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                                            FALL 2018
                                           Vol. 31 No. 3





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Fall 2018
                         WorldView                                                                                                                              Volume 31, Number 3

Editor: David Arnold
Publisher: Glenn Blumhorst
Director of Communications: Meisha Robinson
Contributing Editor: John Coyne
Contributors:                                                                             A magazine of news and comment about the Peace Corps world
Marc Altman                    Phil Lilienthal
Gareth Bentley                 Gabriela Lopez
Glenn Blumhorst                Emily McGinnis
Kevin Bubriski                 Rafael Perez
Dave Chidley                   Jennifer Smith
Joe Coca                       Martín Vega Orrego

                                                               SIPHIWE SIBEKO/REUTERS
Susan Schaefer Davis           Meisha Robinson
Ken Hill                       Siphiwe Sibeko
Aaron Hochman-                 Jack Swenson
Zimmerman                      Carolyn Yale
Vicki Huddleston               Taryn Vian
Robin Landis                   Angene Wilson

Address all questions regarding interest in advertising
in WorldView or NPCA social media and other
online opportunities to Scott Oser at advertising@
WorldView (ISSN 1047-5338) is published four
times per year (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter) by
National Peace Corps Association (located at 1900 L
Street, NW, Suite 610, Washington, DC 20036-5002)
to provide news and comment about communities
and issues of the world of serving and returned
Peace Corps Volunteers. WorldView © 1978 National
Peace Corps Association.
Periodicals postage paid at Washington, D.C.
& additional mailing offices.

Please send address changes to
    WorldView magazine
    National Peace Corps Association
    1900 L Street NW, Suite 610
    Washington, DC 20036-5002
                                                                                        Residents of the vast and underserved former township of Soweto.
Articles published in the magazine are not intended
to reflect the views of Peace Corps, or those of          GLOBAL HEALTH
National Peace Corps Association, a nonprofit
mission-driven social impact organization mobilizing
those whose lives are influenced by Peace Corps.
NPCA is independent of the federal agency, Peace
                                                          9   CAMPING IN SOUTH AFRICA                                                17     MED SCHOOL ACROSS BORDERS
                                                          Can a boy raised at Maine’s Camp Winnebago                                 An emergency medical technician in the Bronx
                                                          create the same experience for children in                                 studies to be a doctor in a global classroom
                                                          Soweto a few decades later?                                                By Aaron Hochman-Zimmerman
                                                          By Phil Lilienthal
Send all communications regarding WorldView
                                                                                                                                     19     CENTER WITH TOO MANY DOORS
magazine to
We will consider article proposals and speculative        13                 HEALTHY TRUCKERS                                        A PCV launched her anti-corruption career
submissions. We also encourage letters to the editor      The World Health Organization fought to                                    when she applied for Canadian pounds to
commenting on specific articles that have appeared        reduce the HIV/AIDS epidemic on African                                    finish a health center in Cameroon’s Méfou
in the magazine. All texts must be submitted as
                                                          highways by converting 50 shipping containers                              Department
attached Word documents. For more details on writer
guidelines go online to
                                                          into all-purpose health centers in 13 countries                            By Taryn Vian
cpages/submission-guidelines or email the editor at       By Robin Landis

In order to subscribe to WorldView magazine for $35
go online to and click
on Join Now.                                              COVER: A girl climbs a network of ladders in her village of Thehe in Nepal’s Nyin Valley. The
If you need to contact NPCA regarding a magazine          photograph was taken by Kevin Bubriski for his book, Kailash Yatra, A Long Walk to Mt Kailash
subscription or other matters, call (202) 293 7728        through Humla, published by Penguin India, Ltd. appears with permission. See pages 25 to 30.
ext. 15.

                                                                                                                                     WorldView ∙ Fall 2018 ∙ | 1
                                                                                                             The publisher of WorldView magazine is National Peace
                                                                                          Fall 2018          Corps Association, a national network of Returned Peace
                                                                                 Volume 31, Number 3         Corps Volunteers, former staff and friends. NPCA is a not-
                                                                                                             for-profit 501(c)(3) educational and service organization
                                                                                                             which is independent of the federal agency, Peace Corps.

                                                                                                             ADVISORY COUNCIL
                                                                                                             Carol Bellamy, Chair, Education for All—Fast Track Initiative
                                                                                                             Ron Boring, Former Vice President, Vodafone Japan
                                                                                                             Nicholas Craw, President, Automobile Competition Committee
                                                                                                             for the U.S.
                    A magazine for the greater Peace Corps community                                         Sam Farr, Former Member, U.S. House of Representatives,
                                                                                                             John Garamendi, Congressman, U.S. House of

   DEPARTMENTS                                                                                               Representatives, California
                                                                                                             Mark Gearan, Director, Institute of Politics, Harvard Kennedy
                                                                                                             Tony Hall, Former Member of U.S. House of
                                                                                                             Representatives, Ohio; Former U.S. Ambassador to UN Food
   PRESIDENT’S LETTER                    GALLERY                            floating in the Gulf, a State    and Agriculture Organization
                                                                            Department diplomat quietly      Sandra Jaffee, Former Executive Vice President, Citigroup
   3 Our Emerging Stregnth               25 Kailash Yatra                   distributed transistor radios    William E. “Wilber” James, Managing General Partner,
                                                                                                             RockPort Capital Partners
                                                                            with a pretty big bandwidth.
                                                                                                             John Y. Keffer, Chairman, Atlantic Fund Administration
   Inspired new leadership rises         Scholars, artists, geographers     By Vicki Huddleston              Virginia Kirkwood, Owner/Director, Shawnee Holdings, Inc.
   from Connect conference               and anthropologists study                                           Richard M. Krieg, President and CEO, The Horizon
   By Glenn Blumhorst                    change on a sacred mountain                                         Foundation
                                                                            TRAVEL                           Kenneth Lehman, Chairman Emeritus, Winning Workplaces
                                         landscape across Nepal’s
                                                                                                             C. Payne Lucas, Senior Advisor, AllAfrica Foundation
                                         China border
                                         Photographs and text
                                                                            38 On Camels & Cobblestones      Dennis Lucey, Vice President, TKC Global
                                                                                                             Bruce McNamer, President & CEO, The Community
   4 Let’s have more group               by Kevin Bubriski                  Some of the most popular
                                                                                                             Foundation for the National Capital Region
                                                                                                             Gordon Radley, Former President, Lucasfilms
   news, Praise for One Acre                                                destinations for RPCVS on        John E. Riggan, Chairman Emeritus, TCC Group
   Fund, and some corrections.           CULTURE NOTES                      this itinerary are erg Chebbi,   Mark Schneider, Senior Advisor, Human Rights Initiative
                                                                                                             and Americas Program, CSIS
                                                                            Marrakesh, the Fes medina,
                                                                                                             Donna Shalala, President, Clinton Global Foundation
   OUR IMPACT                            31 Bold Weavers                    and the ruins of Volubilis.      Paul Slawson, Former CEO, InterPacific Co.
                                                                            Welcome to Morocco with Next     F. Chapman Taylor, Senior Vice President and Research
   6 NPCA offers affiliate a             An economic development            Step                             Director, Capital International Research Inc.
                                         consultant’s favorite enterprise                                    Joan Timoney, Director for Advocacy and External Relations,
   platform                                                                 By Angene Wilson                 Women’s Refugee Commission
   By Meisha Robinson                    is the outspoken women who                                          Ronald Tschetter, President, D.A. Davidson & Co.
                                         quietly weave rugs in N’kob,                                        Gaddi Vasquez, Senior Vice President, Government Affairs,
                                                                            FIELD REPORTS                    Edison International
                                         Ben Smim and dozens of other
   CASE STUDY                            villages in Morocco.                                                Aaron Williams, Executive Vice President, RTI International

