Gerry Koziol: A County 'Rock Star' - Pima County

Page created by Ruben Simon
Gerry Koziol: A County 'Rock Star' - Pima County
MARCH • 2021

Gerry Koziol: A County ‘Rock Star’
by Lilian von Rago

  Gerry Koziol, Civil Engineering
Assistant for the Development
Services Department, has been with
Pima County for 35 years. He left
his home in western New York after
the collapse of the steel industry in
1985, moved to Tucson, and became
an employee of RWRD.
  In 2017, during a County
consolidation, he was absorbed
into the Development Services
Department (DSD), where he
processes Wastewater Utility Fee
permits for unincorporated Pima
County. That entails providing sewer
information such as the location of
House Connection Sewers (HCS’s),
the location of sewer cleanouts,
investigating all sewer-related
questions and recommending
solutions that are equally fair to
Pima County and to its wastewater          Gerry Koziol works from home processing Wastewater Utility Fee permits for
customers. All options are based on        unincorporated Pima County.
Pima County Building Codes and             advance the mission of Pima County.          remotely now for DSD, we still hear
Pima County Ordinances.                      Gerry is universally loved and             from him almost daily in his efforts
  Gerry said: “I am happy to help          respected by those who know                  to provide excellent customer
customers take care of their sewer         and work with him. RWRD Deputy               service. If there were an award for
issues and sewer informational             Director Eric Wieduwilt said:                Customer Service Employee of the
needs.” Asked where he sees himself        “Gerry’s dedication to supporting            Decade, Gerry would be the clear
in five years, he says he hopes to still   the customers of RWRD through                winner.”
be working for Pima County. Gerry          his roles with both RWRD and DSD               Development Services
genuinely enjoys working with              goes beyond amazing. He gives                Department Project Manager Mark
RWRD staff and with Pima County            every customer his full attention and        Masek said: “Gerry has no bias. He
Building Codes. He says there are          works with them tirelessly to answer         takes equally good care of Pima
many unsung heroes at Pima County          a question or resolve a complex              County (by making sure that County
who work hard, long, and smart to          problem. While Gerry is working                                  See “GERRY” Page 4

 CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD                                           UPDATE ON VACCINE SHOTS FOR
 SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETINGS                                         COUNTY EMPLOYEES
                                                PAGE • 3                                                                PAGE • 5
DIRECTOR’S VIEW                              by Jackson Jenkins
   Hard as it is to                           we have only been using about 20                     On a different note, we are still
believe, spring                               percent of that biogas; now, we’ll                 working to keep the number of
is almost here!                               be able to treat the rest of it, so that           COVID-19 cases down in Pima
Traditionally, spring                         it can be sold as natural gas. We’re               County, so I’d like to remind you to
is thought of as a                            partnering with Southwest Gas to                   stay diligent about wearing your
time of fresh starts and new growth           deliver the gas to our end users.                  mask, social distancing, and washing
(not to mention more comfortable                 This project has been more than                 your hands frequently. Remember
weather). That’s appropriate,                 three years in the making, and it’s                that even small steps like this can
because we have some exciting                 fantastic that we’re finally ready to              help save lives.
developments in the works here at             take it to the next level. Not only                  As the old saying goes, “The only
RWRD.                                         is this project going to benefit the               constant in life is change.” At a time
   One of those developments is the           environment, but it will also provide              of change, it’s good to take stock
long-awaited Biogas Cleaning and              us with a new, ongoing revenue                     of your successes, and I’d say we
Utilization Project, which is finally         source for RWRD—which means                        have a lot to be proud of here in our
on the verge of completion. This              that we will not have to rely on rate              department. I’m confident that the
will allow us to begin maximizing             increases. This is something else we               months ahead will continue to be
the use we make of the biogas that            can be proud of: for the fifth straight            successful ones for our utility. I wish
is generated at the Tres Ríos Water           year, we will not have to raise sewer              you all a happy March. Stay safe,
Reclamation Facility. In the past,            user fees and wastewater utility fees.             everybody!

