Happy Rosh Hashanah 5782 - L'Shanah Tovah - Published by the Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton
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August 27-September 9, 2021 Published by the Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton Volume L, Number 18 BINGHAMTON, NEW YORK Happy Rosh Hashanah 5782 L’Shanah Tovah Tikatevu
Page 2 - The Reporter August 27-September 9, 2021 Opinion From the Desk of the Federation Executive Director With gratitude SHELLEY HUBAL Hanging above my desk are several postcards created tremendous gift to leave in this world. threatens to take away what little freedoms we tasted earlier by my Dad. He was a whiz with Photoshop, and I count Last week brought a few personal challenges: an this summer, choosing to laugh will certainly renew my his postcards among my most cherished possessions. Some aching tailbone injury that continues to nag, a mix of spirit. If we must endure another year of Zoom meetings, of the captions are “Poppa Steve’s Summer Camp for emotions from dropping my son off at college and the let’s at least share a chuckle. Wayward Children” and “Josh Hubal Stars in the Attack tough decision to cancel our Campaign kickoff brunch. So, if you find your phone ringing on Super Sunday, of the Abominable Snowman.” His favorite subject was After many hours of careful planning, canceling was not August 29, or in the week that follows, please answer. his family and he often wove in kitschy, B-rated horror an easy decision to make, but the safety of community It may be one of our Federation Campaign volunteers. films from the 1950s. The postcards were always crafted members must come first. Of course, the Campaign to They will be asking you for money to support our local with one purpose: to make you laugh. raise funds will not be canceled. There is much work Jewish organizations and, of course, we ask that give When I think of my Dad, the first thing that comes to do since the needs of our Jewish community have with a generous spirit. However, perhaps the call can also to mind is his sense of humor. He put humor in every- not changed. be an opportunity for a more valuable conversation. We thing he did: whether it was in the art he created, the As I sit here staring at Dad’s postcards, I have made a have all endured a truly difficult year and I urge you all whimsical postcards he made or three girls he parented. decision. My personal mantra for surviving the challenges to stay connected. If I am on the other end of the call, I He taught us that finding a way to laugh will ease any of the Federation Campaign for 2022 and the year to come hope we will be able to share a laugh or two. That would pain. I believe he prized laughter above all; that is a is to find a way to laugh. As the COVID-19 Delta Variant be a tremendous gift to give. Rosh Hashanah: A time of renewal and unity By Rabbi Elie Abadie to the vision and the bold leadership of the rulers of the newfound relationship for granted. We strive every day (JNS) – As Jews, every Rosh Hashanah, we rededicate UAE and the Kingdom of Bahrain, this dream reality has to nurture and strengthen this relationship and friendship. our commitment to Judaism. We reaffirm our devotion to come to fruition. The High Holidays are a time in the Jewish calendar Jewish law, and we strive to maintain our Jewish tradi- We have been an important and significant voice that year that evokes a feeling of belonging, a feeling of to- tions. We also focus on improving where we need to – on can affect change and promote Jewish-Muslim dialogue getherness – a feeling that we are all children of the same correcting our shortcomings and on growing on a societal, based on shared values and tradition. Our dialogue extends God, living on the earth that He created for all humanity. communal and individual level. In this way, we can make as well as within the greater society that we live in and We are charged in maintaining it and caring for it by a difference in our lives and in the lives of others. throughout the Gulf Cooperation Council region and the learning to co-exist, accept each other, and live in peace The idea of a resolve to change and improve one’s Arab Muslim world – indeed, with all the Abrahamic faiths. and harmony. By respecting and cherishing each other’s ways often comes to mind during this season, although, in Our prayers, our lives and our fate are all intertwined. religious and cultural differences, we learn to appreciate actuality, we are in pursuit of bettering ourselves all year. This relationship exists not only with our community, or and find the common faith between us. Man sees what his What is it that we are looking for this year that we did our society or our neighbors, but with all of humanity. We eyes behold, but God sees into the heart. We ought to do not request last year? Or is it that we requested it, but never have to believe that it is our personal involvement that will it wholeheartedly. got it? Could it be that what we are asking for we already be meaningful and significant; we cannot rely on others It is important to recognize the blessings that God have, but we don’t recognize or appreciate it? to do it for us. has given us; that we can see in our times a beautiful Over the last year here in the United Arab Emirates How different it is now, a year or so later. There is a great reawakening of the Golden Age of Andalus, when the and in the Arabian Gulf, as part of the Association of yearning to learn about each other and to experience each three Abrahamic religions are comingling in peace and Gulf Jewish Communities, we have changed history and other’s traditions. Jews are learning Arabic, and Khaleeji harmony. It becomes our responsibility and imperative to created a new reality. We have initiated, participated and Arabs are learning Hebrew. Everyone is so thankful for maintain this environment and to participate in furthering contributed to the religious, educational, cultural and whatever knowledge they gain in order to feel closer and this process. social growth of the nascent Jewish community. Thanks getting to know one another better. We do not take this See “Unity” on page 11 In My Own Words A lesson of the High Holidays RABBI RACHEL ESSERMAN, EXECUTIVE EDITOR No one is perfect. In fact, Judaism doesn’t expect us to have parents who weren’t perfect.... I think you get the I don’t envy those who are in the public eye. Yes, they’ve be perfect. If you’re shaking your head wondering how I idea. What’s funny is that many parents try not to make chosen those professions, but that doesn’t mean they came to that conclusion, it’s simple: Yom Kippur, a day the same mistakes they felt their parents made. That just don’t have a right to privacy. Politicians and celebrities when we’re required to confess our sins. The verses found means they make different mistakes. Maybe it’s time to shouldn’t be allowed to hide misconduct; that needs to in the book of Leviticus call it an “everlasting statute,” wipe the slate clean, to say, “We’re no longer going to be rooted out and punished. But just think what it would meaning it must take place every year forever. It’s as if review the past because we’re different people now. Yes, mean if everything you did was made public – that every- the founders of our religion knew we were going to make we’ll make new mistakes, but we should give each other thing you wrote or did– even as a child or a teen – made mistakes and that we would need a time to regroup and the benefit of the doubt that we are trying our best and headlines. Everyone has something embarrassing about look at our lives every single year. forgive those mistakes too.” which they would rather not have the world know. Actors, There is also another aspect to the day, though. If we Social media is another area where we need to realize musicians, politicians, etc. make the same mistakes we accept the fact that we will never be perfect, then we must that people aren’t perfect. It’s so easy to be nasty and mean do, but fortunately our actions aren’t going to appear on also accept that is true for everyone. That’s actually not when we can hide our identities. Read the comments on any page 1 of the newspaper or on a million news websites, easy. We have expectations of others, sometimes expectation newspaper site, Twitter account, public Facebook page, etc. Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, etc. It’s important to no one could ever meet. If we learn this lesson, the results and you will be horrified by what people say when their remember that they, too, are not perfect, nor should they could be far ranging, changing how we relate to everyone identity is concealed. We need to consider what a person be expected to be. from family members to those who post on social media meant before we post a comment. Are we willing to give Yom Kippur is a time when we get to start new – that sites to politicians/actors/musicians, etc. who are in the them the benefit of the doubt? Are we willing to accept is, if we are willing to learn from our mistakes and not public eye. that they can have a different opinion and still be a good repeat them. Of course, we’ll stray from the course One of the hardest things for children to learn is that person? It’s also important to remember that social media again, but, because of that, we should give others the their parents are not perfect. It’s so easy to blame our sites are not a good place to have a real conversation about same benefit of the doubt about their intentions we hope parents when something goes wrong in our lives. If issues. In the New Year, we should pause before we post that they will give us. Judaism knows we are going to we think clearly, though, we have to recognize that our something. Is it nice? If it’s critical, is it an accusation or sin, to make mistakes, to stray from the correct course, parents had parents who were not perfect and may have an attempt to really understand what the person means? but it also allows us a chance every year to return to left them scarred. But before we blame our grandparents, Too many friends have been lost and too many families the correct path. This year, let’s include a promise to we also have to acknowledge that they also had parents divided because people are listening to sound bites, rather treat others’ feelings as carefully as we want them to who weren’t perfect and those great-grandparents also than actually talking to each other. treat our own. Executive Editor Rabbi Rachel Esserman Layout Editor Diana Sochor Advertising Charlie Pritchett Suzanne Holwitt, President Bookkeeper Kathy Brown Shelley Hubal, Executive Director Published by the Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton Production Associate Julie Weber 607-724-2332 ~ www.jfgb.org BINGHAMTON, NY Proofreaders The Reporter Editorial Committee Barbara Bank, Fran Ferentinos, Rachel Coker, chairwoman OPINIONS Rebecca Goldstein Kahn, Merri Pell-Preus, Rebecca Goldstein Kahn, Ben Kasper, The views expressed in editorials and opinion pieces are those of each author and Ilene Pinsker, Heidi Thirer not necessarily the views of the Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton. Toby Kohn, Richard Lewis, Robert Neuberger, Dora Polachek LETTERS The Reporter welcomes letters on subjects of interest to the Jewish community. All letters must be signed and include a phone number; HOW TO REACH THE REPORTER names may be withheld upon request. Mail ~ The Reporter, 500 Clubhouse Rd. Vestal, NY 13850 “The Reporter” (USPS 096-280) is published bi-weekly for $40 per year by the ADS E-mail ~ TReporter@aol.com The Reporter does not necessarily endorse any advertised products Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton, 500 Clubhouse Road, Vestal, NY 13850-3734. and services. In addition, the paper is not responsible for the Periodicals Postage Paid at Vestal, NY and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Phone ~ 607-724-2360 or 800-779-7896 kashruth of any advertiser’s product or establishment. Send address changes to The Reporter, 500 Clubhouse Road, Extension#/Department ~ 1. Advertising 2. Business Office DEADLINE Vestal, NY 13850-3734 or reach us by e-mail at TREPORTER@AOL.COM. 3. Art Department 4. Circulation 6. Editorial/News Regular weekly deadline is noon, Wednesday, for the following week’s newspaper. www.thereportergroup.org
August 27-September 9, 2021 Page 3 - The Reporter Super Sunday phonathon to take INSIDE THIS ISSUE Holiday round-up place; brunch is cancelled Area synagogues announce their holiday services and events; a look at pomegranates; By Reporter staff Hubal added, “That doesn’t The Jewish Federation of Greater mean the Campaign for 2022 isn’t a new book offers a spiritual boot camp for Binghamton will still hold its Super taking place. Our local organiza- the High Holidays; and a few facts about the Sunday phonathon on Sunday, Au- tions desperately need those funds Jewish leap year. gust 29, although the brunch and so please answer your phone and film scheduled have been cancelled. make a pledge.” ................................. Pages 5, 10-11, 18 and 22 Community members are asked to Pledges can also be made by filling answer calls and make their pledge out the form on page 24 of this paper, Talks around town for the Campaign for 2022. visiting the Federation website at The Chabad Center will host the annual “I was so looking forward to us www.jfgb.org and clicking on “Give” being able to be together,” said Shel- and then “Campaign for 2022,” or Piaker lecture; TC Sisterhood will host a talk ley Hubal, executive director of the Federation. “But the e-mailing Hubal at director@jfgb.org with “pledge” in by author Sarah Hurwitz. safety of the community has to come first.” the subject line. ................................................. Pages 5 and 7 Federation, JCC to hold lecture Sbarro 20 years latter Twenty years after the Sbarro suicide on “The Chinese Jews of Kaifeng” bombing, survivors still struggle to come to terms with it. By Reporter staff ......................................................... Page 15 The Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton and the Jewish Community Center will hold a lecture about “The Special Sections Chinese Jews of Kaifeng,” an online exhibit sponsored by a grant of the Friends of the UW Libraries at the University Book Reviews................................................ 4 and 6 of Washington Seattle, on Friday, October 1. The exact time Community Institutions.....................................10-11 of the lecture will be announced, but it will take place in Personal Greetings...........................................14-16 the early afternoon. Rabbi Anson H. Laytner, president of Health Greetings.............................................. 19, 21 the Sino-Judaic Institute and editor of its journal Points East, will speak via Zoom about the online exhibit, which Classifieds............................................................. 24 discusses the history of the Jewish community in China. (To read an interview of Laytner, see the article on page 7.) To receive the Zoom link or for more information, S Two members of the community in front of the Chinese contact Federation Executive Director Shelley Hubal at director@jfgb.org. and Hebrew Cultures Center (Photo courtesy of the Sino- Judaic Institute) D E A D L I N E “We were hoping to hold the program as a Lunch and Learn,” said Hubal. “We won’t know until closer to the We believe this story will enrich our understanding of both The following are deadlines for all articles event if that will be possible. But even if we can’t gather Jewish and Chinese history and cultures.” and photos for upcoming issues. in one place, we can look forward to what should be a Prior to his retirement, Laytner was program manager of fascinating lecture.” the Interreligious Initiative at Seattle University’s School of ISSUE DEADLINE According to the exhibit’s website, “The purpose of Theology and Ministry, and an adjunct professor there with September 10-23........................ August 30* the display is to introduce the fascinating history of the the Department of Theology and Religious Studies. He has Jewish communities in China, especially the Chinese Jews also worked as a chaplain and as a director of non-profit September 24-OCtober 7......September 13* of Kaifeng, which was the capital city of the Northern organizations. He is editor, with Jordan Paper, of “The October 8-21.........................September 27* Song Dynasty (960-1127) and is located in today’s Henan Chinese Jews of Kaifeng: A Millennium of Adaptation October 22-November 4............. October 13 Province.... [The exhibit presents] the story of the Jewish and Endurance,” a scholarly book that explores the culture communities in China, how they interacted with the local and history of the Chinese Jewish community and how it All deadlines for the year can be found at cultures and life, and what has become of them eventually. See “Lecture” on page 4 www.thereportergroup.org/contact-us/faqs under “Q: What Are the Deadlines for the Paper?” Memorial service at Holocaust The Jewish Community wishes to express its Memorial Monument on Sept. 12 sympathy to the family of Bernice Ruth Strassberg By Reporter staff The stone was the project of the Get Togeth- The Jewish Federation of Greater Bing- er Club, which was a social and philanthropic hamton will hold a memorial service at the group formed in 1948 by 13 German-speaking Holocaust Memorial Monument in the Temple Jewish women. The women were the wives of Israel Cemetery on Conklin Avenue in Conk- cattle dealers who had resettled in the Southern lin on Sunday, September 12, at 10:30 am. The Tier after fleeing Nazism. The decision to raise Real Estate Services service, which is being organized by Randy a memorial stone occurred after a member’s Friedman, will be led by area rabbis. Those husband wished he had a place to say Kaddish SUZANNE L. KRAUSE Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker attending are asked to wear masks due to the for his parents, who, since they had died in the Cell: 607.760.3366 increase in the number of COVID cases in Holocaust, had no grave he could visit. The Office: 607.772.1177 Broome County. The monument was one of club raised the necessary funds for the stone. Fax: 607.772.2435 the first memorial stones in the United States The names of more than 250 individuals who suekrause@howardhanna.com to acknowledge the Holocaust. died in the Holocaust and had no grave were howardhanna.com “We had to make a very difficult decision placed in a copper box, which was buried at the last year and did not hold the service due to The Holocaust Memorial foot of the monument. The inscription on the the pandemic,” said Shelley Hubal, executive Monument in the Temple stone says, “Victims of Racial Persecution who Happy New Year director of the Federation. “Focusing on the Israel Cemetery on Conklin lost Their Lives in Europe During the Years health of community members was our first Avenue in Conklin. 1933-1945. They Will Never Be Forgotten.” ERNEST H. PARSONS concern. We hope that this year’s ceremony The first ceremony took place on Sunday, FUNERAL HOME will take place as planned.” See “Memorial” on page 6 Faithfully Serving Broome County Since 1928 PRE-ARRANGEMENTS AND PRE-FUNDING AVAILABLE Joseph Fritsch Managing Director 71 Main St., Binghamton, NY 13905 Phone 607-724-1336 suekra Fax 800-948-5844 parsonsfuneral@yahoo.com www.ParsonsFuneral.com HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE ÊVisit us on the web at www.thereportergroup.org
Page 4 - The Reporter August 27-September 9, 2021 Off the Shelf Jewish sages and Jewish wisdom RABBI RACHEL ESSERMAN Jewish sages offered in order to continue his study of to offer objections so that a subject could and meaning to everyday life.” For the first When people discuss the Talmud, they Torah. His method of study becomes im- be fully explored – enriched halachah. A time, she discovered the spark she calls her usually speak about its legal (halachic) portant in one of the best known stories of difficulty arises when a teacher feels that the own soul, noting that “when the soul isn’t aspects. However, its pages are also filled the Talmud: a disagreement about the purity questioning has crossed the line to become fulfilled, it sends us signals, calling for our with aggadic material – stories about the of an oven. All the other rabbis believe it disrespectful. That line is particularly diffi- attention, often through feelings of fear, ancient rabbis that were used to teach lessons is impure; Rabbi Eliezer declares it pure. cult to determine when discussing a question sadness, or anxiety.” or illustrate a point. In “The Snake at the He refuses to change his opinion and calls for which there is no clear precedent. Oshman discusses how she uses the ideas Mouth of the Cave: Exploring Talmudic on supernatural forces to support him. The “The Snake at the Mouth of the Cave” she discovered in hasidut in her personal and Narrative” (Maggid Books), Moshe Sokol, other rabbis refuse to accept anything but can be read by those familiar with the Tal- professional life. For example, she used the dean of the Lander College for Men at the human reason and excommunicate Rabbi mud and those with no background in its concept of tzimtzum (literally contraction, Touro College and University System, Eliezer for not following the will of the study. Sokol’s prose and explanations are but also used to mean the mystical process analyzes eight of these stories. majority (something the text later says clear enough for both. The stories and dis- that occurred when God contracted and Sokol notes the importance of story- God supported). cussions are interesting and well done. My made space for our world). One doesn’t telling because it speaks to the human Sokol notes that to truly understand one complaint is his tendency to discount have to subscribe to the mystical process to condition: “The talmudic rabbi often told the meaning of the story, readers have the supernatural elements of the text (for understand the necessity of making space stories because stories are a compelling to know a) the history of the time and example, suggesting that discussions with at work and at home for others to express form of human communication, dating back b) the two styles of Torah study that had the dead or someone sleeping for 70 years their ideas. Sometimes parents need to let almost to the origin of humankind. Let us developed. These debates took place af- were really dreams) since the text itself children make their own decisions, even remember that the Torah itself contains ter the destruction of the Second Temple suggests that these elements were taken if they make a mistake or fail. At work, more narrative than law. Well-told stories when the rabbis were attempting to keep seriously. However, this is a minor com- allowing employees to express their ideas, grab our interest, for we can identify with Judaism alive without a central place to plaint about a work that does an excellent even if they are different from what the the characters whose stories are told, and gather. Rabbi Eliezer felt that nothing job looking at important aggadic stories. company has done before, may result in grow by entering their world.” Lest one that had been previously transmitted as Jewish wisdom better ways of doing business. think these tales might be boring, Sokol law could be changed. A different school Most people who met Michal Oshman Oshman uses the concept of tzedakah writes that they feature “sin, redemption, of thought called for the use of reason would never have thought she suffered from (justice) to encourage readers to have success and failure, interpersonal conflicts, and being open to new lines of discovery. anxiety. After all, she’d been an officer in the the courage of their convictions, even if alienation, human pain and triumph, love, These different methods are compared to Israeli army, had three university degrees those convictions are not popular. She fear, anger, spiritual yearning.” They also “a sealed reservoir which never losses a and was married with children. Yet, when also explores the importance of Shabbat serve as a reminder that rabbinic figures drop stored within it” (Rabbi