MADRID Institute for Advanced Study MADRID Institute for Advanced Study - Casa de ...
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MADRID Institute for Advanced Study MADRID Institute for Advanced Study 2021.2022 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco Pabellón C. C/. Einstein 13 28049 Madrid-España Casa de Velázquez C/. Paul Guinard, 3 28040 Madrid-España Tel.: +34 91.455.15.80
2021.2022 The Madrid Institute for Advanced Study (MIAS) is a research centre that has been created jointly by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid —as part of the development of the UAM-CSIC International Campus of Excellence— and Casa de Velázquez.
MADRID Institute for Advanced Study The mission MIAS is the first Institute for Advanced during their residency, and who will Members of the European network NetIAS Study in the Iberian Peninsula, as well pursue an innovative project in an en- as in the Spanish-American area. Its vironment conducive to scientific de- purpose is, by means of a policy of invi- bate among the different disciplines tations to prestige guest researchers, to and civilisations. The Institute supports reinforce and internationalise research, fundamental research across the entire Helsinki Uppsala chiefly in the sphere of Humanities and range of Humanities, Social and Legal Oslo Social Sciences. Sciences, with a transversal perspective Edinburgh extending from the Iberian world to the It aims at enhancing national and inter- global dimension. Aarhus national scientific environments, with a Delmenhorst view to achieving due recognition in the To that extent, MIAS coordinates the Cambridge Amsterdam Berlin Warsaw coming years as one of the most attrac- European project FAILURE: Reversing Bielefeld tive Institutes for Advanced Study in Eu- the Genealogies of Unsuccess, 16th-19th Brussels rope. This is why it participates in various centuries within the framework of the Paris Vienna European and worldwide networks of In- H2020 Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Actions Nantes Freiburg Konstanz Budapest stitutes for Advanced Study, such as Ne- Programme, RISE call (Grant Agree- Zürich Bucharest Lyon tIAS (Network of European Institutes for ment number 823998), financed by the Bologna Advanced Study), of which it was admit- European Commission. This project in- Marseille Sofia ted a full member in April 2019, or UBIAS tends to offer a space for multidisciplinar (University-based Institutes for Advanced dialogue in the Hispanic sphere on the Madrid Study). processes of attribution, negotiation and reversibility of the label of failure in Its policy, based on invitations, intends the personal, group and state spheres, to put together a community comprising through the organization of international individual researchers, who are free from seminars and symposiums. Jerusalem any academic or administrative duties 2 3
Fellows 2021.2022 Call for applications Residency MIAS’s annual call for applications, open to all nationalities, values the presentation of Following acceptance through a strict To encourage the exchanges and con- proposals that enhance the international visibility of the UAM-CEI International Cam- selection process, residents are al- nections between its fellows, the In- pus of Excellence, as well as Casa de Velázquez’s research guidelines. Considering lowed full autonomy to pursue their stitute holds meetings and communal its international talent recruitment policy, the Institute does not require candidates to research projects, though they are en- meals at Casa de Velázquez or at the provide evidence of knowledge of Spanish or of prior research experience in Spain. The couraged to interact with one another UAM campus approximately every annual call for applications consists in several programs divided between annual and and with the scientific community lo- week. MIAS also offers its residents the short-stays. cally, regionally and nationally. MIAS’s possibility to organise an international scientific community as such consists seminar during their stay, alternative- of 25 researchers in Human and So- ly at the dedicated spaces of the Uni- cial Sciences, whose stay in Madrid versidad Autónoma de Madrid or Casa varies from 3 to 10 months, as well de Velázquez, on a subject relevant to Programme Conditions as longer-term resident researchers. their research project. These seminars There is a monitoring committee to are held every Monday, and permit the . Tomás y Valiente provide scientific follow-up for all MIAS fellows to know more about their col- Researchers who obtained their doctorate from 3 to 10 years ago and whose work residents and facilitate cross-discipli- leagues’ works, and enhance synergies requires a 3 years scientific residency in Madrid (renewable for an additional 2 years, nary exchanges among them by means between them. In the organisation of according to specific conditions) of periodic meetings, in direct contact these seminars, MIAS fellows receive . Marcel Bataillon with the scientific communities at the the scientific support and advice from Researchers who obtained their doctorate from 3 to 10 years ago (junior) Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and at the members of the MIAS Executive or more than 10 years (senior) and whose work requires a 10 months scientific Casa de Velázquez. Committee. residency in Madrid . Lucienne Domergue (in collaboration with the Institut français d’Espagne) Researchers who obtained their doctorate from 3 to 10 years ago and whose work requires 3 to 6 months scientific residency in Madrid . François Chevalier Post-doctoral or experienced researchers whose work requires a 3 to 4 months scientific residency in Madrid More informations: . SMI-CNRS CNRS1 researcher or professor-researcher attached to a UMR2 whose work requires a 3 to 9 months scientific residency in Madrid . DFK París/MIAS Researchers living in Latin America3 holding a Ph.D. for more than 3 years . MESRI4 Research leave Experienced professors (thesis defended for at least 10 years) from a French University with the intention of presenting a national or european project 1 Centre national de la recherche scientifique 2 Unité Mixte de Recherche 3 Disciplinary field: Art History - Latin America 20th-21st centuries 4 Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation 4 5
The Seminars During their stay, all of the MIAS fellows are invited and encouraged to present their research project within the frame- work of the weekly seminars that are held on Monday mornings (with the ex- ception of public holidays when they are occasionally placed on Tuesdays) on a semi-present mode, some of the audi- ence being present, alternatively on the UAM campus or at Casa de Velázquez, others following by way of virtual semi- nar programmes. They are free to invite colleagues working on related themes or disciplines from other universities in the Madrid area or members from the EHEHI present at the Casa de Velázquez. All seminars are announced in advance on the MIAS website: 6 7
