Diets to your Door! GoodHealth - Rachel Smith

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Diets to your Door! GoodHealth - Rachel Smith
      Road te

      Diets to
     your door!
           Want to ditch the shopping trolley and let someone else
         take the guesswork out of weight loss? A diet-food delivery
             service could be just the ticket, writes Rachel Smith

Diets to your Door! GoodHealth - Rachel Smith

                                               The program:                     of pre-washed salad and         the ‘fresh seasonal produce’    How it tastes: Generally
                                               Dietlicious                      fruit make it convenient to     approach very appealing,        pretty good, although some
                                                grab a quick snack or pull      especially with salad           of the frozen dinners were a
                                                                                a salad together.               accompanying every lunch        little bland. Options we ate
                                               Available: Sydney,               Downsides: We’d have loved      meal and vegetables             included Baked Beans and
                                               Melbourne, Brisbane,             to see more egg-based           included with every dinner      Cheese on Multigrain Toast,
                                               Canberra and surrounds.          breakfasts offered.             meal. One possible downside     Classic Fruit Muesli, Sliced
                                               What you get: All food           What it costs: $29.25 per day   is that dairy foods appear      Turkey and Tomato Roll, and
                                               including salad boxes, fruit     for the 5000kJ menu, plus       to be included in small         Salmon Teriyaki. Snacks
                                               and bread for the week –         $8.50 to $14.50 delivery,       amounts. Three serves of        include fruit, tiny low-fat
                                               nothing to add except milk.      depending on your location.     low-fat dairy are typically     muffins and nut mixes.
                                               Dietlicious recommends           Support offered: There is       needed each day to get          Downsides: The food is quite
                                               two serves of fruit per day      phone support if you need       enough calcium.”                processed and the protein
                                               and salad/vegetables with        it and a follow-up call to                                      portions can be small,
                                               lunch and dinner.                find out how you’re going.                                      leaving you occasionally
                                               How it tastes: Very good, with   Dietlicious plan to launch      The program:                    hungry between meals.
                                               lots of spices and interesting   a weekly call support program   Lite n’Easy                     Menus can be a bit inflexible,
                                               flavour combinations. On our     in the near future.               too – if the breakfast or lunch
                                               trial, we ate meals such as      You’ll like it if… You like                                     options for one day don’t
                                               Chicken and Almond Filo,         your food, want to lose         Available: All States except    appeal, you can’t swap
                                               Veggie and Lentil Burgers,       weight and re-learn portion     NT and Tasmania.                meals from other days.
                                               and Salmon with Chermoula        sizes and healthy options.      What you get: All food,         What it costs: It’s good value
                                               Crust. Some cooking is           Dietitian Vanessa Schuldt       snacks, salads, fruit and       at $18/day for breakfast, lunch
                                               involved with the vacuum-        says… “This meal service has    breads. There are two options   and dinner on a seven-day
                                               packed vegies, but the boxes     adopted a high-protein and      for breakfasts and lunches      5000kJ plan.
                                                                                low-fat eating plan, with the   each week and there are over    Support offered: Customers
                                                                                benefit of plenty of fibre to   60 dinners to choose from       can call or email a Lite n’Easy
                                                                                help satisfy hunger. I find     – so there’s lots of variety.   weight-loss consultant at
                                                                                                                                                any time.
                                                                                                                                                You’ll like it if… You’re
                                                                                                                                                not fussed about missing

