Five Town CSD - What new heights will you reach this year? - Five Town CSD ...

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Five Town CSD - What new heights will you reach this year? - Five Town CSD ...
What new heights will you reach this year?
 Over 50 years enriching lives . . . strengthening communities

                              Five Town CSD
                              Adult and Community Education
                              Spring & Summer 2020
                              Course Offerings
                              Also includes offerings from
                              Midcoast School of Technology Adult Ed
Five Town CSD - What new heights will you reach this year? - Five Town CSD ...
Course Index
3 Minutes a Day Can Change Your Life    33   Financial Literacy                    20    My Next Career Move                     19
                                             Fly Fishing Workshop                  31
A Brief History of Astronomy            32   Foraging for Wild Mushrooms           35    Natural Sleep & Relaxation            31
Accounting and Bookkeeping Basics       17   French Riviera - Fall 2020            41    Nature Writing Through Personal Essay 37
Achieve Your Goals                      19                                               Non-Comercial Lobstering is Fun!      32
Adult Education                         10   Genealogy for Beginners               32
Adult Education                         11   General Enrichment                    32    Oil Painting - Feathers & Fur Edition   24
Adult Learning Center                   10   Generating Income                     20    Origins of the Middle East Conflict     33
Adult Transitions                       11   German, Beginner I                    37    Ornamental Welding                      26
Also includes offerings from             1   Go Green and Get Clean                30    Our Instructors and Staff                6
Android Phone Basics                    27   Golf for Beginners                    30
Antiques and Fleas Fridays              42   Guitar, Acoustic for Beginners        38    Paleo/Primal Explained                  30
Art Night Out® - Collage Glass Charm    26                                               Passive House Design                    34
Art Night Out® - Crochet Wire Jewelry   26   High School Equivalency (HiSET)       10    Pasta 201 Stuffed Pasta & More          29
Art Night Out® - Sea Glass Pendants     26   Hiking!!                              42    Pickleball - Learn to Play              30
Art Night Out® - Wire Bound Jewelry     26   Home & Garden                         34    Pickleball - Skills and Drills          30
Arts & Crafts                           22   How to Read a Nautical Chart          32    Plein Air Painting at the Farm          24
                                                                                         Polymer Clay Boxes                      24
Baby/Pet Blanket in One Evening      25      Improv Theatre-Acting & Play Production38   Pottery for Beginners to Advanced       23
Basic Life Support for Healthcare    13      Independent Publishing Introduction 37      Presenting With Confidence              19
BLS for Healthcare - Recert          13      Intermediate Vocal Technique           38
Basic Vocal Technique                38      Introduction to SQL                    12   Qigong for Beginners                    31
Bates Morse Mountain                 42      Introduction to Steel Drums            38   QuickBooks 2019 – Desktop Version       17
Become an Online Business Powerhouse 18      Intro to Stress Management             31   QuickBooks 2019 – Online Version        17
Beech Hill in Rockport               42      Investing in Fast Growing Companies    20   Quilting Beginner Basics                25
Birding Session II                   30      Investing in Publicly Held Cannabis    20
Boston Flower Show Trip              41      iPhone Basics                          27   Rediscover Cycling                      31
Bridge for Beginners                 32      iPhone Photography, Mastering the Art 27    RSU13 ADULT ED                          39
Building Your Professional Brand     19      Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum trip 41     Russian, Beginner 1                     37
Business Basics                      19
Business & Workforce                 12      Japanese 1                            36    Searsport Antiquing                     42
                                             Japanese 2                            36    Sewcialize Open Quilting!               25
Canadian Maritimes Trip                 41   Jill Parker Course Bundle             19    Sewing - Basic Pattern Fitting          23
Carving Signs                           23                                               Sourdough Bread Making                  28
Carving the Harlequin Drake             24   Knitting for Beginners                22    Spanish - Continuing Instruction        36
Carving Wood Spoons & More              23   Knitting Socks                        22    Spanish for Beginners                   36
Certified Medical Assistant             15                                               Spanish - Intermediate Beginner         36
Chilled Summer Soups and Cold Sides     29   Languages, Writing & Poetry           36    Starting a Garden from Scratch          34
CNA - Certified Nursing Assistant       14   Learn to Play Native American Flute   38    Stocks, Bonds, and Investing: Oh My!    20
College Next                            11   Lowrie Sargent Course Bundle          20
Computers for the VERY Beginner         27                                               Tai Chi Easy ™                          31
Computer Skills for the Workplace       18   Machine Sewing for Beginners           25   Taiji (T’ai Chi) Short Form             31
Computers & Technology                  27   Machine Sewing For Intermediates       25   TechHire Maine                          12
Cooking                                 28   Mah Jongg for Beginners                32   The Leach & Clement Duo!                24
Cooking Vegetarian Indian Food          29   Maine Audubon’s Borestone Mountain 42       The Taste of West Africa                28
Course Offerings                         1   Maine College & Career Access Services 11   Transitioning From Fossil Fuels         34
CPR/AED/ Standard First Aid             13   Maine Model Yacht Club                 23   Trips                                   41
CPR/AED/ Standard First Aid Recert      13   Make a Driftwood Tree                  24
Creating an Online Business Presence    18   Making Mozzarella Cheese               28   WAITING: When the Soul Begins to Quiver33
Creating WordPress Websites             14   Math Lab                               10   Watercolor for Everyone               26
Critical Reading & Writing, Online      11   Medical Terminology                    14   Watercolor - Landscape Come Alive     22
                                             Medicare 101                           33   West Coast Swing                      40
David Spahr Course Bundle               35   Mercury Retrograde: What Does it Mean 32    What to do with Your Produce Bounty 28
Design Your Maine Landscape             34   Message from the Director               5   Where Does All My Money Go?           20
Dot Prescott means Business!            17   Microsoft Excel 2016 - Basics          17   Wiscasset Antiquing                   42
Drawing from the Landscape              22   Microsoft Excel 2016 - series option   17   Woodworking for Beginners             22
Drivers Education                       35   Microsoft Word Introduction            17   Writing Winning Grant Proposals       16
                                             MID-COAST SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY 21
East Coast Swing                        40   Middle Eastern Dance/Bellydance I      40
English as a Second Language            11   Middle Eastern Dance/Bellydance II     40
Exercise, Health & Outdoors             30   Mini-Grant Pitch Contest               19
Exploring Poetry                        37   Moving Beyond Fear                     33
                                             Mushrooms, Edible and Medicinal        35
Family Book Club                        36   Music, Dance & Theater                 38
Farming With Natives                    35   My Money Works                         19
Five Town CSD - What new heights will you reach this year? - Five Town CSD ...
General Information
                   Registration & Fees:                                       Senior Citizen Discounts:
Course fees must be paid in full at the time of registra-    Participants 65 or older can choose to take a 25% dis-
tion. Your place in class is held only with full payment.    count off their registration fee wherever there is an SR
Late registrations are accepted where space is available.    code next to the fee. There is no senior discount for one-
                                                             night workshops, business & workforce training classes,
                 How to Register:                            and other multi-week classes that are specially priced.
ONLINE:                      Other fees associated with a class are not discounted.
                                                             Please call in advance if you need assistance getting to
CALL:                                                        classrooms from your vehicle. Senior Citizen Discounts
Phone 207-236-7800, option 5. We will be happy to com-       can only be applied by calling the office. Not available
plete your registration by telephone using MasterCard,       with online registrations.
VISA, Discover or American Express.
                                                                            Registration Confirmations:
WRITE:                                                       Because we serve more than 2,000 students each year
Use the form on page 43 to mail in your registration.        and we are a small office, only students who provide an
Include a personal check or money order (payable to          email address will receive confirmation of enrollment. All
5 Town CSD Adult Ed), or fill in your MasterCard, VISA,      others will only be contacted if there is a problem with or
American Express, or Discover information. Our mailing       question about your enrollment.
address is 5 Town CSD Adult & Community Education, 25
Keelson Drive, Rockport, Maine 04856.                                              Refund Policy:
                                                             100% will be refunded if we cancel a course. 100% minus
COME IN:                                                     a $5 processing fee will be refunded if a student with-
Register in person at our office at Camden Hills Regional    draws before the first session of a multi-session class.
High School, 25 Keelson Drive (Rt. 90), Rockport. Our        No refunds are made after a class has started or within
office hours are 11a.m. - 8p.m. Monday through Thursday      less than 24 hours of the start of a one-day class. Excep-
and Fridays vary, call ahead. Please remember, we are        tions to this policy may be made at the discretion of the
a small staff so hours are subject to change. We recom-      Director.
mend you call before coming in.
                                                                                 Inclement Weather:
FAX:                                                         Generally, if day school cancels or dismisses early, then
Register anytime by faxing your registration to us at        adult education classes will also be cancelled. Howev-
207-230-1059. Be sure to include your MasterCard, VISA,      er, that depends on the timing of the weather event.
American Express or Discover information. Please photo-      Notification will be posted on on our website or on our
copy the registration form before faxing. Newsprint is not   telephone answering machines. We also do our best to
readable when faxed.                                         call everyone when we need to cancel or reschedule due
                                                             to weather.
                    Mailing Address:
Five Town CSD                                                                Changes & Cancellations:
Adult & Community Education                                  We reserve the right to cancel courses, change times and
25 Keelson Drive (Route 90)                                  substitute instructors as necessary.
Rockport, Maine 04856
                                                             Vacation Days:
                                                             Spring Break                Apr 20 - 24
                                                             Memorial Day                May 25
                                                             Fourth of July              Jul 4
                                                             Summer Break                Aug 17 - 31
E m a i l :                    Labor Day                   Sep 7
P h o n e : (207) 236-7800 option 5
Fax:          (207) 230-1059
W e b s i t e :
Director: David Watts

