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The Lasallian Mission Council (LMC) was             of the Lasallian mission so that the needs of
established by a resolution of the 2012             the young, especially the poor, marginalised
Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan and                and vulnerable in our society, can continue
Papua New Guinea District Chapter, to have          to be met.
mission-focused responsibilities throughout
the District with a Board comprising at least       Lasallian Mission Council has a clear focus on
50% lay partners.                                   ensuring, through Lasallian Mission Services,
                                                    that the Lasallian mission is supported and
The establishment of the Lasallian Mission          sustained as effectively as possible by
Council is intended to strengthen the               the delivery of the best possible formation
association between the Brothers and                programs. Such programs are currently
those engaged with them in their mission,           focused on students and staff, with plans to
ensuring that there is real co-responsibility       expand to include the Boards of Colleges and
in decision-making as they work towards the         our other works, yourtown and the Lasallian
integration of various Lasallian works. The         Foundation. We also hope to include parents
ultimate goal is to ensure the sustainability       and alumni in such opportunities in the future.

                              JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020
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                                                    BLESSING AND
                                                    As of Thursday, September 5th 2019,
                                                    Provincial Office and Lasallian Mission
                                                    Services staff ceased working at 26
                                                    Meredith Street, Bankstown and moved
                                                    to Level 4, Flinders Centre, 25 Restwell
                                                    Street, Bankstown.

                                                    Members of the District Council, Lasallian
                                                    Mission Council Board, Lasallian Mission
                                                    Services and Provincial Office staff came
                                                    together to celebrate the official opening of
                                                    the new office “La Salle Centre” on Thursday,
                                                    November 14th. Special guests included
                                                    Mark Condi, CEO and Shane Mount,
                                                    Chaplain of the Bankstown Sports Club.

Br David Hawke
provided the following reflection:

“We sang in the chorus of the opening song:         It is uplifting and invigorating to move to brand
“Here I am Lord” but we can all say, “here we       new premises, and for some of us, it’s even
are Lord”. Here we are having moved from            a room with a view. And what a bonus had a
26 Meredith Street to the Flinders Centre and       barista downstairs not to forget the facilities
our newly named La Salle Centre.                    of Bankstown Sports. Let us be ever mindful
                                                    of the mission as we work in and beyond La
It is said that moving locations can be one         Salle Centre.”
of the most stressful times in a person’s
life. There may have been some stress
during the move, but overall it went very
smoothly due in no small way to the work
of Pauline Toms, Office Manager, and Peter
Cartwright, Director of Finance, along with
their collaborators.

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                            IN EDUCATION, WELFARE
                            AND COUNSELLING
                            JOINS THE LMC BOARD

Lyn Harrison has over 40 years’ experience
in Education, Welfare and Counselling. This
experience includes key roles as a Teacher,
School Counsellor, Private Psychologist,
Private Consultant to Schools, Executive
Manager and Chief Executive Officer.

In 2009 Lyn was appointed CEO of
Rosemount Good Shepherd. In the following
five years, she doubled the income stream,
increased the client reached tenfold and
diversified the programs to include Early
Intervention Mental Health Programs for
Schools and a range of Financial Inclusion
Programs. Following the amalgamation of
three Good Shepherd organisations, she
was appointed National Director Service
Development within Good Shepherd
Australia New Zealand. One outstanding
achievement was the establishment of
the Waranara Registered School for
young people who were unable to attend
mainstream. Once again, it was evidence of
Lyn’s core belief in the integration of welfare
and education programs.

In 2016 Lyn was appointed CEO of St Francis           With her husband Peter, they have two
Social Services. In the three years that she          married children and three delightful
was at St Francis, she developed the new              grandchildren who provide them with a great
strategic plan, formed a new leadership               sense of fun and delight.
team, founded a new centre for the House of
Welcome and formed the NSW Alliance for               Lyn looks forward to her contribution
People Seeking Asylum.                                to the LMC Board and hopes her
                                                      background & experience can make a
As the Chair of Catholic Social Services              meaningful contribution.
NSW/ACT Lyn led the new strategic plan
and managed the restructure from Catholic
Social Services Australia.

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Kane has over 20 years’
experience of education within
New Zealand and is alumni of the
University of Auckland. A double
major in Analytical Chemistry and
Marine Zoology, Kane has led the
Science Faculty at De La Salle College
Mangere for the last 15 years. Under his
leadership, both the faculty and his students
have excelled, and academic results have
been outstanding with achievements well
above national guidelines.

Kane sat as a Board Member of De La                   2020 sees Kane step away from De La
Salle College Mangere for three years and             Salle College for a year as he has been
now sits on the Board of Sancta Maria                 seconded to the University of Auckland to
Catholic College in Auckland as the Bishops           write the national program for STEM Online
Proprietors Representative. Currently, Kane           for Chemistry.
is the Chairman of the New Zealand Sector
Mission Council and has been involved in              Further responsibilities include being
this capacity since the days of its inception         on the NZ Ministry of Education Subject
well over ten years ago.                              Expert Group for Chemistry for the review
                                                      of the national qualifications framework,
Heavily involved in New Zealand Formation             and he will also sit on the panel Maori
development, Kane has participated in                 and Pasifika education.
numerous personal programmes in support
of the mission. These include the previous
programmes held in Narooma, Lasalle
Bankstown, CIL in Rome and Buttimer in
the USA.

Kane has presented numerous times at
District events and is always well received
and respected. Recently, he presented at the
inaugural Brother Gerard Rummery Institute’
Together for Mission’ Program and is also
the online facilitator for his third class with
the John Johnston Institute running out of
Washington DC (the District of DENA).

