www.hopeandhomes.ro It is not time that solves everything, it's people - Hope and Homes for Children Romania

Page created by Joseph Navarro
www.hopeandhomes.ro It is not time that solves everything, it's people - Hope and Homes for Children Romania
It is not time that solves everything, it’s people.


www.hopeandhomes.ro It is not time that solves everything, it's people - Hope and Homes for Children Romania


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www.hopeandhomes.ro It is not time that solves everything, it's people - Hope and Homes for Children Romania
CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                                                                                         S
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Team Hope at Road Grand Tour......................................................................................................................... 58
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Partnership between Hope and Homes for Children
OVERVIEW........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4                              and PEPCO Romania............................................................................................................................................................ 60
Results 1998-2018..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4                                        Partnership between Hope and Homes for Children
Results 2019 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6                            and City Insurance..................................................................................................................................................................... 62
County results 1998-2018 ......................................................................................................................................................... 8                                                            Partnership between Hope and Homes for Children
Intervention plan 2019-2020.................................................................................................................................................. 10                                                                and Webhelp........................................................................................................................................................................................ 64
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Art and solidarity camp in Desești, supported
CAMPAIGNS ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 12                                    by City Insurance......................................................................................................................................................................... 66
“Rebengiuc’s Testament: It is not time that solves everything,                                                                                                                                                                                  Team Hope at the Bucharest International Marathon .................................................... 70
it’s people” Campaign .................................................................................................................................................................. 18                                                     Team Hope at Băneasa Forest Run................................................................................................................. 74
Kaufland Romania answers the call launched through the
“Rebengiuc’s Testament” campaign                                                                                                                                                                          22                                    SOCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL REINTEGRATION ............................................................. 76
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                At the bakery ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 78
CLOSING DOWN OLD-TYPE INSTITUTIONS ..................................................................................... 24                                                                                                                     2019 Winter Special Olympics ............................................................................................................................... 80
Ilie...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26   World Special Olympics in Abu Dhabi ..................................................................................................... 84
The closure of “St. Spiridon” Institution                                                                                                                                                                                                       Partnership between NN and
in Târgu Frumos ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 28                                     Hope and Homes for Children ............................................................................................................................... 86
The closure of “Elena Doamna” Institution                                                                                                                                                                                                       “A step towards the future” camp, in partnership with NN..................................... 88
in Neamț County ................................................................................................................................................................................... 30                                         Partnership between Société Générale Foundation
The opening of “Cavalerii” small group home,                                                                                                                                                                                                    and Hope and Homes for Children ............................................................................................................... 90
with support from Holcim Romania ....................................................................................................................... 32                                                                                     Partnership between Kruk Romania
The opening of “Felicia” small group home                                                                                                                                                                                                       and Hope and Homes for Children.................................................................................................................. 92
in Piatra Neamț, in partnership with Kaufland Romania .................................................... 36
“I Need You” – a JYSK Romania campaign................................................................................................. 40                                                                                                      THE REFORM OF THE SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................... 94
Continuing the partnership between Hope and Homes                                                                                                                                                                                               Simona Budăi....................................................................................................................................................................................... 96
for Children and JYSK Romania .................................................................................................................................. 42                                                                             The Ambassador of the United Kingdom visited
Partnership between Rombat                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Hope and Homes for Children in Baia Mare .................................................................................. 98
and Hope and Homes for Children ......................................................................................................................... 44

PREVENTING THE SEPARATION OF CHILDREN                                                                                                                                                                                                           FINANCE ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 100
FROM THEIR FAMILY ................................................................................................................................................................... 46                                                        FOUNDERS....................................................................................................................................................................................... 102
Alina and Raluca ................................................................................................................................................................................... 48                                         SUPPORTERS AND PARTENERS............................................................................................................. 104
Bucharest Half Marathon ....................................................................................................................................................... 50                                                              ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.............................................................................................................................................. 108
Hope Concert, the 7th edition ........................................................................................................................................... 54                                                                    CREDITS AND CONTACT INFO ............................................................................................................... 110
www.hopeandhomes.ro It is not time that solves everything, it's people - Hope and Homes for Children Romania
OVERVIEW                                                            1998 - 2018

                 58 CLOSED DOWN
                            OLD-TYPE INSTITUTIONS
                                                     1,672       YOUNG ADULTS RECEIVED SUPPORT
                                                                 FOR AN INDEPENDENT LIFE
                                                                 (SOCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL INTEGRATION)

    110 OPENED
             SMALL GROUP HOMES
                                                                        BENEFICIARIES OF THE
                                                                        EMERGENCY RECEPTION

                                           RESULTS                      2,026
                                                                        OF OUR DAY CENTRES

                                                                    / 442

                 CHILDREN REUNITED
                                                      CHILD PROTECTION SPECIALISTS

4                                                                                                        5
www.hopeandhomes.ro It is not time that solves everything, it's people - Hope and Homes for Children Romania
OVERVIEW                                                                                                                2019

     5 OPENED

     “Spartanii” and “Motanul încălțat”, as a result of closing down
                                                                                   504           YOUNG ADULTS RECEIVED SUPPORT
                                                                                                 FOR AN INDEPENDENT LIFE
                                                                                                 (SOCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL INTEGRATION)

     “St. Spiridon” orphanage in Târgu Frumos, Iași County
     “Felicia” and “Felix”, as a result of closing down “Elena Doamna”
     orphanage in Neamț County
     “Cavalerii”, as a result of closing down “Robin Hood”
     orphanage in Bucharest

                                                                                               62          BENEFICIARIES

                                                                                                           OF OUR DAY CENTRES

                                                                                               56     / 35
                                                                                               CHILDREN MOTHERS

                                                                                               BENEFICIARIES OF OUR MOTHER-AND-BABY UNITS

                    CHILDREN LEFT THE OLD-TYPE

                 328 WITH THEIR FAMILIES
                                                                                   CHILD PROTECTION SPECIALISTS
                                        CHILDREN WERE                              PARTICIPATED IN TRAINING PROGRAMMES

6                                                                                                                                           7
www.hopeandhomes.ro It is not time that solves everything, it's people - Hope and Homes for Children Romania
Counties where we work or
         OVERVIEW                                                                               we have been working
                                                                                                         starting 1998
                                        MARAMUREȘ      MUREȘ      SUCEAVA         BOTOȘANI

    We built small
                         SATU MARE
    group homes in
    20 counties                                                                                   IAȘI

    We have              BISTRIȚA NĂSAUD
    to the closing
    down of old-type
                              SĂLAJ                                                             NEAMȚ
    institutions in
    19 counties

