Project Catalogue Edition 12, May 2019 - Low Carbon Living CRC

Page created by Andy Acosta
Project Catalogue Edition 12, May 2019 - Low Carbon Living CRC
Project Catalogue
Edition 12, May 2019
This catalogue

This catalogue has three parts:

Part 1       A summary of each project organised against our three complementary research programs, plus a section for cross-cutting projects (those that address
             two or more of our three program areas):

             Integrated Building Systems    Developing new low-carbon products and services and finding ways to communicate best practice design through rating
                                            tools, standards and display homes.
             Low Carbon Precincts           Creating models, guidelines, standards and data for delivering low carbon developments at a precinct level and
                                            communicating best practice sustainable city planning through exemplar precinct developments and tools
             Engaged Communities            Capturing and building a new community appetite for low carbon living.

Part 2       Glossary

Part 3       Detailed list and description of project outputs to date. These include research outputs by our Higher Degree Research students (for details of their
             research, please refer to our Catalogue of Higher Degree which is available on our website). For details of tools, please refer to our Tools Catalogue, also
             on our website. Many projects have individual factsheets developed by their project team which are available on our website. These projects have their
             project number in Part 1 marked in bold font.

All projects are Australian based unless otherwise noted. CRCLCL publications can be found on the CRCLCL website and/or

This catalogue is a living document that evolves as new research becomes available. It is reviewed quarterly and updated as necessary.

The CRC for Low Carbon Living

We are Australia’s only end user driven national research and innovation hub whose core purpose is to transform the built environment to a low carbon future. Our
mission is providing industry and government with collaborative research which captures community imagination and creates opportunities for low carbon
technologies, materials, design and planning innovations. These social and technology solutions, and policy evidence will facilitate the transition to a low carbon built

Contact us

To find out more, please contact us:
   CRC for Low Carbon Living Ltd
   Tyree Energy Technologies Building, UNSW Sydney NSW 2052 Australia
Part 1

         #                        Title                                                   Purpose                                                               Method

                                                            Optimise the efficiency of PVT and HVAC systems by matching           • Literature review
             Optimising HVAC and PVT systems for
RP1001                                                      them to building characteristics, building thermal demand and         • Develop PVT building model
             different building typologies
                                                            climate regimes                                                       • Trial in two case studies (living laboratories)
             Heating and cooling buildings using a solar    Overcome heat generation limitations of current solar thermal         • TRNSYS modelling of solar inputs and building energy
             thermal collector                              collectors by designing and testing a building heating and cooling      demands to select the optimum absorption cooling system
                                                            system driven by a roof-top mounted concentrating collector             components and operation conditions
                                                                                                                                  • Validate model
             Risk and opportunities of incorporating        Identify the near- and long-term architectural, technical and         • PV building integration scoping study
             photovoltaics into buildings                   legal/policy risks and opportunities for building integrated          • Develop value chain and costa analysis
                                                            photovoltaics (BIPV) and develop a roadmap for short- and long-       • Functional analysis of BiPV
                                                            term deployment
             Investigating next generation standards for    Reduce the use of Portland Cement by developing performance           •   Establish industry working group
             geopolymer concrete using flyash and slag      criteria for low carbon (geopolymer) concrete made using flyash and   •   Literature review on flyash and slag based concrete
RP1004                                                      slag byproducts                                                       •   Identify barriers to use
                                                                                                                                  •   Develop performance standards
             Cost effective and socially acceptable net zero Develop an evidence-based rating tool that integrates housing        • Literature review
             carbon homes                                    design with new low carbon materials and technologies to identify    • Investigate new designs, materials and technologies for energy
                                                             the most economically viable low energy and low carbon                 reduction
RP1006                                                       combinations                                                         • Monitoring 60 low carbon houses at Lochiel Park
                                                                                                                                  • Stakeholder consultation
                                                                                                                                  • Develop, validate and trial an integrated design algorithm and
                                                                                                                                    rating tool
             Improving photovoltaic performance by       • Optimise PV performance by measuring and simulating outputs            •   Review PV algorithms
             modelling and measuring expected and actual    using energy yield, local weather data and sophisticated              •   Develop and trial new algorithms
RP1007       energy production                              algorithms                                                            •   Review BMS products
                                                         • Refine and test the Solar Analytics algorithm and tool that            •   Incorporate new algorithms into Solar Analytics’ products
                                                            compares predicted to actual energy produced
             Industry support mechanisms for adoption of Address barriers to renewable energy space heating and cooling           •   Industry workshop
             renewable energy heating and cooling        adoption and stimulate market demand through training and                •   Develop and validate TRNSYS component models
RP1008                                                   education, IEA market support activities, and development of a           •   Develop amendments to the interim standard
                                                         world first solar heating and cooling technical standard (AS5389         •   Develop a guide to using the procedures in the NSW Energy
                                                         solar heating and cooling standard)                                          Savings Scheme
RP1009       Evidence assessment of low carbon design of • Development of an evidence assessment process for the low              • Literature review and gap analysis
#                        Title                                                    Purpose                                                                Method

