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CENTRAL OPERA SERVICE BULLETIN DECEMBER, 1967 Sponsored by the Metropolitan Opera National Council Central Opera Service • Lincoln Center Plan • Metropolitan Opera • New York, N.Y. 10023 • 799-3467
CENTRAL OPERA SERVICE COMMITTEE R. L. B. TOBIN, National Chairman The National Council JULIUS RUDEL, Co-Chairman New York City Opera National Council Directors MRS. AUGUST BELMONT MRS. FRANK W. BOWMAN GEORGE HOWERTON E. H. CORRIGAN, JR. ELIHU M. HYNDMAN MRS. NORRIS DARRELL MRS. JOHN R. SAVAGE HOWARD J. HOOK, JR. JAMES SCHWABACHER, JR. Professional Committee MAURICE ABRAVANEL RICHARD KARP Salt Lake City Symphony Pittsburgh Opera KURT HERBERT ADLER PAUL KNOWLES San Francisco Opera University of Minnesota VICTOR ALESSANDRO GLADYS MATHEW San Antonio Symphony Community Opera ROBERT G. ANDERSON MRS. LOUDON MELLEN Tulsa Opera Opera Soc. of Wash., D.C. WILFRED C. BAIN ELEMER NAGY Indiana University Hartt College of Music ROBERT BAUSTIAN MME. ROSE PALMAI-TENSER Santa Fe Opera Mobile Opera Guild MORITZ BOMHARD RUSSELL D. PATTERSON Kentucky Opera Kansas City Lyric Theatre JOHN BROWNLEE MRS. JOHN DEWITT PELTZ Manhattan School of Music Metropolitan Opera PAUL CALLAWAY GEORGE SCHICK Opera Soc. of Wash., D.C. Metropolitan Opera STANLEY CHAPPLE MARK SCHUBART University of Washington Lincoln Center EUGENE CONLEY MRS. L. S. STEMMONS No. Texas State Univ. Dallas Civic Opera WALTER DUCLOUX LEONARD TREASH University of S. California Eastman School of Music PETER PAUL FUCHS LUCAS UNDERWOOD Louisiana State University College of the Pacific ROBERT GAY GID WALDROP Northwestern University Juilliard School of Music BORIS GOLDOVSKY MRS. J. P. WALLACE Goldovsky Opera Theatre Shreveport Civic Opera WALTER HERBERT MRS. PAUL P. WILSON Houston Grand Opera Mid-South Reg. Director LUDW1G ZIRNER University of Illinois The Central Opera Service Bulletin is published bi-monthly for its members by Central Opera Service. Permission to quote is not necessary but kindly note source. We would appreciate receiving any information pertaining to opera and operatic production in your region; please address inquiries or material to: Mrs. Maria F. Rich Central Opera Service Bulletin Editor Lincoln Center Plaza Copies this issue: $3.00. Susanne M. Low Metropolitan Opera Regular issues: $1.00. Ass't to the Editor New York, N.Y. 10023
CENTRAL OPERA SERVICE BULLETIN Volume 10, Number 2 December, 1967 DIRECTORY of AMERICAN CONTEMPORARY OPERAS This is the Annual Survey Issue of the COS Bulletin, this year devoted to American Contemporary Operas. Regular issues feature news reports and articles pertaining to all phases of opera and include listings of all opera performances in the U.S. and Canada.
INDEX Introduction 1 Key to Abbreviations 2 Listing 3 Appendix A (Publishers) 59 Appendix B (Index by Operas) 61 Late Listings 79
INTRODUCTION The frequency of requests for a directory of American Contemporary Operas prompted us to undertake this publication. Once this decision was made, however, a multitude of problems arose. "What is American opera?" "What is contemporary opera?" "Is the listing limited to operas already performed, - to operas published?" Some of the answers at which we arrived may seem arbitrary; however, here are the guide lines we have observed: American includes naturalized citizens and U.S. residents. Not included are operas written prior to American residency; not listed are composers now residing in the U.S., whose operas precede American domicile. Operas com- posed by Americans while living abroad are included. Contemporary includes operas premiered since 1930. Composers eligible under this rule are listed with all their operas, even those preceding the 1930 deadline to show their complete operatic output. Non-performed operas are included only if the source for the material is known or if they complete the list of operas written by a composer listed with other works already premiered. Because of the comparatively small number of published American contemp- orary operas, non-published works are included. Operas available from publishers are so indicated in the fourth column with publishers' keys and addresses listed in Appendix A. Composers who are members of either the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) or of Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI) may be contacted for their unpublished works through the respective organization. Where no source for the availability of the material is given, we suggest contacting the organization which pre- miered the opera. In some cases COS may be of assistance in finding the private address of a composer. Appendix B offers a cross reference, indexing operas by titles. M.F.R.
Key to Listings and Abbreviations 1st column: name of composer name of librettist 2nd column: title of opera, alternate title comedy, drama etc., based on book, play, etc. rec.-recorded (label), comm.-commissioned by premiere company, place, date; cone-concert performance, st.pr.-siage premiere 3rd column: number of acts, sets, sc-scenes, FL-full length opera, min-playing time in minutes (only for short works) cast: s-soprano, m-mezzo soprano, c-contralto, t-tenor, b-ban- tone, bs-bass, spk-speaker, narr-narrator, act-actor, ch-chorus, dc (dcs)-dancer(s) orchestration: (first set of numbers) flute/oboe/clarinet/bas- soon, (second set) French horn/trumpet/trombone/tuba; picc- piccolo, Eh-English horn, fl-flute, cl-clarinet, tru-trumpet, tro- trombone, tp-timpani, pc-percussion, xl-xylophone, eel-celeste, cb-cembalo, hpch-harpsichord, p-piano, hp-harp, str-strings, str.qt.-string quartet, vla-viola, vlc-violin cello, 2ps.-two piano accompaniment, red. ver.-reduced orchestra version available 4th column: (see Introduction, sixth paragraph) capital letters - Appendix A for publishers, comp.c/o ASCAP/BMI - Appendix A copy AMC-manuscript or printed copy at American Music Center (Appendix A) for perusal vs-vocal score, os-orchestral score, op-orchestra parts, chp- chorus parts, lib-libretto, st.gd.-stage guide, 2ps-two piano ar- rangement, for rental or sale. — 2—
Composer / Librettist Opera/Gen.Inform./Premiere Length/Cast /Orch. Source Adair, James Isolde of the Shortstop 1 act, 28 min. Baker, Thomas K.. 3s, b Adler, Marvin Brock's Place 1 act Levy, Charles Community Opera,Lib-Mus. of N.Y. cast of 6 Lincoln Center 2/6/67 Adler, Samuel The Outcasts of Poker Flat 1 act, 2 s c , 60 min. TP Stampfer, Judah on Bret Harte s,m,t,b,bs; ch No.Texas U.,Denton,Texas 6/8/62 2222,2200,tp,pc,str Ahlstrom, David Charlie's Uncle 1 act same comedy cast of 3 Cincinnati Mus.Drama Guild,Ohio, 4/54 Ahlstrom, D. The Open Window 1 act same Cincinnati Conservatory,©.,3/1/53 Ahlstrom, D. The Three Sisters Who Were Not 1 act WIN Stein, Gertrude (poem) Sisters s,2m,2t,b;ch Cincinnati Conserv.,Ohio 3/1/53 Albright, Lois Hopitu 1 act Billingsley, M.W. on Hopi Legends Carnegie Hall.N.Y. 2/16/55 Alderman, Pauline Bombastes Furioso 1 act U.of S.Cal.,Los Angeles,Cal.4/30/38 Allen, Gilbert Steal Away 1 act 138 St.,YWCA,N.Y. 7/26/34 Allen, Paul Hastings Cleopatra comp.estate Allen, P.H. II Filtro 1 act same Genoa, Italy 10/26/13 Allen, P.H. The Last of the Mohegans 3 acts, FL Ric.(Milan) Zangarini on J. Cooper's novel s,m,2t,3b,2bs;ch COL Florence,Italy (in It.) 2/24/16 3342,443 l,tp,pc,xf vs str. Allen, P.H. Little Miss Piccolo 1 act comp.estate Allen, P.H. The Love Potion same Allen, P. H. Mamzelle Figaro 1 act, 60 min. same same on E. Golisciani s,t,b;ch Lindenhurst,L.I.,N.Y. 5/20/48 Allen, P.H. Milda 1 act Teatro Rossini,Venicejtaly 4/12/13 Allen, P.H. The Monastery 2acts,2sets,12sc.,6( on Neapolitan poem by diGiacomo s,b,3bs;ch. Florence,Italy,Spring 1912 Am.prem.,NY WHOM 1/11/48 Alspach, Addison Calvario 1 act same on play by Marcus Bach U.of Minn.,Duluth 5/58