                                 CLUJ                                                              VASLUI

                         BIHOR                                                                           BACĂU

                       ARAD                                                                                 HARGHITA



        Technical assistance for reforming
        the child protection system
        Closed down institutions
        Prevention of child-family             SIBIU                                                               IALOMIȚA
        Family reintegration
        Social-professional integration
        Professional development
                                             VÂLCEA    OLT     ILFOV        BUCUREȘTI S3     BUCUREȘTI S4      BUCUREȘTI S6
        Small group homes opened

8                                                                                                                             9
www.hopeandhomes.ro It is not time that solves everything, it's people - Hope and Homes for Children Romania
INTERVENTION PLAN                                                    Counties where we are working in 2019 - 2020

                                                      MARAMUREȘ   SUCEAVA


                            BISTRIȚA NĂSĂUD







     Technical assistance for reforming
     the child protection system
     Closed down institutions
     Prevention of child-family
     Family reintegration
     Social-professional integration
     Professional development
                                              SIBIU               ILFOV          BUCUREȘTI     BUCUREȘTI        BUCUREȘTI
     Small group homes opened                               OLT                   sector 3      sector 4         sector 6

10                                                                                                                          11
www.hopeandhomes.ro It is not time that solves everything, it's people - Hope and Homes for Children Romania
     Mother Teresa once said, ‘We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the
     ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.’ I often think about
     this when I feel discouraged and I feel that we have little success in helping the children
     from orphanages, the young adults who have to face the world with no support, the
                                                                                                     I believe this is the essence
                                                                                                     of humanity: the power that
     parents that are desperate because they cannot keep their children with them.

     Yet somehow, I encounter people and actions that give me courage and inspire me to
     motivate my colleagues, who are also experiencing their moments of helplessness and
     burnout. It’s not easy to see children who are disoriented and abused, it’s extremely           exists in each and every
     hard to leave them in places that feed these traumas, such as orphanages, or in places
     filled with poverty, hunger and cold. It’s not easy to see them - and their parents -
     looking for help, that helping hand that would somehow keep them together. It’s not
                                                                                                     one of us to do good
                                                                                                     – as much as we can –
     easy to see young adults leaving a child “protection” system without any real form of
     support, disoriented, depressed and more vulnerable than ever.

     And, on top of all this, there are prejudice and obstacles almost impossible to overcome,
     almost impossible to shatter. They know it and we know it. But, still: it’s not time that       for those around us.
     solves everything, it’s people. It’s us, who can do a little bit of good for those around us.
     I believe this is the essence of humanity: the power that exists in each and every one of
     us to do good – as much as we can – for those around us.
     And because you care and you have lent a hand, helping us to help them, we would like

     you to see in the following pages the ‘drop’ that changed the ocean of needs, as these
     are drops that stem from the body and mind of every one of us.

     Ștefan DĂRĂBUȘ                                           Ph.D.
     Regional Director, Central and Southern Europe,
     Hope and Homes for Children

12                                                                                                                                   13
www.hopeandhomes.ro It is not time that solves everything, it's people - Hope and Homes for Children Romania
                                                                                   Marius MANOLE
                                                                                   Hope and Homes for Children Ambassador

                                                                                   There are a lot of children in Romania who live apart from their
                                                                                   families, which prevents them from living a real childhood.
                                                                                   Some of them will never feel the warmth of a place they could call

                                                                                   ‘home’, the love and support of a family, which is the foundation
                                                                                   on which the courage to face the world is built upon.

                                                                                   As Hope and Homes for Children Ambassador, I hope that many
                                                                                   of us can join efforts and help the vulnerable children who are either
     I read a lot of bedtime stories to my daughter lately and I realize how       growing up away from their families or need our help to remain with
     often I encounter the theme of the wicked stepmother, who is mean to          their parents, where they belong.
     orphans in fairy tales, such as Cinderella and Snow White, or of the
     parents who abandon their children, such as in the story about Hansel         I believe that each and every one of us can contribute to building
     and Gretel.                                                                   a better world for these children and that people—and not time—
                                                                                   are responsible for fixing things. The good that we do together is

     I would very much like to break this type of narration in the real life, to   growing and giving wings to the children who need us!
     stop being wicked stepparents for the abandoned children, to build an
     entire system in which we replace the poisoned apples with affection,
     care, and responsibility. I would like to tell my daughter, when she
     grows up, the story that goes, ‘Once upon a time, there was this
     organisation that brought together many people with big hearts and
     changed the story of the vulnerable children in Romania into one with
     a happy ending.’ Thank you for helping us rewrite some of the saddest

     real-life stories.

     Amalia ENACHE
     Hope and Homes for Children Ambassador

14                                                                                                                                                          15
www.hopeandhomes.ro It is not time that solves everything, it's people - Hope and Homes for Children Romania
                                                                                  Hope and Homes for Children Supporter

                                                                                  I grew up without a father, as mine left my brother and I when we
                                                                                  were very young, which had a tremendous impact, especially on me.
                                                                                  We were raised wonderfully by our grandparents, who were totally
                                                                                  dedicated to us and I thank them for it, wherever they are.
                                                                                  So, I said “yes!” from the beginning, without hesitation, because I like
     I have always been moved by the children’s vulnerability and,                children, I like happy children and my heart is breaking for those who
     when I became a parent, my desire to get involved and help the most          are suffering. I have seen so many unhappy children in this country,
     vulnerable of them became a necessity.                                       perhaps more than in other places, but I have also seen people who
                                                                                  do care. Hope and Homes for Children is making efforts so that these
     In a world that is always on the run, that seems increasingly careless,      children have a chance to a better life.
     what Hope and Homes for Children successfully does—changing the
     lives of children and young adults—sometimes seems like a miracle.           I have visited the homes that the Foundation has built so far.
     Following their interventions, these children learn, maybe for the first     The children were at school, but I found there an environment where
     time in their lives, that they can believe in a better life, that there is   they have the opportunity to properly develop, both physically and
     hope. The people from Hope and Homes for Children are striving               intellectually, to receive a decent education, to feel free and happy.
     to create a better world, to mend destinies, to bring hope.                  It is not time that solves these problems, it’s us, the people. We need
                                                                                  to try to give more to each child who, through who knows what
     As a Hope and Homes for Children Ambassador, I am ready to fight             unfortunate event, what terrible misfortune, is alone, without parents,

     with my ‘weapons’—the violin and the bow, as Enescu used to say—             without sisters, without a father. I wish you the best of luck!

     for the good of the children!

