Page created by Joan George
Pembrokeshire County Council
                           Cyngor Sir Penfro

                 The Older Person’s Strategy and
       Age Friendly Communities programme in
           Pembrokeshire through joint working
       with all departments of the local authority
                      and partner organisations.

                                       January 2016
For a copy of this publication in Braille, in larger print,
audio tape or an alternative language, please contact
   Pembrokeshire County Council on (01437) 776613.
                                                              Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

Forward                                                                                      2
Background to the Strategy                                                                   3
Engagement and Consultation Structure                                                        4

Context                                                                                 5 - 12
Map of Pembrokeshire displaying older population by Community Council area                   6
Table representation of increase in older population between 2001 & 2011                     7
Case Study demonstrating multi service support                                              11

Universal Services                                                                     13 - 23
Diversity                                                                               13 - 14
Learning and Activities                                                                 15 - 16
Transport                                                                               17 - 18
Housing                                                                                     19
Energy Efficiency                                                                            20
Employment                                                                              21 - 23

Early Intervention and Prevention                                                      24 - 26
Healthy Ageing                                                                              24
Dementia                                                                                    24
Falls                                                                                       25
Leisure                                                                                     26
Libraries                                                                                   26

Choice and Control                                                                     27 - 29
Information, Advice and Assistance                                                          27
Pensions and other income                                                                   28
Financial inclusion                                                                     28 - 29

Social Capital                                                                         30 – 33
Social Participation/Isolation and Loneliness                                           30 - 31
Shared space                                                                                31
Living in the Community                                                                 31 - 33

Implementation and Monitoring Structures                                               34 – 37
Appendix 1 - Local, National and International Policies                                 38 - 44

                                                  1        Ag ei n g Wel l i n Pem broke shire
                                                                       Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

Welcome to our Older Person’s Strategy -
Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire.
This Strategy sets out our vision for the wellbeing of       In Pembrokeshire we have already seen
older people in Pembrokeshire and supports                   developments in Age Friendly Communities,
Pembrokeshire County Council’s commitment                    Dementia Supportive Communities and activities to
through the signing of the Dublin Declaration on             help prevent loneliness and isolation. This is in
Age Friendly Cities and Communities. It has been             addition to work in falls prevention and
developed with the support of a wide range of local          opportunities for employment and new skills
groups, partner organisations and takes into                 development.
account the responses we received during our
formal consultation process.                                 We have been increasing our investment in our
                                                             communities through the Intermediate Care Fund,
The main feature of our consultation was a series of         seeing projects such as PIVOT (supporting people
listening sessions with older people. In this way we         coming home from hospital); Pembrokeshire
have tried to ensure that our priorities reflect those        Leisure Exercise Referral Scheme; concessionary
of older people themselves.                                  rates for Leisure Services and Community
                                                             Learning; and supporting St Davids in working
Under pinning our priorities is the Age Friendly             towards becoming a Dementia Friendly City, to
Communities ethos that later life for people should          name just a few.
be lived in the best health possible, should be
active, safe, enjoyable and fulfilling, and that people       Over the next five to seven years we face new and
should have opportunities to make a positive                 tough challenges. Some of these stem from the
contribution to the local community.                         particular make up of our population, others from
                                                             external factors such as our current economic
There is a considerable amount of support and                climate.
work already taking place in our county. However
with more and more people enjoying later life here           I would like to thank all of those who have
in Pembrokeshire, there is much that can still be            supported the development of this
done to stimulate activity and offer support when            Strategy and welcome the
needed.                                                      continued partnership working
                                                             and views from older people
People over the age of 50 can continue to                    themselves.
contribute to having a say in how our services are
developed through our consultation processes or
through the Pembrokeshire 50+ Central Forum.

                                           Councillor Simon Hancock
                                           Older Person’s Champion
                                           Pembrokeshire County Council

Background on the creation of this Strategy
                                                                    Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

This document sets out Pembrokeshire County               This Strategy, with its Implementation Plan will be
Council’s Strategy for Older People in                    both challenging and ambitious as it will set out our
Pembrokeshire to show clearly, how we will work           long term vision for older people living in
with residents in our communities, partner agencies       Pembrokeshire and will encompass
and organisations to take forward Welsh                   Pembrokeshire’s Single Integrated Plan’s
Government’s Phase 3 (Phase 3) of The Strategy            (S.I.P.) 6 Outcome Areas, Welsh Government’s
for Older People in Wales: Living longer, Ageing          13 Key Aims, and the 5 Priorities of the Ageing
Well set up as a 10 year plan spanning from 2013 –        Well in Wales Programme. The Well-being
2023.                                                     Future Generations Bill 6 integrated wellbeing
                                                          goals. Social Services and Well-being (Wales)
The challenge in Wales as set out by Welsh                Act with 6 strategic priorities. Hywel Dda
Government, to be undertaken and met by all               University Health Board’s Foundations for
22 Local Authorities in Wales by 2023:                    Change and Integrated Medium Term Plan
                                                          (see appendix 1 for greater detail on these
•   To create a Wales where full participation is
    within the reach of all older people and their
    contribution is recognised and valued;

•   To develop communities that are age-friendly
    while ensuring older people have the resources
    they need to live;

•   To ensure that future generations of older
    people are well equipped for later life by
    encouraging recognition of the changes and
    demands that may be faced and taking action
    in preparation.

                                                      3           A g ei n g Wel l i n Pem broke shire
Engagement and Consultation Structure
                                                                           Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

