MADRID Institute for Advanced Study MADRID Institute for Advanced Study - Casa de Velázquez

Page created by Eric Knight
MADRID Institute for Advanced Study MADRID Institute for Advanced Study - Casa de Velázquez
MADRID Institute for Advanced Study MADRID Institute for Advanced Study

     Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
     Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco
     Pabellón C.
     C/. Einstein 13
     28049 Madrid-España

     Casa de Velázquez
     C/. Paul Guinard, 3
     28040 Madrid-España
     Tel.: +34 91.455.15.80
MADRID Institute for Advanced Study MADRID Institute for Advanced Study - Casa de Velázquez
The Madrid Institute for Advanced Study (MIAS) is a research centre
that has been created jointly by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
as part of the development of the UAM-CSIC International Campus of
Excellence and Casa de Velázquez.
MADRID Institute for Advanced Study MADRID Institute for Advanced Study - Casa de Velázquez
MADRID Institute for Advanced Study
 The mission
 MIAS is the first Institute for Advanced     during their residency, and who will           Members of the European network NetIAS
 Study in the Iberian Peninsula, as well      pursue an innovative project in an en-
 as in the Spanish-American area. Its         vironment conducive to scientific de-
 purpose is, by means of a policy of invi-    bate among the different disciplines
 tations to prestige guest researchers, to    and civilisations. The Institute supports
 reinforce and internationalise research,     fundamental research across the entire                                                                                                  Helsinki
 chiefly in the sphere of Humanities and      range of Humanities, Social and Legal                                                                   Oslo

 Social Sciences.                             Sciences, with a transversal perspective
                                              extending from the Iberian world to the
 It aims at enhancing national and inter-     global dimension.                                                                                           Aarhus
 national scientific environments, with a
 view to achieving due recognition in the     To that extent, MIAS coordinates the                                      Cambridge
                                                                                                                                                                    Berlin              Warsaw
 coming years as one of the most attrac-      European project FAILURE: Reversing                                                                   Bielefeld

 tive Institutes for Advanced Study in Eu-    the Genealogies of Unsuccess, 16th-19th                                                         Brussels

 rope. This is why it participates in vari-   centuries within the framework of the                                            Paris                                    Vienna

 ous European and worldwide networks          H2020 Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Actions                                  Nantes               Freiburg

 of Institutes for Advanced Study, such as    Programme, RISE call (Grant Agree-                                                                Zürich                                                   Bucharest
 NetIAS (Network of European Institutes       ment number 823998), financed by the
 for Advanced Study), of which it was ad-     European Commission. This project in-                                                           Marseille                                          Sofia
 mitted a full member in April 2019, or       tends to offer a space for multidisciplinar
 UBIAS (University-based Institutes for       dialogue in the Hispanic sphere on the                       Madrid

 Advanced Study).                             processes of attribution, negotiation
                                              and reversibility of the label of failure in
 Its policy, based on invitations, intends    the personal, group and state spheres,
 to put together a community comprising       through the organization of international
 individual researchers, who are free from    seminars and symposiums.                                                                                                                                               Jerusalem
 any academic or administrative duties

MADRID Institute for Advanced Study MADRID Institute for Advanced Study - Casa de Velázquez
Fellows 2020.2021
Call for applications                                                                        Residency
MIAS’s annual call for applications, open to all nationalities, values the presentation of   Following acceptance through a strict       To encourage the exchanges and con-
proposals that enhance the international visibility of the UAM-CEI International Cam-        selection process, residents are al-        nections between its fellows, the In-
pus of Excellence, as well as Casa de Velázquez’s research guidelines. Considering           lowed full autonomy to pursue their         stitute holds meetings and communal
its international talent recruitment policy, the Institute does not require candidates to    research projects, though they are en-      meals at Casa de Velázquez or at the
provide evidence of knowledge of Spanish or of prior research experience in Spain. The       couraged to interact with one another       UAM campus approximately every
annual call for applications consists in several programs divided between annual and         and with the scientific community lo-       week. MIAS also offers its residents the
short-stays.                                                                                 cally, regionally and nationally. MIAS’s    possibility to organise an international
                                                                                             scientific community as such consists       seminar during their stay, alternative-
                                                                                             of 25 researchers in Human and So-          ly at the dedicated spaces of the Uni-
                                                                                             cial Sciences, whose stay in Madrid         versidad Autónoma de Madrid or Casa
                                                                                             varies from 3 to 10 months, as well         de Velázquez, on a subject relevant to
Programme Conditions                                                                         as longer-term resident researchers.        their research project. These seminars
                                                                                             There is a monitoring committee to          are held every Monday, and permit the
. Tomás y Valiente
                                                                                             provide scientific follow-up for all MIAS   fellows to know more about their col-
  Researchers who obtained their doctorate between 01/01/2009 and 31/12/2016
                                                                                             residents and facilitate cross-discipli-    leagues’ works, and enhance synergies
  and whose work requires a 3 years scientific residency in Madrid
                                                                                             nary exchanges among them by means          between them. In the organisation of
  (renewable for an additional 2 years, according to specific conditions)
                                                                                             of periodic meetings, in direct contact     these seminars, MIAS fellows receive
. Marcel Bataillon                                                                           with the scientific communities at the      the scientific support and advice from
  Researchers who obtained their doctorate between 01/01/2009 and 31/12/2016                 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and at       the members of the MIAS Executive
  and whose work requires a 10 months scientific residency in Madrid                         Casa de Velázquez.                          Committee.
. Lucienne Domergue (in collaboration with the Institut français d’Espagne)
  Researchers who obtained their doctorate between 01/01/2009 and 31/12/2016
  and whose work requires a 6 months scientific residency in Madrid
. François Chevalier
  Post-doctoral or experienced researchers whose work
  requires a 3 to 4 months scientific residency in Madrid
. SMI-CNRS                                                                                                             More informations:
  CNRS* researcher or professor-researcher attached to a UMR**
  whose work requires a 3 to 10 months scientific residency in Madrid

*		 Centre national de la recherche scientifique
** Unité Mixte de Recherche

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MADRID Institute for Advanced Study MADRID Institute for Advanced Study - Casa de Velázquez
The Seminars
    During their stay, all of the MIAS fellows
    are invited and encouraged to present
    their research project within the frame-
    work of the weekly seminars that are
    held on Monday mornings (with the ex-
    ception of public holidays when they are
    occasionally placed on Tuesdays) on a
    semi-present mode, some of the au-
    dience being present, others following
    by way of virtual seminar programmes.
    They are free to invite colleagues work-
    ing on related themes or disciplines from
    other universities in the Madrid area or
    members from the EHEHI present at the
    Casa de Velázquez.

    The dates for the Autumn period are as
    follows: 19th and 25th October; 16th, 23rd,
    30th November and 14th December.

