2021 Aluminum Summit September 14 16 - Sheraton Music City Airport

Page created by Jared Mejia
2021 Aluminum Summit September 14 16 - Sheraton Music City Airport
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2021 Aluminum Summit
         September 14 – 16
All Things Aluminum in Anodizing & Extrusion
    Sheraton Music City Airport
2021 Aluminum Summit September 14 16 - Sheraton Music City Airport
2021 Aluminum Summit
September 14–16

AAC Anodizing Conference • AEC Management Conference • Aluminum Marketplace & more

                                                                           Schedule at a Glance
A jam-packed agenda awaits aluminum anodizers
and extruders this fall!                                                   MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13
The Aluminum Summit – the collocated AAC Anodizing                         7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Registration Open
Conference and AEC Management Conference –                                 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. AEC Extrusion Excellence
features the best of both Councils, focusing on an                         		Workshop * with
aluminum-intensive education, information and                              		Professor Wojciech Misiolek
networking experience.
                                                                           8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. AAC Quality and
                                                                           		 Troubleshooting Workshop *
Teaming Up for Industry-Wide Momentum
The three-day Aluminum Summit event week melds the                         TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14
combined interests of the AAC and AEC throughout the                       7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Registration Open
program, spanning several aluminum industry topics
                                                                           8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. AAC Advanced
and concerns to both groups, like safety, recruiting and
                                                                           		 Anodizing Class *
retaining talent, and market and trade analyses. Then,
anodizers and extruders take deep dives into 20 focus                      4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. AAC New Member Mixer
sessions presented in 5 concurrent tracks, offered in                      5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. AAC and AEC Welcome
an array of in-depth presentations on technical and                        		Reception
business issues. Anodizing tracks explore Color/
Seal, Innovation/New Technology, and Technical/                            WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15
Pretreatment; and extrusion tracks will cover                              7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Registration Open
Promoting Aluminum Extrusion and Trade Issues,
                                                                           7:30 a.m. – 8:15 a.m. Aluminum Marketplace and
plus Management and Strategy.
                                                                           		 Breakfast Buffet
                                                                           8:00 a.m. – Noon		          GENERAL SESSION
                                                                           Noon – 1:00 p.m.		 Aluminum Marketplace and
Your paid registration includes:                                           		Lunch
                                                                           1:10 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. AAC and AEC Focus Sessions
 All General Sessions
                                                                           5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Aluminum Marketplace and
 Focus Sessions – 20 Sessions in
  5 Concurrent Tracks
 Entry to Aluminum Marketplace –                                          THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16
  Extrusion and Anodizing Suppliers                                        7:00 a.m. – Noon		          Registration Open
 All Networking and Scheduled Meal Events                                 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. Aluminum Marketplace and
                                                                           		 Breakfast Buffet
                                                                           8:00 a.m. – 12:20p.m. GENERAL SESSION

               * Additional fees and registration apply. See registration form for details. Program schedule and speakers may be subject to change.
                                        2021 Aluminum Summit Conference             •   All Things Aluminum in Anodizing & Extrusion             1
2021 Aluminum Summit September 14 16 - Sheraton Music City Airport
In-Conjunction Workshops and Value-Added Option
       These educational events expand your technical knowledge, delivered by leading experts in the fields of anodizing
       and extrusion. Separate fees and registration are required. All Workshops and Classes include continental breakfast,
       lunch and course materials. Visit the AAC and AEC Aluminum Summit websites for all detailed course information.

