20 YOU - Bell Tower Theater

20 YOU - Bell Tower Theater

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20 YOU - Bell Tower Theater
A Comedy by John Spurway

        Produced by special arrangement with

20 YOU - Bell Tower Theater

Welcome to the Bell Tower Theater!
We hope you are able to join us for this
wonderful new show.

2020 and 2021 have presented us with
challenges we never thought were
possible, and we are still feeling the
effects of that this year. We are so proud
of our staff for doing their best to keep
us entertained and for doing it as safely
as possible; the creativity of everyone
associated with the Bell Tower Theater
has been astonishing. The outpouring
of support from federal, state and local
government, local businesses and friends
like you has been instrumental in helping
us through this unprecedented time. We
have truly learned the meaning of “The
Show Must Go On!”

When we opened the theater in 2003,
we could only dream of what an important part of our community the Bell Tower
Theater would become, and we look forward to our education programs getting
back up and running and our theater filled with people. Thank you so much for
joining us as we work back to something close to normal.

As most of you know the Bell Tower Theater is a not-for-profit organization.
Corporations, foundations, local businesses and individuals have given their talent,
time and treasure to help make the Bell Tower Theater what it is today. We would
like to thank each and every person who has supported our efforts: our staff and
teachers, our patrons, our volunteers, our cast and crew and our donors. Great
things are happening at the Bell Tower Theater, and we look forward to many more
years. Please consider getting involved this year by attending shows, buying gift
certifcates, volunteering your time or making a financial contribution. We would
love to have you as a part of our continued success.

                      We appreciate your continued support.

                                                                Tom and Julie Kane
                                                                  Theater Founders

 Contributions to the Bell Tower Theater can be made by phone at 563-588-3377
      by mail to 2728 Asbury Road, Dubuque, IA 52001 or online at www.
                         belltowertheater.net. Thank you!
20 YOU - Bell Tower Theater
Len . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jon Aguilar
            Martha (Marty). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CJ Burroughs
            Lowell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Don Brauhn

      Setting: An off-the-grid cabin
               Time: Present
There will be a fifteen-minute intermission

Board of Directors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Sue Riedel, Tom Kane &
                                                              Julie Kane
Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Sue Riedel
Assistant Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Debbie Meyer
Technical Director/Lighting Designer . . . Michael VonHollen
Stage Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Megan Frankovich
Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Scott Motto
Sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scott Schneider
Costumes & Props  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Sue Flogel
Set Design & Construction . . . . . . . . . . .  Jim Meyer, Steve Horman &
                                                              Scott Motto
Theater Manager/Artistic Director . . . . . . Sue Riedel
Operations & Marketing Manager . . . . . . Miki Robinson
Artistic Associate  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Sue Flogel
Box Office Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Donna Schneider
Box Office Assistants  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Jim Meyer & Sue Robinson
Programs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Tanya Tjarks, Ahead Designs

      The cast and crew of Off the Grid and their families; Roger Heim;
       Dan Flogel; Telegraph Herald; QueenB Radio; Radio Dubuque;
                            Town Square Media
20 YOU - Bell Tower Theater
Jon Aguilar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .Len
             You may have seen Jon recently in Pets in Quarantine, Love
             Happens and A Nice Family Christmas. Jon studied theater and
             choral arts during his time at Waldorf University and holds a
             BA in Communications with multiple specializations in digital
             and print media, and a BA in Theater with a specialization in
             performance. When not performing, Jon enjoys documenting
             joy as part of his role as Content Coordinator for St. Mark Youth
Enrichment. He also conducts part-time social media marketing and web
maintenance for Steve’s Ace Home & Garden, Sprout and the Flower Shoppe.
Jon lives in Dubuque with his wife, Tina; his two young children, Callum and
Evelyn; a one-eyed pirate pug named Gus, an excessively plump orange cat
named Binx, and a floppy doodle named Alfred.

