CENTRAL ORGAN OF CPIML - JUNE 2021 - Communist Party of India Marxist ...

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CENTRAL ORGAN OF CPIML - JUNE 2021 - Communist Party of India Marxist ...

JUNE 2021   CENTRAL ORGAN OF CPI(ML)                 Rs. 25
CENTRAL ORGAN OF CPIML - JUNE 2021 - Communist Party of India Marxist ...

                 Corpse-bearer Is The Ganga
                             -Parul Khakkar

All the corpses speak in chorus: all is changa-changa
Saheb in your Ramrajya, corpse-bearer is the Ganga.

No room in the charnel houses, no wood for the pyres,
Our shoulders are weary, no tears left in our eyes,
Yama prances door-to-door
Dancing the Dance Macabre,
Saheb in your Ramrajya, corpse-bearer is the Ganga.

Day and night pyres burn
Begging a moment’s rest
Day and night bangles break
The bereft beat their chest
What games you play with the flames! Well done Billa-Ranga!
Saheb in your Ramrajya, corpse-bearer is the Ganga.

Saheb you think your suit can dazzle us, so radiant and bright!
Yet can you hide your feet of clay – when we lose our fright?
“The Saheb has no clothes” – we’ll shout; Truth will out!
Saheb in your Ramrajya, corpse-bearer is the Ganga.
CENTRAL ORGAN OF CPIML - JUNE 2021 - Communist Party of India Marxist ...

                                                    India’s Covid-19 Genocide:
                                                           Modi Must Go
     New Series Vol. 27 No. 02
           JUNE 2021

CBI Raid in West Bengal................. 4
Spectre of Hindutva in America........... 6
Dropping Kerala’s Health Minister. . ...7
Genocide in Palestine................... 10
General Strike in Columbia. . ........... 14
2nd Wave of Pandemic:
Migrant Workers in Bangaluru........ 15

                                                         M Modi’s televised tears have come far too late to convey
Dignity Disposed......................... 20             empathy for those killed by Covid-19 or regret for his regime’s
TRIPS & Global IP Regime . . ............25              callousness that led to those deaths. It is clear that he does
COVID-19 Vaccine Debacle............ 27          not weep out of sorrow for us and the loved ones we have lost, nor out
Healthcare for All......................... 31   of regret for his own role in those deaths - but because he would like
From Covid-19 Help Desks. . ...........35        us to feel sorry for him and spare him the criticism he has earned. But
ELECTIONS                                        Modi cannot play a victim to the calamity he himself has brought upon
WB: Lessons for the Left.. .............42       the country.
TN: Rejection of the BJP. . .............46
UPDATES                                           Modi, who credited even falling global oil prices on his own “luck”, cannot
Fascist Assault on Lakshadweep....49             now duck his own responsibility for the brutality of the Covid-19 second
Delhi Police Raids Twitter Office.... 51         wave. He repeatedly credited his leadership for the so-called “victory
TRIBUTE ....................................52   over Corona” in the first wave – he cannot now blame the second wave
                                                 disaster on the Opposition, “70 years of Congress rule”, or indeed on any
Editor-in-chief                                  other scapegoat. These avoidable deaths lie squarely at PM Modi’s door.
Dipankar Bhattacharya                             The RSS chief and several charlatan godmen are lecturing Indians on
Editor                                           the need to replace “negativity” (code for criticism of the government,
Arindam Sen
                                                 and indeed for any mention of the daily horrors of the pandemic) with an
Editorial Board
Kavita Krishnan                                  attitude of “positivity”. This enforced “positivity” adds insult to the injury
V. Shankar                                       of Indians abandoned by the government to fend for themselves in the
Sanjay Sharma                                    pandemic, waging a daily, often losing battle for oxygen, medicines,
                                                 hospital beds, vaccines, and even for the means to decently cremate
Editors' e-mail:                                 or bury one’s dead.
                                                   The demand that Indians be “positive” in such circumstances is in
Art: V Arun Kumar                                itself highly insensitive. It is made worse by the callous and shameless
                                                 language being used by the RSS and BJP to put a “positive” mask on
Manager                                          the worst horrors of the pandemic in India. The RSS chief declared that
Prabhat Kumar
                                                 those who had died of Covid-19 had been “liberated”, and that Indians
Phone: 7042877713
                                                 must not be perturbed by death since it was all part of the “cycle of life
Website: www.cpiml.net
E-mail: manager.liberation@gmail.com
                                                 and death.” A BJP leader, asked about the thousands of corpses in
                                                 the Ganga and the mass graves on its banks, claimed that these are
54 pages including covers
                                                 in keeping with the sacred Hindu tradition of “jal samadhi” (death by

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                                                               government messages urging citizens to seek
                                                               vaccination, and there is already an acute shortage
                                                               of the anti-fungal drug Amphotericin-B, leading to
                                                               avoidable deaths of Covid-19 patients who developed
                                                               “black fungus” due to unhygienic conditions. The
                                                               vacuum of reliable and affordable healthcare for
                                                               the vast majority of people, is paving the way for
                                                               charlatans peddling superstitions and “miracle cures”
                                                               as Covid-19 remedies.
                                                                The Modi regime is suppressing data on cases and
 Bodies buried in the sand near the banks of Ganga river in    fatalities: data crucial to shaping a proper response
 UP, allegedly due to shortage of wood for cremation, during
        the second wave of coronavirus,. (Photo: PTI)
                                                               and saving lives. A Gujarati poet whose poem
                                                               on “The Corpse-Laden Ganga” declared that “My
voluntary immersion in water)! Death stalks every              Emperor has no clothes”, is being attacked viciously
village in UP now, and is fast spreading all over rural        by the BJP’s troll army. People, and even hospital
North India. The poor, lacking means and space                 administrators, posting about oxygen shortage are
to decently cremate their dead, are forced to bury             being arrested as a threat to “National Security.”
them on river banks or leave them in the river, where          But these relentless attacks cannot suppress the
the corpses wash up downstream in Bihar. But the               questions. The continuation of the authoritarian and
shameless BJP which rules at the Centre and in UP              callous Modi regime itself is a recipe for the continued
too, tells us that what we’re smelling is not the stench       Covid-19 massacre. If India is to survive; if at least
of death but the scent of flowers.                             now, we are to prevent entire villages from being
 Meanwhile, vaccines have dwindled, as have                    wiped out – Modi must go. p

 Foil the Modi Government’s Conspiracy to
      Overturn the West Bengal Verdict
                                                    Dipankar Bhattacharya

    ndia’s dysfunctional
    democracy, renamed elected
    autocracy by the international
media, works best at nights. Forty-
six years ago the Emergency had
been ushered in through a dreaded
midnight knock on the constitutional
doors of democracy. In our current
dystopian reign of ‘achchhe
din’, major announcements like
demonetisation and lockdown
are all made usually late in the
evening. Two weeks after the
stunning West Bengal verdict, the
state is now experiencing a whole
new set of nocturnal intrigues.            the panchayati raj minister of         the afternoon, but the High Court
On 17 May the CBI arrested                 Mamata 3.0 – in connection with        stayed the bail through an ex parte
four politicians – including the           a five-year-old corruption case.       order around midnight, following
serving Mayor of Kolkata and               They got bail from a CBI court in      which the four accused were taken

