Page created by Chris Terry
”A bold and ambitious policy
 to kickstart and drive recov
The last year has been the hardest most of us have           far - love, compassion and solidarity - should continue to
ever experienced.                                            light our path.
The Covid pandemic has robbed too many families              All that has mattered to me - as your First Minister - has
of loved ones, and thousands of people across                been doing my level best, each and every day, to steer us
Scotland have suffered severe and, in many cases,            through the crisis. I know I have made mistakes along the
long lasting illness.                                        way - the unprecedented nature of the crisis made that
                                                             inevitable - but I have also learned from those mistakes
Families and friends have spent months apart. So many
                                                             and I do my best to apply the lessons learned to the
of life’s basic pleasures - spending time with those we
                                                             decisions the government is still taking.
love, socialising in cafes, bars and restaurants, going to
the gym, visiting the shops or the cinema, even getting a    For all these reasons, this election really does matter -
haircut - have been taken from us.                           possibly more than any other in our lifetimes.
Children have lost months of normal schooling and            At this time of crisis, more than ever, the country needs a
missed the company of their friends and classmates.          steady and experienced hand at the wheel.
Young adults have missed out on the rites of passage         If I am re-elected as your First Minister, I promise that
associated with their first years of freedom.                I and my government - just as we have over the past
                                                             year - will focus all of our energies on steering the
Along the way, many jobs, businesses and livelihoods         country safely through and out of this crisis. For me,
have been lost or fundamentally altered.                     there is no greater priority, and I believe that I can
The impact of Covid on our health, wellbeing and quality     provide the steady and experienced leadership that the
of life has been significant and profound.                   country needs.
Over the last year, though, we have also been reminded       However, this election is about so much more than the
of what really matters in life - health, family,             immediate challenges we face. It is also about recovery
community, security.                                         and building a fairer country.
So many people have played a part in getting us through      That is why the SNP is presenting, at this election, a
- and I suspect many of us have discovered a resilience      transformational policy programme that will
we did not even know we had.                                 drive recovery.
The frontline workers in our health and care services        Policies to protect our NHS and establish a new National
obviously fall into this category, but so do the many        Care Service.
others who have gone to work every day to deliver other      Policies to provide opportunities for our young people,
lifeline services; and all those who have had to adapt to    build a stronger and more sustainable economy and
working from home, often home-schooling children at          deliver greater job and income security.
the same time.
                                                             And policies to tackle climate change and end
We would not have coped either without the thousands         child poverty.
who volunteered their help - delivering food and
                                                             We also offer an approach - and a choice for you - that
essentials to those shielding or even just checking up on
                                                             will make us an equal partner with our friends in the rest
vulnerable friends and neighbours.
                                                             of the UK and across Europe.
We have all discovered this last year how much we rely
                                                             We are seeking your permission at this election for an
on each other.
                                                             independence referendum to be held after Covid - when
Our scientists have also developed and delivered             the crisis has passed but in time for us to equip our
vaccines faster than we could have dared hope - the          Parliament with the full powers it needs to drive our long
debt of gratitude we owe them is incalculable.               term recovery from Covid.
So as we now, albeit tentatively, start to look beyond       As we set about the task of rebuilding our country,
the acute phase of Covid and towards our individual and      there’s a fundamental question that all of us in Scotland
collective recovery, the values that have guided us so       must ask ourselves.

SNP Manifesto 2021

y programme
  The answer to this question will define our country’s         In summary, what I - and the SNP - offer you at this
  destiny and determine the life-chances of this and            election is this:
  generations to come.
                                                                A safe, steady and experienced hand that will continue to
  Who do we want to be in the driving seat of shaping           steer the country through and out of this unprecedented
  Scotland’s future?                                            crisis we face.
  Should it be Scottish Governments - of whatever party -       A bold and ambitious policy programme to kickstart and
  elected by the people of Scotland and with the priorities     drive recovery.
  and interests of Scotland at heart?
                                                                And the choice of a better, fairer, more prosperous future
  Or Westminster governments that time and again we             for our country.
  have rejected?
                                                                Let’s build that future together.
  Will we, the people of Scotland, place trust
                                                                Thank you.
  in ourselves?
  Or will we leave our future in the hands of a Westminster
  system that is so clearly taking us in the wrong direction?
  In the depth of crisis, we have looked to and trusted our
  own government and Parliament to steer us through.
  We should do the same now
  as we look to rebuild for
  the long term.
  If we want to make sure the
  country we rebuild is the
  one we want it to be, with
  kindness, compassion, fairness,
  equality and enterprise at its
  heart, then we must work to
  the right plan, with all the tools
  we need to do the job.

                                                                                                     #BothVotesSNP 3
Next steps
01.   Increase NHS frontline            05.   Choose Scotland’s future
      spending by at least 20%                in an Independence
      to support and renew our NHS            Referendum after the Covid
      as it recovers from Covid-19.           crisis is over.
      This will increase funding of     06.   Invest a further £1 billion
      frontline services by over              over the next parliament
      £2.5 billion.                           to close the school
02.   Create a National Care                  attainment gap and recruit
      Service backed by increasing            3500 additional teachers
      investment in social care               and classroom assistants,
      by 25%.                                 allowing teachers more time
03.   Double the Scottish Child               out of the classroom
      Payment to £20 per child                to prepare lessons and improve
      per week to lift thousands              their skills.
      of families and children out      07.   Provide free school
      of poverty and provide a                breakfasts and lunches to
      cash grant of £520 for every            every primary school pupil
      family with children in receipt         in Scotland, all year round,
      of free school meals until the          and for all children in
      full rollout of Scottish Child          state-funded special
      Payment is complete.                    schools in Scotland.
04.   Deliver a further                 08.   Freeze Income Tax rates
      100,000 affordable                      and bands and increase
      homes by 2032, backed by                thresholds by a maximum
      investment of £3.5 billion over         of inflation.
      the parliament, supporting
      14,000 jobs a year.