 SUSTAINABILITY CORNER                        by Justyn Dillingham

Sonoran Institute Highlights Changes in Santa Cruz
  As relatively rare as flowing rivers        meeting of the Pima County Regional                environment for fish, along with
are in Arizona, more than 80 percent          Wastewater Reclamation Advisory                    aquatic invertebrates such as
of the state’s wild plants and animals        Committee.                                         dragonflies.
depend on river habitats at some                 Pima County has been discharging                   The Sonoran Institute leads an
point in their life cycle. In our part of     treated wastewater into the Santa                  annual fish survey to identify the
the state, that role is played by the         Cruz River since the 1970s. However,               different types of fish that live in the
Santa Cruz River. Winding its way             the quality of that water has                      Santa Cruz River. In 2013, only one
back and forth across the border and          greatly improved since 2013, when                  species—the Western mosquitofish—
then up through the heart of Pima             major upgrades were made to the                    was found in the river. Since then, five
County, the river provides a haven for        wastewater treatment process. The                  others have been found, including
numerous desert plants and animals.           Sonoran Institute has been tracking                the endangered Gila topminnow.
  “We have a vision of the Santa              the changes in the river since.                       “This little native fish came back
Cruz as a living, flowing river that             In particular, the upgrades have                to the river in 2017, presumably on
continues to be the foundation of our         resulted in significantly lower levels             its own,” Zugmeyer said. “We don’t
community’s health and prosperity,”           of ammonia, a pollutant that is highly             know how it got back into the river,
said Claire Zugmeyer, an ecologist at         toxic to fish and other aquatic wildlife.          but it was found downstream of the
the Sonoran Institute, a Tucson-based         As the river enjoys cleaner water,                 Agua Nueva facility, and it’s persisting,
nonprofit group, at the most recent           it has become a more hospitable                    which is really exciting.”

                                   The Pipeline, an Award-Winning Publication
                  CONTRIBUTORS:                            MISSION STATEMENT                                  BE A CONTRIBUTOR
     Ken Coultas            Jenette Lee         Our mission is to protect the public health,   Is there something happening in your Division?
                                                 safety, and the environment by providing       On your team? In your office? We want to read
     Jenelle Chraft         Patsy Padilla       quality service, environmental stewardship,          about it! Share it with us by emailing
     Justyn Dillingham      Lilian von Rago               and renewable resources.           or call 724-6543.
     Jackson Jenkins                                                                                      SUBMISSION DEADLINES
                                                                                                 Please submit your stories for the April issue to
                    EDITOR                                                            by Friday, March 26. If you will
               Justyn Dillingham                                                                be submitting a photo, please send as a separate
                                                                                                           high-res JPEG attachment.

2                                                     THE PIPELINE • March 2021
HEALTH & SAFETY CORNER                   by Ken Coultas

Characteristics of Good Safety
Committee Meetings
   According to the National Safety Council, organizations
with a higher percentage of their workforce on safety
committees have lower injury and illness rates. In
addition, safety committees are more likely to make
a meaningful impact on workplace safety when the
committees have strong and visible upper management
support. RWRD has a strong commitment to each of
these. Safety committee meetings are conducted in
each of our divisions. Additionally, safety meetings are
conducted with our safety coordinators and with the
Safety Training Committee that develops and presents
Annual Safety Training and In-Service Training.
   What are some of the good characteristics of a safety
committee? The following are some characteristics that
safety committees should model:
   • Safety committees are conducted in each division
     and should focus on their specific area.                        location
   • A centralized source to look for a potential overlap of      • FEAP/COOP including updating coordinator lists
     information with the division safety committees.             • Review and update coordinator lists such as the Spill
   • An effective committee leader that facilitates the              Plan and SDS
     meeting without being dominating or allowing                 • Review and update other authorized lists such as
     someone to do so.                                               First Aid, BBP, and Fall Protection Competent Person
   • It follows a clear agenda.                                   • General safety topics such as LOTO, PPE, Confined
   • Works hard to keep enthusiasm and bring in new                  Space Entry, HazCom, etc.
     members when the committee becomes stale.                    • Safety-related training topics and presentations
   • Rotating the committee’s focus among a variety of            Meeting minutes summaries should be memorialized
     topics.                                                    on the Safety SharePoint site, and meetings should be
   • Management participation to make realistic                 limited to 1 hour. Finally, meetings should be held at
     decisions and recommendations.                             least monthly in the most critical areas where injuries are
   • Employee participation to ensure their voice is            most likely to occur.
     heard.                                                       Safety committees at RWRD have been shown to be
   • Requesting topics from employees prior to the              informative, fun, and critical to the overall success of our
     meeting.                                                   Safety Program. The above information provides basic
   These are some great characteristics, with the               safety committee fundamentals which vary from division
most important aspect being communication. Clear                to division. By sharing safety information and identifying
communication from all levels of the department allows          hazards, RWRD is a safer workplace and is trending
likely sources of injury to be identified and discussed,        toward becoming an injury-free workplace.
causal factors to be identified, and the implementation
of measures that should be taken to eliminate similar               SAFETY SHARE
future incidents. What are the topics that should be              It’s rattlesnake season!
discussed in a safety committee meeting?                            You’re most likely to
   Below are some of the topics that should be discussed          encounter a rattlesnake
during a safety meeting:                                          outdoors from mid-March
   • Safety Share                                                 through October. Watch
   • Recordable injuries and First Aid/Near Miss reports          where you step, stay on
     with recommended preventive actions                          the trail when hiking, and
   • Safety procedures, including any updates                     never approach snakes.
   • Safety issues pertinent to their specific division/

