CONTINUES THE JOURNEY - THE - Catholic Schools of Greater Kalamazoo

Page created by Micheal Mejia
CONTINUES THE JOURNEY - THE - Catholic Schools of Greater Kalamazoo
THE                                                                            DECEMBER 2016


                               THE JOURNEY

                                                       ANNUAL REPORT OF GIVING
                                       THE IRISH PRIDE | 1
CONTINUES THE JOURNEY - THE - Catholic Schools of Greater Kalamazoo
            The 2016-17 school year is off to another great start,
            thanks in large part to the many prayers from our parents,
            students, staff, parishioners, and alumni. The continued
            support offered by our generous alumni and donors has
            continued to provide stability and growth to Hackett
            Catholic Prep.
            Hackett students are, once again, achieving great success
            in and out of the classroom. The Class of 2016 had a 100%
            graduation rate with 99% of them continuing on to college.
            Their average ACT score of 24.8 was the highest we have
            seen in many years, and was well above the state and
            county averages. As we say goodbye to the Class of 2016
            we welcome the Class of 2020, as well as five new families                                      FATHER          JAMES ADAMS
            with students in upper grades and a host of international
            students, to the Hackett family. Thanks to your dedication
            and prayers, we have seen an increase in our student                                    In May of 2016, the Diocese of Kalamazoo announced that our
            population this current school year.                                                    chaplain of five years, Father James Adams, would have a new
            As many of you know, last year was a banner year for                                    assignment: to be the full-time chaplain for Hackett Catholic Prep.
            our athletic program, and that has carried over to the
            beginning of this year. See page 11 for Spring 2016 team
            accomplishments, and stay tuned for more exciting Irish
            Athletics highlights in the next edition!                           With this new assignment, Father Adams has been able           program, called YDisciple, whose purpose is to bring
            Last spring, we were greatly blessed to learn that Father           to build on his ministry at Hackett. As chaplain, he is        teenagers and parents together with the ultimate goal of
            James Adams has been re-assigned to Hackett as our now              responsible for the faith formation of students and staff,     deepening their faith lives and leading them to discipleship.
            full-time chaplain. This assignment allows Father to be in          and provides for the sacramental needs of the school
                                                                                                                                               Upperclassmen will work closely with Father Adams to
            the school and support our students more regularly. We              community. In addition to the All School Mass celebrated
                                                                                                                                               prepare for their Capstone project: an individual research
            are deeply grateful to Bishop Bradley for keeping Father            weekly, students and families are now able to attend
                                                                                                                                               paper and presentation on a theological topic. All seniors
            Adams here at the heart of our Hackett community.                   morning Mass before school twice a week and each class
                                                                                                                                               complete a Capstone project as a requirement to graduate,
                                                                                gathers for a special class Mass in the chapel to start
            There are so many wonderful things that are happening at                                                                           and are eligible to compete for the St. Thomas More
                                                                                the school year. Father is available for the sacrament of
            Hackett Catholic Prep. I am proud and blessed to be the                                                                            Scholarship awarded by the Diocese of Kalamazoo.
                                                                                reconciliation and to speak with students individually.
            principal of this great school. We are grateful for all the gifts                                                                  In addition to all this, you will frequently see Father Adams
            given to our students and their families. Your generosity           Since 2013, students, parents, and alumni have traveled to
                                                                                Rome for an annual pilgrimage guided by Father Adams —         at sports games, plays, and concerts, visiting tables in the
            and thoughtfulness truly express your dedication to a                                                                              cafeteria, and catching up with students in the hallway.
            quality Catholic education. Please continue to pray for our         see page four to learn more about their travels and read the
                                                                                reflections of this summer’s pilgrims.                         His role in the lives of Hackett students doesn’t end at
            school, and know of our frequent prayers for you.                                                                                  graduation, either — Father will make weekend trips to
            In the Peace of Christ,                                             To aid the spiritual growth of our students and families,      visit young alumni on their college campuses, blessing
                                                                                Father Adams has implemented two new programs this             dorm rooms and going out for pizza.
                                                                                year. He has been meeting with all new families in order
                                                                                to listen to their needs and to learn how we can help foster   We are grateful for Father Adams’ presence in the Hackett
                                                                                spiritual growth between home and school. Additionally,        community, and look forward to seeing his work continue
                                                                                Hackett is in the early stages of implementing a national      to bear fruit.
            Brian Kosmerick, Principal

2 | THE IRISH PRIDE                                                                                                             THE IRISH PRIDE | 3
CONTINUES THE JOURNEY - THE - Catholic Schools of Greater Kalamazoo
Rome was busier than usual, this year, due to the                 “When we attended the Papal audience, everyone around
                           HACKETT STUDENTS & ALUMNI TOUR              Jubilee celebration. “Despite the longer lines and some           us was speaking a different language, but we were all united

                                                                       inconveniences, the graces the Lord gave us were                  in the intense joy and excitement that the Pope’s presence
                                                                       abundant,” said Father Adams, who also serves as parochial        evoked,” said senior Hope Baldwin.
                                                                       vicar at St. Monica Catholic Church.                              The students also passed through the Holy Doors — twin
                                                                       During their tour, the pilgrims heard the Pope’s weekly           portals leading to St. Peter’s Basilica that were specially
                                                                       address. They also visited historical and religious sites         decorated and blessed by Pope Francis when the Year
                                                                       including St. Peter’s Basilica, the Sistine Chapel, the Vatican   of Mercy began. Special graces are thought to be given
                                                                       Museum, the Basilica of St. John Lateran, the Colosseum,          to those who spiritually prepare themselves and pass
                   BY KATHERINE DOUD                                   the Catacombs, and the village of Assisi, the birthplace of       through the doors. At the Pope’s request, cathedrals across
                                                                       St. Francis of Assisi, for whom our current Pope is named.        the world — including Kalamazoo’s own St. Augustine
BOARDING A PLANE FOR ROME, this summer, over                           The group found one of the most meaningful experiences            Cathedral — created their own Holy Doors, so that those
a dozen Hackett students and CSGK graduates carried the                was climbing the Holy Stairs on their knees. These marble         unable to travel to Rome could experience the graces of this
usual touring paraphernalia — backpacks, cell phones,                  stairs — known as the Sancta Sanctorum — lead to the              extraordinary year.
ear buds. As they crossed the tarmac and climbed the                   chamber where Pilate condemned Jesus to death.                    The Jubilee Year officially ended on the Feast of Christ the
aluminum airstairs, however, they also carried some                                                                                      King, on Nov. 20. The excitement generated by this year’s
“invisible luggage” — the prayers of family and friends, and           “It was truly humbling to be on the stairs Jesus                  Hackett trek, however, has encouraged 44 pilgrims to sign
the deepest yearnings of their own souls, says Father James            walked up to meet Pilate,” said Quinn Epkey,                      up for the summer 2017 tour.
Adams, the Hackett chaplain who led this CSGK group on                 a Hackett senior. “It was an amazing spiritual
a ten-day pilgrimage to Rome, over summer vacation.                                                                                      This turnout “is without a doubt due to the Hackett
                                                                       experience to be able, in a very small way, to                    students coming back and sharing their experiences with
The group included 22 Hackett students and 11 chaperones,              share in the suffering of Christ.”                                other students, other parents,” said Kelli Rider, who
four of whom are graduates of our CSGK system: Kelli                                                                                     has served as a chaperone on all four of the Rome tours
Rider ’82, Austin Elluru ’12, Krista Reits ’11 and Jennifer            Although the stairs are now covered in wood to protect
                                                                       the marble, and there is the option to walk up the incline,       sponsored by Hackett since 2013. “Our kids come back
Bodway ’95.                                                                                                                              with a three dimensional experience of all they’ve studied,”
                                                                       all of the Hackett students and their chaperones made the
Once landing in “The Eternal City,” the Hackett group                  journey on their knees, and were clearly moved by the             said Rider. “To visit the cell where saints Peter and Paul
became part of an estimated 10 million tourists expected               experience.                                                       were chained, for example, makes their studies hit home.
to visit Rome, this year, after Pope Francis declared 2016                                                                               Their faith becomes very real, very tangible…and it impacts
as an Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. In the Catholic             “On the Holy Stairs, I truly found God again,” said Hackett       them tremendously.”
church, Holy Years are generally celebrated every 25 to 50             senior Lauryn Thompson. “It was humbling to be able to
                                                                       give back by suffering for the Lord.”                             Senior Hunter Taplin concurs, saying: “This trip was a
years. The last was in 2000. Pope Francis called the faithful                                                                            great opportunity for me to totally focus on my faith and
to Rome this year, in order to assuage a world populace                The students were also fascinated by the crowds of                my relationship with God. I am so thankful for these
more in need of God’s mercy than perhaps any other time                pilgrims from around the world who surrounded them                memories. I’ll have them for the rest of my life.”
in world history.                                                      on their travels.
“We have to put mercy before judgment,” the Pope said at
the opening of the Jubilee Year last December. “We have
to absorb the message that God always forgives us. {It is
my hope that this Holy Year of Mercy} will give comfort to
every man and every woman of our time.”
Comfort is precisely what these pilgrims found. “The entire
pilgrimage was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” said
Maggie Wilson, a senior at Hackett this year. “This trip
was truly a blessing.”
“I felt grateful for just having time, each day, to pray,”
said Emily Burhans, also a Hackett senior. “At home, it’s
extremely easy to forget the importance of prayer, due to
the non-stop craziness of life.”

