Chronicles - Congregation of the ...

Page created by Ronnie Mejia
Chronicles - Congregation of the ...
                                                                                                         Volume 21 Number 22, 2019

          Chronicles                            Published for the family and friends of the Congregation of the Resurrection

The Roman Archives
                               of the
Congregation of the Resurrection

   The Congregation of the Resurrection was founded 183 years
   ago in Paris, France. It is fascinating to know that a very small
   community originated with just five Polish emigrants and in
   time, grew into an international Congregation which serves the
   Church in diverse countries throughout the world.

O       ur Mission and Charism attract many people.
        Added to those two factors is our interesting
history. Obviously, there is no better place to “experience
                                                                       of its input and output, but there is no knowledge of its
                                                                       internal workings. This theory is used in almost every
                                                                       field of science and philosophy and it can be explained
and touch” our history than in our Roman Archives of                   very simply: “The child who tries to open a door has to
the Congregation.                                                      manipulate the handle (the input) so as to produce the
                                                                       desired movement at the latch (the output); and he has
   You have probably all heard about the Vatican Sacred                to learn how to control the one by the other without
Archives, a place where all the important documents of                 being able to see the internal mechanism that links them.
the Roman Church are preserved. Obviously, the place is                In our daily lives we are confronted at every turn with
not open to regular “mortals”, but only to those qualified             systems for which the internal mechanisms are not fully
scholars to whom a special permission is granted. In the               open to inspection, and which must be treated by the
Archives of our Congregation in Rome we also keep the                  methods appropriate to the Black Box.” (Ashby, W. Ross,
most important materials regarding our own history.                    An Introduction to Cybernetics, 86). So, in publishing
The difference between our archives and the Vatican                    our “newsletter” we try to share what we have, in other
Sacred Archives is that it is quite a bit easier to gain access        words the “internal mechanisms” of the black boxes
permission to visit our archive place in Rome. Moreover,               “will remain not fully open to inspection” to the many
we want to make it even more accessible not just for those             who are interested in our history.
who have a chance to visit our “Roman Mother House”,
the headquarters of the Congregation but to those who                      In our Archives, here in Rome we have more than 200
may not have the opportunity to come to the Eternal                    black boxes (and yes our materials are kept in true black
City. To that end we publish a bi-monthly newsletter                   boxes). In them we keep the treasures of our Congregation:
from the Archives called the “Black Box Treasures”.                    letters, writings, reports from the time our Community
Why the title?                                                         was born, up to, and including, those of the latest XXXIII
                                                                       General Chapter in 2017. Some of those treasures have
    There is an interesting term called the “black box theory”.        seen the light of day in many publications, but there are
It speaks about an object which can be analysed in terms               still others waiting to been seen.
                                                                                                               Continued on page 7
Chronicles - Congregation of the ...
The Chronicles


                 Office of the Provincial Superior
                 3601 N California Avenue
                 Chicago, IL 60618-4602

                 Dear Friends of the Resurrectionists,

                 Each morning, after I awaken and get out of bed, I put on the coffee in my quarters and proceed to pray the
                 Divine Office morning prayer. I look out the window from where I am sitting, rejoice quietly in the beauty
                 of nature, and think of so many of you who either have asked for my prayers or for whom I have promised
                 to pray. I am utterly confident that some such ritual occurs in the prayer life of all the Resurrectionists in
                 the United States – priests, brothers, and bishop. We stay in touch, you and I, in the communion of saints,
                 through the simple act of remembering each other and lifting up one another to heaven in prayer.

                      This annual issue of Chronicles is another way we are able to communicate with
                      you, to thank you for your goodness to us, to offer hope in this troubled world of
                      ours, and to continue to seek your blessing upon our lives and our ministry.

                 There are fewer of us CRs now than even ten years ago; and we are definitely getting older. The elevator you
                 helped us install at the House of St. Joseph the Worker is a boon for the many who have trouble navigating
                 stairs. Some of you have contributed also to a second phase of renovation of that residence – the recent
                 rewiring and re-piping of the building, which took about eight months and has just been completed. We have
                 not specifically asked for your help with this second phase, but if your heart is so inclined and your wallet
                 permits, we will gratefully use your contribution to help offset the enormous cost of this project.

                 Please know of our love for you. And, truly, if there is some way we can pray for your specific intentions,
                 do not hesitate to let me know. I promise that your request will be inscribed in our community prayer list.

                 Peace and joy be yours, now and always!

                 Father Gene Szarek, C.R.
                 Provincial Superior

Chronicles - Congregation of the ...


Will bequest helps solidify the future of the                           The Congregation of the Resurrection is a community
Resurrectionists Retirement Fund                                        of men in the Catholic Church who live and work
                                                                        together under the banner of the Risen Christ.
    Humble, generous, holy, faithful to his Catholic religion,
successful. This is how Brother Hallas, CR describes                    We believe that Our Lord Jesus Christ calls us to minister
Mr Richard Tennes, who was a parishioner of St Mary of                  to those who have most need of His mercy.
the Angels Parish in Chicago, Illinois, one of the ministries           We ourselves have experienced the sad consequences of
of the Resurrection Father and Brothers. At the time, Father            our sins. We understand our sinful nature. We have also tasted
Ed Karlowicz, CR was pastor of the parish and was the                   the Lord’s grace and have turned our lives over to His mercy.
spiritual director for Mr Tennes. He owned a lamp shade
                                                                        Because we have found the road of conversion, we can
factory in Bucktown, a neighborhood in Chicago, Illinois.
                                                                        help others rise from the death of sin to a new life in Christ.
He attended Mass every day in the church and was extremely              As a religious community in the Roman Catholic Church,
faithful to all the sacraments in the church. He highly respected       we work and pray together to build up the kingdom of God.
the spiritual counsel of Father Karlowicz, CR. One day, Father
Ed invited Brother Bill to be present for lunch in the rectory.
Father Ed told him that Mr Tennis wanted us to be present
for the luncheon meal. Brother Bill came and, lo and behold,
he informed both Father Ed and Brother Bill, CR that he
was leaving some of his estate to the Resurrection Fathers
and Brothers. We were very amazed at the simple statements
he made about how touched he was with the work of the
Resurrection Fathers and Brothers in Chicago and that he
wanted us to know how grateful he was for all the great work
that we do in Chicago and elsewhere in the United States.
He said “ You truly are men of prayer and you are very humble
and dedicated to what you are all about in resurrecting society.
“I hope in some small way you will be able to take care of your
senior members through this simple gift”. We had no idea
what a great gift this would be to help our Senior Religious in
the Congregation of the Resurrection.
                                                                        The Five Elements of the C.R. Charism
   I hope that you the reader of the Chronicles will prayerfully
think about leaving the Resurrection Father & Brothers in
                                                                        God’s love for us is merciful and unfailing.
your estate planning, e.g. bequests, property, memorials.
                                                                        God calls us to conversion.
            For more information, contact:
            Brother William Hallas, CR                                  He invites us to live together as brothers in Christ Jesus.
            Director of Advancement
            3601 N. California Ave                                      God calls us to work together for the Resurrection of society.
            Chicago, IL 60618
                                           As Resurrectionists, we model ourselves on Mary
            773-463-7506                                                and rely on her intercession.

Chronicles - Congregation of the ...
The Chronicles

     Jubilees of Ordination to the Priesthood

                      Fr. Henry Ruszel, C.R.                  Fr. Joseph Malczyk, C.R.                  Fr. Melvin Rybarczyk, C.R.
                           65th Jubilee                              50th Jubilee                              50th Jubilee

                     Fr. James Gibson, C.R.                  Fr. Stanislaus Lasota, C.R.              Fr. Stanislaus Jankowski, C.R.
                           40th Jubilee                             40th Jubilee                                25th Jubilee

  This year the USA Province of the Congregation celebrates six major Jubilees of ordination to the Priesthood

      Fr. Henry Ruszel celebrates his 65th ordination anniversary.            the USA, Mexico and Italy. He began his priestly ministry in the
  Who could forget their anniversary date if you were ordained on             Chicago area. In 1990 he founded the Mission in Oaxaca, Mexico.
  the 4th of July. Fr. Henry is the oldest member of the Province and         He was the Secretary General of the Congregation of the Resurrection
  still lives and works in two parishes, Our Lady of the Desert in            in Rome from 2011-2017. Currently he is ministering in Apple
  Apple Valley and St. Paul in Lucerne Valley, California. Fr. Henry          Valley and Lucerne Valley, CA.
  spent his years as a Priest ministering in our formation programs
  for seminarians and varies parishes in the USA and Canada.                     Fr. Stanislaus Lasota was ordained in Poznan, Poland. He
                                                                              came to Chicago in 2006 and became a member of the USA
     Two of our Priests are celebrating their 50th anniversary on             Province in 2010. The majority of his ministry has been parish life.
  April 12. Fr. Joseph (José) Malczyk and Fr. Melvin Rybarczyk.               He has been an Associate Pastor of St. Hyacinth parish, in
  Both ministered as educators at both Weber and Gordon Tech                  Chicago since 2006.
  High Schools. Fr. Jose has also assisted in many parishes, including
  since 2007, at St. Matthew Church in Schaumburg, IL.                           Fr. Stanislaus Jankowski celebrating his 25th anniversary, was
                                                                              ordained in Kraków, Poland on May 12, 1994. Fr. Stanley was born
    Fr. Mel moved to full time parish ministry in 1981 in southern
                                                                              in Poland. He moved to the USA and after high school, returned
  California. Currently he is the Rector of the Byzantine Rite, Proto-
                                                                              to Poland to study for the Priesthood in the Congregation of the
  Cathedral of St. Mary in Sherman Oaks, CA. From 1990 until
                                                                              Resurrection. In Poland he was involved in parish ministry and
  1994 he was the Superior of the Generalate in Rome.
                                                                              seminary formation. In 2000 he returned to the USA and became
     Two others celebrate their 40th anniversary on September 8.              a member of the USA province in 2006. Fr. Stanley is currently
  Fr. James Gibson was ordained in Chicago and has ministered in              Pastor of St. Hyacinth Basilica in Chicago.