Amram, David The Final Ingredient 60 min. CFP on R. Rose, Passover Opera cast of 12, ch. comm.ABC-TV,N.Y. 4/11/65 2222,4230,tp,pc,str. Amram, D. Twelfth Night 3 acts, FL CFP Papp, Joseph on Shakespeare 1011,2110,Eh,tp,2pc, Lake George Opera,N.Y. 7/20/68 str. Anders, Emile King Harald 3 acts Hunter Col.,N.Y.,N.Y. 1/7/48 Angles, Langston Black Nativity 1 act gospel play NY Philharmonic on '62 Europe tour Antheil, George The Brothers 1 act comp.estate same U.of Denver, Col. 7/28/54 c/o ASCAP Antheil, G. Helen Retires 1 act same Erskine, John comedy Juilliard School.N.Y. 2/28/34 Antheil, G. Transatlantic or The People's Choice 3 acts, FL same same political satire Frankfurt, Germany 5/25/30 Antheil, G. Venus in Africa 3sc. same Dyne, Michael U.of Denver.Col. 5/24/57 Antheil, G. Volpone 3 acts, FL WTR Perry, Alfred on Ben Johnson chamber orch. U.of S. Cal.,Los Angeles, 1/9/53 Antheil, G. The Wish 1 act comp.estate same comm.Louisville Symph. c/o ASCAP Louisville.Ky. 4/2/55 Argento, Dominick The Boor 1 act, 55 min. BH Scrymgeour, John Olon opera buffa, after Chekhov s,t,bs-b vs Eastman Sc.,Rochester,N.Y. 5/6/57 1121,2100, pc, p, str. Argento, D. Christopher Sly lact,70min.,lsc.,&Interl BH Manlove, John on Shakespeare's "Taming of the 2s,m,3t,3b,bs Shrew" U.of Minn..Minneapolis llll,2100,pc,p,str. 5/31/67 Argento, D. Colonel Jonathan & the Saint 4 acts, FL BH Scrymgeour, J.O. comedy of reconstruction nar,6s,2m,2c,3t,2b,bs-b ch.,2222,3210,pc,hp,p. str. Argento, D. The Masque of Angels 1 act, 70 min. BH Scrymgeour, J.O. comm. Walker Arts Center s,m,4t,2b,bs;4dc;ch. vs, lib. Center Opera,Minneapolis,Minn. 0201,0210,pc,hp,str. 1/9/64 Argento, D. Sebastian's Dream 3 acts, FL comp. in preparation c/o ASCAP Argento, D. Shoemaker's Holiday FL same Scrymgeour, J.O. on Th.Dekker's 17 c.comedy "Opera for Actors" Tyrone Guthrie Th.,Minneapolis,Minn. 6/1/67 Argento, D. Sicilian Limes same New School for Social Research N.Y..N.Y. 10/54 — 4—
Armour, Eugene We're Back 1 act copy AMC chamber opera Aschaffenburg, Walter Bartleby 2acts,5sc.,85 min. TP Ley da, Jay prologue based on Herman Melville s,c,2t,2bs;ch. copy AMC Oberlin, Ohio 11/12/64 2222,221,tp,pc,str. Austin, John Orpheus 1 act same rock and roll idiom 2 elec.gu, bs viol, drums Wlm.Russo's Chicago Opera Th. ampli,hpch. 1st Presby.Ch.,Chicago,I11.3/10/67 Avshalom, Aaron The Great Wall 1 act Columbia U., NY 4/21/56 Avshalom, A. Kuan Yin (Goddess of Mercy) 1 act, 50 min. ACA Lunt, Carol Chinese opera (1924) s,m,t,b,bs;ch. Neighborh.Playhouse,N.Y. 3/16/25 llll,1110,tp,pc,str. Bacon, Ernst A Drumlin Legend 3 acts, 2 sets, FL comp. Carus, Helen fantasy 9 solo; ch. c/o ASCAP Columbia Theatre,N.Y.,N.Y. 5/9/49 Bacon, E. Take Your Choice 1 act same Bacon, E. A Tree On The Plains 2 acts,prelude,FL same Horgan, Paul folk drama 2s,c,t,2b,bs,spk,ch,dc. Spartanburg,S.C.ConverseCol.5/2/42 2222,2221,hp,p,tp,pc, revised vers: Syracuse, N.Y. 5/22/63 xl, eel, str. Banfield, Raffaello de Alissa 1 act, 60 min. Miller, Richard fantasy Geneva, Swtz. 5/15/65 Banfield, R. de Lord Byron's Love Letter 1 act, 70 min. COL Williams, Tennessee lyric drama 2s,m,t,actor vs Tulane U., New Orleans,La.l/17/55 3322,433 l,tp,pc,cel, hp.str. also red.vers.avail. Banfield, R.de Orpheus Descending COL same in preparation Barab, Seymour Chanticleer 1 act, 40 min. BH Richards, M.C. children on Chaucer's "Nun's Priest's s,2m,t,b;ch Tale" Aspen, Col. 8/4/56 1121,2110,tp,pc,hp,str. Barab, S. Death In December 1 act, 45 min. BH same on Stanley Ellin short story Ill 1,2110,tp,pc,p,hp, "Death on Christmas Eve" str. Barab, S. A Game of Chance 1 act, 35 min. BH Mancher, Evelyn comedy, on Ryerson and Clements 2s, m, b "All on a Summer's Day" llll,1110,tp,pc,hp,str. AugustanaCol,RockI.,Ill. 1/11/57 Barab, S. How Far to Bethlehem 1 act, 30 min. BH children's Christmas opera Barab, S. Jonah 1 act comp. Goodman, Paul children's opera c/o ASCAP Barab, S. Little Red Riding Hood 1 act, 7 sc, 50 min. BH same chil., San Francisco's Children's Opera cast of 5 Cal. 1958 1121,2110,pc,hp,str. Barab, S. The Malatroit Door or Sire de Maletroit 1 act, 30 min. England, Martha Manhattan School,N.Y.,N.Y. 1959 2222,2220,tp,pc,hp,str. — 5—
Barab, S. Pink Siamese 1 act, 45 min. BH Otto, Susan chil., Detroit Puppet Th.,Mich. 4/59 2121,1220,4-6pc, str. Barab, S. The Rajah's Ruby 1 act, 45 min. BH on Milne's "Man in the Bowler Hat" cast of 6 Sullivan St. Playhouse, N.Y.,N.Y. 111 1,1110,tp,pc,str. 4/19/58 Barab, S. The Ransom of Red Chief 1 act BH on O'Henry's story Rutgers Newark Col.,N.J.,1964 Barab, S. Reba 1 act, 60 min. BH England, Martha on Wm. March's "The Funeral" Barber, Samuel Anthony and Cleopatra 3 acts, FL GS same & Zeffirelli,F. on Shakespeare, comm.Met Opera cast of 27; ch vs,lib,op through Ford Found, grant lg. orch. Metropolitan Opera.N.Y.,N.Y.9/16/66 Barber, S. A Hand of Bridge 1 act, 9 min. GS Menotti, Gian Carlo chamber opera,recorded Van. cast of 4 vs,op Spoleto Festival, Italy 6/17/59 llll,trpt,pc,p,str. Am.Prem:Mannes Coll.,N.Y. 4/6/60 Barber, S. Vanessa 4 acts, FL GS Menotti, Gian Carlo drama, Pulitzer Prize in Music 1958 s,2m,t,b,bs;ch. vs,op,lib. Metropolitan Opera,N.Y.,NY 1/15/58 3332,433 l,tp,pc,cel. str. recorded RCA Barlow, Samuel L.M. Amanda 2 sc, 1 set, 75 min. ACA same romantic comedy s,m,t,b, small pts. vs Barlow, S.L. Mon Ami Pierrot 1 act, 1 set, 75 min. ACA Guitry, Sacha 1st Am. opera in Paris s,m,t,b,ch vs Opera Comique, Paris.France 1/11/35 chamber orch. Baron, Maurice Francois Villon 3 acts comp. NBC Radio, N.Y. 4/14/40 c/o ASCAP (abridged version) Barri, Richard Wuthering Heights 3 acts, 4 sc.,FL on Bronte Barthelson, Joyce Chanticleer 1 act, 45 min. CF fairy tale on Chaucer cast of 10, ch. vs won $1,000 Nat.Fed.Music Clubs 67 2121,2220,tp,hp,str. Met. Studio, N.Y.C. 4/15/67 also 2 ps. arr. stg. NFMC, R.I. 2/18/68 Barthelson, J. Feather Top 2 acts CF comic opera on Hawthorne s,m,t,b,bs;dc;actors 3222,222O,tp,cym,pc, xyl, bells, str. Bauer, Harold Gene Lazarus comp.estate Anderson, Jack Lake Forest, 111. 1965 c/o ASCAP Baylor, Murray By Gemini prol.& 2 acts, FL Knox Col.,Galesburg,Ill. 3/2/49 Beach, Mrs. H.H.A. Cabildo 1 act Stephens, Nan Bagby U.ofGa. Athens, 2/27/45 Beadell, Robert A Number of Fools 3 acts, FL Peters, Stanley L. Polish mercenary soldiers during Am. cast of 7 solo, ch. revolution, research grant from U.of winds, pc, hpch. Nbr., Northwestern U., Evanstownjll. 5/14/66 — 6—