             non-residential buildings                          carbon, health and productivity benefits of design, engineering   • Systematic reviews
                                                                and management-based building interventions                       • Case study analysis and post occupancy evaluation
                                                              • Analysis of the decision making process and the various           • Questionnaires and interviews
                                                                actors/roles involved in early design stages of commercial office
                                                                buildings and workplaces to determine when, in what form and to
                                                                whom the evidence should be delivered
             The energy, thermal and economic                 • Accelerate uptake of low energy housing by providing the            •   Install sensors and data collection (12 months)
             performance of an 8-star energy-efficient          scientific and economic evidence of energy and thermal              •   Develop computer model
             home (the CSR Low Energy House)                    performance of an 8-star energy-efficient home                      •   Blower door and thermal imaging
                                                              • Use modelling and monitoring data to enhance energy                 •   Verify model
                                                                performance                                                         •   Cost analysis
                                                                                                                                    •   Model high performance homes in different climate zones
             Development of net zero energy prefabricated Investigate, develop, test and optimise designs and materials for low • Literature review
RP1011       modular homes                                cost, net zero energy, prefabricated, modular homes                   • Design, modelling and optimisation
                                                                                                                                • Build, test and monitor prototype
             Development of low-emissivity pliable        Develop and test low emissivity pliable membranes to reduce           • Literature view of international standards and approaches
RP1012       membranes for moisture management in         condensation of building thermal insulation to maximise energy-       • Develop industry education
             building construction                        efficiency gains                                                      • Develop, trial and test membrane
             Distributed energy storage in Australia:     Enhance the use of renewable generation technologies by               • Stakeholder analysis
RP1013       opportunities, benefits and barriers         identifying the key stakeholders and the opportunities, benefits and • Scoping study
                                                          barriers to widespread deployment
             Optimising the energy efficiency of pool     Rank life- cycle costs, energy use, carbon emissions, and peak        • Experimental testing of residential pool systems including solar
             pumps                                        demand of pool pumping systems                                          pool heating system and pool filtering system
                                                                                                                                • Data analysis and reporting
                                                                                                                                • Solar pool heating modelling and optimisation
                                                                                                                                • Pool filtering system energy modelling and comparison
                                                                                                                                • Modelling of PV powered pool system
             Capturing waste heat from PVT collectors to Integrate the BlueScope PVT roofing system with a market ready         • Photovoltaic panels convert 5-15% of solar radiation into
RP1015       drive a thermal cooling system               desiccant cooler developed by CSIRO and develop a business case         electricity - ~80% of solar radiation is dissipated as heat which
                                                                                                                                  can be captured to provide a cooling cobenefit.
             Validating and improving the BASIX energy        Validate and improve the BASIX energy assessment tool for low-      • Survey
             assessment tool for low-carbon dwellings         carbon dwellings by monitoring the energy performance from new      • Data collection - electricity, gas, building design and condition,
RP1017                                                        single and multi-unit dwellings and comparing results against BASIX   social-demographics and occupant behaviour
RP1017e1                                                      predictions                                                         • Model and analyse energy efficiency
                                                                                                                                  • Compare data against BASIX predictions
                                                                                                                                  • Inform BASIX model and government strategies
RP1019       Developing an index of the relative comfort of   Provide guidance on the home comfort and health benefits of energy • Literature review
#                         Title                                                    Purpose                                                           Method

             a home                                           efficient building upgrades                                         • Develop index algorithm
                                                                                                                                  • Test and develop the index and online tool
             Reducing the commercial barriers to new low- Develop performance criteria and manufacturing processes for low        • Develop process for the development of low carbon
RP1020       carbon geopolymer concrete                   carbon (geopolymer) concrete                                              geopolymer concrete using flyash
                                                                                                                                  • Develop a design, specification and construction handbook
             Constructing seawalls from geopolymer            Demonstrate the use of the geopolymer concrete developed in         • Develop moulds
RP1020u1                                                      RP1020 in a novel application, namely the construction of coastal   • Prototype and test units
                                                              protection units to build seawalls                                  • Monitor and evaluate performance
             Assessing policy options for the transition to Inform policy development and implantation by producing five          • Literature review
             low carbon built environment                   thematically linked research papers addressing:                       • Data collection and analysis
                                                            • Regulation and housing affordability
RP1021                                                      • Economic and other government policy instruments
                                                            • Benchmarking national building standards
                                                            • Operation of consumer choice in the property market
                                                            • Building industry culture
             Using timber, agricultural and plastic waste   Reduce materials entering the waste stream and the energy costs of
             products as fillers and binders for wood-based producing new materials by investigating the use of timber, plastic
             particle board                                 and agricultural waste as alternative fillers and binders for wood-
                                                            based particle boards
             Home energy analysis and forecasting tool      Allow residential and small commercial energy consumers to            • Data collection and analysis from homes
                                                            manage and reduce energy costs by developing a user interface         • Develop energy forecasting and on-site storage algorithms for
RP1023                                                      and intelligent algorithms. The algorithms will take local load,        PV
                                                            weather and energy generation inputs and automate the analysis of     • Process data using algorithms
                                                            electricity production and consumption.                               • Presentation of results via an online portal
             Assess the impact and performance of                                                                                 • Collate anonymised data from up to 100 sites
RP1023u1     distributed energy resources (solar) to network Analyse behind-the-meter voltage stability (5 second intervals)      • Analyse and model the response of the data to grid events
             disturbances                                    against grid events
                                                                                                                                  • Reporting
             Enhancing the Nationwide House Energy        Enhance the energy assessment capability of the NatHERS tool by         • Review NatHERS assumptions, logic and settings against
             Rating Scheme (NatHERS) – assumptions,       reviewing and making recommendations in relation to its                   contemporary data
             compliance and training                      assumptions, addressing compliance, and developing models               • Review house energy performance data
                                                          addressing:                                                             • Develop algorithm
RP1024                                                    • Ventilation                                                           • Data collection and analysis
                                                          • Thermal comfort                                                       • Research high cooling load houses
                                                          • Ceiling fans                                                          • Develop a new cooling model
                                                          and produce training resources to develop the capacity of the home      • Develop training resources
                                                          building design and construction industry
RP1026       Evaluation of automated HVAC fault detection Review and evaluate automated HVAC fault detection and                  • Review available FDD tools
#                        Title                                                      Purpose                                                                Method

