8 p.m.             Contests
                Office                                       @ Ag Park               12:15 - 4:45

27         28                 29                       30
            Platte County 4-H                               Platte County              District Horse Show Dates:
            Archery Shoot @
                 Ag Park
                                                           Fair Horse Show                  June 14 - Scottsbluff June 17 - Lincoln
                                                       State Public Speaking
                                                                                            June 15 - Burwell     June 18 - McCook
               PASE & Life Challenge Events @ UNL      Contest @ UNL East                   June 16 - Columbus
                          East Campus                         Campus
Passion Can’t Be Cancelled
July 2021
     Sun             Mon                 Tue             Wed                Thu             Fri              Sat
                                                                       1           2                    3

                                                                                        Office Closed
4           5                       6               7                  8           9                    10

                                                                 Platte County Fair
                 Pre-Fair Entries

                                                                             July 7 - 11
            Check Fair Book for

11          12                      13              14                 15          16                   17

     Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Show
        @ Grand Island, July 10 - 14
18          19                      20              21                 22          23                   24

                                    Robotics Camp @ Extension Office
25          26                      27              28                 29          30                   31
2021 Nebraska State Fair
   August 27 - September 6

Livestock and 4-H Contest On-line
    Entry Deadline: August 10

 Nebraska State Fair 2020
August 2021
     Sun         Mon                      Tue              Wed                Thu        Fri                Sat
1          2                      3                   4                  5          6                  7
           Growing Clovers Club
           Meeting 6:00 p.m. @
             Extension Office

           4-H Council Meeting
               8:00 p.m. @
             Extension Office
8          9                      10                  11                 12         13                 14
                                        State Fair
                                       Livestock &
                                      On-Line Entry
15         16                     17                  18                 19         20                 21
                                                                                      State Fair
                                                                                    Static Exhibits
                                                                                    due to office by
                                                                                       5:00 p.m.

22         23                     24                  25                 26         27                 28
                                                         State Fair
                                                      Exhibits due to
                                                      office by 8 a.m.

29         30                     31

                                                           Nebraska State Fair @ Grand Island
                                                                August 27 - September 6
School Enrichment - GPS

                   Students learn:
                    Global Positioning Systems (GPS) technology

                    Basic usage of handheld GPS units

                    Sport of geocaching
September 2021
     Sun           Mon               Tue         Wed                 Thu        Fri        Sat
                                           1                    2          3          4

5          6                    7          8                    9          10         11
                                               State Fair
                                              available at
                                           office for pick-up
                Office Closed
12         13                   14         15                   16         17         18

                                Husker Harvest Days
                                       September 14 - 16
19         20                   21         22                   23         24         25

26         27                   28         29                   30
October 2021
     Sun           Mon               Tue        Wed        Thu        Fri              Sat
                                                                 1                2
                   TSC Fall Paper Clover Drive                   Clover Program

3          4                    5          6          7          8                9

                        National 4-H Week: October 3 - 9
10         11                   12         13         14         15               16

                Office Closed
17         18                   19         20         21         22               23

24         25                   26         27         28         29               30

4-H Council Role & Responsibility
The Platte County 4-H Council is comprised of adults and youth representing all parts of the county. There are five districts and an at large district
with three adults and one youth serving on the 4-H Council from each district. Their term expires at the end of the year designated after their
                      The duties and responsibilities of the 4-H Council include:
                                    * Help plan a sound county 4-H program.
                                    * Help determine policies for the county 4-H program.
                                    * Serve as a sounding board for ideas and programs.
                                    * Assist in carrying out 4-H events and activities.

The following are members of the 4-H Council:

 DISTRICT I - Walker, Woodville, St. Bernard, Granville, Joliet and             DISTRICT IV - Shell Creek, Bismark and Columbus Townships
 Burrows Townships                                                                   Jenny Meyer - 2021 (Extension Board Rep.)           402-910-0621
      Doug Wiese - 2021 (District Rep.)                          402-920-3324        Cory Osten - 2022                                   402-910-8579
      Eric Reichmuth - 2022                                      402-920-2498        Crystal Klug - 2023 (District Rep.)                 308-830-3100
      Angie Reardon - 2023                                       402-750-7364        Niels Schmidt - 2021                                402-562-5659
      Chelsa Reardon - 2021                                      402-750-7364
                                                                                DISTRICT V - City of Columbus
 DISTRICT II - Humphrey, Creston, Grand Prairie & Sherman Townships                  Renee DeLaCruz - 2021                               402-750-2715
      Jon Korte - 2021                                           402-564-5898        Kristy Spawn - 2022     (Secretary)                 402-276-4779
      Brandon Groteluschen - 2022                                402-920-2024        Sandi Seckel - 2023 (Treasurer & District Rep.)     402-276-0005
      Logan Went - 2023       (Vice President & District Rep.)   402-270-3657        Gretta Kinnison - 2021                              402-276-7670
      Adyson Groteluschen - 2021                                 402-920-2024
                                                                                AT LARGE - Persons not represented in other Districts.
 DISTRICT III - Monroe, Lost Creek, Oconee, Loup & Butler Townships                  Adam Pieper - 2021      (President)                 402-910-8065
      Jeremy Janssen - 2021                                      402-910-1544        Clint Lutjelusche - 2022                            402-910-4766
      Lisa Finn - 2022 (District Rep.)                           402-640-9862        Jared Sweeter - 2023 (District Rep.)                605-957-5251
      Kim Went - 2023                                            402-380-3726        Levi Lutjelusche - 2021                             402-910-4766
      Reese Janssen - 2021                                       402-910-1544
November 2021
     Sun        Mon                 Tue        Wed           Thu                   Fri             Sat
           1                   2          3          4                    5                   6