                                                  THE PIPELINE • March 2021                                               3
CRAO Laboratory Undergoes Biannual Audit
by Jenelle Chraft

   On January 12-14, 2021, the                                                           This year, however, due to the
Compliance and Regulatory Affairs                                                     pandemic, the audit involved four
Office (CRAO) Laboratory underwent                                                    auditors for three days and was
its biannual audit by the Arizona                                                     conducted as a “desk” or virtual
Department of Health Services. This                                                   audit. This meant that, in addition
audit usually involves three auditors                                                 to locating all the paperwork,
on site for three days.                                                               documents and raw data files
   The auditors usually spend a day                                                   requested by the auditors, all of that
and a half going over laboratory                                                      paperwork also had to be scanned
documents, such as our 217-page                                                       and uploaded as electronic files and
Laboratory Quality Manual, our                                                        submitted to the auditors in a format
152-page Chemical Hygiene Plan,                                                       they could view.
106 different Method SOPs, Safety                                                        We chose to use a Dropbox to
documents, Quality Assurance                                                          upload all this virtual data into and
Documentation, and Laboratory                                                         gave the auditors access so that they
Personnel Training Records. These                                                     could review all of it. Getting all of
documents are all thoroughly                                                          this documentation ready took the
reviewed during the audit. In                                                         Laboratory Manager, Unit Supervisors,
addition, the auditors select at least    Jack Van Riper Jr., Wastewater Laboratory   staff from DMU and some additional
one sample from each method that          Chemist, does lab work at the CRAO          staff more than a week to prepare,
the Laboratory is licensed by the state   Laboratory.                                 while performing normal laboratory/
to perform.                                   To prepare for this, the Laboratory     job duties at the same time.
   During the review process, the          Unit Supervisors must locate the             After all the preparation and
auditors may request additional            paper raw data packets and copies of       anticipation, the audit went
documents—such as instrument               all the electronic data files from the     very smoothly. The Lab received
maintenance manuals or Certificate         instruments as well as files used to       three emails and two phone calls
of Analysis records for chemicals          merge the data with our Laboratory         requesting additional information
used—if they have questions about          Information Management System that         which were fielded by the Unit
what they are reviewing. During            keeps track of the data. In addition,      Supervisors. No chemists or
the remaining day and a half, the          the Data Management Unit (DMU)             technicians were requested for
auditors would spend time in the           must locate or produce the final           interview. In all, the Lab received
lab areas watching and interviewing        laboratory reports that are reviewed       four minor findings and three
the chemists and technicians who           and signed by the Laboratory               recommendations which will be
perform the analyses.                      Manager.                                   reviewed for correction.
                                           about building Codes and Pima              enjoy photography, yard work and
ordinances are adhered to) and the         County Wastewater. He takes his            weekend birthday trips to La Jolla. I
customer, by going over and above          time explaining things to customers        once worked at Pima County part-
to help them solve their problem.          to ensure that they thoroughly             time on weekends for 17 years. I
Every manager should have an               understand County requirements.”           enjoyed that as well.”
employee like Gerry.”                        Civil Engineering Manager                   Gerry’s sunny disposition is
  DSD Chief Building Official Dan          Lorenzo Hernandez said:                    evident by his answer to this
Ice said: “Gerry is the hardest-           “Wastewater has a rock star in Gerry       question: “What is your motto in
working and most dedicated                 Koziol.” Hernandez shares that             life?” He said: “I enjoy today. The
individual I have ever known. It is        sentiment with a constituent who           now. Some people cannot wait until
an honor to be working with him at         praised Gerry for calling him back at      the weekend. I’m happy seven days
DSD. Engineering Plans Technician          6 p.m. when most employees have            a week. I enjoy each and every day.”
Olivia Canez said: “Gerry loves            already gone home for the day.                Congratulations, Gerry. You are
his job. He LOVES his job. I wish I          When asked about what he enjoys          an exceptional employee of Pima
knew a fraction of what he knows           doing in his free time, Gerry said: “I     County!
4                                                  THE PIPELINE • March 2021
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS                   by Jenette Lee

