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Volume 14, Issue 2, July 2021 ISSN 1791-3691 (Print) ISSN 2732-656X (OnLine) Hellenic Plant Protection Journal A semiannual scientific publication of the BENAKI BE E PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL INSTITUTE
EDITORIAL POLICY Hellenic Plant Protection Journal The Hellenic Plant Protection Journal (HPPJ) (ISSN 1791-3691) is the scientific publication of the Benaki Phytopathological Institute (BPI) replacing the Annals of the Benaki Phytopathological Insti- tute (ISSN 1790-1480) which had been published since 1935. Starting from January 2008, the Hel- lenic Plant Protection Journal is published semiannually, in January and July each year. HPPJ publishes scientific work on all aspects of plant health and plant protection referring to plant pathogens, pests, weeds, pesticides and relevant environmental and safety issues. In addition, the topics of the journal extend to aspects related to pests of public health in agricultural and urban areas. Papers submitted for publication can be either in the form of a complete research article or in the form of a sufficiently documented short communication (including new records). Only origi- nal articles which have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere are considered for publication in the journal. Review articles in related topics, either submitted or invited by the Editorial Board, are also published, normally one article per issue. Upon publication all articles are copyrighted by the BPI. Manuscripts should be prepared according to instructions available to authors and submitted in electronic form on line at http://www.hppj.gr. All submitted manuscripts are considered and pub- lished after successful completion of a review procedure by two competent referees. The content of the articles published in HPPJ reflects the view and the official position of the au- thors. The information and opinions contained herein have not been adopted or approved by the HPPJ Editorial Board. The HPPJ Editorial Board neither guarantees the accuracy of the information included in the published articles nor may be held responsible for the use to which information contained herein may be put. For all parties involved in the act of publishing (the author(s), the journal editor(s), the peer review- ers, and the publisher) it is necessary to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior. HPPJ follows the ethics statements of De Gruyter journals, which are based on the Committee on Publi- cation Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct guidelines available at www.publicationethics.org. EDITORIAL BOARD Editor: Dr F. Karamaouna (Scientific Directorate of Pesticides’ Control & Phytopharmacy, BPI) Associate Editors: Dr A.N. Michaelakis (Scientific Directorate of Entomology & Agricultural Zoology, BPI) Dr K.M. Kasiotis (Scientific Directorate of Pesticides’ Control & Phytopharmacy, BPI) Dr I. Vloutoglou (Scientific Directorate of Phytopathology, BPI) Editorial Office: M. Kitsiou (Administrative Directorate, Library, BPI) A. Karadima (Administrative Directorate, BPI) For back issues, exchange agreements and other publications of the Institute contact the Li- brary, Benaki Phytopathological Institute, 8 St. Delta Str., GR-145 61 Kifissia, Attica, Greece, e-mail: m.kitsiou@bpi.gr. This Journal is indexed by: AGRICOLA, CAB Abstracts-Plant Protection Database, INIST (Institute for Scientific and Technical Information) and SCOPUS. The olive tree of Plato in Athens is the emblem of the Benaki Phytopathological Institute Hellenic Plant Protection Journal also available at www.hppj.gr © Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Hellenic Plant Protection Journal 14: 47-64, 2021 DOI 10.2478/hppj-2021-0006 REVIEW ARTICLE Scale insect species (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha) and their natural enemies, recorded on agricultural, ornamental and forest plant species in the wider area of Messenian Province (Peloponnese, Greece), 2000 – 2020 G.J. Stathas1,*, E.D. Kartsonas2, A.I. Darras2 and P.J. Skouras1 Summary The scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha) recorded on agricultural, ornamental and forest plant species in the wider area of Messenian Province (Peloponnese, Greece) during the years 2000 – 2020 are reviewed. Twenty species were recorded, which belong to four families: Diaspididae: Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell), Chrysomphalus aonidum (L.), Diaspis echinocacti (Bouché), Dynaspidiotus abieticola (Koroneos), D. abietis (Schrank), Lepidosaphes beckii (Newman), L. gloverii (Packard), Lineas- pis striata (Newstead), Targionia vitis (Signoret); Coccidae: Ceroplastes rusci (L.), Eulecanium sericeum (Lindinger), Nemolecanium graniformis (Wünn), Parthenolecanium corni (Bouché), P. persicae (Fabricius), Physokermes hemicryphus (Dalman), P. inopinatus Danzig and Kozár, Protopulvinaria pyriformis (Cocker- ell); Pseudococcidae: Phenacoccus madeirensis Green, Planococcus vovae (Nasonov) and Kermesidae: Kermes echinatus Balachowsky. The biology, phenology and natural enemies in Messenia are discussed for fifteen of these scale species. Additional keywords: Coccidae, Diaspididae, Kermecidae, Messenia, natural enemies, Pseudococcidae Introduction Messenia is a dynamic productive area in which economically important crops are Information about the scale insects cultivated, such as olives, citrus, vines, figs, (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha) of Greece has potatoes, vegetables, etc. The knowledge of been published in several articles of ento- entomofauna in the wider region of Messe- mological journals, monographies and web- nia and the record of the existing complex sites (Argyriou et al., 1976; Argyriou, 1983; of the natural enemies of harmful insects, DeBach, 1964; García Morales et al., 2016; could be considered important to design Katsoyannos, 1996; Koroneos, 1934; Kozár et plant protection programs in agriculture. al., 1991; Milonas and Kozár, 2008; Paloukis, The existence of dispersed small colonies of 1979; Pellizzari et al., 2011). scale insects near the cultivated areas, could The present review contributes to this constitute a potential reservoir of parasi- knowledge with a collective reference for toids and predators for the control of pro- twenty scale insect species found in Mess- spective infestations of cultivations by these enian Province, Peloponnese, Greece (Fig. scale insect pests. 