Eliezer) and a Oshman, who is now head of company and discusses how to create a mikdash experienced the same emotions as those “flowing stream” that “stressed the impor- culture, diversity, and inclusion at TikTok me’at (little sanctuary) in one’s home. around them. tance of human creativity in responding to Europe, first began working for Facebook, Her discussion of teshuvah (returning to LEROY PACKAGE STORE However, Sokol warns readers against new challenges” (the rabbis who opposed taking these stories, and his interpretations, Rabbi Eliezer). What becomes clear in the LEROY PACKAGE STORE she was taken aback by a question hang- the right path) is excellent: she notes that ing on a wall: “What would you do if you the process “is not about feeling guilty as strict biography. He notes that he doesn’t author’s discussion are the human results weren’t afraid?” That was the beginning or blaming yourself for your failings. It presumeThe area’s to know largest what these selection great sages felt of of Wines these and Spirits! arguments, which include the The of her search forarea’s largest a different selection way of living, of Wines is about looking and Spirits! at where you are in life, about the conflicts WeheCarry discusses. over Instead, he death of 50 different another Wines: Kosher scholar and the loss of one without anxiety. We HowCarryshe over used her50new compared different to whereWines: Kosher you have the potential seeks to understand what the writer of the knowledge when Rabbi Eliezer was no interest in Jewish values to overcome that to be, and seeking to correct course.” aggadah was trying to teach, noting • Case Discounts that “our on Wine longer able to share his learning with his problem informs her book “What • Case Would Discounts on Wine Of course, not everyone reading “What goal is to understand the text as • itSpecial appears, Orders Welcome colleagues and students. You Do If You Weren’t Afraid? •Discover Special a Orders Welcome Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid?” in all its brilliant complexity and • richness.” Knowledgeable Another aggadah tellsStaff & Courteous the story of Rabbi life filled with purpose and joy through the will be hired • Knowledgeable by a multi-national & Courteous Staff organi- Three of the eight chapters focus on &Yochanan • Organic and Reish Low Sulfite Lakish. Wines Reish Lakish Available secrets of Jewish wisdom” (DK Publishing). • Organic & zation LoworSulfite have a successful marriage. But Wines Available Rabbi Eliezer. The author uses • theOver different was the leader 700 Imported of a band Wines From: of bandits who Underlying her work is an idea she dis- • Over 700the ideas Oshman Imported expresses Wines From: are interesting stories to inform each other. ForFrance,example,Italy, became the student Spain, & South of America Rabbi Yochanan. covered in a book by Viktor E. Frankl: “We Italy, France, and worthwhile. Each chapter Spain, & South America ends with readers learn that Rabbi Eliezer so wanted • Over 250 New York State Wines Reish Lakish The two were so close that should view happiness as a side effect of questions to consider, • Over 250 New York State Wines ones that might help to study that he defied his father, leaving the married Rabbi Yochanan’s sister. Unfortu- finding something we care about. Happiness readers leave their fears behind. Her prose family farm at age64 28 toLeroy study withStreet, Rabbi Binghamton, NY caused a split nately, a misunderstanding is notOur theWishes goal itself 64 Leroy for a – Frankl believedStreet, Binghamton, that is easy NY she offers to read, and the examples Yochanan ben Zakkaai. This late start did between them and each dies due to the loss humansHAPPYare not simply seeking pleasure make it easy to understand the practical not stop Rabbi Eliezer from becoming 724-2935 a of his friend. What matters for the discus- 724-2935 for its own sake, but are seeking meaning.” application of the value being discussed. great scholar. AlthoughMon. he later-reconciles Sat. 9:00am sion of- Torah 11:00pmstudy is that their method of CHANUKAH When reaching out for help,Mon. Oshman - Sat. was 9:00am - 11:00pm While success can’t be guaranteed, Osh- with his father, he refuses any inheritance questioning – which encouraged students told to explore Judaism and found inspira- man’s work was worth reading if only to tion in the Jewish wisdom of hasidut, which see how Jewish concepts can be used to offered her a way “to bring spirituality, joy, interact with the secular world. LEROY PACKAGE STORE LEROY PACKAGE STORE The area’s largest selection of Wines and Spirits! Lecture Continued from page 3 The area’s largest selection of Wines and Spirits! combined Chinese and Jewish cultures. cultural coordinator, “ said Brumer. “I am We Carry over 50 different Kosher Wines: The committeeWe organizing Carry over the 50 different event looking Kosher forward toWines: the upcoming program included Shelley Hubal, executive director she is planning with Shelley Hubal and the • Case Discounts on Wine • Case Discounts on Wine of the Federation; Sheryl Brumer, executive Federation, and hope we can continue to plan • Special Orders Welcome director of the JCC; and Sima •Auerbach, Special Orders more suchWelcome programs together in the future.” • Knowledgeable & Courteous Staff • Knowledgeable the JCC’s Judaic cultural coordinator. “I & Courteous If the event Staff it will in- is held in person, • Organic & Low Sulfite Wines Available • Organic & Low Sulfite Wines am very excited that Sima Auerbach has clude a Reporter book give-away. Available For more • Over 700 Imported Wines From: • Over agreed to be the JCC’ s new part-time 700information, Judaic Importedsee Wines futureFrom: issues of this paper. France, Italy, Spain, & South America France, Italy, Spain, & South America • Over 250 New York State Wines • Over 250 New York State Wines Our Wishes for a 64 Leroy Street, Binghamton, NY Our Wishes for a 64 Leroy Street, Binghamton, NY HAPPY 724-2935 HAPPY 724-2935 NEW YEAR Mon. - Sat. 9:00am - 11:00pm PASSOVER Mon. - Sat. 9:00am - 11:00pm Savitch Agency Insurance Providing the highest level of professional service for industry and the individual. Security Mutual Building PO Box 1923, Binghamton, NY 13902 772-1101 www.savitch.com
August 27-September 9, 2021 Page 5 - The Reporter Ithaca Area United Jewish Community to host Rosh Hashanah young family event on Aug. 29 On Sunday, August 29, from 3-4:30 pm, the Ithaca Jewish institution is required to be a subscriber. “In fact, events for younger children,” organizers noted. “During Area United Jewish Community will host a celebration many subscribers use the books as a way to learn about the pandemic, IAUJC provided monthly gift bags in lieu in honor of the upcoming Jewish New Year, Rosh Ha- Jewish holidays, traditions and values,” said organizers of of the holiday gatherings. These bags contained items that shanah, at the Small Pavilion in Stewart Park in Ithaca. the event. “The celebration on August 29 will help bring families could use at home to celebrate the Sabbath and The event is designed for young families, but those who people together for a fun afternoon. Those interested in various holidays. We also organized short monthly Zoom are “young at heart” are welcome, as well. There will be becoming subscribers will be assisted.” programs that included storytelling and games.” craft activities related to the holiday and a “Make a Joyful A program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, PJ Two parents in Ithaca describe their families’ experi- Noise” drumming circle at 3:45 pm led by musician Sam Library is made possible through partnerships with philan- ences this way: Fishman. Children can make their own percussion instru- thropists and local Jewish organizations, such as IAUJC. “My girls are always excited to see their names in the ments before the drumming begins. In addition, Rabbi Families raising children from birth through 9 years old mail. They immediately ask to stop what they’re doing and Dovid Birk, of the Roitman Chabad Center at Cornell, will with Judaism