Page created by Lori Ramirez


                             KUMBA IRON ORE LIMITED


                                                                                                                              DRIVING CHANGE, DEFINING OUR FUTURE
   NAVIGATING OUR 2015 REPORTS                                                                                                This sustainability report (SR) provides information relating to Kumba’s,
                                                                                                                              business and operational performance on the material economic, social
   Sustainability report (SR)                                                                                                 and environmental impacts of our activities, for the period 1 January 2015
                                                                                                                              to 31 December 2015. The report covers our Sishen, Kolomela and
                                                                             Reviews our approach to managing our             Thabazimbi mines, our corporate office in Centurion, and the Saldanha
                                                                             significant economic, social and                 port. The report is aimed at the broad range of our stakeholders: those
                                                                             environmental impacts, and to addressing         individuals, groups or organisations that affect and/or could be affected by
                                                                             those sustainability issues of interest to a     our activities, products and associated performance, including our

                                                                             broad range of stakeholders.                     employees, shareholders, local communities, investors, customers,

                                                    KUMBA IRON ORE LIMITED
                                                                                                                              business partners, NGOs and government.
                                                                                                                              This is the third year that our sustainability report has applied the GRI’s
                                                                                                                              G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (‘Core’) and GRI Mining and
   Integrated report (IR)                                                                                                     Metals Sector Supplement (MMSS). Our reporting is also aligned with
                                                                             A succinct review of our strategy and business   the AA1000 stakeholder engagement standard, the sustainable
                                                                             model, operating context, governance and         development principles and reporting framework of the International
                                                                             operational performance, targeted primarily      Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), and the principles of the United
                                                                             at current and prospective investors.            Nations Global Compact (UNGC).
                                                                                                                              In addition we have published an integrated report (IR), annual financial


                                                    KUMBA IRON ORE LIMITED
                                                                                                                              statements (AFS), and Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources (ORMR)
                                                                                                                              report. The reporting process for all our reports has been guided by the
                                                                                                                              principles and requirements contained in the International Financial
                                                                                                                              Reporting Standards (IFRS), the IIRC’s International  Framework, the
   Annual financial statements (AFS)                                                                                          GRI’s G4 Guidelines, the King Code on Corporate Governance 2009
                                                                             Detailed analysis of our financial results,      (King III), the JSE Listings Requirements and the Companies Act, 71 of 2008.
                                                                             with audited financial statements, prepared
                                                                                                                              We use a combined assurance model to provide us with assurance
                                                                             in accordance with the IFRS.
                                                                                                                              obtained from management and from internal and external assurance
                                                                                                                              providers. PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) verified key information
                                                                                                                              provided in our SR. PwC’s assurance statement is provided on page 70.


                                                    KUMBA IRON ORE LIMITED

                                                                                                                              Back cover                                           Front cover
                                                                                                                                                                          7        1                             2            3
   Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources report (ORMR)
                                                                                                                               Kumba Iron Ore
                                                                                                                               Centurion Gate – Building 2B
                                                                                                                               124 Akkerboom Road
                                                                                                                               A member of the Anglo American plc Group

                                                                                                                                  Find us on Facebook
                                                                                                                                  Follow us on Twitter

                                                                             Reported in accordance with the                                                              8    9   6                             4
                                                                             South African Code for the Reporting of                                                      10       5
                                                                             Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and
                                                                             Mineral Reserves (SAMREC 2007;                                                                         SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2015


                                                                             July 2009 amended).                                                                                    DRIVING CHANGE,
                                                                                                                                                                                    DEFINING OUR FUTURE


                                                                                                                                                                                                                     KUMBA IRON ORE LIMITED

                                                    KUMBA IRON ORE LIMITED

                                                                                                                              Front cover images                                                                                                treatment and medical care to patients. The clinic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                was built by Kolomela mine for the community
                                                                                                                              1. Chipo Taruona, a sales lady at the Thabazimbi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                of Postmasburg.
                                                                                                                                  cultural village selling locally created carvings
                                                                                                                                  and artifacts to tourists visiting the town.                                                                6. Sishen mine is Kumba’s largest operation and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  only haematite ore producer in the world to fully
                                                                                                                              2. Farmworkers Doreen Motaung, Sipho
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  beneficiate its product.
   Online (WEB)                                                                                                                   Sekhwela, Pleasure Mahoa, Abram Nakana
                                                                                                                                  and Florence Tembe harvesting crops at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Back cover images
   Each of these reports, with additional updated information,                                                                    Bakotudi farm funded by Kumba. The farm
                                                                                                                                  grows and distributes vegetables to the local                                                               7. A view of the Saldanha iron ore multi-purpose
   is available on our website: www.angloamericankumba.com                                                                        markets in the area.                                                                                            terminal. The main stockpile conveyor lines run
                                                                                                                              3. A general view of Sishen mine situated in the                                                                   at a very high speed.
                                                                                                                                  Northern Cape province.                                                                                     8. Mosimanithebe Gaosenkwe, a haul truck
                                                                                                                              4. Johannes Davies, a training officer training                                                                    operator at the haul truck refuel and wash bay at
                                                                                                                                  students, Haword Gedulo, Heireich Hofmeester,                                                                   Sishen mine washing a Komatsu 860 truck.
                                                                                                                                  Sylvester Modise, Jan Plaatjie, Gavin Hunter,                                                               9. Sishen mine is Kumba’s largest operation and the
                                                                                                                                  Tyron Visagie and Bradley Page in bricklaying                                                                   only haematite ore producer in the world to fully
                                                                                                                                  skills. The students are all part of the Dingleton                                                              beneficiate its product.
                                                                                                                                  relocation project and attend the classes to gain                                                           10. Dimpho Sephiri, Mafoka Mahloane and
                             For more information, visit                                                                          additional skills.                                                                                               Gomolemo Comoletiale, learnership students
                                                                                                                              5. Mary Louise Vos and Enosen Shea, nurses at the                                                                   at the Tshipi skills development centre at
                                                                                                                                  Postmasburg primary health care clinic provide                                                                   Sishen mine learning plumbing skills.