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to jail at the dead of night. The High   conducted in 2014, but the tapes       blamed the people of West Bengal
Court stay on a reasoned bail order      were released just before the          for committing a historic blunder by
violated all procedural propriety        2016 elections, and became a big       not voting the BJP to power.
and set up a shocking example            talking point in those elections. In
                                                                                 It will be height of political naivety
of sending people unnecessarily          2017 the case was handed over
                                                                                to see West Bengal developments
to jail even as the Supreme Court        to the CBI by the Kolkata High
                                         Court. Several of the key accused      as just another controversy over
has explicitly advised against it in
these pandemic conditions.               have meanwhile shifted to the BJP,     a few scam-accused politicians.
                                         including Mukul Roy, currently an      The opposition to the politically
 Ever since the poll results
                                         all-India Vice President of the BJP    motivated use of the CBI or the
announced an emphatic rejection
                                         and MLA and Suvendu Adhikari,          office of the Governor is not a
of the BJP dream of conquering
                                         currently the leader of the BJP        defence of the scam-accused or
West Bengal, indications were
                                         legislature party and the leader       advocacy of impunity for those
clear that the BJP was in no
                                         of opposition in West Bengal           implicated in corruption cases.
mood to accept the verdict and let
                                         Assembly. Why is the CBI, which        The point is having failed to win
things settle down. Incidents of
                                         showed little urgency with its         the elections in West Bengal, the
post-poll political violence were
                                         prosecution all this time, suddenly    BJP is out to undermine the verdict
mischievously given a communal
                                         in a hurry when West Bengal has        by all means. The concerted
spin and massively exaggerated
                                         just emerged from a protracted         intervention of the CBI and the
with forged reports and fake
                                         eight-phased electoral exercise        Governor marks just a continuation
videos. The verdict was termed a
                                         and is trying to combat a raging
‘minority veto’ and a campaign was                                              by other means of the BJP’s failed
                                         pandemic? And why this selecting
launched across the country and                                                 bid to conquer West Bengal.
                                         targeting of only TMC leaders to the
among the Indian diaspora against
                                         complete exclusion of the accused        The BJP is especially aghast with
a so-called anti-Hindu terror and
                                         who have now taken refuge in the       the West Bengal verdict because
genocide in West Bengal.
                                         BJP? Incidentally, one of the four     it has energised the ongoing
 Notorious for his extremely             leaders now arrested, is Sovan         struggles against the betrayal
partisan role in West Bengal,            Chattopadhyay, a former Mayor          and incompetence of the Modi
Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar                of Kolkata Corporation and TMC         government and strengthened the
is working overtime to subvert           leader who had recently joined         people’s yearning for a powerful
the verdict and work as an               the BJP only to resign after being     national opposition and political
independent centre of power over         denied a ticket.                       alternative to the Modi government.
and above the elected government
                                           There is however more to the         Hence the desperate attempt to
and beyond the parameters of
                                         CBI intervention at this moment        undermine and overturn the West
constitutional propriety. Even as
                                         than merely regulating the traffic     Bengal verdict. Any imposition of
the incidents of post-poll violence
                                         of turncoats – past, present,          President’s Rule in West Bengal
ebbed and the state began to
                                         and potential. The unmistakable        will be an all-out war on the
pay attention to the ominously
                                         message is that any state refusing     constitutional foundation and
escalating Covid19 graph, the
                                         to accept the double engine bait       federal framework of Indian polity.
Governor chose to visit Sitalkuchi
                                         of the BJP will have to remain
and Nandigram. And while the                                                    It will be not just a distraction of
                                         ready to pay a heavy price for its
MLAs and ministers were being                                                   popular attention away from the
                                         defiance. Delhi has had to pay the
sworn in, he authorised the CBI                                                 Modi government’s catastrophic
                                         price even though the Aam Aadmi
to proceed with the prosecution of                                              failure in the face of the Covid
                                         Party has hardly played any major
the accused in the Narada case,                                                 second wave, but decimation of
                                         oppositional role, and has chosen
as part of the script currently                                                 democracy in India. Opposition
                                         to go with the BJP on all major
unfolding in West Bengal, without                                               parties and people’s movements
                                         political issues, from stripping J&K
any consultation with the state                                                 across India must therefore
                                         of its constitutional status to the
government or reference to the                                                  condemn the Modi government’s
                                         BJP narrative on the Delhi riots
Speaker.                                 and the string of vindictive post-     conspiratorial intervention in West
 We must remember that the               riot arrests of anti-CAA activists.    Bengal and demand immediate
Narada sting had actually been           Indeed, several BJP leaders have       recall of the partisan Governor. p

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               Casteism and the Spectre of
                   Hindutva in America
                                                         Aishik Saha

         aste violence reared its          their passports taken away once         gave a eulogy at his funeral and laid
         ugly head in the United           they reached the site. They were        the foundation stone for a temple
         States as Bochasanwasi            forced to work grueling hours with      that BAPS is building in Abu Dhabi.”
Shri Akshar Purushottam                    compensation as low as $1.20 per
                                                                                    The fact that most of the workers
Swaminarayan Sanstha (BAPS)                day, which is a tenth of $12 per day
                                                                                   were Dalits is once again a stark
was exposed by its workers for             minimum wage in New Jersey, and
                                                                                   reminder that caste discrimination
exploitative labor practices and           prevented from taking breaks. The
                                                                                   runs amok in the United States,
human trafficking. The workers             workers were even threatened as
                                                                                   with Dalits having little way of
who had been recruited in India            to not communicate with anyone
                                                                                   legal recourse when discriminated
and taken to the US on ‘R-1’               outside of the community.
                                                                                   against. The BAPS temple had
visas that are usually granted to
                                            The close relationship between         previously also been found
religious workers, were made to
                                           the Sanstha and Narendra Modi           employing a 17 year old minor,
work in inhumane conditions and
                                           was pointed out by New York             who died on the construction
for starvation wages. The Federal
                                           Times stating “The organization         site in 2017, but seems to have
Bureau of Investigation raided the
                                           has strong ties with Narendra Modi,     evaded any public scrutiny. Caste
premises of the Swaminarayan
                                           India’s prime minister, and his         discrimination once again came
Temple in Robbinsville, New Jersey,
                                           ruling Bharatiya Janata Party. Mr.      into focus as a CISCO employee
reportedly the largest Hindu temple
                                           Modi has said that Pramukh Swami        complained of caste discrimination
in the US.
                                           Maharaj, the spiritual head who built   in 2020. Neither is this the first time
 The workers alleged that they had         BAPS into the largest Hindu sect        that human trafficking and slavery
been taken to the United States            in the United States before dying       has been involved with the issue
under false promises and had               in 2016, was his mentor. Mr. Modi       of temple construction. In the year