    Engagement with Older People                               When asked what the top 5 priorities would be
                                                               for older people from the 3 methods of
    To gain the viewpoints of older people in                  communication the combined answers were:
    Pembrokeshire on the draft strategy we held a 6                Ranking
    weeks consultation period. This was promoted                   First                               Transport
    through several means:                                         Second               Living in the Community
                                                                   Third                          Healthy Ageing
    •   Social Media( Facebook, Twitter)                           Fourth                    Social Participation
                                                                   Fifth                               Dementia
    •   Writing to Lunch Clubs, Good Neighbour                     Age of those responding to this question.
        Schemes, 50+ groups in Pembrokeshire.                      50 - 65                                     15
                                                                   66 - 75                                     78
    •   Through partner organisations.                             76 - 80                                     59
                                                                   80+                                         35
    There were several methods used to collect                     unknown                                     26
    people’s views:                                            There were many comments regarding direct
                                                               services which will be forwarded to the relevant
    •   Visiting 8 lunch clubs, 7 Day centres, Sheltered       departments.
        Housing, 50+ Groups and discussing concerns
        and priorities for older people and what               •     What did come out of the conversations were
                                                                     that people wanted more engagement
        currently works well for them.
                                                                     regarding services and the work of the local
                                                                     authority and not just when we are thinking of
    •   Holding public drop in sessions in Crymych,
                                                                     making changes, but also when we do
        Haverfordwest, Milford Haven, Narberth,                      implement changes.
        Pembroke Dock, and St Davids
                                                               •     There were strong concerns over the changes
    •   We were at the Housing department’s (Big Day                 in services both with the local authority and
        Out), Hywel Dda University Health Board’s                    Hywel Dda University Health Board.
        Engagement event and Fishguard and                     •     People wishing to remain living in their own
        Goodwick’s Information Day.                                  communities, however isolation and loneliness
                                                                     was highlighted in all areas of Pembrokeshire
    •   A meeting was held with the Older Person’s                   that we visited and that people would like to
        Voluntary Sector Network.                                    see more opportunities to socialise in their own
    We met with approximately 365 people, received             •     Dementia support and awareness was raised
    58 posted responses and 665 conversational                       in many places that people are unaware of
    responses to the priorities for older people in                  how to support people with Dementia to live a
    Pembrokeshire.                                                   good quality of life and how to support the
                                                                     families and carers.
    Interestingly no responses came in via the website         •     Providing Information and advice was raised in
    consultation page.                                               all visits and although everyone stated that
                                                                     they didn’t feel there was enough information
                                                                     provided, solutions were very different and
                                                                     difficult to reach. Being able to age in a healthy
                                                                     way was important to most people and finding
                                                                     ways to do this was important.

4                                                          4
                                                                             Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

This Strategy is set with the following context:                  The largest increase by far is for the age group 85
                                                                  and over. Projections for Pembrokeshire suggest a
The 2001 Census estimated the population of
Pembrokeshire to be at 114,138.                                   dramatic 93% increase by 2030. Compare this with
                                                                  the overall Wales increase of 80%, shows that
The 2011 Census estimated the population of                       Pembrokeshire needs to ensure people live healthy,
Pembrokeshire to be at 122,439.
                                                                  prosperous and independent lives.i
These figures lead us to believe that the population
growth over the next 10 years to be 8,301 or 7.3%.
                                                                    At the 2011 Census               By 2021 this
We understand that the bulk of this increase                        the Pembrokeshire population     is projected to
                                                                    break down was:                  change to:
will be due to 2 factors:
                                                                    20.5% under 18,                  19.4% under 18,
1)       The amount of people moving into                           21.8% 65 and over,               26.6% 65 and over,
         Pembrokeshire. (Particularly of the older                  10.1% 75 and over                13.1% 75 and over
         working-aged adults).                                      2.8% 85 and over.                4.0% 85 and over

2)       An increase in life expectancy.

In 2001 about 19% of the population were aged 65
and over. By 2011 this had increased to 22% and
by 2021 it is projected to have increased to nearly
27%. The proportion of the oldest people within the
65 and over age group is also increasing, which
has particular relevance to the provision of services
as social services to older people are more likely to
be needed by this age group. In 2001 just under
9% of the population were aged 75 and over. In
2011 this was 10% and in 2021 it is projected to
be 13%. This equates to an over 50% increase in
the number of people aged 75 and over between
2001 and 2021.

14000                                                                                                      Pembrokeshire 2001
                                                                                                           Pembrokeshire 2011
                                                                                                          Pembrokeshire 2020

 6000                                                                                                      Pembrokeshire 2025
           45 to 54     55 to 64    65 to 69     70 to 74       75 to 79     80 to 84    85 & Over

                                                            5              A g ei n g Wel l i n Pem broke shire
                                                 Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

Number of Older Residents by Community Council

                                                                                  Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

                           No. Of       No. Of     increase                                       No. Of       No. Of     increase
Pembrokeshire                                                      Pembrokeshire
                         People 60+   People 60+   in people                                    People 60+   People 60+   in people
Communities                                                        Communities
                           (2001)       (2011)      over 60                                       (2001)       (2011)      over 60

Ambleston                   110          147         37            Manordeifi                       120          157          37
Amroth                      357          458         101           Marloes and St. Brides          75           102          27
Angle                        69          124         55            Martletwy                       125          164          39
Boncath                     215          259         44            Mathry                          135          165          30
Brawdy                      107          178          71           Merlin's Bridge                 373          510         137
Burton                      261          403         142           Milford Haven                  3,128        3,593        465
Camrose                     462          623         161           Mynachlog-Ddu                   118          155          37
Carew                       319          376          57           Narberth                        658          811         153
Cilgerran                   358          482         124           Nevern                          219          315          96
Clydau                      140          225          85           New Moat                        100          142          42
Clynderwen                  162          246          84           Newport                         438          481          43
Cosheston                   162          256         94            Neyland                         707          968         261
Crymych                     317          481         164           Nolton and Roch                 199          290         91
Cwm Gwaun                    54           87         33            Pembroke                       1,738        2,267        529
Dale                         63           80          17           Pembroke Dock                  1,779        2,269        490
Dinas Cross                 260          356          96           Penally                         285          326          41
East Williamston            575          634          59           Pencaer                          98          135         37
Eglwyswrw                   180          254          74           Puncheston                      129          148          19
Fishguard and Goodwick     1,567        1,765        198           Rosemarket                       88          136          48
Freystrop                   120          176         56            Rudbaxton                       207          294          87
Haverfordwest              2,455        2,730        275           Saundersfoot                    890         1,103        213
Hayscastle                  111          133          22           Scleddau                        209          280          71
Herbrandston                 80          110          30           Solva                           259          316          57
Hook                        170          223         53            St. David's                     547          634          87
Hundleton                   189          244         55            St. Dogmaels                    383          475          92
Jeffreyston                 120          173          53           St. Florence                    153          215          62
Johnston                    439          537         98            St. Ishmael's                   134          176          42
Kilgetty/Begelly            618          788         170           St. Mary Out Liberty            282          362          80
Lampeter Velfrey            265          383         118           Stackpole and Castlemartin      144          198          54
Lamphey                     281          361         80            Templeton                        210         277          67
Letterston                  279          356         77            Tenby                           1442        1,541         99
Llanddewi Velfrey            77          111         34            The Havens                       276         364          88
Llandissilio West           120          148          28           Tiers Cross                     145          195          50
Llangwm                     203          271          68           Uzmaston, Boulston, Slebech     217          260          43
Llanrhian                   242          301         59            Walwyn's Castle                  68          110           42
Llanstadwell                194          286          92           Wiston                          193          289           96
Maenclochog                 175          224         49            Wolfscastle                     143          202           59
Manorbier                   325          435         110           Total for Pembrokeshire        28,888       36,218       7,330

                                                               7              A g ei n g Wel l i n Pem broke shire
                                                                    Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

Pembrokeshire County Council signed the                 A number of these priority areas are already
Dublin Declaration of Age Friendly Cities               embedded within existing service activity and
and Communities (Sept 2014) confirming its               resources in Pembrokeshire, and reflect
                                                        Pembrokeshire County Council’s commitment to
commitment to ongoing work and policy
                                                        improving the quality of life for older people in the
development around Age Friendly                         county by providing quality services. This is
communities and participation in a co-                  evidenced through the priorities outlined in the
ordinated network across Wales. It will also            Single Integrated Plan.
give recognition on an international stage to
the council’s leadership and commitment to              To enable us to develop Age Friendly
addressing the needs of older people.                   Communities we must:

                                                        1. Enhance mechanisms to involve older people
                                                           throughout the age friendly process.

