Wissenschaftliche Publikationen - UZH

Page created by Paul Howell
                                                         NR. 12/2018
                                       Publikationsliste 2017 der Medizinischen und
                                       ­Chirurgischen Kliniken, der Abteilungen für ­
                                        Klinische Chemie und Biochemie, Intensivmedizin
                                        und N­ eonatologie, Anästhesie und Bilddiagnostik
                                        am K­ inderspital Zürich.

Artikel in wissenschaftlichen ­Zeitschriften

Abadir N, Schmidt M, Laube GF, Weitz M.             Saurenmann RK. Prevalence of Anti-infliximab        Adams N. Trauma-informed care for children
Imaging in children with unilateral ureteropelvic   Antibodies and Their Associated Co-factors in       in the ambulance: international survey among
junction obstruction: time to reduce investiga-     Children with Refractory Arthritis and/or Uvei-     pre-hospital providers. Eur J Psychotraumatol
tions? Eur J Pediatr 176:1173-1179, 2017.           tis: A Retrospective Longitudinal Cohort Study. J   8:1273587, 2017.
                                                    Rheumatol 44:224-341, 2017.
Abela L, Spiegel R, Crowther LM, Klein                                                                  Al Sayed MF, Ruckstuhl CA, Hilmenyuk
A, Steindl K, Papuc SM, Joset P, Zehavi Y,          Agyeman P, Barazzone C, Hammer J,                   T, Claus C, Bourquin JP, Bornhauser BC,
Rauch A, Plecko B, Simmons TL. Plasma               Heiniger U, Nadal D, Pfamatter JP, Posfay-          Radpour R, Riether C, Ochsenbein AF. CD70
metabolomics reveals a diagnostic metabolic         Barbe KM, Pfister RE. Konsensus Statement           reverse signaling enhances NK cell function and
fingerprint for mitochondrial aconitase (ACO2)      zur Prävention von Respiratory Syncytial Virus      immunosurveillance in CD27-expressing B-cell
deficiency. PLoS One 12:e0176363, 2017.             (RSV)-Infektionen mit dem humanisierten             malignancies. Blood 130:297-309, 2017.
                                                    monoklonalen Antikörper Palivizumab (Synagis):
Adams M, Braun J, Bucher HU, Puhan MA,                                                                  Ammann-Reiffer C, Bastiaenen CH, Meyer-
                                                    Update 2016. Paediatrica 28(2):14-16, 2017.
Bassler D, Von Wyl V (incl. Bernet V); Swiss                                                            Heim AD, van Hedel HJ. Effectiveness of
Neonatal Network. Comparison of three dif-          Agyeman P, Schlapbach LJ, Giannoni E,               robot-assisted gait training in children with cer-
ferent methods for risk adjustment in neonatal      Stocker M, Posfay-Barbe KL, Heininger U,            ebral palsy: a bicenter, pragmatic, randomized,
medicine. BMC Pediatr 17:106, 2017.                 Schindler M, Korten I, Konetzny G, Nieder-          cross-over trial (PeLoGAIT). BMC Pediatrics
                                                    Loher A, Kahlert CR, Donas A, Leone A, Hast-        17:64, 2017.
Aebi M, Mohler-Kuo M, Barra S, Schnyder U,
                                                    ers P, Relly C, Baer W, Kuehni CE, Aebi C,
Maier T, Landolt MA. Posttraumatic stress and                                                           Ammann-Reiffer C, Bastiaenen CHG, de
                                                    Berger C. Epidemiology of blood culture-proven
youth violence perpetration: A population-based                                                         Bie RA, van Hedel HJA. Interrater reliability
                                                    bacterial sepsis in children in Switzerland: a
cross-sectional study. Eur Psychiatry40:88-95,                                                          of two gait performance measures in children
                                                    population-based cohort study. The Lancet
2017.                                                                                                   with neuromotor disorders across two different
                                                    Child & Adolescent Helath 1: 124-133, 2017.