1) on agricultural, ornamental and forest In fifteen out of the twenty record- plants species during the last twenty years. ed species, which were found in adequate population, biology, phenology and ecolo- gy data are available from studies conduct- 1,2 ed in the Laboratory of Biological Control Laboratory of Agricultural Entomology and Zoology and Laboratory of Floriculture, respectively, Depart- of the Benaki Phytopathological Institute ment of Agriculture, School of Agriculture and Food, (years 2000 - 2003) and the Department of University of the Peloponnese, GR-241 00 Kalamata, Greece. Agriculture of the University of the Pelopon- * Corresponding author: g.stathas@uop.gr nese (former Technological Educational In- © Benaki Phytopathological Institute
48 Stathas et al. Figure 1. Messenian Province in Peloponnese, Southwestern Greece (Google map 1; Google map 2). stitute of Peloponnese) (years 2004 - 2020). Information about the identification of the species, locations and materials and meth- ods used for the biology/ecology studies is described in the articles of the cited bibliog- raphy. However, some information on mate- rials and methods may be briefly presented when considered necessary. Some scale insects recorded in this ar- ticle were first records for Greece or first records on new host plant species of the scales, as it is referred in the cited referenc- es. Additionally, some natural enemies of the reviewed scale insects were first records Figure 2. Orange fruit infested by Aonidiella aurantii in Kala- mata, Greece (Photo by George Stathas). for Greece or for Europe. lapping generations in Kalamata (Stathas et al., DIASPIDIDAE 2005). It overwintered under all developmen- tal stages, but the majority of the population Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) during November 2004 – March 2005 consist- Aonidiella autantii is a cosmopolitan spe- ed of preovipositing and ovipositing female cies distributed in 89 countries, infesting adults. During the rest months, scales of all plants of 178 genera belonging to 84 families developmental stages were recorded. Three (García Morales et al., 2016). picks of numbers of crawlers were observed: It was recorded in Kalamata infesting Citrus the first during the third ten days of April to sinensis (L.) Osbeck (Rutaceae) (Fig. 2). Field the beginning of May, the second during the observations and laboratory examinations of third ten days of June to the beginning of July infested leaves during March 2004 - April 2005 and a third smaller increase observed from the showed that A. aurantii completes three over- end of August to the end of September. © Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Scale insect species and their natural enemies in Messenia, Greece 49 Natural enemies of A. aurantii found in ly of young female adults. Kalamata were the ectoparasite Aphytis chry- Regarding the natural enemies of the somphali (Mercet) (Aphelinidae) and the pred- scale, the biology of the predator Rhyzobius ator Chilocorus bipustulatus (L.) (Coleoptera: lophanthae Blaisdell (Coleoptera: Coccinel- Coccinelidae). These natural enemies are re- lidae) was studied under controlled condi- ported also in other studies in Greece (Ar- tions in the laboratory (Stathas et al., 2002). gyriou et al., 1976; Katsoyannos, 1996). Diaspis echinocacti (Bouché) Chrysomphalus aonidum (L.) Diaspis echinocacti (Bouché) is record- Chrysomphalus aonidum originates from ed in 74 countries of the world, infesting 58 Asia but has become distributed in subtropi- plant species belonging to the family Cacta- cal countries and worldwide in 87 countries, ceae and 9 plant species belonging to other infesting plants of 181 genera belonging to 74 families (García Morales et al., 2016). families (García Morales et al., 2016). It could In Kalamata it was recorded on Opuntia be considered a serious threat for many Eu- ficus-indica (L.) Mill. (Cactaceae) (Fig. 4) and ropean countries as it has been recorded to examination on its populations were made infest more and more several plants in Spain in nature and in laboratory, from February (Garcia Mari et al., 2000), Italy, (Pellizzari and to June 2009 (Japoshvili et al., 2010). Diaspis Vacante, 2007), Hungary (Reiderne and Kozàr, echinocacti was found to be biparental and 1994), France (Germain and Matile Ferrero, oviparous. The populations of the scale in 2005) and the Netherlands (Jansen, 2004). February 2009 consisted of all development The first record of C. aonidum in Greece stages except crawlers, which hatched dur- was reported by Koroneos (1934), as a pest ing the first half of April. Until June, all devel- of imported Citrus sp., which was not accli- opment stages of the scale were present on matized in the country. Later, Argyriou and O. ficus-indica. Mourikis (1981) reported that the scale was Natural enemies of D. echinocacti record- accidentally introduced in Greece during ed in Kalamata include the ectoparasitoid 1962-1965, but it had been under complete Aphytis debachi Azim (Hymenoptera: Aph- control. In April of the year 2000, C. aonidum elinidae), the endoparasitoid Plagiomerus was found on Dracaena sp. in Athens. The diaspidis Crawford (Hymenoptera: Encyrti- colony of this pest on Dracaena sp., was dae), the predator Cybocephalus fodori En- used to infest artificially pumpkins Cucurbita drödy-Youga (Coleoptera: Cybocephalidae) maxima Duchense (Cucurbitaceae) and po- and small numbers of individuals of an un- tato tubes Solanum tuberosum L. (Solanace- identified