                                                 4 | THE IRISH PRIDE                                                     THE IRISH PRIDE | 5
CONTINUES THE JOURNEY - THE - Catholic Schools of Greater Kalamazoo

                              “ON SAFARI”
                                TO SUPPORT THE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS

Alan    AlanColleen
               and Colleen
                            (O’Connor)                                                                     conservationist
                                                                                                           Their  guide was Hendrik    Botha, aand
                                                                                                                             conservationist     12th
went to the 2015 attended
                                 2015                                                                      generation   hunter  and  farmer, who
                                                                                                           professional hunter Hendrik Botha, a
on a whim:Auction,
Shamrock      simply tothey
                            never                                                                          traveled to Michigan
                                                                                                           12th generation   SouthinAfrican
                                                                                                                                                of the
the Catholic
imagined    they
                 wouldof come
                              home with                                                                    trip to
                                                                                                           who     prepare
                                                                                                                 even       the to
                                                                                                                      traveled  foursome
  trip for a South African safari.                                                                         African adventure.
                                                                                                           advance   of the Schmidtendorffs’ trip
They   never
          the auctioneer
                imagined they’ hollered
                                     d come ‘Gone!’                                                        to prepareAlan
                                                                                                           Although    themandfor Arlen
                                                                                                                                  their African
                                                                                                                                        — both
and   wethe
              winners weofhadan the
                                      highest Safari.                                                      journey.
                                                                                                           seasoned hunters — were entranced
bid,  not  only   were    we
“When we realized we were the surprised      but  a                                                        by the safari
                                                                                                           When          aspect of the trip,
                                                                                                                  the Schmidtendorffs         Colleen
                                                                                                                                          landed    in
little stunned,   ”  laughs   Colleen.
highest bidders, we sat there numb,”       “But                                                            said everyone  in  their party  came
                                                                                                           South Africa in late September, they
         Colleen.were      soonwe
                      “I think     replaced
                                      stayed that                                                          home   changedfrom
                                                                                                           were whisked    spiritually,  emotionally
                                                                                                                                  the airport  to the
with   excitement
way for about a year.” as we   anticipated                                                                 and physically
                                                                                                           Matwetwe        byCamp,
                                                                                                                       Safari  this ten-day  glimpse
                                                                                                                                       located  in the
all that would unfold over the next                                                                        into a culture
                                                                                                           Limpopo        and landscape
                                                                                                                      Province              so
That   numbnessfor
year preparing        worean off  quickly,
                              unfathomable                                                                 different from of
                                                                                                                           our  own.
                                                                                                           hours  outside     Johannesburg.
adventure!”  as  the  Schmidtendorffs
landed in South Africa in late                                                                              “Safari in Swahilistarted
                                                                                                             “Our adventure       meansearly
                                                                                                                                                 the ’”
September   a 1979    graduate
               and were            of Msgr.
                             whisked      into                                                              Colleen
                                                                                                            next      says. “And
                                                                                                                  morning     beforethat’s trulyWithin
                                                                                                                                       sunrise.   what
                                                                                                                                                             asked him to be sure they could attend Mass on their                 At night, Hendrik and his wife, Annie, would cook for the
John   R.  Hackett,    is part
Land Rovers that ferried them    of  a sprawling
                                           to the                                                           happened     to  us. We  went   on
                                                                                                            the first half hour, we saw so many a journey
                                                                                                                                                             Sunday in South Africa.                                              couples around a fire pit. During the heat of the day they
Matwetwe  family    thatLodge,
               Safari     is stilllocated
                                   deeply in the Limpopo Province,                                          too big for
                                                                                                            amazing       words.”in their natural
                                                                                                                       animals                               Church in the village of Groblersdal, 25 miles away. To              sightings   of ainremarkable    variety
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  would swim          a pool, with  Capeof    animals,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Buffalo     dinners grass
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    munching     were
connected      to thehours
                        Catholic     Schools     of Greater Kalamazoo.            habitat!”                                                                  True to his word, Hendrik got them to St. Henry’s Church,
two-and-a-half                outside     of Johannesburg.                        This amazing travel package was filled
                                                                                            exclaimed     Colleen.   She          antoentire
                                                                                                                            offered           page of her
                                                                                                                                        the Shamrock         their dismay, they arrived to discover that the priest was           cooked    around
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  not 15 feet   away.a The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        fire pit. The said
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              nights,  group  shared were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Colleen,   stories and gazed
Colleen’s mother, four siblings, cousins, nieces, nephews                         journal  with   the  many   animals    they   saw: monkeys,     giraffes   a 45-minute drive from the lodge. To their dismay,
“Huge    rhinos    ran alongside                                                  Auction Committee by longtime CSGK supporters whose                        not on hand to say Mass. Due to a shortage of priests,               in  awe stars.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Bright   at the And
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  beauty    of God’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         a full mooncreation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        shining as the sunthe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                through     setbranches
and three    children,   Bridget ’97,the     car —’07,
                                         Connor      a little too close’09,
                                                        and Morgan       for
                                                                                  (18 of them   at  one  time  around     a watering    hole), zebras,       however, the priest was not on hand to say Mass. He covers
                                                                                                                                                             he alone is responsible for 17 parishes in the Limpopo
comfort,                                                                          children have been educated in CSGK schools.                                                                                                    the  night
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of the      skyAfrican
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          spare,   filled with  stars. The foursome came to share
are all Hackett graduates, and her grandson, Robert ”
           ”  Colleen    said.  “I  felt like  I was  in  Jurassic Park.
                                                                                  warthogs, wildebeest, ostrich, impala, eland, kudu (known                  17 churches in that province, and he had been called away
                                                                                                                                                             province and had been called away to another parish that
                                                                                  Colleen,                                                     Colleen                                                                            aThe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     deep  and profound appreciation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Schmidtdendoffs       are extremelyforgrateful
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                this ten-day
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to theglimpse
Colleen filledcurrently    attends
                   an entire    pageSt. of Augustine
                                            her journalCathedral     School.
                                                           with the types    of   in Africawho     graduated
                                                                                             as ‘the            fromaHackett
                                                                                                      gray ghost’),     variety ofin birds
                                                                                                                                     1979 as– “and,          to another parish that morning.
                                                                                                                                                             morning. It was a poignant reminder for the couple of how
                                                                                  O’Connor, only
                                                                                               is part                                                                                                                             into a culture   and  landscape    so different
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   family for making this possible. They are doublyfrom   their own.
animals they saw, including giraffes, warthogs, wildebeest,
As the safari was designed for four people, the                                   thankfully,         theoftracks
                                                                                                            a sprawling     CSGK Legacy
                                                                                                                   of a venomous      Black family
                                                                                                                                              Mamba,”        “At first, I they
                                                                                                                                                             fortunate    was disappointed,
                                                                                                                                                                               are to live in ”a said Colleen.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 strong        Butcommunity
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Catholic   she and Alan
vultures, zebra, ostrich, impala, kudu (known in Africa as                        that alsolaughed.
                                                                                  Colleen   includes her mother, her siblings and her three                                                                                       that Schmidtendorffs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The  this trip that was are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                big for words”  also
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          grateful tohelped
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the Botha
Schmidtendorffs were accompanied by Alan’s brother,                                                                                                          went home
                                                                                                                                                             their  back toDiocese
                                                                                                                                                                             the lodge   and “this is where we celebrated
                                                                                                                                                                                     of Kalamazoo.
“gray ghosts”) — “and, gratefully, only the tracks of a Black                     children: Bridget ‘97, Connor ‘07 and Morgan ‘09. Her                                                                                           furtherand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  family   the to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the of the Catholic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Shamrock         schools
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Auction     thatwho
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           donor     have been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        not only
                                                                                  It was important                                                           Mass,” she said, pointing to a picture on her cell phone.
Mamba,   and   his wife,
           ” Colleen        Carol. Alan and Arden, both seasoned
                        laughed.                                                  grandson,   Robert,toisthe   Schmidtendorffs
                                                                                                            currently                that they attend
                                                                                                                        a CSGK student.                      Hendrik and his wife, Annie, graciously opened their
                                                                                                                                                             The couple read the Mass readings and said the Divine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  such atheir
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  made   strong   part
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               trip    of theirbut
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    possible,   family.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   made it a way to support the
hunters, shared a boyhood dream that one day they might                           Mass on their Sunday in Africa, and Hendrik assured them                   home to the Schmidtendorffs, making them feel welcome                Catholic schools that have been such a strong defining part
Since the safari was designed for four people, the                                One of the highlights of the trip, says Colleen, actually                  Mercy Prayer seated at a small, metal table overlooking the
experience an African hunt together.                                              that he would get them to Mass at St. Henry’s Catholic                     and comfortable. After each amazing day on safari, with
                                                                                                                                                             magnificent African veldt. It’s a spiritual experience they’ll
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ofW  e were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     their family.doubly blessed,” said Colleen.
Schmidtendorffs were accompanied by Alan’s brother,                               happened by accident. When Hendrik traveled to Michigan
Arlen and his wife, Carol. Their guide was South African                          to work out the details of the Safari last February, Colleen               never forget, Colleen said.                                           “And doubly thankful.”

                                                              6 | THE IRISH PRIDE                                                                                                                                THE IRISH PRIDE | 7
CONTINUES THE JOURNEY - THE - Catholic Schools of Greater Kalamazoo
TOP SCHOLARS                                                                                                      CLASS OF 2016
                                                                                                                  99%	ARE CONTINUING                    COLLEGE MATRICULATION
                                                                                                                           THEIR EDUCATION               FOR THE CLASS OF 2016
                                                                                                                  13%      2-YEAR COLLEGE
                                                                                                                  82%      4-YEAR COLLEGE                Adrian College
                                                                                                                                                         Ball State
                                                                                                                  68%      IN STATE                      Benedictine University
                                                                                                                  28%      OUT OF STATE                  Bowling Green State University - Firelands
                                                                                                                                                         Ferris State University
                                                                                                                  24.8     AVERAGE ACT SCORE             Gonzaga University
                                                                                                                  20.3     STATE AVERAGE                 Grand Valley State University
                                                                                                                                                         Hillsdale College
                                                                                                                  $4.02    TOTAL OFFERED                 Holy Cross College
CONGRATULATIONS TOP TEN                                    Jacob Buchmann, Will Knoll, Ian Poage, Lizzie Stull,
                                                           Becca Radomsky, Genevieve Bogedain, Angela LaPenna,
                                                                                                                  MILLION	GRANTS &
                                                                                                                                                         Hope College
     OF THE CLASS OF 2016                                  Kieran O’Brien, Bryant Neal and Mitch Yelton.
                                                                                                                                                         Indiana University - Purdue
                                                                                                                  OVER   COMPLETED                       Kalamazoo Valley Community College
                                                                                  CONGRATULATIONS                 9,000	COMMUNITY SERVICE
                                                                                  TO 2016 GRADUATE                       HOURS OVER FOUR                 Lawrence Technological University
                             MITCH YELTON                                         BECCA RADOMSKY,                        YEARS                           Michigan State University
                             2016 CHAMINADE                                                                                                              Michigan Technological University
                                                                                  STUDENT IN THE
                             AWARD WINNER
                                                                                  NATIONAL MERIT                                                         University of Notre Dame
                               The Chaminade Award                                SCHOLARSHIP                                                            St. Mary’s - Notre Dame
                               is considered the highest                          PROGRAM.
                               honor a Hackett Catholic                                                                                                  University of Dayton
                               Prep graduating senior                                                                                                    University of Louisville
                               can receive. Nominated
                               by their peers and                                                                                                        University of Michigan
                               selected by a committee                    1042   | Gull Lake                                                             University of Toledo
                                                            AVERAGE SAT

 of Hackett faculty and staff, the student bestowed
 with this award best exemplifies the Characteristics                     1134   | Hackett Catholic Prep                                                 University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
 of Marianist Education: Education for Formation of                                                                                                      Western Michigan University
 Faith; Desire to have an Integral, Quality Education;                    1115   | Mattawan

