Grades 1 to 10 Ontario Revised Language Curriculum Cross Grade Comparison Charts - Niagara Catholic District School Board

Page created by Rick Nguyen
Grades 1 to 10 Ontario Revised Language Curriculum
                                 Cross Grade Comparison Charts
                                         Niagara Catholic District School Board

                                                          Program Department
                                                               June 2009

Niagara Catholic District School Board         Program Department              June 2008   1
   ¾   To provide an at-a-glance overview of all the specific expectations for each grade level.
   ¾   To assist teachers in clarifying what to teach, model and practice at a specific grade.
   ¾   To support planning of classroom instruction.
   ¾   To provide teachers with a developmental educational continuum.

Distinctions between the grade-to-grade specific expectations have been bolded and italicized so teachers can distinguish the similarities and/or differences.

   ¾   To facilitate curriculum planning for combined grades.
   ¾   To assist teachers’ planning and to facilitate the transition and alignment of skills and strategies from grade to grade.
   ¾   To ensure teachers are addressing the specific expectations at the grade level they are teaching. This will help ensure the program is developmentally appropriate and will allow teachers to delve
       deeper at their grade level.
   ¾   To facilitate Teaching-Learning Critical Pathways (TLCP) and to support the School Effectiveness Framework (SEF) by encouraging the clustering of expectations and assisting in the development
       of a deeper knowledge of the curriculum.

Application in the Early Years:
Early Years teachers have also been provided with this Scope and Sequence in order to help ensure that a developmentally appropriate program is being provided in Junior and Senior Kindergarten. The
information provided in this Scope and Sequence document supports teachers’ knowledge of the connection between grades in the Language document.

Niagara Catholic District School Board                                      Program Department                                          June 2008                                                            2
ORAL COMMUNICATION                                             By the end of their grade the students will:
                                  Grade 1                       Grade 2                       Grade 3                        Grade 4                       Grade 5                       Grade 6                       Grade 7                       Grade 8
 Listening to Understand (Overall Expectations 1)
 1.1 – Purpose            identify purposes for          identify purposes for         identify purposes for         identify purposes for         identify a range of           identify a range of           identify a range of           identify a range of
                          listening in a few different   listening in a variety of     listening in a variety of     listening in a variety of     purposes for listening in a   purposes for listening in a   purposes for listening in a   purposes for listening in a
                          situations, formal and         situations, formal and        situations, formal and        situations, formal and        variety of situations,        variety of situations,        variety of situations,        variety of situations,
                          informal                       informal, and set             informal, and set personal    informal, and set goals       formal and informal, and      formal and informal, and      formal and informal, and      formal and informal, and
                                                         personal goals for            goals related to listening    related to specific           set goals related to          set goals related to          set goals appropriate for     set goals appropriate to
                                                         listening, initially with     tasks                         listening tasks               specific listening tasks      specific listening tasks      specific listening tasks      specific listening tasks
                                                         support and direction
 1.2 – Active             demonstrate an                 demonstrate an                demonstrate an                demonstrate an                demonstrate an                demonstrate an                demonstrate an                demonstrate an
                          understanding of               understanding of              understanding of              understanding of              understanding of              understanding of              understanding of              understanding of
 Listening Strategies     appropriate listening          appropriate listening         appropriate listening         appropriate listening         appropriate listening         appropriate listening         appropriate listening         appropriate listening
                          behaviour by using active      behaviour by using active     behaviour by using active     behaviour by adapting         behaviour by adapting         behaviour by adapting         behaviour by adapting         behaviour by adapting
                          listening strategies in a      listening strategies in a     listening strategies in       active listening strategies   active listening strategies   active listening strategies   active listening strategies   active listening strategies
                          few different situations       variety of situations         order to contribute           to suit a variety of          to suit a range of            to suit a variety of          to suit a wide variety of     to suit a wide variety of
                                                                                       meaningfully and work         situations, including         situations, including work    situations, including work    situations, including work    situations, including work
                                                                                       constructively in groups      work in groups                in groups                     in groups                     in groups                     in groups
 1.3 –                    identify a few listening       identify several listening    identify a variety of         identify a variety of         identify a variety of         identify a variety of         identify a variety of         identify a variety of
                          comprehension strategies       comprehension strategies      listening comprehension       listening comprehension       listening comprehension       listening comprehension       listening comprehension       listening comprehension
 Comprehension            and use them before,           and use them before,          strategies and use them       strategies and use them       strategies and use them       strategies and use them       strategies and use them       strategies and use them
 Strategies               during, and after listening    during, and after listening   appropriately before,         appropriately before,         appropriately before,         appropriately before,         appropriately before,         appropriately before,
                          in order to understand and     in order to understand and    during, and after listening   during, and after listening   during, and after listening   during, and after listening   during, and after listening   during, and after listening
                          clarify the meaning of         clarify the meaning of        in order to understand and    in order to understand and    in order to understand and    in order to understand and    in order to understand and    in order to understand and
                          oral texts, initially with     oral texts                    clarify the meaning of        clarify the meaning of        clarify the meaning of        clarify the meaning of        clarify the meaning of        clarify the meaning of
                          support and direction                                        oral texts                    oral texts                    oral texts                    increasingly complex oral     increasingly complex or       increasingly complex and
                                                                                                                                                                                 texts                         challenging oral texts        challenging oral texts
 1.4 – Demonstrating      demonstrate an                 demonstrate an                demonstrate an                demonstrate an                demonstrate an                demonstrate an                demonstrate an                demonstrate an
                          understanding of the           understanding of the          understanding of the          understanding of the          understanding of the          understanding of the          understanding of the          understanding of the
 Understanding            information and ideas in       information and ideas in      information and ideas in a    information and ideas in a    information and ideas in      information and ideas in      information and ideas in      information and ideas in
                          oral texts by retelling the    oral texts by retelling the   variety of oral texts by      variety of oral texts by      oral texts by summarizing     increasingly complex          increasingly complex oral     increasingly complex and
                          story or restating the         story or restating the        identifying important         summarizing important         important ideas and citing    oral texts in a variety of    texts in a variety of ways    difficult oral texts in a
                          information, including the     information, including the    information or ideas and      ideas and citing              a variety of supporting       ways                                                        variety of ways
                          main idea                      main idea and several         some supporting details       important details             details
                                                         interesting details
 1.5 – Making             use stated and implied         use stated and implied        distinguish between           make inferences using         make inferences about         interpret oral texts by       develop and explain           develop and explain
                          information and ideas in       information and ideas in      stated and implied ideas      stated and implied ideas      oral texts using stated and   using stated and implied      interpretations of oral       interpretations of oral
 Inferences/              oral texts, initially with     oral texts to make simple     in oral texts                 in oral texts                 implied ideas in the texts    ideas from the texts          texts using stated and        texts using the language
 Interpreting Texts       support and direction, to      inferences and reasonable                                                                 as evidence                                                 implied ideas from the        of the text and oral and
                          make simple inferences         predictions, and support                                                                                                                              texts to support their        visual cues to support
                          and reasonable                 the inferences with                                                                                                                                   interpretation                their interpretations
                          predictions                    evidence from the text
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ORAL COMMUNICATION