                         207.236.7800, option 5                                3
Five Town CSD - What new heights will you reach this year? - Five Town CSD ...
“Love this course!
                                                                        Can’t wait until it
                                                                        is offered again!”

                                                                         “Thank you
                                                                        for Adult Ed!”
                                                                          “Loved taking this
                                                                         course because the
                                                                         instructor is so giv-
                                                                         ing, making people
                                                                           feel comfortable
                                                                           and having clear
                                                                         instruction, goals.”

      “Thanks for offering these
    great adult ed classes. I always
            enjoy them!”

                                                     “Great class! I couldn’t believe
                                                         how much I learned!”

                                                        “This was a fun class!
                                                       Very happy you offer so
                                                            Thank you!”
                                                     “Glad for the opportunity to attend
                                                                these classes!”

    CNA Genesis Graduating Class, December 2019

4                 Spring - Summer 2020
Five Town CSD - What new heights will you reach this year? - Five Town CSD ...
Message from the Director
New Heights

As I sit here writing, a fire is crackling in front of me, a tree is lit and decorated with ornaments that are both new
and nearly 100 years old, and pets are asleep at my feet. I absolutely love this time of year. A time for reflection,
a time of hope, and a time of renewal. When you receive this, spring will be right around the corner. But for now,
I will enjoy the peace, quiet, and food that comes with winter. Oh, and of course the lack of insects. I’m enjoying
that, too!

We are listening. As we continue serving our communities into the second 50 years, we hope you’ll join us by
finding something that will entice you to reach for a new height. Take a look at this brochure and remember that
our timing has changed slightly. This brochure includes course offerings from the very end of February through
August. So please keep this handy for a bit longer. To help you find summer offerings, look for the

There are many new offerings including antiquing excursions and hikes to popular regional sites. In addition to
returning high-demand classes, look for new arts and crafts offerings, new classes to improve your mind and
body, and new classes to help your businesses. Learn a new language, take a trip, or make something for yourself
or a friend.

And don’t forget to read about all of the workforce education opportunities. If nothing seems to fit your needs,
think about family and friends and pass the information along. Remember to take note of the new logo for Mid-
coast Adult Education Hub 7. We continue to expand our collaborations throughout Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Knox,
and Waldo counties. Our regional partners serve students throughout this four-county area. Workforce education
is vital to our local economy. And we stand ready with our partners to help you move forward on your career
path. If you see something - or if you see something missing - in our brochure that intrigues you, please call me.

I look forward to seeing you out and about.

Be well,

David A. Watts
207-236-7800, ext 3275

                                                                  View all opportunities at our websites:
 Many of our supply lists are available on our                      •
 website. Scroll down to the link for “supply                       •
  lists for arts & crafts classes” on our front                     •
     page, then click on the one you need.                          •

   This is your adult education program. We try to provide diverse programming. If you have
     requests, or better yet, if you have talents you would like to share, please let us know.