SNP Manifesto 2021

09.   Give a fair pay rise to          13.  Build a wraparound
      NHS staff, offering a 4%              childcare system providing
      increase on average, not the          care before and after school,
      1% offered by the Tories.             all year round, where the least
10.   Invest an additional £500             well-off families will
      million to support new jobs           pay nothing.
      and reskill people for the       14.£ Invest over £33 billion over
      jobs of the future over the           the next five years in our
      next parliament.                      National Infrastructure
11.   Provide every child in                Mission, directly supporting
      Scotland with a device to             45,000 jobs, and
      get online, including a free          found a new National
      internet connection and the           Infrastructure Company.
      support to use it.               15.  Maintain and strengthen
12.   Deliver a green transport             Scotland’s relationship with
      revolution to meet our net            our EU partners with a view
      zero targets by providing             to rejoining as soon as possible.
      free bikes for all children of   16.  Decarbonise the heating of
      school age who cannot afford          1 million homes by 2030
      them, removing the majority           with investment of £1.6 billion
      of fossil fuel buses from             over the next Parliament to
      public transport by 2023 and          tackle the climate crisis.
      creating a greener, more         17.  Bring Scotrail into public
      affordable railway.                   ownership from next year
                                            and decarbonise Scotland’s rail
                                            services by 2035.

                                                               #BothVotesSNP 5
Using the self-selections below, you can access our manifesto.

AUDIO         EASY        LARGE       PLAIN         BSL      BRAILLE   GAELIC
		            READ        PRINT        TEXT

 07 Leading Scotland out of                   37   living better
    the covid crisis
                                              45   an economy that works
    11 a democratic nation
                                              59   land of opportunity
                                              67   a net zero nation
    17 a caring society
                                              71   scotland IN the world
    27 an equal society

SNP Manifesto 2021

out of
the Covid
Over the last year we have all learned
a lot about Covid 19, its impact on our
health and our society.
As we begin to rebuild and renew our
society and prepare for life after the
pandemic, it is essential we continue to
protect ourselves and each other from
the spread of the virus.
In government we have not got
everything right, but we have learned
from our mistakes, and we have taken all
of our decisions in the interests of saving
as many lives as possible.

                                              #BothVotesSNP 7
The first task of the next Scottish Government will be         Protective Measures
to complete the re-opening of our economy and society
                                                               We have all learned to follow FACTS - to wear Face
whilst continuing to suppress the virus. That is a difficult
                                                               Coverings, Avoid crowded places, Clean our hands and
balancing act, but the SNP has a clear plan and will
                                                               surfaces, keep Two metres distance, and Self isolate and
provide the strong leadership Scotland needs to take the
                                                               get tested if we have symptoms. While remembering and
difficult decisions.
                                                               doing all of this tests our patience, taking these steps has
If we all stick with it, keep following the guidance and       a big impact on reducing the spread of the virus.
keep looking out for each other, we can move through
                                                               These measures - and other proportionate restrictions
this critical phase of the pandemic, and back to a world
                                                               - will continue to be part of our lives for a little while
that feels much more normal.
                                                               longer. And as more of our economy and society open
                                                               up the basic protective measures in FACTS become even
                                                               more important to stop the spread.
    Our plan to suppress the virus has
    four key parts:
    • test and protect,                                        Importation
    • the protective measures we all use every day to          One of the main challenges in suppressing Covid is to
      keep ourselves safe,                                     make sure that, as we get it down to low levels again,
                                                               it is not imported from other countries. This is even
    • controlling importation of the virus and new             more important now that new variants are emerging.
      strains, and                                             Of course, this is two way - we also have a duty not to
    • the vaccination programme which has given                spread the virus to other countries.
      people so much hope.                                     Last summer, through our collective efforts we
                                                               nearly eliminated Covid in Scotland - however it was
                                                               reintroduced through travel.
                                                               Parts of Europe are currently experiencing a resurgence
Test and Protect                                               of the virus so we must be careful. An SNP Government
                                                               will keep robust travel restrictions and quarantine
Our Test and Protect system is an essential part of the        measures in place for as long as necessary and we will
fight against Covid, which is why in Scotland, we have         continue to press the UK Government to close the
made sure it is run by the NHS, not by a private company.      quarantine loopholes that are allowing new variants to
Covid tests are now widely available. We now have more         enter the country.
than 100 testing locations across the country - walk-          However, we know these measures cannot remain in
through, drive-through, pick-up and mobile sites –             place permanently. Travel is not just about holidays - for
providing tests for anyone with symptoms.                      many people in Scotland it is about seeing family and
And for those who do test positive, or who are identified      friends. We recognise how important that is, and will take
as a contact of people who test positive, we have              steps to open up and support international travel as soon
introduced a £500 self-isolation payment for those on          as it is safe to do so.
low incomes.

SNP Manifesto 2021

Vaccination                                                   As part of learning lessons, we will also establish a
                                                              Standing Committee on Pandemics, bringing together
The development of effective vaccines against Covid
                                                              scientists and clinicians to advise us on the future risks
19 in just a year, has been a huge achievement that has
                                                              and to ensure we are as prepared as it is possible to be.
offered many of us renewed hope for the future.
Scotland’s vaccination programme has targeted the
most vulnerable people first. In line with expert advice      Our journey back
we have prioritised those who are oldest, who work in         In the coming weeks, if we continue to suppress the
care settings or who have health conditions, because we       virus, our lives will all become a bit more normal with
know that saves the most lives.                               more of our economy and society opening up again. This
We are on target to complete the first phase of the           will include travel across Scotland, so people can visit
vaccination programme, offering a first dose to all those     family and friends again - and take holidays in Scotland.
people in the most vulnerable groups by mid-April,            We will continue to support those who have struggled
before moving on to younger age groups.                       financially during the pandemic. We will provide a £130
This is the largest mass vaccination programme in             payment to everyone eligible for council tax reduction
Scotland’s history and we owe a massive debt of               and two further £100 payments to low income families.
gratitude to all those who have made it possible, from        This means, between December last year and the end of
the scientists and manufacturers, to health care workers,     this year, low income families will receive between £400
security staff, the armed forces and every member of          and £500 to help meet the costs of living through
the public who has rolled up their sleeve.                    the pandemic.
We are already preparing to deliver a programme of            Many businesses who have had to close during the
booster vaccinations later this year, and will continue       pandemic, will receive restart grants of between £7,000
to follow advice from scientists and clinicians on how        and £19,500 at the end of April, to help them prepare
to distribute the vaccine in future. We will also work to     for re-opening. Retail, leisure and hospitality firms will
support vaccine manufacturers in Scotland, supporting         also get 100% Business Rates relief this year to help
the local supply chain.                                       them back on their feet.
                                                              Our ambition is that in June life will become as normal
Learning lessons                                              as possible, though face coverings and some other
                                                              interventions may be necessary for some time to come.
The Covid pandemic has been the most difficult time in
many of our lives.
As we start to look to the future it is vital that we learn
from and reflect on our experience.
To do this, we will commission a statutory, person-
centred and human rights based public inquiry into the
handling of the Coronavirus pandemic in Scotland. We
will make sure the voices of families who have lost loved
ones are heard as part of establishing the inquiry and that
they have an active role in the process. We will begin to
take the necessary steps to establish the public inquiry as
soon as possible after the election.