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MADRID Institute for Advanced Study MADRID Institute for Advanced Study - Casa de Velázquez
Tomás y Valiente fellow                                                                          Tomás y Valiente fellow

Cristina BRAVO LOZANO                                                                              Silvia GONZÁLEZ SOUTELO
Monopoly, competence and territorial defence.                                                      Healing spas in Antiquity: analysis of Roman
The Spanish monarchy before the Scotch                                                             thermalism from an architectonical and functional
settlement in Darien, 1695-1700                                                                    point of view

Research                                          Bio                                              Research                                           Bio
The creation of a Scottish colony in Darien       Cristina Bravo Lozano has a Ph.D. in Early       In the study of bathing buildings in Antiqui-      Silvia González Soutelo has a Ph.D. with first
stands as a paradigmatic example of terri-        Modern History from the Universidad              ty, there is a significant lack of knowledge       Class honours in Classical Archaeology from
torial expansion and commercial projection        Autónoma de Madrid. She has been a post-         about spas using mineral-medicinal waters.         the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
in America in the Age of Mercantilism. The        doctoral researcher at the Universidad           These establishments show a series of spe-         (USC), awarded with an Extraordinary prize
foundation in 1695 of the Company of Scot-        Pablo de Olavide (Seville). Among her topics     cific characteristics that must be analysed        for her doctorate; she has also a Higher
land Trading followed the model of other          of research, the Spanish-Irish relations in      from an interdisciplinary and multidisci-          Degree in Archaeology from the Universi-
worldwide-trading nations, after the de-          the 17th century, the diplomatic and cultural    plinary perspective, based on the best pre-        tat de Barcelona. She has participated in a
mise of the monopolistic hegemony of the          activity of the Spanish embassies in Lon-        served and well documented examples in             large number of National and International
Iberian powers. In an attempt to enter the        don, The Hague, Copenhagen and Hamburg           the context of the Roman Empire.                   research projects and has taken part in the
overseas commercial circles, the Scottish         after the treaties of Westphalia (1648-1702),    Building on research that has been carried         interdisciplinary European project CROSS-
merchants set their sights on the Isthmus         and the confessional politics of Charles II in   out until the present day (mainly in the Ibe-      CULT (H2020-REFLECTIVE-6-2015).
of Panama, which was under the sovereign-         Northern Europe stand out.                       rian Peninsula), we propose a larger scale         As a pre-doctoral and post-doctoral re-
ty of Charles II. Considerable historiograph-     She is author of a monograph and has             project in which a detailed study of the           searcher, she has been a visiting scholar at
ical attention has been paid to this episode,     co-edited six books. She has published           most significant aspects of these complex-         numerous International Centers, and she
beginning in the 19th century. However, the       the results of her research as articles in       es, from around the Roman Empire, will be          has participated as a member in Interna-
Spanish response, the Monarchy’s efforts to       journals and contributions to collective         undertaken.                                        tional archaeological Projects. She was
preserve territories that were strategically      volumes. She has participated in different       To this end, the documentation relating to         awarded the highly competitive Spanish
critical for the flow of goods and precious       seminars and congresses, national and            these establishments will be thoroughly re-        “Juan de la Cierva“ Fellowship at the Uni-
metals, is much less well known. This pro-        international, and has organized scientific      viewed, and an international collaboration         versitat Autònoma de Barcelona; she has
ject explains the multi-layered reaction          meetings in Spain, France, Portugal, Ger-        will be promoted. Furthermore, considering         been a lecturer at the USC and Universidad
– political-diplomatic, financial and mili-       many and Hungary. All of this academic           the peculiarities of each territory and work-      de Vigo and a “Torres Quevedo“ researcher
tary – of a supposedly decadent monarchy.         activity has been combined with teaching         ing mainly from an architectonic and func-         from the Spanish MINECO.
Based on the latest research trends, it shall     at bachelor, master and doctorate levels at      tional point of view, we will develop a specific   Since 2012, she has also been a coordina-
combine different factors and variables to        different European universities.                 methodology to establish an interpretive           tor of the archaeological project “Marmora
explain the process of occupation and the                                                          proposal for these thermal buildings. The          Galicia” for the study of the exploitation and
eventual abandonment of the Scottish col-                                                          final goal will be to foster a European project    use of marble in Antiquity in the Northwest
ony in Darien, their failure and the Spanish                                                       in the study of Roman thermalism.                  of the Iberian Peninsula.
imperial power in the context of the succes-
sion’s crisis.
                                                                                                   Latest publications
                                                                                                   - González Soutelo S., Matilla Séiquer G., “Inventario y revisión de los principales enclaves
                                                                                                     de aguas mineromedicinales en Hispania. Un estado de la cuestión”, in Matilla G.,
                                                                                                     González S. (eds.), Termalismo antiguo en Hispania. Hacia un nuevo análisis del tejido
Latest publications                                                                                  balneario en época romana y tardorromana en la Península Ibérica, Anejos del Archivo
- Bravo Lozano C., Spain and the Irish Mission, 1609-1707, Nueva York, Routledge, 2019.              Español de Arqueología, 78, 2017, pp. 495-602.
- Bravo Lozano C.,“Pinturas, ornamentos y otros recaudos. La circulación de ‘trastos’ entre        - Gómez Pérez C.P. , González Soutelo S., Mourelle Mosqueira M.L., Legido Soto J.L.,
  las capillas españolas de Londres y La Haya, 1662-1665”, Archivo Español de Arte, 91/361           “Spa techniques and technologies: from the past to the present”, Sustainable Water
  (2018), pp. 17-28.                                                                                 Resources Management, 2016 [].
- Bravo Lozano C.,“Popular protests, the public sphere and court Catholicism. The insults          - González Soutelo, S., “Shall we go “ad aquas”? Putting Roman healing spas on the map”,
  to the chapel of the Spanish Embassy in London, 1685-1688”, Culture & History Digital              ETF. Serie I, Prehistoria y Arqueología, 12, 2019, 151-190. DOI:
  Journal, 6/1 (2017), pp. 1-16.                                                                     etfi.12.2019.25939.

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MADRID Institute for Advanced Study MADRID Institute for Advanced Study - Casa de Velázquez
Tomás y Valiente fellow                                                                       Tomás y Valiente fellow

José Enrique LÓPEZ MARTÍNEZ                                                                      Cristina NOMBELA
Reception of Spanish prose fiction                                                               Understanding Parkinson’s disease: how integral
of the 16th and 17th Century in France:                                                          cognition models are plotting a new roadmap
bibliography, translations, adaptations,
polemics, theory