                         207.236.7800, option 5                                5
Five Town CSD - What new heights will you reach this year? - Five Town CSD ...
Our Instructors & Staff
Our Instructors and Staff
We have found that many people only learn about the               Tina Casteris is a self-taught knitter who loves sharing this
incredible talent of our instructors if they sign up to take      craft with those who desire to learn, improve and have fun!
a class they are interested in. However, learning about an
instructor and their expertise may actually entice you into       Sandy Clement has been teaching sewing classes for over 10
taking a class you might not otherwise have noticed.              years. She has sewn since she was a child and has found it to
                                                                  be a valuable life-long skill. She has helped with costuming
So, all instructor bios are now here. Please take the time to     for local school and theater groups.
read about the vast and interesting experience of the people
who bring you so many opportunities. Then look through            Jenn Dean has worked for more than 20 years as a freelance
the brochure and find a class that interests you. The instruc-    writer and is currently employed as a publishing coordinator
tor’s name will be listed and you can always come back here       for Maine Authors Publishing & Cooperative. She has helped
to find out more about them.                                      many authors publish their books by guilding them through
Art Night Out instructors are experienced artists who             the publishing process.
provide a relaxed atmosphere, lots of support, and quality
materials/tools to ensure a positive experience. Leave class
                                                                  Jim DellaPenna has been an amateur astronomer since he
with new skills and an amazing piece you created yourself.
                                                                  was a teenager performing observations for the American
Bill Babb is a retired teacher and home baker. He has             Society of Variable Star Observers in Cambridge. Jim is a
searched for the perfect baguette for fifteen years taking        member of 3 astronomy clubs and served as an officer of
several King Arthur Baking Workshops and attending Skow-          the Raleigh club in NC for 7 years. He has participated in nu-
hegan Kneading Conferences along the way.                         merous outreach events including elementary schools, the
                                                                  general public, and the North Carolina Museum of Natural
David Baker is a professional cheesemaker with over 25            Science.
years of experience making a wide variety of cheeses with
State of Maine Cheese in Rockport. He has taught both
                                                                  Branden Densmore is founder of Gathered Minds Media
adults and children to love making cheese.
                                                                  Inc. and creator of the “Coaching For The Spiritually Gifted”
Jordan Benissan has been cooking for friends and students         Facebook group. He holds a B.A. in Philosophy from Vassar
ever since he arrived in Maine in 1999, and finally realized      College and is a certified Spiritual Coach who loves creating
his dream of opening a restaurant in 2017. His Me Lon Togo        growth opportunities for others, helping them move past
restaurant is located in a distinctive blue and purple historic   their fears of entrepreneurship while having fun.
home on Rt. 1 in Searsport, and he just opened a second one
in Waterville. Jordan also teaches African drumming at Colby
                                                                  Jim Dill is a naval architect, boat designer, inventor and land
College, the Watershed School, and other area schools.
                                                                  surveyor. Helicopter Huck is a local builder, licensed arborist,
Barbra Bragg has taught studio art at colleges and arts orga-     vineyard & winery consultant and helicopter tour designer.
nizations in New Hampshire and Vermont. She has a lifelong
commitment to her own creative process, and to sharing the
                                                                  Diane Doiron is a certified teacher of Tai chi Easy tm through
importance of "visual thinking" with her students. She has
                                                                  the Institute of Integral igong and Tai Chi since 2010. She
an MFA in studio Art and a BFA in Ceramics and was recently
                                                                  teaches various forms at Merrymeeting Adult Ed and Shoto-
a Resident Artist at the Art Loft in Rockland.
                                                                  Kan Karate Academy.
Marc Bubar has ben playing acoustic guitar for 17 years.
He sings and writes songs, and has performed on stage at          Keith Drago is the Deputy Director of the Rockport Public
various venues across the country. Playing music, espe-           Library. He has worked in the library field for ten years and
cially with other people, is one of Marc’s favorite things in     has his masters in Library and Information Sciences.
the whole wide world. He brings a big smile and patient
demeanor to class. The goal is for everyone to have fun and       Erik Durbas has worked in the construction industry for over
to feel encouraged to keep practicing!                            two decades. His hands-on skills range from cabinet making
Frank Burtnett, Ed.D. is a veteran counselor, school and col-     to custom building, with the last 12 years having been
lege educator, educational association officer and indepen-       focused solely on architectural design. He currently practic-
dent consultant. At various points in his career, Dr. Burtnett    es sustainable, energy efficient residential design from his
was responsible for the generation of external support for        home office in Union.
programs and services through the preparation of grant and
contract proposals with philanthropic organizations, govern-      Andrew Eckman has been teaching medical response
ment agencies and independent gift-makers. Additionally,          courses for more than 25 years and has trained thousands of
he has served as a proposal reader and evaluator for numer-       people in First Aid/CPR/AED, Professional Rescuer/Healthcare
ous philanthropic organizations and government agencies.          Provider CPR, and Emergency Medical Response.
6                        Spring - Summer 2020           
Five Town CSD - What new heights will you reach this year? - Five Town CSD ...
Our Instructors & Staff
Vic Ehler has over 20 years’ experience in designing and          Gilda Joffe is a Certified HeartMath Trainer who works with
building high end furniture. He has been the supervisor and       individuals, in person, or by phone internet and presents
new employee trainer at Mystic Woodworking for the past 9         workshops to leaders and staff of diverse organizations facili-
years.                                                            ting stress management and higher personal and profession-
                                                                  al productivity.
Diana Falciani’s experience includes apparel and costume
design as well as pattern and hat making. She earned a Cer-       Russell Kahn has been teaching art in public schools for
tificate of Achievement in Apparel Design from Diablo Valley      over 21 years. He currently teaches ceramics, printmaking,
College in Pleasant Hill, California and has been sewing since    drawing and painting at CHRHS.
the age of twelve.
                                                                  Linda Leach and Sandy Clement have 30 plus years of paint-
Beverly Feldt has been an avid student of astrology since         ing and craft experience. They are the co-owner of the Maine
1968 when she was introduced to the archetypal, imaginal          Lights Collection. Visit their page at http://mainelightscollec-
realm by taking a University without Walls class on astrology or
by a Rosicrucian machine shop owner in Madison, WI. Since         tion/
then she has earned certificates through The Astrology Insti-
                                                                  Lora Levenseler grew up in Rockland, ME, and, after grad-
tute and Astro-Logos, and has studied with numerous teach-
                                                                  uating from Stonehill College, returned to Maine to teach.
ers, most recently with Joe Landwehr of Astro-Poetics. She is
                                                                  She has been teaching math for over 5 years and is currently
a retired clinical social worker and a practicing Buddhist.
                                                                  head of the math department at CHRHS.
Anne Fensie has been teaching technology since the turn of
                                                                  Tatiana Lopyreva has taught Russian in private and public
the century! She is well-known for her patience with techno-
                                                                  schools in Toronto, Canada. She enjoys exploring her native
phobes and uses her vast knowledge of learning strategies
                                                                  language and agrees with her students that Russian is not
to help make your new knowledge usable and memorable.
                                                                  easy to learn.
Paul García taught at secondary and university levels for
                                                                  Patti Luchetti has studied Oriental Dance for 25+years with
twenty years, and now earns his living as a translator and
                                                                  such stars as Katia of Boston, Morocco of NYC and most
interpreter. He has lived and worked in Puerto Rico, Mexico,
                                                                  recently, Cassandra of Minneapolis. She is director/chore-
Spain and Argentina.
                                                                  ographer of Shalimar’s Studio in Rockland, where she also
Darrell Gilman is on the team-taught, U.S. Coast Guard            teaches Modern Dance and exercise classes. FMI: shali-
Auxiliary whose courses provide recreational boaters with
the knowledge and skills to boat safely on either inland or
                                                                  John Luft has worked at Revision Enery since 2003 and has
coastal waters. General topics included in the ABS course
                                                                  designed and managed hundreds of solar projects. John is a
are: boating operations, boat handling, boating laws and
                                                                  Branch Manager for the Liberty office of Revision Energy.
regulations, water traffic patterns, equipment requirements
and introductory navigation.                                      Charles Mamane spent several years living in Morocco,
                                                                  France, and Israel. He served in the Israeli Defense Forces in
Ellen Goldsmith is an award-winning author and her poems
                                                                  the tank corps for 3 years and has traveled extensively in the
have appeared in numerous journals. In addition to 5-Towns
                                                                  Middle East. He has an MS in Electrical Engineering from Car-
CSD Adult and Community Education, she has taught
                                                                  negie Mellon and an MBA. Over his past 50 years in the US he
poetry for the Coastal Senior College and Maine Writers and
                                                                  has developed a passion for the study of history.
Publishers Alliance. She is a professor emeritus of the City
University of New York.                                           Mike McCune has a degree in Biology and has been carving
                                                                  and watching birds for over 20 years. He has taught duck
Gary Harmatz has been a wildlife, nature, travel and under-
                                                                  carving for 12 years.
water photographer for over 24 years. His nature and travel
photography has taken him throughout Europe, Japan, the           Mike Miller is a restauranteur, real estate broker, and director
Bahmas, North and South America, Antarctia, Southeast Asia        of the Steelin’ Thunder Band. He discovered steel drums
and Africa. He specializes in unique images from the grand        when his son learned them at a summer camp in 1995.
scenic and exotic marketplaces to the fall foliage of New         Steelin’ Thunder now plays at dozens of events every year
England.                                                          and offers scholarships to high school seniors proceeding to
                                                                  higher education. Mike’s love of music, especially collabora-
Sherwood Hilt first discovered wood carving at Camp
                                                                  tive efforts, is infectious - his goal is to have fun!
Bomazen in 1990 where he learned how to do relief carvings,
neckerchief slides, signs and a variety of other items. In 2012   Anna Moorman and Jo-Ann Neal of Allen Insurance and
he started carving shorebirds and ducks. He has taught            Financial, are licensed insurance agents specializing in
merit badge wood carving for the Boy Scouts for many years.       Medicare. Anna has a background in healthcare and public
Sherwood has a degree in building construction and worked         health, while Jo-Ann brings years of knowledge from her
at Lyman-Morse as a cabinet maker until retirement.               prior role in HR.