                               JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020
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The Lasallian Leaders Gathering began in                 School Context involved a focus on Lasallian
March 2020 with a sense of unity and new                 Values and how to use the Founder’s works as
beginnings. The leaders among the District               the basis for leadership lessons in learning and
gathered at the Ex Serviceman’s Club in                  teaching and several aspects of school life.
Orange, where Lasallian School, James
Sheahan Catholic High School is located.                 Participants had the opportunity to collaborate
                                                         and discuss ideas within each workshop that
Presentations across the first day included              had differing focuses to broaden their horizons
Leading From the Heart as Leader and                     and perspectives. The visitors also had the
Educating from the Heart with Andrew Lines               chance to speak with Sheahan students, to
and Keeping the Rumour of Angels Alive                   visit a Year 7 Contemporary Learning Class
with Jill Gowdie. Andrew’s first presentation            and to learn about the school’s farm, including
on Educating from the heart came from a                  aquaculture and recycling. The guests were
practitioner’s perspective - giving insight to the       also invited to a welcome assembly where they
layers of how students learn. Andrew’s Leading           enjoyed a school liturgy, Aboriginal dancing, a
form the Heart presentation centred around               candle ceremony and a performance by the
the idea that “as leaders, great things ARE              James Sheahan orchestra.
possible if we look after ourselves and those
around us”. Jill Gowdie has worked in Catholic           Tuesday began with Morning prayer which
Education for over 30 years spanning from                was followed by workshops, one of which was
teaching, writing, researching and consulting            The Work is Ours: Nurturing and Sustaining
the leadership with the school system.                   our Lasallian Identity with Br Peter Ryan. Br
                                                         Peter asked the participants two main focus
These presentations were complemented with               questions: “What does my school do well
Workshops, presented by Michelle Whiteley,               in any of the dimensions of nurturing and
Assistant Principal at James Sheahan Catholic            sustaining Lasallian identity and charism
High School, Br Ambrose Payne, District                  through the school’s culture? And what do I
Professional Standards Officer, and Peter                consider one priority for my school to better
Houlihan, Principal of De La Salle College               nurture and sustain our Lasallian Charism?”
Malvern. Michelle Wheatley led a workshop on             Being Lasallian with Martin Chamberlain was
Implementing a Positive Education Approach,              an opportunity to share the Lasallian practices
where she discussed strategies that James                he uses in his school and seek input from the
Sheahan has implemented to focus on student              participants regarding the practices used in
mental health, resilience, wellbeing and                 their schools. The final workshop was from
attendance issues. Br Ambrose’s workshop                 Ken Moroney. What are the Characteristics
was The Role of Leadership in Not-For-Profit             of Effective Leadership in a Contemporary
Organisations whereby he contended that                  Organisation? The workshop explored
leadership in a professional service context is a        leadership in the context of how it comes about
collective process and that interactive dynamics         and understanding the traits of poor leadership.
is a tension that the leaders must continuously          The conference was complete with a final lunch
work on to achieve. Peter Houlihan’s workshop            together and closing prayer.
in Lasallian Leadership in the Secondary

                                 JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020
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The digital version of “Lasallian Formation           effort of the Secretariat for Formation and
for Mission: The Pilgrim’s Handbook” is               Lasallians from different regions. Over the
finally available at This is more        course of a number of years, the writing
than a new Pilgrim’s Handbook, and it is a            commission has developed this Handbook to
new reading of the reality and the vision of          assist in the Formation of all Lasallians. The
Formation in the whole Lasallian Family.              work presents a creative and dynamic vision
                                                      of Formation more attuned to the reality of
“Lasallian Formation for Mission: The Pilgrim’s       the formation process.
Handbook” is the result of a collaborative

Giovanna Fiume, Principal of La Salle College
Middle Swan, and Aaron Peters, the College’s
new Deputy Principal, Catholic Identity and
Mission, invited the Formation for Mission
Team to spend two days immersed within their
community on 24 and 25 February. Brother
Peter Ryan, Director of Mission Integration,
Sebastian Duhau, Retreats and Programs
Coordinator, and Amanda Proulx, Director of
Formation for Mission, have returned from the
visit impressed by all that they experienced.

                               JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020
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“We were asked to facilitate the first two            remembering the presence of God through
sessions of the program this year and enjoyed         the lens of the practice of mindfulness, while
rich discussions with over twenty educators.          Tuesday evening offered participants the
Their roles represented the complex reality of        opportunity to consider Lent (which began
contemporary schools classroom teachers,              the next day) as a journey to an oasis. Each
administrators, education support staff,              retreat concluded with a communal dinner at
human resources and more and yet their                the winery’s on-site restaurant, meals which
engagement with our ongoing Lasallian story           rang with laughter and stories.
and with one another was enthusiastic. We
came away feeling reinvigorated ourselves!”           “We have planned to host Reflection Mornings
Peter said.                                           and Twilight Retreats in both Sydney and
                                                      Melbourne over the course of this year,
Finally, two Twilight Retreats were offered           but this was the first iteration of these two
to all interested College staff at local winery       programs,” Amanda said. “We appreciated
Mandoon Estates. These informal formation             capping off both days spent in Middle Swan
opportunities brought together more than fifty        with so many Lasallians who were open to
Lasallians, which was a pleasant surprise for         a new experience and willing to spend a
both the school’s leadership and the team             weeknight in reflection and fellowship with
from Lasallian Mission Services. Monday’s             one another.”
retreat explored the Lasallian practice of

In mid-February, educators new to Lasallian           Over thirty participants across two days
schools in the greater Sydney area gathered           engaged with one another and with the living
for a formation program which introduced them         Lasallian heritage through presentations,
to the Lasallian heritage and to one another.         primary source material, conversation, and
                                                      interactive activities. The Formation for
‘Our Lasallian Compass,’ the induction                Mission Team is also involved in presenting
program facilitated by the Formation for              similar programs in Melbourne, Adelaide,
Mission team of Lasallian Mission Services,           and Perth this year. “Every opportunity to
was held on 17 at Holy Spirit Catholic College        meet new Lasallians and work alongside
Lakemba and on 18 February at Bankstown               dedicated local leaders is a privilege,”
Sports Club.” The move to La Salle Centre             according to Philippe Dulawan, Assistant
from our old offices on Meredith Street late          Director, Young Lasallians. “We look forward
last year has been a blessing in many ways,           to visiting these communities soon and
but it has meant that we can no longer host           helping new Lasallians learn to navigate in
large groups internally.” said Director of            their new roles with our charism as a guide.”
Mission Integration Br Peter Ryan.