                                         By Susan Schaefer Davis
                                                                            41 Agile in Lima                 Development Group
   22 Iran Advocates                                                                                         Harris Wofford, Former U.S. Senator, Pennsylvania
                                                                            When Johnson & Johnson           BOARD OF DIRECTORS
   An affiliate really got going         BOOKLOCKER                         sends corporate experts to the   Maricarmen Smith-Martinez,     Sandra Bunch
   long after Peace Corps closed                                            aid of a health NGO in Peru,     Chair                          Bridget Davis
   down the program                      35 My Little Radios                the official guide to dialect,   Jed Meline, Vice Chair         Elizabeth Genter
                                                                                                             Patrick Fine, Treasurer
   By Carolyn Yale                                                          food, dialect and acronyms is    Rhett Power, Secretary
                                                                                                                                            Corey Griffin
                                         While the United States and        an expert RPCV.                                                 Chip Levengood
                                                                                                             Mariko Schmitz, Affiliate
                                         Cuba quarreled over who                                                                            Katie Long
                                                                            By Emily McGinnis                Group Network Coordinator
                                         can claim a little boy found                                        Glenn Blumhorst, ex officio    Robert Nolan
                                                                                                             Nikole Allen                   Mary Owen
                                                                                                             J. Henry (Hank) Ambrose        Thomas Potter
                                                                                                    25       Daniel Baker
                                                                                                             Keith Beck
                                                                                                                                            Edward van Luinen

                                                                                                             Glenn Blumhorst, President
                                                                                                             Anne Baker, Vice President
                                                                                                             Jonathan Pearson, Advocacy Director
                                                                                                             Kemi Tignor, Director of Development
                                                                                                             Meisha Robinson, Director of Communications
                                                                                                             David Fields, Special Projects Coordinator
                                                                                                             Kevin Blossfeld, Finance & Administrative Assistant
                                                                                                             Elizabeth (Ella) Dowell, Community Technology Systems
                                                                                                             Cooper Roberts, International Programs Coordinator

                                                                                                             David Arnold, WorldView editor
                                                                                                             Lollie Commodore, Finance
                                                                                                             Teena Curry, Corporate Engagement
                                                                                                             Michael Kiernan, Media Consultant
                                                                                                             Scott Oser, Advertising

                                                                                                             NPCA FELLOWS
                                                                                                             Rebecca Taylor

                                                                                                             Emily Drewry

2 | WorldView ∙ Fall 2018 ∙ National Peace Corps Association                                                 VOLUNTEERS
                                                                                                             Peter Deekle

                            OUR EMERGING STRENGTH
                            Inspired new leadership rises
                            from Connect conference
                            By Glenn Blumhorst

    ’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.       … the next generation                               board of directors has elected Maricarmen
    These are exciting times for your                                                                   Smith-Martinez, who served in Costa Rica
    National Peace Corps Association.
                                                    is stepping up to                                   from 2006 to 2008, as our board chair for
        Coming off an exhilarating annual           provide leadership for                              2018-19. I’m elated with the opportunity
Peace Corps Connect conference in the
beautiful Poconos Mountains at Shawnee
                                                    the future, bringing                                to continue to work in partnership
                                                                                                        with Maricarmen, building on her four
Institute, we are demonstrating our                 fresh perspectives,                                 years of stellar leadership as a member
leadership as a united and vibrant Peace            new ideas, and a keen                               of the NPCA board of directors and as
Corps community.                                                                                        coordinator of the annual gatherings
     The speakers challenged us all.                understanding of today’s                            of the leadership of our more than 180
National Teacher of the Year Mandy                  Peace Corps                                         affiliate groups. She now brings to her
Manning served in Armenia from 1999                                                                     position as board chair an increased
to 2001 and gained national attention                                                                   sensitivity to the needs and goals of
for her years of innovative work at a                “…rise from humble beginnings to the               the core of our greater Peace Corps
small school for refugees and migrants               halls of the United Nations…” His career           community.
in Spokane’s public school system. At                was first inspired by the encouraging                  Maricarmen’s new appointment
Shawnee, Mandy implored our Peace                    work of several PCVs who taught him                signals to our Peace Corps community
Corps community to continue our                      English at Janata Vidyalaya High School            that the next generation is stepping
collective action to support the vulnerable          in the Nepalese village of Gulmi. Kul rose         up to provide leadership for the future,
refugee and immigrant community in the               to become deputy executive director at             bringing fresh perspectives, new ideas,
United States.                                       UNICEF and assistant secretary-general             and a keen understanding of today’s Peace
     Global Citizen Award Winner Kul                 of the United Nations.                             Corps. It reinforces the fact that there is
Chandra Gautam reflected on his                           A full house of affiliate group leaders       a new, more inclusive NPCA that serves
advocacy work with us in the halls of                from across the country gathered for               our broader community and its diverse
Congress and the story he shared with                the Affiliate Group Network Annual                 interests and needs.
our nation’s lawmakers about his                     Meeting to exchange best practices and                 As we enter this new era, my fellow
                                                                             to share insights          board directors and I are committed
                                                                             that will guide and        to ensuring that NPCA is truly a social
                                                                             inform NPCA’s              impact organization driven by the Peace
                                                                             emerging strategic         Corps community—all of you. We’ve
                                                                             plan for 2019-21.          built on a proud history of nearly 40 years
                                                                             The Community              serving the Peace Corps community and
                                                                             Builder membership         we’ve emerged transformed as a more
                                                                             platform continues         relevant and visible organization capable
                                                                             to be a vital capacity-    of providing us with exciting plans to
                                                                             building tool for          build our Peace Corps community. Stay
                                                                             our affiliates,            tuned!
                                                                             dramatically                   With great respect,
                                                                             enhancing the                  Glenn Blumhorst
                                                                             connectivity and
                                                                             engagement of              The author is NPCA’s president and chief
                                                                             our Peace Corps            executive officer. He served in Guatemala
                                                                             community.                 from 1988 to 1991. Glenn welcomes your
The newly elected chair of the NPCA board of directors is Maricarmen
Smith-Martinez, proudly wearing the colors of her country of service during
                                                                                 With an eye to         comments at
Peace Corps Connect's Walk for Peace in Washington, D.C. in 2016.            the future, NPCA’s