                                                                                                        settings. Dev Med Child Neurol 59:1158-1163,
Aeschlimann FA, Angst F, Hofer KD, Can-
                                                    Alisic E, Tyler MP, Giummarra MJ, Kassam-           2017.
nizzaro Schneider E, Schroeder-Kohler
                                                    Adams R, Gouweloos J, Landolt MA, Kassam-
S, Lauener R, van der Kleij D, Rispens T,

Andereggen L, Biétry D, Kottke R, Andres          Baumann P, Baer G, Bonhoeffer J, Fuchs               Grendelmeier P. Clinical phenotypes and
RH. Intracranial Foreign Body in a Patient with   A, Gotta V, Heininger U, Ritz N, Szinnai G,          endophenotypes of atopic dermatitis: Where
paranoid Schizophrenia. J Craniofac Surg          Bonhoeffer J. Procalcitonin for Diagnostics and      are we, and where should we go? J Allergy Clin
28:e685-e687, 2017.                               Treatment Decisions in Pediatric Lower Respira-      Immunol 139:S58-S64, 2017.
                                                  tory Tract Infections. Front Pediatr 5:183, 2017.
Anikster Y, Haack TB, Vilboux T, Pode-Sh-                                                              Bieli C, Summermatter S, Boutellier U, Moe-
akked B, Thöny B, Shen N, Guarani V, Meiss-       Beham K, Dave H, Kelly J, Frey B, Hug                ller A. Respiratory muscle training improves
ner T, Mayatepek E, Trefz FK, Marek-Yagel         MI, Brotschi B. Transthoracic intracardiac           respiratory muscle endurance but not exercise
D, Martinez A, Huttlin EL, Paulo JA, Berutti      catheters in pediatric cardiac patients: A single-   tolerance in children with cystic fibrosis. Pediatr
R, Benoist JF, Imbard A, Dorboz I, Heimer         center experience. Paediatr Anaesth 27:918-          Pulmonol 52:331-336, 2017.
G, Landau Y, Ziv-Strasser L, Malicdan MCV,        926, 2017.
                                                                                                        Bollmann S, Ghisleni C, Poil SS, Martin E,
Gemperle-Britschgi C, Cremer K, Engels
                                                  Ben-Zeev B, Gahl WA, Harper JW, Blau N,               Ball J, Eich-Höchli D, Klaver P, O’Gorman
H, Meili D, Keller I, Bruggmann R, Strom
                                                  Hoffmann GF, Prokisch H, Opladen T, Schiff            RL, Michels L, Brandeis D. Age-dependent and
TM, Meitinger T, Mullikin JC, Schwartz G,
                                                  M. Biallelic Mutations in DNAJC12 Cause Hy-          -independent changes in attention-deficit/hyper-
Arnold R, Neu M, Hirtler D, Gimpel C, Markl
                                                  perphenylalaninemia, Dystonia, and Intellectual       activity disorder (ADHD) during spatial working
M, Geiger J. Magnetic resonance imaging 4-D
                                                  Disability. Am J Hum Genet 100:257-266, 2017.         memory performance. World J Biol Psychiatry
flow-based analysis of aortic hemodynamics in
                                                                                                        18:279-290, 2017.
Turner syndrome. Pediatr Radiol 47:382-390,       Belle F, Wengenroth L, Weiss A, Sommer G,
2017.                                             Beck Popovic M, Ansari M, Bochud M, Kuehni           Bölsterli Heinzle BK, Bast T, Critelli H, Huber
                                                  C (incl. Bergsträsser E, Grotzer M; Swiss            R, Schmitt B. Erratum: Age-Dependency
Aurich-Schuler T, Grob F, van Hedel HJA,
                                                  Paediatric Oncology Group (SPOG). Low                of Location of Epileptic Foci in «Continuous
Labruyère R. Can Lokomat therapy with chil-
                                                  adherence to dietary recommendations in adult        Spike-and-Waves during Sleep»: A Parallel to
dren and adolescents be improved? An adaptive
                                                  childhood cancer survivors. Clin Nutr 36:1266-       the Posterior-Anterior Trajectory of Slow Wave
clinical pilot trial comparing Guidance force,
                                                  1274, 2017.                                          Activity. Neuropediatrics 48:36-41, 2017.
