Page created by Victoria Johnson
C i ty of Dubuque


STAFF CONTACTS                                                                                             FACILITY PHONE NUMBERS
       Administration Office/                                                                                   Allison-Henderson Center................................................................................(563) 589-4300
       Park Division/Maintenance                                                                                Bunker Hill Pro Shop......................................................................................(563) 589-4261
       (563) 589-4263 ...............................parkrec@cityofdubuque.org
                                                                                                                Comiskey Center...........................................................................................(563) 589-4296
       Marie Ware, CPRP – Leisure Services Department Manager                                                   Eagle Point Park Toll Booth (not for pavilion reservations)................................(563) 589-4216
       (563) 589-4263................................mware@cityofdubuque.org                                    Miller Riverview Campground..........................................................................(563) 589-4238
       Dan Kroger, CPRP – Recreation Division Manager                                                           Port of Dubuque Marina.................................................................................(563) 582-5524
       (563) 589-4310................................dkroger@cityofdubuque.org                                  Multicultural Family Center.............................................................................(563) 582-3681
                                                                                                                Carnegie-Stout Public Library...........................................................................(563) 589-4225
       Steve Fehsal, Park Division Manager
       (563) 589-4260................................sfehsal@cityofdubuque.org                                  Five Flags Center...........................................................................................(563) 589-4254

       Tony Elskamp, CTRS, CPRP – Recreation Supervisor
       (563) 589-4312................................aelskamp@cityofdubuque.org
                                                                                                                                   ACTIVITY REGISTRATION AT
       Janna Beau, CPO – Recreation Supervisor
       (563) 589-4315................................jbeau@cityofdubuque.org
                                                                                                                    EARLY online registration begins
       Brian Feldott, Recreation Supervisor                                                                          Monday, April 9, 2018 at 8 a.m.
       (563) 589-4316................................bfeldott@cityofdubuque.org
                                                                                                            Mail, e-mail, fax, and walk-in registration begins
       Mike Sullivan, PGA Golf Professional                                                                         Monday, April 16, 2018, at 9 a.m.
       (563) 589-4216................................msulliva@cityofdubuque.org
                                                                                                                     Office hours are 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
       Administrative Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.                                                                Monday through Friday.


 ONLINE                   — BEGINS APRIL 9, 2018
                                                                                                  Register with a MasterCard/Visa at www.cityofdubuque.org/recreation. A small convenience fee is charged by the
                                                                                                  hosting company. This fee is non-refundable.

 MAIL, E-MAIL, OR FAX                                                 —                           1) Mail to Leisure Services Department, 2200 Bunker Hill Rd., Dubuque, IA 52001-3010, 2) fill out the form on
 BEGINS APRIL 16, 2018                                                                            page 5 and e-mail to parkrec@cityofdubuque.org, or 3) fax to (563) 589-4391.

                                                                                                  Drop off at 2200 Bunker Hill Rd. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. After hours,
 IN-PERSON                          — BEGINS APRIL 16, 2018                                       place form and payment in sealed envelope and place in mail slot in the office door at 2200 Bunker Hill Rd.

Programs limited to a certain number of participants will be registered on a first-come, first-served basis. Any mail, fax, e-mail, walk-in, or drop-off registrations received prior to the registration start date, will
be input at random starting the next full business day following the registration start date. You will receive a confirmation receipt within two weeks via e-mail or postal mail. Payment must be included with regis-
tration. Fees may be paid by credit card, cash, or check; make checks payable to Leisure Services Department.

                 Course Number & Fee                                  Pouring-Scooping-Brooms-Funnels-                                                                                   Class Title
(R=resident fee, NR= non-resident fee)                                Fun with Mr. Ryan –
               Age or Grade Requirement                               0550.301 - $69/R, $74/NR
                                                                      Age: 2-3 yrs.
              Program Date(s)
                                                                      M - Th, June 13 - 16
                                                                      10:00 – 12:30 p.m.                                                  SC
                   Program Time
www.cityofdubuque.org/recreation                                                                                                                                                                                                      3
  HOTLINE                                                                                                                                                ADA COMPLIANCE
  To obtain the latest recorded information on the status of activities, including cancellations and postponements, and upcoming                         The City of Dubuque Leisure Services Department believes that all individuals
  events, call (563) 589-4386.                                                                                                                           should be provided with recreation opportunities that allow for performance at
                                                                                                                                                         their highest level of ability. Upon request, individuals with disabilities will be
  NOTIFY ME                                                                                                                                              granted accommodations to better assist in participation of the parks and
  Visit www.cityofdubuque.org/notifyme to sign up to receive news, announcements, and cancellation alerts from the Leisure                               recreation programs.
  Services Department related to City recreation programs and activities via e-mail or text message.

  HELPFUL WEBSITES                                                                                                                                       VOLUNTEERS NEEDED /
      Activity Programs & Registration:.................................................................. www.cityofdubuque.org/recreation               WANT TO HELP?
      Park Pavilion Reservations: ............................................................................... www.cityofdubuque.org/parks            The Leisure Services Department is always seeking help in providing improved
      Street Tree Info/Service Requests: ..................................................................... www.cityofdubuque.org/parks               services to the community. If you have a desire to volunteer time to assist with a
                                                                                                                                                         program or clean a park, or would like to donate a tree or provide materials or
  REFUNDS                                                                                                                                                money to improve a certain facility, please contact the office. We have volunteer
  A credit balance for future registrations will be provided if requested fourteen (14) days before program start date. The                              positions for golf course maintenance, swim lesson instructor aides, and
  Leisure Services Department reserves the right to cancel programs and refund fees if registration is insufficient.                                     playground instructors. Application forms, job descriptions and benefits are
                                                                                                                                                         available in the Park and Recreation office.
  To assist low income residents (residing within city limits), the Leisure Services Department does allow individuals or families
  to purchase swim passes, park passes and register for some Recreation Division programs/classes for 50% of fee listed in
  brochure. Registration must take place in the department office, with a copy of appropriate identification and current benefit
  card, or an income form will need to be completed.

                                                                                                                                                      CLASS LOCATIONS
                                                                                                                                                      Allison-Henderson Center (AH)                               1500 Loras Blvd.
                                                                                                                                                      Carnegie-Stout Public Library                               360 W. 11th St.
                                                                                                                                                      Multicultural Family Center (MFC)                           1157 Central Ave.
                                                                                                                                                      Prescott Resource Center                                    1151 White St.
                                                                                                                                                      Comiskey Park                                               255 E. 24th St.
                                                                                                                                                      Slattery Center (SC)                                        2605 Pennsylvania Ave.
                                                                                                            Comiskey Park
                                                                                                             255 E 24th St
                                                                                                                                         CE N


                                                                                                                                                  E 20
                                                                                                                                                L A

                                                                                                            Prescott Resource Center
                                                                                                                        1151 White St
                                                                                                                  1157 Central Ave & %
                                                                                                        Multicultural Family Center
                                                                                        Carnegie-Stout Public Library
                                                                                                      360 W 11th St                                         ST

&                                                                         Allison-Henderson Center
Slattery Center                                                 %
                                                                &         1500 Loras Blvd
2605 Pennsylvania Ave                                       RSITY