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2000 a high profile case emerged         Affairs Analyst, has exposed the flow     argued that the existing provisions
where a temple was constructed in        of saffron dollars into the pockets of    against discrimination in the US
the UK using slave labor with the        US politicians like Preston Kulkarni      are sufficient and inclusion of caste
knowledge of the then UK Home            and US Senator Tulsi Gabbard, who         would associate the entirety of
Office Minister.                         has often positioned herself as a         the Indian origin population in
Hindutva in the United                   ‘progressive’.                            the US with caste discrimination.
States                                    Hindutva has played a key role
                                                                                   One is tempted to ask if the
                                                                                   regular occurrence of caste based
                                         in attempting to downplay any
 As a racial minority, Indians have                                                discrimination in US soil not affect
                                         criticism of caste discrimination as
faced a long history of discrimination                                             Indian origin people or if Dalits are
                                         a product of the ‘colonial gaze’. In a
in the United States, with Punjabi                                                 not Indians in the eyes of Hindutva?
                                         recent, high intensity debate in the
immigrants playing a pioneering
                                         Santa Clara county in the US, which        Proponents of Hindutva play a
role since the late 19th century
                                         has a high number concentration of        particularly devious game in the
in California. Many South Asian
                                         South Asian American residents,           United States and western world at
students and academics have
                                         the extent of caste discrimination        large. While claiming their status as
played crucial role in opposing
                                         became clear as did the extent            a racial minority, they do everything
racial discrimination and police
                                         that supporters of Hindutva will          in their power to undermine the
atrocities in the US.
                                         go to downplay the issue . As the         voices of minorities and ensure the
 However Hindutva has sought             Santa Clara County (California)           continuance of white supremacy in
to use the community in order            Human Rights Commission debated           the US. This is the basis of their
to purchase political currency           whether to recognize caste as an          alliance with Trump and the white
in Washington and in order to            axis of discrimination, the Hindu         supremacist groups within the US.
ensure its own acceptability in the      American Foundation, a major voice        This policy of running with the hares
international community. Pieter          for Hindutva in the US, employed a        and hunting with the hounds will
Friedrich, a US based South Asian        particularly dubious piece of logic. It   inevitably backfire. p

Arguments For Dropping Kerala’s “Rockstar”
    Health Minister Are Unconvincing
                                                      Kavita Krishnan
                                         for a successive term for the first

           K Shailaja, popularly                                                   chance, and so no Minister from
           known as Shailaja             time since 1977.                          the previous cabinet has been given
           “Teacher” made her                                                      another term. Further, the State
                                            With this impressive track
mark as Kerala’s Health Minister,                                                  Committee had also previously
                                         record, KK Shailaja should have
during the Nipah virus attack,                                                     decided, to the same end, not to
                                         been a shoo-in for Health Minister
and then during the Covid-19                                                       field any MLA who had already
                                         once again. But, in a move that
pandemic. She received acclaim                                                     served two terms.
for her exemplary work, not only         made no sense to any observers of
in India, but internationally. And       politics in Kerala or India, Shailaja        Let us address these, and some
she was reelected with the largest       was dropped from the cabinet, and         other, arguments in defence of
margin of victory ever in the history    instead given the post of Party           this decision to drop KK Shailaja
of Kerala Assembly elections. No         Whip (a largely ceremonial post in        as Health Minister. But before we
doubt, she contributed in a big way      a disciplined party like the CPIM).       do so, let us clear the air on one
to what People’s Democracy, the          In defence of this decision, we have      question being raised by many
CPIM organ, reminds us was a             been told that the Kerala State           CPIM supporters on social media:
“collective effort” to buck Kerala’s     Committee of the CPIM decided             do I, as a leader of the CPIML, have
usual pattern and re-elect the LDF       that new faces should be given a          any locus standi to be commenting

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on a decision internal to the CPIM            cabinet needs a judicious mix      tools are meant to correct
and its Kerala State Committee?               of experience as well as fresh     the underrepresentation of
My humble reply here is: everyone             blood? Why drop and replace        politicians from oppressed and
has every right to comment on a               an able Health Minister, who       marginalised backgrounds.
decision that affects the general             has passed the test of fire        These tools, meant to
public. This is not a decision about
                                              with flying colours, when the      promote social and political
who will lead the CPIM party and
                                              pandemic is still ongoing?         justice, become unjust if
in what capacity. The Kerala State
                                              Surely, the Kerala mandate         applied to those from already
Committee of the CPIM has every
                                              cannot be interpreted only         underrepresented identities
right to take any decision. But
when it takes a decision that has             as one for Pinarayi Vijayan’s      and communities. Women are
implications for public interest,             role as Chief Minister? There      severely underrepresented
a decision about a cabinet post,              is no doubt that Kerala            in political leadership.
and about the role assigned to an             voters believed they were          When a woman achieves
elected people’s representative – I           getting Vijayan as CM and          political success and mass
have every right to question it, as           Shailaja as Health Minister;       acceptance, she should be
a citizen of India and as a woman             dropping Shailaja now is           given more rope rather than
in Indian politics. As a leader of a          not in consonance with the         be reined in, so that she is
left party, I question the decision           mandate.                           free to explore how much
out of concern for the health and
                                            • Measures like limiting MLAs        further she can go. The right
wellbeing of the left in India.
                                                                                 thing to do would be to keep
Now, let us take a look
                                              to two terms, and replacing
                                                                                 Shailaja on as Health Minister,
at the arguments being                        old Ministers with new ones
                                                                                 while inducting more women
offered.                                      are tools meant to ensure
                                                                                 as Ministers.
                                              that those from privileged
New faces must get a chance
                                              and entitled backgrounds         • The glaring exception to the
 • While this is an admirable                 make way for those from            “new faces” rule is the Chief
   principle, it cannot possibly              marginalised backgrounds who       Minister, Pinarayi Vijayan.
   be written in stone. Surely a              are usually overlooked. These      If the rule is so hard and