Path control, and FreeD. J Neuroengl Rehabil
14:76, 2017.                                      Bender F, Brandelik K, Jeske K, Lipka M,             Bölsterli BK, Gardella E, Pavlidis E, Wehrle
                                                  Löffler C, Mannhaupt G, Naumann CL, Nolte            FM, Tassinari CA, Huber R, Rubboli G. Remis-
Balzer J, van der Linden ML, Mercer TH, van
                                                  M, Ricken G, Rosin H, Scheerer-Neumann               sion of encephalopathy with status epilepticus
Hedel HJA. Selective voluntary motor control
                                                  G, von Aster M, von Orloff M. Die integrative        (ESES) during sleep renormalizes regulation
measures of the lower extremity in children
                                                  Lerntherapie. Lernen und Lernstörungen               of slow wave sleep. Epilepsiea 58:1892-1901,
with upper motor neuron lesions: a systematic
                                                  6:65-73, 2017.                                       2017.
review. Dev Med Child Neurol 59:699-705, 2017.
                                                  Bergroth E, Roponen M, Karvonen AM,                  Boltshauser E, Bauder F, Giarrana M, Hack-
Baranyai T, Giricz Z, Varga ZV, Koncsos G,
                                                  Keski-Nisula L, Remes S, Riedler J, Roduit           enberg A, Lebon S, Roulet-Perez E, Schmid
Lukovic D, Makkos A, Sárközy M, Pávó N,
                                                  C, Dalphin JC, Kaulek V, Loss GJ, Lauener            R, Schmitt-Mechelke T, Poretti A. Prenatal
Jakab A, Czimbalmos C, Vágó H, Ruzsa Z,
                                                  R, Hirvonen MR, Genuneit J, Schmaußer-               Brainstem Disruptions: Small Lesions-Big
Tóth L, Garamvölgyi R, Merkely B, Schulz R,
                                                  Hechfellner E, Renz H, Pfefferle PI, Krauss-         Problems. Neuropediatrics 48:350-355, 2017.
Gyöngyösi M, Ferdinandy P. In vivo MRI and
                                                  Etschmann S, Schaub B, von Mutius E,
ex vivo histological assessment of the cardio-                                                         Boltshauser E, Huisman TAGM. In Memoriam
                                                  Pekkanen J; PASTURE Study Group. Enhanced
protection induced by ischemic preconditioning,                                                        Andrea Poretti, MD (12.04.1977-22.03.2017).
                                                  T helper 1 and 2 cytokine responses at birth as-
postconditioning and remote conditioning in a                                                          Neuropediatrics 48:325-326, 2017.
                                                  sociate with lower risk of middle ear infections
closed-chest porcine model of reperfused acute
                                                  in infancy. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 28:53-59,        Boltshauser E. In Memoriam Andrea Poretti.
myocardial infarction: importance of microvas-
                                                  2017.                                                Cerebellum 16:986-987, 2017.
culature. J Transl Med 15:67, 2017.