                                                                                                                                                        Jule Bus Routes

4                   TABLE OF CONTENTS
Registration Form.................................................................................................................5      Aquatics............................................................................................................................31
Neighborhood Recreation Programs Registration Form................................................................6                             Hours of Operation......................................................................................................31
Neighborhood Recreation Programs.........................................................................................7                      Special Hours/Admission Rates.....................................................................................32
Bee Branch Programs..........................................................................................................10                 Swim Passes..............................................................................................................32
Four Mounds Adventure Day Camp........................................................................................11                        Swim Lessons............................................................................................................33
Youth Enrichment................................................................................................................12              Special Water Classes & Events....................................................................................36
       Rising Star Theatre Company Summer Camps.................................................................12                       Dubuque Water Sports Club..................................................................................................40
       Dubuque Montessori School.........................................................................................13              Port of Dubuque.................................................................................................................41
       Classes with Sue Stoppelmoor......................................................................................14                     Marina......................................................................................................................41
       Classes with Shawna Lipper..........................................................................................18                   Lighted Boat Parade....................................................................................................42
       Classes with Ann Schoeber...........................................................................................19                   S.W.A.T. River Tours....................................................................................................42
       Classes with Mary Schoeber.........................................................................................20             Adult Enrichment/Athletics...................................................................................................43
       Classes with Josh Conley..............................................................................................20                 Tennis Lessons............................................................................................................43
       Dubuque County ISU Extension.....................................................................................21                      Fall Softball Leagues...................................................................................................43
       Classes with Lindsay Bodenhofer...................................................................................22                     Classes with Josh Conley..............................................................................................43
       Theisen’s Learn To Skate Program.................................................................................22               Golf Bunker Hill..................................................................................................................44
       Classes with Molly Schreiber.........................................................................................23           Parks ...............................................................................................................................47
       Classes with Brigitte Stephens......................................................................................23                   Park Pavilion Rentals...................................................................................................47
       Martial Arts................................................................................................................24           Park Information.........................................................................................................48
Youth Sports & Fitness........................................................................................................25                Dubuque Parks & Trails Map.........................................................................................49
       Youth Tennis..............................................................................................................25      Multicultural Family Center...................................................................................................50
       Youth T-Ball................................................................................................................26           Ongoing Programs......................................................................................................52
       Youth Softball............................................................................................................26             Hip Hop Summer Camp...............................................................................................53
       Youth Baseball...........................................................................................................26              Summer Teen Nights...................................................................................................54
       Youth Soccer..............................................................................................................27      Carnegie-Stout Public Library................................................................................................55
       Youth Running............................................................................................................25              Story Times...............................................................................................................55
       Free Family Fishing Day...............................................................................................25                 Monthly Programs.......................................................................................................56
Rec n Roll..........................................................................................................................28          Special Program.........................................................................................................57
Playgrounds.......................................................................................................................29            Summer Reading Programs..........................................................................................57
       Summer Playground Explorations..................................................................................29                       Teen Events...............................................................................................................60
       Tot Lot......................................................................................................................30          Adult Services Programs...............................................................................................62
       Special Population Activities Therapeutic Recreation..........................................................30                  Five Flags Arena and Historic Theater.....................................................................................67
       Volunteer Program......................................................................................................30

      Activity 5901.505
      Boys and girls entering 6th, 7th and 8th grades
      4 day program on Tues/Thurs from 9-11:30 a.m.
      July 10, 12, 17 & 19; Cost: free; Pre-registration is required.
      A Release, Wavier and Hold Harmless agreement must be filled out by a parent or guardian in advance.
      Come join City of Dubuque Fire & Rescue Personnel as we explore what it takes to become a firefighter/emergency
      medical person!! We’ll meet at the Fire Headquarters, 11 W. 9th St., but we’ll tour fire stations, check out equipment
      and fire/rescue vehicles. You’ll get hands-on training pulling hoses, shooting water, learning how to use firefighter
      self-contained breathing apparatus and you’ll train with Dubuque firefighters at the Regional Training Facility. Space is
      limited! Don’t delay, sign up today!
www.cityofdubuque.org/recreation                                                                                                                           5
 Programs limited to a certain number of participants will be registered on a first-come, first-served basis. Any mail, fax, e-mail,
 walk-in, or drop-off registrations received prior to the walk-in registration start date, will be input at random starting the next
 full business day following the walk-in registration start date. You will receive a confirmation receipt within two weeks via
 e-mail or postal mail. Payment must be included with registration. Fees may be paid by credit card, cash, or check; make
 checks payable to Leisure Services Department.

 PLEASE PRINT & FILL OUT COMPLETELY: Make additional copies of this form as needed or provide info on second sheet.



 PHONE (home):                                         (work):			                                                       (cell):

 EMAIL ADDRESS (required):

 Interested in receiving email/text messages regarding Leisure Services and Multicultural Family Center Programs and Events?

 Visit www.cityofdubuque.org/notifyme to sign up!

                                                                    		                     ACTIVITY                               ACTIVITY
PARTICIPANT’S NAME                M/F         BIRTHDATE              CHOICE                 NAME                                  NUMBER    FEE





                                                                                             AMOUNT ENCLOSED

                                                                                                                Please check if address has changed since
  COMPLETE IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD                                                                             last registration.
  Credit card number:        ****************                                                    The City may take photographs and/or audio or video recordings
                                                                                                 of participants in City programs and has the right to use, for any
  Today’s date:________________________________                                                  legitimate purpose, including promotional materials produced by
                                                                                                 the City to encourage participation in the activity or program, any
  Credit card expiration date: ___________________                                               and all photographic images and/or video or audio recordings,
                                                                                                 including those in which I am depicted. I hereby waive all rights to
  Signature: __________________________________                                                  compensation by reason of such use. I understand that the City
                                                                                                 does not supervise or restrict recordings of public activities by
                                                                                                 third parties.
            Fill Out This Side Only If Registering For Neighborhood Recreation Programs.

        Income-qualified residents may register BEGINNING APRIL 16th. ALL other residents may register beginning May 18th.

Adult name _________________________________________________________________Today’s Date____________________

Address __________________________________________________________City_________________ Zip Code __________

Phone #’s     day ________________________ evening _________________________ cell _________________________
WARNING: Whoever, knowingly and willingly makes or uses a document or writing containing any false, fictitious or
fraudulent statement or entry may be subject to federal prosecution.

1. Including yourself, how many RELATED people are living in your household?
PLEASE CIRCLE THAT NUMBER ON THE CHART BELOW, UNDER FAMILY SIZE. On that same line, to the right of the number you
circled, circle one of the four ranges that shows the amount of your combined household income.
Family Size                  A                          B                           C            D
1 ....................... 0 – 13,950 ............ 13,951 – 23,250 ........... 23,251 – 37,200 .......... above 37,200
2 ....................... 0 – 15,950 ............ 15,951 – 26,600 ........... 26,601 – 42,500........... above 42,500
3 ....................... 0 – 17,950 ............ 17,951 – 29,900 ........... 29,901 – 47,800 .......... above 47,800
4 ....................... 0 – 19,900 ............ 19,901 – 33,200 ........... 33,201 – 53,100 .......... above 53,100
5 ....................... 0 – 21,500 ............ 21,501 – 35,900 ........... 35,901 – 57,350 .......... above 57,350
6 ....................... 0 – 23,100 ............ 23,101 – 38,550............ 38,551 – 61,600 .......... above 61,600
7 ....................... 0 – 24,700 ............ 24,701 – 41,200 ........... 41,201 – 65,850 .......... above 65,850
8 or more............. 0 – 26,300 ............ 26,301 – 43,850 ........... 43,851 – 70,100 .......... above 70,100
If you circled the “above” range (Column D) and/or are a non-resident, you must pay full price for all programs.
 Name                                         Relationship Date of             Male/         Race      (List ONE from list   Ethnicity
                                                           Birth               Female        below for each name)            (Hispanic or