     Alexandru TOMESCU
     Hope and Homes for Children Ambassador

16                                                                                                                                                           17
„Rebengiuc’s Testament
        Campaign: It is not time
        that solves everything, it’s
     In September 2019, Hope and              on closing all of them by 2027,
     Homes for Children launched a            and replace the institutional child
     large-scale fundraising campaign to      protection system with a system
     support the process of replacing the     based on the family concept. The
     institutional child protection system,   message of the campaign, “It is
     with Victor Rebengiuc’s participation    not time that solves everything,
     and endorsement. People were             it’s people” (hopeandhomes.ro/
     encouraged to donate 2 EUR/month         oamenii) raises awareness on the
     by texting ‘HOPE’ to 8844 in support     collective duty that our society
     of the interventions Hope and Homes      has towards the children who
     for Children has initiated more than     “belong to no one”.
     21 years ago, when there were over
     100,000 children in orphanages in        I am an old man, without much
     Romania.                                 time left to live. Yet it is not time
                                              that solves everything, only people
     At the moment, around 6,000              can do it. You can.”, says the actor,
     children are still living in old-type    reminding us that it is up to each one
     institutions in Romania. Hope and        of us to make the world we live
     Homes for Children is focused            in a better place.

18                                                                                     19
The campaign was officially                    The lives of tens of thousands of
     launched on September 25th, in the             children have been changed with
     elegant setting of the Cerchez Salon,          their help. Today, together with the
     at the Cotroceni National Museum.              great actor Victor Rebengiuc, we
     Amalia Enache, PRO TV journalist               are asking those who know that
     and Hope and Homes for Children                it’s not time, but people who can
     Ambassador, was the host of the                solve anything, to join us; because
     event, while the guest of honour was           generosity and love for those around
     Victor Rebengiuc, well-known actor             us is the real measure of our level of
     and supporter of our cause.                    humanity – both as a society, and at
                                                    a personal level.
     The event was attended by celebrities
     from Digi24, journalist Florin                 Here, at Hope and Homes for
     Negruțiu, anchor-man Marius Pancu,            Children, we believe in the power
     producer Elena Vijulie Tănase, key            of solidarity and the right of every
     representatives from the corporate             child for a better life. The children we
     sector, and Hope and Homes for                 help are our children, the children
     Children supporters.                           of the world we live in; they give
                                                    us the sense of our humanity, the
     The launch of the campaign was                 sense of our lives. We encourage
     followed by a recital performed by             all those who share our beliefs to
     the pianist Ștefan Doniga and the             donate 2 Euros per month, by texting
     violinist Diana Jipa, who thus joined          ‘HOPE’ to 8844” - Ștefan Dărăbuș,
     Hope and Homes for Children’s                  Regional Director, Central and
     cause. At the moment, 6,000 children           Southern Europe, Hope and
     are still living in old-type institutions in   Homes for Children
     Romania, while another 300,000 are
     living in extreme poverty and at high          The campaign is an initiative of
     risk of being abandoned.                       Papaya Advertising agency, and the
                                                    video was created by Robert Tiderle.
     “Every action matters—and each
     of us can change the life of a child.
     After 22 years of implementing
     programs in Romania, we can say
     we do know what the generosity of
     our partners can achieve.

                                                                                               Victor Rebengiuc and Amalia Enache, with Ștefan Dărăbuș.

20                                                                                                                                                        21
Kaufland Romania, the first
        company that answers the
        call launched through the
        “Rebengiuc’s Testament”

     By continuing the strategic               So far, the pieces of land for the two
     partnership between Hope                  homes have been chosen and the
     and Homes for Children and                documents for the building permit
     Kaufland Romania - through                have been submitted. In May 2020,
     which the company supports the            the construction of the two houses is
     organization’s programme to close         scheduled to start.
     down old-type institutions in Iași
     County - Kaufland became the              Hope and Homes for Children
     first company to answer the call          began the process of closing
     launched by Victor Rebengiuc in his       down institutions in Iași County
     symbolic testament.                       in 2014, based on the partnership
                                               agreement signed with the Iași Child
     The company will invest EUR               Protection Department. Since then,
     440,000 in building two small group       two institutions have been closed.
     homes needed for the closure of “Ion
     Holban” Institution in Iași. Thanks to   The county still has the highest
     the funding from Kaufland Romania,        number of children in care in
     24 children and young adults (out         Romania: 450 children live in the
     of 65) will move into an environment      remaining 9 institutions without the
     that is closer to a familial one.         attention and the care they need.

                                                                                                        24 children from “Ion Holban” Institution in Iași
                                                                                        will move into small group homes built with Kaufland’s support

22                                                                                                                                                           23
It is not time that solves everything, it’s people

                Ilie                                                                                        Ever since he was little child, Ilie
                                                                                                            learned to run away, away from
                                                                                                                                                    The small group homes developed
                                                                                                                                                    by Hope and Homes for Children
                                                                                                            all the beatings. He and his older      with help from its partners
                                                                                                            siblings got away by running.           provide children a familiar
                                                                                                            His mother and younger siblings         environment, being an important
                                                                                                            were not that lucky. When you           step to a normal life – and,
                                                                                                            are 10 years old and you need           sometimes, a chance for these
                                                                                                            to run away in order to defend          children to survive. These homes
                                                                                                            yourself, there aren’t that many        accommodate no more than 10-12
                                                                                                            places where you can stop and           children, who are being cared,
                                                                                                            the path to an orphanage is             and receive education, emotional
                                                                                                            riddled with mistakes. Ilie and         support and counselling for the
                                                                                                            two of his siblings ended up in a       development of their independent
                                                                                                            correctional facility.                  living skills.

                                                                                                            A lot of fear and longing for his       In 2019, Hope and Homes for
                                                                                                            mother – that is what Ilie felt while   Children opened 5 small group
                                                                                                            being there, and a lot of other         homes in Romania, bringing
                                                                                                            feelings he didn’t understand, but      the total number of homes built
                                                                                                            gnawed at him and increased             since 1998 to 110, as part of the
                                                                                                            his fear – where will he end up?        process of closing down old-type
                                                                                                            What will he do with his life? Will     institutions. Our mission is to close
                                                                                                            there be anything good about            down all institutions/orphanages
                                                                                                            his future, something, anything,        in Romania by 2027.
                                                                                                            even if it’s just a little? For Ilie,
                                                                                                            “something good” came along as          Small group homes may not