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                                                            – LAUNCHED

The people, the hospitality and the environment            Hawke, Jill Gowdie, Gerard Rummery, John
at Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston,             Foley, John Dalgleish, Kay Hodson, Nicole
ensured that we had an ideal venue for the                 Rasmussen, Amanda Proulx, Kane Raukura
launch of our new District program, Together               and John Cantwell.
for Mission on 10-15 November 2019.
                                                           As part of the program, participants have been
Seventeen people from all sectors of the                   encouraged to develop a practical ‘project’, in
District, as well as from the Philippines, came            collaboration with their Principal/Manager, that
together for the first block of five nights and four       can be implemented in their workplace. A range
full working days, the first of four such blocks           of very interesting projects is already evident.
in the series. The strong focus for TFM is on
enhancing our capacity to work effectively for             Participants’ evaluations reflected a strong
the wellbeing and education of young people,               satisfaction with the week’s themes: young
especially the most vulnerable.                            people in our Region, Lasallian education in
                                                           2019 and beyond, wellbeing for both young
Having quickly come to know one other,                     people and educators, the story and spirituality
participants from schools and from yourtown                of John Baptist de La Salle and his first Brothers.
were able throughout the week to share their               The second block in this series will be in
insights and experience, while reflecting                  April 2020. Another cohort will be invited to
on presentations from Tracy Adams, David                   participate, beginning in November 2020.

                                  JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020
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Lasallian Youth Ministers play an essential           Returning to the role in Armidale is Brydie
role in so many communities within the                Hawthorne and Eliza Clark. Taryn Ramage
greater Lasallian family. They are an                 joins Brydie and Eliza for the first time. Taryn
authentic presence of faith, service and              studied at O’Connor Catholic College and was
community within a school, leading students           a Lasallian Youth Leader; this allowed her to
of all ages to a closer to themselves, other          attend retreats and assist the Youth Ministers
people and God. They serve students through           with work around the school. Taryn has also
co-facilitating retreats, being a presence in         gained experience as a soccer coach over
the classroom and playground and inviting             the last couple of years and brings this sense
students to attend events within the District.        of leadership to the role.
The words of St John Baptist De La Salle
live through the Youth Ministers within the           La Salle Catholic College, Bankstown
Lasallian community. Some are brand new to            introduces 2018-19 Lasallian Volunteer,
the role and some returning to the position.          Cameron Streeter as their Youth Minister.
                                                      Cameron worked as a volunteer at La Salle
Due to the positive experience of the                 Technical College in Port Moresby and
students, staff and the broader community             brought a wealth of Lasallian experience with
in Armidale, O’Connor Catholic College,               him to the role after previously graduating
has employed three Youth Ministers in                 from Oakhill College, Castle Hill.
2019 and 2020.

                              JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020

 St John’s Regional College, Dandenong                 has supported him. He is heavily involved in
 welcomes Jan Holewa to the role of Youth              his local parish and is an avid sports-person.
 Minister. Jan worked as the Education                 He had positive experiences of Young
 Sports Officer at De La Salle College,                Lasallians evenings and interactions with
 Malvern, where he practised building                  former Youth Minister Jake Wedesweiller.
 relationships with students. He has assisted
 running Kids DAy outs for disadvantaged               Jonathon Selhurst joins Joshua Cant at St
 youth and the State Youth Games. He is                Bede’s College, Mentone for 2020. Jonathon
 currently studying engineering.                       is a graduate of the school three years
                                                       ago and has a passion for basketball. He
 Luca Amiento joins returning Youth Minister           has a strong sense of community and an
 James Biviano at De La Salle College,                 appreciation for his faith that he is looking
 Malvern. Luca is a St Bede’s College                  forward to learning and sharing more about
 graduate who most recently spent his first            in 2020.
 year out of high school at La Salle College in
 Perth as a Lasallian Volunteer. On this year          We welcome back the following members of
 way, Luca gained a greater understanding              the team as they continue their roles in 2020:
 of how to interact with a range of students,
 in particular, indigenous students. He built             • Aiden Moore at De La Salle College,
 a positive rapport with staff during his time              Ashfield,
 in Perth. He looks forward to applying these
 skills in his new role.                                  • Franco De Joya and Matthew Murrie
                                                            Oakhill College, Castle Hill
 Growing up in Adelaide, working on the                   • Monique Bova, De La Salle College,
 beach as a lifeguard, Zani Bates has well                  Cronulla
 and truly found a sense of responsibility                • St James College East Bentleigh with
 leading her to her new role of Youth Minister              Joel Hariss.
 at St Michael’s College, Henley Beach.
                                                          • Fa’alepo Vaotuua will continue to work
 Her willingness to step up and take on a
                                                            with De La Salle College Mangere East,
 challenge is also evident outside of the
 surf; she was the College Vice-Captain and               • Amy Perestrelo at Casimir Catholic
 worked as a manager and first aid officer in               College, Marrickville
 a part-time job.                                         • Indiana Scuderi as La Salle College
                                                            Middle Swan,
 Stepping beyond his role of Lasallian
                                                          • Meryla Lowther at De La Salle College
 Volunteer in New Zealand throughout 2019,
 Micah Scholes-Robertson will head into Holy
 Spirit Catholic College, Lakemba as Youth                • Lachlan Stewart at Southern Cross
 Minister for 2020. Micah was his school                    Catholic College, Scarborough.
 College Captain as well as a Hip Hop Dance               • Larry Aua at Lasalle Technical College,
 teacher, bringing his charisma and gifts to                Hogola, Papua New Guinea
 the role of Youth Minister.
                                                          • Francis Appa who is the Youth Ministry
                                                            Coordinator, Papua New Guinea
 Owen Wright, a graduate of De La Salle
 Caringbah and Cronulla, returns to Caringbah             • Br. Rehman who is the Youth Ministry
 seeking to give back to the community that                 Coordinator, Pakistan