Research                                          Bio                                            Research                                            Bio
This project proposes to update the studies       José Enrique López Martínez was awarded        Spain does age. Ageing is the main risk fac-        Cristina Nombela is a psychologist working
on the reception of texts of baroque Spanish      a Doctorate in Spanish Philology at the Uni-   tor for neurodegenerative diseases, such as         for more than 15 years in understanding
fiction in France.                                versitat Autònoma de Barcelona in 2011.        Parkinson’s disease. Parkinsonian patients          the cognitive disturbances in neurodegen-
On the one hand, the project will produce         In his postdoctoral stage he has worked        debut with motor symptoms but 8 out of 10           erative diseases, particularly in Parkinson’s
significant studies on specific works and         at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de        patients present cognitive impairments that         disease, which is a priority within the Hori-
authors, with the aim of advancing the            México, the Universitat Autònoma de Bar-       may eventually reach dementia status.               zon Europe program. Her work has covered
knowledge of translations and adaptations         celona, the École Normale Supérieure de        Clinical and cognitive features progress at         two main research lines: i) Cognition: de-
of Spanish fiction into French; and on the        Lyon, and the Universitat de València.         different paces, creating varied profiles of        scription of characteristics that depict cog-
role of literary historiography in the con-       He is a specialist in editions and the study   the same disease. Each of these profiles is         nitive impairments in Parkinson’s disease
struction of a national thought concerning        of Spanish Golden Age theater and prose.       characterized by key specific cognitive im-         and healthy controls using Neuropsycho-
the development of French literature and          He has published critical editions of Salas    pairments, high or low intensity in depres-         logical and Neuroimaging techniques; and
the influence of other countries.                 Barbadillo, Lope de Vega and Tirso de          sive mood or anxiety, variable motor pat-           ii) Treatment: assessment of non-pharma-
On the other hand, the project will create        Molina, and various studies in journals        terns, different perception of quality of life or   cological tools in cognition (Cognitive train-
important tools for researchers, specifi-         such as Anales Cervantinos, Boletín de la      expectancies, etc. All of these aspects deter-      ing and surgical treatment).
cally a comprehensive bibliographic cat-          RAE, NRFH and La Perinola.                     mine the type of patients, being highly rele-       Her research has been undertaken in the
alogue of translations and adaptations            He is a member of the Editorial Board of       vant to assess the treatment that better fits       UK (University of Cambridge from 2010
of Spanish narrative texts in France, and         the Atalanta journal and is a regular col-     into each patient. In this context, the “treat-     to 2014), Italy (Università degli Studi La
additionally a complete bibliography of           laborator to Anuario Lope de Vega, Studia      ment” gathers both pharmacological and              Sapienza di Roma), France (Hôpital de la
critical studies on the subject, from the         Aurea and Hispania Felix. Since 2004, he       non-pharmacological approaches (meaning             Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris) and Spain (Uni-
17th century to the present.                      has participated in conferences on 24 oc-      training, behaving therapy, group dynamics,         versidad de Murcia, Hospital Clínico San
                                                  casions, and is the General Director of        among others).                                      Carlos de Madrid).
                                                  the International Conference “The theatre      The aim of this project is to integrate a           Future research aims concern exploring
                                                  within the theatre in Spanish Golden Age       comprehensive model of cognition in                 new cognitive paradigms by combining
                                                  Comedia” (UNAM, Mexico, 2013). Since           Parkinson’s disease.                                neuropsychology & neuroimaging, mainly
                                                  2008 he has been a collaborator of the                                                             focusing in cognitive and clinical profiles in
                                                  Prolope research group, and most recently                                                          patients with Parkinson’s disease.
                                                  of the Artelope group of the Universitat de

                                                                                                 Latest publications
                                                                                                 - Giné et al. (Co-last and corresponding author) 2019. The Women Neuroscientists
Latest publications                                                                                in the Cajal School. Front Neuroanat 13, 72. Q1, IF: 3.152.
- López Martínez J.E., Su patria, Madrid: Vida y obra de Alonso Jeronimo                         - Nombela et al (2014). Genetic impact on cognition and brain function in newly diagnosed
  de Salas Barbadillo, Toulouse, PUM, 2020.                                                        Parkinson’s disease: ICICLE-Parkinson’s disease Study. Brain 137: 2743-58. D1, IF: 9.196 .
- López Martínez J.E., Critical edition of: Alonso Jerónimo de Salas Barbadillo,                 - Nombela et al (2014). Impulsivity in Parkinson’s disease: A multidimensional
  El caballero puntual, Madrid, 2016.                                                              conceptualization. PLoS One 9(1):e85747. Q1, IF: 3.234.
- López Martínez J.E., “Un paso perdido: ‘el buen pasto’ (Quijote I, XIII), y una pequeña        - Nombela et al (2013). Into the groove: can rhythm influence Parkinson´s disease?
  adición para el Diccionario”, Boletín de la Real Academia Española, 313, 2016, pp. 171-200.      Neurosci Biobehav Rev 37(10 Pt 2):2564-70. D1, IF: 10.284.
- López Martínez J.E., “Corrección de vicios, de Salas Barbadillo, y la primera etapa de         - Nombela et al (2011). Cognitive rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease: evidence
  la novela corta española”, Lejana. Revista Crítica de Narrativa Breve, 7, 2014, pp. 1-16.        from neuroimaging. Front Neurol 22, 2, 82. Q2, IF: 3.508.

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MADRID Institute for Advanced Study MADRID Institute for Advanced Study - Casa de Velázquez
Tomás y Valiente fellow                                                                         Tomás y Valiente fellow

Elena SOLESIO-JOFRE                                                                                María SOTO QUESADA
Examining the course of physical, cognitive,                                                       MobiLithics: Fingerprinting the Exploitation
and neural decline in frail aging                                                                  of Stone Resources

