Wrapping up the Year - Longmont Quilt Guild

Wrapping up the Year - Longmont Quilt Guild
Wrapping up the Year
         Nov                                          Quilt Show Winners!
         Dec                                              Plus
     2022                                                      Bee Sew Brave Presentations
                                                      Tuesday, Nov 8, 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Longmont Quilt Guild
                                                                                                        November will be a busy meeting. The
                                                                                                        big highlight will be the announcement
                                                                                                        of the winners of the quilt show. Come
                                                                                                        hear who will receive a ribbon. You
                                                                                                        might be one of the winners. There will
                                                                                                        be slides of all the winning quilts so you
                                                                                                        will be able to see part of the fantastic
                                                                                                        collection of quilts at the quilt show.
                   P.O. Box 6692 Longmont, CO 80501

                                                                                                        Bee Sew Brave will be presenting quilts
                                                                                                        to veterans.

                                                                                                        Also on the agenda will be the election
                                                                                                        of officers, and voting on the budget.

                                                      Holiday Party
                                                      Tuesday, Dec 13, 6:30 - 8:30 PM

                                                      December will be the annual Holiday Tea
                                                      party. Come join the seasonal festivities!

                                                      More details and RSVP by mid November.
                                                      This year we will include food drives for
                                                      Boulder County and Larimer County. The
                                                      president’s quilt will be presented to our
                                                      amazing president Carla.

                                                      You will also get a chance to meet the
                                                      new officers who will be leading the Guild through 2023.

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Wrapping up the Year - Longmont Quilt Guild
Popping up in January...
Our January workshop will be hosted by guild               WHAT:               3D Pop Quilt Workship
member Ali Doberstein. Ali will show you how               WHEN:               Sat, Jan 14 - 10AM
to take your quilting to the next dimension by             WHERE:              Look on the website
teaching methods of creating a 3D Pop Quilt.

The picture of the balloon quilt is what Ali will
be teaching in the workshop. Ali will be dis-
cussing design decisions on how to take a kit or
pattern and make it 3D. And how to decide what
should pop in the quilt and to what extent.

The January 10, 2023 LQG meeting speaker will
be Ali Doberstein. The topic presented will be
Current Trends in 3D Quilting. Ali has had an
interesting career path consisting of landscap-
ing, flipping houses, private investigator, finan-
cial aide officer and now a Long-Arm quilter
with her Mom, Jan Timmons. She hopes being
a long-arm quilter will be her last profession.
Ali visited a LQG Quilt Show and was inspired to
make her first quilt which was a 3D Pop Quilt.

                                                     Get Ready for Block of the Month 2023
                                                    In January, we will be starting a new block
                                                    of the month challenge. We dont have an
                                                    actual quilt picture to share yet, but we do
                                                    have a mock-up to start your thinking and

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Wrapping up the Year - Longmont Quilt Guild
A Message from Your President, Carla Javornik
Greetings, fellow quilters!                            As I prepare to hand off the realm to the next
                                                       President, I would encourage any one of you to
                                                       step into one of the many open volunteer posi-
We’re only two months away from wrapping               tions in 2023, offer ideas for how your Guild can
up 2022. Wow!? What! Really?? It’s                                     improve, and help provide input
been a fast year (they’re all going                                    to keep the Guild going strong.
faster, it seems) and it’s been a fun                                  You’ll get to know other Guild
year serving you, the Members of                                       members, you’ll get to see how
the Guild, as your President. I thank                                  the Guild functions, and you’ll
you for the opportunity to get to                                      get to use all your skills and abil-
know you all a bit better and to be                                    ities to strengthen your organi-
more involved with the Guild.                                          zation. Whether you’re a new or
                                                                       continuing member, volunteering
                                                                       is a great way to be a part of
 I’d be remiss if I didn’t take a mo-                                  something fun!
ment to thank all of our volunteers
who helped make everything happen
this year – it took a bunch of ded-                                           Thank you all for a fun 2022.
icated people giving their time to                                            We’ve had some challenges, and
make all the monthly events happen.                                           together, we’ve worked through
I want to give them all a big shout                                           them. We’ve found our way out
out for the work they did this year.                                          of our comfort zone and we’ve all
They were instrumental in making all                                          grown in the process.
the activities everyone enjoys go as
smoothly as possible. When you see
those folks at the meetings or the                                            Have the happiest of holidays –
December holiday gathering, take a                                            whichever holidays you celebrate
moment to thank them, too, for all                                            – and may 2023 be brighter,
that they have done and all that they                                         prosperous, and more enjoyable
have given this year. Thank you to                                            than ever!
all the Board Members, Committee                                              Cheers!
members, web and email masters – You all are
                                                       ~ Carla