as part of their lives are welcome to sign up. read their new books! With the gift bags we were able to blow the shofar. This will be the first in-person festivity PJ Library welcomes all Jewish families, whatever their celebrate and learn about our holidays, and while it can’t since the beginning of the pandemic. The event is being background, knowledge, or family make-up, or observance replace a social event with friends, I am personally very co-sponsored by Chabad at Cornell, Congregation Tikkun may be. PJ Library delivers more than 200,000 free Jewish grateful for these carefully planned activities that we’ve v’Or and Temple Beth-El. children’s books throughout the United States and Canada enjoyed working on at home. Thank you so much!” – The family program is one of several that, under nor- each month, including the 140 subscribers in and around Hadar Elor mal circumstances, are held throughout the year by Ithaca Ithaca. Each subscriber receives a title carefully selected From an interfaith family: “The PJ Library and gift Area United Jewish Community to bring together young for high-quality content and age-level appropriateness. bags have been a wonderful way for us to introduce families who subscribe to the PJ Library Jewish storybook “Events like the upcoming celebration of the birthday Jewish faith and culture to our children. The books program. This is a free subscription program; to find out of the world provide participants with the opportunity to are always of the highest quality and include sections more, visit www.pjlibrary.org. No formal affiliation to a connect with other families in their community through See “Itthaca” on page 8 Chabad Center to hold Piaker lecture on Sept. 2 Reservations are still being accepted for the at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Davidoff Society for excellence in medical teaching at Pauline and Philip Piaker Memorial Lecture Yeshiva University. He received his B.A. from Einstein and was awarded the Outstanding Mentor Award lecture, which will be held on Thursday, Sep- Yeshiva University, his M.D. from the Albert for two years at Yeshiva University. He has served on the tember 2, at the Chabad Center. The featured Einstein College of Medicine and rabbinic advisory boards of the New York Organ Donor Network, Due to rising COVID cases, this event has been speaker, Rabbi Edward Reichman, M.D., will address “It’s a brave, new world – From Mes- senger RNA Vaccines to Mitochondrial DNA ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. In addition to his full-time clinical practice Center for Genetics and Public Policy, the Program for Jewish Genetic Health at Einstein, and the Rabbinical Council of America. postponed until spring. Genes: The Jewish Approach to the Latest in Emergency Medicine at Montefiore Medical At Einstein, Reichman teaches Jewish medical ethics in Medical Advances.” The doors will be open Center, Reichman lectures internationally on the Einstein Bioethics Masters Program, offers electives in and refreshments available at 7 pm with the Jewish medical ethics. He has edited books and Jewish medical ethics and mentors medical students writing presentation beginning at 7:30 pm. There is no penned many book chapters and journal articles their thesis on topics in Jewish medical ethics. charge, but reservations are required and can Rabbi Edward on Jewish medical ethics and Jewish medical At Yeshiva University, Reichman has mentored the be made at www. Jewishbu.com/Piaker or by Reichman, M.D. history. His book “The Anatomy of Jewish Law” Medical Ethics Society since its inception, working with calling Chabad at 797-0015. will be released by the end of this year. the students to coordinate both local and national program- Reichman is a professor of emergency medicine and Reichman is the recipient of a Kornfeld Foundation ming. In addition, he serves as a mentor to students in the professor in the Division of Education and Bioethics in Study Fellowship and the Michael A. and Jonathan S. Honors Program who choose to write their thesis on topics the Department of Epidemiology and Population Health Rubinstein Medical Ethics Prize. He was elected to the in Jewish medical ethics. Paid for by Monachino For Judge ÊVisit us on the web at www.thereportergroup.org
Page 6 - The Reporter August 27-September 9, 2021 Off the Shelf Teens, in the present day and times past RABBI RACHEL ESSERMAN Contemporary America Jasmine introduced Larissa to her friends and the two girls child is intriguing, partly because Jesje can’t be expected What does that word mean? What are those initials for? became very close – close in unexpected ways. But now to understand all that has happened, especially when her And that game, how do you play it? Those were some of the two are barely speaking to each other, something that family hides a past they can’t bear to remember. my thoughts when reading two recent novels that take bothers Larissa, but she doesn’t know how to approach Fifteenth-century Spain place in contemporary America. Fortunately, an internet Jasmine. What happened that summer was not supposed to Secrets also play a role in “The Poetry of Secrets” by search answered my questions. But even my cluelessness interrupt or overlap with real life or, at least, what Larissa Cambria Gordon (Scholastic Press). Isabel Perez’s family with contemporary teenage slang did not prevent me from thinks of as her real life. After all, she’s loved Chase for secret is revealed by the second chapter: while her family enjoying “Zoe Rosenthal Is Not Lawful Good” by Nancy years, so why isn’t their relationship completely satisfying? acts Christian in public, they still practice their Judaism, Werlin (Candlewick Press) and “Cool for the Summer” by And why can’t she stop thinking about Jasmine? although only in secret. The novel begins before the expul- Dahlia Adler (Wednesday Books). “Cool for the Summer” moves back and forth in time, sion of the Jews from Spain. However, the Inquisition is At the risk of gushing, I adored “Zoe Rosenthal Is Not offering readers a chance to learn what happened during already punishing New Christians for Judaizing – for not Lawful Good.” I loved Zoe and her friends. I understand the past summer and see how it affects Larissa now. The eating pork, for lighting candles on Friday night, for not their deep attachment to a streaming show that they wanted novel is well done, although I found the romance aspect working on Saturdays or for practicing any Jewish ritual. to share with the rest of the world. I felt for them when less interesting than what that Larissa learns about herself, When an Old Christian officer of the town wants to they worried about the show being cancelled if it didn’t and I don’t just mean her sexuality. Those who love teen marry Isabel, her parents agree because he offers the get more publicity and fans. OK, so I’m not sure I would romances will definitely enjoy this one. family protection. But Isabel doesn’t want to marry him: dress as a character from my favorite show and go to a Twentieth-century Netherlands she wants to be a poet and experience true love. In fact, comic con (a convention for all things science fiction and Almost every family has secrets, but most are not as she has found the perfect man: Diego Altamirano. There fantasy), but I understand the impulse. powerful as the one 11-year-old Jesje’s mother refuses are a few problems: although Diego is in love with Isabel, I suppose you want to know about the plot. Well, that to talk about. In Jeska Verstegen’s “I’ll Keep You Close” he belongs to an Old Christian family that would never was fun, too. Zoe, who is in her senior year of high school (Levine Quirdo), Jesje wonders why her mother always accept his marriage to a New Christian. Diego also hates and lives in Boston, sneaks off to a comic con taking place keeps the drapes closed and plays music as if she is trying his current life – acting as tax collector for his father. He in Atlanta, GA, without telling her parents and her boy- to drown out her emotions. Jesje and her older sister are dreams of painting and studying