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   fast, apply it to everyone.        politicians, do we not accept          a decision to drop their highly
   Why make an exception to           ambition as a given, and even          popular health minister during a
   the rule for a man already at      welcome and enjoy the tussle           pandemic, by saying “You have
   the pinnacle of his political      between rival political ambitions?     to be One of Us to understand
   career, while applying the rule                                           this, you are bourgeois idiots
                                      In a communist party, the
   to a woman even though it
                                      individual is not important            who are too inferior to be able
   effectively prevents her from
                                         Once again, this is an              to appreciate communist party
   building on the popularity she
                                      admirable principle that can           discipline and culture.”
   has just begun to achieve?
   The man who has enjoyed the        combat the culture of cults and           Equating          “communist
   sun shining on him for so long,    foster a democratic culture.           culture” with opaque, arbitrary,
   continues to enjoy his place          But if this admirable principle     arcane, and esoteric rules that
   in the sun; while the woman        is being applied to every Minister     the general public lacks the
   who has just found a place         in the former cabinet, why not         specialised consciousness to
   under the sun, is sent back to     apply it to the CM as well?            question, is very damaging for
   the shade: this is not a just or                                          the Left's health.
                                         When Vijayan is retained
   welcome outcome.
                                      as CM while all experienced
                                                                                The Left should be able to
Shailaja has welcomed the             Ministers are replaced by
                                                                             show itself to be more democratic
decision, respect her agency          newcomers, does it not give
                                                                             and transparent, and more
   I am intrigued to see the          Vijayan, as an individual political
                                                                             welcoming of criticism than any
invocation of the concept of          figure, a disproportionate status
                                      and power? Does it really serve        other party. To declare that your
“agency” in this context. Shailaja
                                      a democratic political culture         principles and decisions are “too
did not make a personal decision
                                      when the decision seems to treat       complicated and abstruse” to
to step down as Minister;
                                      Vijayan alone as irreplaceable         be understood or criticised by
she cheerfully and gracefully
                                      and “above the fray”, while            those outside your fold, is better
accepted a decision made by
her party.                            deeming all others to be               suited to authoritarian cults, not
                                      expendable?                            communist parties.
   But her acceptance is not
enough to persuade others to              There is another aspect of            Asked to comment on the
accept an unreasonable decision.      individuality, however, that           decision, CPIM Politburo member
Hers cannot be the last word on       must be emphasised. In the             Brinda Karat clearly conveyed
the subject, because the harm         c a s e o f w o me n (an d person s
                                                                             that the Kerala State Committee
of the said decision is not to        from other marginalised and
                                                                             of her party was on its own when
Shailaja alone: it affects public     underrepresented categories),
                                                                             it came to defending its decision
health; it affects the future of      it is important to stress that they
                                                                             to drop Shailaja, saying, “it is for
gender policy in political parties;   are individual women, and not
                                                                             them to give an explanation and
and it affects women in politics.     merely token symbols of WOMAN
                                      as a category. When KK Shailaja        answer the questions which are
   It sends the message that          is replaced by Veena George, it        being raised by their decision.”
women are most admirable              diminishes the individuality of           Indeed, the onus is on the
when they eschew ambition and         both.                                  Kerala Chief Minister to explain
embrace decorum and discipline.
As we laud these qualities in         Critics of this decision do            his cabinet choices, and answer
Shailaja, should we not ask           not understand communist               why he did not insist on retaining
ourselves if we even expect a         culture, party discipline              the Health Minister who won such
similar lack of ambition in, say, a     It’s time to worry if a left party   laurels for his Government and
VS Achuthanandan or a Pinarayi        responds to questions from             his party in the middle of a global
Vijayan? When it comes to male        non-party “commoners” about            pandemic. p

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   Continuing Ethnic Genocide in Palestine

                                                                                     This recent spurt in violence

           fter 11 days of bloody         shot by Hamas, most of whom
           mayhem, a ceasefire            were easily demolished by Israel’s     is the latest in a long story of
           between Israel and             sophisticated weaponry, supplied       settler colonialism, of forced
Hamas was declared on 20 May this         by its faithful allies such as the     displacement, ethnic and cultural
year. International media coverage        United States.                         genocide. For the people living in
of the recent developments in                                                    Gaza, and also for the residents
                                             What really happened was a
Palestine routinely refer to a ‘war’                                             of the West Bank in Palestine,
                                          thoroughly unprovoked attack on
between Hamas and Palestine;                                                     mayhem and massacres are
                                          the Al-Aqsa mosque in April by
as an armed conflict between two                                                 nothing new. Israel has been
                                          the Israeli police, a month before
powers. The fact however is that                                                 illegally occupying vast tracts
                                          any rockets were hurled towards
this was no ‘war’: it was a planned,                                             and controlling both areas for
                                          south Israel by Hamas. As several
well-executed, genocidal assault                                                 decades. Both Gaza and West
                                          observers have noted, the police
by Israel on Palestine. For 11                                                   Bank resemble vast jails where
                                          action in the Al-Aqsa mosque,
days, Israel launched genocidal                                                  economic blockades enforced by
                                          on the first day of Ramzan (or
airstrikes on Gaza targeting                                                     Israel are a part of daily existence.
                                          Ramadan, as it is referred to in
essential services like power                                                    Israel still controls access to
                                          Palestine), was clearly designed
supplies, hospitals and schools.                                                 the area, and over Gaza's air
                                          to humiliate, subjugate, bully and
Attacks were launched even on                                                    space and seacoast, and its
                                          terrorise Palestine. What really
school playgrounds. Journalists,                                                 forces enter the area at will. Fuel,
                                          happened in Palestine was Israel
doctors and several children                                                     electricity, imports, exports and
                                          attempting the ethnic cleansing of
were killed by Israeli forces.                                                   the movement of people in and out
                                          Sheikh Jarrah, a predominantly
Throughout this mayhem, Israel                                                   of Gaza have been slowly chocked
                                          Palestinian neighbourhood in
touted its usual excuse – that                                                   off, leading to life-threatening
                                          East Jerusalem. Armed lynch
it was ‘provoked’ by the Hamas                                                   problems of sanitation, health,
                                          mobs of Israeli settlers attacked
and has a right to defend itself.                                                water supply and transportation.
                                          Palestinian homes, supplementing
The ‘provocation’, in fact, was
                                          the official Israeli Defence Forces.      All tall talk of ‘two sides’ to
some crude homemade rockets
                                                                                 the violence, and all of Israel’s