                               JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020

The Lasallian Student Leader Seminar, a                morning session on Tuesday with starting a
gathering of like-minded, humble, united               conversation of ‘What qualities does a great
Lasallians began 2020 with positive vibes.             leader have? What influenced you to become
Collaroy housed over 100 Lasallians from               a leader? How do you want people to view
across the District, bringing the fresh student        you as a leader?’
leaders of 2020 together for a jam-packed
five days of activities. Lasallian leadership          The Lasallian Volunteers and Lasallian
was the theme of the week that every College           Student Leaders separated at different times
leader, Volunteer and Youth Minister centred           each day to have separate professional
their reflections and presentations.                   development. The Lasallian Volunteers hold
                                                       great responsibility and opportunity for growth
Beginning on Monday 20 January, Lasallians             as they sent into different placements across
from Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, New                   the District to assist in the communities as
Zealand, Australia and South Africa, united            both teachers aids and young students’ role
in Collaroy on the North Coast of Australia            models. With training in the behavioural
to share cabins, form small groups and                 management of children, to reflection and
represent their schools. Every morning and             guidance on self-care, the volunteers are
evening, prayer in a modern and inclusive              well prepared to serve this year.
way opened and closed the day with unity
and peace and a sense of fulfilment.                   The week was full of vulnerability, opening
                                                       up and sharing stories. Many of the Youth
The program was full of energy and                     ministers lead sessions, filled with expression
excitement, having meals together, walking             and advice. A highlight from the week took
to the beach together and building lasting             place on Tuesday night, where Eliza Clark
connections. As students settled into their            and Franco De Joya shared their gifts of
small groups and adjusted to the seminar               Dance and Slam Poetry. Franco, Youth
environment, no time was wasted. Reflections           Minister from Oakhill College, poured his
and insight began to flow out of the students.         heart into his Slam Poem, Rice and had tears
Owen Wright and Monique Bova, Lasallian                in everyone’s eye.
volunteers and past school leaders, led the

                               JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020
A celebratory Mass on Thursday offered a                designing elements representative of the
chance to slow down and connect with God                community formed over the week.
and contemplate on what it means to be
Lasallian after the five days. Students were            Concluding on Friday morning, there were
arm in arm singing songs and were joyfully              hugs filled with love and good luck. Their
prayerful throughout the Mass. Br. Lewis                year in a significant role within their schools
and Franco De Joya, offered reflections on              begins soon, and what better way to start
the readings. Students showed leadership                their journey with LSLS.
by taking ownership of this celebration,

                        LEARNING TO A NEW LEVEL

Franco De Joya and Matthew Murrie have                  Franco and Matt challenge the students with
been Youth Ministers at Oakhill for the                 an Act of Kindness for the week, a chance
last year now. Boys have created multiple               for students to make someone’s day. The
YouTube videos and will continue to make                ‘AOK’ for this week, was to get in contact
weekly updates for the students at Oakhill to           with someone who you haven’t seen from
watch in the comfort of their homes.                    school since remote learning began. The
                                                        boys suggest their own experiences in order
Whilst a lot of learning is happening online,           to relate to the students. Towards the end
the students are able to reflect as they watch          of this episode, the boys bring attention to
Franco and Matt’s videos. The boys give the             the end of Lent. We are at a very uncertain
students an opportunity to pause and think              point in life at the moment, similarly to Jesus
of the highlights of this first school term,            leaving the desert after 40 days. The boys
whether that be making a friend, completing             ask the student to reflect on the pain Jesus
an assessment or an achievement on the                  would have gone through and remind the
sporting field, the two Youth Ministers give            students to keep this in mind as they head
an insight into the positive aspects of life, to        into Holy Week. With every new week
reduce the focus on the negative.                       beginning in Remote Learning, there is a
                                                        new video to stay in touch with the students
                                                        and keep the Oakhill Community alive
                                                        through this tough time.

                                JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020
                             WORLD PANDEMIC WITH
                             DAMIAN KHOURY

On 1 April at 7 pm, Damian went Live on the
Catholic Youth Parramatta Facebook page
by himself with his piano and microphone.
His incredible musical talent graced over
2,000 people that viewed the Live stream
as it was happening and even now after it
occurred. There have been over 25 shares
of the recording since it was released, and
Worship Wednesdays will continue each               his talents to inspire and bring together a
week, where a new artist will sing and lead         community of young people, in a time that
the audience through several worship songs,         makes it particularly difficult for people to
in their own unique way.                            connect physically. “This is a safe space for
                                                    you to sing wherever you are.”
Damian performed iconic worship songs such
as ‘Lord I Need You’, ‘What a Beautiful Name’       Damian finished the Live with the iconic ‘Joyful’
and ‘Oceans’ all of which was amazing to hear       song that countless young Lasallians would
and even better to have a time of reflection too.   recognise from reflection days, seminars
                                                    and retreats. Damian ended the Live humbly
Damian began the Live with a prayer:                thanked everyone for joining him and specified
Damian sang for the audience for half               that this wasn’t a performance but a chance to
an hour, an incredibly generous use of              express his faith in a new way.

YOUNG LASALLIANS                                    polls and chats, the page has over 700 Likes
                                                    and Follows.
THE FAITH FEED                                      Philippe Dulawan, a Lasallian legend and
                                                    Assistant Director of Young Lasallians with
                                                    Lasallian Mission Services, featured on the
                                                    page in late March of 2020. Phil opened up
                                                    about critical relationships and friendships in his
                                                    life and how important they are.

                                                   The description of Phil’s introduction video
                                                   revealed that “For him, it is in the art of
                                                   friendship that has been a source of mutual
The Faith Feed is a local, Sydney-based initiative blessing, personal growth and courageous
where content is produced and published online     next steps in life!” With guidance such as
for Catholics around the world. The page is “A     this, Phil’s wisdom and knowledge were
network for those in their mid-20s to 40s who      able to impact everyone following the page,
have an openness to a conversation about life,     particularly when he said, “My passion and
faith & action in the world”. Based in Greater     vision is about revolutionising humanity
Western Sydney, there is new content on the        through empowering and accompanying
page from local individuals consistently each 14 people. I like to ask big questions in the hope
week, ranging from Livestreams and videos to       that it opens up a conversation.”
                                JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020
                        LASALLIAN YOUTH MINISTRY
                        Franco De Joya was born in the Philippines and migrated to Australia when
                        he was 1. Growing up in Australia, raised in a Catholic household by Lasallian
                        alumni, Franco grew to love his Lasallian community and flourish not only
                        in Australia but in New Zealand too. Franco stepped into the role of Youth
                        Minister at Oakhill after being a Lasallian Volunteer in New Zealand in 2018.

