2021 Coronado Summer Concert Series - The Tradition Continues - Coronado Promenade Concerts

Page created by Robin Lang
2021 Coronado Summer Concert Series - The Tradition Continues - Coronado Promenade Concerts
Concerts           The Tradition Continues

2021 Coronado Summer
    Concert Series
     June 20 - September 12
2021 Coronado Summer Concert Series - The Tradition Continues - Coronado Promenade Concerts
President’s Message

Welcome to the 2021
Coronado Promenade Concert Season
Welcome Back Everyone!
We are so excited to be able to celebrate the return of our beloved summer concert series. A        Cathy Brown
                                                                                                    2021 CPC President
tradition where family and friends come together for fun, laughter and lots of dancing! Due to
the pandemic we sadly had to cancel the 2020 season.
Happily, this year will allow a 12-concert series with six Coronado bands performing! The singing of the national
anthem by a guest volunteer, a crowd favorite, also continues. New this year, to support our local restaurants we
have established a new food drop off zone along Seventh Street for your convenience.
WE REALLY NEED YOUR HELP! The Coronado Promenade Concerts’ (CPC) is an independent 501 (c) 3 non-profit
organization. Please know CPC does not receive any funds from the city of Coronado. The annual budget for
the usual 16 summer concert season is over $100,000 raised through donations, program ads and sponsorships.
Due to the late timing of our knowledge that there would be a concert season, the Board of Directors authorized the
use of reserves to cover the costs of this year's concerts rather than solicit ads or individual concert sponsorships.
This means all of the funds we had budgeted for the Concerts in the Park 50th Anniversary next year will
have been spent.
So PLEASE, when you see the Red Bucket Brigade approaching, wave them down, dig deep and show your
appreciation for the value of this priceless experience. Give generously because this year we need your help
more than ever.
None of this could be possible without the support of members of the Coronado City leadership:
Mayor Richard Bailey                                                Coronado City Council
Interim City Manager Mark Ochenduszko                               Police Chief Chuck Kaye
Fire Chief Jim Lydon                                                Director of Public Services Cliff Maurer
Senior Management Analyst/Arts & Culture Kelly Purvis

We couldn’t do it without them! Also, thank you to Holland’s Bicycles who donate the bike locks raffled
off every Sunday.
Please make a special effort to support our local businesses! Sit back, laugh and enjoy the show.
Now Let's Dance!
Cathy Brown

For All the Latest Updates                                                  2021 Board of Directors
 visit our website at
or friend us at facebook.com/coronadoconcerts
2021 Coronado Summer Concert Series - The Tradition Continues - Coronado Promenade Concerts
Coronado Concerts Rules and Regulations

      Please Keep Our Concerts Safe, Healthy and Clean
 Unload Your Gear Safely at These                                   Concert Guidelines for
Locations & New Food Delivery Zone                                      All Attendees
                                                           Be Considerate. We are very proud to share we
                                          th S
                                              t            have very few rules and ask for your consideration
                                                           in following them.
                                      LOADING              Set Up. There is a lot less shade this year. If you
                        LOADING                            would like to set up an umbrella or tent, we suggest
                                                           placing it on the outside perimeter of the park. Ask
                                                           yourself, “Would you like to be sitting behind you?”
                                                           No Smoking. Coronado parks and beaches are
                 OFF ZONE                                  smoke free by law.
                                                           No Dogs. Per Coronado Municipal Code, dogs are
                            LOADING                        not allowed in Spreckels Park at any time. However,
                        t                                  dogs including emotional support animals, not
                                                           qualified as service animals under Title II and III of
                                                           the Americans with Disability Act, may enjoy the
 Food Delivery Guidelines                                  concert with their owner, on the grassy strip
                                                           between the sidewalk and the street surrounding
   Only for food that has been previously ordered and      Spreckels Park.
   paid for from a Coronado restaurant for delivery to a
   named individual who must be waiting at Seventh         No Solicitations, leafleting or temporary
   Street to retrieve food                                 banners are allowed by law. This includes blade
                                                           and sail banners.
   No resale of food will be allowed at the concerts
                                                           No “Staking Out” or reserving space prior to
   Coronado restaurants MAY use food delivery              3:00 p.m. Unattended personal property in
   parking spot up to 5 minutes at any one time
                                                           Spreckels Park may be removed.
   Coronado restaurants MAY NOT use general concert        No Running or Jumping around the stage area.
   loading zones at any time for food delivery
                                                           Please stay off the steps of the gazebo.
   Coronado restaurant drivers MAY NOT leave
                                                           No Throwing of any objects during set up,
   delivery vehicle unattended
                                                           concert and take-down period in the park. We ask
   CPC does not man the location or have information       that play take place at the playground, located in
   about specific food orders or delivery                  the southwest corner of the park at Seventh Street
                                                           and C Avenue. Parents, relatives, guardians and
                                                           caregivers are responsible for the children they
                                                           bring to our concerts. Please do not allow children
               Food Deliveries.                            to engage in any activity that could harm
               Please take note of the new food drop       themselves or others.
               off zone located now in the middle of       No Barbecues. Don’t force others to breathe
               Seventh Avenue.                             fumes from your grill.

 To contact us for volunteer or band opportunities please email us at info@coronadoconcert.com
Coronado Promenade Concerts

             2021 Schedule at a Glance                                                 Board of Directors
      June 20       4:30 p.m.      Coronado Concert Band                          President
                                                                                  Cathy Brown
                    6:30 p.m.      It’s Never 2L8
                                                                                  Vice President
      June 27       6:00 p.m.      Ron’s Garage                                   Maggie Hannegan
         July 4     n/a            NO CONCERT                                     Rebecca Denton
       July 11      6:00 p.m.      Crown Town with Matt Heinecke                  Gloria Tierney
                                                                                  Legal Counsel
       July 18      6:00 p.m.      Full Strength                                  Carrie Downey

       July 25                     In Midlife Crisis                              President Emeritus
                    6:00 p.m.                                                     Floyd Ross

     August 1       6:00 p.m.      Sully and the Souljahs                         Past President
                                                                                  Bill Gise
     August 8       6:00 p.m.      NRG                                            Talent Co-Chairs
                                                                                  Marilyn Rees & Ray Gosselin
    August 15       6:00 p.m.      Smith                                          Investment Chair
                                                                                  George Morgan
   August 22        5:00 p.m.      Yachty by Nature
                                                                                  Program & Website Chair
                                                                                  Karen Greenberg
   August 29        5:00 p.m.      BETAMAXX
                                                                                  Rodney Lobato & Ken Canete
 September 5        5:00 p.m.      Special Concert w/Guest
                                                                                  A very special thank you to John Volk,
                                                                                  Production Headquarters International,
September 12        5:00 p.m.      Side Traxx                                     Valerie & Steve Schutte, The Design Depot,
                                                                                  Gary Gorke, GMS Industrial Supply and
This program is a publication of Coronado Promenade Concerts, Inc.,               Derry Cowley Bowman for all you do for the
a 501(c)3 non-profit organization; P.O. Box 182072, Coronado, California © 2021

To everyone who has donated anonymously through contributions to the
Red Bucket Brigade or otherwise, we THANK YOU.
Each and every donation helps keep Coronado Concerts in the Park possible. Your donations to
Coronado Promenade Concerts are deductible to the full extent of the law. We take all forms of
payment on our website at www.coronadoconcert.com, PayPal and Venmo at @coronado-concerts.
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