2021 Activity Guide Summer-Fall - Youth Sports & Camps - Revize Software Systems

Page created by Norman Wheeler
2021 Activity Guide Summer-Fall - Youth Sports & Camps - Revize Software Systems
Prince George County Parks and Recreation

2021 Activity Guide

 Youth          New Esports             Summer
Sports &         League for              Movie
 Camps            Ages 8+                Nights
 PAGE 6              PAGE 8               PAGE 13
2021 Activity Guide Summer-Fall - Youth Sports & Camps - Revize Software Systems
The Prince George Parks and Recreation Department               Acknowledgements
invites you to join in the fun!! Youth will enjoy summer             BOARD OF SUPERVISORS
programs that include Tennis, Sports Camps, Day Camp,
                                                                     Floyd M. Brown Jr., Chairman
and other activities. Youth can also participate in our
wide range of athletic programs, including Wrestling,
                                                                 Marlene J. Waymack, Vice-Chairman
Field Hockey, Basketball, Soccer, Flag and Tackle                          Alan Carmichael
Football, Cheerleading, and seasonal tournaments.                           Donald Hunter
Children will have a blast participating in our seasonal                       T.J. Webb
activities, which include our Harvest Festival, Christmas        Percy Ashcraft, County Administrator
Card Contest, Breakfast with Santa, Santa Calls, and
yearly Christmas Parade.                                        RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION
                                                                           James T. Buren
Adults looking for a way to get in shape may enjoy such                   Elaine Abernethy
classes as Zumba, a fusion of Latin and International
                                                                             Keith Brown
music set to dance, Yoga, Basic Abs, Mind-Body
exercises or take in an Arthritis class for people with
                                                                         Emmett T. Drewry
arthritis or related difficulties. Adults can also get a team              James Williams
together to play in our Adult Co-Ed Volleyball league, 35+                  Donald Hunter
Adult Basketball league, and Our NEW “for 2021” Wiffle                        Frank Pino
Ball League. If you’re feeling especially energetic, sign                 Stephanie Nelson
up for our Arm Wrestling Competition, Co-Sponsored by                   Christopher Jennings
“Team Brutal.”                                                       Bruce Carroll, School Liaison

We are very excited to invite you to our Fitness Facilities
at our Main Office and the Central Wellness Center
                                                                            OUR STAFF
(check for Re-Opening Date) thanks to a grant from                       Department Director
the John Randolph Foundation and support from the                           Keith B. Rotzoll
Board of Supervisors. The rooms feature a mixture of              krotzoll@princegeorgecountyva.gov
cardiovascular equipment, exercise equipment, hand
weights. The facilities are open to County residents
                                                                         Athletic Coordinator
ages 13 and up for a minimal fee.                                            Robbie Eley
This summer Prince George Parks and Recreation will                  Special Activities Coordinator
be presenting two free Outdoor Summer Movie Nights                          Debbie Lafland
at Scott Park for County residents! Come out and enjoy            dlafland@princegeorgecountyva.gov
a family night under the stars, bring a blanket to sit on!
NO OUTSIDE food, drinks or coolers. Bring money for                   Asst. Athletic Coordinator
concessions. Join us for “The War With Grandpa” on                          Chris Underhill
June 11th and “Sonic the Hedgehog” on July 9th.                  cunderhill@princegeorgecountyva.gov
                                                                          Office Associate II
                                                                         Ann-Marie Saunders
                                                                   Sr. Grounds Maintenance Worker
Keith B. Rotzoll                                                             John Logan
     “To enhance the quality of life of Prince George
    County residents by promoting healthy lifestyles              Sr. Grounds Maintenance Worker
        and providing enriching leisure services.”                       William (W.B.) Baird

2021 Activity Guide Summer-Fall - Youth Sports & Camps - Revize Software Systems

                Get Involved							4
                Registration							5
                Youth Recreational Leagues				6
                Youth Classes		 					8
                Youth Summer Sports Camps				     9
                Adult Recreational Leagues 				   10
                Adult Classes				 			11
                Community Events						12
                Outdoor Activities						13
                Parks & Recreation Facilities				 14

        Social Media
Follow us on social media for the latest
program updates, new classes, events,
and sporting updates!

