2019 ANTITRUST YEAR IN REVIEW - Wilson Sonsini

Page created by Luis Anderson

Wilson Sonsini 2019 Antitrust Year in Review

Table of Contents
 Mergers ........................................................................................................................................................................2
       Merger Enforcement: Focus on Technology and Nascent and Potential Competition ................................2
       Traditional Merger Enforcement.......................................................................................................................2
       Vertical Mergers...................................................................................................................................................3
       Unusual Actions: Tunney Act Review ..............................................................................................................3
       Enforcement of HSR Violations.........................................................................................................................3
 International Mergers................................................................................................................................................ 4
       European Commission Unafraid of Exercising Veto Powers.......................................................................... 4
       Continued Enforcement of Procedural Issues...................................................................................................5
       UK CMA Flexing Its Procedural Powers............................................................................................................5
       Minority Stakes Under Review in the UK........................................................................................................ 6
 Agency Investigations................................................................................................................................................7
 		           DOJ Ramps Up Investigations of “Big Tech”.............................................................................................7
 		           DOJ Courts Controversy with Investigation of Automaker Emissions Settlements..............................7
 		           DOJ Continues a Policy-Forward Agenda..................................................................................................7
       FTC....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
 		           FTC Amazon Investigation Ramps Up...................................................................................................... 8
 		           New Technology Enforcement Division .................................................................................................. 8
 		           Significant Democratic Dissents Seek to Advance Antitrust Policy Debates........................................ 9
 		           FTC Hearings Seek to Chart Future of U.S. Competition Enforcement................................................10
 		           FTC Wins at Trial in Qualcomm...............................................................................................................10
 		           Health Care Conduct Cases at the FTC.....................................................................................................10
       State AGs............................................................................................................................................................. 11
 		           State AG Investigations into Google and Facebook................................................................................ 11
 		           Washington Charts a Separate Course on No-Poach..............................................................................12
 Criminal/Cartel Investigations................................................................................................................................12
       Notable Developments in the DOJ’s Criminal Antitrust Enforcement Program......................................... 12
       Notable DOJ Prosecutions in 2019: Corporations and Individuals............................................................... 13
       Policy Initiatives and Developments................................................................................................................16
Wilson Sonsini 2019 Antitrust Year in Review

Table of Contents (cont.)

  		           DOJ Announces Policy Incentivizing Corporate Antitrust Compliance ..............................................16
  		           DOJ Launches Procurement Collusion Strike Force ..............................................................................16
  		           DOJ Holds Roundtable on ACPERA.........................................................................................................16
  		           DOJ’s Approach to “No-Poach” Hiring Agreements............................................................................... 17
  		           Efforts to Promote and Coordinate Leniency Programs Across Jurisdictions...................................... 17
        Enforcement Against Collusive Conduct Outside the U.S............................................................................. 17
  		European Commission............................................................................................................................... 17
  		United Kingdom.........................................................................................................................................19
  		South Korea.................................................................................................................................................19
  		China........................................................................................................................................................... 20
  		Canada........................................................................................................................................................ 20
  		Brazil........................................................................................................................................................... 20
  Civil Litigation..........................................................................................................................................................22
        Competitive Restraints of Trade.......................................................................................................................22
  		           Price Fixing Litigation ..............................................................................................................................22
  		           Section 1 Litigation in Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences....................................................................23
  		           Section 1 in the Labor Market...................................................................................................................25
  		           Other Section 1 Litigation......................................................................................................................... 26
        Monopolization and Single Firm-Conduct Litigation...................................................................................28
  		           Section 2 Litigation ....................................................................................................................................28
        Monopolization Cases in the Pharmaceutical Industry................................................................................ 30
        Class Certification .............................................................................................................................................32
  		           Uninjured Class Members as a Bar to Class Certification – the Progeny of Asacol..............................32
  		Nationwide Class........................................................................................................................................34
  		           Beyond Uninjured Class Members – Class Certification in the Pharmaceutical Industry..................35
  Endnotes ...................................................................................................................................................................37
  About Wilson Sonsini’s Antitrust Practice.............................................................................................................38
Wilson Sonsini 2019 Antitrust Year in Review


Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati           that state attorneys general offices have   U.S., including in Canada, China,
(Wilson Sonsini) is pleased to present     taken a much more prominent role in         the EU, Hong Kong, Japan, South
its 2019 Antitrust Year in Review,         enforcing antitrust laws, sometimes         Korea, and the United Kingdom. This
which summarizes the most significant      even when at odds with positions taken      report concludes with an update on
antitrust matters and developments         by federal enforcers.                       private antitrust litigation, where the
of the past year. Over the past few                                                    stakes (and correspondingly, the size
years, the use of antitrust laws and       In this report, we examine the Trump        of settlements) seem to grow every
regulations has become a highly            Administration’s antitrust enforcement      year. Multi-district litigation and
debated subject in public discourse,       approach and analyze actions by both        the consolidation of multiple actions
and this year saw antitrust become         U.S. antitrust agencies across a range of   presents unique and new procedural
the fashionable tool to cite on a wide     civil and criminal enforcement matters.     and due process issues, as well as
variety of issues. The tech sector         We also examine international civil         substantive challenges.
continues to be in the spotlight, with     enforcement trends at the European
both federal antitrust enforcement         Commission (EC), where tech is also         We hope you find our 2019 Antitrust
agencies forming specialized divisions     top of mind. The criminal enforcement       Year in Review to be a useful resource.
to focus solely on mergers and conduct     section provides an overview of             As always, should you have any
of technology companies. Meanwhile,        trends in the Department of Justice’s       questions or comments on any of
government enforcers and private           (DOJ’s) criminal enforcement                the matters, trends, or controversies
plaintiffs remain focused on the life      program, including changes in the           discussed in the report, please contact
sciences industry, intellectual property   DOJ’s approach to leniency. We also         your regular Wilson Sonsini attorney
issues, and traditional price-fixing and   highlight cartel investigations in          or any member of the firm’s antitrust
bid-rigging conduct. We note the trend     active jurisdictions outside of the         practice.