Research                                            Bio                                            Research                                            Bio
This project aims to increase the quali-            Elena Solesio-Jofre obtained her Europe-       MobiLithics is a multiscalar project aimed          María Soto Quesada has obtained an Eras-
ty of life for the frail elderly, by reinforc-      an Ph.D. (Suma Cum Laude) in 2009 from         at characterising the subsistence prac-             mus Mundus Master in Quaternary and
ing multidisciplinary research between              the Universidad Complutense de Madrid          tices among Homo sapiens starting from              Human Evolution (2010) and a European
university and hospital. Both normal and            (Spain), with a thesis on Aging and Cog-       its origin in Africa and their later expan-         Doctorate in Quaternary and Prehistory at
pathologic aging have been widely studied           nitive Neuroscience. Specifically, she ex-     sion through the European continent. This           the University Rovira i Virgili (2015). She has
in recent decades, with particular empha-           amined cognitive and neural deficits in        project will provide high-resolution data           been a Post-doctoral Associate at the Institut
sis on dementia. However, little is known           seniors, using brain imaging techniques.       through the investigation in two key sce-           Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució
about certain prodromal conditions, such            Afterwards, she worked as a post-doc-          narios, the Middle Stone Age – Later Stone          Social (IPHES, 2016), and at the University
as “Frailty”. This term refers to a state of        toral researcher at Katholieke Universi-       Age Transition in the Aïn Beni Mathar-Gue-          of Calgary (Social Sciences and Humanities
vulnerability due to age that leads to falls,       teit Leuven (Belgium). There, she studied      faït basin (Western Morocco), and the Mid-          Research Council of Canada) associated to
disability and even death. A link exists be-        age-related deficits in motor control. She     dle-to-Upper Palaeolithic Transition in the         the project ‘Stone Tools, Diet and Sociality at
tween cognitive and physical domains, yet           went back to Madrid in 2014 to work as         NE of the Iberian Peninsula.                        Olduvai Gorge (SDS)’ (2017-2019).
their exact relationship remains unclear.           an Assistant Lecturer at the Universidad       Spatial modelling, petrographic, geo-chem-          Her research lines are focused on the
We will try to give an answer to this com-          Autónoma. Since 2016, she has been a           ical and multivariate statistical analyses of       definition of the procurement strategies,
plex issue through two main objectives,             Marie Skłodowska Curie post-doctoral fel-      the exploited lithic resources during the           mobility patterns and territorial exploita-
using a longitudinal approach: 1) We will           low in this institution. In this regard, she   Upper Pleistocene (50-23 ka BP) will de-            tion of the Palaeolithic groups, through
develop an innovative paradigm in order             has developed a ground-breaking project,       termine the procurement strategies and              the physical-chemical characterization of
to disentangle the exact relationship be-           dealing with the interactions between          management of raw materials for manu-               rocks (Thin sections, ESEM, XRD, FT-Ra-
tween cognitive and physical decline in             emotions and cognition in aging. Remark-       facturing stone tools. These will become            man, EDXRF) and the GIS modelling in
the frail elderly and we will identify the          ably, this project was awarded the best        the archaeometric keys for understanding            key archaeological sites for human evolu-
underlying neural substrates, using brain           Individual European project in 2017. Along     the territorial structure, mobility and occu-       tion such as Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania) and
imaging techniques, and 2) We will imple-           with this productive research career, she      pation patterns, as adaptive responses of           Sierra de Atapuerca (Spain).
ment a pioneering training programme                has extensive experience in teaching and       our species to changing climatic, cultural,         She is a member of 19 international R&D
on physical activity in order to slow down          mentoring students from different uni-         and biologic dynamics on a global scale.            projects, including innovative outreach
both physical and cognitive deficits in the         versities. Although she publishes widely                                                           programs in Human Evolution. She is
frail elderly. This original project has high       in Geriatrics and Cognitive Neuroscience                                                           the author of several scientific papers
scientific, social and economic impact and          themed journals and books, she is also                                                             (e.g. J.Arch. Sci, QSR and AAS), and book
will certainly result in relevant return ben-       very active in public outreach activities.                                                         chapters, and a Guest Lecturer in different
efits to society.                                                                                                                                      Undergraduate and Master Programs.

Latest publications
                                                                                                   Latest publications
- Artola Balda G., Errarte A., Isusquizal E., Barrenechea M., Alberdi Aramendi A.,
                                                                                                   - Soto, M., Favreau, J., Campeau, K., Carter, T., Durkin, P.R., Hubbard, S.M., Nair, R.,
  Hernández-Lorca M., Solesio-Jofre E. (2019). “Aging effects on resting state networks
                                                                                                     Bushozi, P,M., Mercader, J. (2020) “Systematic sampling of quartzites in sourcing analysis:
  after an emotional memory task”. Entropy, 21(4), 411, 1-19.
                                                                                                     intra-outcrop variability at Naibor Soit, Tanzania” (part I). Archaeological and Anthropological
- Solesio-Jofre E., Beets I.A.M., Woolley D.G., Pauwels L., Chalavi S., Mantini D., Swinnen S.P.     Sciences 12, 100.
  (2018). “Age-dependent modulations of resting state connectivity following motor practice”.
                                                                                                   - Soto, M., Favreau, J., Campeau, K., Carter, T., Abtosway, M., Bushozi, P.M., Clarke, S.,
  Front Aging Neurosci., 6, 10-25.
                                                                                                     Durkin, P.R., Hubbard, S.M., Inwood, J., Itambu, M., Koromo, S., Larter, F., Lee,
- Solesio-Jofre E., López-Frutos J.M., Cashdollar N., Aurtenetxe S., de Ramón I., Maestú F.          P., Mwambwiga, A., Nair, R., Olesilau, L., Patalano, R., Tucker, L., Mercader, J. (2020)
  (2017). “The effects of aging on the working memory processes of multi-modal associations”.        “Fingerprinting of quartzitic outcrops at Oldupai Gorge, Tanzania”. Journal of Archaeological
  Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn., 24(3): 299-320.                                  Science: Reports, 29,102010.

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MADRID Institute for Advanced Study MADRID Institute for Advanced Study - Casa de Velázquez
Tomás y Valiente fellow                                                                            Marcel Bataillon fellow

Eugenio ZUCCHELLI                                                                                     Romain BONNET
The intergenerational transmission                                                                    The Southern European Question: Comparing Modern
of risky behaviours                                                                                   Spanish, Italian and Portuguese Societies
                                                                                                      (xixth and xxth centuries)

Research                                              Bio                                             Research
His Tomás y Valiente project concerns the             Eugenio Zucchelli is an empirical micro-        There exists a Southern European Ques-             Bio
intergenerational transmission of risky               economist with broad research interests         tion. Lucien Febvre, who co-founded the            Romain Bonnet holds a Ph.D. in History
behaviours. The research focuses on the               in the economics of health and human            Annales d’histoire économique et sociale           and Civilization from the European Univer-
identification of both determinants and               capital. He has been a Senior Lecturer in       with Marc Bloch in 1929, evoked this major         sity Institute of Florence (EUI, since 2016).
mechanisms triggering the transmission                Health Economics at Lancaster University,       phenomenon by the oxymoronic concept of            His scientific background is international
processes of three different behaviours:              UK, and a Research Fellow at the Centre         “solid Mediterranean” (L’Europe. Genèse            and interdisciplinary, as one can see from
criminal behaviour; consumption of addic-             for Health Economics at the University of       d’une civilization, 1944). Only the use of         his three Master degrees, as well as from
tive substances such as tobacco, alcohol              York, UK.                                       the comparative method helps to grasp              his strong command of several languag-
and illicit drugs; and obesity. The project           He is an IZA Research Fellow, a Faculty As-     scientifically this complex, multi-faceted         es (English, French, Spanish, Italian, etc.).
centres on three interrelated pieces of               sociate at the Canadian Centre for Health       and transnational phenomenon. Indeed,              Doctor Bonnet’s doctoral dissertation is an
empirical work and employs state-of-                  Economics, University of Toronto; an exter-     the latter affected differently the durably        original comparison of peasant revolts and
the-art econometric methods applied on                nal affiliate to the Health, Econometrics and   rural and very diverse societies of South-         political violence in post-First World War
multiple panel datasets, including the US             Data Group, University of York; and a Fellow    ern Europe. Such a phenomenon involved             Italy (1918-1922) and in the Spanish Sec-
National Longitudinal Study of Adoles-                of the UK Higher Education Academy. Be-         a plurality of national realities, all marked      ond Republic (1931-1936). It was awarded
cent to Adult Health and the National In-             tween 2013-16, he was an Advisor for the UK     by the predominance of the concentra-              the Pier Paolo d’Attorre dissertation’s prize
come Dynamics Study of South Africa. This             National Institute of Health Research (NIHR)    tion of the great property, and by diverse         from the Gramsci Foundation (Italy, 2017).
study exploits innovative causal mediation            Research Design Service. He has held visit-     and multiscalar forms of industrial and            From 2017 to 2020, the author deepened his
analysis methods to explore causal mech-              ing positions at the University of Barcelona    imperial expansions. Hence, this case-             comparative and interdisciplinary research
anisms within the intergenerational trans-            (UB), Carlos III (Madrid), CEMFI (Madrid),      study-based project analyzes compara-              on violence and social movements, by work-
mission of risky behaviours. His broader              Curtin (Perth), Monash (Melbourne) and          tively some of the main peaks of political         ing on the French metropole and colonies
research interests include the economics              Toronto (UofT). He contributed in various       violence which marked the rural societies          between 1870 and 1914, in a project of the
of addiction; the economics of ageing; the            capacities (principal investigator and co-in-   of Southern Europe during such key peri-           European Research Council (ERC). A certi-
socioeconomic causes and consequences                 vestigator) to several externally funded        ods of political transition as 1910-1912 in        fied Professor, Romain Bonnet has always
of mental health; and the relationship be-            competitive grants awarded among others         Portugal, 1918-1920 in Italy, 1931-1933 in         combined research and teaching duties.
tween health and labour supply.                       by the NIHR (UK), ESRC (UK), Comunidad          Spain.
                                                      de Madrid and National I+D+i Programmes
                                                      (Spain). He holds a Ph.D. in Economics
                                                      awarded by the University of York, UK.