       AEC Upcoming Workshop Topics                                                   Tuesday, September 14
       Workshop topics can include:                                                   8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
       • Extrusion Concepts        • Aluminum Billet Metallurgy                       AAC's Advanced Anodizing Class*
       • Aluminum Extrusion Alloys • Extrudability and much more                      Higher-level anodizing concepts are discussed in scientific
                                                                                      terms and directly tied to the engineering processes of
       Fee: $450 for AEC Members only
                                                                                      decorative and hard anodizing. Specific attention is paid to
       AAC Upcoming Workshop Topics                                                   pulse anodizing and anodizing difficult alloys, manufactured
                                                                                      by way of case and wrought processes. Students will gain
       Workshop topics can include:
                                                                                      a deeper understanding of science and practice and will
       • Anodizing in a Nutshell                                                      develop new approaches to meeting anodizing process
       • Manufacturing and Microstructure – Impact on                                 challenges, which enables the refinement of existing
         the Aluminum Surface and Impact on Anodizing                                 capabilities and expansion into new process capabilities.
       • Anodizing to Meet Specifications                                             Course topics include:
       • Processing Solutions Anodizing Alloys
                                                                                      • Anodizing for Design and Function
       • Evaluation and Troubleshooting of Hard Anodizing
                                                                                      • Base Metal Microstructural Considerations
       • Effective Troubleshooting – Part I
                                                                                        for Anodizing Aluminum
       • Effective Troubleshooting – Part II
       • Table Discussions                                                            • Pulse Anodizing
       Fee: $400 for AAC Members; $800 for Non-Members                                • Precision Techniques for Analysis of the AAO
                                                                                      Fee: $400 for AAC Members; $800 for Non-Members
       Monday, September 13
       8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
                                                                                      Value-added Option
       AEC's Extrusion Excellence
                                                                                      Additional add-on educational events are available to
       Workshop: Applied Fundamentals *
                                                                                      expand your technical knowledge. Additional fees and
       This intensive course is taught by renowned extrusion expert                   registration are required.
       Dr. Wojciech Miziolek, Director of the Institute for Metal
       Forming at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA, where he is the                 AAC Student Posters
       Loewy Professor of Materials Forming and Processing. Theory
                                                                                      Judges will announce best posters during Tuesday’s
       and practice combine in this workshop that presents a fundamental
                                                                                      Welcome Reception.
       engineering approach to the aluminum extrusion process. The
                                                                                      The Aluminum Anodizers Council (AAC) champions
       manufacturing process is covered from billet production through
                                                                                      the science, technology and business of light metal
       the press to the runout table. This course will benefit those new to
                                                                                      surface finishing, principally aluminum
       the industry, as well as experienced production personnel.
                                                                                      anodizing. AAC has invited students
       Fee: $450 for AEC Members only                                                 of electrochemistry, metallurgy,
       8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.                                                          chemistry, materials science, and
                                                                                      related engineering disciplines to
       AAC's Quality and Troubleshooting Workshop*
                                                                                      present their work at a poster session
       This all-day tutorial workshop focuses on all aspects that
                                                                                      during the 2021 Aluminum Summit
       influence anodizing quality, conducted by industry experts,
                                                                                      week. Students will present their
       and featuring Anodizing technical presentations and table
                                                                                      academic and industry-related research
                                                                                      and development in the field of metal
       Fee: $400 for AAC Members; $800 for Non-Members                                surface science and technology.
* Additional fees and registration apply. See registration form for details. Program schedule and speakers may be subject to change.
                                                                               Anodizing.org/AluminumSummit or AEC.org/AluminumSummit                9
2021 Aluminum Summit September 14 16 - Sheraton Music City Airport
Opportunities Abound with Exhibits and Sponsorships
                    Anodizing.org/AluminumSummit or AEC.org/AluminumSummit

Sponsorships Are Available
— and Going Fast!
Aluminum Summit Sponsorships are in full swing – don’t
miss this opportunity to connect with the precise audience
of aluminum industry executives and management that you
just won’t find anywhere else for the entire week, under one
roof and in-person!

                                                                                                                              photos: Flickr.com; top image D. Mattox
Aluminum Marketplace Exhibit Schedule
Tuesday, September 14
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. During the Reception

Wednesday, September 15
		                    During all Meals and Breaks
                                                               About Nashville – Music City
5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. During the Reception                     Nashville is Music City — the great music-loving
                                                               urban backdrop in which to work, learn and define our
Thursday, September 16                                         industry’s future. Historic Nashville’s downtown area
		  During Breakfast and                                       features a diverse assortment of music, entertainment,
			Morning Break                                               dining, cultural and architectural attractions. Just
			 Ending at 10:10 a.m.                                       three miles from Nashville International Airport (BNA),
                                                               the Sheraton Music City Nashville Airport offers
The Aluminum Marketplace showcases suppliers to                complimentary shuttle service as well. Three major
the Aluminum Anodizing and Extrusion industries with           interstate highways (I-40, I-65 and I-24) converge near
our industry’s best and latest offerings, promoting key        the core area of downtown, and many regional cities are
products and services with expo booths and tabletop            within a day’s driving distance.
exhibits galore. Suppliers will be on hand throughout
the week to answer your questions, problem-solve and
                                                               Hotel Accommodations
discuss new business opportunities together! Maximize
this long-awaited chance to network with friends and           The Sheraton Music City Nashville Airport Hotel is taking
          colleagues, re-ignite business connections           reservations, so don’t wait! Go to the 2021 Aluminum
                   and propel our industry forward!            Conference website now to book your rooms. Or if you prefer,
                            The Aluminum Marketplace           call Marriott Central Reservations at
                                      will be open during      888.236.2427 and be sure to mention you
                                            select meal and    are with the Aluminum Summit.
                                            networking         Your fellow AEC and AAC
                                            events             members can’t wait to come
                                                               together in-person in Nashville
                                                                                                                              photo: courtesy Sheraton Music City Airport

