Sales Brochure - Hi & Fi Asia-China 2021 23-25 June 2021 NECC, Shanghai, China - Fi Global

Page created by Jonathan Rivera
Sales Brochure - Hi & Fi Asia-China 2021 23-25 June 2021 NECC, Shanghai, China - Fi Global
Sales Brochure

        Hi & Fi Asia-China 2021
                               23-25 June 2021
                         NECC, Shanghai, China

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Sales Brochure - Hi & Fi Asia-China 2021 23-25 June 2021 NECC, Shanghai, China - Fi Global
Some of the key trends being seen
across the Chinese F&B market


  China’s plant-based and meat-alternative market has
  experienced a surge in recent years, with COVID-19
  further adding to an already upward projection.

  The Chinese government is tackling both obesity and
  carbon emissions by committing to decreasing the
  country’s meat consumption by 50% by 2030.

  COVID-19 has had a huge impact on consumer
  perception and concerns around food safety. Wet
  markets in China are constantly under suspicion of
  creating new COVID-19 hotspots which has resulted
  in a shift towards plant-based alternatives.

  International players are leading the plant-based
  market in China by partnering with chains like
  Starbucks, KFC, and Taco Bell. However Chinese
  companies entering the market are at an advantage
  as they understand local tastes and culture.


  Scoring 12 points above the global average, China is
  today known to be one of the most health-conscious
  nations worldwide.

  73% of Chinese consumers are willing to pay extra for
  food deemed healthier and 58% of the Chinese
  middle class are willing to pay more for brands they
  view as ethical.

  Physical health and food safety is now a priority for
  Chinese consumers, and as income rises and the
  pandemic passes, the market size of natural health
  food is expected to approach 200 billion RMB in 2022.

Hi & Fi Asia-China 2021                                   23-25 June 2021
Sales Brochure - Hi & Fi Asia-China 2021 23-25 June 2021 NECC, Shanghai, China - Fi Global
Welcome to
                                                Hi & Fi Asia-China 2021

At a glance:
The China's one stop shop for the food and health industry
Hi & Fi Asia-China 2021 is the only China's show under Fi Global portfolio and the China's leading B2B trade show for
the health and food ingredients industries with a history of 23 years. In 2021, it will take place from 23-25 June 2021 in
the NECC, Shanghai together with HNC, ProPak China & FoodPack, and Starch Expo to bring you an extensive
offering in health and natural ingredients, food ingredients, beverage ingredients, starch ingredients, organic
products, finished nutraceuticals, and food packaging and processing solutions – all under one roof.

The combined platform, with a total net exhibition area of 170,000 square meter, is expected to welcome more than
2,000 exhibitors and 100,000 visitors.

Product categories                                                      Why Hi & Fi Asia-China?
                                                                                           China's leading
                                                                         Under Fi Global    professional      With a history
                                                                            portfolio         B2B show         of 23 years

  Health        Natural     Functional raw materials    Food
                                                                          One stop shop                          Contents
ingredients   ingredients       and ingredients        additives                              Unlimited
                                                                          for the health                      closely in line
                                                                            and food                         with the China's
                                                                             industry                             market

                                                                             A skillful
                                                                            marketing        Innovation
   Food       Food spices          Beverage            Organic                team
ingredients   and flavors         ingredients          products

                                                                       Co-located shows
                                                                       Bringing you the entire F&B industry value chain

                                                                       Healthplex Expo 2021|
                                                                       Natural & Nutraceutical Products China 2021

                                                                       Propak China & Foodpack China 2021

                                                                       Starch & Potato Expo 2021

                                                              Hi & Fi Asia-China 2021                  23-25 June 2021
Why Exibit ?

Visitor profile
Top Primary Business Activities                                   Top 10 products that visitors were interested in

                                                                  Plant extracts                                       44.43%
                                       Finished beverage/         Dietary fiber                                        38.26%
                                       food manufacturer
                                                                  Amino acid                                           33.79%
                                                                  Probiotics/Prebiotics                                 30.64%
                                                                  Fruit and vegetable/cereal/nut products               29.36%
                                       14.42%                     Antioxidants                                          26.31%
                                                                  Sweeteners                                            26.03%
                                       Import/ Export             Stabilizer/Thickener/Bonding agent/Expansion Agent    25.25%

                                                                  Minerals/Trace elements                               23.23%
                                       Consulting                 Emulsifier                                            19.43%

  1,515                    328                       52,624                      83.73%                          55.24%
 Exhibiting             Ingredients           Visits from China           of exhibiting companies                visitors have
companies                 suppliers             and abroad                   were satisfied with              purchasing power
                                                                                  the show
* The above numbers based on Hi & Fi Asia-China 2020

You might see the following buyers during the show

Hi & Fi Asia-China 2021                                                                                     23-25 June 2021
Why Exibit ?

Buyer Programme: Match & Meet
Last year, we finished 2020 on a high, with a very successful edition of
Hi & Fi Asia-China, which was not just because of we having brought together
the entire F& B industry under the one roof, but also we having well organized
a number of activities that were closely in line with the China's market trends,
such as 'plant base', 'mental health', 'elder health', 'digestive health', etc.

Beyond that, network opportunity was also the key that has satisfied our exhibitors the most. We all knew that the
global trade was attacked and influenced by the outbreak of the pandemic and the travel restrictions, however in
the meanwhile, we quickly realized that it would be more important than ever to create a platform for the industry to
come together. Hence, Hi & Fi Asia-China, relying on its resource that have gained in the past editions and the
supports of Fi global portfolio, has launched a special buyer programme 'Match & Meet' which has enabled interna-
tional buyers from around the world to connect virtually with ingredients suppliers exhibiting at Hi & Fi Asia-China 2020.

This year, with the huge success in 2020, we will continue this event to contribute your connections with buyers across
the globe beyond geography.

Event Facts in 2020

                 150                                      105                                       70

          pre-arranged video                      exhibiting companies                       buyers from India,
               meetings                                 attended                        Singapore, Russia, Malaysia,
                                                                                            Thailand, Indonesia,
                                                                                            Philippines, Vietnam,
                                                                                              Cambodia, etc.

Some of the buyers in 2020 (in no particular order)
                                            PT. Anggarda Natura Indonesia                    Agroresurs
                                            Top Creamery Food Mfg Cofp                       NHL Corporate Group
                                            Buanatama Fajar Abadi, PT                        GELINTA
                                            EFKO                                             Herma Café and Bistro
                                            Rusagro group                                    NMC Corporation
                                            ITS Nutriscience                                 Mintana Company Limited
                                            Bronson AND Jacobs International Co., LTD.       K T MSG CO., LTD.
                                            MERDIENT COMPANY LIMITED                         Madusari Nusaperdana
                                            Namsiang Co.,Ltd                                 PT. Roha Lautan Pewarna
                                            Chemvera specility                               Bullin
                                            Nutriscent                                       Unifam

                                     Hi & Fi Asia-China 2021                                         23-25 June 2021
Hi & Fi Asia-China 2021
 23-25 June 2021 | NECC, Shanghai, China

      What are you
    still waiting for ?
       Come and consult with our sales
           experts who will give you
       professional advises on exhibiting!

Pan Asian
Ms. Emma Ruan
Direct line: +86 (0) 21 3339 2280

The rest of the world
Mr. Tolga Irkan
Direct line: +31 (0)61 1587079
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