Yearr inn Review:: Julyy too December - Pleasanton Weekly

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Yearr inn Review:: Julyy too December - Pleasanton Weekly
                                                                      John Madden,
                                                                    NFL legend, dies
                                                                                                 Page 5

VOL. XXII, NUMBER 49 • DECEMBER 31, 2021                               WWW.PLEASANTONWEEKLY.COM

    Yearr in
           n Review::
       y to
    July  o December
    Page 12

                                           5 NEWS     Permanent parklet program approved

                                           6 NEWS     New district maps split Tri-Valley

                                           11 PULSE   Pedestrian critically injured on Hopyard
Yearr inn Review:: Julyy too December - Pleasanton Weekly

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Page 2 • December 31, 2021 • Pleasanton Weekly
Yearr inn Review:: Julyy too December - Pleasanton Weekly
VALLEY VIEWS                                   BY DOLORES FOX CIARDELLI

Violins of Hope proclaim:
       Life is good
W            hen master violinmaker
             Amnon Weinstein of Tel
Aviv decided to share his collection
                                          in a Lake Forest business park.
                                             The instruments were also dis-
                                          played and we could inspect and
                                          touch them. A small violin had
of instruments that survived the
Holocaust, to be played in concerts
                                          left Germany with a child in the
                                          Kindertransport program, which
                                                                                  Gina Piper and Elation Real Estate
                                                                                    wish you a happy, healthy and
around the world, he named his            evacuated some 10,000 Jewish
organization Violins of Hope.             children from the German Reich
   “All instruments were symbols          before the borders were sealed in
of hope and a way to say: remem-
ber me, remember us,” his website
states. “Life is good, celebrate it for
                                             One of the organizers placed
                                          a violin in my hands and took a
                                                                                        prosperous New Year!
                                                                                   My sincerest gratitude for your
those who perished, for those who         photo. I was moved, thinking of its
survived. For all people.”                owner similarly holding it, and I
   Amnon, who was born in Pales-          hoped it had been a comfort when
tine in 1938, and his son Avshalom
have restored dozens of violins,
violas and cellos that belonged to
                                          the nightmare began.
                                             I learned about the concert and
                                          attended it with my friend Ilana,
                                                                                         continued support.
                                          who grew up in Latvia and lost
                                          almost her entire family to the
                                          Holocaust. Ilana’s story brings the        VOTED BEST REALTOR AND BEST REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE IN 2021
                                          Holocaust home to me as personal
                                          tales always do, and sitting by her
                                          side added emotion to the evening.                 Gina Piper
                                             The music was by Mendels-
                                                                                             925.200.0202 • DRE #01201349
                                          sohn, Beethoven, Shostakovich,
                                          Schumann and Dvorak. Plus one
                                          especially meditative work, “Quat-       
                                          uor pour la fin du Temps,” com-
                                          posed by Olivier Messiaen when
                                          a prisoner at the German camp
                                          at Gorlitz in Silesia in 1940-41; it
                                          premiered at the camp before fel-                                                                                    20 21
                    CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
                                          low inmates and German officers.                                                                                 PLEASANT
Violin at bottom left the German                                                                                                                             W E E K LY N
Reich with a Jewish child during the         Violins of Hope will be in the
Kindertransport in 1938-40.               Tri-Valley in early 2023, sponsored
                                          by the East Bay Holocaust Edu-
Jews before and during World War          cation Center and the Bankhead
II. Many of the instruments came          Theater. They anticipate having 16
from survivors or their families          to 20 violins and cellos and hope
with a poignant story. Some have          to present three concerts by the                                                  Where the Client-Caregiver
                                                                                                                            Relationship is Everything.
an embedded Star of David indicat-        Livermore-Amador Symphony, to
ing they were played by the often         include educational segments.
self-taught klezmers.                        “We also plan to have free one-
   My son who lives in Berlin has         hour educational and musical
a piano built in the early 1900s by       programs which we will bring to
Stern Berlin with a Star of David in      middle schools and high schools
the logo above the keyboard. He           in the Tri-Valley,” said EBHEC
was unsuccessful in learning any-         president Larry Lagin in an email.
thing about its history since, he was     “This is a once-in-a-lifetime event
told, Berlin had hundreds of piano        that we hope will be educational,
manufacturers in this era.                memorable and inspirational for all
   It was common for Jewish chil-         the thousands of students, teach-
dren in Europe at the time to play        ers and others in our community
the violin, so many of the Violins        experiencing it.”
of Hope were inexpensive, made               It was a once-in-a-lifetime event
for beginners. But the Weinsteins         for me. These instruments repre-
turn them into quality instruments        sent two things I find incredibly
deserving of concert halls.               moving: history with its frequent
   Two weeks ago I was privileged         suffering and stumbling march for-
to attend a Violins of Hope concert       ward; and music with its ability to
in Southern California hosted by          bring joy in unbearable times and
the Jewish Collaborative of Orange        to unite disparate people.
County and Chamber Music OC,                 Thank you, Violins of Hope —
held in its large performance space       and thank you, Ilana. Q
                                                                                  VERY               Print or online subscription starts at only $5 /month

                                                                                  REAL                            Visit:
About the Cover
We’re back with the second half of our annual retrospective. Reflect on all the   LOCAL                                     #PressOn
big news in the Tri-Valley from July through December in our Year in Review:
Part II, inside from Pages 12-18. File photos. Cover design by Paul Llewellyn.
                                                           Vol. XXII, Number 49
                                                                                                                               Pleasanton Weekly • December 31, 2021 • Page 3
Yearr inn Review:: Julyy too December - Pleasanton Weekly
Streetwise                                                                                                                                                                            ASKED AROUND TOWN

                               What are your New Year’s resolutions this year?
                         Victor Saffradian                                                                                       Doug Murray
                         Engineer                                                                                                Soccer coach
                         I hate to disappoint, but New Year’s resolutions really                                                 My biggest resolution in the coming year is to be a better
                         aren’t my thing. They’re not on my radar. I just don’t                                                  husband. It is always a goal of mine to be a better husband
                         give any thought to that.                                                                               in the New Year than I was in the previous year.

                         Amanda Mason                                                                                            Jeancarlo Padilla
                         Medical clerk                                                                                           Soccer coach
                         I don’t make New Years resolutions because my                                                           My resolutions for the New Year are to drink less and to
                         mindset is “why wait until New Years?” Whenever I see                                                   prepare more meals at home. Meals I make on my own
                         my own shortcomings, I try to just fix and improve                                                      will be far more nutritious and healthy than anything I eat
                         myself right away instead of waiting for an arbitrary                                                   while out. Plus, eating my own meals at home is so much
                         date like Jan. 1 of every year.                                                                         less expensive than eating out.

                         Ed Wilt                                                                                                                                                            —Compiled by Nancy Lewis
                         I don’t really make New Years resolutions. It’s just not                Have a Streetwise question? Email
                         anything I really give any thought to.
                                                                                                   The Pleasanton Weekly is published every Friday by Embarcadero Media, 5506 Sunol Blvd., Suite 203, Pleasanton,
                                                                                                   CA 94566; (925) 600-0840. Mailed at Periodicals Postage Rate, USPS 020407. The Weekly is mailed upon request to
                                                                                                   homes and apartments in Pleasanton. Print subscriptions for businesses or residents of other communities are $60 per
                                                                                                   year or $100 for two years. Go to to sign up and for more information.
                                                                                                   POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Pleasanton Weekly,
                                                                                                   5506 Sunol Blvd., Suite 203, Pleasanton, CA 94566. ©2021 by Embarcadero Media.
                                                                                                   All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.