Niagara Catholic District School Board                                                        Program Department                                                             June 2008                                                                                     3
ORAL COMMUNICATION                                              By the end of their grade the students will:
                                  Grade 1                         Grade 2                       Grade 3                       Grade 4                       Grade 5                       Grade 6                       Grade 7                       Grade 8
 Listening to Understand (Overall Expectations 1) cont’d
 1.6 – Extending          extend understanding of         extend understanding of       extend understanding of       extend understanding of       extend understanding of       extend understanding of       extend understanding of       extend understanding of
                          oral texts by connecting        oral texts by connecting      oral texts by connecting      oral texts by connecting      oral texts by connecting      oral texts by connecting,     oral texts, including         oral texts, including
 Understanding            the ideas in them to their      the ideas in them to their    the ideas in them to their    the ideas in them to their    the ideas in them to their    comparing, and                increasingly complex          increasingly complex or
                          own knowledge and               own knowledge and             own knowledge and             own knowledge,                own knowledge,                contrasting the ideas and     texts, by connecting,         difficult texts, by
                          experience; to other            experience; to other          experience; to other          experience, and insights;     experience, and insights,     information in them to        comparing, and                connecting, comparing,
                          familiar texts, including       familiar texts, including     familiar texts, including     to other texts, including     to other texts, including     their own knowledge,          contrasting the ideas and     and contrasting the ideas
                          print and visual texts; and     print and visual texts; and   print and visual texts; and   print and visual texts; and   print and visual texts; and   experience, and insights;     information in them to        and information in them
                          to the world around them        to the world around them      to the world around them      to the world around them      to the world around them      to other texts, including     their own knowledge,          to their own knowledge,
                                                                                                                                                                                  print and visual texts; and   experience, and insights;     experience, and insights;
                                                                                                                                                                                  to the world around them      to other texts, including     to other texts, including
                                                                                                                                                                                                                print and visual texts; and   print and visual texts; and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                to the world around them      to the world around them
 1.7 – Analyzing          identify words or phrases       identify words or phrases     identify and explain the      analyze oral texts and        analyze oral texts and        analyze oral texts in order   analyze oral texts in order   analyze a variety of
                          that indicate whether an        that indicate whether an      importance of significant     explain how specific          explain how specific          to evaluate how well they     to evaluate how               complex or challenging
 Texts                    oral text is fact or fiction,   oral text is fact or          ideas and information in      elements in them              elements in them              communicate ideas,            effectively they              oral texts in order to
                          initially with support and      opinion, initially with       oral texts                    contribute to meaning         contribute to meaning         opinions, themes, and         communicate ideas,            identify the strategies
                          direction                       support and direction                                                                                                   information                   opinions, themes, or          that have been used to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                experiences, and suggest      inform, persuade, or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                possible improvements         entertain, and evaluate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the effectiveness of those
 1.8 – Point of View      begin to identify, with         identify, initially with      identify the point of view    identify the point of view    identify the point of view    identify the point of view    explain the connection        explain what the use of
                          support and direction,          support and direction,        in different types of oral    presented in oral texts and   presented in oral texts and   presented in oral texts,      between a speaker’s tone      irony or satire in an oral
                          who is speaking in an oral      who is speaking in an oral    texts and cite words,         ask questions about           ask questions to identify     determine whether they        and the point of view or      text reveals about the
                          text and the point of view      text, and demonstrate an      phrases, ideas, and           possible bias                 missing or possible           agree with the point of       perspective presented in      speaker’s purpose and
                          expressed by the speaker        understanding that the        information from the                                        alternative points of view    view, and suggest other       oral texts                    perspective
                                                          speaker has his or her        texts that confirm their                                                                  possible perspectives
                                                          own point of view             identification
 1.9 – Presentation       begin to identify some of       identify some of the          identify some of the          identify the presentation     identify a range of           identify a variety of         identify a wide variety of    identify a wide variety of
                          the presentation strategies     presentation strategies       presentation strategies       strategies used in oral       presentation strategies       presentation strategies       presentation strategies       presentation strategies
 Strategies               used in oral texts and          used in oral texts and        used in oral texts and        texts and analyze their       used in oral texts and        used in oral texts and        used in oral texts and        used in oral texts,
                          explain how they                explain how they              explain how they              effect on the audience        analyze their effect on the   analyze their effect on the   evaluate their                evaluate their
                          influence the audience          influence the audience        influence the audience                                      audience                      audience                      effectiveness                 effectiveness, and suggest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              other strategies that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              might have been as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              effective or more so
 Speaking to Communicate (Overall Expectations 2)
 2.1 – Purpose            identify a few purposes         identify a variety of         identify a variety of         identify a variety of         identify a variety of         identify a variety of         identify a range of           identify a range of
                          for speaking                    purposes for speaking         purposes for speaking         purposes for speaking         purposes for speaking         purposes for speaking and     purposes for speaking and     purposes for speaking in
                                                                                                                                                                                  explain how the purpose       explain how the purpose       a variety of situations,
                                                                                                                                                                                  and intended audience         and intended audience         both straightforward and
                                                                                                                                                                                  influence the choice of       might influence the           more complex, and
                                                                                                                                                                                  form                          choice of speaking            explain how the purpose
                                                                                                                                                                                                                strategies                    and intended audience
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              might influence the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              choice of speaking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ORAL COMMUNICATION
Niagara Catholic District School Board                                                         Program Department                                                             June 2008                                                                                     4
ORAL COMMUNICATION                                             By the end of their grade the students will:
                                  Grade 1                        Grade 2                        Grade 3                        Grade 4                        Grade 5                         Grade 6                        Grade 7                        Grade 8
 Speaking to Communicate (Overall Expectations 2) cont’d
 2.2 – Interactive        demonstrate an                 demonstrate an                 demonstrate an                 demonstrate an                 demonstrate an                  demonstrate an                 demonstrate an                 demonstrate an
                          understanding of               understanding of               understanding of               understanding of               understanding of                increasingly sophisticated     understanding of               understanding of
 Strategies               appropriate speaking           appropriate speaking           appropriate speaking           appropriate speaking           appropriate speaking            understanding of               appropriate speaking           appropriate speaking
                          behaviour in a few             behaviour in a variety of      behaviour in a variety of      behaviour in a variety of      behaviour in a variety of       appropriate speaking           behaviour in most              behaviour in most
                          different situations,          situations, including paired   situations, including small-   situations, including paired   situations, including paired    behaviour in a variety of      situations, adapting           situations, using a variety
                          including paired sharing       sharing and small- and         and large-group                sharing and small- and         sharing, dialogue, and          situations, including paired   contributions and              of speaking strategies and
                          and small- and large-group     large-group discussions        discussions                    large- group discussions       small- and large-group          sharing, dialogue, and         responses to suit the          adapting them to suit the
                          discussions                                                                                                                 discussions                     small- and large-group         purpose and audience           purpose and audience
 2.3 – Clarity and        communicate ideas and          communicate ideas,             communicate orally in a        communicate in a clear,        communicate orally in a         communicate orally in a        communicate orally in a        communicate in a clear,
                          information orally in a        opinions, and information      clear, coherent manner,        coherent manner,               clear, coherent manner,         clear, coherent manner,        clear, coherent manner         coherent manner, using a
 Coherence                clear, coherent manner         orally in a clear, coherent    presenting ideas, opinions,    presenting ideas, opinions,    presenting ideas, opinions,     using appropriate              using a structure and style    structure and style
                                                         manner using simple but        and information in a           and information in a           and information in a            organizing strategies and      appropriate to both the        appropriate to the purpose,
                                                         appropriate organizational     logical sequence               readily understandable         readily understandable          formats to link and            topic and the intended         the subject matter, and the
                                                         patterns                                                      form                           form                            sequence ideas and             audience                       intended audience
 2.4 – Appropriate        choose appropriate words       choose a variety of            choose a variety of            use appropriate words and      use appropriate words and       use appropriate words and      use appropriate words,         use appropriate words,
                          to communicate their           appropriate words and          appropriate words and          phrases from the full range    phrases from the full range     phrases from the full range    phrases, and terminology       phrases, and terminology
 Language                 meaning accurately and         phrases to communicate         phrases, including             of their vocabulary,           of their vocabulary,            of their vocabulary            from the full range of their   from the full range of their
                          engage the interest of their   their meaning accurately       descriptive words and          including inclusive and        including inclusive and         including inclusive and        vocabulary including           vocabulary, including
                          audience                       and engage the interest of     some technical                 non-discriminatory terms,      non-discriminatory              non-discriminatory             inclusive and non-             inclusive and non-
                                                         their audience                 vocabulary, and a few          and appropriate elements       language, and stylistic         language, and stylistic        discriminatory language,       discriminatory language,
                                                                                        elements of style, to          of style, to communicate       devices suited to the           devices appropriate to the     and a range of stylistic       and a range of stylistic
                                                                                        communicate their              their meaning accurately       purpose, to communicate         purpose and context, to        devices, to communicate        devices, to communicate
                                                                                        meaning accurately and         and engage the interest of     their meaning accurately        communicate their              their meaning accurately       their meaning effectively
                                                                                        engage the interest of their   their audience                 and engage the interest of      meaning accurately and         and engage the interest of     and engage the interest of
                                                                                        audience                                                      their audience                  engage the interest of their   their intended audience        their intended audience
                                                                                                                                                                                      intended audience
 2.5 – Vocal Skills       begin to identify some         identify some vocal effects,   identify some vocal effects,   identify some vocal effects,   identify some vocal effects,    identify a range of vocal      identify a range of vocal      identify a range of vocal
                          vocal effects, including       including tone, pace, pitch,   including tone, pace, pitch,   including tone, pace, pitch,   including tone, pace, pitch,    effects, including tone,       effects, including tone,       effects, including tone,
 and Strategies           tone, pace, pitch, and         and volume, and use them       and volume, and use them       volume, and a range of         volume, and a variety of        pace, pitch, volume, and a     pace, pitch, volume, and a     pace, pitch, volume, and a
                          volume, and use them           appropriately, and with        appropriately, and with        sound effects, and use         sound effects, and use them     variety of sound effects,      variety of sound effects,      variety of sound effects,
                          appropriately to help          sensitively towards            sensitivity towards cultural   them appropriately and         appropriately and with          and use them appropriately     and use them appropriately     and use them appropriately
                          communicate their              cultural differences, to       differences, to help           with sensitivity towards       sensitivity towards cultural    and with sensitivity           and with sensitivity           and with sensitivity
                          meaning                        help communicate their         communicate their              cultural differences to help   differences to help             towards cultural               towards cultural               towards cultural
                                                         meaning                        meaning                        communicate their              communicate their               differences to help            differences to communicate     differences to communicate
                                                                                                                       meaning                        meaning                         communicate their              their meaning                  their meaning
 2.6 – Non-Verbal         identify some non-verbal       identify some non-verbal       identify some non-verbal       identify some non-verbal       identify a variety of non-      identify a variety of non-     identify a variety of non-     identify a variety of non-
                          cues, including facial         cues, including facial         cues, including facial         cues, including facial         verbal cues, including          verbal cues, including         verbal cues, including         verbal cues, including
 Cues                     expression, gestures, and      expression, gestures, and      expression, gestures, and      expression, gestures, and      facial expression, gestures,    facial expression, gestures,   facial expression, gestures,   facial expression, gestures,
                          eye contact, and use them      eye contact, and use them      eye contact, and use them      eye contact, and use them      and eye contact, and use        and eye contact, and use       and eye contact, and use       and eye contact, and use
                          in oral communications,        in oral communications,        in oral communications,        in oral communications,        them in oral                    them in oral                   them in oral                   them in oral
                          appropriately and with         appropriately and with         appropriately and with         appropriately and with         communications,                 communications,                communications,                communications,
                          sensitivity towards cultural   sensitivity towards cultural   sensitivity towards cultural   sensitivity towards cultural   appropriately and with          appropriately and with         appropriately and with         appropriately and with
                          differences, to help convey    differences, to help convey    differences, to help convey    differences, to help convey    sensitivity towards cultural    sensitivity towards cultural   sensitivity towards cultural   sensitivity towards cultural
                          their meaning                  their meaning                  their meaning                  their meaning                  differences to help convey      differences, to help convey    differences, to help convey    differences, to help convey
                                                                                                                                                      their meaning                   their meaning                  their meaning                  their meaning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ORAL COMMUNICATION

