12th ISNS European Regional Meeting, Luxembourg Going Virtual 10-12 November 2021 - SPONSORSHIP MANUAL ISNS2021.com

Page created by Leslie Wong
12th ISNS European Regional Meeting, Luxembourg Going Virtual 10-12 November 2021 - SPONSORSHIP MANUAL ISNS2021.com
12th ISNS European Regional Meeting,
       Luxembourg Going Virtual
         10-12 November 2021

12th ISNS European Regional Meeting, Luxembourg Going Virtual 10-12 November 2021 - SPONSORSHIP MANUAL ISNS2021.com

ISNS Virtual meeting
c/o MCI Suisse SA
Rue du Pré-Bouvier 9, 1242 Satigny- Switzerland
E-mail: isns@mci-group.com
12th ISNS European Regional Meeting, Luxembourg Going Virtual 10-12 November 2021 - SPONSORSHIP MANUAL ISNS2021.com
The International Society for Neonatal Screening (ISNS) holds a European regional meeting every 2 years.
In 2021, it will be hosted virtually by Luxembourg, on topics related to newborn screening - working
together in the heart of Europe

12th ISNS European Regional Meeting 2021

We are delighted to invite you to the ISNS Luxembourg 2021 symposium. It will be held fully virtually on the new dates of Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, 10, 11, 12 November 2021 in response to the uncertainty of safety, travel and venue restrictions created by the
COVID-19 pandemic. The revised programme on three half days will include topical newborn screening presentations, commercial
workshops, virtual posters and more.

Kate Hall
Chair, ISNS 2021 Local Organising Committee
12th ISNS European Regional Meeting, Luxembourg Going Virtual 10-12 November 2021 - SPONSORSHIP MANUAL ISNS2021.com

Greetings from the ISNS President
As President of the ISNS it is a great honour for me to invite you to:

The 12th ISNS European Regional Meeting to be held as a virtual meeting organised from Luxembourg from 10th - 12th November 2021.

2020 has been a year of great challenge and it is a tribute to the dedication and commitment of those in the newborn screening community
that services have, by and large, been well maintained and children have continued to benefit from the life changing interventions offered by
screening. It is on that basis that we aim to press ahead to refine and extend this benefit to more and more children and to cover a greater
number of conditions.
A virtual conference, while missing out on the usual hospitality that we all enjoy, brings with it new opportunities for wider participation
within the newborn screening community. The revised programme will emphasise the collaborative nature of progress with a theme of
'Newborn screening - working together in the heart of Europe.'
Despite the challenges presented by Covid 2021 remains a time of great opportunity and promise with new treatments driving the need for
early detection and new technologies allowing us to rise to that challenge and we will hear more of this during the meeting.
Patricia Borde, President of the Conference and Kate Hall, Chair of the organising committee are committed to creating a unique opportunity
to participants in this important event for the newborn screening community. I do hope that you will be able to join us and contribute to the
success of this exciting meeting.

Jim Bonham, PhD
ISNS President
12th ISNS European Regional Meeting, Luxembourg Going Virtual 10-12 November 2021 - SPONSORSHIP MANUAL ISNS2021.com


On behalf of the International Society for Neonatal Screening and the local organizing committee, it is my pleasure to invite you to join
us virtually in Luxembourg for the 12th ISNS European Regional Meeting in November 2021.
Following the cancellation of the 2020 meeting due to the COVID 19 pandemic, and considering the uncertainty about a live meeting in
2021, we have opted for a virtual meeting. We are more than excited to welcome you to join us virtually in our small but charming
country of Luxembourg.
As a cosmopolitan crossroads at the centre of Europe, the Grand Duchy is a melting-pot of nationalities, cultures and languages.
Openness to the outside world is a key element of the Luxembourg model of society where integration is an everyday reality.
Therefore, the theme of our next meeting ‘Newborn screening - working together in the heart of Europe’ reflects exactly what we aim to
implement during this time, the beginning of a true harmonization of screening within our countries. Of course, it will be an opportunity
to share experience and expertise in new trends, and to meet our colleagues through our screens.
Join us in 2021 for what will undoubtedly be an extra-ordinary meeting.
Kind regards,

Patricia Borde
12th ISNS European Regional Meeting, Luxembourg Going Virtual 10-12 November 2021 - SPONSORSHIP MANUAL ISNS2021.com
                                            LOCAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE
                          Patricia Borde                               Luxembourg
                          France Debaugnies                            Luxembourg
                          Dominique Bourgeois                          Luxembourg
                          Kate Hall                                         UK
                          David Cheillan                                  France
                          Eugenie Dekkers                              Netherlands
                          Viktor Kožich                               Czech Republic
                          Giancarlo La Marca                               Italy
                          Raquel Yahyaoui Macías                           Spain
                          Rolf Zetterström                               Sweden
                                                 Scientific Committee