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Wrapping up the Year - Longmont Quilt Guild
Get on the Raffle Train

I want to say a big thank you to the Raffle Committee for the work they did to make
the raffle a success. They stepped up when I, literally, couldn't and on many other occasions.
I couldn't have asked for a better group to keep me on my toes and everything running

Debbie Norton, Sue Erickson, Kathy Kessinger, Nancy Doyon, and Cheryl O'Bannon, thanks
for volunteering to be on the committee and doing such a great job. You are all winners in my
book. I'd also like to thank the various guild members who stepped up to help from time to
time. We appreciate you.

Happy Quilting, Teresa
LQG 2022 Raffle Chair

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Wrapping up the Year - Longmont Quilt Guild
1Offer valid October 1—December 21, 2022. Offer applies to the purchase of a new BERNINA Q20 on a BERNINA
Studio Frame Bundle. Offer is good for one BERNINA Q Series on a Studio Frame Bundle. Not valid on previous
       purchases or with any other savings offers or coupons. Please visit our store for complete details.

                                         2430 Main Street • Longmont

                             Monday—Saturday, 10—5 and Thursday 10—6

                                      Nov/Dec- Longmont Quilt Guild Newsletter                          Page - 5
Wrapping up the Year - Longmont Quilt Guild
Quilt Show Results

Best of Show                                                   Large Quilt,
Virginia Correa -                                              Domestic Quilted
The Caswell Quilt                                              1. Mary Wallin
                                                               2. Judy Cabot
Applique                                                       3. Sara Broers Brown
 1 - Jan Antrankian
2 - Debra Harman                                               Large Quilt E2E
3 Carol Wilson                                                 1. Sharon Visser
                                                               2. Von Yetzer
Art 3D                                                         3. Collette Morton
1. Alie DOberstein
2. Mary Jan Voogt                                              Large Quilt,
3. Tracy Ellyn                                                 Custom Long Arm Quilted
                                                               1. Heather Lundquist
Art 2D                                                         2. Virginia Correa
1. Alie Doberstein                                             3. Dena Johnson
2. Heather Lundquitst
3. Carla Javornik                                              Military Outreach
                                                               1. Sheila Boettcher
Decor                                                          2. Debra Stebbins
1. Wenda Lewis                                                 3. Susan Erickson
2. Debra Hartman                                               3. Debbie Norton
3. Diane Arnett
                                                               Small Quilt, Domestic Quilted
Detective Stebbins'                                            1. Pat Wick
Mystery Quilt                                                  2. Collette Morton''
1. Becky Schwendeman                                           3. Kathy Jamieson
2. Wenda Lewis
3. Kathy Welch                                                 Small Quilt, E2E
                                                               1. Diane Arnett
First Time Show Entry                                          2. Wendy Crawford
1. Kay Burch                                                   3. Joanne Pickett
2. Verna Hartinger
                                                               Small Quilt,
Hand pieced                                                    Custom Long Arm Quilted
1. Beth Couch                                                  1. Kathy Jamison
                                                               2. Janice Johner
Hand Quilted                                                   3. Heather Lundquist
1. Mary Wallin
2. Jen Overbey
3. Wendy Crawford

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Wrapping up the Year - Longmont Quilt Guild
Nov/Dec- Longmont Quilt Guild Newsletter   Page - 7
Wrapping up the Year - Longmont Quilt Guild
Community Outreach - Making a Difference
WHEN: Thurs, Nov 10, 9:30AM - 7PM
WHERE: Moose Lodge

Come on over to our last sew day this year.
 If you are signed up for the retreat, you can
leave your machine overnight, but are asked to
sew something Outreach on Thursday. Come for
all day or just a couple of hours. You may or may
not wear a mask at your discretion. Please be
thoughtful of others.