Niagara Catholic District School Board                                                          Program Department                                                                  June 2008                                                                                      5
ORAL COMMUNICATION                                           By the end of their grade the students will
                                 Grade 1                      Grade 2                       Grade 3                      Grade 4                       Grade 5                         Grade 6                      Grade 7                      Grade 8
 Speaking to Communicate (Overall Expectations 2) cont’d
 2.7 – Visual Aids        use one or more              use a few different visual   use a variety of              use a variety of              use a variety of               use a variety of              use a variety of             use a variety of
                          appropriate visual aids to   aids to support or enhance   appropriate visual aids to    appropriate visual aids to    appropriate visual aids to     appropriate visual aids, to   appropriate visual aids to   appropriate visual aids to
                          support or enhance oral      oral presentations           support or enhance oral       support or enhance oral       support or enhance oral        support or enhance oral       support and enhance oral     support and enhance oral
                          presentations                                             presentations                 presentations                 presentations                  presentations                 presentations                presentations
 Reflecting on Oral Communication Skills and Strategies (Overall Expectations 3)
 3.1 – Metacognition      begin to identify, with      identify, initially with     identify, in conversation     identify, in conversation     identify, in conversation      identify, in conversation     identify what strategies     identify what strategies
                          support and direction, a     support and direction, a     with the teacher and          with the teacher and          with the teacher and           with the teacher and          they found most helpful      they found most helpful
                          few strategies they found    few strategies they found    peers, what strategies they   peers, what strategies they   peers, what strategies they    peers, what strategies they   before, during, and after    before, during, and after
                          helpful before, during,      helpful before, during,      found most helpful            found most helpful            found most helpful             found most helpful            listening and speaking       listening and speaking
                          and after listening and      and after listening and      before, during, and after     before, during, and after     before, during, and after      before, during, and after     and what steps they can      and what steps they can
                          speaking                     speaking                     listening and speaking        listening and speaking        listening and speaking         listening and speaking        take to improve their oral   take to improve their oral
                                                                                                                  and what steps they can       and what steps they can        and what steps they can       communication skills         communication skills
                                                                                                                  take to improve their oral    take to improve their oral     take to improve their oral
                                                                                                                  communication skills          communication skills           communication skills
 3.2 – Interconnected     begin to identify how        identify, initially with     identify, in conversation     identify, in conversation     identify, in conversation      identify, in conversation     identify how their skills    identify how their skills
                          their skills as viewers,     support and direction,       with the teacher and          with the teacher and          with the teacher and           with the teacher and          as viewers, representers,    as viewers, representers,
 Skills                   representers, readers, and   how their skills as          peers, how their skills as    peers, how their skills as    peers, how their skills as     peers, how their skills as    readers, and writers help    readers, and writers help
                          writers help them improve    viewers, representers,       viewers, representers,        viewers, representers,        viewers, representers,         viewers, representers,        them improve their oral      them improve their oral
                          their oral communication     readers, and writers help    readers, and writers help     readers, and writers help     readers, and writers help      readers, and writers help     communication skills         communication skills
                          skills                       them improve their oral      them improve their oral       them improve their oral       them improve their oral        them improve their oral
                                                       communication skills         communication skills          communication skills          communication skills           communication skills
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ORAL COMMUNICATION