                                                                                                      Latest publications
                                                                                                      - “The Making of Counter-Internationalism. Political Violence, Strikebreaking and the Yellow
Latest publications                                                                                     movement in pre-1914 Europe”, Partecipazione e Conflitto, 13, 1, 2020, pp. 740-771.
- Harris, M., Zhao, X., Zucchelli, E. 2020. “Ageing workforces, ill-health and multi-state labour     - “Europe industrielle et contre-internationalisme. Le mouvement Jaune dans l’espace
  market transitions”, forthcoming at Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.                      franco-allemand avant 1914”, Histoire@politique, 39, 2019, pp. 1-18.
  DOI: 10.1111/obes.12379.                                                                            - “Edward Malefakis (1932-2016) y sus semillas: España, la Europa del Sur y la historia
- Gil, J., Li Donni, P., Zucchelli, E. 2019. “Uncontrolled diabetes and health care utilisation:        agraria en perspectiva global”, Revista de historiografía, 29, 2018, pp. 93-118.
  a bivariate Latent Markov model approach”, Health Economics, 28 (11), 1262-1276.                    - “ La méditerranée solide: un espace double en construction ”, European Review of History,
- Jones, A. M., Laporte, A., Rice, N., Zucchelli, E. 2019. “Dynamic panel data estimation               25, 3-4, 2018, pp. 568-587.
  of an integrated Grossman and Becker-Murphy model of health and addiction”,                         - “Mondes hispaniques, globalité, réflexivité”, Cahiers de Civilisation Espagnole
  Empirical Economics, 56, 703-733. DOI: 10.1007/s00181-017-1367-6.                                     Contemporaine, 18, 2017,

14                                                                                                                                                                                                   15
MADRID Institute for Advanced Study MADRID Institute for Advanced Study - Casa de Velázquez
Marcel Bataillon fellow                                                                         Marcel Bataillon fellow

Agnès CARAGLIO                                                                                     Bruno D’ANDREA
The beaker and the pattern: The Bell Beaker’s vase                                                 Animal Sacrifices in the Phoenician-Punic
networks in the Iberian Peninsula                                                                  Communities of the Western Mediterranean.
                                                                                                   From the Expansion to the Roman Conquest

Research                                                                                           Research                                             Bio
Around 2500 BCE, the Bell Beaker’s “set”            (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) and on        Bruno D’Andrea’s project aims at investigat-         Bruno D’Andrea’s studies focus on Phoeni-
tends to connect individuals to spaces by           the other hand, on a corpus of the main Bell   ing animal sacrifices in the Phoenician and          cian and Punic history and archaeology. He
crystallizing forms and specific materials          Beaker sites of Iberian Peninsula.             Punic religious culture of the western Med-          favours a multidisciplinary and comparative
in a pan-European area: decorated Bell              Key Words: Bell Beaker, decorations,           iterranean through the examination of evo-           approach, with a special attention payed to
Beaker ceramics, copper dagger, barbed              network analysis, Iberian Peninsula.           lutions, continuities and ruptures over the          the archaeology of cult, the history of re-
and tanged flint arrowheads, bowman                                                                long period from the Phoenician expansion            ligions, the epigraphic and iconographic
wrist-guard element, V-perforation but-             Bio                                            in the 9th century BCE to the Roman con-             studies and the human-animal relations. He
tons. However, the Bell Beaker’s vase does          Agnès Caraglio is Doctor in Prehistoric        quest. The project aims at elucidating the           holds a Ph.D. in Ancient Near East from the
not reflect a monolithic cultural “identity”        Archaeology from Aix-Marseille Université      acts, the names, the purposes, the places            University of Naples L’Orientale (2012). In
but rather a real blended cultural practice         (France). Since her pre-doctoral years, she    and the times of these sacrifices. The ob-           his dissertation, published in 2014, He stud-
through ongoing interactions between col-           has been interested in agro-pastoral soci-     jective will be achieved by merging archae-          ied the topic of Phoenician and Punic toph-
lective and individual symbolic concepts. In        eties of Late Prehistory in the North-West-    ological and archaeozoological studies with          et-sanctuaries. After his Ph.D., he worked as
order to take advantage of the Social Net-          ern Mediterranean area. She has been           the analysis of epigraphic, iconographic and         postdoctoral fellow at the École Pratique des
work Analysis tools in the archaeological           focusing on human-environment relations        literary sources. This multidisciplinary work        Hautes Études of Paris (2012-2013), at the
discipline, our aim is to shed a new light          through settlements patterns dynamics in       will be complemented by a comparative ap-            Laboratories of Excellence RESMED of Paris
on the spread of Bell Beaker ceramics’              the 3rd millennium BCE (GIS and statisti-      proach aimed to consider the Mediterranean           (2015) and ARCHIMEDE of Montpellier (2016-
patterns and the role played by a few hubs          cal analysis). As a post-doctoral research-    as an interconnected area, but also revealing        2017), and at the École francaise de Rome
from the Iberian Peninsula at the dawn of           er (LabexMed position at the Universidad       different developments in each region. The           (2017-2020). He participates in international
the Bronze Age. The analysis will cover, on         Autónoma de Madrid in 2017-2018), she          project is a prolongation of the post-doc-           networks, and has published two books and
the one hand, an existing inventory for the         currently concentrates on interactions’        toral research He did at Labex ARCHIMEDE             numerous articles. Since 2019, He has been
Madrid region, analysed in close collab-            logics between the Bell Beaker popula-         (Montpellier) and École française de Rome.           co-leading two projects: the research project
oration with the main researchers on the            tions by proposing network analyses ap-        These researches will be broadened and               “Animal Circulation and Zoogeography in the
Iberian Bell Beaker from the Departamento           plied to Recent Prehistory.                    deepened both chronologically (by also deal-         Ancient Mediterranean”, and the research
de Prehistoria y de Arqueología de Madrid                                                          ing with the Roman period) and geographi-            and formation programme “Archaeology of
                                                                                                   cally (by including the Iberian Peninsula and        taste in Phoenician and Punic communities
                                                                                                   Morocco).                                            of Western Mediterranean”.
Latest publications
- Caraglio, A. in press., “Une approche des dynamiques d’implantation des habitats à la fin
  du Néolithique provençal”, Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française, 117, 3.
- Caraglio, A. and Bailly, M. in press. (eds.), Identity? Prestige? What Else? Challenging views   Latest publications
  on the spread of Bell Beakers in Europe during the late 3rd millennium BC. Proceeding
  of the international meeting in Aix-en-Provence (December 7-8, 2017). Préhistoires               - “Les suidés dans les pratiques alimentaires et rituelles des Phéniciens”,
  Méditerranéennes.                                                                                  Antiquités africaines 55: 29-52, 2019.
- Caraglio, A., Ríos, P. and Liesau, C. in press. “Beyond the burial vase, the personae? Network   - Bambini nel limbo: dati e proposte interpretative sui tofet fenici e punici, Collection
  analysis of Bell Beaker decoration diversity in Camino de las Yeseras (Madrid, Spain)”, in:        de l’École française de Rome 552, École française de Rome, Roma, 2018.
  McVeigh, T., Jones, C., Ó Maoldúin, R., Scholma-Mason, O. (eds.), Beyond the Stereotype:         - “La guerre et le sanctuaire, la guerre dans le sanctuaire. Traces d’abandon,
  The Diversity of Beaker Burials. Proceedings of the 24th EAA Annual Meeting 2018                   de destruction et de spoliation dans les aires de culte phéniciennes et puniques
  (session 653): Side Stone Press.                                                                   en Méditerranée centrale (vie-iie siècles av. J.-C.)“, Guerres et religion dans le monde
- Caraglio, A. 2018. “Topographic locations of settlements during the third millennium BCE           punique (ed. Tahar, M.), 2017. Tunis: 257-296.
  in Western Europe: comparing trends in Catalonia and Provence”, Cuadernos de Prehistoria         - “I tofet del Nord Africa dall’età arcaica all’età romana (viii sec. a.C. — ii sec. d.C.)”.
  y Arqueología de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 44, 35-57.                                      Studi archeologici, Collezione di Studi Fenici 45, Fabrizio Serra editore, Pisa-Roma, 2014.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                 17
Lucienne Domergue Fellow                                                                      Lucienne Domergue fellow