              PG County Parks
              and Recreation
                                                                                        GIONAL CANOE/
                                                                    APPOMATTOX RIVER RE
                                                                                        KAYAK LAUNCH

                                                                      KNOW BEFORE YOU GO!
                                                We are also able to send you an email and/or text message
                                              letting you know when games, special activities and classes
                                                   are cancelled or delayed. Please visit the Prince George
      Toni INED                                County website at www.princegeorgecountyva.gov to sign
     canc ght’s so    O
         elled ccer UT
                                             up for this feature. On the home page of the website, click on
               due     ga                  “Know Before You Go Rainout” and then enter either your email
                   to w me is
                       eath                address or cell phone number. Once you do this we will be able
                                            to either send an email and/or text message to you as soon as
                                                              we know the games are cancelled or delayed.

                                                                2021 ACTIVITY GUIDE, SUMMER-FALL        3
2021 Activity Guide Summer-Fall - Youth Sports & Camps - Revize Software Systems

Make a difference in your community. Support Parks
& Recreation’s mission to enhance the quality of life of Prince
George County residents by getting involved today.

1. Support                                        2. Pave the Way!
Prince George Parks &                             The Prince George Parks and Recreation
Recreation Foundation                             Foundation is pleased to announce a
                                                  Celebration Brick Paver program at JEJ Moore
This 501(c)3 Foundation’s purpose is to support   Sports Complex, 11455 Prince George Drive,
the department by raising funds, accepting        Disputanta, VA, 23842.
gifts and grants to enhance or expand existing
programs, services, facilities and technology.    This new project will enhance the facility
                                                  near the dugouts as well as give our citizens
Donate today by sending a check to:               an opportunity to purchase a lasting gift.
Prince George Parks & Recreation Foundation       Personalized bricks are the perfect permanent
PO Box 712                                        gift for any occasion—a child’s first home
Prince George VA 23875                            run, a pitcher’s no-hitter, or a team’s triple
Donations will be tax exempt.                     play. The project is meant to be more than a
                                                  memorial project, but as a way to celebrate
                                                  youth activities and the moments cherished by
                                                  parents, grandparents and family.
3. Donate                                         This mile-“stone” recognition will help raise
                                                  money that will benefit the Prince George Parks
Prince George                                     & Recreation players and facilities. Please visit
                                                  the Foundation website for information at
Promise Donations
                                                  com. Each engravable paver is a $125 donation.
Donate your new or gently used youth team
                                                  To make a donation, visit the website to use
sports equipment (baseball/softball, soccer,
                                                  Paypal or make checks payable to: Prince
football, basketball, field hockey)!!
                                                  George Parks and Recreation Foundation,
Equipment will be used by PG Parks &
                                                  PO Box 712, Prince George, VA, 23875. Please
Recreation youth league participants.
                                                  make sure you respond with the exact printed
                                                  engraving for the brick and your contact
Bring equipment in good condition to:
Prince George Parks & Recreation
Community Center
11100 Old Stage Road

2021 Activity Guide Summer-Fall - Youth Sports & Camps - Revize Software Systems

View and Register for
Activities Online!
You can log on NOW to create an account for you and
your family members!

Prince George Parks and Recreation is very excited
to offer you the ability to easily and securely view and
register for recreation activities online. Come visit
our new online registration page and create your
account today! Visit www.princegeorgecountyva.
gov/onlineregistration to register now.

Our online registration system is:
Fast! No more waiting in line.
Easy! Programs are just a few clicks away.
Timely! With anytime, around the clock access.
                                                                 Want to st
Convenient! Register from the comfort of your home.                          ay up to da
                                                                classes an                te on
                                                                            d program
                                                              can join ou                s? You
Frequently Asked Questions                                   you create
                                                                          r mailing li
                                                                                       st when
                                                                         an online a
WHAT TYPES OF PAYMENT DO YOU ACCEPT?                                                   ccount!
We accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.

We accept credit card payments for year memberships, but not monthly passes.

You can email us at Recreation@princegeorgecountyva.gov or give us a call at (804) 458-6164!