                                                        2. Develop a baseline assessment of age
                                                           friendliness in our communities.

                                                        3. Create a baseline of services and support
                                                           already available.

                                                        4. Develop a realistic and achievable action

                                                        5. Develop additional partnerships in project
                                                           based delivery.
The Dublin Declaration on Age Friendly Cities and
Communities also includes a pledge that where it        6. Identify measurements to monitor against
is within their area of responsibility and                 this plan.
economically feasible, signatories will take
forward action in the following domains:                The Aging Well Strategy for Pembrokeshire
                                                        embraces the principles of Personalisationii.The
a.   Awareness of older people                          Older Person’s Strategy Partnership Board and
                                                        Pembrokeshire County Council are committed to
b. Processes of citizen-centred engagement              promoting independence, choice and control for
                                                        all members of the community, enabling them to
c.   Urban spaces and public places                     stay healthy and actively involved in their
                                                        community and county. The embedding of these
d. Housing                                              Principles for older people is also supporting
                                                        other characteristic groups in Pembrokeshire.
e.   Public transport systems
                                                        “An Age-friendly City encourages active ageing by
f.   Participation in social and cultural life          optimizing opportunities for health, participation and
                                                        security in order to enhance quality of life as people age.
g. Employment and volunteering opportunities            In practical terms an age-friendly city adapts its structures
   and lifelong learning                                and services to be accessible to and inclusive of older
                                                        people with varying needs and capacities”.
h. Community support and health services                                          Global Age-friendly Cities: a Guide

                                                                     Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

In order to achieve this we consider the key
results we wish to achieve through the work                    This Strategy looks at 4
of this Strategy are:                                          overarching areas of development
                                                               which incorporate all the
•   Older people feel more connected to the                    elements of the Older Person’s
    work and performance of the Authority and                  Strategy for Wales and the Aging
    can have a say on the planning and delivery
                                                               Well in Wales’s programme,
    of services by and on behalf of the Authority;
                                                               especially as services and
•   Strong public awareness and participation in               support for people as they grow
    matters relating to the Older Person’s                     older is everyone’s responsibility.
                                                           •    Universal Services – these are community
•   Older people feel they have a stake in their                facilities and services that we all use such as
    community and society at large and can                      transport, leisure and health. We will ensure
    make a conscious contribution;                              that everyone is able to use the same
                                                                services in the community, and feel
•   Older people have a sense of purpose,                       welcomed and safe when they do so.
    engage in meaningful and fulfilling activity                 Effective up-to-date information and advice
    and have aspirations for the future;                        will be available to everyone, regardless of
                                                                how their care is funded. (Diversity, Learning
•   Older people are motivated and able to live                 & Activities, Transport, Housing, Energy
    as independently as possible, and have the                  Efficiency & Employment)
    on-going support where required to maintain
    that independence;                                     •    Early Intervention and Prevention – this
                                                                enables people to access the support
•   Greater partnership working / involvement/                  needed to stay independent for as long as
    communication;                                              possible, which may delay or reduce any
                                                                further support requirements. We will work
•   Development of community capacity in                        together to develop services that enable
    relation to Age Friendly Communities.                       people to maximise their Independence.
                                                                (Healthy Ageing, Social Participation)
•   Older people have opportunities to lead safe,
    healthy, active lifestyles should they chose to.

How we will deliver the priorities in the Strategy
will be shown in the Delivery Plan, incorporating
the feedback received during the consultation

                                                       9           A g ei n g Wel l i n Pem broke shire
                                                                    Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

•   Choice and Control – this empowers                    Underpinning all of our work in these areas is our
    people to decide who provides their support           safeguarding framework; we believe that people
    and what form that support takes. We will             should be able to live free from fear and harm
    ensure that help and support they receive to          and have their rights and choices respected.
    manage an illness or condition is individually
    tailored to their preference and they are             The work of the Older Person’s Strategy is wide
    aware of how much support is available from           reaching across numerous directorates and
    the council and other providers in the                agencies but also at different times in people’s
    community. (Information, Advice and                   lives they may require different levels of support
    Assistance, Pensions, Financial Inclusion)            which will need to be taken into consideration
                                                          throughout this Strategy. (as shown in the
•   Social Capital – this is the focus on building        diagram on page 12).
    strong communities, ensuring that everyone
    feels a sense of belonging contributes to the
    wellbeing of those around them and feels
    able to have their say about how things
    work. (Social Participation, Shared Spaces,
    Living in the Community)

                                                                      Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire


Mrs B is an 80 year old widow who lives                      The positive benefits to Mrs B have been
alone and in a rural village. Mrs B suffers                  invaluable as this has resulted in an improvement
from several health conditions: epilepsy;                    in some of her health conditions also her
mini strokes, vascular dementia; arthritis; bi               emotional and mental health has improved. Mrs
lateral knee replacements,                                   B is now able to attend and enjoys a weekly local
to name just a few.                                          community ‘Gentle Keep Fit’ session, community
                                                             lunches and even attending her great
A year after her husband died Mrs B went into                grandchild’s activities, as well as having an
depression after finding it difficult to adjust to life        interest in new ventures the community is
without her husband, even with the support of                developing.
her immediate family. A health assessment was
undertaken and medication prescribed to                      This has given her something to look forward to
combat the depression with limited success.                  in her own right every week, also a sense of
However due to episodes of seizures and mini                 purpose. She now feels she has something to
strokes over this time there were numerous                   offer others and has made new friends.
hospital admissions averaging 3 or 4 days and at
                                                             Benefits have been seen both to Hywel Dda
times longer. On returning home from hospital
                                                             University Health Board and Social Care Services
the effect of these episodes would result in Mrs B
                                                             through admissions to the hospital were reduced
remaining in bed extremely tired, confused and
                                                             and the last being 4 years ago. The care
forgetful, difficulty recalling conversations, unable
                                                             package put in place to support her has been
to take her medication without supervision,
                                                             reduced over time in response to her
unable to prepare meals for her or personal care.
                                                             improvements in health and wellbeing.
There were several occasions when Mrs B’s carer
                                                             Benefit to the family include: Enabled main
received phone calls at work from neighbours
                                                             carer to continue in their career and
explaining that Mrs B had been found in a state
                                                             reduction on stress for the extended family
of collapse on the floor which necessitated
                                                             knowing that she is in safe and supported
admissions to hospital.
Arthritis has limited her ability to walk far and
                                                             This case study shows that with a mixture of
stand unaided for periods of time and she is
                                                             support from professionals, family and the
prone to falling. Eventually Mrs B stated that she
                                                             community, a person’s life can be enhanced
felt she that she was a prisoner in her own home
                                                             enabling them to live a happy and more
and felt she had no reason to live. After much
                                                             independent life. It also demonstrates how Mrs
encouragement from her family Mrs B finally
                                                             B. went through the various stages (as shown in
agreed to attend a day centre to see if this was
                                                             the model over the page) and that a person’s
an activity she would enjoy and benefit from.
                                                             progress in relation to a health condition can
This has turned her life around as she enjoyed               move both up and down the spectrum at various
the whole culture of the day centre it was not too           times during their life.
long before she was asking to visit the Centre
twice weekly.