                                                  Bergsträsser E, Cignacco E, Luck P. Health           Bourquin JP. A precision medicine approach to
Bartenhagen C, Fischer U, Korn K, Pfister SM,
                                                  care Professionals’ Experiences and Needs            haematological malignancies. Lancet Haematol
Gombert M, Chen C, Okpanyi V, Hauer J, Ri-
                                                  When Delivering End-of-Life Care to Chil-            4:e567-e568, 2017.
naldi A, Bourquin JP, Eckert C, Hu J, Ensser
                                                  dren: A Qualitative Study. Palliat Care 10,
A, Dugas M, Borkhardt A. Infection as a cause                                                          Boy N, Mühlhausen C, Maier EM, Heringer J,
                                                  1178224217724770, 2017.
of childhood leukemia: virus detection employ-                                                         Assmann B, Burgard P, Dixon M, Fleissner
ing whole genome sequencing. Haematologica        Bersuch E, Gräf F, Renner ED, Jung A, Traidl-        S, Greenberg CR, Harting I, Hoffmann GF,
102:e179-e183, 2017.                              Hoffmann C, Lauener R, Roduit C. Lung                Karall D, Koeller DM, Krawinkel MB, Okun
                                                  function improvement and airways inflamma-           JG, Opladen T, Posset R, Sahm K, Zschocke
Barth PG, Aronica E, Fox S, Fluiter K, Weter-
                                                  tion reduction in asthmatic children after a         J, Kölker S (incl. Ballhausen D, Fingerhut R).
man MAJ, Poretti A, Miller DC, Boltshauser
                                                  rehabilitation program at moderate altitude.         Proposed recommendations for diagnosing and
E, Harding B, Santi M, Baas F. Deregulated
                                                  Pediatr Allergy Immunol 28:768-775, 2017.            managing individuals with glutaric aciduria type
expression of EZH2 in congenital brainstem
                                                                                                       I: second revision. J Inherit Metab Dis 40:75-
disconnection. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol         Berthold O, Clemens V, Witt A, von Moers
                                                                                                       101, 2017.
43:358-365, 2017.                                 A, von Aster M, Kölch M, Plener P, Fegert J.
                                                  Medizinische Kinderschutz-Hotline: Bera-             Bracher I, Padrutt M, Bonassin F, Santos
Bassila C, Ghemrawi R, Flayac J, Froese
                                                  tung für medizinisches Personal, bundesweit,         Lopes B, Gruner C, Stämpfli S, Oxenius A,
DS, Baumgartner MR, Guéant JL, Coelho D.
                                                  kostenlos, rund um die Uhr. Kinder und Ju-           De Pasquale G, Seeliger T, Lüscher TF, At-
Methionine synthase and methionine synthase
                                                  gendmedizin 17:367-372, 2017.                        tenhofer Jost C, Greutmann M. Burden and
reductase interact with MMACHC and with
                                                                                                       impact of congenital syndromes and comorbidi-
MMADHC. Biochim Biophya Acta 1863:103-            Bieber T, D’Erme AM, Akdis CA, Traidl-
                                                                                                       ties among adults with congenital heart disease.
112, 2017.                                        Hoffmann C, Lauener R, Schäppi G, Schmid-
                                                                                                       Int J Cardiol 240:159-164, 2017.


Brady AF, Demirdas S, Fournel-Gigleux S,            worth S, Spinella PC(incl. Doell C); PlasmaTV        Datta AN, Furrer MA, Bernhardt I, Hüppi PS,
Ghali N, Giunta C, Kapferer-Seebacher I,            Investigators. Outcomes Related to the Use of        Borradori-Tolsa C, Bucher HU, Latal B, Grunt
Kosho T, Mendoza-Lomndono R, Pope MF,               Frozen Plasma or Pooled Solvent/Detergent-           S, Natalucci G; GM Group. Fidgety movements
Rohrbach M, Van Damme T, Vandersteen                Treated Plasma in Critically Ill Children. Pediatr   in infants born very preterm: predictive value for
A, van Mourik C, Voermans N, Zschocke J,            Crit Care Med 18:e215-e223, 2017.                    cerebral palsy in a clinical multicentre setting.
Malfait F. The Ehlers-Danlos syndromes, rare                                                             Dev Med Child Neurol 59:618-624, 2017.