           Together with the cities of Albany, Dublin, and
           Hayward, you’re making the exciting transition to
           100% solar and wind energy in January 2022Ad
           R E A D A B O U T T H E T R A N S I T I O N AT E B C E .O R G / P L E A S A N T O N

Page 4 • December 31, 2021 • Pleasanton Weekly
Yearr inn Review:: Julyy too December - Pleasanton Weekly
DIGEST                                   Pleasanton’s John Madden, legendary NFL
Startup Tri-Valley job
                                             coach, broadcaster, dies at age 85
   A new job board meant to                                Reflecting on an NFL Hall of Famer, national celebrity and hometown hero
help local startups and tech tal-
ent connect has been launched
by Startup Tri-Valley.                            BY TIM HUNT                 a home here                           “Nobody loved football more than       in Baltimore, Clarence Davis’ “Sea
   Noting that startups face
“unique problems” when hir-
ing due to their “smaller size,
specific skill sets required, and
lack of name recognition,” Start-
                                       L       egendary football coach and
                                               broadcaster John Madden
                                               died unexpectedly Tuesday,
                                       Dec. 28, at his Foothill Road home
                                       in Pleasanton. He was 85 and prob-
                                                                              ever since.
                                                                                 “On behalf
                                                                              of the entire
                                                                              NFL family,
                                                                              we extend our
                                                                                                                    Coach. He was football. He was an
                                                                                                                    incredible sounding board to me
                                                                                                                    and so many others. There will never
                                                                                                                    be another John Madden, and we
                                                                                                                    will forever be indebted to him for
                                                                                                                                                           of Hands” catch to beat Miami and
                                                                                                                                                           Casper’s “Holy Roller” to defeat San
                                                                                                                                                              After years of frustration, the Raid-
                                                                                                                                                           ers topped Pittsburgh to advance
up Tri-Valley runs “paid social        ably the best-known resident of the    condolences to                        all he did to make football and the    to the Super Bowl XI where they
media campaigns targeting high
                                       city.                                  Virginia, Mike,                       NFL what it is today.”                 dominated the Minnesota Vikings
potential candidates,” said Exec-
utive Director Brandon Caldwell.          Madden was a national celebrity     Joe and their      John Madden           Madden became head coach of         32-14 in the Rose Bowl in Pasadena.
“Once jobs are posted on our           who lived quietly in his hometown      families,” said                       the Oakland Raiders at the age of      He retired after 10 years with the
job board, we promote them             for decades when he wasn’t traveling   NFL Commis-                           32 and led the team to the playoffs    best winning percentage in National
through our social channels like       the country in his luxury bus, The     sioner Roger Goodell in a statement   eight of his 10 years. The Raiders     Football League history. His 103
our Startup Tri-Valley LinkedIn        Madden Cruiser. He invested in real    from the National Football League.    lost American Football Conference      victories are the most of any Raider
page and other outlets. “              estate in the downtowns of Pleasan-    “We all know him as the Hall of       championship games five times in       coach.
   To post a job opening on the        ton and Livermore, including build-    Fame coach of the Oakland Raid-       seven years and fell in a divisional      In the presentation at Madden’s
jobs board, visit the Startup Tri-     ing the luxury Rose Hotel on Main      ers and broadcaster who worked        game to the Pittsburgh Steelers on     Hall of Fame induction in 2006,
Valley website jobs page (https://     Street in Pleasanton. The family       for every major network, but more     the “Immaculate Reception.” The        Raiders’ owner Al Davis said Mad-, go to
                                       moved to Pleasanton in 1967 when       than anything, he was a devoted       highlights of his coaching career      den “coached the Raiders in a ‘golden
Employers and follow the in-
structions on how to create an         Madden joined the Oakland Raid-        husband, father and grandfather.”     include indelible moments such as      era’ of NFL coaches, including Don
employer account and post a job.       ers coaching staff and maintained         The     statement    continued:    Dave Casper’s “Ghost to the Post”            See MADDEN on Page 10
Startups can also email jobs@ for help post-
ing open positions.
                                          Museum plans 2022 lecture series                                                                                 Permanent
Dublin housing survey
   Dublin residents are being                     ‘Speakers’ range from Galileo to Julia Child to Albert Einstein
asked for feedback on the city’s
General Plan Housing Element
Update through an online survey.
                                             BY DOLORES FOX CIARDELLI
                                             Museum on Main is gearing
   Per state law, the city of Dublin
is currently updating its Hous-
ing Element for the 2023-31
                                          up for its 2022 Ed Kinney Lec-
                                          ture Series although organizers                                                                                   approved
                                          are not sure whether it will be
planning period. The Housing              live or virtual.                                                                                                             BY JULIA BAUM
Element law requires local gov-
                                             “Last year we were just virtual                                                                                  The parklets currently lining
ernments to update their Hous-
ing Element every eight years, as         but in January we were to start                                                                                  Main Street in downtown Pleasan-
part of demonstrating adequate            in person. That was the plan,”                                                                                   ton will disappear when the new
planning for current and future           Director of Education Sarah                                                                                      year arrives but are slated to return
housing needs, as determined              Schaefer said. “We would also                                                                                    in spring, after the Pleasanton City
by the Regional Housing Needs             have a virtual component where                                                                                   Council unanimously approved a
Allocation (RHNA) process.                we would record the show to be                                                                                   formal parklet program for local
   Feedback from the survey               available on demand.”                                                                                            businesses at their final meeting this
will be used to develop policies             Tickets went on sale Dec. 6                                                                                   year.
and programs “that appropri-              for museum members and Dec.                                                                                         Councilmember Julie Testa —
ately address the housing needs
                                          20 for the general public, and                                                                                   who also served one last time as
of current and future Dublin
residents,” city officials said in a      about half for the first show are                                                                                vice mayor for the year at the Dec.
statement.                                sold, she said last week. But                                                                                    21 council meeting — told the
   A “key step in the ongo-               plans became less secure with                                                                                    Weekly, “We’re going to miss hav-
ing public outreach process,”             the recent spread of the corona-                                                                                 ing it for a few weeks,” but she said
the Housing Element Survey                virus omicron variant.                                                                                           that when the parklets return, they
will be open through Feb. 28.                “We are concerned if in the                                                                                   will “have a more polished look
To learn more about Dublin’s              next few weeks the city decided                                                                                  instead of the temporary look it’s
Housing Element Update,                   to go to lower capacity,” Schaefer                                                                               had because of the necessity of the
visit             said.                                                                                    CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
                                             The lecture series presents Jim Armstead as Galileo.                                                             Operating throughout the pan-
                                          “An Evening With ...” different Evening with Galileo Galilei (vir-        • Sept. 20 — Billy Sunday (Sept.       demic and extended by council
Christmas tree                            characters throughout history. tual viewing to begin Jan. 25)             27)                                    vote in July, the parklet program
recycling                                 They are portrayed by speakers • Feb. 1 — Thomas Jefferson                • Oct. 4 — Albert Einstein (Oct.       is scheduled to end on Jan. 7. The
Pleasanton Boy Scout Troop 941            in the Chautauqua style, mean- (Feb. 8)                                   11)                                    program “has allowed businesses
is now registering local house-           ing they step into the role of the • March 15 — Cesar Chavez                In-person lectures are held at       to temporarily expand dining and
holds for their annual Christmas          person for the presentation, to (March 22)                                the Firehouse Arts Center, 4444        other business activities outdoors
Tree Pickup service project and           talk about themselves and then • April 19 — Robert Frost (April           Railroad Ave. Tickets are $25          into private parking lots, the side-
fundraiser on Jan. 8.                     answer questions as the histori- 26)                                      general admission; $20 seniors         walk and public parking spaces”
   Funds raised by the project            cal character would.               • May 10 — Julia Child (May            and students; and $15 mem-             according to a city staff report.
will be used by troop members
                                             So far the lectures are sched- 17)                                     bers. Virtual admission is $20            Some downtown businesses have
to pay for camping equipment
and activities like summer camp           uled for 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. • June 14 — C.S. Lewis (June                   general admission; $15 seniors         called the pop-ups “key to their
and weekend outings.                      on Tuesdays at the Firehouse 21)                                          and students; and $10 members.         survival over the past 18 months,”
   The deadline to register for           Arts Center, with virtual perfor- • July 19 — Erma Bombeck                Purchase tickets and get updates       but staff noted there was “some
the annual Pleasanton Boy Scout           mances on BigMarker Webinar (July 26)                                     on the performances at www.            criticism about the aesthetics of
Troop 941 Christmas Tree Pick-            Platform as follows:               • Aug. 16 — Samuel Bellamy    Q
up is Jan. 4. Register online at          • Jan. 18 — An Afternoon or (Aug. 23)                                                                                  See PARKLETS on Page 10
                                                                                                                                               Pleasanton Weekly • December 31, 2021 • Page 5
Yearr inn Review:: Julyy too December - Pleasanton Weekly