                                                                                                    #BothVotesSNP 9
Our Record


SNP Manifesto 2021

A democratic
A vote for the SNP at this election is a vote in
favour of these basic democratic principles:
The people of Scotland have the right
to decide our own future.
The people best able to decide how Scotland is
governed are the people
who live here.
Based on those principles we believe
the people of Scotland should have
the opportunity in a referendum when the Covid
crisis is over to decide whether Scotland should be
an independent country.
We are seeking the permission of the Scottish
people in this election for an independence
referendum to take place after the crisis. This
would be within the next Parliamentary term
on a specific date to be determined by our
democratically elected parliament. If the Covid
crisis has passed, the SNP intention is for the
referendum to be within the first half of the five
year term - once the crisis is over but in time to
equip our Parliament with the full powers it needs
to drive our long term recovery from Covid and
build a better, fairer nation.

                                                      #BothVotesSNP 11
In contrast, independent western European countries
                                                                 of Scotland’s size are among the wealthiest, fairest and
     Over the course of the next parliament                      happiest in the world. If they can do it, why not Scotland?
     we propose to:
                                                                 After all we’ve been through, people in Scotland deserve
     • Give people in Scotland the right to choose our           the opportunity of that better future.
       own future in an independence referendum. We
       propose that the referendum should be held                We want to give people in Scotland the right to choose
       once the immediate Covid crisis has passed but            their own future through an independence referendum.
       in good time to equip our Parliament with the             We propose that the referendum should be held once
       powers it needs to drive our long term recovery           the Covid crisis has passed but in good time to decide
       from Covid.                                               that we want to equip our Parliament with the powers it
                                                                 needs to drive our long term recovery from Covid.
     • Run Citizens’ Assemblies annually to look at some
       of the more complex issues we face as a country.          In order to provide that opportunity, the Scottish
                                                                 Government has published a draft bill for an
     • Establish a Citizens’ Assembly for those under the        independence referendum.
       age of 16 to ensure the voices of the future are heard.
                                                                 It sets out the proposed question to be asked, as well
     • Incorporate all UN treaties into Scots Law to the         as the proposed franchise, and it makes clear that the
       maximum extent possible within the powers of              precise timing of the referendum should be a matter for
       the Scottish Parliament.                                  the Scottish Parliament.
                                                                 If the SNP is returned to government and there is a
                                                                 simple majority in the Scottish Parliament for that bill
Independence                                                     after the election there can be no moral or democratic
                                                                 justification for Boris Johnson or any Westminster
Tackling Covid to keep people in Scotland safe has been,
                                                                 government to obstruct the right of the people of
and will remain, the top priority of an SNP Government.          Scotland to decide their own future.
However, after the pandemic in Scotland is over, our             The SNP is clear the referendum must be capable of bringing
great national mission – as it will be for all other countries   about independence and therefore it must be accepted as
– will be how to recover and rebuild.                            legitimate and constitutional at home and abroad.
The SNP believes that it should be people in Scotland            As the Scottish Government, we will discuss with the UK
– no matter where they come from - and not Boris                 Government the necessary transfer of power to put a
Johnson or any Westminster government, who must                  referendum beyond legal challenge and in the hands of
have the right to decide the sort of country we should           the Scottish Parliament. For the UK government to refuse
become after the pandemic.                                       to do so would be both undemocratic and unsustainable.
The people of Scotland should have the right to build a          If the democratically elected Scottish Parliament
Scotland based on compassion, equality and love.                 passes the referendum bill and the UK Government
                                                                 then attempts to block it by taking legal action we will
That means the right to protect our NHS from Tory
                                                                 vigorously defend the Parliament’s will in order to protect
                                                                 the democratic rights of the Scottish people.
The right to escape Brexit;                                      Before any referendum takes place we will ensure the
The right to be an equal partner in a new and better             people of Scotland have the information they need to
relationship with our friends in the rest of the UK;             make an informed choice about their future.
And crucially the right to control our own economic policy,      The fact is Westminster is taking Scotland in the
provide security and take advantage of our vast economic         wrong direction.
potential to create high quality, sustainable jobs.              By taking our future into our own hands, we can build a new
At present much of that control rests with Westminster.          Scotland for everyone who lives here based on fairness,
The experience of austerity cuts in recent years serves          equality, compassion, security, happiness and love.
as a warning that Westminster governments will all too           That’s why we believe Scotland’s future should be in
easily return to old ideological ways after the pandemic.        Scotland’s hands.