Race:    White Black/African American Black/African American & White Asian Asian & White
         American Indian/Alaskan Native American Indian/Alaskan Native & White Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
         Asian/Pacific Islander American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African American Other Multi-Racial
2. Is participant from a home where there is a female head of household? o yes o no
3. Is the person you are applying for a member of a household using the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) rental assistance
    program? o yes o no
4. Is the person you are applying for a member of a household on the waiting list for the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) rental
    assistance program? o yes o no
                                                      NEIGHBORHOOD PROGRAMS                                             7

Playtime for Tots                                                A structured recreational program for ages 3 thru 5,
3600.311                           3600.312                      including activities such as games, stories, music and art,
                                                                 developed around a weekly theme. Children must be 3
$80/R, $96/NR or free $80/R, $96/NR or free                      on first day of class, toilet trained and
Age: 3-5 yrs.                   Age: 3-5 yrs.                    able to take care of themselves to
M-F, June 4 – July 27   M-F, June 4 – July 27                    attend. Teacher: Nancy (Schmidt)
9:30 – 11:30 a.m.         12:30 – 2:30 p.m.                      Fritsch. (Minimum of 5 participants
                                                                 must be registered to run
Comiskey Center	
Comiskey Center                                 session; maximum of 10.)

Summer CLASSES offered in partnership
with Dubuque County ISU Extension
Babysitting and Child Care – 4400.310 –                          Kids Cookoff! – 4700.311 –
$21/R, $25/NR or free                                            $21/R, $25/NR or free
Age: 10 yrs. & older                                             Age: 7-11 yrs.
Monday, June 18                                                  Monday, June 25
9 – 3:00 p.m.	
 Prescott Resource Center                         9 – 3:00 p.m.	
 Prescott Resource Center
You will be first on every parent’s sitter list after you have                            Are you destined to be a chef?
learned the responsibilities that go along with babysitting,                              Come explore cooking using
including safety and first aid. Learn how to plan fun and                                 local foods and fresh produce.
age appropriate activities for kids, too! Free Lunch and                                  End the day with a surprise
Drink Provided.                                                                           ingredient cookoff! Come hungry!
                                                                                          Free Lunch and Drink Provided.

                                                                 Fun with Bots – 4700.302 –
                                                                 $21/R, $25/NR or free
                                                                 Age: 7-10 yrs.
Exploring Science– 4700.310 –                                    Thursday, June 28
$21/R, $25/NR or free                                            9 – 3:00 p.m.	
Prescott Resource Center
Age: 6-8 yrs.                                                    Meet Dot, the brainy robot, and Dash, the fun loving
                                                                 creative robot, and join them on an adventure where you
Thursday, June 21                                                will learn how to play and interact with these two unique
9 – 3:00 p.m.	
 Prescott Resource Center                         characters with 5 different apps. Use the Wonder app
Come explore the various                                                                              and communicate
wonders of science.                                                                                   with your robot using
Investigate Gizmos and                                                                                a picture-based
Gadgets, become a mini                                                                                coding language
meteorologist by                                                                                      designed specifically
experimenting with weather                                                                            for youth or use the
and investigate creepy crawly                                                                         Path app and draw
insects. Free Lunch and Drink                                                                         a route on screen for
Provided.                                                                                             your robot to follow.
                                                                                                      Free Lunch and Drink
Going Buggy – 4700.312 –                                  Quest to be your Best – 4700.315 –
$21/R, $25/NR or free                                     $21/R, $25/NR or free
Age: 6-8 yrs.                                             Age: 8 yrs. and older
Monday, July 2                                            Thursday, July 12
9 – 3:00 p.m.	
 Prescott Resource Center                  9 – 3:00 p.m.	
 Prescott Resource Center
Come join us on an exploration of creepy crawly bugs!                                   Come explore the great
We will watch bugs, eat bugs and act like bugs! Free                                    outdoors to discover new
Lunch and Drink Provided.                                                               and exciting ways to be
                                                                                        active through games that
                                                                                        challenge you physically,
                                                                                        activities that test you
                                                                                        mentally, while discovering
                                                                                        your best self. Free Lunch
                                                                                        and Drink Provided.

                                                          Art Explosion – 4700.316 -
                                                          $21/R, $25/NR or free
A World in Motion – 4700.313 –                            Age: 6-8 yrs.
$21/R, $25/NR or free                                     Monday, July 16
Age: 7-10 yrs.                                            9 – 3:00 p.m.	
 Prescott Resource Center
Thursday, July 5                                                                       Art is a BLAST when you
9 – 3:00 p.m.	
 Prescott Resource Center                                                 have the opportunity to
                                                                                         discover your creative
                                    Students will use                                   side! In addition to
                                    their physical                                       exploring the five elements
                                    science skills to                                    of design as we do
                                    design a                                            experiments with color and
                                    homemade pinball                                      make play dough,
                                    game, launch cars                                           assemble seed
                                    from ramps and test                                         mosaics, and get
                                    variables. Free                                             crafty with sponge
                                    Lunch and Drink       painting plus much more. Wear washable play clothes.
                                    Provided.             Free Lunch and Drink Provided.

Dirt, Worms, and Food – 4700.314 –                        Rockets Away – 4700.317 –
$21/R, $25/NR or free                                     $21/R, $25/NR or free
Age: 7-10 yrs.                                            Age: 8-12 yrs.
Monday, July 9                                            Thursday, July 19
9 – 3:00 p.m.	
Prescott Resource Center                   9 – 3:00 p.m.	
 Prescott Resource Center
Curious kids will learn about                             Blast off for an action-packed adventure
soil, composting, and planting                            in math, engineering and aerospace!
while getting their hands dirty                           Send your creative mind soaring when
and having fun outdoors. Free                             we build and launch our own rockets.
Lunch and Drink Provided.                                 Free Lunch and Drink Provided.
                                            NEIGHBORHOOD PROGRAMS                                         9
Dinosaur Adventures – 4700.318 -
$21/R, $25/NR or free
Age: 6-8 yrs.
Monday, July 30
9 – 3:00 p.m.	
 Prescott Resource Center
The Dinosaur Science Camp
involves traveling back millions of
years ago to the days when
dinosaurs roamed the earth.
We explore fossils that were left
behind, learn about
paleontologists, and dig up some
dinosaur bones. Free Lunch and
Drink Provided.