               Don Brauhn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lowell
            Don is excited to return to the Bell Tower Theater stage. He was
            last seen as Grampi Gus this past October in Nobody’s Perfect.
            After 37 years of teaching math and science and coaching at
            George Washington Middle School, Don’s retirement has
            allowed him time to join the Bell Tower family. He would like
            to thank Sue Riedel and the Bell Tower staff for their continued
            support and encouragement. Thanks also goes out to his
wonderful wife, LaDonna, daughters Molly and Meghan, sons-in-law Josh
and Jon, and grandchildren, Owen, Eli, Ian, Alyse, Moxie, and Brauhn for
their never-ending love and support. Thank you for coming and don’t be a
“Wise Guy.” Enjoy the show!

           CJ Burroughs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .Martha (Marty)
           Recent credits include The Church of Diminishing Marginal
           Returns, Calamity Jane, & How to Succeed in Business Without
           Really Trying. CJ studied Theater and Performing Arts and Classical
           Voice at Iowa State University and holds a BA in Technical
           Management with a specialization in Technical Management.
           When not performing, CJ is a Senior Financial Analyst for Best
Buy/ Geek Squad. She lives in Monticello with her partner of 25 years, Blair,
and their wolf-haired-chihuahua, Belladonna.

            Sue Riedel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director
            Sue, our director and theater manager, is a graduate of Clarke
            University and retired in 2012 after 38 years of teaching Speech
            & Theater at Hempstead High School. Sue founded the Barn
            Community Theater in 1972 and was the Manager and Artistic
            Director of the Grand Opera House from 1986 to 2001. Sue
            serves on the Dubuque Arts and Cultural Affairs Commission and
            is a former member of the Iowa Arts Council Board of Directors.
Sue has helped bring numerous movies to Dubuque County including Miles
from Home, Take This Job and Shove It, and the Academy Award−nominated
Field of Dreams. Sue hopes that you enjoy the show and that she will see you
at the Bell Tower Theater again very soon.
20 YOU - Bell Tower Theater
20 YOU - Bell Tower Theater
In the past few months the Bell Tower Theater has received

          Cultural Leadership Partners Program
                Operating Support Grant

              American Rescue Plan Grant

          Iowa Arts & Culture Marketing Grant

   All of these grants
support our 2022 Season!
20 YOU - Bell Tower Theater
Bell Tower Theater will receive $1 for every bag
    sold at the NW Arterial Hy-Vee in February!
           If you shop at another Hy-Vee, you can still support us.

Purchase the bag at any Hy-Vee, and direct the $1 donation to the Bell Tower
        Theater. All the instructions are on the Giving Tag attached.
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                                           Federally Insured by NCUA
Enjoy 25% Off
             One Entrée                                                         Enjoy 15% Off
            With the Purchase of Another                                              Your First Service*
            Entrée of Equal or Lesser Price*
                     * Some restrictions apply.                                         * Some restrictions apply.
  Cannot be combined with other discounts. It is customary for         Cannot be combined with other discounts. It is customary
   gratuity to be based on full value of purchases. Must present           for gratuity to be based on full value of purchases.
    coupon to receive discount. Charge to House Account 22.                     Must present coupon to receive discount.
                         Expires 1/31/2023                                                  Expires 1/31/2023
For more information or to make a reservation, call 563.588.5595.   For more information or to schedule a service, call 563.588.5570.

                                                                                                                             Updated 11.4.21
We would like to thank the following patrons
                      for their support of the Bell Tower’s Youth Programs
              To become a donor, call 563-588-3377 or visit www.belltowertheater.net