SNP Manifesto 2021

Citizens’ Assembly                                            Incorporate UN treaties
Following concerns about the polarisation of political
                                                              into Scots law
debate, exacerbated by the Brexit experience, we set          In 2016 we committed to further protect human rights,
up a Citizens’ Assembly to help find consensus on issues      learning from best global practice to determine the guaranteed
where people have sharply divided opinions.                   protections we should seek to enshrine in Scots law.
The first assembly looked to answer three questions:          Legislation has already been passed to incorporate the UN
                                                              Convention on the Rights of the Child into domestic law.
- What kind of country are we seeking to build?
                                                              In order to make human rights real for every member
- How can we best overcome the challenges we face,
                                                              of society, we will incorporate four more United Nations
  including those arising from Brexit?
                                                              Human Rights treaties into Scots Law:
- And what further work should be carried out to give
                                                              - The International Covenant on Economic,
  people the detail they need to make informed choices
                                                                Social and Cultural Rights
  about the future of the country?
                                                              - The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
The outcome of the first Citizens’ Assembly has shown
                                                                of Discrimination against Women
that involving citizens in the major changes affecting our
lives is not only possible, but also delivers results.        - The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
                                                                of Racial Discrimination
We will carefully consider the outcomes of that first
Citizens’ Assembly and respond to them positively.            - The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
We welcome the ambitious interim findings of the              This world-leading human rights legislation will reduce
Climate Assembly and look forward to receiving the            inequality and advance the rights of everyone and ensure
final report.                                                 human rights are embedded in every aspect of life in Scotland.
We remain committed to participative democracy and
to creating space for genuine public involvement in
decision making.                                                What you get with
Going forward we will run annual Citizens’ Assemblies to
look at some of the more complex issues we face as a            The right to decide Scotland’s future.
country. We will bring together a cross section of people
                                                                Better democracy – empowering Scotland’s people
from across our country to discuss topics such as reform
                                                                to take the country in the direction we all want to go.
of Council Tax and the role of local government, assisted
dying and decriminalisation of drugs.                           Better government – governments people in
Ahead of a referendum on Scotland’s future we would             Scotland vote for, not Westminster governments
also ask a Citizens’ Assembly to consider some of the           that we reject.
key issues about the kind of country we want Scotland to        A free, public NHS – guaranteed.
be - for example, social security, taxation or
                                                                Control of Scotland’s economy and resources.
migration policy.
                                                                A fairer social security system.
We will also encourage local Citizens’ Assemblies that
consider community issues and propose local solutions.          Escape from Brexit.
                                                                An equal partnership with our friends in the rest
Create a Citizens’ Assembly for U16s                            of the UK and Europe.

Building on the success of the first Citizens’ Assembly, we     Scotland’s money spent on Scotland’s priorities
will establish an assembly for children and young people        – not nuclear weapons.
under 16 to ensure their better representation.                 Protection for our Scottish Parliament from
                                                                a Westminster power grab.

                                                                                                      #BothVotesSNP 13
Our Vision

Health            Independence
Nicola Sturgeon   John Swinney

Economy           Living better
Kate Forbes       Humza Yousaf

Families          Young People
Maree Todd        Màiri McAllan

SNP Manifesto 2021

Education        Environment
Kaukab Stewart   Ben Macpherson

Women            Equalities and Rights
Jenny Gilruth    Stefan Hoggan-Radu

Rural            International
Jim Fairlie      Roza Salih

                                         #BothVotesSNP 15
our manifesto
and you
Using the self-selections
below, you can discover
our keynote policies
for your region.

                            and Islands

                                                   North East

                                          Mid Scotland
                                            and Fife



SNP Manifesto 2021

A Caring
The pandemic has taught everyone
the value of caring, the importance of
kindness, and how much each of us relies
on the support of others.
Those who provide care, whether in
the NHS, our care homes, childcare
settings or in our own homes, have been
indispensable. As a society we can and
should do more to recognise caring as a
central part of our lives and our economy.

                                             #BothVotesSNP 17
Over the course of the next parliament we will:
     • Increase frontline NHS spending by at least 20% to support and renew our NHS as it recovers from
       Covid-19. This will increase funding of frontline services by over £2.5 billion.
     • Establish a new National Care Service, and increase investment in social care by 25%.
     • Implement an NHS recovery plan to restore paused services, ensure urgent care is delivered swiftly,
       catch up on treatments that have had to be delayed, and bring waiting times back within targets.
     • Implement a fair, negotiated pay rise for Scotland’s NHS Agenda for Change staff, offering a 4% increase
       on average, with the lowest paid staff set to benefit by a minimum of £1000 a year.
     • Invest £10 billion over the next decade to renew our NHS estate and reshape and replace buildings
       – including delivering a new Monklands Hospital, renewing the East of Scotland Cancer Centre and
       enhancing primary care facilities around the country.
     • Support the new NHS Centre for Sustainable Delivery to pioneer and deliver new, better and more
       sustainable ways of working across the NHS and social care, and fully harness the benefits of technology
       and new treatments.
     • Develop MyNHS, a safe, simple and secure app that will help people access services directly and own
       their own health information.
     • Invest a further £100 million over the course of the next parliament to open a further two elective and
       diagnostic care centres, on top of the seven centres already open or under development.
     • Scrap all non-residential social care charges for those who need support.
     • Introduce a new, fair National Wage for Care staff and introduce national pay bargaining for the sector
       for the first time.
     • Invest £250 million over the next five years to tackle the drugs death emergency, supporting further
       investment in a range of community-based interventions, quicker access to treatment and an expansion
       of residential rehabilitation.
     • Abolish NHS dentistry charges and protect free prescriptions.
     • Increase the direct investment into mental health services by at least 25% and ensure that, by the end
       of the parliament, 10% of our frontline NHS budget will be invested in mental health.
     • Implement a Women’s Health Plan to improve care and reduce health inequalities for women and girls.
     • Create a NHS National Pharmaceutical Agency to ensure secure and sustainable supply chains for vital
       medicines, and support investment in cutting edge vaccine and medicines research.
     • Double Scottish Government investment in sport and active living to £100 million by the end of
       this parliament.

