Zaatar w Zeit picks up award for BBc good food

Page created by Eva Cole
Zaatar w Zeit picks up award for BBc good food
The latest buzz, news and outlook from inside the heart of Cravia.
                                                       A monthly affair.

                                                               Cinnabon UAE sets
      Issue # 63 | Feb & Mar 2014                               an international

Zaatar w Zeit
picks up award
for BBc good food

working mom

          To participate in   please send an e-mail to
Zaatar w Zeit picks up award for BBc good food
in this issue
       3 Zaatar w Zeit picks
         up BBC Good Food
         ME Award

       4 Cinnabon UAE sets an
         international example

       5 Working mom

       6 Employee promotions

       6 Birthdays

       7 Wall of fame

       7 Progress outline

       8 Games

       8 New babies


       8 Fun facts

Zaatar w Zeit picks up award for BBc good food
Z a ata r w Z e i t
pi c k s u p a w a rd f o r
    bb c g o o d f o o d
Zaatar w Zeit has proudly been named the        We would like to dedicate this award to all
best Middle Eastern restaurant at the 2013      Zaatar w Zeit fans who voted us to the top
BBC Good Food ME Awards in a dazzling           spot for the second year in a row! We would
award ceremony held at The Address, Dubai       also like to thank the Zaatar w Zeit team for
Marina, on the 29th of January. This is the     their hard work and efforts that continue to
second consecutive win for Zaatar w Zeit, for   make this an award-winning brand.
delivering consistently great food.

                                                                                    Issue #63 | Feb & Mar 2014   3
Zaatar w Zeit picks up award for BBc good food
Ci n n a b o n
      UAE s e t s a n
    i n t e r n at i o n a l

                Cravia, and the UAE Cinnabon Team, was recently recognized once again
                for being a great ambassador for the brand – presenting it the way it should
                be, initiating the launch of new products and for being a global training
                center for SBC and Cinnabon in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
                Our team traveled 1,000’s of miles in different directions to support new
                Cinnabon openings – going beyond expectations and the call of duty to
                develop the brand for different venues.

Zaatar w Zeit picks up award for BBc good food
                BY Blesilda Balderas

                     All mothers are considered working moms, but those
                     who have a career away from home face an extra
                     challenge. Trying to manage and balance both a
                     career and family life, I wondered how they were able
                     to do it all until I experienced it myself. I became a
                     working mom just recently when I gave birth to a
                     healthy baby in 2012. It’s not an easy job and it will
never be an easy responsibility. Things seem totally different. Sleepless
nights, coupled with household chores – and still having to manage to
be in the office by 8:00am! I had to always be focused and offer my full
concentration, while trying to spare a minute or two to check if my baby
was fine. In the beginning I was very uneasy and it was hard to adjust and
learn how not to freak out when challenges arose.
Thank God I was able to adapt, adjust and fine tune myself and be
mature enough to handle this big change in my life. I am also lucky
enough to have a supportive husband and a trusted person to take care
of our baby. Having joined the league of moms, I give all my love, respect
and admiration to all the mothers around the world who do their best and
give everything of themselves. I consider my mom, grandmother and all
the other mothers out there as mankind’s everyday heroes in life. I would
like to offer a special mention
to all those who have left their
home country to work abroad,
sacrificing their time and dealing
with being miles away from their
family back home to make a
better life for their children.
A well-deserved high salute
to all hardworking moms.
Happy Mother’s Day
in advance.

                                                    Issue #63 | Feb & Mar 2014   5
Zaatar w Zeit picks up award for BBc good food
EM P LO Y EE P r o m o t i o n s
                             We are pleased to announce the promotion of our colleague,
                             Mr. Marwan Kandeel, to the position of Multi-Brand Manager,
                             reporting directly to our COO, Mr. Louay Ghandour.
                             In his new role, Marwan will be in charge of The Steak Bar, in
                             addition to the brands: Cinnabon, Seattle’s Best Coffee and Carvel.
                             Please join us in congratulating Marwan on his promotion and
                             wishing him continued success.

