Greenleys Junior School English (writing) Curriculum - skills, knowledge and progression map 2020-2021

Page created by Victor Long
Greenleys Junior School

             English (writing) Curriculum - skills, knowledge and progression map 2020-2021

Writing                                   Key stage One
En2/3.1 Spelling
En2/3.1a spell by:
segmenting spoken words into phonemes and representing these by graphemes, spelling many correctly
learning new ways of spelling phonemes for which 1 or more spellings are already known, and learn some words with each spelling, including a few common homophones
learning to spell common exception words
learning to spell more words with contracted forms
learning the possessive apostrophe (singular)
distinguishing between homophones and near-homophones
En2/3.1b add suffixes to spell longer words, including –ment, –ness, –ful, –less, –ly
En2/3.1c apply spelling rules and guidelines, as listed in English Appendix 1
En2/3.1d write from memory simple sentences dictated by the teacher that include words using the GPCs, common exception words and punctuation taught so far.
En2/3.2 Handwriting and Presentation
En2/3.2a form lower-case letters of the correct size relative to one another
En2/3.2b start using some of the diagonal and horizontal strokes needed to join letters and understand which letters, when adjacent to one another, are best left unjoined
En2/3.2c write capital letters and digits of the correct size, orientation and relationship to one another and to lower-case letters
En2/3.2d use spacing between words that reflects the size of the letters.
En2/3.3 Composition
En2/3.3a Develop positive attitudes towards and stamina for writing by:
writing narratives about personal experiences and those of others (real and fictional)
writing about real events
writing poetry
writing for different purposes
En2/3.3b Consider what they are going to write before beginning by:
planning or saying out loud what they are going to write about
writing down ideas and/or key words, including new vocabulary
encapsulating what they want to say, sentence by sentence
En2/3.3c make simple additions, revisions and corrections to their own writing by:
evaluating their writing with the teacher and other pupils
rereading to check that their writing makes sense and that verbs to indicate time are used correctly and consistently, including verbs in the continuous form
proofreading to check for errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation (for example, ends of sentences punctuated correctly)
En2/3.3d read aloud what they have written with appropriate intonation to make the meaning clear
En2/3.4 Vocabulary, grammar & punctuation
En2/3.4a develop their understanding of the concepts set out in English Appendix 2 by:
learning how to use both familiar and new punctuation correctly (see English Appendix 2) , including full stops, capital letters, exclamation marks, question marks, commas for lists and apostrophes for contracted forms and
the possessive (singular)
En2/3.4b Learn how to use:
sentences with different forms: statement, question, exclamation, command
expanded noun phrases to describe and specify
the present and past tenses correctly and consistently including the progressive form
subordination (using when, if, that, or because) and co-ordination (using or, and, or but)
learning the grammar for year 2 in English Appendix 2
some features of written Standard English
En2/3.4c use and understand the grammatical terminology in English
3                                              Term 1                                        Term 2                                         Term 3                                          Term 4                                         Term 5                                 Term 6
                              Poetry (acrostic and                          Narrative Historical fiction –                 Recount                                        Narrative                                      Recount                                        Recount
                              performance)                                  Stone Age Boy (WS own                          Formal letter/postcard (RE)                    Fantasy – Great Kapok Tree                     Trip                                           Diary (Roman soldier)
                              Narrative Historical fiction –                version)                                       Report                                         WS                                             Narrative                                      Instructions
                              Cave baby (retell story                       Recount                                        Information text                               Persuasive                                     Historical legend – Romulus                    Topic linked (bread)

                              opening)                                      Diary – topic (stone age)                      (rainforest animal)                            Letter – formal                                and Remus WS                                   Information poster
                              Recount                                       Narrative                                      Description                                    Explanation                                                                                   Science linked
                              Informal letter (Wild girl)                   Story from another culture –                   Setting (rainforest)                           Science textbook – plant                                                                      (How to stay safe in the
                                                                            RE (Rama and Sita)                             Poetry                                         experiment                                                                                    sun)
                              Adjectives - impact                           Questions                                      Question/exclamation marks                     Adverbial phrases – time                       Contractions                                   Present perfect form of verbs
                              Similes                                       Co-ordinating conjunctions                     Alliteration                                   Direct speech punctuation                      Time conjunctions/adverbials of time           Tenses
                              Alliteration                                  Present tense                                  Similes                                        A or an                                        Powerful verbs – improve interest              Widening range of conjunctions -
    Grammar and punctuation