                                                                    2018 Resurrection Memorials
In Memory of +Vanda Borgerson        In Memory of +Carolyn Andrews             In Memory of +Valerie Stevens       In Memory of + Fran J. Cvach, JR     In Memory of +Florence Zmuda
Joan Walker                          Stephanie Pinkowski                       The Conneely Family                 William & Leanne Newman              William & Leanne Newman

In Memory of                         In Memory of + Patricia Lear              In Memory of + John Galvin          In Memory of +Gloria Van Dye
                                                                                                                   Marcey Sylvester                     In Memory of +Lazara Alvarez
+ Brother Nicholas Geimer            Stephanie Pinkowski                       The Conneely Family                                                      Raineri Family
Rev Joseph Malczyk, CR                                                                                             In Memory of + Paul Schaffhausen
                                     In Memory of + Luci Dawso                 In Memory of + Donald Funke         Chuck & Marilyn Neuman               In Memory of +Colette Thompson
In Memory of +Vasco Bianchi          Lois & Jim Scola                          Peroutka Family                                                          Dorie Mugnaini
Barbara Kross                                                                                                      In Memory of +Arlene Kinowski
                                     In Memory + Edwin Concepcion              In Memory of +George Percy          Rev Joseph Malczyk, CR
                                                                                                                                                        In Memory of +Glenn Johnson
In Memory of +Frank G. Slocumb       Drs Floubel & Melissa Paner               Joan Walker
                                                                                                                   In Memory of +Ken Winiarz            Terry & Shwan Ross
Jim and Lois Scola                                                                                                 Allen & Karen Trimpe
                                     In Memory of +Virginia Williams           In Memory of +Marilyn Ward
                                                                               Lois & Jim Scola                                                         In Memory of +Joannes B. Wimmer
In Memory of +Erick Sylvester        Joan Walker                                                                   In Memory of +John & Mary Mravec     Wiliam & Leanne Newman
Joan Walker                                                                                                        Lois & Jim Scola
                                                                               In Memory of +Lloyd Eichwald
                                     In Memory of +Fidel Garcia                                                                                         In Memory of +Robert Mugnaini
                                                                               Lois & Jim Scola                    In Memory of +Peter & Lydia Bedlek
In Memory of +Marilee Hilger         Annivar & Doris Salgado                                                                                            Dorie Mugnaini
                                                                                                                   Lois & Jim Scola
The Connely Family
                                                                               InMemory of + Ed Matyasik
                                     In Memory of + Edward Matyasik            George & Kathy Czaplicki            In Memory of + Roman Deana           In Memory of +Bernice Deron
In Memory of                         Mr & Mrs William Newman                                                       Joan Walker                          Father Joseph Malczyk, CR
+Rodolfo & Gretshin Bung
                                                                               In Memory of +Robert Bodzianwski
Aurora Bunag                         In Memory of +Ronald Marulewski           Robert & Patricia Kokandy           In Memory of + Adam Brudnicki
                                                                                                                   Joan Walker                          In Memory of
                                     Chester & Patty Rocko                                                                                              +Paul Harvey Peacock Jr
In Memory of +Curtis Jackson                                                   In Memory of + Ed Full              In Memory of + Dorothy Cochara       Todd Baryl
Joan Walker                          In Memory of +James Klem                  Lois & Jim Scola                    Diane Brazzill
                                     Resurrection Fathers and Brothers
                                                                                                                                                        In Memory of +Roger Tedesco
In Memory of + Claudio G.Cozzini     Dorothy Walega                            In Memory of +William Thornton      In Memory of +James W. Klem          Allen & Karen Trimpe
Resurrecitonists at Gordon Tech      Dona & Bob Bugielski                      Robert & Patricia Kokandy           Donna Klem

                                                                                                                   In Memory of +Walter Kleinfeldt      In Memory of +Mary Sue Rauch
In Memory of +Loretta Breske         In Memory of +Josefa Bolton               In Memory of
Tibensky Family                      Karen Magnaye                                                                 Donna Klem                           Marcia Sylvester
                                                                               + Margaret Madden Kottcampt
                                                                               Lois & Jim Scola
                                                                                                                   In Memory of + Helen Moeller         In Memory of +Lorraine Nazimek
In Memory of + Doris Helfers         In Memory of +Ryan Jackson                                                    Larry Nazimek
Dennis & Renee DeBellis              Joan Walker                               In Memory of +Marguerite M. Gagen                                        Larry Nazimek
                                                                               Stephanie Pinkowski                 In Memory of +Bill Grooeper
In Memory of +Doris Helfers          In Memory of +Eleanor Lencioni                                                Sheryl & Wayne Lumpkins              In Memory of +Mario Scrritella
Tom & Shannon Kostka                 Sharon Kaman & Holy Trinty Seniors        In Memory of +Leanne Dyer                                                Sharon & Gregory Kman
                                                                               Dennis & Renee DeBellis             In Memory of David Cylkowski
                                                                                                                   Mike Derum                           In Memory of +Mario Serritella
In Memory of +Irene Godek            In Memory of +Adalynn Hall
Resurrection Fathers and Brothers    Chet & Patty Rocko                        In Memory of                                                             Holy Trinity Seniors
                                                                               Pedro Marcelina Maguigad            In Memory of +Nicholas Pilafas
                                                                                                                   Al & Mary Ann Wright
                                                                               Benilda Maguigad                                                         In Memory of +Ed Cieniawa
In Memory of + Greg Kascewicz        In Memory of +Carm Deluca
Styka Family                         Barbara Kross                                                                 In Memory of                         Sharon Kman
                                                                               In Memor of +Romeo Yap              + Joseph S. Kolodziejczak
                                                                               Benilda Maguigad                    The Conneely Family
In Memory of +LeRoy Dickerson        In Memory of +Cosimo Delfino                                                                                       In Memory of Biaggio (Joe) Trombatore
Lynette DiMaggio                     Joan Walker                                                                                                        Annette Rogals
                                                                               In Memory of +Ricardo Zapata        In Memory of +Alicia Rymar
                                                                               Benilda Maguigad                    The Conneely Family
In Memory of +Mary Cook              In Memory of +Mrs Eunice Lis              In Memory of Mary Sciara                                                 In Memory of Patti Melzer
Chet & Patty Rocko                   Thomas Stach                              Bob & Eileen Styka                  In Memory of +Jerry Buscher          Rev Greg Helminski, CR
                                                                                                                   Al & Mary Wright
In Memory of +Richard Joseph Kraus   In Memory of +Thomas Bernard              In Memory of + Brandon Vassil                                            In Memory of +Mario Serritella
                                                                                                                   In Memory of +Marilyn Klem
Rev Joseph Malczyk, CR               Robert, Eillen & Terry Styka              Mike & Jeanette Derum               Donna Klem                           Mr & Mrs Donald Raineri

In Memory of Mabel Rhyne             In Memory of +Michael P. Shriner          In Memory of +Nancy Henke           In Memory of +Jerry Buscher          In Memory of +William Quinn
Joan Walker                          The Conneely Family                       Pasquale Genova                     Wiliam & Leanne Newman               The Conneely Family

                                                                            1807                                                                        184 0

                                                             Our founder, Brother Theodore Bogdan Janski taught us to search out those who are hurting and
                                                                 lead them to the fountain of grace and salvation in Jesus Christ. Brother Janski himself
                                                                   was brought out of the darkness of addiction and sin by the light of the Risen Christ.

                                                                         We strive to bring that warmth and life into the communities in which we serve by
                                                                          ministering in parishes where we build each community around the celebration
                                                                                     of the Holy Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

The Chronicles


  Our Lady of the Lake Church, Lake Arrowhead, CA
      The fundraiser was held on the weekend August 11 & 12, 2018.
  Rev. Steve Thoma, C.R. was the main celebrant and homilist for the
  Sunday masses at Our Lady of the Lake and Rev. Gary Hogan, C.R.
  was the main celebrant at St. Ann’s in Running Springs. As always,
  Rev. Mike Osuch, pastor of Our Lady of the Lake, was a gracious
  host and it was a joy to celebrate with the parishioners at Our Lady
  of the Lake. Rev. Gene Szarek, C.R. and Br. Bill Hallas, C.R. did
  not attend the fundraiser because they participated in Our Lady of
  the Lake’s 75th anniversary a few weeks later.

      As in the past, Mike Casey, generously
  shared the hospitality of his home, as some of
  the donors gathered for food, drink and a short
  presentation by the Resurrectionists on Sunday                                                     Fr. Michal Osuch,CR, our host
  afternoon. Rev. Steve Thoma, C.R. acted as                                                         Mike Casey, Fr. Steve Thoma, CR

  host thanking everyone for their generosity,
  Rev. Gary Hogan, C.R. gave a brief report on                                                             Steve and Pam Geraghty, Fr. Steve
                                                                                                           Thoma, CR, Fr. Michal Osuch,CR and
  vocation work, Rev. Paul Smith, C.R., pastor                                                             Fr. Gary Hogan tend the bar for the
  of St. Joseph’s Church, Big Bear, CA shared his                                                          guests at Mike Casey’s home.

  story of dealing with a brain tumor during the
  past year (Fr. Paul is doing well and there is no longer any sign of the tumor).
  Fr. Mike Osuch, C.R. presented the Resurrection Award to Jim and Bridgett Johnstone
  from Lake Arrowhead and Bob and Dee Rigio from Running Springs.

     The food was excellently prepared by Gia Brown, Kathleen Kirk and Esteban
  Huidor, parishioners of Our Lady of the Lake. The wine was donated by
  Steve & Pam Geraghty.

                                                Our Lady of the Desert, Apple Valley, CA
                                                   The parish of Our Lady of the Desert began the fundraiser on Friday, September 7, 2018
                                                with a gathering of donors in the parish hall. Unfortunately, some of the Resurrectionists who
                                                usually attend this event were unable to participate due to scheduling conflicts. Rev. Gary
                                                Hogan, C.R., Vocation Director, and Rev. Paul Smith, C.R., pastor of St. Joseph’s, Big Bear
                                                gave a brief description of their ministry. During this gathering, Rev. Delwyn Haroldson, C.R.,
                                                pastor of Our Lady of the Desert, presented the Resurrection Award to Rudy Arellanez from
                                                Our Lady of the Desert and Jean Drott from St. Paul Church, Lucerne Valley.

