Trucking Schedule Inter Airport UK & Ireland - All charges effective from 1 January 2022 - Swissport

Page created by Tina Klein
Trucking Schedule Inter Airport UK & Ireland - All charges effective from 1 January 2022 - Swissport
Inter Airport UK & Ireland
Trucking Schedule
All charges effective from 1 January 2022
Trucking Schedule Inter Airport UK & Ireland - All charges effective from 1 January 2022 - Swissport
Inter Airport - UK
Trucking Schedule

                                               Booking             Latest
       Airport               Truck no          Close out           Acceptance † ETD                       ETA*               Days              p/kg           £ Min
ABZ    Aberdeen to
       Glasgow               SL1021             1400               1500                    1600           2000               12345               14           25.00
       Heathrow              SL1061             1400               1500                    1600           0800+1             12345               24           25.00
       Manchester            SL1081             1400               1500                    1600           0500+1             12345               20           25.00

BFS    Belfast to
       Dublin                SL1521             1700               1900                    2000           2230               12345               20           25.00
       Heathrow              SL1561             1700               1900                    2000           1400+2             12345               22           30.00
       Manchester            SL1581             1700               1900                    2000           1000+1             12345               20           30.00

BHX    Birmingham to
       Heathrow              SL1661             1700               2000                    2200           0600+1             12345               12           25.00
       Manchester            SL1682             1700               2000                    2300           0600+1             12345               12           25.00

CWL    Cardiff to
       Heathrow              SL1862             1700               1815                    1900           2300               12345               18           30.00

EMA    East Midlands to
       Birmingham            SL1921             1800               2045                    2130           2230               12345               11            25.00
       Heathrow              SL1961             1800               2100                    2200           0600+1             12345               12            25.00
       Manchester            SL1982             1800               2045                    2130           0800+1             12345               12            25.00

EDI    Edinburgh to
       Glasgow               SL2021             1500               1545                    1630           1830               12345               11            25.00
       Heathrow              SL2061             1500               1545                    1630           0800+1             12345               20            25.00
       Manchester            SL2081             1500               1545                    1630           0500+1             12345               15            25.00

GLA    Glasgow to
       Aberdeen              SL2512             0800               0900                    1000           1400               12345               14            25.00
       Edinburgh             SL2532             0800               0900                    1000           1200               12345               11            25.00
       Heathrow              SL2561             1700               1900                    2100           0800+1             12345               20            25.00
       Manchester            SL2581             1700               1900                    2100           0500+1             12345               15            25.00

      All rates are in £ GB Pounds and exclusive of Fuel Surcharge & VAT
      * +1 = Next Day arrival / 2 = Two Days arrival
      ** Truck arrival times shown are estimations based on arrival at Airport or local facility. Delivery times to Customer facilities, particularly at Heathrow may vary.
      † Acceptance of Dangerous Goods shipments must be delivered with a minimum of 4 hours prior to Truck departure.
Inter Airport - UK
Trucking Schedule
                                                Booking             Latest
       Airport               Truck no           Close out           Acceptance † ETD                       ETA*               Days              p/kg           £ Min
LHR    Heathrow to
       Aberdeen              SL4002             1600                1800                    2000           1400+1             1234 7              24            25.00
       Avonmouth             SL4122             1700                1800                    2300           0800+1             12345 7             14            30.00
       Belfast               SL4012             1300                1600                    1900           1430+1             1234 7              28            35.00
       Birmingham            SL4032             1700                1800                    2300           0700+1             12345               12            25.00
       Cardiff               SL4071             1700                1800                    2300           0900+1             12345 7             18            30.00
       Cork                  SL4301             1300                1600                    1900           1630+1             1234 7              30            50.00
       Dublin                SL4311             1300                1600                    1900           0900+1             1234567             28            40.00
       East Midlands         SL4092             1700                1800                    2300           0700+1             12345 7             12            25.00
       Edinburgh             SL4112             1600                1800                    2000           1200+1             1234 7              20            25.00
       Glasgow               SL4042             1600                1800                    2000           0900+1             12345 7             20            25.00
       Liverpool             SL4152             1700                1800                    2300           1700+1             1234 7              18            30.00
       Manchester            SL4082             1700                1800                    2300           0700+1             1234567             16            25.00
       Newcastle             SL4172             1700                1800                    2300           1000+1             1234 7              20            25.00
       Prestwick             SL4192             1600                1800                    2000           1200+1             1234 7              22            25.00
       Shannon               SL4321             1300                1600                    1900           1600+1             1234 7              30            50.00