                                                        11          A g ei n g Wel l i n Pem broke shire
                                                                         Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

         Population of Needs                                      Examples of Interventions

                                                                        Equal access to services
                                     Citizenship                              Tackling Ageism
           General                                            Making a positive contribution, e.g. Volunteering
          Population            Neighbourhood                          Community and Home Safety
                                and Community                      Locally based community development
                                                                    Good Neighbours - Leisure services
                                                                         Gentle Exercise - Transport
                                  Information /
            Low to                      Access                   Phone contact - PCC Contact Centre
                                                              Web based information points - INFO engine
           Moderate                                     Hard copy information - Better Guide to Support Libraries
            Needs                           Lifestyle
                                                             Active Ageing initiatives - walking the National Park
                                                             and leisure centre programmes e.g. free swimming
                                                                     Public Health measures - Screening,
                                                                      Financial support - welfare benefits
                              Practical Support
          Substantial                                                  Befriending and counselling
            Needs                                                        Shopping and Gardening
                             Early Interventions                    Case finding and Case management
                                                                         Volunteer Broker support

                                                                            Intermediate Care
           Complex                                                        Enablement Services
                                    Enablement             Self -Care Programmes - Expert Patient Programme
                                                        Integrated teams and / or networks - Community Resource
                            Community Support                           teams - Generic Workers
                                                           Case finding and case management of complex cases

                               Residential Care                  End of Life Care in own home - Paul Satori
                                    Avoidance                       Management of unscheduled Care

                                                                       Hospital Assessment process
                              Timely Discharge                     Post Discharge support, settling in and
                                                                     proactive phone contact - PIVOT

Outcomes: Improved quality of life, increased choice and control, economic wellbeing, improved health
and emotional wellbeing, making a positive contribution, freedom from discrimination or harassment,
maintaining personal dignity and respect.

Universal Services
                                                                     Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

                                                           The proportion of people who are from a non-
 Universal Services - these are community                  white ethnic background for any age group in
 facilities and services that we all use                   Pembrokeshire is low. However the proportion of
 such as transport, leisure and health. We                 younger people who are from an ethnic minority
 will ensure that everyone is able to use                  is higher than for older residents.
 the same services in the community, and
 feel welcomed and safe when they do so.                   For religion, there are also differences depending
 Effective up-to-date information and                      on age. Sixty-eight percent of people under the
 advice will be available to everyone,                     aged of 18 states their religion as Christian
 regardless of how their care is funded.                   compared with 88% of people aged over 65. By
                                                           contrast 21% of people under 18 states they
                                                           have no religion, compared with 6% for those
Diversity                                                  aged over 65. Adult social care services, another
Older people are not discriminated against                 substantial range of services, accounts for a
because of their age, and do not experience                significant, and growing, proportion of the
multiple discrimination.                                   Council’s budget. However many of these
                                                           services are provided because customers are
Links to Ageing Well in Wales Priorities:                  disabled, rather than because they are old.
1, 2, 4, 5.
                                                           In response to the engagement work the local
Links to Single Integrated Plan Outcome                    authority carried out in developing the
Areas: 1, 5, 6.                                            Pembrokeshire Equalities Plan, some of the older
                                                           people we spoke to highlighted, a small number
There is a strong link between age and disability.         of instances where people consider they have
Data from the Census shows that the proportion             been disadvantaged because of their age.
of people with a long term limiting illness in             Employment was the most commonly cited
Pembrokeshire rises with age:                              instance along with older people feeling that they
                                                           were less valued by society because they are
People with long term limiting illness
                                                           older. Older people also commented on more
80.0%                                                      general issues such as the impact the economic
70.0%                                                      downturn is having on their spending power and
60.0%                                                      their future and the need to have better public
                                                           transportation in rural areas particularly for those
                                                           whose health is in decline (these comments were
                                                           also confirmed whilst consulting on the Older
                                                           Person’s Strategy).
            All         65 and65s
                         Over over   85 and85s
                                      Over  over                (Pembrokeshire’s Strategic Equality Plan 2012-2016)
Other protected characteristics also differ by age.
Life expectancy for women is higher than for
men, and as a result, the percentage of people
who are women increases steadily for all ages
over 65 years. For the over 85 age group, the
difference is marked.

                                                      13          A g ei n g Wel l i n Pem broke shire
Universal Services
                                                                     Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

Existing Services:                                           Priorities to be delivered 2015 – 2018:
•   Libraries offer a range of material in different         • Continue to support 50+ Central Forum
    formats including large print and audio                    members to be representatives on the
    books. Each library also has a selection of                Pembrokeshire Voices for Equalities forum.
    books in Welsh.
                                                             • Support the Pembrokeshire Voices for
•   Mental Health Awareness Training is provided               Equalities forum in engagement events and
    for tutors by POBL with Pembrokeshire                      surveys to ensure the capturing of older
    Community Learning                                         people’s views.