Kumba Iron Ore Limited Sustainability Report 2015
GROUP PERFORMANCE                                                                                CONTENTS


                                                                                                     IFC Our approach to reporting
                                                                                                       2 Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee Chairman’s review
                  AVERAGE REALISED IRON ORE PRICE OF US$53/tonne

                  down 42%                                                                                 OUR BUSINESS
                                                                                                       4 Our business
                                                                                                       6 Chief executive’s review
                  PRODUCTION OF 44.9Mt

                  down 7%
                                                                                                      10 Our business model
                                                                                                      12 Creating sustainable value
                                                                                                      14 Key stakeholder interests
                  HEADLINE EARNINGS PER SHARE (HEPS) OF R11.82                                        16 Our strategy

                  down 66%                                                                            17 Sustainability governance

                                                                                                      20 Investing in an effective and engaged workforce
                                                                                                      26 Ensuring a safe workplace
Number ofNumber
                of employees                      CED expenditure
                                                          CED expenditure                             30 Promoting the health and wellbeing of our employees

    11,790                                        R175
                                                     R175          million     million
                                                                                                      36 Managing the social impacts of our activities
2015       2015         11,790      11,790        2015      2015         R175 millionR175 million 39       Making a positive social contribution
2014       2014              14,040      14,040   2014      2014            R202 millionR202 million
Fatalities Fatalities                             SignificantSignificant
                                                              environmental   incidents incidents
                                                                         environmental         46 Our environmental management approach

0 0                                               1 1
                                                                                                      48 Resource stewardship: water, energy and land
                                                                                                      55 Climate change mitigation and adaptation
2015   0   2015   0                               2015      2015                    1           1     59 Air quality and waste management
2014       2014                    1         1    2014      2014                    1           1
                                                                                                      62 Our sustainability performance
LTIFR      LTIFR                                  Energy consumption
                                                           Energy consumption
                                                                                                      64 Mining Charter scorecard

0.230.23                                          11.111.1   million GJmillion GJ
                                                                                                      65 Summary GRI table
                                                                                                      70 Independent assurance report
2015       2015               0.23      0.23      2015      2015                  11.1 million GJ
                                                                                               11.1 million GJ
2014       2014               0.23      0.23      2014      2014                 10.8 million GJ        73GJReport of the external review panel
                                                                                              10.8 million
                                                                                                      74 Glossary of terms and acronyms
New occupational health cases
        New occupational   health cases           Primary water used
                                                           Primary water used                        IBC Administration

28 28                                             10,088,930m
                                                               3 3
2015       2015               28        28        2015      2015                                      DIRECTORS’
                                                                                             3         3         RESPONSIBILITY
2014       2014   14     14                       2014      2014             8,734,000m38,734,000m3
                                                                                                      The Kumba board, supported by the Audit Committee, has
                                                                                                      overall accountability for this report. It delegated the
% HDSA in%management
           HDSA in management                     GHG emissions
                                                          GHG emissions                               responsibility to oversee the reporting process to its Social,

59 59
                                                                                                      Ethics and Transformation Committee, which was assisted
                                                  1.201.20   Mt CO2 equivalent
                                                                      Mt CO2 equivalent
                                                                                                      by a Steering Committee comprising executive managers
                                                                                                      and a dedicated reporting team. The board collectively
2015       2015                 59        59      2015      2015              1.20Mt     1.20Mt       reviewed the content of this report and confirms that it
2014       2014                58        58       2014      2014              1.21Mt     1.21Mt       believes this Sustainability Report 2015 addresses our
                                                                                                      material issues, and is a balanced and appropriate
% women%
               in management                                                                          presentation of the sustainability performance of the group.
                                                                                                      The Kumba board approved this report on 10 March 2016.

18 18                                                                                                 Dolly Mokgatle
                                                                                                      Chairman: Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee
2015       2015               18        18
2014       2014                    20        20
                                                                                                      10 March 2016

                                                                                                         Kumba Iron Ore Limited Sustainability Report 2015             1

                                                                                      medical surveillance programme, the results of which are
                         Dolly Mokgatle                                               reviewed in more detail elsewhere in this report. As part of
                         Chairman: Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee        Kumba’s holistic approach to health, employees have access
                                                                                      to voluntary counselling and testing for a broad range of
                                                                                      chronic conditions such as HIV/AIDS, hypertension and
                                                                                      diabetes. We have continued to see an encouraging uptake of
                                                                                      our wellness screening. In 2015, for example, we once again
                                                                                      met our target of 90% participation in our voluntary HIV/AIDS
                                                                                      testing programme.

                                                                                      INVESTING IN AN EFFECTIVE AND STABLE WORKFORCE
Being held to account by our stakeholders, and
                                                                                      Given the context of the volatile labour relations across the
engaging in frank dialogue, is essential if we are                                    country, the challenges facing the South African mining
to deliver effectively on our sustainability goals.                                   sector, and Kumba’s current organisational restructuring
                                                                                      process, the importance of developing and maintaining
                                                                                      positive relationships with employees has taken on particular
                  DEAR STAKEHOLDER                                                    significance. Following the successful conclusion in 2014 of a
                                                                                      three-year wage agreement with our recognised trade unions,
                  It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to Kumba’s 2015         we have experienced another year of industrial relations
                  Sustainability Report, and to present the 2015 report of the        stability across our operations.
                  Social, Ethics and Transformation (SET) Committee. The
                  Committee is tasked with ensuring that Kumba attains its            The good relationship that the Company enjoys with
                  goals relating to the management of safety and health, the          employees and their union representatives has been evident
                  environment, social, transformation and ethics issues across        throughout the restructuring undertaken during the year.
                  the Company.                                                        During this process, we have made every effort to ensure
                                                                                      effective consultation and to provide affected employees with
                  In this opening review, I share some of my overriding               the necessary support and assistance. In doing so, we have
                  impressions of Kumba’s sustainability performance during            had very constructive relationships with employees, both
                  2015. I encourage you to please share your feedback on this         during the difficult process of closing our Thabazimbi mine,
                  sustainability report, in terms of both our performance and         as well as the restructuring of both our head office and our
                  our disclosure.                                                     support services at the mines. We have been pleasantly
                                                                                      surprised by the appreciation and understanding shown by
                  ENSURING A SAFE AND HEALTHY WORKPLACE                               many affected stakeholders.
                  I am saddened to report that very early in 2016, a Kumba
                  employee was fatally injured in an incident involving moving        STRIVING TO MAKE A POSITIVE SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION
                  machinery at the Kolomela mine. This most regrettable               We recognise that mining companies have both a
                  incident occurred after what had been a fatality-free year.         responsibility and an interest in contributing to the wellbeing
                  Throughout the year we had been placing a very strong focus         of the communities in which they operate. In addition to
                  on fatality prevention through the identification of priority       providing direct employment opportunities and significant tax
                  unwanted events and the implementation of critical controls.        revenues, we make an important positive contribution
                  While we have also seen a good improvement in                       through our procurement activities and our corporate social
                  our leading safety indicators, it is disappointing that we          investment funding.
                  have not achieved our targeted improvements for our
                  lagging indicators.                                                 Given the profound challenges of the current economic
                                                                                      climate and the growing expectations of communities, many
                  We continue to strive to reduce the number of injuries at our       of whom have been the recipients of the benefits of social
                  operations. Recognising the impact of the organisational            investment programmes, we need to find innovative ways to
                  restructuring processes on our safety performance, we have          deliver further social return with substantially less funding.
                  been placing a particular emphasis on behavioural-based             This was also at the centre of the outcomes of the socio-
                  interventions. During 2015, Kumba embarked on a significant         economic impact study that we conducted in 2015. We have
                  organisational restructuring process. There was a strong drive      been focusing our efforts on engaging with communities,
                  during the year on engaging employees through visible felt          their representatives and other key stakeholders to identify
                  leadership, with managers spending more time out in the field       those projects that will be most effective in addressing priority
                  working with employees to identify unwanted events and              community needs in a manner that can be sustained beyond
                  assess the effectiveness of controls. We continue to prioritise     our intervention. We are seeking to do so by establishing and
                  the prevention of transportation incidents. In addition to          strengthening collaborative partnerships informed by a
                  various technical initiatives relating to our vehicles, we have a   shared vision of the desired outcomes.
                  comprehensive management programme to address the
                  challenges associated with driver fatigue and stress.               Underpinning this approach is recognition of the need
                                                                                      to continue improving our process of engaging with
                  Through our occupational health improvement programme,              stakeholders. A highlight in 2015 has been the stakeholder
                  the Company has been making progress in reducing                    road-show that we undertook to our operations across the
                  occupational exposure, particularly to noise and dust, our two      Northern Cape in which Company executives, accompanied
                  main health risks. These efforts are supported by a stringent       by members of the board, met with diverse stakeholder