                           207.236.7800, option 5                                        7
Five Town CSD - What new heights will you reach this year? - Five Town CSD ...
Our Instructors & Staff
Eva Morris lived in Osaka for 10 years where she studied           Dee Patel had so many requests for Indian food from her
Keigo, an honorific Japanese. She lived in a series of temples     coworkers at Pen Bay Skin Care that she decided to open
over two years, then after owning an aerobics studio she           a three-days-a-week takeout in her family’s lodging The
produced the first Japanese language aerobics video in             Ledges in Rockport in June 2019. She not only has been re-
Japan. After moving to Tokyo, she became a regular on 7            ceived with rave reviews but routinely sells out of everything
different Japanese television shows. She has written numer-        on the menu.
ous articles about health and fitness in Japanese, and upon        Laura Lee Perkins, BME, MS has authored 8 books, published
returning to America taught Japanese language classes to           150+ articles, and recorded 5 professional flute CDs and 3
busy professionals in New York City.                               audio-books. Recipient of 14 grants and 5 artist residen-
                                                                   cies, Laura is a “Chicken Soup for the Soul: Hope & Miracles”
Sally Morrison has been teaching beginners and continuing          author. Laura teaches 75 life-skills classes a year to 5,000+
bridge to players for over 10 years and is a life long student     people in ME, MA, NY, and AZ and enjoys working with her
of bridge herself.                                                 flute-maker husband Ken Green teaching folks to play Native
                                                                   American Flute.
Laurie J. Murray, a former university creative writing lecturer
and writing center director, holds her MFA in creative writing     Laura Philbrook is a mom and wife who is always learning
from Ashland University and her BA in communication from           and making changes to live a more natural and healthy
the University of Pittsburgh. She is an instructor of creative     life. She uses essential oils to support many aspects of her
nonfiction writing and facilitates writing and nature journal-     family’s wellness.
ing workshops. Currently, she is working on a memoir about         Alex Plummer is a PGA apprentice studying to obtain his
coastal Maine, with a focus on the state’s natural beauty and      Class A certification. He has been involved in the golf busi-
coastal communities.                                               ness for over 10 years, teaching golf for the past 5. He was an
                                                                   assistant at Goose River Golf Club before moving on to the
Paul Neagle is a retired resident of South Thomaston and           Samoset as their first assistant professional. Currently he is
lives on the St. George River. He and his wife hold Non-Com-       in his third year as the head golf professional at Goose River
mercial licenses and have been lobstering for the past five        Golf Club. Alex wants to introduce the great game of golf to
years. They had to learn it all by trial and error and research.   as many people as he can.
Learn from their experience in this fun class.                     Jonathan Potter has written twelve traditional plays, and
                                                                   five Commedia scenarios which have been published, as
Jill Parker is the chief inspiration officer of inspireal LLC, a   well as many more. He has taught theatre classes at CHRHS
leadership coaching consultancy in Maine. She is a profes-         and UMA@Rockland (URock), and directed a broad range of
sional speaker, trainer and team builder with over 25 years of     plays. For ten years he ran a mobile stage which presented
leadership experience in a variety of industries.                  popular and free Commedia del’Arte scenarios in local areas.