                   New redistricting maps split portions of Tri-Valley
                                              New state assembly, congressional maps take effect in 2022 elections
         BY JEANITA LYMAN                San Ramon and portions of northern         we are confident that you can make
   Following last week’s vote by the     Dublin in the new map.                     it work.”
California Citizens Redistricting           The commission’s announcement              Although the previous state senate
Commission to approve final maps         of the final maps, and the end of          maps put into use in 2010 mostly
ahead of the Dec. 27 deadline and        this stage of their 2020 proceedings,      kept the Tri-Valley area as one, under
move to the next stage of the once-      additionally emphasized that “all dis-     senate district 7, the new senate map
in-a-decade process, the Tri-Valley is   tricts were drawn within the permis-       shows that not all communities of
set to be split into two state senate    sible population deviation.”               interest, such as the Tri-Valley, can be
districts, with portions of eastern         Balancing this with efforts to keep     sustained under redistricting require-
Dublin and Pleasanton also being         communities of interest in the same        ments and population changes. This
split from the rest of the Tri-Valley    districts whenever possible has char-      is also true with smaller changes to
under new state assembly maps.           acterized the commission’s challeng-       the state assembly and congressional
   On Dec. 20, the commission ap-        es, and as new lines slicing through       maps.
proved final maps for new districts      portions of the Tri-Valley on the state       “We became kind of the chopping
                                                                                                                                                                                                       2020 CCRC
throughout the state, following a        senate and assembly maps demon-            block, so to speak, in some of the         Under the new map approved for state senate districts, northern and southern
months-long process that coincides       strate, the latter can’t always be done.   conversations,” said Dublin Council-       portions of the Tri-Valley area will be split between two districts.
with the release of updated census          “California senate districts are the    member Shawn Kumagai.
data every 10 years. The process is      largest legislative districts in the na-      Kumagai added that while Dublin
meant to account for shifts in popu-     tion, so you’re always going to get        and other communities had tried to
lation and demographics revealed         groupings and pairings of communi-         make the case for the Tri-Valley as a
by census data, and to adjust district   ties that may not seem like they go        community of interest to the com-
lines accordingly in order to ensure     naturally together,” said California       mission, various factors including
fair representation of populations.      Citizens Redistricting commissioner        county lines had posed a challenge.
   Changes under the new maps            Russell Yee in a public meeting on            Danville Mayor Newell Arnerich
mean that Tri-Valley voters will be      Dec. 20.                                   said that this was not the first time
split between senate districts 9 and        Yee pointed to the Tri-Valley, and      the Tri-Valley had been the subject of
5 starting with the 2024 senate race,    senate district 9, as an example of        difficult decisions in the redistricting
and that some residents will vote        these challenges.                          process, despite longstanding efforts
within assembly district 20 in next         “You’ll notice we actually do split     between its towns and cities to func-
year’s election, rather than assembly    the Tri-Valley also, so there were         tion as a unified community.
district 16. In addition, next year’s    hard choices that were made here,”            He said that while the new maps,
congressional race will see Mark De-     Yee said. “We sure wish we could           especially in the senate, present a                                                                                2020 CCRC
Saulnier bid for re-election in the      have just given everyone what they         dramatic change, he was optimistic         Under the new congressional districts map approved this week, San Ramon
newly established congressional dis-     wanted — we actually did try — but         about having strong representation         residents will vote for the same representative in congress in the coming
trict 10, which will include all of      this is what we ended up with and          for the Tri-Valley at the state and        election, along with some Dublin residents.
                                                                                    federal levels.
                                                                                       “While change is difficult, it also
                                                                                    brings new opportunities to build
                                                                                    stronger support for local control and
                                                                                    regional funding needs,” Arnerich
                                                                                    said in an email. “The bottom-line is
          NEW YEAR’S EVE LIVE                                                       having two State Senators and two
                                                                                    Congress members advocating for
                                                                                    the Tri-Valley can be a great positive
                                                                                    in shining more light on the Tri-
                                                                                    Valley’s five cities regional needs. I
                                                                                    believe the Tri-Valley will be well
                                                                                    represented by the multitude of state
                                                                                    and federal representatives under the
                                                                                    new redistricting maps.”                                                                                           2020 CCRC
                                                                                       Kumagai said that while there is        The new assembly district map doesn’t show a dramatic shift from the current,
                                                                                    cause for concern with some of the         except for portions of Dublin and San Ramon, which fall under AD 20 in the
                                                                                    new district boundaries, particularly      new map.
                                                                                    those concentrated around Dub-
                                                                                    lin, he was also optimistic that they      remain largely intact, and to continue    impacting families across this district
                                                                                    would not present any immediate            representing the majorities of the        are largely the same,” Kumagai said.
                                                                                    challenges to constituents on the          Tri-valley cities,” said state assembly   “They want quality education, they
                                                                                    ground.                                    member Rebecca Bauer-Kahan, who           want clean and safe communities,
                                                                                       “From a California Voting Rights        was elected to represent AD 16 in         they want access to transportation
                                                                                    Act Perspective, in theory, Dublin’s       2018. “I am sad that I will no lon-       ...and they want affordable housing.”

             NEW YEAR’S EVE WITH
                                                                                    influence has been diluted,” Kumagai       ger represent parts of Dublin and             The new congressional maps pres-
                                                                                    said. “That’s why, in theory, you don’t    Pleasanton, but it will not change        ent additional changes for portions

             DIRTY CELLO                                                            want to be split. In practice, it’s not
                                                                                    like that.”
                                                                                                                               how hard I work to deliver for the
                                                                                                                                  With state assembly and congres-
                                                                                                                                                                         of southern San Ramon and north-
                                                                                                                                                                         ern Dublin, with boundaries shift-
                                                                                                                                                                         ing south and placing these areas
                FRI DEC 31 at 8 PM                                                            Assembly,
                                                                                        congressional changes                  sional races slated for next year, the    within the new congressional district
                                                                                                                               finalizing of the new maps is a crucial   10. Mark DeSaulnier, who represents
 AFTER THE SHOW TOAST IN THE NEW YEAR                                                    While the new senate districts        step for candidates seeking to run for    district 11 under the old congressio-
       WITH COMPLIMENTARY WINE,                                                     present the most dramatic change           election or re-election in these races.   nal maps, announced that he would
             SPARKLING WINE                                                         for the Tri-Valley under the new           The new assembly districts mean that      run for re-election in the new CD 10
               & DESSERTS                                                           maps, eastern portions of Dublin and       Kumagai will now live within the new      last week.
                                                                                    Pleasanton are also split from the rest    AD 20. With that district’s incumbent,        Following the final maps being
    AND BE HOME BEFORE MIDNIGHT!                                                    of the area under new state assembly       Bill Quirk, announcing that he will       sent to the secretary of state on Dec.
                                                                                    districts, despite most communities        not seek re-election next year, Kum-      26, a spokesperson for that office
                 GET TICKETS NOW                                                    remaining together under assembly          agai said that he plans to formally an-   said the next step was for them to
                                                         district 16.                               nounce a run for that seat this week.     inform and assign voters to new dis-
            925.373.6800 | 2400 First Street, Livermore                                “I am happy to see the Tri-Valley          “I think the issues that are           tricts ahead of next year’s election. Q

Page 6 • December 31, 2021 • Pleasanton Weekly
Yearr inn Review:: Julyy too December - Pleasanton Weekly