                                                    Carter MJ, Mitchell RM, Meyer Sauteur PM,
types. Am J Med Genet . Part C: Seminars in
                                                    Kelly DF, Trück J. The Antibody-Secreting            De Boeck K, Haarman E, Hull J, Lands LC,
Medical Genetics 175:70-115, 2017.
                                                    Cell Response to Infection: Kinetics and Clini-      Moeller A, Munck A, Riethmüller J, Tiddens
Brand J, Michels L, Bakker R, Hepp-Reymond          cal Applications. Front Immunol 8:630, 2017.         H, Volpi S, Leadbetter J, Charlton B, Malfroot
MC, Kiper D, Morari M, Eng K. Neural corre-         Infektiologie                                        A; DPM-CF-204 Study Group. Inhaled dry
lates of visuomotor adjustments during scaling                                                           powder mannitol in children with cystic fibrosis:
                                                    Caslavska J, Lanz C, Burda P, Tobler M,
of human finger movements. Eur J Neurosci                                                                A randomised efficacy and safety trial. J Cyst
                                                    Thormann W. Analysis of genetic variants of
46: 1717-1729, 2017.                                                                                     Fibros 16:380-387, 2017.
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Brand J, Piccirelli M, Hepp-Reymond MC,             by capillary zone electrophoresisand capillary       de Groot RCA, Meyer Sauteur PM, Unger
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Interactive Finger Reaching Task. PLoS One                                                               2017.
                                                    Ceppi F, Beck-Popovic M, Bourquin JP,
12:e0176655, 2017.
                                                    Renella R. Opportunities and challenges in the       De Pasquale G, Bonassin Tempesta F, San-
Breuninger H, Lipka M, von Aster M. Lern-           immunological therapy of pediatric malignancy:       tons Lopes B, Babic D, Oxenius A, Seeliger
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Latal B, Hagmann C. Relationship between            Schmausser-Hechfellner E, Renz H, Riedler J,
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magnetic resonance imaging in cooled newborn        C, Vuitton DA, von Mutius E, Dalphin JC;
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37:1032-1037, 2017.                                 specific IgE in 10-year-old children: Agreement      CPS1 in the treatment of Carbamoyl phosphate
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Burda P, Suormala T, Heuberger D, Schäfer
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Lachmann R, Murphy E, Garbade S, Hoffmann           Gaulis S, Barys L, Ito M, Aguadé-Gorgorió J,         Nemat-Gorgani N, Olive D, Nadal D, Norman
GF, Kölker S, Lindner M, Zschocke J. Issues         Bornhauser B, Bourquin JP, Proske A, Stork-          PJ, Münz C, Parham P. Two alternate strate-
with European guidelines for phenylketonuria.       Fux C, Murakami M, Sellers WR, Hofmann               gies for innate immunity to Epstein-Barr virus:
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Bürgler S, Nadal D. Pediatric precursor B
                                                    rearranged leukemia. Leukemia 31:1269-1277,
acute lymphoblastic leukemia: are T helper                                                               Dougoud S, Valsangiacomo Buechel E,
cells the missing link in the infectious etiology                                                        Kellenberger CJ, Mayer KA. A large right ven-
theory? Mol Cell Pediatr 4:6, 2017.                 Dallery F, Makki MI, Capel C, Gondry-Jouet           tricular mass in a 42-year-old female marathon
                                                    C, Baledent O. A phase-contrast MRI study to         runner. Eur Heart J 38:216, 2017.