CNA Genesis Graduating Class, September 2019

8                         Spring - Summer 2020           
Five Town CSD - What new heights will you reach this year? - Five Town CSD ...
Our Instructors & Staff
Dorothy Prescott is a CPA in Rockland specializing in the           John Sommo is a nationally certified instructor with the
accounting needs of small businesses and is a Certified             League of American Cyclists and a Registered Maine Guide.
QuickBooks ProAdvisor®. Dorothy is a member of The Gen-
eral Society of Mayflower Descendants and is familiar with          Chef Jeff Space is currently the Director of Nutritional
many local lines of descent.                                        Services at Pen Bay Medical Center. He is a graduate of the
Gary Roberts is a Registered Maine Guide, a resident of             Culinary Institute of America and has over 30 years of expe-
Appleton and has been a volunteer naturalist, trip leader,          rience in restaurants and food service. Before calling Maine
and speaker for over 30 years. He specializes in guiding from       his home, he held positions as a Pastry Chef, Executive Chef,
a natural history perspective and focuses particularly on the       and Personal Chef. Jeff is also a local fly tier who has taught
native flora and fauna of Maine. Gary has been a long time          many classes in the area. He is also an avid fisherman who
volunteer for Maine Audubon and has volunteered with the            welcomes the chance to share his knowledge.
Maine Plant Conservation Volunteers, Mountain Birdwatch,            David Spahr is a naturalist, photographer and forest farmer
Maine Owl Survey Project, and Seanet.                               who has collected, photographed, and eaten wild mush-
                                                                    rooms for 35 years. He is a member of the Maine Mycological
Jolinda Rockett has spent more than 40 years in the health          Association and maintains a web site devoted to the subject,
field, first as a special units RN and then as an acupuncturist, He is currently writing a book on
seeking ways to address the fundamental causes of pain and          foraging.
other symptoms that prevent enjoyment of life. She has an           Chris Toy is a lifelong teacher and learner. After a career as a
acupuncture and health coaching practice in Camden and              school principal he traveled around the world as an educa-
St. George, and currently serves on the Maine State Licensing       tional consultant collecting recipes and stories from local
Board for Complementary Health Care.                                cooks. As a registered Maine Guide and cooking instructor,
Chris Sady and Lila Vultee have been playing mah-jongg              Chris teaches classes and leads trips for adult education,
for more than 15 years and have taught many people how              Now You’re Cooking, Stonewall Kitchens, and privately.
to play.                                                            Katie Tranzillo is an independent dance instructor leading
Lowrie Sargent is Vice President and Investor Advisor               partnered, individual and group programs for 18 years with
representative for Maine Asset Management and Director of           children, teens, adults and peple with disabilities. She is
Education and member of the State Board of Directors for            spreading the joy of dance across Maine and building strong
Better Investing. He has been investing since 1978 and has          dance communities.
a Masters of Business Administration, Loyola College, and           Sharon Turner owns Crystal Lake Farm in Washington, ME.
Bachelor of Arts, Cornell University. He also is a recipient of     She specializes in open-pollinated vegetable and flower
the Vedder Prize in Economics.                                      seedlings, native perennials, shrubs and trees, and cut
Bev Shejen has been quilting blankets for over 20 years and         flowers. She grows for Fedco Trees and Knox-Lincoln Soil and
is a huge fan of all kinds of quilts but especially enjoys creat-   Water Conservation District. She also teaches MOFGA’s Grow
ing a fast creative gift using shortcut techniques.                 Your Own Organic Garden class.
Mike Shunney is the Director of Inner Works Taijiquan and           Wayne Twitchell is a retired welding instructor from Bath
Qigong in Rockland -               Iron Works and has been welding for over 40 years. Wayne is
Mike is privileged to be recognized by the First family of          a recipient of the Navy’s Aegis Excellence Award for weld-
Taijiquan in China, the Yang Family, as qualified to teach their    ing. He has taught welding through adult ed programs for
system of Traditional Yang Family Taijiquan, which includes         10 years and in his spare time enjoys making scrap metal
Qigong, Taijiquan, Taiji Jian (sword), Taiji Dao (broadsword),      sculptures.
Taiji Qiang (spear/staff ), and two-person play. He is the first    Paul Whiton is a tenor with 45 years of teaching and
person in Maine to hold that honor.                                 performance experience in Connecticut, private and group
A Maine native, Holly Smith graduated with a B.S. degree            teaching at the Warner Theatere in Torrington, CT, as well as
in Art Education from the University of Southern Maine.             after school programs at high schools.
Retired from teaching 31 years high school art and pho-             Adult & Community Education Aministrative Staff
tography, Holly is represented by the Portland Art Gallery,
Bonnie Farmer Assemblage Art & Gallery and the Lincolnville         David Watts, Director:
Art Gallery.                                              
Elyse Socker has been working in the Five Town CSD Adult            236-7800, ext 3275
& Community Education office since September 2007 when              Elyse Socker, Program Assistant:
she began as the part-time evening secretary. Two months  
later she took over the position of Program Manager, where          236-7800, ext 3274
she has been ever since. She loves hunting for used and             Beverly Shejen, Evening Secretary:
antique treasures and both her wardrobe and home are full 
of fabulous finds she has made!                                     236-7800, option 5
                            207.236.7800, option 5                                         9
Five Town CSD - What new heights will you reach this year? - Five Town CSD ...
Adult Education
Adult Learning Center                                     High School Equivalency (HiSET)
Unsure of where to start? Come talk with us.              If you are an adult without a high school diploma, The High
                                                          School Equivalency Test (HiSET) program could be your
The Learning Center is open to all adults in need of      route to improved career prospects, a college education and
                                                          increased earnings potential. Adult diploma programs are
academic instruction and guidance. Hours vary by day,
                                                          central to the mission and tradition of Maine Adult Educa-
and we will try to meet you on your schedule. Our staff   tion. Join other students who have recently completed the
provides individualized instruction in the areas of:      program. Get your diploma and be one step closer to achiev-
                                                          ing your life’s goals.
   • High School Equivalency
   • HiSET Prep                                           Join us to begin your journey. Call our office for more informa-
   • Accuplacer Prep                                      tion and to arrange for a private consultation.
   • Math and ELA instruction to prepare you for
     college-level coursework
   • General reading, writing, and math tutoring for
     anyone pursuing college or career education
   • Workforce credential or certification tutoring and
   • College and Career advising
                                                          Math Lab
                                                          Lora Levenseler
All services at the Learning Center are FREE of charge.   The Math Lab is designed to help students working in any
If you or anyone you know could use any of these          area of math, from the basics to algebra and geometry.
services, please contact us.                              Whether you are pursuing a diploma, HiSET, need help pass-
                                                          ing your Accuplacer, or need math for transition to college
                    Drop In Hours                         or certificate training, the instructor will work with students
             Monday, Tuesday, Thursday                    at their own levels and pace, either individually or in small
                 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
                                                          Weekly on Thursdays                             4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
                                                          CHRHS Rm 219                         FREE if registered with us
                 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
   Location: 7 Lions Lane, Camden (the “Bus Barn”)

                   Wednesday, Thursday
                   4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
        Location: CHRHS Adult Education Office
     (additional day or evening hours by appointment)

       Our Instructional and Advising Staff
                   Rebecca Albright
                Brenda Hio-Hamdan
                      Peg Junge                           TUTORS NEEDED: Have a desire to give back to
                                                          your community with the gift of education? We

                                                          are in need of volunteers to assist with tutoring for
                    Lora Levenseler                       students in our various programs. Even if it is simply
                    one hour per week, you can make a difference in
                                                          someone’s life. Call the Learning Center, (207)236-
                                                          3358 ext. 4319.