Niagara Catholic District School Board                                                     Program Department                                                                June 2008                                                                                 6
The following chart has been created using the EQAO expectations for Grade Three and Grade Six assessment. These results are what the
students are expected to produce when writing EQAO. What is listed in the Grade One column are suggested targets that can be used as a guide
to help teachers scaffold student learning. The arrows illustrate the continued gradient of the scaffolding up to and including Grade Eight.
                                 Grade 1              Grade 2          Grade 3              Grade 4   Grade 5            Grade 6             Grade 7   Grade 8

 Long Narrative           use texts with a minimum              use texts with a minimum                          use texts with a minimum
                          length of 150 words                   length of 500 words                               length of 700 words

 Short Narrative          use texts with a minimum              use texts with a minimum                          use texts with a minimum
                          length of 250 words                   length of 250 words                               length of 350 words

 Informational Text        use texts with a minimum              use texts with a minimum                         use texts with a minimum
                          length of 250 words                   length of 250 words                               length of 350 words

 Graphic Text             use texts with a minimum              use texts with a minimum                          use texts with a minimum
                          length of 200 words                   length of 200 words                               length of 300 words

 Poetry                   use texts with a minimum              use texts with a minimum                          use texts with a minimum
                          length of 200 words                   length of 200 words                               length of 300 words

Niagara Catholic District School Board                                Program Department                        June 2008                                        7
READING                     By the end of their grade the students will:
                                  Grade 1                      Grade 2                      Grade 3                      Grade 4                      Grade 5                       Grade 6                        Grade 7                        Grade 8
 Reading for Meaning (Overall Expectation 1)
 1.1 – Variety of         read a few different types   read some different          read a variety of literary   read a variety of texts      read a variety of texts       read a wide variety of         read a wide variety of         read a wide variety of
                          of literary texts, graphic   literary texts, graphic      texts, graphic texts, and    from diverse cultures,       from diverse cultures,        texts from diverse             increasingly complex or        increasingly complex or
 Texts                    texts and informational      texts, and informational     informational texts          including literary texts,    including literary texts,     cultures, including literary   difficult texts from           difficult texts from
                          texts                        texts                                                     graphic texts, and           graphic texts, and            texts, graphic texts, and      diverse cultures, including    diverse cultures, including
                                                                                                                 informational texts          informational texts           informational texts            literary texts, graphic        literary texts, graphic
                                                                                                                                                                                                           texts, and informational       texts, and informational
                                                                                                                                                                                                           texts                          texts
 1.2 – Purpose            identify a few different     identify several different   identify a variety of        identify a variety of        identify a variety of         identify a variety of          identify a variety of          identify a variety of
                          purposes for reading         purposes for reading and     purposes for reading         purposes for reading         purposes for reading          purposes for reading           purposes for reading and       purposes for reading and
                          and choose reading           choose reading materials     and choose reading           and choose reading           and choose reading            and choose reading             choose reading materials       choose increasingly
                          materials appropriate        appropriate for those        materials appropriate        materials appropriate        materials appropriate         materials appropriate          appropriate                    complex or difficult
                          for those purposes           purposes                     for those purposes           for those purposes           for those purposes            for those purposes             for those purposes             reading materials
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          appropriate for those
 1.3 –                    identify a few reading       identify several reading     identify a variety of        identify a variety of        identify a variety of         identify a variety of          identify a variety of          identify a variety of
                          comprehension strategies     comprehension strategies     reading comprehension        reading comprehension        reading comprehension         reading comprehension          reading comprehension          reading comprehension
 Comprehension            and use them before,         and use them before,         strategies and use them      strategies and use them      strategies and use them       strategies and use them        strategies and use them        strategies and use them
 Strategies               during and after reading     during, and after reading    appropriately before,        appropriately before,        appropriately before,         appropriately before,          appropriately before,          appropriately before,
                          to understand texts,         to understand texts          during, and after reading    during, and after reading    during, and after reading     during, and after reading      during, and after reading      during, and after reading
                          initially with support and                                to understand texts          to understand texts          to understand texts           to understand                  to understand increasingly     to understand increasingly
                          direction                                                                                                                                         increasingly complex           complex texts                  complex or difficult texts
 1.4 – Demonstrate        demonstrate                  demonstrate                  demonstrate                  demonstrate                  demonstrate                   demonstrate                    demonstrate                    demonstrate
                          understanding of a text by   understanding of a text by   understanding of a variety   understanding of a variety   understanding of a variety    understanding of               understanding of               understanding of
 Understanding            retelling the story or       retelling the story or       of texts by identifying      of texts by summarizing      of texts by summarizing       increasingly complex           increasingly complex           increasingly complex and
                          restating information        restating information from   important ideas              important ideas and citing   important ideas and citing    texts by summarizing and       texts by summarizing           difficult texts by
                          from the text, including     the text, with the           and some supporting          supporting details           supporting details            explaining important           important ideas and citing     summarizing important
                          the main idea                inclusion of a few           detail                                                                                  ideas and citing relevant      a variety of details that      ideas and explaining how
                                                       interesting details                                                                                                  supporting details             support the main idea          the details support the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          main idea
 1.5 – Making             use stated and implied       use stated and implied       make inferences about        make inferences about        use stated and implied        develop interpretations        develop and explain            develop and explain
                          information and ideas in     information and ideas in     texts using stated and       texts using stated and       ideas in texts to make        about texts using stated       interpretations of             interpretations of
 Inferences/              texts, initially with        texts to make simple         implied ideas from the       implied ideas from the       inferences and construct      and implied ideas to           increasingly complex or        increasingly complex or
 Interpreting Texts       support and direction, to    inferences and reasonable    texts as evidence            texts as evidence            meaning                       support their                  difficult texts using stated   difficult texts using stated
                          make simple inferences       predictions about them                                                                                               interpretations                and implied ideas from         and implied ideas from
                          and reasonable                                                                                                                                                                   the texts to support their     the texts to support their
                          predictions about them                                                                                                                                                           interpretations                interpretations
 1.6 – Extending          extend understanding of      extend understanding of      extend understanding of      extend understanding of      extend understanding of       extend understanding of        extend understanding of        extend understanding of
                          texts by connecting the      texts by connecting the      texts by connecting the      texts by connecting the      texts by connecting the       texts by connecting,           texts, including               texts, including
 Understanding            ideas in them to their own   ideas in them to their own   ideas in them to their own   ideas in them to their own   ideas in them to their own    comparing, and                 increasingly complex or        increasingly complex or
                          knowledge and                knowledge and                knowledge and                knowledge, experience,       knowledge, experience,        contrasting the ideas in       difficult texts, by            difficult texts, by
                          experience, to other         experience, to other         experience, to other         and insights, to other       and insights, to other        them to their own              connecting the ideas in        connecting the ideas in
                          familiar texts, and to the   familiar texts, and to the   familiar texts, and to the   familiar texts, and to the   familiar texts, and to the    knowledge, experience,         them to their own              them to their own
                          world around them            world around them            world around them            world around them            world around them             and insights, to other         knowledge, experience,         knowledge, experience,
                                                                                                                                                                            familiar texts, and to the     and insights, to other         and insights, to other
                                                                                                                                                                            world around them              familiar texts, and to the     texts, and to the world
                                                                                                                                                                                                           world around them              around them
Niagara Catholic District School Board                                                     Program Department                                                             June 2008                                                                                      8
READING                     By the end of their grade the students will:
                                 Grade 1                      Grade 2                      Grade 3                      Grade 4                       Grade 5                       Grade 6                       Grade 7                        Grade 8
 Reading for Meaning (Overall Expectation 1) cont’d
 1.7 – Analyzing          identify the main idea and   identify the main idea and   identify specific elements   analyze texts and explain     analyze texts and explain     analyze increasingly          analyze a variety of texts,   analyze a variety of texts,
                          a few elements of texts,     some additional elements     of texts and explain how     how specific elements in      how various elements in       complex texts and explain     both simple and complex,      including complex or
 Text                     initially with support and   of texts                     they contribute to the       them contribute to            them contribute to            how the different             and explain how the           difficult texts, and explain
                          direction                                                 meaning of the texts         meaning                       meaning                       elements in them              different elements in them    how the various elements
                                                                                                                                                                             contribute to meaning         contribute to meaning and     in them contribute to
                                                                                                                                                                                                           influence the reader’s        meaning and influence the
                                                                                                                                                                                                           reaction                      reader’s reaction
 1.8 – Responding to      express personal thoughts    express personal thoughts    express personal opinions    express opinions about        make judgments and            make judgments and draw       evaluate the effectiveness    evaluate the effectiveness
                          and feelings about what      and feelings about what      about ideas presented in     the ideas and information     draw conclusions about        conclusions about ideas in    of both simple and            of a text based on
 and Evaluating           has been read                has been read                texts                        in texts and cite evidence    the ideas and information     texts and cite stated or      complex texts based on        evidence taken from that
 Texts                                                                                                           from the text to support      in texts and cite stated or   implied evidence from the     evidence from the texts       text
                                                                                                                 their opinions                implied evidence from the     text to support their views
                                                                                                                                               text to support their views
 1.9 – Point of View      begin to identify, with      identify, initially with     identify the point of view   identify the point of view    identify the point of view    identify the point of view    identify the point of view    identify the point of view
                          support and direction, the   support and direction, the   presented in a text and      presented in a text, citing   presented in texts, ask       presented in texts;           presented in texts,           presented in texts,
                          speaker and the point of     speaker and the point of     suggest some possible        supporting evidence from      questions to identify         determine whether they        including increasingly        including increasingly
                          view presented in a text     view presented in a text     alternative perspectives     the text, and suggest some    missing or possible           can agree with the view,      complex or difficult texts;   complex or difficult texts;
                          and suggest a possible       and suggest one or two                                    possible alternative          alternative points of view,   in whole or in part; and      give evidence of any          give evidence of any
                          alternative perspective      possible alternative                                      perspectives                  and suggest some possible     suggest some other            biases they may contain;      biases they may contain;
                                                       perspectives                                                                            alternative perspectives      possible perspectives         and suggest other possible    and suggest other possible
                                                                                                                                                                                                           perspectives                  perspectives
                                                                                                        point of view = opinions                                                                                                                 READING
                                                                                                                some = few