             and diagnostic tools for commercial building      diagnostics tools for commercial building energy efficiency              • Develop quantitative and qualitative performance metrics
             energy efficiency                                                                                                          • Setup and configure building management system
                                                                                                                                        • Trial FDD systems against metrics
             Development and optimisation of low carbon,       Design and test modular building, framing and jointing systems           • Literature review
             medium-rise modular building structural                                                                                    • Performance and design criteria and modelling for structural
             systems                                                                                                                      elements and joints
                                                                                                                                        • Prototype joints
                                                                                                                                        • Design and model framing and panel options
                                                                                                                                        • Develop demonstration tool
             Facilitating large energy user deployment of      Develop a framework addressing the contractual, financial, and           • Literature and case study review
             off-site renewable generation                     regulatory aspects of large energy users (e.g. councils, universities,   • Qualitative research of stakeholder experiences, attitudes and
RP1032                                                         manufacturers, corporates) directly purchasing electricity from off-       preferences
                                                               site renewable energy generators such as a large scale solar or          • Engineering, legal, electricity and valuation research
                                                               wind farms                                                               • Develop a framework for off-site renewable energy
             Monitoring and assessment of Power                Explore opportunities for the deployment of off-site renewables
RP1032u1     Purchase Agreements                               through different possible Power Purchase Agreements and                 • Software tool development incorporating findings from RP1032
                                                               associated retailer tariffs
             Mainstreaming HVAC in high performance            Facilitate high performance HVAC uptake by:                              • Modelling of a commercial HVAC system against 5 improved
             commercial buildings                              • Recommending changes to the National Construction Code                   designs for major climate zones in Australian capital cities
                                                                  (NCC) based on technical and cost benefit analysis of HVAC            • HVAC modelling to investigate energy use in 5 exemplar
                                                                  systems                                                                 commercial buildings
                                                               • Investigating best practice HVAC designs and engage with               • Design high performance HVAC model
                                                                  industry                                                              • Run model for the 5 largest energy use components in the
                                                               • Modelling novel and improved designs to investigate                      highest performing commercial HVAC system
                                                                  opportunities to improve best practice designs                        • Develop improved HVAC designs
             Reducing embodied and lifecycle carbon            Develop a new value engineering framework for buildings that          • Mapping existing value engineering practices
             emissions through building design (value          optimises embodied and lifecycle carbon reductions (and minimises • Develop VE tool
             engineering)                                      cost) through dematerialisation                                       • Life cycle carbon analysis and life cycle cost analysis of VE
                                                                                                                                     • Develop a Carbon VE framework integrating carbon (kgCO2eq)
                                                                                                                                       and cost ($) metrics
RP1036       Decentralised energy markets                      Scholarship top-up – see HDR catalogue
             Embedded network and microgrid modelling          Increase the uptake of renewable energy generation by multi-unit
                                                                                                                                     • Refine and develop the prototype models
             tools                                             dwellings by operationalising via an online platform a modelling tool
RP1036u1                                                                                                                             • Test functionality and user interface
                                                               for embedded networks and local mini grids for multi-unit residential
                                                               buildings.                                                            • Prepare and deliver training and documentation
RP1037       Driving uptake of cool roofs on large footprint   Determine the overall value proposition of cool roofs for large-      • Literature review
#                         Title                                                       Purpose                                                            Method

             buildings                                          footprint buildings, considering the influence of above-roof air     • Undertake three large-footprint building case studies
                                                                temperature on the performance of HVAC equipment and                 • Model the impact of cool roofs on building thermal performance
                                                                photovoltaic panels                                                  • Develop cool roof design and cost-benefit calculation resources
             The performance of cool roofs in cold weather Understand if there are any buildings with cool roofs trade-off           • Further analysis of datasets from RP1037
RP1037u1                                                   reduced summer cooling loads with increased winter heating loads          • Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
                                                                                                                                     • Thermo-fluid dynamic modelling
             Improving the improve thermal comfort,             Develop and test an advanced hybrid ventilation system for schools   • Assessment of the energy consumption and carbon emissions
             energy consumption and carbon footprint of                                                                                of a NSW school
RP1040       schools                                                                                                                 • Investigate, develop and test an innovative hybrid ventilation
                                                                                                                                     • Experimental and theoretical evaluation of the installed system
             Enhancing the energy performance of volume Examine and develop performance criteria to enhance the energy
             build residential homes                    performance of modern volume build homes considering building                • Building performance data collection and analysis
                                                        assemblies, insulation, air-tightness, air-conditioning ducting and          • Development of compliance criteria and methods
             Visualising home energy use and climate    Develop an integrated real-time web-based feedback platform to               • Install indoor environmental monitoring sensors (temperature
                                                        make householders aware of their disaggregated energy                          and humidity)
RP1042                                                  consumption and indoor climate and prompt energy saving actions              • Develop monitoring codes and algorithms
                                                                                                                                     • Develop web-based platform
                                                                                                                                     • Report
             A detailed functional specification for precinct   Address the fragmented approach to precinct assessment by            • User survey and synthesis of data management for CRC and
             design and assessment                              developing a:                                                          AURIN datasets
                                                                • detailed functional specification for precinct design and          • Develop data management process
                                                                    assessment tools and databases                                   • Literature review of national and international of precinct
RP2001                                                          • digital precinct information model specification                     assessment methods and tools
                                                                                                                                     • Review and compare national and international LCA and
                                                                                                                                       costing principles and methods
                                                                                                                                     • Develop detailed functional specification for precinct design and
                                                                                                                                       assessment methods and software tools
             An integrated demand forecasting and               Develop and test an integrated ETWW tool for demand estimation       • Research - ETWW demand forecasting methods and models
RP2002       scenario planning tool for residential energy,     and scenario planning which includes a method addressing the         • Develop integrated ETWW demand forecasting tool
             transport, waste and water at a precinct scale     influence of household behaviour change                              • Case study applications of tool
             A review of national and international delivery    Identify exemplar delivery mechanisms (policy, economic and          • Literature review
             mechanisms for low carbon precincts                design) of national and international low carbon precincts and       • Case study review
                                                                develop strategies to mainstream sustainable urban development,      • Develop exemplar selection criteria
                                                                backcasting from a 50 year scenario
#                        Title                                                   Purpose                                                                 Method