Safeguarding RWRD and Yourself: 5
Tips for Physical and Digital Security
  Many people think                       enough, but it is easy to overlook such   company information to outsiders
that security refers                      details and accidentally lose private     or sources that seem the slightest bit
to the software and                       or confidential information. Loss of      suspicious. Be cautious of opening
hardware that Pima                        data is not just dangerous; it is also    emails that look strange and if you
County implements                         extremely inconvenient. Make sure         have doubts, check with the person
in order to ensure                        you lock your things up safely before     who has sent the mail personally. If it
the safety of the                         leaving for the day.                      is an unknown mail address, it may be
employees and assets of RWRD. While          2. Remain alert at all times.          better not to click on it as it could be a
much of the responsibility to create      Report any suspicious instances           virus or scam. Similarly, don’t be liberal
a safe space for employees and to         to higher authorities and security        with confidential information over the
protect assets is on RWRD, employees      personnel, such as unknown people         phone.
can contribute significantly to ensure    trying to gain entry into the office         5. Always ensure that your
that existing security measures           premises, unannounced repair work         devices are protected by a strong
are successful. RWRD put certain          being done suddenly, and so on. Make      password. Password protection is
provisions in place, but it also          sure you report if security systems       another important security measure
depends on the staff to follow them       don’t appear to be working correctly.     you must take when you are at work.
accordingly and proceed carefully to      If you yourself are in a security         Be sure never to leave your phone,
protect both RWRD and themselves.         position, do not let unauthorized         laptop or desktop unlocked, as
  As an employee, it is up to you         persons enter the premises.               anyone may access these devices and
to safeguard yourself and RWRD’s             3. Notify your supervisor              gain hold of your private information
information and assets as well. Below     immediately if you notice that any        or RWRD’s data. Be sure to lock your
are 5 simple tips:                        of your office equipment, such as         computer if you leave your desk for
  1. Take care of your belongings,        hardware, drives, etc., are missing.      any length of time. If you have a habit
such as your purse or wallet and          Even if to your knowledge there was       of forgetting passwords, keep them
your employee badge, as well as           no important information on the           relatable and don’t leave them written
RWRD hardware and/or documents            missing device, report the loss to your   down anywhere near the desk space.
containing important or sensitive         supervisor immediately.                      For more information, see the
information. This sounds simple              4. Be very careful about divulging     Recognize the Signs poster.

Update on Vaccine Shots for County Employees
by Justyn Dillingham
  Since the first shot of the COVID-19    vaccine have been administered            effects are temporarily and will
vaccine was administered to an            in Pima County, but low vaccine           usually not last longer than 48 hours.
Arizonan in December, more than           supplies led to the postponement of         In order to ensure that people who
1 million people in Arizona have          many appointments in late February.       are at the highest risk of infection
received at least one dose of the           Huckelberry also said that the          get the vaccine as soon as possible,
vaccine. When will the vaccine be         County has amended its Pandemic           Arizona is following the CDC’s
available to Pima County employees?       Leave policy to reflect the fact that     recommendation to offer the vaccine
  The tentative answer is: soon.          some employees may need to                in successive phases. Pima County
  “At the current rate, employees may     recuperate at home after receiving        employees fall into Phase 1, which is
be able to start getting vaccinated       the vaccine.                              currently in progress.
as soon as the end of March,” said          Many people have reported fever,          The priority groups are:
Pima County Administrator Chuck           fatigue, and other mild effects             • Phase 1A. Healthcare workers
Huckelberry on February 19, 2021.         after getting their vaccine shot,              and healthcare support
  The schedule will depend on the         particularly after the second dose.            occupations, emergency medical
availability of vaccine doses, he said.   According to the Centers for Disease           services workers, and long-term
More than 200,000 doses of the            Control and Prevention, the side                           See “VACCINE” Page 6