justifications for the right to defend   commentators have pointed out           however indicates that the
itself, fly in the face of Israel’s      that this deliberate escalation of      winds of support for Israel might
own words and deeds over the             tensions in East Jerusalem has          just be shifting in the US. For
decades. Israeli leaders have            allowed Netanyahu to corner his         years together, Israel enjoyed
referred to Palestinians and Arabs       opponents on the right – forcing        unconditional bipartisan support
as ‘grasshoppers’ who need to be         them to support him. Netanyahu,         from both the Republicans and
crushed; as mosquitoes and wild          for his political survival, needed      Democrats in the US. This
animals destined to disappear. In        to prevent leftists, rightists and      bipartisan consensus is facing
1948, David Ben-Gurion, the first        Arabs from coming together as           unprecedented and public
Prime Minister of Israel, stated         a rival faction to unseat him.          challenges today. Progressive
that Israel was not “obliged to state    Since the current violence has          Democratic leaders including
the limits of our state”. To begin       successfully rekindled fractures        Bernie Sanders, Rashida Tlaib,
with, in 1947, the United Nations        between Arabs and Jews, thus            Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and
carved the state of Israel for the       helping Netanyahu, speculation is       others have gone on record,
Jews out of Palestine, giving Israel     rife that he had a hand in actively     openly condemning Joe Biden
55% of Palestinian land, an event        promoting and fomenting it. Now,        and his administration’s support
that will probably go down as the        the chances of Netanyahu coming         to the ongoing carnage in
most audacious legalised thievery        back to power are brighter than         Palestine. They are pointing out
of our times. Since then, Israel         they were before the conflict.          that Palestinians have a right to
has blatantly violated every single
                                         The Global Response:                    live, that Israel is a apartheid state
international agreement. Over the
                                         Signs of a Breaking                     today. For probably the first time
decades, it has far overstepped
                                         Bipartisan Consensus in                 in decades, the pro-Israel lobby in
the boundaries allocated to it
                                         the US?                                 the US is having to contend with
by the UN. Today, Israel claims                                                  strong opposition in the Senate
control over way more than 80%               As Israeli forces continued to
                                                                                 and the House of Representatives.
of Palestine. The planned forced         pound Palestine and attempt to
                                                                                 This support for Palestine, of
evictions from Sheikh Jarrah             forcibly take over Sheikh Jarrah,
                                                                                 course, is being strengthened by
this month are a part and parcel         the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
                                                                                 spirited political and civil society
of Israel using its considerable         Netanyahu thanked 25 countries
                                                                                 mobilisations against Israel in
military and political weight to         – including the United States
                                                                                 the US, UK and Europe. In one
literally throw Palestinians away        and the UK – for their “resolute”
                                                                                 of the most beautiful expressions
from more and more parts of land         support. For years together, Israel
                                                                                 of solidarity, dock workers in
that is legitimately theirs. Far from    has banked on primarily the US
                                                                                 Italy and the UK refused to load
fighting for its legal and moral         and UK to carry forward its racist,
                                                                                 arms and war material meant for
“right to exist”, Israel is waging a     expansionist and genocidal project
                                                                                 Israel. Young Jews, in particular,
virtual holocaust against peoples        in Palestine. In a recent statement
                                                                                 are standing up to say that they
struggling to protect their lands.       brought out by the South Asia
                                                                                 oppose the Israeli state’s Zionist
                                         Solidarity Group, it was pointed
    What makes the current violence                                              agenda. Whether this will lead to
                                         out that the US has provided $146
even more despicable is the                                                      a long-term shift in international
                                         billion dollars to Israel since 1948,
cynical and political manipulation                                               support to the US is something to
                                         and an additional $375 million
of the conflict by Benjamin                                                      watch out for.
                                         worth of arms to Israel. Arms
Netanyahu. Netanyahu is an
unpopular leader in Israel today.
                                         sales from UK to Israel have risen      India’s role
                                         from £74 million in 2008-2014              For quite some time now, the
He has been unable to cobble up
                                         to a £361 million in 2014- 2018.        Indian government’s foreign policy
a parliamentary majority in several
                                         The US, by using its veto power         has been seeing a shift. India,
consecutive elections. He has
                                         in the UN Security Council, has         which was one of Palestine’s
failed to establish a majority even
                                         repeatedly provided Israel with         staunch supporters, slowly started
after being given three chances
                                         diplomatic immunity and freedom         building diplomatic, military and
to do so. Moreover, he is plagued
by serious charges of corruption,        from sanctions for its horrendous       economic ties with Israel – leading
which have been dogging him              war crimes.                             to a significant dilution in its
for a while now. Several political          The current spate of violence        condemnation of Israel’s genocidal

                                                                   LIBERATION - CENTRAL ORGAN OF CPI(ML) | JUNE 2021 | 11

war crimes. Under Narendra                to state unequivocally that East      homes. And the Indian government
Modi, the Indian government took          Jerusalem is and should always        was arresting youth in Kashmir
this process to the next level.           be part of Palestine. Without East    for holding protests in support of
As a result of the RSS-BJP’s              Jerusalem going to Palestine, a       Palestine. Kashmiri artist Mudasir
growing influence, the popular            two-state solution to the Israel-     Gul was arrested for the 'crime' of
discourse in India shifted against        Palestine conflict is virtually       producing graffiti with the words ‘We
the Palestinian struggle. The             impossible. In other words, the       are Palestine’.
Hindutva project found a kindred          Indian government’s support for
spirit in Israel’s Zionist, anti-Arab,    Palestine was toothless because it       The battle for justice and
anti-Muslim agenda.                       did not state the specifics.          freedom for Palestine is going to
                                                                                be a long and arduous one. It will
   As the current violence flared up in      As the Modi government was
                                                                                require people across the globe to
Palestine, the Modi government did        equivocating on its support to
not join the caucus of unconditional      Palestine, right-wing supporters      press against racist, fascist ideas
support for Israel. It issued a           were cheerfully trending hashtags     and put pressure on their own
statement condemning some of              on Twitter in support of Israel.      governments. We, in India, have
the Israeli violence. However, the        Right-wing activists were proudly     a historic responsibility to defend
devil is in the details. The Indian       stating their willingness to fight    the Palestinian resistance, to stand
government, shifting away from            alongside Israeli troops brutally     against all forms of colonial and
decades of its own policy, refused        evicting Palestinians from their      imperial agendas. p

     Solidarity with the Palestinian People’s
     Resistance against Israel’s Annexation
       Plan and Crimes Against Humanity
                                              - CPIML Statement

           he people in the               ongoing land-air-sea blockade         annex over 30% areas of West
           occupied Palestinian           and continuous bombings by            Bank, particularly in the Jordan
           territories of West Bank       Israel, that has destroyed Gaza’s     Valley. The proposed annexation
and Gaza are facing a new                 most of the vital infrastructures.    will mostly be in Area C of the
wave of brutal aggression by                  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin   occupied West Bank, where most
Israel apartheid regime. On the           Netanyahu, has warned of a            of the illegal Israeli settlements
night of May 10, 2021, Israeli            full force attack on Gaza, with       have been built.
military forces launched series of        Defense Minister Benny Gantz             The airstrike comes in the
airstrikes in Gaza massacring 26          mobilizing thousands of reserve       background of growing resistance
people– including nine children*.         troops. Netanyahu, who is already     by Palestinians against Israel’s
The youngest victim of this Israeli       facing massive corruption scandal     annexation move in Sheikh
crimes against humanity was               and electoral crisis, had been        Jarrah, locality in the occupied
10-years-old. The aggression              long unleashing violent acts          East Jerusalem. Sheikh Jarrah
comes as a further blow to                against Palestinians to woo the       neighborhood has more than
the people in Gaza who are                country’s right-wing sections         3,000 Palestinian families who
already reeling under devastating         in his favour. He had already         face constant violence by illegal
humanitarian crisis due the               announced a full-scale plan to        Israeli settlers, and evictions and