photography corbis / getty images / jumpfoto

Diets to your Door! GoodHealth - Rachel Smith
home-cooked meals. It’s          delivered in a cooler bag
economical, to-your-door         every morning.
convenience that helps you       How it tastes: Delicious.
shed kilos while eliminating     Portion sizes are decent,
the need to shop and cook.       the food is super fresh and
Dietitian Vanessa Schuldt        everything reheats well. It’s
says… “This low-fat meal         also handy if you’re seeking
service is more traditional in   some new ideas on what to
its dietary approach, with a     cook! On our Good Health
greater percentage of energy     trial, we ate Poached Eggs
coming from carbohydrate         with Homestyle Baked Beans
and less from protein than       and Baby Spinach, Thai
both the Dietlicious and Eat     Chicken Laksa with Rice
Fit Food meal services. The      Noodles, and Barramundi
meals deliver a good dose        with Salsa Verde and Green
of fibre, although I’d like to   Veggies. Snacks were
see more variety in the          hummus with vegie sticks
wholegrain food options on       or fruit salad and yoghurt.
offer, especially for dinner.”   Downsides: It’s quite pricey
                                 so perhaps not a long-term
                                 option for most people.
The program:                     Bread fans may also find it
Eat Fit Food                     a struggle – it’s generally      diehard foodie. Also, if you    It would be wise to always go            pretty low in carbs.             feel like you reach for carbs   for the wholegrain versions of
                                 What it costs: Breakfast,        all the time and want to        grain-based foods on offer.”
Available: Sydney,               lunch, dinner and a snack for    redress the balance, this
Melbourne.                       a 5000kJ menu costs $67/day      does teach you another way.
What you get: On the weight-     including delivery.              Dietitian Vanessa Schuldt       The program:
loss program, you can custom     Support offered: New clients     says… “This is another          Jenny Craig
build a menu by choosing         receive a courtesy call, and     high-protein, low-fat meal
low-calorie options. And you     a nutritionist is available at   service to be credited for
will get breakfast, lunch,       an extra cost.                   its abundance of fresh          Available: Nationally, and
dinner as well as a snack        You’ll like it if… You’re a      ingredients and high-fibre      in New Zealand.
                                                                  content. However, with          What you get: You receive
                                                                  the lower carbohydrate          three Jenny Craig meals
                                                                  emphasis, achieving the         every day, plus one Jenny
                                                                  recommended daily target        Craig snack, which you
                                                                  of 48g of wholegrains each      must supplement with your

                                                                  day may be a stretch.           own fruit, vegetables and
                 The size isanrd snacks                                                           dairy products.
                          als                                                                     How it tastes: Hit and miss! If
               Having me our door is
                        d to y                                                                    you don’t follow the reheating
                          c o nvenient, it                                                        instructions to the letter, it may
                not only                  e
                             you manag                                                            affect the meal’s texture and
                could help        es.                                                             taste. Your day might include
                      portion siz                                                                 dishes such as Oven-baked
                                                                                                  Muesli, Hearty Beef Pie, and
                                                                                                  Chicken Fettuccine. Jenny Craig
                                                                                                  advises three snacks per day,
                                                                                                  depending on your kilojoule
                                                                                                  requirements. Options include

Diets to your Door! GoodHealth - Rachel Smith
What else
                                                                    is on offer?
                                                                    Not sure about diet food delivery
                                                                    services, but want to makeover your
                                                                    eating habits anyhow? Here’s how.

fruit, low-fat dairy and a Jenny   journal/exercise tracker
Craig snack (provided), such       included to fill out. Jenny
as an almond bar.                  Craig Centres are also
Downsides: Again, keen             widely available if you’d
cooks may struggle with the        prefer a face-to-face consult.
processed nature of the Jenny      You’ll like it if… You’d be
Craig meals. You’ll also need      shopping anyway and just
to hit the supermarket, which      want your main meals
is inconvenient. The calorie-      sorted. It’ll also suit if you
controlled treats available        like to be held accountable
may appeal if you want to          when losing weight (you
eat biscuits or crisps yet stay    can’t hide from your
within the program’s limits,       weight-loss consultant!).
but it’s debatable whether         Dietitian Vanessa Schuldt
these items re-educate             says… “This meal
you about the right food           service offers a kilojoule
choices to make.                   distribution of 50 to 60
What it costs: It costs $15        per cent carbohydrate, 20
to $21 per day for a plan          to 25 per cent protein and
(plus vegies/fruit/milk).          20 to 25 per cent fat, so it’s
                                                                       Aussie             Metabolic              Pantry
Includes consultant.               more similar to Lite n’Easy
                                                                    Farmers Direct        Jumpstart             Makeover
                                                                      Order a fresh       It’s a diet plan    Get on track by
Support offered: Lots! If you      in its dietary approach.
                                                                     produce box,           sent to you       hiring a ‘Pantry
choose Jenny Craig At Home         The biggest bonus I see
                                                                    delivered to your   weekly (you add          Warrior’ to
Online, you’ll be assigned a       with this program is the
                                                                    door (except NT/    the food!). www.       analyse your
weight-loss consultant who’ll      incorporation of behaviour-
                                                                       TAS). www.            metabolic       pantry and fridge.
help you select the right plan     modification techniques,
                                                                     aussiefarmers.       www.youtime.
for your weight-loss goals         with the support of private
(they’ll even phone you once       weekly consultations with
a week). There’s also a food       a trained consultant.”
Diets to your Door! GoodHealth - Rachel Smith Diets to your Door! GoodHealth - Rachel Smith Diets to your Door! GoodHealth - Rachel Smith
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