I would also like to introduce
Monique Plamondon as our Community Out-
reach leader for 2023. I am so excited to know
that her energy and beautiful quilting skills will
be in charge of keeping our Community Out-
reach efforts strong.

I extend a huge THANK YOU to everyone who
contributed in ANY way to Community Out-
reach. You made someone warmer and perhaps
a little more loved and known than they were
With appreciation, Joann Villamarin

                                                                       For Sale:
                                                             Gammill premier with 10
                                                              ft table. Asking $2500.

                 “I’m never too busy for your referrals!”

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Wrapping up the Year - Longmont Quilt Guild
Here’s the Deal:
 I’ll Be There For You

                                 The future has a lot of what ifs, and its a good feeling to have
                                 someone in your corner and around the corner to help you plan
                                 for them. Call me today.

Jeannie Hulse Ins Fncl Svc Inc
Jeannie Hulse, Agent
Bus: 303-828-4002

State Farm
Burlington, IL

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Wrapping up the Year - Longmont Quilt Guild
Ways and Means Made it Happen
                                  “Outside Your Comfort Zone”
                                      Online Auction Results
The on-line auction was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who donated for the auction!
Your donations to the auction really help our guild budget for all the progarms and activities we
offer during the year.

After our expenses and the fees paid to Auctria we should end up with a little over $8,000.00 in
profit. This amount is a little less than last year due to almost double in expenses.

The percentage of bidders who were non-members was 59% and the percentage of sales for
non-members was 57%. This was a great testament to our membership for getting the word out!

We mailed 14 packages to 9 different states!! Bidders paid a total of $314.00 for shipping and we
actually spent $279.00 on shipping so we came out a little ahead there.

The items we made the most on were Quilts ($4,718.00), followed by Table Treatments, Holiday
items and Baby Quilts. In case you couldn't attend the show, have a look below..

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Highlands Retreat
Fall Mountain Retreat was a Blast!

After two years, we were finally able to take 16
members to the Highlands Presbyterian Camp
and Retreat Center. This year the retreat ran
from Monday morning to Thursday afternoon.
Every participant had a floor to ceiling view of
Meeker Peak from their table. It was a good mix
of long-standing members and very new mem-
bers. The machines were humming, and the
conversation was buzzing.

We were fortunate to have a very experienced
quilter, Kirsten Rounds, lead us in an optional Snap
Bag Sew-along. The bags were very cute and some
members learned new skills. It was a fun project
and Kirsten did a great job. After power quilting
for two days, we played quilting related games.
The funniest game was watching Kathy Welch and
Kirsten Rounds balancing a charm pack, on their
heads, while stacking cups. We all had a good
laugh. There was a lot of loud coaching and laugh-
ing during all the games! A special thanks to Debra
Stebbins for leading us in the games and providing
the prizes.

Highlands is a wonderful venue in an idyllic setting.
The rooms are clean with a quilt on every bed! The
food is good and plentiful! They are very nice to
accommodate special diets. The quilting room is
accessible day and night with an awesome view.
We had late owls and early birds. There were some
beautiful quilts started and projects finished. We
even had Big Foot join our ranks. Most of us made
a stop at Lyons Quilt Shop, on the way home, to take
advantage of the 20% discount that Tracy Barber
graciously extended to the retreat participants.

Many thanks to all of the participants for a wonder-
ful retreat!

~Terry Hellmer

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Support Our Friends and Local Businesses!

            Nov            Jan Antranikian		           12/9
Kay Simodynes		    11/03   Joyce Hoffmaster            12/10
Sam Viswanath		    11/03   Annette Steere		            12/10
Nancy Woltman      11/07   Alison Doberstein           12/14
Sheila Boettcher   11/09   Sharon Kaiser		             12/15
Mary Timms		       11/12   Kirsten Rounds		            12/15
Betty Fix		        11/13   Susan Sears		               12/16
Kathy Polakowski   11/20   Diane Blandy		              12/17
Janie Rogakis		    11/21   Jane Moss		                 12/20
Sue Hodges		       11/26   Gerry Toevs		               12/20
Claudia Amos		     11/27   Beth Purkett		              12/21
Marlene Wojcik     11/28   Kai Viswanath		             12/21
Marthie DuToit		   11/30   Sherry Barber		             12/23
                           Wanda Wilson		              12/28
            D ec           DJ Christian		              12/31
                           Linda Dino		                12/31
Judy Cabot		       12/01
Kari Greenberg		   12/02
Joy Woodruff		     12/03
Shannon Zuelke     12/06