                                                                                                   WorldView ∙ Fall 2018 ∙ | 3

                                                        Turkey before the program closed in            about the documentary and the lives of
 HUNGRY FARMERS                                         1970. But Arkadaslar is still active and       some of those men (that was a decade
     To the Editor: I was impressed by                  doing very positive things. We have            before women were admitted to the
 Tony Kalm’s article in the Spring 2018                 some 300 paying members. We’ve                 college) who met the President that day as
 issue on “No More Hungry Farmers.” The                 contributed many thousands of dollars          he passed through the crowd, asking what
 campesinos we worked with in Colombia                  to worthy causes in Turkey, participated       their plans were after graduation. Her
 back in the 1960s shared many of the                   in earthquake relief, published a regular      husband, Ted Nelson, was one of a small
 frustrations experienced by those African              newsletter, held frequent reunions, and        group of undergraduates who chatted
 farmers in the many                                                     kept alive a very valuable    with Kennedy about their plans for
 nations served by Kalm’s                                                spirit. Time takes its        entering medical school and law school.
 One Acre Fund.                                                          toll, however, and our            “No, no, no you’re not,” Kennedy
     After my experience as                                              numbers dwindle.              replied. “You’re all going to join the Peace
 a Volunteer developing co-                                              Arkadaslar will cease its     Corps.” Those are the words that Ted
 ops in Colombia 1963 to                                                 formal operations at the      Nelson remembers changed his future.
 1965, I began a business                                                end of this year but it has   Several of those students did eventually
 career, first with Procter &                                            served a very valuable        follow Kennedy’s advice: five percent of
 Gamble in Cincinnati and                                                purpose.                      the elite school’s graduating class joined
 then with my own small                                                      In spite of the           the Peace Corps. Nelson spent three and
 manufacturing company                                                   relevance and success of      a half years in Turkey. Stephen Downs
 in Toronto. My Peace                                                    RPCV groups that have         went to India. The rest ended up in Brazil,
 Corps experience uniquely                                               been important in the         Kenya, Niger, Nigeria, Panama, and a
 equipped me to deal with                                                history of Peace Corps        training program in Hawaii. The Nelsons
 the many challenges I                                                   and the NPCA, they are        met in the Kingdom of Tonga a decade
 managed in that career. I                                               too seldom highlighted        later where Jan was a volunteer and Ted
 loved my Peace Corps year                                               in WorldView. This is         was a trainer.
 and married a wonderful                                                 an opportunity missed.            Decades later, these RPCVs returned
 woman who had served                                                    RPCV groups should get        to that hilltop campus in Massachusetts
 in the Peace Corps in Peru. Three of our               far more attention in WorldView.               as part of a committee from the Amherst
 children have made overseas service part               Ken Hill, Turkey, 65-67                        Class of ‘64 to create the documentary,
 of their lives, as well.                                                                              produced by Northern Light Productions,
     Thanks to WorldView, we re-live our                A GOOD RECRUITER                               a book of the same title, and a website
 Peace Corps experience and I’m sure                        At the October 1963 groundbreaking         about how the President changed the
 it helps currently serving Peace Corps                 of the Robert Frost Library on the hilltop     course of their lives.
 Volunteers do their work throughout the                campus of Amherst College, John F.                 See for more.
 world.                                                 Kennedy gave a speech about public             The Editors
 Jack Swenson, Colombia, 63-65                          service and the arts. Robert Frost, who
                                                        was a favorite poet of the President and       CORRECTIONS
 MORE GROUP NEWS                                        a member of the faculty, had died a year           In the Summer 2018 article,
     To the Editor: RPCV Groups—                        earlier. Kennedy was assassinated three        "International Book Recycling," the
 country, regional, program—are of                      weeks later.                                   magazine incorrectly reported the
 significant value. For the past 50 years,                  A documentary about the president’s        location of International Book Project.
 RPCV groups have had a very positive                   speech, “JFK: The Last Speech,” premiered      The 52-year-old nonprofit, which
 impact on Peace Corps, host countries,                 at the Kennedy Library in Boston in May        sends recycled and new books to
 NPCA, and…. RPCVs and staff. Yet, if                   of this year and was later broadcast on        schools and libraries in many of the
 you scan WorldView these days, you don’t               many PBS stations.                             world's underserved communities, is in
 find much about them—the “Our Impact”                      While some have called it one of           Lexington, Kentucky.
 column being a welcome exception in the                Kennedy’s best speeches, what he said              The article in the Spring, 2018 issue,
 Summer 2018 issue. In my view, this is a               afterward had a direct impact on the           "The Back of the Mosque," published
 missed opportunity for NPCA.                           lives and futures of many of the Amherst       the wrong years of Peace Corps service
     For myself and many of my colleagues               students present that day.                     of the author, Jade Wu. She served in
 who make up Arkadaslar (Friends of                         Jan Worth-Nelson, the editor of East       Malawi from 1995 to 1997 and is now an
 Turkey) this matter has particular                     Village Magazine in Flint, Michigan wrote      independent contractor in Washington,
 relevance. Over 1400 of us served in                   a summary for Peace Corps Worldwide            D.C.

4 | WorldView ∙ Fall 2018 ∙ National Peace Corps Association
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                                                                    WorldView ∙ Fall 2018 ∙ | 5

 RAISING YOUR VOICE                                                                                   1,000 news websites. The PCC4Refugees
                                                                                                      also mobilized its membership to oppose
 Affiliates join media debate, launch new web sites                                                   the nomination of Ronald Mortensen as
                                                                                                      assistant secretary of state for refugee
 By Meisha Robinson                                                                                   and migration affairs. More than 100

                                                                                                      RPCVs from 27 states wrote letters to
    t’s not just a promise in our mission              the Iran Nuclear Agreement by writing          their U.S. senators in opposition to the
    statement. NPCA champions a                        letters to their U.S. senators and local       nomination. An important letter to the
    lifelong commitment to Peace Corps                 newspapers. Three op-eds and 10 letters        editor opposing Mortensen also appeared
    ideals. Bringing that mission to life,             to the editor were published, two of them      in Mortensen’s home state of Utah.
 we actively and successfully engage in                in The Washington Post. A group video
 community-based projects that produce                 that focused on the respect they have as
 global giving that’s efficient, transparent           RPCVs for the people, history and culture
                                                                                                      These media efforts
 and effective. NPCA operates through                  of Iran received more than 4,500 views on      further promoted her
 many touchpoints, including to make                   Facebook and YouTube.                          as this year’s national
 the world a better place with our                         Meanwhile, the Peace Corps
 Community Builder Platform and a                      Community for Refugees gave media              spokesperson for refugee
 special media engagement grant.                       support to Mandy Manning, an RPCV              and immigrant students
                                                       who was chosen National Teacher of the
 Advocates appeal through the press                    Year for her success teaching immigrant
                                                                                                      in our schools.
     Two affiliates are engaging in public             and refugee high school students in
 debates on issues that concern them                   Spokane, Washington. These media                   Also through the grant, NPCA
 greatly. They received guidance by an                 efforts further promoted her as a              Advocacy Director Jonathan Pearson
 NPCA consultant whose work is funded                  spokesperson for refugee and immigrant         traveled to Kentucky and conducted
 by a grant to raise public awareness and              students in our schools. PCC4Refugees          four workshops across the state, training
 increase engagement with the media by                 also organized a national media                Returned Peace Corps Volunteers on
 the greater Peace Corps Community.                    conference call on June 18 to focus public     advocacy strategies to engage citizens
     The media consultant helped Peace                 attention on the Trump administration’s        on local, national, and global issues.
 Corps Iran Association members launch a               severe cutbacks in refugee admissions.         The Kentucky Peace Corps Association
 campaign to oppose U.S. withdrawal from               The briefing featured experts from three       initiated a mini-grant program to
                                                                               refugee agencies       promote the importance of international
                                                                               and was attended       diplomacy, development and cooperation.
                                                                               by seven media         Six projects being planned this fall in five
                                                                               representatives        Kentucky cities have been approved for
                                                                               including reporters    funding.
                                                                               from the Associated        RPCVs attending the August 23-25
                                                                               Press, National        Peace Corps Connect gathering at the
                                                                               Public Radio,          Shawnee Institute participated in two
                                                                               Reuters, and CBS       media training workshops conducted
                                                                               Radio.                 by the consultant, Michael Kiernan,
                                                                                   Following          a former journalist with 25 years of
                                                                               the media call,        experience directing media relations and
                                                                               AP conducted a         public affairs for major non-government
                                                                               follow-up interview    organizations.
                                                                               with one of the
                                                                               experts, Kay Bellor,   Expanding our Internet
                                                                               from Lutheran              NPCA’s Community Builder Platform
                                                                               Immigration and        is an online association management
 RPCVs in Covington, Kentucky, reviewed strategies for effective advocacy      Refugee Services.      system that was designed specifically
 during a Global Issues Advocacy 101 training at the Center for Great
 Neighborhoods. The session was led by NPCA advocacy director Jonathan
                                                                               The  story quoting     for NPCA’s more than 180 affiliate
 Pearson during one of his four July meetings with Kentucky affiliates to      Bellor ran the next    groups. The platform increases their
 hone their citizen advocacy skills for pending campaigns.                     day on more than