Prince/Princess ($1,000 to       Jester ($100 to $249) cont.        Page/Chambermaid
$4,999)                          Joe & Trisha Hearn                   ($25 to $99 cont.
Mosaic Lodge No 125              Hotel Julien Dubuque               Dubuque Bank & Trust
                                 Kane Appraisal Services            Dubuque Montessori School
Duke/Duchess ($500 to $999)      Jennifer & Bob Klaas Jim & Nancy   Dubuque OB/GYN
In Memory of Bernice Albrecht    Klauer                             Frank & Ann Duchow
Dirksen Family                   Timothy Krom Sue Kueter            Mona & Kevin Dunwoody
Black Hills Energy               Lange Sign                         Ann Edleman
The Butler Family Foundation     David Leigh                        Charles & Ruth Ellis
Dr. Allen Harves                 In Memory of Judi Miller           Fidelity Bank & Trust
Dubuque Noon Optimist Club       Amy & Justin Mills                 Sharon & Jim Foust
Kiwanis Club of Dubuque          Doug & Loris Pearce                Bob & Carol Freund
Susan J. Riedel                  Anne Powers                        Pati Gallogly
Chris & Pam Theisen              Merlin Ramaker                     Sandra Gavin
David & Nancy Wahlert            Susan Riedel                       Virgil & Veronica Gehling
                                 Sue Robinson                       Mary Gibbs
Knight/Lady ($250 to $499)       Kimberly K. Steiner                Tom & Paula Giese
Black Hills Energy               Erin & Shawn Story                 Jim & Bernita Gilbertson
Facebook Birthday Fundraiser     Sun Tan City                       Crystal Giunta
David & Lois Fritz               Mary Ann Wagner                    Beverly Godsey
In Memory of Mary Huff           Bob & Donna Wahlert                Gordon’s Toggery
Gerald Klinkhammer               Dave & Ellen Willis                Thomas & Mary Jo Graham
Janet & Edward McEvoy            Richard & Jane Worm                Tom & Mary Greenawalt
Judi & Art Miller                Barry Zalben & Marianna Walsh      John & Sharon Grimes
Miki Robinson                                                       Alan & Susan Hattel
Paul Scherrman                   Page/Chambermaid ($25 to $99)      Eric & Ann Hearn
Julie & Fred Sear                Anonymous (5)                      Fran Hedeman
David & Ann Straley              Marsha & Brad Abbott               Elizabeth Heins
                                 American Realty-Shari Greenwood    Jeanne Heri
The Jester ($100 to $249)        Dennis Baumhover/State Farm        Doreen Hlavaty
Anonymous                        Insurance                          Gene & Lorna Hoefflin
Darlene & Colby Bowers           Sondra Bennett                     Honkamp Krueger & Co. PC
Don & LaDonna Brauhn             David Bentley                      Jay Huling
Donna & Charlie Breitbach        Suzanne Blum                       Hy-Vee
James L. Brimeyer                Mike & Carrie Bratz                Jaylin Corporation
Michael & Priscilla Doland       Julie Burgmeier                    Julien’s Journal
Dubuque Area Retired School      Linda Claussen                     Bob & Mary Katterhagen
   Personnel Association         Christ Church of Dubuque           Robert & Mary Katterhagen
Eugene Randy Engler              Jim & Connie Clifton               Helen & Leo Kennedy
Sue Flogel                       Richard & Elaine Core              Joe & Delores Kerkenbush
Kris & Tim Gallagher             Creative Touch Gallery             In Honor of Emily & Lauren Konzen
Leon & Jean Gaul                 Nancy David                        Terry & Juliana Kouba
Shirley Hansen                   Irene Dement                       Robert & Donnabelle Kramer
Stephen & Connie Hardie          Diamond Jo Casino                  Carrie Krueger
Page/Chambermaid                  Neil & Beth Pitman          Kelly Sullivan Soley
    ($25 to $99 cont.               Becky Plummer               John & Pat Sunseri
  Mary & Erin LaFoe                 The Poggemiller Family      Wendy Sweeney
  Doug & Sheirlie Lamantia          Jill & Brian Powers         Tandem Tire & Auto Service
  Dave & Mary Leary                 Robert Powers               Ken & Marlene TeKippe
  Karen & Vince Leisen              Premier Bank                Eugene & Sherrill Tremelling
  Kevin & Mary Love                 Bev Rech                    Nate & Lisa Tyler
  Jerry Lynch                       Thomas & Barbara Robbins    In Honor of Ray & Mary Weber
  Rose Lyons & Dave Tow             Wes Robinson                Gary & Tammy VanCleve
  Sue Makovec                       Scott & Patsy Sampson       Michael VonHollen
  Janaan Manternach                 Carolyn & Paul Sandman      Virginia Von Talge
  Francis McClain                   Scott Schneider             Upper Main Street Jazz Band
  Beth McGorry                      John & Mary Ann Schreiber   Geri Walsh
  Karen Meyer                       Curt Schultz                Wicked Dame
  Midwest Dental                    Schultz Family Dentistry    Daniel & Betsy Wild
  Rosemary Mills                    Diane Schulz                James & Norma Wilhelm
  David Minnihan                    Dale and Vicki Schumacher   Vince & Pat Williams
  Bill & Judi Morgan                Gary & Pam Sejkora          David Wolfe
  Donald & Helen Nauman             Kathleen Shannon            Annie Wolter
  Laura Neal                        Sarah & Roger Smith         Jane Worm
  New Eagle Insurance               John & Mona Sorenson
  Lu Nicholson                      Brandon & Amber Stadel
  Doris & Randy Nigg                Clem & Jane Steele
  Arleen & Fran Ouderkirk           Clete & Joanne Steger
  Alice Patterson                   Kimberly Steiner
  Don & Joan Pfohl                  Stone Cliff Winery
  Barbara Piggott                   Erin & Shawn Story