                  Community group to host forum with                                                                                                                              enforcement veteran, educator and
                                                                                                                                                                                  long-standing resident of Alameda
                   Alameda County Sheriff candidates                                                                                                                                 She is an award-winning volun-
                                                                                                                                                                                  teer suicide prevention crisis coun-
                                                                                                                                                                                  selor, a 2016 recipient of the U.S.
                                      Virtual event with Ahern, Sanchez, Walker set for Jan. 9                                                                                    Attorney General’s Award for Dis-
         BY CIERRA BAILEY                                                                                                  currently resides in Livermore.                        tinguished Service in Community
   The three candidates in the run-                                                                                           Sanchez assumed command of                          Policing and an adjunct professor at
ning to become Alameda County’s                                                                                            the Santa Rita Jail in early 2020 and                  California State University East Bay.
next sheriff are set to debate key                                                                                         since then has strived to prioritize                      Walker’s long history with SFPD
issues in a virtual forum next month                                                                                       the health and safety of the incarcer-                 includes holding various roles with-
hosted by community group Liver-                                                                                           ated during the Covid-19 pandemic.                     in the department such as terrorism
more Indivisible.                                                                                                             She aims to “continue to work                       liaison officer, community relations
   Among the contenders is incum-                                                                                          towards delivering law enforcement                     unit liaison, station keeper, field
bent Gregory Ahern, who has held             Gregory Ahern              Yesenia Sanchez             JoAnn Walker           services with humanity and com-                        training officer and peer support
his seat at the helm of the Alameda                                                                                        passion, strengthening relationships                   counselor, among others.
County Sheriff’s Office (ACSO) since      was hired as a deputy sheriff for the    training venue to several thousand      with our communities and partner-                         She has developed and conducted
2007. His challengers are ACSO Di-        ACSO in 1980. Over the years, he         first responders.                       ing with county and city leaders,”                     training for law enforcement profes-
vision Commander Yesenia Sanchez          rose through the ranks to become            According to the ACSO website,       according to the statement.                            sionals in various subjects includ-
and veteran San Francisco Police          assistant deputy sheriff in 2006 and     Ahern oversees a current adjusted          Walker first announced her cam-                     ing hate crimes, tactical communi-
Department Officer JoAnn Walker.          the following year he was elected        net budget of approximately $185.7      paign to run for sheriff to unseat                     cations and crisis support/suicide
   The forum is set for Jan. 9 at 1:30    the 22nd sheriff of Alameda County,      million and over 1,500 employees,       Ahern back in January in a joint                       prevention.
p.m. and is co-sponsored by Liver-        according to a statement from Liver-     including in excess of 1,000 sworn      bid with civil rights attorney Pamela                     Livermore Indivisible is accept-
more Vine, Pleasanton Weekly, The         more Indivisible announcing the up-      personnel.                              Price who is running for District                      ing email submitted questions for
Independent and Indivisible East          coming forum, which describes each          Other ACSO duties include oper-      Attorney to replace Nancy O’Malley                     the candidates through Jan. 5. Send
Bay.                                      candidate’s background.                  ating the Coroner’s Bureau, operat-     whose set to retire when her current                   questions and get registration infor-
   While Pleasanton and Livermore            Over the past 14 years as sheriff,    ing Santa Rita Jail and providing se-   term expires in early 2023.                            mation by emailing info@livermore-
each have their own respective police     Ahern has been involved in develop-      curity to the Consolidated Superior        Walker is a 26-year law                    Q
departments, the ACSO provides pa-        ing a number of programs, including      Courts.
trol and investigative services to the    the Youth and Family Services Bu-           Sanchez — who is the highest
city of Dublin and unincorporated         reau, Drug Education and Enforce-        ranking woman in the ACSO —
areas of Alameda County.
   Ahern, Sanchez and Walker each
come with their own unique ex-
                                          ment, Cold Case DNA Unit, D.U.I.
                                          Enforcement Unit and the Strate-
                                          gic Planning process for the future
                                                                                   oversees hundreds of staff members
                                                                                   as well and an annual budget of
                                                                                   $272 million, according to the Liver-
                                                                                                                               Join FedEx Express
periences and backgrounds in law          health of the sheriff’s office.          more Indivisible statement.
enforcement.                                 He also initiated the Urban Shield       Also an Alameda County native,           Earn money. Grow a career. Get a degree.
   An Alameda County native, Ahern        tactical exercise, which provides a      Sanchez was born in Hayward and

      Pleasanton council gives Climate
       Action Plan 2.0 one final look
    Final vote on environmental policy framework is scheduled in February
           BY JULIA BAUM                  2030 plan. It gets us on track for       for the Pleasanton Police Depart-
   Two years and some delay later,        2045 neutrality.” The city is ulti-      ment. Testa said she supports giv-
the city’s Climate Action Plan (CAP)      mately aiming to reduce more than        ing PPD “the very best vehicles,
2.0 received one last look and ex-        4.1 metric tons of carbon dioxide        but I asked if there is a reason
tensive feedback at the Pleasan-          emissions by that point.                 we’re purchasing a fleet of five new
ton City Council’s final meeting of          Some initial objectives outlined      vehicles when there is in the same
2021.                                     in the CAP update include re-            model, a pursuit-rated version that
   A draft version of the 73 page         ducing Pleasanton’s greenhouse           is a hybrid.”
document — which outlines the             gas (GHG) emissions, creating a             Testa added, “We need to get
city’s next decade of environmental       “realistic and implementable” plan       away from the gas-powered and
policy framework and addresses            “with evidence-based, actionable,        we’re asking our community mem-
climate change through a num-             and achievable local policies,” and      bers to do that, we’re asking our
ber of suggested actions — was
presented at the Dec. 21 council
                                          creating “a qualified CAP under
                                          the California Environmental Qual-
                                                                                   business members to do the same,
                                                                                   and we need to model the same.”              Driver/Courier Positions
meeting. The city started updating        ity Act (CEQA) that complies with           According to the city, adoption of
the CAP 2.0 about two years ago           current regulations.”                    CAP 2.0 will result in an estimated          Available
but was delayed by the COVID-19              The draft list also includes “some    annual cost savings of $587,000
pandemic, then prioritized it in the      substantive changes/direction” like      to the community, depending on               A new career with FedEx offers:
city work plan earlier this year.         requiring “covered projects” within      which policies are ultimately in-
   In an interview with the Weekly,       the Pleasanton Municipal Code to         cluded in the plan.                          • Medical coverage premiums less than $10/month
Councilmember Jack Balch called           install battery storage.                    Staff will make modifications to          • Low-cost vision and dental benefits
the CAP 2.0 “very good,” but said            Councilmember Julie Testa, who        the document “as appropriate,” be-
that “as we implement the actual          served as vice mayor one last time       fore bringing a final version to the         • Training and growth opportunities to build a great career
ordinances, how we fine tune it on        that evening, said in an interview       committee for review in late Janu-           • Tuition assistance program
a daily basis for our residents” will     that the community needs to “fully       ary. The final CAP 2.0 is scheduled
ultimately determine its success.         embrace” CAP 2.0, “and I was ask-        for a council vote in February. Q
   “We can talk about electrification     ing that the city set by example,                                                     Apply online at
and incentives, but what will those       do everything we can within the                                                       Search Location: Pleasanton, CA
be? It’s going to take a lot of sectors   city to implement the goals, and
to come together to achieve it,”          that would be every opportunity
Balch said.                               we have to add and improve solar,
   Balch added that the CAP 2.0 “is       and to have our vehicles be low               Today’s news,
more aggressive right now than we         emission.”                                  sports & hot picks
possibly need to be for the graph,           Specifically, Testa took issue ear-            Sign up today at
but it helps us continue the trend        lier that evening with the city’s pur-
                                                                                                                                FedEx Express is an AA/EEO/Veterans/Disabled Employer.
line for the next cycle beyond the        chase of five gas-powered vehicles                    express

                                                                                                                                                                Pleasanton Weekly • December 31, 2021 • Page 7
Yearr inn Review:: Julyy too December - Pleasanton Weekly
Each year, the Pleasanton Weekly Holiday Fund raises money to support programs and services that care for local families
                 and children in our community. The Holiday Fund partners with the Three Valleys Community Foundation, which handles all
                 finances, so every dollar of your tax-deductible donation goes directly to local nonprofits with no administrative expenses.