                              Onomatopoeia                                  Past tense                                     Paragraphs                                     Tenses                                         Paragraphs                                     FANBOYS
                              Object, subject, verb                         Paragraphs to group                            Headings/ subheadings                          Widening range of conjunctions                 Direct speech punctuation                      Pronouns or nouns to aid cohesion
                              Capital letters and full stops                Adverbial phrases – time                       Adverbial phrases – time                       FANBOYS                                        Present perfect form of verbs                  Possessive apostrophe
                              Prepositions                                  A or an                                        A or an                                        Pronouns or nouns to aid cohesion              Tenses                                         Question – revision
                              Expanded noun phrases                         Present perfect form of verbs                  Present perfect form of verbs                  Possessive apostrophe                          Widening range of conjunctions                 Headings/sub headings
                              Verbs, adverbs                                Widening range of conjunctions                 Tenses                                         Comma – fronted adverbials                     FANBOYS                                        Contractions
                              Synonyms                                      FANBOYS                                        Widening range of conjunctions                 Headings/subheadings
                              Comma – fronted adverbials                    Comma – fronted adverbials                     FANBOYS
                              Question and exclamation marks                Question and exclamation marks                 Pronouns or nouns to aid cohesion
                              Working g on KS1 skills to fill in huge       Compound sentences - Widening                  Possessive apostrophe
                              gaps. Some children still only                range of conjunctions                          Comma – fronted adverbials
                              markmaking.                                                                                  Revise commas in list
                              Plan discuss, record ideas, vocab..Simple     Plan discuss, record ideas, vocab..Simple      Plan discuss, record ideas, vocab..Simple      Plan discuss, record ideas, vocab..Simple      Plan discuss, record ideas, vocab..Simple      Plan discuss, record ideas, vocab..Simple
                              devices used for plan.                        devices used for plan.                         devices used for plan.                         devices used for plan.                         devices used for plan.                         devices used for plan.
                              Ideas sequenced & logical order.              Ideas sequenced & logical order.               Ideas sequenced & logical order.               Ideas sequenced & logical order.               Ideas sequenced & logical order.               Ideas sequenced & logical order.
                              Clear viewpoints/opinions in writing.         Clear viewpoints/opinions in writing.          Clear viewpoints/opinions in writing.          Clear viewpoints/opinions in writing.          Clear viewpoints/opinions in writing.          Clear viewpoints/opinions in writing.
                              Setting, character & plot are developed &     Setting, character & plot are developed &      Setting developed & enriched by                Setting, character & plot are developed &      Setting, character & plot are developed &      Content makes sense throughout the
                              enriched by description.                      enriched by description.                       description.                                   enriched by description.                       enriched by description.                       piece.
                              Content makes sense throughout the piece.     Content makes sense throughout the piece.      Content makes sense throughout the             Content makes sense throughout the piece.      Content makes sense throughout the piece.      Use prepositions – place & environment.
                              Use prepositions – place & environment.       Use prepositions – place & environment.        piece.                                         Use prepositions – place & environment.        Use prepositions – place & environment.        Use adjectives, adverbs, noun phrases to
    Composition and effect

                              Use adjectives, adverbs, noun phrases to      Use adjectives, adverbs, noun phrases to       Use prepositions – place & environment.        Use adjectives, adverbs, noun phrases to       Use adjectives, adverbs, noun phrases to       add detail.
                              add detail.                                   add detail.                                    Use adjectives, adverbs, noun phrases to       add detail.                                    add detail.                                    Include features of the genre.
                              Include features of the genre.                Include features of the genre.                 add detail.                                    Include features of the genre.                 Include features of the genre.                 Use features of NF to organise facts and
                              Write a clear open and close.                 Use features of NF to organise facts and       Include features of the genre.                 Use features of NF to organise facts and       Use features of NF to organise facts and       ideas.
                              Paragraphs to organise ideas/ group related   ideas.                                         Use features of NF to organise facts and       ideas.                                         ideas.                                         Write a clear open and close.
                              material.                                     Write a clear open and close.                  ideas.                                         Write a clear open and close.                  Write a clear open and close.                  Paragraphs to organise ideas/ group
                              Tense and verb forms usually accurate.        Paragraphs to organise ideas/ group related    Write a clear open and close.                  Paragraphs to organise ideas/ group related    Paragraphs to organise ideas/ group related    related material.
                              Use repetition for effect.                    material.                                      Paragraphs to organise ideas/ group            material.                                      material.                                      Tense and verb forms usually accurate.
                              Use as to build similes.                      Tense and verb forms usually accurate.         related material.                              Tense and verb forms usually accurate.         Tense and verb forms usually accurate.         Use repetition for effect.
                              Choose words for effect.                      Use repetition for effect.                     Tense and verb forms usually accurate.         Use repetition for effect.                     Use repetition for effect.                     Use as to build similes.
                              Working g on KS1 skills to fill in huge       Use as to build similes.                       Use repetition for effect.                     Use as to build similes.                       Use as to build similes.                       Choose words for effect.
                              gaps. Some children still only                Choose words for effect.                       Use as to build similes.                       Choose words for effect.                       Choose words for effect.                       Use a variety of conjunctions to link ideas.
                                                                            Use a variety of conjunctions to link ideas.   Choose words for effect.                       Use a variety of conjunctions to link ideas.   Use a variety of conjunctions to link ideas.   Experiment with a wider range of
                                                                            Experiment with a wider range of               Use a variety of conjunctions to link ideas.   Experiment with a wider range of               Experiment with a wider range of               conjunctions.
                                                                            conjunctions.                                  Experiment with a wider range of               conjunctions.                                  conjunctions.                                  Evaluate and edit own work.
                                                                            Evaluate and edit own work.                    conjunctions.                                  Evaluate and edit own work.                    Evaluate and edit own work.
                                                                                                                           Evaluate and edit own work.
                              Evenly formed, spaced and consistent          Evenly formed, spaced and consistent           Evenly formed, spaced and                      Evenly formed, spaced and consistent           Evenly formed, spaced and consistent           Evenly formed, spaced and