                  Thanks to all of the donors to “Lousy Bucks” campaign!
                   Because of you, we have already raised over $8,200!

Asbury Plaza Hy-Vee; Suzanne Blum; Mary Ann Gassman; Fran & Don Hedeman; J. Steven
Horman; Tom & Julie Kane; Donna Kersten; Mary Ann Matous; Jim Meyer; Susan J. Riedel;
Miki Robinson; Sue Robinson; Wes Robinson; George Rondinelli; Welu Printing
To become a donor call 563-588-3377 or visit www.belltowertheater.net.

Angel ($10,000 and above)             Star ($250 to $499) cont.     Actor ($100 to $249) cont.
City of Dubuque                   Shirley A. Hansen                 Lori & Phil Kramer
The Estate of Mary L. Hubbard     James & Nancy Klauer              William & Marilyn Leglar
Iowa Arts & Culture Marketing Grant
                                  Sisters of the Presentation       David Leigh
Iowa Arts Council/Cultural        Dr & Mrs. R.W. Lengeling          Kathy Martin
   Leadership Partners Program    Stephanie & John Ottavi           Wayne & Joan Marxen
Tom & Julie Kane                  Sue Robinson                      Ann McDonough & Peter Healey
Shuttered Venue Operators Grant   Paul & Eileen Scherrman           Mary Lou McFadden
Susan J. Riedel                   Fred & Julie Sear                 Michael & Jan Mergen
                                  David & Ann Straley               Debbie Meyer
Executive Producer ($5,000 to Barbara Sullivan Woodward             Mountaintop Stoneworks Inc.
  $9,999)                         Patti Vincent                     Darlene & Pat O’Neill
Iowa Arts Council/American Rescue Bob & Donna Wahlert               Alice Patterson
Plan Grant                                                          Anne Powers
Dubuque Racing Association        Actor ($100 to $249)              James & Patricia Schaefer
McDonough Foundation                                                David & Kathryn Schaller
                                  John & Laurie Allen               Mary Ann & John Schreiber
Jim & Marita Theisen—Theisen’s    Darlene & Colby Bowers
  Home, Farm, Auto                                                  Phil & Linda Schwinn
                                  Bob & Carol Brandel               Sid & Jan Scott
                                  Tara & Scott Brock                Sertoma Club of Dubuque
Producer ($1,000 to $4,999)       Janny & Gene Budzine              Kim Steiner
Anonymous                         Mary & Joe Cogan                  John & Pat Sunseri
Jim Meyer                         Carolyn & Larry Collins           Daryl Tetterton & Mary Lursen
Miki Robinson                     Kay F. Coyle                      Edith Tibble
Wahlert Foundation                Cunliffe Wealth Management        Matt & Kristi Tompkins
Barry Zalben & Marianne Walsh     Lynn & Mary DeSotel               Sr. Inez Turnmeyer
                                  Teresa Eckhart & Michael Gibson   Mark Wahlert
Director ($500 to $999)           Ann C. Edleman                    Dr. James White
                                  Dr. Tom & Judy Edmonds            Marilyn & Jack Willey
Suzanne & Al Blum                 Arlene Ehtessabian                Dave & Ellen Willis
The Butler Family Foundation      Facebook Birthday Fundraiser      John & Jane Yoder
Marilynne Field                   Kris & Tim Gallagher              Marcia & Rich Young
Bob & Donna Miller                Mary Ellyn Gibbs
Mathis-Pfohl Foundation           Sharyn Gieseman                   Supporting Actor ($25 to $99)
Chris & Pam Theisen               Cathy Goodman
David & Nancy Wahlert             Mary Jo Graham                    Anonymous (3)
                                  Tom & Mary Greenawalt             Norton & Jan Addy
Star ($250 to $499)               Sarah Hayes                       Wendy & Neil Aitchison
                                  Betty M. Hillary                  Linda Barbarao
Anonymous (3)                     Elaine Hillery                    Ed & Betty Behnke
Conlon Construction Co.           Karla Kaiser                      Rich Belmont & Margie Blair
Paula Connors & Paul Opperman     Kane Appraisal Services           David Bentley