Tomás y Valiente fellow Tomás y Valiente fellow Cristina BRAVO LOZANO Silvia GONZÁLEZ SOUTELO Monopoly, competence and territorial defence. Healing spas in Antiquity: analysis of Roman The Spanish monarchy before the Scotch thermalism from an architectonical and functional settlement in Darien, 1695-1700 point of view Research Bio Research Bio The creation of a Scottish colony in Darien Cristina Bravo Lozano has a Ph.D. in Early In the study of bathing buildings in Antiqui- Silvia González Soutelo has a Ph.D. with first stands as a paradigmatic example of terri- Modern History from the Universidad ty, there is a significant lack of knowledge Class honours in Classical Archaeology from torial expansion and commercial projection Autónoma de Madrid. She has been a post- about spas using mineral-medicinal waters. the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela in America in the Age of Mercantilism. The doctoral researcher at the Universidad These establishments show a series of spe- (USC), awarded with an Extraordinary prize foundation in 1695 of the Company of Scot- Pablo de Olavide (Seville). Among her topics cific characteristics that must be analysed for her doctorate; she has also a Higher land Trading followed the model of other of research, the Spanish-Irish relations in from an interdisciplinary and multidisci- Degree in Archaeology from the Universi- worldwide-trading nations, after the demise the 17th century, the diplomatic and cultural plinary perspective, based on the best pre- tat de Barcelona. She has participated in a of the monopolistic hegemony of the Iberian activity of the Spanish embassies in Lon- served and well documented examples in large number of National and International powers. In an attempt to enter the overseas don, The Hague, Copenhagen and Hamburg the context of the Roman Empire. research projects and has taken part in the commercial circles, the Scottish merchants after the treaties of Westphalia (1648-1702), Building on research that has been carried interdisciplinary European project CROSS- set their sights on the Isthmus of Panama, and the confessional politics of Charles II in out until the present day (mainly in the Ibe- CULT (H2020-REFLECTIVE-6-2015). which was under the sovereignty of Charles Northern Europe stand out. rian Peninsula), we propose a larger scale As a pre-doctoral and post-doctoral re- II. Considerable historiographical attention She is author of a monograph and has project in which a detailed study of the most searcher, she has been a visiting scholar at has been paid to this episode, beginning in co-edited six books. She has published significant aspects of these complexes, numerous International Centers, and she the 19th century. However, the Spanish re- the results of her research as articles in from around the Roman Empire, will be un- has participated as a member in Interna- sponse, the Monarchy’s efforts to preserve journals and contributions to collective dertaken. tional archaeological Projects. She was territories that were strategically critical for volumes. She has participated in different To this end, the documentation relating to awarded the highly competitive Spanish the flow of goods and precious metals, is seminars and congresses, national and these establishments will be thoroughly re- “Juan de la Cierva“ Fellowship at the Uni- much less well known. This project explains international, and has organized scientific viewed, and an international collaboration versitat Autònoma de Barcelona; she has the multi-layered reaction —political-diplo- meetings in Spain, France, Portugal, Ger- will be promoted. Furthermore, considering been a lecturer at the USC and Universidad matic, financial and military— of a suppos- many and Hungary. All of this academic the peculiarities of each territory and work- de Vigo and a “Torres Quevedo“ researcher edly decadent monarchy. Based on the latest activity has been combined with teaching ing mainly from an architectonic and func- from the Spanish MINECO. research trends, it shall combine different at bachelor, master and doctorate levels at tional point of view, we will develop a specific Since 2012, she has also been a coordina- factors and variables to explain the process different European universities. methodology to establish an interpretive tor of the archaeological project “Marmora of occupation and the eventual abandon- proposal for these thermal buildings. The Galicia” for the study of the exploitation and ment of the Scottish colony in Darien, their final goal will be to foster a European project use of marble in Antiquity in the Northwest failure and the Spanish imperial power in the in the study of Roman thermalism. of the Iberian Peninsula. context of the succession’s crisis. Selected publications - 2019. González Soutelo, S., “Shall we go “ad aquas”? Putting Roman healing spas on the map”, ETF. Serie I, Prehistoria y Arqueología, 12, 2019, 151-190. DOI: - Selected publications - 2017. González Soutelo S., Matilla Séiquer G., “Inventario y revisión de los principales - 2019. Bravo Lozano C., Spain and the Irish Mission, 1609-1707, Nueva York, Routledge, . enclaves de aguas mineromedicinales en Hispania. Un estado de la cuestión”, in Matilla G., - 2018. Bravo Lozano C.,“Pinturas, ornamentos y otros recaudos. La circulación de ‘trastos’ González S. (eds.), Termalismo antiguo en Hispania. Hacia un nuevo análisis del tejido entre las capillas españolas de Londres y La Haya, 1662-1665”, Archivo Español de Arte, balneario en época romana y tardorromana en la Península Ibérica, Anejos del Archivo 91/361, pp. 17-28. Español de Arqueología, 78, pp. 495-602. - 2017. Bravo Lozano C.,“Popular protests, the public sphere and court Catholicism. - 2016. Gómez Pérez C.P. , González Soutelo S., Mourelle Mosqueira M.L., Legido Soto J.L., The insults to the chapel of the Spanish Embassy in London, 1685-1688”, Culture & History “Spa techniques and technologies: from the past to the present”, Sustainable Water Digital Journal, 6/1, pp. 1-16. Resources Management, []. 8 9
Tomás y Valiente fellow Tomás y Valiente fellow Taru HAAPALA José Enrique LÓPEZ MARTÍNEZ The political knowledge of parliaments. Science, Reception of Spanish prose fiction political debates and democracy of the 16th and 17th century in France: bibliography, translations, adaptations, polemics, theory Research Bio Research Bio The project asks: What does it mean for Taru Haapala has a PhD in Political Science This project proposes to update the studies José Enrique López Martínez was awarded parliamentary democracies to rely on sci- from the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, on the reception of texts of baroque Spanish a Doctorate in Spanish Philology at the Uni- entific expertise? In parliaments, delib- where she holds the Title of Docent. Pre- fiction in France. versitat Autònoma de Barcelona in 2011. erating on the potential effects and risks viously, she has been a Marie Curie fellow On the one hand, the project will produce In his postdoctoral stage he has worked through several procedural stages means within the InterTalentum MSCA-COFUND significant studies on specific works and at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de applying the available information for a programme at the Universidad Autónoma authors, with the aim of advancing the México, the Universitat Autònoma de Bar- multitude of scenarios and making deci- de Madrid. Her research interests range knowledge of translations and adaptations celona, the École Normale Supérieure de sions while not knowing exactly the final from political rhetoric, European integra- of Spanish fiction into French; and on the Lyon, and the Universitat de València. political outcome. During the pandemic, tion history to parliamentary studies. She role of literary historiography in the con- He is a specialist in editions and the study executives strapped with time tended to was a visiting scholar at the Center for struction of a national thought concerning of Spanish Golden