10                     Spring - Summer 2020     
Adult Education
Maine College and Career Access                                  College Next
Services                                                         College Next is designed to prepare students for college
(formerly College Transitions)                                   with the skills and confidence to be successful. The program
                                                                 is offered through RSU13 Adult Education and funded by
  •   Want to go to college?                                     Maine College and Career Access (MCCA), with support from
  •   Want to change careers?                                    UMA-Rockland Center.
  •   Looking to earn a certificate for a new career?
  •   Need to brush up on your math and English skills?          College Next consists of three sections; English skill building,
  •   Need to pass the Accuplacer tests?                         Math skill building, COL 100-Introduction to the College
  •   Simply need help deciding where and how to advance?        Experience (3 credit course). Students are encouraged to
                                                                 register for the full day, but may take any combination of
The Maine College and Career Access Services grant provides      the three sections. All instruction is provided free of charge.
high-quality comprehensive education and advising ser-           Book fee applies.
vices to adults seeking education and training that leads to
a post-high school credential of value. Formerly the College           All students must register through Peg Junge at
Transitions grant program, services under MCCAS have been                    (207) 691-5751 or
expanded. Let us help you find your way to a new career.         Days:
                                                                   Spring session - 13 weeks, begins Wednesday 1/29
1:1 tutoring services are available during all times the Adult     Fall session - 13 weeks, begins Wednesday 9/16
Learning Center is open. Call for more details.                  Time:
                                                                   Math, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
FEES FOR SERVICES ARE WAIVED if you become a MCCAS                 COL 100, 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
student through Five Town CSD Adult Education.                     English, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Critical Reading & Writing, Online
Michele Aronson, Merrymeeting Adult Ed                                                                      Call or text
Writing well requires an understanding of language and its                                                 207-691-5751
possibilities. In this online class, students work on Academic                                               to register
English IV materials designed to meet the final English class
for adults in the high school diploma program. Access to              Learn how to navigate college and earn three
a reliable computer and reliable internet is required.                            UMA college credits
Coursework includes critical reading of required information-
al and narrative texts, writing a college essay through mul-                     Explore career possibilities
tiple drafts, a review of basic grammar, and peer feedback.            Refresh your skills in English & mathematics
Textbooks included. For more information, please contact
Paul Elisha, academic counselor, at 729-7323, Ext. 2.                 Thirteen weeks - begins January 29th
9 weeks, Mondays & Wednesdays, begins January 27                                         Free instruction (book fee only)
5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Class meets in-person in Topsham on 1/27, and continues
online.                                                          Adult Transitions
FREE if taken for high school diploma, or MCCAS                  Considering a career change? Need assistance going back to
                                                                 college, but not sure where to start? Have you recently lost
English as a Second Language                                     your job and don’t know what support services are available
Five Town CSD Adult Education welcomes all foreign-born
                                                                 to you? Federal law provides access for free career training
people. Are you interested in improving your English skills?
                                                                 and support services for adults and youth to overcome bar-
Learning English can help you:
                                                                 riers to employment. Set up an appointment with our Adult
                                                                 Ed team and let us help you navigate the murky waters of
  •   Obtain a driver’s license
                                                                 adult transitions.
  •   Communicate with your child’s school
  •   Get a first job
                                                                 We offer FREE advising services in the following:
  •   Improve your living situation
                                                                     • Career Transitions
  •   Expand your job prospects
                                                                     • Referrals to partner agencies for adults with barriers
                                                                     • Entrepreneurship and small business development
Let us work with you to help you meet your goals. You may
                                                                     • Certificate programs
qualify for FREE tutoring services. If you or a neighbor need
                                                                     • Post-secondary education
assistance, please call our office to inquire.
                           207.236.7800, option 5                                     11
Business & Workforce
TechHire Maine
   Have you always enjoyed solving problems?
   Ever thought about working in software or IT?
   Are you looking for an internship in IT?
   Are your ready to change your career direction for the

If you answer “Yes” to these questions, you may be a good
candidate for TechHire Maine. TechHire is a national initiative
to connect people with tech jobs through non-traditional
pathways. Maine is now one of more than 70 TechHire com-
munities nationwide.                                              Who is MidCoast Adult Education 7?
FEATURES INCLUDE:                                                 We are the Maine Department of Education sanc-
    • Individualized education and training plans based on        tioned Adult and Career Education programs located
    participants’ needs                                           in Waldo, Knox, Lincoln and Sagadohoc Counties. And
    • Acquisition of industry recognized credentials and          we provide collaborative and seamless educational
    sector specific skills                                        opportunities throughout our region. Rest assured, no
    • On-the-job career development, including internships        matter where you are located, we are here to help you
    • Paid work experiences
                                                                  meet your career and educational goals. Call your local
                                                                  Adult Education Program.
CONTACT US to receive more information, OR
                                                                    • Belfast Adult Education
READY TO APPLY? Call one of the TechHire Navigators to                • 338-3197
learn how you can begin the process of getting trained and          • RSU 3 Adult Education, Thorndike
getting to work in a surprisingly short time.                         • 568-3426
        (Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Waldo and Knox counties):              • Five Town CSD Adult Education, Rockport/Camden
 Dylan Barnett,,               • 236-7800, option 5
                      207-274-9131                                  • Mid-Coast School of Technology Adult Education
                                                                      • 596-7752, ext 3
Introduction to SQL                                                 • RSU 13 Adult Education, Rockland
Dr. Cecelia Allison                                                   • 594-9764
Learn the key concepts of Structured Query Language (SQL),          • RSU 40 Adult Education, Waldoboro
and gain a solid working knowledge of this powerful and               • 832-5205
universal database programming language.                            • RSU 12 Adult Education, Somerville
                                                                      • 549-4687
By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid working knowl-       • Central Lincoln County Adult Education, Damariscotta
edge of structured query language. You’ll feel confident in           • 563-2811
your ability to write SQL queries to create tables; retrieve        • Boothbay Regional Adult Education
data from single or multiple tables; delete, insert, and update       • 633-3224
data in a database; and gather significant statistics from data     • Merrymeeting Adult Education, Topsham/Bath
stored in a database.                                                 • 729-7323
online                                        begins monthly
Hardware Requirements:
     This course must be taken on a PC. A Mac is not
     compatible. Please see our online course catalog for
     more information.
Register at                $99

     “Education is not the filling of a
      pail, but the lighting of a fire.”
                 W.B. Yeats

12                       Spring - Summer 2020           
Business & Workforce
CPR and First Aid classes are taught by Andrew Eckman who recently retired from emergency services after more than
    40 years in law enforcement, firefighting, and EMS. He has been a a medical instructor for more than 20 years.

Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare
Andrew Eckman
This program ensures that individuals with a duty to respond
(public safety professionals, healthcare providers, and others
with a duty to respond) have the knowledge and skills
necessary to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies.
The course emphasizes active, hands-on learning and uses
scenario-based activities to help participants learn how to
provide one rescuer and two rescuer CPR, multiple rescuer
response, how to use an AED and relieve an obstructed air-
way for adult, child and infant patients. Participants will learn
how to check both a conscious and unconscious patient, and
how to give effective ventilations to a patient experiencing a
cardiac and/or respiratory arrest, including using a resus-
citation mask and bag-valve-mask (BVM) resuscitator. This
program does NOT contain a First Aid component. This pro-
gram is accepted for continuing education credit by CAPCE
and NREMT for EMS personnel, and by AGD/PACE for dental
providers; the State of Maine accepts the program’s credits
for licensing requirements. The course also is approved by,
or meets the requirements of, JCAHO (Healthcare Providers);
AAAASF (Ambulatory Surgery); ACSM (Sports Medicine);
BCAT, NATA and NCSA (Athletic Trainers); DANB (Dental Assis-        CPR/AED/ Standard First Aid
tants); NAEMSE (EMS); and NOLS (Wilderness EMT)                     Andrew Eckman
                                                                    The Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED course incorpo-
3 weeks                                        6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
                                                                    rates the latest science and teaches participants to recognize
Tuesdays                                       begins 3/10/20       and care for a variety of first aid emergencies such as cardiac
CHRHS Rm 219                                                 $95    and respiratory emergencies; head, neck, and back injuries;
                                                                    concussion; shock; choking; stroke; seizures; anaphylactic
                                                                    shock (including use of Epi-Pen); burns, cuts, scrapes, sudden
                                                                    illnesses, diabetic emergencies, and heat and cold emergen-
                                                                    cies. This program teaches participants the knowledge and
                                                                    skills needed to give immediate care to an injured or ill per-
                                                                    son and to decide whether advanced medical care is needed.
                                                                    2 weeks                                       6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
                                                                    Tuesdays                                        begins 4/7/20
                                                                    CHRHS Rm 219                                               $80
Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare
Providers - Recertification                                         CPR/AED/ Standard First Aid -
Andrew Eckman                                                       Recertification
This is a recertification course for healthcare providers. Each     Andrew Eckman
participant must show the instructor either a currently-valid       This is a recertification course for lay responders. Each
certification or a certification that has been expired less than    participant must show the instructor either a currently-valid
90 days from any of the following: AHA, ARC, ECSA, ASHI,            certification or a certification that has been expired less than
EMSS or NSC or accepted by MEMS and AGD/PACE (dental                90 days from any of the following: AHA, ARC, ECSI, ASHI,
providers).                                                         EMSS or NSC.
1 night                                        6:00 - 9:00 p.m.     1 night                                        6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Tuesday                                                  3/3/20     Tuesday                                                 3/31/20
CHRHS Rm 219                                                 $80    CHRHS Rm 219                                                 $65