SNP Manifesto 2021

Investing in our NHS                                          Our investment programme will include:
Our health service is our most cherished public service       Renewing or upgrading primary and community facilities
and we will ensure it is sustainable for the future.          - including, for example, Glenrothes Hospital in Fife, Insch
                                                              War Memorial Hospital in Grampian, Biggart’s Hospital
The coronavirus pandemic has placed unprecedented
                                                              in Prestwick, the Cottage Hospital in Castle Douglas,
pressure on our NHS and we thank everyone who works
                                                              Falkirk Community Hospital, completion of the new St
in the NHS for their efforts over the last year.
                                                              Brendan’s Community Hospital in Barra, and the rollout of
Funding Recovery                                              improved connectivity services to enable greater use of
To fight the pandemic, our NHS has had to pause or go         ‘Near Me’ in Orkney.
slower on some other treatments to keep everyone safe.
                                                              Renewing acute and general hospital facilities to keep
We will implement an NHS Recovery Plan, backed by a
                                                              them fit for the future. This will include completing the
20% increase in investment in frontline health services.
                                                              Baird Family Hospital and ANCHOR Centre in Aberdeen,
This will deliver an above inflation increase in NHS          and building the new Monklands Hospital at Wester
spending over the next Parliament of at least £2.5 billion.   Moffat. Over the next decade of investment it will
We expect this increase to exceed any Barnett                 also mean planning and enabling the refurbishment
consequentials we receive for frontline health spending,      of hospitals including Ninewells Hospital in Dundee,
however we renew our commitment that every penny of           Caithness General Hospital in Wick, the Royal Alexandra
additional frontline health and care consequentials will be   Hospital in Paisley, Vale of Leven Hospital in Alexandria,
passed to health and care services.                           the Gilbert Bain Hospital in Lerwick, and Borders General
                                                              in Melrose.
Community health services will receive at least half of
our NHS’s frontline spending.                                 Our elective centre programme of construction and
                                                              development is under way and includes a centre at
To ensure that NHS funding is distributed equitably           the Perth Royal Infirmary, a centre in Aberdeen, one in
across the country we will carry out a review of the          Inverness, and a centre at St John’s Hospital in Livingston.
funding formula.                                              To aid our recovery from the pandemic and ensure that
Capital Investment                                            we have the elective capacity we need for the future we
To help renew our NHS we aim to invest £10 billion over       will also take forward two additional elective centres in
the next decade to replace and refurbish health facilities    Cumbernauld and Ayrshire.
across Scotland. The timescales required to progress          We will also invest to enable our specialist facilities to
major projects mean we will see the bulk of the new           help serve the needs of populations that go much wider
buildings delivered in the second half of the decade. The     than the communities that live near them. That will
UK Government has repeatedly cut our capital budget in        include replacing the east of Scotland regional cancer
recent years and this aim is therefore subject to Scotland    centre at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh,
not facing further raids on this budget by Westminster.       the Edinburgh Eye Pavilion, and QEUH Institute of
                                                              National Pharmaceutical Agency
                                                              We will create a NHS National Pharmaceutical Agency
                                                              with a mission to secure safe and high quality medicines,
                                                              at the most cost effective price possible . Where
                                                              necessary this will include establishing expanded
                                                              manufacturing capabilities for both generic medicines
                                                              and ‘specials’, something already done on a small scale in
                                                              NHS Tayside.
                                                               The National Pharmaceutical Agency will also work
                                                              with the Scottish National Investment Bank to support
                                                              investment in cutting edge research and development to

                                                                                                    #BothVotesSNP 19
bring new medicines and jobs to Scotland.                     We will create a student paramedic bursary to help
                                                              support the paramedics of the future during their training.
Fast-track cancer diagnostic centre
We will also establish a fast track cancer diagnostic         We will expand the occupational health and mental health
centre in every health board area. The first three of these   support for NHS staff, and work with staff to help shape
- in Ayrshire & Arran, Fife and Dumfries & Galloway - will    the nature and scope of provision.
be up and running by the end of May. These will help
better support patients with non-specific symptoms
suspicious of cancer, and each patient will be supported      Remobilising our NHS
by a ‘navigator’ so the patient will have one key contact     We had made significant progress in reducing waiting
throughout the process.                                       times immediately before the pandemic, but that
                                                              progress has been severely interrupted by Covid-19 and
                                                              we have seen a significant increase in the numbers of
NHS Staff and Pay                                             patients waiting for routine appointments and treatment.
We fully recognise the demands our NHS staff have been        Our NHS Recovery Plan
under over the past few months and we will be forever         We will implement an NHS Recovery Plan that will
indebted to them.                                             shape new, sustainable ways of working and support
As an early indication of our gratitude we gave our NHS       our frontline to use the latest developments in medical
staff a £500 thank-you bonus, and a commitment to             science. It will outline how we will increase the activity
                                                              of our NHS to help treat those who have had their care
fair pay.
                                                              interrupted by the pandemic and tackle excessively
Pay Offer                                                     long waits.
The SNP Government has now offered our 154,000 NHS
                                                              Our plan will include:
Scotland Agenda for Change staff a substantial pay rise,
rejecting the 1% proposal made by the Tories.                 • Support a 10% increase in inpatient, daycase, and
                                                                outpatient activity to address the delays in treatment
We have proposed a 4% uplift to all staff in Bands 1 to         caused by the Covid-19 pandemic - including
7, with a guaranteed increase of £1000 for anyone paid          maximizing theatre usage and capacity in sites like
less than £25,000.                                              East Lothian Community Hospital, and making use of
Our offer means a nurse at the top of Band 5 in Scotland        mobile units while new facilities are built,
would be over £1,300 better off after tax and National        • £10 million for new diagnostic techniques and the
Insurance than their counterparts in England - taking           rollout of the redesign of urgent care,
home over 5% more.
                                                              • accelerated recruitment of staff for our national
Scotland has the best paid NHS staff in the UK, and over        elective and diagnostic treatment centres, with at
the course of this parliament we will ensure that this          least 1,500 more frontline staff for these facilities
continues to be the case.                                       by 2025,
Increasing Staff Numbers                                      • investing a further £100 million to open two additional
We have over 21,500 more staff in Scotland’s NHS                national elective care centres to increase our capacity
now than when the SNP came into government. We                  to respond to the needs of an ageing population,
will recruit at least 1500 more NHS staff to deliver          • implementing our Cancer Recovery Plan, including
our elective centre programme and increase specialist           the £18 million partnership with Macmillan to
capacity.                                                       ensure everyone with cancer in Scotland gets
We will further expand medical school training places by        personalised care.
at least 100 per year and double the number of places         • investing a further £20 million to expand our Detect
on the Widening Access to Medicine programme to help            Cancer Early programme
create a more diverse medical workforce.
                                                              • retaining the existing cancer targets and reviewing
                                                                whether there is merit in specific additional targets for
                                                                different types of cancer and cancer treatments.