philosophy. A marriage friend, Simon. She’s actually more worried about Simon’s expected to be home exactly on time and not to make too between the two seems impossible. reaction to her trip: He is very serious and has no time for much noise. Since she has no explanations for her moth- While the romance was well done, the real interest for nonsense like science fiction. While Zoe is at the comic con, er’s behavior, Jesje can’t help, but feel she must be doing me were the questions of religion that the author raises. For he’s spending his weekend working for a state senatorial something wrong. Then her grandmother, who is suffering example, although the novel is told through the points of candidate. He expects Zoe to also work on the campaign from dementia, calls her by a different name – one she’s view of Isabel and Diego, it was Isabel’s sister Beatriz who because she’s pretended to have the same interests as he never heard before. This leads Jesje to learn what happened was the most intriguing character. Although required by her does. Zoe loves the other fans she meets at the comic con: to her family and what is behind her mother’s fears. parents to celebrate Jewish rituals (in secret), Beatriz has most are in high school, and they talk about their plans for Since this is a Jewish newspaper, readers won’t be absorbed the lessons of the Catholic Church that she and college, in addition to discussing their favorite show. Zoe’s surprised by the true nature of the secret, although it is the family are forced to attend. Beatriz would prefer to be thoughts about college are more complicated because she interesting to see how Jesje discovers her heritage. The fully Catholic, but she must celebrate the family’s Jewish and Simon plan to attend the same school. But finding a novel is written in a childlike voice, which makes sense customs. I felt for this young woman who was caught in school that will work for both of them won’t be easy. As since it features Jesje’s thoughts and her frequent misun- what must have felt like an intolerable situation. Zoe finds herself more and more involved trying to save derstanding of her mother’s actions. The plot is slight, with I did have a few quibbles with “The Poetry of Secrets”: her favorite show with her new friends, she learns that life the novel focusing more on everyday life than dramatic several plot twists weren’t completely convincing (although doesn’t always go according to plan. events. In addition, there is no true ending, that is, if readers they added depth to the characters) and the ending was “Zoe Rosenthal Is Not Lawful Good” was completely expected to learn all the family secrets, but that seems to be not realistic, but readers won’t complain because it was delightful. People who have never felt passionately about the point. The knowledge Jesje gains is only the beginning satisfying. However, these are minor complaints about a a TV show might wonder what the fuss is about. The rest and, if she wants to learn more, she will have to do that book that allows teen readers to learn about the Spanish of us will just be tempted to discuss our favorite show. Oh, on her own. But seeing these events through the eyes of a Inquisition and offers food for thought about religion. and the slight twist at the end? That was awesome. Jewish online resources While new ideas about gender are part of Zoe’s life (the characters introduce themselves by their preferred pronouns), it’s sexuality that plays a major role in Larissa Bogdan’s life in “Cool for the Summer.” The beginning of By Reporter staff courses this fall, visit www.ritualwell.org/learn. Larissa’s senior year begins better than expected. Chase A variety of Jewish groups are offering educational The Yiddish Book Center will hold the following virtual Harding, on whom she’s had a crush for ages, finally notices and recreational online resources. Below is a sampling of programs: “ The Role Jewish Holiday Food Plays in Jewish her as more than a friend. She can’t believe something she’s those. The Reporter will publish additional listings as they Family Traditions” with Leah Koenig on Thursday, Septem- dreamed about since middle school is finally happening. become available. ber 9, at 7pm; “Secular Yidishkayt and Social Justice in the But a problem arises when Jasmine Killary unexpectedly The Jewish Theological Seminary will hold the virtual U.S. South” with Josh Parshall” on Thursday, September walks into the school. program “Atonement: An Interplay Between the Individual 30, at 7 pm; “The Glass Negatives of Lublin” with Piotr The two girls know each other: Jasmine’s father is and the Community” with Rabbi Gordon Tucker on Monday, Nazaruk on Thursday, October 7, at 7 pm; and “The Pogroms Larissa’s mother’s boss, and the four of them just spent September 13, from 2-3:30 pm. The program will explore the of 1918–1921 and the Onset of the Holocaust” with Jeffrey the summer in North Carolina. While her mother worked, individual and collective aspects of this holy day, focusing Veidlinger on Thursday, October 14, at 7 pm. For more on Unetaneh Tokef, the Yom Kippur confession, and other information or to register, visit www.yiddishbookcenter. liturgical features of the season. For more information or org/events-and-store/virtual-public-programs-calendar. to register, visit www.jtsa.edu/atonement-an-interplay-be- American Friends of Shalva will present the virtual tween-the-individual-and-the-community. program “Meet the Shtisels: An Intimate Portrait” on Ritualwell will hold several virtual programs: “Resting Sunday, September 12, at 8 pm. For more information and in Heshvan: When Doing Nothing Makes Everything Pos- to register, visit www.shtiselatshalva.com/. sible” led by Dr. Mira Neshama Niculescu on Thursday, Siegal Lifelong Learning will hold several virtual lec- September 30, from noon–1:30 pm (no cost to attend); tures in September and October: “Eastside Conversation: “Culturally Responsive Ritual Creation: Lessons from the HaZamir: Not Just a Choir” on Friday, September 17, Latin-Jewish Community,” on Fridays, October 1, 8, 15 and from noon-1 pm; “Extra-ordinary Light: The Poetry of 22, from noon-1:30 pm ($144 for four-session immersion); Tracy K. Smith” on Friday, September 24, from noon-1:30 “The Power of “AND”: Parataxis in Praise, Lament, And pm; “How to Answer a Fool: Civil Discourse in Rabbinic Prophecy” led by Joy Ladin on Thursday, October 7, from Sources” on Thursday, October 7, from 7-8:30 pm; “The 2–3:30 pm (no cost to attend); “Heshvan: Integrating the Women of Shtisel” on Wednesday, October 13, from 7-8:30 High Holidays” led by Dr. Mira Neshama Niculescu on pm; and “Omanit: The Women Pioneers of Israeli Artistic Thursdays, October 7, 14, 21 and 28 from noon–1:30 pm Culture” on Monday, October 25, from noon-1:30 pm. ($144 for four-session immersion); and “Writing Poetic For more information or to register, visit https://case.edu/ Midrash from the Book of Genesis” with on Tuesday, lifelonglearning/lectures. October 19, from noon–1:30 pm (free standalone session). See “Resources” on page 16 For more information, to register and to learn about more Memorial Continued from page 3 November 9, 1952, and continued for 20 years. Then after Professor Rhonda Levine spoke about the Get Together Club at the Federation’s Super Sunday in 2015, it was decided to resume the ceremony, holding it between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur each year. The ceremony was held for several years before its cancellation last year due to the pandemic. “I learned from Arieh Ullmann, and through Rhonda’s work, that the Holocaust memorial in Conklin is one of the first memorials created in the country,” said Friedman, who is the chairman of the Department of Judaic Studies and the director of the Center for Israel Studies at Binghamton University. “By gathering together, we remember those who were lost in the Shoah, and honor those who developed, created and sustained this important community memorial.” “Join us for what is always a moving event,” said Hu- bal. “It’s important that we never forget the lives lost in the Holocaust.”