predatory mite of the family Bdel- ae) in the laboratory and was the first record lidae (Prostigmata) (Japoshvili et al., 2010). of the scale on plant species of these fami- Aphytis debachi parasitized second instar lies (Stathas et al., 2002). nymphs and preovipositing females of the In January 2007, C. aonidum was found scale. Its parasitization rate reached 9.3% on heavily infested fruits of Citrus limon in March 2009. Both sexes of the parasitoid and C. sinensis (L.) (Rutaceae) and leaves of were recorded, which support the biparental Ficus benjamina L. (Moraceae) and Ligus- status of the species (Japoshvili et al., 2010) trum japonicum Thunb. (Oleaceae) in Kala- whereas only female adults were obtained mata (Stathas and Kozár, 2008) and later in in Hong Kong (Rosen and DeBach, 1979). Pla- the same year on Nerium oleander L. (Apocy- giomerus diaspidis parasitized second instar naceae) (Fig. 3). Infestation on F. benjamina nymphs. Its parasitization rate reached 86% (Moraceae) was the first record of the scale in March 2009. The endoparasite P. diaspid- on this new host. It is a biparental and ovip- is has also been reported as a natural ene- arous species. The population of the scale my of D. echinocacti in other studies (Gordh found on all the host plants in Kalamata and Lacey, 1976; Panis and Pinet, 1999). The from January to April 2007 consisted main- predator C. fodori was found to be very ac- © Benaki Phytopathological Institute
50 Stathas et al. Figure 3. Infestation of Chrysomphalus aonidum on several host plants in Kalamata, Greece: (a): Citrus sinensis, (b): Citrus li- mon, (c): Ficus benjamina, (d): Nerium oleander, (e): rearing of the scale on Cucurbita maxima in laboratory for experimental reasons (Photo by George Stathas). tive as the predated scales reached 90% of the family Pinaceae: Abies bornmuelleriana, the population in June 2009 in Kalamata. A. cephalonica, A. concolor, Cedrus libani and This is the first record of A. debachi in Europe Picea pungens (García Morales et al., 2016). and the first record of P. diaspidilis in Greece The first record of the scale in Greece was (Japoshvili et al., 2010). made by Koroneos (1934) on A. cephalonica, in the area of Ano Lekhonia and in the sur- Dynaspidiotus abieticola (Koroneos) rounding region of mount Pelion (Thessaly). Dynaspidiotus abieticola is a Paleartctic In the area of Messenia, it was record- species, recorded in Greece, Iran, Lebanon ed on Taygetus mountain at an altitude of and Turkey, on the following plant species of 760m (Fig. 5). The study of phenology of the © Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Scale insect species and their natural enemies in Messenia, Greece 51 scale was made by examinations of branch- Dynaspidiotus abietis (Schrank) es of the infested trees in the laboratory Dynaspidiotus abietis is a species of from February 2013 to January 2014 (Stathas, Nearctic and Palaearctic region, recorded in 2015). It was recorded as an oviparous bipa- 26 countries, infesting plants of the families rental species which completed one gen- Cupressaceae, Pinaceae, Rosaceae and Sap- eration per year. It was settled on fir trees indaceae (García Morales et al., 2016). causing chlorosis (Fig. 5). On heavily infest- Its first record for Greece was made by ed fir trees, needles got dry. It overwintered Koroneos (1934), who referred to the scale as a mated adult female from the beginning as Aspidiotus abietis (Schr.) Loew, on A. ce- of October to the end of April. Egg-laying phalonica on the mountains Parnitha (Atti- and hatching of crawlers occurred from ear- ca) and Oeta (central Greece). ly May to the end of June. Settled first instar In Messenia, D. abietis was recorded on nymphs were present from early June until A. cephalonica on northwestern part of the early September. Second instar nymphs oc- mountain Taygetus (near to the County curred from the first days of August until late Dyrachi). Its morphology, biology, phenol- September, the male nymphs in September ogy and natural enemies were studied dur- and the first adult females at the beginning ing June 2004 – August 2006, on infested fir of October. trees and on samples of infested branches examined in the laboratory (Stathas, 2008). The scale was found to infest only needles of the fir trees, in low infestation levels (Fig. 6). It is biparental and oviparous; it developed one generation per year and it overwintered as mated pre-ovipositing female adult. Ovi- Figure 4. Diaspis echinocacti on Opuntia ficus-indica in Kala- mata, Greece (Photo by George Stathas). Figure 6. Female adults of Dynaspidiotus abietis settled on Figure 5. Dynaspidiotus abieticola on Abies cephalonica on Tay- needles of Abies cephalonica on Taygetus mountain, Messenia, getus mountain, Messenia, Greece (Photo by George Stathas). Greece (Photo by George Stathas). © Benaki Phytopathological Institute
52 Stathas et al. positing females were recorded from the lepidosaphes Compère and Encarsia sp. (Hy- second week of May to the beginning of menoptera: Aphelinidae) which reached a July. Crawlers appeared from the end of May parasitization rate 32%, and the predators to the beginning of July. Settled first instar Chilocorus bipustulatus (L.) and Rhyzobius lo- nymphs were recorded during July and sec- phanthae Blaisdell (Coleoptera: Coccinelli- ond instar nymphs from August to October. dae) (Stathas et al., 2015a). García Morales et Predated individuals of the scale on the al. (2016) reported that the recorded natural infested trees were attributed to the activ- enemies of L. beckii belong to 35 genera of ity of the larvae and adults of the predator 17 insect families, in which the above-men- Chilocorus bipustulatus (L.) (Coleoptera: Coc- tioned natural enemies of the scale record- cinellidae), which were recorded between ed in Kalamata are included. the months May to August (Stathas, 2008). Activity of C. bipustulatus against D. abietis Lepidosaphes gloverii (Packard) is also reported in other European countries Lepidosaphes