                                                   The parish of Our Lady of the Desert had been praying for Rev. Paul Smith, C.R. as he
                                                went through surgery to remove a tumor in his brain. In appreciation, Fr. Paul celebrated the
                                                9:30 a.m. Mass, to the delight of the parishioners. Fr. Gary Hogan also asked the parishioners
                                                to pray for and invite young people consider religious life.


                                                                          Continued from page 1

                                                                          The Roman Archives of the
                                                                          Congregation of the Resurrection

                                                                             We started our project of the “Black Boxes”
                                                                          a year ago. Since then 30 newsletters have
                                                                          been published in English, Polish and
                                                                          Portuguese and sent to about 400 people,
                                                                          including all the Resurrectionists, to the
                                                                          Sisters of the Resurrection, and to some
                                                                          lay people. The topic of each bulletin is
 The kitchen crew: Shana Smith, Kathleen
 Kirk, Gigi Horan, Gia Brown, Esteban
                                                                          different and it touches various sectors of
 Huidor and Fr. Michal Osuch, CR                                          the Congregation. For example, there was
                                                                          an edition about the story of the schism
                        Fr. Steve Thoma, CR                               which took place at St. Hedwig Parish in
                        and Fr. Del Haroldson                             Chicago in 1894 or the fascinating story of
                                                                          Br. Casimir Zeglen, C.R., the inventor of
                                                                          the bulletproof vest and who was a simple
 Fr. Paul Smith, CR at his home parish of                                 sacristan at St. Stanislaw Kostka Parish in
 Our Lady of the Lake in Lake Arrowhead
 with his large family.                                                   Chicago. The story of a man about whom
                                                                          the Chicago newspaper headlines reported:
                                                                          “To Be Tried on Human Target - Zeglen’s
                                                                          Bullet-Proof Cloth Saved a Dog’s Life” (The
                                                                          Evening Star, July 3, 1897), “Life of Russian
                                                                          Prince Saved by Such Garment”(The Sunday
                                                                          Chronicle Chicago, August 24, 1902).

                                                                              It is true that not many people will have
                                                                          the chance to see the “original versions” of
                                                                          our materials which we keep in the Archives,
                                                                          but by publishing our newsletter we want
                                                                          to reach as many as possible by sharing
                                                                          with them not just a simple “text” but
                                                                          overall the original look of those “treasures”.
                                                                          So if any reader of this article would be
                                                Fr. Del with Rudy
                                                Arellanez and his         interested in receiving a copy of the “BBT”,
                                                family as he receives     please just a send an email to the archivist
                                                the Resurrection
                                                Merit Award. He is        ( Moreover, if you
                                                a member of Our
                                                Lady of the Desert
                                                                          ever have the chance to visit Rome, please
                                                Parish in Apple Valley,   drop by to check out our place. We will be
                                                                          happy to show you our treasures so you will
                                                                          be able to “touch” the fascinating history
                                                                          of the Congregation of the Resurrection.

Jean Drott next to Fr. Jim
and Fr. Del. She received
the Resurrection Merit
Award. She is from St. Paul
the Apostle Parish in
Lucerne Valley, California

The Chronicles

                                                                                                       Mr & Mrs Ray Wagner.

 Sisters of the Holy Family of
 Nazareth in attendance. A great
 group of Religious in the church.

                                                      Father Gene Szarek, CR                 Veritas et Caritas Award from left to right, Father Paul Sims,
                                                        speaking to the 345                   CR, Father Rafal Wasilewski, CR, recipient of the Veritas et
                                                      in attendance. He has a                  Caritas and Father Gene Szarek, CR, Provincial Superior.
                                                       great sense of humor.
          Sharon O’Malley Gienko spoke
            in the name of the Gienko
             Family who received the
           Vision of Hope Award 2018.

                                                                                          Father Paul Sims, CR, Sharon O’Malley Gienko,
                                                                                            recipient of the Vision of Hope Award 2018,
                                                                                           Father Gene Szarek, CR, Provincial Superior.
                 From right to left, Wally and Sheila Jaszkowski,
                         Joan and Brother Edward, CR

                                     We filled the Café’ la Cave with a full house of 345. We are most grateful to all.



     21st Annual Fund Raiser

   On Sunday, September 23, 2018 the Resurrection Fathers and             Basilica. Sharon and her brothers have been extremely helpful
Brothers hosted our 21st annual fundraiser for our seminarians,           to the Resurrection Fathers and Brothers and especially to
brothers and senior religious. It was held this year for the second       Father Edward Jaskula, CR.
time at Café La Cave in Des Plaines, Illinois. There were
over 345 people in attendance. It was a great event and the                  The second award, the Veritas et Caritas Award,was presented
place was outstanding. Many people commented on what a                    to Father Rafal Wasilewski, CR, pastor of Holy Trinity parish
beautiful place it is and the food was excellent. This year for           in Westmont, Illinois. Father Rafal spoke very eloquently on
the first time in its 21 year history everything was donated              his life as a religious in the Congregation of the Resurrection
for the event. We are extremely grateful to the Polish Roman              and how community life and Religious Life has supported
Catholic Union of America for its generous donation of                    him over the years. He truly was grateful to be honored by his
the meal itself. Nancy Chapman and her family along with                  peers. Rafal has a great sense of humor and the gathered were
Florence DeBellis provided many of the in house raffle prizes             extremely impressed by his choice of words.
for the event. Mr & Mrs James Blake provided the beautiful
                                                                              The third award was the Resurrection Merit Award 2018.
flowers on the table and the wine was provided by Father Tony
Dziorek, CR at St Stanislaus B & M Parish in Chicago, Illinois.           You will see their names and parishes in another section of
Jim and Rebecca McManus provided the chocolate bars. We also              this newsletter. We are in our 11th year of honoring people
had a wonderful Harpist who played throughout the meal and                who share our ministry and we are extremely grateful that they
brought great sound into the room provided by Father Tomasz               share our mission of Hope to all in the parishes. The Pastors
Wojciechowski, CR of St Hedwig Parish.                                    of the parish have chosen these recipients.

    The festivities began by announcing the Vision of Hope                   It was a beautiful day and another celebration of Thanksgiving
Award 2018 that was given to the Gienko Family. Sharon                    to all of our benefactors who raised over $100,000.00 Kudos
O’Malley accepted the award in the name of the family. Sharon             to all especially the committee of Florence DeBellis, Nancy
has a great gift of communicating and she shared the many                 Chapman, Marsha Blake, Fathers Gene Szarek, CR, Paul
events that her family was involved with when her uncle, the              Sims, CR, Tim Keppel, CR and Brother Bill Hallas, CR.
late Father Marion Gienko, CR was pastor at St Hyacinth                   Our photographer was Father Steve Bartczyszyn, CR.

   Looking forward to our 22nd Annual event which will take place on Sunday September 29, 2019
               at Café La Cave. Please mark you calendars for another great event.

The Chronicles

            Father Gene and Sister Jean Marie, OSF pose for a photo.

                                                                                                                Father Norbert Raszjea with the
                                                                                                                 recipients of the Resurrection
                                                                                                                 Merit Award Jim & Lois Scola
                                                                                                                  from St Scholastica Parish,
                                                                                                                      Woodridge, Illinois.

                                                                  Florence DeBellis and
                                                                   Marsha Blake on the
                                                                 committee for this Gala
                                                                for 21 years. Many thanks
                                                                  Florence and Marsha!
     Father John Nowak, CR with Kevin Kucik from
 St Hedwig Parish, Chicago, Illinois a faithful benefactor
       to the Resurrection Fathers and Brothers.

                                                                                                          Father Joseph Glab, CR with
                                                                                                        Janice Corey the recipient of the
                                                                                                        Resurrection Merit Award 2018.

                   Father Jacek, CR with Christine Marulewski the
                   recipient of the Resurrection Merit Award 2018.

                                                                                            Sister Christine and Sister Virginia Ann, CR
                                                                                            Provincial of the Sisters of the Resurrection.

      Joan and Sheila looking that the in house raffle items.
         They too have been at every Gala for 21 years.

Bill Pullia recipient of the
Resurrection Merit Award
2018 from St Mark’s Parish
in Wheaton, Illinois and
Father Gary Hogan, CR,
Vicar Provincial of the
Resurrection Fathers and

                                                                                          Father Jacek Junak, CR, pastor of St John’s in
                                                                                     Johnsburg, Illinois with his group from the parish and
                                                                                  Christine the recipient of the Resurrection Merit Award 2018.

                                                                                                                         George Czaplicki, recipient of
                                                                                                                         the Resurrection Merit Award
                                                                                                                         2018 from St Pius X Parish,
 Sister Florence, CR and Sister Rosemary Gira, CR,                                                                       Lombard, Illinois with pastor
             Sisters of the Resurrection.                                                                                Father George Zieba, CR.

                                                Father Anthony Dziorek, CR
                                                pastor of St Stanislaus
                                                B & M Parish in Chicago, IL

                                                                Sister Clare Francis, CR and
                                                                Sister Stephanie, CR, Sisters
                                                                of the Resurrection.

The Chronicles

                                                                        CONGREGATION OF THE RESURRECTION
                                                                                          USA Province
                                                                                     Office of Advancement
                                                                               January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018

                                                                          Annual Fund                     $    27,526.00

                                                                          Annuity Fund                    $    92,435.81

                                                                          Dinner Reservations             $    27,230.00

                 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS                                     Raffle Ticket Sales             $    51,749.00

  I am most grateful to all who have sent in a donation to all
                                                                          In House Raffles                $     1,963.00
  of our appeals the calendar year of 2018.

  In the name of all the Resurrectionists in the USA Province             Ad Book Sales                   $    11,035.00
  we send God our prayers for your generosity.

  Many thanks for your continued investment in our Senior                 Memorials                       $     2,200.00
  Religious and our men studying for the priesthood and
  brotherhood. These two ends of our community life are in
  most need of our prayers and support.                                   All Souls Appeal                $     7,982.00

  The donor list reflects your giving from January 1, 2018 to
  December 31, 2018. If you are receiving duplicates of this              Phase II Construction           $ 421,680.00
  newsletter or you wish to be removed from the list, please
  e-mail or write me and I will take care of it. Our address and
                                                                          Retirement Fund Appeal          $    10,048.54
  e-mail are on the back of this newsletter.