                                                 REGISTER TOD
                                                   Sign-up yo AY!
                                                             ur family now at:
                                      www.p rince g e orgecounty

                                                              2021 ACTIVITY GUIDE, SUMMER-FALL   5
2021 Activity Guide Summer-Fall - Youth Sports & Camps - Revize Software Systems
Registration is required for each league. A parent or legal guardian must register the youth at the
Recreation Office or online at www.princegeorgecountyva.gov/onlineregistration. A birth certificate is
required for first-time sign-ups.
                                                                        REGISTER TOD
Family registration fee for youth sports will be $30.00                  Sign-up you AY!
for 1 child; $50.00 for 2 children; $70.00 for 3 children                                 r family now at:
and $10 for every additional child past three.                                            gov/onlineregistration

A player may move up one age group in soccer or basketball IF they are within one years age of the cutoff
for that division. They may only move up if they have participated for at least one year in their listed age
division and with the consent of the Recreation Department. Players may NOT move up from any 4 year
old leagues. Contact Parks & Recreation if interested.

Fall Soccer                                                 SENIOR SOCCER
                                                            This is a league for boys and girls ages 9-11.
Ages 4-18                                                   This league will teach the children recreational
                                                            soccer at a higher level.
Registration is June 28-July 30, Monday—Friday              Participants must be 9 years of age and not 12 years
8:30am—5:00pm (Closed July 5th).                            of age on or before Dec. 31, 2021.
MINI-MITES SOCCER                                           TRAVEL SOCCER
This league is for 4 year old boys and girls. This          This is a league for boys and girls ages 12-18.
is an instructional league that teaches the very            This team practices in Prince George and plays
basics of soccer.                                           its games in Colonial Heights. The cost for travel
Participants must be 4 years old and cannot have            soccer is $30.00 per participant.
reached their 5th birthday on or before Dec. 31, 2021.      Participants must be 12 years of age and not 19
                                                            years of age on or before Dec. 31, 2021.
This league is for boys and girls ages 5 & 6. This
league is designed to introduce fundamentals such
as passing, dribbling and trapping.
                                                            Travel Field Hockey
Participants must be 5 years of age and cannot              Grades 2-8
have reached their 7th birthday on or before Dec. 31,
2021.                                                       Registration to be Announced.

JUNIOR SOCCER                                               Prince George Parks and
This league is for boys and girls ages 7 & 8. The           Recreation will be offering
junior division introduces positions and teamwork.          a girls travel field hockey
Participants must have reached 7 years of age and           team in the fall. The team
cannot be 9 years of age on or before Dec. 31, 2021.        will practice in Prince
                                                            George at Temple Park and
                                                            play games in Chesterfield.
                                                            Dates and times to be

2021 Activity Guide Summer-Fall - Youth Sports & Camps - Revize Software Systems
Ages 4-18
The Prince George Parks and Recreation is a
member in both the Chesterfield QuarterBack
League (CQL) and Chesterfield Cheerleading
League (CCL). Participants in these leagues, aged
eight to fourteen years old, have the opportunity to
experience travel football and cheerleading.

Participants will be responsible for purchasing
game pants for football or a cheerleading package,
available through the Parks & Recreation Office.
                                                          YOUTH CHEERLEADING
FLAG FOOTBALL                                             Playing in this league gives participants an
Flag Football is for boys and girl’s ages 5 - 7. This     opportunity to travel to surrounding areas with
year, teams will compete in the CQL. This IS a            their team. Youth Cheerleading will be broken
travel program.                                           up into three different divisions: Minors 8 and 9,
Participants must be 5 years of age and cannot have       Juniors 10 and 11, and Seniors 12, 13, and 14 year
reached 8 years of age on or before Aug. 1, 2021.         olds. Youth cheerleaders will be responsible for
                                                          purchasing a cheerleading package which will be
                                                          available through the Recreation Department.
                                                          Participants must be 8 years of age and cannot have
Flag Cheerleading is for girls ages 5 - 7. Flag
                                                          reached 15 years of age on or before Sept. 30, 2021.
Cheerleaders will cheer for the Flag Football
teams. This IS a travel program.
Participants must be 5 years old and cannot have
reached their 8th birthday on or before Sept. 30, 2021.

Playing in this league gives participants an
opportunity to experience travel football. CQL is
divided into three divisions: Minor Division 8 and
9; Junior Division 10 and 11; and Senior Division
12, 13, and 14 year olds. Youth football players will
be responsible for purchasing green game pants,
which will be available through the Recreation
Participants must be 8 years of age and cannot
have reached 15 years of age on or before Aug. 1,
2021. 14 year olds must weigh under 150 pounds—
only FOUR slots available.