                       This year’s Holiday Fund recipients that will                                                        As of December 26, 262 donors have contributed
                             share in fund contributions are:                                                               $65,935 to the Pleasanton Weekly Holiday Fund.

                 • Axis Community Health                      • REACH                                        40 Anonymous ......................... $8,445            Barry & Carole Jolette .................... 200
                 • CityServe of the Tri-Valley                • Sunflower Hill                               Robert & Janice Hermann................ 200              Jan & Jeb Bing ............................... 100
                                                                                                             Chuck & Debby Uhler ..................... 125            The Morgenstern Family ................ 250
                 • Hope Hospice                               • Valley Humane Society
                                                                                                             Pete & Julie Mason............................ **        Curt & Dana Hansen ........................ **
                 • Pleasanton Partnerships in                 • Open Heart Kitchen
                                                                                                             Herbert Chang .................................. **      The Murtagh Team ...................... 1,000
                   Education (PPIE)
                                                                                                             Steve & Gina (Channell) Wilcox .... 5,000                Steve & Kay King ........................... 200
                                                                                                             The Cohen Family ........................... 500         Sharon Piekarski.............................. 250
                                                                                                             Alice Desrosiers ............................... 100     Art & Joan Tenbrink .......................... 50
                                                                                                             Donna Johnson ............................... 100        Mary Claire Sites ............................. 100
                                                                                                             Carmen Merritt ................................. **      Richard & Gloria Fredette .................. **
                                                                                                             Frank & Muriel Capilla....................... **         Tim & Sharyn Henshaw ..................... **
                    Please consider donating online, which enables your gift to be                           Tim & Teri Bush ................................. **     Don & Noel Anger ............................ **
                            processed immediately. The secure website is:                                    Cindy & Bob Gee ............................ 300         Judith Del Tredici ............................... **
                                                                               Kathy & Jeff Narum......................... 100          Steve & Ellen Shirmizu....................... **
                                                                                                             Ann & Don Rathjen ........................... **         Helmuth Meissner ............................. **
         Enclosed is a check for $___________                                                                Sean Chase ....................................... **    Joe & Sue Silva .................................. **
                                                                                                             Charles R. & Mary E. Shoemaker ....... **                Ajay & Sonal Shah............................. **
         Name: ____________________________________________________                                          Donna & Jim Zarrillo.......................... **        David Clausen ................................. 250
                                                                                                             Norm & Joyce Pacheco ...................... **           Linda Todd ........................................ **
         Business Name: ______________________________________________                                       Sue Compton ................................... **       Eric Kreiger ..................................... 500
         (Only required if business name is to be listed as donor in the paper)                              Kathy & Bob Russman ....................... **           Marjorie York .................................. 100
                                                                                                             Susan & Tom Fox............................... **        Diane Davidson ............................... 100
         Address: ___________________________________________________
                                                                                                             Julia & Alan Casamajor ................... 100           Kelly Montes ................................... 200
         City/State/Zip: _________________ / __________ / _____________                                      Jim & Elaine Keysor ......................... 300        John Celeste ................................... 500
                                                                                                             Bruce & Cindy Yamamoto ............... 150               Michael Martin ............................... 250
         Email: _____________________________________________________
                                                                                                             Robert & Marianne Eisberg ............... **             D+D+D+D Bodemann ..................... 100
         Phone: _______________________________                                                              John & Barbara Severini .................. 250           Lori James Rice.................................. **
                                                                                                             Barbara W. Daniels............................ **        Janie Dobbs ...................................... 50
         T Employer match (mark if yes). Employer: ___________________________                               The Banahan Family .......................... **         Kevin & Cindy Powers ....................... **
                                                                                                             Susan Houghton ............................. 100         Alan & Jean Purves.......................... 250
         I wish to designate my contribution as follows (select one):                                        Christina Nystrom ............................. 30       Don & Judy Person ............................ **
         T In my name as shown above           T In the name of business above                               Jason Stinebaugh ............................ 100        Bill & Pat Ruvalcaba....................... 1000
                                                                                                             Marilyn Duman ............................... 300        Margie & Randy Schmidt................. 200
                                              – OR –
                                                                                                             Margaret Mahon .............................. 50         Rick & Dawn Marie Barraza ............. 250
                           T In honor of: T In memory of: T As a gift for:
                                                                                                             Victor S Wheatman ......................... 100          Greg Landrum ................................ 500
                                                                                                             Shake Sulikyan & James Curtis .......... **              The VerKuilen Family ....................... 100
         ___________________________________________________________                                         Todd & Mindy Miller........................ 500          Steven Ethier..................................... **
                                                  (Name of Person)
                                                                                                             John & Noel Wilson ........................ 100          The Berry Boys ................................ 100
         The Pleasanton Weekly Holiday Fund is a field of interest fund of Three Valleys Community           Eleanor Tandowsky ........................... **         Kerton Family.................................. 250
         Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. A contribution to this fund allows your donation   Pat & Randy Davis ........................... 100        Deborah Grossman ........................... **
         to be tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
                                                                                                             James Brice & Carole Peterson .......... **              The Fugate Family ........................... 100
         All donors and their gift amounts will be published in the Pleasanton Weekly unless                 Csencsits-Kundmann Family ............ 200               Xiaopei and Andrew Gelb ................. **
         the boxes below are checked.                                                                        Nancy & Marvin Rensink ................... **            Sarah Ciccarello ........................... 4,410
                                                                                                             Gary & Mary Lazarotti ....................... **         Vineetha Kuchibhatla ........................ 24
         T I wish to contribute anonymously.
                                                                                                             Tim & Val McGuire ....................... 1,000          Ruth Van Art ................................... 100
              T Please withhold the amount of my contribution.                                               Carol Guarnaccia ............................ 100        Stacey Ristow............................... 1,000

             Make checks payable to Three Valleys Community Foundation and send to:                          Harold & Rozann Densmore ............ 100                Al & LoLa Malatesta ....................... 100
                                                                                                             Joyce & Robert Shapiro ................... 100           Mark & LaRene Kidd ....................... 200
                                Pleasanton Weekly Holiday Fund
                                                                                                             Ronny & Lonny Shaw ........................ **           Jon & Rhonda Elliott.......................... **
                            c/o Three Valleys Community Foundation                                           Peter & Kathleen MacDonald .......... 100                Diane Wardin .................................... 50
                                 5960 Inglewood Dr., Suite 201                                               A&A Lipski ........................................ **   Jim & Barbara Hollingsworth ........... 100
                                     Pleasanton, CA 94588                                                    Ken & Barbara McDonald.................. **              Bobby Jensen .................................... **
                                                                                                             The Markel Ohana ......................... 500           Bob & Debbie Rycerski .................... 100
                                                                                                             Sue & Greg Evans .......................... 100          Roger & Laura Miller ......................... 50

                                      In partnership with:                                                   Rod & Val Smith ............................. 200        Michelle Suski ................................. 100
                                                                                                             Jack Balch ........................................ **   Mike & Christie Underwood ............ 100

Page 8 • December 31, 2021 • Pleasanton Weekly
Yearr inn Review:: Julyy too December - Pleasanton Weekly