                              in size                                       in size                                        consistent in size                             in size                                        in size                                        consistent in size
                              Begin to join                                 Begin to join                                  Begin to join                                  Begin to join                                  Begin to join                                  Begin to join
Greenleys Junior School

                                English (writing) Curriculum - skills, knowledge and progression map 2020-2021
                                                  Term 1                                         Term 2                                       Term 3                                         Term 4                                         Term 5                                 Term 6
                                Description                                    Narrative                                      Narrative                                    Instructions                                   Recount                                        Recount
                                Setting and character (CATCF)                  Adventure (Chocoplot)                          Myth (Pandora’s Box)                         Recipe (DT)                                    Diary (history)                                Newspaper (history)
                                Poetry                                         Narrative                                      Explanation                                  Persuasive                                     Report                                         Narrative
                                Acrostic (NPD)                                 Historical story (RE)                          Science text book                            Leaflet (DT)                                   Informal letter/ Postcard (RE)                 Fantasy

                                Recount                                        Recount                                        (Digestive system)                           Report                                                                                        Poetry
                                Biography (Black history week)                 Trip (Topic)                                   Report                                       Tourist information guide                                                                     Rap – performance and write
                                Report                                                                                        Formal letter (RE)                           (Topic)                                                                                       (outdoor week)
                                Information poster (RE)

                                Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs              Expanded noun phrases                          Complex sentences – openers                  Fronted adverbials – time                      Commas – clauses                               Paragraphs
                                Prepositions and Prepositional                 Complex sentences                              subordinate clauses                          Standard English (verb inflections)            Complex sentences – subordinate                3rd person
                                phrases                                        Commas in list                                 Repetition                                   1st person                                     clauses                                        Past tense
      Grammar and punctuation

                                Conjunctions – co-ordinating and               (Statements, questions, commands,              Commas in list                               Adverbs – not ly.                              1st person/3rd person                          Alliteration
                                subordinate                                    exclamations – BT)                             Adjectival phrases                           Rhetorical questions                           Past tense                                     Inverted commas
                                Simile/metaphor                                Prepositional phrases                          Widening range of conjunctions.              More complicated noun phrases                  Determiners                                    determiners
                                Paragraphs                                     Standard English verb inflections              More complicated conjunctions.               Prepositional phrase                           Standard English verb inflections              Rhetorical questions
                                Rhetorical questions                           Widening range of conjunctions.                Paragraphs                                   How adverbial phrases                          Use of pronouns or nouns for                   Complex sentences.
                                More complicated noun phrases                  More complicated conjunctions.                                                              Comma after fronted adverbial                  cohesion and to avoid repetition.              Correct use of punctuation for
                                Standard English verb inflections              Where adverbial phrases                                                                                                                    Apostrophes to mark possession                 direct speech
                                Complex sentences.                             How adverbial phrases                                                                                                                      Possessive plural apostrophes                  Apostrophes to mark possession
                                Punctuate sentences correctly                  Punctuate sentences correctly
                                Possessive apostrophes – singular              Correct use of punctuation for direct
                                Basic punctuation – setting for 3              speech
                                weeks to cover gaps.                           Comma after fronted adverbial
                                Small group WS working on EYFS
                                Plan discuss, record ideas, vocab..Simple      Plan discuss, record ideas, vocab..Simple      Plan discuss, record ideas, vocab..Simple    Plan discuss, record ideas, vocab..Simple      Plan discuss, record ideas, vocab..Simple      Plan discuss, record ideas, vocab..Simple
                                devices used for plan.                         devices used for plan.                         devices used for plan.                       devices used for plan.                         devices used for plan.                         devices used for plan.
                                Ideas developed in detail.                     Ideas developed in detail.                     Ideas developed in detail.                   Ideas developed in detail.                     Ideas developed in detail.                     Ideas developed in detail.
                                Point of view maintained.                      Point of view maintained.                      Point of view maintained.                    Point of view maintained.                      Point of view maintained.                      Point of view maintained.
                                Include all features of genre.                 Include all features of genre.                 Include all features of genre.               Include all features of genre.                 Include all features of genre.                 Include all features of genre.
      Composition and effect