What made you go from being a Lasallian                    Over the last year of being a youth minister,
Volunteer to Youth Minister?                               what has changed or made you grow as a
   I think it just felt like a natural progression,        person, have you achieved any goals?
   after everything I experienced whilst on                   I think just being able to see students
   my Lasallian Volunteer journey, I wanted                   grow and develop in their own way. For
   to continue that somewhere else and still                  example, I’ve been working with the
   have that relationship with the Lasallian                  Oakhill Youth Group and seeing year
   community and still utilise my skills as I                 11 Lasallian Youth Leaders who have
   prepare to become a teacher. I’m studying                  never experienced youth group before
   secondary teaching at the moment.                          or find their niche within the service
                                                              part of the role, and to see them grow
What does being a Lasallian mean to you?                      in confidence is incredible. A goal I
  Being Lasallian to me is all about the                      achieved was definitely maintaining the
  relationships between teacher and                           youth group that Richie passed on to me.
  student, student and student and building                   A big thing I wanted to do was keep up
  that sense of community which is based                      those ministries and initiatives and build
  on faith and the story of De La Salle. I think              upon it. The second goal I achieved was
  when you’re in a Lasallian school, you                      connecting with other Lasallian schools. I
  get exposed to that real sense of service                   went to Armidale a couple of times during
  to others. The whole charism is centred                     the year and to see some of the students
  on education for the less fortunate, so                     come back as Lasallian Volunteers, and
  immediately you’re exposed to this whole                    as student leaders are really awesome.
  aspect of helping others, and that really
  goes to show in the community with                       What would you tell your younger self?
  how the teachers approach the students                     I’d tell my younger self that people are
  and whatnot. I guess just being in that                    good to give them a chance, and it’s okay
  environment encourages a person to                         to be vulnerable. Share your gifts early.
  develop those kinds of values and really                   Don’t be afraid to take opportunities as
  just become an all-rounded person.                         they come, don’t wait for it.

Are there any major challenges as a                        Franco has played a huge role alongside
Youth Minister?                                            Matthew Murrie at Oakhill College over the
   Definitely being part-time, the time                    last year. The pair will continue to work as
   balance, especially transitioning from                  Youth Ministers again this year. Franco has
   Lasallian Volunteer and being at a school               blessed many conferences, reflection days
   full time and then coming back and having               and seminars with his incredible talent for
   to limit my time to two days a week was                 Slam Poetry, and has struck a chord with
   a big jump to step back and separate                    hundreds of Lasallians with his family’s
   myself. I’m still working on it and juggling            history of struggle and determination. We
   university as well.                                     wish Franco the best of luck with his year of
                                                           Youth Ministry ahead of him.

                                  JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020

Lasallian History was made when the                   An incredible highlight of the day was a talk
Young Lasallians Team led a Reflection                from all Leaders, titled ‘Ways of Dealing with
day at all-girls School, St Mary Mackillop in         Emotions’. While the day was focused on
Bathurst. The year eight girls had a day full         different emotions, this short but sincere talk
of prayer, games, activities and reflection,          opened questions for the girls to think about
bringing to light new challenges and things           What can we do when one of our friends are
to learn about each other. At such a ripe             struggling with their emotions?
age, reflection days are essential to bringing
the focus back to who the girls want to be            The girls finished the intense day with prayer
as they grow up. In the Lasallian light, there        and relaxation. The final ten minutes of the
were icebreakers, scenarios, and talks full           day were solemn and intense as the final
of advice and guidance for young teens.               prayer left the girls silent and reflective.

                              JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020

Connection, creativity, challenge and                 continue throughout Term 2 with the LV’s and
co-creation: these have been the experience           YM’s invited to join in every Thursday at 9 am.
of the Formation for Mission and Young
Lasallians Team as we have collectively               The second project offering hope was the
approached the reality of ministry during             end-of-Term retreat for the Young Lasallians
COVID-19. On 6 April, the Young Lasallians            Provincial Office members: “Pilgrimage: Our
Team wrote the following to the “Dream                Walk Together”. This experience was long,
Team” of Lasallian Youth Ministers found              beginning at 10 am and concluding at 3 pm.
across the District:                                  The program was thoughtfully designed by
                                                      the team and facilitated by Amanda Proulx,
In times of great upheaval and change, the            Director of Formation for Mission. The retreat
Lasallian Community has come together                 focused on the team’s collective pilgrimage
to share the collective wisdom of everyone            of the first term, the unpacking of our values
through stories, insights and collaboration.          using Brene Brown’s book Dare to Lead, and
De La Salle and the early Brothers were               a loving-kindness meditation to close the day.
innovators who recognised the reality of
their time and got together to pursue the             There was ample non-screen time, where
education of those entrusted into their care          participants were on mute, camera off, and
collaboratively. Two projects utilising Zoom          were encouraged to move around their home
have provided hope.                                   or complete a task for personal reflection.
                                                      Through screen sharing and google
Parmenie Experiences have in the past                 documents, participants could use visual aids
been an in-person retreat for Young Adults            as they shared their reflections. Although
providing “community, rest and purpose”.              each person was somewhat sceptical of a
These experiences were adapted to the online          digital retreat, in the end, they all indicated
space based on the model of online “family            strong engagement in the experience and
chapel” sessions by the ritual consultants            said that they would participate in an online
sacred design. In the new format, these online        retreat again.
Parmenie Experiences ran for thirty minutes
and featured two live musicians as well as            The Young Lasallians Team and Formation
sacred rituals of lighting and extinguishing          for Mission team look forward to working
candles. Participants joined conversations in         with you to provide experiences online and
breakout rooms to discuss their reflections.          in-person. Feel free to contact either Amanda
Online Parmenie Experiences have now been             Proulx (
held three times, gathering 6 to 14 people.           or Philippe Dulawan (philippedulawan@
These online Parmenie Experiences will       to see what is possible.

                              JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020

13 applicants were appointed as Lasallian Volunteers at the beginning of 2020. This is an
opportunity of a lifetime for these young men and women. As a volunteer, they will help make
an impact and support those in need.