Wilson Sonsini 2019 Antitrust Year in Review

Merger                                       Sabre, one that has “spurred innovation
                                             and brought more competitive pricing
                                                                                          the FTC’s divestiture requirements in a
                                                                                          highly concentrated market. Fidelity and
                                             to an industry that has for decades          Stewart abandoned the transaction days
Merger Enforcement: Focus                    been plagued by tepid competition and        after the complaint was filed.16
on Technology and Nascent                    outdated technology.”7 The DOJ argued
and Potential Competition                    that Farelogix’s current market share        The FTC also challenged the proposed
                                             ($42 million in 2018 revenues, compared      merger of Evonik and PeroxyChem,
In 2019, antitrust enforcement continued     to Sabre’s $3.9 billion)8 substantially      two of the five suppliers of hydrogen
to focus on technology, including            understates its competitive significance,    peroxide in North America, alleging that
acquisitions involving large incumbent       because its disruptive presence has          the merger would reduce competition17
firms and nascent or potential               given airlines leverage to negotiate         by increasing the likelihood of
competitors. In testimony before the         lower prices9 and it is poised to grow       coordination in an “already vulnerable”
Senate, the Federal Trade Commission         significantly.10 The case is scheduled to    market18 and eliminating head-to-head
(FTC) Bureau of Competition Director         go to trial in January 2020.11               competition.19 Litigation is ongoing in
Bruce Hoffman highlighted this as                                                         this matter.
an area of concern stating that “the         For its part, in November 2019, the FTC
Commission pays particularly close           upheld the administrative law judge’s        The DOJ challenged the merger of Quad/
attention when an industry leader seeks      finding that Otto Bock’s acquisition of      Graphics Inc. and LSC Communications,
to acquire an up-and-coming competitor       Freedom substantially reduced both           alleging the transaction would
that is changing customer expectations       current and potential competition            combine the only two significant
and gaining sales.” 1                        in the market for microprocessor-            providers of magazine, catalog, and
                                             equipped prosthetic knees (MPKs).12          book printing services.20 The DOJ’s
Consistent with that focus, the FTC          The commission found that Freedom’s          Antitrust Division focused closely
formed a new division within its             forthcoming MPK product, the Quattro,        on the parties’ documents, including
Bureau of Competition, the Technology        was poised to compete closely with           statements describing “intense rivalry”
Enforcement Division, to focus on            and take share from Otto Bock’s C-Leg        between “#1 competitor[s]”21 and the
“prospective merger reviews in the           product (indeed, Freedom nicknamed           LSC CEO’s comments to investors
technology sector and reviews of             the Quattro the “C-Leg killer”)13 and that   months before the deal was announced
consummated technology mergers.”             Otto Bock saw the Quattro as a serious       that combining the companies would
  The FTC is reportedly examining            competitive threat.14                        eliminate competitive “battles” and
Facebook’s past acquisitions,                                                             facilitate “pricing stability.”22 The parties
particularly Instagram and WhatsApp,         Traditional Merger                           abandoned the transaction shortly after
to determine whether they were part of       Enforcement                                  the complaint was filed.
a strategy to snap up potential rivals and
head off competitive threats.3 The FTC       The FTC and the DOJ also continued to        The DOJ also took action to block
also announced plans for the FTC to          challenge mergers that would increase        Novelis’s acquisition of Aleris,
publish guidance by the end of 2019 on       concentration in well-established            two of only four North American
how to properly apply the antitrust laws     industries, with a keen eye towards the      manufacturers of rolled aluminum
to competition within the technology         companies’ business documents.               sheet for automotive applications. In
sector.4                                                                                  an unusual step, the DOJ has agreed to
                                             The FTC challenged Fidelity’s proposed       refer the matter to binding arbitration
In addition, both of the agencies brought    acquisition of Stewart which would have      to resolve the issue of product market
enforcement actions against technology       allegedly eliminated one of “the Big 4”      definition. This marks the first time
companies involving nascent or               suppliers of title insurance underwriting    the DOJ’s Antitrust Division is using
potential competition. In August 2019,       and title information services. The          this arbitration authority to resolve a
the United States Department of Justice      merger agreement acknowledged                matter.23
(DOJ) sued to block Sabre Corporation’s      antitrust risk by requiring Fidelity to
proposed acquisition of Farelogix,           divest assets/businesses worth $75-          We continue to see activism on behalf of
Inc.5 The merging firms provide online       $225 million to address any antirust         State Attorneys General, most notably in
platforms for airline booking services.6     concern.15 However, this was insufficient    T-Mobile’s proposed merger with Sprint.
The DOJ complaint described Farelogix        to facilitate clearance for the deal,        In July, the DOJ and five State Attorneys
as a nascent and growing competitor to       because it is often difficult to satisfy     General24 approved T-Mobile’s merger