                            207.236.7800, option 5                                       13
Business & Workforce
CNA - Certified Nursing Assistant                                Popular Online Courses
Through a collaboration with Windward Gardens in Camden               GRE Prep Series
and Harbor Hill in Belfast, both owned and operated by Gen-           Spanish for Medical Professionals
esis Healthcare Corporation, you can earn while you learn.
                                                                      SQL Series
This comprehensive face-to-face eight-week training                   Speed Spanish
program meets all requirements of the Maine State Board               Accounting Fundamentals
of Nursing and will have you secured into a position upon             Medical Terminology
completion.                                                           Human Anatomy and Physiology
                                                                      Effective Business Writing
Students without a high school diploma, or those who have             Explore a Career in Medical Coding
been out of school for a while, are encouraged to apply.              Project Management Fundamentals
Academic training and support will be provided.                       ...And 100’s more at
Student Tuition: FREE for accepted applicants
Next Anticipated Program Start Date: March 2nd
(future start dates available as well)
Days/Time: Full day classes, 3 days per week, eight weeks

To complete the entrance exam and for additional
information: Call the Adult Education office (207)236-7800,
option 5
                                                                 Creating WordPress Websites
Medical Terminology: A Word                                      Richard Mansfield
Association Approach                                             Learn how to create attractive, sophisticated blogs and web-
Douglas Best                                                     sites—without any coding! WordPress is the world’s most
This course teaches medical terminology from an anatomical       popular content management system, powering more than
approach. Root terms are divided by each body system. The        34 percent of all sites on the Internet. WordPress is an easy-
origin, a combined form, and an example of non-medical           to-use solution that will help you put your site on the Web in
everyday usage is provided for each root term. Word Associa-     far less time than by coding, and at a much lower cost than
tions are provided as a learning tool. Unusual and interesting   hiring a professional.
information is provided in regards to each term. Root terms
are combined with prefixes and suffixes as your learning         In these lessons, you’ll get hands-on experience with this
will culminate in the interpretation of several paragraphs of    powerful tool as you create your own site and
medical notes.                                                   blog. You’ll find out how to use WordPress to create pages
6 weeks                                                online    and posts, add images and videos, change a site’s look and
                                                                 feel, and include user-friendly features. You’ll discover the
Starts monthly
                                                                 ease of using WordPress design themes to express your
Register at             $99
                                                                 creativity, and you’ll see how much fun it is to be part of the
 Other Medical Terminology courses available through             vibrant WordPress online community.
                  our online portal.
                                                                 In addition to mastering the technical elements of Word-
                                                                 Press, you’ll learn how to organize a blog or website, create
                MANY MORE                                        appealing content, keep your site secure, and achieve better
          BUSINESS CLASSES ONLINE!                               positions on search engine results pages. By the end of this
                                                                 course, you’ll be able to confidently use WordPress to create
 Check them out at
                                                                 a blog or a personal, business, or organizational website.
                  Click on the ed2Go button.
                                                                 The version covered in this class is the plat-
                                                                 form the pros use. While it normally requires a paid hosting
                                                                 account, this course includes a totally free, no obligation
                                                                 SiteGround hosting account for three months, along with a
                                                                 private place on the Web for practice.
                                                                 6 weeks                                                  online
                                                                 Starts monthly
                                                                 Register at               $99
14                       Spring - Summer 2020          
Business & Workforce
Regional Health Career Certificate Training
Programs - Payment plans are available for
     all medical certificate programs
Call for more information on these
health career opportunities!                                   “We partner with many Hospitals and
Other Opportunities . . .
                                                              Medical Facilities in this state, including:
Dental Assisting with RHS Certificate - $2,400                VA, HealthReach, Northern Light, Mercy,
  10 weeks, begins 2/24/20, Mondays 6 - 8 p.m.
                                                                MidCoast, Martin’s Point and more”
Phlebotomy with CPT Certification - $2,400
   10 weeks begins 2/25/20, Tuesdays 5:30 - 8:00 p.m.         Certified Clinical Medical Assistant with
                                                              CCMA Certification
Pharmacy Technician with PTCB Certification - $1,850          Academy of Medical Professions
   16 weeks, open enrollment, online                          Medical Assistants are responsible for a variety of medical
                                                              office tasks from administrative to technical and scientific
Group Fitness & Personal Training with Certifications -       duties and must have quality human relations skills. Some
$1,500 each ($3,000 for both)                                 of the job duties include cleaning and dressing wounds, tak-
   10 weeks each (20 weeks for both), open enrollment         ing blood samples, administering medications, taking vitals,
                                                              preparing a patient for EKGs, obtaining a patient’s history,
Medical Transcription - $2,400                                and assisting physicians during examinations.
  16 weeks to 6 months option, online, open enrollment
                                                              Our program provides virtual reality style classroom work
Medical Coding with CPC Certificate - $3,500                  as well as traditional style teaching for a blended learning
  20 weeks, begins 2/27/20, Thursdays 5:30 - 8 p.m.           experience. Practicals are performed during the program to
                                                              ensure that the student has proper techniques and will be
Medical Office Specialist with Billing Certificate - $3,000   ready to pass the National Certification. Upon completion
  16 weeks, begins 2/26/20, Wednesdays 6 - 8 p.m.             of the program, you will sit for your CCMA (Clinical Certified
                                                              Medical Assistant) national certification exams through NHA.
                                                              Tuition includes national certification, 6 practice exams,
                                                              online study guide materials, books, resume assistance, and
                                                              all other associated fees. Externships may be available in
                                                              your area.
                                                              Student Tuition: $3,000
                                                              16 weeks
                                                              Begins April 7 in Rockport
                                                              Begins Feb 25 in Topsham
                                                              Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
                                                              Camden Hills Regional High School (Rockport), and
                                                              Merrymeeting Adult Education (Topsham)

                                                              “All programs, except for Pharmacy Technician,
                                                               Phlebotomy and Clinical Medical Assisting can
                                                              be completed through live online portals where
                                                              students can watch previously recorded lectures
                                                                at their leisure. This allows a student to start
                                                               classes when they want and still have the same
                                                                 educational experience as those attending
                                                               class since they are still working with the same
                                                              instructor. It is a matter of when and where they
                                                                           are watching the lecture.”
                            207.236.7800, option 5                               15
Business & Workforce
 The grant writing course below sold out this past fall. Register now to ensure your place in the
                               class that begins in September!
Writing Winning Grant Proposals: Nuts, Bolts & Assembly
Frank Burtnett, Ed. D.
This course will present strategies that nonprofit organizations can utilize to develop proposals for external funding by foun-
dations, agencies, organizations and corporations. Emphasis will be placed on the identification of the various types of grant
makers and the process that must be followed to secure support for new or expanded initiatives.