2      Kumba Iron Ore Limited Sustainability Report 2015
representatives from communities, government, traditional          Due to adverse market conditions, we have had to adjust our
leadership, suppliers, SMMEs, unions and political parties. This   rehabilitation targets. In response, we initiated a review of our
road-show built on the very successful Stakeholder Day that        rehabilitation strategy. Managing our dust emissions remains
we held at Kathu in 2014. These engagements have helped us         an important challenge. While we have seen some
enhance our understanding of stakeholders’ interests and           improvements in our emission levels, we recognise that
needs, fostered greater stakeholder appreciation of our            continuing work is needed to ensure full compliance with the
activities, and encouraged new thinking about how sustainable      new legal limits that came into effect at the beginning of 2015.
development may be promoted in partnership across Kumba’s          During 2015, we completed a study to better understand the
operations and host communities.                                   background dust levels and sources of exceedances. The
                                                                   results are informing our dust management plans and we are
In addition to this road-show, Kumba also undertook                continuing to work with regulators in addressing this issue.
extensive engagements with internal and external
stakeholders regarding the closure of Thabazimbi. This was         THE YEAR AHEAD
complemented by a socio-economic impact assessment
study that reviewed the issues that the mine, employees, the       This has been a very tough year for the mining sector in
town and communities could face following the closure. This        general, for the iron ore sector and for Kumba in particular.
study and the outcomes of our engagements have informed            Looking to the year ahead, we see some significant further
our developmental and skills development projects that will        challenges for the Company, with important implications for
form part of a social plan to mitigate the impacts.                our sustainability activities and the work of the SET Committee.

Another important development during the year has been             Mining forms a critical component of the South African
the ongoing relocation of the Dingleton North community,           economy, contributing to around 6% of GDP and roughly
which is on track to be completed within budget in 2016.           60% of the country’s exports. With dramatically declining
Despite some differences between the relevant stakeholders,        commodity prices and increasing production costs, the
I believe that this process has been effective in helping us       sector’s contribution to an already struggling economy has
understand and accommodate community needs.                        declined significantly. At the same time, stakeholders’
                                                                   expectations of the mining sector’s role in delivering social
TRANSFORMATION AND EMPOWERMENT                                     value have increased, and may increase further in the run up
                                                                   to the 2016 municipal elections.
We have continued to make good progress in delivering on
our commitment to transform and empower Kumba and its              In preparing for the year ahead it is important that we do not
stakeholders. At year-end, Kumba received excellent                create expectations that cannot be met. Establishing and
feedback on its DMR Mining Charter audit, recognising the          maintaining trust with all our stakeholders will be critical as we
valuable work we have undertaken in terms of promoting             strive to meet our commitments relating to zero harm,
employment equity, skills development, preferential                transformation, socio-economic development and
procurement, enterprise and supplier development, and              environmental protection. Demonstrating a genuine
community development.                                             commitment and ability to deliver on our sustainability objectives
                                                                   is an important basis for fostering this trust. I believe that the
One of our key focus areas has been the planning of a mining       performance review in this sustainability report provides a very
supplier park in Kathu, Northern Cape. The park will attract       good indication of our commitment and ability in this area.
various suppliers that are currently not present in Kathu due to
the unavailability of industrial space. Specific incubation        IN APPRECIATION
opportunities for new local BEE business will arise due to the
operational requirements of the park and induced support           I wish to conclude by thanking my colleagues on the board for
required by anchor tenants. We completed a project                 their support to the activities of the Committee, as well as my
development plan in partnership with the IDC, however, due         fellow Committee members and the executives and
to the economic downturn, and muted interest from tenants,         employee teams for their hard work and dedication in striving
the project may be put on hold, or adopt a phased-in approach.     to deliver on Kumba’s sustainability commitments. I would
                                                                   also like to convey my appreciation to all those stakeholders
RESPONSIBLE ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP                              whose advice, counsel and support have been invaluable in
                                                                   charting Kumba’s success.
Looking back at the year under review, the Committee is
generally satisfied with our environmental performance.            As one of the two remaining founding directors on the Kumba
There has been particularly encouraging progress in our            board, I have had the privilege of watching the Company
water and energy saving activities, with our set targets having    develop since its inception. I have seen it operate across a
been exceeded through our Anglo American-guided water              spectrum of commodity prices. During this time, I have come
and energy saving initiatives. Another important achievement       to understand and appreciate what Kumba means for so
during the year was the issuing of some long-awaited               many people. I am determined to ensure that in the year
integrated water use licences (IWULs), the culmination of an       ahead, we do all that we can to ensure that we continue to
extensive process of constructive discussion with regulators.      deliver value to all the Company’s stakeholders.
We have completed climate change adaptation studies at
Kolomela and Thabazimbi. Work on the closure plan for
Thabazimbi is on schedule. Our performance in these areas          Dolly Mokgatle
has been recognised with an ‘A’ ranking in 2015 in terms of        Chairman: Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee
both the CDP’s Climate Change and Water programmes.                10 March 2016

                                                                       Kumba Iron Ore Limited Sustainability Report 2015            3


    OUR VISION: To be a successful and                                                                LISTED ON THE JSE LIMITED

    sustainable African supplier of quality iron ore
    to global and local markets while delivering                                                      11,790 EMPLOYEES IN 2015 (2014: 14,040)

    superior value to our stakeholders
                                                                                                      CUSTOMERS IN SOUTH AFRICA, CHINA,
                                                                                                      INDIA, JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA, EUROPE
    WHO WE ARE                                                                                        AND THE MIDDLE EAST
    Kumba is a supplier of high-quality iron ore to the global steel industry. We
    operate primarily in South Africa, with mining operations in the Northern                       DOMESTIC SALES                           EXPORT SALES
    Cape and Limpopo provinces, a head office in Centurion, Gauteng, and a                          (2014: 4.8Mt)                            (2014: 40.5Mt)

                                                                                                    4.3Mt                                    43.5Mt
    port operation in Saldanha Bay, Western Cape. Kumba has a 73.9% interest
    in Sishen Iron Ore Company Proprietary Limited (SIOC), an entity which we
    manage. SIOC, in turn, owns the operating assets of the Company. The
    remaining 26.1% interest in SIOC is held by our black economic
    empowerment (BEE) partners Exxaro Resources Limited (a leading BEE                              PRODUCTION                               WASTE MINED
    company listed on the JSE), the SIOC Community Development Trust                                (2014: 48.2Mt)                           (2014: 274.3Mt)

                                                                                                    44.9Mt                                   276.8Mt
    (a trust that funds projects in local communities) and Envision (an employee
    share participation scheme).