Xavier DERU                                                                                      Thomas DESWARTE
Université de Lille                                                                              Université d’Angers
Pottery from the South-East Area of the Forum                                                    False Charters and Forgers in the Astur-Leonese
in Baelo Claudia in Regional Context                                                             Kingdom (8th -12th century)

Research                                           Bio                                           Research                                            Bio
The main purpose of the stay is to pre-            Xavier Deru is an archaeologist, teacher      After the Arab-Berber invasion of 711, the          After teaching Medieval History at the Uni-
pare a monograph of the excavation of the          and researcher at the University of Lille,    gradual structuring of the new Asturian             versity of Poitiers, Thomas Deswarte has
south-eastern sector of the Baelo Claudia          in the HALMA laboratory (UMR 8164). He        (later Astur-Leonese) kingdom was accom-            been working at the University of Angers
forum.                                             works mainly on northern Roman Gaul,          panied by a remarkable expansion of the             since 2011. He has been a member of the
The work will focus on the regional con-           but with L. Brassous and O. Rodriguez, he     written documentation. The latter includes          National Committee for Scientific Research
textualization of the pottery found on this        excavated the south-eastern sector of the     many false or suspect documents, particu-           since 2012. He defended his thesis in 2000
site through an in-depth bibliographical           Baelo Claudia forum.                          larly before a better structured royal chan-        at the University of the Sorbonne and then,
analysis. This first step will result in the       In the north of Gaul, he worked on several    cellery was set up and the notarial public          in 2007, his Habilitation at the University of
creation of a database. The treatment of           topics, the creation of territories, trans-   was systematized during the 12th and 13th           Bordeaux. He is a member of the Editori-
this corpus will then propose a series of          port, agricultural production and crafts.     centuries. It is important to resume this           al Committee of the Cahiers de civilisation
Betica’s pottery assemblages, and thus a           He is leading an important GIS project, the   study of false or suspect acts from a three-        médiévale, xe-xiie siècles and of the Scien-
new chronological proposal.                        Atlas of the Roman provinces of Belgium       pronged diplomatic, cultural and historical         tific Committee of Memoria y Civilización.
During the stay, reference samples will be         and Germania.                                 perspective. My approach, at the intersec-          Anuario de Historia. His work focuses on
collected from workshops known from the            He is also a specialist in Roman pottery      tion of the “linguistic turn” and the “nou-         the political and religious history of the early
visit of excavation sites and local experts        and with a team composed of S. Lemaitre,      velle érudition”, will consist in considering       Middle Ages, the history of ideas and writ-
(Andalusia). It will thus allow a good iden-       G. Florent, M. Gomes and S. Renard, he is     charters as objects of study in themselves          ten culture in the Iberian Christian worlds.
tification of the locations where the mate-        in charge of the publication of the pottery   in their material and scriptural dimension,         He co-directed (with K. Herbers) between
rial is to be supplied.                            found in Baelo Claudia.                       and in studying their text as discourses.           2012 and 2016 the Franco-German ANR-
The work will complete, through local                                                            This study aims to better understand the            DFG programme: EPISTOLA. The letter in
collaborations, the ONICer application’s                                                         principles of the discrimen veri ac falsi, the      the Iberian Peninsula and in the Latin West:
reference frameworks (                                                                porosity between the techniques used to             legacies and transformations of a literary
                                                                                                 carry out ‘original’, rewritten and falsified       genre (ive-xith c.). More recently, he gathered
                                                                                                 acts, and the emergence of this diplomatic          an international team to edit and comment
                                                                                                 narrativity in cultural terms, putting it in        on the introductory folios of the Antipho-
                                                                                                 resonance with the great mutations experi-          nary of the Cathedral of Leon (10th c.).
                                                                                                 enced by Leon and Castile, when they open
                                                                                                 up to men and ideas from the world beyond
                                                                                                 the Pyrenees from c. 1050 onwards.
Latest publications
- “Les techniques de construction du second forum de Bavay (Nord). Utilisation, origine
  et datation des matériaux en terre cuite”, Gallia, 76 (2), 2019, p. 45-81.                     Latest publications
  (avec la coll. Louvion Chr.).                                                                  - “Une satire politique. La lettre de Paul à Wamba”, Epistola 1. Ecriture et genre
- “ONICer. Un outil numérique pour l’inventaire de la céramique”, Actes du congrès                 épistolaires (ive-xie siècle), dir. Thomas Deswarte, Klaus Herbers, Hélène Sirantoine,
  de la SFECAG de Maubeuge-Bavay 2019, Marseille, 2019, p. 375-381.                                Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2018, p. 129-136.
  (avec la collaboration de Simon Dienst).                                                       - “Liturgie et royauté dans les monarchies asturienne et léonaise (711-1109)”,
- “La céramique des niveaux tardifs du secteur sud-est du forum de Baelo Claudia”,                 Cahiers de Civilisation médiévale, 58-3 : La liturgie hispanique (I), dir. Thomas Deswarte,
  dans Rei cretariae romanae fautorum acta, 45, Bonn, 2018, p. 59-70. (avec la collaboration       2015, p. 279-290.
  de Florent G., Gomes M., Lemaître S., Renard S.).                                              - Une Chrétienté romaine sans pape. L’Espagne et Rome (586-1085), Paris,
- Durocorturum. La céramique à Reims de César à Clovis, Reims, 2014, 350 p. (Bulletin              Classiques Garnier [Bibliothèque d’Histoire médiévale, 1], 2010.
  de la Société archéologique champenoise, 107 (4) ; Reims, Archéologie urbaine, 11).            - De la destruction à la restauration : l’idéologie du royaume d’Oviedo-León (viiie‑xie siècles),
- La Gaule Belgique, Paris, 2016, 136 p. (édition revue et corrigée).                              Turnhout, Brepols [Cultural encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, 3], 2003.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                 19
François Chevalier fellow                                                                        François Chevalier fellow