6 | WorldView ∙ Fall 2018 ∙ National Peace Corps Association

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visibility, engagement, capacity, and                                                                                    GLOBAL HEALTH
 impact and features a customizable
 website, membership database,
 fundraising and payment processing
 center, communications tools, and
 events calendar. With 36 groups now
 connected through this nation-wide,
                                                                                       FOUR STORIES
                                                                                       FROM AFRICA
 integrated platform, all groups that have
 launched their new websites thus far have
 increased their membership, engagement,

 and donations. These groups have also
 increased their productivity and lightened                                                       erving in Peace Corps is an           Lilienthal’s hope to create a camp in
 their workload while using our platform’s                                                        awakening, but sometimes          Soweto came true in 2003. Over eight
 dynamic mailing lists and reports,                                                               it takes decades to make          days at Camp Sizanani, thousands of
 customizable automatic notifications, and                                                        something happen. It took         children of Soweto have learned to cope
 real-time membership updates.                                                                    that long for Phil Lilienthal,    with the emotional, physical and social
     With training and support from                                                    a Washington, D.C. lawyer, to build          challenges of HIV/AIDS and a host of
 NPCA’s community technology systems                                                   his summer camp for South African            health problems. His camp is one of
 coordinator, Elizabeth (Ella) Dowell,                                                 children. He writes that even with a         several stories we offer in this report on
 these groups are producing beautiful,                                                 couple of shopping malls and a few good      global health.
 modern, mobile-friendly websites.                                                     roads, Soweto is still a sprawling former        Bronx emergency room technician
 Susan Robinson, communications                                                        township with a large number of residents    Aaron Hochman-Zimmerman decided
 director for NPCA’s 2018 Ruppe Award-                                                 who “still live in squatter shacks without   to study medicine in Beersheva, Israel
 winning group Cincinnati Area Returned                                                sewage, electricity, or running water.”      and on three continents and in other
 Volunteers (CARV), had never made a                                                                                                languages. “Muslim and Jewish doctors
                                                     Action Image/Bob Martin/REUTERS

 website before, but thanks to the user-                                                                                            and nurses eat lunch together at the
 friendliness of the platform, she created                                                                                          hospital cafeteria," he writes. "They
 CARV’s new website. Now she’s blogging                                                                                             speak Hebrew even though their original
 the steps in CARV’s promising journey to                                                                                           languages may be English and Arabic,
 resettling a Syrian refugee family.                                                                                                Russian or Amharic.”
     Our website’s new platform fostered                                                                                                In 1985 Taryn Vian organized
 an alliance between Peace Corps Alliance                                                                                           fundraising for a health clinic in
 for Intercultural Understanding and                                                                                                Ndzandouan, Cameroon. “There were 13
 Friends of Afghanistan to partner with                                                                                             wooden doors stacked on the large truck,
 Code to Inspire, a coding school for                                                                                               but the blueprints for the health center
 women in Afghanistan, to develop a                                                                                                 only showed eight doors,” she recalls. This
 website on NPCA’s Community Builder                                                                                                experience led her to an academic and
 Platform. These groups are now getting                                                                                             activist career searching and calling out
 development assistance from talented                                                                                               the varieties of greed and corruption that
 young coders in Afghanistan and                                                                                                    undermine the promise of better health
 providing these young women real-world                                                                                             care in many countries.
 application of their new skills.                                                                                                       When major trucking firms in Africa
     To learn more about these projects                                                                                             discovered their drivers were dying of
 visit                                                                                                    AIDS, Robin Landis writes that she and
                                                                                                                                    some colleagues at the UN’s World Food
 Meisha Robinson is NPCA communications                                                                                             Programme retrofitted 50 shipping
 director and founding director of I Am. We                                                                                         containers to build awareness and to
 Are, a youth empowerment organization in                                                                                           treat the epidemic. The blue steel boxes
 South Africa’s Royal Bafokeng Nation. She                                                                                          eventually became roadside health clinics
 served in Benin (00-02) and as a Peace Corps                                                                                       for larger populations.
 Response Volunteer for Special Olympics
 South Africa in in 2012.                                                                                                              The Editors

8 | WorldView ∙ Fall 2018 ∙ National Peace Corps Association

CAMPING SKILLS                                                                                           the Peace Corps, had three children born
                                                                                                         in different countries, and opened a law
                                                                                                         practice. When my father died a few years
Inventing a summer camp in Soweto                                                                        later, I became Camp Winnebago’s third
By Phil Lilienthal                                                                                       owner and director.

                                                                                                             For many years I insisted I would
       was 62 years old and had already              John Coyne, told me, I jumped at the                return to Africa and open youth
       given up my law practice for the              opportunity. Thinking how brilliant I               development camps. Finally, a good
       life of a camp director when, in              was, I did a straight transfer from my              friend said, “Are you going to do it or just
       2003, I took off for the month of             Winnebago experience with all the same              talk about it?” My oldest son, Andy, who
       May to travel through South Africa,           traditions, substituted “Camp Langano”              was born in Ethiopia, said he would run
Botswana, and Kenya to look for a partner            for “Winnebago” and even kept the same              Winnebago.
on the ground with whom to start youth               college fight song melodies. The results                Three years later, I was on a plane to
camps for local kids.                                were surprisingly powerful, especially              find business partners and sites in Africa.
    I grew up a camp brat. My father                 to one who thought summer camps                     I had a friend in Botswana who worked
was made a junior partner at Camp                    were a U.S. preserve and they might                 with me in Thailand, a friend of a friend
Winnebago in Maine and I grew up there.              not be adaptable to Ethiopia. Little did            in Kenya, and a sense that the financial
I loved that camp and                                                                                                        engine of South Africa
                            MARC ALTMAN