                                                                                                     BEING A PARTNER OF CHOICE
    We produce high-grade iron ore, with a lump-to-fine ratio of 65:35 in 2015.
                                                                                                     Building lasting beneficial relationships is central to what
    This ore is mined at our three operations, all of which are managed by SIOC.
                                                                                                     we do. We are a significant employer in the regions in
    Export ore is shipped to customers across the globe from the port operation in
                                                                                                     which we operate, and we work with communities and
    Saldanha Bay. We also have a marketing office in Singapore, in partnership
                                                                                                     local governments to create lasting change in these
    with Anglo American plc, and one in Luxembourg. In total, around 9% of our
                                                                                                     areas. At the end of 2015 we employed 11,790 people
    product comprises domestic sales, and around 91% is exported. The revenue
                                                                                                     – 7,434 permanent employees, 3,627 contractors and
    generated from these sales is used to grow and sustain the business, which
                                                                                                     729 learnerships. For more on these relationships see
    shares its success with various stakeholders in many ways. To learn more
                                                                                                     page 19 to 25 of this report.
    about our operations see page 66 of the IR.


                    7.4%                                   10.7%                                     6.9%                                       75%

                                                                         ANGLO AMERICAN plc

         GOVT EMPLOYEE            PUBLIC INVESTMENT              INDUSTRIAL              ANGLO SOUTH AFRICA         SOUTH AFRICAN                      FOREIGN
         PENSION FUND               CORPORATION                 DEVELOPMENT                   CAPITAL               SHAREHOLDERS                    SHAREHOLDERS
              2.6%                       1.9%                 CORPORATION 12.9%                 69.7%                   2.7%                            10.2%

                 EMPOWERMENT PARTNERS                 26.1%                                                   LEGEND
                                                                          KUMBA IRON ORE
             EXXARO                  SIOC Community                                                                 Anglo American Group companies
         Resources Limited          Development Trust
                                                                                                                    BEE partners
              20.0%                       3.0%
                                                                                  SIOC                              Government related bodies
           SIOC employee share participation scheme                                                                 South African shareholders        Foreign shareholders
                      (Envision) 3.1%
                                                                                                                    Fund managers investing on behalf of e.g. pension funds

4           Kumba Iron Ore Limited Sustainability Report 2015
     ••Current capacity of 60Mtpa of which                                                                                                            Mpumalanga
       Kumba has 44Mtpa allocation                                                                                   North West


                                                                                                                                                                                    Our business
                                                                                                         2b                   SOUTH AFRICA
 Corporate office
                                                                                                                           Free State                   Natal
  1 Centurion
                                                                                                 Northern Cape

 Mining operations
 2a Sishen mine

 2b Kolomela mine                                                                                                           Eastern Cape
 2c Thabazimbi mine
                                                                                        Western Cape
 Port operations
  3 Saldanha Bay

SISHEN MINE           2a                    KOLOMELA MINE              2b                 SALDANHA BAY PORT                  3          THABAZIMBI MINE               2c

••Opened in 1953                            ••Opened in 2011 and                          ••All Kumba export volumes                    ••Thabazimbi mine has been
••Located in Kathu                            produces high-grade direct                    exported through Saldanha                     operating since 1931 and
••Reserve life: 15 years                      shipping ore (DSO)                            Bay Port Operations, the                      produces primarily
                                                                                            only dedicated iron ore                       high-grade haematite ore
••Bulk of Kumba’s production                ••R8.5 billion investment
                                                                                            export facility in South Africa
••One of the largest open-pit                                                                                                           ••Thabazimbi mine’s product
                                            ••Mine situated near the town
  mines in the world                                                                      ••Operated by Transnet                          is particularly low in
                                              of Postmasburg
••All mining is done by                                                                                                                   contaminants and is
  opencast methods                          ••Reserve life: 21 years                                                                      currently sold exclusively to
••Sishen is the only haematite                                                                                                            ArcelorMittal South Africa
  ore producer in the world to                                                                                                          ••The mine has reached the
  beneficiate all its product                                                                                                             end of its economic life

SISHEN MINE                                 KOLOMELA MINE                                SALDANHA BAY PORT                              THABAZIMBI MINE
••261.4Mt total tonnes mined of             ••60.6Mt total tonnes mined of               ••Total volumes railed to                      ••Mining activities ceased in
  which 31.4Mt final product                  which 12.1Mt final product                   Saldanha Bay: 42.4Mt                           September 2015
  and 222.2Mt waste                           and 45.7Mt waste
                                                                                         ••Export sales: 43.5Mt                         ••Mine closure progressing
••30.2Mt railed on the Sishen/              ••12.2Mt railed on the IOEC                                                                   according to plan
                                                                                         ••Total shipped volumes:
  Kolomela-Saldanha iron ore
                                            ••ISO 14001, ISO 9001 certified                43.5Mt                                       ••1.4Mt final product
  export channel (IOEC)
                                              and OHSAS 18001 compliant
                                                                                         ••Total CFR volumes: 29.8Mt                    ••1.3Mt railed domestically to
••ISO 14001, ISO 9001,
                                            ••1,143 permanent full time                                                                   ArcelorMittal SA
  OHSAS 18001 certified                                                                  ••ISO/IEC 17025 accredited
                                              employees and 1,091
                                                                                           QC laboratory                                ••ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and
••5,575 permanent full time                   full time contractors
                                                                                                                                          OHSAS 18001 certified
  employees and 2,269                                                                    ••LTIFR of 1.66, with zero
                                            ••R31 million invested in social
  full time contractors                                                                    fatalities                                   ••R10 million invested in social
                                              and community projects
                                                                                                                                          and community projects
••R71 million invested in social                                                         ••42 permanent full time
                                            ••LTIFR of 0.20, with zero
  and community projects                                                                   employees                                    ••LTIFR of 0.16, with zero
••LTIFR of 0.22, with zero
                                            ••Unit cash cost: R178/tonne
  fatalities                                                                                                                            ••408 permanent full time
                                            ••Stripping ratio: 3.1                                                                        employees and 107
••Unit cash cost: R311/tonne
                                                                                                                                          full time contractors
••Stripping ratio: 5.7

  For more information on our operations,     For more information on our operations,       For more information on our operations,       For more information on our operations,
  see page 66 of the IR                       see page 68 of the IR                         see page 71 of the IR                         see page 70 of the IR