 Education in the Family Spirit; Education for Service,                                                                                                  Xavier University
 Justice, and Peace; and Education that promotes the                      1093   | Portage Central
 ability to adapt and change as circumstances require.
                                                                          1093   | Portage Northern

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CONTINUES THE JOURNEY - THE - Catholic Schools of Greater Kalamazoo


FRONT ROW: Andrew Marshall ’16, Maggie
Benjamin ’16, Megan Burghardt ’16, Kate Ketels
’16, Caroline Yapp ’16, Jenna Behrje ’16, Molly
Rider ’16, Mitch Yelton ’16, Tori Cekola ’16, Molly

Ryan ’16 SECOND ROW: Riley Gallagher ’16,
Ian Kozic ’16, Kelli Rider ’82, Connie Riesterer ’61,
Jim Riesterer ’62, Betsy Marshall ’91, Gilda Behrje
’83, Mindy Ketels ’89, Tony Cekola ’80, Brendan
O’Brien ’15, Kieran O’Brien ’16, Dane Preston ’16
THIRD ROW: Kay Rowley ’61, Bob Rowley ’57,
                                                                                                                                      THE HARVE FREEMAN

Jay Yelton ’78, Joyce McNally ’56, Chad Yelton
‘12, John Sturgeon ‘84, Erin Gallagher ’88 BACK
ROW: Rod O’Brien ’51 Terry Burghardt ’76, Pat
O’Brien ’81, Betty Gloor ’50, Colleen Benjamin
’82, Petra Jodelis ’78, Karen Jodelis ’71, Robert                                                                                     has a brand-new look with a refinished gym floor. The
Fening ’08, John Gardiner ‘98
                                                                                                                                      floor design was guided by a student advisory committee
                                                                                                                                      including Casey Gallagher ’18, Molly Panico ’17, Hope                                 NOW OPE N
                                                                                                                                      Baldwin ’17, Eric Wenzel ’19, Carolyn Browne ’18, and           THE
                                                                      LEGACY BRUNCH                                                   Katie Bridenstine ’17 (not pictured).                           IRISH FAN            During all home basketball
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           games, or call the Advancement
                                                                      One in three members of the Class of 2016 were Legacy           See for yourself at a basketball game this winter: you can      SHOP                 Office during school hours to
                                                                      graduates, who have a parent, a grandparent, or sometimes       cheer on the Irish at home starting on December 9.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           shop at your convenience!
                                                                      even a great-grandparent who are also alumni of Hackett
                                                                      or one of its predecessor schools. Legacy families gathered
                                                                      for a celebratory brunch at Miller Auditorium before the
                                                                      Commencement ceremony this spring. Alumni from the
                                                                      classes of 1950 to 2016 represented up to three generations
                                                                      of Catholic education in Kalamazoo.

                                                                                                                                      SPORTS TEAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS
                                                                                                                                                                                    C HA

                                                                                                                                      Girls Golf: Conference, District, and Regional               Boys Tennis: Qualified for State Finals
                                                                                                                                      Champs; State Champions
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Boys Basketball: Division Champs, District
                                                                                                                                      Boys Soccer: Division, District and Regional                 Champs, Regional Champs
                                                                                                                                      Champs; State Runner-Up                                      Girls Basketball: Division Champs
                                                                      Rod O’Brien of the class of 1951 celebrated the graduation
                                                                      of two of his grandchildren.                                    Girls Cross Country: Regional Champs, qualified              Girls Tennis: Districts and Regional Champs;
                             Erin Gallagher ’88 with his son, Riley   PICTURED L-R: Brendan O’Brien ’15, Emilia O’Brien ’19, Pat      for State Finals, Finished 5th in State                      Finished 3rd at States
                             Gallagher ’16.                           O’Brien ’81, Mary O’Brien, Rod O’Brien ’51, Kieran O’Brien
                                                                      ’16, Maggie Benjamin ’16, Colleen (O’Brien) Benjamin ’82, Bob   Boys Cross Country: Qualified for State Finals               Boys Baseball: Ranked 2nd in State
                                                                      Benjamin, John Benjamin ’18, Mickey Benjamin ’20.

                                                        10 | THE IRISH PRIDE                                                                                                          THE IRISH PRIDE | 11
CONTINUES THE JOURNEY - THE - Catholic Schools of Greater Kalamazoo
IRISH                                                                                                                                                                                                                   HALL OF FAME

                                                                                                                                        DON’T MISS                                                           KALAMAZOO AREA CATHOLIC

                                                                                                                                        YOUR REUNION!                                                            SCHOOLS ATHLETIC

                                                                                                                                                                                                        HALL OF FAME
                                                                                                                                        Let the Irish Alumni Office help you
                                                                                                                                        announce and publicize your class reunion.                                    INDUCTION
                                                                                                                                        We can help you get the word around.                               April 28, 2017, Hackett Catholic Prep
                                                                                                                                        Ask us how!
CLASS OF 1966 REUNION                                                                                                                     CLASS OF 1957                                                  Courtney Larson-Toller Class of 2000
The Hackett/O’Brien class of 1966 celebrated their “Go 50”                                             THE REUNION                                                                                       Amy Giddings Class of 1993
reunion on September 30 - October 1. 70 alumni attended                                                ORGANIZERS                         60th Year Reunion
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Jim Warner Class of 1968
the “meet and greet” on Friday in the HCP cafeteria and                                                Linda (Stein) Backus, Merita       Save the Date
Saturday’s celebration was at the Radisson in Kalamazoo                                                                                                                                                  Jack Rider Class of 2010
                                                                                                       (Brigman) Gabriel and Mary         August 19, 2017
for dinner. Special thanks to Merita and Dan Gabriel for                                               (Hagerty) Dougherty.                                                                              Orlando Blanco Class of 1975
supplying the music on Saturday. Everyone had a great time.
                                                                                                                                          At Gull Lake Country Club
                                                                                                                                                                                                         John Block Long time contributor
                                                                                                                                          More information to follow or contact
CLASS OF 1972 REUNION                                                CLASS OF 1956 REUNION                                                Gloria Peterson at 269-323-7952.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     For the first time, we are inducting teams into the hall
                                                                                                                                                                                                     of fame. Included in the class is the Cross Country
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Team of 1997, which is the first Hackett women’s team
                                                                                                                                        Please keep the Alumni Office informed of                    to capture a state championship.
                                                                                                                                        a change of address. Call 269-381-2646 or                    The football team of 1929 is also being inducted. This
                                                                                                                                        email                                  was the first Kalamazoo Catholic School team to
                                                                                                                                                                                                     capture a state championship.

The Class of 1972 had a social security party to celebrate 62        On August 27, 2016, St. Augustine High School Class of
years young. Approximately 22 alumni attended. On Friday,            1956 gathered in Kalamazoo for their 60th Reunion. There             CAN YOU HELP US TELL THE STORY?
Melanie Caron Holman hosted appetizers and drinks and                were 25 classmates plus guests who shared in a delightful
Shelly and Dave Kievet hosted a get together on Saturday             evening of great food and wonderful conversation.
                                                                                                                                          The Alumni Office is interested in expanding our network for Irish Pride. We would like to feature our alumni
July 15, 2016.
                                                                     FRONT ROW: Sitting Carl Fields, Ron Holmes, Joyce (Sitar)            and the impact they are having on the world. Would you help us?
BACK ROW: Laura Koestner Huggett, Alice Hohler, Diane Haas           McNally, Mary Ella (Banner) Woodhams, Frances (Griffith) Sage        We are looking for people connected to their classmates and follow Hackett alumni to help tell these stories. Do
Woodruff, David McNally, Jim Stoops, Mike Janssen, Maureen           and Tom Fry. SECOND ROW: Ron Nemedi, Tom Clark, Nancy
                                                                                                                                          you have a story in mind? Are you in touch with classmates who are movers and shakers, taking what they’ve
Maher Rizzuto, Jayne Jablonski Tribble, Carl Rizzuto, Chris Laing,   (Howard) Donoghue, Donna (Golladay) Standish, Bill Woodhams
Chris Miller, Joe Byrne, Joe Martin, Melanie Caron Holman, Gary      and Sandy (Kozar) Schauman. THIRD ROW: Joe Conn, Ralph               learned at Hackett and beyond and making a difference in the world? Can you help connect us to those alumni?
Richardson and Tom Olvitt. SEATED: Tony (Frank) Iocca, Cathy         Pike, George Adams, Dick Hubbell, Cathy (Clark) Rise, Mary           If you are interested, please contact Kate Willard at 269.381.2646, ext. 109 or
Hayes Hicks, Michele (Shelly) Galinet Kievit, Denise Fleckenstein,   (Kimble) Leupp and Clinton Fleck. FOURTH ROW: Chuck
Marilyn Allman Goldberg and Pat Byrne.                               Farrrell, Mike Wunderlin, Jack Robbins, Dave Moser, Jim Dunn and
                                                                     Bob Boersma.