Maine, spent two                                                                                                             should not be ignored.
summers as a counselor
and always pointed to                                                                                                               In the time of AIDS
that as a lifestyle and                                                                                                                 In 2003 HIV/
career. Our camp was                                                                                                                AIDS had emerged as
too small to occupy my                                                                                                              a major health crisis
father full-time so he                                                                                                              for South Africa’s 50
was a part-time lawyer                                                                                                              million people with
when he wasn’t engaged                                                                                                              more HIV positive
in camp. I would follow                                                                                                             people than any
suit.                                                                                                                               country in the world,
    After I graduated                                                                                                               an unenviable honor.
from law school and my                                                                                                              The epidemic was
wife, Lynn, graduated                                                                                                               made worse by family
with a master’s in                                                                                                                  taboos on talking
social work, we went                                                                                                                about it. We knew
to Ethiopia as Peace                                                                                                                we had to break that
Corps Volunteers. I was                                                                                                             taboo and avoid
assigned to government                                                                                                              parent/family groups
ministries, ostensibly                                                                                                              rising up in arms
to replace local lawyers      Counselor Odette Mgidi greets a session of Soweto children to Camp Sizanani’s eight-day life          against us but I also
who would be attending skills camp. The residential camp uses the grounds of six schools in the region. Ross Coleman is a           worried about local
law school under a Ford counselor from the United States. Some South African counselors work at U.S. camps.                         repercussions.
Foundation program                                                                                                                      My South African
to teach the newly consolidated and                  I realize how universal camp principles                 counterpart, Michelle Schirn, said not to
codified laws to local lawyers. Lynn made            of teamwork, cooperation, trust, skill                  worry. She was right. After 15 years, 8,700
her own program, working at the local                development, and living simply could be.                kids have gone through our program
prison, the Cheshire Home for mentally                   I ran Camp Langano for two years                    and we have yet to have any pushback
and physically disabled children, and the            and gave it to the local YMCA when I left.              regarding subject material.
mental hospital.                                     They ran it for seven more years until a                    At Global Camps Africa we focus on
    Six months after we got there, the               violent Marxist revolution shut down any                HIV/AIDS, sexuality, and a list of other
Ethiopian government asked Peace Corps               independent youth development projects.                 crucial life skills: gender bias, abusive
for help in starting a summer camp.                      My wife and I returned home and                     behaviors, alcohol, drugs, crime, self-
When our associate Peace Corps director,             worked in Washington, DC and abroad for                 esteem, teen pregnancy and parenting,

                                                                                                         ∙ Summer
                                                                                                                ∙ Fall2018   ∙| | 9
and xenophobia. In addition to HIV                  disadvantaged schools, youth centers,                  and a graduate degree. She works in the
 infections, we discuss other sexually               and orphanages. We limit our campers to                public affairs office of a large nonprofit.
 transmitted diseases such as chlamydia,             one eight-day session and most sessions                    Many campers have carved lives for
 gonorrhea, and syphilis. This is all in just        are residential though we offer occasional             themselves beyond what they or their
 eight days. It often takes evening sessions         day camps. Because they can’t qualify for              families thought was possible. Because of
 to handle all the questions we face once            another eight-day camp, we offer youth                 resiliency and self-empowerment, they
 we open the door.                                   clubs that meet in their neighborhoods                 learn initially from their camp experience
      We also have sports, swimming, arts            every other Saturday throughout the                    and know that their future is in their own
 and crafts, theater, nutrition, and yoga            year. We offer a full year’s curriculum of             hands. Most have acted accordingly.
 every day for an hour for each activity.            life skills, but they can stay after the year.             Dennis is an orphan who survived a
      We opened Camp Sizanani with our               The clubs as well as camp are free for the             tough childhood—even by South African
 first partner in Soweto. We transported             campers.                                               standards. Adults punished him by
 the campers and                                                                                                                  pouring boiling water
 counselors to a camp                        For many years I insisted I would return to Africa                                   on his feet. Despite
 site about 90 minutes                       and open youth development camps. Finally, a                                         this, he has become
 away.                                                                                                                            one of the more
      A word about                           good friend said, “Are you going to do it or just talk                               sensitive counselors.
 Soweto. A sprawling                         about it?”                                                                           He has also started
 former township in                                                                                                               his own clothing
                           PHIL LILIENTHAL

 the mining belt of                                                                                                               manufacturing
 Gauteng Province                                                                                                                 business. Although
 and once the                                                                                                                     barely able to support
 political hotbed of                                                                                                              himself, he buys
 the anti-apartheid                                                                                                               shoes for needy
 movement, Soweto                                                                                                                 children.
 has a reputation akin
 to New York City’s                                                                                                               Relying on local
 Harlem. There are                                                                                                                counselors
 many elements in this                                                                                                                I have learned
 Baltimore-sized area.                                                                                                            more than ever
 Like Harlem, Soweto                                                                                                              that staff quality
 has its upper crust                                                                                                              determines the power
 and has become more                                                                                                              of camp. Leadership
 gentrified. Soweto has                                                                                                           must be strong, but
 two large shopping                                                                                                               the policies can’t be
 malls and paved roads.                                                                                                           conveyed without
 It has a population of                                                                                                           a strong counselor
 three to four million.                                                                                                           staff. Over the years,
 Even with these signs                                                                                                            we have achieved a
 of economic progress Like many U.S. camps, Sizanani creates a joyful atmosphere for learning and to address crucial              staff I am proud of.
 in Soweto, a large         Soweto concerns such as HIV/AIDS, sexuality, gender bias, abusive behaviors, alcohol, drugs, crime,  Most of them are
                            self-esteem, teen pregnancy, parenting, and xenophobia.
 number of residents                                                                                                             from Soweto and had
 still live in squatter                                                                                                          no camp experience
 shacks without sewage, electricity, or                   Many of these campers have turned                 before coming to us.
 running water.                                      their expectations of life around as a                     Many of our counselors are former
      Soweto is comprised of many                    result of what they discovered they can do             campers. We have a chance to evaluate
 neighborhoods with their own                        during a camp experience. Once blinders                them as they go through our Youth Club
 characteristics and hundreds of thousands           are taken away, the campers learn what                 program and can employ those most
 of underserved kids, more than we could             can be available if they apply themselves              effective as counselors.
 ever serve—and it remains the base from             and learn how the system works.                            Whether we are tapping into a need
 which we draw most of our campers and                    Phili completed our camp in 2004, got             or simply providing a modest source of
 counselors. We invite kids from the most            financial aid to a private school, college,            temporary employment and income,

10 | WorldView ∙ Fall 2018 ∙ National Peace Corps Association
counselors sometimes pass up permanent                   younger children. When these children                 To be accredited, we must have only
jobs in order to work at camp. At most                   age up to 13 to 15 years of age, they            counselors who have passed a nationwide
this would give them three-session camps                 come to camp. We find that there is little       12th-grade exam. Many of our counselors
of 12 days: four days of training and eight              difference between what they get from            had to drop out of high school for a
days of camp, in addition to 18 days at                  camp compared to campers completely              variety of reasons, so we need to make
Youth Club.                                              new to the program.                              it attractive for them to return to school
    Global Camps Africa also offer                           We have received three AIDS-                 to pass the exam. This is proving more
counselors the chance for international                  reduction contracts under PEPFAR, the            difficult than we had thought it would be.
experience. Many U.S. camps look for                     marvelous U.S. government effort. The                 We have worked with groups in
counselors from                                                                                                                   Zambia, Lesotho,
other countries                           At Global Camps Africa we focus on HIV/AIDS and                                         Zimbabwe and
and will pay all                          sexuality and a list of other crucial life skills: gender                               Uganda. We are
expenses and a good                                                                                                               also considering
salary by South                           bias, abusive behaviors, alcohol, drugs, crime,                                         requests to work
African standards.                        self-esteem, teen pregnancy and parenting, and                                          with girls and boys
We provide those                                                                                                                  traumatized by many
camps with trained
                                          xenophobia.                                                                             years of violence and
and experienced                                                                                                                   displacement during
                        PHIL LILIENTHAL