                                                                                                            the helping hand from Hope and          always be the best fit and we
                                                                                                            Homes for Children, when he and         are constantly searching for the
                                                                                                            his siblings moved into a small         right solutions for the children in
                                                                                                            group home.                             institutions. Every life is unique
           Now it’s ok, we live in the home built by Hope and Homes for Children. From time to time,                                                and every child deserves the best
           when we go outside to play, we also go and have a look at the old centre, the one they           For children to develop normally,       life he or she can have.
           closed down. The older boys say that 600 children used to live there and that it was really      they need attention, care, to be        Once removed from institutions,
           bad. We didn’t live there, we lived in the smaller centre, where it was OK. Still, we were too   listened to. The trauma and the         some children can be
           many kids sharing a room, we used to eat in the canteen, it was like a boarding school.          devastating consequences of             reintegrated with their families—
           Now I am very happy to live with my siblings, to have our own room, photos from home,            children being institutionalised        only if parents are able to provide
           our own things, a kitchen! We do activities together with the other children. Look, now, we      are some of the worst forms of          decent living conditions—while
           are arranging the courtyard. I am planting the onions. When they grow, I would like to eat       abuse and violence. The children        others can be placed in foster
           one that I can pull from the ground myself; and so, to remember my home, my mother and           in institutional care show delays       care or adopted.
                                                                                                            in their physical, emotional and

           siblings. The people from Hope and Homes for Children helped my mother rebuild our old
           house, so now we have a place to go back to and be together again.”                              cognitive development.

26                                                                                                                                                                                          27
The closure of „Sfântul Spiridon”
     Institution in Târgu Frumos        On August the 13th 2019, once the official
                                         opening of two small group homes took
                                                                                       left the child protection system, while
                                                                                       38 children moved into four small group
                                         place, Hope and Homes for Children            homes developed by the Foundation.
                                         and the Iași Child Protection Department
                                         (CPD) closed down “St. Spiridon”              The first small group home was “Teilor”,
                                         Institution in Târgu Frumos, which is part   opened in February 2018, and the second
                                         of a complex of social services. This is      one was “Petru Rareș”, opened on May
                                         the 58th institution closed by Hope and       17th, 2018. The last two homes, “Spartanii”
                                         Homes for Children in Romania.                [“Spartans”] and “Motanul încălțat”
                                                                                       [“Puss in Boots”], names chosen by the
                                         “Spartanii” and “Motanul încălțat” small   children who moved there, were officially
                                         group homes are the last two of the           opened on August 13th, 2019.
                                         four homes the Foundation developed
                                         as part of the closing down process of        In 1997, there were 35 institutions at the
                                         “St. Spiridon” Institution. JYSK Romania      county level, with over 5,000 children.
                                         generously donated the furniture and          In 2019, there are 10 institutions left and
                                         accessories for the two homes.                the number of children in institutions,
                                                                                       small group homes and apartments is
                                         Through the five years of working on          approximately 800, while 1,500 children
                                         closing down the institution, the two         are in foster care. Hope and Homes for
                                         partners identified the best transfer         Children and the Iași CPD continue
                                         alternatives for each of the 215 children     to work on the closure of three more
                                         and young adults from Târgu Frumos           institutions in Iași: “Ion Holban”, “Bucium”
                                         Institution. 10 young adults were moved       and “C. A. Rosetti”
                                         into centres for adults, 151 children were
                                         reintegrated with their birth or extended
                                         families, 15 young adults aged over 18

                                         During the past five years, in partnership with Hope and Homes for Children,
                                         we managed to close down one institution and to develop a Day Centre for
                                         gifted children in Iași. Today, we are opening the last two of the four homes
                                         that mark the closure of the institution in Târgu Frumos. This collaboration
                                         with Hope and Homes for Children is extraordinary, and we would like it to


                                         Florin Ion, General Director, Iași CPD

28                                                                                                                                    29
The closure of „Elena Doamna”
        Institution in Neamț County

     In 2019, Hope and Homes for Children       The first small group home, “Felicia”,
     and Holcim Romania, in partnership         was opened in May and the second
     with the Neamț Child Protection           one, “Felix”, was officially opened in
     Department (CPD) and the Neamț            August 2019, its name being chosen
     County Council, inaugurated a small        by the children who moved there.
     group home in Roznov - developed           The funds for “Felix” small group
     as part of the process to close down       home were raised through the “Build
     “Elena Doamna” Institution.                a house, give a home!” campaign
     12 children and young adults moved         ran by Holcim Romania for Hope
     into this home from the institution        and Homes for Children between
     scheduled for closure in 2020.             July and September 2017. Through
                                                this campaign, the cement producer
     Hope and Homes for Children began          directed towards the Foundation
     the process of closing down “Elena         the value of a kilogram of cement
     Doamna” Institution in 2016, in            for each sack of StructoPlus with
     partnership with the Neamț CPD            Duraditiv sold.                                              „Felix” is the 110th small group home built by Hope and Homes for Children.

     and the County Council.                                                                                      Two other small group homes are being built and will be finished at the
     The Foundation identified the best         The EUR 300,000 raised through this                                                                                   beginning of 2020.
     transfer alternatives for the children     campaign were used to develop two
     who lived there: 21 children were          small group homes necessary in the
     reintegrated with their birth or           closures of “Robin Hood” Institution
     extended families, 12 children were        in Bucharest, District 4, and “Elena
                                                                                         The young generation is the future and the smiles of the young adults who moved
     placed in foster care, and 28 young        Doamna” in Piatra Neamț. The
                                                                                         home honour us. We are happy to have contributed to the opening of this home, and
     adults left the child protection system.   partnership continued in 2018 with
                                                                                         help the children from the ‘Felix’ home to enjoy a decent living environment, which
     46 children remained in the institution,   a new campaign, “Build a house,
                                                                                         allows them to develop properly and follow their dreams for the future. We would like
     for whom Hope and Homes for                give a home!” that helped raise the
                                                                                         to thank our partners from Hope and Homes for Children for the first two homes built

     Children is developing other four          necessary funds to build a small
                                                                                         and we are eagerly waiting for the next one!
     small group homes.                         group home for the closure of another
                                                placement centre, in Orlat (Sibiu
                                                County).                                 Alina Cristea, Sustainable Development & Communication
                                                                                         Manager, Holcim România

30                                                                                                                                                                                          31
The opening of „Cavalerii”
     small group home, with support
                                      On July the 11th, 2019, Hope and           At that time, there were 49 children
     from Holcim Romania              Homes for Children and Holcim
                                      Romania, in partnership with
                                                                                 in the institution, each of them
                                                                                 assessed by a joint team of
                                      the District 4 Child Protection            specialists from Hope and Homes
                                      Department (CPD) and City Hall             for Children and the District 4 CPD,
                                      officially opened “Cavalerii”              in order to find the best alternatives
                                      [Knights], developed as part of            for them, once the institution was
                                      the closure process for “Robin             closed. Some of them left the
                                      Hood” Institution, the last old-type       institution either by being placed
                                      institution in District 4. Nine children   in foster care, supported to begin
                                      aged 9 to 17 moved into this new           independent lives or transferred
                                      place they will call “home” from now       to other small group homes and
                                      on.                                        apartments.