SNP Manifesto 2021

Long Covid                                                   We will roll out more mobile health services for direct
The enduring consequence of the pandemic for many            delivery of care, particularly in rural areas. This will
people is suffering ‘long covid’. The health problem         include additional screening services, stroke units and
this presents can be varied and are not restricted to        mental health services.
respiratory problems. We will support our GPs to help
                                                             NHS Pharmacy First Scotland helps people access the
coordinate the multidisciplinary care, including in the
                                                             right care in the right place, without having to go to
acute sector, that people with long covid need.
                                                             their GP practice or local Accident and Emergency
We will also continue to work with third sector              Department for non-urgent treatment. We will expand
organisations like Chest, Heart, Stroke Scotland to make     Pharmacy First to allow community pharmacies to give
sure people can access the services currently available      people expert advice or treatment for minor illnesses
to help us to deliver enhanced services as quickly as        and common conditions, or to make referrals to other
possible.                                                    healthcare teams if required.
Patient Safety Commissioner                                  Our emergency Coronavirus legislation allowed
We will appoint a Patient Safety Commissioner to be a        community pharmacists to undertake vaccinations,
national advocate for patients and safeguard their rights.   including in the vital Covid-19 vaccination programme
                                                             and an SNP government will legislate to make this
Digital Care
Early on in the Covid outbreak the video health consulting
service ‘Near Me’ was scaled up. We increased capacity,      Serving Rural & Remote Communities
trained more than 7,000 people, and supported 650 GP         We will create a new centre of excellence for rural and
practices in its use.                                        remote medicine and social care to provide expertise and
                                                             advice on the delivery of care in different rural, island,
While video consultations are not suitable for everyone,
                                                             and remote settings in Scotland and invest in our rural
a re-elected SNP Government will establish Near Me as
                                                             general hospitals including a new Belford Hospital in Fort
the default option where that is right for a person and
they are happy to use the service.
                                                             We remain committed to the reintroduction of
And, we want to go further than just digital consultation.
                                                             consultant-led maternity services at Dr Gray’s in Elgin
We will develop MyNHS, a safe, simple and secure app
                                                             in a safe and sustainable way and will take forward the
that helps people access services directly and own their
                                                             recommendations of the independent review due to
own health information.
                                                             report in the summer.
We have also seen more people use online or digital
                                                             NHS Centre for Sustainable Delivery
mental health services. We will establish a new Digital
                                                             We will support the new NHS Centre for Sustainable
Mental Health programme to enhance the services that
                                                             Delivery to pioneer and deliver new, better and more
are available.
                                                             sustainable ways of working across the NHS and social
We will move to a digital prescriptions process, where       care, and fully harness the benefits of technology and
your prescription is electronically sent to the local        new treatments.
pharmacy to be organised, making it easier for people to
access the medication they need.
Caring in the Community
We want to see as much health care as possible provided
in the community and closer to people’s own homes,
because we know that is what patients want.
That means continuing to reform primary care and
investing in services. Primary care and GP services will
see a greater share of NHS frontline investment over this
parliament, with an increase of at least 25% in primary
care funding.

                                                                                                   #BothVotesSNP 21
National Care Service                                          We believe social care services, just like health care
                                                               services, should be provided on a truly universal basis,
The importance of our social care services has never
                                                               free at the point of use. An SNP government will
been clearer. We owe an enormous debt of gratitude to
                                                               therefore abolish charges for non-residential care.
our nation’s carers for the commitment and compassion
we have seen throughout the pandemic.
To ensure our social care system consistently delivers         Improving Mental Health services
high quality services across Scotland, we will take            Mental health is one of the most important public health
forward the recommendations of the independent Feeley          issues facing Scotland today and that is why, even before
review and establish a National Care Service in the next       Covid, the SNP had made it a priority, with a particular
parliamentary term.                                            focus on investment in and redesign of child and
The National Care Service will oversee the delivery            adolescent mental health services (CAMHS).
of care, improve standards, ensure enhanced pay and            We will increase Scottish Government direct investment
conditions for workers and provide better support for          in mental health by at least 25%, ensuring that by the
unpaid carers.                                                 end of the parliament, 10% of our frontline NHS budget
It does not mean all care homes will be owned or run by        will be invested in mental health services.
the Scottish Government, but it does mean that we will         We will build on the success of our community link
improve standards, training and pay across the board,          worker programme, to ensure every GP practice in the
and that there will be increased accountability for the        country has access to a dedicated mental wellbeing link
provision of social care.                                      worker, creating a network of 1,000 additional dedicated
It will allow us to introduce a National Wage for Care         staff who can help grow community mental health
staff and enter into national pay bargaining for the           resilience and help direct social prescribing.
sector, based on fair work principles, for the first time.     To tackle stigma and raise awareness of mental illness,
If re-elected, we will begin the formal legislative process    we will offer mental health first aid training to everyone
of establishing the new service within the first year of the   in the public sector by the end of the parliament.
new Parliament and aim to have the new National Care           We will take forward the recommendations of the
Service fully functioning by the end of the parliament.        Independent Review into the Delivery of Forensic Mental
As part of a rights-based approach to care, we will            Health Services and the recommendations of John Scott
strengthen residents’ rights in adult residential settings.    QC’s forthcoming final report of his review of mental
This will include delivering ‘Anne’s Law’ – giving             health law and practice on compulsory detention.
nominated relatives or friends the same access rights          Child Mental Health
to care homes as staff while following stringent infection     We will ensure at least 1% of frontline NHS spending is
control procedures, as called for by Care Home                 directed to CAMHS support and services by the end of
Relatives Scotland.                                            the parliament.
As we create the National Care Service, we will review         Our mental health strategy is helping to reshape how
the number, structure and regulation of health boards          CAMHS is delivered, underpinned by the principle of
– and other related delivery services – to remove              ‘Ask once, get help fast’. We will introduce a National
unwarranted duplication of functions and make best use         Transitions Strategy to improve outcomes for children
of the public purse.                                           and young people experiencing mental ill health in their
Funding the new National Care Service                          transitions to adulthood.
These changes can only be delivered with increased             Suicide Prevention
investment. We will therefore increase public investment       Our vision is of a Scotland where suicide is preventable
in social care by 25% over the parliament, delivering over     and prevented, and where help and support is available to
£800 million of increased support for social care.             anyone contemplating suicide and to those who have lost
                                                               a loved one to suicide.