Beadell, R. The Sweetwater Affair 2 acts,4sc, FL Nicoll, Bruce U.of Neb., Lincoln 2/8/61 Becker, John J. Deirdre of the Sorrows 1 act, 3 s c , 90 min. ACA same tragedy, on Synge's play s,t,b,bs,sm. pts., ch. Chicago Nat.Assoc.of Teachers,56-57 2223,403 l,pc,hp,str. Becker, J.J. Stage Work No. 5C: Privilege And 1 act, 1 set, 60 min. ACA Kreymborg, Alfred Privation cast of 11 satire 2111,1100,tp,pc,p,str. Beckett, Wm. Wheeler The Magic Mirror 3 acts, FL Mosque Theatre, Newark, N.J. 4/27/55 Beckler, Stanworth The Outcasts of Poker Flat 1 act Pearce, Jon on Bret Harte, won Pi Kappa Lambda Comp, Col. of the Pacific, Stockton, Cal. 12/2/60 Beeson,Jack Hello Out There 1 act, 40 min. MM same on Saroyan play, rec.Desto s,b,t, 2 narr vs Columbia U\, New York NY 4/27/54 111 1,1110,pc,harm,str. Beeson, J. Jonah 2 acts, 5 sc, FL Goodman, Paul mod.vers. of biblical story s,2m,2t,2b,3bs;ch. 2122,2210,hp,2perc,p, str. Beeson, J. Lizzie Borden 3 acts,6 scenes, FL BH Elmslie, Kenward on scenario by R.Plant,Ford comm. cast of 6 vs melodrama, rec. Desto 2222,222 l,tp,pc,hp, N.Y.City Opera,N.Y. 3/25/65 harm., str. TV t a p e - N E T Beeson,J. My Heart's in the Highlands FL on Saroyan story in preparation Beeson, J. The Sweet Bye-and-Bye 2 acts,5 s c , 105 min. BH Elmslie, K. JuilliardSchool,N.Y.,N.Y. 11/22/57 cast of 19. ch. vs Bennett, Robert Russell The Enchanted Kiss 1 act CH Simon, Robert Munic.Brdcst.Syst., N.Y. 12/30/45 Bennett, R. R. An Hour of Delusion 1 act comp. c/o ASCAP Bennett, R. R. Maria Malibran 3 acts, FL CH Simon, Robert A. Juilliard Sch.,N.Y.,N.Y.4/8/35 Berezowsky, Nicolas Babar the Elephant 1 act, 5 s c , 60 min. CF Heyward-Randal children's opera (5-12 yrs.) 2s,3m,3b,bs,sp. copy AMC Little Orch.,N.Y.,N.Y. 2/21/53 2222,321 l,pc,p. vs,2ps,op Bergersen, Baldwin Far Harbor 2 acts comp. comm. Lincoln Kirstein c/o ASCAP Hunter CoL.N.Y.,N.Y. 1/22/48 Bergsma, William The Wife of Martin Guerre 3 acts, 3 sets, FL GAL Lewis, Janet Juilliard Sch.,N.Y.,N.Y. 2/15/56 2s,2m,4t,2b,3bs,ch rec. CRI 2111,1100,hp,pc,str. Berio, Luciano Laborintus II 1 act, 35 min. TP Sanguineti, Eduardo stage work for voices,instruments, 2 boys, 3 spk., 8 mimes tape and mimes 1030,0330,2pc,2hp, 2cl, 2bs Berio, L. Passaggio 1 act, 60 min. TP same & Sanguineti, E. Juilliard Sch.,N.Y.N.Y. 1/9/67 s; ch. — 7—
Berkovitz, Sol Fat Tuesday 2 acts comp. Lipton, James Jazz opera c/o ASCAP Tamiment Playhouse,Pa. 8/11/56 Berl, Paul Judgement Day 1 act Hunter Col, N.Y..N.Y. 5/28/51 Berney, William Dark of the Moon FL Richardson, Howard folk-drama set in Great Smokies U. of Tenn.,Gatlinburg, 1967 Bernstein, Leonard Candide 3 acts, FL GS not avail Hellman, Lillian on Voltaire, comedy at present Boston, Mass. 10/29/56 pending revision Bernstein, L. Trouble in Tahiti 1 act, 7 s c , 40 min. GS same satire, recorded MGM cast of 5 vs, op Brandeis U.,Waltham,Mass.6/12/52 2222,222 l,pc,hp,str. Bezanson, Philip The Golden Child 1 act Engle, Paul S." Christmas Opera part of "Western Child'" NBC-TV (NY) 12/18/60 Bezanson, P. Western Child 3 acts, FL Engle, Paul Iowa State U.,Iowa City 7/21/59 Beveridge, Thomas Dido and Aeneas 1 act comp. Fogg Museum,Boston,Mass. 2/14/58 c/o ASCAP Bimboni, Alberto In the Name of Culture 1 act, 70 min. comp.estate Stelzenbach, Norma satire c/o ASCAP Eastman Sch.,Rochester,NY 5/9/49 Bimboni, A. There Was a Little Gate or 1 act "II Cancelleto d'oro" Natl.Arts Club, N.Y.3/11/36 Bimboni, A. Winona 3 acts, FL Williams, Perry drama on Sioux-Dacotah legend Am.Grand Opera,Portland,Ore. 11/11/26 Binder, Abr. Wolfe The Goat in (helm 1 act comp. YMHA,N.Y. 3/20/60 c/o ASCAP Black, Arnold The Prince and the Pauper on Mark Twain Plymouth Rock Center,Dunbury,Mass. 8/26/55 Blakeslee, Samuel Earle The Legend of Wiwaste Dacotah Indian legend Chaffey Jr. Col., Ontario.Cal. 4/25/24 Blakeslee, S. E. Red Cloud 2 acts, FL Am. Indian legend solo, ch, des. UCLA, Los Angeles, Cal. 7/67 Blatt, Josef Moses on Mt. Sinai U. of Mich., Ann Arbor 1/22/64 Blisa, Alica The Music Club 1 act Atlanta Contemp.Op.,Ga. 4/22/66 Blisa, A. The School Board I act cast of 9 men
Blitzstein, Marc The Cradle Will Rock 2 acts, FL TWH same social-union problems, rec. MGM Venice Theatre,N.Y. 6/16/37 st.prem:MansfieldTh.,New York 12/26/47 Blitzstein, M. The Harpies 1 act, 50 min. WM same satire cast of 7 Manhattan Sch.,N.Y.N.Y. 5/25/53 Blitzstein, M. I've Got the Tune, comp.estate musical play c/o ASCAP CBS radio 10/24/37 Blitzstein, M. No For an Answer 1 act same same Mecca Audit.,N.Y. 1/5/41 Blitzstein, M. Regina 3 acts, FL TWH same drama, on Hellman's "Little Foxes" 3s,m,2t,4b,bs,spk. vs New Haven, Conn. 10/6/49, Broadway.N.Y., 10/31/49 Blitzstein, M. Reuben Reuben CH Boston, Mass. /55 Blitzstein, M. Sacco and Vanzetti same through Ford grant comm. by Metropolitan Opera,(unfinished at death) Blitzstein, M. Triple Sec 1 act, 18 min. TWH Jeans, Ronald satire cast of 19 Bellevue Stratf.Hotel, Phila.,Pa. 5/6/29, New York After Dinner Op. 6/50 Blumenfeld, Harold Amphitryon 4 3 acts, FL MCA same cast of 16;ch.,dc. 2121,3220,tp,pc,xl, hpch, str. Blumenfeld, H. Gentle Boy FL Hoffman, Gale on Hawthorne comm. by St. Louis New Music Circle Bohrnstedt, Wayne R. The Necklace 1 act, 50 min. March, Lucile U. of Redlands, Cal. 3/12/56 cast of 5 Bolcom, William Dynamite Tonight 2 acts copy AMC Weinstein, Arnold (Weill-Brecht style writing) orch. of 5 Actor's Studio, N.Y. 2/64 Bradley, Ruth The Barren Pines 1 act Lawrence, Dorothy Dix .Community Opera, N.Y. at YMCA 2/12/61 Brand, Max The Gate I act scenic oratorio N.Y.,NY 5/23/44 Brandt, William Beaumarchais 3 acts, FL in preparation Brandt, Wm. No Neutral Ground 1 act, 45 min. civil war setting, chamber opera s,2t,b,bs. Wash. State U., Pullman 12/61 Brant, Henry Grand Universal Circus 1 act, 70 min. MCA Brant, Patricia antiphonal theatre piece cast of 10, ch Rockland Lyric Th., Piermont, N.Y. 8/60 4fl,2trp,2trb,org,p,4pc.
Britain, Radie Brothers of the Clouds 2t,2b comp. c/o ASCAP Britain, R. Eternal Spirit s,c,t,b Britain, R. Kuthara (The Scythe) Mt.St.Mary's Col.,Los Angeles.Cal. 6/24/61 Britain, R. Nisan 1st prize Delta Omicron Intern,Music Frat. Sheraton Cadillac Hotel,Detroit 11/62 Britain, R. Rain 2s,c same Britain, R. The Star and the Child 2s,c same Broekman, David Barbara Allen 1 act comp. Kaufman Audit.,YMHA,N.Y. c/o ASCAP 12/26/54 Broekman, D. The Toledo War same CBS (radio) N.Y. 5/4/56 Brown, J. Harold King Solomon 1 act Karamu House,Cleveland,Ohio, 9/28/51 Brunswick, Mark The Masterbuilder FL excerpts.N.Y.C. Coll.JM.Y. 12/16/66 Brush, Ruth The Fair comp. Bartlesville, Okla.,2/65 c/o ASCAP Brush, R. The Street Singers of Market Street 1 act AMC Borger, Texas 2/16/65 cast of 60 Bryan, Charles Faulkner Singin' Billy 2 acts, 2 sets, FL comp.estate Davidson, Donald Vanderbilt U.,Nashville,Tenn. c/o ASCAP 4/23/52 Bucci, Mark The Adams 3 acts, 70 min. MCA same negro cast cast of 5, opt, ch. piano Bucci, M. The Boor 1 act, 40 min. on Chekhov Finch College, N.Y. 12/28/49 Bucci, M. The Dress 1 act, 28 min. FR-MTI same comedy 2s,b copy AMC YM-YWCA,N.Y.,N.Y. 12/8/53 1121,Eh,trp,pc,str. Bucci, M. Elmer and Lilly 5 s c , 5 sets, 60 min. fantasy Bucci, M. The Hero 1 act, 30 min. MCA Rogers, David on Gilfrey's "Far Rockaway" cast of 10; ch. Natl.E. TV, coast-to-coast 9/24/65 2232,2110,pc,hp,p,str. Bucci, M. Sweet Betsy from Pike 1 act, 25 min. FR-MTI same folk opera, during Gold Rush s,m,or t,b YMHA,N.Y.,N.Y. 12/8/53 Bucci, M. Tale for a Deaf Ear 1 act, 45 min. FR-MTI same on Enright's "Moment Before the Rain" 3s,t,b vs Berkshire Music Fest.,Lenox,Mass. 1121,1100,pc,p,hp,str. 8/5/57 — 10 —