                                                     12 | THE IRISH PRIDE                                                                                                          THE IRISH PRIDE | 13
CONTINUES THE JOURNEY - THE - Catholic Schools of Greater Kalamazoo
                                              IN CHRIST,
                                              With joy and gratitude I greet you as you review this
                                              annual report of giving to the Catholic Schools of Greater
                                              Kalamazoo (CSGK). Each year as you review the wonderful
                                              accomplishments of all our schools in the greater Kalamazoo
                                              area, I take this occasion to express my sincere appreciation for
                                                                                                                                              ANNUAL REPORT OF GIVING
                                              your support of Catholic school education. Our students are
                                              exceptional in many different ways, and through their education                                                     The following pages contain a comprehensive listing of gifts received by the
                                              and formation in our schools, they are being prepared to be                                                         Catholic Schools of Greater Kalamazoo (CSGK) between July 1, 2015 and
                                              the leaders of society for the next generation. I always look                                                       June 30, 2016. These include gifts to the CSGK Annual Fund, providing
                                              forward to the occasions I have to interact with the students in                                                    unrestricted support to St. Monica Catholic School, St. Augustine Cathedral
                                              the Catholic Schools in our CSGK system when I celebrate Mass                                                       School, and Hackett Catholic Prep, as well as gifts to designated purposes and
                                              for various occasions during the year, or in my associations over                                                   gifts to endowed funds. This annual report of giving represents the affirmation
                                              our many worthwhile academic ventures such as the St. Thomas                                                        and commitment of those listed to the mission of St. Monica Catholic School,
                                              More Scholarships. It is always an inspiring experience for me to                                                   St. Augustine Cathedral School, and Hackett Catholic Prep. This report
                                              witness faith coming alive and growing in these young people.                                                       also gives CSGK the opportunity to thank donors who give witness to their
                                                                                                                                                                  commitment to our schools through their financial contributions.
                                              Pope Francis, in his role as Supreme Teacher of the Faith, affirms
                                              the importance of Catholic education, when he wrote: “The                                                           CSGK strives to record the names of donors and supporters in an accurate
                                              mission of Catholic schools is to develop a sense of truth, of what                                                 and complete manner. If we have inadvertently omitted or misstated your
THE MOST REV. PAUL BRADLEY                                                                                                                                        name, please let us know of the correction by contacting the Advancement
                                              is good and beautiful. And this occurs through a rich path made
BISHOP, DIOCESE OF KAL AMAZOO                                                                                                                                     Office at 269.381.2646.
                                              up of many ingredients. That is why there are so many subjects
                                              — because development is the result of different elements that act
                                              together and stimulate intelligence, knowledge, the emotions, the
                                              body and so on.”                                                                   LIFETIME FOUNDERS
                                              The Catholic Schools of Greater Kalamazoo are wonderful
                                              examples of that “rich path” whereby our dedicated clergy,                         We gratefully recognize alumni, current                GIVING TOTALS
                                              administrators, teachers, staff and parents work together in a                     parents, parents of alumni and friends                 IN 2015-2016
                                              community of faith to develop and form our young adult leaders                     who have contributed $50,000 or more in
                                              of tomorrow.                                                                       cumulative gifts to the Catholic Schools of            UNRESTRICTED GIFTS                    $158,686
                                                                                                                                 Greater Kalamazoo.
                                              Please join with me in praying that our Catholic schools will
  CSGK MISSION STATEMENT                                                                                                                                                                DESIGNATED GIFTS                      $159,958
                                              thrive and grow for generations still to come.
                                                                                                                    Paul and Diane Allen            Jim Johnson and Patricia
                                                                                                                                                                                        SHAMROCK AUCTION
  In partnership with parents, we             Assuring you of my prayers for you and all our Catholic school        Charles and Ann Anderson         Kubicek Johnson*
                                                                                                                                                                                        & LEGACY CELEBRATION                  $132,381
  provide the Kalamazoo area                  families, I remain,                                                   Dr. Brian and Mrs. Mary Jo      Steve and Peggy Johnson
  community a Catholic faith based            Faithfully yours in Christ,                                            Bannister*                     Howard and Hildy Kerney             INTEREST & OTHER INCOME               $1,625
  education that focuses on high                                                                                    Richard and Janice Braganini    Louis and Betty McGuire*
                                                                                                                    Mary Briggs                     Bill and Barbara Parfet             KRSCF ENDOWED FUNDS                   $164,859
  achievement, a caring environment,
                                                                                                                    Gerald and Roselyn Casey        Dan and Deb Pfeffer
  and responsible sharing of time,                                                                                  Jack and Bertha Daleiden*       Edward and Robin Pierucci           OVERALL                               $617,509
  talent and treasure.                                                                                              Ruby Thomas Field*              David and Eileen Rutten
                                              Most Rev. Paul J. Bradley                                             Donald and Bernadette           William* and Julia Van Domelen
                                              Bishop of Kalamazoo                                                    Hagerty*                       Robert Warner
                                                                                                                    Clark and Judy Hurlbert         Mark and Karen Weishaar