The first two classes will cover the “nuts and bolts” of writing a grant – basic grant development and writing process, followed
by the anatomy of a proposal and guidance on how to write your proposal and what to include. There will then be a one-
week break during which participants will work on a draft of their proposal, the instructor will be available for consultation
via email for this week.

For the final class students will bring their draft proposals for review and evaluation by peers and the instructor and learn the
next steps for submission. Class will also address submission and follow-up strategies. Class meets for 2 hours/night for the
first two classes, 3 hours for the third class. Topics covered include:

                    •    Grant makers and funding sources
                    •    Learning about grants, contracts and gifts
                    •    Terminology and definitions
                    •    Grant making in the current economic climate
                    •    Resources for grant seekers including national, state and local
                    •    Dissecting grant guidelines and request for proposals
                    •    Varied methods of grant acquisition – Targeting the right source
                    •    Types of projects
                    •    Program/project development model
                    •    Anatomy of a proposal
                    •    Importance of accountability, evaluation and dissemination
                    •    Developing a budget
                    •    Writing strategies and tips for separating your grant proposal from the competition
                    •    Submitting the proposal
                    •    Grant proposal as seen by reviewer/evaluator

Frank Burtnett, a resident of Rockport, is a veteran counselor, school and college educator, educational association officer and
independent consultant. At various points in his career, Dr. Burtnett has been responsible for the generation of external support for
programs and services through the preparation of grant and contract proposals with philanthropic organizations, government
agencies and independent gift-makers.

Dates: Wednesdays, 9/21, 9/28, 10/12
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Location: CHRHS 225
Fee: $75

                                                                     TUTORS NEEDED: Have a desire to give
                                                                     back to your community with the gift of
                                                                     education? We are in need of volunteers
    A good teacher can inspire                                       to assist with tutoring for students in our
   hope, ignite the imagination,                                     various programs. Even if it is simply one
   and instill a love of learning.                                   hour per week, you can make a difference
                                                                     in someone’s life. Call the Learning Center,
                                                                     (207)236-3358 ext. 4319.

16                        Spring - Summer 2020             
Business & Workforce
Microsoft Word Introduction                                        Dot Prescott means Business!
Anne Fensie                                                        The courses below are taught by veteran teacher and busi-
Find out just how powerful Microsoft Word can be for all of        ness consultant Dot Prescott.
your word procesing and desktop publishing needs. We will
begin with learning the most commonly used features, like          QuickBooks 2019 – Introduction to
formatting text, inserting images, and creating lists, then        Desktop Version
learn more advanced tools like tables, columns, and creating       Dorothy Prescott
graphics.                                                          Learn to navigate one of the most widely used accounting
6 weeks                                      6:30 - 8:00 p.m.      software applications - QuickBooks. This program is an
Tuesdays                                     begins 3/10/20        enormous aid in paying bills, invoicing, tracking expenses
CHRHS Library                                              $89     and creating reports to manage your small business or
                                                                   company better. This course will include hands-on experi-
Microsoft Excel 2016 - series option                               ence and will use QuickBooks Pro Version 2019.
Courses may be taken individually, or combined for a sav-          6 weeks                                     6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
ings. Each course within the Excel Series will build upon the      Thursdays                                   begins 3/12/20
last, giving you expert knowledge in navigating and using          CHRHS Library                                           $95
the software.
                                                                   QuickBooks 2019 – Introduction to
online, register at
Fee: $275 for series. Individual courses $109 each.                Online Version
                                                                   Dorothy Prescott
Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2016                               Learn to navigate one of the most widely used accounting
In this comprehensive online course, you’ll discover dozens        software applications - QuickBooks. This program is an
of shortcuts and tricks for setting up fully formatted work-       enormous aid in paying bills, invoicing, tracking expenses
sheets quickly and efficiently. You’ll learn the secrets behind    and creating reports to manage your small business or
writing powerful formulas, using functions, sorting and an-        company better. This course will include hands-on experi-
alyzing data, designing custom charts and graphs, creating         ence and will use QuickBooks Online Version.
three-dimensional workbooks, building links, and creating          6 weeks                                     6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
macros and custom toolbar buttons. This informative course         Thursdays                                   begins 4/30/20
covers Quick Analysis, Flash Fill, and powerful charting capa-     CHRHS Library                                           $95
bilities available in Excel 2016.
                                                                   Accounting and Bookkeeping Basics
Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2016                                  Dorothy Prescott
In these hands-on lessons, you’ll learn how to create              Business owners and managers will find this course valu-
informative, eye-catching charts and graphs, and master            able for learning basic accounting methods and tips for
charting, PivotTables, Slicers, Sparklines, and other advanced     good business record keeping. Equally vital will be discus-
features of Microsoft Excel 2016. Harness the power of Excel’s     sion of managing cash flows, keeping tabs on payables and
data analysis tools and AutoFilter commands, and see how           receivables, and establishing controls to safeguard money
easy it is to create macros that eliminate repetitive tasks. Set   and assets.
yourself apart from the casual Excel user by adding VLOOK-
                                                                   5 weeks                                     6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
UP, INDEX & MATCH, and Excel’s other time-saving functions
to your repertoire.                                                Mondays                                       begins 3/9/20
                                                                   CHRHS Rm 225                                            $85
Advanced Microsoft Excel 2016
Maximize your investment in Microsoft Excel 2016 by mas-           Microsoft Excel 2016 - Basics
tering advanced features that most users don’t even know           Dorothy Prescott
exist. In this course, you’ll discover how to use scenarios and    Widely used in office settings, knowledge of Excel 2016 will
data tables to quickly perform multiple what-if data analysis.     enhance employment possibilities. This course teaches
You’ll discover a variety of advanced techniques for PivotTa-      the basic setup and use of spreadsheets to new users, or
bles, and see how to work with the additional analysis tools       can be taken by Excel users wishing to refresh their skills.
provided by Excel add-ins. You’ll master the art of conditional    Included are editing and formatting of cells and the use of
formatting to highlight duplicate entries, become adept at         basic formulas.
importing external data using Excel’s built-in Power Query         6 weeks                                    6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
tool, learn how use Excel’s consolidation function to efficient-
                                                                   Mondays                                    begins 4/27/20
ly summarize data from multiple sources, and so much more.
                                                                   CHRHS Library                                            $95
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