Bucci, M. The Thirteen Clocks 1 act FR-MTI ABC-TV,N.Y. 12/29/53 Burge, David Intervals 1 act Northwestern U., Evanston, III. 11/13/62 Burgstahler, Elton Hat Spat 1 act Southwest Mo. St. Col., Springfield, Mo. 5/2/65 Burnand, N. Pickwick Solomon Inspiration Point Fine Arts Colony Eureka Springs,Ark.,8/56 Burnham, Cardon, V. Aria Da Capo 1 aci Tulane U.,New Orleans.La. 4/17/55 Burnham, C. The Nitecap 1 act, 35 min. same Tulane U.,New Orleans.La.3/14/56 Byrd, Wm. Clifton.Jr. Hold That Note 1 act satire on voice teachers Co-opera Grp., Phila.,Pa. 12/10/54 Byrd, W.C. l.yneia 2 acts U.of Cincinnati.Ohio 1/20/49 Byrd, W. C. The Scandal at Mulford Inn 1 act, 35 min. BH Shockley, Charlotte Cincinnati Col of Music,Ohio 4/1/53 cast of 8 1121,2110,tp,pc,str. Cadman.Ch.Wakefield Daoma (Land of Misty Water) 4 acts, FL Eberhart,N. Richmond Cadman, Ch. W. The Garden of Mystery 1 act comp.estate Eberhart, N.R. on Hawthorne's "Rappaccini's c/o ASCAP Daughter" copy AMC Carnegie Hall,N.Y.,N.Y. 3/20/25 Cadman, Ch. W. Shanewis or The Robin Woman 1 act EMO Eberhart, N. R. Indian drama 2s,m,t,b,ch. Metropolitan Opera,NY 3/23/18 Cadman, Ch. W. Sunset Trail 2sc. comp.estate Moyle operatic cantata c/o ASCAP Spreckles Theatre, San Diego, Cal. 8/23/20 Cadman, Ch. W. The Willow Tree 1 act, 30 min. Eberhart, N. R. radio opera s,c,t,bs NBC radio, N.Y. 10/3/32 Cadman, Ch. W. The Witch of Salem FL Eberhart, N. R. Am. history Chicago Civic Opera, 111. 12/8/26 Caldwell, Mary E. Gift of Song 1 act, 60 min. BH same chil.,Christmas,on "Silent Night" 3s,m,t,2b,sp;ch. vs Pasadena Symph.,Cal. 12/3/61 1121,2100,tp,pc,hp,str. Caldwell, M. E. The Night of the Star 60 min. comp. Christmas opera cast of 6, ch. c/o ASCAP Pasadena Symph.,Jr.League comm. 12/5/65 Caldwell, M.E. Pepito's Golden Flower 1 act. 60 min. SHP same opera for youth, early Cal. mission s,m,2b;ch,dcs. vs,op,chp, Pasadena, Cal. 3/13/55 llll,1100,pc,hp,str. stage guide tape
Campbell, Marion Osceola 1 act Natl. Am. Indian League, Los Angeles, Cal., 1944 Canning, Thomas Albert and Tiberius 1 act, 20 min. Gratwick children's opera (per.by child.) Lycoming Coll. Williamsport,Pa.5/56 Canning, Th. Beyond Belief 1 act Eastman Sch.Rochester.N.Y. 5/14/56 Carpenter, John A. Kra/.y Kat 1 act form.GS; children's opera discont. copy AMC Carroll, Peter Margaret in Fairyland 1 act, 20 min. BH children Children's Opera.Milwaukee.Wisc., 1955 Carter, Ernest Trow The Blond Donna (Fiesta of Santa 3 acts, FL same Baraba) opera comique HeckscherTh.,N.Y. 12/8/31 Carter, E.T. The White Bird FL Hooker, Brian won David Bisphan Memorial Medal Studebaker Th.,Chicago,Ill. 3/6/24 Chajes, Julius Out of the Desert 3 acts, FL comp. comm. by Sisterhood of Temple Israel c/o ASCAP Temple Israel,Detroit,Mich. 4/17/66 Chanler, Theodore The Pot of Fat 1 act, 6sc.,50 min. AMP Pickman, Hester on Grimm's fairy tale.recor. CRI s, 2b, bs vs Longy School,Boston,Mass.5/9/55, llll,1100,pc,p.str. st.pr: After Dinner O.,N.Y.2/22/56 Chapman, Harold The Rose and the Ring 1 act Wilshire Avell Th.,Cal. 56-57 Chavez.Carlos Panfilo and Loretta 3 acts, FL Kallman, Chester comm. by Rockefeller Found. cast of 6 Columbia U.,N.Y.,N.Y. 5/9/57 Chavez, Carlos The Visitors (Love Propitiated) 3 acts, FL MM Kallman, Chester Opera de Bellas Artes,Mexico City s,c,t,b,bs;ch vs in prep 5/21/63 full orch. Chudacoff, Edward The Circus 1 act Natl.Music Camp. Jnterlochen,Mich. 7/26/52 Claflin, Avery The Fall of Usher 3sc,2 sets, 30 min. ACA on Poe's story s,t,b 2222,432 l.str. Claflin, A. La Grande Breteche 1 act, 2 s c , 60 min ACA Mills, George on Balzac, tragedy 2s,4t,b,opt.ch. os.vs CBS (radio) 2/3/57 2222,432 l.str. Claflin, A. Hester Prynne 3 acts, 6 s c , FL ACA Claflin, Dorothea on Hawthorne's "Scarlet Letter" s,m,t,2b,3spk,ch. OS Hartford, Conn. 12/15/35 3222,432 l.hp.str. Claflin, A. Uncle Tom's Cabin 3 acts ACA on Harriet Beecher Stowe's book solo., ch. Met. Studio,Lincoln Center.N.Y. orch. — 12 —
Clark, Rogie Ti Yette comp. on John Matheus c/o ASCAP Celeste Coll.O.W.,Detroit,Mich. 12/28/63 Clarke, Henry Leland The Loafer and the Loaf 1 act, 45 min. ACA Sharp, Evelyn fantasy,Indiana Hill Music Camp, s,m,t,b,bs,act,dc. copy AMC Stockbridge, Mass. 7/54 2120,0110,2vln,vcl,cb, vs,op or red. vers: fl,p Clokey, Joseph W. Builders HWG Easter Pageant, children copy AMC vs Clokey, J. W. The Pied Piper of H ami in 1 act comp.estate Bieswenger.Anna J. on Robert Browning c/o ASCAP Miami Univ.,Ohio 5/14/20 Closson, David M. The Twelve Dancing Princesses 3 acts JF children's operetta copy AMC Coe, Kenton South 3 acts, FL Green, Julien set in S. C. before Civil War on Julien Green's play Marseille Opera, Fr. 10/14/65 Cohn, James The Fall of the City 1 act MacLeish, Archibald Ohio U., Athens 7/29/55 Collins, Anthony Catherin Parr 1 act, 20 min. Baring, Maurice comedy Opera Futures, N.Y..N.Y. 2/53 Copland, Aaron The Second Hurricane 2 acts, 3 sc, 90 min. BH Denby, Edwin play-opera for young people rec.Col. 2s,c,2t,b,bs;3 spk. Grand St. Playhouse,N.Y.,N.Y. 1121,0210,tp,pc,sx,p, 4/21/37 str.,theremin Copland, A. The Tender Land 3 acts, 95 min. BH Everett, Horace folk-opera,comm.Rogers & Hammer- 2s,2m,3t,b,bs,spk;ch vs,chp,op stein for League of Composers,rec.Vic 2122,2220,Eh,tp,pc,hp, N.Y.C. Opera,N.Y. 4/1/54 cel,p,str. Dalton, Jane Once Upon a Time 3 acts, FL FTZ same on "Rumpelstilskin",children Damrosch, Walter Cyrano de Bergerac FL comp.estate Henderson, W.J. on Rostand c/o ASCAP Met Opera,N.Y.,N.Y. 2/27/13 Damrosch, W. The Dove of Peace form.GS; Irvin, Wallace New York, N.Y. 3/14/12 discont. Damrosch, W. The Man Without a Country 2 acts, FL same Guiterman, Arthur Met.Opera,N.Y.,N.Y. 5/12/37 Damrosch, W. The Opera Cloak 1 act same Broadway Theatre,N.Y. 11/3/42 Damrosch, W. The Scarlett Letter 3 acts, FL same Lathrop, George P. on Hawthorne,Boston Th.,Mass. 2/10/1896 Davidson, Charles Gimpel The Fool 1 act, 60 min. comp. Kresh, Paul on Isaac Singer's short story cast of 5, ch. c/o ASCAP — 13 —