      - Casey Dykstra (John Paul College Rotorua)
      - Amy Hancock (La Salle College Middle Swan)
      - Josh Paul (De La Salle College Malvern)
      - Emily Hancock (Southern Cross Catholic College Scarborough)
      - Anna Douglas (John Paul College Rotorua)

      - Angelina Bone (St Michael’s College Henley Beach)
      - Jess Gledhill (De La Salle College Cronulla)

      - Anton Haines (De La Salle College Auckland)
      - Albert Mc Mahon Hosea (Jubilee Secondary School Hohola)

      - Simeon Wambriwari (Jubilee Secondary School Hohola)
      - Nathan Pellizzari (St Michael’s College Henley Beach)

      - Benjamin McKern (La Salle College Middle Swan)
      - Lam Eddie (La Salle Technical College Hohola)

      - Rodwill Joe (La Salle Technical College Hohola)

    Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 the program was suspended
                             JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020

Benjamin McKern and Lamsapom Eddie have
been volunteering in Papua New Guinea at
La Salle Technical College, Hohola. The two
volunteers were recently featured on a Radio
station in PNG and wrote this blog about their
experience as well as what they will be doing
this year as volunteers and why they chose
to become Lasallian Volunteers.

What is Radio Maria PNG?                                 February 2020 at 9am PNG time. They
  Radio Maria is a non-profit and                        also replayed at 10pm that night. But
  non-commercial Catholic radio that                     don’t worry if you have missed it. We will
  broadcasts 24/7. Its operation relies                  be on at the end of each term throughout
  mostly on volunteers, prayers and the                  this year *insert program schedule once
  financial support of its listeners and                 I have it*. However, you can listen to it at
  friends. Their mission is ‘to bring the                any time by going to the link below.
  Gospel of Jesus Christ to you, using the     
  modern means of communication’. Radio
  Maria was first founded as a parish radio           What made you want to
  station in 1983, in the province of Como            become a volunteer?
  in the Diocese of Milan. Radio Maria                   The idea of being a volunteer and helping
  PNG began broadcasting on 25 March                     people that need it, for me just seems like
  2007 and currently operate in PNG but                  an experience everyone should have. I
  hope to expand to the Solomon Islands                  really wanted to give back and help as
  sometime soon.                                         at school I didn’t get involved as much
                                                         as I liked, which I came to greatly regret.
What is your interview about?                            With that being said, I didn’t think I had
  In our interview, we talked a bit about each           any chance whatsoever to get into this
  of ourselves and a lot about what we will              program as I thought it was all about
  be doing here in PNG at LSTC and how we                what you did at the school. But they saw
  will be helping kids throughout the year.              through that and decided to give me a go.
  For example, we mentioned Breakfast                    I personally want to help and mentor kids
  club, retreats and general support for                 through their high school years and really
  the students. We also explained how far                try to get everyone involved because it
  reached this program is and where else                 wasn’t a nice feeling finishing school and
  it occurs (Perth, NZ, Balgo, Sydney, etc.)             wishing you had done more.
  and how individuals can gain access into
  the volunteer program.                              How does someone become a volunteer?
                                                        If you are looking to become a volunteer,
Where can Lasallians listen                             you can apply for the program through
to your interview?                                      the Lasallian website. You must have
    Our first interview was broadcasted on 8            come from a Lasallian school.

                              JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020
De La Salle Mangere concluded their                    courage to carry the light of Christ with them
sacramental program with three students                and share it with others, just as the saints did.
receiving their sacrament of Baptism and 15
students and 1 Lasallian Volunteer, Micah              Finally, with a nod to the Tercentenary
Scholes- Robertson from Armidale (O’Connor             year, Br Waseem closed the morning’s
College, Class of 2018) a receiving their              proceedings with a prayer and reflection
First Holy Communion and Confirmation.                 based on the theme of One Heart, One Life,
Micah has immersed himself in the culture              One commitment. Following a traditional
of Mangere, and it was without hesitation              Polynesian lunch, I spent some time in
he wanted to not only assist the students he           the classroom and also visiting Lasallian
also wanted to join with them in the process.          Volunteer Andrew Carloss (Oakhill, 2018).
When asking, Micah, “Why?” He simply said,             He has been assisting the debating club, and
“It was a natural decision”. Having spent all          it was uplifting to see 30 students stay back
his schooling years at a Catholic school, this         after school to rehearse their skills and refine
was the right time for him to commit to the            their techniques for the debating season
faith more completely.                                 which began in 2020.

Cardinal Soane Mafi of Tonga gave a moving             It was a great occasion to visit the school,
homily to the students, family and friends             and I thank the Brothers and staff for
who filled the college gym. He encouraged              their generosity and zeal, together and
the recipients to always stand firm in their           by association. Congratulations to both
faith, especially on the eve of All Saints Day.        Micah and Andrew for their contributions as
He asked everyone present to have the                  Lasallian Volunteers in 2019.

                               JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020

Youth Ministers and Lasallian Volunteers                School, De La Salle Holy Cross College,
play a crucial role in the Lasallian movement           Jordan Bulger. From the 17th-20th of January,
within the schools across the District. Many            the Youth Ministers and Lasallian Volunteers,
of the Youth Ministers this year return to              as well as the Young Lasallian Formation
the role for the second year in a row to fulfil         Team, took over the Sydney University
their call to serve. The Lasallian Volunteers           Chaplaincy to deepen their understanding
dedicate ten months of the year to a school             of their role, as well as learn more about
that needs their help, whether it be in New             themselves and each other. There were
Zealand, Perth, Balgo Hills, Queensland or              many intense conversations, discussing the
Sydney. Youth Ministers scatter themselves              expectations of the role, the outcomes, the
across the District with the same purpose in            do’s and don’ts, all within a very safe and
mind, to further the work of St John Baptist            reflective environment. Reflections involved
de La Salle and inspire their students to do so         questions such as ‘What is your Lasallian
too. With a few new faces and developments              Dream? What sustains you? Why are you
within the team as well as the 2020 Lasallian           here?’. No stone was left unturned when it
Volunteers, a weekend of Formation before a             came to preparing the Young Lasallians for
hectic week at the Lasallian Student Leaders            a big year of growth and incredible influence
Seminar (LSLS) was the start of a truly                 they will have on the students in their school.
special journey these Youth Ministers will              Immediately after the Formation training
embark on together this year.                           finished on the Monday, each Youth Minister
                                                        and Volunteer headed to the Lasallian
An exciting new development, occurring for              Student Leaders Seminar, where their
the first time this year, is the introduction of        training was put into practice as soon as they
a Youth Minister in South African Lasallian             walked onto the bus.