Age theater and prose. sideline parliamentary deliberation to pro- European Studies (Harvard University), the the development of French literature and He has published critical editions of Salas duce quick decisions. Instead of relying on European University Institute (EUI) in Flor- the influence of other countries. Barbadillo, Lope de Vega and Tirso de critical scientific knowledge, political deci- ence, the Queen Mary Centre for the Study On the other hand, the project will create Molina, and various studies in journals sions can be taken with easy solutions of- of the History of Political Thought (Univer- important tools for researchers, specifi- such as Anales Cervantinos, Boletín de la fered by private consultants and lobbyists sity of London) and a visiting professor in cally a comprehensive bibliographic cat- RAE, NRFH and La Perinola. who have specialised knowledge but might the Erasmus+ Joint Masters Programme alogue of translations and adaptations He is a member of the Editorial Board of the try to set the agenda of public debates for in Parliamentary Procedures and Legisla- of Spanish narrative texts in France, and Atalanta journal and is a regular collabora- their own benefit. The project examines tive Drafting (EUPADRA) at the LUISS Guido additionally a complete bibliography of tor to Anuario Lope de Vega, Studia Aurea how scientific knowledge has been pre- Carli University in Rome and the Erasmus+ critical studies on the subject, from the and Hispania Felix. Since 2004, he has par- sented and handled in parliaments in the teaching staff exchange at the Universidad 17th century to the present. ticipated in conferences on 24 occasions, EU during the pandemic. It aims to provide Autónoma de Madrid. She has managed and is the General Director of the Interna- a more informed understanding of the po- EU-funded projects as Working Group tional Conference “The theatre within the litical knowledge of parliaments forged in Leader of the European Cooperation in theatre in Spanish Golden Age Comedia” the pressures presented by the executive Science and Technology (COST) Action RE- (UNAM, Mexico, 2013). Since 2008 he has and public debates, and offers suggestions CAST and Executive Committee member of been a collaborator of the Prolope research for procedural reforms. Jean Monnet Network OpenEUdebate. She group, and most recently of the Artelope is the Editor-in-Chief of open access book group of the Universitat de València. series Pro et Contra. Books from the Finn- ish Political Science Association. Selected publications - In press. Haapala, T. and Oleart, Á., eds. (in press) Tracing the Politicisation of the EU. The Future of Europe Debates Before and After the 2019 Elections. Palgrave Studies Selected publications in European Political Sociology. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan - 2020. López Martínez J.E., Su patria, Madrid: Vida y obra de Alonso Jeronimo de Salas - 2017. Wiesner, C., Haapala, T. and Palonen, K., Debates, Rhetoric and Political Action: Barbadillo, Toulouse, PUM. Practices of Textual Interpretation and Analysis. Rhetoric, Politics, Society. London, Palgrave - 2016. López Martínez J.E., Critical edition of: Alonso Jerónimo de Salas Barbadillo, Macmillan. El caballero puntual, Madrid. - 2017. Haapala, T. and Palonen, K., eds., Debate as Politics: Parliament and Academia, - 2016. López Martínez J.E., “Un paso perdido: ‘el buen pasto’ (Quijote I, XIII), special issue in Redescriptions: Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist y una pequeña adición para el Diccionario”, Boletín de la Real Academia Española, 313, Theory, 20(1), pp. 5-137. 2016, pp. 171-200. 10 11
Tomás y Valiente fellow Tomás y Valiente fellow Cristina NOMBELA Elena SOLESIO-JOFRE Understanding Parkinson’s disease: how integral Examining the course of physical, cognitive, cognition models are plotting a new roadmap and neural decline in frail aging Research Bio Research Bio Spain does age. Ageing is the main risk fac- Cristina Nombela is a psychologist working This project aims to increase the quali- Elena Solesio-Jofre obtained her European tor for neurodegenerative diseases, such as for more than 15 years in understanding ty of life for the frail elderly, by reinforc- Ph.D. (Suma Cum Laude) in 2009 from the Parkinson’s disease. Parkinsonian patients the cognitive disturbances in neurodegen- ing multidisciplinary research between Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain), debut with motor symptoms but 8 out of 10 erative diseases, particularly in Parkinson’s university and hospital. Both normal and with a thesis on Aging and Cognitive Neuro- patients present cognitive impairments that disease, which is a priority within the Hori- pathologic aging have been widely studied science. Specifically, she examined cognitive may eventually reach dementia status. zon Europe program. Her work has covered in recent decades, with particular empha- and neural deficits in seniors, using brain Clinical and cognitive features progress at two main research lines: i) Cognition: de- sis on dementia. However, little is known imaging techniques. Afterwards, she worked different paces, creating varied profiles of scription of characteristics that depict cog- about certain prodromal conditions, such as a post-doctoral researcher at Katholieke the same disease. Each of these profiles is nitive impairments in Parkinson’s disease as “Frailty”. This term refers to a state of Universiteit Leuven (Belgium). There, she characterized by key specific cognitive im- and healthy controls using Neuropsycho- vulnerability due to age that leads to falls, studied age-related deficits in motor con- pairments, high or low intensity in depres- logical and Neuroimaging techniques; and disability and even death. A link exists be- trol. She went back to Madrid in 2014 to work sive mood or anxiety, variable motor pat- ii) Treatment: assessment of non-pharma- tween cognitive and physical domains, yet as an Assistant Lecturer at the Universidad terns, different perception of quality of life or cological tools in cognition (Cognitive train- their exact relationship remains unclear. Autónoma. Since 2016, she has been a Ma- expectancies, etc. All of these aspects deter- ing and surgical treatment). We will try to give an answer to this com- rie Skłodowska Curie post-doctoral fellow mine the type of patients, being highly rele- Her research has been undertaken in the plex issue through two main objectives, in this institution. In this regard, she has de- vant to assess the treatment that better fits UK (University of Cambridge from 2010 using a longitudinal approach: 1) We will veloped a ground-breaking project, dealing into each patient. In this context, the “treat- to 2014), Italy (Università degli Studi La develop an innovative paradigm in order with the interactions between emotions and ment” gathers both pharmacological and Sapienza di Roma), France (Hôpital de la to disentangle the exact relationship be- cognition in aging. Remarkably, this project non-pharmacological approaches (meaning Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris) and Spain (Uni- tween cognitive and physical decline in was awarded the best Individual European training, behaving therapy, group dynamics, versidad de Murcia, Hospital Clínico San the frail elderly and we will identify the project in 2017. Along with this productive among others). Carlos de Madrid). underlying neural substrates, using brain research career, she has extensive expe- The aim of this project