                                       14 | THE IRISH PRIDE                                                                                                          THE IRISH PRIDE | 15
CONTINUES THE JOURNEY - THE - Catholic Schools of Greater Kalamazoo
                                                                                                                                                                  COMMUNITY ANCHOR PROJECT
    We are grateful to the following donors who have made consecutive annual
    commitments to the Catholic Schools of Greater Kalamazoo.                                                                                                                                     In 2014, St. Augustine Cathedral School, St. Augustine
                                                                                                                                  CONSECUTIVE GIVERS
                                                                                                                                  5-9 YEARS                                                       Cathedral Parish and the Diocese of Kalamazoo embarked
                                                                                                                                                                                                  on a multiyear collaboration on their shared campus: The
25 + YEARS                        Joe and Mary Foster              Diane Matyas                    Maryann Crawford               Linda and Paul Matyas                                           Community Anchor Project—Love Thy Neighbor. With
David and Eileen Rutten           Collette Fullmer                 David and Joyce Morris          Todd and Amy De Haan           Tim and Sandy McAfee
                                                                                                                                                                                                  work complete on two phases of the project and continuing
Gerald and Marilyn Wilson, Sr     Joseph and Elizabeth Hoffman     Robert Moser                    Jocelyn Dettloff               Pat McCracken
                                                                                                                                                                                                  on a third, St. Augustine students and neighborhood
                                  Terry and Mary Hudson            Karl Nock                       Art and Judy Diani             Gerry and Lisa McMahon
                                  Val Janisse                      Michael and Kristen Oostindie   Mike and Karin Doerr           Ann Penix                                                       children are benefiting from additional green space and
20-24 YEARS                                                                                                                                                                                       new play equipment while other improvements provide
                                  Steve and Peggy Johnson          Michaelyn Page                  Harry and Rosemary Doyle       John and Gretchen Pinto
Paul Allen                        Angela Karch                     Sandy Pucci                     Margaret English               Charles and Kay Powers          a welcoming entrance for parishioners and visitors to the campus. This project has been
Mary and Ed Buczkowski            Dennis Kelly                     Robert and Norberta Renauld     Tom English                    Franklin and Martha Raith       possible thanks to the generous support of school, parish, community and diocesan
Bob and Sandy Cavanaugh           Neoma Kilway                     Jack and Sharon Robbins         Carl Fields, Jr.               Steve and Aimee Reasoner        donors, foundations, and corporate partners including those listed below.
George and Sandy Corsiglia        Greg and Mary Colleen            Jeff and Elizabeth Rubleski     Mike and Jody Fitzpatrick      Connie and Jim Reisterer
Rod Crotty                        Klimczak                         Joel and Cathy Schneck          Bob and Dawn Flach             Rick Remynse                    DONORS                        Laura and Anthony Toweson       Amy DeHaan
Diana DeNooy-Aguirre and          Angela Korabik                   Jerry and Paula Steger          Michael and Kim Foster         Kathi and David Rice
                                                                                                                                                                  Anonymous Donors              William and Julia VanDomelen    Staff of Diocese of Kalamazoo
 Raul Aguirre                     Richard and Laura Malnight       David and Rachel Thayer         Bob and Kathy Gadwood          R.A. Rifenberg
Francis and Patricia Foley, Jr.                                                                                                                                   Ed and Lori Amat              Tony and Connie Van Es          Douglas & Sons, Inc.
                                  Gary Martin                      Terry Torian                    Michael Gallagher              John and Lisa Rocchio                                         Peter and Maureen Yanik         Duck Brothers Concrete
David and Rosemary Gardiner       Jim and Karen Moran              Neil and Virginia Vande Vord    Mike and Jen Garvey            Bob and Kathleen Rowley         Bryan and Courtney Beck
Margaret Hagerty                                                                                                                                                  John and Susan Bradshaw       Nick and Molly Zygadlo          Ed Dunning
                                  Carol and Mike Moyer             Don and Lisa Walley             Phillip Grabowski              Jeff RJim and Michele Sahli
Paul and Sally Hoelderle                                                                                                                                          Paul and Anne Bridenstine     Bank of America/Merrill Lynch   Edison Neighborhood
                                  Bill and Linda Pickornik         Dave and Molly Williamson       Jim and Bridget Grossa         Steve and Sandra Schaefer
Ellen Kesteris                                                                                                                                                    Joseph and Mary Ellen         Congregation of St. Joseph      Association
                                  Aaron Riker                      Andra Zommers                   Terri and Tom Grossman         Kurt and Karin Schichtel
Joe and Diane Kincaid                                                                                                                                              Bruno                        Jim Gilmore, Jr. Foundation     Faculty & Staff of St. Augustine
                                  Mark and Karen Weishaar                                          Nancy Guthrie                  Elden Schmitt
Greg and Mary Klenow                                                                                                                                              Pat and Emily Bruno           Pfizer Foundation               Cathedral School
                                                                   5-9 YEARS                       Tim and Sarah Harding          Tom and Jan Schommer
Dean and Linda Mac Vicar          10-14 YEARS                                                                                     Dave and Teri Scott             Todd and Melody Charlton      Diocese of Kalamazoo            Finley Family
                                                                   Matt and Linda Adamczyk         Jim and Bev Hillis
Paul and Linda Matyas                                                                              Jim and Jan Holtgreive         Sr. Colleen Settles, O.P.       Kate and Chris Christian      St. Augustine Cathedral         Michelle Guthrie
Joyce McNally                     Mark and Becky Adamczyk          Romeo Amat                                                                                                                   School-Leadership Advisory      Handley’s Tree Service
                                  Charles and Ann Anderson         Ed and Lori Amat                Tim and Nicole Housler         Ben Siems and Christina         Steve and Jane Clark
Kim McNally McGrail                                                                                Kevin and Bobbie Howard        Yavarow                                                       Council                         Harding’s Friendly Markets
                                  Christopher and Anna Maria       Frank and Shawn Arcangeli                                                                      Lyndon and Carmen Cronen
Frank Ocvirek                                                                                      Woody and Cindy Isaacs         Betty Simonds                                                 St. Augustine Cathedral         Holy Family Healthcare Van
                                   Anderson                        Juris and Patricia Baltmanis                                                                   Bryan and Daniella Cronen
Michael and Rachel Ogrin                                                                           Jeff and Marcia Johnson        Ed Siwik                                                      School-PTO                      Connie Juszczyk
                                  Bob and Mary Ankenbauer          Mari Ann and John Barta                                                                        Mike and Karin Doerr
Tina Olson-Cooper                                                                                  Amy Johnston                   Leslie and David Smeltzer                                     Turn 2 Foundation               Ian Kennedy/Warner, Norcross
                                  John and Susan Bradshaw          John and Pat Berninger                                                                         Michael, Maryann and
Christine and Kevin Peartree                                                                       Don and JoAnn Joswick          Angie and Robert Smith                                        Warner Norcross & Judd          & Judd-LLP
                                  Paul and Anne Bridenstine        John Biek                                                                                       Logan Flynn
Anne and Marty Puchala                                                                             Ian and Sarah Kennedy          Beth and Michael Sochacki                                      LLP-Kalamazoo                  Naylor Landscape
James and Constance Reisterer     Mary Briggs                      Joe and Kerry Block                                                                            Family of Keegan and Colin
                                  David and Linda Buck             John and Susan Bradshaw         Kevin and Mary Kilpatrick      Ginny Speeter-Wippel             Gallagher                                                    Nicol O’Brien
Joe and Carol Schramek                                                                             Kathleen Kilway                Kathy and Mark Stoneburner                                    IN-KIND AND GENEROUS            Alicia Ochoa
Therese and Kevin Stone           Phil and Joan Carey              Dick and Janice Bragagnini                                                                     Katie and Eric Gilbert
                                  Ken and Ann Carpenter            Martha and Larry Braithwaite    Beatrice Klaeren               Julie Sullivan                                                SUPPORTERS                      Mike Onderlinde, Forget Me
Leo and DeVon Swiat                                                                                                                                               Tim and Sarah Harding
                                  Joan Casey                       Brian and Michele Buchmann      Rich and Lisa Klemmer          Anthony and Mary Ellen Taglia                                                                 Not Landscaping
Dick and Carolyn Tyburski                                                                                                                                         Ian and Sarah Kennedy         Amat Family
                                  Christopher and Kate Christian   Catherine and Jon Burhans       Tom and Sheila Klenow          Margaret Tanner                                                                               Liz and Doug Peot
Mary L. Tyler                                                                                                                                                     The La Penna Family           Bailey Excavating
                                  John and Jennifer Clark          John Burke                      Lawrence Klenow                Drew and Laura Uryga                                                                          Wes Sangsland Construction
Mark and Martha Wdowicki                                                                                                                                          Eric and Kim Miles            Besco Water Treatment, Inc.
                                  Charles Cornelius                Robert Burke                    Colleen and William Kline      Willem and Roswitha Van                                                                       Liz Sarwar
                                                                                                                                  Hemert                          Tru North Capital-Brian and   Byce & Associates/Michael
                                  Michael and Karin Doerr          Gary Burnside                   Tom and Lynn Korabik                                                                                                         Stuart Area Restoration
15-19 YEARS                                                                                        Dan Kucab                      John and Sylvia VanBuren        Anne Mullally                 Flynn
                                  Ettore and Marisa Filiputti      Charles and Penny Butler                                                                       Sean and Nicol O’Brien        John Bradshaw                   Association
Fran Bis                          Frederick and Tita Fisher        Dave and Pat Butler             Larry and Michelle Kwapis      Roger and Suzie Vander Beek
                                                                                                                                                                  Antonio and Alicia Ochoa      James Brand                     Rachel Thayer
Jack Bley                         Robert Fleck                     Philip and Joan Carey           The La Penna Family            Vicki VanSlambrouck
                                                                                                                                                                  Molly and Mike Oldham         Ann Bridenstine                 Laura and Anthony Toweson
Joseph Byrne, Sr.                 Mike and Kay Halpin              Ronald and Brenda Carl          Wade Lukken                    Steve and Katy Verduzco
                                                                                                                                                                  Doug and Liz Peot             Ellen and Dave Brown and        Turn 2 Foundation
Pat and Joe Byrne                 William Hoffman                  Kathleen Cavanaugh              Kathleen and Spencer Maidlow   Mary Ann and Jim Vernia
                                                                                                                                                                  David and Kathi Rice          Family                          Gina Wasielewski
Thomas and Andrea Cassidy         Joe Jerkins                      Larry and Nichole Cekola        Thomas and Anne Maihofer       Susan and Stephen Webb
                                                                                                                                                                  Steve and Sandy Schaefer      Vivian Burch                    Wenke Greenhouse
Robert and Janet Cowels           Magnus and Sarah Johansson       Steve and Jane Clark            Jacqueline Malone              Glen and Lynn Weller
                                                                                                                                                                  Carol and David Simpson       Nikki & Larry Cekola            Mark Wrench
Christopher and Michelle          Joseph and Tracy Keegan          Michael Clawson                 Ed and Valerie Mancuso         Art and Joan Wunderly
                                                                                                   Phillip and Shirley Marble     Stephen and Elizabeth Wurtz     Drew and Laura Uryga          Cosier Family                   Christine Yavarow & Ben Siems
DeMent                            Wayne and Vicky Kudwa            Brent Coates
David and Connie Donovan                                                                           Rodney Mason                                                                                                                 Andra Zommers
                                  John and Mary Livingston         Donald Courtois

                                                   16 | THE IRISH PRIDE                                                                                                           THE IRISH PRIDE | 17
CONTINUES THE JOURNEY - THE - Catholic Schools of Greater Kalamazoo
       KALAMAZOO REGIONAL                                                                                                  We thank the following businesses and families who sponsored our schools’
        CATHOLIC SCHOOLS                                       SUPPORTING PARISHES                                         fundraising events. Their support ensured not just financial success but an

      FOUNDATION                                               Parish support is a critical factor in the success of
                                                               our schools. During the 2015-2016 school year
                                                                                                                           enjoyable time for our families and guests.

                                                               95% of CSGK students were parishioners at one           ST. AUGUSTINE CATHEDRAL SCHOOL            Tony and Laura Toweson
The mission of the Kalamazoo Regional Catholic Schools         of our local parishes, who cumulatively provided        LEGACY CELEBRATION                        TruNorth Capital
Foundation is to actively seek and manage financial            $1.5 million in subsidies to support these students’                                              Drew and Laura Uryga
resources to support the Catholic Schools of Greater           Catholic education. We are deeply grateful for the      Ed and Lori Amat                          Dr. Tony Van Es, Trestlewood Pediatrics
Kalamazoo through efforts aimed at both short-term and         partnership and financial support of these parishes:    Bob and Colleen Benjamin                  Steve and Katy Verduzco
long-term financial needs. Gifts to the Foundation add                                                                 Bob And Kay’s Autowash                    Jim and Julie Walen
to the long-term stability and viability of our schools.                                                               John and Susan Bradshaw                   Paul and Gina Wasielewski
Further gifts to these endowed funds are always invited        St. Ambrose Church                                      Dave and Ellen Brown
                                                                                                                       Pat and Emily Bruno                       HACKETT CATHOLIC PREP
and are a wonderful expression of appreciation on behalf of    St. Ann Church                                          Jack and Lynn Bullard                     SHAMROCK AUCTION
individuals or loved ones.
                                                               St. Augustine Cathedral Church                          Butler Toweson & Payseno
In 2015-2016, the Foundation distributed $164,859 to our                                                               Byce & Associates, Inc.                   Bob and Colleen Benjamin
                                                               St. Catherine of Siena Church                           Camp Critter Country                      Joe and Kerry Block
schools through the following endowed funds:
                                                               St. Joseph Church                                       Mike and Torry Chafty                     John and Susan Bradshaw
                                                                                                                       Chris and Kate Christian                  Mike and Karen Browne
John R. Amat Scholarship Fund                                  St. Mary Church                                         Chris and Tonya Collins                   David and Gwen Buday
Paul A. Anderson Scholarship Fund                                                                                      Bryan and Daniella Cronen                 Kelly Burdgick
                                                               St. Monica Church
Bishop Donovan Fund                                                                                                    Frizkin Foundation                        Burnham & Flower Insurance Group
Bishop Murray Fund                                             St. Thomas More Church                                  Harding’s Friendly Markets                Steve and Jane Clark
                                                                                                                       Magnus and Sarah Johansson                Erin Clark
Brother Jerry Wunderly, S.M. Memorial Scholarship Award
                                                                                                                       Rich and Lisa Klemmer                     Great Lakes Companies
Caring Community Endowment Fund                                                                                        Larry and Michelle Kwapis                 Harding’s Friendly Markets
Barbara Cooley and Ed and Betty Hartmann Fund for Special                                                              Dave Mabis and Amber Casey                The Notre Dame Club of Kalamazoo
Needs and Dyslexic Students                                                                                            Eric and Kim Miles                        O’Brien Real Estate
CSGK Education Fund                                                                                                    Jerry and Jane Minich                     Radisson Plaza Hotel
                                                                                                                       CSE Morse, Inc.                           Superior Business Solutions
Daleiden/Doerr Fund                                                                                                    Nobis Agri Science Inc.                   Drew and Laura Uryga
Ruby Thomas Field Faculty Award Fund                                                                                   Nulty Insurance                           Karen and Mark Weishaar
Howard Endowment Scholarship Fund                                                                                      O’Brien Real Estate                       Zatkoff Foundation
                                                                                                                       Sean and Nicol O’Brien
Jim and Pat Kubicek Johnson Scholarship Fund
                                                                                                                       Antonio and Alicia Ochoa                  HACKETT CATHOLIC PREP ATHLETIC
Dr. and Mrs. James B. Kilway Scholarship Fund                                                                          Pedal Bicycles                            BOOSTERS BIG HOLE GOLF OUTING
Doris F. and William J. Lawrence, Jr. Fund                                                                             Curt and Molly Petersen
Louis and Lillian McGuire Shamrock Education Fund                                                                      Ron and Mary Ann Rabe                     Allen Edwin Homes
                                                                                                                       RE/MAX of Michigan                        Ed and Lori Amat
Marianist Endowment Fund
                                                                                                                       Reliable Glass                            AVB Construction
Adam Pulling Scholarship Fund                                                                                          Residential Plumbing                      Bob and Colleen Benjamin
Neil Redmond Latin Scholarship Fund                                                                                    Aaron Riker                               John and Susan Bradshaw
St. Augustine Education Fund                                                                                           Andrew and Jennifer Riker                 Bob and Lori Brockway
                                                                                                                       Patrick Sage                              David and Gwen Buday
St. Monica Education Fund
                                                                                                                       Steve and Sandy Schaefer                  Burnham & Flower Insurance
Stanley Rubleski Memorial Scholarship                                                                                  Ben Siems and Christina Yavarow           Jim and Mary Carr
Roger J. Smith Jr. Scholarship Fund                                                                                    Mrs. David Simpson                        Steve and Jane Clark
Dick Soisson Athletic Endowment Fund                                                                                   St. Augustine LAC                         Dan and Lucy Conklin
                                                                                                                       St. Augustine 7th Grade Class             Bryan and Daniella Cronen
                                                                                                                       TooClean Janitorial                       Mike Garvey