7          8                   9          10         11                   12                  13

                                                          Office Closed
14         15                  16         17         18                   19                  20

21         22                  23         24         25                   26                  27
             4-H Council
           Meeting 7:00 p.m.
             @ Extension
                                                          Office Closed       Office Closed
28         29                  30
2021 Platte County 4-H Committees
The following 4-H Committees are comprised of members of the Platte County 4-H Council to carry out the many activities of the 4-H
Program. Along with the Extension Staff, the committees will meet to carry out their duties. A Council Representative is listed on each
committee to help report back to the 4-H Council.

                                                                                 Scholarship/Award Application
                                                                                      This committee will review award applicants, select camp scholarships
Beef Efficiency                                                                  and judge 4-H record books in the fall.
     This committee will assist with identifying and weighing all market beef         Renee DeLaCruz                       Kristy Spawn
and Pen of 3 animals twice a year.                                                    Lisa Finn - Council Rep.             Kim Went
     Brandon Groteluschen                 Adam Pieper
     Jeremy Janssen                       Doug Wiese - Council Rep.
     Addyson Groteluschen                 Niels Schmidt                          Pop & Food Stand
                                                                                      This committee will plan pop stand, food menus and prices for the
                                                                                 County Fair. They will obtain the necessary food & supplies and partake as a
Livestock Sale
                                                                                 coordinator during shifts throughout the fair.
     This committee is to plan, prepare and conduct the County Fair
                                                                                      Renee DeLaCruz                       Angie Reardon
Livestock Sale. There is another group of volunteers who assist with livestock
                                                                                      Sandi Seckel - Council Rep           Chelsa Reardon
sale donations.
     Brandon Groteluschen                 Cory Osten
                                                                                 Recruitment & Promotion
     Jeremy Janssen                       Adam Pieper
                                                                                      This committee will assist with 4-H Recruitment Night in February, the
     Jon Korte                            Logan Went - Council Rep.
                                                                                 Tractor Supply Company Paper Clover Drive in the Spring and Fall, and the
     Clint Lutjelusche                    Doug Wiese
                                                                                 4-H Float in the Columbus Days Parade.
     Reese Janssen                        Levi Lutjelusche
                                                                                      Crystal Klug - Council Rep
                                                                                      Kristy Spawn
                                                                                      Gretta Kinnison
     This committee will solicit donors for trophies and awards for the 4-H
                                                                                 4-H Executive Committee (Budget & Nominating)
     Lisa Finn                            Jenny Meyer
                                                                                      Lisa Finn                            Kristy Spawn
     Eric Reichmuth                       Jared Sweeter - Council Rep.
                                                                                      Crystal Klug                         Jared Sweeter
                                                                                      Adam Pieper                          Logan Went
                                                                                      Sandi Seckel                         Doug Wiese
December 2021
     Sun        Mon        Tue        Wed        Thu            Fri              Sat
                                 1          2          3                    4

5          6          7          8          9          10                   11

12         13         14         15         16         17                   18

19         20         21         22         23         24                   25

                                                            Office Closed
26         27         28         29         30         31
                                                                                  Leadership &




                                                                                                                                                                                       Food & Nutrition
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Plant Science
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Earth Science
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Environment &


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Engineering &

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Clover Kids
Pla e County 4‐H Clubs &
Organiza onal Leaders
4‐H Dairy Kids     Cheryl Mueller                                  402‐562‐3965                               X                                                                           X                X                                                      X                     X                                   X

6‐Pack             Cecilia Stenzel    cecstenzel@fron er.com       402‐495‐4475                               X                            X                   X            X            X                           X                 X                                                                       X            X

Backyard                              sam_mueller90
                   Samantha Mueller                                402‐270‐4560       X           X           X              X                                              X             X                X         X                                                                                                      X
Buddies                               @yahoo.com