                                JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020

Recently, the 2020 Lasallian Volunteer cohort took part in
a one-day Debrief Program to share and reflect on their
experiences. The Volunteers from Balgo, New Zealand,
Papua New Guinea, Sydney and Queensland were
reunited via zoom technology participating in prayer,
reflection, sharing, music and small break out activities.

Each volunteer was asked to share highlights from their
time in the community and their placement of ministry. The
day was full of shared joy and solidarity. Joanne Nehme,
the Lasallian Coordinator, led the day and was assisted
by Brothers Garry and Lewis. Lydia from yourtown was
also able to link in and offer her well wishes to the group
which they appreciated greatly.

It was with a touch of sadness due to the global pandemic
of COVID-19 and the changing nature of government
regulations across the District that we had to suspend the
program for 2020. However, the volunteers came together in
their usual generous spirit to make the most of the occasion
in transitioning from their placement of volunteering. Their
dreams for 2020 and beyond were discussed, and a strong
theme of staying connected to the Lasallian Mission and
the network was especially encouraging.

                              JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020
The sky is turning that orange and purple colour;
As day fades into history, so too the fears of many;
Each hour, each minute we wait, we hear, we hold the faint breath;
As the sea recedes into reflective grains of sand - the shadow of
hope reveals the ocean’s heart;
Behold the last taps of glass; behold the final prayers of the aging
faithful; behold the remaining calls of the last carriage bound for the
bridge crossing; the bells crack a final call.
What if and what next; who is what in this new day, in this new
narrative of fog and fright;
The looks of unnamed worry paint the passing faces; the autumn
leaves are ready for their shedding; spread your grace and spread
your care - spread it wide and far.
The country mountains stay strong within ancient soil do we see
and sense their wisdom?
The sky is turning as the stars shine another Sunday evening; we
return, return and return - to the deeper depths of time.
The moon has seen it all with the sun brightly burning another day;
drops of sweat and tears fall vigorously. Slow down and start again.
Let the birds wake the new dawn; let the sounds of solitude once
again surrender. Let the birds sing joyful praise and beckoning;
The sky is turning, let us wait and watch.

                              JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020
                   GIVING VOICE AND SUPPORT
                   TO AT-RISK COMMUNITIES

Inspired by the District Plan of “giving            group called the “St Yon Crew” has formed
voice” and support to at-risk communities           to encourage a number of service days
and emphasising service to the poor, the            and activities focusing on giving back and
Lasallian Mission Services team participated        fostering our vocation as Lasallians.
in a service day with the Asylum Seekers
Centre in Newtown in February. The day              The St Yon Crew is a Lasallian action,
consisted of an orientation of the Centre           service and apostolic outreach group for
looking at its history and the valuable             young adults. Inspired by the spirit of St
service it provides to those seeking asylum         John Baptist de La Salle and the broader
in Australia. The Centre supports the needs         Lasallian charism to serve the last, the lost
of people who have recently arrived from            and the least, we invite young adults, former
overseas countries. Through lunch meals,            students, Uni students or those interested in
food banks and language and administrative          supporting people who are disadvantaged
support, the Centre is an invaluable network        and marginalised in society to come and join
and community.                                      us for service days and afternoons. It is our
                                                    hope to foster vocations as well as to allow
The Lasallian Mission Services team will            young adults to reflect on their vocation as
continue to build a partnership with the            Lasallians through service and community.
Centre and offer a Lasallian presence and           There are many pathways within the Lasallian
service. A new Lasallian outreach service           charism to explore and get involved with.

                             JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020
           AND BR LEWIS

Br Arian and Br Lewis (a Central Western            The Brothers also explained how, whilst their
local himself having grown up in Dubbo)             presence in Australian schools may have
both visited Sheahan to deliver talks to the        been reduced over time, their presence
students in Year 10 and Year 11 revolving           in our region, consisting of Australia, New
around the work of one of our founders,             Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea and
St John Baptist De La Salle. The Lasallian          Samoa (ANZPPNG) has remained as strong
Brothers explained the aforementioned               as ever through youth volunteer programs
mantra to the Sheahan students as their             that immerse school leavers in the work of
message to young people following last              Lasallians within the schools in our region and
year’s Tercentenary celebrations of De              also through the Youth Minister program which
La Salle’s death and of his contemporary            ensures that the majority of Lasallian schools
legacy, particularly in education and in            in the region have a young Lasallian present
serving the poor.                                   to help guide them through High School.

The Brothers explained the story of St              The students thoroughly enjoyed the
John Baptist de la Salle to the students,           Brothers’ talk and were kept entertained by
emphasising his contribution to Christian           their energy and humour, and it was a special
education and his significance for teachers         experience the students had not expected!
as their patron saint; as he set an example         Thank You to Br Arian and Br Lewis for taking
of selflessness and dedication for all              the time to meet our students.
teachers to follow.                                 About: Matthew Brown

                             JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020
Author: JABRAN (Aspirant)
I joined the Formation House in August                  organise activities such as celebrations and
2015, and at present, I am in my final year             programs to celebrate the major feast days
of initial formation. Every year brings new             and birthdays.
opportunities and challenges for me to
advance in my spiritual understanding and               With the active presence of the Formation
get a little closer to my goals.                        Staff and guidance from our Director,
                                                        Brother Zohaib Gill, we attain something
The Formation House is not just a place                 new every day. Being Aspirants, we do
where young men are encouraged and                      practice all the requirements which will
formed to discern their vocation, but it is also        increase our beauty and dynamism as
an important phase of our life which makes              Brothers in the future. The Formation House
us contented and benevolent persons. Every              revives us with a new passion for serving
Aspirant is blessed with different abilities and        and community living following the example
talents, which adds to our diversity here and           of our Holy Founder. It also helps us to get
challenges us as well to live with synergy.             rid of our not so positive and healthy habits
There are different co-curricular activities            and develop ourselves into a better person
that are part of our schedule, and we also              by becoming closer to God.

Seven new candidates were accepted into                 a Holy Bible, and Cross from Br Sajid and Br
the Orientation Group at St Miguel House                Shahzad congratulated the candidates and
Pakistan. These seven courageous young                  encouraged them to grow in their spiritual
men will spend time in the Formation House,             journey of discernment and be more focussed
developing their vocation.                              on their aim of bettering themselves.