                                                                                                          Kumba Iron Ore Limited Sustainability Report 2015                     5


                                                                                     With prices falling faster and deeper than we expected, the
                         Norman Mbazima                                              tough operating environment has required us to implement a
                         Chief executive                                             new operating model that will enable us to withstand a longer
                                                                                     period of lower prices. We have moved quickly and decisively
                                                                                     to reset our cost base in response to lower prices, with three
                                                                                     major strategic imperatives:
                                                                                     ••Firstly, we have moved from a volume-based (increasing
                                                                                       waste and production volumes) to a value-based (cash
                                                                                       generating) strategy, reconfiguring our mines to reduce
                                                                                       the amount of waste and save costs in all operational areas.
Our industry is under tremendous pressure, with                                        We have ceased mining at Thabazimbi, restructured the
                                                                                       Sishen pit to a lower cost shell, and increased production
the market now pricing in a more muted trend for                                       at Kolomela by ramping up low cost tonnes and optimising
                                                                                       the waste profile.
the iron ore price over the medium to longer term.
                                                                                     ••Secondly, we exercised strict capital discipline by assessing
This has reinforced the need for us to take some                                       every item of proposed capex with a view to cancelling,
tough decisions for our business that will enable us                                   reducing the cost, or delaying the expenditure. The board
                                                                                       also decided to suspend the dividend.
to withstand a longer period of much lower prices.                                   ••Thirdly, we made significant structural changes to our cost
Within this context of restructuring our business, it                                  base, achieving significant savings on overheads, project
                                                                                       and technical study costs and headcount, and adding
is imperative that we do not lose focus on our                                         organisational controls to ensure these are sustainable for
commitment to delivering on our safety, health and                                     the future.

environmental commitments.                                                           All these measures are part of a key objective – to preserve
                                                                                     cash, reduce debt and position the business to grow
                                                                                     sustainable free cash flow over the long term. Doing so is
                  In opening my annual review, I wish to touch first on the issue    fundamental to our ability to deliver value for all our
                  of safety. It is with deep regret and sadness that I report the    stakeholders. In line with our promised strategy of cost
                  death of one of our colleagues, Mr Grahame Skansi, in an           containment and capital preservation, this year we delivered a
                  incident at Kolomela mine. The incident took place on              R4 billion reduction in controllable costs through various
                  27 January 2016, shortly after the completion of this year’s       initiatives, all of which are reviewed in more detail in our
                  reporting period. Our thoughts are with his family and friends.    integrated report. Notwithstanding these important cost
                  Before this incident, we had been elated by the fact that we       reduction achievements, we recognise that the global price
                  had had no loss of life throughout the whole of 2015, with the     environment presents significant further challenges. Looking
                  group operating fatality-free since April 2014. Over the past      ahead, we see further opportunities to reduce the cost base,
                  few years we have taken many steps to build a safer business,      particularly through savings from the reconfiguration of the
                  and our safety trends have consistently improved. As we            Sishen pit. Unfortunately this is expected to result in a 45%
                  navigate the current turbulent environment we will maintain        reduction in the workforce. While this is a particularly painful
                  our relentless focus on ensuring a safe workplace for all.         issue for all of us, this will place our Company in a much
                                                                                     stronger position to weather the difficulties of the low price
                                                                                     environment. As is reviewed further below, we will be
                  RESPONDING TO THE TOUGH                                            maintaining ongoing consultations with all affected
                  OPERATING CONTEXT                                                  stakeholders throughout this process, and implementing our
                  Our activities and performance this year have been                 closure plan at Thabazimbi.
                  significantly impacted by the unexpectedly steep and rapid
                  decline in the iron ore price. The 42% fall in realised iron ore   DRIVING WORKPLACE SAFETY
                  price, caused by declining global demand and continuing
                  supply growth, has had a profound impact on our earnings           The commitment to zero harm and improved safety
                  and profitability, as well as certain aspects of our               performance remains a core value and as we navigate the
                  sustainability performance. Unfortunately it has prompted us       current turbulent environment we will keep a relentless focus
                  to close Thabazimbi and restructure our Sishen mine, both of       on ensuring a safe workplace for all. I believe also that
                  which have had significant implications for our employees          improved safety goes hand-in-hand with efficiency and
                  and neighbouring communities in these areas.                       financial results; improve one and you improve the other.

6      Kumba Iron Ore Limited Sustainability Report 2015
Given the tough operating environment, and the impact that        Our internal health initiatives are supported by various

                                                                                                                                          Our business
uncertainty can have on safety behaviour, it was encouraging      activities to promote the health and welfare of our
to see a steady improvement in our safety performance             neighbouring communities, often in partnership with
during 2015, with fewer injuries and reduced severity.            government. Through our investments in strengthening
Although we have seen some progress in both our leading           health systems, our aim is to improve access to quality
and lagging safety indicators, unfortunately we did not           medical and healthcare services and alleviate some of the
achieve our targeted improvements for our lagging                 mounting pressure on health service delivery. This year we
indicators. This year, we recorded 40 lost time injuries, down    invested R18.2 million on community healthcare projects. Key
from 44 in 2014, resulting in an unchanged lost time injury       initiatives included: the provision of primary healthcare
frequency rate of 0.23 in 2015 against a targeted 0.21. There     services to mine employees, contractors and host
has been a significant reduction in the number of serious         communities through wellness clinics; completion of a newly
incidents, which is encouraging.                                  constructed primary healthcare facility in Postmasburg near
                                                                  Kolomela mine; and continuing support for Sishen mine’s
During the year we did not experience any significant             innovative Batho Pele mobile clinics that bring healthcare to
safety stoppages that impacted on production. We had one          people in remote rural areas.
regulatory stoppage (2014: five), 25 voluntary stoppages
(2014: 43), and two non-compliance notices (2014: six).
It was notable that the emergency safety procedures at            RESPONSIBLE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
Thabazimbi worked effectively during the slope failure when       We have made good progress this year on environmental
no injuries were recorded. Collectively, this performance         issues, securing many of our outstanding permits, and
suggests that our strong safety focus and management              delivering some improvements in water and energy
controls are delivering some initial results, but it is evident   management where we exceeded our performance targets.
that more needs to be done.                                       We experienced only one significant medium-impact
                                                                  (‘Level 3’) incident, involving a pit slope failure at Thabazimbi
As I mentioned earlier, unfortunately there was a tragic          mine (reviewed on page 52). There were no high impact
fatality at Kolomela very shortly after the end of the            (Levels 4 and 5) environmental incidents.
reporting period. This is a considerable setback, firstly from
an emotional perspective – for family, colleagues and all         Given the recent drought and the fact that our operations are
of us at Kumba – and secondly from an operational                 in water-stressed areas, our water management activities have
perspective. Over the past five years we have had three           received renewed focus. This year we saved 8.5 million m3 of
separate calendar years of zero fatalities, but never in          water against our projected water usage, exceeding the full
succession. We will continue in all our efforts to achieve        year target of 6 million m3; our water use intensity increased
zero harm, maintaining a strong focus on human-factor             from 181 litres per tonne of ore processed (l/t) in 2014, to
issues and risks associated with the organisational               221 l/t in 2015. Following extensive engagement with
changes, as well as on effective critical control                 regulators, some long-awaited integrated water use licences
management and behavioural interventions.                         were issued this year. Two water licences remain outstanding:
                                                                  at Sishen for storm-water infrastructure, and at Kolomela mine
                                                                  for its aquifer recharge project. Our Sishen and Kolomela iron
PROMOTING EMPLOYEE AND COMMUNITY HEALTH                           ore mines continue to manage issues of concern among local
On employee health, it is encouraging to see that we once         farmers regarding mine dewatering that affects the availability
again met our 90% target for voluntary HIV testing. We            of groundwater.
continued to reduce noise levels in key areas in line with the
                                                                  In 2015, we defined our new five-year energy and GHG
2014 Mine Health and Safety Summit milestones, and we
                                                                  emissions targets. Kumba had a 2015 energy consumption
saw a decline in the number of employees with noise-induced
                                                                  reduction target of 4% against business-as-usual (BAU) and a
hearing loss, with seven new cases, down from 11 in 2014.
                                                                  GHG emissions reduction target of 5% against BAU. Both
Unfortunately there were 28 new cases of occupational             targets were exceeded this year, with 4.69% energy savings
diseases reported, up from 14 in 2014. Our occupational           against BAU, and 5.13% for GHG emissions. Further targets
hygiene monitoring shows no significant occupational              for 2020 will be set to align with government commitments on
exposure to asbestos dust; the increase this year in              energy and climate change mitigation.
asbestosis cases (three in 2015, compared with zero in 2014)
is attributed to previous asbestos exposures prior to             Unfortunately we continue to have challenges with PM10 dust
employment at Kumba. There were no regulatory or                  emissions at Sishen. We are working closely with regulators to
voluntary work stoppages and no non-compliance notices            address compliance concerns with the stricter legal limits of
issued for medical or health related matters.                     dust emissions coming into effect in January 2015.