                                                                   2021 ACTIVITY GUIDE, SUMMER-FALL         7
2021 Activity Guide Summer-Fall - Youth Sports & Camps - Revize Software Systems

Basketball                                                  Youth Classes
Ages 7-15
                                                            KARATE CLASSES
Registration is October 4-November 5, Monday—               Karate classes build positive self-image,
Friday 8:30am—5:00pm.                                       sportsmanship, self defense, and better
                                                            concentration. These classes are for anyone
A player may move up one age group in basketball            ages 8 and over. Classes run for eight weeks. The
IF they are within one years age of the cutoff for          program fee is $60 per participant with multi-child
that division. They may only move up if they have           discounts. Dates and Location TBA.
participated for at least one year in their listed age
division and with the consent of the Recreation
                                                                                         TENNIS LESSONS
Department. Players may NOT move up from any 4
                                                                                         Prince George Parks
year old leagues. Contact Parks and Recreation if
                                                                                         and Recreation will
                                                                                         be offering Tennis
                                                                                         Lessons July 26-30.
MINI-MITES BASKETBALL                                                                    Register June 14–July
This co-ed league is for 7-8 year old boys and girls.                                    16. $25 per participant.
Participants must be 7 years old and cannot have
reached their 9th birthday on or before Jan. 1, 2022.
                                                            YOUTH WRESTLING
PEE-WEE BOYS BASKETBALL                                     Prince George Parks & Recreation in partnership
This league is for boys ages 9 & 10.                        with Prince George Youth Wrestling Association
Participants must be 9 years of age and cannot have         (PGYWA) is offering youth wrestling, for County
reached their 11th birthday on or before Jan. 1, 2022.      youth ages 5-14. The season will run from early
                                                            November to the end of February.
JUNIOR BOYS                                                 Participants must be 5 years of age by Oct. 1, 2021.
For boys ages 11 & 12.
Participants must be 11 years of age and cannot have        RECREATIONAL ESPORTS
reached their 13th birthday on or before Jan. 1, 2022.      This summer, Prince George Parks
                                                            & Recreation is proud to announce
JUNIOR GIRLS                                                that we are offering GGLeagues
For girls ages 9-11.                                        esport leagues for individuals 8 and
Participants must be 9 years of age and cannot have         up! Leagues will begin the week of July 12th, and
reached their 12th birthday on or before Jan. 1, 2022.      are $30 per person. We are also offering FREE
                                                            Fortnite Solos and Duos leagues for players 13 and
SENIOR BOYS & GIRLS                                         up. More information regarding games offered,
Individual leagues for boys 13-15 and girls 12-15 of age.   and the days and time for each game can be found
Girls must be 12 years of age, boys must be 13 years        at https://app.ggleagues.com/organization/
of age, and both cannot have reached their 16th             prince-george-parks-recreation
birthday on or before Jan. 1, 2022.

2021 Activity Guide Summer-Fall - Youth Sports & Camps - Revize Software Systems
                                                        CHEERLEADING CAMP
Sports Camps                                            Registration will be May 17-June 25.
Ages 3-18                                               For ages 5-14. Participants will learn cheers,
                                                        jumps, stunts, sideline dances, games and more!
FOOTBALL CAMP                                           The Cheerleading Camp will be led by the PGHS
Registration is from May 10- June 25.                   Varsity Cheerleaders and Coaches. Participants
This camp, for ages 6-15, will be run by the Prince     will perform with the PGHS Cheerleaders at a
George High School Football Staff. It is designed to    football game. The camp will be held August 16-18,
teach the basic fundamentals and skills of football.    6:00pm to 8:00pm at Clements Jr High School.
The camp be held July 12-14 from 6:00 pm - 8:00         $45 per child, $10 discount for additional children
pm at the practice football field behind Clements       in same family.
Jr. High. The cost for the football camp will be $20,
which includes a participant t-shirt.                   MINI-MITE CAMP
                                                        Registration is from May 17-June 11.
SOCCER CAMP                                             For boys and girls ages 3 and 4. This camp is
Registration will be held July 5- 23.                   designed to introduce and teach the basic skills
The Parks and Recreation department will be             of soccer, baseball/softball, and basketball.
holding their Annual Youth Soccer Camp on               This camp will be held on June 22-24, from 6:00
August 2-4, from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at JEJ               pm - 7:00 pm at The Central Wellness Center.
Moore Middle School. and is for ages 5 - 18. This       Registration fee will be $30. Participants must be
camp is designed to teach the basic skills and          3 years old before the time of registration. Limited
fundamentals of soccer. The cost for the camp will      to 15 participants.
be $35 per participant.
                                                        SOFTBALL CAMP
GIRLS BASKETBALL CAMP                                   Registration to be Announced.
Registration will be June 21-July 16.                   The camp, for ages 9-12, is designed to teach the
This Camp, for girls ages 7-18, will be taught by       fundamentals of softball. The date, time and cost
PGHS head girls Varsity Basketball Coach from           is TBA. For County residents.
July 27-30, 9am to 3pm. Location TBA. For County
or non-County residents. The cost for the camp is       BASEBALL CAMP
$50 per participant.                                    Registration to be Announced.
                                                        The camp, for ages 9-12, is designed to teach the
BOYS BASKETBALL CAMP                                    fundamentals of baseball. The date, time and cost
Registration will be June 7-July 9.                     is TBA. For County residents.
This Camp, for girls ages 9-17, will be taught by
PGHS head boys Varsity Basketball Coach from
July 19-21, 9am to 1pm. Location TBA. For County
or non-County residents. The cost for the camp is
$40 per participant.