                                                             • Promote Dementia Friendly Awareness and
POBL (meaning PEOPLE in our Welsh language)
                                                               community development. Linking into the
is a new and fresh mental health charity that has
                                                               Dementia Strategy for Pembrokeshire.
been formed to make a difference to the people
of Wales and their families, who are either now,
                                                             • Promote and continue links with the Carers
or will at some future point, find themselves
                                                               Strategy ensuring older carers are
suffering from a mental health condition. We are
called POBL because that’s exactly what we are
all about. People helping people! We aim to be               • Ensure that the delivery of our services is
as bi-lingual as possible in all of our dealings, as           based on a shared commitment to respect
we feel that this is of vital importance to be able            value and engage with older people.
to discuss issues in your native tongue if that
assists you better.                                          • Continue to raise awareness of domestic
                                                               abuse and promote services.
•   A multi- agency Equalities Forum for
    Pembrokeshire (Pembrokeshire Voices for
    Equalities) has been created at which
    representatives from the Pembrokeshire 50+
    Central Forum are members.

•   The Council is committed to considering the
    needs and requirements of all individuals
    affected by our policies and practices. We
    have an Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA)
    tool which is applied to all our strategic policy
    and practice decisions and ensures we fulfil
    our obligations concerning:

•   Equality and Diversity,
•   Sustainable Development,
•   The Welsh language, and
•   Health and Wellbeing issues.

Universal Services
                                                                  Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

Learning and Activities

Older people have opportunities to engage                Course feedback from older learners
in learning or other activities.                         showed that:

Links to Ageing Well in Wales Priorities: 4, 5.          •   98% felt they had achieved their personal
                                                             learning goals.
Links to Single Integrated Plan Outcome
Areas: 1.                                                •   Over half felt that they had benefitted
                                                             additionally with technology, 54% felt more
Many people saw learning opportunities as                    confident,
important to them for different reasons, skill
building for employment, confidence building,             •   63% had gained social benefits, 28%
social participation and supporting healthy                  improved job prospects, 51% increased
ageing. Whilst Pembrokeshire County Council’s                motivation,
Learning Pembrokeshire programme is going
through a redevelopment and consultative phase,          •   11% improved health,
older people expressed the importance of the
service.                                                 •   44% improved study skills,

Learning Pembrokeshire is the Adult and                  •   21% benefit to their community
Community Learning service provided by the
Local Authority. When learners enrol for a course        •   31% benefit to their home and family life
they are supported by a centre officer qualified in
guidance to identify the most appropriate option         Existing Services:
or provider.
                                                         •   Pembrokeshire College offer training and
Service data for 2014 / 2015:                                learning opportunities through their STEP
                                                             FORWARD programme. Training is available
•   50-64 yrs:    1088 enrolments                            in a variety of venues such as; village halls,
                  (28% of total enrolments)                  community centres and the college.

•   Over 64yrs:   1089 enrolments                        •   Learning Pembrokeshire supports many
                  (28% of total enrolments)                  people with learning opportunities, including
                                                             supporting and working with the University of
Therefore 50+ age groups represent 56% of the                the 3rd Age in delivering training
enrolments on courses with Learning                          opportunities and sharing skills and
Pembrokeshire.                                               knowledge, through this growing

                                                    15          A g ei n g Wel l i n Pem broke shire
Universal Services
                                                                   Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

•   Concessionary and reduced concessionary                  community activities. This is embodied by
    rates are offered. A service bursary is                  the ‘Decades’ box scheme; a free
    available to support engagement and                      reminiscence scheme for use by local
    progression to other courses for those in                individuals, community groups, health
    financial hardship through Learning                       organisations and schools.
                                                          Priorities to be delivered 2015 – 2018:
•   Libraries provide free access to computers
    and through partnership with other                    • Work with our partner organisations to
    organisations assist people to develop their            promote learning opportunities to members
    ICT skills.                                             of the public, and consider the viewpoints of
                                                            older people.
•   Libraries offer access to a wide variety of
    resources and activities and provide a range          • Engage with people aged 50+ to obtain
    of informal learning opportunities.                     views on need in Pembrokeshire through the
                                                            50+ Central Forum’s work and report to the
•   Scolton Manor’s Outdoors and Heritage                   Pembrokeshire Learning Network.
    work provides a comprehensive range of
                                                          • Learning Pembrokeshire is currently
    opportunities for older people to engage in
                                                            undergoing a consultation and review
    learning. This is backed up by a programme
                                                            process, to look at how services can be
    of varied events, activities, displays and
                                                            delivered differently in the current financial
    exhibitions that feature at the site.
                                                            savings period.
•   Loans Resources: Scolton Manor’s museum               • Support key sector skills development.
    service provides a range of historical objects
    for loan to engage older people and for wider

Universal Services
                                                                      Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire


Older people can access affordable and                      Existing Services:
appropriate transport which assists them to
play a full part in family, social and                      •   Following Welsh Government guidance,
community life.                                                 Pembrokeshire County Council is further
                                                                developing the application assessment
Links to Ageing Well in Wales Priorities: 1, 2, 5.              process of the Blue Badge Scheme.
Links to Single Integrated Plan Outcome Areas:
1, 2, 3                                                     •   There is a network of local bus services
Due to the rural nature of Pembrokeshire,                       throughout the County together with a range
transportation remains a continuous challenge                   of train services. Passenger transport also
and a priority for many older people. The local                 includes taxis, community transport,
authority is working with numerous community                    education transport and a number of other
transport providers and service providers to look               transport options available in Pembrokeshire.
at new developments to enable people to move
around the county.                                          •   Concessionary Travel Pass Scheme
                                                                The Scheme entitles people aged 60 and
The majority of older people consulted,                         over, and people with disabilities who are
expressed the importance of transport for                       resident in Wales to free travel on local bus
Pembrokeshire.                                                  services throughout the principality.
Some people expressed their disappointment of
the removal of the Sunday bus services in their             •   Coastal Bus Services
areas.                                                          There are five coastal bus services that run
                                                                seven days a week throughout the summer.
Many older people expressed the importance to                   The buses now cover the majority of the
them of the free bus pass in Wales, stating this                Pembrokeshire Coast. The Poppit Rocket,
was a vital support against loneliness and                      Strumble Shuttle and Coastal Cruiser buses
isolation and accessing vital services such as GP               also run two days a week during the winter.
surgeries and hospital appointments.
                                                            •   Community Transport
The new application of parking charges to car                   To help combat the problems of social
parks with access to places such as GP                          exclusion the Authority has developed and
surgeries and pharmacies in some places raised                  supports a number of community transport
concerns during the consultation. A suggestion                  initiatives for people who have difficulty in
of a 15 minutes allowance to go to a pharmacy                   accessing conventional public transport. This
to pick up a prescription is created, similar to the            support has included the provision of funding
multistory car park in Haverfordwest.                           for a dedicated community transport
Pembrokeshire County Council’s transport
department works closely with the Community
Transport providers and service users to provide
the vital services people in Pembrokeshire need.