                                      “Cavalerii” is the 107th home              The construction of “Cavalerii” small
                                      developed by Hope and Homes for            group home began in July 2018.
                                      Children in our country and the first      In June 2019, nine children (9 to 17
                                      of the three developed as part of the      years old) moved into the home;
                                      partnership with Holcim Romania.           another 12 will move into a different
                                      Architect Omid Ghannadi and                home that the organisation will build.
                                      designer Alina Vîlcu, both part of the
                                      TV show “Extreme Makeover – Home           The funds necessary to build
                                      Edition” on PRO TV, were involved in       “Cavalerii” small group home were
                                      equipping and decorating the home,         raised through the “Build a house,
                                      a process that was supported by            give a home!” campaign ran by
                                      JYSK Romania.                              Holcim Romania for Hope and
                                                                                 Homes for Children between July
                                      The closure process of “Robin Hood”        and September 2017.
                                      Institution in Bucharest, District 4,
                                      began in 2017 with the signing of
                                      a partnership agreement between
                                      Hope and Homes for Children and
                                      the District 4 CPD.

32                                                                                                                        33
The land needed for the                     the new kitchen and enjoyed many
    construction of the house was               surprises, like the mini concert
    provided by the District 4 City Hall.       performed by Marian Vasilescu
    “Cavalerii” small group home is             (a former contestant of “The Voice”
    a single-level building, with four          TV show on PRO TV, who was also
    bedrooms, a living-room, two                raised in an institution until the age
    bathrooms and a kitchen, all of             of 3) and having Diana Sar, Victoria
    them very roomy, welcoming and              Răileanu and George Piștereanu,
    adapted to the children’s needs.            actors in the PRO TV series “Vlad”,
    The children eagerly awaited their          as guests.
    guests with home-made cookies in

                                                                                                                            Children moved-in in a modern space, suitable for their needs.

                                                                                             We are happy to have been able to contribute to such an important cause, as every
                                                                                             child needs a healthy environment in which to develop properly. Today we are
                                                                                             celebrating, because, from now on, 9 children have a place of their own to call home
                                                                                             and they can look more optimistically to the future. Congratulations to Hope and

                                                                                             Homes for Children and to all the partners involved in the project!”

                                                                                             Alina Cristea, Sustainable Development & Communication
                                                                                             Manager, Holcim România

“Cavalerii” became the home of 9 children, formerly institutionalised
in “Robin Hood” Placement Centre, in Bucharest.
The opening of „Felicia”
        small group home in Piatra
        Neamț, in partnership with
        Kaufland Romania

     On May the 21st 2019, Hope and          Hope and Homes for Children began
     Homes for Children and Kaufland         the deinstitutionalisation process
     Romania opened “Felicia” small          (closure of orphanages/institutions)
     group home, the first developed by      in Neamț County in partnership with
     the Foundation for closing “Elena       Neamţ Child Protection Department
     Doamna” Institution in Piatra           in 2014. At that time, three institutions
     Neamț. Thanks to the financial         were still functioning in Neamț
     support from Kaufland Romania,          County, housing 245 children and
     the children who leave the              young adults. The closure of “Elena
     institution will have adequate living   Doamna” Institution was initiated in
     and development conditions, which       2016, with 108 children residing there
     will ensure a better start in life,     at that time.
     once they leave the child protection
     system. “Felicia” small group           20 children were reintegrated with
     home is the first one developed in      their birth or extended families,
     partnership with Kaufland Romania       receiving support for their return with

     within a grant that entails the         their families; 12 children were placed                                                             Casa
                                                                                                                                                 The house
                                                                                                                                                      a fostwas
                                                                                                                                                                fully furnished
                                                                                                                                                                       și decorată
     development of three small group        in foster care, 28 young adults left                                                                   with products
                                                                                                                                                         cu produse
                                                                                                                                                                     oferite by
                                                                                                                                                                             de JYSK România.
     homes in Neamț County and of a         the child protection system and 11
     Transit Centre in Botoșani County,     of them received support from Hope
     between 2017-2020.                      and Homes for Children to begin             Familia
                                                                                         Kaufland  Kaufland
                                                                                                                 family, with
                                                                                                                            cu peste
                                                                                                                                        than 1,500
                                                                                                                                                de membri,
                                                                                                                                                    members, estesupports
                                                                                                                                                                   alături dethecopiii
                                             independent lives. For the remaining        vulnerabili
                                                                                         children in din
                                                                                                                                                 to build
                                                                                                                                                                    home, forwith
                                                                                                                                                                                    an în
     The house was fully furnished and       47 children (aged 12 – 24 years old),       construcția
                                                                                         investment of  acestei
                                                                                                           EUR 200,000.
                                                                                                                  prime case,
                                                                                                                            A modern
                                                                                                                                 cu o investiție
                                                                                                                                         small group
                                                                                                                                                  de 200.000
                                                                                                                                                      home, where
                                                                                                                                                                de euro.deinstitutionalised
                                                                                                                                                                           O casă de tip
     decorated with products provided        Hope and Homes for Children is              familial
                                                                                                    can feel they
                                                                                                                în care
                                                                                                                      are copiii
                                                                                                                          part ofdezinstituționalizați
                                                                                                                                   a family. The development
                                                                                                                                                        pot trăi caof într-o
                                                                                                                                                                                 two homes
     by JYSK Romania.                        developing four small group homes.          ridicarea
                                                                                         will follow,aas
                                                                                                                as acase
                                                                                                                           și acentre
                                                                                                                                 unui centru
                                                                                                                                       in Botoșani
                                                                                                                                               de tranzit
                                                                                                                                                          în județul
                                                                                                                                                               In thisBotoșani.
                                                                                                                                                                        way, Kaufland

                                                                                                        la child
                                                                                                                               system inîntr-unul
                                                                                                                                            one thatcare
                                                                                                                                                                            șanse thelachance
                                                                                                                                                                                        un startfor
                                                                                         a better
                                                                                               bun start
                                                                                                    în viață.
                                                                                                          in life.
                                                                                                                                           a difference!

