Page created by Elizabeth Reeves
H       ONOR

2 0 1 7-1 8
   Annual Report of Giving
    July 2017 - June 2018


                Sept. 2018
                             FIGGIE FIELD
                             May 2018

                                                             & OUTDOOR

   Sept. 2018

                THE DODERO
                CENTER FOR
New             ARTS
CHAPE L         Fall 2019
Aug. 2018

                                            To develop the competence
                                              to see and the courage to
                                                  act in creating a more
                                               humane and just society.

                3                                                                                                               55 Gifts in Memory
    Message from Head of School
                                                                                                                         Charlie Tremont ’70 Golf Classic
      Message from Chairman,
        Board of Trustees                                                                                                             60
                                                                                                                         Alumni Man & Woman of the Year
              LancerTech                                                                                                        Inside Back Cover
                                                                                                                           Philanthropic Opportunities
         Arts at the Academy

                 10                                                                                                                  Credits
Taking Learning Outside the Classroom                                                                                    Graphic Design: markey creative
                13                                                                                                                Neal Busch
      Statement of Operations                                                                                                    Laurie Gajda
                                                                                                                                  Mark Most
          Leadership Giving                                                                                                     David Petkiewicz

                                                                                                                                                            H O N O R RO L L O F D O N O R S
                                                                                 46 The Gilmour Fund - Grandparents &             Kim Ponsky
      15 The Blue and Gray Society       30 Glen Oak Grads Ensure School’s
                                                  Spirit Lives On                              Friends                          Venditti Studios
 18 Planned Giving: Bill Mullligan ’72
      19 Holy Cross Legacy Society             31 Restricted Scholarships        47 The Gilmour Fund - Faculty & Staff   Drone Photography: OSV Studios
                                                  31 Restricted Gifts               48 STUDENT PROFILE | upper school
    20 STUDENT PROFILE | Lower school                                                                                        Writing: Aaron Bennett
        Annamarie Wiandt ’25               32 STUDENT PROFILE | middle school            Madison Wagner ’19
                                                  Kendall Long ’23                         49 Gifts-in-Kind                        Amy Boyle
          20 Lifetime Giving
                                                                                         49 Unrestricted Gifts
       24 Board of Trustee Giving
                                                 The Gilmour Fund                   49 Matching Gifts Companies
                                             35 The Gilmour Fund - Alumni             50 Hospitality in Action
          Restricted Giving
                                              36 Young Alum Gives Back
    25 Capital & Endowment Giving                 Brenden Kelley ’08                             Gifts
  26 Endowed Funds and Scholarships              39 Reunion Awards                51 Celebrating Speech and Debate

   28 Celebrating a Life Well Lived:     40 Current Parents Finding Ways to           Success with Special Gift

                                                                                                                                                            2 017-18
        Mathew P. Figgie ’84              Give More: Mike and Jackie Baird          52 STUDENT PROFILE | upper school
  28 Update on The Lorraine and Bill     40 The Gilmour Fund - Current Parents              Tim Diemer ’19
  Dodero Center for Performing Arts
                                         42 The Gilmour Fund - Alumni Parents      53 Gift of Art Comes Full Circle
      29 Tennis Courts Debut
                                                                                           54 Gifts in Honor


     Throughout the book,
our “CHEERS TO YOU” feature
 will highlight just a few of the
  many things we have been
   able to do thanks to your
   generosity. Enjoy . . . and
        CHEERS TO YOU!


D                ear Friends,
                 Within days of our new school year,
                 our Gilmour community suffered a
tremendous loss, the death of Matthew P. Figgie ’84.
Matthew’s philanthropy to Gilmour was significant
and inspiring. No part of our campus was untouched
                                                          initiative. Our leadership team, with input from
                                                          all faculty/staff and representatives from all
                                                          constituencies, worked with a strategic planning
                                                          consultant to develop our strategic plan. We have
                                                          worked hard to identify our strengths so we can
                                                          further develop them, as well as to identify our
by his support, his concern and his vision for            challenges, so we can address them. We have an
excellence. As I reviewed this Annual Report, I was       excellent roadmap and the future is bright at
overwhelmed with many emotions, knowing his               Gilmour. I look forward to sharing the strategic
commitment to Gilmour’s growth and realizing how          plan with you when it is finalized.
many wonderful alums, parents and friends have
                                                          I am so grateful for your faithful support. None
joined in this partnership on behalf of Gilmour. I feel
                                                          of this would be possible without so many in our
pride and gratitude knowing that our community is
                                                          community giving of their time, talent and treasure.
so loyal and that we have been able to accomplish
                                                          I thank you, our loyal donors, for your generosity.
so much thanks to your incredible generosity.
                                                          It does make a difference. We are changing lives as
Parents, alumni, faculty/staff, grandparents and          well as shaping the future of this school we love.
friends of the Academy heard our requests for
support and answered the call. We met our Annual

                                                                                                                             H O N O R RO L L O F D O N O R S
Fund goal and surpassed it by $90,000! These              May God bless you and all you love,
critical dollars raised, along with your support of
other campus initiatives, allowed us to continue to
grow, enhance and refine the programming and
                                                          Kathleen C. Kenny
opportunities for our students. You can read more
                                                          Head of School
about three particular areas of focus on campus -
our arts programming, our LancerTech program
and the variety of real-world learning opportunities
we provide. We have been able to direct resources
toward these three initiatives (and many others)
and what we are able to provide our students is


                                                                                                                             2 017-18
It is an exciting time at the Academy. Not only have
we been able to grow programming, we are also in
the final stages of our yearlong strategic planning

D               ear Friends,
                I remember some point in the early
                ’80s having to stand before Br. Dan
Kane and his piano to audition for the Chorus. I was
supposed to sing as Br. Dan played, but he abruptly
and mercifully stopped me after only a few notes–
                                                       as are the results. As we also know, enhanced results
                                                       come from the chance to participate actively.
                                                       The opportunities our students are provided are
                                                       limitless. I saw this firsthand as Michele Kay, our
                                                       Learning Enhancement Coordinator, helped my
                                                       son, Danny Botek ’21, participate in two recent
perhaps more for his sake than mine.                   summer programs. The first was a cryptography
Flash forward nearly four decades and that same        program at Ohio Northern, where he loved the deep
“kid” has been thoroughly captivated by some of        dive into an advanced topic and numbers theory,
the recent arts offerings on this campus.              as well as the different setting than a normal high
                                                       school classroom. The second was Ohio Business
On August 21, at a “Tuesdays at Tudor” concert, Amy
                                                       Week at Ohio University. Danny particularly enjoyed
Tan and Chee-Hang See performed a four-hands
                                                       the speaker-experts, real-world business topics,
duet on our Steinway Spirio piano donated by my
                                                       collaborative efforts and freedom of finding things
friend and teammate, Matthew P. Figgie ’84, whom
                                                       out on his own. (Notice that, like his father, Danny is
we recently lost. Their movements were as sensual
                                                       a little better at business and numbers than singing.)
and in sync as those of pairs figure skaters, and I
was as enthralled watching them as I was listening.    These are but a few wonderful examples of the
A few weeks later, on September 7 at our Founder’s     exciting things that enrich a Gilmour education

                                                                                                                             H O N O R RO L L O F D O N O R S
Day Mass, Taniya Dsouza ’20 sang the Responsorial      today and in the future. And the list of both examples
Psalms. Bishop Nelson Perez leaned over and asked      and programs goes far beyond these three.
Fr. John about her, and near the end of Mass he        I humbly thank you for making them all possible.
thanked her for participating with her angelically
beautiful voice.
I have been equally excited about other programming
and opportunities on campus.
                                                       Fred G.Botek ’85
Fortunately, Gilmour’s security cameras and swipe
                                                       Chairman, Board of Trustees
cards have already proven most helpful in a number
of critical instances. Further, our Telepresence

Room gives a whole new dimension to what used

                                                                                                                             2 017-18
to be conference or Skype calls, as the cameras
automatically shift to whomever is speaking. The
personal impact during such a meeting is enhanced,