Dorothy Dodds                     Jeanine Koch                      Berger Benefit Connections
Facebook Birthday Fundraiser      Gretchen Konrardy                 James & Jayne Bettis
Virgil & Veronica Gehling         Terry & Juliana Kouba             Rita & Dave Birch
Supporting Actor ($25 to $99)
Mark & Linda Blocklinger         Sr. Ruth Kleitsch               Clete & Joanne Steger
Terry Bohnsack & Mary Rubel      Heidi Knapp                     Janine & Ron Stellick
Joan & Denton Brown              Mary & Mike Koenig              Jennifer & John Stork
Roy & Deborah Buol               Jim & JoAnn Kopp                Terry & Sheila Sullivan
Jim Campbell                     Vera & Jerry Kruser             Ken & Marlene TeKippe
Paul & Carol Clark               Michelle Lange                  Wade & Jennifer Teslow
Linda Claussen                   Lange Sign Group                Rebecca Thomas & Kevin Kramer
Wayne & Barbara Collins          Jan Lintredt                    Eugene & Sherill Tremelling
Dick & Elaine Core               Sue Makovec                     Ann & Dennis Tressel
CS Technologies                  McCullough Creative             Steve & Arlene Turnis
Mary Day                         Mary Ann McGeough               Alan & Pamela Vincent
Debbie Denlinger                 Joe & Corinne McQuillen         Dr. David & Amy Weber
Barbara Dieck                    Jeff & Mary Melssen             Nan & Jerry Welch
Joan & William Driscoll          James & Michelle Miller         Sue Welsh
Rosanne Dryer & Ron Hunt         Robert & Magdalen Miller        West Side Studio
Dubuqueland Mini Storage, Inc.   Judi Morgan                     Pauline Wiezorek
Sandra Duffy                     Scott & Barbara Motto           Ken & Janice Willenborg
Linda Evitts                     Don & Helen Nauman              Maryjo & Mike Williams
Jeff & Tammy Flynn               Lu Nicholson                    Vince & Pat Williams
Dick & Marilyn Fortmann          Doris & Randy Nigg              John C. Williams
Leon Gaul                        Jan & Bob Northouse             Shelley Wills
Tammy & Joel Gehling             Dan & Laura Oberfoell           Judy & Ron Wolf
Geisler Brothers Co.             John & Susan Ohms               Richard & Jane Worm
Dorothy Gibb                     Greg & Shirley Orwoll           Marvin & Linda Wurster
Jim Giese Commercial Roofing     Outside the Lines Art Gallery   Judy Zahren-Kalb
John & Shari Greenwood           James Pancratz                  Rick & Laura Zeimet
Larry & Ruth Griffin             Doug & Lois Pearce              Zuccaro Dental
Daryl & Twila Griffith           Louis Pfeiler
James Haas                       Don & Joan Pfohl
Roger & Deborah Hatteberg        Bob & Mary Pigors
Alan & Susan Hattel              Sharon Pink
Lynn Hawks                       John & Laura Portzer
Joanne Haywood                   Rich & Lynn Powers
Eric & Ann Hearn                 Jo Powers
JoAnn Heber                      Rich & Lynn Powers
Werner & Michelle Hellmer        Bev Rech                        This list reflects gifts made on or
Eric & Beth Hemmer               Mary Rettenmeier                before January 26, 2022.
Fred & Marion Hentges            Greg & Billie Riniker
Judith Holt                      Thomas & Barbara Robbins
Terrence Hutchcroft              Wayne & Cathy Rummel
IBEW Local 704                   Carolyn Sandman
Gary Jahnke                      Scott & Donna Schneider
Ric & Sue Jones                  Janet Schroeder
Lucinda & Garry Jorgensen        Dan Schuster
Jim & Sue Jungblut               Gary & Pam Sejkora
Creative Touch Gallery           Roger & Sarah Smith
Tom & Julie Kane                 Mona & John Sorenson
Irene Kaukaskie                  Amber & Brandon Stadel
Leo & Helen Kennedy              Stardust Beauty Salon
Wayne & Lori Kenniker
“Art is the signature of civilization. These activities and people help
                       shape the culture of our communities.” —Beverly Sills
                               The Bell Tower Theater Endowment
  Thanks to these individuals who have contributed to the long-term sustainability of the Bell Tower Theater.