Wilson Sonsini 2019 Antitrust Year in Review

with Sprint and imposed conditions            a rejection of future vertical merger       but in practice, companies do not
requiring sale of some businesses to          challenges.                                 typically wait for final court approval
Dish Network.25 Departing from typical                                                    before closing their transactions.37 In
coordination between state and federal        The FTC investigated and cleared a          an unusual Tunney Act review of the
antitrust authorities, several other          number of vertical mergers during 2019      CVS and Aetna settlement, Judge Leon
State Attorneys General filed a suit          over the strenuous objections of the        of the U.S. District Court of the District
to enjoin the transaction alleging the        two Democratic commissioners, who           of Columbia held a two-day evidentiary
transaction would harm competition,           have called for increased scrutiny of       hearing allowing third parties to argue
with others joining after the suit was        vertical mergers. In January 2019, the      against the merger and the DOJ’s
filed.26 The FCC cleared the transaction      FTC found that the merger of Staples,       proposed settlement. Notably, these
in November with a 3-2 vote along party       a large reseller of office products, and    third parties raised concerns about
lines;27 the Republican majority found        Essendant, a wholesale distributor of       the settlement that went beyond the
that the transaction and T-Mobile’s           office supplies, was likely to reduce       competitive issues identified by the DOJ.
commitments will help close the digital       competition in the market for office        Judge Leon rejected the DOJ’s argument
divide and advance United States              supply products sold to small and           that the scope of the Tunney Act review
leadership in 5G, the next generation of      mid-sized businesses.31 The FTC             was limited to the settlement itself and
wireless connectivity.28 Today 10 states      was concerned that Staples would            the problems it was supposed to fix.38
have joined the DOJ in settlement while       have access to Essendant’s reseller         The settlement was first filed in October
13 states and the District of Columbia are    customers’ commercially sensitive
                                                                                          2018 and on September 4, 2019, the court
litigating to block the transaction.29 The    business information, and would be
                                                                                          approved the DOJ settlement of the
trial is ongoing.                             able to exploit that information when
                                                                                          CVS-Aetna merger.39 “If the Tunney Act
                                              competing against those customers.32
                                                                                          is to mean anything,” Judge Leon wrote,
Vertical Mergers                              To resolve those concerns, the parties
                                                                                          “it surely must mean that no court
                                              agreed to implement a firewall that
                                                                                          should rubber-stamp a consent decree
Both agencies continue to examine             would limit Staples’ access to the
                                                                                          approving the merger of ‘one of the
vertical mergers (those involving             competitively sensitive information
                                                                                          largest companies in the United States’
business operating at different levels of     of Essendant’s reseller customers.33
                                                                                          and ‘the nation’s third largest health-
a supply chain). Vertical mergers most        Commissioners Chopra and Slaughter
                                                                                          insurance company,’ simply because the
often raise competition concerns when         dissented, arguing that the FTC has
                                                                                          Government requests it!”40
the buyer’s competitors are reliant on        been too permissive in clearing vertical
the asset being acquired, and the buyer       mergers, and should be challenging
                                              more vertical mergers in court.34 The       Enforcement of HSR
has the incentive and ability to withhold
the asset’s products or services. While       FTC similarly split 3-2 in the Frenesius/   Violations
the agencies have always reviewed and         NxStage matter, with Commissioners
challenged vertical mergers, they are         Chopra and Slaughter dissenting             HSR violations continued to be a source
receiving increased attention in recent       from the majority’s finding that the        of enforcement for the Agencies in 2019.
years.                                        transaction did not support a vertical      The HSR Act mandates that transactions
                                              theory of harm.35 The Democratic            that meet specific thresholds be notified
The DOJ appealed the 2018 decision            commissioners also raised concerns          to the antitrust agencies for review.
dismissing its challenge to the AT&T/         after the FTC cleared the United/DaVita     If after a 30-day waiting period the
Time Warner—the first vertical merger         merger, but did not dissent because the     pertinent agency still has doubts about
case that has gone to judgment in             Colorado Attorney General obtained a        the antitrust impact of the transaction,
40 years. The government argued on            behavioral settlement addressing the        the agency will issue a second
appeal that the district court erred in       deal’s vertical concerns.36                 request, opening an in-depth review.
rejecting its theory that the merger                                                      Importantly, the HSR Act applies
would increase the combined firm’s            Unusual Actions: Tunney Act                 regardless of any substantive antitrust
bargaining leverage in negotiating with       Review                                      issues and can apply even where a single
distributors. The D.C. Circuit rejected the                                               investor is acquiring voting securities
appeal finding no clear error that would      The Tunney Act requires that a court        of an issuer. The agencies frequently
require reversal.30 Given the fact-bound      must independently determine that the       bring enforcement actions for failure to
nature of the opinion, the government’s       DOJ’s proposed consent is in the “public    comply with HSR obligations, which
loss in this case should not be read as       interest” before entering the final order   continued to be true in 2019.

Wilson Sonsini 2019 Antitrust Year in Review

Canon and Toshiba agreed to pay $5           were also fined in other jurisdictions, as    and DuPont, were subject to filing under
million to settle allegations that the       discussed below.                              the HSR Act. The three Third Point
companies devised a scheme to avoid                                                        funds made corrective filings with the
observing the waiting period required        The FTC reached a settlement with three
                                                                                           federal antitrust agencies on Nov. 8,
by the HSR Act for Canon’s acquisition       Third Point Funds over HSR violations,
                                                                                           2017, and the waiting period for those
of Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation       resulting in payment of $609,810 in civil
                                                                                           corrective filings expired on Dec. 8,
(TMSC).41 According to the complaint,        penalties.42 The FTC found that on Aug.
the scheme devised by “had no purpose”       31, 2017, the conversion of shares held by    2017. The settlement addresses the FTC’s
other than to complete the sale by March     the three Third Point funds from Dow          allegations that each defendant fund
31, 2016, and avoid the HSR Act’s waiting    Inc. to the newly formed DowDuPont            was in violation of the HSR Act each day
period requirements. Canon and Toshiba       Inc. following the merger of Dow Inc.         between Aug. 31, 2017 and Dec. 8, 2017.