Neighborhood Sports Programs
Youth Soccer Clinic - $10/R, $12/NR or free          Beginning Tennis Lessons – 5900.399
5550.370                                 5550.371    $20/R, $24/NR or free
Age: 7-13 years                    Age: 7-13 years   Age: 7-14 years
Mon., June 4, 11, 18, 25 Wed., June 6, 13, 20, 27    Fridays, June 15 – July 27
4:45-5:45 p.m.                      4:45-5:45 p.m.   10:00-11:00 a.m.                    Comiskey Park
Allison-Henderson Park              Comiskey Park                                   Our beginner group
Join youth and college                                                              lessons will focus on
soccer coach Jon                                                                    fundamentals and basic
Denham for an hour of                                                               technique. Tennis racquets
games and skills. These                                                             are not provided, but
sessions will introduce                                                             may be requested.
the game to beginners                                                               Rained out lessons will
and enhance the skills                                                              not be rescheduled.
of current players in a
wildly fun setting. Come
see why soccer is the
world’s most popular
game right here in
                                                     Youth Baseball/Softball Clinic - 5550.372 – free
                                                     Age: 8-14 yrs.
                                                     Wednesdays, June 6, 13, 20, 27
                                                     6:00-7:00 p.m.                         Comiskey Park
                                                     Join the coaches of the Dubuque Pony League for an hour
                                                     of baseball skills and drills! These FREE sessions will
                                                     introduce the game to beginners and enhance the skills of
                                                     current players in a fun and safe setting. Walk-ins are
                                                     welcome, or register early!
Summer 2018 – Leisure Services
Neighborhood Programs at the
Lower Bee Branch
Classes offered in partnership with Dubuque County ISU Extension.
All classes will meet at the creek maintenance building located at the
Lower Bee Branch just west of the 16th Street bridge at 1553 Maple
Street. Parking is available.

Wacky Water Cycle – 2900.375 -                               Recycled Racers – 2900.377 -
$10/R, $12/NR or free                                        $10/R, $12/NR or free
Age: 6 – 12 yrs.                                             Age: 6 – 12 yrs.
Wednesday, June 27                                           Wednesday, July 18
9 – 11:00 a.m. Lower Bee Branch – 1553 Maple St.             9 – 11 a.m.      Lower Bee Branch – 1553 Maple St.
Can you make it rain? Where does water go? Come              Join us for a Recycled Racer Rally. Youth will create a
explore the water cycle through play, experiments and        racecar out of recycled materials and enter their creation
acting.                                                      in a race. Please feel free to bring recycled materials!

Float your Boat – 2900.376 -                                 Dive into Dirt – 2900.378 -
$10/R, $12/NR or free                                        $10/R, $12/NR or free
Age: 6 – 12 yrs.                                             Age: 6 – 12 yrs.
Wednesday, July 11                                           Wednesday, August 1
9 – 11:00 a.m. Lower Bee Branch – 1553 Maple St.             9 – 11 a.m.       Lower Bee Branch – 1553 Maple St.
Will your boat be strong enough to stay afloat? Come test    Do you know what can be found in dirt? Come explore
your building skills with a fun boat building competition.   the layers under the earth with Willy the Worm. Youth will
                                                             get to make and eat ‘real’ dirt!
                                     NEIGHBORHOOD PROGRAMS                           11

  Four Mounds Adventure
        Day Camp
A weeklong adventure takes place in four great locations across Dubuque. Activities
include: the Four Mounds Challenge Ropes Course, canoeing at Mines of Spain on
Catfish Creek, ecosystem adventures at Swiss Valley Nature Center and EB Lyons
Interpretive Center, as well as swimming, creek-stomping, hiking, team building, games
and arts & crafts.

About the Camp: Camp runs Monday through Friday, from about 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., but we
provide optional before-care and after-care extending our hours from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Children are required to bring a sack lunch; all other supplies and safety equipment are
provided by the camp, including life vests. Convenient pick-up and drop-off locations are
at Prescott School and Allison-Henderson Park. We maintain a high staff to camper ratio
of at least 1:5.

Cost: Free to income-qualifying families that are residents of
Dubuque, or $145/camper per week. Children may register for
one week only.

Qualifications: Children need no special skills to participate.
Trained staff assist with proper equipment during canoeing and
ropes course adventures. Life jackets are required when near the
water (provided by the camp). Children participate at their
own comfort level.

Activity #     Dates                  Ages
3100.310       June 11- June 15       9-11
3100.320       June 18- June 22       10-12
3100.330       July 9- July 13        7-9
3100.340       July 16- July 20       8-10
3100.350       July 23- July 27       11-13
                                                                                                         YOUTH ENRICHMENT                                                                                13

The Leisure Services Department has partnered with Dubuque Montessori School to offer you three sessions of summer fun! Please join
us at the Big Red Barn (Slattery Center). Each child is asked to pack a sack lunch for every day of camp. If you
have any questions, please contact Ms. Cat at school 556-5101.
Session 1 — M - Th, June 4 - 7
                                                                      Session 2 — M - Th, June 11 - 14                                         Session 3 — M - Th, June 18 - 21
Art with Ms. Hannah – 0550.301
                                                                      That’s So Practical with Ms. Beth                                        Music, Motion, and Rhymes with
– $75
Age: 2-3 yrs.
                                                                      – 0550.304 – $75                                                         Ms. Beth – 0550.307 – $75
9 – 12:30 p.m.                                                  SC    Age: 2-3 yrs.                                                            Age: 2-3 yrs.
Imagination is more important than knowledge – Albert Einstein.       9 – 12:30 p.m.                                                    SC     9 – 12:30 p.m.                                                  SC
Join us as we explore                                                 Come and explore Practical Life; one of the most celebrated areas        We all love those old nursery rhymes and never seem to forget
many different artists!                                               of a Montessori classroom. In this camp we will learn lifelong           them! In this camp we will be creative in using musical
We will be working with                                               skills done throughout the home, in the garden, and for personal         instruments, finger plays, dancing and even art to learn some
different paints, clay, and                                           care. Children will have a snack provided by us and prepared by          common and “not so common” nursery rhyme classics.
glue. We will have lots of                                            them daily. Get ready to sit back, relax and let the kids fold the       Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man, sign up for this class as fast
fun being creative in this                                            laundry. Remember to pack a sack lunch!                                  as you can! Remember to pack a sack lunch!
class! Please dress in
clothes that are ok to get                                            Jawsome Sharks! with Ms.
dirty! Remember to
pack a sack lunch!                                                    Christine – 0550.305 – $75
                                                                      Age: 3-6 yrs.
Master Study with Mixed Media                                         9 – 12:30 p.m.                                                    SC
                                                                      Are your children shark fanatics? Do you know the difference
with Ms. Sara – 0550.302 – $75                                        between a tiger shark and a hammerhead? Can’t get enough of
Age: 3-6 yrs.                                                         Shark Week? If so, this is the class for you! Join us for a fun-filled
9 – 12:30 p.m.                                                  SC    camp full of interesting shark facts, shark crafts & origami, cool
Shoot for the stars! Join us for a week of stories and art inspired   ocean science experiments, and much more. Remember to
by author and illustrator, Peter Reynolds. His book, “The North       pack a sack lunch!
Star,” among others, will get our creative juices flowing. We will                                                                             Practical Life with Mr. Ryan –
use a variety of mediums and inspirations to create outer space
and star art! Remember to pack a sack lunch!
                                                                                                                                               0550.308 – $75
                                                                                                                                               Age: 3-6 yrs.
                                                                                                                                               9 – 12:30 p.m.                                                  SC
Games Galore! with Mr.                                                                                                                         Practical life for our older children has the same ideas as it does
Ryan – 0550.303 – $75                                                                                                                          for the younger ones, but we’ll be advancing forward in terms of
                                                                                                                                               depth and complexity. We’ll not just be planning an entire healthy
Dates: W, Th, F, June 6-8                                                                                                                      meal, but preparing it, as well! We’ll have a social focus on
Age: 6-9 yrs.                                                                                                                                  politeness, proper manners in groups of people, and general
9 – 1:30 p.m.                                                   SC                                                                             humanly discourse. In all of this, we’ll make sure to keep things
Enter the world of games! In this camp, we will learn about and                                                                                orderly, having activities that show the right ways to clean rooms,
create our own games of chance, strategy, and skill. We’ll be                                                                                  clothing, dishes, and more. Remember to pack a sack
talking about board games, card                                                                                                                lunch!
games, and dice games and, using
the provided                                                          Canvas Art with Ms. Bri –                                                Master Study with Mixed Media Art
(and our
                                                                      0550.306 – $75                                                           with Ms. Sara – 0550.309 – $75
creative                                                              Age: 6-9 yrs.                                                            Age: 6-9 yrs.
minds), we’ll                                                         9 – 12:30 p.m.                                                    SC     9 – 12:30 p.m.                                                  SC
invent our own                                                        Every child is an artist – Pablo Picasso. Join us for a variety of art
                                                                                                                                               Use your words to inspire! Join us for a week of stories and art
competitive or cooperative                                            done on canvases! We will explore geometric designs, 3D
                                                                                                                                               inspired by author and illustrator, Peter Reynolds. His book, “The
series of games. We’ll play                                           designs, and popsicle sticks! On the last day of camp, you choose
                                                                                                                                               Word Collector,” among others, will get our creative juices
some and talk about rules, but in                                     how you want to design your canvas. Let’s have fun doing art!
                                                                                                                                               flowing. We will use a variety of mediums and inspirations to
the end, the way to win is up to the kids! Remember to pack           Remember to pack a sack lunch!
                                                                                                                                               create word art! Remember to pack a sack lunch!
a sack lunch!
14               YOUTH ENRICHMENT, ages birth-13
with                Susan Stoppelmoor
Susan is a Registered Nurse who worked in public health for many years. She has over 10 years’
experience planning and running recreation programs with the department. Her innovative class
offerings have inspired a lot of interest and classes fill up fast!
                                                                      Family Splash and Play/Little                                           Princess Party
                                                                      Gym – 0100.340 – $24/R, $29/NR                                          0100.310 – $18/R, $22/NR            0200.310 – $18/R, $22/NR

