2021 OAKWOOD SUMMER CAMP - First United Methodist ...

Page created by Frederick Garza

                      Where: Blue Lake Camp 8500 Oakwood Ln, Andalusia,
                                          AL 36420

                                    When: June 27th – July 1st
                      Departure: at 1PM on Sunday from the CLC parking lot
                                  Return: at 1 PM on Thursday

                         What: Oakwood is a retreat at Blue Lake that multiple
                       churches take part in every summer! Upon arrival students
  are put on one of six teams that will compete the duration of camp in various
   ways to come out the Champion! There will be morning and night sessions
everyday that have games, worship, and a message from our speaker! In between
 we will have team games, basketball, and plenty of other awesome things to do
                                     at camp!

How much: $250, this includes all food, lodging and programming at camp! $50
                  due June 11th full payment by June 20th
     If scholarship is needed Contact Robbie Amunds 850-374-0267

 Theme: This year our theme is Reset! A chance to hit the reset button on life
        after this pandemic and what our life should look like now!

                        Create in me a clean heart, O God,
                      and put a new and right spirit within me.
                     Do not cast me away from your presence,
                     and do not take your holy spirit from me.
                      Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
                         and sustain in me a willing spirit.
                                 Psalms 51:10-12

Things you will need
     to bring:
  -Bedding (twin sheets) and pillow, extra blanket if wanted

  - Towel, wash cloth

 - Toiletries: Shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb/brush,
 hair dryer, shaving gear (if necessary), deodorant, etc. You might
 want to bring insect repellant, too.

 - Clothing for four days of lots of activity: This is camp, so shorts
 and T-shirts are in order. It never hurts to have an extra T-shirt and
 extra pants or shorts. Bring clothes to sleep in…not the same clothes
 you wore during the day! Make sure clothing is modest: NO short-
 shorts, spaghetti straps, tube tops, deep cut neck lines, halter tops, etc.

 - Shoes: Bring shoes you can run around in, indoors AND outdoors.
 Flip-flops can only be worn indoors. Due to the presence of cactus,
 spiky weeds, sand spurs, insects, sharp stuff, etc., going barefoot
 outside is NOT allowed
 - BIBLE, pen/pencil, notebook (if you do not have a Bible, see us!)
 - You may bring a cell phone; but most cell phones will not work at
 Blue Lake!
 - Bring decorations for your room if you wish.
    The emergency phone number at Blue Lake is (334) 222-5407.

Oakwood 2021 Covenant
 I covenant with God and the leadership of Oakwood camp to
                    obey the following rules:
  1. I will follow the camp schedule at all times and participate in its events to the best of my
 2. I will not bring any prohibited items including, illegal drugs, alcohol, firearms, weapons, or
  3. I will respect the property of Blue Lake. I’ll clean up any messes I make. I will not open
 4. I will not leave the grounds or go outside its boundaries…including the gym, Linwood, and
                      Oakwood. I will stay with the group and not wander off.
                     5. I will dress with modesty. Clothing must be appropriate.
                           6. I will not go into the opposite gender’s rooms.
                           7. I will not wear opened toed footwear outside.
          8. I will respect the leaders of camp and all others with my words and actions.
  9. We understand that it is up to the discretion of the camp leaders that students can be sent
 home for breaking rules. Parents acknowledge that they will be called to pick up their student
                                              in these cases.
             10. I will follow the guidelines set by the camp in reference to Covid-19

Youth Signature: ______________________________               Date: ______________
Parent Signature: ______________________________              Date: ______________

                               Registration form
                                 Oakwood Summer Camp is held each year at Blue Lake
                                 Methodist Camp which is near Andalusia, Alabama. You’ll
                                 experience amazing classes, Incredible worship, fun games, free
                                 gym time, food, a great speaker & worship band, and many
                                 other surprises. Further information about the camp and what to
                                 bring will be provided by letter when you register. Any student
                                 currently in grades 6-12 is eligible to go. We pray that you’ll
                                 consider going to Oakwood with us June 27th- Jul 1st!

                                *The total cost for this year’s camp is $250.00 & that covers all food, lodging,
                                                        and programming while at camp.
                             *A deposit of at least $50 is due at time of registration
              *Registration/deposit deadline is Sunday June 11th     (Full Payment due: Sunday, June 20th)

                           Oakwood 2021 Registration
                                         Camp is June 27-July 1
Name: ____________________________________________ phone: (______) _________________________


Parent name / email: ________________________________________________________________________
Age: _____ Grade: _____ Circle one: male           female          T-shirt size: S M L XL XXL

Covid-19 Policies from Blue lake camp:

● Instruct any potential participant that has shown signs of respiratory illness
in the past 2 weeks or has come in contact with someone who has, to stay

● Temperature check your participants before you arrive at Blue Lake (less
than 100.00 F required), anyone with a fever is to stay home.

● Monitor and enforce personal distance between your group

● Wear masks indoors at all times (unless eating)

● Wear masks outdoors if 6 feet of social distancing cannot be maintained.
This does not include water activities or high impact athletic activities.

● Masks will be required in the GaGa pits. They will also be required at the
campfire rings if 6 feet distance is not possible due to the size of the group.

● Instruct your participants on hand washing, coughing and sneezing best

● Inform Blue Lake staff of ANY potential respiratory illness on our
property immediately.

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