    Mr. Marwan Kandeel

                             We are pleased to announce the
                             promotion of our colleague Mr. Shrestha
                             Sailendra to the position of Home Delivery
                             Supervisor, reporting directly to the Area
                             Coach, Mr. Ali Sayed.

    Shrestha Sailendra

                         Walid Hajj - Jan 24
                                                                    B I R T H D AY S

                                                                 Arnel Candano - Jan 31

                               Naseer Alrimawi - Jan 16

                                                                                             Sujith Sadanand - Feb 26

                                                                     Ruth Valdez - Jan 24

Zaatar w Zeit picks up award for BBc good food
Wa l l o f                                                              Progress outline:

     Fa m e                                              J ANUA R Y SALES
                                                              CRAVIA SALES - Nov 2012 - Jan 2013 vs Nov 2013 - Jan 2014



Dear Team,
The year is off to a great start and I                                         20.6%
am truly proud of all of the hard work
that each of you has put in. It is great
to see new records being set, the                                                       6.60%
opening of new outlets and the hiring
of new staff. It is equally important


to always take a step back during




these fast-paced and exciting times
to recognize achievements and keep
our spirited culture alive.                          NOV 13                            DEC 13                          JAN 14
As always, I am grateful and honored
to announce the Wall of Fame
winners for January 2014.

                                           Cinnabon/SBC - Sales Records 2014
Winners for January 2014
                                           Monthly Sales                                  Jan - 14
                   ZwZ:                    Monthly Overall Sales                          Jan - 14
                   Total Cards: 140
                   Winner: Emp.#: 1735     Cinnabon Overall Sales                         Jan - 14
                   Karen Falejo            SBC Overall Sales                              Jan - 14
                   11 Cards
                   Al Salam                Souk Madinat - SBC                             Jan - 14
                                           Souk Madinat - Total                           Jan - 14
                                           Ibn Battuta                                    Jan - 14
                   Total Cards: 196        Mall of the Emirates - SBC                     Jan - 14
                   Winner: Emp.#: 2161
                                           Mall of the Emirates - Total                   Jan - 14
                   Kabita Khatiwada
                   13 Cards                Dubai Mall SF - SBC                            Jan - 14
                                           Dubai Mall SF - Total                          Jan - 14
                                           Mirdiff City Centre                            Jan - 14
                                           Sharjah City Centre                            Jan - 14
                                           GBT                                            Jan - 14
                                           Ibn Battuta Mall 2                             Jan - 14

Head Office:                               ZWZ- Sales Records 2014
Total Cards: 2
                                           Monthly Sales                                  Jan - 14
Winners Tie:
Emp.#: 2326 Neethu Susan Sameer            Monthly Overall Sales                          Jan - 14
Emp.#: 1724 Ruth Valdez
                                           Total Monthly Overall                          Jan - 14

Looking forward to our celebratory         Al Meraikhi - Sheikh Zayed                     Jan - 14
lunch in The Steak Bar at                  Dubai Festival City                            Jan - 14
The Beach, JBR.                            Motor City                                     Jan - 14
Please keep on performing.                 Tecom                                          Jan - 14

                      Louay Ghandour
                                                                                                             Issue #63 | Feb & Mar 2014       7
Zaatar w Zeit picks up award for BBc good food
games                                                                                New Babies

                DESCRIBE YOU

                                                                                         Hadi Mohammed Oniyil

                                                                                               Adam Alrimawi

“   Quotes
     “Try not to become a man of success, but
     rather try to become a man of value.”
                                                          F u n fa c t s
                                                          Did you
                                                          know that?
                                                                                    The average person will
                                                                                    consume 100 tons of food and
                                                                                    45,424 liters (12,000 gallons) of
                                                                                    water in their lifetime
                                     -Albert Einstein
                   “Innovation distinguishes between
                   a leader and a follower.”

    “A good decision is based on
                                           -Steve Jobs                                                  Camels have 3
                                                                                                        eyelids to protect
    knowledge and not on numbers.”                       Most cows produce more milk                    their eyes from
                                -Plato                   when they listen to music.                     blowing sand.

                                                                              For the latest happenings, news and pictures,

                                                                              visit our Facebook page
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