                                                                                         Katharina Scheidereiter, CSR Manager, Kaufland România

36                                                                                                                                                                                                    37
The construction of “Felicia” small       „Every time we open a small
                                                                      group home began in 2018, as part         group home, we open a gate to
                                                                      of the strategic partnership between      the future for a child or a young
                                                                      Hope and Homes for Children and           adult. This is the first home in a
                                                                      Kaufland Romania, on a piece of           set of four that we develop for
                                                                      land provided by the Neamț County        47 children and young adults in
                                                                      Council. This is the first of the three   ‘Elena Doamna’ Institution and
                                                                      homes that will be built with support     the first home of this type in the
                                                                      from Kaufland Romania and opened          county. We would like to thank
                                                                      in 2020. The fourth home needed for       our partners from the Neamț CPD,
                                                                      the closure process and developed         with whom we are working on the
                                                                      with support from a different             deinstitutionalisation process,
                                                                      company, will be opened in 2019.          and Kaufland Romania, who
                                                                                                                understands how important it is for
                                                                      12 children and young adults,             these children to have a new start
                                                                      boys and girls aged 11 - 20 years,        in life.” – said Bianca Stegeran,
                                                                      moved into their new home at the          Deputy National Director, Hope
                                                                      end of April. On May the 21st the         and Homes
                                                                      home was officially opened in the         for Children.
                                                                      presence of the project’s partners.
                                                                      The other attendees of the event          „We want to offer the children a
                                                                      were Ionel Arsene, president of the       family and a place they can truly
                                                                      Neamț County Council, Cristina           call home and the inauguration
                                                                      Păvăluță, director of the Neamț      of the first small group home in
                                                                      CPD, Katharina Scheidereiter,             Neamț County is a very important
                                                                      CSR Manager, Kaufland Romania,            moment. I am happy that the first
                                                                      and Bianca Stegeran, Deputy               home is called “Felicia” and we
                                                                      National Director, Hope and               hope that happiness continues
                                                                      Homes for Children. The home              to be the word that describes
                                                                      was fully furnished and decorated         the atmosphere in this home for
                                                                      with products provided by JYSK            years to come. Thank you, Hope
                                                                      Romania, as part of the strategic         and Homes for Children, Neamț
                                                                      partnership with Hope and Homes           County Council and to all those
                                                                      for Children.                             who believed in the chance these
                                                                                                                wonderful children deserve!” –
                                                                                                                said Cristina Păvăluță, director
                                                                                                                of the Neamț CPD.

     Children enjoy play and creative activities in their new home,
     built with support from Kaufland România.

38                                                                                                                                                    39
„I Need You”
        – a JYSK Romania

     In June, Hope and Homes for                  to the small group homes developed
     Children and JYSK Romania, one of            by the organisation.
     the Foundation’s strategic partners,
     ran the „I need you” campaign in             „I am glad that the campaign
     order to provide the children from           message reached so many people!
     institutions with a chance for a better      I would like to thank the artists who
     future.                                      accepted the invitation and made
                                                  this campaign possible. Many of
     As part of the campaign, JYSK                them were already familiar with
     Romania donated EUR 75,000 for the           the activity of Hope and Homes for
     closure of old-type institutions and the     Children, as well as with the situation
     development of small group homes.            of the children in institutions.
                                                  The campaign is over, but our
     Alex Bratu, Country Manager for JYSK         partnership with the Foundation
     Romania and Bulgaria and a member            continues. We hope that many more
     of the Foundation’s Board of Advisors,       people will join the cause”                                          JYSKJYSK
                                                                                                                                      a donat
                                                                                                                                                          euro, for
                                                                                                                                                                     the closure
                                                                                                                                                                          care auoffost
     composed and wrote a song for                said Alex Bratu, Country Manager ,                                                   programul de închidere
                                                                                                                                                         and theadevelopment
                                                                                                                                                                    instituțiilor de
     children in institutions. Artists reunited   JYSK Romania and Bulgaria.                                           și dezvoltarea caselor de tip familial pentru copiii care părăsesc orfelinatele.

     under the name “Friends of Hope and
     Homes” urged people to do good               The artists who accepted the
     deeds in June with the song entitled         invitation and became the voice of the
     “I Need You”. The video reached more         children in institutions were: Alexandra
     than one million views on YouTube.           Ungureanu, Alexandra-Maria Hojda,          When
                                                                                             Când partenerii
                                                                                                     our partnersnoștri
                                                                                                                        ne surprind
                                                                                                                              us withcu ideas
                                                                                                                                           idei that
                                                                                                                                                carego depășesc
                                                                                                                                                          beyondoan  finanțare
                                                                                                                                                                       actual funding,
                                                                                                                                                                                         we knowștim
     During this period, JYSK Romania             Ligia Hojda, Flavia Hojda, Laura           we
                                                                                             că avem
                                                                                                 have more
                                                                                                                 nu doar
                                                                                                                     a company
                                                                                                                          o companie
                                                                                                                                   with acu similar
                                                                                                                                              o viziune
                                                                                                                                                            next tocuus,
                                                                                                                                                                       a we
                                                                                                                                                                                        mai aales,
     matched each donation worth 2                Mihăilă, 1Q Sapro, Adrian Mariaș        friend.
                                                                                             un prieten.
                                                                                                     Alex Efortul
                                                                                                                    personalal effort
                                                                                                                                 lui Alex
                                                                                                                                             the effort
                                                                                                                                                  și al companiei
                                                                                                                                                         of the company
                                                                                                                                                                     pe care heorepresents
                                                                                                                                                                                             spune a
     Euros made via a text message.               (aka Geagea), Pavel Ulici, Marius          lot
                                                                                                                              dincoloade  cash
                                                                                                                                             o donație
                                                                                                                                                         în bani.
                                                                                                                                                              We want
                                                                                                                                                                   Le mulțumim
                                                                                                                                                                         to thanklor
                                                                                                                                                                                     și artiștilor
                                                                                                                                                                                         and the
                                                  Popa, and Andrei Neagu. The author         artists
                                                                                             care auwhosusținut
                                                                                                                 acest this
                                                                                                                                         a avutresulted
                                                                                                                                                 ca rezultat
                                                                                                                                                          in a dublarea
                                                                                                                                                               doubling ofdonațiilor
     JYSK Romania has been a strategic            of the orchestration and musical           and
                                                                                                            and Children
                                                                                                                          for Children,
                                                                                                                                via text message,
                                                                                                                                            dar și un and
                                                                                                                                                            also incuaun

     partner of Hope and Homes for                arrangement was Adrian Tăbăcaru.         children
                                                                                             și copiii din
                                                                                                                      de plasament
                                                                                                                            too, haveau a right
                                                                                                                                                 to alachildhood.
     Children since 2017 and supports the
     programme to close down institutions                                                    Robert Ion, Fundraising
                                                                                                         Director de Fundraising,
     by donating furniture and accessories                                                   Hope and Homes for Children Romania

40                                                                                                                                                                                                            41
Continuing the partnership                                                             Supported by JYSK Romania, the young
                                                                                                adults were helped to pay outstanding
                                                                                                                                                The young adults were counselled around
                                                                                                                                                developing independent living skills, such
                                                                                                bills and monthly rents over a determined       as: cooking, cleaning, hygiene, managing
         between Hope and Homes for                                                             period of time, they received food, clothes
                                                                                                and hygiene products until they were
                                                                                                                                                finances, accessing services in the
                                                                                                                                                community and public institutions.