Davis, Allan The Ordeal of Osbert 1 act,4 sc, 40 min. BH on Woodehouse 1111,1110,tp,pc,p,str. Plymouth Rock Center,Duxbury,Mass. summer 1949 Davis, A. Otherwise, Engaged 1 act comp. Sullivan St. Playhouse,N.Y.4/23/58 c/o ASCAP Davis, A. The Sailing of Nancy Belle 1 act, 30 min. BH comm. Syracuse Univ. cast of 5 Plymouth Rock Center,Duxbury.Mass. fl,p,pc,cel,str. 8/3/55 Davis, Carl Pubcrawl 1 act 1st stgd. Yale Summer School, New Haven, Conn. 8/62 Davis, John The Pardoner's Tale 1 act on Chaucer U.of Arizona, 5/23/67 Davis.Katherine K. The Unmusical Impresario, or 1 act GS same & Kent, Heddie Disappointed Impresario vs.chp comedy, children's opera Plymouth Rock Center,Duxbury.Mass. 7/15/55 De Lisa, Victor V. Moses, Prince of Egypt 1 act copy AMC musical drama Dello Joio, Norman Blood Moon FL comp. Hoffman, Gale & comp. New Orleans actress before Civil War- c/o BMI drama - racial problem San Francisco copy AMC Opera, Cal., 9/18/61 Dello Joio, N. The Ruby 1 act, 55 min. COL Mass, William on Lord Dunsany's play "Night at the s,2t,b,bs vs Inn",Indiana U.,Bloomington, Ind. 2222,4322,tp,cl,hp,pc,str. 5/13/55 Dello Joio, N. The Tall Kentuckian 1 act, 17 min. CF Anderson, Barbara incidental music for play solo., ch vs.op Louisville-6/15/53 1111,3331,tp.pc.str. Dello Joio, N. Trial at Rouen (form.) The Triumph of 2 acts, 4 sc, 90 min. COL same Joan,French historic drama s,2b,bs; ch. Sarah Lawrence Coll.,Bronxville,NY 2232,433 l,tp,pc,cl, 5/9/50, new verNBC 4/8/56 hp, str. DiGiovanni, Rocco Medea 2 acts Brooklyn Museum.N.Y. 2/13/55 DiJulio, Max Baby Doe 2 acts, FL Loretto Hghts. Col.,Loretto,Col. 5/24/56 Donato, Anthony The Walker-Through-Walls 2 acts comp. same on Marcel Ayme c/o ASCAP Northwestern U.,Evanston,111.2/26/65 Doran, Matt The Committee 1 act COL same & Lawrence comedy 2s,c,2t,2b,bs Corpus Christi.Texas 5/25/55 2121,21 lO.tp.pc.str. Dougherty, Celius Many Moons 1 act, 40 min. GS same on James Thurber.children's opera s,c,t,b, vs.op VassarColl.,Poughkeepsie,N.Y.11/3/62 1111,1110,pc,p,str. — 14 —
Duffy, John The Eve of Adam 1 act Stockbridge Sch.,Interlochen,Mich. 6/1/55 Duke, John Captain Lovelock 1 act, 35 min. CF same on Holberg's "Changed Bridegroom" vs Chamber opera for women's voices Seagle Colony.Schroon Lake.N.Y. llll,210O,str. 8/18/53 Duke, J. The Sire de Maledroit 1 act comp. Duke, Dorothy Oscar Seagle Colony.Schroon Lake, c/o ASCAP N.Y., 8/15/58 Duke, J. A Yankee Pedlar 2 acts, 60 min. CF Duke, D. Seagle Colony.Schroon Lake,N.Y. s,2m,t,2b,ch, vs 8/17/62 P Duke, Vernon Mistress into Maid 2 acts i.omp. same on Pushkin c/o ASCAP U.of Cal. Santa Barbara 12/12/59 DuPage, Florence Alice in Wonderland 1 act comp. children's opera c/o ASCAP DuPage, F. New World for Nellie 1 act same chamber opera on R. Emett's story Advent Tuller Sch. Westbury, N.Y. 6/11/65 DuPage, F. Trial I niverselle 4 acts, FL Sister Jean, T.C.G. Advent Tuller Sch.,Westbury, N.Y. 5/17/63 DuPage, F. Whither 3 acts, FL Sister Jean, T.C.G. Advent Tuller Sch.,Westbury, N.Y. cast of 3, ch. 5/15/64 Dvorkin, Judith Crescent Eyebrows 1 act Concert Opera,Town Hall,N.Y. 1/8/56 Eakin, Charles The Box 1 act, 4 sc, 20 min. U.of Okla.,Norman,4/15/66 2s,c,t,bs Eaton, John Heracles 3 acts, 8 sc, FL SHP Fried, Michael tragedy from the Greek 2s,m,c,2t,b,bs;ch vs,lib,op, comp.with Guggenheim grant 3355,434l,pic,Eh,tp,pc, chp,excerpts RAI, Rome, Italy hp,vib,str. on tape Edelman, David The Cure 1 act Wlm. Diamond Jr.H.S., Lexington, Mass. 4/17/64 Effinger, Cecil Cyrano de Bergerac FL comp. Sutherland, Donald on Rostand c/o ASCAP U.of Col., Boulder 7/21/65 Effinger, C. Pandora's Box 1 act, 15 min. GS Monsour, Sally children's opera with dance & panto- cast of 6, ch. 2vers: simple mime; U. of Col., Boulder 1962 fl,p,pc,only or more elab. Elkus, Jonathan The Outcasts of Poker Flat 1 act Bander, Robert G. on story by Bret Harte Lehigh U.,Bethlehem,Pa.,4/16/60 Elkus, J. Tom Sawyer 1 act, 7 sc. Novello Everett Jr.H.S.,San Francisco,Cal. (HWG) 5/22/53 vs,lib. — 15 —
Elkus, J. The Mandarin 1 act copy AMC opera buffa Elkus, J. Treasure Island 2 acts HWG children's opera cast of 13 vs, lib. Elliott, William Daniel Boone 1 act children's opera Rich.Bracken Storyland Th.,N.Y.,N.Y. 5/6/67 Ellstein, Abraham The Golem 4 acts, FL MM Regan, Sylvia biblical,Ford Found, comm. N.Y.City Opera Co.,N.Y.3/22/62 excerpts New Eng. Jewish Forum, Boston, M?ss. 11/61 Ellstein, A. The Thief and the Hangman 1 act, 60 min. MM Wishengrad, Morton chamber opera, drama, Music Award 2m, 2t, 2b, 2bs. Ohio U.,Athens 1/17/59 2222,2220,tp,pc,p,str. Kinescope at Salzburg, World Music Congr., NBC-TV 11/25/65 Elmore, Robert The Incarnate Word 1 act JF opera-cantata copy AMC Elmore, R. It Began At Breakfast 1 act Philadelphia,Pa.,2/18/41 Engel, Lehman Brother Joe 2 acts Karamu House,Cleveland,Ohio 5/28/53 Engle, L. Golden Ladder 2 scenes Karamu House,Cleveland,O.,5/28/53 Engel, L. Malady of Love 1 act, 26 min. FLA Allen, Lewis fantastic comedy (psychiatrist's office) s, b vs Columbia U.,N.Y.,N.Y. 5/27/54 llll,1110,pc,p,str. or 2 ps. arr. Engel, L. Pierrot of the Minute 1 act & epil. Cincinnati Coll. of Music, Ohio 4/3/29 Engel, L. I he Soldier 1 act, 3 s c , 55 min. CH Allen, Lewis psycho-drama on Roald Dahl 2s,m,t,2b; actor vs cone. pf. Carnegie HalLN.Y. 11/25/56 st. pf. Millsaps Col., Jackson,Miss. 11/24/58 Esile, Joseph Sara 1 act Langer, Frank Scottsdale Opera Co.,Ariz. 3/63 Esile, J. Still Dark Clouds 1 act Langer, F. Scottsdale Chamber Opera, Ariz. 11/60 cast of 3 Farberman, Harold Medea 2 acts GM Boston Conservatory,Mass.3/26/61 Farwell, Arthur The Evergreen Tree 1 act TP(Church) copy AMC Fetler, Paul aturge Maclean 3 acts, FL Houlton, Mrs. Loyce youth opera (perf.by teen-agers) cast of 7; ch,dcs. Comm.St.Paul's Women's Phil. rock & roll band Assoc.Hardin H.S.,St.Paul,Minn. 10/11/65 — 16 —
Fine, Vivian A Guide to the Life Expectancy of a Rose 1 act, 16 min. same Donnell Lib., N.Y..N.Y. 2/7/59 s,t Fink, Harold The Bridegroom 1 act Karamu House, Cleveland, Ohio 11/26/66 Fink, Myron The Boor 1 act Jefferson Hotel,St.Louis,Mo. 2/14/55 Fink, M. Caucasian Chalk Circle FL on Brecht's play Fink, M. Jeremiah 4 acts, 6 s c , FL Fink, P. & Hawley, E. biblical story cast of 9, ch. Tri-Cities Opera,Binghamton,N.Y. 2222,3231, 5/25/62 hp, tp, pc, str. Fink, M. Susanna and the Elders FL written in 1965 while on Fulbright in Vienna Finn, Ben Little Women children R. Bracken Storyland Th.,N.Y. 10/11/67 Fiore, Ronald Michael Linda 1 act Society Hill Playhouse, Phila.,Pa. 3/13/61 Fisher, Truman R. The Wasps 1 act Occidental Coll.,Los Angeles,Cal. 5/21/65 Fisher, William J. The Happy Prince 1 act Gutman, John children, on Oscar Wilde 10 solo, 1 dc. Iowa State U.,Iowa City 3/10/62 chamber orch. Fitelberg, Jerry Henny Penny 1 act, 30 min. EBM children's opera 6 chil, 2 spk. copy AMC 1021,2210,tp,pc,p,str. Flagello, Nicolas The Judgement of St. Francis 1 act, 7 s c , 80 min. COL Aulicino, Armand biblical 2s,2t,b,2bs; ch Manhattan School,N.Y. 3/18/66 3322,423 l,tp,pc,cl,hp, str. Flagello, N. The Sisters 1 act, 2 s c , 60 min. COL Mundy, Dean Manhattan School of Music, N.Y. s,c,b 2/22/61 3222,423 l,tp,pc,cl, hp, str. Flanagan, William Bartleby 2 acts, 60 min. ACA same on Melville's story boy s,t,2b,spk vs York Playhouse,N.Y.,N.Y.1/24/61 2222,2100,p,str. Flanagan, W. The Ice Age FL comp. Albee, Edward comm.by N.Y.C. Opera & Ford Foun. in prepar. c/o BMI Fletcher, Grant The Carrion Crow 1 act comp. Fletcher, Frances Wells on radio play by J.J. Niles c/o ASCAP Ill.Wesleyan U.,Bloomington,Ill. 3/20/53 Fletcher, G. The Sack of Calabasas 1 act same Myers, John 1964 Ariz.State U. Creative Research award excerpts-Musicians Club,Phoenix, Ariz. 4/6/64 — 17 —