                                                18 | THE IRISH PRIDE                                                                                                 THE IRISH PRIDE | 19
SPONSORS                                                                                                                  ALUMNI DONORS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 RECOGNITION SOCIETIES
HACKETT CATHOLIC PREP                                                           IRISH CHAMPIONS
                                                                                Irish Champions support a specific                                      CATHOLIC SCHOOLS LEGACY            GUARDIAN’S GUILD BENEFACTOR
                                                                                need of Hackett Catholic Prep. This                                               $10,000 & ABOVE          $500 TO $999
Hackett Class of 1993                                                           year, Irish Champions provided
Harding’s Friendly Markets                                                      items for the chapel, athletic sideline                               CATHOLIC STEWARDS COUNCIL            PRINCIPAL’S COUNCIL
Charles Heidelberg                                                              chairs, and contributed to restroom                                                $5,000 TO 9,999         $250 TO $499
Helios Solar                                                                    renovations.
                                         ANGEL DONORS                                                                                             EDUCATION EXCELLENCE CIRCLE              UNIFIED CIRCLE
Hillcrest Equestrian Center
                                                                                John and Susan Bradsaw                                                          $2,500 TO $4,999           $100 TO $249
The Firm of Hueschen and Sage            Angel donors support a specific need   Antonio and Alicia Ochoa
Imperial Beverage                                                                                                                                              LEADERSHIP COUNCIL          DISTINGUISHED BENEFACTOR
                                         of St. Augustine Cathedral School.     John and Sirasa Schonder
Improved Funding Techniques - Michigan                                                                                                                              $1,000 TO $2,499       GIFTS UP TO $99
                                         This year, Angels provided new         Steve Smith
Julianna’s Restaurant
David Keyte                              windows, band classroom equipment,     John and Margie Stone
Kingdom Sports                           and atrium improvements.                                                         CLASS OF 1939                    Distinguished Benefactor        CLASS OF 1950                     Unified Circle
Rich and Lisa Klemmer                    Anonymous                                                                        Unified Circle                   Robert Cowels and Janet Coash   Unified Circle                    Philip Carey and Joan Shields
Brian Kosmerick                                                                                                           Margaret Mahoney Tanner           Cowels, 1943                   Robert Fleck                       Carey, 1962
                                         Joe and Kerry Block
Robert and Debra LaPenna                 Bishop Bradley                                                                   Distinguished Benefactor                                         Joseph Kincaid                    Wanda Olson Russell and John
Mercantile Bank of Michigan                                                                                                                                CLASS OF 1947                                                      Russell, 1950
                                         Dave and Ellen Brown                                                             Robert Johnson and Mary                                          John Russell and Wanda Olson
Metro Toyoto                                                                                                                                               Unified Circle                                                    Distinguished Benefactor
                                         Jack and Lynn Bullard                                                             Redmond Johnson, 1948                                            Russell, 1954
O’Brien Real Estate                                                                                                                                        Donald Courtois                                                   Beverly Wayne Janssen and
                                         Ronnie and Vivian Burch                                                                                                                           Distinguished Benefactor
Owen-Ames-Kimball Co.                                                                                                     CLASS OF 1940                    Distinguished Benefactor                                           Larry Janssen, 1955
                                         Joan Carey                                                                                                                                        Kathleen Piket Burgess
Norbert Reisterer, Jr.                                                                                                    Unified Circle                   Joan Koestner Beebe
                                         Lawrence and Nichole Cekola                                                                                                                       Collette McNamara Fullmer         CLASS OF 1955
Seelye Kia of Battle Creek                                                                                                Helen Cogswell Bosier            Wally Wrench
Simmons Ford, Inc.                       Robert Coash
                                                                                                                                                                                           CLASS OF 1951                     Principal’s Council
St. Augustine Boy Scout Troop 224        Corey and Sarah Cook                   SHAMROCK TREE                             Class of 1941                    CLASS OF 1948
                                                                                                                                                                                           Unified Circle                    Leo Swiat
Craig and Maria Stull                    Bert Cooper                                                                      Unified Circle                   Leadership Council
                                                                                Shamrock Tree donors support a                                                                             Rosemary Sullivan Barnum          Unified Circle
Terra Contracting Services LLC           Mark and Karen Czuk                                                                                               James Simonds, Sr. DMP
                                                                                specific need of St. Monica Catholic      William Hendriksen                                                                                 Paul Hoelderle and Sally
Tony and Laura Toweson                   Tim and Jill Eastman                                                                                                                              Distinguished Benefactor
                                                                                School. This year, Shamrock Tree                                           Unified Circle                                                     Stephens Hoelderle, 1960
The Uniform Outlet                       Jaclyn Gibbs                                                                     CLASS OF 1943                                                    Ronald Carl
                                                                                donors provided new drinking                                               John Biek                                                         Mary Lee Carroll McManus
Drew and Laura Uryga                     Kristan Haines                                                                   Guardian’s Guild Benefactor                                      Beatrice Klein Klaeren
                                                                                fountains for St. Monica students.                                         Frank Ocvirek                                                     Robert Moser
Andy and Tamela Wenzel                   Tim and Sarah Harding                                                            Thomas Swiat                     Distinguished Benefactor        CLASS OF 1952                     Sandra Jakeway Pucci
Stephen and Elizabeth Wurtz              Katherine Hess                         Linden and Jennifer Buck                  Unified Circle
                                         Galen Houseman and Mary Wilkins                                                                                   Mary Redmond Johnson and        Unified Circle                    John Walz
                                                                                Ryan and Barb Conboy                      Barbara Foster Jeska              Robert Johnson, 1939
                                         Monsignor Martin                                                                                                                                  Paul Coash                        J. Rodney Wilson
                                                                                Steve and Aimee Reasoner                  Distinguished Benefactor         Robert Renauld and Norberta
                                         Eric and Kim Miles                     Dan and Sally VanSweden                                                                                    Distinguished Benefactor          Distinguished Benefactor
                                                                                                                          Janet Coash Cowels and Robert     Schmitt Renauld, 1949
                                         Sean and Nicole O’Brien                                                                                                                           Sidonie Vande Maele Shane         Mary Knowlton Buczkowski
                                                                                                                           Cowels, 1946                    Elizabeth Mauer Simonds
                                         Antonio and Alicia Ochoa               GIFTS IN KIND                                                                                                                                Larry Janssen and Beverly
                                         Doug and Liz Peot                                                                CLASS OF 1945                                                    CLASS OF 1953                      Wayne Janssen, 1954
                                                                                                                                                           CLASS OF 1949
                                         Rachel Polinski and Craig Thompson     We thank these donors for their gifts     Principal’s Council                                              Guardian’s Guild Benefactor       Charles Powers
                                                                                                                                                           Unified Circle
                                         Todd and Liz Prom                      of particular items to our schools.       John Lawrence                                                    Francis Foley, Jr. and Patricia   Richard Tyburski and Carolyn
                                                                                                                                                           Thomas English
                                         Aaron Riker                                                                                                                                        Conway Foley, 1958                Flick Tyburski, 1960
                                                                                Michael and Leigh Batterson               Unified Circle                   Elden Schmitt
                                         James and Megan Roth                                                                                                                              Unified Circle
                                                                                Steve and Jane Clark                      Angela Korabik                   Larry Shannon
                                         Steve and Sandy Schaefer                                                                                                                          George Corsiglia                  CLASS OF 1956
                                                                                Bob and Deb LaPenna                       Distinguished Benefactor         Distinguished Benefactor
                                         Mrs. David Simpson                                                                                                                                Karl Nock                         Guardian’s Guild Benefactor
                                                                                Jack and Kathy Prendergast                Patricia Dennany Kubizna         Norberta Schmitt Renauld and
                                         Laurie Tichvon                                                                                                                                                                      Dennis Kelly
                                                                                Craig and Maria Stull                     Jacqueline Johnson Malone         Robert Renauld, 1948           CLASS OF 1954
                                         Tony and Laura Toweson                                                                                                                                                              John Robbins
                                                                                William and Lori Tuttle                                                    Gerald Wilson, Sr.
                                         Drew and Laura Uryga                                                                                                                              Principal’s Council               Principal’s Council
                                                                                Mike and Julie Wheaton                    CLASS OF 1946
                                         Tony and Connie VanEs                                                                                                                             Michael O’Brien                   Joyce Sitar McNally
                                                                                                                          Unified Circle
                                         Ed and Jill Williams
                                                                                                                          Phyllis Curry Cook