                                                                 2021 ACTIVITY GUIDE, SUMMER-FALL         9
2021 Activity Guide Summer-Fall - Youth Sports & Camps - Revize Software Systems
Adult Recreational                                      Adult Physical Fitness
Leagues                                                 ZUMBA EXERCISE CLASS
                                                        Zumba is a fusion of Latin and International music
ADULT WIFFLE BALL                                       set to dance themes creating a dynamic, exciting,
Registration will be held August 9-27 at the Parks &    and effective fitness workout. The routines
Recreation office, 8:30 am-5:00pm, M-F.                 feature aerobic/fitness interval training with a
The Prince George Parks & Recreation Department         combination of fast and slow rhythms that tone
will be taking registration for an Adult Co-Ed Wiffle   and sculpt the body.
Ball League. The league is open to teams only,
Participants must live or work in Prince George
                                                        YOGA CLASS
County. The cost per team is $175 and be paid at
                                                        Yoga is a mind body exercise involving stretching
the time of registration. The games will be played at
                                                        and creating balance in the body through
JEJ Moore Athletic Complex with dates and times to
                                                        developing both strength and flexibility. Bring a
be determined depending on the number of teams.
                                                        mat with you for floor exercises.
                                                        BASIC ABS
Registration will be held September 6-October 1.
                                                        This class will include muscle conditioning with a
Registration is for teams only, players must be
                                                        complete dynamic workout for all fitness levels. It
at least 16 years of age, live or work in Prince
                                                        will deliver strength, balance, flexibility endurance
George County, and have no more than 18 players
                                                        for core stability to tone, lengthen and define your
per team. A $50 fee will be due by Oct. 1 for each
                                                        muscles. The class incorporates all this by using
team registered. The number of games will be
                                                        only your body resistance to burn calories and
determined by the number of teams registered.
                                                        get the results you desire. Bring a mat for floor
The league will start around the first of November
                                                        exercises and weights.
and run through the end of January.

                                                        ARTHRITIS CLASS
                                                        The Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program is a free
Registration will be held October 4-November 5.
                                                        community-based, recreational group exercise and
Prince George Parks and Recreation is offering a
                                                        education program designed specifically for people
Basketball League for participants 35 and older
                                                        with arthritis and related diseases.
(participants must be 35 years of age by January 1,
2022). The $175 team registration fee is required at
sign-up. The league will begin in December and run      MIND-BODY EXERCISES
through the beginning of March, number of games         This free class will feature two mindful exercise
will depend on the number of teams. Participants        forms, Yoga and Tai Chi, and present strategies
must live or work in Prince George County.              and movement sequences to incorporate mind-
                                                        body exercise into physical activity programming
                                                        for older adults.
The Prince George Recreation Department
and “Team Brutal” will host an Arm Wrestling
Competition Saturday, September 25th at the
Central Wellness Center. Registration dates, cost
and location TBA.