Floyd, Carlisle Fugitives 3 acts, FL comp. U.of Fla.,Tallahassee 4/17/51 c/oASCAP Floyd, C. Markheim 1 act, 60 min. BH same on Robt. L. Stevenson cast of 4 New Orleans Opera House,La.3/31/66 2222,422 l,pc,hp,str. Floyd, C. Of Mice and Men FL same & Steinbeck, John comm. by San Francisco Opera, 1965 in preparation Floyd, C. The Passion of Jonathan Wade 3 acts, FL BH same comm: Ford Found, drama, after Civil cast of 19 War in South.N.Y.C. Opera 10/11/62 Floyd,C. Slow Dusk 1 act, 40 min. BH same drama, U. of Syracuse,N.Y. 5/2/49 s,m,t,b vs 2222,4220,tp,pc,hp,str. Floyd, C. The Sojourner and Mollie Sinclair 1 act, 75 min. BH written for N.C. Tercentenary llll,1110,tp,pc,hp, East C. Col, Raleigh 12/2/63 solo str. Floyd, C. Susannah 2 acts, 10 sc, FL BH same Music drama, Circle Award in '56 3s,m,c,4t,2b,bs; ch vs color film strip, Met. Guild 2222,423 l,tp,pc,cl,hp, Florida St. U., 2/24/55 xl,str. 1st prof.perf: N.Y.C.Opera 9/27/56 Floyd, C. Wuthering Heights prol. and 3 acts FL BH same on Bronte's "Wuthering Heights" 2s,m,4t,b,bs;ch Santa Fe comm.,Santa Fe,N.M.7/16/58 2222,3220,tp,pc,hp,str. Fore, B. Aria Da Capo 3 acts, 45 min. fantasy, Col. of the Pacific, cast of 5 Stockton, Cal., 5/19/51 Forrest, Hamilton Camille 3 acts, F t on Dumas Civic Opera House,Chicago,Ill. 12/10/30 Forrest, H. Daelia 1 act Natl. Music Camp.Interlochen, Mich. 7/21/54 Forrest, H. Don Fortunio 1 act Natl.Music Camp,Interlochen, Mich. 7/22/52 Forrest, H. A Matinee Idyll 1 act Natl.Music Camp, Interlochen, Mich. 8/17/54 Forrest, H. Yzdra on Ledoux's "Alexander the Great" London, Eng. 1907 Foss, Lukas Echoi, Echoi 1 act at Hunter Coll. excerpts with lecture, N.Y., 1964 Foss, L. Griffelkin 3 acts, 4 sets, FL CF Reed, Alastair on German fairy tale 4s,m,ch. vs,op NBC-TV 11/6/55 2222,221 l,tp,pc,p,str. stg. Tanglewood, Mass. 8/6/56 Foss, L. Introductions and Good Byes 1 act, 9 min. CF Menotti, Gian Carlo N.Y. Philharmonic, N.Y. 5/6/60 cast of 4; ch. vs stg. Spoleto, It. 6/60 p,hp,fl,cl,bss,h,xl,str. — 18 —
Foss, L. The Jumping Frog of Calaveras County 1 act, 2 sc, 45 min. CF Karsavina, Jean on Mark Twain, record, Lyr. m,2t,2b,2bs; ch vs Ind. U., Bloomington, 5/18/50 1121,121 l,pc,p,str. Fragale, Frank D. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 2 acts, FL Garfield Th.,Berkeley,Cal. 8/28/53 Franchetti, Arnold The Anachronism 1 act Hartt Col.,Hartford,Conn. 3/4/56 Franchetti, A. As a Conductor Dreams or Notturno in 2 acts Berrone, Louis La,Trinity Col.,Hartford,Conn. 2s,t,b;dc. 10/20/66 various pc.,1 vl. Franchetti, A. The Game of Cards 1 act Hartt Coll. of Music, Hartford, Conn. conct.3/20/55;stgd.5/19/56 Franchetti, A. The Lion 2 acts Williams Memorial Inst.,New London, Conn., 12/16/50 Franchetti, A. The Maypole 1 act White Barn Th.,Westport,Conn.7/6/52 Franchetti, A. Prelude and Fugue 1 act Hartt Col. of Music, Elwood, Hartford, Conn., 4/21/59 Franchetti, A. The Princess 1 act Hartt Col. of Music, Hartford, Conn. 3/16/52 Frank, Charles The Captain and the Cowboy 1 act copy AMC folk-opera Freed, Arnold Zodiac 40 min. BH chil.,a Masque for Ch., Narr.,Orch. and Dance, John Marshall H.S., Rochester,Minn., 5/19/65 Freed, Isadore The Princess and the Vagabond 2 acts comp.estate Wilson, Pearl Cleveland Hartt Col. of Music, Hartford, Conn. c/o ASCAP 5/13/48 Freer, Eleanor Everest The Brownings Go To Italy 1 act Chicago Arts Club, 111. 5/11/38 Freer, E. E. A Christmas Tale 1 act Chicago Woman's Club, 111. 12/19/36 Freer, E. E. Frithiof 2 acts Studebaker Th.,Chicago, 111. 2/1/31 Freer, E. E. The Legend of Spain 1 act Milwaukee, Wise, 6/19/31 Freer, E. E. The Legend of the Piper 1 act Progress Club,So. Bend, Ind.,2/24/25 Freer, E. E. Massimilliano 1 act Temple Th.,Lincoln,Neb.,1/18/26 Fuchs, Peter Paul Serenade at Noon 1 act, 7 sc. TP Vermel, Ann La. State U., Baton, Rouge 3/22/65 2s,2m,2t,b-bar,bar, 2 lyrics, ch; 2121,221,tp,pc,p,str. — 19 —
Gaburo, Kenneth The Snow Queen 3 acts, FL comp. Wilson, Marjorie McNeese State Col.,Lake Charles, La. c/o ASCAP 5/5/52 Gaburo, K. The Widow same same U.of 111., Urbana 2/26/61 Garland, Charles If Men Played Cards As Women Do 1 act, 15 min. satire Chicago Am. Conserv., 111. 5/22/52 Garland, Kathryn Ruth 6 sc. Mary Washington Col.Fredericksburg, Va., 5/4/52 Garwood, Margaret The Trojan Women 1 act, 40 min. Wiley, Howard comm. by Suburban Opera Co. Suburban Opera Co.,Chester,Pa., 10/22/67 Gatty, Alfred Rumpelstilzchen 1 act, 50 min. Children's Opera,Milwaukee,Wis. 1954 7 elves Gershwin, George Porgy and Bess 3 acts, 9 sc, FL CH Heyward, DuBose & folk opera cast of 19; ch vs, lib. Gershwin, Ira Colonial Th.,Boston,Mass.,9/30/35 2241,3331,tp,pc,p,str. chp.op Broadway, N.Y. Alvin Th., 10/10/35 Gesensway, Louis The Great Boffo and his Talking Dog 1 act, 20 min. TP Davis, Christopher children's opera s,t,b,bs vs Acad. of Vocal Arts,Phila.,Pa.2/7/61 1111,211,tp,pc,p,str. Geto, Alfred D. The Treasure 1 act Schroon Crest, Pottersville,N.Y. 8/22/53 Giannini, Vittorio The Beauty and the Beast 1 act, 2 sc, 60 min. COL Simon, Robert A children's opera, fantasy s,2m,c,4t,b,bs CBS radio 1 l/24/38;st.pr:Hartt 2121,2220,tp,pc,str. School, Hartford, Conn.,2/14/46 Giannini, V. Blennerhasset 1 act, 30 min. COL Roll,Phil& Corwin.N. historical drama s,m,c,2t,b CBS radio 2/2/39, st.pre NY Arts 2222,4220,p,hp,pc, Institute, N.Y. 4/12/40 str. Giannini, V. Flora 1 act comp. estate c/o ASCAP Giannini, V. The Harvest 3 acts, 2 sets, FL COL Flaster, Karl Am. farm abt 1900 2s,m,4t,2b;ch,dcs Chicago Lyric Opera,Ill. 11/25/61 3333,433 l,tp,pc,cl,xf, hp,str. Giannini, V. Lucedia 3 acts, & prol. not available Flaster, Karl Munich, Germany 10/20/34 Giannini, V. The Medead 1 act COL monodrama for soprano s Atlanta Symphony, Ga. 10/60 2222,422 l,tp,pc,hp,str. Giannini, V. Rehearsal Call 3 acts, FL COL Simon, Robert & on Francis Swann's "Out of the Frying 3s,c,3b,2t Swann, F. Pan", comedy 3333,433 l,tp,pc,hp,str. Juilliard School,N.Y., 2/15/62 Giannini, V. The Scarlet Letter 2 acts comp. estate same on Hawthorne c/o ASCAP Hamburg State Op., Germany 6/2/38 — 20 —