                        FAMILY                                        Age: 1-5 yrs. (w/parent)
                                                                      Mondays, July 9, 16, & 23
                                                                      10 – 12:00 p.m.                                                  SC
                                                                                                                                              Age: 3-5 yrs.
                                                                                                                                              Tuesday, June 12
                                                                                                                                              9 – 10:30 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Age: 3-5 yrs.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Tuesday, July 17
                                                                                                                                                                                              9 – 10:30 a.m.
                                                                                                                                              AH Upper Level                                               SC
                                                                      (Parent or guardian must attend and are active participants.)
Mushy-Gushy, Sticky-Icky -                                            Experience group                                                                                                   Let us provide the fun,
                                                                                                                                                                                         laughter and happily
0100.354 - $15/R, $18/NR                                              activities, including art,
                                                                                                                                                                                         ever after! Join us as
Age: 2-4 yrs. (w/parent)                                              music, stories and
                                                                      games. Small group                                                                                                 our Royal Maid sets
Mondays, June 11 & 18                                                 playtime will include                                                                                              up, cleans and creates
10 – 11:00 a.m.                                AH Upper Level         bounce house, ball pits,                                                                                           activities for the little
Does your child love to play in bubbles, water, pudding, dirt, mud,   learning stations,                                                                                                 princess in this class.
packing peanuts and much more? This class will give your child        balance beams, mats                                                                                                Participants will enjoy
an opportunity to explore using the five senses. Old play clothes     and much, much more! This class is a natural transition from                                                       royal activities to
are recommended for optimal messiness!                                home to get your child socialized with others. Free play,               include crafts, games and events while having a mini tea party
                                                                      socialization and facilitator-led activities will be the focus of the   with their very own princess punch and elegant desserts! Sign up
                                                                                                                                              for both classes as we will be changing them up! This is a PARENT
Rock & Rhythm – 0100.366 –                                            program! We will also be attending the Water Playground at Flora
                                                                                                                                              DROP OFF class.
                                                                      Pool (weather permitting), so please bring swim wear and towel.
$10/R, $12/NR
Age: 2-3 yrs. (w/parent)                                              Big Moves for Little Bodies                                             Dinosaurs – 0900.305 – $20/R,
Tuesday, June 19
9 – 10:00 a.m.                                 AH Upper Level         0100.343 - $8/R, $10/NR                                                 $24/NR
                                                                      Age: 2-5 yrs. (w/parent)                                                Age: 4-7 yrs.
Participants will enjoy being able to move and create music
together! Dance, play, and enjoy activities while engaging in         Wednesday, July 18                                                      W/F, June 13 & 15
active play through music and movement. Experience different          9:00 - 10:00 a.m.                                                SC     9 – 10:30 a.m.                                  AH Upper Level
instruments and let your creativity flow!                             Want to keep your child busy and moving? Activities in this class       Explore life as a dinosaur! Learn fun dinosaur facts! Search and
                                                                      will focus on Gross Motor Fun! There will be opportunities for          excavate real fossils, crafts, stories and games. This is a PARENT
                                                                      balance beams, mats and tunnels, hula hoops, instruments, ball          DROP OFF class.
Messy Hands – 0100.312 - $15/R,                                       play, jump house and so much more!
$18/NR                                                                                                                                        Jr. Chefs
Age: Birth – 5 yrs. (w/parent)                                        Inventors Workshop – 0100.342–                                          0900.391 - $30/R, $36/NR            0900.390 - $30/R, $36/NR
W/F, July 11 & 13                                                     $18/R, $22/NR                                                           Age: 7-10 yrs.                                  Age: 11-13 yrs.
9 – 10:00 a.m.                                             SC         Age: 8-11 yrs.                                                          W/F, June 13 & 15                           W/F, June 20 & 22
Squish, spread, print, push, poke and squeeze to see what
happens. Explore paints, glue, a variety of play doughs and more.
                                                                      Monday, June 11                                                         12 – 1:30 p.m.                                  12 – 1:30 p.m.
Your child will enjoy creating and having fun with messy hands.       1 – 3:00 p.m.                                   AH Upper Level          AH Upper Level                                  AH Upper Level
Every class will have different projects. Dress for a mess.           What do all inventors have? Creativity! In this class we may            The Jr. Chefs classes are designed for students ages 7 through 13
                                                                      design an invention that could change the world. An invention is a      and offer a well-rounded approach to teaching children the skills
                                                                      product of the imagination, which can be a device or a process.         necessary to develop their love of cooking. Jr. Chefs is designed to
                                                                      Participants will be able to create an invention of their own or        allow creativity to mesh with culinary techniques for exciting
                                                                      with a group and have the opportunity to show off their creativity.                                                 results! We will be
                                                                      Instructors will work with participants and supply them with items                                                  cooking and eating our
                                                                      and ideas. Where they go from there…well only the inventor can                                                      creations so come with
                                                                      answer that                                                                                                         an appetite. This is a
                                                                      question. Have                                                                                                      PARENT DROP OFF
                                                                      fun, be creative                                                                                                    class.
                                                                      and enjoy the
                                                                      endless world of
                                                                      possibilities. This
                                                                      is a PARENT
                                                                      DROP OFF class.
                                                                                                          YOUTH ENRICHMENT                                                                                 15
Chefs in Training – 0900.300
– $15/R, $18/NR                                                           Sport Launch – 1060.311 - $12/R, $14/NR
Age: 2-3 yrs.                                                             Age: 2-3 yrs.
Thursday, June 14
9 – 10:00 a.m.                                  AH Upper Level
                                                                          Thursday, June 21
This program is designed to accommodate our chefs ages 2 and 3            9 – 10:00 a.m.
	 AH Upper Level
years old. It incorporates recipes, age-appropriate culinary skills,      This one-hour, high-energy class is great for developing beginning
basic nutrition, literature and movement into a 1 hour class, paced       sports skills. Children will get an introduction to a variety of sports
for the preschool attention span. The curriculum is prepared by our
staff and will be crazy and fun. Participants will love the
                                                                          skills through play. They will practice listening skills and how to follow
opportunity to eat their own creations! We will introduce shapes,         directions. They will improve their eye-to-hand coordination, balance
numbers, colors and other fun learning tools into our cooking...          and muscle control. We will teach them how to play the games in a
bring on the fun! This is a PARENT DROP OFF class.                        safe, non-contact and non-competitive environment. This is a PARENT
                                                                          DROP OFF class.
Home Alone Workshop –
0100.317 – $20/R, $24/NR                                               Preschool Café – 0100.330 –                                               The Big Treasure Hunt –
Age: 9-13 yrs.
Monday, June 18                                                        $18/R, $22/NR                                                             0603.320 – $18/R, $22/NR
11:30 – 2:00 p.m.                               AH Upper Level         Age: 3-5 yrs.                                                             Age: 5-7 yrs.
Confident enough to stay home                                          Friday, June 22                                                           Tuesday, June 26
alone? Learn about home                                                9 – 10:30 a.m.                                   AH Upper Level           1 – 3:00 p.m.                                                    SC
safety, including how to                                               This program is designed around a fun restaurant theme where              Transform into your favorite pirate or mermaid character, grab
answer the phone, when to                                              preschoolers can have fun and acquire new skills. Children will           your map and search for the chest of jewels! Crafts, games and
call 9-1-1 and how to make                                             have the opportunity to make a menu, practice setting a correct           stories, too! This is a PARENT DROP OFF class.
simple meals without using the                                         table, take orders from fellow participants and even pay the bill. It
                                                                       incorporates recipes, age-appropriate culinary skills, and
stove and/or oven. This is a
PARENT DROP OFF class.                                                 movement into a class, paced for the preschool attention span.
                                                                                                                                                 Picnic in Park – 0100.311 -
                                                                       The curriculum is prepared by our staff and will be crazy and fun.        $20/R, $24/NR
                                                                       Participants will love the opportunity to eat their own creations!        Age: 7-11 yrs.
Introduction to Soccer – 1060.303                                      We will introduce shapes, numbers, colors and other fun learning          Wednesday, June 27
- $12/R, $14/NR                                                        tools into our cooking….bring on the fun! This is a PARENT DROP           12 – 3:00 p.m.
	                                AH Upper Level
Age: 3-5 yrs.                                                          OFF class.
                                                                                                                                                 It’s time to get some fresh air and enjoy a picnic in the park with
Tuesday, June 19                                                                                                                                 your friends. We will prep and pack our own picnic lunch to enjoy
10:30 – 12:00 p.m.
	                            AH Upper Level         Boot Camp Challenge - 0100.339                                            in Flora Park, as well as participate in traditional picnic games and
This program will introduce participants to the basics of soccer and   – $24/R, $29/NR                                                           activities. Join us for a three-legged race, tug of war, balloon toss
                                                                                                                                                 and more. Picnic fare included with class cost! This is a PARENT
help them to develop skills to be able to play the game at the
next level. Dribbling, passing, shooting, etc. will be covered and     Age: 7-12 yrs.                                                            DROP OFF class.
participants will have the opportunity to play each other in a game    Monday, June 25
like situation. Come join the fun and learn a sport you can play for   11 – 1:30 p.m.                                                    SC
life. This is a PARENT DROP OFF class.                                 Participants will be able to challenge their minds and body. This
                                                                       boot camp will be like no other as the participants collectively