                                                 THE PIPELINE • March 2021                                                  5
RWRAC MEETING UPDATE                     by Justyn Dillingham

   The Pima County Regional               development at Canoa Ranch, and          not met recently, but said that
Wastewater Reclamation Advisory           talked about meeting with each of        they would meet soon to elect a
Committee (RWRAC) held its monthly        the three newest members of the          new chair. Capital Improvement
meeting virtually on February 25,         Pima County Board of Supervisors:        Project (CIP) Subcommittee Chair
2021.                                     Matt Heinz, Adelita Grijalva, and        Matt Matthewson said that the CIP
   Claire Zugmeyer, an ecologist at       Rex Scott.                               subcommittee would not be meeting
the Sonoran Institute, presented data       Division Manager Michele               until June.
from the institute’s most recent Living   Milensky, of the Pima County               FRMD Administration Support
River Report. She discussed the role      Finance and Risk Management              Services Manager Mandy Armenta
that the Santa Cruz River plays in our    Department (FRMD), reviewed the          provided an expense and revenue
local ecosystem and the increased         2021 Rate Workbook. She said that        summary for Period 7 of the 2020-
fish diversity that has happened since    there is no need for a rate change any   21 fiscal year. Finally, Mark Taylor
upgrades were made to the water           time in the near-future, based on the    provided a report from the Citizens’
reclamation facilities that discharge     current numbers.                         Water Advisory Committee.
effluent into the river.                    RWRAC Financial Subcommittee             The RWRAC will hold its next
   RWRD Director Jackson                  Vice-Chair Mark Taylor said that         meeting virtually on Thursday,
Jenkins gave a brief update about         the financial subcommittee has           March 25, 2021.
 COMINGS AND GOINGS                        “VACCINE” FROM PAGE 5                   time. All other county employees will
by Patsy Padilla                              care facility staff and residents.   be vaccinated in Phase 1B or Phase
                                            • Phase 1B (priority). Education       1C.
NEW HIRES – Welcome!                          and childcare workers, protective      There is no cost for county
Andrew Higgins
                                              services occupations, and adults     employees to be vaccinated.
Industrial Electrician
Treatment Division
                                              65 and older.                          The CDC advises that even after
Joshua Murray                               • Phase 1B. Essential services and     you have received both doses of the
WW O&M Technician                             critical industry workers, adults    vaccine, it is important to continue
Treatment Division                            with high-risk conditions in         wearing a mask, social distancing,
Gabriel Triste                                congregate settings.                 and taking other precautions to
WW Heavy Duty Maintenance Technician        • Phase 1C. Adults 65 and older,       prevent transmission of the virus.
Treatment Division                            adults living in congregate
PROMOTIONS – Congratulations!                 settings, and adults of any                       HAPPY
Gilbert Aguirre
WW Conveyance System Monitor
                                              age with high-risk medical
                                                                                              to all those celebrating in
Conveyance Division                         County employees who fall into the
Armando Cordova
Administrative Services Manager
                                          Phase 1A or priority Phase 1B groups
                                          may sign up for the vaccine at any
Treatment Division
Dion Kalastro                              A Note to Our Readers
WW Heavy Duty Maintenance Technician                                We’re moving, folks! RWRD’s Community
Treatment Division
                                                                  Relations team has merged with the Pima County
Ian Sentz
                                                                  Communications Office.
WW Conveyance System Monitor
Conveyance Division                                                 Program Coordinator Justyn Dillingham and
William Welchert                                                  Special Staff Assistant, Sr. Lilian von Rago have
WW Heavy Duty Maintenance Technician                              moved to the third floor of the Public Works
Treatment Division                                                building, where they will join the new Public Works
RETIREMENTS – Farewell!                    Communications team. Program Coordinator Jennifer Tate has joined the
Esther Deschamps                           Graphic Design team at the Pima County Print Shop.
Administrative Specialist, Senior            In their new roles, Justyn, Lilian, and Jennifer will continue to support
Administrative Division                    RWRD while branching out to serve the rest of Public Works.
W. Marc Brunson                              Please email for all
Equipment Operator - Landfill              Communications requests, including website updates, in the future.
Treatment Division

6                                                THE PIPELINE • March 2021
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