Niagara Catholic District School Board                                                     Program Department                                                              June 2008                                                                                    9
READING                      By the end of their grade the students will:
                                   Grade 1                       Grade 2                       Grade 3                       Grade 4                      Grade 5                         Grade 6                       Grade 7                      Grade 8
 Understanding Form and Style (Overall Expectation 2)
 2.1 – Text Forms          identify and describe the     identify and describe the     identify and describe the      explain how the              analyze a variety of text      analyze a variety of text     analyze a variety of text    analyze a variety of text
                           characteristics of a few      characteristics of a few      characteristics of a variety   particular characteristics   forms and explain how          forms and explain how         forms and explain how        forms and explain how
                           simple text forms, with a     simple text forms, with a     of text forms, with a focus    of various text forms help   their particular               their particular              their particular             their particular
                           focus on literary texts       focus on literary texts       on literary texts such as a    communicate meaning,         characteristics help           characteristics help          characteristics help         characteristics help
                           such as a simple fictional    such as a fairy tale,         fable or adventure story,      with a focus on literary     communicate meaning,           communicate meaning,          communicate meaning,         communicate meaning,
                           story, graphic texts such     graphic texts such as a       graphic texts such as a        texts such as a diary or     with a focus on literary       with a focus on literary      with a focus on literary     with a focus on literary
                           as a calendar, and            primary dictionary, and       comic book, and                journal, graphic texts       texts such as short            texts such as a myth,         texts such as a novel        texts such as a memoir,
                           informational texts such      informational texts such      informational texts such       such as a brochure, and      stories, graphic texts         graphic texts such as an                                   graphic texts such as a
                           as a simple “All About        as a “How to” book            as a nature magazine.          informational texts such     such as a logo, and            advertisement, and                                         map, and informational
                           _____” book                                                                                as an encyclopedia           informational texts such       informational texts such                                   texts such as a magazine
                                                                                                                                                   as a movie review              as an editorial                                            article
 2.2 – Text Patterns       recognize simple              recognize simple              recognize a few                recognize a variety of       identify a variety of          identify a variety of         analyze increasingly         analyze increasingly
                           organizational patterns in    organizational patterns in    organizational patterns in     organizational patterns in   organizational patterns in     organizational patterns in    complex texts to identify    complex texts to identify
                           texts of different types      texts of different types,     texts of different types,      texts of different types     a range of texts and           a range of texts and          organizational patterns      different types of
                           and explain, initially with   and explain, initially with   and explain how the            and explain how the          explain how they help          explain how they help         used in them and explain     organizational patterns
                           support and direction,        support and direction,        patterns help readers          patterns help readers        readers understand the         readers understand the        how the patterns help        used in them and explain
                           how the patterns help         how the patterns help         understand the texts           understand the texts         texts                          texts                         communicate meaning          how the patterns help
                           readers understand the        readers understand the                                                                                                                                                              communicate meaning
                           texts                         texts
 2.3 – Text Features       identify some text            identify some text            identify a variety of text     identify a variety of text   identify a variety of text     identify a variety of text    identify a variety of text   identify a variety of text
                           features and explain how      features and explain how      features and explain how       features and explain how     features and explain how       features and explain how      features and explain how     features and explain how
                           they help readers             they help readers             they help readers              they help readers            they help readers              they help readers             they help communicate        they help communicate
                           understand texts              understand texts              understand texts               understand texts             understand texts               understand texts              meaning                      meaning
 2.4 – Elements of Style   identify some simple          identify some simple          identify some elements of      identify various elements    identify various elements      identify various elements     identify various elements    identify a range of
                           elements of style,            elements of style,            style, including voice,        of style – including         of style – including word      of style – including voice,   of style – including         elements of style –
                           including voice and word      including voice, word         word choice, and different     alliteration, descriptive    choice and the use of          word choice, and the use      foreshadowing,               including symbolism,
                           choice, and explain,          choice, and different         types of sentences, and        adjectives and adverbs,      similes, personification,      of hyperbole, strong          metaphor, and symbolism      irony, analogy,
                           initially with support and    types of sentences, and       explain how they help          and sentences of             comparative adjectives,        verbs, dialogue, and          – and explain how they       metaphor, and other
                           direction, how they help      explain how they help         readers understand texts       different types, lengths,    and sentences of different     complex sentences – and       help communicate             rhetorical devices – and
                           readers understand texts      readers understand texts                                     and structures – and         types, lengths, and            explain how they help         meaning and enhance the      explain how they help
                                                                                                                      explain how they help        structures – and explain       communicate meaning           effectiveness of texts       communicate meaning
                                                                                                                      communicate meaning          how they help                                                                             and enhance the
                                                                                                                                                   communicate meaning.                                                                      effectiveness of texts
 Reading With Fluency (Overall Expectation 3)
 3.1 – Reading             automatically read and        automatically read and        automatically read and         automatically read and       automatically read and         automatically read and        automatically read and       automatically read and
                           understand some high-         understand many high-         understand most high-          understand high-             understand most words          understand most words in      understand most words in     understand most words in
 Familiar Words            frequency words and           frequency words, some         frequency words, many          frequency words, most        in common use                  a range of reading            a wide range of reading      a wide range of reading
                           words of personal interest    words with common             regularly used words, and      regularly used words, and                                   contexts                      contexts                     contexts
                           or significance, in a         spelling patterns, and        words of personal interest     words of personal interest
                           variety of reading            words of personal interest    or significance, in a          or significance in a
                           contexts                      or significance, in a         variety of reading             variety of reading
                                                         variety of reading            contexts                       contexts