                                            Memorial Gifts
  In Memory of an Anonymous Friend                     In Memory of Ravikant Maski (2 gifts)
  In Memory of Ray Beschen                             In Memory of Harland Mattison (2 gifts)
  In Memory of Robert Byrne                            In Memory of Evelyn Miens (21 gifts)
  In memory of Ken Chapman (2 gifts)                   In Memory of Judi Miller
  In Memory of Norma M. Denlinger (2 gifts)            In Memory of Elle Neiman
  In Memory of Jim Evitts                              In Memory of Rita A. Petersen
  In Memory of Mary McDonald Gershon (4 gifts)         In Memory of Paul Powers (2 gifts)
  In Memory of Patti Giegerich (2 gifts)               In Memory of Tom Reilly (2 gifts)
  In Memory of Bill Hoerstman (3 gifts)                In Memory of Betty Jane Riedel (22 gifts)
  In Memory of Mary Hubbard                            In Memory of Kenneth W. Riedel (10 gifts)
  In Memory of Maxine Horman                           In Memory of Cecilia A. Rupp (5 gifts)
  In Memory of Helen Johnston                          In Memory of Ruby Sutton
  In Memory of Randy Judge (3 gifts)                   In Memory of Herbert & Verna VonHollen (5 gifts)
  In Memory of Richard Kirmse (2 gifts)                In Memory of John L. White
  In Memory of Phil Marzen (2 gifts)                   In Memory of Kathryn Whitlow

                    One-Time Gifts                                                Multi-Year Gifts
Cheerleader ($1,000 to $9,999)          Fan ($25 to $99)
Dr. Darryl & Terry Mozena                                                   Dreamer ($1000 to $4,999)
Jim & Marita Theisen--Theisen’s         Doug & Diane Brotherton             Karla O’Connor
Home, Farm, Auto                        James Clifton
                                        Kelli Decker                        Innovator ($500 to $1000)
Friend ($100 to $499)                   Vicki Dirksen
                                        Mary Gibbs                          Rita Theisen
Suzanne M. Blum                         Laurie Lenstra
                                        Francis T. McClain                  Visionary ($250 to $499)
Don Brauhn
Donna BreitbachJoe & Mary Cogan         Linda Nudd                          Peter & Cynthia Alt
Julie Kane                              Greg Orwoll                         Shirley Hansen
Arthur & Judi Miller                    Shawn Poggemiller                   Randy & Pat Judge
Sue Riedel                              Wesley Robinson                     Michael & Teresa Nickeson
In Honor of Sue Riedel                  Scott & Donna Schneider
Miki Robinson                           Amy Soppe
Susan Robinson                          John & Mona Sorenson
John Thompson                           Shevonne Starry
James & Norma Wilhelm                   Kimberly Steiner
                                        Wendy Sweeney
                                        In Honor of Ray & Mary Weber
                                        Mark Wahlert
                                        James & Norma Wilhelm

                                This list reflects gifts made from 1/1/2018 to 1/27/22.
       If you would like to join these supporters, call 563-588-3377, visit belltowertheater.net
                      or contact the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque.
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