International                                backed the creation of a European
                                             “global champion” to compete with
                                                                                           proven difficult to implement (involving,
                                                                                           as they did, the continued dependency
Merger                                       China’s state-owned CRRC Corp.
                                             Ltd.44 The parties are the two largest
                                                                                           on the merged entity for certain licenses
                                                                                           and service agreements). Highlighting
                                             suppliers in Europe (supplying trains         its well-established preference for
European Commission                          to Germany’s Deutsche Bahn, France’s          clear-cut and standalone structural
Unafraid of Exercising                       SNCF/TGV, and the Eurostar) and hold          remedies, the EC blocked the deal to
Veto Powers                                  leading positions in worldwide markets.       protect competition in the European rail
                                             The EC received a number of complaints        industry.46
At ease with its position as one of          during its in-depth investigation from
the more mature and interventionist          a range of stakeholders (customers,           In Wieland/Aurubis, the EC prohibited
global antitrust agencies, the European      competitors, industry associations,           a merger which would have combined
Commission (EC) issued three                 and trade unions), and the deal               producers of rolled copper products.
prohibition decisions in 2019, despite       drew criticism from several national          According to the EC, a number
intense lobbying from both industry and      competition agencies, with the UK,            of European industrial customers
national governments.                        Belgium, Spain, and the Netherlands           expressed strong concerns about the
                                             submitting a joint letter rejecting the       deal during the regulator’s in-depth
Prohibition decisions are still relatively   parties’ remedies proposal.45 The EC          investigation. The EC raised serious
rare in the EU, and indeed only 10           raised serious concerns that the deal         concerns that the deal would create a
vetoes have been exercised since the         would harm competition and reduce             dominant player and significantly reduce
revamp of the EU’s merger rules in 2004.     innovation in signaling systems and           competition. Wieland’s remedy offer was
However, on February 6, 2019, the EC         very high-speed rolling stock, and lead       deemed inadequate and the EC blocked
announced that it was blocking two           to the foreclosure of smaller competitors     the deal.47
deals on one day: Siemens’ (Germany)         and to higher prices and less choice
proposed acquisition of Alstom (France),     for customers. Rejecting the parties’         The two vetoes lead to a politically-
and Wieland’s proposed acquisition           arguments, the EC found that Chinese          charged debate about merger control
of Aurubis Rolled Products and               suppliers were not present in the EEA         reform and the role of industrial
Schwermetall (Germany).43                    and that it was highly unlikely that          policy in EC reviews. In response to
                                             new entry from China would exert a            the EC’s decision, the French and
In Siemens/Alstom, the parties planned       competitive constraint on the merging         German governments put forward
to create a European rail champion           parties in the foreseeable future. The EC     a manifesto outlining proposals to
through the merger—supported by              believed that the remedies offered by the     relax EU competition rules to allow
the French and German governments.           parties (a complex mix of assets from         the EC to give greater weight to global
The French Minister of Economy was           each of the parties, the partial transfer     markets and future competitors,
vocal in his support of the creation of      of certain assets, and restrictive licenses   and allow EU ministers to veto EC
a “French-German world champion”             subject to carve-outs) were inadequate        decisions. With Commissioner Vestager
while German politicians likewise            to address its concerns and would have        chosen for a second mandate of five

Wilson Sonsini 2019 Antitrust Year in Review

years, stakeholders from industry            has since acquired TNT and UPS is suing     has on the EC’s substantive analysis, as
and national governments alike will          the EC for damages arising out of the       the EC is entitled to take enforcement
be keeping a keen eye on the EC’s            prohibition.                                action against both negligent and
response to the ongoing debate around                                                    intentional provision of inaccurate or
European champions and the potential         Continued Enforcement of                    incomplete information.
politicization of EU merger control.         Procedural Issues
                                                                                         In February 2019, the EC sent a
On June 11, 2019, the EC blocked its                                                     statement of objections (“charge sheet”)
                                             On June 27, 2019, the EC levied a fine
third deal of the year: the proposed                                                     to Telefónica Deutschland alleging the
                                             of €28 million (approx. $31 million)
merger between Tata Steel (India) and                                                    company breached commitments it had
                                             against Canon for gun-jumping. Canon
ThyssenKrupp (Germany). The parties                                                      offered to secure the EC’s approval of
                                             acquired TMSC by way of a two-step
are the second and third largest steel                                                   its acquisition of E-Plus in 2014.53 This
                                             warehousing structure involving
producers in the EEA and the EC raised                                                   is the first time that the EC has sent a
                                             an interim buyer, which—ruled the
serious concerns about the deal’s impact                                                 charge sheet alleging that a company has
                                             EC—effectively allowed it to acquire
upon competition. It concluded that                                                      breached merger commitments offered
                                             control of TMSC prior to obtaining
the remedies offered by the parties were                                                 under the EU Merger Regulation.54 The
                                             merger approval and in violation of the
inadequate as they addressed only a                                                      EC’s investigation is ongoing. If the EC
                                             standstill obligation. Like in the U.S.,
small part of the overlap between the                                                    concludes that Telefónica did breach a
                                             EU merger control rules require that a
parties and did not include certain                                                      commitment given as part of the EC’s
                                             buyer notify the EC of a deal that meets
manufacturing assets deemed necessary                                                    clearance decision, it could impose a
                                             its jurisdictional thresholds and refrain
by the EC.48 ThyssenKrupp appealed                                                       fine of up to 10 percent of Telefónica
                                             from implementation before clearance.51
the EC’s decision on August 22, 2019,                                                    Deutschland’s annual worldwide
                                             The parties were also fined for the same
arguing that the EC set overly restrictive                                               turnover and/or revoke the decision.
                                             gun-jumping conduct in the U.S., in
product and geographic market                China (in 2017), and were reprimanded
definitions and that the proposed            in Japan (2016).                            UK CMA Flexing Its
remedies would have resolved any                                                         Procedural Powers
competition concerns.                        In April 2019, the EC imposed a €52
                                             million fine (approx. $57 million) on       With Brexit on the horizon, the UK
Given the recent criticism of the EC by      General Electric (GE) for providing         Competition and Markets Authority
the EU’s highest court in UPS/TNT at the     incorrect information during the            (CMA) has been flexing its muscles
start of this year, it will be interesting   2017 investigation of its planned           and coming down hard on procedural
to see if the agency is again taken to       acquisition of LM Wind.52 In its original   breaches of its merger control regime.
task for the conduct of its reviews.49       notification, GE stated that it did not
In UPS/TNT, the econometric model            have any higher power output wind           While historically the CMA has tended
ultimately used in the EC’s final decision   turbines for offshore applications in       to use a mix of informal and formal
was materially different from all the        development, beyond its existing 6 MW       information gathering powers during
versions that had been shared with UPS       turbine. However, the EC was informed       merger reviews, the publication of
during the administrative procedure. In      by a third party that GE was in fact        updated guidance on internal document
a judgment highlighting the importance       offering a 12 MW offshore wind turbine      production in January 2019 signaled
of respect for the parties’ rights and       to potential customers. Despite the fact    an intention to move towards a stricter
transparency in merger reviews, the          that GE withdrew its notification and       approach as standard.55 This is in line
court found that this was a breach of the    re-filed with corrected information,        with global enforcement trends, where
rights of defense and annulled the EC’s      the EC opened a separate procedural         agencies are increasingly tough on
decision. The judgment notably upheld        investigation and ultimately fined GE       procedural breaches.56
a lower court’s finding that given that      for negligently providing incorrect
UPS’s rights of defense were infringed,      information—notwithstanding that            In October 2019, in a signal to industry
the decision should be annulled where        the error had no impact on the EC’s         that it will not allow the merging
“there was even a slight chance that         substantive review. The decision clearly    parties to withhold responsive internal
[UPS] would have been better able to         underlines the importance of ensuring       documents, the CMA made public its
defend itself” – a relatively low bar for    the accuracy of information provided to     decision in Sabre/Farelogix to penalize
companies seeking to challenge an EC         the EC at all steps of the merger review    Sabre £20,000 (approx. $26,000) for
decision on procedural grounds.50 FedEx      process, regardless of the impact that it   procedural breaches.57 In April 2019,