Giannini, V. The Servant of Two Masters 2 acts, 5 sc, FL COL Stambler, Bernard on Goldoni's 18th cent, comedy 3s,c,3t,2b,bs NY City Opera-Ford Found, comm. 2222,422 l,tp,pc,xf,hp, NY City Opera Co. 3/9/67 (posth.) str. Giannini, V. The Taming of The Shrew 3 acts, FL COL same & Fee, Dorothy on Shakespeare comedy 2s,5t,2b,4bs Music Drama Guild, Cincinnati,Ohio 2222,432 l,tp,pc,cl,p, 1/31/53 TV 3/13/54 hp, str. Gibbs, C. Armstrong The Three Kings BH Prospect Hill School, New Haven, Conn., 12/15/64 Gibbs, Geoffrey D. Dolphin Off Hippo 5 scenes Gibbs, Alonzo chamber opera cast of 5 Eastman Sch.,Rochester,N.Y.5/9/65 Gideon, Miriam Fortunato 1 act, 3 sc, 60 min. ACA Quintero, S & J (1958), chamber opera, tragedy 4s,m,t,4b,ch OS llll,1100,pc,str. Gilbert, John If This Be Madness 1 act Texas Tech Col.,Lubbock,Tex. 4/21/64 Gilbert, J. A Mother's Requiem Tex.Tech.Col.,Lubbock,Tex.4/30/63 Gillis, Don The Gift of the Magi comp on O'Henry c/o ASCAP Tex. Wesleyan Col. Ft. Worth 12/7/65 Gillis, D. The Libretto 1 act U. ofOkla.,Norman 12/60 Gillis, D. Park Avenue Kids 1 act, 105 min. same same comedy s,2b,bs,ch. Elkhart H.S.,Elkhart,Ind. 5/12/57 2222,433 l,tp,3pc,p,str. Gillis, D. Pep Rally 1 act, 105 min. same same juvenile opera cast of 10 Natl.Music Camp, Interlochen,Mich. 3332,4541,6sx,p,cl, 8/15/57 hp, pc. Giadstein, Richard The Lockout 1 act, 15 min. copy AMC s,t Glanville-Hicks, Peggy The Glittering Gate 1 act, 30 min. COL Dunsany, Lord Artist's Co.,YMHA,N.Y.,N.Y. 5/14/59 t,b llll,1100,tp,pc,hp,str. Glanville-Hicks, P. Nausicaa 3 acts, FL COL Graves, Robert & Reed on Grave's novel "Homer's Daughter" s,c,3t,b,bs,ch. Alastair Athens, Greece 8/19/61 rec. CRI 2132,2210,tp,pc,p,hp,str. Glanville-Hicks, P. Sappho 3 acts, FL comp. Durrell, Lawrence on free verse play by Durrell m,2t,2b,bs,ch. c/o BMI comm: San Francisco Opera Glanville-Hicks, P. The Transposed Heads 6 sc, 75 min. AMP same on Thomas Mann, Rec. Lou s,t,b,2 spk, ch vs,chp Kentucky Opera, Louisville 3/27/54 llll,1110,tp,pc,hp,str. Goldstein, George Lockout, A Thumbnail Opera copy AMC
Goldstein, William A Bullet for Billy the Kid 1 act, 45 min. FOX Shofer, Marvin CBS-TV 65 s,m,t,b;2 spk, ch orch. of 20 Goldstein, W. The Peddler 1 act, 25 min. FOX Shofer, M. cast of 7, 1 spk. orch. of 20 Goldstein, W. A Total Sweet Success 70 min. FOX Shofer, M. on Twain's "The y 1,1000,000 Bank cast of 6, ch, dcs Note" orch. of 20 Gomer, Llywellyn The Divine Mystery copy AMC Goodman, Alfred Grant Audition 1 act, 47 min. Arluck, P. Ohio U., Athens, Ohio 7/27/54 Goodman, A. G. The Statues of Turtle Bay 1 act copy AMC Goodman, J. F. The Pizza Pusher 1 act Theatre Arts Playhouse,San Francisco Cal.9/55 Gordon, David Damask Drum 1 act based on 15th c. Noh drama.chamber opera. Coffee Concerts,Kansas City, Mo., 2/5/66 Gordon, Philip The Shoe of Little Noby comp. c/o ASCAP copy AMC Gordon, P. A Tale from Chaucer 1 act same Trenton State Col.,N.J. 5/66 copy AMC Gottlieb, Jack Tea Party or Sonata Allegro 1 act, 40 min. BH Everett, Horace movement 1 of a Symph. of Operas s,c,t,b U.of Ill.,Urbana,I11.3/9/58, 2 pianos Donnell Lib.,N.Y.,N.Y.4/18/64 Graham, Shirley Tom-Tom 3 acts NBC-radio,6/26/32 (excerpts) stg.Cleveland Stadium,Ohio 6/30/32 Graves, William The Juggler 1 act comp. Lustberg, Jean Anne Washington.D.C,NBC-TV,5/59 c/o ASCAP (Cath. U.) Griffis, Elliot Port of Pleasure 1 act comp. Kearney, Clarence Immaculate Heart Col.,Los Angeles, c/o ASCAP Cal., 6/29/63 Gross, Robert The Bald Soprano 1 act Allen, Donald & comp. avant garde musical style on Ionesco Occidental Col.,Los Angeles.Cal. 5/13/62 Gross, R. Project 1521 (in preparation for 1967) Groth, Howard Petruchio 2 acts, FL Ark.State Teachers Col. Conway 3/29/54 Gruenberg, Louis The Bride of the Gods comp.estate c/o ASCAP — 22 —
Gruenberg, L. Emperor Jones 1 act, 75 min. same de Jaffa, Kathleen on O'Neill.excerpts tape Ind. U. m,t,b;ch,dcs. Met. Opera,N.Y.,N.Y. 1/7/33 Gruenberg, L. Green Mansions 1 act same Hooker, Brian radio opera.CBS radio,N.Y. 10/17/37 Gruenberg, L. Helen's Husband 1 act same Gruenberg, L. Jack and the Beanstalk 1 act same Erskine, John JuilliardSch.,N.Y.,N.Y.I 1/19/31 Gruenberg, L. Volpone 1 act same Gruenberg, L. The Witch of Brockton 1 act same Gury, L. Hither and Thither of Danny Dither 1 act cnnuren Karamu House,Cleveland,Ohio 4/62 Gustafson, Dwight The Hunted 1 act Bob Jones U.,Greenville,S.C. 5/26/60 Gustafson, D. The Jailer 1 act Bob Jones U.,Greenville,S.C. 5/27/54 Gyring, Elizabeth Night at Sea and Day in Court 2acts, 12sc.,4sets,80min. ACA same drama 2s,m,t,3b,2bs copy AMC 1111,1110,str. Hageman, Richard Caponsacchi 2 acts CFP Goodrich, Arthur Freiburg, Germany 1932 Metropolitan Opera,N.Y. 2/4/37 Halpern, Sidney Macbeth 1 act copy AMC Off-Broadway Opera Co.,N.Y.,N.Y. 4/4/65 Halpern, S. The Monkey's Paw I act copy AMC same Off-Broadway Opera Co.,N.Y.,N.Y. 4/4/65 Hamilton, Marcia To Please Mr. Plumjoy (A Christmas 1 act Eve with Music) cast of 3, ch. Duquesne U.,Pittsburgh,Pa. 57-58 Hamm,Charles Edward The Box 1 act same Tulane U.,New Orleans,La. 2/4/61 Hamm, Ch. E. The Cask of Amontillado 1 act Cincinnati Conserv. of Music,Ohio 3/1/53 Hamm, Ch. E. The Monkey's Paw 1 act, 3 sc. same Cincinnati Conserv.,Ohio 5/2/52 cast of 5 Hamm, Ch. E. The Salesgirl 1 act Va.Intermont.Col.,Bristol,3/l/55 Hamm, Ch. E. The Scent of Sarsaparilla 1 act Francis Drake Hotel,San Francisco, Cal., 9/5/54 Hamm, Ch. E. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 1 act same chamber ODera.fantasv on J. Thurber Ohio Univ..Athens 7/30/53 — 23 —
Hannay, Roger The Fortune of St. Macabre 1 act Concordia Col,Moorehead,Minn. 3/21/64 Hannay, R. Two Tickets to Ohaha (Perfidy 2 acts Lamb, Jerome Compounded) Concordia Col., Moorehead, Minn. 7/21/60 Hanson, Howard Merry Mount 4 acts, FL comp. Stokes,Richard on Hawthorne's "Maypole Lovers of cast of 17; ch c/o ASCAP Merry Mount" concert: U.of Mich.,Ann Arbor 5/20/33 Metropolitan Opera,N.Y.2/10/34 Harling, William Fr. Deep River 3 acts comp. estate Native opera with jazz c/o ASCAP Lancaster,Pa., 9/18/26 Imperial Th., N.Y. 10/4/26 Harling, Wm. F. A Light From St. Agnes 1 act on Minnie Fiske Chicago Civic, 111. 12/26/25 Harris, Theodore The First President 1 act comp. Williams, Wm. Carlos Fairleigh Dickinson U:Rutherford,N.J. 1964 c/o ASCAP Harrison, Lou The Only Jealousy of Emer 1 act comp. on Yeats c/o BMI Harrison, L. Rapunzel 1 act, 40 min. SOMP Morris, William children,Kaufman Audit. YWHA, vs N.Y., 5/14/59 1210,0110,pc,p,hp,str. Hart, Frederick Poison 1 act, 45 min. ACA psychological drama s, 2b llll,2,p,str. Haskins, Robert J. Cassandra Southwick 1 act, 3 sc. Koppenhave, Allen J. on Whittier, Quaker persecution by cast of 4 the Puritans Springfield Civic Op.,Ohio 1/24/64 Haslam, Herbert Postlogue 1 act comp. Heiner, M. Rockland Lyric Th.,Piermont,N.Y.8/60 c/o ASCAP Berta comp. Haubiel, Charles c/o ASCAP Brigands Referred comp. Haubiel, Ch. c/o ASCAP Haubiel, Ch. Sunday Costs Five Pesos 1 act, 60 or 90 min. COP-SMC Niggli, Josephine Mexican folk opera cast of 5 Piedmont Jr.HS,Charlotte,NC. 11/6/50 lg.versicast of 10 ch Haubiel, Ch. The Witches Curse comp. c/o ASCAP Haufrecht, Herbert Boney Quillan 1 act, 3 sc, 30 min. BB same pantomime opera, three folk tales 2s,2c,t,3b,ch ACA Am.Legion Hall,Chichester,N.Y. 2222,2220,tp,pc,guitar 8/18/51, revised in 1957 Haufrecht, H. A Pot of Broth 1 act, 30 min. ACA on Yeats play s,t,b copy AMC WNYC-radio,N.Y.1964 After Dinner 0111,hp,vln,vla,vcl,hp,p vs Opera — 24 —