August 27-September 9, 2021 Page 7 - The Reporter TC Sisterhood to sponsor talk with Sarah Hurwitz on Sept. 23 Temple Concord Sisterhood will sponsor “A Conver- to register or for answers to questions, contact Phyllis tended each year. That class led to a challenging, moving sation with Sarah Hurwitz” via Zoom on Thursday, Sep- Kellenberger at 727-8305. and ultimately life-transforming journey. tember 23, at 7 pm. During the program, Sarah Hurwitz Hurwitz worked for a decade as a political speechwriter “Hurwitz is on a mission to share the profound insights will discuss her book “Here All Along,” which talks about for Hillary Clinton and former President Barack Obama, she discovered in studying Jewish law, history, spirituality her relationship to Judaism. The event is complimentary to and as head speech writer for former first lady Michelle and ethics,” organizers added. “She has gained access to members of Temple Concord Sisterhood. All others wishing Obama. Hurwitz calls herself the quintessential lapsed Jew, vast troves of wisdom on everything from holidays, rit- to participate will be asked for an $18 donation to register. that is until age 36 when she attended a beginner’s class uals and prayer to Jewish conceptions of God, death and Donations should be sent to Temple Concord Sisterhood, on Judaism. “Attending on a whim, she found beautiful social justice. In this entertaining and accessible book, 9 Riverside Dr., Binghamton, NY 13905, labeled for the rituals, helpful guidance on living an ethical life and new she shows why Judaism matters and how its message September 23 program. conceptions of God,” said organizers of the event. “None is more relevant than ever. She inspires Jews to do the Registration opened August 15 and information will be of what she discovered had she learned in Hebrew school learning, questioning and debating required to make this sent to Temple Concord Sisterhood members. For others or during the two synagogue services she grudgingly at- religion their own.” TC Religious School registration now open to members and non-members Temple Concord Religious School is now accepting the prayers and their meanings. Students are taught pre-k/kindergarten through second grade; $580 mem- registrations for students in pre-k/kindergarten through 10th how to lead the service, to read their Torah and haftarah bers/$680 non-members for third through sixth grades; grade who wish to enroll for the 2021-22 school year. The portion, and to speak about their own interpretation of $745 members/$845 non-members for seventh grade (b’nai school is open to children of members and non-members. the Torah portion. mitzvah); and $330 members/$430 non-members for older Classes for pre-k/kindergarten through seventh grade Kollel and Confirmation classes seek to offer post-b’nai students in Kollel and Confirmation classes. meet from 9-10:30 am on Saturdays, followed by a family mitzvah students intellectual challenges and a deeper For more information and to register for Temple Con- Shabbat service. The first class this fall will be Saturday, understanding of God, Jewish identity and current events. cord Religious School, call the temple office at 723-7355 September 11. Hebrew classes for children in grades three The tuition is $330 members/$430 non-members for or e-mail Shoer at oshoer@binghamton.edu. through seven meet for an hour on Tuesdays and Thurs- days. All classes meet at Temple Concord, 9 Riverside Dr., Binghamton. “We are fortunate to have experienced teachers who are Laytner to speak about “The Chinese Jews of Kaifeng” caring, warm and dedicated,” said Orly Shoer, religious school principal. “Our teachers go beyond textbook lessons by making learning creative, memorable, positive and fun for our students.” By Rabbi Rachel Esserman University in Toronto, I was wandering in the stacks of During Saturday classes, teachers use hands-on activities Rabbi Anson Laytner will speak about “The Chinese the East Asia library and came across a big, fat book that such as drama, music, arts and crafts to help bring Judaism Jews of Kaifeng,” an online exhibit, at the October 1 event was simply titled ‘Chinese Jews,’” he said in an e-mail alive. Students learn Bible stories, life-cycle events, Jewish sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton interview. “I was dumbstruck at the idea that there could history, customs and traditions. and the Jewish Community Center. For more information, be Jews in China and, after studying in China in 1973-74, Beginning in third grade, students learn to read and see the article on page 3. I became committed to the idea of helping the Jewish write Hebrew. The goal is for them to become familiar Rabbi Anson Laytner’s interest in the subject came descendants living in Kaifeng.” and comfortable with the Saturday service, including about by a happy accident. “As an undergraduate at York See “Laytner” on page 8 Paid for by Joe Burns For Mayor ÊVisit us on the web at www.thereportergroup.org
Page 8 - The Reporter August 27-September 9, 2021 Team Israel: Requiem for a quixotic Olympic quest By Bill Simons Candor necessitates response to the Cuban charge. Few baseball journeys. Ranging from a silly video recording Team Israel’s improbable and gritty Olympic run for Israelis play baseball, know much about the sport or care – that somehow went viral – of nine players jumping a baseball medal ended with a heart-wrenching loss on about it. In all of Israel, there are three adult regulation fields gleefully on a cardboard bed (soon to be recycled) to find August 3 in Yokohama, Japan. In this elimination game, designated for baseball. Soccer and basketball attract many out how many Israelis it could hold before collapsing the Dominican Republic, a nation that has produced many Israelis. An abrupt, impatient and direct people, subject to to their serious resolve to identify as Jews even as the major league stars, rallied in the bottom of the ninth – emergency military activation with little notice, Israelis have U.S. recorded a disturbing rise in antisemitic violence, scoring two runs – to defeat Israel, a country where only little interest in the generational nuance and slow pace of the preceding, all of it, resonated deeply for American 1,000 people play baseball, by a score of 7-6. baseball, as evidenced by the demise of the professional Jews. Jewish Americans cheered proudly and loudly for Team Israel’s Olympic analytics fell short. Outscored Israel Baseball League after one season in 2007. Of the the team in pre-Olympic tune-up games in New York 37-25, Israel won only one game and lost four, finishing 24 members on the 2021 Israel national baseball team, 20 City, Long Island, Pomona and Hartford, and then rooted fifth out of the six national baseball teams competing for were Americans who had recently acquired dual citizenship passionately in the medal competition. Olympic medals. Israel opened with a tough 6-5 loss to the specifically to play in the Olympics. And several of them Ian Kinsler possessed Team Israel’s most impressive Republic of Korea on July 29, the result of losing starting were the children of mixed marriages who grew up with baseball pedigree. A four-time All-Star second baseman, pitcher Jon Moscot to an elbow injury in the first inning, little religious training. Reductionism, however, obscures he is one of the few players in MLB history to twice ex- idiosyncratic Olympic baseball rules that automatically the meaning of the Israel Olympic baseball team. ceed both 30 home runs and 30 stolen bases in a season. A place two runners on base at the beginning of extra innings Holtz, an American Jew with an extensive background courageous role model, Kinsler, as a boy, awoke struggling and Israel relief pitcher Jeremy Bleich, a 34-year-old Pitts- playing and coaching baseball, had it right about his, the for breath against asthma. At 39, beset by severe back and burgh Pirates front-office numbers cruncher who appeared players’ and their fans’ motivation: “Just trying to make knee pain, Kinsler donned the blue and white to inspire in two Major League Baseball games back in 2018, plunking the world understand that Israel belongs here. This is not young Israelis to