Jellyfish Daily Learning Story - Thursday 22nd April 2021

Page created by Freddie Richardson
Jellyfish Daily Learning Story - Thursday 22nd April 2021
Daily Learning

       Thursday 22nd April 2021
Jellyfish Daily Learning Story - Thursday 22nd April 2021
Earth Day Cookies!
 In celebration of Earth Day, Miss Taylah had a fun and exciting experience planned for us today, baking cookies!
Miss Taylah used a simple cookie recipe which allowed all of our friends to get involved and for all of our friends
                                           to eat for afternoon tea.
 The Jellyfish children gathered to the table where Miss Taylah had the ingredients, bowl and mixing spoon. Miss
    Taylah poured the ingredients into the measuring cup and each of the children had a turn at placing in the
ingredients into the bowl. Archie, Ayden, Weixuan, Aria and Tiffany poured the ingredients in really well. Once the
  butter and sugar was into our big mixing bowl, Miss Taylah took the bowl into the bottle prep area to use the
 electric mixer, Zaidyn, Tiffany and Weixuan stood by the door, watching Miss Taylah combined it all together to
                                            make a smooth consistency.
 Our next step was to add in the flour, Ayden, Tiffany, Weixuan and Archie helped pour in the flour, they done so
well at taking turns with their friends. Once all the flour was in the bowl, Miss Taylah grabbed the wooden spoon
and allowed each of the children to have a turn at mixing all the ingredients together, Archie accidently lifted the
 spoon into the air with flour on it, the flour went all over Archie’s face, he had a little giggle then continued to
                                                      mix it in.
 Once all the ingredients were combined, Miss Taylah took the mixing bowl into the bottle prep area to spilt the
 cookie batter into two and adding in green and blue food colouring, once they were all mixed in, she mixed the
                                  two colours together, creating little earths.
  The children showed such a great interest in todays celebration of Earth Day and a great interest in the cook
experience. After our cooking experience was all cleaned up the children headed outside for a play, we turned off
                                   our lights and fans before heading outside.
                                              Written by Miss Taylah
Jellyfish Daily Learning Story - Thursday 22nd April 2021
Spontaneous Play
Today Archie, Weixuan and Harvey enjoyed playing with
the magnetic balls and connectors the children enjoyed
 seeing how many connecters they could put together
  and seeing how some of the magnets rejected each
      other and other’s attracted to each other.
 Tiffany and Harvey enjoyed playing with the colorful
  shapes puzzle together helping each other put the
   correct pieces back in place. Tiffany also enjoyed
    playing with some items from our home corner
       pretending to mix up a drink and drink it.
 Ayden enjoyed playing with the mega blocks building
towers with miss aura and then ready books with her
and pointing to the different characters in each book
        and telling miss aura all about them.
  Archie had a lot of fun playing with his toy baby as
   well as a baby from home corner he walked them
around the room giving them lots of cuddles as well as
  taking them for a ride on the rocking horse he was
            verry sweet with the toy babies.
 Zaidyn enjoyed watching his reflection in the mirror
and pulling lots of faces at himself he found this to be
verry amusing then went and played with his friends in
                      book corner.
   Ethan had fun in home corner pretending to cook
          yummy meals for all of his friends.

                 Written by Miss Aura
Jellyfish Daily Learning Story - Thursday 22nd April 2021
Outside Play
After our fun morning inside cooking
and exploring the different activities
   we headed outside for some fun,
    Olivia had fun balancing on the
 stepping buckets, Weixuan explored
  the home corner tables, where he
 found a picnic set up. Eleanor found
the shakers, stacking them on top of
each other and knocking them down,
 she also done some climbing on the
  frames with Archie. Ayden had fun
joining he magnets together, he was
   so proud of himself and showing
 what he had made to his educators.

       Written by Miss Taylah

                                         Today’s sugar cookie recipe

                                         235g Butter ( We used Nuttelex this does not
                                                        contain Dairy)
                                                      110g Caster Sugar
                                                         275g Flour
Jellyfish Daily Learning Story - Thursday 22nd April 2021
Jellyfish Daily Learning Story - Thursday 22nd April 2021
Jellyfish Daily Learning Story - Thursday 22nd April 2021
Staff Name
                           Jellyfish                      Shift
                                                                                        Taylah          Aura       Vivian
                                                                                        8.15-4.30      8.45-4.45   9.30-5.30

Date                          22nd April 2021             Rest Pause               10 mins             10 mins     10 mins
Day                              Thursday                 Lunch                     12.00-12.45       12.45-1.15   1.15-1.45
       CHILD'S NAME            Morning tea      Lunch        Afternoon Tea                    Rest Time            Clothing
           Zaidyn                  All           All                All                        11.50    12.45
           Archie                  All           All                All                        11.50     1.20
          Weixuan                  All           All                All                        12.15     1.20
           Ayden                   All           All                All                        12.00    12.55
           Ethan                   All           All                All                        12.30     1.45
           Tiffany                 All           All                All                        12.00    12.55
           Olivia                 Late           All                All                        12.30     1.05
          Eleanor                 Late           All                All                        11.50    12.25
         Jacqueline               Some           All               Some                        11.55     1.25
           Harvey                 Late           All                All                        11.55     1.20
              Aria                 All           All                All                        12.00    12.50

UV Rating                                                     8:50 am to 2:30 pm, UV 7
Morning Tea                                                               Fresh Fruit
            Lunch                                                 Curried Sausages & Rice
          Alt Lunch                                                          N/A
Afternoon tea                                   Earth Day Cookies (Made by the children) & Veggie Sticks
       Alt Afternoon tea                                                 N/A
Jellyfish Daily Learning Story - Thursday 22nd April 2021 Jellyfish Daily Learning Story - Thursday 22nd April 2021 Jellyfish Daily Learning Story - Thursday 22nd April 2021
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