                                              20 | THE IRISH PRIDE                                                                                                           THE IRISH PRIDE | 21
Unified Circle                CLASS OF 1960                   Thomas Schommer               Distinguished Benefactor        Cynthia Kamaneck Hempstead    Distinguished Benefactor        Terry Hudson and Mary Vemich   Guardian’s Guild Benefactor
Ronald Nemedi                 Unified Circle                  Barbara Veenhuis Soda         David Gardiner and Rosemary     John McGoff                   Anonymous                        Hudson, 1976                  Joyce Hudson Morris and David
Unified Circle                Donna Homrich Collins                                          Stanton Gardiner               Edward O’Reilly               Juris Baltmanis                 Tom Korabik                     Morris, 1973
                                                              CLASS OF 1963                 Carol Eodchick Osborn           Willem Van Hemert             Paul Matyas and Linda Adair     Distinguished Benefactor       Distinguished Benefactor
Neil Vande Vord               Michael Gallagher
                                                              Unified Circle                Ann Trenkle Reddy               Distinguished Benefactor       Matyas                         Gary Burnside                  James Hudson
Distinguished Benefactor      Sally Stephens Hoelderle and
                               Paul Hoelderle, 1955           Roger Fries                                                   Sharon Albertson              Jim Moran
Carl Fields, Jr.                                                                                                                                                                          CLASS OF 1974                  CLASS OF 1978
                                                              Suzanne Boersma Gonzales      CLASS OF 1966
Thomas Fry                    Donna Noone Owen                                                                               Alice Burkhart Butine        Thomas Sloan
                                                              Jerry Steger                  Leadership Council                                                                            Unified Circle                 Principal’s Council
                              Gordon Pollack                                                                                Kevin Gallagher
CLASS OF 1957                                                 Distinguished Benefactor      Kevin Howard                                                  CLASS OF 1971                   Shawn Connors                  Margaret Ryan
                              Distinguished Benefactor                                                                      Ed Huss
Guardian’s Guild Benefactor                                   Kenneth Leanin                Principal’s Council                                           Leadership Council              Distinguished Benefactor       Unified Circle
                              Joseph Creek                                                                                  Angela King Karch
Michaelyn Wheeler Page                                                                      Maryann Jasiak Crawford                                       Mari Ann Barta                  Robert Allen                   David Henegar
                              Carolyn Flick Tyburski and                                                                    Tina Olson-Cooper
                                                              CLASS OF 1964                 Unified Circle                                                Guardian’s Guild Benefactor     Craig Jbara and Mary           Chris Hudson, M.D.
Unified Circle                 Richard Tyburski, 1955                                                                       Kathy Hunt Traster
                                                              Catholic Schools Legacy       Joseph Huguenard                                              John Fath and Camille Talanda    Cretsinger Jbara              Nancy Springgate
Robert Rowley and Kathleen
 Keller Rowley 1961           CLASS OF 1961                   Mary Howard Briggs            Susan Harrison Webb             CLASS OF 1969                  Fath                           Christine Krafft               Wendy Sobeski
Joe Schramek                  Principal’s Council             Guardian’s Guild Benefactor   Distinguished Benefactor        Guardian’s Guild Benefactor   Principals’ Council             Rosemary Marlatt               Distinguished Benefactor
Distinguished Benefactors     Ann Willson Block               Robert Cavanaugh              Colleen Settles, O.P.           Margaret Hagerty              Virginia Speeter-Wippel         Kathleen McCaffrey Williams    Nancy Hendriksen West
Anonymous                     Barbara Banner Scalise          Principal’s Council           Terry Sullivan Torian           Unified Circle                Unified Circle
                              Unified Circle                  Kathleen Cagney Maidlow                                                                                                     CLASS OF 1975                  CLASS OF 1979
Lorraine Quinn Nettles                                                                                                      David Burgie                  Peter Bourgeois
                              Robert Cretsinger                                                                                                                                           Catholic Stewards Council      Unified Circle
Ann Boersma Penix                                                                                                                                         William Hoffman
                              Joseph Hoffman                                                                                                                                              Steve Johnson                  Elisabeth Laurent Sochacki
Robert Siwik and Sharon                                                                                                                                   Stephen Schanz
 McManus Siwik,1961           Thomas Moore                                                                                                                                                Principal’s Council
                                                                                                                                                          Distinguished Benefactor                                       CLASS OF 1980
                              Maxine Caswell Mosey                                                                                                                                        Mark Wdowicki
                                                                                                                                                          Mary Harrison McConnell                                        Leadership Council
CLASS OF 1958                                                                                                                                                                             Unified Circle
                              Robert Ogrin
Guardian’s Guild Benefactor                                                                                                                               CLASS OF 1972                                                  Rod Crotty
                              Constance Crandall Reisterer                                                                                                                                Donald Grantham
Patricia Conway Foley and                                                                                                                                 Leadership Council                                             Guardian’s Guild Benefactor
                               and James Reisterer, 1962                                                                                                                                  Nancy Klem Sundberg
 Francis Foley, Jr, 1953                                                                                                                                  Patricia Kamaneck Byrne and                                    Deborah Johnson
                              Kathleen Keller Rowley and                                                                                                                                  Distinguished Benefactor
Principal’s Council            Robert Rowley, 1957                                                                                                         Joe Byrne                                                     Distinguished Benefactor
                                                                                                                                                                                          Barbara Field Buell
Michael Fitzpatrick           Dick and Patricia Ouellette                                                                                                 Kathleen Cavanaugh                                             Ralph Griesshammer
                                                                                                                                                                                          Steve Smith
Harriet Howard Stephens        Wheeler                                                                                                                    Guardian’s Guild Benefactor                                    Marty Meyers Munson
Unified Circle                Distinguished Benefactor                                                                                                    Anne Hendriksen Puchala         CLASS OF 1976                  Christine Foley Peartree
Ann Vaughan Carpenter         Judith Carlson Burroughs                                                                                                    Unified Circle                  Guardian’s Guild Benefactor
Robert Foster                                                                               CLASS OF 1967                   Charles Cornelius                                             Michael Clawson                CLASS OF 1981
                              Sharon McManus Siwik            Unified Circle                                                                              Ann Seeley Baumann
Edward Siwik                  Joan Haas Townsend                                            Educational Excellence Circle   Ronald Kozminske and Ann                                      Principal’s Council            Leadership Council
                                                              Paul Locey                                                                                  Francine Hellner Bis
Distinguished Benefactor                                                                    Gregory Klenow                   Paradiso Kozminske                                           Margaret English               John Rocchio
                                                              Distinguished Benefactor                                                                    David Charron
                              CLASS OF 1962                                                 Leadership Council              Susan Conrad Stowe                                                                           Guardian’s Guild Benefactor
Donna Romanak Bond                                            Catherine Jasiak Burhans                                                                                                    Unified Circle
                              Unified Circle                                                                                                              Marilyn Allman Goldberg
Bill Donohue                                                                                David Donovan and Connie        Distinguished Benefactor                                      Mary Vemich Hudson and Terry   Amy Lucas VanDalen
                                                              Joan Keener Davis                                                                           Blaine Kalafut
                              Joan Shields Carey and Philip                                  Landis Donovan                 Judy Wheeler Millers                                                                         Principal’s Council
Kermit O’Brien                                                Thomas Foster and Susan                                                                                                      Hudson, 1973
                               Carey, 1954                                                                                                                Thomas Klenow
Franklin Raith                                                 Scanlon Foster               Barbara Czuk Parfet             Charles Schafer                                               John Kihm                      Kathleen Kilway
                              Nancy Kozminski Coole                                                                                                       Distinguished Benefactor
Mary Ann Janssen Vernia                                       Colleen Gilchrist Kline       Guardian’s Guild Benefactor     John Wolf                                                     Jane Hudson Knuth and Dean     Lynn Lennon Weller
                              Naomi Lassila Corley                                          Frederick Fisher
                                                                                                                                                          Michael Allman                   Knuth                         Unified Circle
CLASS OF 1959                 Bernard Foster and Nancy        CLASS OF 1965                 Principal’s Council             CLASS OF 1970                                                 Distinguished Benefactor
                                                                                                                                                          CLASS OF 1973                                                  Paul Fleck
Guardian’s Guild Benefactor    Stephens Foster                Catholic Schools Legacy                                       Leadership Council
                                                                                            Timothy McMorrow                                              Guardian’s Guild Benefactor     Kathie Kenz Forrest            Therese Kincaid Stone
Kenneth Sills                 Nancy Haas Guthrie              Richard Bragagnini                                            Samuel Field
                                                                                            Unified Circle                                                David Morris and Joyce Hudson   Mary Ellen Taglia McSherry     Distinguished Benefactor
Principal’s Council           Ellen McGrail Kesteris          Education Excellence Circle                                   Guardian’s Guild Benefactor
                                                                                            Ann Krafft Buettner                                            Morris, 1977                   Aaron Wright                   Therese Pinto Meisling
Michael Foster                Barbara Derhammer Pearson       Aaron Brown Riker                                             Leslie Vliek Smeltzer
                                                                                            Amy Rek Remmert                                               Principals’ Council
Unified Circle                James Reisterer and Constance   Unified Circle                                                                                                              CLASS OF 1977                  CLASS OF 1982
                                                                                            Elise Morweiser Welch           Unified Circle
                               Crandall Reisterer, 1961                                                                                                   Diane Matyas
Thomas Stersic                                                Robert Burke                                                  Gary Martin                                                   Leadership Council             Catholic Stewards Council
                              Distinguished Benefactor                                      CLASS OF 1968                                                 Unified Circle
Distinguished Benefactor                                      Kathie Haas Dekker                                            Mary West Pachmayer                                           Jeff Rubleski                  Tim Housler
                              John Burke                                                    Unified Circle                                                Joseph Clarke
Pete McManus                                                  Howard Lynch
                              Thomas Cassidy                                                John Casey                                                    Paul Goricki
David Owel