                  G         ilmour’s LancerTech Initiative
                            provides robust, state-of-the-
                  art computer science opportunities for
                  students and cutting-edge professional
                                                               EIGHT UPPER SCHOOL COMPUTER
                                                               SCIENCE ELECTIVES: 2D Game Design,
                                                               3D Game Design, 3D Modeling &
                                                               Fabrication, AP Computer Science,
                  development for teachers. LancerTech         Competitive Robotics, Programming
                  has established Gilmour as an area           & Robotics, Web Design and Web
                  leader in technology education,              Development
                  offering advanced courses in 3D game
                  design, competitive robotics and web         STARTUP INCUBATION: App creators
                  development. Gilmour is now recognized       in Web Development course as well as
                  as a regional training hub and best-         product designers in 3D Modeling &
                  practices showcase for educational           Fabrication have founded independent,
                  institutions developing technology           revenue-generating companies
                  programs. Additional highlights of
                  the LancerTech program include the           MOONSHOTS, FRC #5973: Competitive
                  following:                                   robotics team is in its third year and
                                                               is employing increasingly sophisticated
                  FABRICATION LAB: Cross-curricular            engineering as it climbs rankings in the
                  maker space for aspiring creators,           FIRST Robotics Competition. Students
                  designers and engineers to use next-         design and pilot robots that race around
                  generation machinery such as CDC             an obstacle course, scoop and launch
                  routers, 3D printers, laser cutters, vinyl   balls into a goal and scale walls
                  printers and much more
                                                               CHALK.COM PARTNERSHIP: Exciting
                  COMPUTER SCIENCE LAB: Software               partnership with this EdTech disruptor
                  development workshop with virtual            and innovator to design and implement
                  reality headsets, powerful workstations      new, data-driven curriculum and
                  and a relaxed, flexible space for young      assessment tools
                  tech entrepreneurs to innovate               STEM CURRICULUM: Gilmour’s formal
                                                               computer science curriculum begins
                  TELEPRESENCE ROOM: State-of-the-art          with robotics classes in fourth grade,
                  audio and video recording equipment          but Gilmour’s STEM curriculum has
                  allows for videoconferencing so that         students designing, testing and
                  students and teachers can engage with        tinkering the second they set foot in
                  peers and programming from around            the Lower School.
                  the world

H O N O R RO L L O F D O N O R S   |   2 017-18

  ARTS                                                    MIDDLE SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS
                                                          During the Middle School’s performing arts block, all
                                                          students choose between choir and band.

 AT THE                                                   During the Middle School’s design block, students
                                                          have the opportunity to engage creatively, design
                                                          and build through art or robotics. In 2017-2018, art

                                                          students collaborated with students from Japan on
                                                          a recycled art project and created a chandelier inspired
                                                          by American glass sculptor Dale Chihuly from recycled
                                                          water bottles. It now hangs in the Middle School.
                                                          Students perform two concerts a year in conjunction
                                                          with an art show.
                                                          Middle Schoolers present a musical each spring.
                                                          This year’s performance was “You’re a Good Man,
                                                          Charlie Brown.”

                                                          UPPER SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS                                    A portion of the Chihuly-inspired chandelier in the Middle
                                                          Students choose from a variety of electives including      School.

                                                          pops ensemble, digital music, visual art, architecture,
                                                          acting techniques, vocal performance and many more.
         s we eagerly await the opening of The            Students leverage the technology in the Digital Media
         Lorraine and Bill Dodero Center for              Lab to compose digital compositions as well as to
Performing Arts, considerable time, energy and            engage in audiovisual storytelling.
resources have been directed to our arts                  Student productions include a play and a musical each      Chapel (1) and Tudor House (1). All are available for

                                                                                                                                                                                  H O N O R RO L L O F D O N O R S
programming. Below are some of the highlights:            year. This year’s were “The Tempest” and “Godspell.”       student use.
LOWER SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS                                   “Live Jive” is an annual highlight as students perform     The “Tuesdays at Tudor” Concert Series brings
Toddlers (18 months- 3 years) take Music & Movement.      musical acts of their choosing on a Friday night           world-class artists to campus to perform on the
Creative expression is incorporated daily.                on campus.                                                 Steinway grand piano.
In addition to weekly art and music classes, Montessori                                                              Students have enjoyed musical performances from
                                                          ALL DIVISIONS
Preschool classes partner with the Cleveland Museum                                                                  world-renowned artists, such as pianist Andreas
                                                          From the sixth graders’ art installation on symbolism
of Art for five to six structured visits to the Museum                                                               Haefliger, and had the opportunity to participate
                                                          to the 3D Design students’ chairs, students in all
each year. Kindergartners participate in pull-out                                                                    in master classes taught by the artists.
                                                          divisions are using the Fab Lab to bring their creative
art and music classes.                                    ideas to fruition.                                         ENCORE Chamber Music, founded by Jin Joo Cho ’06,
Grades 1-6 deliver Christmas and spring concerts, which                                                              is a premiere summer chamber music institute and
                                                          We have partnered with the Cleveland International
also feature art shows. They learn an instrument at                                                                  calls Gilmour its home.
                                                          Piano Competition ArtsConnect to offer private
each grade level, receive formal vocal instruction and    music lessons taught by professional artists from          With the dedicated space The Lorraine and Bill Dodero
can participate in chorus. Sixth graders participate in

                                                          CIPC. We offer piano, strings, brass, woodwind,            Center for Performing Arts will provide, we look
Middle School band.                                       percussion and voice instruction.                          forward to continuing to expand these offerings,

                                                                                                                                                                                  2 017-18
We have partnered with Fairmount Center for the Arts                                                                 including the addition of dance instruction.
                                                          We are in the process of becoming a Steinway Select
to offer theater and dance instruction at the Lower       K-12 school and just replaced a sixth piano on campus
School. For the 2017-2018 school year, students           with a Steinway & Sons grand piano. There are now
performed “The Wizard of Oz” and “Charlotte’s Web.”       Steinways in the Lower School (3), Middle School (1),

                                                                        the classroom
                                                                      TRANSFORMATIONAL IMPACT OF LEARNING

        U         nderstanding the transformational impact
                  of learning alongside experts in the field, we
        have cultivated partnerships with local institutions to
        provide a variety of authentic learning experiences
                                                                                                                                While on the class trip to New York City, sixth graders
                                                                                                                                walked the Brooklyn Bridge to enhance their study of
                                                                                                                                engineering bridges.
                                                                                                                                Ms. Kay, our learning enhancement coordinator,
        for our students. Below are just a few of our students’
                                                                                                                                meets with students interested in participating
                                                                                                                                in summer programs and helps them find one to
        Gilmour students complete science, entrepreneurial                                                                      meet their needs. Below are examples of programs
        and/or civic engagement internships at partner                                                                          students completed.
        institutions such as the Cleveland Clinic, NASA,
                                                                                                                                  This summer, students participated in prestigious
        Rockwell Automation, Case Western Reserve University,
                                                                                                                                  academic programs in subjects ranging from
        St. Luke’s Foundation and more.
                                                                                                                                  medicine to media production to architecture to
        All Gilmour seniors are required to complete a two-week                                                                   economic leadership. They attended programs at
        Senior Project in the field and a capstone presentation                                                                   the University of Chicago, University of Virginia,
        about their project. This year, seniors traveled to                                                                       Butler University, Ohio Northern, Lake Erie College,
        Madagascar to study lemurs, interned in a municipal             student continued to refine her business plan for her     Beijing Engineering University, Syracuse University,
        court and co-edited a biography to be published.                “Memory Mat” business and entered a civic pitch           Yale, Georgia Tech, Dayton, Ohio State, Purdue,
                                                                        contest, open to all Cleveland residents, not just        CWRU, Brown and Michigan.
        Interested students can participate in our VECTOR
                                                                        students. She was named a finalist and earned
        program, which pairs the student with a faculty mentor                                                                    Some participated in travel opportunities including
                                                                        money to put into her business.
        in one of five focus areas: Science & Medicine, Engineering                                                               our two school trips to Greece and Spain, as well as
        & Design, Creativity & Personal Expression,                     Lower School students participated in immersive field     in Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Australia,
        Entrepreneurship & Commerce and Civic Engagement.               trip experiences that added depth and experience to       Austria, Morocco, Israel, Poland, Ireland and Scotland.
        Building off the academic foundation that exists within         the classroom curriculum.
                                                                                                                                  Others completed service and leadership projects
        the curriculum, students source experiential and                Students studied animal habitats at the Cleveland         at the YMCA Camp, Rustic Pathways, Ahuja and
        networking opportunities and complete an immersive              Zoo as an inspiration for designing their own unique      Lake Health Hospitals, the Cleveland Clinic, the
        capstone project.                                               habitats.                                                 University of Akron, the Stephanie Tubbs Jones
        Students have the opportunity to take a management              They explored symbols around Cleveland as a model         Leadership Academy, Student Advocates for
        and entrepreneurship course, which culminates with              for producing their own personal symbols.                 Youth and Nuevo Paraiso in Honduras.
        the students writing their own business plans. One
H O N O R RO L L O F D O N O R S |
Pictured far left: Natalie Mullen ’19 in Morocco on Rustic Pathways trip.