Wilson Sonsini 2019 Antitrust Year in Review

Sabre had responded to two formal            hold separate orders, which require the     unconditionally after an in-depth Phase
information requests from the CMA.           parties to cease or undo integration        II review, but the penalty levied by the
However, in June, the company updated        efforts pending completion of the           CMA highlights the caution required in
its response with an additional set          CMA’s review. In March 2019, the CMA        global integration efforts while the UK
of documents, of which 188 had not           issued its first order requiring parties    is still subject to a carve-out. The CMA’s
previously been provided to the CMA.         to a completed merger to “undo” their       recent decisions make it clear that the
These documents had either been              completed merger.58 In Tobii/Smartbox,      CMA’s interim measures impose all
entirely withheld from the CMA or            the parties completed their deal in         the constraints and consequences of a
produced in redacted form. The issue         October 2018. Post-completion, the          mandatory and suspensory regime.
arose from a disclosure gap with the         CMA called the merger in for review and
parallel U.S. review of the transaction,     required the parties to cease any further
where a number of documents initially        integration activities. The CMA then
                                                                                         Minority Stakes Under
withheld as privileged in the U.S. were      referred the case to Phase II and issued    Review in the UK
later re-classified and produced to the      an “unwinding order”, stipulating that
U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). Sabre      all pre-closing acts which prejudiced the   While the ability of certain national
then provided these documents to the         CMA’s investigation be reversed. For        competition authorities to review
CMA. While the CMA acknowledged              all intents and purposes, this required     non-controlling minority investments
that it had been on notice that Sabre        the parties to undo an agreement that       is nothing new (e.g., in Austria and
was providing the same universe of           Smartbox discontinue certain products       Germany), the UK’s pending review
documents that it had given to the           and halt work on R&D. The CMA               of Amazon’s investment in Deliveroo
DOJ, that the failure to hand over           blocked the deal in August 2019. Similar    (an online food delivery business) is
certain materials was not intentional,       unwinding orders were issued in the         likely to be closely watched. The review
that Sabre had been transparent, and         course of CMA reviews in Bottomline/        highlights the increasing scrutiny of
that the documents were “only of             Experian59 and Ecolab/Holchem.60            the conduct and policies of the largest
limited relevance” to its review, the UK                                                 technology companies, particularly as
enforcer still sanctioned the company.       In PayPal/iZettle, the CMA imposed          regards M&A activity, on both sides
In its decision, the CMA ruled that          a record fine of £250,000 (approx.          of the Atlantic. Amazon was the lead
withholding the documents gave rise          $325,000) on PayPal for failing to
                                                                                         investor in a $575 million fundraising
to a “material risk” that the CMA’s          comply with the terms of an IEO.61
                                                                                         round into Deliveroo in May 2019.
decision would be taken on the basis of      The parties completed their deal on
                                                                                         Stemming from this, the CMA said
incomplete evidence.                         September 20, 2018, the day following
                                                                                         that it would examine Amazon’s stake
                                             the CMA’s decision to make an IEO
                                                                                         in Deliveroo as it believed the two
As a matter of law, there is no obligation   that the businesses be held separate,
                                                                                         companies had “ceased to be distinct”
to pre-notify mergers to the UK CMA,         after the CMA’s merger intelligence
meaning logically that the parties are       committee had identified the transaction    or had made plans to that effect—despite
free to close their transaction once         as warranting an investigation. A           the fact that Amazon is only a minority
all other mandatory approvals have           derogation from the IEO was granted         shareholder in the food-delivery
been secured. The CMA does however           regarding integration planning which        company. The CMA issued an IEO
have the power to impose an “initial         did not impact the UK, but the parties      in June this year requesting that the
enforcement order” (IEO) or other            were found by the CMA to be in breach       parties cease any integration efforts and
interim measures on parties to an            when cross-selling campaigns intended       formally launched a merger inquiry on
anticipated merger (i.e., one that has       to target customers based in France         October 16. As the year comes to an end,
not yet closed), and does so routinely for   and Germany were found to have hit          the CMA has decided to open a Phase II
completed mergers. These are essentially     76 UK customers. The deal was cleared       investigation into the transaction.62