Burkhardt BE, Velasco Forte MN, Durairaj
                                                    investigate the interaction of CSF dynamic with
S, Rafiq I, Valverde I, Tandon A, Simpson J,                                                             Dror E, Dalmas E, Meier DT, Wueest S,
                                                    the intracranial CSF distribution. JSM Neuro-
Hussain T. Timely Pulmonary Valve Replace-                                                               Thévenet J, Thienel C, Timper K, Nordmann
                                                    surgery and Spine 5:1079, 2017.
ment May Allow Preservation of Left Ventricular                                                          TM, Traub S, Schulze F, Item F, Vallois D,
Circumferential Strain in Patients with Tetralogy   Dalmas E, Lehmann FM, Dror E, Wueest S,              Pattou F, Kerr-Conte J, Lavallard V, Berney
of Fallot. Front Pediatr 5:39, 2017.                Thienel C, Borsigova M, Stawiski M, Traun-           T, Thorens B, Konrad D, Böni-Schnetzler M,
                                                    ecker E, Lucchini FC, Dapito DH, Kallert SM,         Donath MY. Postprandial macrophage-derived
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Latal B, Fauchère JC, Bucher HU, Rüegger
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Placebo by Proxy in Neonatal Randomized
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Controlled Trials: Does It Matter? Children 4:6,                                                         Ehrlinspiel DM, Gass M, Balmer C. Transsep-
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S, Demaret P, Tucci M, Muszynski JA, Stan-


Entenmann A, Michel M, Herberg U, Haas              Fischer U, von Aster M. Rechenschwäche              ful inhibitor of lysosomal β-galactosidase and a
N, Kumpf M, Gass M, Egender F, Gebauer R.           erkennen und therapieren. Pädagogik 17:54-          remarkable chaperone for mutations associated
Management of postoperative junctional ectopic      55, 2017.                                           with GM1-gangliosidosis and Morquio disease
tachycardia in pediatric patients: a survey of 30                                                       type B. Eur J Med Chem 126:160-170, 2017.
                                                    Fischli S, von Wyl V, Trummler M, Konrad
centers in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
                                                    D, Wueest S, Ruefer A, Heering K, Streuli R,        Fuchs O, Barker M, Zacharasiewicz A,
Eur J Pediatr 176:1217-1226, 2017.
                                                    Steuer C, Bernasconi L, Recher M, Henzen C.         Dahlheim M, Moeller A, Grappa M, Lex C.
Eskola K, Bergstraesser E, Zimmermann               Iron metabolism in patients with Graves’ hyper-     Lungenfunktionsmessungen im Kleinkind- und
K, Cignacco E. Maintaining family life balance      thyroidism. Clin Endocrinol 87:609-616, 2017.       Vorschulalter. Konsensuspapier der Arbeits-
while facing a child’s imminent death-A mixed                                                           gruppe Lungenfunktion der Gesellschaft für
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methods study. J Adv Nurs 73:2462-2472, 2017.                                                           Pädiatrische Pneumologie (GPP). Monatsschr
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Fattinger S, Kurth S, Ringli M, Jenni OG, Hu-       Kuilenburg ABP. Dihydropyrimidine Dehydroge-
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C, Heyse NC, Herbst JA, Hahnloser RHR,              Dirksen U. Results for patients with sarcoma
                                                                                                        72:729-735, 2017.
Wenderoth N, Huber R. Deep sleep maintains          not otherwise specified and other diagnoses
learning efficiency of the human brain. Nat         than Ewing sarcoma treated according to the         Gallego-Villar L, Hannibal L, Häberle J,
Commun 8:15405, 2017.                               Euro-EWING 99 trial. Pediatr Blood Cancer 64:       Thöny B, Ben-Omran T, Nasrallah GK, Dewik
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thein J. Prediction of seizure outcome improved     Larheim TA, Rygg M, Pires Marafon D, De
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1226, 2017.                                         H, Steenks MH, Flato B, Zulian F, Baildam           sampled MRI temperature reconstruction for
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Feiterna-Sperling C, Brinkmann F, Adamczick
                                                    Martini A, Pistorio A, Ruperto N; Paediatric        Ther Ultrasound 5:13, 2017.
C, Ahrens F, Barker M, Berger C, Berthold
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LD, Bogyi M, von Both U, Frischer T, Haas                                                               Gerster K, Katschnig C, Wyss S, Kolly A,
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