                                                                                2 017-18
Pictured top left: Olivia Robida ’19 works in CWRU lab during summer Catalyst
internship. Pictured bottome left: Kat Rankin ’20 interning at Rainbow Babies
this summer. Pictured on right: Sixth graders walked the Brooklyn Bridge
to understand engineering design principles.
FISCAL YEAR | JULY 1, 2017 - JUNE 30, 2018

                                                                                                           FACULTY                                    PAST
                                                                                                            & STAFF                                 PARENTS
    Many thanks to the multitude of volunteers from the Lower

    School Parents Organization (LSPO), the Men’s Club, the

    Women’s Club, the Gilmour Academy Alumni Parents

    Association (GAAPA), those who volunteer with athletics

    events, the Gilmour Academy Golf Classic in Memory of

    Charlie Tremont ’70 committee members, the 20th

    Anniversary of Hockey Program fundraiser, Blue & Gray
                                                                                                                      $4,613,892                               19%
                                                                                         ORGANIZATIONS &              TOTAL PHILANTHROPIC DOLLARS               CURRENT
    Society event hosts and the Lancer Nation Tour hosts.                                FOUNDATIONS***                                                        PARENTS**

    Your willingness to give of your time, talent and treasure is

    what enables us to continue to host the variety of events on

    and off campus. These events are so important to our

    community building and help to create memories that last a                                              1%                                      19%
    lifetime. We could not do it without the countless hours you                                           $64,296                                  $867,929
                                                                                                            FRIENDS                                  ALUMNI

                   * Contributors who are both Trustees and Alumni are included in the
                     Trustee percentage.
                  ** Contributors who are both Current Parents and Alumni are
                     included in the Current Parents percentage.
                  *** Donations given by individuals through a foundation or corporation
                      are included in the individual’s constituency group.


                             AUXILLARY                                           EN
                             SERVICES                                                 SE
                             AND OTHER
                                            INSTRUCTION &
                             ENDOWED &                                      TUITION
                             RESTRICTED            30.05%                   ASSISTANCE
                             PROGRAM AND                                    22.9%

TUITION AND                                                                            & ADVANCEMENT
INSTRUCTIONAL                                                                          15.25%

                                                                              OPERATIONS &
                                           DEPRECIATION &
                                            AMORTIZATION                      12.55%
                                                   6.14%    SERVICES AND
I   n recognition of the Academy’s most
                      generous donors, Gilmour created the
                  Blue & Gray Society. Members have all
                  contributed at least $2,000 to The Gilmour
                  Fund, our annual giving program, during the
                  2017-18 fiscal year.

                  Their steadfast support and leadership is a
                  confirmation of their faith in our future and of
                  their belief in the Holy Cross commitment to
                  “educate the mind and the heart” of our students.
                  The membership of the Blue & Gray Society
                  brings together Trustees, alumni, parents,
                  grandparents, alumni parents, friends and
                  faculty and staff members. Together the group
                  contributed $687,918 to The Gilmour Fund, which
                  was 77 percent of the dollars raised for the annual
                  giving program in the 2017-18 fiscal year.

                  Gilmour appreciates the generosity and
                  leadership that the members of the Blue &
                  Gray Society provided for the Academy this
                  past year.


HEAD OF SCHOOL’S CABINET                          BLUE & GRAY SOCIETY GUARDIAN                             Anthony M. ’71 and Dr. Cynthia Panzica
($25,000 AND ABOVE)                               ($7,500-$9,999)                                          Annette Peter ◆
Anonymous                                         Lorraine and Bill Dodero                                 Kris and Rob Rogers
Joyce A. Evans                                    Corinne L. Dodero Foundation for the Arts and Sciences   Leland W. Schubert ’60 and Jane T. Rehmke
James J. ’00 and Joy McHugh                       Dr. Vicki Haywood Doe and Dr. Nathaniel S. Doe
Kevin M. and Kristen S. Stein                     The Howley Foundation                                    BLUE & GRAY SOCIETY COLLEAGUE
                                                  Margaret A. Howley ’03 Mitkus and Michael Mitkus   ,     ($2,500-$4,999)
                                                    Michael C. ’01 and Kendra Howley   , W. Nicholas
BLUE & GRAY SOCIETY FOUNDER                         and Lauralee V. Howley                                 Dr. John C. Barbato and Dr. Patricia A. Duggan
($15,000-$24,999)                                                                                          Robert ’93 and Elisabeth Tuttle ’91 Bates
                                                  Robert S. and Linda L. Monitello
Michael J. and Jacqueline Baird                   Corinne Dodero ’02 Salvador and Nick Salvador            Nancy Benacci
Arthur F. and Carol M. Anton                                                                               Russell F. and Lynn M. Berzin
Dean C. ’84 and Lissa Barry                                                                                Jack Borkey, Sr. and Janice Borkey
                                                  BLUE & GRAY SOCIETY PATRON
Raymond M. ’65 and Mary Kathleen Murphy           ($5,000-$7,499)                                          Mark A. ’94 and Michelle DeBacco ’96 Chiacchiari
                                                                                                           Terrence J. ’65 and Holly Clyne
                                                  Fred G. Botek, JD ’85 and Georgeanne Goodrich ’86
BLUE & GRAY SOCIETY BENEFACTOR                                                                             Victor J. and Ellen E. Cohn
                                                    Botek, DPM
($10,000-$14,999)                                                                                          Ellen E. and Victor J. Cohn Supporting Foundation
                                                  William and Patricia A. Butler
                                                                                                           Jonathan E. and Suzanne M. Dick
Dr. Charles V. Wellman ’68 and Dr. Ann Eckstein   James V. ’67 and Mary M. Conway
                                                                                                           Matthew J. Dolan ’83 and Jessica M. Hart
Richard A. ’60 and Martha Barone                  Joseph F. and Natalie M. Drake
                                                                                                           Michael E. Elliott, Esq. ’71
Richard A. Barone Charitable Foundation           Robert J. Durkin ’79
                                                                                                           Patrick S. and Susan R. Flaherty
The Cleveland Foundation                          Donald L. and Lucia M. Foiani

                                                                                                                                                                    H O N O R RO L L O F D O N O R S
                                                                                                           Timothy D. ’85 and Kathie Fording
Paul J. ’76 and Karen Dolan                       Michael A. Gleason and Constance Kmieck-Gleason
                                                                                                           Lisa C. and Robert Forino
Baird Family Fund                                 Elaine G. Hadden
                                                                                                           Mark G. ’65 and Bente Frantz
Fifth Generation Foundation                       Christopher J. Keller, Esq and Anike F. Keller
                                                                                                           Carole A. Frisch
Louis A. ’63 and Christine T. Friedrich           Jennifer D. Keller Kramer and Aaron Kramer
                                                                                                           Mrs. Carole A. Frisch Charitable Gift Fund
Neal P. ’53 and Nancy M. Lavelle                  Fred A. Lennon Charitable Trust
                                                                                                           Timothy P. and Stephanie J. Gerspacher
Murlan J. Murphy, Jr. ’64 and Molly Dixon         Edward A. and Catherine L. Lozick Foundation
                                                                                                           J. David and Rebecca C. Heller
John B. ’97 and Lisa Murphy                       Catherine L. Lozick
                                                                                                           Harry W. ’64 and Barbara Henninger
Musca Family Charitable Fund                      Hon. James J. ’62 and Toddy McMonagle
                                                                                                           Ned Hyland
Anthony J. Musca III, John P. Musca ’90     ,     W. Gerald Moore Educational Foundation
  Kathleen M. Musca ’87 Yoakum                                                                             James R. Johnson ’65
                                                  John Morley
Richard K. Park ’89                                                                                        Lynn Arko G.O. ’73 Kelley
                                                  William C. ’72 and Harriet B. Mulligan
                                                                                                           Kathleen C. Kenny and Robert E. Kenny III

Christopher C. ’84 and Gina M. Winslade           Paul J. ’68 and Frances Murphy
                                                                                                           Anthony D. Konkoly ’78

                                                                                                                                                                    2 017-18
                                                  Murphy Family Foundation
                                                                                                           Dr. William F. Lavigna ’68
                                                  Timothy M. ’73 and Cindy C. O’Neill
                                                                                                           Thomas S. ’82 and Jamie E. Lazzaro
                                                  William J. O’Neill, Jr. ’51 and Katherine T. O’Neill
                                                                                                           John J. Lennon
                                                  The William J. and Dorothy K. O’Neill Foundation
                                                                                                                              Consecutive Year Donor   ◆ Deceased
             ERS TO Y