Wilson Sonsini 2019 Antitrust Year in Review

Agency                                      after reports in late May and early June
                                            that DOJ was preparing an antitrust
                                                                                           Observers have also expressed
                                                                                           concern that the investigation was
Investigations                              investigation of Google.66 In September,
                                            Google announced that it had received
                                                                                           politically motivated and intended
                                                                                           to aid the Trump Administration’s
2019 was a perfect storm of civil           a civil-investigative demand from              separate dispute with California
enforcement activity in “Big Tech,”         DOJ seeking information about past             over automotive emission standards.
with the DOJ, FTC, and state enforcers      investigations into the company.67 Also        Both the Senate and House Judiciary
jockeying to investigate the technology     in September, it was reported that             antitrust subcommittees sent document
industry.63 Building on the trend of the    the DOJ would open an investigation            requests to DOJ and the White House
past several years, civil enforcers also    into Facebook.68 The DOJ has not               seeking “any information relating to
brought significant actions in the health   commented on the scope of either of            the President’s dispute or disagreement
care industry involving pay-for-delay       these investigations.                          with the State of California’s position
and other anticompetitive tactics in                                                       on the auto emission standards.” The
pharmaceuticals. The federal agencies       The DOJ investigations come against a          subcommittees expressed concern over
were joined in their investigations by      backdrop of significant scrutiny of tech       “the weaponization of the antitrust laws
multiple state attorneys general, who       giants from state antitrust enforcers          for political purposes.” AAG Delrahim
were uncharacteristically assertive         and from Congress. In July, the House          denied any political involvement in the
this year in conducting investigations      Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee               decision to open the investigation in a
separate from, and sometimes in partial     obtained testimony from executives from        September Senate hearing.73
opposition to, the federal agencies. The    Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google.69
year was also marked by significant         The panel issued requests for documents        DOJ Continues a Policy-Forward Agenda
and sometimes controversial policy          from the companies in September.70 On
development activity, including the         September 9, a group of fifty attorneys        a) Amicus program
FTC’s landmark Hearings on Competition      general, representing Puerto Rico, the
in 21st Century and the DOJ’s efforts       District of Columbia, and every state          AAG Delrahim has made the filing of
to influence IP policy and reform           except California and Alabama, made            amicus briefs a priority since taking
longstanding consent decrees governing      a high profile announcement of a               over as head of the Antitrust Division
the film, music, and other significant      Texas-led investigation into Google.71         in September 2017.74 At a September
industries.                                 Shortly before the DOJ investigation           2019 Senate hearing, AAG Delrahim
                                            of Facebook was reported, a group              reiterated his support of DOJ’s continued
DOJ                                         of state attorneys general led by New          intervention, stating that the filings
                                            York (which has since grown to 47)             allow the DOJ “to address developments
DOJ Ramps Up Investigations of “Big         announced their own inquiry.72                 in the case law earlier and more
Tech”                                                                                      frequently, offering us the opportunity
                                            DOJ Courts Controversy with                    to have an outsized impact with our
The DOJ’s Antitrust Division announced      Investigation of Automaker Emissions           resources.”75
on July 23 that it had begun a review       Settlements
of “whether and how market-leading                                                         During AAG Delrahim’s tenure, the
online platforms have achieved market       On August 28, the Antitrust Division           DOJ has filed thirty-two amicus
power and are engaging in practices         launched an investigation of BMW,              briefs, including some submitted to
that have reduced competition, stifled      Honda, Ford, and Volkswagen based on           the Supreme Court. Nineteen of the
innovation, or otherwise harmed             a voluntary agreement the automakers           underlying have been resolved to date:
consumers.”64 DOJ’s initial press release   had made with California regarding             eight in favor of DOJ’s position, five
referred generally to “widespread           vehicle emissions requirements. The            against, and six dismissed without a
concerns that consumers, businesses,        DOJ’s announcement was met with                ruling on the substance. The DOJ’s most
and entrepreneurs have expressed about      criticism that the agreement is very           notable intervention this year came
search, social media, and some retail       likely immune to antitrust challenge           in the FTC’s suit against Qualcomm,
services online” without specifically       under (i) the Noerr-Pennington doctrine,       spurring an inter-agency dispute
naming any companies or practices it        which protects government petitioning          regarding the application of competition
may be investigating.65                     from antitrust scrutiny, and (ii) the state-   law to the technical standard-setting
                                            action doctrine, which exempts certain         process. DOJ submitted three separate
DOJ’s announcement of a broad “Big          conduct done pursuant to state policy          briefs—one at the district court level
Tech” investigation came several weeks      from federal antitrust law.                    and two on appeal—that contradicted