counselors from                                                                                                                  the Boko Haram
South Africa. For                                                                                                                insurgency in Niger
our counselors,                                                                                                                  and Nigeria.
getting to the U.S.                                                                                                                  We believe
can be a dream                                                                                                                   camps have a prime
come true. Some have                                                                                                             role to play in the
been back several                                                                                                                future of youth
times. They truly find                                                                                                           development. The
a home away from                                                                                                                 power to influence
home.                                                                                                                            lives of young people
                                                                                                                                 in a positive way
Camp operation                                                                                                                   has great potential.
gets complicated                                                                                                                 The possibilities are
    Management of                                                                                                                limitless and the
the camp and club                                                                                                                opportunities are
programs remains                                                                                                                 attractive for anyone
the responsibility                                                                                                               who has ever been to
of South Africans.                                                                                                               camp or worked in a
We hired a country                                                                                                               camp. Using a good
director, backed by        Lilienthal’s non-profit Global Camps Africa uses the grounds of Bekker School and five other schools camping experience
                           outside of Soweto for sessions of Sizanani’s residential camp program.
a strong local board                                                                                                             to change the course
of directors. We raise                                                                                                           of children’s lives is a
the bulk of our funding in the United                  two training programs and nine camps               powerful way to make one’s life more full.
States but want to change that.                        that operated around South Africa were
    Our Saturday youth clubs were                      all great successes.                               Phil Lilienthal served as a PCV in Ethiopia
designed as clubs for those who had                         We hope to have the camp and club             from 1965 to 1967, was staff in Washington
completed the eight-day camp. However,                 operation run with South African money             headquarters and in the Philippines and
many needed to care for younger siblings               in the next two years. This presents               Thailand between 1968 and 1974, and
and brought them to clubs. When we saw                 interesting and unforeseen challenges for          is president and founder of Global Camps
the numbers of non-campers exceed the                  us. The South African government has               Africa, an independent South Africa non-
camp graduates, we decided to apply for                established an accreditation program to            profit.
a grant to develop a life skills curriculum            vet NGOs, thereby avoiding and stopping
for younger children. With a grant from                the flood of financial scams by some
LinkedIn, we developed a curriculum for                organizations in South Africa.

                                                                                                      WorldView ∙ Fall 2018 ∙ | 11

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12 | WorldView ∙ Fall 2018 ∙ National Peace Corps Association
In a truck yard in Tunduma, Tanzania, a young mother and her children receive comprehensive medical care at the Blue Box Clinic. The clinic is one of 50
operated by North Star Alliance along African roads where HIV prevention for truck drivers has expanded to more health services for African populations.

Fighting HIV on the road led to 50 mobile clinics across Africa
By Robin Landis

        n 2003, the southern Africa region          the agency struggled to find enough                  throughout Africa. Men who were away
        was facing an unprecedented                 healthy truck drivers. At the same time,             from their wives and on the road for
        humanitarian crisis caused by               one of WFP’s corporate partners, TNT, the            weeks at a stretch often fought boredom
        widespread drought, fueled by weak          global transport and logistics company,              and loneliness in the company of local sex
        governance, and an extraordinarily          was attempting to expand its business in             workers. Many women facing hunger and
high HIV prevalence; up to 40 percent in            the region. They soon found that the road            poverty with no other way to feed their
some countries. An estimated 14 million             transport sector suffered from a lack of             family had turned to sex work to make
people across six countries—Lesotho,                workers. Some transport companies in                 ends meet.
Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, Zambia               the region reported that they had lost 50                While research revealed the
and Zimbabwe—faced food shortages and               percent of their workforce to AIDS. Long-            relationship between food insecurity
six million of those urgently needed food           distance truck drivers were especially               and HIV infection, a gap remained
relief.                                             impacted.                                            in accessible healthcare for these two
    The U.N. World Food Programme                       The link between truck drivers                   populations. Truck drivers and sex
geared up to deliver massive amounts                and sex workers was long known as a                  workers were frequently deemed hard
of emergency food relief to these                   contributing factor in the high rates of             to reach for HIV prevention because of
communities, but for the first time ever            HIV transmission along the corridors                 their constant mobility. The associated

                                                                                                       ∙ Summer
                                                                                                              ∙ Fall2018   ∙| | 13
social stigma of                                                                                                                  and treatment;

                          GARETH BENTLEY/NORTH STAR ALLIANCE
 AIDS made health                                                                                                                  HIV counseling,
 service delivery                                                                                                                  testing, PrEP and
 challenging, if not                                                                                                               antiretroviral
 impossible.                                                                                                                       therapy; male and
     By joining                                                                                                                    female condoms;
 forces to tackle a                                                                                                                laboratory testing;
 common problem,                                                                                                                   referrals to partner
 the commercial                                                                                                                    healthcare providers;
 and humanitarian                                                                                                                  information
 transport actors—                                                                                                                 on sexual and
 TNT and WFP—                                                                                                                      reproductive health
 took the first                                                                                                                    and rights; Star
 step on the road to                                                                                                               Driver Loyalty
 potentially change                                                                                                                Program for truck
 the course of public                                                                                                              drivers; education
 health for mobile                                                                                                                 and behavior change
 populations.                                                                                                                      communication;
                                                                                                                                   outreach activities;
 At the crossroads                                                                                                                 and training of
 of health                                                                                                                         peer educators. An
 and mobility                                                                                                                      encrypted health
      North Star                                                                                                                   database that makes
 Alliance is a public-                                                                                                             patient records
 private partnership                                                                                                               available at every
 that provides                                                                                                                     clinic in the network
 quality healthcare                                                                                                                ensures individual
 to mobile workers                                                                                                                 continuity of care.
 and the communities with whom they                            They soon found that                             As more and more people move for
 interact. It started in 2006 as a practical                                                                work, recreation, and safety reasons, the
 workplace response to the impact of the
                                                               the road transport sector                    risk of communicable diseases spreading
 AIDS epidemic in southern Africa. It has                      in general suffered from                     across national borders increases. People
 matured into a multinational organization
 and recognized leader in delivering
                                                               a lack of workers.                           who leave their homes behind and are
                                                                                                            away for prolonged periods of time are
 frontline health services that meet                           concerns like flu and colds, headaches,      often beyond the reach of traditional
 industry, public health, and individual                       hemorrhoids, hypertension, and malaria.      health services—making them more
 needs.                                                        Many of the female sex workers who came      vulnerable to illness and more likely to
      From the pilot roadside ‘wellness                        to the clinics quickly took responsibility   take health risks.
 center’ in Malawi in 2005 that offered                        for telling others and distributing              Of course, it is not only HIV and other
 little more than free condoms and                             condoms and prevention information. As       STIs that move freely across borders.
 information, the North Star network                           the number of clients rapidly increased,     While the most recent Ebola outbreak in
 currently consists of nearly 50 clinics                       it became apparent that the clinics          the Democratic Republic of Congo is now
 across 13 African countries offering a mix                    were drawing from the surrounding            contained with no indication that anyone
 of prevention, treatment and referrals,                       communities. In some cases, community        carried the virus out of the country,
 community outreach, and outpatient care.                      members outnumbered truck drivers and        taking services to where people are rather
 Stand alone ‘blue box’ clinics made from                      sex workers. Instead of turning people       than waiting for them to come presents a
 converted shipping containers outfitted                       away, North Star strengthened their          highly relevant approach to Ebola control
 with equipment for testing and screening                      partner referrals, created links to other    and pandemic planning in general.
 are strategically placed at busy truck                        local services, and added community
 stops.                                                        outreach.                                    Lead from the ground up
                                                                   What began as a way to get HIV               North Star likes to say that one of its
 Listening and responding                                      prevention into the hands of truck           strengths is recognizing their weakness: it
     It wasn’t long after the first clinics                    drivers now provides an expanded             cannot achieve its mission alone. Bringing
 were up and running that health                               package of primary healthcare including      essential healthcare to mobile populations
 staff reported their male clients were                        malaria, tuberculosis, and emerging          and the communities with which it
 requesting treatment for occupational                         non-communicable diseases; STI testing       interacts requires all hands on deck.