gloverii is distributed to 81 by Kozstarab and Kozár (1988). countries of Central and North America, Asia and Europe, recorded on host plants of 40 Lepidosaphes beckii (Newman) genera in 28 families. Its main host is citrus Lepidosaphes beckii is a widely distribut- (García Morales et al., 2016). ed, cosmopolitan, tropical and subtropical In Greece, it was recorded in southern species. It infests citrus in all northern Med- Peloponnese in the area Gastouni on Citrus iterranean countries and is especially harm- sinensis var. navelina (Stathas, 2004a). Its bi- ful in littoral areas (Katsoyannos, 1996). It ology, phenology and ecology were studied is distributed to 120 countries and its host during June 2001 – August 2003, with exam- plant species belong to 60 genera of 42 fam- ination of the infested trees and on samples ilies, but most of its hosts belong to the fam- of infested leaves in the laboratory. The scale ily Rutaceae (García Morales et al., 2016). The infests mainly the upper leave surface and presence of L. beckii in Greece was report- the fruits and less the lower leaf surface and ed by Hall (1922), DeBach (1964), Argyriou the shoots of the trees. Although all devel- (1976) and Katsoyannos (1996). opmental stages were recorded during the The ecology of the scale was studied on winter period, the scale was found to over- infested Citrus sinensis var. navelina in Kala- winter mainly as preovipositing and ovipos- mata during 2009-2011 (Fig. 7) (Stathas et al., iting female adult. It developed 3 overlap- 2015a). Its phenology was studied on sam- ping generations per year. Three peaks of ples of infested leaves, which were trans- the population of crawlers were recorded ferred in the laboratory. The numbers of in June, August and October. The number caught males of L. beckii, the parasitoids and predators of the scale were monitored by yellow sticky traps on the infested trees. Lep- idosaphes beckii mainly infested the leaves and fruits and to a lesser extent the shoots and stems. The fluctuations of the popula- tion of crawlers were recorded using sticky transparent band traps placed on shoots of the infested trees. All developmental stag- es of the scale were observed during all the period of the study. Three peaks of crawlers were recorded in June, August and October in both years of the study. Figure 7. Male and female nymphs and adults of Lepidosaphes The natural enemies of L. beckii record- beckii settled on upper surface of orange tree leaf in Kalamata, ed in Kalamata were the parasitoids Aphytis Greece (Photo by George Stathas). © Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Scale insect species and their natural enemies in Messenia, Greece 53 of eggs recorded under the ovipositing fe- to parasitize female adults of L. striata and the male adults in June, ranged between 32 and parasitism rate reached 44.8% in May 1991. 57 eggs, with a mean number of 37.7 eggs Parasitism of a single female adult L. striata per female. by an ectoparasite Aphytis sp. was recorded Concerning its control, the combination in April 1991 (Katsoyannos, 1993). of mineral oil applications in September 2001, February and September 2002 with mass re- Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (Targioni leasing of adults of the predators Chilo- Tozzetti) corus bipustulatus (L.) and Rhyzobius lophan- Pseudaulacaspis pentagona is distribut- thae Blaisdell (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in ed in 113 countries, was recorded on host July 2002, reduced significantly the infesta- plants of 251 genera, belonging to 89 fam- tion density of the scale (Stathas, 2004a). The ilies (García Morales et al., 2016). Its presence coccinellid predators C. bipustulatus and R. in Greece is referred by Balachowsky (1954), lophnathae are also cited as natural enemies Paloukis (1967), Argyriou et al. (1976). Its phe- of L. gloverii in other studies (Belguendouz et nology and ecology have been studied in al., 2017; Herting and Simmonds, 1972). the past in northern Greece (Paloukis and Mentzelos, 1971; Kyparissoudas, 1992). Lineaspis striata (Newstead) In southern Greece P. pentagona was re- Lineaspis striata is recorded in 16 coun- corded in Kalamata infesting Actinidia deli- tries infesting plants of 9 genera belonging ciosa (Actinidiaceae), Prunus persica (Rosace- to the families Cupressaceae, Iridaceae, San- ae) Morus alba (Moraceae) (Fig. 8) (Stathas et talaceae and Taxaceae (García Morales et al., al., 2020). In Kalamata the biology and ecol- 2016). ogy of P. pentagona on M. alba was studied It was recorded and described in Greece during the years 2016 – 2018. It is a biparen- by Koroneos (1934) as Chionaspis striata tal and oviparous species. It overwintered Newstead found on the species of the fam- as mated female adult. The fecundity of fe- ily Cupresaceae: Thuja orientalis L. in Volos, males on September 2017 fluctuated be- Cupresus sempervirens L. in Peloponnese, on tween 97 to 133 eggs, with a mean 118.5 ± Juniperus oxycedrus L. in Pelion Mountain 25.7 eggs per female. The scale completed 3 (Tsangarada and Milies), on Juniperus mac- generations per year. Three peaks of crawl- rocarpa (Sibth. and Sm.) in Attica (Voula) and ers were recorded in April, July and Septem- on Juniperus phoemicae L. in Attica (Vouliag- ber. The parasitism rate by an unidentified meni). It is also recorded in Crete by Panis ectoparasite reached 18 and 21% in 2016 (1981) and by Pellizzari et al. (2011) on C. sem- and 2017, respectively. The main natural en- pervirens in Agios Nikolaos and on Cupresus emies of the scale were the coccinellid pred- sp. in Heraklion. In Messenia, L. striata was ators Chilocorus bipustulatus and Rhyzobi- found on Juniperus oxycedrus L. (Cupres- us lophanthae (Stathas et al., 2020). These saceae) on Taygetus Mountain in January predators are referred as natural enemies of 2007 (Stathas et al., 2011). P. pentagona in other countries (García Mo- The phenology and the natural enemies of the scale were studied by Katsoyannos (1993) on different species of the family Cu- presaceae during the years 1991-1992 in At- tica. As it is referred in the above study, the scale is oviparous biparental species. It devel- oped three generations per year and it over- wintered as pre-ovipositing female adult. The average fecundity was 50 ± 12 eggs per female. The endoparasitoid Physcus testaceus Figure 8. Pseudaulacaspis pentagona on branch of Morus alba Masi (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) was found in Kalamata, Greece (Photo by George Stathas). © Benaki Phytopathological Institute