                                   Jim Bonham, chair                  Kostas Petritis
                                        Mei Baker                       Iveta Sosova
                                    Roberto Giugliani                 Peter Schielen
                                         Kate Hall                     Lesley Tetlow
                                      Seema Kapoor                     Brad Therrell
                                     Issam Khneisser                 Dianne Webster
                                      Gerard Loeber                   Veronica Wiley
                                     Dave Millington                 Rolf Zetterstrom

  The International Society for Neonatal Screening (ISNS) holds a European regional meeting every 2 years.
  In 2021, it will be hosted virtually by Luxembourg, on topics related to newborn screening - working
  together in the heart of Europe
12th ISNS European Regional Meeting, Luxembourg Going Virtual 10-12 November 2021 - SPONSORSHIP MANUAL ISNS2021.com
Long term outcome and governance of newborn screening cases detected, registries
Genetic testing in newborn screening
Ethical, legal and social implications of newborn screening and false positive identification - early follow up findings
Impact of maternal nutritional status/health on newborn screening
Newborn screening for SCID and SMA across Europe, pilots of X-ALD/MPS1 screening
Newborn screening report from European countries


                                 Wednesday 10 November             Thursday 11 November                Friday 12 November

            12:15 – 12:45             Opening session
             13:00 - 14:00                session 1                        session 4                         session 7
             14:15 - 15:15                session 2                        session 5                         session 8
             15:30 - 16:30                session 3                        session 6                          session9

             16:45 - 17:45         Commercial workshop              Commercial workshop                Commercial workshop

             17:45 - 18:15          Summary of the day               Summary of the day                 Summary of the day
12th ISNS European Regional Meeting, Luxembourg Going Virtual 10-12 November 2021 - SPONSORSHIP MANUAL ISNS2021.com
ISNS meetings are attended by experts in the field of neonatal screening. These comprise laboratory directors,
programme managers, clinical specialists involved in treatment and follow up, nurses, midwives and laboratory
Typical numbers are 200-250 delegates from around 30 countries.

This 12th ISNS European Regional meeting provides an ideal occasion for companies to present their products to a
broad audience of potential customers. Companies will have a focus on laboratory equipment, reagents, test-kits,
software, drugs, food supplements, dietary products and other materials related to newborn screening, follow-up and

To maximize the attendance at the virtual event, ISNS has made a significant effort to reduce the registration
fees as much as possible. With this, we hope to give our industry partners increased visibility in the virtual
meeting, encourage first time participants to access the content of the ISNS 2021 Virtual Meeting at a
reduced rate and enable participants with limited financial support to attend.

                                                             Early bird               Regular price
                                                     until the 1st September     from the 2nd September
                             ISNS Members             EUR               100.00   EUR                  150.00
                             Non-Members              EUR               120.00   EUR                  170.00
                             LMI ISNS Members          EUR               70.00   EUR                  100.00
                             LMI ISNS Non-Members      EUR               90.00   EUR                  120.00

   Virtual Congress Registration Fees include:
   ✓ Full access to all three days of content
   ✓ Networking opportunities
   ✓ ePoster & oral communication sessions
   ✓ Access to all recorded sessions after the virtual event for up to 3 months on the digital platform
12th ISNS European Regional Meeting, Luxembourg Going Virtual 10-12 November 2021 - SPONSORSHIP MANUAL ISNS2021.com
• The ISNS 2021 Virtual Meeting will provide a mix of on-demand and live content.
• The on-demand content will be pre-recorded and made available through the digital platform. It can be viewed at any point
  during the event’s live dates or afterwards for up to 3 months on the digital platform
• The live content will either be fully live or will associate pre-recorded presentations with a live Q&A at the end with presence
  of all speakers & moderators. All sessions will be available on-demand soon after they are aired (this is also valid for


✓   Workshops: pre-recorded or live – with or without live Q&A
✓   Sponsors Corner: Engage with participants, show videos, brochures display
✓   Branding: options within the platform, via the congress website, content or video adverts

• The digital world will enable us to provide you with very precise and detailed metrics regarding the visitors to the event and
  your workshop. Lead retrieval will also be available (additional service, costs to be provided later) and it will be a completely
  seamless operation for you as leads will automatically be collected for you. This will not only reduce the amount of work
  involved with collecting leads but also maximize the number of leads collected.
12th ISNS European Regional Meeting, Luxembourg Going Virtual 10-12 November 2021 - SPONSORSHIP MANUAL ISNS2021.com
• All of the ISNS content, along with your workshop (unless you decide otherwise) will be available for up to 3 months
  to all registered participants on the digital platform.