                                            the Summit.        to network! Note: All COVID-19
                                                               protocols for health and safety
                                                               will be observed at all times by
                                                               AEC, AAC, and the Sheraton
                                                               Music City Airport Hotel,
                                                               according to CDC guidelines.
2021 Aluminum Summit September 14 16 - Sheraton Music City Airport
2021 Aluminum Summit                                                                               REGISTRATION
                                       September 14 –16    • SHERATON MUSIC CITY AIRPORT
                                       NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE USA
                                       Register online and visit our conference websites for more information at:
                                       Anodizing.org/AluminumSummit or AEC.org/AluminumSummit
Please print. One registrant per form. Photocopy this form for additional registrants. Only those registered may attend the 2021 Aluminum
Summit functions. Registration includes: program sessions, take-home materials, scheduled receptions, meals and break refreshments.

First Name                                                                                Last Name

Preferred Name for Badge

Company                                                                                       Job Title

Company Address

City                                                                  State/Province                                                 ZIP/Postal Code

Country                                                                                                            Telephone

   Check here if you have a disability and require accommodation to fully participate. An AEC or AAC representative will contact you.

Registration Fees                       You may register for the workshops only or include a workshop(s) as part of your Aluminum Summit Registration.

 OPTIONS                                                 Member                      Non-Member                      Total              SEND COMPLETED
 U.S. dollars only                                by or on          after         by or on         after
                                                                                                                                        FORMS & PAYMENT TO:
                                                 7/16/21         7/16/21          7/16/21       7/16/21
                                                                                                                                        1000 N. Rand Road, Suite 214
       2021 Aluminum Summit                        $950          $1,050           $1,600         $1,700        $                        Wauconda
                                                                                                                                        Illinois 60084 USA
 In-Conjunction Workshops                                                                                                               phone: 847.526.2010
       AAC Quality & Troubleshooting                                                                                                    SECURE FAX: Send credit card
                                                   $400            $400            $800           $800         $                        information to
       Workshop (September 13)
       AAC Advanced Anodizing                                                                                                           NOTE: For your protection, please
                                                   $400            $400            $800           $800         $
       Class (September 14)                                                                                                             do not email form with credit card
                                                                                                                                        info. Please fax or mail completed
       AEC Extrusion Excellence                   AEC Members only                                                                      form to the Aluminum Anodizers
       Workshop (September 13)                                                                                 $                        Council (AAC) or the Aluminum
                                                                                                                                        Extruders Council (AEC).
 GRAND TOTAL =                                                                                                 $                        Questions? phone: 847.416.7219
                                                                                                                                        email: lnelson@tso.net or
 FOR AAC & AEC USE ONLY Entered                       check #               ID#            AMT $             TYPE
                                                                                                                                        Cancellation policy
                                                                                                                                        Registration fees will be refunded
Payment                                                                                                                                 only if written notice is received on or
Payment must accompany registration form; registration is not complete until payment is received.                                       before September 7, 2021. A 20%
                                                                                                                                        administrative fee will be deducted
  Check is enclosed for $                                                                                                               from the refund.
( Make check payable in U.S. dollars, drawn on a U.S. bank, to the Aluminum Anodizers Council or the Aluminum Extruders Council.)
                                                                                                                                        Substitutions may be made
or Credit Card:        Visa      MasterCard         AmEx        Discover                                                                at any time without penalty.
Printed Name of Cardholder

Billing Address (if different from above)

For your protection, this portion of the form will be destroyed after processing your credit card information.
Card Number
Exp. Date                                           V-Code:                                            (3 or 4 digit code on card)

                                                                                                                                                  2021 Aluminum Summit             3
2021 Aluminum Summit September 14 16 - Sheraton Music City Airport
Register by

                                                JULY 16 TH
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Wauconda, IL 60084 USA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1000 N. Rand Road, Suite 214

                                                                                              Register Today & Save!
                                                              Early Discount Ends July 16TH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      September 14 –16
                                                                                                                                                             NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE USA
                                                                                                                                                                                        Sheraton Music City Airport
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2021 Aluminum Summit

                                                                                                                       A valuable aluminum industry event
        2021 Aluminum Summit

                                                                                                                       focusing on extrusion and anodizing
                September 14 – 16
             Sheraton Music City Airport

Join Us for a Comprehensive
  in-Person Event Covering:

> Aluminum Market Analysis
> Economic & Business Issues
> Extrusion & Anodizing
 Technical Concepts
> PLUS in-Person Networking
 Add-On Workshops & more

 AAC Anodizing Conference • AEC Management Conference
              Aluminum Marketplace & more!
2021 Aluminum Summit September 14 16 - Sheraton Music City Airport 2021 Aluminum Summit September 14 16 - Sheraton Music City Airport 2021 Aluminum Summit September 14 16 - Sheraton Music City Airport
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