14 | WorldView ∙ Fall 2018 ∙ National Peace Corps Association
What began as a way to get HIV prevention into                                                                those they encounter along the way.
                                    the hands of truck drivers now provides … primary                                                             And in doing so, the same people who
                                                                                                                                                  once were heavily subjected to judgment
                                    healthcare, including malaria, tuberculosis, and                                                              and blame are now leading the way to
                                    emerging non-communicable diseases… information                                                               healthier communities.

                                    on sexual and reproductive health and rights…                                                                 Change can be hard
                                                                                                                                                      The partnership between WFP
                                    The U.N. World Health Organization’s                   deliver services. But the investment in                and TNT began as an unconventional
                                    HIV strategy addresses a range of health               the community goes well beyond that.                   cooperation between a large humanitarian
                                    challenges and provides direction for                  Through dedicated programs such as                     agency and one of the world’s largest
                                    ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030. To                   Star Driver and Hands Off!, thousands                  logistics companies trying to spread a
                                    achieve this ambitious target throughout               of truck drivers and sex workers have                  successful health delivery innovation
                                    the transport sector, regional, national,              received education and training with                   via a small South African NGO, Ikaheng.
                                    and local health authorities, transport                many taking on roles as peer educators,                TNT’s charismatic chief executive officer
                                    owners, trade unions, academia, civil                  outreach workers, and role models.                     hit it off with WFP’s executive director
                                    society and, of course, the key populations                Now in its second decade, North Star               and a blended project team was created
                                    themselves, must work together.                        Alliance has shown that communities,                   to test the concept. Momentum grew
                                         From the outset, North Star aligned               peers, and partners can create a powerful              fast from early success, which sparked a
                                    its activities with public health authorities          response that continually adapts to the                commitment to expand the model and
                                    and relied on hiring local expertise to                health needs of mobile populations and                 drew the attention of massive health and

                                    A North Star clinician in Maai Mahiu, Kenya, conducts daily outreach among truck drivers and sex workers along one of dozens of Africa’s busiest freight routes.

                                                                                                                                       WorldView∙ Summer
                                                                                                                                                  ∙ Summer2018   ∙| | 15
                                                                                  development partners. The name came

                                                                                  from a midnight teleconference call.
                                                                                  North Star Foundation (later changed

                                                                                  to North Star Alliance) was announced
                                                                                  the next morning and within 48 hours,

                                                                                  President Bill Clinton launched the
                                                                                  official partnership at the first Clinton
                                                                                  Global Initiative conference.
                                                                                      It was not long before the road got
     with a belief in the common good?                                            bumpy as the partners struggled to learn
                                                                                  each other’s “language” and build trust.
     You’re positive that regardless of race, gender, or
                                                                                  Initially, TNT didn’t fully comprehend
     geographic location, good health is a universal right
     for all mankind.                                                             the social, cultural, and political aspects
                                                                                  of HIV and of AIDS. It was eager to take
     You’re a fighter. A voice for the voiceless; an advocate
     for the weak; a catalyst for change.
                                                                                  a calculated risk and had the funds to get
                                                                                  the project off and running. TNT became
     You’re the kind of person who needs a career that reflects                   impatient with WFP’s comparatively
     your passion.
                                                                                  slow action and lengthy consultation
                                                                                  with field staff and others on the ground.
     The world needs a person like you.                                           Endless discussions turned into debates,
     Start your career at the USF College of Public Health
                                                                                  debates became heated arguments. A
                                                                                  meeting to identify the sources of the
              PAUL D. COVERDELL FELLOWS PROGRAM                                   conflict degenerated into a yelling match
                                                                                  that forced an almost-fatal walkout. The
                                                                     practice     social entrepreneur in South Africa grew

                                                                  our passion.
                                                                  is         TM
                                                                                  impatient with it all and threatened to
                                                                                  pull out.
                                                                                      At the outset, the involved
                                                                                  institutions shared a commitment to
                                                                                  protect the transport workforce. It was
                                                                                  a touchstone when things got wobbly.
                                                                                  At each turn, they took the time to
                                                                                  understand each other’s perspectives.
                                                                                  They forgave each other… a lot. They
                                                                                  learned to trust each other’s motives.
                                                                                  WFP’s humanitarian mission, TNT’s
                                                                                  business acumen, and Ikaheng’s
                                                                                  innovative experience created a winning
                                                                                  partnership. All parties kept in mind a
                                                                                  popular saying adopted by South African
                                                                                  rights advocates: Nothing about us without
                                                                                  us. It reminded them of whom they
                                                                                  wanted to serve, how to reach them,
                                                                                  and who would lead the way. Just short
                                                                                  of 10 years of operation, WFP and TNT
                                                                                  recognized North Star needed to evolve
                                                                                  without them, and that the power of
                                                                                  many is the key to sustainability.

                                                                                  Robin Landis (Sierra Leone, 83-86) was an
                                                                                  HIV/AIDS policy advisor for WFP and part of
                                                                                  the original team from which the partnership