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ALUMNI DONORS                                                                                                               PARENT DONORS
Guardian’s Guild Benefactor     CLASS OF 1988                   CLASS OF 1993                 Unified Circle                ST. AUGUSTINE, ST. MONICA & HACKETT CATHOLIC PREP
John Pinto                      Educational Excellence Circle   Unified Circle                Sarah Francisco Carmody
Unified Circle                  Michael Ogrin                   Scott Ortsey                  Michelle Rumler                   Parents are our educational partners and financial benefactors, ensuring
Colleen O’Brien Benjamin        Leadership Council                                            Distinguished Benefactor          students have the best in Catholic education. Parents’ investments through the
                                                                CLASS OF 1994                                                   CSGK Annual Fund are critical to the success of our schools.
Mary Simonds Matthews           Joseph Block and Kerry Seaver                                 Alex Grabowski
                                 Block, 1986                    Unified Circle
Distinguished Benefactor
                                Principal’s Council             Erin Gardiner                 CLASS OF 2003
Susan Nock Friedlander
                                Erin Gallagher                  Distinguished Benefactor      Distinguished Benefactor      CATHOLIC SCHOOLS               Mike and Karin Doerr           Lynda Cerutti                 DISTINGUISHED
Kelli Rowley Rider
                                Unified Circle                  Lindsay Meulman               Ashley Flach Petlowany        LEGACY                         Joseph and Tracy Keegan        Kate and Chris Christian      BENEFACTOR
CLASS OF 1983                   Mary Murray Klimczak                                                                        Anonymous                      Steve and Aimee Reasoner       Dawn Cleaver                  Bryan and Courtney Beck
                                                                CLASS OF 1995                 CLASS OF 2005
Leadership Council              Mary Holtgreive O’Gorman                                                                    Tim and Sarah Harding          Joel and Cathy Schneck         Ryan and Barbara Conboy       Rick and Cindy Bowden
                                                                Unified Circle                Guardian’s Guild Benefactor
Ed Amat                         Distinguished Benefactor                                                                                                   Jonathan and Stephanie         Erin and Andi Gallagher       Jeff and Annette Brennan
                                                                Clare Polasek Behm            Benjamin Weishaar             CATHOLIC STEWARDS
Distinguished Benefactor        Eric Bridge                                                                                                                 Smucker                       Gary and Jill Harris          Carla and John Bresnahan
                                                                Erin Raderstorf               Distinguished Benefactor      COUNCIL                                                       Magnus and Sarah Johansson    Michael Brooks
Gilda Cekola Behrje                                                                                                                                        Steve and Debbie Taplin
                                Greg Ceithaml                                                 Chelsey Jones                 Anonymous
Jennifer Engemann Clark                                         CLASS OF 1996                                                                              Drew and Laura Uryga           Jeff and Marcia Johnson       Tim and Julie Carpenter
                                Eric Gilbert and Katie Novak                                                                Tim and Nicole Housler
Andrew Gordon                                                                                 CLASS OF 2006                                                                               Ian and Sarah Kennedy         Greg and Jennifer Crawford
                                 Gilbert, 1989                  Principal’s Council                                         Bob and Deb La Penna           GUARDIAN’S GUILD               Larry and Michelle Kwapis     Steve and Adriana Doud
                                                                Todd Korabik                  Principal’s Council           Dean and Laura Masztak         BENEFACTOR
CLASS OF 1984                   CLASS OF 1989                                                                                                                                             Brian and Anne Mullally       Tim and Jill Eastman
                                                                Distinguished Benefactor      Maria George                  Ed and Robin Pierucci          David and Melissa Anderegg
Catholic Steward Council        Leadership Council                                                                                                                                        Eric and Mickey Smith         Charles and Sue Heidelberg
                                                                Patrick McAfee and Meagan     Alex Weishaar                 Dan and Sally VanSweden        Molly and Jeff Appeldoorn
Richard Malnight                Michael Doerr                                                                                                                                             Mike and Julie Wheaton        Jason and Kirsten Herpst
                                                                 Lanphear McAfee              Unified Circle                                               Larry and Nichole Cekola
Principal’s Council             Principal’s Council                                                                         EDUCATION EXCELLENCE                                          Steven Wykert                 David and Joan Jaconette
                                                                                              Brian Ogrin                                                  Steve and Jane Clark           James and Mary Ellen Yealin   Michael and Allison Jones
Rodney Sweetland                Jocelyn Dettloff                CLASS OF 1997                                               CIRCLE                         Aaron and Sarah Conroy                                       Kevin and Tonya Kostrzewa
Unified Circle                  Charles Duross                  Guardian’s Guild Benefactor   CLASS OF 2007                 John and Susan Bradshaw        Bryan and Daniella Cronen      UNIFIED CIRCLE                Kurt and Cathy Lucas
Thomas Zant                     Unified Circle                  Gregory Jefson                Catholic Stewards Council     Gerry and Lisa McMahon         Alan and Renee Darner          Anonymous                     Miriah and Erwin Martinez
Distinguished Benefactor        John Bakos                      Distinguished Benefactor      Alyssa Kendzior               Eric and Kimberly Miles                                       Roger and Suzann Baldwin
                                                                                                                                                           Doug and Anne Gordon                                         Patrick and Meagan McAfee
Annette Talanda Brennan         Distinguished Benefactor        Betsy Gilbert Ulbrich                                       Sean and Nicol O’Brien         Woody and Cindy Isaacs         Bob and Colleen Benjamin
                                                                                              CLASS OF 2008                 Michael and Rachel Ogrin                                                                    Mark and Kathy Monendo
Daniel Gregor                   Katie Novak Gilbert and Eric                                                                                               Vincent Klein                  Chris and Shawn Birman
                                                                CLASS OF 1998                 Distinguished Benefactor      John and Sirasa Schonder                                                                    Rich and Jenny Niesen
Kimberlyn McNally McGrail        Gilbert, 1988                                                                                                             Ben and Gina Kling             John and Carla Bresnahan
                                                                Unified Circle                Jordan Appleyard              Dave and Teri Scott                                                                         Keith and Susan Obermiller
Ronald Ryan                     Rich Niesen and Jennifer                                                                                                   Gerry and Jane Minich          David and Ellen Brown
                                                                Nathan Phenicie                                             Anthony and Laura Toweson                                                                   Lawrence and Jessica Pelkey
                                 Marshall Niesen                                              CLASS OF 2009                                                Antonio and Alicia Ochoa       Corey and Sarah Cook
CLASS OF 1985                                                   Kathleen Ponto                                                                                                                                          Doug and Liz Peot
                                                                                              Distinguished Benefactor                                                                    Brett and Julie Elias         Curt and Molly Petersen
Leadership Council              CLASS OF 1990                   Andrew Riker                                                                                                              Eric and Shawna Gallagher     Myrna Phillips
Julie Sullivan                  Principal’s Council                                           Molly Ryan
                                                                Distinguished Benefactor                                                                                                  Dan and Sarah Gillig
                                                                                              Anne Marie Root                                                                                                           Todd and Liz Prom
Principal’s Council             Christopher DeMent              Courtney Smith Beck and                                                                                                   Saul and Nora Gylys           Dennis and Mary Anne Reist
Wiley Boulding                  Sarah Riker Johansson            Bryan Beck, 1999             CLASS OF 2010                                                                               David and Mary Keyte          Steve and Kelli Rider
Unified Circle                  Unified Circle                                                Catholic Stewards Council                                                                   Rich and Lisa Klemmer
                                                                CLASS OF 1999                                                                                                                                           Ron Ryan
Todd Wolf                       Shannon Braithwaite Fallon                                    Jenna Kendzior                                                                              Bryan and Karen Knoll
                                                                Distinguished Benefactor                                                                                                                                Angie and Robert Smith
Distinguished Benefactor                                                                      Principal’s Council                                                                         Jim and Theresa Krawczyk      John and Marjorie Stone
                                CLASS OF 1991                   Jonathan Baker
Carla Filiputti Bresnahan                                                                     Sara Howard                                                                                 Ed and Valerie Mancuso        Tam and Diem Tran
                                Principal’s Council             Bryan Beck and Courtney                                                                                                   Alan and Melissa Marlow
CLASS OF 1986                                                    Smith Beck, 1998             Distinguished Benefactor                                                                                                  Eric and Betsy Ulbrich
                                Kate Gilbert Christian                                                                                                                                    Kent and Mary Matthews
                                                                                              Katherine Kosko                                                                                                           Steve and Katy Verduzco
Leadership Council              Unified Circle                                                                                                                                            Mike and Kristen Oostindie
                                                                CLASS OF 2001                                                                                                                                           Kim Vo-Oeurn
Kerry Seaver-Block and Joseph   Mark Adamczyk                                                                               LEADERSHIP COUNCIL             Kurt and Karin Schichtel       Andrew and Jennifer Riker
                                                                Leadership Council            CLASS OF 2013                                                                                                             Ed and Jill Williams
 Block, 1988                                                                                                                Anonymous                      George and Colleen Takacs      Steve and Sandra Schaefer
                                CLASS OF 1992                   Josh Cypher                   Distinguished Benefactor                                                                                                  Adam and Tina Wolf
Guardian’s Guild Benefactor                                                                                                 Ed and Lori Amat               Tony and Connie Van Es         Mark and Kathy Stoneburner
                                Distinguished Benefactor                                      Molly Ryan                    Bob and Mary Ankenbauer                                                                     Stephen and Elizabeth Wurtz
Molly Engemann Appeldoorn                                       CLASS OF 2002                                                                                                             James and Marie Thompson
                                Adam Wolf                                                                                   Mike and Karen Browne          PRINCIPAL’S COUNCIL                                          Jeremy and Laura Ynclan
                                                                Guardian’s Guild Benefactor   CLASS OF 2014                                                                               Paul and Gina Wasielewski
CLASS OF 1987                                                                                                               David and Gwen Buday           Paul and Anne Bridenstine
                                                                Daniel Kucab                  Principal’s Council                                                                         Andy and Tamela Wenzel
Unified Circle                                                                                                              Jim and Mary+ Carr             Brian and Michele Buchmann     Nicholas and Molly Zygadlo
                                                                                              Erin Clark
Shawn Robbins Birman
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