                                Narrative creates intrigue or NF is more       Narrative creates intrigue or NF is more       Narrative creates intrigue or NF is more     Narrative creates intrigue or NF is more       Narrative creates intrigue or NF is more       Narrative creates intrigue or NF is more
                                complicated.                                   complicated.                                   complicated.                                 complicated.                                   complicated.                                   complicated.
                                Structure and organise writing – clear B,M,E   Structure and organise writing – clear B,M,E   Structure and organise writing – clear       Structure and organise writing – clear B,M,E   Structure and organise writing – clear B,M,E   Structure and organise writing – clear
                                Sentences develop to form group of             Sentences develop to form group of             B,M,E                                        Sentences develop to form group of             Sentences develop to form group of             B,M,E
                                connected/ related ideas.                      connected/ related ideas.                      Sentences develop to form group of           connected/ related ideas.                      connected/ related ideas.                      Sentences develop to form group of
                                New paragraph for each theme.                  New paragraph for each theme.                  connected/ related ideas.                    New paragraph for each theme.                  New paragraph for each theme.                  connected/ related ideas.
                                Use the word like to build simile.             Use the word like to build simile.             New paragraph for each theme.                Use the word like to build simile.             Use the word like to build simile.             New paragraph for each theme.
                                Use metaphors to build images.                 Use metaphors to build images.                 Use the word like to build simile.           Use metaphors to build images.                 Use metaphors to build images.                 Use the word like to build simile.
                                Choose interesting and varied language.        Choose interesting and varied language.        Use metaphors to build images.               Choose interesting and varied language.        Choose interesting and varied language.        Use metaphors to build images.
                                Openings in F & NF capture interest.           Openings in F & NF capture interest.           Choose interesting and varied language.      Openings in F & NF capture interest.           Openings in F & NF capture interest.           Choose interesting and varied language.
                                F – Close links to opening or is dramatic.     F – Close links to opening or is dramatic.     Openings in F & NF capture interest.         F – Close links to opening or is dramatic.     F – Close links to opening or is dramatic.     Openings in F & NF capture interest.
                                Close in NF is strong and draws conclusions.   Close in NF is strong and draws conclusions.   F – Close links to opening or is dramatic.   Close in NF is strong and draws conclusions.   Close in NF is strong and draws conclusions.   F – Close links to opening or is dramatic.
                                Evaluate and edit own work.                    Evaluate and edit own work.                    Close in NF is strong and draws              Evaluate and edit own work.                    Evaluate and edit own work.                    Close in NF is strong and draws
                                Small group WS working on EYFS                                                                conclusions.                                                                                                                               conclusions.
                                                                                                                              Evaluate and edit own work.                                                                                                                Evaluate and edit own work.
                                Show consistency in style.                     Show consistency in style.                     Show consistency in style.                   Show consistency in style.                     Show consistency in style.                     Show consistency in style.
                                Ensure down strokes are parallel and           Ensure down strokes are parallel and           Ensure down strokes are parallel and         Ensure down strokes are parallel and           Ensure down strokes are parallel and           Ensure down strokes are parallel and

                                equidistant.                                   equidistant.                                   equidistant.                                 equidistant.                                   equidistant.                                   equidistant.
                                Avoid ascenders and descenders touching        Avoid ascenders and descenders touching        Avoid ascenders and descenders touching      Avoid ascenders and descenders touching        Avoid ascenders and descenders touching        Avoid ascenders and descenders touching
                                from one line to the next.                     from one line to the next.                     from one line to the next.                   from one line to the next.                     from one line to the next.                     from one line to the next.
                                Small group WS working on EYFS
Term 1                                          Term 2                                         Term 3                                         Term 4                                        Term 5                                  Term 6
                              Poetry                                          Report                  Recount                 Poetry                                        Report                                        Narrative                                       Comic Strip –(Topic)
                              Narrative (Highwayman)                          Magazine                Biography               Haiku (Science)                               Topic (Science) – Planet                      Traditional tale (Hansel and
                              Discussion/Debate (View from a                  article – RE            (Topic)                 Short Story                                   Encyclopaedia entry                           Gretel)                                         Persuasive
                              Window, Wolverton)                              Narrative                                       Parts of a non-fiction book –                                                                                                               Book blurb (Topic – Class Read)
                                                                              Play script             Instructions            Daniel and the Lion (RE)                      Explanation Day and night                     Newspaper Report
                              Persuasive                                      (LWW)                   Puppets                                                               (Science)                                     Non-fiction book (Beowulf Topic)

                              Travel Brochure (Wolverton)                                             Technical               Diary Recount - Escape from
                                                                              Narrative               Manual (DT)             Pompeii (Topic)
                                                                              Setting and
                                                                              Character                                       Formal letter One small step,
                                                                              description                                     moving image test (Science)

                              Nouns and Verbs.                                Paragraphs.                                     Adverbs for Degree of                                                                       Adverbs for Degree of possibility               Dialogue (Direct/Indirect)
                              Similes and Metaphors (WS)                      Semi colon                                      possibility                                   Past and present tense, Write                 Create different emphasis                       Modal verbs
                              Inverted commas                                 1st and 3rd person                              Modal verbs                                   accurately in the correct tense,              through word order and noun                     Pathetic fallacy
                              Question Marks and Exclamation                  Parenthesis.                                    Time openers                                  Use tense choices to support                  phrases.                                        Adverbs for Degree of
                              marks                                           Use prepositional phrases.                      Grammatical features within                   cohesion.                                     Use prepositional phrases.                      possibility
    Grammar and punctuation