Come play pickleball at the Central Welness Center!
                                                        Adult Activities
Courts will be available on Tuesdays and Fridays from
9:00 am-Noon. (Check for re-opening dates)              HUNTER SAFETY
                                                        All classes will be held from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm at
LINE DANCING                                            the Prince George Community Center, certificate
Line Dancing with Balette Messer. Happy Feet            awarded. Hunter Safety will be June 26, July 24
Stepping to the beat! Something for everyone!           and August 21 and the International Bowhunter
Top 40, R&B, Shag, and a many other dance               Education Program will be August 28. This course
songs thrown in. Dances are broken down for easy        will be instructed by the Department of Game and
instruction and all about FUN!                          Inland Fisheries. Pre-Registration is required at
                                                        www.dgif.virginia.gov or call 1-888-516-0844.
H.I.T.T. is a challenging, effective and fun total      BEGINNER DSLR PHOTO COURSE
body workout and we are so PUMPED to bring this         Prince George Parks & Recreation will be offering
new class to those looking to burn fat, sculpt lean     two three-hour courses designed for people who
muscle, strengthen the core and increase energy         bought a Digital-Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera
and endurance. H.I.T.T. stands for high-intensity       and who want to take better pictures, taught by
interval training that keeps your heart rate up and     local professional photographer, Ken Newman.
burns more fat in less time with lower impact.          Classes are limited to 15 participants, Register
The best part, the workout is easily scalable to        September 1– October 20, $35 per participant. Class
your fitness level and low impact but make sure to      will be held October 23 from 9:00am-12:00pm.
come to class well hydrated, nourished and ready
to work! BRING A MAT WITH YOU.                          BALLROOM DANCE CLASSES
                                                        Prince George Parks & Recreation will be
                                                        offering Ballroom Dance classes for beginners
Mature Adult Classes                                    and experienced dancers to meet new friends
                                                        and learn dance steps. Participants will learn
                                                        the Basic Fox Trot, Waltz, and East Coast Swing.
                                                        Leave the program with the confidence to dance
The “PG Movers” is a group that offers a variety
                                                        at any social event! The class will be held for four
Mature Adult activities for people 40 years of age
                                                        weeks at the Prince George Community Center
and older. Activities include traveling, attending
                                                        on Wednesdays (Dates TBA), from 6:30 pm to 7:30
events, dining out, becoming and staying
                                                        pm. Program fee is $20 per participant.
phyiscally fit, and much more! We will meet
periodically throughout the year. Come out
and join!!! Contact Debbie Lafland at dlafland@         CERAMIC CLASSES
princegeorgecountyva.gov for more information.          Come join us in the Fall to learn the techniques of
                                                        cleaning greenware and painting ceramics. You
                                                        will be able to clean and paint seasonal items to
                                                        take home.
Prince George Parks and Recreation Department
is sponsoring “Scraps from the Heart.”
Participants design and make lap quilts from
scraps of material. If you would like to join us,
please call (804) 458-6164 or email dlafland@

                                                               2020 ACTIVITY GUIDE, WINTER-SPRING        11

Harvest Festival                                       SANTA CALLS
                                                       The Prince George Parks & Recreation
Come out and help us celebrate our 14th annual         Department is sponsoring a phone call from Santa
Harvest Festival on October 23, from 5:00pm to         for children that live in Prince George County ages
8:00pm at Temple Park! This event, for County          3—8. Arrangements have been made for Santa,
youth up to 13 years old, will                         Mrs. Claus, or one of Santa’s elves to personally call
feature loads of games, a                              each child who signs up with the Prince George
hayrack ride, haunted forest,                          Recreation Department from November 15–
exhibits, costume contest and                          December 3.
fun! Dress in your Halloween
costume, or come as you are.                           BREAKFAST WITH SANTA
                                                       You are invited to have breakfast with Santa
                                                       on December 4, from 9:00 AM- 12:00 pm at the
Holiday Events                                         Prince George Community Center. Prince George
                                                       Scouts will help us with this event. Registration
ANNUAL TREE LIGHTING                                   will be November 1-30 (or until filled), cost to be
The Annual Prince George Parks and Recreation          announced.
Tree Lighting will be held on December 1, at
7:00 PM beside the Historic Courthouse. Enjoy          LETTERS TO SANTA
Christmas songs and refreshments.                      Yes, Prince George, there is a Santa Claus - and
                                                       Prince George Parks & Recreation can help you
CHRISTMAS PARADE                                       prove it when Santa replies to your child’s letter
The Annual Christmas Parade will be held on            - complete with a North Pole postmark. Please
Saturday, December 4, 3:00 pm starting at Beazley      come by the Parks & Recreation office, 11100
Elementary School and Scott Park. Any persons or       Old Stage Road, or the County Administration
group wanting to be in the parade can call 458-        Building, 6602 Courts Drive Monday - Friday from
6164. Applications for entry into the parade will be   8:30 a.m. to 5:00p.m. to fill out a letter request.
available October 25–November 19. Deadline for         Available December 1-17.
applications is November 19th.
                                                       CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS & DISPLAY
CHRISTMAS CARD CONTEST                                 CONTEST
Put your drawing skills to the test. This event will   All Prince George residents are encouraged
be for County youth grades 3—5. The winner of this     to enter the Christmas decoration-judging
contest will receive a $100 savings bond presented     contest. Awards will be given for the following five
by the Prince George Ruritan Club and the card will    categories: “Traditional,” “Religious Display,” “Tacky
be used as the official Christmas Card for Prince      Holiday Fun,” “Best Front Door and Porch” and
George County. Entries will be accepted at the         “Children’s Delight.” Participants can enter in two
Prince George Parks & Recreation Department            of these categories. We will also have a separate
from November 1-19.                                    category Most Facebook Likes! Judging Date TBA.
                                                       For more info please call 804-458-6164.


