Kenya Safari - The Great Migration - Aramco Expats

Page created by Timothy Mills
Kenya Safari - The Great Migration - Aramco Expats
Kenya Safari - The Great Migration

                                Dadabhai Travel Group
                                  June 23 - July 2, 2023
                                         “L” days

Friday              International airfare is not included with this tour. Each passenger will
June 23             book and pay for their own airline tickets. The tour will begin with your
                    arrival in Nairobi. You will be met upon arrival and transferred to the
                    Tamarind Tree Hotel. We will have a short safari briefing at the hotel
                    after your arrival and check in. The rest of the afternoon is free for
                    shopping and personal touring. Dinner is on your own, with overnight at the
                    Tamarind Tree Hotel.

Saturday            Breakfast is included with your safari. A city tour includes visits to Karen
June 24             Blixen’s Home, Giraffe Manor, Kuzuri Bead Factory, and Daphne Sheldrick’s
                    elephant orphanage. Lunch at a local restaurant and shopping in Nairobi.
                    Dinner is on your own and overnight at the Tamarind Tree Hotel B

Sunday              After breakfast at the Tamarind Tree, we drive north through the "White
June 25             Highlands” and have lunch at the Trout Tree Restaurant in the foothills of
                    Mt. Kenya. We will cross the Equator and continue north arriving at the
                    Samburu National Park. After a game drive on entering the park, we will
                    check into Ashnil Samburu Camp. B, L, D

Kenya Safari 2023
Kenya Safari - The Great Migration - Aramco Expats
Monday              We will spend a second full day in Samburu National Park, home to the
June 26             Oryx, gerenuk, blue necked Somali ostrich, and the reticulated giraffe.
                    Samburu is also home to herds of elephant and one of our best chances to
                    view leopard. Overnight at the Ashnil Samburu Camp. B, L, D

Tuesday             An early morning game drive and breakfast will get us on our way, as we
June 27             head to the Rift Valley and Lake Nakuru National Park. This Park has
                    become increasingly popular due to the large number of white rhinos
                    relocated from South Africa. Lion, leopard, and resident flamingo may also
                    be seen. We will stay at Lion's Hill Lodge and have a game drive after
                    lunch. B, L, D

Wednesday           After breakfast at the lodge we will drive back to Nairobi for lunch at the
June 28             Carnivore Restaurant, where you can dine on ostrich, crocodile, and other
                    selections of meat. We will catch our flight to the Masai Mara at 3:30.
                    Kichwa Tembo Camp, set within the Masai Mara, is our base for the next
                    three nights. The Masai Mara is considered by some to be the best game
                    park in all of Africa. It is the site of many wildlife documentaries and the
                    greatest spectacle of the animal kingdom, The Great Migration of 1.5
                    million wildebeest from the Serengeti. Following a late afternoon game
                    drive, we will relax at the lodge with cocktails and a delicious dinner. B, L,

Kenya Safari 2023
Kenya Safari - The Great Migration - Aramco Expats
Thursday            A full day safari in the Mara, Kenya's best game park, will be the highlight
June 29             of your African adventure. During the morning you will have the chance to
                    take an optional balloon ride over the Mara, complete with champagne
                    breakfast and game drive. For those who do not wish to go ballooning, a
                    morning game drive after breakfast will start your Mara safari. The day
                    ends with the afternoon game drive and relaxing at the lodge in the
                    evening. B, L, D

Friday              A second full day in Kenya’s best game park will allow us time to fully
June 30             appreciate the grander of this magnificent environment. We will go to the
                    Mara River and watch as the wildebeest swim for their lives. The Mara
                    River is inhabited by the Nile crocodile, which feed on the migrating game
                    each year. Black rhino, eland, hippo and crocodile are only a few of the
                    large animals that abound in this ecosystem. This extra day allows us time
                    to relax and enjoy the newly rebuilt Kitchwa Tembo Camp. B, L, D

Saturday            After breakfast we will top off our time in the Mara with a morning game
July 01             drive. We will have time to cross the Mara River and explore the entire
                    Mara ecosystem. An optional visit to a Maasai village will be an experience
                    you will not forget. After lunch we will catch our flight back to Nairobi at
                    3:30 PM. Dinner is on your own, we overnight at the Tamarind Tree Hotel.
                    B, L

Kenya Safari 2023
Kenya Safari - The Great Migration - Aramco Expats
Sunday               Morning at leisure before your transfer to the Jomo Kenyatta
July 02              International Airport for your return flight to Saudi Arabia or your home

                     International airfare is not included with this tour. Each passenger should
                     arrange their own reservations from their home to Kenya and back..