                             Michael P. and Anne Mawby                              Philip E. Cable ’80 and Jenny Siegenthaler
                             William J. and Joanna S. Miele                         John A. Cable Foundation
                             Cameron S. ’94 and Kathryn Miele                       Peter P. ◆ and Angela G. Carlin
                             Patricia Pfundstein ’85 Miller and Gregory L. Miller   Carole A. ◆ and David D. Carr
                             Carrie Warburton ’83 Napiorkowski and                  Kathryn Goyer ’93 Cusumano and Dino Cusumano
                               Vic Napiorkowski                                     Dominic A. ’82 and Julie M. DiPuccio
                             Patrick S. O’Connor ’61 and Mary J. O’Connor           Daniel S. Duff ’61
                             Elizabeth J. Oliver and Richard T. Oliver, Jr.         Mary Lou Durkin
                             Hugh O’Neill ’65                                       James C. ’59 and Caroline Farrar
   NEW TEAMS                 Paul R. and Christine M. Pahoresky                     Robert A. ’71 and Joanne Fiala
   WERE ADDED!               Victor Pascucci, Jr. and Rose Ann Pascucci             Matthew P. Figgie ’84 ◆
                             Kathy C. and James R. Pender                           David J. ’66 and Diann C. Frantz
  varsity girls golf,        Michael F. Resch ’68                                   John and Channon Frech
varsity figure skating       Lawrence A. ’64 and Judy Rice                          Philip E. ’68 and Alma F. Gallagher
   and a third boys          Amy I. Ritchie ’87                                     Brooks S. ’81 and Julie A. Gerbitz
                             Oliver E. ’55 ◆ and Meredith Seikel
    hockey team                                                                     Paul A. Gismondi ’73
                             Christopher and Christine M. Semarjian                 Frank Grk and Lisa Fazio
                             Emily and S. Finley Stay                               Daniel P. and Sherri Harrington
                             Virginia and Bruce E. Taylor                           Robert E. Heltzel, Jr. ’64 and Harriet B. Heltzel
                             Peter T. and Penny M. Thomas                           Frederick W. ’63 and Barbara Henninger
                             Steven Treppo, Ph.D. and Sandra Ammendolia             Raymond L. Hensel ’69
                             William J. and Carolyn Urban                           Michael A. and Janet R. Heryak
                             Vascular Interventions & Venous Associates             John J. and Stella A. Hetzer
                             Anita S. Wong ’93 and Wilson Lai                       Louis S. and Beth Jacobs
                             David A. Young and Marilena DiSilvio                   Stanley T. ’63 and Susan Jaros
                             Jon E. and Linda Younker                               James E. Keller ’71
                             Denise and David Zavagno                               Lawrence D. ’66 and Maryann Z. Kennedy
                             Thomas Zucker ’87 and                                  Russell A. and Rene Lamosek
                               Tawnya Santoiemmo ’87 Zucker
                                                                                    Adam A. ’02 and Hana Link
                             Jill M. Zupon and Lawrence E. Zupon, Jr.
                                                                                    Donald O. and Mary Beth Link
                                                                                    Albert F. Lutz, Jr. ’65 and Sally Lutz
                             BLUE & GRAY SOCIETY MEMBER                             Jay McGrath ’88 and Michelle Arendt
                             ($2,000-$2,499)                                        John E. and Brigitte McGrath
                            Cynthia L. Anderson                                     Elizabeth Chiarucci ’84 Morgan and
                            Frank J. ’64 and Constance H. Brady                         Timothy Morgan
                            Marilyn C. Brennan                                      P. Michael ’68 and Karen Mudgett
                            Colleen G. Butler                                       Ray and Karen Murphy

Joseph V. and Janet G. Nally
Charles A. and Lynn M. Nannicola
Nannicola, Inc
Thomas E. ’58 and Patricia Nelson
Deanna M. Carlson ’95 Ness and Scott M. Ness
Kathleen A. Oliver
Nacy A. Panzica
Michael A. and Paulette A. Poklar
Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc.
Matthew W. ’86 and Meghan Roddy
Arthur J. ’70 and Greta Rooney
James E. ’86 and Stephanie M. Rooney
Patricia R. Rooney
Jonathon and Amelia Sawyer
Joseph J. Soukenik IV ’80 and Julie A. Soukenik
Michelle Brennan ’84 Stefan and Michael K. Stefan
Todd R. Sweda
Edward J. and Lisa Swinarski
Cheryl Forino ’87 Wahl
Donald R. Yert

                                                                                                H O N O R RO L L O F D O N O R S
                                                                                                2 017-18
             AS A WAY TO HONOR
             GILMOUR’S IMPACT

       For Bill Mulligan ’72, Gilmour Academy played a crucial
      role in shaping his life. Because of this, he wanted to help
     the school continue to shape others’ lives beyond his own,
        and he decided to include Gilmour in his estate plan.

       Also known as planned giving, this kind of gift provides
        donors with the opportunity to make arrangements
             for a charitable contribution in the future.

        “I think planned gifts are increasingly important for
        organizations like Gilmour as they look to build their
         endowments and long-term financial resources,”
              Mulligan said. “You can make a big impact
                         with a planned gift.”

        For the past 33 years, Mulligan has worked at Primus
           Capital, a Cleveland-based private equity fund.
        He believes Gilmour provided him with an important
          educational foundation that has served him well
        throughout his professional career. His planned gift,
         a charitable remainder trust, will ultimately provide
                 financial support for the school and
             ensure that future students benefit from
                 Gilmour’s life-changing education.

        “To other Gilmour alums who feel Gilmour has had a
        significant impact on their lives – and most of us feel
           that way – I would encourage you to consider a
                      planned gift,” Mulligan said.


M             embers of the Holy Cross Legacy
              Society have notified us of planned gifts
to Gilmour Academy from their estates in the form
                                                             Anonymous (2)
                                                             Brent D. Berkman ’75
                                                             Marc S. Byrnes
                                                             Rev. Thomas E. Chambers, C.S.C. ◆
                                                                                                             John E. Nolan III ’66
                                                                                                             Daniel J. O’Neill ’82
                                                                                                             Timothy I. ’73 and Donna Panzica
                                                                                                             John Peca, Jr. and Joanna Peca
of a charitable trust, bequest, insurance policy,
                                                             Patricia M. Coghlan ◆                           Kathy and Jim Pender
retirement plan beneficiary designation or gift
                                                             Gary D. Cohn ’79                                Dr. Thomas Picklow ’79
annuity. Members of the Society have demonstrated            T. Kelly Coleman                                Christopher J. Pierson ’59
their commitment to Gilmour’s mission by pledging            Gerald A.◆ and Martine V. Conway                Ronald J. Portland ’62
their support and assurance that Gilmour Academy             James C. ’59 and Caroline Farrar                Raymond R. Rhode ’51
will experience continuing financial assistance              Dorothy Elliott ◆                               Dr. Theodore ’50 and Catherine ◆ Schafer
far into the future. Every year, the Holy Cross              Edward M. Foley ◆                               Oliver E. ’55 ◆ and Meredith Seikel
Legacy Society welcomes new members.                         Beatrice F. Friedrich ◆                         Andrew P. Selfridge ’67
                                                             Alexander B. Garrett ’74 ◆                      Robert and Jill Shemory
If you wish to consider adding Gilmour to your estate plan   Paul Gismondi ’73                               Emily and S. Findlay Stay
and would like to discuss further, please contact:
                                                             Jack Harrington ’60                             Mary Zalar Sterle ◆
Ray Murphy, Director of Institutional Advancement, at
(440) 473-8089 or                       Paul Heinen ’50                                 Robert B. Tomaro ’67 ◆
                                                             John Hernandis                                  Mary Wellman ◆
                                                             Thomas D. Hogen
                                                             John H. Hollis ’83
                                                             Dr. Donald W. Junglas ’51 ◆

                                                                                                                                                                     H O N O R RO L L O F D O N O R S
                                                             Lawrence D. ’66 and Maryann Z. Kennedy
                                                             John Klumph ’73
                                                             Anthony D. Konkoly ’78
                                                             James Kuras
                                                             Dr. William F. Lavigna ’68
                                                             Albert F. Lutz, Jr. ’65
                                                             Norman P. McLeod ’50 ◆
                                                             James M. Mooney ’54 ◆
                                                             Robert L. Morrissey ◆
                                                             Eileen Mullally ◆
                                                             William C. Mulligan ’72

                                                             Murlan J. Murphy, Jr. ’64

                                                                                                                                                                     2 017-18
                                                             Murlan J. Murphy, Sr. ◆ and Margaret Murphy ◆
                                                             Thomas Nelson ’58
                                                             John A. ◆ and Nora L. ◆ Newton

                                                                                                                               Consecutive Year Donor   ◆ Deceased
Student Profile
                        ANNAMARIE F
                       ANNAMARIE                                           or the past 70 years, Gilmour Academy
                                                                           has had many generous contributors to

                                                                   the school who have had such a positive and
                                                                   lasting impact on our students, programs and
                                                                   campus. The generosity of the individuals,
                                 LOWER SCHOOL                      businesses and foundations listed below has had
                                 MIDDLE SCHOOL
                                                                   a ripple effect and allowed for many students
                                                                   to attend the Academy who otherwise might not

                           Member of MS volleyball team.           have been able, plus has provided for state-of-
                              (sixth graders invited to            the-art facilities and the highest caliber faculty
                             participate on MS teams)              to prepare and inspire them. The section below
                                                                   lists donors who have supported the Academy
                        Takes violin lessons with professional     with total giving of $25,000 or more in the last
                                   MS volleyball team
                       violinist through Gilmour’s partnership     three decades.
                         with Cleveland     International
                                Taking violin lessons with Piano
                             professional      ArtsConnect
                                           violinist through        $1,000,000 +
                              Gilmour’s partnership with
                               Clevelandof  Drama Club
                                          International            Anonymous (2)
                                  Piano Competition                Gary D. ’79 and Lisa P. Cohn
                       Member of Student Leadership Council        Lorraine and Bill Dodero
                               Member of Drama Club
                                                                   Matthew P. Figgie ’84 ◆
                                   Takes robotics                  The Figgie Foundation
                                   On the Student
                                 Leadership Council                The Sam J. Frankino Foundation
                          Plans to play on MS softball team
                                                                   Gilmour Academy Men’s Club
                                   Takes  spring
                                                                   Robert H. and Ruth Kanner
                                                                   Michael ◆ and Lynn Arko G.O. ’73 Kelley
                                                                   Fred A. ◆ and Alice ◆ Lennon
                                                                   Fred A. Lennon Foundation
                                                                   Fred A. Lennon Charitable Trust
                                                                   M & T Trust
                                                                   John P. Murphy Foundation
                                                                   Murlan J. Murphy, Jr. ’64 and Molly Dixon
                                                                   Murlan J. Murphy, Sr. ◆ and Margaret ◆ Murphy
                                                                   Raymond M. ’65 and Mary Kathleen Murphy
                                                                   The New York Community Trust- The Thomas W.
                                                                      and Florence Murphy Fund