                                                                       problem solve and create an obstacle course from the objects,
Paw Patrol – 0100.334 – $15/R,                                         supplies and terrain available. They will get to create, change and
$18/NR                                                                 modify the course to challenge each other and have a blast during
Age: 3-4 yrs.                                                          this fun and intuitive workout. They will also be making and
Wednesday, June 20                                                     eating a healthy lunch to have the fuel and energy to succeed! All
                                                                       participants will receive a free swim pass for the rest of the day at
9 – 10:30 a.m.                                  AH Upper Level         Flora Pool. A great way to cool down after this fun class! This is a
When trouble starts, we will be there! We will be exploring the        PARENT DROP OFF class.
different characters associated with Paw Patrol and creating some
of our own adventures to save the day! Participants will love
playing games, creating crafts, and learning about all the different     Jake and the Neverland Pirates
real-world jobs as we work on missions to protect our community.
This is a PARENT DROP OFF class.                                         – 0100.337– $18/R, $22/NR
                                                                         Age: 3-4 yrs.
Sport Alert – 1060.310 - $12/R,                                          Tuesday, June 26
                                                                         9 – 11:00 a.m.                                                    SC
$14/NR                                                                   Get ready for some high seas adventures - design your own Jolly
Age: 4-6 yrs.                                                            Roger, enjoy a treasure hunt, play a pirate game, share a pirate
Thursday, June 21                                                        snack, read pirate stories and learn to talk like a pirate! This is a
11 – 12:00 p.m.
	                               AH Upper Level           PARENT DROP OFF class.
A special class for budding sports enthusiasts, Sport Alert will
teach basic skills like running, catching, and throwing in a relaxed
atmosphere while working on hand-eye coordination. This is a
16               YOUTH ENRICHMENT, ages 3-12
                                                                        Making Mud, Muck, Squishy and                                           Doll Workshop – 0100.362–
                                                                        Gloppy Masterpieces - 0100.335                                          $18/R, $22/NR
                                                                                                                                                Age: 7-11 yrs.
                                                                        - $15/R, $18/NR                                                         Monday, July 16
                                                                        Age: 3-8 yrs.                                                           1:30 – 3:30 p.m.                                               SC
                                                                        Wednesday, June 27                                                      Come join the fun as we pamper our dolls! Participants will create
                                                                        9 – 10:30 a.m.                                                SC        items for their dolls, learn to dress them up and get them ready to
                                                                        Making Mud is a wonderful part of childhood that should not             play with their friends. We will be making a snack and having a
                                                                        end…and what better place to do this than at “our” place.               party with our dolls. Please bring your favorite doll and let’s
                                                                        Children will be able to make mud pies, Squishy concoctions and         accessorize them to be as beautiful as their owner! Imagination
                                                                        other messy and fun things while leaving your home clean and in         and creativity will bring your dolls to life. Please bring your own
                                                                        order! Children will love this class as we encourage them to            18” doll as we will play, create, and share with others! This is a
                                                                        explore messy and usually frowned upon concoctions! Dress for a         PARENT DROP OFF class.
                                                                        mess and have a blast! Children will be places within age
                                                                        appropriate groups. This is a PARENT DROP OFF class.
                                                                                                                                                Mini Golf – 0100.319 – $18/R,
Camp Concoction - 0900.313                                                Messy Art & Science                                                   Age: 7-12 yrs.
– $48/R, $58/NR                                                           0100.365 - $20/R, $24/NR            0100.349 - $12/R, $14/NR          Wednesday, July 18
Age: 5-8 yrs.                                                             Age: 4 – 6 years                                 Age: 7-10 yrs.       1 – 3:30 p.m.                                                  SC
Th/F, June 28 & 29                                                        W/F, July 11 & 13                                Wed., July 11        Mini Golf is always fun but what makes this class even better is
9 – 3:00 p.m.                                                   SC        10:30 – 12:00 p.m. SC                     1:30 – 3:00 p.m. SC         the participants will be creating their own course in the Slattery
This two day camp will offer a “mix” of all your favorites. We will                                               Join us for a fun-filled      Center. We will create loops, jumps, obstacles and more. After we
be hitting the water playground, creating food creations,                                                         adventure! Hands-on           have created our course using various props and items we will
incorporating your favorite games and activities and so much                                                      science projects (exploding   challenge each other to a game and alter the courses to create
more. Please bring your swim suit and dress for a mess! Please                                                    milk, invisible ink,          even more challenges. This is a PARENT DROP OFF class.
bring a sack lunch Thursday, we will provide lunch on Friday! This                                                volcanoes and secret
is a PARENT DROP OFF class.                                                                                       messages are
                                                                                                                  possibilities), crafts,       Tie Dye – 1060.302 – $20/R,
                                                                                                                  games and more!! This is      $24/NR
Nerf Gun Camp – 0100.390 –                                                                                        a PARENT DROP OFF class.      Age: 7-12 yrs.
$48/R, $58/NR                                                                                                                                   Thursday, July 19
Age: 7-11 yrs.                                                                                                                                  9 – 11:00 a.m.                                                 SC
Monday, July 2                                                                                                                                  Join us and learn how to
9 – 3:00 p.m.                                                   SC                                                                              make loud, colorful and
Join the Nerf Gun Challenge and put your shooting skills to the test.                                                                           creative patterns on material.
Show off your blaster speed and precision as you develop and                                                                                    Imagination is all you need.
progress through our nerf course. We will be creating a fun and                                                                                 We will provide one project
challenging course where we will compete to score the most points         Arts Extravaganza                                                     but we ask you to bring
through speed and accuracy. This is a non-contact event in which                                                                                something of your own to
we will be shooting pre-assigned targets and challenge our friends
                                                                          0100.315 – $18/R, $22/NR
                                                                                                                                                Tie-Dye as well (i.e. t-shirt,
in a friendly competition. We will build, create and set up a             Age: 3-5 yrs.                                                         socks, headband, etc.) This is
challenge course to compete with your nerf guns. Please bring your        Thursday, July 12                                                     a PARENT DROP OFF class.
own nerf gun/blaster (Ammunition will be provided – Elite Series          9 – 10:30 a.m.                                                 SC
Dart ONLY). All equipment brought should be clearly marked with           Ignite your imagination and creativity in this workshop with Mrs.
your name. We will have some equipment available for use!                 Susan. Experience working with a variety of materials to make
During the Camp will will also have nerf gun games in which               your own unique art pieces. This is a PARENT DROP OFF class.
participants will be allowed to use provided guns to play against
each other. Lunch will be provided! This is a PARENT DROP OFF
                                                                                                                                                          Superhero Training Center –
Kids Carnival – 0100.313 –                                                                                                                                0100.338 – $15/R, $18/NR
$20/R, $24/NR                                                                                                                                             Age: 3-5 yrs.
Age: 7-11 yrs.                                                                                                                                            Tuesday, July 10
Monday, July 9                                                                                                                                            9 – 10:30 a.m.                                        SC
1:30 – 4:00 p.m.                                                SC                                                                                        Create a cape, decorate a mask and experience your
What do kids like better than a carnival? For one, they get to                                                                                            own unique superhero power. Kids will learn about
create and run themselves. Participants will be able to make and                                                                                          superheroes and participate in active play to illustrate
create carnival games and decorations, have some carnival treats                                                                                          the superhero in each of us! They will have the
and run their very own version of a carnival. This will be a creative                                                                                     opportunity to create a superhero world and use their
and active class that participants will remember forever! The fun                                                                                         unique “powers” to complete the obstacle course they
will be on-going and they will be able to take their ideas and new                                                                                        will help construct themselves! This is a PARENT DROP
skills home to share with their friends. A day at the carnival will                                                                                       OFF class.
be so much fun they will not want to leave. This is a PARENT
DROP OFF class.
                                                                                                        YOUTH ENRICHMENT                                                                                     17
My First Camp – 0100.318 –                                             Canvas Art – 0100.389 – $20/R,                                             Summer Camp Finale – 0100.368
$24/R, $29/NR                                                          $24/NR                                                                     – $48/R, $58/NR
Age: 3-4 yrs.                                                          Age: 7-11 yrs.                                                             Age: 4-8 yrs.
Friday, July 20                                                        Tuesday, July 24                                                           W/Th, July 25 & 26
9 – 1:00 p.m.                                                    SC    1 – 3:00 p.m.                                                   SC         9 – 3:00 p.m.                                                     SC
My First Camp is the ideal setting for preschoolers. Led by trained    A perfect afternoon to create some wonderful canvas décor for              Summer may be coming closer to the end, but we are looking to
staff, campers will participate in stimulating and imaginative         your home, bedroom, any room in your house. You will be able to            make your summer memorable with this camp! This two-day
activities designed to promote a sense of adventure. This is sure      create canvas art projects of your choosing. The instructor will           camp will offer a “mix” of all your favorites. We will be hitting
to be an experience your little one will not soon forget! Children     have several examples and ideas to get you started and the                 the water playground, creating food creations, incorporating your
must be potty trained. Please bring your swim suit (water              supplies needed to make your perfect memories. This is a great             favorite games and activities, and so much more. Please bring
playground) and also dress for a mess! Please bring a lunch and a      opportunity to be together with friends and make something that            your swim suit and also dress for a mess. Please bring a sack
water bottle. This is a PARENT DROP OFF class.                         will reflect you. Canvases and several different mediums will be           lunch for Wednesday’s class, we will provide lunch for Thursday.
                                                                       supplied. If you would like to bring anything of your own to
                                                                       include in the project, feel free! This is a PARENT DROP OFF class.
Crime Lab – 0100.336 – $16/R,