                              Ambiguity                                       Use tense choices to support                    poetry                                        Relative clauses                              Write accurately in the correct                 Create different emphasis
                              Use basic punctuation accurately                cohesion.                                       Formal and informal language                  Use a range of adverbs to link                tense.                                          through word order and noun
                              Persuasive language                             Create different emphasis                       Pathetic fallacy                              ideas.                                        Use tense choices to support                    phrases.
                              Complex sentences                               through word order and noun                                                                   Brackets, dashes, commas for                  cohesion.                                       Relative clauses
                              Apostrophes                                     phrases.                                                                                      parenthesis                                   Modal verbs                                     Ed verbs to start clauses and
                                                                              Adverbs to indicate degree of                                                                                                               Ed verbs to start clauses and                   build sentences.
                                                                              possibility                                                                                                                                 build sentences.                                Use a range of adverbs to link
                                                                              Use basic punctuation accurately.                                                                                                           Brackets, dashes, commas for                    ideas.
                                                                              Commas for meaning                                                                                                                          parenthesis
                                                                              Semi colon / colon                                                                                                                          Pun
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Paragraphs to build cohesion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mix sentences to change pace for

                              Plan by audience, discuss record ideas,         Plan by audience, discuss record ideas,         Plan by audience, discuss, record ideas,      Point of view clear, controlled, elaborated   Plan by audience, discuss record ideas,         Plan by audience, discuss record ideas,
                              collect vocab and use organisational devices.   collect vocab and use organisational devices.   collect vocab and use organisational          Features of text - appropriate and            collect vocab and use organisational devices.   collect vocab and use organisational
                              Ideas developed in narrative and NF.            Ideas developed in narrative.                   devices                                       consistent.                                   Ideas developed in narrative and NF.            devices.
                              Point of view clear, controlled, elaborated.    Point of view clear, controlled, elaborated.    Ideas developed in narrative and NF           Use devices to build cohesion with            Point of view clear, controlled, elaborated.    Ideas developed in narrative and NF.
                              Features of text - appropriate and              Features of text - appropriate and              Point of view clear, controlled, elaborated   paragraphs                                    Features of text - appropriate and              Point of view clear, controlled,
    Composition and effect

                              consistent.                                     consistent.                                     Features of text - appropriate and            Use a range of openers for effect.            consistent.                                     elaborated.
                              Use verb forms accurately.                      Use verb forms accurately.                      consistent.                                   Choose vocabulary for effect or emphasis      Create more complicated narratives.             Features of text - appropriate and
                              Use standard English.                           Use standard English.                           Evaluate and edit own work.                   (green words)                                 Use verb forms accurately.                      consistent.
                              Use a range of openers for effect.              Direct and reported speech.                     Use pathetic fallacy to mirror and extend     Evaluate and edit own work.                   Use standard English.                           Create more complicated narratives.
                              Direct speech.                                  Structure and organise with evidence in NF.     characters emotions                           Brackets, dashes, commas for parenthesis      Use a range of openers for effect.              Use verb forms accurately.
                              Structure and organise writing with pace –      Use a range of devices to link ideas across     Mix sentences to change pace for reader       Mix sentences to change pace for reader       Direct and reported speech.                     Use standard English.
                              narrative.                                      paragraphs.                                     Relative clauses who, which                   Relative clauses who, which                   Structure and organise writing with pace –      Use a range of openers for effect.
                              Use pathetic fallacy to mirror and extend       Use pun to enhance the double meaning of        Correctly punctuated speech                   Pathetic Fallacy                              narrative.                                      Direct and reported speech.
                              characters emotions.                            language.                                       Brackets, dashes, commas for parenthesis      Indicate degree of possibly using adverbs     Structure and organise with evidence in NF.     Structure and organise writing with pace
                              Choose vocabulary for effect or emphasis.       Choose vocabulary for effect or emphasis.       Use pathetic fallacy to mirror and extend                                                   Use a range of devices to link ideas across     – narrative.
                              Evaluate and edit own work.                     Evaluate and edit own work.                     characters emotions                                                                         paragraphs.                                     Structure and organise with evidence in
                                                                                                                              Modal verbs                                                                                 Use devices for cohesion within paragraphs.     NF.
                                                                                                                              Verbs ending in Ed’ to build complex                                                        Use pathetic fallacy to mirror and extend       Use a range of devices to link ideas across
                                                                                                                              sentences                                                                                   characters emotions.                            paragraphs.
Greenleys Junior School

                               English (writing) Curriculum - skills, knowledge and progression map 2020-2021
                                                                                                                                                 Indicate degree of possibly using adverbs                                                                    Use pun to enhance the double meaning of                 Use devices for cohesion within
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              language.                                                paragraphs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Choose vocabulary for effect or emphasis.                Use pathetic fallacy to mirror and extend
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Evaluate and edit own work.                              characters emotions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Use pun to enhance the double meaning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       of language.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Choose vocabulary for effect or emphasis.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Evaluate and edit own work.
                               Make a quick choice as to whether or not to              Make a quick choice as to whether or not to              Make a quick choice as to whether or not            Make a quick choice as to whether or not to              Make a quick choice as to whether or not to              Make a quick choice as to whether or not

                               join.                                                    join.                                                    to join.                                            join.                                                    join.                                                    to join.
                               Use a joined style that encourages legibility            Use a joined style that encourages legibility            Use a joined style that encourages                  Use a joined style that encourages legibility            Use a joined style that encourages legibility            Use a joined style that encourages
                               and fluency.                                             and fluency.                                             legibility and fluency.                             and fluency.                                             and fluency.                                             legibility and fluency.