                                                                      Kumba Iron Ore Limited Sustainability Report 2015               7


                 ENSURING RESPONSIBLE MINE CLOSURE                                ensure our survival and maintain our capacity to generate and
                                                                                  share value into the future.
                 A significant development this year was our decision, in
                 July 2015, to close Kumba’s Thabazimbi mine in Limpopo.          Our investors are primarily concerned about how we respond
                 The mine is more than 80 years old, and over the past            to the continued volatile iron ore price environment. We must
                 15 years has had its proposed closure postponed six times        be able to show them that we can continue to deliver value
                 through various reserve life extension plans. The mine’s         over the medium and longer term. For the reasons outlined in
                 difficult operating conditions, due to its inherent              our integrated report, and in our other direct engagements
                 geo-technical complexities, were exacerbated by the              with them, I am confident that they will share our belief in our
                 limited remaining iron ore resource, high operating costs,       ability to do so.
                 and the slope failure in June 2015 which rendered the
                 resources in the one remaining pit uneconomic to mine.           These are particularly difficult and uncertain times for all our
                                                                                  employees, especially for those leaving us as a consequence
                 We have made concerted efforts to mitigate the negative          of the restructuring. Throughout this process we have sought to
                 impacts of the closure on our employees, contractors and         engage as fairly and transparently as possible with all affected
                 neighbouring community. Throughout the closure process           employees, clarifying the unfortunate necessity of the
                 we maintained and will continue to maintain a strong focus on    restructuring, and providing opportunities to assist them in their
                 communicating openly with employees, unions, government          transition. I hope that those who are leaving will do so with their
                 and community representatives, and on managing the               heads high, acknowledging both the important contribution
                 process as respectfully and fairly as possible. These            they have made to this company, as well as our best efforts in
                 engagements have been challenging, yet constructive, in          providing for their interests under these difficult conditions.
                 reaching a consensus on relevant issues, and in finding
                                                                                  We have maintained a positive relationship with our
                 mechanisms to minimise the impacts of the closure.
                                                                                  employees and their union representatives, without any
                 With the community becoming increasingly dependent on            significant incidents or work stoppages. While we anticipate
                 the mine in recent years, given the lack of other employment     further robust discussion in the months ahead, we will
                 opportunities in the area, we have been engaging with            continue to do so through the mutually respectful process of
                 employees and contractors to identify alternative                dialogue that we have followed thus far. The willingness that
                 employment opportunities. We have also been investing in         each party has shown to listen and engage with the other,
                 local economic development projects that are independent         gives me confidence that we will find the best possible
                 of mining, to provide an alternative source of employment        solution in a constructive manner.
                 and sustainable revenue for the local communities.
                                                                                  Our colleagues in government, whom we have kept well
                                                                                  briefed on our activities, had been expecting the
                 MAINTAINING POSITIVE STAKEHOLDER                                 developments at Thabazimbi and Sishen. While, like us, they
                 RELATIONSHIPS                                                    are not happy with the closures, they have acknowledged that
                                                                                  this is a function of force of circumstances, and necessary for
                 The importance of maintaining positive relationships with        the longer term. We have continued to engage actively with
                 influential stakeholders, and the challenges in doing so, has    government throughout the year on a range of matters. We
                 become more pronounced given the various pressures               hope to see clear resolution on two critical issues: the
                 facing the South African economy. These pressures include        continuing uncertainties regarding the proposals associated
                 the high levels of unemployment, the low rate of economic        with the 21.4% Sishen mining right, and our ongoing
                 growth, and the prospect of a potential rating-agency            engagements with the South African Revenue Service (SARS)
                 downgrade with significant negative implications for global      on the tax assessment covering the period from 2006 to
                 investor confidence.                                             2010, both of which we review in more detail in our separate
                                                                                  Integrated Report 2015. We believe that it is in our collective
                 In this context, the decision to restructure Sishen, and
                                                                                  interest to resolve these matters as soon as possible, so that
                 retrench up to 3,900 jobs after announcing the Thabazimbi
                                                                                  we can focus collaboratively on boosting investor sentiment
                 closure, was particularly tough for us. The decision was made
                                                                                  and stimulating economic growth.
                 after careful consideration of all the various options, and of
                 their implications both for the Company and our                  The Company looks forward to the resolution of the current
                 stakeholders. In taking this decision, we spent time speaking    stand-off between industry and the DMR on the declarator
                 with our principal stakeholders: our shareholders, employees     order in respect of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources
                 and unions, government representatives and neighbouring          Develpment Act (MPRDA). It is in the interest of all affected
                 communities. Building on the position of trust that Kumba        parties that this issue is resolved, so that clarity is gained on
                 has developed over the years – through our commitment to         the way forward, in order to ensure that effective
                 transparency and frank dialogue – we reached agreement           implementation of the charter pushes forward the
                 with them that though painful, this is a necessary step to       transformational goals of the MPRDA.