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Board Meeting

                                                                                                           Bee Finished
                                Guild Meeting
                                                                          Sew Day      -------- Moose Retreat---------

Moose Retreat                                                             Bee Modern                      Bee Sew Brave
 Sew & Be                                                                 Bee Edgy

                Embroider Bee

  Sew & Be

                                Board Meeting
                                                                                                          Bee Finished

                                                                                                         Bee Sew Brave
  Sew & Be                      Guild Meeting                             Bee Modern

                Embroider Bee                                             Bee Edgy

                  Sew & Be

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What’s Buzzing in the LQG Bees? Join and Find Out.

                       Bee Artful
Contact: Kirsten Rounds (401) 486-7546 or
  ktagrounds@gmail.com                                                                          Bee Sew Brave
When: Looking to organize and decide meeting dates                     Contact: Paula Ball (720) 278-6170 or
What: Members work on their own during the month                               1000quilts@gmail.com
and bring in the results of the work to share; so share                When: 3rd Saturday of the month at 9am
ideas and techniques.                                                  Where: Faith Community Church
Always Open to New Members? Yes.                                       What: We work on Military Outreach projects indi-
                                                                       vidually and as a group as needed. Our main focus
                                                                       is these two organizations; Challenge Aspen Military
  Bee Edgy: The Raw, The Fused, The Turned                             Outreach (CAMO) and Veterans Community Project
Contact: Von Yetzer (303) 669-7202 or                                  (VCP) tiny houses.
       theyetz@gmail.com                                               Always Open to New Members? Yes
When: 4th Thursday of the month at 6:00pm
Where: The Presser Foot
What: Work on applique projects and investigate                                              Embroider Bee (HAND)
various techniques.                                                    Contact: Debra Hartman (508) 733-3241 or
Always Open to New Members? Yes                                               debralhartman@gmail.com
                                                                       When: 3rd Monday of the month at 6:00 PM
                                                                       Where: To be determined
                     Bee Finished                                      What: Sharing an interest in the exploration of hand
Contact: Eileen Hayes 609-902-6314 or                                  embroidery and hand stitching techniques of various
        epthayes@comcast.net and                                       types.
		             Gail Fossman 262-312-4211 or                            Always Open to New Members? Yes
When: 2nd Saturday of the month from 1pm-5pm
Where: The Presser Foot                                                                  Embroider Bee (Machine)
What: Working on and supporting others with unfin-                     Contact: Nancy Jackson (303)669-6051 or
ished fabric objects (UFOs). Bring your sewing ma-                        jackson44nl@gmail.com
chine and supplies, or handwork. New Guild members                     When: Meeting starting January 2023, looking for new
are especially welcome!                                                members to determine location and time for meetings
Always Open to New Members? Yes                                        Where: To be determined
                                                                       What: Everything Embroidery but by machine. Even
                                                                       quilting in the hoop. Learning about different stabi-
                     Bee Modern                                        lizers, threads and all things machine embroidery.
Contact: Cheryl O’Bannon (303) 709-1506 or 		                          Always Open to New Members? Yes
When: 3rd Thursday of the month, 6:00-8:30 pm                                  Please notify Debra Stebbins of any change:
Where: The Presser Foot                                                               bees@longmontquiltguild.org.
What: Sharing an interest in modern quilting through                              Also, check with each Bee Keeper for
a variety of activities.                                                       location/times during the COVID pandemic.
Always Open to New Members? Yes

                    Location Details
                                                                                              Remember, you need to be a current
                    The Presser Foot
              2430 Main Street, Longmont, CO                                                   member of the Guild to participate
                                                                                              in the Bees, except when the Bee was
             Longmont Moose Lodge (North Hall),                                              formed to aid outreach efforts, such as
              2210 Pratt Street , Longmont, CO
                                                                                                         Bee Sew Brave.
              Faith Community Lutheran Church
              9775 Ute Highway, Longmont, CO