                                                     Term 1                                                   Term 2                                                 Term 3                                                Term 4                                                   Term 5                                         Term 6
                               Narrative                                                Description                                              Poetry                                              Narrative                                                Narrative                                                Discussion/ Debate
                               Horror                                                   Setting (Topic)                                          Narrative Description (Topic)                       Myths – (Topic)                                          Raindrop (science)                                       Balanced argument
                               Report                                                   Recount                                                  Non-chronological Report                            Report/ Explanation                                      Recount                                                  Narrative

                               Encyclopaedia entry (science)                            Diary                                                    Bird of prey                                        Information leaflet                                      Newspaper                                                Adventure
                               Report                                                                                                            Report/ Explanation                                 Explanation/ Instructions
                               Non-fiction book (Topic)                                                                                          Science                                             Technical manual

                               Nouns verbs, adjectives adverbs pronouns                 Simile/metaphor                                          Revision of all GPS coverage                        Revision of all GPS coverage                             Question tags                                            Semi colons
                               Repetition                                               Linking ideas across paragraphs                          Layout devices to structure texts - Bullet points   Subordinate/coordinate conjunctions                      Subordinate clauses                                      Passive and active voice
                               modal verbs of possibilities, certainty for effect,      Cohesion – paragraphs                                    Write in past and present tense with some           Prepositions                                             Relative pronouns                                        Modal verbs
                               Expanded noun phrases used to convey complicated         Organise paragraphs coherently                           accuracy.                                           commas                                                   Write in past and present tense with some accuracy.      Progressive forms of verbs
                               information.                                             Formal/informal                                          Most clauses are grammatically correct.             Write in past and present tense with some accuracy.      Most clauses are grammatically correct.                  Adverbials
                               Ellipses                                                 Subordinate clauses                                      Evidence of extended vocabulary used for a          Most clauses are grammatically correct.                  Evidence of extended vocabulary used for a purpose.      Ellipses
     Grammar and punctuation

                               Hyphenated words                                         Most clauses are grammatically correct.                  purpose.                                            Evidence of extended vocabulary used for a purpose.      Use subordination and co-ordination.                     Commas to clarify meaning
                               3rd person                                               Evidence of extended vocabulary used for a purpose.      Use subordination and co-ordination.                Use subordination and co-ordination.                     Passive verbs used to affect the information in a        Write in past and present tense with some
                               Dialogue                                                 Use subordination and co-ordination.                     Expanded noun phrases used to convey                Passive verbs used to affect the information in a        sentence.                                                accuracy.
                               Basic punctuation used accurately.                       Passive verbs used to affect the information in a        complicated information.                            sentence.                                                Expanded noun phrases used to convey complicated         Most clauses are grammatically correct.
                               Write in past and present tense with some accuracy.      sentence.                                                Use adverbs or adverbials to link ideas and show    Expanded noun phrases used to convey complicated         information.                                             Evidence of extended vocabulary used for a
                               Most clauses are grammatically correct.                  Expanded noun phrases used to convey complicated         time.                                               information.                                             Use modal verbs or adverbs for effect.                   purpose.
                               Evidence of extended vocabulary used for a purpose.      information.                                             Use relative clauses.                               Use modal verbs or adverbs for effect.                   Use adverbs or adverbials to link ideas and show time.   Use subordination and co-ordination.
                               Use adverbs or adverbials to link ideas and show time.   Use modal verbs or adverbs for effect.                   Include more complex punctuation consistently.      Use adverbs or adverbials to link ideas and show time.   Use relative clauses.                                    Passive verbs used to affect the information in a
                               Include more complex punctuation consistently.           Use adverbs or adverbials to link ideas and show time.   Punctuate dialogue accurately.                      Use relative clauses.                                    Include more complex punctuation consistently.           sentence.
                               Write in past and present tense with some accuracy.      Use relative clauses.                                    Active and passive verbs.                           Include more complex punctuation consistently.                                                                    Expanded noun phrases used to convey
                                                                                        Include more complex punctuation consistently.           Past and present progressive.                       Synonyms/antonyms.                                                                                                complicated information.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Verbs in perfect form.                                                                                            Use modal verbs or adverbs for effect.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Use adverbs or adverbials to link ideas and show
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Use relative clauses.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Include more complex punctuation consistently.
                               Select relevant ideas and content.                       Select relevant ideas and content.                       Select relevant ideas and content.                  Select relevant ideas and content.                       Select relevant ideas and content.                       Select relevant ideas and content.
                               Ideas developed in detail.                               Ideas developed in detail.                               Ideas developed in detail.                          Ideas developed in detail.                               Ideas developed in detail.                               Ideas developed in detail.
                               Maintain a viewpoint and write in role.                  Maintain a viewpoint and write in role.                  Maintain a viewpoint and write in role.             Maintain a viewpoint and write in role.                  Maintain a viewpoint and write in role.                  Maintain a viewpoint and write in role.
                               Create dialogue, atmosphere in narrative to convey       Create dialogue, atmosphere in narrative to convey       Create dialogue, atmosphere in narrative to         Create dialogue, atmosphere in narrative to convey       Create dialogue, atmosphere in narrative to convey       Create dialogue, atmosphere in narrative to
                               character and build pace.                                character and build pace.                                convey character and build pace.                    character and build pace.                                character and build pace.                                convey character and build pace.
                               Discuss how authors have developed characters and        Discuss how authors have developed characters and        Discuss how authors have developed characters       Discuss how authors have developed characters and        Discuss how authors have developed characters and        Discuss how authors have developed characters
                               settings.                                                settings.                                                and settings.                                       settings.                                                settings.                                                and settings.
     Composition and effect