54 Stathas et al. rales et al., 2016) and in northern Greece (Ar- the country, on Ficus carica L. (Moraceae) in gyriou et al., 1976). Attica and Messenia and on citrus in Aege- an islands. Kozár et al. (1991) referred C. russci Targionia vitis (Signoret) in Greece on Albizia sp. (Fabaceae) in Athens, Targionia vitis is recorded in 25 countries, on Pittosporum sp. (Pittosporaceae) in Irak- infesting plants of 9 genera in 6 families, but lion, on Nerium oleander L. (Apocynaceae) most of its host plants belong to the fami- in Knossos and on Osyris alba L. (Santalace- ly Fagaceae (García Morales et al., 2016). Its ae) in island Hydra. Ceroplastes rusci was re- presence in Greece was recorded by Koro- ported to develop two generations per year neos (1934) on Arbutus unedo (L.) (Ericace- on fig trees in Greece (Argyriou and Santo- ae), Quercus sp. and Q. coccifera L. (Fagaceae) rini, 1980). and Platanus orientalis L. (Platanaceae). In Messenia, C. rusci is widely spread on Targionia vitis was recorded and stud- fig trees (Fig. 9). Pellizzari et al. (2010) record- ied in Messenia on Vitis vinifera L. (Vitaceae) ed C. rusci on F. carica in a fig cultivation area in a vineyard containing the varieties Black near Kalamata (province Aristomenes). De- Currents (black raisin), Rodites and Fraou- scription of immature females from this la (Stathas and Kontodimas, 2001). It was re- population provided an identification key of corded as a biparental, viviparous univoltine the different instars of the scale which is a species, which overwinters as mated female useful tool for the determination of the ap- adult. The crawlers hatched in mid – May, propriate period for effective chemical con- while the first and second instar nymphs ap- trol applications in fig cultivation. peared in June and developed to male and female nymphs by mid-July. Male adults Eulecanium sericeum (Lindinger) were observed from mid-July until the end Eulecanium sericeum is distributed in 14 of August while by the beginning of Septem- European countries, infesting 6 species of ber, the whole population of the scale con- genus Alba (Pinaceae). In Greece, it has been sisted of mated female adults. The fecundity recorded on A. cephalonica and A. borisii-re- of T. vitis ranged between 82 and 105 eggs, gis Mattf. (Argyriou, 1983; Santas,1983;1988). with an average of 94.9 r 9.37 eggs per fe- Santas (1983) reported that E. sericeum ap- male. The natural enemies of T. vitis, which peared in patches on the Abies trees, al- were recorded in Messenia, included the ec- though sometimes a whole tree may be in- torarasite Aphytis abnormis (Howard) (Hy- fested. In Messenia, E. sericeum was found menoptera Aphelinidae), an unidentified on A. cephalonica on Taygetus Mountain in endoparasite and the predator Cybocepha- June 2005 and in June 2007 in small colonies lus fodori Entrödy-Younga (Coleoptera: Nit- idulidae). The activity of the above natural enemies could not reduce the population density of the scale on the infested grapes (Stathas and Kontodimas, 2001). COCCIDAE Ceroplastes rusci (L.) Ceroplastes rusci is distributed to 58 coun- tries, infesting plants of 79 genera belong- ing to 48 families (García Morales et al., 2016). In Greece it is referred by Argriou (1983) as widely distributed scale insect causing seri- Figure 9. Immature stages of Ceroplastes rusci on fig tree leaf ous damage, especially in southern areas of (Photo by George Stathas). © Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Scale insect species and their natural enemies in Messenia, Greece 55 (Stathas et al., 2011). According to Hadzibej- tion per year and overwintered as second in- li (1967) E. sericeum develops one generation star nymphs. Regarding its natural enemies per year in Georgia. in Messenia, female adults of the scale were found parasitized by unidentified endopar- Nemolecanium graniformis (Wünn) asitic larvae on Taygetus Mountain, in June Nemolecanium graniformis is recorded and November 2006. Moreover, the preda- only in Europe, in Czech Republic, France, tors E. quadripustulatus and C. bipustulatus Germany, Greece, Italy and Poland, infest- were found in the colonies of the scale on ing Abies alba, Abies cephalonica and Abies the infested fir trees (Stathas et al., 2011). In nebrodensis (Pinaceae) (García Morales et al., other studies in Greece, the aphelinid para- 2016). It was first recorded in Greece in Au- sitoids Coccophagus lycimnia (Walker), Coc- gust 1996 on A. cephalonica in the area Thra- cophagus sp. Westwood and the encyrtid comacedones (Attica) (Stathas, 1997). Aphycoides sp. Mercet, as well as the pred- Its phenology and natural enemies were ators Exochomus quadripustulatus L. and C. studied on Parnis Mountain (Attica) dur- bipustulatus were recorded on Parnis Moun- ing 1998-1999, where the scale was found tain, County of Attica (Stathas, 2001). to be univoltine, oviparous and overwin- tered as second instar nymph. The average Parthenolecanium corni (Bouché) fecundity of the scale on Parnis Mountain Parthenolecanium corni is distributed in was counted to 188.4 eggs per female adult 73 countries, infesting 109 plant species be- (Stathas, 2001). In Messenia N. graniformis, longing to 48 families (García Morales et al., it was found on A. cephalonica on Taygetus 2016). Mountain where it was studied from De- In Greece it is referred by Argyriou (1983) cember 2005 to November 2007 (Fig. 10) on Prunus