destruction of property by Israeli    is a clear act of ethnic cleansing    must impose military embargo on
forces.                               and eliminating the presence of       Israel’s apartheid regime and stop
  On May 7, worshippers               Palestinian population for their      enabling Israel's brutal siege of
gathered at the al-Aqsa mosque        own land.                             Gaza and mass crimes against
expressed their solidarity with         Indian Government Must End          Palestinians through their support
the families who were threatened      Support To Israel’s Apartheid         of Israel's military industry.
with eviction in Sheikh Jarrah          India had played a crucial role         As the Palestinians continue
neighborhoods. The Israeli forces     in supporting the anti-apartheid      to resist the Israeli brutality,
stormed the mosque and brutally       struggle in South Africa and was
                                                                            apartheid and military occupation,
attacked people who were inside       one of the first counties to sever
                                                                            CPI (ML) Liberation reiterates its
the compound, lobbing tear-gas        trade relations with the apartheid
                                                                            complete solidarity with the people
and firing rubber bullets.            regime and subsequently imposed
                                                                            of Palestine and their struggle for
  Since then, Israeli forces have     wide range of embargo on South
                                                                            liberation. We also reiterate our
escalated their violence inside the   Africa. Today, Narendra Modi led
                                                                            support for strengthening the
mosque and against the protests       Indian government is standing on
                                                                            global Palestinian call of Boycott,
by Palestinians demanding end         the wrong side of the history by
                                                                            Divestment and Sanctions (BSD)
to the illegal annexations and        supporting the Israeli apartheid
                                                                            against Israel.
military occupation. Armed Israeli    regime. India government
settlers have also been given free    continues to expand its relation
hand by Israeli military forces to    with Israel and is importing both         *Ed: At the time of declaration
attack Palestinians. More than        Israeli arms and tactics to be used   of ceasefire on 21 May 2021,
700 Palestinians have been            against the people in Kashmir and     Palestinian death toll stood at
injured in Israeli attacks in the     for repressing the democratic and     248, including 66 children, with
West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem         people’s movement in India.           more than 1,900 people wounded
since last Friday.                      The need of the hour is that        from Israeli air and artillery
  The annexation plan by Israel       India and international community     attacks. p

                                                              LIBERATION - CENTRAL ORGAN OF CPI(ML) | JUNE 2021 | 13

        In Solidarity With People of Columbia
           Against Iván Duque Government
                                             - AICCTU Statement

          olombia is witnessing
          massive protests and
          general strike since April
28 against the regressive proposals
of tax reforms and privatization
of healthcare by government of
Ivan Duque. Hand in glove with
the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) and the United States, Duque
government had been spread-
heading neoliberal agenda in
Colombia, robbing jobs, livelihood
and rights of the people.
    While all concessions are being
given to capitalists and corporation
amid COVID-19 pandemic, the
burden of government’s economic
                                          the Duque government on May 2             America in October 2020, Colombia
failure are being forced upon the
                                          announced the suspension of the           is one of the most unequal countries
working class with policies like the
                                          proposed reforms, but the national        in Latin America and it has the
new tax reform and privatization of       mobilizations across Colombia             widest development gap among
healthcare.                               continues demanding an end to             its own regions. In Colombia, more
    Resisting the tax reforms and         neoliberal policies of Duque. The         than 7.4 million people are living
privatization of health plans, the        people are also demanding an end          in extreme poverty. The lack of
workers’ union in Colombia had            to police brutalities and justice for     economic support for people during
given the call for national strike on     victims of police repression.             the pandemic has led to further
April 28. Massive mobilizations and                                                 increase in unemployment rate in
                                              State sponsored violence against
road blocks were witnessed across                                                   the country to around 15% in 2021,
                                          indigenous and peasant leaders,
Colombia with tens of thousands                                                     with more than 3 million currently
                                          students, trade unions activist and
joining the strike in Bogota and Cali.                                              without any job.
                                          human rights defenders had been
On the day of International Workers’      rising since the government of Duque          The working class and toiling
Day (May 1), Duque government             came to power in 2018. Just in 2021,      masses of Colombia are determined
deployed military forces in three         57 indigenous and peasant leaders         to put a stop to the anti-people
largest cities, the capital Bogota,       and human rights defenders were           neoliberal policies and sponsored
Medellin and Cali, to quell the           assassinated and 33 massacres             state violence of Duque regime. The
resistance where tens of thousands        were orchestrated against people.         people are also demanding an end
had come to streets in solidarity         According to United Nations, in 2020,     to Colombian government’s support
with the strike. Despite facing brutal    255 people killed in 66 massacres         to the US imperialist agenda in Latin
repressions organized by military         in Colombia and around 120 human          American region.
forces and the infamous Mobile Anti-      rights defenders were assassinated.           AICCTU extends its unwavering
Disturbance Squadron (ESMAD),
                                             The neoliberal economic model,         solidarity to the on-going national
the protests continue to expand in
                                          rampant privatization and state           mobilization in Colombia by
strength and spirit across Colombia.
                                          sponsored repression, along with          working class, peasants, students,
According to reports, more than 42
                                          the failure of the government to          indigenous groups and different
people have been killed in the police
                                          tackle COVID-19 pandemic has              sections of the population. We also
violence against the protesters
                                          robbed people of their livelihood,        reiterate our support to the demand
and more than 1,139 people were           dignity and right to justice. According   of an end to the US and IMF’s
arbitrarily arrested.                     to a study carried out by the Index       neoliberal and imperialist project
   Facing tremendous resistance,          of Regional Development—Latin             in Latin America.p


    The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic and
   Lockdown on Local and Migrant Workers
                in Bengaluru
   (Excerpts from reports                workers, Pourakarmikas (Sanitation     Centres, on which the working class
prepared by AICCTU Karnataka             workers) and Auto drivers. A total     entirely depend on, need to be
on the health, dignity, and rights       of 73 non-migrant workers and 46       upgraded and expanded extensively.
of local and migrant workers and         migrant workers were interviewed       The medical infrastructure including
                                         by telephone. These interviews         oxygen, beds, and medicines must
crematorium/graveyard workers
                                         were conducted between May 1st         be ramped up.
in the pandemic.)
                                         to May 6th.                               b)     Oxygen, Bed, and

         he objective of this report
                                            AICCTU collaborated with            Medication shortages: In
         is to highlight the status
                                         Garment and Textile Workers Union      coordination with the Central
         of workers during the
                                         (GATWU) and Domestic Workers           Government, the State Government
COVID-19 2nd wave in Bengaluru
                                         Rights Union (DWRU) for the report.    must procure adequate supply of
and the second set of restrictions and
                                         Below are the recommendations of       oxygen along with buffer stocks. The
lockdowns. To be able to represent
                                         the report.                            details of requests placed, oxygen
concerns of a diverse range of
workers, we ensured that we spoke        Recommendations                        supply granted, procurements, and
                                                                                distribution to various districts and
to diverse set of workers including        1.     Health aspects                hospitals must be placed publicly on a
Construction workers, Garment
                                           i.    Ensuring Adequate              regular basis. State Government must
workers, Metro workers, Security
guards, Workers in small shops,          supply of medical facilities           take immediate steps in coordination
Waste pickers, Domestic workers,             a)    Strengthening Public         with BBMP to ramp up ICU beds
Taxi drivers, Library workers, MC        Health Infrastructure: Public health   and High Dependency Unit (HDU)
Gang men, Street vendors, Hospital       infrastructure, especially COVID-19    beds availability across the State,
workers, Ready Mix Concrete              care centres, hospitals and health     including conversion of identified