LPL    Liverpool to
       Heathrow              SL5161             1400                1500                    1900           0600+1             12347               18            30.00
       Manchester            SL5181             1400                1500                    1900           2000               12345               12            30.00

MAN    Manchester to
       Aberdeen              SL7002             1600                2200                    2359           1400+1             1234 7              20            25.00
       Belfast               SL7032             1300                1800                    2200           1430+1             1234 7              20            30.00
       Birmingham            SL7051             1800                1900                    2000           0700+1             12345               12            25.00
       Cork                  SL7071             1300                1800                    2200           1630+2             123 67              28            50.00
       Dublin                SL7091             1300                1800                    2200           0900+1             1234567             24            40.00
       East Midlands         SL7101             1800                1900                    2000           0700+1             12345               15            25.00
       Edinburgh             SL7112             1600                2200                    2359           1200+1             1234 7              15            25.00
       Glasgow               SL7022             1600                2200                    2359           0900+1             12345 7             15            25.00
       Heathrow              SL7061             1800                2000                    2200           0600+1             1234567             16            25.00
       Liverpool             SL7151             1000                1200                    1400           1500               12345               12            30.00
       Newcastle             SL7172             1800                0000                    0430           1000               12345               16            25.00
       Prestwick             SL7192             1600                2200                    2359           1200+1             1234 7              17            25.00
        Shannon              SL7201             1300                1800                    2200           1600+1             1234 7              28            50.00

NCL    Newcastle to
       Heathrow              SL6061             1730                1745                   1900            0600+1            12345               18            25.00
       Manchester            SL6081             1730                1745                   1900            2300              12345               16            25.00

      All rates are in £ GB Pounds and exclusive of Fuel Surcharge & VAT
      * +1 = Next Day arrival / 2 = Two Days arrival
      ** Truck arrival times shown are estimations based on arrival at Airport or local facility. Delivery times to Customer facilities, particularly at Heathrow may vary.
      † Acceptance of Dangerous Goods shipments must be delivered with a minimum of 4 hours prior to Truck departure.
      FTL rates are available upon request
Inter Airport - Ireland
Trucking Schedule

                                               Booking              Latest
       Airport               Truck no          Close out            Acceptance † ETD                      ETA*               Days              p/kg           € Min
ORK    Cork to
       Heathrow              SL8062            1700                 1730                   1830           2130+1             12345               34           50.00
       Manchester            SL8082            1700                 1730                   1830           0430+2             12345               31           50.00

DUB    Dublin to
       Heathrow              SL8161            1730                 1830                   2000           1000+1             12345               30           45.00
       Heathrow              SL8161            1200                 1300                   2000           1000+1             6                   30           45.00
       Manchester            SL8181            1730                 1830                   2000           0430+1             12345               26           45.00
       Manchester            SL8181            1200                 1300                   2000           0430+1             6                   26           45.00

SNN    Shannon to
       Heathrow              SL8261            1730                 2100                   2230           2130+1             12345               34           50.00
       Manchester            SL8281            1730                 2100                   2230           0430+2             12345               31           50.00

      All rates are in € Euros and exclusive of Fuel Surcharge & VAT
      * +1 = Next Day arrival / 2 = Two Days arrival
      ** Truck arrival times shown are estimations based on arrival at Airport or local facility. Delivery times to Customer facilities, particularly at Heathrow may vary.
      † Acceptance of Dangerous Goods shipments must be delivered with a minimum of 4 hours prior to Truck departure.
      FTL rates are available upon request
Terms and Conditions of Carriage
(hereinafter referred to as the SCS conditions)

1.   All goods carried on the Swissport Cargo Services Trucking Schedule are subject to Swissport Cargo Services (SCS) terms and conditions
     of carriage (the Conditions) at all times. In the event of any conflict, either verbal or written, the SCS Conditions shall prevail at all times.