persica L. (Rosaceae) and by Santas (Stathas et al., 2011). It is oviparous and bipa- (1985) on P. persica, Prunus armeniaca, Cra- rental species and it completed one genera- taegus spp. (Rosaceae) and Corylus avellana L. (Betulaceae) close to Grevena (Northwest- ern Greece). Its distribution in Greece is not well known, but it has been found in Cen- tral and Northern Greece. The adults excrete honeydew which is exploited by honeybees. Parthenolecanium corni had one generation per year on C. avellana. It overwintered as second instar nymph, the adults appeared early in April and the crawlers in the middle of June. The second instar nymphs appeared in mid-July and by the end of October all the scale population was in this stage. The fe- cundity of the scale fluctuated between 700 and 1100 eggs per female (Santas, 1985). Natural enemies of P. corni in Greece in- cluded the parasitoids Coccophagus lycimnia (Wlk.) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), Meta- phycus insidiosus (Merc.) (Hymenoptera: En- cyrtidae) and the predators Scutellista cya- nea Motsch. (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), Leucopis alticeps Czerny (Diptera: Chamae- Figure 10. Nemolecanium graniformis on Abies cephalonica: myiidae), Eubletnma scitula (Ramb.) (Lep- Second instar nymph (a) and female adults (b) on Taygetus idoptera: Noctuidae), Chrysoperla carnea mountain, Messenia, Greece (Photo by George Stathas). (Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) and © Benaki Phytopathological Institute
56 Stathas et al. Chilocorus hipustulatus (L.) (Coleoptera: Coc- to 34.5%, and the predator Chilocorus bipus- cinellidae) (Santas, 1985). The hyperparasites tulatus (Stathas et al., 2003). Pachyneuron concolor (Forst) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) and Marietta picta (André) Physokermes hemicryphus (Dalman) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) were also re- Physokermes hemicryphus is distributed corded (Santas, 1985). in 28 countries on conifers of the families In Messenia, P. corni was found in the Pinaceae (on species of genera Abies, Picea area Asprochoma close to Kalamata on Mo- rus alba in July 2005. The population of the scale consisted of ovipositing females. Fe- male adults of the scale were deposited to the collection of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Superparasitism of female adults P. corni by an unidentified parasitoid spe- cies was also observed in the above infesta- tion (Fig. 11) (Stathas and Kartsonas, unpub- lished data). Parthenolecanium persicae (Fabricius) Parthenolecanium persicae is distributed in 59 countries on several host plants of 54 genera, belonging to 33 families. Most of its hosts belong to the families Fabaceae and Ro- saceae (García Morales et al., 2016). In Greece, it was recorded by Kozár (1985) on Morus sp. in northern Greece and on Viburnum tinus (L.) (Adoxaceae) in Athens (Stathas, 2004b). In Messenia, P. persicae was found on Vi- tis vinifera L. (Vitaceae) in the province Ar- fara in October 2000 (Stathas et al., 2003; Stathas, 2004b). In studies of P. persicae in vineyards cv. Rodites during the years 2001- 2002 it was found to be parthenogenic, ovi- posoting, univoltine species. Although P. persicae appears to be largely parthenogen- ic, two male adults of P. persicae were col- lected from vineyards in the Hunter Valley (Australia) during early September (Rakimov et al., 2013). The scale overwintered as a sec- ond instar nymph. Female adults appeared in April and oviposition took place from ear- ly May to late June. Crawlers hatched in May and during the rest of the summer period the population consisted of first and second in- star nymphs. From late September until the following spring the population consisted of second instar nymphs. Regarding natural enemies of P. persicae, two parasitoids were Figure 11. Parthenolecanium corni on Morus alba. Dorsal (a) recorded, Metaphycus sp. (Hymenoptera: and ventral (b) view of ovipositing female adults, parasitized Encyrtidae), which parasitized the scale up females (c) in Kalamata, Greece (Photo by George Stathas). © Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Scale insect species and their natural enemies in Messenia, Greece 57 and Tsuga) and Cupressaceae (on Juniperus cids in Greece such as Saissetia oleae Olivier sp.) (García Morales et al., 2016). has been studied by Katsoyannos (1976). In central Greece it has been recorded on Abies cephalonica and A. borisii regis, where Physokermes inopinatus Danzig and the honeydew excretions of the scale is used Kozár in beekeeping as a main source for honey Physokermes inopinatus is recorded in production in the country (Argyriou, 1983; Austria, Hungary, Greece, Romania, Sweden Santas, 1988; Gounari et al., 2004). In Mess- and Ukraine. Its hosts are species of genus enia, P. hemicryphus was recorded on Tayge- Abies and Picea (Pinaceae). It causes damage tus Mountain infesting A. cephalonica (Fig. to the host trees by its feeding on the sap 12). The biology and ecology of the scale was from the needles as well by its honeydew studied in this area during the years 2004 - secretions, on which sooty mold is created 2006 (Stathas et al., 2011). It is an oviparous (García Morales et al., 2016). biparental and univoltine species, infesting The first record of P. inopinatus in Greece the nodes of the annual growth of the trees. was on Abies cephalonica on Taygetus Moun- It overwintered as second instar nymph. tain, in Messenia (Stathas and Kozár, 2010). Young female adults secrete honeydew from The phenology of the scale was studied on the middle of May until the beginning of July infested fir trees in this area from July 2006 (Fig. 12). On Taygetus Mountain, ovipositing to June 2008. The scale settles on the base females laid 70-280 eggs in July 2006 and of young shoots and needles. It is oviparous the mean fecundity was 193.9±44.6 eggs per and biparental. It completed one generation female. The crawlers appeared from the end per