• Beyond the registration fees, with the ISNS 2021 Virtual Meeting, your overall budgets will be considerably reduced as
  all aspects such as travel expenses, accommodation, booth construction, printed matters, etc will either be trimmed
  down or non-existent.

• With the virtual event, you do not need to dispatch your staff to the congress venue for a week to attend the other
   ISNS related activities. They can handle any leads or chat conversations directly from the office while being able to
   work on other matters at the same time.

• Take this unique situation as an opportunity to delve further into the virtual conference component that is bound to
  become part of meetings in the future. By participating, you will gain valuable insight into the possibilities that a
  virtual event offers, which will be of great value to best capitalize on hybrid meetings in the future.

• All prices shown in this document are exclusive of VAT. For the ISNS 2021 Virtual Meeting, Swiss VAT will apply, since
   the event will be run through MCI Suisse SA out of Geneva. Swiss companies will be subject to 7.7% VAT while non-
   Swiss companies will be subject to 0% VAT.

Workshops programmes are organised in consultation with the Scientific Programme Committee, which require that
company programmes be submitted for approval of topic, objectives and speakers.

3 slots available:
- Wednesday 10 November            16:45 – 17:45                    PRE-RECORDED package
- Thursday 11 November             16:45 – 17:45                    ✓    Pre-recorded workshop by the company
- Friday 12 November               16:45 – 17:45                    ✓    Available for whole congress + 3 months on-demand
                                                                    ✓    Published in the congress programme
                                                                                                                                  EUR 15’000
                                                                    ✓    Stats report on number of views (2 reports in total)
                                                                    ✓    Live chat and Q&A at the end of the symposium
                                                                    ✓    5 complimentary registrations per symposium slot
                                                                    ✓    2 emailers to registered participants to advertise all
                                                                         commercial workshops

                                                                    LIVE package
                                                                    ✓    Live workshop in a dedicated slot in the programme
                                                                    ✓    Available after live session + 3 months on-demand
                                                                    ✓    Published in the congress programme
                                                                    ✓    Company logo + profile on congress website               EUR 20’000
                                                                    ✓    Stats report on number of views (2 reports in total)
                                                                    ✓    Live chat and Q&A during symposium
                                                                    ✓    5 complimentary registrations per symposium slot
                                                                    ✓    2 emailers to registered participants to advertise all
                                                                         commercial workshops
GOLD option: 4500 EUR
• 1 company logo
• 1 company profile
• Possibility to add up to 2 videos                                                             Logo
• Possibility to add up to 5 PDF brochures
• Up to 5 members of your staff for chat function   Company Name   Logo
  with participants                                                                        Company Profile
• 1 push notification
• Position in Directory: 1st                              Video
SILVER option: 3000 EUR
• 1 company logo
• 1 company profile
• Possibility to add up to 1 videos                                       Company contact details
• Possibility to add to 3 PDF brochures
• Up to 3 members of your staff for chat
  function with participants
• Position in Directory: 2nd

BRONZE option: 1000 EUR                                                   PDF Brochures sections
•   1 company logo
•   1 company profile
•   Possibility to add to 2 PDF brochures
•   Position in Directory: 3rd

                   Platform sponsoring                                                       E-Driver (E-mailing)
                        (4 opportunities)
                                                                                                      3’500 EUR
                           5’000 EUR                                        Promote your workshop or your company to Registered Delegates!
Make the most of your virtual investment by promoting it first virtually!   An HTML email provided by the sponsor will be sent to ISNS 2021
Sponsoring the Meeting platform is an innovative interactive service        Virtual Meeting registered attendees on a requested date. This is the
that you can provide to the ISNS delegates. This technology will enable     perfect way to drive your brand to a specific audience before any of
delegates to access the content and the programme every day for the         your competitors. These emails are sent out directly by MCI – no email
ISNS 2021 Virtual meeting.                                                  lists are provided to sponsors.

                    Push notification                                                            Session Advert
                           1’000 EUR                                            2’000 EUR                                   3’000 EUR
Promote your workshop or your company to website visitors or on the            5-Second Advert                             10-Second Advert
platform during the congress days!                                          Just like you would on Youtube, Facebook, or any other streaming
This is the perfect way to drive your brand to a specific audience before   platform nowadays, you have the opportunity to add a short advert
any of your competitors.                                                    before delegates can access the content of the on-demand sessions.
                                                                            The advert will need to be created by the sponsor. Delegates will not
                                                                            have the option to skip the advert before it has played in full. This
                                                                            opportunity will grant you a tremendous amount of visibility with the
                                                                            delegates, that you can use to attract them to your workshop or simply
                                                                            advertise your brand. Make sure to take a good look at the programme
                                                                            to ensure that you choose the session(s) that is/are the most relevant
                                                                            to your brand.
                        Web Banner
                    (on meeting website)
                          3’000 EUR
The website being set-up for the promotion of the congress, companies
are cordially invited to sponsor this site with their name and logo. Add
a banner and an internet link to your own web site and be more visible
on the web! Your company will benefit from an enhanced and
permanent presence on-line. It is the best way to reach already
targeted people!