Wilson Sonsini 2019 Antitrust Year in Review

the views of the FTC. DOJ filed amicus     The DOJ filed to terminate the                competition for American workers.83
briefs in support of Qualcomm’s request    Paramount Consent Decrees in                  The workshop included, among other
to stay the district court’s injunction    November.80 These decrees were                things, discussions of labor monopsony,
pending a Ninth Circuit ruling and         entered in a series of cases from the         employer collusion in franchise
another brief arguing that the district    1930s and 1940s involving horizontal          settings and the sharing economy, the
court decision should be overturned.       conspiracies to control motion picture        competition concerns facing collegiate
The Ninth Circuit is expected to hear      distribution and exhibition markets and       athletes, and the scope of the statutory
arguments on the case in January.          required movie studios to separate their      and non-statutory labor exemptions for
                                           distribution and exhibition businesses.       collective bargaining and other labor
b) Consent Decree Review                   The decrees also banned bundling films        union activities. The DOJ workshop
                                           in a single license, entering a license       was the first event in a two-part series
In April, the DOJ announced that           covering an entire theater circuit, resale    with the FTC. The next workshop will
it would review all of the agency’s        price maintenance, and over-broad             be hosted by the FTC and will focus
“legacy” antitrust judgments.76 The        licenses for specific geographic areas.       on the legal, economic, and consumer
DOJ’s statement argued that the “vast      DOJ concluded that these decrees have         protection issues associated with the use
majority of these judgments no longer      served their purpose and “may actually        of non-compete clauses.
protect competition because of changes     harm American consumers by standing
in industry conditions, changes in         in the way of innovative business models      FTC
economics, changes in law, or for          for the exhibition of America’s great
other reasons.”77 DOJ posted allegedly     creative films.”81                            FTC Amazon Investigation Ramps Up
outdated judgments to its website for
                                           c) Workshops                                  The FTC reportedly ramped up its
public comment and has sought to
terminate some of the judgments in the                                                   investigation into Amazon’s business
                                           In May, the DOJ held a public workshop        practices in September, focusing on
appropriate court.
                                           on competition in television and              how Amazon’s policies might have an
                                           digital advertising to explore industry       impact on small businesses selling in
In June, the DOJ opened a review of the
                                           dynamics in media advertising                 its marketplace.84 Earlier in the year,
78-year-old consent decree that dictates
                                           and the implications for antitrust            the Commission reportedly conducted
the way music performance license
                                           enforcement and policy, including             interviews with Amazon’s competitors
agreements are negotiated.78 The DOJ
                                           merger enforcement.82 AAG Delrahim            regarding Amazon’s business practices.85
had previously reviewed this consent
                                           kicked off the two-day workshop by            The investigation has reportedly now
decree in 2015, concluding that changes
                                           saying that the agency must understand        been expanded to cover Amazon’s cloud
to the decrees were not warranted.
                                           whether advertisers view ads on digital       business, Amazon Web Services.86
The American Society of Composers,
                                           media as a substitute for television          The FTC has not confirmed any of
Authors, and Publishers (“ASCAP”) and
                                           ads or as a “useful complement.” The          these reports. However, in November,
Broadcast Music Inc. (“BMI”), two of       workshop consisted of a series of panels      Commission Chairman Joseph Simons
the US’s biggest music license holders,    examining (i) television advertising;         said that, in addition to its investigation
submitted comments to the DOJ to           (ii) internet and mobile advertising;         of Facebook, the FTC was conducting
push the agency to terminate. BMI and      (iii) the competitive dynamics in             investigations of other major tech
ASCAP argued that the composition of       media advertising; and (iv) trends and        platforms but that he could not divulge
music licensees has changed in recent      predictions for advertising generally.        details of those investigations.87
decades and “free market” licensing is     Some of the key topics discussed
required. Music licensees expressed        included whether the Division should          New Technology Enforcement Division
concern that termination of the            recognize increased competition in
consent decree would enable license        advertising, the influence of large players   Complementing its investigations
holders to arbitrarily raise prices and    in the online and digital advertising         of “Big Tech” firms, in early 2019 the
harm the music industry. The public        industry, and an evaluation of the DOJ’s      FTC created a Technology Task Force
comment period for the DOJ’s review        antitrust actions to block mergers of ad      to monitor technology markets and
ended August 9, and the comments are       networks.                                     investigate potential anticompetitive
published for review.79 DOJ has not                                                      conduct. In October, the FTC
indicated when it will reach a decision    The DOJ held a workshop in September          announced that its Technology Task
on whether to terminate or modify the      on the role of antitrust enforcement in       Force was now being converted into a
decree.                                    labor markets and promoting robust            permanent division within the Bureau of

Wilson Sonsini 2019 Antitrust Year in Review

Competition. This new division would          In February, the FTC voted 3-2 on party          emphasis on bringing cases where
be called the Technology Enforcement          lines to settle a merger between Staples         theories are supported by facts.
Division or TED.88                            and office supply wholesaler Essendant           But the incipiency standard under
                                              with a remedy that would establish               Section 7 imposes meaningful
The FTC is also working on tech               a firewall for competitively sensitive           obligations on the government before
platform guidance for antitrust law           dealer information held by Essendant.95          allowing it to block a transaction.
enforcers grappling with the conduct          Commissioners Chopra and Slaughter               Specifically, it requires us to establish
of large technology platforms.89 The          both strongly dissented in the decision.         more than a theoretical concern—it
guidance will examine the application of      Commissioner Chopra argued that                  must be probable (not certain) and
existing antitrust law to tech platforms      the Commission was “jumping to                   substantial. Simply theorizing a harm
and whether new legislation should            conclusions” by not sufficiently                 that might arise out of a merger is not
be considered.90 The FTC’s Office of          investigating the potential for increased        enough. We must be able to explain
Public Policy is leading the preparation      buyer power and relying too heavily on           and to prove with facts how a given
of this guidance, and it will be released     an underdeveloped economic model.96              vertical merger is likely to cause
by the end of the year, according to          Commissioner Slaughter’s dissent                 harm in the case at hand. We must
Commissioner Christine Wilson.91              offered a sweeping criticism of the state        provide evidence.100
                                              of vertical merger enforcement, seeking
Significant Democratic Dissents Seek to       to set the stage for a broader policy         Commissioners Chopra and Slaughter
Advance Antitrust Policy Debates              discussion:                                   have been active advocates for changes
                                                                                            in antitrust policy outside of FTC
Minority FTC Commissioners continued             Right now, a great debate is taking        enforcement actions as well. For
the trend toward more aggressive                 place in Washington policy circles         instance, in September, Commissioner
                                                 and even around the country at             Chopra filed a comment criticizing
statements, particularly in matters
                                                 family dinner tables. The debate           DOJ for failing to use its criminal
concerning tech platforms. For instance,
                                                 concerns the consequences for              enforcement authority to curb no-
Commissioner Chopra issued a strong
                                                 American citizens of fewer and more        poach and wage-fixing agreements.101
dissent in the FTC’s July settlement
                                                 dominant companies controlling             In written testimony given to the
with Facebook. In July, the FTC found
                                                 large swaths of industries and firms       House Judiciary Committee in October,
that Facebook had violated its 2012
                                                 across sectors of the economy. While       Commissioner Chopra recommended
consent agreement with the FTC. The
                                                 mergers between direct competitors         that structural remedies should be
settlement between the Commission and
                                                 contribute to this phenomenon and          applied to bring about a change in
Facebook resulted in a fine of $5 billion
                                                 raise competitive concerns, vertical       the behavior of tech platforms.102
on Facebook, along with the imposition
                                                 mergers that integrate trading             Commissioner Chopra also proposed
of a new privacy structure and new
                                                 partners can be just as pernicious in      opening up intellectual property rights
tools to allow the FTC to monitor                                                           to underlying technologies so that the
                                                 sapping our economy’s vitality.97
Facebook.92 Commissioner Chopra                                                             alleged rule-breakers cannot rely on the
dissented, arguing that the settlement        Commissioner Slaughter argued that            legal framework to prevent others from
did nothing to change Facebook’s              vertical mergers are underenforced            using and copying their intellectual
behavioral advertising business model         because close calls are either not            property and that one-sided or take-
and the financial incentives which led to     challenged at all or are cleared with         it-or-leave-it contract terms should be
the violations, and that the settlement       ineffectual behavioral commitments            voided by the courts. To manage the
allowed Facebook to continue its mass         based on unreliable assumptions and           issue of data collection and privacy,
surveillance and advertising tactics.93       predictions about how vertically-             he argued that the government should
Commissioner Rebecca Slaughter                integrated firms will operate.98              place an outright ban on tech companies
also dissented, arguing that the FTC          Commissioner Slaughter called for a           from collecting and monetizing
should have pursued litigation rather         general policy of retrospectives for “close   certain types of data.103 Commissioner
than accepting a settlement, including        cases.”99 The Staples majority responded      Slaughter suggested at the American
expressing discomfort with the release        pointedly to Commissioner Slaughter’s         Antitrust Institute annual conference
of liability for Facebook, the inclusion of   dissent:                                      that the FTC should more strongly
officers and directors in the release, and                                                  assert its own enforcement views and
decision not to name Mark Zuckerberg             More broadly, the dissent seems to         should sue to block mergers it views as
in the complaint and order.94                    take issue with the Commission’s           anticompetitive even if it may lose. She