                                                                                                                                     • Evaluate exemplar case studies
                                                                                                                                     • Research
             Comparison of the urban heat island effect at   • Understand the contribution of materials, social systems, urban       •   Research – green roofs, facades and canopies
             three scales in Sydney, Melbourne and              morphology, infrastructure, and climate system to UHI (including     •   Research – qualities of urban heat spots and behaviour change
RP2005       Adelaide                                           thermal mass, albedo and evapotranspiration) at the building,        •   Research – materials, surfaces and thermodynamics
                                                                precinct and metropolitan scales in three Australian cities          •   Modelling
                                                             • Develop a heat index for Australian cities
             The drivers of low cost and low carbon          Understand the drivers of low cost and low carbon housing across        • Research - the demand drivers of apartment living in Perth
             housing in Perth                                purchasers, investors and renters                                       • Produce documentary
             Integrated Carbon Metrics (ICM) - a multi-      • Develop a database and decision support tools for life cycle          • Develop carbon flow analysis tool
             scale life cycle approach to assessing,           carbon emissions with emphasis on embodied emissions in the           • Develop 3D visualisation of operational and embodied carbon
             mapping and tracking carbon in the built          built environment from construction materials up to regional            of building or precinct planning projects in PIM tool
             environment                                       scales.                                                               • Reconciliation of bottom-up and top-down carbon metrics
                                                             • Develop an economy-wide carbon flow analysis tool to track            • Tool integration of input-output and hybrid life-cycle built
RP2007                                                         emissions along the production and supply chains of materials           environment inventory data
                                                               and products                                                          • Stakeholder consultation
                                                             • Develop a 3D Precinct Information Modelling extension to enable       • Develop scenarios for low-carbon precinct redevelopment and
                                                               the calculation and visualisation of carbon emissions for precincts     retrofitting
                                                               during their planning stage.                                          • Develop a framework for optimised strategies between life cycle
                                                             • Evaluate low-carbon precinct scenarios                                  assessment and costing for buildings
             Migration of the ICM precinct carbon                                                                                    •   Transform core model algorithms
             assessment tool (RP2007) to the cloud           Support widespread uptake and use of the ICM precinct carbon
                                                                                                                                     •   Develop the online interface
RP2007u2                                                     assessment tool by transferring it from a MATLAB platform onto an
                                                                                                                                     •   Reshape the database for multi-user operations
                                                             interactive online facility
                                                                                                                                     •   User testing and platform deployment
             Reducing the energy consumption and carbon Evaluate and develop approaches to minimise emissions, energy                • Compile data – energy use, energy bio-generation and CO2
             emissions in the treatment and use of      consumption and the volume of wastewater solids                                and odour emissions
             wastewater solids                                                                                                       • Develop emission and energy measures
RP2008                                                                                                                               • Analyse interrelationships between treatment and
                                                                                                                                     • Review socio-economic and environmental impact of
                                                                                                                                       processing and land application
             A research agenda for low carbon transport      Scope research gaps and opportunities for low carbon transport          • Targeted stakeholder consultation
                                                                                                                                     • Synthesis
             Low carbon inclusions in state government       Develop and trial State government low carbon tender inclusions for • Review of existing low carbon related inclusion in tendering
             built environment sector tenders                built infrastructure procurement                                      documentation
                                                                                                                                 • Identify key carbon reduction options for land development
                                                                                                                                 • Review IS Rating Tool for Low Carbon related criteria and
#                        Title                                                Purpose                                                              Method

                                                                                                                               • Interviews with panel of providers based on IS Rating tool
                                                                                                                               • Draft low carbon tender inclusions
                                                                                                                               • Design of process to prepare the client and contractor for new
                                                                                                                               • Development of tender assessment guide for low carbon
             An open precinct-level digital information Develop and test an open object-oriented database precinct             • Develop the concepts and standards of a standardised data
             model for low carbon management            information model (PIM) that defines how information is structured       model
RP2011 &                                                throughout the life-cycle of an urban precinct. The model will         • Stakeholder consultation
RP2011e1                                                integrate geographical and real-time data across domains, including    • Develop and test model and GIS interface
                                                        buildings, major infrastructure, energy, water, waste, transport and   • Pilot test on CRC project sites
             PIM demonstration project: UNSW Kensington Build on RP2011 by trialling and testing the integration of BIM and    • Data collection and processing
             campus                                     GIS for precinct modelling purposes and 3D data integration and        • Conceptual data modelling
RP2011u1                                                management                                                             • Database management system implementation and
                                                                                                                               • End-user workshop
             Measuring the sustainability performance of   Develop an integrated assessment model of the economic, social     • Literature review
             green infrastructure                          and ecological services, including carbon performance (storage and • Develop sustainability indicators and benchmarks
                                                           sequestration) delivered by green infrastructure                   • Develop model
                                                                                                                              • Test model using a Sydney case study
             Literature and practice review of Australian  Understand the use and benefits of active transport to support the • Literature review
RP2015       policies on urban planning and public health  future development of a calculator of health and associated        • Analysis of the Household Travel Surveys database
                                                           productivity co-benefits from low carbon interventions
             Assessing the impact of PV and energy prices Identify whether conservation or rebound (Jevons) effects are       • Analyse Ausgrid data
             and efficiency on domestic electricity        associated with solar PV take-up by examining the post-2008        • Develop and test model
             consumption in Sydney                         changes in electricity use by Sydney households who installed PV
                                                           against those that have not
             Energy benchmarking for efficient, low-carbon Develop and test a method to benchmark the energy performance of • Literature review of European energy benchmarking
             water recycling operations                    water recycling systems (across construction, operation and          methodology for wastewater treatment
                                                           maintenance and considering economic, environmental and public • Develop energy benchmarks for Australian wastewater
                                                           health matters)                                                      treatment and water recycling systems
RP2017                                                                                                                        • Benchmark wastewater treatment and water recycling facilities -
                                                                                                                                SA and NSW
                                                                                                                              • Assess the cost-benefits of electricity sub-metering for water
                                                                                                                                sector energy efficiency and process optimisation
                                                                                                                              • Compare performance (energy, cost, carbon) of disinfection
#                        Title                                                      Purpose                                                               Method

                                                                                                                                     • Assess the performance (treatment process, energy, carbon) of
                                                                                                                                       a novel treatment technology for energy-efficient, lower
                                                                                                                                       emissions treatment and recycling
             Visualisation of wastewater treatment energy      Develop a web-based data visualisation tool for benchmarking
                                                                                                                                     • Data acquisition and analysis
RP2017u1     use                                               energy use and carbon emmisions of wastewater treatment
                                                                                                                                     • Online tool development
             Retrofitting urban precincts to create low        Identify pathways to transition existing urban communities to low     •   Stakeholder baseline
             carbon communities                                carbon energy and water using the precincts of UTS, Sydney            •   Global best practice review of precinct retrofitting
RP2018                                                         Institute of TAFE and One Central Park as living laboratories         •   Precinct system / technology evaluation and forecasting
                                                                                                                                     •   Baseline model of the Broadway Precinct energy, water
                                                                                                                                         consumption, assets, costs and governance.
             Carbon reductions from composting food            Assess the social, environmental and commercial sustainability of     • Research social dimensions of food separation, composting
             waste for food production                         different scalable models of food waste separation and composting       and compost use
RP2019                                                         for different urban forms.                                            • Model GHG reductions and carbon storage from the use of
                                                                                                                                     • Identify microbial composition of food waste compost
             Greening suburban travel - enhancing public       Identify pathways to increasing customer usage of public and active • Literature review of travel demand drivers and behaviour
             transport and active travel options for low       transport, and model the impacts and benefits of networked smart         change from private vehicles to public and active transport
RP2021       density suburban areas                            bus systems, on-demand access to transport and emerging                • Travel supply and demand estimation and analyses
                                                               transport technologies                                                 • Develop agent based model to assess investment options
             The role of the sharing economy for inner-        Investigate the role the sharing economy in relation to mobility       • Investigate barriers to the provision of sharing economy mobility
             urban travel                                      services (i.e. share bikes, share cars, eco-caddies, Uber) can play in   services
                                                               reducing inner-urban transport emissions                               • Analyse servicing the needs of major inner-urban trip
RP2021e1                                                                                                                                generators
                                                                                                                                      • Map demand for sharing economy mobility services (Adelaide)
                                                                                                                                      • Quantify the carbon abatement impact
                                                                                                                                      • Industry engagement
             Improving the functionality of transport hubs /   Assess the role that public transport interchanges may play in         • Literature review
             interchanges                                      improving public transport patronage (and thus reduce carbon           • Collection and analysis of user activity (Metrocard) data
RP2021u1                                                       emissions) using quantitative MetroCard data and qualtitative survey • Collection and analysis of user survey data
                                                               data                                                                   • Production of guidelines and final report
             Reducing private car ownership                    Enhanced understanding of the motivators driving car ownership to
                                                                                                                                      • Literature review
RP2021u2                                                       develop strategies to boost the role of shared-economy mobility
                                                                                                                                      • Interviews, surveys and data collection.
             A decision support tool for microclimate and      Examine the relationship between urban forms and microclimate to • Data collection – energy, thermal comfort, vulnerability, urban
             urban heat island mitigation at a precinct and    develop a decision-support and visualisation tool of the microclimate    form, microclimate
#                        Title                                                  Purpose                                                              Method