  The Risen Lord has blessed us with a good year but we
                                                                          Tanzania Missions               $     1,963.71
  always know that our friends and benefactors are always
  there to support us. As always, we remember you in
  gratitude and in our prayers.                                           Donations                       $    10,073.54

  Br William Hallas, CR
  Director of Advancement                                                 NRRO(National Collection)       $    56,680.00

                                                                          California Fund Raiser          $    93,726.83

                                                                          Grand Total                     $ 816,293.43


                                    2018 Annual Fund                Martin H. Lippeth
                                                                    Joseph R. Mack
Some of our Major Donors            Joseph Adamkiewicz              Donald J Manchester                       GRAND RAFFLE WINNERS
                                    Mary Ann Arrigoni               Harold & Rachel Martin                         Drawn at the 2018 Fund Raising Dinner
                                    Alice H. Aubele                 Christine & Ronald Marulewski
Pamela D Barker                                                     William F & David H Marutzky
                                    Rev Richard Balazs, CR
+Virginia L Benzier                                                 Mary Jane Mastro
                                    John Baran
John & Barbara Bertrand                                                                                     1st Prize Winner       $2,000.00
                                    Ronald Bartkowicz               Patricia Maurer
                                                                                                            Jerry Sullivan, Resurrection Parish, Woodstock, Illinois
Paul & Patricia Braun               Scott E. Birmingham             Thomas & Caryn McAndrews
Pat & Lori Brennan                  Dorothy Bojan                   Ed & Geraldine McKeown
                                                                                                            2nd Prize Winner    $1,000.00
Kenneth & Nancy Camarella           Julie Bronski                   Theresa Merrigan
                                                                                                            Chuck Warpinski, Immaculate Conception, Morris, Illinois
Canons Regular of St John Cantius   Jack & Geraldine Brubaker       Rev James L. Miara
Michael & Nancy Casey               Joseph Bryja                    Delphine Michalik                       3rd Prize Winner        $1,000.00
                                    Robert & Dona Bugielski         Walter & Carol Mika                     Gail Aibers, Resurrection Parish, Woodstock, Illinois
Ted & Jo Dutton
                                    Mary & Clement Campbell         Anne L. Miller
Koch Foundation
                                    Martha Carter                   Paul & Geraldine Miller                 4th prize Winner      $500.00
Confidence Foundation
                                    Victor Cesario                  Ms Helene T Miller                      Diane Gebhardt, St John the Baptist, Johnsburg, Illinois
+Marie Di Carlo
                                    Thomas & Loretta Chazelle       Stephanie M. Mitschelen
Nanette Chambers                                                    Janine Modjeski                         5th Prize Winner    $500.00
                                    Jerry Christensen
Victor & Leticia Charnetsky                                         Octavio P. Montejo                      Ann O’Shaughnessy, St Stanislaus Kostka, Chicago, Illinois
                                    Robert & Marlene Clark
Charles & Barbara Cummins                                           Stephen & Cinty Movesian
                                    Richard & Sara Cook
+Mary Damiani                                                       William Napiwocki
                                    Joseph & Donna Cramer
Stephen & Wendy Duringer                                            Kathryn H. Nartnick
                                    Deborah L Delmonego
+Edwin Gira estate                                                  Mr Dennis E Nicpan                  2018 All Souls Appeal                Br William Hallas, CR
                                    Gerald & Kathleen Doyle
Mark & Cathie Garrett                                               Joan Noonan                                                              Linda R Hardeland
                                    William Dreffein
Steven & Pamela Geraghty                                            Marguerite D. Oberto                Maria Elena Alfaro                   L. C. Hardy
                                    Bernard F & Nancy J Drozd
                                                                    John & Stella Olender               MR Peter Andzjekovich                Richard Hines
John S Greenwald Estate             Edward Dschida
                                                                    Bernard Petosa                      Mary Jo Arndt                        John Huegel
Hermitage Charitable Trust          Rev Anthony Dziorek, CR
                                                                    Edward & Judith Pietrucha           Mary Ann Arrigoni                    Peter Jachimiec
William & Virginia Hayden           Mary Anne Farley
                                                                    Charlie Pipek                       Mary Baccari-Rimke                   Mr Leonard Janiga
Dietrich & Roddie Heuser            Monica Ferrari
                                                                    Mr Robert Plurkowski                John P. Baran                        Sheila & Wally Jaszkowski
Hermitage Foundation                Margaret Flisiak
                                                                    John F. Poland                      MRS Charlotte Barry                  Miss Helen T. Jendricks
Holy Trinity Parish, Westmont, IL   Norbert & Rose Florek
                                                                    Frank Posch                         Ron Bartkowicz                       Therese & Thomas Jezuit
                                    Lupe Forster
Wally & Sheila Jaszkowski                                           John & Nancy Prangl                                                      Richard L Johnson
                                    Andrew Frano                                                        Suzie Bauernfeind
Leo & Georgette Jodoin                                              Mary Przybylg                       Helen Bills                          Thomas F. Juskiewicz
                                    Merel & Constance Freund
Suzanne Johnson                                                     Joyce & Adam Randle                 MR Ronald J. Boehm                   Laurie K. Kagann
                                    M/M Sean Eric Gaddis
James & Bridgett Johnstone                                          Craig Reckard                       MR William Boller                    Debra Kasper
                                    Norbert & Mary Gapczynski
Knights of Columbus                                                 Nancy Rudzinski                     Jean & David Breithaupt              Don & Irene Kershisnik
                                    John & Debra Genualdi
+Raymond & Billie Kenz                                              David Scalzitti                                                          MR Reid A. Kirk
                                    Charles & Lucille Gibbs                                             Scott E. Brmingham
                                                                    Thomas & Teresa Scheerer                                                 MRS James Klafeta
Reid & Dorthy Kirk                  Mark J. Gilbert                                                     Julie Bronski
                                                                    MSGR Carl E. Scherrer                                                    MS Donna Klem
Paul & Vivian Klausner              Daniel & Karen Glab                                                 Mary & Clement Campbell
                                                                    William & Linda Schuberth                                                Daniel & Andrea Kluss
+Phil & Carol Lia                   Michael Godzik                                                      Victor M Cesario
                                                                    James E. Scola
Lopreore Family                     Dennis Gollogly                                                     MS Loretta and Thomas Chazelle       Betty Koch
                                                                    Thomas & Bernadette Siwek
                                    Alta Halama                                                         James Chmiel                         M/M Joel Koskiewicz
+John & Sheila Leahy                                                Robert J Skopeck SR
                                    Br William Hallas, CR                                               Daniel F Cieslik                     Barbara Kozuchowska
Mark & Mary Ellen Leggio                                            Adriane M Smietana
                                    Joanne C Hejza                                                      Huguette Collins                     Jack L. Kubik
+John & Vicky Majchczak                                             Andrew Sokulski
                                    Donald H. Hoffman                                                   Susan Condon                         Paul Labarrere
Marilyn Martin                                                      Tom Speck
                                    Dr Daniel M Janiga                                                  Martha Jean Conrad                   Fred Landbeck
+Sall & +Wreba McGee                                                St Therese Sodality - St Hyacinth
                                    Leonard Janiga                                                      John Czernek                         M/M Gerald Lapka
+Louis & + Jane Malory                                              Thomas W Stach
                                    Wally & Sheila Jaszkowski                                           Vincent & Carol Dabbs                Connie Lauerman
Charles & Diana O’Malley                                            Diane Stapleton - Lang
                                    Brother Edward Jaszkowski, CR                                       Edmund Dee                           MR Gregg Legutki
Jeanne Pollowy                                                      Frank & Jacqueline Stawiarski
                                    Helen Jendricks                                                     Frank DiMatteo                       Carl A. Lekan
                                                                    Ronald & Julia Stepp
St Bernadette’s Church -            Therese & Thomas Jezuit                                             Ronald Dohr                          Ted Lipinski
   Panama City Beach, FL                                            Dr James J Strzyz
                                    Paul W. Jung                                                        Gerald & Kathleen Doyle              Martin H. Lippeth
St Scholastica Parish,                                              Rev Don Suberlak, CR
                                    Thomas Juskiewicz                                                   William Dreffein                     M/M Joseph L. Lopes
   Woodridge, IL                                                    Josephine Sullivan
                                    Ron Kadzielawski                                                    Bernard Drozd                        Mrs Mary Lubisich
St Matthew Parish,                                                  Gerald & Kathryn Sullivan
                                    Joel A,. Kagann                 Elizabeth & Paul Szmergalski        Jean M Dubose                        Joan R. Ludick
   Schaumburg, IL
                                    Maureen Kaminski                Robert W. Szymczak                  Patricia Duerinck                    Stanley Luta
MLV Sevices, INC
                                    Joanne Kapps                    Genevueve Tadych                    Rev Anthony Dziorek, CR              Donald & Kristeen Lynch
William & Genevieve
                                    Barbara Keane                   Ms Irene Taraszka                   Ken & Marcela Ebers                  MR John Maciaszkiewicz
                                    David & Mary Kelleher           Allen & Karen Trimpe                Margaret Flisiak                     Kathleen A Mackowski
Michael & Pattie Smith
                                    Reid & Dorothy Kirk             Raymond & Carol Wagner              Lupe Forster                         Kathleen Majka
Norman & +Grace Sykes
                                    Pat Kokandy                     Phyllis Washburn                    Monica Franco-Ferrari                Rev Joseph Malczyk, CR
Glen & Cindy Stahmer
                                    William & Lavonne Komp          Vincent & Rosemary Weltz            M/M Fred Furmanek                    Jan Manganello
John & Florence
                                    Thomas A Kopanski               David M West                        M/M Norbert & Mary Gapczynski        MR Bernard Mania
  Nottolini Family Trust
                                    Barbara Kozak                   Anthony & Karen Wierer              Grace Gauss                          Rachel Maritn
Gail Weist
                                    Lottie Krzywda                  Emily Wojkowski                     M/M Robert Gibbs                     Mary Jane Mastro
Roger & Mayo Wileman
                                    Kevin Michael Kucik             Wally Wydra                         Leon Glowa                           Katherleen Mata
Ronald & Moira Wilhelm
                                    Most Rev Robert Kurtz, CR, DD   Don Wysocki                         Raymond Golenia                      Irene C McCafferty
Joseph Zgonina                      Constance Lauerman                                                  MR Rose Gualderon                    MS Diane McCormick
                                                                    Kathleen M. Zenow
                                    Carl A Lekan                    William E Zerial                    Joseph & Gloria Haggin               Valeria McGovern
                                    Betty Limbach                   Joseph & Marcia Zurawski            MR Robert S. Hajduk                  James & Rebecca McManus