                                                       17          A g ei n g Wel l i n Pem broke shire
Universal Services
                                                          Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

•   There is a selection of community transport
    available in Pembrokeshire:

     o Dial-a-Ride buses connecting people to
       the towns
     o Country Cars
     o Cars for Carers

Priorities to be delivered 2015 – 2018:

•   Majority of public buses in Pembrokeshire
    are low floor accessible buses. With this
    becoming all by January 2016.

•   Engage with older people to ensure suitability
    of transport needs throughout the county
    and report back to relevant departments.

•   Promote and support affordable and
    accessible public transport to older people.

•   Providing information to older people on the
    changing of the process to apply for Blue

•   Monitoring the usage of public and
    community transportation.

•   Integrate bus, rail, cycling and walking
    services and infrastructure

•   Promote and support community transport

Universal Services
                                                                        Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

Older people are supported to live in homes                 Existing Service:
and communities that are suitable for their
                                                            •     Long term residential and /or nursing home
                                                                  care will only be considered as an option
Links to Ageing Well in Wales Priorities:                         after all other options to remain home have
1, 2, 3, 5.                                                       been tired for all customers including self-
Links to Single Integrated Plan Outcome Areas:                    funded.
1, 2, 3
                                                            •     Community Alarm systems are offered as a
The Older Person’s Strategy for Wales focuses                     service by Pembrokeshire County Council, to
on Well-being of older people and recognises                      give extra support to people living in their
housing as one of the key determinants of well-                   homes, to support independent living and
being.                                                            peace of mind.

                                                            •     Disability adaptation grants for people to
It is clear from our consultation in Pembrokeshire
                                                                  adapt their homes and remain living in their
that housing was an important issue, along with
                                                                  communities are provided through
being able to remain independent and to
                                                                  assessment through Pembrokeshire County
continue to live in their community.
Older people are asking for:                                •     Royal Voluntary Services (RVS) offers Meals
                                                                  on Wheels Service to people in their own
•   More social housing and for a variety of                      homes.
    options for older people throughout the
    county, but for consideration to be taken on            •     Community Visitors offer support to people
    where bus routes are located.                                 relating to housing issues.

                                                            •     Llys Cantref run a supportive project for
•   They wish to see more Lifetime homes built
                                                                  people over 50 with housing support needs
    and for private builders to also consider the
                                                                  in the north of Pembrokeshire.
    needs of older people.

•   Older people would like to see an extra care                Priorities to be delivered 2015 – 2018:
    facility built in the south of the county and in
    an accessible location.                                     • Shelter Cymru is launching a supportive
                                                                  project for people over 50 in Pembrokeshire
•   Many older people living in supported                         with housing support needs.
    accommodation were complimentary of the
                                                                • Ensure information is provided to residents in
    support available to them to help live
                                                                  supported accommodation.
    independently, but an increase in this type of
    accommodation would be welcomed.                            • Work with the Housing Department to ensure
                                                                  views and needs of older people are

                                                       19             A g ei n g Wel l i n Pem broke shire
Universal Services
                                                                       Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

Energy Efficiency
Older people live in energy efficient homes                 •     Nationally the NEST programme offers
and can afford to heat their homes to the                        advice to people regarding energy saving
temperature required to protect health.                          options.
Links to Ageing Well in Wales Priorities: 1.               •     This service does attend the annual Full of
Links to Single Integrated Plan Outcome Areas:                   Life event, to be accessed by local residents.
1, 2, 3
                                                           •     Pembrokeshire County Council has hosted a
This was not a topic which came up a great deal                  Community Energy Event.
with the older people we met with during the
                                                           •     Pembrokeshire County Council works with
consultation; however there is a need to support
                                                                 the West Wales Financial Capabilities Forum,
older people to access energy advice and
                                                                 which includes Energy Saving advice and
support. As many older people are not regular
computer users, if at all, this often disadvantages
them from accessing the comparison websites to
                                                               Priorities to be delivered 2015 – 2018:
ensure they are getting the best energy advice
and costs.                                                     • Continue to promote energy advice through
                                                                 the Full of Life event.
It is known that some older people live in one
room in a house in order to keep heating costs                 • Support the information flow to older people
low.                                                             from the West Wales Financial Capabilities
Existing Services:
                                                               • Promote to older people any community
•   In Pembrokeshire the Royal Voluntary Service                 energy events.
    are commissioned to provide and energy
    advice support to older people.

Universal Services
                                                                   Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire


Older people who want to work are able to                Barriers to employment
do so and can access help with re-skilling               •   Lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem –
and retraining.                                              wanting to give up
Links to Ageing Well in Wales Priorities: 4, 5.          •   Modern recruitment practices are different to
Links to Single Integrated Plan Outcome Areas:               those from the past
1, 2, 3                                                  •   Unrealistic job expectations in a
                                                             recession/changed labour market
During summer 2015 the Enterprise and
Business Committee of the National Assembly              •   Fixed view on the job they can do and the
for Wales looked specifically at difficulties faced            skills they can offer
by people over the age of 50 when seeking                •   Lack of formal qualifications and less likely to
employment.                                                  access training
What was discovered on a Wales wide basis                •   Lack of IT skills
was:                                                     •   Caring responsibilities (25% of women/18% of
                                                             men aged 50-59)
•   That people over the age of 50 may not have
    the I.T. skills to work in a new type of job;        •   Health issues
                                                         •   Prejudice of employers
•   Employers can often think that they will have
    health problems when this isn’t actually the         •   Lack of transport / Bad transport links
    case.                                                •   Lack of money
•   Many people over the age of 50 have caring           •   Suitable clothing
    responsibilities either with grandchildren or        •   Finance – travel costs
    elderly parents which can lead to less               •   Lack of basic life skills
                                                         •   Age discrimination and negative stereotypes
Pembrokeshire was part of this research and the              (self-imposed)
evidence gathered by various organisations
working in this field in Pembrokeshire were able          We have seen:
to provide was:                                          •   From a learner perspective regarding Learning
Number of people aged 50+ claiming                           Pembrokeshire’s classes and groups there
Jobseekers Allowance in Pembrokeshire                        has been an increase in confidence as well as
                                                             gaining accreditation to enhance future
•   400 (1.5% of JSA claimants, 0.5% of                      employment prospects.
    working age population) (NOMIS December
    2014)                                                •   The improved self-confidence helps learners
                                                             continue or progress to
No. of people and length of unemployment:                    courses/employment.