Dorothy O’Neill ◆                                       Richard A. ’60 and Martha Barone                     $100,000+
F. J. O’Neill Charitable Corporation                    John H. Borkey, Sr. and Janice Borkey
                                                                                                            Anonymous (9)
Patrick J. and Catherine A. O’Rourke                    Barbara Callahan
                                                                                                            Ancora Foundation
Kathy and Jim Pender                                    F. Joseph Callahan, Jr. ◆
                                                                                                            The Andrews Foundation
Frank A. and Cheryl Potenziani                          The M.E. & F. J. Callahan Foundation
                                                                                                            Arthur F. and Carol M. Anton
The Stefanski Family Foundation                         Kevin M. Clinton
                                                                                                            Michael J. and Jacqueline Baird
                                                        Daisy Foundation
                                                                                                            Dean C. ’84 and Elizabeth A. Barry
 $500,000 +                                             Jonathan E. and Suzanne M. Dick
                                                                                                            James A. ◆ and Christina Barry
                                                        Richard and Nancy Dietrich
Anonymous (1)                                                                                               Peter A. ’67 and Mary Bartlo
                                                        Michael E. Elliott Esq. ’71
The B.P.B. Foundation                                                                                       William and Patricia A. Butler
                                                        Harry E. Figgie, Jr. ◆ and Nancy Figgie ◆
Carole A. ◆ and David D. Carr                                                                               Paul G. and Jill G. Clark
                                                        Christopher M. and Kathleen K. Flocken
Vincent A. and Corine ◆ Chiarucci                                                                           Gerald A. ◆ and Martine V. Conway
                                                        The Samuel J. and Connie M. Frankino Charitable
The Cleveland Foundation                                                                                    James V. ’67 and Mary M. Conway
Figgie International                                                                                        Ann L. Cuneo Trust
                                                        Louis A. ’63 and Christine Friedrich
Sam ◆ and Connie Frankino                                                                                   Daryl K. and Jenniffer D. Deckard
                                                        Gilmour Academy Lower School Parents Organization
Gilmour Academy Women’s Club                                                                                Vincent F. and Flora DeCrane
                                                        Paul A. Gismondi ’73
Michael A. Gleason and Constance Knieck-Gleason                                                             Paul J. ’76 and Karen Dolan
                                                        Doris A. Gobec
Robert E. Heltzel, Jr. ’65 and Harriet B. Heltzel                                                           Mark G. ’65 and Bente Frantz
                                                        Robert W. and Karen L. Hostoffer
Robert Heltzel Family Fund/ Robert E. Heltzel                                                               The Louis and Christine Friedrich Charitable Fund
                                                        Michael C. ’01 and Kendra Howley
   Family Trust                                                                                             John E. Gallagher, Sr. and Catherine T. Gallagher
                                                        John J. Lennon
The Howley Foundation                                                                                       GAR Foundation

                                                                                                                                                                     H O N O R RO L L O F D O N O R S
                                                        Margaret Howley’03 Mitkus and Mike Mitkus
Murphy Family Foundation                                                                                    Alexander B. Garrett ’74 ◆
                                                        William C. ’72 and Harriet B. Mulligan
Brian F. ’73 and Cynthia C. Murphy                                                                          Donald L. and Kathleen Gustavson
                                                        Paul J. ’68 and Frances Murphy
Margaret Murphy Trust                                                                                       John A. ◆ and Elaine G. Hadden
                                                        Anne B. O’Donnell ◆
The William J. and Dorothy K. O’Neill Foundation                                                            Daniel P. and Sherri Harrington
                                                        Past Presidents Foundation
John E. Pallat III ’78 and Caroline M. Pallat                                                               Paul H. ’50 and Ursala Heinen
                                                        Anthony M. ’71 and Dr. Cynthia D. Panzica
Nacy A. and Rosemary ◆ Panzica                                                                              John A. and Barbara A. Hocevar
                                                        Christopher J. Peterson ’69
The Michael Pender Memorial Fund                                                                            E. Timothy ’61 and Mary Holzheimer
                                                        Dudley P. ◆ and Barbara Sheffler
James Phillips                                                                                              Edward J. and Diana ◆ Hyland
                                                        The Dudley P. & Barbara K. Sheffler Foundation
Oliver E. ’55 ◆ and Meredith Seikel                                                                         James R. Johnson ’65
                                                        Third Federal Foundation
The Veale Foundation                                                                                        Johnson & Johnson
                                                        Thomas Partners Inc.
Dr. Frank Vecchio & Helen Williams Vecchio Foundation                                                       Joshen Paper and Packaging
                                                        Thomas J. and Sandra L. Usher
                                                                                                            Dr. Donald W. ’51 ◆ and Nancy ◆ Junglas

Charles D. and Lucy Weller
                                                        Thomas J and Sandra L Usher Charitable Foundation
Joseph O. and Kimberly A. Wesley                                                                            John E. ’71 and Claire Kranjc

                                                                                                                                                                     2 017-18
                                                        V. Lawrence ’73 and Dawn Weber
                                                                                                            Kulas Foundation
                                                        Lester T. Zatko, Sr. ◆
                                                                                                            The Laub Foundation
 $250,000 +                                             Raymond and Mary Ann Zukowski
                                                                                                            Dr. William F. Lavigna ’68
Anonymous (3)                                           Zukowski Foundation
                                                                                                                               Consecutive Year Donor   ◆ Deceased
     Martha J. Lennon ◆                                       Bruce E. and Virginia Taylor                        Thomas E. and Mary Sue Helfrich
     Dr. Floyd D. Loop ◆ and Dr. Bernadine Healey ◆           John Tomaro ’60 and Janis Tanner                    Michael Heryak and Janet Wyrwas Heryak
     Ernest P. and Lois Mansour                               Robert B. ’67 ◆ and Margaret Tomaro                 David L. ’64 and Linda Holzheimer
     The Elizabeth Ring Mather and William Gwinn              Tinkham Veale II ◆                                  Edward J. Hyland Charitable Trust
        Mather Fund                                           Morton J. Weisberg                                  IHS Foundation
     James R. and Catherine McCourt                           Dr. Charles Wellman ’68 and Dr. Ann Eckstein        Stanley T. ’63 and Susan Jaros
     Raymond D. ◆ and Marie E. Meyo                           Xavier-Nichols Foundation                           Peter G. and Mary D. Joyce
     William J. and Joanna S. Miele                                                                               Lawrence D. ’66 and Maryann Kennedy
     Robert S. and Linda L. Monitello                                                                             Anthony D. Konkoly ’78
     W. Gerald Moore Educational Foundation                                                                       Russell A. and Renee Lamosek
     The Robert L. Morrissey Charitable Remainder Trust       Anonymous (1)
                                                                                                                  Neal P. ’53 and Nancy M. Lavelle
     Thomas P. ◆ and Julia ◆ Mulligan                         Patrick R. ’79 and Lisa Alexander
                                                                                                                  Barry P. and Mary Livingston
     Anthony J. Musca, Sr. and Molly Musca                    Juan M. and Stephanie Antunez
                                                                                                                  Edward A. ◆ and Catherine L. Lozick
     Musca Family Charitable Fund                             Anthony J. ’84 and Cynthia F. Asher
                                                                                                                  Edward A. and Catherine L. Lozick Foundation
     John G. and Karen Nestor                                 Edward P. and Rebecca Asher
                                                                                                                  Albert F. Lutz, Jr. ’65 and Sally Lutz
     Dr. Linda M. Noelle                                      James A. ’88 and Wendy Asher
                                                                                                                  M.A.D. Golf Tournament
     Rodney P. Olenchick                                      Nancy Benacci
                                                                                                                  Thomas J. and Carole E. Marrie
     Corinne F. O’Neill Trust                                 Dr. Richard J. Boland, Jr. ’63 and Nora Boland
                                                                                                                  The Martin Foundation
     Timothy M. ’73 and Cindy C. O’Neill                      Fred G. Botek JD ’85 and Georgeanne Goodrich ’86
                                                                                                                  Robert C. ◆ and Gloria B. ◆ McDowell
                                                                 Botek DPM
     Patrick J. ◆ and Marilyn ◆ O’Neill                                                                           Dr. Mark J. ’73 and Nancy Moran
                                                              Kevin R. ’75 and Shannon D. Callahan
     Richard M. Osborne, Sr.                                                                                      John B. ’97 and Lisa Murphy
                                                              David R. and Patricia Campbell
     Timothy I. ’73 and Donna D. Panzica                                                                          Nestle USA. Inc.
                                                              Dr. Louis P. and Patricia R. Caravella
     The Pevaroff Cohn Family Foundation                                                                          John G. and Karen R. Nestor Fund
                                                              Joseph R. Ciuni Sr. ’77 and Mary Jo Ciuni
     The PNC Foundation                                                                                           Jon O. Newton ’62
                                                              Victor J. and Ellen E. Cohn
     Michael F. Resch ’68                                                                                         John A. ◆ and Nora I. ◆ Newton
                                                              Ellen E. and Victor J. Cohn Supporting Foundation
     Amb. Daniel M. ◆ and Patricia R. Rooney                                                                      Daniel J. ’63 and Sarah H. O’Brien
                                                              Conway Family Foundation
     Corinne Dodero ’02 Salvador and Nick Salvador                                                                Elizabeth J. Oliver and Richard T. Oliver, Jr.
                                                              Matthew and Deborah Crawford
     Corinne L. Dodero Foundation for the Arts and Sciences                                                       The O’Neill Brothers Foundation
                                                              Deckard Family Fund
     Gary P. Schambs and Faith E. Pescatore                                                                       Daniel J. ’82 and Katherine T. O’Neill
                                                              Maureen Donnell
     Jacob G. Schmidlapp Trusts                                                                                   Hugh O’Neill IV ’65
                                                              Lawrence M. ◆ and Florence ◆ Druckenbrod
     Leland Schubert ’60 and Jane Rehmke                                                                          William J. O’Neill, Jr. ’51 and Katherine T. O’Neill
                                                              Robert J. Durkin ’79
     G. Thomas Selfridge ’65                                                                                      PepsiCo Foundation
                                                              Mary Lou Durkin
     Christopher and Christine M.Semarjian                                                                        Pescatore Foundation
                                                              Umberto and Maryellen Fedeli
     Gregory J. and Patricia A. Skoda                                                                             J. Anthony Petrelli
                                                              William and Dr. Elizabeth Fesler
     Dr. Mark A. and Paula J. Smith                                                                               Michael A. and Paulette A. Poklar
                                                              Fifth Generation Foundation
     Dr. Timothy L. Stephens, Jr.                                                                                 PPG Industries Foundation
                                                              John S. Greene and Siobhan Refice-Greene
     Christopher B. ’67 and Linda L. Sullivan                                                                     Andrew Rayburn
                                                              Robert K. ◆ and Corinne O. Healey
     John F. ◆ and Lillian ◆ Sustar