The Chronicles

                                                                                                          Progress Press, Inc                  J. Ball
                                                                                                          Raymond Wojnar                       John Baran
                                                                                                          Sisters of the Holy Family           Raymond & Joan Baran
                                                                                                          Sisters of the Resurrection          Cathy Barlow
                                                                                                          St Anne in the Mountains             Zofia Bartczyszyn
                                                                                                          St Hedwig Church                     James & Mary Barton
                                                                                                          St John the Baptist Church           David Batth
                                                                                                          St Mark’s Catholic Church            Donna Bauer
                                                                                                          St Matthew Church                    Thomas Bauer
                                                                                                          St Pius X Parish                     Carl Baumert
                                                                                                          St Scholastica Parish                Marie Baumert
                                                                                                          St Stanislaus B &M                   Pat Baylis
                                                                                                          St Stanislaus Kostka                 Barbara Beachem
                                                                                                          Synergy                              Georgena Beck
                                                                                                          William Hallas, CR                   Kathryn Beifuss
                                                                                                                                               Ken Belcher
                                                                                                                                               Mary Lou Bennington
                                                                                                          Donations to the                     Terry & Janice Berger
                                                                                                          Fundraising Dinner                   Vivian Bessler
                     Steve and Pam Geraghty have donated the wine                                                                              Bob Bieber
                    for the Lake Arrowhead fundraiser for many years.                                                                          Richard & Theresa Bigos
                                                                                                          Daughters of St Mary of Providence
                                                                                                          Ms Barbara Beachem                   Mrs. Helen A. Bills
Charlie Meredith                  Henry Ristic                       Phyllis Wojnar                       Andrew & Colleen Billing             Hyun Bills
Helen Michaelson                  Nancy Rudzinski                    Mrs Patricia S. Wright               Julie Bronski                        Amelita Binversie
M/M Walter Mika                   MRS Terry Ryzner                   Marion Wroblewski, CR                Canons Regular of St John Cantius    Scott E. Birmingham
Mr Robert F Miller                Geraldine Sambel                   Donald Wysocki                       Mary A. Dempsey                      Dr & Mrs Patrick Birmingham
Helene T Miller                   Thomas Scheerer                    Eleanore Yahn                        Helen Jendricks                      Frank J. Black
James & Marianne Miller           Gerald Schimanski                  Barbara Young                        Mary L. Onorad                       James & Cherly Blaney
Robert & Galen Minetz             Karl Schroeder                     Rev Gary Young, CR                   Tom & Sue O’Malley                   Thomas Blaszak
Lillian Misiewicz                 Linda Schuberth                    John Zang                            Ronald & Joann Sikorski              John Blaszko
Stephanie Mitschelen              M/M Paul Silvio                    Joe Zgonina                          Allen & Karen Trimpe                 George Bob
Halina Moch                       Carl A. Simianowski                MS Patricia Ziebka                   Bill Zerial                          Roman Bojan
Modzeski                          Sisters of the Resurrection        Dianne M. Zinn                       Dianne Zinn                          Deborah Boor
Barbara Murphy                    Thomas Siwek                       M/M J. W. Zurawski                                                        Dan Borgstrom
REV John Nowak, CR                J. Skowron                                                                                                   Matt Borgstrom
Josefina Nunez                    Adriane Smietana                                                        Fundraising Dinner                   John Boulden
Edward J. O’Donnell               Michael Smith                      Placement of Ads                                                          Zachary Bowers
Marguerite Oberto                 Urszula Sokolowska                 in the Annual Ad Book                May Abella                           Sharon Bowman
Marie Odon                        Lorette & Andrew Sokulski                                               Gerald jJ. Adams                     Bernie Boyle
Stella Olender                    Fran & Dennis Soroko               Daughters of St Mary of Providence   Jeanne C. Adelmann                   Monette Brillo Cruz
George Penton                     Thomas Strzalka                    DePaul College Prep                  Gail Aibers                          Charles Brodnicki
Jennie Phillips                   Mr Jim & Adlen Stuchlak            Diplomat Travel Agency               Joan Allstrom                        Maxine Bronk
MR Edward Pietrucha               Dottie Szczepanik                  Elizabeth Hanahan                                                         Julie Bronski
                                                                                                          Hal Anderson
Stephanie Pinkowski               Linda Szymanski                    Great Lakes Advisors                                                      Jacqueline Brown
                                                                                                          Joan Anderson
Arvydas Poderys                   Irene Taraszka                     Holy Trinity Parish                                                       Patty Brown
                                                                                                          Annie Anderson
Mr John F. Poland                 Donna M Thro                       John & Stella Olender                                                     Steve Brubaker
                                                                                                          Josephine Ang
Collette Polinski                 Leokadia Travis                    Joseph Malczyk                                                            Edward & Marguerite Brunner
                                                                                                          Linda & Henry Anzelone
MR Noel Poole                     M/M Eero & Patricia Turen          Jubeny & Zaba, LLC                                                        Alexandra Brzezinski
                                                                                                          Ed Arenz
MS Geraldine Poplawski            MRS Mary & Bernard Uccello         Liberty Sales/Jim Bauernfeind                                             Robert & Dona Bugielski
                                                                                                          Aggie Arko
                                                                     Lottie Krzywda                                                            Karen Bureski
Deyette Potz                      Joseph & Carole Vitucci                                                 Marilyn Armstrong
                                                                     MB Financial                                                              REV Anthony Bus, CR
MR Edward L Pudlo                 Blanche Wengand                                                         Alice H. Aubele
                                                                     Meco Electric                                                             Louise Button
MS Gertude Rada                   Karen & Anthony Wierer                                                  Sally Avendanio
                                                                                                                                               Karen Byron
Ms Joan Reidy                     Ernest Wikidal                     Michalik Funeral Home                Isabella Azzayo
                                                                                                                                               Cherly Cafcules
Elsie H. Riedla                   Mayo & Roger Wileman               Our Lady of the Lake                 AJ Bahadia
                                                                                                                                               Michael Calderau
Domnick Ringo                     Harriet Wleklinski                 Polish Roman Catholic Union          Rev Richard Balazs, CR
                                                                                                                                               Mary & Clement Campbell
                                                                                                                                               Al Capitanini
                                                                                                                                               Jeanette Capra
How to Put the Congregation of the Resurrection In Your Will                                                                                   Eileen Carter
                                                                                                                                               James Carter
                                                                                                                                               Martha Carter
   After providing for your families and loved ones, you may want to put the Congregation of the Resurrection – USA                            Bruce & Beth Cartner
Province in your wills, thus helping to assure the long-term future of the Congregation of the Resurrection’s Ministry.                        Sophia Castellanos
   Bequests are free of estate tax, and can substantially reduce the amount of your assets claimed by the government.                          Nora C Castillo
You can give needed support for the Congregation of the Resurrection-USA Province by simply including the following                            Catanese Family
words in your will:                                                                                                                            Don & Tina Cavali
                                                                                                                                               Nancy Cepla
   I, give, devise and bequeath to the Congregation of the Resurrection-USA Province, 3601 N California Avenue,                                Guy Cerulli
Chicago, IL 60618 (insert amount being given here) to be used to support the ministries of the Congregation of the                             Monica Chaplin
Resurrection-USA Province.                                                                                                                     Melinda Chapman
                                                                                                                                               Terese Chavez
    A bequest can be a specific dollar amount, specific piece of property, a percentage of an estate, or all or part of the residue            Kazimiez Cholewa
of an estate. You can also name the Congregation of the Resurrection-USA Province as a contingency beneficiary in the                          Jerry Christensen
event someone named in your will is no longer living. It is recommended that a lawyer help in drafting or amending a will.                     Mary E. Cieslica


            The Congregation of the Resurrection, USA Province, has available the Resurrection
            Perpetual Memorials for remembrance of your deceased loved one. Masses will be
            celebrated by the Provincial Superior, a Mass will be celebrated during the month of
            November and your loved ones will be remembered in the daily prayers of Congregation
            of the Resurrection. To request a Resurrection Perpetual Memorial please contact the
            Director of Advancement at 3601 N California Avenue, Chicago, IL 60618.

                            Memorial gifts are a meaningful way to express sympathy on the loss of a friend or loved one.