SNP Manifesto 2021

To help achieve this, we will double suicide prevention      Parking Charges
spending and support a range of activity, including          It was the SNP that scrapped parking charges in all
doubling the number of Applied Suicide Intervention Skills   NHS owned car parks in Scotland. During the Covid-19
Training programme and SafeTalk programme trainers, by       pandemic we’ve ensured that parking in all hospital car
the end of the parliament.                                   parks is free, including those that are PFI-owned. We
                                                             will support NHS boards to take the necessary steps to
Learning Disability, Autism, and Neurodiversity
                                                             ensure parking remains free in the long term.
While autism and learning disabilities are not mental
health conditions, when treatment and care is required       Young Patients Family Fund
they are currently covered by the Mental Health Act.         Building on the success of our Neonatal Expenses
                                                             Fund, we will introduce a Young Patients Family Fund
We will bring forward a Learning Disability, Autism, and
                                                             to support families visiting children who are receiving
Neurodiversity Bill to delineate support and services from
                                                             inpatient care.
existing mental health legislation and ensure that human
rights are protected and promoted.
To help make sure the new legislation is championed          Substance misuse and drug deaths
when it is implemented we will create a Learning             The number of people who die of a drug-related death in
Disabilities, Autism and Neurodiversity Commissioner         Scotland is unacceptably high. Each one of these deaths
through the new law.                                         is a tragedy, and we cannot underestimate the impact
We will work with people with lived experience on an         of those losses on individuals, families and communities
inclusive approach to ensure the Commissioner can            across the country.
safeguard their rights.                                       We believe a national mission is needed to tackle
                                                             the drug death emergency Scotland faces. We must
Free at the point of need                                    empower more people to seek support; make that
                                                             support more consistent, flexible and effective, and
We are absolutely committed to the founding principles       much faster; and help services stick with the people they
of our NHS – publicly owned, publicly delivered, and free    support.
at the point of need.
                                                             We will invest £250 million over the lifetime of the
Prescriptions and Eye Exams                                  parliament to support a range of community-based
We will protect free eye examinations and free               interventions, including primary prevention, and an
prescriptions in Scotland, saving people almost £22 and      expansion of residential rehabilitation. We will:
£9.35 per item respectively, compared to England.
                                                             • support outreach services in every local authority
NHS Dentistry
There is still one area of NHS services that can lead to a   • fully implement the new Medication Assisted
charge for care – NHS dentistry.                               Treatment Standards (MAT) in the first year of the
                                                               parliament, ensuring same day treatment or same day
We have made great strides in improving dentistry              prescribing for those who need it,
access, but if re-elected we will now improve access
further by abolishing all NHS dentistry charges over the     • move to a 5 year funding cycle for eligible third sector
course of the parliament. We will start the roll out with      and grassroots organisations that are at the forefront
care experienced people aged between 18 and 26.                of saving lives

In removing NHS dental charges we will engage with the       We remain committed to the introduction of medically
British Dental Association, and others, to learn from the    supervised safe consumption facilities. These facilities
experience of the pandemic to help shape a reformed          have been demonstrated around the world to save lives.
funding arrangement for NHS dentists so that they are        We will explore every legal avenue in an attempt to
supported for the future.                                    establish them in Scotland.

                                                                                                   #BothVotesSNP 23
Public Health                                                      • review midwifery and health visiting pathways for
                                                                     new families and babies, improve access to practical
While much focus has been given to the direct health impacts
                                                                     breastfeeding support, physical therapy advice and
of Covid, we must also work together to shift our focus
                                                                     increase postpartum and mental wellbeing support,
towards reducing inequalities and preventing ill health.
                                                                   • ensure maternity departments have dedicated
We will look to introduce restrictions on alcohol
                                                                     facilities for women who are experiencing unexpected
advertising in locations where children would be readily
                                                                     pregnancy complications,
exposed to it.
                                                                   • reduce waiting times for diagnosing endometriosis
We reaffirm our commitment to the 2034 smoke-free
                                                                     from over 8 years to less than 12 months by the end
Scotland ambition and will publish a new tobacco strategy.
                                                                     of the parliament and look to improve the experience
Improving diet and levels of healthy weight is a public              and diagnosis of women who visit their GPs with other
health priority and we will aim to halve childhood obesity           menstrual problems,
by 2030, significantly reducing diet-related health
                                                                   • ensure women have improved access to specialist
                                                                     services for advice and support on the diagnosis and
We will make Active Schools programmes free for all                  management of menopause. We will launch a public
children by the end of the parliament and continue to                health campaign to remove stigma and raise awareness
improve nutritional standards for food and drink in schools.         of the symptoms of menopause.
We will bring forward legislation to restrict the use of           • ask clinical experts in the National Screening
promotions on food and drink high in fat, sugar and salt             Committee to examine the merits of lowering the
over the next parliament.                                            current age thresholds and commit to acting on their
Community pharmacies have delivered contraception                    advice. Alongside this, we will invest in research to
services during the pandemic. We will explore options                improve the accuracy of screening.
for moving the delivery of longer-term forms of                    • support the development of a new Scottish Institute
contraceptive to community pharmacy. We will pilot                   for Women’s Health to drive changes to policy,
a bridging contraception service, available with the                 guidance and medical training on the basis of sex
Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC), to provide                   and gender medicine as well as provide funding to
complete care for patients.                                          dedicated research into women’s health.

