Year 3 English Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Page created by Jane Lloyd
Year 3 English Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Year 3 English
Wednesday 3 February 2021
Year 3 English Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Handwriting                                                      Write ‘f’ words in
                                                             sentences. For example:

                           Letter pair! Practise joining
                           the letter ‘f' to other
                           letters. Try starting with
                           the ‘f’ then joining from           Look for ‘f’ words in a
                           another letter to an ‘f’          reading book and practise
                           Practise three lines of joining         writing them.
  Practise forming         f to other letters in your
    the letter ‘f’         exercise book.
 Practise 2 lines of
the letter f in your       Practise writing the letter ‘f’
  book followed by         as part of a word.
  two lines of the
 letter f joined to
     another f.
Year 3 English Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Draw a table to sort    Create a poster with all
Spelling                                     the words by their
                                             spelling of the ‘oe’
                                                                        the different ‘oe’
                                                                    spellings. Draw a picture
                                            sound. Remember to       of something with each
            ‘oe’ sound                       use sound buttons.      spelling e.g oa = a boat
                                                                             ow = snow
                                             o oe oa ow o_e
                                                                     Write a sentence using
                                                                    all 5 of the ‘oe’ spellings!
                                             Fill in the blanks:    “I opened the window of
                                                                    the boat with my toe as
                                                    sh__                     a joke.”

                                                    b__t            Have a go at these two
                                                   th_s_               Username: jan21
                                                                       Password: home

                                                   g__ing            https://www.phonicspl
                                                                                             choose ‘phase 5’
                                                                                       ase/5/buried-treasure       then ‘oe’
Year 3 English Wednesday 3rd February 2021
English – Peter Pan
Yesterday, we explored some of the
vocabulary in Chapter 4 of Peter Pan.

In Chapter 4, Peter Pan tells the children

What would you think of to make you fly?
Year 3 English Wednesday 3rd February 2021
English – Peter Pan
Make a list of the happy thoughts you would think of to make
you fly with Peter Pan.
Use your knowledge of a/an and try to include some adjectives.
For example:
• A cute puppy
• An enormous chocolate cake
• A bouncy castle
• A unicorn with purple hair
• An afternoon at the beach

                                                         •     We use ‘a’ when the next word starts with a
                                                               consonant sound.
                                                         •     We use ‘an’ when the next word starts with a
                                                               vowel sound.
                                                         •     Say it aloud - does it sound right?
Year 3 English Wednesday 3rd February 2021
English – Peter Pan
                                                  • A cute puppy
Now, use your list to create a picture of you     • An enormous chocolate cake
flying with Peter Pan and the Darling children.   • A bouncy castle
                                                  • A unicorn with purple hair
Draw or paint a picture of you and the            • An afternoon at the beach
characters. Then write your happy thoughts
around it in an interesting way!
                                                    Here’s an example:
Year 3 English Wednesday 3rd February 2021
                                                                                                                                                               Oxford owl

                                                                                                                                                  You can access a collection of eBooks for
Remember to take time to read every day!                                                                                                                free using the following link

You could read books you took home, your own books
or any books in your Bug Club collection.
                                                                                                                                                          Reading Treasure Hunt
If you have a local library card you can also access                                                                                                      Can you find…
free ebooks from them! Ask an adult to help you with                                                                                                      ❑ a book with less than 20 pages?
these:                                                                                                                                                    ❑ a book with a child main character?
                                                                                                                                                          ❑ a book with no words?
Lewisham -            sortBy=mostpopular-
                                                                                                                                                          ❑ a book of poems?
0cmluZ1ZhbHVlIjoiMyIsIkRvdWJsZVZhbHVlIjozLjAsIkRhdGUiOiIwMDAxLTAxLTAxVDAwOjAwOjAwWiJ9XSwiR2xvYmFsUG9wdWxhcml0eSI6MjUsIlRpdGxlSWQiOjI                      ❑ the word ‘flight’ in a book?
                                                                                                                                                          ❑ a picture of a dragon in a book?

Southwark -                                                                                                                                               ❑ someone taking a risk in a book? te=4410&browseItemId
Year 3 English Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Year 3 Maths

Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Year 3 English Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Find 1, 10, 100 more or less     Morning Maths – Place Value
                               Find 1, 10, 100 more or less   Ordering numbers
Year 3 English Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Answers for Tuesday's Maths
    Click on the link to see how you
      got on yesterday. Mark your
Maths – pounds and pence                                              
    Have a go at the warm-up
      questions for today.

                               Watch today's video which explores pounds and           Click on the link to find
                                                  pence.                            activities for today's learning.
                                                                                   You have a choice of questions
                                                                                     but try to complete at least
  Once you have
  completed your
questions, have a go
   at one of the
Year 3 Topic

Wednesday 3rd
February 2021
Topic – PHSE

So far this term, we
have learned about risks –
 positive and negative risks
and how this links to online

Today, we will be exploring
the terms 'hazard' and
Topic – PHSE

Risk: a situation involving
   exposure to danger

   Hazard: a potential
    source of danger

Danger: the possibility of
suffering harm or injury
Topic – PHSE
Your task is to look at the pictures
  and describe (using the word
 mat) how the item or situation
  might be risky or dangerous.
 Discuss these ideas at home and
record your answers in your book.
You can also read