             streetscape scale                              and UHI mitigation performance of urban redevelopment options         • Identifying existing and emerging evidence on UHI mitigation
                                                            and cooling interventions                                               performance analysis
                                                                                                                                  • UHI mitigation performance index
                                                                                                                                  • Develop UHI mitigation options
                                                                                                                                  • Develop object-oriented buildings and precinct models
                                                                                                                                  • Develop decision support tool
             Using NSW OEH’s climate, land-use and          Enhance informed decision-making by government, industry and            • Data collection and analysis
             vegetation data to inform urban heat island    community in managing urban heat by extending RP2023 to provide • Develop a database linking OEH data with existing urban
RP2023u2     management                                     increased accessibility and 3D visualisation of OEH urban heat            information models
                                                            island-related data                                                     • Develop a web-based interface
             A guide to urban cooling strategies            Develop practical guidance for built environment professionals and • Literature review
RP2024                                                      regulatory agencies to moderate urban microclimates and mitigate • Consultation with industry partners
                                                            UHI effects in major urban centres across a range of climate types • Develop guide
             Calculating the health and productivity co-    Develop a health and productivity co-benefits calculator in relation to • Incorporate built environment metrics and carbon emissions
             benefits of low carbon precincts               the key features of the built environment at a precinct scale             into an existing health model
                                                                                                                                    • Population survey
RP2028                                                                                                                              • Develop co-benefits model
                                                                                                                                    • Integrate the model with existing tools
                                                                                                                                    • Trial and evaluate
                                                                                                                                    • Bicycle transport scenario modelling
             Understanding consumer behaviour across        Assess the impact of household energy costs against housing           • Data preparation and analysis
             household energy consumption                   tenure and type, income group and spatial distribution (state,
                                                            regional, metropolitan) using ABS Household Expenditure Survey
                                                            data (1998-2012)
             Predicting and understanding the               Develop a predictive diffusion model of the impact of interventions   • Literature review
             effectiveness of low carbon living behaviour   addressing GHG reductions and behaviour change in relation to low     • Stakeholder engagement
             change programs                                carbon living                                                         • Design an integrated framework for diffusion and agent-based
                                                                                                                                  • Develop the CSIRO diffusion model to integrate agent-based
                                                                                                                                    models of demographic and psychological factors and multi
                                                                                                                                    criteria analysis
                                                                                                                                  • Model testing and validation against CSIRO case studies
                                                                                                                                  • Update and calibrate model
                                                                                                                                  • Stakeholder case studies
             A business case and technical specification    Investigate the opportunities and develop a business case to          • Stakeholder engagement
             for an integrated CRCLCL spatial database      integrate and analyse diverse data across a variety of spatial scales • Develop technical specification
#                        Title                                                     Purpose                                                                 Method

             Using deliberative democracy for a low carbon Assess the potential of deliberative democracy to improve                  • Engagement with national and international networks
             built environment                             government decisions, policies and programs                                • Analysis of initiatives and trends
                                                                                                                                      • Literature review and framework of guidelines for deliberative
             A framework for the CRCLCL’s living              Define the aspirations, priorities, structure and management of the     • Literature review
RP3005       laboratories                                     CRCLCL’s living laboratories                                            • CRCLCL researcher workshop
                                                                                                                                      • Develop framework
             Survey and gap analysis of low carbon            Inform the direction, monitoring and evaluation of the CRCLCL’s         • Literature review
RP3006       education programs                               education research by identifying existing programs, best practice,     • Stakeholder consultation
                                                              industry needs, barriers and opportunities                              • Analysis and reporting
             Community and precinct scale renewable           Identify the opportunities and challenges for the development and       • Literature review
             energy projects                                  implementation of community and precinct scale renewable energy         • Consultation with community groups, nationally and
                                                              projects                                                                  internationally
RP3007                                                                                                                                • Assess legal and institutional characteristics of NFP
                                                                                                                                      • Role of local government
                                                                                                                                      • Analysis and reporting
             Scenarios, visions and pathways for a low        • Review drivers, opportunities, barriers and disruptive forces for a   •   Literature review
             carbon built environment, for Australian capital   transition to an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas contributions        •   Research on disruptive forces
             cities by 2040                                     by 2040                                                               •   Wide Stakeholder engagement in each of the cities
                                                              • Identify emerging technical and social innovations                    •   Develop visions of change
                                                              • Develop scenarios and translate these into visions and pathways       •   A set of published reports on scenarios, visions and pathways
                                                                (necessary structural changes)
             Design, construct and evaluate high              • Provide practical examples of the energy and water performance        • Install monitoring systems for performance assessment
             performance homes constructed using                of new homes using conventional materials and methods to a            • Develop communications and engagement strategy and
             conventional materials and methods                 high-performance level (7-10 Star) using a range of case studies        collateral
                                                                across Australia                                                      • Develop and deliver behaviour change program, including
RP3009                                                        • Understand the influence of a behaviour change program on               home audits and participant surveys (behaviour change)
RP3009e1                                                        energy and water use by ten houses (including a mix of minimum        • Case study documentation (multi-media)
                                                                compliance and high-performance houses)                               • Stakeholder engagement (charrettes) to develop HP ZEH
                                                              • Build and monitor the energy and water performance of three HP          criteria
                                                                ZEH display homes in new housing developments                         • Design and construct HP ZEH homes
                                                                                                                                      • Monitor and evaluate HP ZEH homes
             Reducing the carbon footprint of tourism         Investigate whether a market-based or dual incentive scheme can         •   Develop and trial an audit and rating framework
RP3010       industries                                       reduce the carbon footprint of the tourism sector, and develop and      •   Develop app and website
RP3010e1                                                      deliver education resources to change behaviour                         •   Develop education program
                                                                                                                                      •   Community engagement
#                        Title                                                     Purpose                                                                 Method