2.   The SCS Conditions will be valid from 1 January 2022.
3.   SCS Truck arrival & departure times shown within this schedule are transit times from Airport to Airport, and do not guarantee collection or
     delivery times. On some occasions our Truck services may be routed via other airports or changed for operational reasons.

4.   SCS will accept bookings for collection and delivery of goods to be carried on the Service provided that:
     (a) All bookings are in writing (or received by EDI or e-mail) within the booking close times shown in this Trucking schedule and specify:
         (i) The full details of all goods as set out on the Airwaybill or manifest accompanying the goods.
         (ii) The actual weight and the volumetric weight of all goods (Any Booking received without the correct weight or volume supplied,
               may be delayed, subject to available capacity on that service)
         (iii) Clear indication where the goods are:
               • Loose or Unitised
               • Hazardous or Dangerous with appropriate declarations (No Explosive or Radioactive shipments will be permitted
                  within UK & Ireland).
               • Hazardous documentation must be provided at least 24hrs in advance, for both road & sea
                  (Classes 1, 6 & 7 are not permitted to and from Ireland)
               • In the case of ULD’s, if different in dimension to the standard IATA types, or where goods overhang the ULD
                   (the appropriate charges will be applied to the space taken on our service)
               • Shipments with a width exceeding 1.25 metres, length exceeding 3 metres, or height that may present difficulty
                   in loading or unloading, additional surcharges may be applied.
               • Requires other special handling, non-stackable, or security facilities, additional charges will be applied
         (iv) The time agreed with SCS for SCS to collect and deliver the goods which are booked on the Service, and the place
               from which they are to be collected, and the place to which they are to be delivered. All rates include 60 minutes
               loading or unloading time, and any additional waiting time may be charged at GBP50.00 or EUR50.00 per hour,
               and we do reserve the right to withdraw our vehicle, in the event of any delays.
         (vi) All necessary paperwork to accompany the goods.
         (vii) All documentation required in advance in order to collect goods where this is required

     (b) SCS reserves the right to reject goods in its absolute discretion
     (c) All rates are based on a weight to volume ratio of 1:6, and the volumetric weight will be applied, if applicable.
         (Length (cm) x width (cm) x height (cm) / 6000 = equals the volume weight in kilos)
     (d) All bookings must be received before the close out times specified in the latest Tariff, which is in force at the time of the booking.
     (e) Bookings will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis, based on the time of written acceptance by SCS. Once the capacity
         of the Service has been reached, SCS may in its absolute discretion decide to operate additional vehicles.