                                                                                                                                                                                      Pleasanton council,
                                                                                                                                                                                    school board switch up
                                                                                                                                                                                         roles for 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                        Arkin appointed vice mayor; PUSD trustees
                                                                                                                                                                                                 choose their new leader
Fred & Jacki Martin ......................... 100                                                                                                                                            BY JULIA BAUM                decision “a lot of thought” and
Richard & Poy Chew ....................... 100                                                                                                                                        Several key Pleasanton leader-      decided that “the ability of a school
Kay Fogarty..................................... 200
                                                                                                                                                                                   ship roles recently switched hands     district to make significant prog-
                                                            Joe & Doris Antonini, from John &                                                                                      for 2022, ushering in various new      ress on behalf of the students and
Carl & Sharrell Michelotti ................ 100             Carolyn Cardinalli ........................... 100                                                                     board and commission assign-           serving the students, really de-
Leela Kapai ....................................... **      Elizabeth Dawson, from Daniel                                                                                          ments for both city and school         pends on stability and the gover-
Patricia Bacon ................................. 100        Dawson ............................................ **      Charles Soule, from Dorothy Soule .... 50                  district officials.                    nance team.”
Rebacca Saupe.................................. **          Doris R. Sanchez, from Virginia                             Peggy Karn, from Richard W. Karn .... **                      Mayor Karla Brown appointed            “There will be a brand new gov-
                                                            Snodgrass ......................................... **
Randy & Emily Yim .......................... 250                                                                        Warren L. Straight, from Vivian                            Councilmember Valerie Arkin to be      ernance team next year,” Laursen
                                                            Erik Lemoine, from the Lemoine                              Straight............................................. **
Christensen Family .......................... 500           Family ............................................... **                                                              Pleasanton’s vice                      said. “The work of creating the
                                                                                                                        Bob Williams ..................................... **      mayor for 2022                         bonding that needs to happen
Kent & Marilyn Muhlker .................. 200               Michael Corbett & Ed Clements,
                                                            from Dave Cryer ............................. 100           James & Phillip, from Harris Chin....... 50                on Tuesday, Dec.                       among the team members and that
The Ristow Family ........................ 1,000
Gum, Greg & Laura......................... 100              Lee B. Young, from Marsha                                   Shuhua & Flora, from the Fu Family... **                   21, along with a                       collaboration with the superinten-
                                                            Young ............................................. 200     Elizabeth Ng ..................................... **      number of vari-                        dent and the cabinet takes some
Hilary & Kristie Gross....................... 100
                                                            Frank Thompson, from Steve                                  Bob Butler, from Kathleen Glancy...... 50                  ous board and                          guidance, it takes a steady hand, it
Garrett Holmes & Angels                                     McCoy-Thompson ............................ 30
Rameriz Holmes .............................. 100                                                                       Hathily P. Johnson & Marcus E. Peterson,                   commission as-                         takes some experience.”
                                                            Curtis Lum ...................................... 100       from Hathily Winston & Jerry                               signments for                             Laursen added, “I really feel after
Jeff & Jeri Oh .................................... **
                                                            Tracy, from Vern Cink ........................ **           Prettyman ....................................... 200      other council                          Trustee Miller served his term,
Bill & Ellie Haynes ............................. **
                                                            George Dunphy, from Barbara                                 Bob & Dorie Bonnel, from Jeff &                            members. Each Valerie Arkin            I just believe that Steve Maher
Jordy & Hilary Strain .......................... **         Jackson ............................................. **    Laura Bonnel................................... 100
                                                                                                                                                                                   year the mayor                         would be the person to take us
John & Kay Stewart........................... **            Bert Brook, from Dee Brook ............ 200                 Earnestine Schneider, from Charles                         reviews and revises multiple as-       forward into the next phase with
                                                                                                                        Schneider.......................................... 50
Gerald & Judy Gagne ...................... 100                                                                                                                                     signments for City Council sub-        the two new board members.”
                                                                                                                        Kathleen Gilmore, from Charles
Mrs. Lada Kosarikova ........................ 25
                                                                                                                        Schneider.......................................... 50     committees as well as local and           Trustee Kelly Mokashi, who was
Mike Herman .................................. 200
                                                                                                                        Karen Miller, from Charles Schneider. 50
                                                                                                                                                                                   regional boards and commissions.       elected to her first term last year,
Mark & Chris Miller ...................... 1,500                  Thank you to our                                      Bob Molinari, from Kathy
                                                                                                                                                                                      Arkin, who previously served        said she understands “the value of
Donna Pulvermacher .................... 2,000                                                                           Molinari .......................................... 200    12 years on the Pleasanton school      having stability but also there are
                                                                  generous donors                                                                                                  board before being elected to the      benefits of coaching and the lead-
Laurie & Brian Pearce ...................... 100                                                                        Chris Beratlis, from Vic’s Coffee
                                                                                                                        Shop Guys ...................................... 400       council last November, will take       ership capacity of other trustees as
Irma & Joe Hernandez ....................... **
                                                                                                                        Gene Wilson & Tom Wilson, from                             over as vice mayor from Julie Testa.   well.”
Margaret Bryant.............................. 100
                                                            Coach Tony Costello, from Michael                           Mary Lou Wilson ............................. 100          Currently on her first term, Testa        Miller was the only new trustee
Shirley Myers .................................... 50       Costello ............................................ **                                                               was elected to the council in 2018     when he first joined the board and
                                                                                                                        Richard Shotwell, from Beverly
Bob & Betsy Harris .......................... 400           Richard L. Parr, from Denise Parr ..... 100                 Shotwell ......................................... 100     and has served as vice mayor since     said the job of board president is
Stacey & Stan Knight ...................... 150             Cecelia Anderson, from Art S.                               Howard, Virginia, and Hans Hansen ... **                   last January.                          to partly “be the mentor to the new
Bob Williams ................................... 400        Tenbrink, MFT ................................... 25        Our dear friend, Mrs. Gina Woeger,                            Before voting on the appoint-       board members,” and that “I don’t
                                                            Jerry Severin, from Charlotte                               from Ron & Kathy Anderson ........... 200                  ments, Testa said though “it’s re-     think I would’ve been ready to be
The Sygiel Family............................. 100
                                                            Severin............................................ 100     Owen Saupe, from Rebecca Saupe.. 100
Ana and Michael Fong .................... 150                                                                                                                                      ally important for all of us to have   VP at that point.”
                                                            Loved ones who have passed,                                 Marilyn Bender ................................. **        background and understanding              Also a board newcomer this year,
The Dennis Family ........................... 100           from Sue (King) & Hank Irwin.......... 100
                                                                                                                        In memory of Tony Costello, from                           of our different regional commit-      Trustee Mary Jo Carreon said she