                               Use a range of features for NF.                          Use a range of features for NF.                          Use a range of features for NF.                     Use a range of features for NF.                          Use a range of features for NF.                          Use a range of features for NF.
                               Suggest improvements for own and others work.            Suggest improvements for own and others work.            Suggest improvements for own and others work.       Suggest improvements for own and others work.            Suggest improvements for own and others work.            Suggest improvements for own and others work.
                               Be aware of audience and purpose of writing.             Be aware of audience and purpose of writing.             Be aware of audience and purpose of writing.        Be aware of audience and purpose of writing.             Be aware of audience and purpose of writing.             Be aware of audience and purpose of writing.
                               Clearly use key features of selected form.               Clearly use key features of selected form.               Clearly use key features of selected form.          Clearly use key features of selected form.               Clearly use key features of selected form.               Clearly use key features of selected form.
                               Ideas organised by linking related points or time        Ideas organised by linking related points or time        Ideas organised by linking related points or time   Ideas organised by linking related points or time        Ideas organised by linking related points or time        Ideas organised by linking related points or time
                               sequence.                                                sequence.                                                sequence.                                           sequence.                                                sequence.                                                sequence.
                               Clear opening and closing paragraphs.                    Clear opening and closing paragraphs.                    Clear opening and closing paragraphs.               Clear opening and closing paragraphs.                    Clear opening and closing paragraphs.                    Clear opening and closing paragraphs.
                               Organised in a cohesive, logical sequence.               Organised in a cohesive, logical sequence.               Organised in a cohesive, logical sequence.          Organised in a cohesive, logical sequence.               Organised in a cohesive, logical sequence.               Organised in a cohesive, logical sequence.
                               Paragraphs organise content. Main idea supported by      Paragraphs organise content. Main idea supported by      Paragraphs organise content. Main idea              Paragraphs organise content. Main idea supported by      Paragraphs organise content. Main idea supported by      Paragraphs organise content. Main idea
                               following sentences.                                     following sentences.                                     supported by following sentences.                   following sentences.                                     following sentences.                                     supported by following sentences.
                               Range of conjunctions used to organise within            Range of conjunctions used to organise within            Range of conjunctions used to organise within       Range of conjunctions used to organise within            Range of conjunctions used to organise within            Range of conjunctions used to organise within
                               paragraphs.                                              paragraphs.                                              paragraphs.                                         paragraphs.                                              paragraphs.                                              paragraphs.
                               Sentences with varying length, structures or subjects    Sentences with varying length, structures or subjects    Sentences with varying length, structures or        Sentences with varying length, structures or subjects    Sentences with varying length, structures or subjects    Sentences with varying length, structures or
                               included.                                                included.                                                subjects included.                                  included.                                                included.                                                subjects included.
                               Subordinating conjunctions used.                         Subordinating conjunctions used.                         Subordinating conjunctions used.                    Subordinating conjunctions used.                         Subordinating conjunctions used.                         Subordinating conjunctions used.
Precis longer passages.                                Precis longer passages.                                Precis longer passages.                               Precis longer passages.                                Precis longer passages.                                Precis longer passages.
                      Accurate between tense and verb form.                  Accurate between tense and verb form.                  Accurate between tense and verb form.                 Accurate between tense and verb form.                  Accurate between tense and verb form.                  Accurate between tense and verb form.
                      Vocabulary and sentences structures selected for the   Vocabulary and sentences structures selected for the   Vocabulary and sentences structures selected for      Vocabulary and sentences structures selected for the   Vocabulary and sentences structures selected for the   Vocabulary and sentences structures selected for
                      level of formality.                                    level of formality.                                    the level of formality.                               level of formality.                                    level of formality.                                    the level of formality.
                      Descriptive/ figurative language used to add detail    Descriptive/ figurative language used to add detail    Descriptive/ figurative language used to add detail   Descriptive/ figurative language used to add detail    Descriptive/ figurative language used to add detail    Descriptive/ figurative language used to add detail
                      and effect.                                            and effect.                                            and effect.                                           and effect.                                            and effect.                                            and effect.
                      Evaluate and edit own work using resources if          Evaluate and edit own work using resources if          Evaluate and edit own work using resources if         Evaluate and edit own work using resources if          Evaluate and edit own work using resources if          Evaluate and edit own work using resources if
                      needed.                                                needed.                                                needed.                                               needed.                                                needed.                                                needed.
                      Choose which shape of letter to use when given         Choose which shape of letter to use when given         Choose which shape of letter to use when given        Choose which shape of letter to use when given         Choose which shape of letter to use when given         Choose which shape of letter to use when given
                      choices and decide whether or not to join specific     choices and decide whether or not to join specific     choices and decide whether or not to join specific    choices and decide whether or not to join specific     choices and decide whether or not to join specific     choices and decide whether or not to join specific