Niagara Catholic District School Board                                                        Program Department                                                                June 2008                                                                                 10
READING                     By the end of their grade the students will:
                                 Grade 1                       Grade 2                       Grade 3                       Grade 4                       Grade 5                        Grade 6                       Grade 7                       Grade 8
 Reading With Fluency (Overall Expectation 3) cont’d
 3.2 – Reading            predict the meaning of       predict the meaning of        predict the meaning of        predict the meaning of        predict the meaning of         predict the meaning of         predict the meaning of       predict the meaning of
                          and solve unfamiliar         and quickly solve             and rapidly solve             and rapidly solve             and rapidly solve              and rapidly solve              and rapidly solve            and rapidly solve
 Unfamiliar Words         words using different        unfamiliar words using        unfamiliar words using        unfamiliar words using        unfamiliar words using         unfamiliar words using         unfamiliar words using       unfamiliar words using
                          types of cues, including:    different types of cues,      different types of cues,      different types of cues,      different types of cues,       different types of cues,       different types of cues,     different types of cues,
                          • semantic (meaning)         including:                    including:                    including:                    including:                     including:                     including:                   including:
                            cues                       • semantic (meaning)          • semantic (meaning)          • semantic (meaning) cues     • semantic (meaning)           • semantic (meaning)           • semantic (meaning)         • semantic (meaning)
                          • syntactic (language          cues                          cues                        • syntactic (language           cues                              cues                        cues                            cues
                            structure) cues            • syntactic (language         • syntactic (language           structure) cues             • syntactic (language          • syntactic (language          • syntactic (language        • syntactic (language
                          • graphophonic                 structure) cues               structure) cues             • graphophonic                  structure) cues                structure) cues                structure) cues              structure) cues
                            (phonological and          • graphophonic                • graphophonic                  (phonological and           • graphophonic                 • graphophonic                 • graphophonic               • graphophonic
                            graphic) cues                (phonological and             (phonological and             graphic) cues                 (phonological and              (phonological and              (phonological and            (phonological and
                                                         graphic) cues                 graphic) cues                                               graphic) cues                  graphic) cues                  graphic) cues                graphic) cues
 3.3 – Reading            read appropriate, familiar   read appropriate texts at a   read appropriate texts at a   read appropriate texts at a   read appropriate texts         read appropriate texts         read appropriate texts       read appropriate texts
                          texts at a sufficient rate   sufficient rate and with      sufficient rate and with      sufficient rate and with      with expression and            with expression and            with expression and          with expression and
 Fluently                 and with sufficient          sufficient expression to      sufficient expression to      sufficient expression to      confidence, adjusting          confidence, adjusting          confidence, adjusting        confidence, adjusting
                          expression to convey the     convey the sense of the       convey the sense of the       convey the sense of the       reading strategies and         reading strategies and         reading strategies and       reading strategies and
                          sense of the text to the     text to the reader and to     text readily to the reader    text readily to the reader    reading rate to match the      reading rate to match the      reading rate to match the    reading rate to match the
                          reader                       an audience                   and an audience               and an audience               form and purpose               form and purpose               form and purpose             form and purpose
 Reflecting on Reading Skills and Strategies (Overall Expectation 4)
 4.1 - Metacognition      begin to identify, with      identify, initially with      identify, initially with      identify, in conversations    identify the strategies they   identify the strategies they   identify a range of          identify the strategies they
                          support and direction, a     support and direction, a      some support and              with the teacher and          found most helpful             found most helpful             strategies they found        found most helpful
                          few strategies they found    few strategies that they      direction, what strategies    peers or in a reader’s        before, during, and after      before, during, and after      helpful before, during,      before, during, and after
                          helpful before, during,      found helpful before,         they found most helpful       notebook, what strategies     reading and explain, in        reading and explain, in        and after reading and        reading and explain, in
                          and after reading            during, and after reading     before, during, and after     they found most helpful       conversation with the          conversation with the          explain, in conversation     conversation with the
                                                                                     reading and how they can      before, during, and after     teacher and/or peers or in     teacher and/or peers, or in    with the teacher and/or      teacher and/or peers or in
                                                                                     use these and other           reading and how they can      a reader’s notebook, how       a reader’s notebook, how       peers or in a reader’s       a reader’s
                                                                                     strategies to improve as      use these and other           they can use these and         they can use these and         notebook, how they can       notebook/reflective
                                                                                     readers                       strategies to improve as      other strategies to            other strategies to            use these and other          journal, how they can use
                                                                                                                   readers                       improve as readers             improve as readers             strategies to improve as     these and other strategies
                                                                                                                                                                                                               readers                      to improve as readers
 4.2 – Interconnected     explain, initially with      explain, initially with       explain, initially with       explain, in conversations     explain, in conversations      explain, in conversation       explain, in conversation     explain, in conversation
                          support and direction,       support and direction,        some support and              with the teacher and          with peers and/or the          with the teacher and/or        with the teacher and/or      with the teacher and/or
 Skills                   how their skills in          how their skills in           direction, how their skills   peers or in a reader’s        teacher or in a reader’s       peers or in a reader’s         peers or in a reader’s       peers or in a reader’s
                          listening, speaking,         listening, speaking,          in listening, speaking,       notebook, how their skills    notebook, how their skills     notebook, how their skills     notebook, how their skills   notebook/reflective
                          writing, viewing, and        writing, viewing, and         writing, viewing, and         in listening, speaking,       in listening, speaking,        in listening, speaking,        in listening, speaking,      journal, how their skills
                          representing help them       representing help them        representing help them        writing, viewing, and         writing, viewing, and          writing, viewing, and          writing, viewing, and        in listening, speaking,
                          make sense of what they      make sense of what they       make sense of what they       representing help them        representing help them         representing help them         representing help them       writing, viewing, and
                          read                         read                          read                          make sense of what they       make sense of what they        make sense of what they        make sense of what they      representing help them
                                                                                                                   read                          read                           read                           read                         make sense of what they
                                                                                                               rapidly = quickly                                                                                                                 READING