Carol J Clark                    Mariel Doty                     Maureen Garro                 Linda R. Hardeland              Mary Jean Johnson
Bill Clark                       Georgine Downs                  George Gaura                  Patricia Hare                   Richard & Marjean Johnson
Connie Clemens                   Gerald & Kathleen Doyle         Peter Gavlin                  Alicia Haro                     Mariann & James Johnston
Katie Coens                      Richard C. Doyle                Carol Gawenda                 Julie Harrison                  Sebastian Joseph
Andrew Cole                      William Drawer                  Diane Gebhardt                MRS Vincent Hayes               Paul W Jung
John Colomer                     Bernard F. Drozd                Edward & Patricia Geiss       Sid Hayman                      Nispola Rose Junio
Lawrence W. Conklin              Patricia Duerinck               Peggy Gelsomino               Frank Hays                      John Jurczak
Diane Conlin                     Tom Dunbar                      Barbara Gembala Nakanishi     Susan Heaney                    Chris Jurek
Michael Connealy                 Alice Duncan                    Rita & Dave Gemmer            Susan Heaney                    Laurie Kagann
Michael Conneely                 Anna Marie Dunn                 Robert Gengler                Mark Heiser                     Lorraine & Edward Kamis
John & Beverly Connon            Jose Dwenas                     Halina & Dennis Giba          Gregory Helminski, CR           Most Rev Francis Kane,DD
Yolando Contreros                Chester & Joan Dymitrowicz      Charles & Lucille Gibbs       Victor Hemmersbal               Linda M Kania
Sara & Richard Cook              Daniel & Susan Dziedzic         Kathleen M. Gienko            Thomas L. Henschen              Brian Kapple
Gaynor Corley                    Alberto Dziedzic                Jerry & Camille Giessinger    Diana Hercedo                   Audry Kaufman
Paul & Amy Craane                Rev Anthony Dziorek, CR         Mr Walter W. Gillette         Marcia & Ronald Herrig          M/M John S Kavalunas
C. Frank Crafton                 Kathy Eggert                    Lucia Giook                   Linda Herron                    Barbara Keane
Luis E Cuevas                    Maceo Ellison                   Eric Girard                   Kathleen Halley Hickonimus      Len & Mary Keil
Roberto Cuiller                  Paulett Elsner                  John & Mary Glas              David & Barbara Hill            David & Mary Kelleher
Angie Cullen                     Carol England                   Leon Glowe                    Barbara Hocking                 Karen Kelly
Lisa Cunningham                  Christian Espnoza               John Godlewski                M/M Theodore Hoeh               Rev Tim Keppel, CR
Marianna Czajowski               Alejandra Fajordo               Carol Godun                   Donald Hoffman                  Sister Marie Kielanowicz
George & Kathy Czaplicki         R.M & D.M. Fandel               Michael & Susan Godzik        William & Peggy Hogan           Dolores & Vincent Kielas
Cecelia Czarnecki                Marcie Fanning                  Carol Golemba                 Hogan Family                    Sharon Kilkenny
Harry Czerwinski                 Richard E. Farrell              M Golimowski                  Jennifer Hojnacki               Mrs Thomas Kindelspire
Joe D’Amico                      Ron & Janeen Feldman            Martha & Eliot Gomez          Thomas & Barbara Hojnacki       Donna Klem
Kathleen & Peter D’Attomo        Thomas Feliksik                 George H. Gordon              Ralut Holbach                   Jacob Kluch
L. Davenport                     Richard & Charlotte Fergunson   James & Jane Gorecki          James Holbach                   Sharon Kman
Monica Davy                      M/M R. Fichter                  Ms Dorothy Gorny              Larry & Carol Holbein           K Kmiecik
Rita De Angelo                   Robert & Claire Fields          Gary Govekar                  Carolyn Holst                   Diane & Carl Knable
Renee De Bellis                  Danuta Filipski                 Lucia Grajewski               M/M Arthur Hornsby              Gary Knafl
Kevin Deady                      Georgene A. Fiorillo            Peter & Marguerite Grealish   Kathy & Arthur Hornsby          Barb Knierim
Martha & Fto DeAlba              Fitzpatrick Family              Michelle Greco                Wendy Hospbach                  Knights of Columbus
Dianne Dedick                    Edilberto Flores                Ms Joanne Gregoire            John & Karen Hynds              Julie Kocher-Zinkus
M/M John DeFalco                 Lupe Forster                    Craig Grember                 Ralph & Sue Iden                Walter Kociubinski
Mauel Delgado                    Jay Fox                         Mary Griffin                  Marco & Patricia Incrocci       Pat Kokandy
Thomas & Anne Delgatto           Rio Rocco Francois              Marion Grondfeldt             Nancy Jacobson                  Mary Ann Kolosowski
Tredy Des Lauriers               Maria Franklin                  Susana Gutierrez              David Jandris                   Thomas A. Kopanski
MS Barbara DeSantis              Connie & Merle Freund           Gayle J Haefele               John & Angie Janiga             Joseph R. Kopinski
M/M Lawrence Detimer             Dr & Mrs Henry Fuentes          Catherine & Roger Haefner     Josephine Janowski              Kowalkowski Family
Carol Devito                     Edward & Judy Full              Joseph Haggin                 Adam & Gema Jaszczowski         Barbara Kozak
Helen A. Dewald                  Michael & Mary Fumagalli        David & Janet Hallas          Mr.&Mrs. Wally Jaszkowski       Mrs. Barbara Kozuchowska
Diane DeWolfe                    Tina Gagnon                     Bro. William Hallas, CR       Brother Edward Jaszkowski, CR   Edvige Kpekpe
Pat DiAngo                       Irene Gale                      Suzanne Hammer                Helen T Jendricks               Frank Krawczyk
Maria Diaz                       Jeff & Shelly Gale              Karen Hammermeister           MS Diana Jenkins                James & Sharon Kreifil
Olivia Diaz                      Dan Gallagher                   Christopher Hane              Mary Kay & Steve Jennrich       Jan & Stanislawa Krembuszewski
Frank & Patricia DiMatteo        Norbert Gapczynski              Allen Hanich                  Peter Jensen                    Kathy & Arthur Kretschmer
Emily & Austin Dodson            Joann & Thomas Garbacz          Frank Hankins                 Therese & Thomas Jezuit         Mark Kretschmer
James Donnelly                   Maria L Garcia                  Michael Hansen                D. Jindra                       Barbara Kross
Nancy Doran                      Dina Garcia                     Richard & Barbara Harazin     Janet Johnson                   R. Kruk

The Chronicles

                                                                                              Karen Ostendorf             Henry & Marilyn Ristic
                                                                                              Don Osterling               Brian Roberts
                                                                                              Rev Michal Osuch, CR        Paul Robertson
                                                                                              Our Lady of the Lake        Mary Robles
                                                                                              Joe & Dolores Pacer         Carl & Cheryl Rockmond
                                                                                              Geri Pacer                  Chester & Patricia Rocko
                                                                                              Jose Pachicono              Erick Rodriguez
                                                                                              Rosemary Pagura             Dorothy Rog
                                                                                              Urszula Pasko               Francis Rog, CR
                                                                                              Arlene Pawlus               Ray Rogers
                                                                                              Victoria Pease              Ron Rogers
                                                                                              Diana Perez                 Sister Elizabeth Ronkowski, CSFN
                                                                                              Dennis Perri                Rene Rose
                                                                                              Sandra Perry                Terrence L. Ross
                                                                                              Richard Peter               Frank W. Rossi
                                                                                              Jim Peters                  Jim Roth
                                                                                              Jerry & Camille Peterson    Jim Rudny
       Bob and Dee Rigio from St Anne in the Mountains in Running Springs,                    Carol Peterson              Felix Ruiz
         CA and Bridgett and Jim Johnstone from Our Lady of the Lake in                       Joseph & Janine Petric      Phillip & Nancy Russell
           Lake Arrowhead, received the 2018 Resurrection Merit Award.                        Michael J. Pezza            Larry Rybak
                                                                                              Rev C. Frank Phillips, CR   Pearl Rychlik
Lottie Krzywda                John MacMillan                  MJM Family                      Thomas A. Phistry           Rosanne Rygiel
Judy A. Kubeniec              Baby & Jessy Madhavapallil      Anna Mlecceh                    Mary Photakis               Eleanor Rylko
Kevin Kucik                   Dardd Madyan                    Dennis Mlynski                  F Picha                     Bill Saban
Anna Kuckertz                 Joseph & Nancy Majercik         Francine Modelski               Frank Picha                 George Sadilek
Jim Kuhn                      Sylvia Maldonado                Janine Modjeski                 Jack Pierce                 Maria Sajdak
Nicholas & Nancy Kukulski     Art Malinowski                  Kathy Mondala                   Edward Pietrucha            John & Eileen Saksa
Eric Kulesza                  William Mally                   Philip & Kerry Montuori         Mary & Tony Pietryla        Mark Saladino
Ann Kulesza                   Mr.&Mrs. Donald Manchester      Suzanne Moran                   Deborah & John Piha         Diane Marie Salata
Donald & Amy Kulla            Michael Manning                 Rich Moravec                    Mary Ann Piker              Gonzalo Salgado
Raymond Kuna                  Karen Marcheschi                Linda Morgan                    Stephanie Pinkowski         Dennis Sanders, CR
Dawn Kunz                     Sue Marchese                    Julie Morin                     Clifford Pinto              Joan Sapyta
M/M Joseph G Kunzer           Desiree Marciani                Mary Ann Moses-Fraley           Charles & Loretta Pipek     James & Sonya Scheffler
Michael V. Kurauc             Steve J. Marcis                 Jan K Movciniak                 Teresita Pituc              Fred J. Schlick
Shirley Kurgan                Audrey C. Mariani               Teri & Brian Moxley             James Platt                 William & Linda Schuberth
Most Rev Robert Kurtz,CR,DD   William Markevich               Daniel Mrozinski                Xaverie Pleshar             Robert N Schuit
Rita Kusek                    Bev Markezich                   E. Mueller                      Arvydas & Simone Poderys    Frank & Constance Schuler
Anthony Kuzminski             Rose Marie Martinet             Pat Mulkemi                     Dave Poirier                Bill Schultheis
Theresa Lamb                  Mauel MartinEZ                  Adrienne Murphy                 Gloria & Rafael Pol         Elizabeth Scibior
Francis Lanak                 Maria Martinez                  Vincent Musial                  Ronald Policastro           Liz Scipior
Donald W. Lang                Elisa J Martinez                Julia Musil                     Collette Polinski           Sandy Scmuller
Daria Larsen                  Christine & Ronald Marulewski   Maura Nagorzanski               Kathleen Pollard            Jennifer Scottsberg-Hojnacki
Constance Lauerman            Ken & Mary Maslowski            Mrs Yvonne Nannini              M/M Thomas J. Posey         Joyce & Tim Selker
John Lavsas                   Anita Massucci                  Elizabeth Napieraia             John Potochnic              Thomas J. Senese
M/Mwilliam William Lawler     Jerry & Erika Mastalarz         Nina Napierkowski               Jack Pragit                 William Seven
Stephen & Barbara Lawlor      Mary Jane Mastro                Kathy Nartnick                  Greg Prosser                Anna Maria Severino
Ken Lebeau                    Michael & Elizabeth Matson      Mrs. Edwin W. Nasby             Providence Soup Kitchen     Jim Shannon
William Lebensorger           Connie Matuszewski              William & Leanne Newman         Eileen J Prus               John Shea
James & Janet Leifel          Judith A. Max                   Deborah Newpert                 Mary K. Przybyla            John F. Shemroske
Emilia Leinweber              P Mazza                         Rosario Neyra                   Frank Pudela                Anne Siedlinski
Stanley Lempa                 Sue McCowan                     Anna Niedzwiecka                Therese Pudela              Ronald Sikorski
Anthony Lenard                Wayne & Kathy McFarland         Richard & Joanne Nielsen        Christine Puralewski        Matthew & Pamela Simon
Matt Leonard                  Val McGovern                    Ann Noonan                      John & Carol Pustola        Rev Paul Sims, CR
Dorothy Leonard               M/M Richard Mchels              Drew Noonan                     James and Diane Quaid       Thomas & Bernadette Siwek
Larry Lezon                   Elizabeth McKillip              Kelly Norlunds                  Robert & Eileen Quinn       Michael Skala
Elizabeth M Liesz             Margaret McLaughlin             Nathen Noscal                   Linda Ragan                 Kathy Skoza
Elisa Lim                     Tom & Carol Meade               Randy Novak                     Adilene Rairez              Deborah Smentek
Betty Limbach                 Nicky Meade                     Rev John Nowak, CR              Sharon Rakowski             Maggie Smith
Bill Lindner                  Catherine Mehl                  Mary Nowik                      Luis M Ramirez              Lorenzo Smith
Jared Lines                   Dee Menconi                     Joe & Dorothy Nyhoff            Rev Norbert Raszeja, CR     Gregory & Linda Sobotka
Cory & Joan Linnane           Barbara Merchut                 Mike O’Brien                    Patricia A. Raymond         Andy Sokulski
Mrs Ronald M Lipinski         Frank Mercurio                  Edward O’Donnell                Dr Craig Reckard            Barb & Jack Solak
Janet & Larry Lissak          Maurice Metras                  Eileen J O’Hara                 Tom Redmond                 Aura Solis
Suzanne Lisula                Jeanne C. Meyer                 Yolanda Oconer                  Judith & Russell Retterer   Rosaura Soto
Tom Lofgren                   Helen Michaelson                Chris Ocytko                    Teresa Reuter               Estelle Soyes
Ana N Lopez                   Tom Mickleborough               John & Stella Olender           Mark Reznicek               Peter & Diane Sral
Michelle Lopez                Carol and Walter Mika           J. Martin & Christine V Olsen   John Rickerd                St Anne in the Mountains
Joan R Ludick                 Robert Miller                   Mary L. Onorad                  George & dolores Rieber     Martin & Jeanne Staton
Lillian A. Luszcz             Charles & Sharon Miller         Vanessa Orona                   Asie Huriburt Riedl         Jacqueline Stawiarski
Michael Lynn                  Anne Miller                     Dave Ortman                     Sherry Riffel               Robert & Joanne Stawik
Joyce & Tim Macal             Larry Miller                    Ann Oshaugnessy                 M/M Joseph Rinchiuso        Thomas Steinbauer
Theresa MacDonald             Nancy Minser                    Jim Osness                      Linda M Riske               Elaine & Tom Stockwell