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Get Involved
        Breast Cancer Survivors and Friends                 abcdefghijk
 is a nonprofit network of understanding and
 caring people providing support for breast cancer         Sew and Be SEWcial Sunday
 patients. Since 2000 we have sewn over 4700 bag            (biweekly - check the calendar)
 sets for women to take to the hospital and cancer
 treatments in Boulder County. It is time to seek              Making It Happen: Kathy
 out others interested in continuing this worth-                        12 -5 pm
 while cause. We have fabrics, batting, zippers,-
 templates, cutting mats, essential tools and rulers,            Join Zoom Meeting
 irons, 5 sewing machines and money in the bank. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6161210799?pwd=bVFiT-
 No need for any fund raising! Please call Gloria         3VmT21NK2kzSTlVMWVXckJvQT09
 Frender at 303-588-8143 for further details.
                                                               Meeting ID: 616 121 0799
                                                                  Passcode: 654321

                                                                          Need more Makers to host SEWcials
                                                                                  Join the rotation!
                                                                          Let me know: kathrynaw@me.com


                                 2022 Board Members
President: Carla Javornik                                    Sew & Tell: Monique Plamondon
Vice President: Kathy Welch                                  Webmaster/Social Media: Kaitlyn Payne
Secretary: Lynn Schultz                                      Treasurer: Wenda Lewis
Queen Beekeeper:                                             Publicity/Advertising: Caroline Heinbuch
       Debra Stebbins                                        Retreats: Kathleen Jamieson
Block of the Month: Ruth Renfro                              Correspondence Secretary: Sharon Kaiser
Outreach: Nancy Clair                                        Librarian: OPEN
       Community Outreach: Joann Villamarin                  Membership: Sandi Harmon & Debbie Norton
       Quilts 4 Kids:                                        Historian: Kaye Burch
		            Dawn Hunter & Jan Timmons                      Programs: Jan Timmons & Terry Helmer
       Military Outreach: Paula Ball                         Quilt Show: Allie Doberstein & Jo Pickett
       Pink Quilts: Wendy Crawford                           Ways & Means: Dana Thompson
       Comfort Quilts: Diane Arnett                          Equipment Coordinator: OPEN
Newsletter: Terri Tillmann
Raffle: Teresa Creech
 The Guild always welcomes new, as well as long-time, Guild members to participate on a committee. Some of
the vacancies take minimal time and are a great way to be introduced to volunteering with the Guild and a way
                                          to get to know members.
                                        Nov/Dec- Longmont Quilt Guild Newsletter                              Page - 15
Sew What's Coming in 2023

An exciting year is planned for 2023. There are four workshops planned plus two sew days. Of course
we will have our usual May tea and December holiday party.

              Ali Doberstein     Current Trends in 3D Quilting                        Workshop: Quilt Pop

              Outreach Sew Day

              Veruschka Zarate (Zoom)

              Carla Javornik     Influence and Evolution of Art Quilting              Workshop: Art Quilt

              Traditional Tea

              Shereece Spain Organizing your Creative Space                           Workshop: Free Motion Quilting

              Sandy Gilreath Journaling in Cloth			                                   Workshop: Stitching a Story

              Outreach Sew Day

              Schoolhouse. Program Suggestions are always welcome!

              Jackie Vujcich     Journey into Pictorial Quilts                        Workshop: Landscape Quilting
  October     Pink Quilt Presentations

              Elections. Bee Sew Brave Presentations. Quilt Show Winner

 December Traditional Holiday Party.

 The decision to have the programs virtual or in-person will be dependent on the regulations being recom-
mended for our safety and the availability of the church. We’ll keep you informed as things develop. Future
                         workshop dates will be announced as they are confirmed.

 Do you have ideas of quilters you’d like to hear from during our monthly Guild meetings? Let us
 know ~ we’re always looking for speaker and workshop ideas.
 Contact us at: programs@longmontquiltguild.org

                  If you have any questions or want more information about any of the Guild’s programs, go
                  on-line to longmontquiltguild.org. You’ll also find contact information for board members on the site.
                  LQG meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Faith Community Lutheran Church at 9775 Ute Hwy 66,
                  Longmont, CO, from 6:30 - 8:30pm, virtually (always), and in-person (when possible). LQG members are
                  welcome to attend the monthly board meeting. See the LQG website for the day/time of the next meeting.
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