                                                                                            LUNCH BUNCH
Age: 7-11 yrs.
Monday, July 23
1:30 – 3:30 p.m.                                                 SC
CSI for kids! Come join us as we investigate a crime scene and

                                                                                          LEARNERS SERIES
explore forensic science. We will examine fingerprints, hair and
fibers, identify clues and solve the mystery. This will be a fun and
exciting way to learn and problem solve with your friends! This is
                                                                                                                                                                          (4 - 7 years)
                                                                                                                  Parent Drop-off Class
                                                                           The Lunch Bunch Series is comprised of different sessions that allows participants to
                                                                           register for any one or several classes in the series. Classes have a fun and social
                                                                           lunch break incorporated in each day. Students will bring their own cold lunch.
                                                                           Games and social activities will be provided during that time.
                                                                           Session 1: SCIENTIFIC FUN– 0900.311 - $24/R, $29/NR
                                                                           Introduce your child to a wide variety of hands-on science projects, activities, experiments and observations. It’s an ideal class for
                                                                           the curious child. Dress for a mess.
                                                                           T/Th, June 12 & 14, 11:30 – 2:00 p.m. AH Upper Level

                                                                           Session 2: H2O Fun! – 0900.314 - $24/R, $29/NR
                                                                           Join us for all things water related! The afternoon will be filled with fun water activities and games. You will get wet so be sure to
                                                                           bring appropriate attire and a towel.