                      letters.                                               letters.                                               letters.                                              letters.                                               letters.                                               letters.
                      Choose the writing implement that is best suited for   Choose the writing implement that is best suited for   Choose the writing implement that is best suited      Choose the writing implement that is best suited for   Choose the writing implement that is best suited for   Choose the writing implement that is best suited
                      the task.                                              the task.                                              for the task.                                         the task.                                              the task.                                              for the task.
                      Write speedily in a joined, legible style.             Write speedily in a joined, legible style.             Write speedily in a joined, legible style.            Write speedily in a joined, legible style.             Write speedily in a joined, legible style.             Write speedily in a joined, legible style.

Key stage 3
write accurately, fluently, effectively and at length for pleasure and information through:
writing for a wide range of purposes and audiences, including: well-structured formal expository and narrative essays; stories, scripts, poetry and other imaginative writing; notes and polished scripts for talks and presentations and a range of other narrative and
non-narrative texts, including arguments, and personal and formal letters
summarising and organising material, and supporting ideas and arguments with any necessary factual detail
applying their growing knowledge of vocabulary, grammar and text structure to their writing and selecting the appropriate form
drawing on knowledge of literary and rhetorical devices from their reading and listening to enhance the impact of their writing
plan, draft, edit and proofread through:
considering how their writing reflects the audiences and purposes for which it was intended
amending the vocabulary, grammar and structure of their writing to improve its coherence and overall effectiveness
paying attention to accurate grammar, punctuation and spelling; applying the spelling patterns and rules set out in English appendix 1 to the key stage 1 and 2 programmes of study for English
Grammar and vocabulary
consolidate and build on their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary through:
extending and applying the grammatical knowledge set out in English appendix 2 to the key stage 1 and 2 programmes of study to analyse more challenging texts
studying the effectiveness and impact of the grammatical features of the texts they read
drawing on new vocabulary and grammatical constructions from their reading and listening, and using these consciously in their writing and speech to achieve particular effects
knowing and understanding the differences between spoken and written language, including differences associated with formal and informal registers, and between standard English and other varieties of English
using standard English confidently in their own writing and speech
discussing reading, writing and spoken language with precise and confident use of linguistic and literary terminology
(Teachers should refer to the glossary that accompanies the programmes of study for English for their own information on the range of terms used within the programmes of study as a whole)
Spoken English
speak confidently and effectively, including through:
using standard English confidently in a range of formal and informal contexts, including classroom discussion
giving short speeches and presentations, expressing their own ideas and keeping to the point
participating in formal debates and structured discussions, summarising and/or building on what has been said
improvising, rehearsing and performing play scripts and poetry in order to generate languages and discuss language use and meaning, using role, intonation, tone, volume, mood, silence, stillness and action to add impact
En5/1 Spoken Language
(The objectives for Spoken Language are common across Key Stages 1 and 2)
                    listen and respond appropriately to adults and their peers
                    ask relevant questions to extend their understanding and knowledge
                    use relevant strategies to build their vocabulary
                    articulate and justify answers, arguments and opinions
                    give well-structured descriptions, explanations and narratives for different purposes, including for expressing feelings
                    maintain attention and participate actively in collaborative conversations, staying on topic and initiating and responding to comments
                    use spoken language to develop understanding through speculating, hypothesising, imagining and exploring ideas
                    speak audibly and fluently with an increasing command of Standard English
                    participate in discussions, presentations, performances, roleplay/improvisations and debates
                    gain, maintain and monitor the interest of the listener(s)
Greenleys Junior School

          English (writing) Curriculum - skills, knowledge and progression map 2020-2021
       consider and evaluate different viewpoints, attending to and building on the contributions of others
       select and use appropriate registers for effective communication

In addition to teaching the skills/ genres on the grid you must make sure that your children are aware of, and understand the key vocabulary listed on the GJS GPS planning grid. All
the objectives for spoken language are common across Key stages 1 and 2.
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