                                                                  E-Poster Sponsoring
                                                                        (4 opportunities)

                                                                           3’500 EUR
                                                  Have your logo shown on the platform where the delegates will view
                                                  the e-posters. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to have your
                                                  brand visible in one common virtual space/window rather than
                                                  scattered around a vast poster area in an actual congress centre.

                                   Chat room                                                              Participant Name
                                      ( ex c l u s i v e )                                                Participant Name

                                                                                                          Participant Name

                               3’500 EUR                                                                  Participant Name
         Have your logo show on the platform where the delegates will be able                             Participant Name

         to make contacts and chat amongst each other. Take advantage of this                             Participant Name
         unique opportunity to have your brand visible in one common virtual                              Participant Name
         space/window which substitutes the ‘meeting peers’ portion, so highly                            Participant Name
         valued during conferences..
                                                                                                          Participant Name
 To be valid, your reservation must be completed via the official order forms. An invoice will be
 issued upon completion of your order, to be paid within 30 days of receipt.
 The completion of an order constitutes a firm hire commitment and compels the subscriber to accept both the general conditions
 and the sponsor rules and regulations. No verbal or telephone agreement will commit MCI Suisse SA nor the Organising Committee
 unless confirmed in writing. The full amount for your booking(s) must be received by 30 September 2021 at the latest. Non-
 payment by this stated deadline will lead to the cancellation of your booking, without reimbursement of any deposit paid.
 Workshop slots and sponsorship items allocations will be attributed on first come first serve basis.

 Technical Manual
 A Technical Manual will be sent to every registered sponsor in August. This manual will contain all information regarding general
 conditions, technical requirements for the various sponsorship items and the corresponding deadlines to be respected.

 Force Majeure
 In the event of force majeure, the meeting dates may be changed, or the latter may be purely and simply cancelled.
 In the last event, the disposable funds after payment of expenses will be shared between sponsors in proportion to their payments
 without it being possible to take recourse against the Organiser or the producer.

 Interpretation of the Regulations and Amendments
 MCI Suisse SA is the sole competent authority as to problems arising from the interpretation of the here enclosed regulations and
 their enforcement. Any expenses resulting from the non-observance of the here-enclosed regulations will be chargeable to the
 sponsor. MCI Suisse SA reserves the right to change or to complete the here-enclosed regulations at any time. If any changes should
 occur, all participating companies will be informed.
 MCI Suisse SA
 Rue du Pré-Bouvier 9
 1242 Satigny, Switzerland
 1. In accordance with European data protection regulation, in particular Regulation (EU)
 No. 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data,
 MCI Group, as data controller, processes the sponsor’s personal data for the purposes of (i) managing and organising the
 event, in particular the management of exhibitor/sponsor’s stand, investment opportunities or industry symposium (ii)
 managing and organising prospecting and loyalty (iii) enabling the exhibitor/sponsor to benefit from our services (iv)
 enabling the exhibitor/sponsor to receive our news. These data processing have as legal basis the execution of the
 contract: the information we collect is necessary for the implementation of the contract to which the exhibitor/sponsor
 has adhered, failing which the contract cannot be executed.
 Sponsors’ data are retained for the time necessary for processing purposes, namely 5 years from the end of the business
 For processing purposes, the sponsors’ data – or any transmitted by the sponsor - will be transmitted to the following
 recipients: management service providers of our Customer Relationship Manager, service providers in charge of
 management, event service providers (official contractors, security, official freight forwarders, etc.).
 The data necessary for MCI Group to fulfil the purposes described above are those appearing on this order form. In
 accordance with the regulations in force, the sponsor benefits from a right of access, rectification, limitation, deletion and
 portability on his data.
 The sponsor may also object to the processing of their personal data concerning them and lodge a complaint with the data
 protection and control authority. The sponsor may exercise their rights by sending a request to the following address by
 contacting our Data Protection Officer (DPO) : anne.lesca@mci-group.com

 2. In any event, the sponsor acknowledges compliance with European data protection regulations for their own processing,
 including Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679 on the protection of personal data, foremost among which the integrity and
 confidentiality of data communicated by participants and compliance with their data-retention periods. In case of
 communication to MCI by the sponsor of a personal data file, the sponsor acknowledges having informed and obtained the
 consent of the person(s) concerned by this communication.
12th ISNS European Regional Meeting,
       Luxembourg Going Virtual
         November 10-12, 2021

To become a sponsor to the ISNS Virtual meeting
please complete the official order form that can
               be found HERE

   And send it back to isns@mci-group.com
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