Raymond R. ’51 and Noreen L. Rhode                 Chiarucci-O’Brien Family Charitable Trust           John H. ’83 and Christina J. Hollis
Lawrence A. ’64 and Judy Rice                      Chilcote Foundation K & L                           Ned and Cynthia Ames Huffman
Bernard J. ◆ and Shirley ◆ Riley                   Brian and Gretchen Colleran                         R. Craig ’67 and Ginger Hupp
Amy I. Ritchie ’87                                 James and Elaine Dauterman                          Ivancic Marine,Inc.
Kris and Rob Rogers                                Peter B. ’64 ◆ and Linda DeOreo                     David R. ’71 and Mary B. Janasek
Alexander H. Somers, Sr. ’78 and Nancy H. Somers   Dominic A. ’82 and Julie H. DiPuccio                Dr. Iain and Holly Gepfert ’79 Kalfas
S. Finley and Emily Stay                           Matthew Dolan ’83 and Jessica Hart                  Kelly A. and Michael J. Kearney
Michael B. ’63 and Leslie Tomaro                   Dome Energicorp                                     Christopher J. Keller Esq. and Anike F. Keller
Tucker Ellis LLP                                   Dominion Foundation Matching Gift Program           Joseph H. ◆ and Jean ◆ Keller
Morton J. Weisberg Charitable Foundation           Robert W. and Colleen M. Donahey                    Dr. Michael J. Kellis and Debra Kellis
Mitchell and Mary Weisman                          Michael J. and Tina M. Donikowski                   Kathleen C. Kenny and Robert E. Kenny III
Gilbert J. ◆ and Mary ◆ Wellman                    James F. and Patti Doyle                            John P. Klumph ’73
Wesley Family Foundation                           Joseph F. and Natalie M. Drake                      Br. Robert E. Lavelle C.S.C.
Mary Wessell                                       Daniel S. R. Duff ’61                               Lincoln Electric Foundation
Charles L. and Marilyn C. Young                    Campbell W. ◆ and Dorothy ◆ Elliott                 Donald O. and Mary Beth P. Link
Lawrence E. Zupon, Jr. and Jill M. Zupon           Joyce A. Evans                                      William R. Loichot ’56 ◆
                                                   James C. ’59 and Caroline Farrar                    Anthony J. and Mary Ann Martino
 $25,000+                                          James Patrick ’91 and Colleen Farrar                Anthony A. and Eileen Massaro
                                                   Robert A. ’71 and Joanne Fiala                      Michael P. and Anne Mawby
Anonymous (3)
                                                   Patrick S. and Susan R. Flaherty                    Patrick F. and Lois A. McCartan
Dr. Albert J. and Rhoda J. Abramovitz
                                                   Edward M. ◆ and Mary P. ◆ Foley                     Donald J. McConnell and Sharon L. O’Flaherty

                                                                                                                                                                H O N O R RO L L O F D O N O R S
Reece ◆ and Louise T. ◆ Alexander
                                                   Timothy D. ’85 and Kathie Fording                   Timothy P. and Laurie McDougall
American Express Foundation
                                                   Robert and Lisa C. Forino                           James J. ’00 and Joy McHugh
AVI Foodsystems, Inc.
                                                   William M. France, Jr. ’79 and Kim France           Hon. James J. ’62 and Toddy McMonagle
Bradley G. Bares ’18
                                                   David J. ’66 and Diann C. Frantz                    Elspeth H. Miller
Rev. John J. Blazek ’58, C.S.C.
                                                   Edward and Paulette Fruchtenbaum                    The Burton D. Morgan Foundation
John J. and Dianne B. Boduszek
                                                   Regan J. Gleason ’07                                Raymond W. ’53 and Joyce Muench
Dianne Boduszek Family Foundation
                                                   Jeffrey C. Gleason ’05                              John T. ’64 and Mary M. Mulligan
Guy V. ◆ and Delores Bozza
                                                   Kevin A. Gleason ’12                                John ’88 and Amy Sullivan ’88 Murphy
Frank J. ’64 and Constance H. Brady
                                                   The Glenmede Trust Company                          Susan B. Murphy
Brian M. and Bethany Brennan
                                                   Frank Grk and Lisa Fazio                            John P. Musca ’90
Dennis ◆ and Marilyn Brennan
                                                   John R. Harrington, Jr. ’60 and Allie Harrington    Dr. Joseph V. Nally, Jr. and Janet G. Nally
Kevin P. and Katherine Bresnahan
                                                   William R. and Jayne F. Hasler                      Thomas E. ’58 and Patricia Nelson

J. Morris and Sidney Burrows
                                                   Harry W. Henninger, Jr. ’64 and Barbara Henninger   Deanna Carlson ’95 Ness and Scott Ness

                                                                                                                                                                2 017-18
Dr. Peter P. ◆ and Angela G. Carlin
                                                   John A. and Mary Jo Hernandis                       Michael Nestor ’98 and Doug Zullo
John J. ’62 and Tana N. Carney
                                                   J. Michael ’57 and Deedee Hester                    Thomas D. and Lori Newcomb
David M. ’79 and Angela Carr
                                                   John J. and Stella A. Hetzer
Gregory and Susan A. Chiancone                                                                         Robert O’Brien and Mrs. Ann Chiarucci G.O. ’76 O’Brien
                                                   Thomas M. and Harriet A. Holleran
LEADERSHIP GIVING | LIFETIME GIVING                                                   BOARD OF TRUSTEE GIVING