Maria Stocowski                  Emily Wojkowski                  Theresa Bright                  Dennis & Renee DeBellis             Barbara Grabiec
Donna & Walter Stojadinovich     M/M Raymond Wojnar               Stephen Brock                   Irvin & Joan DeMares                Marian B Greene
Andy Stoltman                    S.L. Woodring                    Chris Lima & Dennis Brogan      Barbara DeMars                      Joanne Gregiore
Dolores & Vincent Streff         Dave & Christine Wowerton        Arthur & Julie Bronski          Catherine Dembowski                 Ed & Kelly Gregory
Sheila Streff                    Patricia s. Wright               Stephen & Jacqueline Brown      Angelina Dembowski                  Josephine Guarnera
Strezewski                       Jerome Wroblewski                Janet Brown                     M/M Edward Derum                    Mike & Jeannette Guesman
Mary Strieker                    Rev Marion Wroblewski, CR        Charles & Renee Bryant          Mike & Jeannette Derum              Doreen & Jaczuelyn Gunchick
Rev Don Suberlak, CR             Wally Wydra                      Aurora Bunag                    James J Desecki SR                  Doreen & Jacqus Gunchik
John Sucansky                    Donald V. Wysocki                Angel & Jerry Buscher           Teresa Diaz                         Elizabeth Gunerka
M/M Richard Suchy                Denise Yager                     Brian & Laura Bykowski          Gene & Roberta Dieden               Terry Haas
Jerry & Camille Sullivan         Barbara Young                    Nellie D Cabal                  Tony & Lynette DiMaggio             BR William Hallas, CR
Josephine Sullivan               Rev Gary Young, CR               Josefina Caliso                 Helen Donnelly                      Margaret Hand
David Susek                      John & Kathie Zang               John & Patricia Cannon          Mary Kate Donovan                   Carol,Guy & Chris Hane
Ellen Sutton                     Lawrence Joann Zazeski           Frank & Joann Capozzi           Raymond & Laverne Dunaway           John & Breeda Hanrahan
Karen Svehla                     Naomi Zccaro                     Donna & Barry Carey             Patrick Dwyer                       Sharon & Tom Harris
Sally Swiech                     Mike & Ellen Zenker              Debra A. Carpenter              Patricia Eaton                      Larry & Susann Hartig
Maureen Swiertz                  William Zerial                   Angela Carreon                  Don & Joyce Eichengerger            John & Christine Havrilla Family
Steven & Monica Szalaj           Maria Zimmer                     Gregory Carter                  Dave & Patsy Eisler                 Frank & Kathy Hays
Rev Gene Szarek, CR              Dianne Zinn                      Pattie & Tom Carty              Monica Escalas                      Heintzelman Family
Christine Szczupaj               Mike Zydek                       Raymond Casey                   Grace Espina & Family               Rosemarie Hejnosz
Anna Szelazek                                                     Mary P. Cashman                 Ewald-Barlock Funeral Home          Lisa Helminski
John Szeszol                                                      Tony Cassarino                  Marie Fadden                        Rev Gregory Helminski, CR
Krysctof Szot                    Resurrection Memorials           John & Halina Cathony           Robert & Barbara Farruggio          M/M Ray Henderson
Ramona & Bill Tabler                                              Steven Cathony                  Rochelle Favale                     Pat & Marge Heneghan
Jon & Rose Tagye                 M/M Richard Adams                Loretta Chabalowski             Joyce & Ted Federico                Paul & Judy Hennip
Marjorie Tawoda                  M/M Adamski                      Nancy J. Chapman                Ivan & Walkiris Fernandez           Leopoldo Herrera & Family
Rosemary Theler                  Floro & Eva Alczntara            Clara Chlan                     George Fidler                       Mark & Cynthia Heywood
Ginny Thomas                     Joan Allstrom                    Rick & Karen Christy            Mary Fisher                         M/M John J. Hoff
Eizabeth Thorson                 Amador Family                    Mary A. Claps                   Drs Melissa Floubvel / Paner        Corazon & Gerald Hogan
Kim Thuente                      Wayne & Judy Ambrose             Louis & Sarah Clark             Eleanore Fluet                      Bea Hogan
D. Thursman                      Dorothy V Ambrosini              Joseph P. Clayton               Mrs Diane Flynn                     Patricia J. Homp
Jerry & Camille Tiesch           Kay & Angelo Amico               T. Comer                        ronald & Mary Ann Fogarty           Judith Honig
Nancy Tomaso                     M/M Michael Andrews & Family     Michael & Margaret Conneely     Margaret Gadbois                    Linda Huchro
Laura Topp                       M/M Hank Anzelon                 Pamela M. Conroy                Patricia Gaffigan                   Tom & Diana Hutchinson
Thomas & Cherie Trefilek         Chris Aquino                     Dawn Contarsi                   Barbara Galiga                      ICF Branch 210 Linda Carosa
Eero & Patricia Turen            M/M Dominic Araiza               Dawn Contursi                   Gapczynski-Rozycki-Pfeil Families   Italian Catholic Federation #210
William & Jane Turner            Angelo Bagnoli                   Contursi Family                 Linda M. Garcia                     Italian Catholic Federation Linda Carosa
Raymond Twanicki                 Pat Bahen                        Richard Sara Cook               David Gardner                       Mary & Jim Ivers
Mary Uccello                     John & Mary Lou Balazs           Giovanni Corado                 Joseph & Maureen Garro              Iza Family
Marybeth Uhlarik                 Rev Richard Balazs, CR           Karen Corbett                   Jean Gawlik                         Jo Jackson
Edward Utterback                 Zofia Bartczyszyn                Alex & Audrey Cuatchon          Lauretta Gembica                    John & Laurie Jacobs
Angela M Valadez                 Matalie Bartold                  Angela M Cullen                 Renee & Pasquale Genova             John & Angeline Janiga
Linda Valentine                  Tldd Baryl                       George & Kathy Czaplicki        Pasquale Genova                     Leonard Janiga
Anthony & Milagmos Valetine      Antoinette & John Basso          Eleanor Czernik                 Connie Gervase                      Edward M Janiga, C.P.A.
Jo Valventino                    Patricia Batten                  Dorothy Damato                  Ed & Irene Godek                    Daniel Janiga, MD
Yolanda Vargas                   Barb Beachem                     Mira Danek                      John & Helen Goggin                 Eleanor Jasinski
Donald Versen                    Befriender Ministery             Virginia Danek & Family         Walter Golembiewski                 Cynthia A Jaworski
Lucila Villalobos                Patricia Behle                   Kevin & Judy Deady              M/M Leo Golemo                      Helen Jendricks
Eegan Vincent                    Bergner Family                   Kevin Deany                     Gordon Tech Community               Lester Jodynar
Laura Virgils                    Alllan & Bonnie Berkner          Forence M DeBellis              Matthew & Ann Marie Gornick         Johnson Family
Michael Vitucci                  Bernie & Gigi Berns
Ray & Carol Wagner               Gus & Janice Berry
Joan Walker                      Vivian Bessler
Stephen Wallace                  Debbie Biernat
Paul Wanda                       Irene Biesiadecki
Sister Virginia Ann Wanzek, CR   Edward Biggott
Chuck Warpinski                  Helen Bills
Thomas Wasilewski                Scott Birmingham
Jan K Wasilewski                 George R. Black
Stephen Way                      Marsha & James Blake
Yvonne & William Weber           Virginia J. Bluhm
Michelle Weiland                 George G Bob
Donna Welch                      M/M Anthony & Rita Bonavolonta
Betsy Wells                      Amy Boone
Jeff & Kimmy Werner              Irene Bork
David West                       Bill Bratek
Edvige Wiesbrook                 Rev Martin Bratek, CR
G & A Wilson                     Brater Family
Steven Winter                    William & Carolyn Braun
Steve J Wirtas                   Diane M Brazzill
M/M Helmuth Witek-Warns          Anne Bremser                                      Resurrectionists Frs. Steve Thoma, Paul Smith, Michal Osuch,
M Wojak                          Lisa & Terry Brennan                                Del Haroldson and Gary Hogan with future seminarians.