Playdough Creations – 0100.364                                             T/Th, July 10 & 12, 11:30 – 2:00 p.m. SC
– $16/R, $19/NR
Age: 3-8 yrs.                                                              Session 3: OUTDOOR EXPLORATION – 0900.315 - $24/R, $29/NR
Tuesday, July 24                                                           Join us for fun filled days of everything outdoors. Held rain or shine, children will learn about the world outside our windows to
9 – 11:00 a.m.                                                   SC        include camping, outdoor adventures and imagination to create a world of their own. Please dress appropriately - as we explore,
                                                                           we may get a little messy!
Everyone loves to squish, flatten and roll playdough! In this class
we will get to do lots of that as we craft fun and exciting                T/Th, July 17 & 19, 11:30 – 2:00 p.m. SC
playdough masterpieces such as robots, ladybugs, snowmen,
snails and more! We will also experiment with making our own
dough. Participants will be grouped by age and activities! This is a
18                YOUTH ENRICHMENT, ages 2-12

with                 Shawna Lipper
Shawna has 19 years of customer service, restaurant management, and entertainment planning
experience. She has been designing programs and activities for children for the last 9 years; both for
Leisure Services and for private parties. The past four years she has also successfully worked with
seniors to create safe, friendly and enriching environments.

Let’s March – 2100.304 – $12/R,                                           Burst into Song – 1050.342                                                   Babies and Barbies – 1050.347
$14/NR                                                                    – $12/R, $14/NR                                                              – $12/R, $14/NR
Age: 4-6 yrs.                                                             Age: 3-5 yrs.                                                                Age: 4-6 yrs.
Monday, June 11                                                           Friday, June 29                                                              Friday , July 20
9 – 11:00 a.m.                                    AH Lower Level          9 – 11:00 a.m.                                      AH Upper Level           9 – 11:00 a.m.                                    AH Upper Level
Calling all musicians! We will be hosting a class full of fun and         For your living room leaper, bedroom ballerina, and budding break            Participants are encouraged to bring their favorite baby or barbie
music. Children will be able to test their musical aptitude and           dancer, we offer the perfect program to harness all that                     as we utilize their imagination through free play and interaction.
learn the basics of music and rhythm. A parade of musical                 toe-tapping energy. We will play, dance, and make our own                    We will be meeting new friends as we play together. Creating tiny
instruments will let kids explore music themselves. It also teaches       instrument to take home. This is a PARENT DROP OFF class.                    food and accessories for their precious friend will encourage
them to march in time and listen to rhythms. We will put our new                                                                                       imaginative play. We will make use of baby and barbie play items
found knowledge together to create a musical parade at the end            Add Summer to your Room –                                                    that will be provided! This is a PARENT DROP OFF class.
of class! This is a PARENT DROP OFF class.                                1050.343 – $20/R, $24/NR
                                                                          Age: 6-10 yrs.                                                               Colorful Art – 1050.348 – $20/R,
Garden Goodness – 1050.302 –                                              Tuesday, July 10
$25/R, $30/NR                                                             9 – 11:30 a.m.                                      AH Upper Level           $24/NR
                                                                          Come have some fun creating décor for your room. We will help                Age: 5-9 yrs.
Age: 5-8 yrs.
                                                                          you jazz up your room with hanging art, wall décor, and table top            Friday, July 20
Monday, June 25
                                                                          art using different mediums such as sand, wire, puffy paint and              1 – 3:30 p.m.                                     AH Upper Level
9 – 11:30 a.m.                                    AH Upper Level          more. This is a PARENT DROP OFF class.                                       Participants will create colorful art using different mediums from
A hands-on introduction to the fun of planting and growing a mini                                                                                      tissue paper to feathers. This is a great opportunity to add color
garden. First while having fun with their friends, each child will
learn the 1-2-3’s of basic gardening and experience the thrill of         Foiled Again – 1050.345 – $18/R,                                             and creativity to your room as we produce items such as tissue
                                                                                                                                                       paper stained glass, beaded window chains, mazes and more.
creating something for themselves. Experience nature up close as          $22/NR                                                                       This is a PARENT DROP OFF class.
they explore gardening, planting their own mini garden to take            Age: 6-8 yrs.
home, and making crafts. This is a PARENT DROP OFF class.                 Thursday, July 12
                                                                          9 – 11:00 a.m.                                      AH Upper Level
                                                                                                                                                       Glass-tastic – 1050.351 – $18/R,
Family Water Fun in the Sun –                                             Foil can be used in exciting ways to create great art! Discover foil         $22/NR
1050.341 – $15/R, $18/NR                                                  artwork that you will fashion to suit your taste and impress your            Age: 8-12 yrs.
Age: 5 yrs. & under                                                       friends. This is a PARENT DROP OFF class.                                    Wednesday, July 25
Thursday, June 28                                                                                                                                      9 – 11:00 a.m.                                    AH Lower Level
1 – 3:30 p.m.                                     AH Upper Level          Sweet Eats – 1050.352 – $20/R,                                               Creating art with glass is a blast! We will create glass yard décor,
Sprinklers…water balloons…water battles…frog pond toss…it                 $24/NR                                                                       paint glass dishes for wall art, utilize glass bottles and nail polish
will be a water playground that you will not want to miss! Participants   Age: 4-7 yrs.                                                                to create a great design and more. All supplies will be provided,
will have an afternoon of wet and wild fun! Leave the mess to us and                                                                                   you only need to bring your creative artistic talent. This is a
                                                                          Wednesday, July 18                                                           PARENT DROP OFF class.
enjoy the water frenzy! Dress to get wet and to have a blast!
                                                                          9 – 11:30 a.m.                                      AH Upper Level
                                                                          It time for a “Candyland” party! Come join us as we make
                                                                          cupcakes, cake pops, decorate cookies and make our own party                 Be “Fabulous” – 1050.346
                                                                          supplies! This party will satisfy every sweet tooth! This is a               – $20/R, $24/NR
                                                                          PARENT DROP OFF class.
                                                                                                                                                       Age: 4-6 yrs.
                                                                                                                                                       Thursday, July 26
                                                                          Tiny Tot Art – 1050.344 – $10/R,                                             10 – 1:30 p.m.                                    AH Upper Level
                                                                          $12/NR                                                                       Come join the party, as we have a Tea Party picnic in the Park.
                                                                          Age: 2-4 yrs.                                                                Girls will have a choice of dress up wardrobes for the party as we
                                                                          Thursday, July 19                                                            paint nails, incorporate play makeup, make special treats, and
                                                                          9 – 10:00 a.m.                                      AH Lower Level           even have some fun with dance and singing. This class will be fun
                                                                          It’s time to get creative. Participants will experience the use of several   and full of surprises…Please bring a sack lunch. This is a PARENT
                                                                          mediums such as shaving cream, salt water, and wax paper                     DROP OFF class.
                                                                          discovering different qualities in each. This is a great class for the
                                                                          budding artist to explore and create. This is a PARENT DROP OFF class.
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