                                                                  LIBERATION - CENTRAL ORGAN OF CPI(ML) | JUNE 2021 | 15

public buildings. Medication required     in densely populated areas, with a      is the need of the hour. Information
for the treatment of COVID-19 such        special focus on slums.                 dissemination can be done by video
as Remdesivir and Tocilizumab                                                     broadcasts on all TV channels in
                                              iii.   Quarantine facilities
must be acquired in advance, having                                               all languages, along with official
assessed the requirements, along             a)    Home quarantine                videos, posters, and information
with buffer stocks. Local production      facilities: Persons required to         being circulated on social media and
must be incentivized.                     undergo home quarantine must be         WhatsApp. It must be constantly
                                          provided with “Home Quarantine          reiterated that no stigma is attached
   c)   Priority in ESI Hospitals:
                                          Kits” which would contain Personal      to a positive result, and action will
Workers must be provided medical
                                          Protection Equipment (PPE) kits,        be taken against those stigmatizing
treatment of priority in ESI Hopsitals.
                                          masks, gloves, sanitizer, oximeter,     COVID-19 patients.
   d)     Compensation for                thermometer, Vitamin D, Vitamin
COVID-19 deaths: In case of               C, Zincovit, cough syrups, Dolo/           b)   Helplines: Most workers
Covid-related deaths among BPL            Paracetamol, steroids (when             are not aware of the helplines for
families, the family must be be paid      required), and inhalers (when           COVID-19 support. The few that
compensation of Rs. 10 lakhs.             required). This must be provided        reached out to the helplines did
                                          free of cost to families who cannot     not receive support. Steps must
   ii.    Testing and facilities
                                          afford the same.                        be taken to increase awareness
    a)    COVID-19 testing camps:                                                 regarding the helpline numbers. It
State Government must immediately            b)      Covid Care Centres           must also be ensured that helpline
organize free COVID-19 testing            (CCC): Covid Care Centers must          desks are adequately staffed and
camps in all slums, working class         be increased in number for more         equipped to provide 24/7 help.
layouts and colonies, migrant and         decentralization and must be
                                          established at ward/community              c)     Awareness for Migrant
construction worker labour camps
                                          level with adequate beds and            workers: Government must
and colonies, along with distribution
                                          facilities to ensure proper isolation   specifically keep in mind that there
of masks and sanitizers across
                                          and treatment of COVID-19 patients      are vast numbers of Migrant workers
the State. Information regarding
                                          free of cost.                           in Karnataka state, and helplines
the free COVID-19 testing camps
                                                                                  and awareness programmes must
and their schedules must be made              iv.    Treatment                    also be enabled to handle their
publicly available at least 10 days
                                             a)    The Covid Care Centres         needs as well as to reach them.
in advance so that adequate testing
                                          (CCC) shall be the first point             vi.   Vaccination
is carried out. Results of the testing
                                          of contact for those requiring
must be released within 24-48                                                         a)   Universal vaccination:
                                          hospitalization. These CCCs must
hours to ensure that quick remedial                                               All persons must be given free
                                          have emergency oxygen stock as
steps are taken. Testing must be                                                  vaccination, to be provided within
                                          well as necessary medications.
conducted in all slum areas and                                                   a fixed period of time. A priority
                                          Arrangements for any person
working class areas.                                                              list must be created to distribute
                                          requiring hospitalization including
   b)    Sanitizing areas: All            ICU shall be provided by the CCC.       vaccination amongst those most
slums, working class layouts and          Every CCC shall have atleast 2          vulnerable on account of shortage
colonies, migrant and construction        ambulances for the purpose of           of vaccines. The Government
worker labour camps and colonies          bringing people to the CCC or to        must also push for centralized
must be sanitized on a weekly             shift them to the hospitals.            procurement of vaccines, and
basis.                                                                            localized distribution. Legal barriers
                                             b)    All treatment and medical      to vaccine availability must be
   c)    Random testing: Random           arrangements shall be provided free     removed, and the Government must
testing of the public at hotspots for     of cost.                                explore mitigating measures such
transmission must be restarted,
                                              v.     Awareness                    as compulsory licensing and waiver
such as bus stations, railway
                                                                                  of Intellectual Property Rights
stations, airports, and markets.             a)     Information: There is a
Especially since containment              dire lack of basic information among
zones are not being utilized by           the general public in the State            b)    Method of vaccination:
the State during the second wave,         which is causing panic and fear.        The system of requiring prior
random testing must be conducted          Intense information dissemination       online registration for vaccination