                                                                                                                                       • Analysis and reporting.
                                                                                                                                       • Create a self-funding program to support ongoing carbon
                                                                                                                                         reduction and assessment
             Developing social norms for low carbon          Research the effectiveness of facilitation, social settings, activities   •   Literature review
             behaviour                                       and information that promote the health, wellbeing, productivity and      •   Survey
RP3011                                                       cost benefits of low carbon living in creating behaviour change           •   Engagement activities
                                                                                                                                       •   Develop and execute a behaviour change program
             Social psychology of low carbon behaviour       Understand the cultural and societal mechanisms for low carbon            • Literature review
             and predicting behaviour change                 behaviour and develop a psychological index of people’s likelihood        • Stakeholder survey
                                                             to change                                                                 • Catalogue behavioural practice regarding low carbon
                                                                                                                                       • Develop and validate index
                                                                                                                                       • Test index against CRCLCL living laboratories
             Low carbon living through team-based and        Use of team-based and game-based mobile learning to motivate              •   Literature reviews
             game-based mobile learning                      and enable professionals, tradespeople and consumers to take up           •   Participant engagement
                                                             low carbon living products and services                                   •   Identify team based interventions
                                                                                                                                       •   Prototype a mobile learning game
             Enhancing the market for low-carbon homes       • Understand the most effective content, format, source and               • Literature reviews
                                                               delivery of tools and other resources to engage the market for          • Stakeholder mapping and surveys
                                                               home buyers and renters                                                 • Develop strategies for improving the flow of information
RP3016                                                       • Develop the framework for a national rating system to measure           • Develop content, presentation and delivery channels for home
                                                               and communicate low carbon home performance at sale / lease               energy rating/assessment tools to engage the wider real estate,
                                                             • Develop the business case implementation plan for the                     property and energy efficiency industry
                                                               framework                                                               • Develop framework, business case and implementation plan
             Low carbon living in practice: learnings from   Improve the energy performance and reduce emissions of the built          • Literature review – co-creation
             living laboratories                             environment through community engagement and modelling and                • Stakeholder engagement
                                                             monitoring of energy performance of living laboratories in Lochiel        • Develop and test co-creation toolkit
                                                             Park, Bowden and Tonsley, Adelaide                                        • Test ETWW through PrecinX and Mutopia
RP3017                                                                                                                                 • Develop Electricity Demand Management Plan for Tonsley and
                                                                                                                                       • Literature review – low carbon investment
                                                                                                                                       • Develop co-benefits model
                                                                                                                                       • Analysis and reporting
             The role of property valuation in supporting    Understand the property valuation process and the effect of energy
RP3017u1     energy efficiency                               efficiency initiatives on overall value of a property and the tools       • Survey and data collection
                                                             required by valuation professionals to incorporate a building’s           • Reporting
                                                             energy efficiency features in the valuation process
#                       Title                                                     Purpose                                                           Method

             Collaborative urban development planning for Identify the strengths, weaknesses, barriers and opportunities of     • Literature review and needs assessment
RP3019       low carbon living                            collaborative urban planning to reduce the carbon intensity of        • Stakeholder engagement and SWOT analysis
                                                          precinct developments
             Improving the carbon footprint of schools     • Review existing programs, initiatives and tools for schools to     •   Literature review
                                                               calculate carbon emissions and develop a strategic,              •   Stakeholder engagement
RP3020                                                         coordinated, comprehensive and integrated framework              •   Workshops with schools
                                                           • Review a community based training, education and support           •   Data collection ~15 schools
                                                               program to reduce the carbon footprint of schools                •   Social network analysis of program engagement
                                                           • Determine the social impact such a program can have on             •   Analysis and reporting
                                                               increasing awareness about low carbon living in the community
             Media and communication strategies to        Research social practices and the role of media in home renovation,   • Social research on socio-cultural and material needs of
             achieve carbon reduction through renovation and design, develop and evaluate media and communication                 households and their social communication and use of media
RP3021       of Australia’s existing housing              strategies to drive mainstream adoption of low carbon home            • Map media models and strategies
                                                          renovation products                                                   • Develop communication strategies
                                                                                                                                • Design and prototype website, tool or application
             Driving consumer demand for sustainable        Stimulate consumer demand for sustainable homes by harnessinig      • Scope and plan video series content
RP3021u1     housing                                        social media to stimulate new design trends                         • Create content (4 episodes)
                                                                                                                                • Report
             Policies, impediments and incentives for low   Benchmark low carbon living education policy, impediments and       • Literature review
RP3022       carbon living education                        incentives and develop policy, incentive and leaderships            • Comparative analysis
                                                            recommendations, and an implementation plan                         • Develop recommendations and implementation plan
             The contribution of community-owned            Understand the enablers, outcomes and impacts from CORE             •   Literature review
             renewable energy (CORE) to regional            projects in regional areas (including end of grid) across social,   •   4 case studies
RP3023       development                                    economic and environmental dimensions                               •   Qualitative methods
                                                                                                                                •   Stakeholder engagement
                                                                                                                                •   Analysis and reporting
             Online carbon reduction training and           Develop and deliver with Sydney TAFE a free, interactive online     •   Design website
             education                                      carbon reduction training and education course                      •   Develop and validate study units and delivery mode
                                                                                                                                •   Develop learning and qualification pathways
                                                                                                                                •   Review and assess training effectiveness
             Modelling the uptake of low carbon and         Use agent based diffusion modelling to understand how non-          • Literature review
             energy efficient technology and behaviour      financial incentives influence the knowledge and beliefs of         • Develop diffusion curves, social network of agents and agent
RP3028       under different non-financial conditions       consumers which subsequently impact their intention to adopt low      based model
                                                            carbon and energy efficient technologies and practices              • Develop graphical user interface
                                                                                                                                • Scenario testing and evaluation
RP3029       Social media community engagement for          • Provide a moderated social media platform with linkages to,       • Develop online platform, collaboration tools and content
RP3029e1     energy efficient housing                         and engagement with, existing or repackaged trusted               • Stakeholder engagement and focus group testing
#                         Title                                                     Purpose                                                                  Method