The Chronicles

Manuel Joia                              M/M Robert Kurcz                    Susan Marcotte                  Collette V Polinski              Jeff Sondgeroth
Brian & Judy Jonas                       Russell V LaBarbera                 Dorothy Mark                    Theresa Polinski                 M/M Rymundo Soriano
Christopher & Kathleen Joyce             Chuck & Mickey LaBuda               W.F. Marutzky                   Joe & Jayne Pregorcki            Dennis & Fran Soroko
Bernadine Jura                           Ladies Rosary Society - St Hedwig   Nora Masterson                  Nick Provenzano                  MRS Bernice C Sosnowski
Thomas Jura                              Bob & Mary Fran Lagro               John & Pam Matyasik             Ted & Elaine Prugar              Mike & Jane Srualski
Steve Pater and Patty Jurczyk            Loretta Lan                         Steve & Barbara Mazzola         Tim & Mary Pruyn                 St Hyacinth Basilica
Alice Kaczmarek                          Rich & Paul Lang                    Michael & Lois McCarthy         Prybondski                       St Hyacinth Bingo Workers
Joel & Barbara Kaskiewicz                Andrea Lapenta                      Jane McGregor                   John Przypyszny, MD              St Joseph Church
Paul & Marita Kasley                     Julie Larucci                       McLaughlin Gormley King Co      M/M Edward R Pyzik               St Matthew Church
R. Kempski                               John & Sheila Leahy                 Lucille & Christine Meczynski   Peter & Margaret Querciagrossa   St Scholastica Parish/Rev N Raszeja, CR
Sharon Anne Kerber                       Karen & Bryan LeBlanc               Paul Mederich & Family          Mrs Theresa Raatz                State Fund Mutual Insurance Company
Donna & Jim Kerley                       Mrs Irene Legowski                  Angela & Delfin Melchor         Dottie Rachal                    Stawiarski Family
Diane Kernan-Schroeder                   Norm & Regina Leinweber             Joann M. Menet                  A & M Rada                       Stawiarski Family
James Klafeta                            Anthony & Rita Lenard               Bob & Christine Merkel          Donald & Walkiris Raineri        Ullainee Staworski
Donna M Klem                             Frances T Leonard                   Benjamin Metoyer                Rogelio & Clarita Ranayf         Stanisllaw & Sandra Sterlinski
Larry & Marilyn Klem                     Joseph Lepianica Family             John & Lynnette Meyer           Joann M. Rapp                    James J Strzyz, MD
Sharon Kman                              James and Kay Lezan                 Dolores & Dean Meyer            Steve Ratajczyk & Family         Bob & Eileen Styka
Stefan Knyzaniak                         Carol & Don Libby                   Stephanie Miliszewski           Lambert & Ruth Ratermann         Josephine Sullivan
Emily Koc                                C. Lier                             Judy Mitrenga                   Daniel & Valerie Rattary         Lois M Sumoski
James Kochem                             Michelle A. LoCoco                  Ronald & Carol Molick           Craig & Ginamarie Reckard        Marcey Sylvester
Donna & Roger Kocher                     Henry & Fran Logisz                 Marie Mookkiode                 Mrs Florence Rees                Darlene Szarek
M/M Carl Kocmoud                         Alaina Lozano                       Mariagrazia Mordinin            Tony & Laurine Reggio            Dottie Szczepanik
Robert & Patricia Kokandy                J.A. Lucania                        Linda Morgan                    M/M David Rice                   Virginia & Eugene Szynkarek
Agnieszka Kolatek                        Bob Luksta                          Sophie Moskal                   Linda Marie Riske                Jim, Gail & Irene Taraszka
John & Beata Kolpek                      Sheryl & Wayne Lumpkins             Ken & Carol Mrock               Linda M. Riske                   Irene & James Taraszka
Anne & Mark Koniecko                     Gary & Janet Lundsberg              Mrs Dorothy Mrowinski           Vince & Marinella Rizzo          The Grant H. Bailey Family
Mary Kopinski                            Grace Lynch                         Dorie Mugnaini                  Paul Robertson                   The Petersen Family
Ted Korabik                              Wayne & Susan Madura                Donna S. Mullen                 Carie & Phil Robinson            The Rocko Family
Tom & Shannon Kostka                     Karen & Bryan Magnaye               Chris & Tom Murphy              Chester & Patricia Rocko         The Spencer Family
Cynthia A Kotlicky                       Benilda Maguigad                    William & Nancy Murphy          Iris & Jerry Rodriguez           Den & Phyllis Thomsons
Ellen & Maciej Kowara                    Alena Majcharzak                    Dorothy Mykisen                 Annette Rogals                   Mary Ticknor
Barbara Kross                            Alena Majechrzak                    Anthony & Rita Myslinski        Mauro & Judith Romagnoli         Charlotte E. Tiffy
Aggie & Jack Kubik                       Ted & Sandi Makowan                 Robert Mytnik                   Juli Roock                       M/M John Tirio
                                         Rev Joseph Malczyk, CR              Yvonne Nannini                  John & Dana Rork                 Timothy C Toomey
M/M Jesse Kuczak
                                                                             Larry E Nazimek                 Carmel Ross                      David Traczyk
Sophie Kunze                             Gloria Manata
                                                                             Judie Neiman                    Terry & Shawn Ross               Allen & Karen Trimpe
                                                                             Marjorie & Robert Nelson        Carol Roszel                     Dennis & Margaret Trybus
                                                                             Jerome & Susan Nesterowicz      MRS Helen Rusnak                 Thaddeus Trychta
                                                                             William & Leanne Newman         Pearl M Rychlik                  Pat & Eero Turen
                                                                             Jim & Linda Nicholas            Eleanor & Glen Rylko             Bill & Jane Turner
                   +John & +Father Richard Patulski, CR                      Jean Nowaczyk                   Marianne Saccone                 Antionette Tuskey
                                                                             Dolores V Nowak                 Barry & Jeri Sadegi              William & Judith Uruba
          Living and Deceased members of the Hoffman Family                  Rev John H Nowak, CR            George Sadilek                   Edward Utterback & Family
                     Revs +Edwin & +Bernard Bak, CR                          Marguerite Oberto               Guadalupe A Salazar              Joseph & Josephine Valentino
                                                                             Harriet O’Brgut                 Guadalupe A Salazar              Kathy Vargas
                            +Wanda Grabowski
                                                                             Erin O’Connell-Diaz             Theresa Santoro                  Mary Ann Vieweg
                            +Mrs Ann Bielecki                                Kathleen M Ohara                Shirley & Alex Sawka             Susan & Mario Villasenor
                           +Mrs Chester Bielecki                             Marilyn & Harold Olson          Richard & Barbara Sayther        Larry & Marie Vogt
                                                                             Florence Olszowka               Gisela V. Schaefer               Joan Voves
                            +Mrs Clara Bielecki                              John D O’Malley                 Ronald & Barbara Schneider       Raymond & Carol Wagner
                      +Valerie & +Clem Menclewski                            Jean Ore                        Debbie Schumi                    Clarence Wagner
                                                                             Timothy C O’Reilly              M/M Thomas R. Schutt             Melissa Waldbridge
                        Mr & Mrs John Kuklewicz
                                                                             Our Lady of Fatima              Jeanette Schutz                  Darlene G Waldron
                      +Sophie & + Valentine Bielecki                         Clara M Paff                    Brian & Cate Scola               Dorothy Walega
                            +Mrs Lottie Guyon                                Diane Panzeca                   Lois & Jim Scola                 Dorothy Walega
                                                                             Gene Parker                     Serra Club of Dupage             M/M Gene Walega & Family
                           +Mr Stanley Bielecki                              James M. Parker                 Florence & Helen Sesko           Joan C. Walker
                                +Mrs Jenny Cope                              Candace & Terry Pasquale        Deby Shackelford                 Fred & Dean Wallrath
                                                                             Philip Pastere                  M/M Patrick Shaughnessy          Waschow-Cowan Families
                          +MS Rose Pistanowich
                                                                             Gerry Patryn                    John & Bonnie Shell              David & Dolores Wayne
                      Pasqualina & Alfonso Marsillo                          Sharon Pellino                  MS Janice Shores                 Blanche S Weigand
                                Martorina Family                             Ronald J. Peplow, D.O.          M/M Edward Sicinski              Weith & Ely Familites
                                                                             Doris Pereyra                   Sisters of Notre Dame            Eleanore J. Wenzel
         Deceased members of the Wojnar & Krawczyk Families
                                                                             Peroutka Family                 Sisters of the Resurrection      Greg West
                    +Helen & +William Hallas, Senior                         David & Mona Perrin             Mrs Sylvia Siuda                 Florence & Helen Weyland
                                                                             Connie Peterson                 Julius Sivori                    George & Julie Wheat
                  Bernie Elsner/Herff Jones & Company
                                                                             George H Pezza                  John & Joanne Skocilich          Cecilia White
                         +Rev Edwin Zygmunt, CR                              Lawrence P Pezza                MRS Judi Slattery                Beverly Wicks
                  Revs +Humphrey and Henry Ruszel, CR                        Ronald & Georgianne Pfeiffer    Adriane Smietana                 Ronald & Alexandra Wieczorek
                                                                             Jennie Phillips                 Joan Smith                       Joseph & Mary Wieczorek
                           +Rev Henry Blaski, CR
                                                                             Henry & Mercedes Pimentel       Smogoleski Family                Genevieve Wieszczyk
                  +William & +Genevieve Siemianowski                         Stephanie Pinkowski             M/M D. M. Sobczak                Wayne & Margaret Winters
                                                                             Tony & Laurine Policastro       Isabelle M Sobieski              John E. Wittstock
                                                                             Lorraine V Polinski             MRS Dolores Sokolowski           Steven Wojcik

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