along with documentation is               Powrakarmikas, garment workers,          establishments, wages have not
inherently exclusionary and in            plantation workers and other             been paid for the periods prior
violation of the right to equality. The   sections of the unorganised sector.      to the lockdown and it is unsure
Government must undertake door-           The package is a must for allowing       if wages will be paid during the
to-door vaccination and establish         maintaining a dignified life during      lockdown. This has led to complete
vaccination camps to ensure               the lockdown period.                     desperation amongst workers.
free and universal vaccination.              ii.   Protection of Livelihood        Necessary orders must be issued
Additionally, vaccination must                                                     directing payment of full wages for
be administered at every block               a)     Urban Employment               the lockdown period irrespective of
level, in CHCs, PHCs, government          Guaranatee Scheme: Urban                 whether work has been undertaken.
hospitals, schools, colleges, etc.        Employment Guarantee Scheme
                                          in line with the Mahatma Gandhi             f)    State as model employer:
    c)     Vaccination timelines:                                                  Where the State is the employer,
                                          National Rural Employment
With the suspension of vaccination                                                 it must act as a model employer
                                          Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) should
for persons from 18-45 years of age                                                and ensure the fullest protection
                                          be initiated to ensure employment
as on May 12, 2021, the Government                                                 of rights of its workers, including
                                          for those in urban areas
must provide a timeline as to when                                                 workers in BMRCL and Bengaluru
vaccination will restart, and the            b)    Ensure Job Security:
                                                                                   Smart City, from full payment of
method in which vaccination will          Introduce legislation to make job
                                                                                   wages, to healthcare to provision
be carried out along with details of      security a right, abolishing all forms
                                                                                   of proper living conditions to non-
procurement and supply to various         of cotnract and casual labour and
                                                                                   termination of employment.
districts.                                ensuring that those workers are
                                          made permanent                              g)    Arrears of wages:
   d)    Workers’ camps: Free                                                      Workers in various sectors,
vaccination camps must be                     c)    Protection of livelihood:
                                                                                   including garments, suffered in the
organised in all labour camps,            Government of Karnataka must
                                                                                   last lockdown as many companies
worker colonies, migrant worker           take all necessary steps to ensure
                                                                                   refused to pay salaries. The Labour
colonies and slums                        that no worker is terminated, and
                                                                                   department must ensure that
                                          full payment of wages is made. In
    e)    Vaccine information:                                                     companies pay the salary or ensure
                                          line with the Circulars dated May
The Government should make                                                         government relief is provided.
                                          10, 2021 issued by the Government
publicly available information                                                         h)   Wages helpline: Labour
                                          of Karnataka directing employers
regarding vaccination procurement,                                                 Department must set up a helpline
                                          n o t to te r mi nate constructi on
payments made, and orders placed.                                                  for workers who are not paid wages
                                          workers, to pay wages, sanitize
Information dissemination should                                                   and who have complaints in regard
                                          their residences, and pay wages,
contain simplified results of vaccine                                              to termination, and immediate
                                          similar directions to be issued
trials, any post-vaccination deaths                                                remedial steps must be taken.
                                          to other industries to ensure the
or complications, and must dispel
                                          protection of livelihood of workers.        i)   Strengthening of
vaccination hesitancy.
                                             d)    Transportation to               Labour Department: Government
   2.    Livelihood                       workers and Protection against           must take all necessary steps to
   i.    Compensation                     Police Harassment: Although the          strengthen the Labour Department
                                          Government has permitted allows          in order to enable it to ensure
   a)    COVID-19 compensation
                                          for certain works to continue,           immediate remedial action for
packages: Government must
                                          workers are in fact unable to go,        deductions in wages/non-payment
declare a COVID-19 Financial
                                          due to lack of transportation.           of wages.
Compensation package
benefiting all Below Poverty              There is also no safeguard against          j)    Social security: In regard
Line (BPL) families, residents            police harassment, in case they          to workers in the unorganized sector,
of slums (identified, declared or         are travelling in private vehicles.      the Karnataka State Unorganised
otherwise), contract and casual           Immediate steps need to be taken         Worker Social Security Board must
workers receiving wages below Rs.         to ensure provision of transportation    step up and take responsibility to
15,000/-, domestic workers, street        and prevent police harassment.           provide social security. This must
vendors, construction workers,               e)   Payment of wages: It             not be limited to those registered
waste-pickers, manual scavengers,         is seen that in a large number of        under the Act.

                                                                    LIBERATION - CENTRAL ORGAN OF CPI(ML) | JUNE 2021 | 17

  iii.  Rent, loan and utility            Government must also implement          posters and auto announcements,
waivers                                   the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan         along with posters to be circulated
                                          Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) to all             in various languages.
    a)    Rent Waiver: The
                                          persons in PDS shops without
Government must issue necessary                                                      b)   State assistance: Steps
                                          insistence on ration cards.
orders directing house-owners not                                                 must be taken to that any worker
to insist on payment of rent for the         b)    Indira canteens: Per the       who desires to return to his native
lockdown period and a period of two       BBMP’s decision to provide food         place must be provided travel
months after the lockdown ends. It        packets at Indira Canteens, steps       assistance to return home.
must also issue orders to ensure          must be taken to ensure that when
                                                                                     c)     COVID-19 safety
no evictions of any persons are           households are located far away
                                                                                  m easur es: Government must
conducted in this period.                 from the Indira Canteens, they are
                                                                                  ensure that masks, sanitizer, ration
                                          provided food at their doorstep.
   b)     Loan moratoriums: The                                                   kits etc. are distributed at migrant
Government must issue necessary               c)   Community kitchens:            worker colonies specifically as
order directing loan repayment            Community kitchens should be            also at railway stations.
moratorium across the state of            set up to ensure decentralization
                                                                                      d)     Provision of safe living
Karnataka for the months of April         of food assistance. Support can
                                                                                  conditions: The government must
and May. It must be clarified that the    be taken from street vendors to
                                          run such community kitchens.            take proactive steps to ensure
said order is applicable to private
                                          An example may be drawn from            safe living condition for workers,
and public lenders, individuals and
                                          the Kerala model of community           i ncl udi ng undertaki ng regul ar
                                          kitchens.                               fumigation of these areas, have
    c)   Loan waivers: The                                                        intense awareness campaigns
Government must declare waiving               d)   Food Help-line: The            and equip each colony / areas with
of loans owed by workers to Micro         Government must set up a help-          adequate primary care facilities.
Finance Institutions (MFIs), banks        line that caters to food security
                                          specifically, and must ensure              e)   Periodical testing
and private lenders.
                                          provision of food in a time-bound       should also be done so that early
   d)     Interest free loans: At this    manner on receiving any such            detection of the illness is possible
time of social and economic crisis,       requests. Publicity must be given       thereby arresting its spread.
the State Government must provide         to these helplines.                       f)     Temporary shelters
interest-free loans to those in need
                                            3. Sector Specific                    must be established to ensure
based on a transparent policy.
                                          Recommendations                         migrant workers have facilities
Loans must be prolonged recovery
                                                                                  until the lockdown is lifted.
periods, without any requirement              i.    Migrant Workers
of securities, and with minimal                                                     ii.  Hospital and Frontline
                                             a)     Helpline: A specific
documentation required.                                                           Workers
                                          helpline must be created to address
   e)     Waivers on utilities: The       needs of migrant workers with              a)     Employers must ensure
Government must waive electricity         operators are fluent in Kannada and     quality safety equipment,
and water bills to provide financial      Hindi languages. The operators of       COVID-19 quarantine facility
security to its citizens who are          the helpline must be enabled to give    while on duty with food and other
suffering at the hands of a pandemic      real assistance to those who call,      facilities for stay
and lockdown.                             including                                 b)   Risk allowance of
   iv.    Food Security                       ●     Travel assistance             Rs. 10,000/- per month must
                                            ●    Assistance with non-             be provided to all Group – D
    a)    Ration kits: The State
                                          payment of wages/ termination of        housekeeping staff in recognition
Government, in coordination with
                                          employment                              of their service during the
local municipal corporations,
must ensure food security by free             ●     Health assistance
distribution of ration kits consisting                                               c)   Immediate medical
of rice, wheat, ragi, masala, cooking         ●     Information assistance etc.   attention must be provided in case
oil, salt, sugar, etc. to suffice           ●     This helpline must be widely    these workers show symptoms of
for a period of one month. The            publicized through social media         COVID-19.

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