is to integrate a Future research aims concern exploring imaging techniques, and 2) We will imple- rience in teaching and mentoring students comprehensive model of cognition in new cognitive paradigms by combining ment a pioneering training programme from different universities. Although she Parkinson’s disease. neuropsychology & neuroimaging, mainly on physical activity in order to slow down publishes widely in Geriatrics and Cognitive focusing in cognitive and clinical profiles in both physical and cognitive deficits in the Neuroscience themed journals and books, patients with Parkinson’s disease. frail elderly. This original project has high she is also very active in public outreach scientific, social and economic impact and activities. will certainly result in relevant return ben- efits to society. Selected publications Selected publications - 2019. Artola Balda G., Errarte A., Isusquizal E., Barrenechea M., Alberdi Aramendi A., - 2019. Giné et al. (Co-last and corresponding author). The Women Neuroscientists Hernández-Lorca M., Solesio-Jofre E., “Aging effects on resting state networks after in the Cajal School. Front Neuroanat 13, 72. Q1, IF: 3.152. an emotional memory task”. Entropy, 21(4), 411, 1-19. - 2014. Nombela et al. Genetic impact on cognition and brain function in newly diagnosed - 2018. Solesio-Jofre E., Beets I.A.M., Woolley D.G., Pauwels L., Chalavi S., Mantini D., Swinnen Parkinson’s disease: ICICLE-Parkinson’s disease Study. Brain 137: 2743-58. D1, IF: 9.196 . S.P., “Age-dependent modulations of resting state connectivity following motor practice”. - 2014. Nombela et al. Impulsivity in Parkinson’s disease: A multidimensional Front Aging Neurosci., 6, 10-25. conceptualization. PLoS One 9(1):e85747. Q1, IF: 3.234. - 2017. Solesio-Jofre E., López-Frutos J.M., Cashdollar N., Aurtenetxe S., de Ramón I., - 2013. Nombela et al. Into the groove: can rhythm influence Parkinson´s disease? Maestú F., “The effects of aging on the working memory processes of multi-modal Neurosci Biobehav Rev 37(10 Pt 2):2564-70. D1, IF: 10.284. associations”. Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn., 24(3): 299-320. 12 13
Tomás y Valiente fellow Tomás y Valiente fellow María SOTO QUESADA Laura VILLA MobiLithics: Fingerprinting the Exploitation The Politics of the Spanish Language of Stone Resources During Franco’s Regime (mid-1950s-1960s) Research Bio Research Bio MobiLithics is a multiscalar project aimed María Soto Quesada has obtained an Eras- This project studies the politics of the Laura Villa received her Ph.D. from The at characterising the subsistence prac- mus Mundus Master in Quaternary and Spanish language and public discourse Graduate Center (CUNY) in 2010 and was tices among Homo sapiens starting from Human Evolution (2010) and a European on language in the context of the gradual an Assistant Professor at the University of its origin in Africa and their later expan- Doctorate in Quaternary and Prehistory at opening of Franco’s regime since the mid- Dayton and Queens College (CUNY). Her sion through the European continent. This the University Rovira i Virgili (2015). She 1950s. Taking the economic and political research interests revolve around the inter- project will provide high-resolution data has been a Post-doctoral Associate at the circumstances of the period into account, section of language and politics. Her main through the investigation in two key sce- Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i this project examines the strategies to po- line of study examines the development of narios, the Middle Stone Age – Later Stone Evolució Social (IPHES, 2016), and at the sition the Spanish language vis-à-vis other standard norms in mid-nineteenth-century Age Transition in the Aïn Beni Mathar-Gue- University of Calgary (Social Sciences and languages spoken in the country, as well Spain, a period of deep political and eco- faït basin (Western Morocco), and the Mid- Humanities Research Council of Cana- as Spain’s efforts to promote the Spanish nomic transformations marked by the dle-to-Upper Palaeolithic Transition in the da) associated to the project ‘Stone Tools, language and its institutions in order to re- emergence of a constitutional monarchy, NE of the Iberian Peninsula. Diet and Sociality at Olduvai Gorge (SDS)’ gain a leadership position in the Hispanic an incipient capitalist system, and a new Spatial modelling, petrographic, geo-chem- (2017-2019). community. The goal is to understand the postcolonial order. She has also studied the ical and multivariate statistical analyses of Her research lines are focused on the co-construction of linguistic processes and international promotion of the Spanish lan- the exploited lithic resources during the definition of the procurement strategies, historical processes, i.e. the ways in which guage (especially in Brazil) led by the geo- Upper Pleistocene (50-23 ka BP) will de- mobility patterns and territorial exploita- social identities were negotiated, political political and economic interests of Spain’s termine the procurement strategies and tion of the Palaeolithic groups, through subjectivities were constructed, language companies and governmental agencies in management of raw materials for manu- the physical-chemical characterization of hierarchies were naturalized, and social the global era, the teaching of Spanish as facturing stone tools. These will become rocks (Thin sections, ESEM, XRD, FT-Ra- inequalities were reproduced. In addition, a heritage language to Latinxs in the US, or the archaeometric keys for understanding man, EDXRF) and the GIS modelling in the project has an applied dimension be- the exploitation of bilingual workers in the the territorial structure, mobility and occu- key archaeological sites for human evolu- cause it offers a historical reconstruction US labor market facilitated by the neoliber- pation patterns, as adaptive responses of tion such as Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania) and of language policies, attitudes, and ideolo- al discourse of the economic value of lan- our species to changing climatic, cultural, Sierra de Atapuerca (Spain). gies that have their roots in Francoism but guages. Laura Villa is co-editor of Anuario and biologic dynamics on a global scale. She is a member of 19 international R&D are still very relevant today. de Glotopolítica. projects, including innovative outreach programs in Human Evolution. She is the author of several scientific papers (e.g. J.Arch. Sci, QSR and AAS), and book chapters, and a Guest Lecturer in different Undergraduate and Master Programs. Selected publications Selected publications - 2020. Soto, M., Favreau, J., Campeau, K., Carter, T., Durkin, P.R., Hubbard, S.M., Nair, R., Bushozi, P,M., Mercader, J., “Systematic sampling of quartzites in sourcing analysis: - In press. “Discourse and socipolitical issues”, in Marco Condorelli and Hanna Rutkovska intra-outcrop variability at Naibor Soit, Tanzania” (part I). Archaeological and Anthropological (eds.), The Cambridge handbook of historical orthography, Cambridge, Cambridge Sciences 12, 100. University Press. - 2020. Soto, M., Favreau, J., Campeau, K., Carter, T., Abtosway, M., Bushozi, P.M., Clarke, S., - 2018. “Language and politics in Ramón Joaquín Domínguez (1846-1847). Criticism of the Durkin, P.R., Hubbard, S.M., Inwood, J., Itambu, M., Koromo, S., Larter, F., Lee, P., Spanish Academy in Spain’s first encyclopedic dictionary”, Historiographia Linguistica, 45.1, Mwambwiga, A., Nair, R., Olesilau, L., Patalano, R., Tucker, L., Mercader, J., “Fingerprinting pp. 37-69. of quartzitic outcrops at Oldupai Gorge, Tanzania”. Journal of Archaeological Science: - 2017. “Real orden de 25 de abril de 1844 que oficializó las normas ortográficas de la Real Reports, 29,102010. Academia Española”, Anuario de Glotopolítica, 1, pp. 263-277. 14 15