year and overwintered as second instar of August until the middle of September. nymphs. Pre-ovipositing females appeared Concerning the natural enemies on Tay- during May and June. Eggs were laid from getus Mountain, the parasitoid Pseudorho- mid-June to early August. Hatching of crawl- pus testaceus (Ratzeburg) (Hymenoptera: ers occurred during July and August. Larvae Encyrtidae) was found to parasitize female and adults of C. bipustulatus were observed adults of P. hemicryphus. Percentage par- on colonies (Stathas and Kozár, 2010). The asitism was 24% in July 2005 and 47.8% in coccinellid predator C. bipustulatus is includ- July 2006 with 1–4 or more parasitoid adults ed among the natural enemies of P. inopina- emerging per parasitized female adults. Τhe tus by Kosztarab and Kozár (1988). predators Chilocorus bipustulatus (L.), Exo- chomus quadripustulatus (L.) and Scymnus Protopulvinaria pyriformis (Cockerell) sp. (Coleoptera: Coccinallidae). Exochomus Protopulvinaria pyriformis is a serious quadripustulatus and Scymnus sp. are also pest of fruit trees and ornamentals in sever- reported as predators of the scale in west- al tropical and subtropical countries, totally ern and central Greece (Santas, 1988). The recorded in 42 countries, infesting plants of role of E. quadripustulatus against other coc- 60 genera, belonging to 36 families (García Figure 12. Young female adults of Physokermes hemicryphus on nodes of Abies cephalonica partially covered by white waxy fila- ments (a) and totally covered by filaments and honeydew excretion (b) on Taygetus mountain, Messenia, Greece (Photo by George Stathas). © Benaki Phytopathological Institute
58 Stathas et al. Morales et al., 2016). The life cycle was estimated to last in nature In Greece, it was recorded for the first about 52 days during winter and 29-33 days time on Laurus nobilis L. (Lauraceae) in Ka- during summer. The main natural enemy of lamata (Fig. 13), Messenia, in 2003 (Ben-Dov, the scale was the parasitoid Metaphycus hel- et al., 2003). Later, P. pyriformis was found volus (Compere) Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). on more host plants in Messenia. In June The parasitism rate reached 31.2% while en- 2007, it was found on Hedera helix L. (Arali- capsulation of the parasitoid eggs occurred aceae) at the area of Almyros, Messenia and in up to 23% of the adult scales. The number in May 2008 on Citrus aurantium L. (Rutace- of the encapsulated eggs ranged from 1 to ae) in the city of Kalamata (Fig. 13). On both 5 eggs per scale individual. The coccinellid of the above host plants, P. pyriformis was predator C. bipustulatus was also recorded found to settle mainly on the lower leaf sur- as a natural enemy of the scale in Kalamata. face (Stathas et al., 2008). The phenology, biology and natural en- emies of the scale were studied in Messenia PSEUDOCOCCIDAE during the years 2003 – 2005 (Stathas et al., 2009). It settles mainly on the lower leaf sur- Phenacoccus madeirensis Green face producing increased amounts of hon- Phenacoccus madeirensis is widely spread eydew throughout the year. It is partheno- in 83 countries, recorded on host plants be- genetic and oviparous developing several longing to 150 genera of 54 plant families overlapping generations per year. It over- (García Morales et al., 2016). wintered under all developmental stages In Greece it was recorded by Papado- (egg, first and second instar nymph, adult). poulou and Chryssohoides (2012) in June 2010 in the regions of Thessaloniki, Xanthi and Kavala (Northern Greece) on Onicum basilicum L. (Lamiaceae) and by Szita (et al., 2017) in 2014 in the island Kefalonia (West- ern Greece) on Campanula sp. In Messenia, P. madeirensis was found in Kalamata in May 2014 on Aloysia citriodora Palau (Verbenaceae) and on July of the same year on Osteospermum jucundum (Phillips) (Asteraceae) (Fig. 14). Osteospermum jucun- dum recorded for the first time as host plant Figure 13. Protopulvinaria pyriformis on Laurus nobilis (a) and Figure 14. Infestation of Phenacoccus madeirensis on Oste- on Citrus aurantium (b) in Kalamata, Greece (Photo by George ospermum jucundum in Kalamata, Greece (Photo by George Stathas). Stathas). © Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Scale insect species and their natural enemies in Messenia, Greece 59 of P. madeirensis (Stathas et al., 2015b). amata during the years 2015 – 2017 (Stathas As far as the phenology is concerned, P. et al., 2018). Kermes echinatus is a univoltine, madeirensis completed 5-6 generations per oviparous and biparental species. It overwin- year in Sicily; it overwintered mainly as first tered as first instar nymph on the branches and second instar nymphs however, female of the infested trees and it was developed adults were also found (Sinacori, 1995). to second instar by the middle of April and to third instar until the end of May. The im- Planococcus vovae (Nasonov) mature males (larvae and pupae) were ob- Planococcus vovae is distributed to 38 served from the end of April until the end of countries, infesting plants of the families Ar- aceae (genus: Anthurium), Cupressaceae (ge- nus: Calocedrus, Chamaecyparis, Cupressus, Juniperus and Thuja), Lauraceae (genus: Lau- rus) and Taxaceae (genus: Taxus) (García Mo- rale et al., 2016). The presence of P. vovae in Greece is re- ferred by Cox (1989) and Cox and Ben-Dov, (1986). Milonas and Kozár (2008) recorded the scale on Cupressus leylandii (Jacks. and Dallim.) in Kifissia (Attica) in 2004. In Messe- nia, female adults of P. vovae were found on Juniperus oxycedrus L. in June 2006 on Tay- getus Mountain (Stathas et al., 2011). The low population of the infestation of the scale found on Taygetus, was not adequate to study the biology of the scale in this area. In Italy P. vovae develops two annual gener- ation (Francardi and Covassi, 1992). KERMESIDAE Kermes echinatus Balachowsky Kermes echinatus has been recorded only in Israel and in Greece. Its host plants are the species Quercus calliprinos Webb., Quer- cus coccifera L. and Quercus ilex L. (Fagace- ae) (Spodek et al., 2014; García Morales et al., 2016). In Greece, K. echinatus was found on Q. coccifera in Crete in April 2010 and again in June 2011 (Porcelli and Pellizzari, 2014). In Messenia, it was recorded on Q. ilex in Kala- mata, in November 2012 (Fig. 15). In Decem- ber of the same year, the scale was recorded in Athens on Quercus ilex which was report- ed as host of this scale for the first time Figure 15. Kermes echinatus on Quercus ilex. (a): oviparous fe- (Stathas et al.,2013; Stathas et al., 2018). male adults, (b): scale covers of male nymphs, (c): crawlers The phenology and the natural enemies dispersed on branches in Kalamata, Greece (Photo by George of K. echinatus on Q. ilex were studied in Kal- Stathas). © Benaki Phytopathological Institute