John and Michele Barta................... 100               Bill & Alice Marsh, from Bill &                             Edward Costello.............................. 200
                                                            Audrey Sears..................................... **                                                                   tees and commissions,” she would       was “disappointed” by the decision
Barbara & Bill Manson..................... 100
                                                            Lynne & Liane Pruiksma, from
                                                                                                                                                                                   like council members to rotate as-     after going through extensive lead-
Erica and Scott McNerney ............... 500                                                                                             IN HONOR OF
                                                            Colleen Heller ................................... **       SMMCB, you bring us such joy, pride
                                                                                                                                                                                   signments more “so that we each        ership training, and was “ready to
Diane Davidson ............................... 100                                                                                                                                 get an opportunity to learn more       take on more responsibility.”
                                                            Our parents Chris & Glenda Beratlis,                        and laughter, GMA & GPA Spicka ..... **
Patricia Galves................................. 100        from Chris & Erika Beratlis................. **                                                                        about transportation issues, water        “I just felt like I was ready to
                                                                                                                        Hongkongers, from A & K Wong .... 100
Vivian Leon ..................................... 100       William C. “Bud” Lunde, from                                Roland von Metzsch.......................... **
                                                                                                                                                                                   issues.”                               step into vice-president because
BJ Farrell ......................................... 100    Louise Lunde................................... 100                                                                       “We should all be more well-        I have time, I have energy and I
                                                                                                                        Our 6 Grandchildren ......................... **
Anjali, Raghavi and Mithilan                                Ernie Shanks, from Margaret Shanks . **                                                                                rounded, and not having the op-        think that sometimes having some-
                                                                                                                        My granddaughter Rylan & grandsons
Kanapathippillai .............................. 250         Rick Aguiar & George Fargis, Jr.,                                                                                      portunity to move on to some of        one new is beneficial, so I am a
                                                                                                                        Drew, Kyle, Brett, Brennan, Jack, Cole,
                                                            from Nancy Aguiar Fargis .................. **              Noah & Tripp, from Jane DeCoite .... 100                   those other positions — I mean         little disappointed,” Carreon said.
                IN MEMORY OF                                Richard Brierly, from Stephanie &                           Our beloved parents Jan and Jeb Bing,                      two years would be lovely for             Noting that each term as board
Xiaofan Han, from Xiaojun Mo’s                              Haley England ................................. 100         from Kerry, Chris & Jenny ................ 200
Family ............................................... **                                                                                                                          everybody to get a little learning     president only lasts one year, Mo-
                                                            James Kohnen & Cleve Beck, from                             Trudy Fabian, from Lisa Marie                              curve and participate — but I          kashi said, “Unless we change pro-
Charles Sebahar Sr. & Charles Sebahar                       Patricia Kohnen............................... 300          Fabian............................................. 200
Jr., from Karen L. Sebahar ............... 100                                                                                                                                     would really like an opportunity       tocol next year, then potentially
                                                            Frank & Mabel Rich and Joe &                                Uncles Clark and Ron, from Ellie,
My husband, Billy L. Haraughty, from                        Audrey Kramm ................................. **                                                                      to participate in some of the other    one of us won’t have a chance to be
                                                                                                                        Tom, Mitchell and Brett ..................... **
Anita Haraughty ............................... 30
                                                            Steve DeCoite, from Jane DeCoite .. 100
                                                                                                                                                                                   regional committees as well,” Testa    president in our current term, and
Betty Patrick, from Charles & Joan                                                                                                       AS A GIFT FOR                             said.                                  that is disappointing.”
                                                            Dr. Richard Roman, from Jane
Brown............................................. 100                                                                  Ken & Carole Moy’s 70th Wedding                               The council approved all of the        Laursen acknowledged that “the
                                                            DeCoite .......................................... 100
Gam & Papa Abbott, from the                                                                                             Anniversary ....................................... **     assignments unanimously.               math doesn’t work out” if a trustee
                                                            Jim Mahern & Bob Lemos, from
Casey Family ..................................... **                                                                                                                                 Trustee Mark Miller was ap-         gets to serve as president or vice
                                                            Dr. & Mrs. Pennisi ............................. **
Terry Scavone, from Judity Scavone ... 50                                                                                  BUSINESSES & ORGANIZATIONS
                                                            Hank Gomez, Bob & Donna                                                                                                pointed the new president of the       president more than once during a
                                                                                                                        DeBernardi Development Construction
Bill & Emily Hirst, from Bill Hirst ....... 100             Williams, from Frank Gomez &                                                                                           Pleasanton Unified School District     four-year term.
                                                                                                                        & Remodeling ................................... **
Carl W. Pretzel, from Marilyn                               Maureen Nokes .............................. 200                                                                       Board of Trustees in a 3-2 vote at        “That’s why it’s the board’s intent
                                                                                                                        Time 4 Order Professional
Pretzel .............................................. **   Margaret Lewis Stevens, from                                                                                           their Dec. 16 meeting. Miller has      that everyone have the opportunity
                                                                                                                        Organizing ........................................ **
                                                            Mark & MaryAnne Lewis ................... **
Jerry Lemm, from Marilyn Lemm,                                                                                                                                                     decided to not run for reelection      to serve,” Laursen said. “But there’s
                                                                                                                        Charles Huff Architect, A.I.A. ............ **
Mark & Michele ................................ **          Robert C. Bush, from Arlene Bush ..... **
                                                                                                                        J.E. Moore Air Conditioning Inc....... 500                 next year and will instead serve       five members and a term is only
James & Frederika Traini, from Matt                         David DeBernardi & Amber Harris,                                                                                       as board president for the remain-     four years, so in reality you have to
Traini & Wendy Wong ....................... **              from Mom & Dad ........................... 200              Pleasanton Newcombers Club ......... 500
                                                                                                                                                                                   der of his term. Outgoing board        run for more than one term for ev-
Edythe L. Shewfelt, from Frank &                            Jose & Venus..................................... **        Rita CPA ......................................... 251
Muriel Capilla ................................... **                                                                                                                              president Joan Laursen also nomi-      erybody to have that opportunity.”
                                                            Our parents, from Harold &                                  P-Town Push Rods ........................ 1,000
Karl K. Witze .................................. 500        Gena Gatlin ...................................... **
                                                                                                                                                                                   nated Trustee Steve Maher, who            Laursen announced earlier this
                                                                                                                                                                                   was board president last year, to be   year that she does not plan to run
Bob Griffitts, from Sharon                                   Frances Fatta, from Mark                                          ** Donor did not want to publish the
Morrison ........................................... 50     Campbell ........................................ 100                     amount of the gift.                          vice president in 2022.                for another board term in the Nov.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Laursen said she gave her           22 general election. Q