Niagara Catholic District School Board                                                      Program Department                                                              June 2008                                                                                   11
The following chart has been created using the EQAO expectations for Grade Three and Grade Six assessment. These results are what the
students are expected to produce when writing EQAO. What is listed in the Grade One column are suggested targets that can be used as a guide
to help teachers scaffold student learning. The arrows illustrate the continued gradient of the scaffolding up to and including Grade Eight.
                                 Grade 1               Grade 2          Grade 3              Grade 4   Grade 5             Grade 6                Grade 7   Grade 8
 Long Writing             Write one long writing                 Write one long writing                            Write one long writing
                          piece (developmentally                 piece no more than 18                             piece no more than 36
                          appropriate) no more                   lines (letter or story)                           lines (opinion, letter,
                          than 8-10 lines (letter or                                                               story, news report,
                          story) with direction,                                                                   biographical sketch)
                          support, and feedback
                          from the teacher.
 Short Writing            Write two short writing                Write two short writing                           Write two short writing
                          pieces (developmentally                pieces no more than 9                             pieces no more than 18
                          appropriate) no more                   lines each (description,                          lines each (recount, letter,
                          than 4-5 lines each                    sequence of events,                               procedure, instructions,
                          (description, sequence of              paragraph, recount,                               directions, informative/
                          events, paragraph,                     procedure, how to report,                         descriptive/ explanatory
                          recount, procedure, how                explanatory paragraph,                            report, script,
                          to report, explanatory                 advertisement)                                    advertisement)
                          paragraph, advertisement)
                          with direction, support,
                          and feedback from the
 Informational Text       Answer some                             Answer 8 multiple choice                          Answer 8 multiple choice
                          (developmentally                       questions (content,                               questions (content,
                          appropriate) multiple                  organization, grammar)                            organization, grammar)
                          choice questions (content,
                          organization, grammar)
                          with direction, support,
                          and feedback from the
 Graphic Text             N/A                                    N/A                                               N/A

 Poetry                   N/A                                    N/A                                               N/A

Niagara Catholic District School Board                                  Program Department                       June 2008                                            12
WRITING                     By the end of their grade the students will:
                                  Grade 1                       Grade 2                      Grade 3                      Grade 4                       Grade 5                       Grade 6                      Grade 7                       Grade 8
 Developing and Organizing Content (Overall Expectation 1)
 1.1 – Purpose and        identify the topic,           identify the topic,          identify the topic,          identify the topic,           identify the topic,           identify the topic,           identify the topic,           identify the topic,
                          purpose, audience, and        purpose, audience, and       purpose, audience, and       purpose, and audience for     purpose, and audience for     purpose, and audience for     purpose, and audience for     purpose, and audience for
 Audience                 form for writing, initially   form for writing             form for writing             a variety of writing forms    a variety of writing forms    a variety of writing forms    more complex writing          more complex writing
                          with support and direction                                                                                                                                                        forms                         forms
 1.2 – Developing         generate ideas about a        generate ideas about a       generate ideas about a       generate ideas about a        generate ideas about a        generate ideas about a        generate ideas about          generate ideas about more
                          potential topic, using a      potential topic, using a     potential topic, using a     potential topic using a       potential topic and           potential topic and           more challenging topics       challenging topics and
 Ideas                    variety of strategies and     variety of strategies and    variety of strategies and    variety of strategies and     identify those most           identify those most           and identify those most       identify those most
                          resources                     resources                    resources                    resources                     appropriate for the           appropriate for the           appropriate for the           appropriate to the purpose
                                                                                                                                                purpose                       purpose                       purpose
 1.3 – Research           gather information to         gather information to        gather information to        gather information to         gather information to         gather information to         gather information to         gather information to
                          support ideas for writing     support ideas for writing    support ideas for writing    support ideas for writing     support ideas for writing,    support ideas for writing,    support ideas for writing,    support ideas for writing,
                          in a variety of ways          in a variety of ways         in a variety of ways         using a variety of            using a variety of            using a variety of            using a variety of            using a variety of
                          and/or from a variety of      and/or from a variety of     and/or from a variety of     strategies and oral, print,   strategies and a range of     strategies and a range of     strategies and a wide         strategies and a wide
                          sources                       sources                      sources                      and electronic sources        print and electronic          print and electronic          range of print and            range of print and
                                                                                                                                                resources                     resources                     electronic resources          electronic sources
 1.4 – Classifying        sort ideas and information    sort ideas and information   sort ideas and information   sort and classify ideas       sort and classify ideas and   sort and classify             sort and classify ideas and   sort and classify ideas and
                          for their writing in a        for their writing in a       for their writing in a       and information for their     information for their         information for their         information for their         information for their
 Ideas                    variety of ways, with         variety of ways, with        variety of ways              writing in a variety of       writing in a variety of       writing in a variety of       writing in a variety of       writing in a variety of
                          support and direction         support and direction                                     ways                          ways                          ways that allow them to       ways that allow them to       ways that allow them to
                                                                                                                                                                              view information from         manipulate information        manipulate information
                                                                                                                                                                              different perspectives and    and see different             and see different
                                                                                                                                                                              make connections              combinations and              combinations and
                                                                                                                                                                              between ideas                 relationships in their        relationships in their data
 1.5 – Organizing         identify and order main       identify and order main      identify and order main      identify and order main       identify and order main       identify and order main       identify and order main       identify and order main
                          ideas and supporting          ideas and supporting         ideas and supporting         ideas and supporting          ideas and supporting          ideas and supporting          ideas and supporting          ideas and supporting
 Ideas                    details, initially with       details, using graphic       details into units that      details and group them        details and group them        details and group them        details and group them        details and group them
                          support and direction,        organizers and               could be used to develop     into units that could be      into units that could be      into units that could be      into units that could be      into units that could be
                          using simple graphic          organizational patterns      a short, simple              used to develop a             used to develop several       used to develop a             used to develop a multi-      used to develop a
                          organizers and simple                                      paragraph, using graphic     summary, using a variety      linked paragraphs, using      structured, multi-            paragraph piece of            summary, a debate, or a
                          organizational patterns                                    organizers and               of graphic organizers and     a variety of strategies and   paragraph piece of            writing, using a variety of   report of several
                                                                                     organizational patterns      organizational patterns       organizational patterns       writing, using a variety of   strategies and                paragraphs, using a
                                                                                                                                                                              strategies                    organizational patterns       variety of strategies and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          organizational patterns
 1.6 – Review             determine, after              determine whether the        determine whether the        determine whether the         determine whether the         determine whether the         determine whether the         determine whether the
                          consultation with the         ideas and information        ideas and information        ideas and information         ideas and information         ideas and information         ideas and information         ideas and information
                          teacher and peers,            they have gathered are       they have gathered are       they have gathered are        they have gathered are        they have gathered are        they have gathered are        they have gathered are
                          whether the ideas and         suitable for the purpose,    relevant and adequate for    relevant and adequate for     relevant, appropriate, and    relevant, appropriate, and    relevant, appropriate, and    relevant, appropriate, and
                          information they have         and gather new material      the purpose, and gather      the purpose, and do more      adequate for the purpose,     adequate for the purpose,     sufficiently specific for     sufficiently specific for
                          gathered are suitable for     if necessary                 new material if necessary    research if necessary         and do more research if       and do more research if       the purpose, and do more      the purpose, and do more
                          the purpose                                                                                                           necessary                     necessary                     research if necessary         planning and research if