                                                                   information to engage and influence community uptake of low          • Develop monitoring and evaluation metrics
                                                                   carbon and sustainable housing                                       • Develop criteria for the listing of products and services
                                                               • Encourage learning, sharing of stories, data and media
                                                               • Identify the themes, barriers, aspirations and opportunities for
                                                                   energy efficiency
             Mandatory disclosure of energy performance       Understand the role of the disclosure of energy performance               • Literature review
RP3031       to encourage investment in low carbon            information at sale or lease in reducing the risk of investment in low-   • Stakeholder engagement
             housing retrofits                                carbon retrofits                                                          • Develop and trial information disclosure mechanisms
             Facilitating uptake of low carbon homes in       •   Assess and promote the CO2 savings of a low carbon living             • Stakeholder engagement and communications strategy
             new precinct developments                            precinct development (a living laboratory at White Gum Valley,        • Operational energy, water, carbon emissions and LCA
                                                                  WA) against a ‘business as usual’ scenario                              modelling
RP3033                                                        •   Develop, monitor and document behaviour change                        • Develop performance monitoring program
                                                                  interventions promoting the purchase of low carbon options at         • Develop and implement Community Based Social Marketing
                                                                  different points in the design, construction and occupation of          (CBSM) strategy
                                                                  homes                                                                 • Analysis and reporting
             A mobile living lab for visualisation of smart
             data and peer-to-peer trading of local           Establish a physical place to demonstrate, interact with and advance
RP3033u1                                                                                                                           • Build a modular and mobile living lab
             renewable energy and alternative water           the CRCLCL’s research in peer-to-peer trading of renewable energy
                                                                                                                                   • Software development of visualisation system
             systems                                          and alternative water systems

             Open source platform to access the White         •   Increase the accessibility and use of the White Gum Valley
             Gum Valley performance data                          performance data (RP3033 - electricity use, solar generation,
RP3033u2                                                                                                                                • Develop database and visualisation platform
                                                                  water use etc) via an open source online data access platform.
                                                                                                                                        • Test and deploy platform
                                                              • Provide evidence of the efficacy of low carbon design,
                                                                  technology and governance initiatives
             The carbon emissions from blockchain peer-       Enhance knowledge on the social and environmental impact of
RP3033u3     to-peer energy trading                           blockchain enabled peer-to-peer energy trading using smart energy         • Data analysis and modelling
                                                              data from the White Gum Valley living lab
             Urban regeneration through community co-         Develop processes, standards and certification procedures to              • Identify urban regeneration locations
             design of low carbon precincts                   enable local governments, state agencies and property developers          • Develop a business model for precinct regeneration
                                                              to work with community groups to co-design sustainable, medium            • Stakeholder engagement
RP3034                                                        density, low carbon housing precincts                                     • Develop and execute visualisation and assessment tools
                                                                                                                                          comparing precinct regeneration scenarios against ‘business as
                                                                                                                                        • Develop regeneration processes
             Modelling the uptake of water conservation       Develop an agent based model to understand the response of          • Data and literature review
RP3035       and efficiency measures                          consumer behaviour to intervention options to promote the uptake of • Develop prototype model
                                                              water conservation and efficiency measures                          • Pilot test model
#                        Title                                                     Purpose                                                                   Method