Tomás y Valiente fellow Marcel Bataillon fellow Eugenio ZUCCHELLI Pierre-Marie DELPU The intergenerational transmission Martyrs of the Revolution. Politics and religion of risky behaviours in nineteenth-century southern Europe Research Bio Research Bio His Tomás y Valiente project concerns the Eugenio Zucchelli is an empirical micro- In the continuity of numerous works in social Pierre-Marie Delpu holds an agrégation intergenerational transmission of risky economist with broad research interests sciences related to contemporary political and a Ph.D. in history, specialising in 19th behaviours. The research focuses on the in the economics of health and human religions, his research project aims to study century Southern European revolutions. identification of both determinants and capital. He has been a Senior Lecturer in the processes of dialogue between religion His research focuses on the forms and mechanisms triggering the transmission Health Economics at Lancaster University, and politics in the 19th century, marked both practices of liberal politicisation, paying processes of three different behaviours: UK, and a Research Fellow at the Centre by the spread of revolutions and by the sec- attention to revolutionary episodes and criminal behaviour; consumption of addic- for Health Economics at the University of ularisation of Western societies. The study more fluid conjunctures and being par- tive substances such as tobacco, alcohol York, UK. will be focused on the figure of the martyr, ticularly interested in the participation of and illicit drugs; and obesity. The project He is an IZA Research Fellow, a Faculty As- borrowed from the religious universe for its ordinary people in political life. After hav- centres on three interrelated pieces of sociate at the Canadian Centre for Health pedagogical function and transposed into the ing devoted his doctoral thesis to the con- empirical work and employs state-of- Economics, University of Toronto; an exter- political arena. Focusing on South European struction of the liberal movement in the the-art econometric methods applied on nal affiliate to the Health, Econometrics and societies, particularly Spanish and Italian, Kingdom of the Two Sicilies on the eve of multiple panel datasets, including the US Data Group, University of York; and a Fellow and on the middle decades of the 19th cen- Italian unification, he is now focusing on National Longitudinal Study of Adoles- of the UK Higher Education Academy. Be- tury, he would like to analyse the emergence political martyrdom in 19th century South cent to Adult Health and the National In- tween 2013-16, he was an Advisor for the UK of the figure of the martyr as a revolution- European societies. During his post-doc- come Dynamics Study of South Africa. This National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) ary ideal-type, studying the discourses and torate at Casa de Velázquez in 2020-2021, study exploits innovative causal mediation Research Design Service. He has held visit- the practices of politicisation. Focusing first he has begun to open his work to Spain in analysis methods to explore causal mech- ing positions at the University of Barcelona on the published written production (a rich the central decades of the 19th century, in anisms within the intergenerational trans- (UB), Carlos III (Madrid), CEMFI (Madrid), corpus of martyrologes, funeral orations, a perspective of comparison with the Ital- mission of risky behaviours. His broader Curtin (Perth), Monash (Melbourne) and chronicles, and publications of immediate ian states of the same period. He seeks to research interests include the economics Toronto (UofT). He contributed in various history produced by contemporaries), and understand the phenomenon of political of addiction; the economics of ageing; the capacities (principal investigator and co-in- comparing them with the occasional archi- martyrdom in a broad, transnational and socioeconomic causes and consequences vestigator) to several externally funded val analysis, his project aims to understand interdisciplinary way, in order to resituate of mental health; and the relationship competitive grants awarded among others the deployment of the cults of revolutionary it within the transfers from the religious to between health and labour supply. by the NIHR (UK), ESRC (UK), Comunidad martyrs in order to place them in the emo- the political that structured the societies de Madrid and National I+D+i Programmes tional, confessional and ideological regimes of southern Europe in the early years of (Spain). He holds a Ph.D. in Economics of the century of revolutions. the contemporary period. awarded by the University of York, UK. Selected publications - 2021. L’affaire Poerio (1850-1860). La fabrique d’un martyr révolutionnaire européen, Paris, CNRS Éditions. Selected publications - 2021. « Martyrologes et panthéons politiques. Écrire et commémorer les victimes de la - 2020. Harris, M., Zhao, X., Zucchelli, E., “Ageing workforces, ill-health and multi-state révolution de 1848 (États italiens, Espagne, principautés roumaines », Amnis. Revue d’étude labour market transitions”, forthcoming at Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. des sociétés et des cultures contemporaines Europe-Amériques, 20. DOI: 10.1111/obes.12379. - 2020. « Exporting the Cult of Martyrs to the Lands of Exile: The comunities of banished - 2019. Gil, J., Li Donni, P., Zucchelli, E., “Uncontrolled diabetes and health care utilisation: Italians in France and Piedmont-Sardinia in the early 1850s », in Catherine Brice (ed.), a bivariate Latent Markov model approach”, Health Economics, 28 (11), 1262-1276. Exile and the Circulation of Political Practices, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars, - 2019. Jones, A. M., Laporte, A., Rice, N., Zucchelli, E., “Dynamic panel data estimation pp. 178-194. of an integrated Grossman and Becker-Murphy model of health and addiction”, - 2019. Un autre Risorgimento. La formation du monde libéral dans le Royaume Empirical Economics, 56, 703-733. DOI: 10.1007/s00181-017-1367-6. des Deux-Siciles (1815-1856), Rome, École française de Rome. 16 17
