2018 Regional Economic Forecast - Sponsorship Opportunities & Exhibitor Packet - Thursday, December 6, 2018 Little Creek Casino | Shelton, WA

Page created by Tom Townsend
2018 Regional Economic Forecast - Sponsorship Opportunities & Exhibitor Packet - Thursday, December 6, 2018 Little Creek Casino | Shelton, WA
2018 Regional Economic
Sponsorship Opportunities
& Exhibitor Packet

Thursday, December 6, 2018
Little Creek Casino | Shelton, WA
2018 Regional Economic Forecast - Sponsorship Opportunities & Exhibitor Packet - Thursday, December 6, 2018 Little Creek Casino | Shelton, WA
Highlighting innovation and economic
    opportunity in the five-county region
    The 2018 Regional Economic Forecast & Innovation Expo is
    an exciting one-day event focused on addressing the future
    technologies coming to our businesses that affect our economy
    through automation and innovation. Presented on Thursday,
    December 6, 2018 at the Little Creek Casino, in Shelton, WA, this
    conference brings together regional businesses from a wide range
    of industry sectors. Exhibitors will showcase industry within Grays
    Harbor, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, and Thurston counties, highlighting
    cutting edge technology, products and services that help our
    region and Washington State moving foward into the future.

    This high-profile networking event, now in its 9th year, has
    expanded each year, and now draws approximately 350 - 400
    decision makers and community leaders from all sectors of
    business and industry in our region. The 2018 Regional Economic
    Forecast & Innovation Expo will offer:
    • an exclusive briefing on the 2018 Economic Vitality Index, the
        annual review of the region’s economic performance over past
    • insight from respected futurists and business leaders on
        what lies ahead and how you can be prepared as a business
    • time to network with the people behind the products and
     services showcased at the Expo and the partnerships that
        support them
    • informational workshops throughout the day focused on
        how future technologies will impact our specific regional

    The 2018 Regional Economic Forecast & Innovation Expo is
    brought to you by the Thurston Economic Development Council,
    Lewis Economic Development Council, Pacific County Economic
    Development Council, Economic Development Council of Mason
    County, and Greater Grays Harbor, Inc.

For more info, please visit: RegionalinnovationExpo.com
2018 Regional Economic Forecast - Sponsorship Opportunities & Exhibitor Packet - Thursday, December 6, 2018 Little Creek Casino | Shelton, WA
Sponsorship Opportunities
Platinum Sponsor (Sold)                                   $6,000
One sponsorship available
• Full page ad in event program (full color ad)
• Introduction (5 minute presentation) and recognition at the event
• Opportunity to provide signage for display in main conference room
• Option to include promotional bag and materials/goodies for bags
• Admission for table of 8
• Free booth in Expo Hall                                                   Expo Hall Exhibitor
• Logo represented on event website, printed promotional and
   e-marketing materials
                                                                            The Expo portion of the event runs
                                                                            throughout the day and offers the
Gold Sponsors                                             $3,500           opportunity to market your innovative
•   Half-page ad space in event program (full color ad)                     products and services to a diverse
•   Opportunity to provide signage for display in main conference room      regional audience of 350 - 400
•   Option to include materials/goodies in event gift bags                  business professionals.
•   Admission for 4 to event
•   Free booth in Expo Hall                                                 In addition to the Expo Hall,
•   Logo represented on event website, printed promotional and              exhibitors will have access to the
    e-marketing materials                                                   full agenda, including: an exclusive
                                                                            briefing on the regional Economic
                                                                            Vitality Index, insights and advice
Silver Sponsors                                           $1,500           from business leaders on what lies
•   Recognition in the Event Program                                        ahead, and informational workshops
•   Admission for 2 to event                                                throughout the day focused on
•   Option to include materials/goodies in event gift bags                  business innovation.
•   $200 discount on booth in Expo Hall
•   Logo represented on event website, printed promotional and              Each booth space includes:
    e-marketing materials                                                   • a skirted table with two chairs
                                                                            • access to 110 volts of
Bronze Sponsors                                              $800          • and admission into conference
•   Recognition in the Expo Hall Program                                       for two
•   Admission for 1 to event
•   Option to include materials/goodies in event gift bags                  A $100 non-refundable deposit is
•   $100 discount on booth in Expo Hall                                     required to secure a booth space.
•   Logo represented on event website, printed promotional and              Booth reservation must be paid in full
    e-marketing materials                                                   by November 16, 2018.

For more information, contact your local Economic Development Council, or
the event website at RegionalInnovationExpo.com
2018 Regional Economic Forecast - Sponsorship Opportunities & Exhibitor Packet - Thursday, December 6, 2018 Little Creek Casino | Shelton, WA
About the Expo
  The 2018 Regional Economic Forecast and Innovation Expo, now
  in its eighth year, is a one-day conference designed to highlight
  innovation and economic opportunity in the five-county region.

  Conference Partners
  The 2018 Regional Economic Forecast and Innovation Expo is
  coordinated by the Thurston Economic Development Council, Lewis
  Economic Development Council, Pacific County Economic Development
  Council, Economic Development Council of Mason County, and Greater
  Grays Harbor, Inc.

For more info, please visit: RegionalinnovationExpo.com
2018 Regional Economic Forecast - Sponsorship Opportunities & Exhibitor Packet - Thursday, December 6, 2018 Little Creek Casino | Shelton, WA
TDehe       Fut     ur
       c e mb e r 6 2018
                          e isI
                               NOWLi t tl e Cr e ek C asi n o
                                        This event will address the

                                         future technologies being
                                        inserted in our businesses
                                     today and the upcoming tech
                                                       of tomorrow.

                                      Businesses have to be ready
                                      for the inevitable automation
                                       to workforce and commerce
                                     that will impact our economy.

   $75/person                       This event will bring in experts
                                       in the field of futurism and
  $525/table of 8
                                             technology as well as
                                     speakers addressing specific
                                          issues facing our region.

            w w w. re gion alin novatione xpo .c om
2018 Regional Economic Forecast - Sponsorship Opportunities & Exhibitor Packet - Thursday, December 6, 2018 Little Creek Casino | Shelton, WA
2018 Regional Economic Forecast - Sponsorship Opportunities & Exhibitor Packet - Thursday, December 6, 2018 Little Creek Casino | Shelton, WA
  C: 39 M: 0
  Y: 71 K:10

 C: 62 M: 8
 Y: 14 K:15

 C: 82 M: 46
 Y: 48 K:20
2018 Regional Economic Forecast - Sponsorship Opportunities & Exhibitor Packet - Thursday, December 6, 2018 Little Creek Casino | Shelton, WA
PHONE: 360.754.6320
EMAIL: kbenjamin@thurstonedc.com
WEBSITE: regionalinnovationexpo.com

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ThurstonEDC
TWITTER; https://twitter.com/ThurstonCntyEDC
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/thurstoncountyedc
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/thurstonedc
2018 Regional Economic Forecast - Sponsorship Opportunities & Exhibitor Packet - Thursday, December 6, 2018 Little Creek Casino | Shelton, WA 2018 Regional Economic Forecast - Sponsorship Opportunities & Exhibitor Packet - Thursday, December 6, 2018 Little Creek Casino | Shelton, WA
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