16 | WorldView ∙ Fall 2018 ∙ National Peace Corps Association

It started on Long Island and in the High Atlas
By Aaron Hochman-Zimmerman

               few years ago, I worked       do. I thought it would fit well with my          with white at the top and changed shades
               nights and weekends on        journalism career. But when the Peace            on the way down as exposed sediment of
               an ambulance crew as          Corps recruiter asked how I handled a            reds, tans and browns gave way to small
               an Emergency Medical          stressful situation, I thought about that        grasses and then almond and apple trees
               Technician in Manhattan       rainy night on Amsterdam Avenue.                 along the river valley. Above, where the
and the Bronx in New York City. One              That seemed more interesting to my           mud brick houses were built, little water
rainy night, an elderly lady was hit by      Peace Corps interviewer than my job              sources trickled right out of the rock,
a car crossing Amsterdam Avenue. We          writing financial news, so I became a            as if by some miracle water could come
took the call in the last minutes of our     health volunteer in the High Atlas village       straight from rocks. I hoped it was as
shift and got there seconds before a         of Ait Boulli, Morocco. That was the first       much a source for pure thought as it was
range of other first-responders arrived.     step on my struggle to decide if I could         for pure water.
My adrenalin was high, the patient was       give up journalism for something else.               I loved being an EMT. I loved training
moaning, unable to speak, and the family         One day in Ait Boulli, I felt I needed       and learning from the Moroccan Red
was desperate.                               some fresh air, so I went out back, hiked        Crescent and the local ambulance drivers.
    Wiping rain out of my eyes, I tried      up the mountain that rose behind the             Maybe I should stick to medicine, I
to stabilize an exposed-bone femur           village, and changed my mind about               thought, but it would mean years more of
fracture while receiving instruction and     writing. I needed a better view… of              school and a ton of money. Adding up the
encouragement at a rather high volume        everything. I climbed as high as I could.        pros and cons, only one path was clear for
from a fire department lieutenant. He                                                         me to follow.
pushed us to move faster and faster                                                               The decision made itself--med school.
while members of the victim’s family                                                          I would grit my teeth and prepared
kept asking questions and trying to help.                                                     to become a science and math guy. I
Finally, we had done what we could and                                                        desperately wanted to nurture what I had
were on the road to the hospital, the                                                         learned in Morocco: that not everyone
injured woman and her family in the back                                                      sees life or good health the same way.
of the ambulance with us.                                                                     Some people think that ‘less is more’
    I don’t know what happened to the                                                         when it comes to medical treatment and
woman. Ambulance crews almost never                                                           some people want the whole menu of
hear the end of the story. We hope for the                                                    medications and therapies.
best but once the hospital doctors take                                                           Then there was another interview, but
over, we clean up our ambulance and head                                                      this time with a woman staffing a booth
back out on the street.                                                                       a Columbia University career fair. She
    However, my chosen career was that                                                        described the global health curriculum
of a journalist. I’d been a copywriter                                                        at the Medical School for International
and a reporter struggling through the                                                         Health at Ben-Gurion University of
early years of freelancing and working                                                        the Negev, in Beersheva, Israel. The
for a small financial news website.                                                           school offered a two-month training
But the problem was that every time                                                           clerkship in low/mid-income countries
I thought I had something to write, I                                                         like India, Sri Lanka, Peru, or Mexico
couldn’t figure out how to make the story                                                     where medical students would learn from
interesting to strangers, how to market      From high on that mountain in Morocco,           staff doctors and, when language and
the manuscripts, or how to monetize my       untethered from the world below, I               medical knowledge permitted, would
journalism.                                  experienced a level of clear thought             actually practice medicine. The idea of the
                                             that was unattainable elsewhere. My              overseas clerkship made me appreciate
Exit the reporter                            village’s backyard mountains made for a          that they were serious about global
   Peace Corps service was also              staggeringly beautiful backdrop. The sky         health, that it would be more than just a
something that I had always wanted to        was pure blue, but the mountains began           few hollow lectures.

                                                                                            ∙ Summer
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She asked in a skeptical tone, “…is that                Our classroom lectures are all in        their homes by violence and felt lost
 something you think you could handle?”                 English, but we’ve learned to work with      without food, shelter, and medical care.
    With what I hope wasn’t too cocky a                 patients and staff in several languages.     Without regular, long-term supplies of
 smile, I told her: “I think I can manage.”             My Arabic is better than it was in           their medicines, most of them suffered
                                                        Morocco. I often speak in French and         from diabetes and hypertension. Some
 Complex of cultures                                    my parents are proud that my Hebrew is       had conditions we could treat. For others,
     I felt drawn to the thought of studying            better than theirs ever was.                 all we could do is provide advice. Still, we
 medicine overseas, in Israel, and on                       Working day to day at Beersheva’s        wanted them to know we were concerned
 the campus at Ben-Gurion University                    Soroka Hospital, we can see very clearly     about their well-being.
 at Soroka Hospital where the patients                  how culture influences medicine, what            We were not fluent in Arabic so
 receive treatment for especially rare                  good health means to different people,       we worked with interpreters. It was a
 congenital and infectious diseases and                 and how doctors constantly find ways         frustrating experience but I think these
 speak such languages as Hebrew, Arabic,                to weave science and faith, finance, and     refugees wanted someone to listen. And
 Russian, and Amharic.                                  circumstance together. Some patients         we listened to a lot of stories.
     Ben-Gurion accepted my application                 make greater demands of the staff and
 to study medicine. It all seemed like                  have challenging questions and high          Your left is my right
 a Peace Corps dream. But something                     expectations. Others take a fatalist             Occasionally, it is a medical student’s
 concerned me that I was embarrassed                    approach, have no questions, and quietly     duty to act as a model patient so other
 to admit to myself. I was concerned that               accept whatever we recommend along           students can learn. It was my turn
 studying in Israel would make it difficult             with its result, including their deaths or   when a few dozen Palestinian doctors
 for me to work in Muslim countries and                 that of family members.                      visited Soroka Hospital to train in
 that non-government organizations and                      Despite my early fears that I would      echocardiography. They poked me in the
 the embassy officers who issue visas to                be unable to work with Muslim patients,      ribs with an ultrasound probe so many
 other countries would object to an Israeli             I have worked with the local Bedouin         times I started showing bruises. When
                                                                                                     they realized I was uncomfortable, each of
 Despite my early fears that it could be difficult to                                                them apologized.
 work with Muslim patients … I taught English to                                                         I smiled and said, “Mafey mushkile.”
                                                                                                     No problem, in Arabic. They chuckled and
 Bedouin high school students, I’ve worked in Jordan,                                                smiled.
 presented research at a conference in Cairo and                                                         I worked for three weeks with a
                                                                                                     group of Italian medical students in the
 worked with doctors at training seminars in the West                                                understaffed emergency department of
 Bank and Gaza.                                                                                      a hospital in Kampala, Uganda. Many of
                                                                                                     our patients had suffered deep lacerations
 degree. Still, I applied and accepted Ben-             communities, on weekends I have taught       from accidents riding on boda boda,
 Gurion’s invitation to study there.                    English to Bedouin high school students,     motorcycles, that required sutures.
     It turned out that many cultural                   I have worked in Jordan, presented               Two of us created our own specialty
 differences come together to make a                    research at a conference in Cairo and        suturing team. Roberta spoke excellent
 medical degree from this small city of                 worked with doctors at training seminars     English but she was having trouble
 Beersheva what it is. Muslim and Jewish                in the West Bank and Gaza.                   keeping her left hand and right hand
 doctors and nurses eat lunch together at                    Once in a while, a few of us in the     straight in English. So I reminded her
 the hospital cafeteria. They speak Hebrew              medical program take an overnight bus        with my best Italian “sinistra” and
 even though their original languages                   through Nazareth to Jordan to offer          “destra.”
 may be English and Arabic, Russian                     triage care to Syrian refugees staying           For the doctor and the patient, sutures
 or Amharic. The food they eat rotates                  outside the U.N. camps. Our Iraqi and        can be difficult and uncomfortable,
 between Russian, Moroccan, and other                   Jordanian colleagues caution us not to       especially if the patient can see the
 cuisines.                                              say we have come from Israel. They want      needle. I had to push hard with the
     Beyond the difficulties and headlines              to avoid the wrong kind of rumors that       needle to finally poke through the firmer
 of Middle Eastern conflict, day-to-day life            might make life more stressful for the       outer layer of epidermis into the juicier
 here is calm and friendly. Down the street             refugees, the medical team, and ourselves.   skin layers and fat tissue below. I was
 from my apartment, I visit a café that                      The few days we were in that sleepy     comforted only by the thought that it was
 would fit in perfectly in New York and                 little town in the north of Jordan were      a necessary thing to do.
 order coffee and a sandwich in Hebrew.                 marked by bustling people who had not            I also spent one of my school holidays
 In Arabic I order shisha with my coffee at             seen doctors in a long time. They had        riding along with paramedics in Cape
 a café a few doors down that would fit in              no fresh war wounds to be treated but        Town, South Africa. Most of the work was
 perfectly in Cairo.                                    these refugees had been chased from          surprisingly familiar and it was good to

18 | WorldView ∙ Fall 2018 ∙ National Peace Corps Association
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