Summer Movie Nigths
This summer Prince George Parks & Recreation is pleased to present two free Outdoor
Summer Movie Nights at Scott Park the second Friday of each month. Come out each
night and enjoy a family night under the stars. Bring a blanket to sit on! Come hungry!
NO OUTSIDE food, drinks or coolers.The concession stand will be open for business.

June 11th, 8:30pm
Peter and his grandpa used to be very close, but when Grandpa Jack moves in with
the fam- ily, Peter is forced to give up his most prized possession: his bedroom.
Peter will stop at nothing to get his room back, scheming with friends to devise a
series of pranks to drive him out. However, grandpa doesn’t give up easily, and it
turns into an all-out war between the two.

July 9th, 8:30pm
The world needed a hero -- it got a hedgehog. Powered with incredible speed, Sonic
embraces his new home on Earth -- until he accidentally knocks out the power grid,
sparking the attention of uncool evil genius Dr. Robotnik. Now, it’s supervillain vs.
supersonic in an all-out race across the globe to stop Robotnik from using Sonic’s
unique power to achieve world domination.

                                                                           Wetlands Paddle
                                        Reserve your spot to paddle the tranquil waters along James River
                                   National Wildlife Refuge on Saturday, September 11th, 25th, or October
                                    9th from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Reserve a canoe or bring your own on a
                                   self-guided journey through this wild and historically rich part of Prince
                                     George County. Canoeing/kayaking experience recommended. Boats
                                   and life jackets will be provided. This free event is sponsored by the US
                                   Fish and Wildlife Service and Prince George County Parks & Recreation
                                   Department. Registration required online or in office beginning August
                                              30th until filled. Additional details provided upon registration.

County Complex Walking
& Exercise Trails
Come out and get some exercise on the nine station exercise
trail around the County complex by Scott Park! For the trail map,
visit www.princegeorgecountyva.gov/residents/parks_and_

                                                                    2021 ACTIVITY GUIDE, SUMMER-FALL      13
Facilities & Parks
Rules for Use
Each park is available to Prince George citizens                           SCOTT
from dawn to dusk each day. Alcohol beverages are                          MEMORIAL
prohibited.                                                                PARK

Pavilion Reservations
County citizens, businesses, and organizations
may reserve the pavilion facilities through the
Parks & Recreation Department. You may call (804)
458-6164 to check for availability or visit the office                     MOORE
in person to fill out a reservation form. Scott Park                       ATHLETIC
and Temple Park Pavilions are reserved for half                            FIELDS
days either from dawn to 3:00 pm or 3:00 pm to
dusk, in an effort to accommodate as many groups
as possible. Self-cleanup required.

6680 Courthouse Road, 23875
The Scott Memorial Park features a large pavilion,                        TEMPLE
picnic tables, restrooms, a newly renovated                               RECREATION
playground, two lighted softball fields, and five                         PARK
soccer fields.