         Children and JYSK Romania                                                              able to find a job and become financially
                                                                                                independent – basic items that are              During the following years, JYSK’s support
                                                                                                so important for young adults to be             will continue to be directed towards other
                                                                                                integrated into the community. They were        small group homes that will be opened
                                                                                                also helped to buy household appliances,        by the Foundation, as well as towards the
                                                                                                they received guidance and assistance           beneficiaries of the programme through
     Hope and Homes for Children and                Another 8 small group homes that will       in finding a place to live and in how to        which we prevent the separation of
     JYSK Romania continue their strategic          be built by the Foundation will also        maintain cleanliness and be responsible         children from their families.
     partnership, through which the                 be furnished and equipped by JYSK           in managing their homes.
     Danish retailer supports the process           Romania.
     of closing down old-type institutions
     by equipping and furnishing the small          “We thank our partners from JYSK
     group homes that will be developed by          Romania for continuing to support
     the organisation over a period of three        us in closing down the institutions in
     years.                                         Romania. Thanks to them and to many
                                                    other generous people who support
     The partnership between JYSK Romania           the programmes of Hope and Homes
     and Hope and Homes for Children                for Children, hundreds of children
     began in 2017, when a 3-year partnership       have the chance to change their lives
     agreement was signed for a total of 1          from living in a large-scale institution,
     million lei. As part of this agreement,        where they lack the care and attention
     JYSK Romania committed itself to               they need, to living surrounded by
     equipping with furniture and accessories       love and support – much needed for
     the small group homes that Hope and            them to follow their dreams.” Ștefan
     Homes for Children would open by 2020.         Dărăbuș, Regional Director, Central
                                                    and Southern Europe, Hope and
     Between 2017-2019, ten small group             Homes for Children
     homes for 120 children were furnished
     with support from JYSK Romania: Petru          As part of the independent living
     Rareș, Târgu Frumos, Iași County; Teilor,   programme, Hope and Homes for
     Târgu Frumos, Iași County; Năsăud 1        Children Romania and JYSK Romania
     and 2, Bistrița Năsăud County; Bistrița,   support 11 young adults who have
     Bistrița Năsăud County; Felix, Roznov,      recently left the child protection system
     Neamț County; Felicia, Piatra Neamț,         to find and secure jobs, and acquire
     Neamț County; Spartanii, Târgu Frumos,       independent living skills.
     Iași County; Motanul Încălțat, Târgu
     Frumos, Iași County; and Cavalerii,
     București, District 4.
                                                                                                                           120copii s-au mutat
                                                                                                                               children        din centre
                                                                                                                                         have moved  fromde  plasament
                                                                                                                                                          old-type       în casele
                                                                                                                                                                   institutions to mobilate de
                                                                                                                                                                                   small group
                                                                                                                JYSK România în perioadahomes
                                                                                                                                                  furnished cu Hope
                                                                                                                                                            with     and Homes
                                                                                                                                                                 support          for Children.
                                                                                                                                                                           from JYSK  Romania

42                                                                                                                                                                                                43
Partnership between
        Rombat and Hope and Homes
        for Children

     Through the strategic partnership     This institution houses 38 young
     with Hope and Homes for               adults with severe special needs
     Children, Rombat supports the         and its closure requires the
     process of closing down old-type      development of at least two small
     institutions in Bistrița-Năsăud    group homes. As part of the
     County.                               closure process, the organisation
                                           also provides training for the staff
     The EUR 50,000 sponsorship (for       from Bistrița-Năsăud CPD, who
     2019- 2020), partially covers the     will be working with the children in
     construction of a small group         the homes.
     home for the closure of “Bistrita”
     Institution for children and young    „We are happy to provide this
     adults with severe special needs.     helping hand to institutionalised
                                           children, who are in great need
     Hope and Homes for Children           of affection. We appreciate what
     began the deinstitutionalisation      Hope and Homes for Children
     process in Bistrița-Năsăud         does and trust the team that
     County in 2011. In the past eight     they will achieve their objectives
     years, in partnership with the        and help as many children as
     Bistrița-Năsăud Child Protection   possible”- Ioan Repede, Rombat
     Department, the Foundation            General Director
     closed down “Teaca” and
     “Năsăud” institutions, housing
     126 children. Hope and Homes
     for Children has been working on
     closing down “Bistrita” Institution
     since 2018.

                                                                                     Starting in 2011, Hope and Homes for Children has already closed
                                                                                  down two institutions housing 126 children, in Bistrița-Năsăud County

44                                                                                                                                                        45
         FROM THEIR
         DE FAMILIE

It is not time that solves everything, it’s people

                                                                                             Love cannot solve everything.              As part of the interventions to prevent
                                                                                             It cannot build homes or change pasts,     the separation of children from
              Alina                                                                          but it can give a mother strength to
                                                                                             fight - and her struggle can persuade
                                                                                                                                        their families, Hope and Homes for
                                                                                                                                        Children has helped so far 33,482

              and Raluca
                                                                                             us that it’s worth helping her, so that    children to remain with their families
                                                                                             she and her child stay together.           and 1,335 children to be reintegrated
                                                                                             Alina gave birth at the age of 15 and      with their families.
                                                                                             her father, the only parent she could
                                                                                             rely on, told her that she needs to be     The programme that prevents the
                                                                                             separated from her child. He could         separation of children from their
                                                                                             only take the responsibility of raising    families is complementary and
                                                                                             Alina, and, as she was underage, she       essential to the programme that closes
                                                                                             could not change his decision.             down old-type institutions, because as
                                                                                                                                        children are removed from institutions,
                                                                                             For years, Alina could only see her        it is important that other children do
                                                                                             daughter during supervised visits, as      not take their place.
                                                                                             Raluca was placed in foster care. Each
                                                                                             moment of separation broke Alina’s         39% of children in Romania live in
                                                                                             heart and she was only dreaming            poverty; they have no clothes and no
                                                                                             about having her daughter with her.        shoes, they do not attend school or
                                                                                             Meanwhile, Alina checked all the           kindergarten, and there are days when
                                                                                             necessary boxes that would allow           they have nothing to eat. This is why,
                                                                                             her to take her daughter back, except      often, parents choose to leave their
                                                                                             for one – a place to live. The living      children in state care, in institutions,
                                                                                             conditions available to Alina and her      where they will receive food, but where
                                                                                             husband, a good man who supported          they will be deprived of affection.
                                                                                             her throughout this process, did not
                                                                                             provide a suitable environment for the     We believe that, in the best interest
                                                                                             child: an extremely damaged house,         of the child, his or her family takes