      Patrick S. ’61 and Mary J. O’Connor          Donald R. Yert                          David D. Carr                  Phillip M. Robinson, Jr. ’99
      The Patrick J. and Marilyn W. O’Neill 		     Dr. James B. Young                      Mark Chiacchiari ’94           Matthew W. Roddy ’86
         Family Foundation                         David and Denise Zavagno                Susan L. Chiancone             James E. Rooney ’86
      Victor Pascucci, Jr. and Rose Ann Pascucci   Henry ◆ and Mary Zimmerman              Joseph R. Ciuni, Sr. ’77       Oliver E. Seikel ’55 ◆
      Panzica Foundation                           Jill M. Zupon Gift Fund                 Vincent F. DeCrane             Christopher Semarjian
      Faith Pescatore Rev Trust                                                            Dominic A. DiPuccio ’82        Br. Charles T. Smith C.S.C.
      Steven E. ’78 and Eileen B. Pryatel                                                  Lorraine C. Dodero             Br. James C. Spooner, C.S.C.
      AJ & RH Rahmstock Trust                                                              Michael E. Elliott Esq. ’71    Kevin M. Stein
      Todd Ray and Mary Alexander G.O. ’75 Ray                                             Lisa Fazio                     Todd R. Sweda
      Revco D.S., Inc.                                                                     Mark G. Frantz ’65             Edward J. Swinarski
      Kenneth C. and Pamela V. Ricci                                                       Br. Chester Freel, C.S.C.      Steven Treppo Ph.D.
      Shawn M. and Christine S. Riley                                                      Michael A. Gleason             David C. Wagner
      Matthew W. ’86 and Meghan Roddy                                                      Br. Kenneth Haders, C.S.C.     Cheryl Forino ’87 Wahl
      Arthur J. ’70 and Greta Rooney                                                       Vicki Haywood Doe              Charles V. Wellman ’68
      James E. ’86 and Stephanie M. Rooney                                                 Robert E. Heltzel, Jr. ’65     E. Mark Young ’92

      Robert Rossbach                                                                      Michael C. Howley ’01
      Jerry Ruyan and Kecia Lipps ’86 Ruyan                                                Edward J. Hyland               EX-OFFICO TRUSTEES
      Dr. James and Katherine Ryan                           he Board of Trustees          Br. Kenneth Kane, C.S.C.       Mary L. Bujoll
      Anthony N. Saliba and Patricia A. 		                   shares in Gilmour’s mission   Christopher J. Keller Esq.     Michelle L. Dulzer
         Miller-Saliba                                                                                                    Craig B. Frey ’04
                                                   and vision and plays a vital role in    Lynn Arko G.O. ’73 Kelley
      Robert P. Seng ’62                                                                                                  Robert Sommer
                                                   preserving the Academy’s                Kathleen C. Kenny
      Robert and Jill Shemory                                                                                             Michael R. Trivisonno ’04
                                                                                           Russell A. Lamosek
      Kevin M. and Kristen S. Stein                commitment to excellence in Catholic
                                                                                           Br. Robert E. Lavelle C.S.C.
      Thomas L. ◆ and Patricia S. ◆ Sullivan       education. They sustain this mission                                   HONORARY LIFE TRUSTEES
                                                                                           John J. Lennon
      The Friends of Robert B. Tomaro              through their gifts of time, talent,                                   Anthony J. Asher
                                                                                           Robert S. Monitello
      Larry Trotter and Cindy Ross G.O. ’73        expertise and financial support.                                       John H. Borkey, Sr.
                                                                                           Murlan Murphy, Jr. ’64
         Trotter                                   We thank them for all their efforts.
                                                                                           Linda Marie Noelle             Vincent A. Chiarucci
      Gregory ’82 and Teresa Turocy
                                                                                           Elizabeth J. Oliver            E. Timothy Holzheimer ’61
      Robert J. and Ruth Tuttle                    BOARD OF TRUSTEES
                                                                                           John E. Pallat III ’78         Raymond R. Rhode ’51
      William J. and Carolyn Urban                 Anthony J. Asher ’84
                                                                                           Anthony M. Panzica ’71
      Daniel J. Ursu                               Michael J. Baird
                                                                                           James R. Pender
      Christopher M. and Beth A. Valerian          Dean C. Barry ’84
                                                                                           Katherine C. Pender
      David C. and Elizabeth A. Wagner             Russell F. Berzin
                                                                                           Michael A. Poklar
      Mary E. Wellman Charitable Lead Trust        Rev. John J. Blazek ’58, C.S.C.
                                                                                           Kenneth C. Ricci
      Stafford L. and Diann C. Worley              Fred G. Botek, JD ’85
                                                                                           Amy I. Ritchie ’87
      Rosemary Wykoff                              Carole A. Carr ◆

We thank these donors who have given to the        Michael A. Gleason and Constance K. Kmieck-Gleason       Elizabeth J. Oliver and Richard T. Oliver, Jr.
specific initiatives, capital projects and         Jennifer Heltzel ’91 Farrior and Julian W. Farrior III   Patrick J. and Catherine A. O’Rourke
scholarships detailed below.                       Farrior Family Fund                                      Nacy A. Panzica
                                                   Fifth Generation Foundation                              Kathy and Jim Pender
                                                   Donald L. Foiani II and Lucia M. Foiani                  James R. and Jennifer Polak
 J. Thomas Blackford ’87                           The Sam J. Frankino Foundation                           Frank and Mia Polisena
 Matthew P. Figgie ’84 ◆                           David J.’66 and Diann C. Frantz                          Progressive Insurance Foundation
 The Figgie Foundation                             Matthew T. and Jackie Greenfield                         Joseph C. Raguso ’58
 Stanley F. Urankar ’69 and Terri Zupancic         Lisa Fazio and Frank Grk                                 Nicholas J. Redding ’13
                                                   Robert E. Heltzel, Jr. ’65 and Harriet B. Heltzel        Amy I. Ritchie ’87
                                                   Rosa E. Heryak ’12                                       Phoebe L. Robinson ’02
                                                   Mary T. Humensky                                         Kris and Rob Rogers
 Anonymous (3)
                                                   International Sourcing Group LTD                         Arthur J. ’70 and Greta Rooney
 The Andrews Foundation
                                                   Brittany M. Janis ’03                                    James E. ’86 and Stephanie M. Rooney
 Thomas J. Ashley ’60
                                                   Ludmilla Savelieff ’02 Kasulke and Stephen Kasulke       Patricia R. Rooney
 Michael J. and Jacqueline Baird
                                                   Brenden P. Kelley ’08                                    Oliver E. ’55 ◆ and Meredith Seikel
 Dr. John Barbato and Dr. Patricia Duggan
                                                   Grace E. Kenney ’02                                      Reginald P. Shiverick ’09
 Thomas M. and Jennifer F. Barton
                                                   Claire T. Kenney ’06                                     James J. and Christine R. Smolik
 Dr. James M. ’61 and Eileen Bazzoli
                                                   Rachel M. Kenney ’08                                     Lynne M. and Paul Sojda
 Laurie A. and Stephen B. Bilger
                                                   Kathleen C. Kenny and Robert E. Kenny III                Kenneth Stasick

                                                                                                                                                                          H O N O R RO L L O F D O N O R S
 Rev. John J. Blazek ’58, C.S.C.
                                                   Rachel M. Kirsch ’09                                     Emily and S. Finley Stay
 David and Patricia Brandt
                                                   Andrew and Carole Krupa                                  Vascular Interventions & Venous Associates
 J. Morris and Sidney Burrows
                                                   Russell and Renee Lamosek                                Andrea Vazquez de Arthur ’97 and Sean Arthur
 Kevin R. ’75 and Shannon M. Callahan
                                                   Dr. William F. Lavigna ’68                               Dr. Frank Vecchio & Helen Williams
 Carole ◆ and David Carr                                                                                      Vecchio Foundation
                                                   Daniel A. and Eva B. Lewis
 Dennis and Suzi Castiglione                                                                                David C. and Elizabeth A. Wagner
                                                   Denise Lymn
 Dr. Stephen L. and Linda B. Cheng                                                                          Dr. Charles V. Wellman ’68 and Dr. Ann Eckstein
                                                   John and Erin Malloy
 Mark ’94 and Michelle DeBacco ’96 Chiacchiari                                                              E. Mark ’92 and London Young
                                                   Tilman O. Moe III and Dr. Jennifer Moe
 Susan L. and Gregory Chiancone                                                                             Brian and Jennifer Zupanc
                                                   Elizabeth Chiarucci ’84 Morgan and Tim Morgan
 JinJoo Cho ’06
                                                   Raymond ’65 and Mary Kathleen Murphy
 Dominic A. ’82 and Julie M. DiPuccio                                                                       PROMISE AND RENEWAL
                                                   John P. Murphy Foundation

 Lorraine and Bill Dodero                                                                                   Dr. Richard J. Boland, Jr. ’63 and Nora Boland
                                                   John B. ’97 and Lisa Murphy

                                                                                                                                                                          2 017-18
 Corinne L. Dodero Foundation for the Arts                                                                  Elizabeth J. Oliver and Richard T. Oliver, Jr.
                                                   Susan M. Napier ’00 and Alex Berger
   and Sciences
                                                   The New York Community Trust                             Joseph J. Soukenik IV ’80 and Julie A. Soukenik         E
 Kevin M. ’01 and Lindsey B. Dolohanty
                                                   William K. ’62 and Shirley Nook
 Michael E. Elliott Esq. ’71
                                                                                                                              Consecutive Year Donor         ◆ Deceased
                    OU      ENDOWED FUNDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS

                            CLASS OF 1960 ENDOWMENT FUND
                            Harrington Foundation
                            Dennis P. Killeen ’60