Wilson Sonsini 2019 Antitrust Year in Review

said that “an optimal win record is not      Subcommittee in November indicated            Health Care Conduct Cases at the FTC
100%.”104                                    that the agency was still “distilling”
                                             input from the hearings but reiterated        a) Pay-for-delay
FTC Hearings Seek to Chart Future of         the priorities mentioned in Simons’
U.S. Competition Enforcement                 speech.108                                    In 2009, the FTC initiated a lawsuit
                                                                                           (FTC v. Actavis) alleging that the brand-
The FTC’s Hearings on Competition and        FTC Wins at Trial in Qualcomm                 name drug company Solvay entered into
Consumer Protection in the 21st Century                                                    illegal patent infringement settlement
that began in September 2018 continued       The twists and turns of the Qualcomm          agreements with generic drug makers,
through June 2019.105 As the FTC put it,     case attracted much attention from            pursuant to which Solvay paid generic
the hearings were intended to assess         the legal community this year. The            drug makers to keep generic versions of
whether “broad-based changes in the          FTC had initially sued Qualcomm in            AndroGel off the market for a number
economy, evolving business practices,        2017, claiming that Qualcomm used             of years.114 This lawsuit resulted in the
new technologies, or international           its monopoly position as a supplier of        landmark ruling by the Supreme Court
developments might require adjustments       wireless chips to force mobile phone          in Actavis, which held that reverse
to competition and consumer                  manufacturers to pay high license fees        payment patent settlements were subject
protection enforcement priorities of the     for Qualcomm’s patent portfolio. In           to antitrust scrutiny.115 In February
Commission.”106 The FTC hearings had a       the Northern District of California,          2019, the FTC reached a settlement
diverse roster of speakers, including FTC    Judge Lucy Koh held a trial in January        with the last remaining defendant in
Commissioners and staff, state attorneys     2019 and then, in May, issued a lengthy
                                                                                           Actavis, AbbVie (Solvay’s current owner).
general, economists, law firm attorneys,     decision against Qualcomm. Judge
                                                                                           Pursuant to the settlement, AbbVie is
academics, and others.                       Koh’s decision included a sweeping
                                                                                           prohibited from entering into patent
                                             injunction requiring Qualcomm to
                                                                                           infringement settlement agreements
Totaling 14 sessions in all, the FTC         renegotiate its contracts with mobile
                                                                                           that restrict generic entry.116
Hearings covered numerous topics,            phone manufacturers and license its
including common ownership, consumer         patents to rivals.
                                                                                           b) Product Hopping
protection, and vertical mergers. But it
is fair to say that much of the focus was    The decision created an unusual amount
                                                                                           Product hopping refers to the strategy
on competition issues related to so-         of tension between the FTC and DOJ.
                                                                                           of a brand-name drug manufacturer
called tech “platforms.” Specific sessions   While the FTC pursued the case at the
                                                                                           introducing formulation changes,
covered included nascent competition,        district court level and on appeal to
                                                                                           modification of dosage, or other
privacy, innovation, data security and       the Ninth Circuit, DOJ filed multiple
                                                                                           alterations in order to avoid competition
big data. Numerous speakers advocated        amicus briefs in favor of Qualcomm,
                                                                                           from typically lower-priced generic drugs.
for new approaches to these issues,          arguing that the FTC’s position would
while others defended the applicability      have significant negative consequences        This can involve a “soft switch,” where
of the existing consumer welfare             for the application of antitrust to IP law,   the brand firm does not withdraw the
standard. The FTC also accepted public       and, potentially, for national security.109   old version of the drug from market but
comments for the hearings, which             Numerous other interested parties have        discourages its use, or a “hard switch,”
attracted hundreds of comments across        also filed amicus briefs.110 Additionally,    where the brand firm withdraws the
all of the topics. In a September speech     the case against Qualcomm attracted           old version from market, thus giving
at Fordham University, FTC Chairman          opposition from FTC Commissioner              consumers and payers no choice but
Joe Simons stated that the FTC is            Christine Wilson111 and the Departments       to buy the new version of the drug.
preparing a staff report on international    of Defense and Energy.112 The Ninth           Because generic manufacturers must
aspects of competition enforcement,          Circuit stayed Judge Koh’s decision,          show that their version of the drug and
guidance on antitrust issues for             concluding that Qualcomm should               the currently marketed brand-name
technology platforms, guidance on            not have to renegotiate its agreements        drug are bioequivalent (i.e., have a
vertical mergers, and commentary on          given the possibility that Qualcomm           similar formulation and effect), a brand
how nascent competition and non-price        might prevail at the appellate level.113      manufacturer’s alterations to a drug can
competition factors into horizontal          The Ninth Circuit has yet to hear oral        force generics to incur costly delays in
merger analysis.107 A FTC written            argument or issue a decision on the           development and approval (especially
statement before the House Antitrust         appeal.                                       when done just prior to generic entry).

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