Marcel Bataillon fellow Marcel Bataillon fellow Pablo HERNÁNDEZ SAU Javier URIARTE MIS_MOVILIDADES. Experiences of mobility on a fluid Fluvial poetics in the Amazon: displacement, frontier, the ‘Hispanic’ Mississippi (1762-1802). infrastructure, modernization Research Bio Research Bio When Spaniards took over the Louisiana, Pablo Hernández Sau is a global historian The project in which Uriarte will work during Javier Uriarte is Associate Professor of Latin in the aftermath of the Seven Year’s War, working on eighteenth-century Iberia(s). He his stay at MIAS, “Fluvial Poetics in the Ama- American literature and culture in the De- the region of the Mississippi Basin was a got his Ph.D. from the European University zon: Displacement, Infrastructure, Moderni- partment of Hispanic Languages and Liter- little-known frontier space for them. How- Institute (Florence, Italy), and he worked as zation”, proposes a comparative exploration ature at Stony Brook University. He holds a ever, for Amerindians, Frenchmen, and a Research Associated at the University of of diverse narratives of the Amazon during Licenciatura en Letras from the Universi- Britons, it had long been a site of inter-im- Manchester. Before, he was fellow at John the first two decades of the last century, in dad de la República of Uruguay, and a Ph.D. perial encounter and confrontation. During Carter Brown library (Providence, USA), close dialogue with the field of environmen- from New York University. He is interested the fifty years it spent under Spanish rule and visiting doctoral researcher at the Lei- tal humanities. The aquatic imaginary is an in theories of space and place, war studies, (1762-1802), the territory articulated by the bniz institute for European history (Mainz, essential part of Amazonian peoples, but it environmental studies, and in the intersec- Mississippi river continued to be a border- Germany). During his Ph.D. time, he devel- has also intrigued intellectuals, travelers tions between literary studies and histo- land shaped by multiple experiences of mo- oped a study on the mobility of the Bouligny and statesmen who have written about the ry, geography, philosophy, and politics. He bility, including those of Afro-descendants, family, looking to understand how globali- region, trying to understand and/or trans- specializes in the study of travel narratives, Amerindians, intruding British settlers, zation was ancored in the Bourbon Spanish form it. In this new project he is interested, territorial imagination, war and representa- French colonist who had accepted Span- Empire. This research was a global micro- then, in studying the presence, roles and tion, the Amazon, state consolidation and ish rule, and displaced Acadians and exiles history study focused on a specific family connotations of rivers in the writings of var- cultural production in nineteenth century from Saint Domingue and the British North of French retailers settled in Alicante, who ious intellectuals during the first decades of Latin America, infrastructure and water, American colonies following their respec- spread around the world during the second the 20th century. The uses and connotations representations of nature and labor. In his tive revolutions. Yet, most studies of these half of the eighteenth century. His major of rivers can let us learn different ways of first book, The Desertmakers, he carries experiences have so far focused on individ- interests are global-local dichotomy; spati- telling aquatic stories, of conceiving of nav- out a comparative study of the role that war ual groups and paid only limited attention ality; mobility; the role of institutions in the igation, fluidity and displacement. The Am- played in the processes of state consolida- to how differences in class, occupation, Bourbon Spanish Empire; and the parallels azon is a fragile and sometimes confusing tion in the Southern Cone and Brazil in the gender, and race affected individuals. This between the Iberian empires. He is interest- or dissonant chorus of voices that speak last decades of the nineteenth century. The research project studies experiences of ed on developing global comparative studies through its waterways. Listening attentively Spanish version of The Desertmakers won mobility on the west bank of the Mississippi on Iberian empires, state-building, mobility, to them in order to disentangle and dive into Uruguay’s 2012 National Prize for Literature river under Spanish rule, using an intersec- and globalization during the long-eighteenth its various meanings and poetics is one of in the unpublished literary essay category. tional perspective. century, i.e. 1640s until 1820s. the objectives of this project. Selected publications Selected publications - 2018. “Dádivas al estilo oriental. Prácticas de (re)conocimiento político en el Estambul del último cuarto del siglo XVIII”, Chronica Nova. Nº44, Pp. 115 – 145. - 2021. “Temporalidad, guerra y nostalgia imperial en las Memorias del Visconde de Taunay”, in Kari Soriano Salkjelsvik (ed), Sensibilidades conservadoras: El debate - 2017. “Bouligny’s Family Network: Between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean cultural sobre la civilización en América Latina y España durante el siglo XIX, (1700-1780)” in Manuel Herrero & Klemens Kaps (eds) Merchants and Trade Networks in Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert, pp. 279-303. the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, 1550-1800: Connectors of Commercial Maritime Systems. London, New York; Routledge, Pp. 198 – 215. - 2021. “Cuerpos, sexualidad y modernización: la Guerra del Pacífico y el trazado de fronteras biopolíticas en Chile”, Revista Iberoamericana, LXXXVII/275, pp. 533-546. - 2016. “Gifts across the Mediterranean Sea. The 1784 Spanish Gift-Embassy to Constantinople and its Cross-Cultural Diplomatic Practice” in Diana Carrió-Ivernizzi (ed.) - 2020. The Desertmakers: Travel, War, and the State in Latin America, New York, Routledge. Embajadores culturales. Transferencias y lealtades de la diplomacia española de la edad - 2019. Intimate Frontiers: A Literary Geography of the Amazon, Co-edited with Felipe moderna. Madrid, UNED, Pp. 107 – 135. Martínez-Pinzón, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press. 18 19
Lucienne Domergue Fellow Lucienne Domergue fellow Paul BERNARD-NOURAUD Luca PITTELOUD Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne Universidade Federal do ABC, São Paulo Migratory imaginaries. Study and critical analysis The limits of language in ancient philosophy: of the representations of migration dynamics non-contradiction, identity and ineffability in the Mediterranean basin over the period 2000 in Damascius Research Bio Research Bio This research project focuses on migra- Paul Bernard-Nouraud is an art historian, Are there some things beyond language? Luca Pitteloud is professor for ancient tory collective imaginations in the Med- graduated from Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne Many religious traditions posit that some philosophy at the Federal University of iterranean Area for the last twenty years University, and a Aesthetics Ph.D. from the entities cannot be adequately described in ABC in São Paulo, Brazil. He did is Ph.D. (from 2000 to 2020). “Migratory collective School of High Studies in Social Sciences human language and so cannot be grasped at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. imaginations” designates representations of Paris (EHESS). His research fields pri- by human reason: God in the Abrahamic Between 2013 and 2016, he was a post- of migrations artists produced in the Med- marily del with the relationships between tradition; in the Dao ancient Chinese Dao- doctoral researcher at the University of iterranean Area during this period. The the memories of Auschwitz and contem- ism; ultimate reality in Mahayana Bud- Brasília (UnB), at the Federal University perspective is historical, i.e. it studies how porary art, which he studied in France, the dhism. Often, the ‘mysticism’ of these tra- of Pará (UFPA) in Belém (Amazonia) and contemporary artists sollicitate or not pre- United-States, and Israel. He also workd ditions is set against the ‘cold rationality’ at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro vious representational models of wander- in different publications on the specific of Ancient Greek philosophy, with its firm (UFRJ). In 2019, he was a visiting professor ing, of the boat, the wall, and the border. It Works of Rembrandt van Rijn, Francisco commitment to logical principles and