Baker Makers       Julie Wilke        julie_wilke@yahoo.com        402‐564‐5651       X           X           X              X             X                   X            X            X                 X                                                                                                                X

                   Jaci Behlen        jacibehlen@gmail.com         402‐270‐1756
Bullseye Archery
                   Jennifer Hanna     jhanna122016@gmail.com       402‐380‐2844

Busy Beavers       Nancy Wiese        nlwiese@telebeep.com         402‐428‐9037                                                                                                                                                                                   X

                   Angie Kruse        ajkruse5@gmail.com           402‐276‐6909
Clever Clovers                                                                        X           X           X              X             X                   X            X            X                 X         X                 X                                                                       X            X
                   Anne Hughes        shughes@neb.rr.com           402‐562‐8924

Cornhusker 4‐H     Logan Runge        loganlouiserunge@gmail.com   402‐942‐3437                                                                                                                                                                                   X

                   Sandi Seckel       cseckel@neb.rr.com           402‐276‐0005
Dandy Bakers                                                                          X           X           X              X             X                   X            X            X                 X         X                 X             X                                  X                                   X
                   Gwen Sander        rsander@megavision.com       402‐276‐1062

                   Nila Novotny       nilanovotny@neb.rr.com       402‐910‐4091
Fantas c 4‐H’ers                                                                      X           X           X              X             X                   X            X            X                 X         X                 X             X            X                     X                      X            X
                   Kristy Spawn       kristyspawn@gmail.com        402‐276‐4779

Growing Clovers    Aliesha Meusch     aliesha.meusch@unl.edu       402‐563‐4901                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             X

Just Kids          Gina Blaser        ginablaser@hotmail.com       402‐276‐0312       X                       X                                                             X            X                 X         X                 X                          X          X                                 X            X

K‐9 Commanders     Rena Beran         renaberan@hotmail.com        402‐270‐1617                                                                                                                                                                                                                     X
                                                                                     Leadership &

                                                                                                                                                                                          Food & Nutrition
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Plant Science
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Earth Science
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Environment &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Engineering &

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Clover Kids
Pla e County 4‐H Clubs &
Organiza onal Leaders
Lindsay Leaders   Laura Wiese         stoverlj@hotmail.com            402‐920‐0034       X           X           X              X             X                   X            X            X                 X         X                 X                                                                       X            X

Li le
                  Renee DeLaCruz      rmdelacruz5@gmail.com           402‐750‐2715       X           X           X              X             X                   X            X             X                X                                                      X          X          X                      X            X

Lucky 7           Jeremy Janssen      jjjanssen93@gmail.com           402‐910‐1544       X                                                                                                                                                                          X

Lucky Clovers     Sandra Swanson      jswanee@outlook.com             402‐276‐4116       X                       X              X             X                   X            X             X                X         X                 X                                                X                      X            X

Northern Lites    Tricia Kers ng      kers ng.td@gmail.com            402‐270‐0829       X                                                                                                                              X                                           X                                                          X

Pla e County
                  Michelle Preister   mapreister@telebeep.com         402‐923‐0241
Robo cs

Rising Stars      Tina Goering        shanonrg@yahoo.com              402‐276‐1458       X           X           X              X             X                   X            X            X                 X         X                 X                         X                      X           X          X            X

                  Kayla Berkeland     kviessman@yahoo.com             402‐606‐9349
Rosenborg 4‐H                                                                            X           X           X              X                                              X            X                 X         X                 X                                                X                      X            X
                  Krynn Larsen        klarsen@cccneb.edu              402‐649‐5026

Sham Rocks        Jaime Bock          bockfam@yahoo.com               402‐276‐2356       X           X                          X             X                                X            X                           X                 X                                                                       X            X

Shoo ng Stars     Rose Jacobs         rosejacobs56@gmail.com          402‐910‐0370                                              X                                 X            X                                                          X                                                                                    X

                  Beau Klug           bcklug@fron er.com              402‐910‐2217
Silver Star                                                                              X                                                                                                                                                                          X
                  Crystal Klug        crystallynn84@hotmail.com       308‐830‐3100

Soaring Eagles    Susan Li lefield    sli lefield@ruralradio.com      402‐270‐5267       X           X           X                            X                                X             X                                                                       X                     X           X          X            X

                  Holly Schultz       schultz071983@gmail.com         402‐564‐1277
The Wranglers                                                                                                    X                            X                                X            X                                                                       X           X          X                                   X
                  Tanya Niedbalski    tniedbalski@s rancis.esu7.org   402‐563‐2457

This ‘N That      Robin Coan          rcoan@fron ernet.net            402‐246‐2303       X           X           X              X             X                   X            X             X                X         X                 X                          X                     X                      X            X
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