8     Kumba Iron Ore Limited Sustainability Report 2015
“We are facing a very difficult situation in the South             I believe that we are up to this challenge. Over the past two

                                                                                                                                     Our business
African mining sector. Unless business, government and             years we have done the necessary planning and taken the
labour get together and try and tackle these challenges            difficult and painful decisions to ensure that we successfully
collectively, rather than tackling each other, we will have        weather the storm. Our focus for the year ahead is to ensure
a very hard road ahead of us. It will take all three of us         that these decisions and plans are well executed, and that in
                                                                   doing so we maintain a clear focus on our sustainability
working together with a shared vision, to get the mines
                                                                   performance. I am confident that we will deliver on our
up and running in good order again.”                               planned restructuring in a responsible manner, and that we
Kumba has had a significant impact on its neighbouring             will be effective in implementing the promised improvements
communities, both directly though the opportunities that our       in our two mines, so that we match world best standards. It is
business activities create, as well as through our social          only by doing this, that we can ensure that we return value for
investments. From the start, we have played an active and          all our stakeholders.
informed role in our host communities, being generous in
sharing in the upside of the commodity cycle through               APPRECIATION
structured and transparent engagement processes. Our
investments in community health initiatives, and the benefits      In closing, I wish to extend my thanks to the Kumba board
shared through our employee ownership scheme, have been            and executive team, who have supported me in my task as
particular highlights. The current downturn presents               Chief executive, providing valuable advice in helping to guide
significant constraints on our ability to maintain these levels    the Company through these particularly challenging times.
of economic and social investment activity; managing               My profound thanks also to all of my colleagues across the
community expectations is going to be critical. Given our          Kumba team, who have shown incredible resilience, fortitude
history in these communities, and the levels of trust that we      and good spirit in this difficult year, and whose talent and
have built up, I believe that we will be able to do so, informed   commitment is the foundation of the Company.
by a common understanding of the challenges we face and
                                                                   We have another challenging year ahead. Given the values,
our commitments for the longer term.
                                                                   skills and enterprise of the Kumba team, I am confident that
In my discussions and engagements with numerous                    we will deliver on the plans we have set ourselves, and that we
stakeholders over the year, it has been encouraging to see         will pull through this prolonged downturn in the commodity
the level of understanding and appreciation amongst these          cycle, emerging as a thriving organisation delivering value to
stakeholders of the steps we have been taking and the              all our stakeholders.
manner in which we have done so.

Looking to the immediate future, we do not anticipate that
ore prices will recover significantly in the short or medium
term. Those companies that can lower the cost of production
through productivity and efficiency gains, and that can            Norman Mbazima
maintain financial flexibility in the context of continuing        Chief executive
market turbulence, will have the best chance of survival.          10 March 2016

                                                                       Kumba Iron Ore Limited Sustainability Report 2015         9


                                                                                         U       E
     POTENTIAL FOR REVENUE                                                                                                                           SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS*
     DIFFERENTIATION                                                             V                          1% change to key operational drivers

                                                                                                 Sensitivity analysis (1% change) – EBT impact (Rm)
                 to achieve quality                                                                   (150)    Export volumes                       150
          premium for superior ore quality
          (64.2% vs 62% benchmark)                            ON
                                                                              (290)                                   Export price                                             290

               differential potential due

          to higher lump:fine ratio
          (65:35 vs global average of 30:70)                           (315)                                             Currency                                                    315

               penalties due to higher                        -350    -300       -250    -200       -150      -100      -50         00   50   100     150     200       250         300      350

          contaminant levels (gangue)                            Change per unit of key operational drivers                                                   Unit change        EBIT impact
                                                                 Currency (R/US$)                                                                              R0.10/US$               R245m
                                                                 Export price (US$/t)                                                                          US$1.00/t               R550m
                                                                 Volume (Kt)                                                                                         100Kt                 R35m
                                                                                                                                                                     Breakeven price impact
                                                                 Currency (ZAR/USD)                                                                            R1.00/US$       US$3.00/tonne

                                                                * 1% change to key operational drivers, each tested independently

                                                    OUR REVENUE
                                                    ••Iron ore prices (global supply and demand dynamics)
                                                    ••Sales volume of iron ore (noting quality and lump)
                                                    ••Rand/US$ exchange rate (weaker Rand can
                                                      partially offset lower US$ iron ore price)
                                                                                                                                               OUR OPERATING CONTEXT:
                                                                                                                                               ISSUES IMPACTING VALUE
                                                                                                                                               ••Negative commodity sentiment
                                                                                                                                               ••Flattening of the global cost curve
                                                                                                                                               ••Organisational restructuring
                                                                                                                                               ••Increasing socio-political pressures
                                                                                                                                               ••Heightened stakeholder
                                                                                                                                               ••Regulatory and policy uncertainty
                                                   OUR ACTIVITIES                                                                              ••Nature of iron ore reserves
        Commodity market and exchange
                                                                                                                                                 and life of asset
        rate fluctuations
                                                   ••Exploration – primarily in the Northern Cape
     2.	Fiscal compliance and regulatory                                                                                                            For more information,
         certainty                                 ••Mining – extracting iron ore in the Northern Cape                                               see page 24 to 27 of the IR

     3. Funding                                    ••Beneficiation – improving the final product quality
     4. Operational performance                    ••Blending and outbound logistics – providing and transporting niche products                                                                                             Mpumala
     5. Safety                                                                                                                                                                                                   Gauteng1
                                                                                                                                                                                             North West
                                                   ••Shipping, marketing and selling – to markets in South Africa and globally
     6.	Reliance on third-party
         infrastructure                            ••Rehabilitation and environmental management
                                                                                                                                                                                                     SOUTH AFRICA
     7.	Mining legislation and regulatory         ••Corporate social investment                                                                                                                                              KwaZu
         certainty                                                                                                                                                                                  Free State                Natal

     8.	Organisational restructuring,                 For more information on our Value chain                                                                   Northern Cape

         Envision benefits and labour relations        activities, see pages 12 and 13

     9.	Stakeholder relationships and
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Eastern Cape
         social licence to operate
     10. Residual mining rights                                                                                                                       3
                                                                                                                                                             Western Cape

         For more information on Risk
         management, see page 32 of the IR

10        Kumba Iron Ore Limited Sustainability Report 2015
                       SISHEN AND KOLOMELA MINES UNIT CASH COST STRUCTURE (%)                                                                                         M

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Our business
                       150                                                                        150
                       120                                                                        120

                                                                                                                  18%                            23%

                        90                                                                        90              17%                            15%


                        60                                                                        60              36%                            38%


                                                                                                                  10%                            12%

                        30                                                                        30               9%                            8%
                                           5%                       2%                                                       1%
                                                    3%                         3%                                                                           2%
                                          20%                       17%                                           24%                            20%
                         0                                                                         0
                                         (11%)                                                                   (15%)
                                                                (20%)                                                                           (18%)
Mining operations at                 Sishen mine            Sishen mine                                      Kolomela mine                  Kolomela mine
                                         FY14                   FY15                                             FY14                           FY15
the Kapstevel pit at
Kolomela mine                Deferred stripping    Other   Energy         Drilling and blasting         Maintenance      Outside services       Fuel        Labour