ar- at the CNRS in Paris. He works mainly on aims to be a critical survey in the way it of- de Goya, William Kentridge, Gerhart Rich- gument. This contrast may explain why An- the history of ancient philosophy, meta- fers an evaluation of the novelty or, on the ter, Oscar Muñoz or Ceija Stojka. He paid cient Greek treatments of the limits of lan- physics and cosmology. He is a member of contrary, of the stereotypes that the artists specific attention to the uses of archives guage have been neglected. In this project, the editorial team PLATO JOURNAL: The are mobilizing, and the different publics by contemporary artists, and is interested I wish to trace the connections between the Journal of the International Plato Society. they are addressing their artworks: the in the topic of translations in Art History. three laws of classical logic (the principle of artistic and academic spheres, migrants More recently, he dedicated his research non-contradiction, the law of excluded mid- themselves, the political domain, etc. The to the representations of international dle and the principle of identity) and ancient investigation’s development aims to be migrations in contemporary art. Paul Ber- Greek ideas that there are some things that interdisciplinary since it studies both the nard-Nouraud is the autor of three books, cannot be spoken of or thought about. The production and reception of the considered and numerous academic publications. main philosopher under scrutiny will be artworks, and the sociocultural context it Damascius. For him, in order to grasp the determines. first principle of all things, what he calls the Ineffable, we must go beyond the three laws of logic and accept to step into the void. Selected publications Selected publications - 2021, “William Kentridge, Gerhart Richter, Klaus Mosettig. Trois notes sur le style - 2020. “Plato’s Atomism”, in Ugo Zilioli (eds), Atomism in Philosophy: A History from Antiquity archivaire”, Proteus. Cahiers des théories de l’art n° 17, p. 46-56. to the Present, London, Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 136-155. - 2020, “Grand colosse endormi. Sur un dessin de Goya”, Tierce (en ligne). - 2019. Psychology and Ontology in Plato, Edited with Evan Keeling, Cham, Philosophical - 2017, Sur les œuvres silencieuses. Contribution à l’étude de l’art d’après Auschwitz, Studies, Springer. Paris, Pétra. - 2017. La séparation dans la métaphysique de Platon, Sankt Augustin, Plato International - 2015. Avec L. Jurgenson (dir.), Témoigner par l’image, Paris, Pétra. Studies, Academia Verlag. 20 21
Lucienne Domergue Fellow François Chevalier fellow Aude PLAGNARD Cristina E. BLOJ Université Paul-Valéry (Montpellier 3) Universidad Nacional de Rosario Portuguese Epic in the Time of the Filipes Political Participation in Latin America and Europe: Potentialities and Challenges of Participatory Democracy in Recent History under the effects of COVID-19 Research Bio Research Bio Aude Plagnard’s project is part of an in- After a Ph.D. in Spanish literature from the The research “Political participation in Lat- Since she majored in Social Anthropology at vestigation into the cultural and political Sorbonne University, Aude Plagnard is an in America and Europe: potentialities and the National University of Rosario (Argenti- relations between Spain and Portugal in associate professor in comparative litera- challenges of participatory democracy in na) and she worked as a researcher, Cristina the modern age, based on their literary ture at the Université Paul-Valéry de Mont- recent history under the effects of the COV- E. Bloj has had a wider interest in various production. She is interested in the par- pellier since 2016. In line with her doctoral ID-19”, aims to address the transforma- aspects on the complex societies, social in- adoxical case of epic production, which research (awarded by the Chancellerie des tions that have recently taken place in the clusion, and development process in Latin has been assigned by critics to a nation- Universités de Paris), she studies modern field of political participation in Latin Amer- America. After holding a Doctoral Program alist and colonialist discourse, despite its epic in Romance languages, the narration ica and Europe (Argentina-Spain), paying in “Contemporary Latin American Studies” highly nuanced characters and positions of recent history in prose and verse, and the special attention to the processes of direct (UCM-Spain) over the last decades, she has in the Portuguese case between 1580 and political implications of historical fiction. In democracy and gender approach. This re- become more strongly interested in the re- 1640. The aim is therefore to depict how another line of research, she explores the search focused on democratic innovations search on social and political participation, the epic constitutes a tool for conceptual- articulation between the literary field com- and political mechanisms that provide local governance, and social movements; ising Castilian domination over Portugal in mon to Spain and Portugal in the modern alternatives to the regular practice of de- especially their implications as democratic that crucial period and to situate the range period and the relations between the two mocracy and that are directly linked to the innovations and with gender approach. She of positions held by the authors within the monarchies. Within this framework, she expansion of citizen involvement in public has been working in several projects as sen- framework of contemporary political liter- co-directs (with J. Roussiès) the collective affairs. In fact, the research aims to analyze ior consultant for international organizations ature. This research has the threefold ob- project Poligrafaria, dedicated to the figure the relationship between participation, di- related to these researches; she has coor- jective of describing this little-known and of the bilingual polygraph Manuel de Far- rect democracy and gender as dimensions, dinated regional studies on indigenous and almost completely unpublished corpus, ia e Sousa. She also supervises the digital which, when interconnected can be key to Afro-descendent women’s political partici- analysing it through a monographic study, edition of texts related to the polemic about strengthening democracy and governance pation, parity in elected positions and equal and promoting collective work into these Góngora’s poetry within the framework in the pandemic and the post-pandemic access to education. She emphasizes that issues. of the Pólemos project (coord. Mercedes context. Thus, she proposes to analyze the she puts the focus on ethnographic methods Blanco, OBVIL, Sorbonne Université).. new political practices, government pro- and qualitative data from an ample range of grams, democratic innovations and mech- sources, mainly from fieldwork. In addition, anisms that emanate from the civil society. the dialogue with other disciplines, such as From the methodological point of view, re- history and political sciences, as well as the search is based on a socio-anthropological general knowledge about Latin America and and interdisciplinary approach, and from a Europe, has always been very fruitful for her comparative perspective. research. Selected publications - 2021. “La sátira cervantina de la épica a la luz de las primeras décadas de su historia vernácula”, El cambio de paradigma (1550-1560): hacia la novela moderna, dir. Juan Ramón Selected publications Múñoz Sánchez, Diablotexto Digital 9, pp. 154-185 - 2017. “Trayectorias de mujeres. Educación técnico-profesional y trabajo en Argentina”. - 2021. El universo de una polémica. Góngora y la cultura del siglo XVII, coord. Mercedes Serie Asuntos de Género Nº 145, CEPAL/Naciones Unidas, pp. 1-75.. Blanco y Aude Plagnard, Madrid, Iberoamericana-Vervuert - 2009. “The Public Budget: Their Implications on Social Policies and Poverty Reduction”, - 2019. Une épopée ibérique. Alonso de Ercilla et Jerónimo Corte-Real (1569-1589), UNRISD/ United Nations, pp. 1-53. Madrid, Casa de Velázquez. - 2008. “Itinerarios de deliberación ciudadana. El programa Presupuesto Participativo del - 2019. Manuel de Faria e Sousa, Noches claras (fragmentos), ed. Aude Plagnard, Paris, Municipio de Rosario (Argentina)”, Iberoamericana América Latina – España – Portugal, Sorbonne Université –Labex OBVIL. Vol. VIII, 32, Iberoamericana/Vervuert, Madrid/Frankfurt, pp. 31-50. 22 23