Breno BRINGEL                                                                                       Catherine CAVALIN
State University of Rio de Janeiro                                                                  Université Paris-Dauphine (PSL)
The intellectual construction of the concept                                                        CUARZO, a Spanish monograph at the crossroads
of internal colonialism: circulation of ideas                                                       of recent world history of the health risks
and transnational networks                                                                          of crystalline silica

Research                                           Bio                                              Research                                             Bio
The concept of internal colonialism is re-         Breno Bringel has a European Ph.D. from          In the last twenty years, a silicosis out-           After being a Social Sciences teacher in
lated to a common grammar of “third                the Complutense University of Madrid,            break has been raging across Spain. The              the in “classes préparatoires aux grandes
worldism” and global “liberationism” in            where he was a Lecturer. Since 2011 he has       international medical and epidemiological            écoles”, Catherine Cavalin worked as a so-
its struggle against all forms of exploita-        been a researcher and professor of Soci-         literature has been warning against this             ciologist at the ministry of Health research
tion, oppression and dependence in the             ology at the Institute of Social and Political   occupational health disaster. This situation         and statistics department and at the SAMU
1960s. Its genealogy is multiple and it was        Studies of the Rio de Janeiro State Univer-      is part of a broader picture: not only a glob-       social Observatory in Paris (France). Since
associated with various social and political       sity, where he coordinates the Research          al outbreak of silicosis, the disease known          2018, she has been a permanent fellow re-
movements in both Global North and South.          Group on Social Theory and Latin America         so far as affecting the miners’ lungs, but           searcher in Sociology at IRISSO (Interdis-
Along with its political use, this project         (NETSAL). He has been a visiting professor       also a (re)discovery of the health hazards           ciplinary Research Institute in the Social
seeks to reconstruct its foundational con-         at more than a dozen universities in Latin       caused by crystalline silica (which is the           Sciences, Paris-Dauphine University, PSL),
ceptual itinerary within the Latin American        America and Europe. He is one of the editors     most ubiquitous earth crust’s component),            a laboratory of the National Committee for
debate. It is suggested that the intellectual      of Revista Dados and founder and editor,         beyond silicosis alone.                              Scientific Research (CNRS). She works on
construction of the concept of internal co-        with Geoffrey Pleyers, of Open Movements,        Since 2012, Catherine Cavalin has been               the diversity of health statuses and social
lonialism is inseparable from the existence        an Open Democracy Section. He is currently       studying those hazards. Her research stay            health inequalities, which includes gender,
of transnational circulation and research          president of the Research Committee on So-       in the MIAS will allow her to interview phy-         labour and exposure to toxicants at work,
networks attached to the Latin Ameri-              cial Classes and Social Movements (RC-47)        sicians specialising in diseases of interest,        as well as interpersonal violence. Cathe-
can Center for Social Sciences Research            of the International Sociological Association    physicians in charge of patient care or the          rine Cavalin’s research systematically en-
(CLAPCS), created by UNESCO in Rio de Ja-          - ISA (2018-2022) and director of the Latin      public health response to the epidemic,              compasses a historical and sociological
neiro in 1957. More specifically, the seminal      American Sociological Association - ALAS         entrepreneurs and workers affected by sil-           approach of knowledge. She particularly
dialogues woven between 1959 and 1965 in           (2019-2021). Author of 10 books and a hun-       icosis or autoimmune diseases caused by              investigates the categories on which statis-
CLAPCS by the Mexicans Pablo González              dred articles on social movements, social        silica dust. In collaboration with Prof. Alfre-      tics are based, and the nosological catego-
Casanova and Rodolfo Stavenhagen and the           theory and Latin American thought, many of       do Menéndez-Navarro, she aims to under-              ries that frame medical knowledge. Since
Brazilian Roberto Cardoso de Oliveira will         which can be downloaded here: https://uerj.      stand what specificities of medical obser-           2012, she has been working on the borders
be examined.                                                     vation and knowledge the Spanish situation           between occupational and environmental
                                                                                                    may reflect, and to establish long-lasting           health, and associated public health policies.
                                                                                                    collaborations with Spanish teams.
Latest publications
- Alerta Global: políticas, movimientos sociales y futuros en disputa en tiempos de
  pandemia. Buenos Aires y Lima: CLACSO y ALAS (edited with Geoffrey Pleyers), 434p. 2020.          Latest publications
- “Geopolítica de la pandemia, escalas de la crisis y escenarios en disputa”,                       - Cavalin C., « Maladies chroniques et environnement », Encyclopédie pour une histoire
  Geopolitica(s), 11 núm. Especial, p.173-187. 2020.                                                  nouvelle de l’Europe [en ligne], ISSN 2677-6588, 2016, mis en ligne le 02/04/2020.
- “Movimientos sociales y teoría sociológica en América Latina: conversación                          Permalien :
  con Breno Bringel”, Cuadernos Americanos (UNAM, México), 171, p. 109-126                          - Lescoat A., Cavalin C., Ehrlich R., Cazalets Cl., Ballerie A., Belhomme N., Coiffier G.,
  (with Andrés Donoso Romo), 2020.                                                                    De Saint-Riquier M., Rosental P-A., Hachulla E., Sobanski V., Jégo P., 2019, “The nosology
- “Imaginarios sore el desarrollo en América Latina”. In: Pensamiento crítico                         of systemic sclerosis: how lessons from the past offer new challenges in reframing
  latinoamericano sobre desarrollo, editado por Tahina Ojeda and María Villareal,                     an idiopathic rheumatological disorder”, The Lancet Rheumatology, Vol. 1, December,
  Madrid: Catarata, p.55-73 (with Enara Echart Muñoz), 2020.                                          e257-e264.
- Critical Geopolitics and Regional (Re)Configurations: Interregionalism and Transnationalism       - Cavalin C., Lescoat A., Ballerie A., Belhomme N., Jégo P., Jouneau S., Lecureur V.,
  between Latin America and Europe. London: Routledge (Edited with Heriberto Cairo;                   Lederlin M., Paris C., Rosental P-A., 2019, “Beyond silicosis, is the world failing on silica
  Foreword by Walter Mignolo), 232p., 2019.                                                           hazards?”, The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, Comment, May 17.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                    21
François Chevalier fellow                                                                           François Chevalier fellow