                            GUY A. BOZZA MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND
                            The Honorable Mary Kaye BozzaT
   WELCOME                  THE THOMAS O. CALLAGHAN ‘65
   STUDENTS                 Thomas R. Eby, Jr. ’65 and Ann Eby
                            Robert E. Heltzel, Jr. ’65 and Harriet B. Heltzel
  Admission staff           Andrew Rayburn
     hosted                 Thomas J. and Sandy Usher
   385 students
on campus for shadow days   GLEN OAK SCHOLARSHIP FUND
                            Tracey Williams G.O. ’81 Anarella and Peter Fish
                            Chantal Boiardi G.O. ’73
                            Ann Dixon G.O. ’72 Bolek and Thomas Bolek
                            Mary Burkhart G.O. ’77 Bondy and Richard Bondy
                            Margaret Bray G.O. ’74
                            Terri Hamilton G.O. ’79 Brown and Darnell Brown
                            Jean Browne G.O. ’80 and Carlos Rivera
                            Vincent A. Chiarucci
                            Herbert S. ’74 and Kathleen Hackman G.O. ’75
                            Robin Darden G.O. ’72 Thomas
                            Dr. Hallie DeChant G.O. ’76 and Thomas Browne
                            Deirdre Donahue G.O. ’74 and James Dahlberg
                            Heidi Meyer G.O. ’78 Figas
                            Sheila O’Toole G.O. ’73 Gallagher and Paul Gallagher
                            Sandra Gontero G.O. ’78
                            Shoshana Hirsch G.O. ’76 Grammer and Craig Grammer
                            Robin Greenwald-Gilbert G.O. ’77
                            Dorothy Callaghan G.O. ’72 Gunn and John Gunn

Cheryl and Braden Gutchall                               ANNIE KUZNIK SCHOLARSHIP FUND
Elizabeth Hackman G.O. ’77 Heer                          Cheryl and Braden Gutchall
Frances Guarino G.O. ’77 Hinkle and Robert Hinkle        Kathleen C. Kenny and Robert E. Kenny III
Alane Burkhart G.O. ’81 Hughes and John Hughes           Brenda Lynn-Wall
Bernadette Conway G.O. ’78 Jekutis and                   Dr. Robert A. and Mary Jo Salata
  Daniel Jekutis
                                                         Cathy Udall
JoAnn DePalma G.O. ’73 Jones and Donald Jones
Dr. Barbara Knuth G.O. ’76 and Kurt Jirka
                                                         MORRISEY FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUND
Sara Hurley G.O. ’77 Koepke and Stephen Koepke
                                                         Michael Snelling ’86 and Dana Randazzo ’87JOS
Carol Lasch G.O. ’79 and John Schlinke
Mary Ann Lasch G.O. ’72
                                                         JOSEPHINE WEAVER SEIKEL
Melinda Miller G.O. ’79                                  SCHOLARSHIP FUND
Patricia Morgan G.O. ’82 and Thomas Belcher
                                                         Oliver E. ’55 ◆ and Meredith Seikel
Mariquita Morrison G.O. ’73
Jean Powley G.O. ’75 Murphy and Edward Murphy
                                                         DUDLEY P. SHEFFLER MEMORIAL
Ann Chiarucci G.O. ’76 O’Brien and Robert O’Brien        SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT FUND
Amy Wentsch G.O. ’77 Pozmann
                                                         Barbara K. Sheffler
Laura Lavelle G.O. ’73 Ramella and Gerard Ramella
                                                         The Dudley P. & Barbara K. Sheffler Foundation
Mary Alexander G.O. ’75 Ray and Todd Ray
Dr. Susan S. Reid ’83
                                                         CHARLIE TREMONT ‘70 SCHOLARSHIP FUND

                                                                                                          H O N O R RO L L O F D O N O R S
Mary Sadowski G.O. ’78
                                                         *See Charlie Tremont Golf Classic on page 59
Therese Alexander G.O. ’77 Smyntek and
  Lawrence Smyntek
Christine Hartman G.O. ’75 Stephens and Scott Stephens   THE VERN WEBER ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP FUND
Margaret Titterington G.O. ’81 and Edward Velazquez      Thomas J. Ashley ’60
Mery deHaas G.O. ’77 Tomsick and Richard Tomsick         Parker A. Berzin ’14
Margaret Brett G.O. ’75 Turenne and Andy Turenne         Robert C. and Donna M. Gatto
Wendy Urban-Mead G.O. ’80 and Russell Urban-Mead         Dr. Daniel and Florence Goldberg
Mary Druckenbrod Visintine G.O. ’75                      William and Rita Kirk
Louise Gilbert G.O. ’80 Warner and Greg Warner           Robert M. Kohn
Laurie Mulligan G.O. ’75 White and Steve White           Maxine Kopecky
                                                         Arthur J. ’70 and Greta Rooney

LAWRENCE ’66 AND MARYANN KENNEDY                         Andrew P. Selfridge ’67

                                                                                                          2 017-18
                                                         Duane W. Weber
Lawrence D. ’66 and Maryann Z. Kennedy

Rendering of theater in
                                                                new Dodero Center for
                                                                Performing Arts

             FOR A LIFE LIVED
             TO THE FULLEST

     We were so saddened by the passing of Matthew
     P. Figgie ’84 in late August and pause to share our
     appreciation for the number of ways he gave back                   STEADY PROGRESS AS WE
     to the Academy. Whether supporting his daughter
     and her classmates at the Lower School as the room
                                                                        ANTICIPATE THE GRAND
     father, launching the Steinway Select initiative on                OPENING
     campus or installing the brand new, state-of-the-
     art Figgie Field, his loyalty and generosity to the                After an exciting groundbreaking ceremony in June,
     school was transformational.                                       construction commenced for The Lorraine and Bill
     We are so grateful that Mr. Figgie lived to see the                Dodero Center for Performing Arts. The dust is flying
     opening of Figgie Field on May 3 and know that his                 and construction crews are on site each day steadily
     Lancer spirit will live on as generations of ballplayers           making progress on this long-awaited project, whose
     enjoy the fruits of his efforts.                                   projected completion date is Fall 2019.

                                                                        Many thanks to the hundreds of donors who have
                                                                        made the project a reality!


                                                 Six brand new tennis courts located behind Ice Arena
                                                 and across from Figgie Field

                                                                     6 NEW

                                                                                                         H O N O R RO L L O F D O N O R S

                                                         To make room for the new Dodero Center for
                                                          Performing Arts, the existing tennis courts
                                                          were rebuilt behind the ice arena and across
                                                          from Figgie Field. The six brand new courts
                                                                will make for spectacular home
                                                                matches for the boys this spring
                                                                     and for the girls next fall.

                                                                                                         2 017-18
Construction is officially underway

                                                                                                                                        SPIRIT OF
                                                                                                                                    GLEN OAK LIVES ON
                                                                                                                                         THROUGH NEXT
                                                                                                                                     GENERATION OF STUDENTS

                                                                                             A                  s graduates of
                                                                                                                Glen Oak School,
                                                                                                                Mary Ann Lasch
                                                                                             ’72, Mary Ray ’75 and Sally Koepke
                                                                                             ’77 attribute much of who they are
                                                                                             today to their education. When the
                                                                                                                                    It’s this sense of connection that recipients often write
                                                                                                                                    about in their application essays and thank you letters.
                                                                                                                                    “It’s really about connecting to other generations of
                                                                                                                                    women and just encouraging them and trying to
                                                                                                                                    provide some help and support,” Ray said. “Financially
                                                                                                                                    I’m sure it’s helpful, but I think it also tells them that
                                                                                             all-girls school merged with Gilmour
                                                                                             Academy in 1982, as a way to ensure    people are behind them.”
                                                                                             the legacy of Glen Oak lived on, a     All three women hope that both supporters of
                                                                                             scholarship fund was established to    Gilmour and alumna of Glen Oak School consider
                                                                                             support junior girls who embody        supporting the scholarship. They see it as a way to
                                                                                             the Glen Oak ideals of self-           help deserving young women and as a way to continue
                                                                                             enrichment, service and compassion.    the legacy of their alma mater. The group is
                                                                                             Lasch, Ray and Koepke have been        spearheading a fundraising effort to increase the
                                                                                             instrumental in raising money for      dollar amount of the scholarship in anticipation of the
                                                                                             the Glen Oak Scholarship and           50th anniversary of the opening of Glen Oak next
                                                                                             selecting qualified winners.           September. “These kids are the future, and we need
                                                                                                                                    to help them make a positive impact on the world,”
     2017-2018 Glen Oak Scholarship winners and Glen Oak alumnae -          “Gilmour has been so supportive of Glen Oak and         Lasch said.
     L to R: Arianna Mack ’18, Mary Ann Lasch G.O. ’72, Sally Koepke G.O.   working with us to keep this scholarship going,”
     ’77, Ava Thomas ’18, Lily Switka ’18 and Mary Ray G.O. ’75 after the                                                           To donate to the Glen Oak Scholarship Fund,
                                                                            Koepke said.
     Senior Awards assembly                                                                                                         visit
                                                                            Glen Oak Scholarship winners understand that they are
                                                                            carrying on a legacy passed down from the women who
                                                                            have come before them.

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