Women’s Health                                                     Mesh
                                                                   The SNP Government halted the implementation
There is a need to improve healthcare for women,                   of transvaginal mesh in 2018, and we will maintain
particularly around the different stages of a woman’s life.        this position.
We will develop and implement a Women’s Health Plan                We will continue to work to deliver improved services for
aiming to improve services and reduce health inequalities          women who have suffered complications as a result of
for women and girls. It will:                                      transvaginal mesh, and support the outcomes that the
• establish a dignified, compassionate miscarriage                 Scottish Mesh Survivors Charter is seeking.
  service tailored to the needs of women, taking forward           We will introduce legislation to enable women who paid
  the findings of The Lancet report and supporting                 for mesh removal surgery to be refunded while ensuring
  the development of individualised care plans after a             that women who may prefer to have mesh removal
  woman’s first miscarriage                                        surgery outside the NHS in future can do so free of
• emulate New Zealand where families who experience                charge and with travel costs paid for.
  miscarriage or stillbirth are entitled to 3 days of paid leave
  by delivering this within the public sector and calling on
  the UK Government to make the necessary changes to
  employment law to make it available for everyone,

SNP Manifesto 2021

Abortion                                                      Building on the roll out of the successful HIV self-testing
Abortion is a legal right in Scotland and we will             service, we will bring forward pilots for at home STI testing
protect that right. We have no plans to restrict existing     to make it easier to access treatment and support.
abortion legislation.
                                                              We are aware of the urgent need to improve access to
We are clear that those accessing abortion services           NHS Gender Identity Services. We will take action by
should not be targeted for choosing to access this right.     committing to three years of centralised crisis intervention
We will support any local authority who wishes to             funding to improve care, support and services. We will
use their powers to establish bye-laws to create              work with people with lived experience to explore how this
protest-free buffer zones outside clinics that provide        is best delivered, including improving community provision.
abortion services.
                                                              Palliative Care
                                                              Everyone who can benefit from palliative care should
Specialist care                                               have timely access to high quality, seamless care when
                                                              and where they need it.
Equal access to rehab is vital to people living with
long-term conditions or recovering after an accident,         We will appoint a new National Clinical Lead for Palliative
operation or illness, in order they can live as well – and    and End of Life Care for Scotland, who will be responsible
as independently – as possible. We will create a right to     for overseeing a national strategy for palliative and end
rehab by the end of the parliament to ensure that no-one      of life care that takes a whole system, public health
is excluded by a ‘no rehab potential’, as called for by the   approach.
Right to Rehab Coalition.                                     We are committed to ensuring children with palliative
The range of specialist care provided by the range of         care needs receive the highest quality care, equally
allied health professionals (AHPs) in our NHS is vital to     across Scotland, underpinned by annual public funding
the well-being of many. Ensuring we have the right skills     of at least £7 million to ensure children’s hospice care is
mix to deliver on priorities such as the right to rehab,      sustainably resourced.
and that our primary care services are supported by a
truly multidisciplinary team. That’s why we will review
our future needs in order to shape how AHP training is
                                                              Active Lives and Sport
expanded in this parliament.                                  We want a Scotland where everyone can benefit from
                                                              investment in sport and physical activity.
We will establish a National Low Vision Plan, modelled on
the Welsh Low Vision Service, to enable more consistent       We will double the Scottish Government’s investment in
service provision across Scotland.                            sport and active living to £100 million a year by the end
                                                              of the Parliament to help Scotland get more active.
We will bolster community audiology provision to help
free up capacity in our acute sector. Our ambition is to      We will task SportScotland to work with organisations
put community audiology services on par with our free         and individuals across Scotland to devise a new national
community eye care services.                                  activity plan. Its focus will be to break down the barriers,
                                                              financial or otherwise, that keep too many people from
Scotland has made huge progress in detecting and
                                                              leading active lives. A priority will be to support the
treating HIV, and people with the virus are now able to
                                                              participation of more women and girls.
live long, happy and healthy lives. We believe we can
go further, and will bring forward a new framework to         We will review our investment in sport, including
eliminate HIV transmission by 2030.                           sponsorship, to ensure it benefits men and women
                                                              equally and we will work with public broadcasters in
We will continue with our plans to eradicate Hep C in
                                                              Scotland to support them to significantly increase the
Scotland by 2024.
                                                              amount of women’s sport shown on Scottish screens, so
                                                              that we can inspire girls and boys to take part in sports.

                                                                                                     #BothVotesSNP 25
Fan Bank
We know that fans care deeply about how their clubs
perform both on and off the field of play.
At times when a club is in financial difficulty or is up for
sale there are often support and community groups who
would want to get directly involved in the running of
their club, but who do not have access to the capital to
turn this dream into a reality.
That’s why we will create a ‘Fan Bank’ to empower
communities and groups and strengthen local decision-
making by supporting communities to acquire a share or
control of their local sports club.
To be eligible to apply for support from the Fan Bank,
groups will require to show clear community focus and
support and, in particular, demonstrate how involvement
in the running of their club would be used to support
women and girls participation in sport.

SNP Manifesto 2021

AN Equal
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a
profound and continuing impact on our
way of life but it is clear that the harms
caused by the pandemic are not felt
equally across society.
As we recover, we want to build a fairer
Scotland where everyone feels valued
and our most vulnerable people are
properly supported.
Indeed, our plan for an independence
referendum once the Covid crisis has
passed is about ensuring that our
Parliament has all the powers it needs
to build a fair recovery for all - and that
our recovery is driven by the values and
priorities of the people of Scotland, and
not those of a Westminster government
that Scotland didn’t vote for.

                                              #BothVotesSNP 27
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