11455 Prince George Drive, 23842
The Moore Athletic Complex has four lighted
baseball fields, multi-purpose field, and                                 PG CENTRAL
concession area.                                                          WELLNESS
14307 Prince George Drive, 23842
Temple Park features one full-size lighted softball
field, multi-purpose field, three tennis courts,
playground and large pavilion.
PG CENTRAL WELLNESS CENTER                                                RIVER
11023 Prince George Drive, 23842                                          REGIONAL
The Prince George Central Wellness Center is
a principal hub for active youth and adults. The
indoor facility is utilized for Zumba and Yoga
classes, basketball leagues, school practices, and
sports clinics. It features a new Fitness Room, and

be used at both the Prince George Community
                                                       Center and Central Wellness Center locations.
                                                       The two Exercise rooms are now open to County
                       PRINCE GEORGE                   residents ages 13–and up. Participants 13-15 must
                       COMMUNITY CENTER                be accompanied by an adult.

                       PRINCE GEORGE
                       CENTRAL WELLNESS
                       CENTER                          PRINCE GEORGE COMMUNITY CENTER
                                                       11100 Old Stage Road, Prince George 23875
                                                       The Fitness Facility at the Prince George
                                                       Community Center has been open since
                                                       November, 2012. The two Exercise rooms are
Citizens Lounge. The outdoorlighted rectangular        open to County residents ages 13–and up.
field is used for recreation football practices, and   The cardiovascular room contains ellipticals,
recreation/school soccer practices. Now offering       treadmills and stationery bikes. The weight room
Pickleball on Tuesdays & Fridays from 9 am-12 pm!      houses strength training machines with limited
(Check for re-opening dates)                           free weights.
                                                       The Community Center Fitness Facility is open
APPOMATTOX RIVER REGIONAL PARK                         Monday—Thursday from 7:00 am —8:00 pm, Friday
800 Folar Trail, 23860                                 from 7:00 am—7:00 pm, Saturday from 9:00 am—noon.
The Prince George County Parks & Recreation
Department is also proud to offer the newest           PRINCE GEORGE CENTRAL WELLNESS
addition to our parks. The Appomattox River
Regional Park is located between I-295 and and
                                                       11023 Prince George Drive, Disputanta 23842
the Riverside Regional Jail on River Road. This
                                                       The newest facility at the Prince George Central
park offers over 60 acres of wooded trails with
                                                       Wellness Center! The Fitness Room features
an observation pier on the Appomattox River,
                                                       ellipticals, treadmills, stationary bikes, strength
Educational Shelter, Canoe/Kayak Launch and
                                                       training machines, limited free weights, and
Restroom Facility. Come out for a walk and enjoy
                                                       Pickleball courts. Fitness Room participants
the outdoors.
                                                       should enter through the front of the building.
                                                       The Wellness Center Fitness Room will be open
Exercise Rooms                                         Monday—Thursday 7:00—10:00 am and 5:00-8:00
                                                       pm, and Friday 7:00—10:00 am and 5:00-7:00 pm.
Thanks to the John Randolph Foundation,                (Check for re-opening dates)
the County Board of Supervisors, and County
Administration, Prince George Parks and                      STARSTARSTARSTARSTAR
Recreation has opened two Fitness Facilities to             “Good place to go to work out. Great
assist citizens of Prince George County in their            selection of equipment.”
quest for a healthy lifestyle. Registration fee is                                -Nick H., Google Review
$5 per month and/or $50 a year and the card can

                                                                2021 ACTIVITY GUIDE, SUMMER-FALL       15
Come Watch
                                               the 2021 Dixie
                                               Softball World
                                               Prince George County will host
                                               teams from two leagues—the
                                               Darlings (ages 7-8) and Angels
                                               X-Play (ages 9-10)—and our
                                               local teams will compete in the
                                               For more information, visit www.

                                                      PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY
                                                      A GLOBAL COMMUNITY WHERE
                                                             FAMILIES THRIVE AND
                                                            BUSINESSES PROSPER.

COMMUNITY CENTER                                  Let’s be social!
11100 Old Stage Road               Follow us on social media for the latest program
Prince George, VA 23875            updates, new classes, events, and sporting updates!
Office: (804) 458-6164
Fax: (804) 458-5021                           PG County Parks
Activity Hotline: (804) 458-5186
                                   FACEBOOK   and Recreation     TWITTER   @PGParksandRec
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