             Income barriers to low carbon living           •    Identify the financial and non-financial barriers of low income         • Stakeholder engagement
                                                                 (gross income in the two lowest quintiles) metropolitan and             • Analysis and reporting
RP3038                                                           regional households (single persons, single parent families and
                                                                 large families) to low carbon living
                                                            • Develop policy interventions to advance low carbon living
             The sale of low carbon housing: training and   Enable real estate agents to identify and promote low carbon homes           • Stakeholder engagement
RP3039       professional development (Liveability Real     at the point of sale or lease. It will do so by developing the Liveability   • Develop training modules
             Estate Framework)                              Real Estate Framework into online training modules integrated into           • Pilot and refine modules
                                                            existing NSW TAFE vocational courses
             Community battery storage and other            Explore the role of distributed district scale energy infrastructure to      • Examine the technical and economic aspects of providing solar-
             emerging low carbon energy technologies        deliver low carbon and resilient development, particularly community           storage
                                                            battery storage and other emerging low carbon energy technologies            • Stakeholder consultation
                                                            (e.g. nano-grid, micro-grid, smart-grid). Work with the CRCWSC to            • Develop and test a commercial model for community solar-
RP3043                                                      integrate distributed water scenarios.                                         storage
                                                                                                                                         • Undertake modelling and evaluation
                                                                                                                                         • Develop a anual for low carbon precinct scale energy/district
                                                                                                                                           community battery storage
             Mainstreaming low carbon retrofits in social   Assist community, public and aboriginal housing providers to                 • Literature review
             housing                                        integrate low carbon retrofits and refurbishments into property              • Stakeholder engagement
                                                            maintenance and upgrades through the development of rigorous,                • Monitoring of building upgrade performance
                                                            evidence-based decision support resources.                                   • Develop process map for community housing maintenance and
                                                                                                                                         • Develop resources to support integration of low carbon
                                                                                                                                           upgrades into existing process
                                                                                                                                         • Test, refine, and promulgate resources.
             Coordinate, integrate and commercialise the    Ensure the sustainability of the CRCLCL’s network of 11 living               •   Research the knowledge-innovation processes of the living labs
             CRCLCL living laboratories                     laboratories (which bring together the research, public and private          •   Engagement with the labs and stakeholders
RP3045                                                      sectors to co-produce research that is practical and useful in real-         •   Develop business, commercialisation and engagement models
                                                            world settings) by coordinating and integrating their activities within      •   Develop business scaling and transition plan
                                                            a strategic and commercialisation-orientated framework                       •   Pilot testing
             Housing construction industry roadmap          Motivate the construction industry to support the uptake of                  • Understand buyer purchasing behaviour
                                                            sustainable housing by demonstrating the economic value                      • Assess the difference in cost between standard and high-
                                                            proposition housing that exceeds the minimum standards                         performance homes
RP3049                                                                                                                                   • Determine the breakdown of construction industry financial
                                                                                                                                         • Develop hypothetical sustainable house market adoption
                                                                                                                                           scenarios and run national economic model
              Optimising the social, economic,                 Integrate the social, economic, environmental and governance              • Stakeholder engagement
SP0006        environmental and governance value of            impacts of the built environment into the decision making processes       • Develop framework, indicators and tool
              building projects                                of building projects though the development of a rigorous and             • Trial and refine tool
                                                               transparent measurement tool
              Low carbon built environment knowledge hub       Increase creation, dissemination and access to low carbon living          • Stakeholder consultation
                                                               research by:                                                              • Develop technical, management and content strategies
                                                               • Establishing an online database and collaboration platform              • Website design
                                                               • Curating and synthesising content
              Best practice in policy and regulation for the   • Compare and contrast Australian and global best practices in            • Desktop research
              energy and carbon performance of the built          policy and regulation for the energy and carbon performance of         • Policy and regulation impact analysis
              environment                                         the built environment                                                  • Reporting
SP0009                                                         • Examine the drivers and opportunities for, and barriers to, the
                                                                  adoption of best practices in Australia
                                                               • Propose a set of optimal measures, at national, state/territory and
                                                                  local levels, along with an indicative pathway for their
              Best practice policy toolkit for net-zero        Achieve greater impact for industry and academic thought                  • Review and synthesise existing reports and the latest research
              emissions buildings                              leadership on best practice policy for emissions reduction in the built     on international best practice policy for emissions reduction in
SP0009u1                                                       environment                                                                 the built environment
                                                                                                                                         • Integrate the best ideas into a succinct and compelling “best
                                                                                                                                           practice toolkit”.
              Supporting outcomes for the Australian           • Compare the CRCLCL’s research against barriers and policy               • Map the CRCLCL’s projects against the ASBEC policy
              Sustainable Built Environment Council               priorities for achieving zero carbon buildings identified in the         roadmap for zero carbon buildings
SP0011        (ASBEC)                                             ASBEC Low Carbon, High Performance roadmap
                                                               • Identify gaps that could help prioritise focus areas that may be
                                                                  suited to future projects to meet identified industry needs
              The cooling potential and impact of climate      Assess the impact of water based and other climate mitigation             • Identify mitigation technologies including, water based, cool
              mitigation technologies in western Sydney        technologies on cooling potential, energy, peak electricity demand,         roofs, cool pavements, urban greenery
                                                               health, environment and thermal comfort in Western Sydney                 • Simulate the existing temperature distribution in Western
SP0012                                                                                                                                   • Simulate the temperature distribution when the mitigation
                                                                                                                                           technologies are applied
                                                                                                                                         • Analyse and assess the impact of the mitigation technologies.
                                                                                                                                         • Develop proposals for implementation of the mitigation
                                                                                                                                           technologies in selected zones
              Climate mitigation and energy consumption for                                                                              • Meso- and building-scale analysis of relevant areas in wester
                                                            Understand the impact of climate change, urbanisation and
              the planned ‘Third City’ in western Sydney                                                                                   Sydney
SP0012u1                                                    mitigation technologies on building energy consumption in the
                                                                                                                                         • Optimise potential future urban designs to best respond to a
                                                            proposed ‘Third City’ at two spatial and temporal scales
                                                                                                                                           changing climate
Smart energy efficient and sustainable streets                                                                       •       Aerial surface temperature monitoring
                                                                                                                                •       Map and characterise hot spots
                                                                                                                                •       Develop, model and evaluate mitigation scenarios
SP0012u2                                                    Design and test an environmentally sustainable and energy efficient
                                                            urban street                                                        •       Create a 3D virtual reality video presenting the proposed
                                                                                                                                      • Design an intelligent monitoring system for climatic
                                                                                                                                        performance and comfort
           Reducing carbon through ambitious                Assess the value of pursuing ambitious energy performance                 • Develop an energy model and undertake cost-benefit analyses
           improvements to the building code energy         trajectories for new building work by modelling potential cost-           • Assess the costs and benefits
SP0016     requirements – the ASBEC trajectory project      effective pathways for eight key building types. This will provide both   • Assess the technology barriers.
                                                            a benchmark to assess the update of Australia’s National
                                                            Construction Code in 2019
           Energy efficiency policy adoption diffusion      Integration of agent-based models developed by the CRCLCL                 • Develop a business model and plan
           modelling                                        (RP3028, RP3035, RP2021 and RP3002) into an interactive                   • Integrate existing CRCLCL agent-based models into a stand-
SP0018                                                      simulation platform to allow stakeholders to explore plausible policy       alone web-based model
                                                            scenarios                                                                 • Define the use cases and code for the unified ABM
                                                                                                                                      • Publish the model online with methods
           Low carbon guides series                         Develop a set of practical guides addressing:                             • Engage with stakeholders
                                                            • Low carbon residential buildings – new buildings                        • Literature review
                                                            • Low carbon residential buildings – retrofitting existing buildings      • Develop guides
                                                            • Low carbon precincts
                                                            • Low carbon commercial buildings – new buildings
                                                            • Low carbon commercial buildings – retrofitting existing buildings
                                                            • Low carbon households
                                                            • Low carbon small to medium enterprises
                                                                                                                                    • Review published guidance on sustainable procurement
                                                            Identify the most significant and practical opportunities to favourably
                                                                                                                                    • Identify high impact energy/carbon focussed procurement
           Environmentally sustainable procurement          influence the energy and carbon performance of buildings, vehicle
SP0020                                                                                                                                practices and policies
           policies                                         use and energy supplies, and related infrastructure, through
                                                                                                                                    • Identify feasible and high impact opportunities for procurement
                                                            government procurement policies
                                                                                                                                    • Determine key features of policy requirements and make
                                                                                                                                      estimates of energy, C and $ savings
                                                            • Address a rapidly-growing anomaly in the way that greenhouse
                                                              gas emissions associated with electricity consumption (Scope 2
                                                                                                                                      •   Develop issues and methodology report
                                                              emissions) are accounted for in Australia (on a location rather
                                                                                                                                      •   Data capture and analysis
SP0021     Electricity consumption metrics                    than a market-based method)
                                                                                                                                      •   Consultation on results
                                                            • Define a clear and transparent methodology for calculating
                                                                                                                                      •   Draft report
                                                              market-based average annual emissions factors for all NEM
                                                              states and territories
MR2204     Best practice approaches to the design of zero Develop a practical and comprehensive publication translating key           • Collate, edit and present approximately 25 chapters from a
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