                         OUR COSTS                                                         ••Drilling and blasting
                         ••Labour                                                          ••Tax and mineral royalty payments
                         ••Distribution (rail, port and freight) ••Mining contractors
                         ••Energy                                                          ••Social investments
                         ••Capital expenditure                                             ••Rehabilitation
                         ••Maintenance                                                     ••Marketing
                                                                                                                                                                     POTENTIAL FOR COST
                                                                                                                                                                          Significantly reduced SIB capex
                                                                                                                                                                           due to optimised pit design and
                                                                                                                                                                           reduced deferred stripping

                                                                                                                                                                          Lower mineral royalty rates than
                         KEY RESOURCES AND RELATIONSHIPS                                                                                                                   Australian competitors

                         ••Clear prospecting and mining rights from government and                                                                                        Positive wage index compared
                           regulatory certainty                                                                                                                            with competitors

                         ••Quality and location of ore body                                                                                                               Rail and port costs competitive
                                                                                                                                                                           despite higher distance to port
                         ••Long-life assets and existing infrastructure (including rail and port)
                                                                                                                                                                          Higher stripping ratio than
                         ••Human capital – technical skills, productivity, experience and
                                                                                                                                                                           competitors due to inherent
                           leadership team                                                                                                                                 characteristics of the ore
                         ••Exploration, mining and processing technology and techniques                                                                                    body which results in higher
                                                                                                                                                                           mining costs
                         ••Social licence to operate – from communities and their
                           representatives                                                                                                                                Higher freight costs, with
                                                                                                                                                                           Australian competitors much
                         ••Financial capital – from shareholders, investors and funders                                                                                    closer to key market in China
                         ••Key suppliers and service providers
                         ••Loyal customer base

          CUSTOMER VALUE                                     EMPLOYEE VALUE                                                  SHAREHOLDER VALUE                                      SOCIETAL VALUE
          PROPOSITION                                        PROPOSITION                                                     PROPOSITION                                            PROPOSITION

       Reliable supply of high-quality                     The opportunity to earn, learn                                 Sustained financial returns and                       Converting mineral resources
       iron ore                                            and grow in a safe and                                         dividends, from well managed                          into social value by encouraging
                                                           supportive environment                                         operations                                            opportunities for inclusive
                                                                                                                                                                                growth and sustainable

                                                                                                                                                        Kumba Iron Ore Limited Sustainability Report 2015          11


       TO OUR           Our ability to generate value is dependent on access to financial capital, skilled people, quality relationships and key
     OPERATIONS         natural resources, supported by the right Company culture, and by access to necessary infrastructure, plant and
                        equipment. An overview of key inputs across our value chain is provided on page 24 of the IR.

                        EXPLORATION                                MINING                                     BENEFICIATION

 OUR ACTIVITIES         In South Africa, exploration is            We extract iron ore from mining the        Beneficiation is the processing of ore
                        focused in the Northern Cape, close        iron ore bodies within our various         for the purposes of regulating the
                        to our existing operations. On and         mining leases. All our mining is           physical properties of the finished
                        near mine exploration and resource         currently undertaken using open-pit        product, removing impurities and
                        definition drilling is conducted to        methods.                                   improving product quality. We use
                        increase confidence in the                                                            dense medium separation and jigging
                        geological models; these are                                                          technologies to achieve this.
                        updated annually in support of life of
                        mine and long-term planning.                                                          FURTHER BENEFICIATION
                                                                                                              We support the South African
                                                                                                              government’s objectives to maximise
                                                                                                              the developmental impact of the
                                                                                                              minerals sector, aware of the
                                                                                                              important role that mining companies
                                                                                                              have to play in this space.

                                         to long-term                Skills
                                                                            development                          Securing
                                                                                                                          market premium
 Enhancing and              financial viability                                                                   through enhanced quality product
 diminishing value                                                    Community
                                                                                  upliftment and
 in each stage of           Developing key relationships in          infrastructure investment                   Enhanced intellectual capital and
 the value chain             the Northern Cape                                                                     technology development
                                                                                  to beneficiation
                                      intellectual capital                                                       Contribution
                                                                                                                              to national tax base
                            through enhanced exploration              Investment
                                                                                in innovation
                            technologies and techniques               Contribution to national tax base           Supply iron ore to the local
                                                                                                                  steel industry
                            Contribution to national tax base        Exceeding
                                                                                water and energy                 Difficulties in providing the DMS
                                                                      savings target                              
                                       over land use with                                                        plant with correct quality
                            communities                                                                           feedstock
                                                                      Improved access to quality
                            Increasing community                        healthcare for local communities
                            expectations for economic
                            opportunities and service delivery         Unchanged
                                                                                LTIFR of 0.23
                                                                       for 2015
                                                                           failure at Thabazimbi mine

 STRATEGIC              ••Focus on the Northern Cape               ••Redesign pits to extract maximum         ••Invest in step-change technology
 FOCUS AREA                                                          value
                        ••Maintain optionality to grow in West                                                ••Compete through premium
                          and Central Africa                       ••Implement the Operating Model              products
                                                                   ••Extend life of current mines
                                                                   ••Sustainably operate mines and
                                                                     lower costs

12       Kumba Iron Ore Limited Sustainability Report 2015
Our business
                                                Positive outcome               Neutral outcome           Negative outcome

LOGISTICS                                 SELLING                                         ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT

Blending allows us to utilise products    We sell iron ore domestically and               The life cycle of the mine needs
from our operations to provide            internationally. Export customers are in a      careful environmental management
consistent product specification to our   range of geographical locations around          practices including concurrent
markets. Products are screened and        the globe, including China, Japan, India,       rehabilitation to ensure the least
sized to match customer requirements,     South Korea and countries in Europe and         disruption to our natural resources
and then transported through our          the MENA region. Domestically, we sell          both during and after our operations.
outbound logistics chain.                 ore to ArcelorMittal.

Our product portfolio includes niche
lump products as well as standard fines
and standard lump.

           value from the resource           Enhanced
                                                        financial returns through            Minimising
                                              product differentiation in sales                environmental impacts
             in technologies and
   techniques                                 Increase in export sales of 3Mt                Decreased longer-term liabilities
           financial returns                 Increased
                                                       shipments through the                 Securing
                                                                                                      authorisations and
                                              multi-purpose terminal (MPT)                    licences
               to national tax base
                                              High freight differential                       Enhanced reputational benefits
           in volumes railed to port
   of 0.2Mt                                                                                   Responsible
                                                                                                         mine closure

                                                                                                        mine rehabilitation

                                                                                              Increased short-term financial costs

44.9Mt high-quality haematite iron ore with a lump-to-fine ratio of 65:35 in 2015

••Compete through premium products        ••Compete through premium products              ••Implement operational risk
                                                                                            management (ORM)

                                                                          Kumba Iron Ore Limited Sustainability Report 2015        13
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