François Chevalier fellow François Chevalier fellow Lilian R. G. DINIZ Alberto G. FLÓREZ-MALAGÓN Freie Universität Berlin University of Ottawa CONVERSIO – CONversion, apostasy and Drinking imperialism. Alliance for Progress’ culture in Visigothic Spain – Religion, “Poisoned Milk” and the Sterilization Anxiety Society and Interchange in Latin America, 1961-1970 Research Bio Research Bio How was religious conversion carried out in Lilian R. G. Diniz has a Ph.D. In Medieval This project studies the role of rumors Alberto G. Flórez-Malagón holds a B.A. in Spain under Visigothic rule and during the History from the University of Padua (Ita- as political weapons in the context of the Political Science from Universidad de los first period of Islamic domination and what ly) and the University of Vienna (Austria). Cold War in Latin America in the 1960s. It Andes and an M.A. and a Ph.D. in History were the cultural and political consequenc- She is currently a post-doc fellow at the reveals the particular case of powdered from the State University of New York at es? In CONVERSIO, she will investigate the Freie Universität of Berlin, financed by the milk donated by the United States to Lat- Stony Brook. Before his appointment with processes of religious conversion in Early program PRIME of the German academ- in American public schools as part of the the University of Ottawa he was a Senior Medieval Spain during the Visigothic King- ic exchange service (DAAD). This project development program “Alliance for Pro- Program Officer in the Program of Peace, dom from the 5th to the 8th century and the investigates written and material sources gress” (1961-1970), and how this “steri- Conflict and Development at the Inter- subsequent period of consolidation of Is- that attest to the development of popular lizing gringo milk” generated discursive national Development Research Center, lamic domination until the 9th century. CON- religion and unorthodoxy in Early Medieval resistance promoted mainly by Leftist IDRC, in Ottawa. He has worked in Colom- VERSIO has a twofold objective: first, to shed Galicia. Her research interests are religious groups. These attacks on the Alliance’s bia as an associate professor at Javeriana light on the historical and anthropological conversion and popular piety from Late An- milk were made through rumors that cir- and Los Andes universities, as well as for approaches to religious conversion and on tiquity to the Early Middle Ages, with a focus culated widely in popular sectors and were the Colombian Institute for Development cultural interaction in the Medieval period, in subversive religious behaviour, people’s linked to other anti-American practices. of Science and Technology (COLCIENCIAS) focusing on the interaction between Chris- agency, syncretism and religious crafting. The project concentrates on the case of where he directed the National Social tians, Jews and Muslims; second, to un- With a background in archaeology, she is Colombia, as an example of a trend that Sciences and Humanities Program. He derstand and analyse the tension between also interested in material culture and how can be detected throughout Latin America. was a visiting fellow and lecturer at Uni- conversion and apostasy. The Visigothic to relate its testimony with written sources. Why was it possible to make a credible versidad Andina in Ecuador, and Laval, Kingdom of Spain, which lasted from the 5th She has been a visiting researcher at the case for what was imagined as “poisoned Concordia and McGill universities in Can- to the 8th century, and the period immediate- centre AnHiMA – Anthropologie et histoire milk”? The explanation seems to rely on ada. He has published several books and ly after its downfall provides an interesting des mondes antiques at the center (CNRS, the sterilization anxiety generated by the articles on local dynamics of conflict, rural and well-documented setting for developing UMR 8210), the OEAW - Austrian Academy promotion of birth-control practices in the studies, environmental history, histori- a project on religious conversion which also of Sciences in Vienna, and the Universidad region, which took the form of conspira- ography, cultural studies and transdis- includes apostasy as a practice that could Autónoma de Madrid. She was recently tory theories oriented towards regulating ciplinarity in Latin America. His current mirror the process of conversion. Apostasy awarded a Junior fellowship at the Roman- the growth of Latin American populations. research interests revolve around cultural is a rich, crucial and neglected concept that Islam centre of the University of Hamburg. This helped to connect U.S. milk dona- and power issues, mainly the strategies can profoundly illuminate the study of social tions with a strategy of biocontrol exerted for the historical construction of ideolo- and religious relations. through a fictional non-consulted program gies and identities with emphasis in Latin of sterilization across the region. America. Selected publications - Forthcoming. “How to Be Both: Individuating Religious Hybridity in Material Culture in Early Medieval Gaul”, Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Culture and Religion. Leuven, Peeters. Selected publications - 2021. “Valerius of Bierzo as an interpreter of the ecclesiastical environment of Northwest - 2019. Ustedes los pobres, nosotros los ricos. Las industrias culturales extranjeras y el gusto Spain”, Journal of Medieval Iberian studies, vol.13, n. 2, pp. 145-163. social en Bogotá, Colombia (1940-1970) (Centro Editorial Javeriano), 320 pp. (Forthcoming). - 2017. “Diffusione del cristianesimo e fenomeni di ibridazione culturale dalla tarda antichità - 2018. “La invención del cocacolo: ‘americanización’ y diferenciación social en Bogotá al medioevo in Europa Occidentale”, Adamantius. Annuario di Letteratura Cristiana Antica en la década de 1950”, Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies / e di Studi Giudeoellenistici, 23, pp. 215-225. Revue canadienne des études latino-américaines et caraïbes, 43:3, 315-336. - 2014. “Paganism and traditional practices in the sermons of Caesarius of Arles”, in - 2014, “Cinema and social differentiation: the impact of Mexican films in Bogotá, Colombia, M. VINZENT and A. BRENT (eds.) Studia Patristica Vol LXXIV - Including Papers presented at 1940–1970”, Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies / Revue canadienne the Fifth British Patristics Conference, London, 3-5 September, Leuven, Peeters, pp. 393-400. des études latino-américaines et caraïbes, 39:2, 244-261. 24 25
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