take up baseball. In Israel, a smiling two consecutive batters in the 10th inning. For Bleich, the a fluke. Israel can play baseball.” Kinsler posed in batting stance cocking a shofar. grandson of Holocaust survivors, the miscues hurt. Two significant takeaways emerge from Israel’s quixotic Fortified by coffee and noshing on bagels, American In its second outing on (607) 692-4540 • orJuly 30, Team Israel lost 8-1 • 1-800-MANASSE Olympic baseball quest. One is that a group of American Jews gathered at 6 am around a large screen, courtesy to the United States,Givethe Us AblueCalland white’s sole tally the Today! Jews, several slightly past their athletic prime and with day of the American Zionist Movement, on Manhattan’s result of a fourth-inning home run by Danny Valencia, jobs outside baseball, chose to acquire dual Israeli citizen- Upper East Side to watch Team Israel’s first Olympic 12 Henryveteran a well-traveled St. (Rt. 26S), of nine Whitney Point, N.Y. MLB seasons. Valencia ship, entailing travel to the Middle East, documentation of baseball game. An exuberant and attractive middle-aged remained in the grooveVisitonOurJuly 31, connecting Website @ for a three- ethnic background, commitment of time and demanding woman, Adrienne Katz, stood, waving two Israeli flags. run home run during Israel’s highwater mark, a 12-5 romp WWW.MANASSEAUCTIONS.COM travel in the age of COVID. The other key consideration Despite her excitement, Katz expressed disappointment that sent Mexico packing. However, the fates reversed, and relates to the heavy emotional investment American Jews, about the pandemic Olympic ban on spectators: “A Israel suffered a humiliating 11-1 thumping in its August far more than Israelis, made in this Cinderella team. Many mother should be at their kid’s Olympic game.” Her 1 rematch against South Korea, a game stopped at the end U.S. Jews came to view the ballplayers, attired in blue and son, Alex, a former minor leaguer and Long Island of seven innings under the “mercy rule.” And the August white, standing for “Hatikvah,” and representing Israel native, pitched a scoreless inning. Herb Block, Zionist 3 loss to the Dominicans closed Team Israel’s Olympic while playing America’s national pastime, as standard leader and event host, observed: “The Jewish people baseball run. bearers for their own experience. come back. We are resilient.” Hapapyfew days of the Olympics closing ceremony, Within Although successful teams always jell, Team Israel Bill Simons is a professor emeritus at SUNY Oneonta ver! Passoannounced Eric Holtz his resignation as a manager of the reported a special instant bonding, closeness and identi- where he continues to teach courses in American history. Israel national baseball team. The stats and bullets, however, fication amongst teammates. Team Israel clubhouse and He is also the co-director of The Cooperstown Symposium don’t even begin to capture the essence of Team Israel’s bus conversations had a content, range, and depth the on Baseball and American Culture, and served as a speaker Olympic baseball experience. players had not previously encountered in their varied for the New York Council on the Humanities. (607)for To qualify 692-4540 • orsix one of the • 1-800-MANASSE Olympic baseball slots at Give Us A Call the Tokyo Olympics, the rag-tag Israel Today!team upset all con- ventional12 wisdom. Henry St.It(Rt. was26S), the first time since Whitney Point,1976 N.Y. that an Israel team had qualified for an Olympic team sport. Scraping Laytner Continued from page 7 the bottom, ranked Visit 41st atOur Website the 2017 @ Baseball Classic, World Laytner notes that not everyone would consider this nese citizens, including Judaism.” WWW.MANASSEAUCTIONS.COM underdog Israel defeated such powerhouses as South Korea, community Jewish in the traditional sense. “There are Laytner believes the Jews of Taiwan and Cuba on the road to the Tokyo Olympics. Cuba, no halachic Jews living in China today other than the Kaifeng can serve as an inspiration with its storied baseball history, bitterly charged that Amer- non-Chinese ex-pat Jewish communities on the coast and to the rest of the Jewish world. “I ican ringers comprised the so-called Israeli team. in Beijing,” he added. “However, there are about 1,000 am impressed by several things Jewish descendants living in Kaifeng, many of whom about this community,” he noted. strongly identify as Jews. In addition, there may be another “First, like Jews everywhere, they Happy thousand or so living elsewhere in China.” adapted to their host society and shanah! What he considers particularly interesting is how this adopted many of its customs, foods Rosh Ha community has managed to retain its identity. “These and ideas into their Jewish culture. people identify both as Chinese and as Jews, but up Theirs was a unique Chinese-Jewish until the 1980s they had almost no contact with the rest synthesis. Second, this community (607) 692-4540 • or • 1-800-MANASSE of the Jewish world,” he said. “Since China opened up, was isolated from world Jewry for Rabbi Anson Laytner Give Us A Call Today! many foreign Jews have visited Kaifeng and introduced about 200 years, during which time 12 Henry St. (Rt. 26S), Whitney Point, N.Y. the Jewish descendants to the larger Jewish world and their knowledge and practice of Judaism greatly dimin- especially Israel. Today, there is a Jewish community in ished. Nonetheless, when Jewish identity was all they had Visit Our Website @ Kaifeng that is struggling to survive despite governmental to pass along from one generation to the next, they did so WWW.MANASSEAUCTIONS.COM suppression of non-authorized religious activity by Chi- and clung tenaciously to their Jewish identity until such time as we in the West were able to reconnect with them in the 1980s. Their struggle to survive as Jews is not so HAPPY Ithaca Continued from page 5 much a cautionary tale of assimilation as it is an inspiring story of survival.” for adults that elaborate on the concepts discussed in ROSH Happy HASHANAH the book. The gift bags are put together with so much Although Laytner has previously published works about Chinese Jews, his most recent book,”The Mys- h! love and contain a wide variety of activities that both tery of Suffering and the Meaning of God,” focuses on Chanuka the children and I have always tremendously enjoyed. another topic: Jewish teachings about suffering. “The Becoming part of the PJ Library has been a blessing for inspiration for this book was the years of cancers and our family that continues to excite and stimulate our deaths that members of my family experienced,” he (607) 692-4540 • or • 1-800-MANASSE children every month.” – Karin Sternberg said. “Our experience of suffering led me to reflect on Give Us A Call Today! For further information, e-mail Marjorie Hoffman at Judaism’s teachings on the subject and to an exploration Marjorie@iaujc.org. of the various rationalizations for suffering that our 12 Henry St. (Rt. 26S), Whitney Point, N.Y. religions have offered. (They all suck!) This in turn Visit Our Website @ led me to explore the kind of God behind some of these WWW.MANASSEAUCTIONS.COM rationalizations, the problem regarding prayer and the concept of revelation. In the end, my new understand- ing of suffering and my appreciation for that which we call God both respects Jewish tradition and honors my experience of tragedy. I honestly believe it could be spiritually helpful to people dealing with issues of suffering, grief and loss.” Tax Planning & Preparation Call us for all of your glass needs Accounting & Auditing Business Valuations Binghamton Plate Glass Co. Community Calendar The Community Calendar can be found on the Jewish Estate Planning Federation of Greater Binghamton’s website, www.jfgb. 430 State Street Binghamton, NY 723-8293 org, by clicking on “calendar.”Updates or additions of events for the calendar can be made by contacting the 92 Hawley Street • P.O. Box 1330 Binghamton, NY 13902-1330 Federation through its website (click on “calendar” and www.pnlcpa.com The Lasky Family then “click here to request a change to the calendar”) or by calling 724-2332.
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