The ceremony was held in the Formation                  Aspirant Zamran said, “The Formation house is
Chapel with the Community Brothers                      an opportunity to deepen our faith. We all have
preparing a special prayer service. Br                  regular classes facilitated by the Formation of
Aloysius led a nice reflection on the theme             Staff and teachers from La Salle Urdu High
“like clay in the hands of the potter”.                 School. We are taught different subjects like
                                                        Catechism, Lasallian Studies, Prayers, Spoken
The seven candidates were presented with                English and Computer Studies.

                                JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020

Author: ZAMRAN (Aspirant 1st Year)
I would like to share with you my journey of           English. These subjects are taught by local
discernment and growth in Miguel House of              Brothers and Teachers from La Salle Campus
Formation since I started on the August 16th           2. Two of my favourite quotes is “learning
2019.Once I received the news that I was               never stops” and “Music is a food of the soul”.
going to be given a chance to be an Aspirant, I
felt excited. Despite the undefined happiness,         I continue to learn new things. I love music,
I also felt worried and confused because I had         sports and art class. Every day brings us new
never left home and had no prior experience            opportunities to learn and improve.
of living in a formation house.
                                                       At the moment, we are learning about the lives
Before joining the Aspirancy program, I hoped          of different Lasallian Saints which motivates
that Miguel House would be a place that would          me to be a better version of myself. The
nourish my spiritual life. My goals were also          mission of the De La Salle Brothers is “service
very similar to my hopes. My foremost goal was         through education” this is my strongest
and still is, to become a De La Salle Brother.         motivation. I hope that I will fulfil the objectives
                                                       of Brothers’ life, and one day, I will be able to
Since joining, I have experienced many                 continue the legacy of our founder, St John
changes. I have become more punctual,                  Baptist de La Salle, by spreading the light on
attentive     and    serious   towards      my         education among those entrusted to our care.
responsibilities and studies. I am gaining a
lot of knowledge from subjects like Church             I urge you all to continue to pray for those who
History, Catechism, Prayers and Religious              wish to follow the path of religious life and
Life, Lasallian Studies, Computer, Liturgy and         consecrate ourselves for God’s work and glory.

                               JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020
           INSPIRED BY
          THE BRAVERY
          OF CHILDREN

Miss Haq Home is a well-known institute                 Ramesh and Jabran teach them different
for the physically challenged children in               poems, daily prayers, games and songs
Faisalabad supervised by the Dominican                  which give happiness and pleasures to their
Sisters. Sr. Razia Sadiq O.P is in charge, with         unique lives—spending time with them the
three more nuns of the community and some               Aspirants to get to know the children better.
dedicated professionals who help the children           Children with physical disabilities are less
with various physical therapies and activities.         likely to attend regular schools in Pakistan.
                                                        Sisters are providing them with formal
De La Salle Aspirants Ramesh and Jabran                 education facility till primary level.
have been regularly visiting the centre for the
last year and a half for their service exposure.        “By serving these special children, we can win
Br. Zohaib Gill, Director of St. Miguel House           God’s favour and be blessed by his grace and
of Formation, has arranged this experience              many blessings in our life. This experience has
for both Ramesh and Jabran to spend                     also helped me to be aware of God’s goodness
quality time with these children to help them           in my life and be grateful for it. There is a lot of
in any way possible. It has also helped the             joy in being of service to those in need of our
Aspirants be inspired by the bravery of these           care and support. I am also thankful for this
beautiful children by which they are fighting           opportunity to spend time at Miss Haq Home
their frailties and cherishing even the tiniest         and enrich our lives through sharing our time
moments of joy and fun amidst their pain and            and affection with such beautiful children of
struggles to get better.                                God. Live Jesus in our hearts!”

Lasallians are champions of hope and                    is: help us, help me, love me. Your solidarity -
champions of goodness. Lasallians believe               the little acts of support will go a long way for
in the miracles in people. They believe that            creating these miracles. Champions of hope,
hope and acts of kindness have a relationship.          champions of goodness. These saints would
A relationship that “Springs” from the inner            suggest to us with the knowledge that things
reality of each person. They externalise this           do get better, and things can improve in life.
goodness into helping others - the last, the
lost, the lonely in our society.                        The Lasallian Mission needs you, especially for
                                                        those who have given up hope in life and who
St La Salle would see that hope and good                can’t attend a school or don’t have pens and
deeds share a common purpose. With                      pencils to participate in an educational context.
these eyes of faith, we can start to see that
everything has a relationship.                          We go out soon to embrace this spirit of fun
                                                        and compassion, but we go out knowing we
Today, the deep cry of the Lasallian mission            can create miracles.

                                JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020
In Australia, we take water for granted.
Whether it be staying hydrated, cooking food
or being hygienic, clean water can make a
world of difference to one’s quality of life.
Australia has been challenged with drought
for years, but running water is the norm for
most Australians.

Life in Pakistan for so many families and
children is not so lucky. For years La Salle
Urdu School has not had access to fresh,
clean drinking water. The water in Faisalabad        in September 2019 raised $10,406 - all
is often contaminated and salty, causing             of which was donated to the installation
diseases such as diarrhea, hepatitis, food           of a Clean Drinking Water Plant for their
poisoning and other waterborne diseases.             twinned school, La Salle Urdu Campus in
For the last few years, the solution has been        Faisalabad, Pakistan.
to drink other liquids, including sweet water
which was unhealthy and costly. At times,            Sajid Bashir (Principal, La Salle Urdu High
students had to wait for the water seller to         School, Faisalabad), said:
arrive and would go thirsty before they were         “We salute the noble gesture and the favour
able to purchase clean water. It was for this        of the donors who contributed to this cause.
reason that the school requested that a Clean        On behalf of the staff and students, I extend
Drinking Water Plant be. At the end of 2019,         my hearty thanks to Br. Dennis Loft the
hope was on the horizon.                             Director of Donor Projects who coordinates
                                                     the twinning project, and Mr Michael Egan
La Salle College Bankstown, like many                the Principal, staff and students of La Salle
Lasallian Schools across Australia, holds            College Bankstown our twined school for
a Mission Action Day each year raising               their continuous generous support and for
money for a cause. Their Founder’s Day               fulfilling this great need.”

                              JOURNAL LA SALLE - JUNE 2020
You can also read