Françoise DES BOSCS                                                                                    Nicolás FERNÁNDEZ-MEDINA
Université de Pau et Pays de l’Adour                                                                   Pennsylvania State Unviersity
Ports, trade, and port companies in the Atlantic                                                       Vitalist Modernity and the Boundaries of Life:
Arc during the Roman era                                                                               Resuscitation and the Resuscitated Body in Spanish
                                                                                                       Science and Literature, 1650-1900

Research                                            Bio                                                Research
This project is part of a current issue con-        Françoise des Boscs is a holder of the Agré-       Few phenomena have stirred our imagina-             chronically understudied, and no mono-
cerning the study of exchange networks and          gation d’Histoire (1990). She was a member         tions and fears as much as resuscitation.           graph to date has systematically addressed
traffic, of which ports are one of the main         of Casa de Velázquez from 1993 to 1995 and         How is it that a deceased body with no visible      it. Nicolás Fernández-Medina’s project will
vectors. The objective is to reflect on the way     defended a doctoral thesis in Roman History        or measurable signs of vitality can be reani-       begin to reconstruct this history.
in which Rome’s control of the South Atlan-         at the University of Bordeaux-Montaigne in         mated and infused with new life? In recent
tic area, the organisation and development          1996 on the integration of the Hispanic elite      years, topics such as biopower, biopolitics,        Bio
of the territories, also progressive, which ac-     into the ruling circles of the Roman State at      embodiment, and vitalism have exploded in           Nicolás Fernández-Medina obtained his
companied it, have been able to modify both         the end of the Republic and during the High        various fields. While fundamental questions         Ph.D.s in Modern Spanish Literature and
the development and the practice of this            Empire. She was recruited as a lecturer at         of body and life have been addressed by             Humanities at Stanford University. He is
coastline, as well as the exchange networks         the same university in 1997. She worked            leading contemporary philosophers and so-           currently Assoc. Prof. of Spanish and Phi-
of which it has been both the place and the         as a teacher-researcher at the University          cial theorists from Canguilhem to Braidotti,        losophy at Pennsylvania State University
vector. The reflection will be based firstly        of Bordeaux until 2007, then at the Univer-        we still do not have a clear understanding          (PSU). His interdisciplinary research fo-
on the creation of a catalogue of the ports,        sity of Pau and the Pays de l’Adour, during        of one of modernity’s greatest discoveries          cuses on the intersections of literature,
of which there are around sixty, from Sala          which time she developed her research on           in this arena: the practice of resuscitation.       philosophy, and science in eighteenth- to
in Mauretania Tingitana to the mouth of the         Hispanic elites with a particular interest in      To be sure, resuscitation has always prob-          early twentieth-century Spain and has
Loire, and on that of a corpus of merchants         the economic aspect and amphora material           lematized the realm of science. To this             appeared in various academic and pro-
and foreigners encountered on its sites,            as a source for the study of family trajecto-      day, the most advanced technologies and             fessional publications. In addition to
based on epigraphic data. We will then re-          ries. She also developed a collective re-          instruments of measurement cannot offer             his teaching and academic experience,
flect on a triple scale: On a local scale, to un-   search programme, funded by the National           any definitive answer to the enduring in-           Fernández-Medina serves extensively as
derstand and present what the physiognomy           Research Agency (ANR), on the Strait of Gi-        quiry about bodily life we find formulated in       editor and board member on numerous
of these ports and their internal organisation      braltar in ancient and medieval times. Within      Hippocrates’s On the Nature of Man: where           journals. He is the cofounder of the Ibe-
might have been like on the basis of the ele-       this programme, she has led one of the three       does life dwell in the body? The cultural           rian Modernist Studies Forum at PSU and
ments found. At the regional level, to better       research axes dealing with the representa-         impact of resuscitation and its place within        serves as Series Editor for McGill-Queen’s
understand the link between the establish-          tions and perceptions of the Strait, partici-      modernity, including its engagement with            Iberian and Latin American Cultures se-
ment of these ports, the river network, the         pated in the axis on “Circulations” and in the     hagiography, galvanism, romantic organi-            ries. His research has been supported by
organisation of the road network, and the           writing of a book for the general public on        cism, physiological medicine, fin-de-siècle         the National Endowment for the Human-
resources and forms of development of the           this region. It is this research that led her to   obscurantism, avant-garde vitalism, vam-            ities, Benjamin Franklin Institute, Edward
hinterland concerned. The idea here would           reflect on the port issues that are the object     pirism, and zombieism remains to be told.           & Dorothy Clarke Kempf Memorial Fund,
be to establish a typology of port networks.        of the research programme that will be car-        The truth is that the cultural significance         Institute of Arts and Humanities, Public
Beyond that, to consider how these different        ried out within the MIAS framework.                of resuscitation in Spain (and Europe more          Humanities Scholar Program, Hasso Plat-
networks were articulated among them-                                                                  broadly) between 1650 and 1900 remains              tner Institute, and Instituto Camões.
selves and with the Mediterranean traffic
towards Rome and Italy.

Latest publications                                                                                    Latest publications
- Le détroit de Gibraltar (Antiquité-Moyen-Âge) I. Représentations, perceptions, imaginaires,          - “Antonio Machado en diálogo con Emmanuel Lévinas: El compromiso con la objetividad
  Études réunies par Françoise des Boscs, Yann Dejugnat et Arthur Haushalter, Collection                 y la otredad.” Hispanic Review, vol. 88, no. 4, 2020, pp. 373-394.
  de la Casa de Velázquez, n°174, Madrid, 2019.                                                        - “The Defeated Subjects of Spanish Modernity: Progress and the Anatomy of Fatigue
- “Epigraphie des amphores de la Bétique et épigraphie lapidaire. L’apport d’une approche                in José de Letamendi’s Sociocultural Theory.” Bulletin of Spanish Studies, vol. 96, no. 10,
  croisée à l’histoire socio-économique des élites : le dossier des Stertinii et des Ocratii             2019, pp. 2-29.
  de Volubilis”, Revue des Études Anciennes, 121, 2019, n°2, pp. 357-387.                              - Life Embodied: The Promise of Vital Force in Spanish Modernity. McGill-Queen’s UP, 2018.

22                                                                                                                                                                                                     23
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