         •    0-6 months:        230
         •    6-12 months:       50
         •    12 months +:       120

                                                    21           A g ei n g Wel l i n Pem broke shire
Universal Services
                                                                        Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

Pembrokeshire County Council’s Experience                      Under the Department of Works and Pensions:
Counts project helped people over 50 to develop
their life skills by increasing their confidence, skills        Wales-wide Flexible Support fund project
and qualifications and supporting them to move
into employment, volunteering, education and                   •   Confidence building
learning.                                                      •   Motivation
                                                               •   Improve digital capability
                                                               •   Signposting to specialist support e.g. health
Wavehill Comparison Between Participants
At Their Start And The End Of The                                  condition
Programme                                                      •   Support and advice with applications
                                                               •   Interview technique advice
Measure (% of                                                  •   Self-presentation
participants awarding                 Start      End
7/10 and above)                                                Older Workers Scheme from April 2015
How satisfied do you feel                                       •   Older Workers champion
with your life as a whole?            41%        70%
                                                               •   Intensive work support
Measure (% of
participants that agree               Start      End           •   Work Coach – personal support to tailor a
/ strongly agree)                                                  claimant commitment, and plan activities to
                                                                   get back to work
Nobody will want to employ me         18%        14%
                                                               •   Referral Provision – provision available
I’m taking steps to help                                           through a number of contracted and non-
me find a job                          97%        96%               contracted partners who provide a rage of
                                                                   support. E.g. FSF It Tutor; FSF Employability
I want to be better educated                                       Centre, ESF projects
 / trained                            71%        61%
                                                               •   Direct Earnings Attachment (DEA)-
I am learning skills / gaining                                     support for Jobseekers with a health
experience to help me find a job       52%        61%               condition- refer to specialist provision
                                                                   through partners such as Shaw Trust
I know how to develop myself
to gain new skills                    61%        75%           •   Sector specific group sessions - e.g.
                                                                   Care/ Hospitality- different types of jobs in
I am confident I can                                                the sector, what is expected, what the
do well without support               28%        52%               employers are looking for, how to apply etc.

Would you recommend the                                        •   Digital Support - in Jobcentres- PC access
project to someone in the                                          with or without support to assist with online
same situation as you                 87%        97%               claims, job search etc, Group sessions in
                                                                   conjunction with LA Library services; FSF It
                                                                   tutor; working with partners to provide
                                                                   support, e.g. RSL’s

Universal Services
                                                             Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

Redundancy awareness sessions                        Priorities to be delivered 2015 – 2018:

   • Confidence building                              • Continue to work with partner organisations
                                                       and other directorates in the Local Authority
   • Local labour market                               to support employment opportunities.

   • Where are vacancies advertised?                 • Promote to older people the opportunities for
                                                       skills development through Community
   • Where to get help and support                     Learning in Pembrokeshire.

   • Careers Wales & ReAct                           • Reduce barriers to work.

During the consultation period a few people          • Support Key sector skills development.
made comments to support this; however when
                                                     • Promote and support start up, small and
discussing employment with older people, some
                                                       medium sized enterprises.
of the comments were more about creating work
for younger people and keeping families in

                                                23         A g ei n g Wel l i n Pem broke shire
Early Intervention and Prevention
                                                                      Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

                                                           It has long been acknowledged that improving
  Early Intervention and Prevention - this                 health and well-being is not something any one
  enables people to access the support                     organisation can do alone. Organisations working
  needed to stay independent for as long                   in partnership can deliver better outcomes than
  as possible, which may delay or reduce                   when they work separately. That is why
  any further support requirements. We                     Pembrokeshire County Council and Hywel Dda
  will work together to develop services                   Health Board have worked together with partners
  that enable people to maximise their                     in the voluntary sector, Public Health Wales and
  Independence.                                            the wider community to focus on this outcome.
                                                           We have a responsibility to work together to
                                                           address the range of components of good health
Healthy Ageing
                                                           and ensure that everybody is as healthy as they
Older people enjoy good physical, mental                   can be.
and emotional health and well-being with                        (Pembrokeshire’s Strategic Equality Plan 2012-2016)
the aim of being able to live independently
for longer, with a better quality of life and
continue to work and participate in their                      Dementia
                                                           Dementia is a condition that in the majority of
Links to Ageing Well in Wales Priorities: 1,2,3,4,5        cases starts after the age of 65 years, although it
Links to Single Integrated Plan Outcome Areas:             can affect younger peopleiv. It is important to
1,2,3,4.                                                   support people to maintain their independence
                                                           and well- being and it is possible for people to
Pembrokeshire will experience a significant                 have a good quality of life for many years after the
increase in its older population during the next 10        onset of dementia. Support for Carer’s wellbeing is
years. The gap in life expectancy between the              also important and therefore this strategy will also
least and most deprived areas in Pembrokeshire             link into and support Pembrokeshire’s Carers
is significant and needs to be addressed to avoid           Strategy. Many unpaid carers of people with
greater inequity. We already experience far                dementia are older people themselves and around
greater movement of elderly people into the area           2/3rds has a health condition or disability. Carers
compared to most counties, as Pembrokeshire is             may experience deterioration in their own mental
seen as an attractive place to live, especially in         health, wellbeing and depression, emotional and
later life. We are already seeing a significant             physical exhaustion and general poor health are
demand for our health and social care services             common. In the Hywel Dda region north
and this will continue. It is clear we cannot              Pembrokeshire has the highest number of people
sustain our current services in their existing             over 65 with dementia at 931v.
format and we will need to work with                       The prevalence rates of people with dementia
communities and individuals to promote healthy             increases significantly with age; with 1 in 5 men
lifestyles and encourage individuals to remain as          and 1 in 4 women aged 85+ likely to develop
healthy and independent as possible with                   dementia compared to approximately 1 in 100
minimal support.                                           people aged 65.

                                                               (Mid and West Wales Health and Social Care Regional Collaborative
                                                                                      Market Position Statement (March 2015))

Early Intervention and Prevention
                                                                                 Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

                                                                       •   Fragility fracture clinics and fracture liaison
Falls                                                                      service - case finding service for identifying,
                                                                           assessing and treating (where appropriate) men
Falls affect 30% of people over the age of 65
                                                                           and women who have had a low trauma fracture
and 50% over the age of 80vi.                                              and are therefore at high risk of osteoporosis
Falls in older people are a common cause of injury,                        and future fracture.
harm and use of health and social care services.
                                                                       Falls prevention is a particularly important area of
Older people are more at risk of falling and
                                                                       work within Hywel Dda due to the high proportion of
sustaining injuries and many of the causes are
                                                                       older people relative to Wales and the ageing
Pembrokeshire - Falls incidents of severity 1 to 3                                   (Public Health Wales (2012). Director of Public Health
                       2011        2012          2013     Total                                   Annual Report, Hywel Dda Health Board.)