                                            TOUR LEADER
                                              Lou Spencer

Lou has led over 40 safaris to Kenya, Tanzania, and Mt. Kilimanjaro during his employment
with Aramco. He will be meeting the group in Nairobi when they arrive. Any questions
concerning the safari may be addressed to Lou or Tom via email.

                                          Contact in Dhahran

                                           Tammy Koenning
                                             878 – 9800
                                            050 – 414 - 9996

All payments must be made in cash, either SAR or US $, and should be given to Tammy Koenning.


Adult sharing a double/twin room                                             $   4,335
Adult single                                                                 $   5,150
3rd Adult or Child 12 or OVER sharing with both parents                      $   4,700
2 Children under 12 sharing a second room                                    $   3,825
Child (2-11) sharing with both parents                                       $   3,325
Optional Hot Air Balloon Ride – adult                                        $     500
Optional Hot Air Balloon Ride – child                                        $     300
Optional superior normal tent adult cost (for 3 nights)                      $     360
Optional superior view tent adult cost     (for 3 nights)                    $     450
Optional superior normal test child sharing with another child               $
Optional superior normal tent child sharing with 2 adults                    $
Optional superior view tent child sharing with another child                 $
Optional superior view tent child sharing with 2 adults                      $

Kenya Safari 2023
Kenya Safari - The Great Migration - Aramco Expats

All transfers and safari transportation by minivan with English-speaking driver guides.
Hotel, lodge, and camp accommodations.
All meals while on safari, and breakfast while in Nairobi. All entrance fees.
Flying Doctor Service Insurance while in Kenya is included.
All service charges.
All tips regarding luggage, camp staff, drivers, and local guides are included.
At Kitchwa Tembo Camp – soft drinks, house wines, local beers, and brand spirits


Kenya visas cost $50. Kenya visas may be obtained online.
Three (3) dinners and one (1) lunch in Nairobi
Optional tours, Maasai village visit, balloon safari
Transportation to and from your home and airport
International airfare from your home to Kenya and back.

Kenya Safari 2023

A payment of $700 per person is due when you make your reservation. No reservation can be
confirmed without a deposit. Payments should be in cash, US $ or SAR. Payments should be
made to Tammy Koenning in Dhahran.

Final Payment due May 1, 2023.


A full refund, less a $200 cancellation fee, will be made up until May 1, 2023. After May 1,
2023, the cancellation fee will depend on the policies of our local agent in Nairobi.

” Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t
do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the
safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” –
Mark Twain

                           Kitchwa Temp Camp Superior View Tent

Kenya Safari 2023
Dadabhai Travel Group

                                          Tour Reservation Form

        Name of Tour: Kenya Safari Date of Tour: June 23 – July 2, 2023
                                 Please PRINT all information clearly with a pen.
                                                Passenger # 1                    Passenger #2
  Full Name as on passport:
  Date of birth (D/M/Y)
  Place of birth:
  Passport #:
  Place of issue (city):
  Date of issue (D/M/Y):
  Date of expiry (D/M/Y):
  Head of Household Badge #:
  P.O. Box & District:
  Home Telephone:
  Work Telephone:
  e-mail: (company and/or internet)

                                       Optional Tour: [ ] Hot Air Balloon

                           Superior Normal Tent Option at Kichwa Tembo Camp [ ]

                            Superior View Tent Option at Kichwa Tembo Camp [ ]

               Room requirements: [ ] Single           [ ] Double         [ ] Triple       [ ] Sharing
             Certain types of rooms may not be available at all hotels. See trip brochure for limitations.

I agree to all conditions of the tour, including those of refunds and cancellation fees, as outlined in the tour
brochure. There is a general no smoking policy at all group events, meals, meetings, and while
traveling in the safari vans. Thank you for your cooperation.

Signature:                                                  Date:

               Contact Lou Spencer or Tammy Koenning for registration and payment information:


IMPORTANT NOTICE: No reservation form can be accepted without complete personal information as
requested above as well as a deposit for each participant.

Kenya Safari 2023
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