60 Stathas et al. May, while the pre-ovipositing and ovipos- First reports of parasitoids of the scale iting adults were recorded during May and species include: Aphytis debachi found on D. June. The hatching of crawlers occurred by echinocacti is the first record of this ectopa- the end of June, which remained under this rasistoid in Europe; Plagiomerus diaspidilis in instar until the April of the next year. Natural Kalamata is the first report of this ectopara- enemies included the predator Chilocorus sitoid in Greece (Japoshvili et al., 2010). bipustulatus and the parasitoids Metaphy- The data on biology, phenology and cus gennaroi Guerrieri and Noyes, The hy- ecology of the scale insects provided in this perparasite Cheiloneurus claviger Thomson article, could contribute to their effective (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) was also found control. The knowledge of the time of ap- parasitizing the scale. The total parasitiza- pearance of the most susceptible stages of tion rate of both parasitoids reached to 21% the scale to chemicals, the number of gen- (Stathas et al., 2018). erations developed per year, their fecundi- ty and the evaluation of the action of their natural enemies, is necessary and essential Concluding remarks when planning an effective program of their Integrated Pest Management. Twenty species of scale insects were record- ed on agricultural, ornamental and forest plant species in the wider area of Messenian The first author expresses his gratitude to Dr Province between the years 2000 and 2020. Panayiotis Katsoyannos, Research Director of Nine of them belong to the family Diaspidi- National Agricultural Research Foundation dae, eight to Coccidae, two to Pseudococci- (NAGREF), Head of the Laboratory of Biolog- dae and one to Kermesidae. Some of these ical Control of the Benaki Phytopathological scale species or their parasitoids are record- Institute until 1997, for his guidance and in- ed for the first time in Greece. For some oth- struction on scale insects and on their natural er, this is the first report of several host plant enemies. species. First records of these scale species in Greece include: Physokermes inopinatus on Literature cited Taygetus mountain; Protopulvinaria pyri- Argyriou, L.C., Sravraki, H.G. and Mourikis, P.A. 1976. formis in Kalamata (Ben-Dov et al., 2003); A list of Recorded Entomophagous Insects of Kermes echinatus in Messenia (the scale has Greece. Benaki Phytopathological Institute, Ath- not been previously recorded in continen- ens, Greece, 73pp. tal Greece, but only in Crete) (Stathas et al., Argyriou, L.C. 1983. Faunal analysis of some scale 2013; Porcelli and Pellizzari, 2014). insects in Greece. Proceedings of the 10th Inter- national Symposium of Central European Ento- First records of host plant species in- mofaunistics, Budapest, 15-20 August 1983 364- clude: Physokermes inopinatus was recorded 367. on A. cephalonica (Stathas and Kozár, 2010); Argyriou, L.C., and Santorini, A.P. 1980. On the phe- Kermes echinatus was recorded on Quercus nology of Ceroplastes rusci L. (Hom. Coccidae) ilex; the scale was previously recorded only on fig-trees in Greece. Mededlingen van de Rijks- faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen te Gent, 45: on Q. calliprinos and Q. coccifera (Stathas et 593-601. al., 2013). Chrysomphalus aonidum was re- Argyriou, L.C. and Mourikis, P.A., 1981. Current sta- corded for the first-time infesting species tus of citrus pests in Greece. Proceedings of the of the families Cucurbitaceae and Solanace- International Society of Citriculture, Tokyo 9-12 ae (mass reared on C. maxima and S. tubero- November, International Society of Citriculture, Okitsu, Japan, Vol. 2: 623-627. sum) and the plant F. bensamina (Stathas et Balachowsky, A.S. 1954. Les cochenilles Paléarc- al., 2002; Stathas and Kozár, 2008). Infesta- tiques de la tribu des Diaspidini. Memmoires Sci- tion by P. madeirensis was recorded on Oste- entifiques de l’Institut Pasteur. Paris; Institut Pas- ospermum jucundum (Stathas et al., 2015b). teur Publ. © Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Scale insect species and their natural enemies in Messenia, Greece 61 Belguendouz, R., Biche, M., and Bendifallah, L. 2017 Scale Insect Studies (ISSIS-X). 19-23 April, Adana, Study of Trophic Relationships Between Diaspi- Turkey, 339p. didae Family Species - Host Plants - Predators Hadzibejli, Z.K. 1967. Ecological characteristics of and Parasitoids in Algeria. Journal of Fundamen- the genus Eulecanium Ckll. in the fauna of Gru- tal and Applied Sciences, 9(1): 119-135. zia. Trudy Instituta Zashchita Rastenii Gruzinskoy Ben-Dov, Y., Stathas, G.J. and Malliarou, J.S. 2003. SSR 19: 59-63. The pyriform scale, Protopulvinaria pyriformis Hall, W.J. 1922. Observations on the Coccidae of (Cockerell) (Hemiptera: Coccidae) in Greece. Egypt. Bulletin, Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt, Agrotiki Erevna, 26(2): 89-91. Technical and Scientific Service, 22: 1-54. Cox, J.M. 1989. The mealybug genus Planococcus (Ho- Herting, B. and Simmonds, F.J. 1972. A catalogue moptera: Pseudococcidae). 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