Minimal Harm           249         314           332       895         Existing Services:

Short term harm                                                        •   The ‘Green Gym’ development to follow at
requiring further                                                          Scolton, is a project concept to develop the
treatment              83          69            89        241             green space of the country park at Scolton
                                                                           Manor as a healthy environment for a
No Harm                255         341           307       903             programme of measures to promote health
(Falls Incidents in Hywel Dda University Health Board                      and wellbeing for everyone.
Between 1 January 2011 and 16 December 2013 Report)
                                                                       •   Scolton Manor’s staff training in Health, Care
There is a great deal of activity taking place across                      and Well-being: Cross domain training for as
Hywel Dda to prevent falls and reduce the harm from                        many staff as possible. Also to be able to
falls. Each county has a multidisciplinary Falls                           assist in a medical emergency and to be
Prevention and Bone Health Group which report to                           “first contact” for people who require medical
an overarching Strategic Falls Prevention and Bone                         support or assistance?
Health Group. This list is not exhaustive but some of
the areas of work are listed below:                                    •   Local leisure centres deliver Exercise Referral
                                                                           and Cardiac Rehabilitation; Free swimming
•    Wales Ambulance Service Trust (WAST) falls
     pathway which ensures that all fallers who are                        for people over 60, Easy Line exercise
     left at home as clinically / medically fit are                         programme.
     followed up by the District Nursing Service with                  •   Our leisure centres offer an over 60’s
     a falls risk screen.
                                                                           membership which has 749 people currently
•    Careline / Telecare - Fallers who activate their                      signed up to an annual membership.
     Lifeline pendant and for whom WAST are not                        •   There are 12,202 over 60s registered users
     contacted are sent falls health promotion                             with Pembrokeshire Leisure.
     literature and offered a falls risk screen at home
                                                                       •   Pembrokeshire’s leisure centres’ fitness class
     by the District Nursing Service.
                                                                           and swimming instructors are trained to
•    Community Resource Teams / Virtual Wards /                            deliver activity to the over 60’s with many of
     Care Closer to Home - The 3Ts locality has                            our sessions and activities being suitable to
     prioritised fallers to pilot the Virtual Ward                         the over 60’s.
     concept. Fallers are identified through GP house
                                                                       •   We have 11 leisure sites strategically located
     calls and cross referenced with PRISM
     database, the District Nursing Service caseload                       across the county offering activities catering
     and Myrddin.                                                          for all ages in the community.

                                                                  25           A g ei n g Wel l i n Pem broke shire
Early Intervention and Prevention
                                                                        Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

•   Health and wellbeing classes are offered                 Priorities to be delivered 2015 – 2018:
    through Learning Pembrokeshire, for example
    Tai Chi, Yoga etc.                                      • Support people to achieve good mental
                                                              health and challenge stigma and
•   Learning Pembrokeshire is working in                      discrimination, through the promotion of the
    partnership with Alzheimer Society to provide             Dementia Friendly Communities programme,
    Dementia Friendly training, classes and                   taking into consideration the outcomes of
    activities.                                               the National Dementia Vision for Wales
•   Libraries provide information to enable
    individuals to develop self-management                  • Through new methods of promotion, to
    techniques for dealing with long term                     increase levels of physical activity and reduce
    conditions (including mental health issues). A            the amount of sedentary behaviour by
    wide range of books on health and wellbeing               continuing to work with partner organisations
    are available, free of charge, including the              to look at how to develop low level physical
    Books Prescription Wales scheme.                          activities.

•   Pembroke Dock Library has developed the                 • Leisure services are introducing, new
    Life Hub which provides high quality health               concessionary rates which include people on
    and wellbeing information.                                pension credit.

•   The 60 acres of Scolton Manor’s park and                • People will be helped and supported to take
    woodland provide an excellent recreational                responsibility to improve their health and
    space for people to access and contributes                well-being throughout their lives, by working
    towards good physical health and well-being.              with communities to engage new ways of
    In addition, the site’s two themed exercise               incorporating healthy choices, and
    trails.                                                   developing Age Friendly Community well-
                                                              being plans.
•   West Wales Care and Repair provide
    Dementia Support, a fast track service access
    to a range of services for dementia clients and
    their families. “We work closely with the
    Alzheimer’s society and our strategic partners
    Hywel Dda University Health Board and the
    Local Authorities”.

                                                           Sarah Rochira (Older People’s Commissioner for Wales) presenting to
                                                           Cllr Simon Hancock (on behalf of Pembrokeshire County Council) the
                                                           Dublin Declaration on Age Friendly Cities and Communites certificate

Choice and Control
                                                                       Ageing Well in Pembrokeshire

                                                             people had difficulty in answering, those that did
  Choice and Control - this empowers                         suggested post offices, notice boards, day
  people to decide who provides their                        centres and mail drops.
  support and what form that support
  takes. We will ensure that help and                        This Strategy is taking into consideration the
  support they receive to manage an                          Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act.
  illness or condition is individually                       Recognising that getting the right information and
  tailored to their preference and they are                  advice is the first step for people seeking some
  aware of how much support is available                     level of care and support to help them maximise
  from the council and other providers in                    their well-being.
  the community.
                                                             Existing Services:
Information and Advice                                       •   A Directory of Service and Support Guide has
                                                                 been produced and is updated every 2 years.
Older people have access to information and                      A hardcopy of this Directory is distributed to
advice about services and opportunities.                         numerous community and health sites
                                                                 throughout Pembrokeshire and is available on
Links to Ageing Well in Wales Priorities: 1, 2, 3,               Pembrokeshire County Council’s website and
4, 5.                                                            through its Contact Centre.
Links to Single Integrated Plan Outcome Areas:
1, 2, 3                                                      •   Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary
                                                                 Services has created in partnership with our
This is a cross cutting theme across all the other               neighbouring counties an online directory
12 strands in this Strategy.                                     known as ‘Info Engine’; this is promoted
                                                                 throughout Pembrokeshire.
People in Pembrokeshire have been informing us
that some information is still not readily accessible        •   Pembrokeshire County Council’s Contact
to the older population. How do we meet the                      Centre is a one stop shop of information
3R’s? The Right information in the Right place and               provision, about local authority services, as
at the Right time!                                               well as voluntary sector services.

Public response to the provision of information in           •   The Older Person’s Strategy links in with
Pembrokeshire has been mixed. Information is not                 Pembrokeshire Trading Standards -
necessarily getting to people who are in need of it.             Vulnerable Adults Strategy. Offering individual
People do not go seeking information because                     support to people to become aware of scams
they are not aware that the services or help is                  and support those who have concerns. Talks
available.                                                       are given by the Trading Standards team to
                                                                 groups in Pembrokeshire.

Word of mouth or talking with professionals was
the indications of how most people discovered
services and support. When the question was
raised of suitable places for information most

                                                        27          A g ei n g Wel l i n Pem broke shire
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