                                                                                             with only one room and a hallway,          priority. Therefore, we support children
                                                                                             no utilities or proper furnishings,        to remain with their parents by
                                                                                             and without any perspective for the        diversifying the types of assistance
                                                                                             young family to be able to improve         we provide. Each action plan is
                                                                                             something for a long period of time.       personalised, each decision is made by
           I was so scared! I didn’t know how to be a mother and I didn’t want to be one,    The intervention of Hope and Homes         specialists based on individual criteria
           either. How could I? Although we have lived in the same village all my life,      for Children brought Alina and her         and indicators.
           only a couple of streets away, my mother has never done anything to have a        daughter together. With support from
           relationship with me. My father didn’t know what to do. It was already hard       its partners, the Foundation helped        In their 22 years of activity in Romania,
           for him having to raise a 15-year-old teenager on his own, let alone a pregnant   the young family with the necessary        the Hope and Homes for Children
           one! He sent me to the Mother-and-Baby Unit in Iași and I was sure that I will    materials to build a small house next      experts intervened in preventing family
           have that baby and never look back. This was my plan: to forget about this        to the old one, equipped with all of the   abandonment in 27 counties and have
           nightmare. But when I held Raluca in my arms for the first time, something        essential household items.                 supported the reintegration of children
           inside me broke. How could I even think about abandoning this little baby?

                                                                                             Most importantly, Raluca is now at         with their families in 25 counties.
           But I couldn’t bring her home with me, my dad wouldn’t let me.                    home.

48                                                                                                                                                                                  49
Over 700 runners took
        part in the Bucharest Half
        Marathon, raising funds
        for three vulnerable families

     On 11th and 12th of May, 700             for Children is helping the Pandele
     runners from Team Hope, the team         family to continue to build their new
     of runners representing Hope and         home, starting from the already
     Homes for Children, participated         completed foundation. Hope and
     in the 8th edition of the Bucharest      Homes for Children’s intervention,
     Half Marathon, raising over EURO         with Genpact’s financial backing,
     67,500 for the benefit of the            will provide the 6 children with a
     Foundation’s programme to prevent        completely furnished and equipped
     the separation of children from their    home, so that they could continue
     families. They ran to support three      to attend school and be with their
     families in this programme: a family     family.
     with five children from Suceava
     County, a family with six children       Adriana’s family was supported by
     from Maramureș County, and a             Omid Ghannadi, the architect in
     family with seven children from          the TV show “Extreme Makeover
     Prahova County.                          – Home Edition” on PRO TV and
                                              Team Hope Ambassador, who
     Genpact România, , the company           met Adriana and her family in 2017,
     that brought 300 runners to Team         when he was working on this show.
     Hope, has supported a family in          The moment he met her and her
     Maramureș County who needed a            seven children he knew he had to do
     proper home for their six children. As   something, so he enlisted the support
     a result of the financial support from   of Hope and Homes for Children to
     Genpact Romania, Hope and Homes          help the family stay together.

                                                                                       The Team Hope runners enjoyed two days of marathon and
                                                                                      raised over EURO 67,500 to support three vulnerable families

The other Team Hope runners raised           The Society of Medical Students in
                                                                                            funds to help the 5 children of Băban       Bucharest (SSMB) volunteers and the
                                                                                            family in Suceava County stay                Volunteers Brigade (BDV) cheered
                                                                                            together with their parents. The Băban      for the Team Hope runners at pit
                                                                                            family lived in a clay house that            stops and the Team Hope tent in
                                                                                            was threatening to collapse at any           Constitution Square. They were joined
                                                                                            moment. They had no electricity, water       by Amalia Enache, news anchor for
                                                                                            or gas. The father is a sheep herder         PRO TV and Hope and Homes for
                                                                                            and comes home only once a month,            Children Ambassador. During the
                                                                                            while the mother stays at home with          two competition days, more than
                                                                                            the children. There are days when the        50 volunteers supported the Team
                                                                                            mother doesn’t eat, so that she can          Hope members for this edition of the
                                                                                            provide enough food for the children.        Bucharest Half Marathon.
                                                                                            The 5 children are well cared for, despite
                                                                                            the extreme poverty they live in, but        By now, a total of 3,200 runners and
                                                                                            since the home is almost collapsing,         550 volunteers joined Team Hope,
                                                                                            the parents were seriously considering       supporting the cause of vulnerable
                                                                                            placing the children in state care.          children in Romania.

                                                                                            The money raised by the Team Hope            The participation of the Team Hope
                                                                                            runners during the Bucharest Half            runners in this edition of the Bucharest
                                                                                            Marathon was used to build a house           Half Marathon was possible thanks to
                                                                                            with two rooms and a kitchen, to             companies such as: City Insurance,
                                                                                            connect it to the electricity network and    Genpact România, Pepco, Arval
                                                                                            to furnish and equip the home with           BNP Paribas, Henkel, Samsung
                                                                                            basic household items. As a result of        Shared Services Central Europe,
                                                                                            the support the family received from         Samsung, Schneider Electric,
                                                                                            Hope and Homes for Children, their 5         Holcim, Softelligence, Alliance
                                                                                            children remained with their parents,        Healthcare, Deutsche Bank Global
                                                                                            they now have better living conditions       Technology, COS, JYSK România.
                                                                                            and will be able to attend kindergarten      Team Hope partners: Elevate,
                                                                                            and school.                                  Radisson Hotels, Solaris,
                                                                                                                                         Godmother, NAN Events, Maison
                                                                                            Volunteers from Hope and Homes               des Crepes, Fitio, Asociația
                                                                                            for Children Romania, together with          Bucharest Running Club.

     Team  Hope supporters
     Susținătorii Team Hoperan   togetherîmpreună
                             au alergat    at Bucharest   Half
                                                     zeci de   Marathon
                                                             kilometri la
     and helped 18 at-risk
     Semimaratonul         children
                     București      to stay
                                pentru ca 18together
                                              copii săwith  theiralături
                                                       rămână     parentsde părinții lor.

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