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Pleasanton Weekly • December 31, 2021 • Page 9
Yearr inn Review:: Julyy too December - Pleasanton Weekly

        MADDEN                                                                                                               on the radio since his coaching days.
                                                                                                                             He called in to KYA in the 1970s and
        Continued from Page 5
                                                                                                                             then KSFO, KNBR and KCBS.                      Pleasanton
Shula of the Miami Dolphins, Hank                                                                                               Madden grew up in the Bay Area,               Weekly
Stram of the Kansas City Chiefs,                                                                                             graduating from Jefferson High
Tom Landry of the Dallas Cowboys,                                                                                            School in Daly City. He attended Cal
Chuck Noll of the Pittsburgh Steel-                                                                                          Poly San Luis Obispo and played           PUBLISHER
ers, Weeb Ewbank of the New York                                                                                             offensive tackle. His Cal Poly degree     Gina Channell Wilcox, Ext. 1171
Jets, Bud Grant of the Minnesota                                                                                             was in education and he put that to       EDITORIAL
Vikings and Sid Gillman of the San                                                                                           use as a coach, moving quickly from
Diego Chargers. Each is a member                                                                                             Alan Hancock Community College
                                                                                                                                                                       Jeremy Walsh, Ext. 1172
of the Hall of Fame. Madden’s com-                                                                                           to San Diego State College under
bined career record against them:                                                                                            Don Coryell and then to the Raiders       Tri Valley Life Editor
36-16-2.”                                                                                                                    in 1967 as linebacker coach.              Dolores Fox Ciardelli
   ESPN reporter Adam Schefter                                                                               MADDEN FAMILY      “I got hurt in my rookie year with     Livermore Vine Editor
wrote on Twitter, “Cowboys’ owner         NFL great John Madden retired from broadcasting in 2009. Shown here with           the Philadelphia Eagles — a knee          Cierra Bailey, Ext. 6528
Jerry Jones: ‘I am not aware of any-      his sons Mike and Joe, Madden told the Pleasanton Weekly he wasn’t slowing         injury — and I couldn’t play. While       Editor Emeritus
one who has made a more meaning-          down. He was starting a new job advising NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.           I was rehabbing, Norm Van Brocklin        Jeb Bing
ful impact on the National Football                                                                                          would be watching films and would         Staff Reporters
League than John Madden, and I            started calling Sunday Night Foot-            “He was a Hall of Fame football      explain what was happening. I ended       Julia Baum, Ext. 1176
know of no one who loved the game         ball in 2006. When he moved, he           coach. He was a gigantic television      up with a degree in teaching and          Jeanita Lyman, Ext. 1179
more.’”                                   became the first broadcaster to work      star. Why? Because the bit of advice     my love for football meshed with
   As significant as he was to the NFL    for all four networks.                    that everybody gets that’s easy to say   teaching,” he told a gaming industry
                                                                                                                                                                       Tim Hunt, Dennis Miller,
as a coach, it was his broadcast career   He was inducted into the Hall of          but hard to follow: Be yourself,” Bob    magazine.
and his role as a pitchman that made      Fame for his coaching career in           Costas told NFL Films. “He was able         While at Cal Poly, he met Virginia     Nancy Lewis, Chuck Deckert
him a household name in America.          2006. He said in his acceptance           to be himself ... and people loved       Fields and they married in 1959.          ART & PRODUCTION
As related in the “All Madden” docu-      speech that, “I never worked a day        him.”                                    They celebrated their 63rd anniver-       Design and Production Manager
mentary that ran on Fox Christmas         in my life ... I am the luckiest guy in       In 1988, EA Sports approached        sary Dec. 26. They have two sons,         Kristin Brown
Day, Madden was reluctant to step         the world.”                               Madden about doing an electronic         Mike and Joe.                             Designers
into the broadcast booth, but it grew        Four years earlier he had re-          football game. That became a part-          Madden loved football at any level.
                                                                                                                                                                       Linda Atilano, Kevin Legnon,
quickly on him.                           ceived the Pete Rozelle Radio-Tele-       nership that continues to this day       In the early 1970s, Madden pointed
                                                                                                                                                                       Paul Llewellyn, Mary Watanabe,
   Starting with CBS in 1979, he          vision award for his broadcasting         with the annual release of Madden        out that Amador Valley tailback Rick
worked secondary games until he           excellence.                               Football. In 1985, he started nam-       Kane was a dominating high school         Doug Young
was promoted to the lead team with           Madden, who Summerall noted            ing his All Madden Team, selecting       football player. Kane later played for    ADVERTISING
Pat Summerall in 1981. Together,          was afraid of heights and very claus-     pros who played the game the way         the Detroit Lions and Washington          Account Executive
they became the voice of the big          trophobic, initially traveled by train    he thought it should be played. His      Redskins.                                 Karen Klein, Ext. 1177
NFL games. They called eight Super        to his broadcasting assignments. In       life-long friend, coach John Robinson       John Madden owns a building in         Real Estate Sales
Bowls together (five for CBS and          1987, he moved to a luxury bus,           (USC, Los Angeles Rams head coach)       Hacienda Business Park that houses
                                                                                                                                                                       Carol Cano, Ext. 1173
three for Fox). When CBS lost rights      the Madden Cruiser, converted for         suggested the All Madden team.           Goal Line Studios, run by his son Joe.
to the NFL to Fox, executives there       24-hour travel and crisscrossed the           Madden did commercials for Ace       He built it so he didn’t have to travel   BUSINESS
targeted Madden to join the network       United States in it.                      Hardware, Outback Steakhouse[36]         to film commercials or other spots.       Business Associate
because he would bring instant cred-         An article on the Hall of Fame         Verizon Wireless, Rent-A-Center,            If you happened to eat at Vic’s All    Lisa Oefelein, Ext. 1178
ibility. So he and Summerall moved        website noted: “Madden’s broadcast-       Miller Lite, Toyota, Sirius Satellite    Star Kitchen you could run into the       Administrative Associate
to Fox as its lead announcer team.        ing ‘statistics’: 22 Thanksgiving Day     Radio and “Tough Actin” Tinactin.        family grabbing a meal after watch-       Carolyn Chan, Ext. 1174
   Madden worked for Fox for              games, 11 Super Bowls, 16 Emmy            The Miller Lite pitches blended in       ing the grandkids in a sporting event
seven years before moving to ABC          Awards, the 1994 NSAA National            comedy and took full advantage of        and see Madden drive up in his
                                                                                                                                                                       HOW TO REACH THE WEEKLY
sports to call Monday Night Foot-         Sportscaster of the Year award and        Madden’s big personality.                F-150 Ford pickup truck.
                                                                                                                                                                       Phone: (925) 600-0840
ball with Al Michaels. Then NBC           the Pete Rozelle Radio-Television             For Bay Area people, they have          Memorial service arrangements are
sports came calling and the duo           Award in 2002...                          had the opportunity to hear Madden       pending. Q                                Fax: (925) 600-9559
                                                                                                                                                                       Editorial email:

       PARKLETS                           whichever is less. Because some
                                          parking spaces can be up to 24 feet
                                                                                       “Are we expecting these park-
                                                                                    lets to be in Pleasanton forever or
                                                                                                                             chef and founder of Oyo restau-
                                                                                                                             rant, said during public comment,
                                                                                                                                                                       Display Sales email:
        Continued from Page 5
                                          long, the length of the parklet will      is there a time where the council        “I don’t see why the city could not
these pop-ups within downtown,            be customizable.                          in the future will look at this and      extend the parklet program, maybe         Classifieds Sales email:
particularly their appearance, effect        “That means you could trim             say we really need those parking         in two week increments, until we
on adjacent business visibility and       it down in front of businesses,”          spaces back or it’s just not work-       get closer to having something in         Circulation email: circulation@
traffic safety.”                          Mayor Karla Brown said in an inter-       ing?” Brown said. “If you have this      hand.”
   While researching, staff identi-       view last Wednesday, with excess          automatic fee renewal, is there that        After some deferred street main-
fied “several key issues and consid-      space potentially serving another         chance to take a look back and say,      tenance and cleaning by city op-
erations for the parklet program.”        purpose like bicycle parking.             ‘is this program working?’”              erations, businesses will be able
While “most of the temporary                 Costs to prepare the program              Associate planner Megan Camp-         to submit a parklet plan starting         The Pleasanton Weekly is published
pop-ups installed downtown today          include hiring a design professional      bell said along with the annual fee      March 1, with parklet installation        every Friday by Embarcadero Media,
will not comply with this pro-            as well as reviewing, inspecting and      renewal “comes an opportunity to         beginning either later that month         5506 Sunol Blvd., Suite 203, Pleasanton, CA
gram,” staff said that “some of the       monitoring the plan. The city may         review whether it’s working.” There      or in April.                              94566; (925) 600-0840.

structures may comply with minor          also incur ongoing maintenance            are currently no fines for not main-        Brown said the council may ex-         Mailed at Periodicals Postage Rate, USPS
alterations.”                             costs associated with the parklets        taining parklets but the city does       plore a city grant program to help        020407.

   To address design concerns, staff      such as trimming nearby trees and         have code enforcement at their           businesses with the cost of install-      The Pleasanton Weekly is mailed upon request
proposed a pre-approved parklet           street cleaning.                          disposal.                                ing parklets — a proposal also sup-       to homes and apartments in Pleasanton.
model that businesses could use.             Per staff recommendation, some            Campbell said, “I believe it be-      ported by Testa, who said “many           Community support of the Pleasanton
                                                                                                                                                                       Weekly is welcomed and encouraged through
None of the parklets will be re-          of the program costs could be             gins with a conversation, not nec-       businesses spent money on the
                                                                                                                                                                       memberships at levels of $5, $8 or $10 per
quired to look the same, but will be      recouped over time, should the            essarily a fee, and seeing if we can     temporary pop-ups and we don’t            month through automatic credit card charges.
expected to follow guidelines like        council adopt an annual fee of            work with them, and a          want to burden them with huge             Print subscriptions for businesses or residents
using materials such as wood pan-         $1,000 per parking space occupied         certain point, we can actually begin     startup costs.” Testa and others          of other communities are $60 per year or $100
eling and metal for overall design        (with “the fee to be waived during        to have a fine if maintenance is not     said the pop-ups cost on average          for two years. Go to www.PleasantonWeekly.
continuity.                               the first year to help offset the costs   being upheld to our standards.”          approximately $10,000 each.               com to sign up and for more information.

   A design professional will be          of investing in the parklet itself”).        According to staff, the restau-          The total cost for implementing        POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
                                                                                                                                                                       Pleasanton Weekly, 5506 Sunol Blvd., Suite 203,
hired to prepare standard specifica-      Application fees for each parklet         rant community was vocal during          the parklet program including de-
                                                                                                                                                                       Pleasanton, CA 94566.
tions for the parklets, which are         would also be collected by the city.      outreach about wanting to keep           sign services is estimated to be less
                                                                                                                                                                       © 2021 by Embarcadero Media.
currently not allowed to occupy              During council discussion,             the temporary pop-ups installed          than $25,000, and will be included
                                                                                                                                                                       All rights reserved. Reproduction without
more than two parking spaces and/         Brown asked if the annual fee is          until the formal parklet program         in the 2021-22 mid-year budget. Q         permission is strictly prohibited.
or 40 linear feet of curb frontage,       “going on in perpetuity.”                 is ready. Maurice Dissels, executive

Page 10 • December 31, 2021 • Pleasanton Weekly
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