     (f) Where goods are booked on the Service and they are not available for collection at the time specified in the booking (or within
         30 minutes thereafter) SCS shall in its absolute discretion have the right to leave the premises from which the goods are to be
         collected and the customer may then either
         (i) deliver the goods which have been booked for collection to the nearest SCS depot at the customers expense before the cut-off
              time specified in the Tariff, or
         (ii) where it is possible for SCS to do so, rearrange a new time in writing for SCS to collect before the cut-off time specified in the Tariff
              Provided that it is clearly understood that SCS will make a further charge for any rearranged collection which shall be no less than £60
     (g) Where a collection of goods has been booked and they have not been collected because the customer has failed to provide the
         documentation required for collection or as a result of them being unavailable for collection at the time booked (or within 30 minutes
         thereof) SCS will charge for abortive carriage of the goods at the rate that would have applied if the goods had been collected and no
         credit will be given if the goods are carried by SCS subsequently. It will be the customers responsibility at all times to arrange appropriate
         booking times for collection and delivery of goods which are booked with SCS with the party dispatching or receiving the goods and with
         SCS and it is the customers responsibility to explain to those parties the provisions of the above clauses and particularly the requirement that
         SCS vehicles must be loaded or unloaded within 30 minutes
     (h) Any collection or delivery where the shipment weight or volume has not been declared correctly may not be moved on that service, until
         clarification of the correct weight or volume has been established and agreed, prior to movement.
5.   Transit times specified in the Tariff are for guidance only (arrival & departure times may vary due to ferry crossings or bad weather)
6.   SCS reserves the right in its absolute discretion to make additional charges for cargo which is:
        (i) hazardous or dangerous; when trucked from Ireland, a surcharge of EUR 60.00 per shipment will apply, and when trucked from the
               UK, a surcharge of GBP50.00 per shipment will apply.
        (iI) hazardous or dangerous; when trucked within UK, a surcharge of GBP 12.00 per shipment will apply.
        (iii) temperature control vehicles, where available, operated on dedicated basis only requires 24 hours’ notice and will incur a
               20% surcharge applied to the truck rate
        (v) over width/height or length or which presents difficulty in loading or unloading, additional charges may apply
        (vi) requires special security or other handling arrangements.
        (vii) requires NCTS/T1 documentation; from Ireland a charge of EUR60.00 per movement and from the UK a charge of GBP60.00
               per movement will apply, subject to availability.
        (viii) dedicated truck load from Ireland will be restricted to 2 deliveries, thereafter any further deliveries will be made at EUR60.00 per delivery
        (ix) In the event a booking is made and not cancelled 6 hours prior to truck departure, which causes additional truck costs, may be
        charged to the Customer, notification will be made in writing. A minimum of 50% of the truck charges will be applied
7.   For any Customs (NCTS/T1) documentation that is raised on behalf of the Agent, Carrier or General Sales Agent, and forwarded for discharge
     at another airport, whether in the UK or Continental Europe, and the destination station fails to discharge. SCS will pass on any fines received to
     Agent, Carrier or General Sales Agent.

8.   Services may be cancelled due to Public Bank Holidays, please check with your local station or trucking office.
9.   Import shipments will be delivered into Swissport Cargo Services Cargo facilities unless otherwise stated.

10. Liability for those parties not covered by a Standard Ground Handling Agreement (SGHA) will be in accordance with Road Haulage
     Association Conditions of Carriage 1998 (Applies to UK only), Irish Road Haulage Association Conditions of Carriage 2008 (Applies to
     Ireland only)

11. No human remains or valuable shipments will be accepted for Trucking.
12. All rates exclude Fuel surcharge which is calculated on the average fuel prices over the previous four weeks.

13. All rates are subject to VAT at the current rate in the appropriate Country, if applicable
14. Deliveries to Enhanced Remote Transit Sheds (ERTS) only by prior arrangement and additional charges may apply.

15. Errors and Omissions excepted.
                                                                                                                                                  Last updated 1 December 2021
Trucking Operation
•   Manned 24/7 Central Trucking Office
•   Extensive network throughout UK and Ireland
•   Own fleet of vehicles equipped with latest satellite tracking
•   Investment in environmentally-friendly MAN TGX 26.440 units
•   Vehicles conform to the latest European Legislative emission standards with Euro 5 engines

Central Trucking Office (London Heathrow Airport)
Tel:          +44 (0)208 750 7000

UK & Ireland Trucking Operations Offices
Manchester Airport                          Dublin Airport
Tel: + 44 (0)161 499 6713                   Tel: + 353 (0)1 812 5617
Email:                 Email:

              Registered Name: Swissport GB Limited, Registered Office - Swissport House, Hampton Court, Manor Park, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 1TT, UK
                                                            Registered in England and Wales - 509585
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