Niagara Catholic District School Board                                                      Program Department                                                            June 2008                                                                                    13
WRITING                     By the end of their grade the students will:
                                  Grade 1                       Grade 2                       Grade 3                       Grade 4                      Grade 5                       Grade 6                      Grade 7                      Grade 8
 Using Knowledge of Form and Style in Writing (Overall Expectation #2)
 2.1 – Form               write short texts using a     write short texts using       write short texts using a     write more complex texts      write longer and more         write longer and more        write complex texts of       write complex texts of a
                          few simple forms              several simple forms          variety of forms              using a variety of forms      complex texts using a         complex texts using a        different lengths using a    variety of lengths using a
                                                                                                                                                  variety of forms              wide range of forms          wide range of forms          wide range of forms
 2.2 – Voice              begin to establish a          establish a personal voice    establish a personal voice    establish a personal voice    establish an appropriate      establish a distinctive      establish a distinctive      establish a distinctive
                          personal voice in their       in their writing, with a      in their writing, with a      in their writing, with a      voice in their writing,       voice in their writing       voice in their writing       voice in their writing
                          writing by using pictures     focus on using familiar       focus on using concrete       focus on using words and      with a focus on modifying     appropriate to the subject   appropriate to the subject   appropriate to the subject
                          and words that convey         words that convey their       words and images to           stylistic elements that       language and tone to suit     and audience                 and audience                 and audience
                          their attitude or feeling     attitude or feeling towards   convey their attitude or      convey a specific mood        different circumstances
                          towards the subject or        the subject or audience       feeling towards the           such as amusement             or audiences
                          audience                                                    subject or audience
 2.3 – Word Choice        use familiar words and        use familiar words and        use words and phrases         use specific words and        use some vivid and/or         use some vivid and/or       regularly use vivid and/or    regularly use vivid and/or
                          phrases to convey a clear     phrases to communicate        that will help convey         phrases to create an          figurative language and       figurative language and     figurative language and       figurative language and
                          meaning                       relevant details              their meaning as              intended impression           innovative expressions to     innovative expressions to   innovative expressions in     innovative expressions in
                                                                                      specifically as possible                                    add interest                  enhance interest            their writing                 their writing
 2.4 – Sentence           write simple but complete     use a variety of sentence     vary sentence structures      use sentences of different    vary sentence types and       create complex sentences    vary sentence structures      vary sentence types and
                          sentences that make sense     types                         and maintain continuity       lengths and structures        structures, with a focus      by combining phrases,       to give their writing         structures for different
 Fluency                                                                              by using joining words to                                   on using conjunctions to      clauses, and/or simple      rhythm and pacing by          purposes, with a focus on
                                                                                      combine simple sentences                                    connect ideas, and            sentences                   using a variety of            using a range of relative
                                                                                      and using words that                                        pronouns to make links                                    connecting and/or             pronouns, subordinate
                                                                                      indicate time and                                           within and between                                        introductory words and        conjunctions, and both
                                                                                      sequence to link                                            sentences                                                 phrases to help combine       the active and passive
                                                                                      sentences                                                                                                             short, simple sentences       voice
                                                                                                                                                                                                            into longer, more
                                                                                                                                                                                                            complex sentences
 2.5 – Point of View      begin to identify, with       identify, initially with      identify their point of       identify their point of       identify their point of       identify their point of     identify their point of       identify their point of
                          support and direction,        support and direction,        view and other possible       view and other possible       view and other possible       view and other possible     view and other possible       view and other possible
                          their point of view and       their point of view and       points of view on the         points of view on the         points of view, and           points of view; determine, points of view, evaluate       points of view, evaluate
                          one possible different        one or more possible          topic, and determine if       topic, and determine          determine, when               when appropriate, if their other points of view, and      other points of view, and
                          point of view about the       different points of view      their information             whether their information     appropriate, if their own     own view is balanced and find ways to acknowledge         find ways to respond to
                          topic                         about the topic               supports their own view       sufficiently supports their   view is balanced and          supported by the            other points of view, if      other points of view, if
                                                                                                                    own view                      supported by evidence         evidence; and adjust their appropriate                    appropriate
                                                                                                                                                                                thinking and expression
                                                                                                                                                                                if appropriate
 2.6 – Preparing for      identify elements of their    identify elements of their    identify elements of their    identify elements of their    identify elements of their    identify elements in their  identify elements in their    identify elements in their
                          writing that need             writing that need             writing that need             writing that need             writing that need             writing that need           writing that need             writing that need
 Revision                 improvement, including        improvement, using            improvement, using            improvement, using            improvement, using            improvement, selectively    improvement, selectively      improvement, selectively
                          content, organization, and    feedback from the teacher     feedback from the teacher     feedback from the teacher     feedback from the teacher     using feedback from the     using feedback from the       using feedback from the
                          style, using feedback         and peers, with a focus on    and peers, with a focus on    and peers, with a focus on    and peers, with a focus on    teacher and peers, with a   teacher and peers, with a     teacher and peers, with a
                          from the teacher and          content and word choice       specific features             specific features             specific features             focus on supporting         focus on voice, diction,      focus on depth of content
                          peers                                                                                                                                                 details and precise         and an effective              and appropriateness of
                                                                                                                                                                                language                    beginning and ending          tone
 2.7 – Revision           make simple revisions to      make simple revisions to      make revisions to             make revisions to             make revisions to             make revisions to           make revisions to             make revisions to
                          improve the content,          improve the content,          improve the content,          improve the content,          improve the content,          improve the content,        improve the content,          improve the content,
                          clarity, and interest of      clarity, and interest of      clarity, and interest of      clarity, and interest of      clarity, and interest of      clarity, and interest of    clarity, and interest of      clarity, and interest of
                          their written work, using a   their written work, using     their written work, using     their written work, using     their written work, using     their written work, using a their written work, using a   their written work, using a
                          few simple strategies         several types of strategies   several types of strategies   several types of strategies   a variety of strategies       variety of strategies       variety of strategies         variety of strategies

Niagara Catholic District School Board                                                       Program Department                                                               June 2008                                                                                14
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