Haufrecht, H. The Story of Ferdinand 1 act comp. children c/o BMI Rochester Pop Orch.,N.Y. 1964 copy AMC Haufrecht, H. We've Come From the City 1 act, 25 min. ACA musical play for H.S. or camps c,t,b;spk;ch. 1121,2310,3sx,tp,pc,str. Head, Michael Bachelor Mouse 1 act, 40 min. BH children cast of 8, & chil; ch. Charleston Conserv.,Charleston,Pa. 4/61 1010,p,vl,cl Heiden, Bernard The Darkened City 3 acts, 5 sc, FL AMP Kelly, Robert U.of Indiana,Bloomington 2/23/63 m,2c,5t,3b,2bs;ch. 2pc,2Eh-32,4220,tp,pc, str. Helm, Everett Adam and Eve FL comp. same on Eng. mystery play c/o BMI Stadttheater,Wiesbaden,Ger. 10/28/51 Helm, E. Die Belagerung von Tottenburg 3 acts, FL Stuttgard Radio,Ger. 11/56 Herrmann, Bernard A Christmas Carol 1 act a musical TV play,CBS-TV 12/23/54 Hill, Mabel Wood The Rose and the Ring 1 act copy AMC a musical play Hindemith, Paul Let's Build a Town 1 act, dur. optional Schott-AMP Seitz, R.& List,G. children's opera no. of singers optional vs pr: 1931 minimum of 3 instr. Hindemith, P. The Long Christmas Dinner 1 act, 50 min. Schott-AMP Wilder, Thornton set in U.S. South 3s,m,2c,2t,2b,bs vs Mannheim, Germany 12/17/61 2122,cbs,1221,hpch,pc, Am.pnJuilliard Sch.,N.Y. 3/13/63 str. Hines, Jerome I Am The Way 2'/2hrs.,FL sacred music drama Christian Arts, N.J.,3/59 Hively, Wells Jumpero Serra 1 act, 90 min. ACA hist, drama on early Span.Mission in s,m,2t,2b,2bs,ch. copy AMC Cal.; Palma Majorca.Sp. 3/28/56 2222,423 l,tp,pc,str. Hively, W. The River 1 act ACA radio opera Hoag, Charles Lonely Game State U.of Iowa,Iowa City 3/11/61 Hockett, Charles F. The Loves of Dona Rosita prol. & 4 acts-FL Oliver, William on Garcia Lorca cast of 19 puppet play "Los Titeres de Cachi- porra";comm: Ithaca Civic Opera Hoiby, Lee Beatrice 3 acts, FL comp. 'Nardia, Marcia on Maeterlinck story "Sister Beatrice" c/o ASCAP record.Louisville Phil, radio 10/23/59 Kentucky Opera Assn,Louisville 10/30/59 Hoiby, L. Natalia Petrovna 3 acts, FL BH Ball, William on Turgenov's "A Month in the Coun- cast of 10 vs try"; 19th c. Russia N.Y.C. Opera, N.Y. 10/8/64 — 25 —
Hoiby, L. The Scarf 1 act, 45 min. GS Duncan, Harry melodrama.comm.Curtis Inst.,on s,t,b vs Chekhov; Spoleto,Italy 6/20/58 llll,2110,pc,p,str. Am.pnN.Y.City Opera Co:,N.Y.4/5/59 Hoiby, L. Summer and Smoke FL same on Tennessee Williams in preparation Hokanson, Dorothy C. Undine 1 act Shephard & Conway U. of Wash.,Seattle 5/2/58 Hollingsworth,Stanley La Grande Breteche 1 act, 2 sc, 60 min. Duncan, Harry tragedy, on Balzac cast of 7 NBC-TV, New York 2/10/57 Hollingsworth, S. The Mother 1 act, 35 min. COL same & Fandel, John on Anderson fairy tale 2s,2m,t,b Spoleto Fest.,Italy 1963 llll,1100,tp,pc,p,hp, Curtis Inst.,Phila.,Pa.,3/29/54 str. Holton, Robert A Real Strange One 1 act Sullivan St. Playhouse,N.Y.,N.Y. 4/23/58 Honigman, Saul The Ticket 1 act Turnau Opera Players,Woodstock,N.Y. 7/11/58 House, Margueritte The Tourists 1 act 1st prize Mich.St.Federate Music Clubs Hovhaness, Alan The Blue Flame 1 act, 4 sc, 26 min. CFP same musical fairy tale s,t,bs,ch. San Antonio,Texas 12/15/59 2222,423 l,tp,pc,hp,str. Hovhaness, A. The Burning House 1 act, 26 min. CFP same opera ballet 2b; ch, dc. Union Col.,Gatlinburg,Tenn.8/23/64 fl., 4pc. Hovhaness, A. The Leper King 1 act CFP same music drama b, ch (8) 3 fl, trp,tp,2pc Hovhaness, A. Pilate 1 act, 30 min. CFP same chamber opera c,bs;ch. (male) Pepperdine Col.,L.A.,Cal.6/26/66 3fl,3trb,5pc Hovhaness, A. Spirit of the Avalanche 1 act, 35 min. CFP same s,2b;ch (male) fl,Eh,trp,trb,4pc,hp,str. Hovhaness, A. The Travellers 1 sc, 15 min. CFP same Foothill Col.,Calif. 4/22/67 2m (or c), 2bs; ch 3 fl,pc,hp. Hovhaness, A. Wind Drum 1 act, 26 min. CFP same dance-drama ch, dcs Union Col.,Gatlinburg,Tenn.8/23/64 fl,tp,pc,hp,str. Humel, Gerald The Proposal 1 act, 17 min. MM Brucker, Roger Southwestern Col.,Winfield,Ka. 1958 s.ct.b fl,picc,ob,str. vs Humel, G. The Triangle 1 act Brucker, R. Oberlin Conserv.,Ohio 11/14/58 26 —
Humphrey, Henry R. Joan of Arc at Reims Cincinnati Symph.,Ohio 3/17/68 Humphrey, H. R. Mayerling 3 acts, FL Col. Conserv. of Cincinnati,Ohio 11/16/57 Hundley, Richard Emma Immaculate of Lies 1 act 1 sc. reading-Met.Studio,N.Y.4/2/65 Hunkins, Eusebia Child of Promise 1 act comp. Inspiration Pt. Fine Arts Col. c/o ASCAP Eureka Springs,Ark. 7/25/65 Hunkins, E. Mice in Council 1 act, 35 min. CF same children, after fable cast of 8,ch. vs p,2tp,snare drum Hunkins, E. The Reluctant Hero CF on Aesop's "Mice in Council" 2t,2b;ch. pianq Hunkins, E. Smoky Mountain 2 acts, 90 min. CF same folk drama 2s,m,2t,b,bs;spk;ch vs Monmouth Col.,111. 2/54 square dance orch;pit: 2021,1000,guitar,str. Hunkins, E. The Spirit Owl 2 acts CF Indian (American) opera using 2s,m,t,3b,actors authentic Indian themes 2121,221 l,perc,str. Hunkins, E. Wondrous Love 1 act, 35 min. CF mountain choral drama of the nativity 3spk,s,m;ch;14 actors vs organ or pf. Hunkins, E. The Young Lincoln 1 act comp. Knox Col.,Galesburg,Ill. 10/59 c/o ASCAP Hyde, Herbert The Kitchen Clock 1 act & prol., 40 min. FTZ Comfort, Florence C. children's opera (5-12 yrs) cast of 9 & children prem. 1927 children's opera,Milwaukee,Wise.'55 Imrie, Andrew Three Against Christmas or 4 sc, 90 min. CFP Wincor, Richard Christmas at Peebles Town cast of 5; ch U.of Cal.,Berkeley, 12/3/64 Jacobi, Frederick The Prodigal Son 3 acts Stanford U.,PaloAlto,Cal.8/49 excerpts Cent.Music Lib.,London,Eng. 4/10/51 Jarrett, Jack Cinderella 3 acts, 2 sets same children's opera, fairy tale U.of Florida,Gainesville, 1956 Jenni, Donald The Emperor Clothed Anew 1 act, 2 sc, 45 min. ACA same on Anderson s,m,t,b,bs,5 spk. vs,os,pt de Paul U.,Chicago,lll. 4/2/65 piano copy AMC Johnson, Carl Escorial 1 act tragedy by de Ghelderode cast of 4 U. of Iowa, Iowa City 3/7/66 1111,211 l,4pc. Johnson, Harriett Pets of the Met 1 act Freeman, Lydia & Don children — 27 —
Johnson, Lockrem A Letter to Emily 1 act, 2 sc, 40 min. same on Robt.Hupton's "Consider the s,m,b,bs Lillies";Cornish Sch.,Seattle,Wash fl,cl,p,solo str. 4/22/51 Johnson, Mary The Thirteen Clocks 2 acts Morgan, M & N Hunter Col.,N.Y.,N.Y. 3/18/58 Jones, George Thad. Break of Day 1 act comp. c/oASCAP Jones, G. T. The Cage 1 act same Brady, Leo NBC-TV MacDowell Assn.,5/10/59 Cath.U.,Washington,D.C. 4/59 Kagel, Maurice Anagram 1 act Ojai Fest.,Calif. 5/24/63 Kagel, M. Sur Scene 1 act N.Y. State U. at Buffalo 3/65 Kagen, Sergius Hamlet 3 acts, FL same on Shakespeare cast of 8 Peabody Art Th.,Baltimore,Md.l 1/9/62 orch. of 40 Kahn, Emil The Ribbon 1 act Hillside Jr.H.S.,Montclair,N.J.5/8/52 Kalmanoff, Martin The Audition 10-30 min. comp. an Aleatory opera cast of 8 c/o ASCAP Kalmanoff, M. The Bald Prima Donna 1 act, 60 min. same on Ionesco's "Cantatrice Chauve" 3s,countert.,b,bs,sp. Community Opera,N.Y.,N.Y. 12/15/62 Kalmanoff, M. Brandy Is My True Love's Name 1 act, 60 min. same Baer, Atra operatic Western, children BlackfriarsTh.,N.Y.,N.Y. 6/17/53 Kalmanoff, M. Canterville Ghost 1 act children, on Oscar Wilde Judson Hall,"Storyland Th.", N.Y.C. 3/11/67 Kalmanoff, M. The Delinquents 1 act, 60 min. same tragedy Co-Opera Phila.,Pa. 4/55 Kalmanoff, M. The Empty Bottle 3 acts, FL Bear, A. mystery Munic.Broad.System.N.Y. 2/17/52 radio; stg.Ruffino Opera,N.Y.,N.Y. 4/2/66 Kalmanoff, M. Fit For a King 1 act, 3 sc, 90 min. Bear, A. on Emporer's New Clothes 1st prize one act opera, 1950 WN\C radio 2/13/49 stg: After Dinner Opera,N.Y. 6/21/50 Kalmanoff, M. The Ghost of the Mountain 1 act, 2 sc, 60 min. Regney, G & N fantasy, children Kalmanoff, M. Godiva 3 acts, 4 sc, FL Bear, A. Kalmanoff, M. The Great Stone Face 1 act about Nathaniel Hawthorne — 28 —
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