English Pirate Poems Friday 22nd May 2020

Page created by Sam Curry
English Pirate Poems Friday 22nd May 2020
English Pirate Poems
Friday 22 May 2020
English Pirate Poems Friday 22nd May 2020
Weekly outline- What we are learning this
     Monday- Vocabulary in a new text
     Tuesday- Rhyming and alliteration in poetry
     Wednesday- Handwriting and comprehension
     Thursday- Onomatopoeia and repetition in Poetry
     Friday- Spelling and simile in poetry
English Pirate Poems Friday 22nd May 2020
Today we are going to write a poem using the features we have learn
about this week.

Write today’s date and LO in your book
Friday 22nd May 2020
LO: Write a poem using language features
                             Key Vocabulary
                  spelling, auto, prefix, simile, like, as,
English Pirate Poems Friday 22nd May 2020
Spelling - auto
                                Challenge: Can you find
                                anymore words that
automatic                       have the auto
autocorrect                     prefix(word at the start
autopilot                       of another)?
                This video will help you learn all about the prefix ‘auto’
English Pirate Poems Friday 22nd May 2020
Complete a look say cover write check for the auto words. Do you
know what each word means? Look each word up in a dictionary
(or online) and see if you can use it in a sentence.

Extra practice:
English Pirate Poems Friday 22nd May 2020
Today we are going to learn about one more
language feature in poems before writing our
own, simile


A simile uses the words ‘like’ or ’as’ to compare.
English Pirate Poems Friday 22nd May 2020
                    A simile is a figure of speech. It is when one thing
                  is compared to another using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’.
          Similes are used in poetry to give the reader a more descriptive and
              in-depth understanding about a particular object or person.

                            Some examples of simile:

As busy as a bee – This is comparing someone’s level of energy to the speed of a
As snug as a bug in a rug – This is comparing someone who is very cosy to how
comfortable a bug would be in a rug.
Runs like a cheetah – This is comparing the speed that someone can run to the
speed of a cheetah which is quite fast.
As white as a ghost – This is comparing a person’s skin colour to a ghost, usually
because they are frightened, sick or scared of something.
English Pirate Poems Friday 22nd May 2020
Have a go…

1. The beautiful lady had a voice like a …

2. The cat was fast and ran like a …

3. She was as happy as a …
English Pirate Poems Friday 22nd May 2020
Some possible ideas

1. The beautiful lady had a voice like a …screeching parrot.

2. The cat was fast and ran like a …hungry cheater.

3. She was as happy as a … pig in mud.
English Pirate Poems Friday 22nd May 2020
Let’s try another
Below are the endings of some similes. Can you think of a starter to
compare it to? You might think of more than one for each.
Some ideas you might have
The bird with    The rotten egg   The child        Her beautiful
the large nest   sandwich was     stealing the     skin was
felt                              last donut was
Bringing all we have learnt together…
This week we have learnt about
Rhyme- boat, goat, throat
Onomatopoeia- bang, smash, drip
Repetition- hello, hello, hello
Alliteration- Sally sells sea shells.
Simile- The boy was as cold as ice.     Let’s try writing a poem
                                        using these features. If
                                        you find it a bit tricky, just
                                        try two. As a challenge,
                                        try all five.
A model to follow
Let’s try writing a poem using these features. If you find it a bit
tricky, just try two. As a challenge, try all five.
                       There once was a man as old as the hills
 Rhyme                 He stuttered and stumbled and slept in one sock
                       There once was a women who had the chills
                       She shook so much her house began to rock
 Repetition            There once was a child as quiet as a mouse
 Alliteration          Who jumped when a balloon popped
 Simile                There once was an old creepy house
                       Where these three lived, it was always locked
Here are some ideas you could write about
              Catching the
              A pirate on a ship
              Eating a delicious
Some similes you could use
   as cute as a kitten
   as happy as a clam
   as light as a feather
   as blind as a bat
   as bold as brass
   as bright as a button
   as shiny as a new pin
   as cold as ice
   as common as dirt
   as cool as a cucumber
Amazing work this week!
Next week we will look at different kinds of poems. If you can
remember when we learnt about Haiku’s, have a go at writing one
Have a wonderful weekend.
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