Winter Haven Regional Airport (KGIF) Airport Advisory Committee February 11, 2021

Page created by Francis Campos
Winter Haven Regional Airport (KGIF) Airport Advisory Committee February 11, 2021
Winter Haven Regional Airport (KGIF)
Airport Advisory Committee
February 11, 2021

Airport Advisory Committee Meeting called to order at 3:02 p.m. by Bruce Lyon, Chairman

Roll call conducted by Jana Wasmund, Airport Contract & Fiscal Specialist

In Attendance: Bruce Lyon, Chairman; Eddie McGuire, Vice Chairman; Katie Decker (joined at 3:11 p.m. via Zoom);
Ben Shipps; Eric Labbe, Department of Economic Opportunity & Community Investment Director; Alex Vacha, Airport
Director; J.P. Powell, City Commissioner/Airport Liaison (via Zoom); Eric Crump, Polk State College Liaison (via Zoom)

Absent: Jeff Donalson; Alan Anderson, Alternate Member

Approval of AAC Meeting Minutes by Chairman Lyon

    a. Motion was made by Vice Chairman McGuire to approve the AAC Meeting Minutes from January 14, 2021.
       Ben Shipps seconded the motion. Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

   a. Captain James Chamberland, Polk County Squadron Commander, Civil Air Patrol, gave an update of the club
       activities. This chapter of Civil Air Patrol (FL-274) meets on the south side of the airport at 36 N. Lake Idylwild
       Drive. Please refer to their website for additional information: Please refer to
       Exhibit “A” to review the power point presentation.
            i. Nationally
                      i. Civil Air Patrol (CAP) began December 1, 1941; A group of volunteers used their aircraft to
                         pursue submarines off the coast
                     ii. Currently, CAP has approximately 65,000 volunteers in the U.S. and abroad; CAP performs
                         approximately 90% of the inland search and rescue missions; In 2020, CAP was credited for
                         saving 117 lives
                    iii. CAP provides STEM/aerospace education to the local communities and helps to mentor
                         approximately 26,000 cadets who are members of CAP
            ii. Locally
                      i. The Polk County CAP Squadron currently has 25 cadets and 25 senior members ranging from
                         ages 12 to 98; Fourteen of the cadets are recipients of the James C. Ray Flight Scholarship;
                         One cadet received the CAP Flight Scholarship; Three students are cadet pilots and six
                         cadets are training to be CAP Mission Pilots
                     ii. Captain Chamberland stated that the local CAP chapter is hoping to obtain a Cessna 172
                         aircraft from Kissimmee, which will be the first owned aircraft by the Polk County CAP Chapter
                    iii. This Saturday, February 13th, CAP is hosting an event at the airport to give the cadets free
                         orientation flights using three aircraft; each cadet is entitled to five powered aircraft flights and
                         five glider flights
                    iv. Cadets and Senior Members receive training in emergency procedures to respond to missions
                         assigned by the Air Force; they are also trained to respond to disasters from hurricanes and
                     v. CAP hopes to partner with the Aspiring Aviation Aero Club and the Experimental Aircraft
                         Association Club in sharing Hangar #50 for hands on projects
                    vi. Captain Chamberland plans to schedule presentations at the Winter Haven High School
                         Aerospace Program and the Central Florida Aerospace Academy to invite them to join CAP.

Old Business (Alex Vacha):

    a. FDOT Inspection – Obstructions (Trees) identified on Runway 5 approach end ($1.4 Million Total Project Cost)
            i.   AVCON – Task Order to evaluate wetland area – Executed December 14, 2020
Winter Haven Regional Airport (KGIF) Airport Advisory Committee February 11, 2021
ii.  Brandon Hiers of AVCON, Inc. stated the following:
                       i. Two alternatives
                              1. Remove the trees and plant sod (More expensive, but will last forever)
                              2. Trim Trees (Less expensive, but will be needed again in the future)
                      ii. Bald eagle nest nearby may cause restrictions
            iii. Mr. Vacha stated the next step will be to meet with FDOT to give an update and discuss funding; Mr.
                 Labbe inquired if this will be an 80/20 split with FDOT; Mr. Vacha stated the FAA may also participate
    b. Instrument Approach Procedures – RNAV (GPS) Runways 5, 23, and 29
            i. Hughes Aerospace Corporation – New proposal received
                       i. $90,000 per approach or $60,000 up front and additional payments for the next six years
            ii. FAA FSDO (Orlando, FL) contacted for additional information
            iii. Mr. Vacha met with Kutchins & Groh, LLC (Aviation consultant); They recommended that we continue
                 to pursue FAA involvement
    c. TECO poles around T-Hangars (16) all scheduled for LED conversion (February-March, 2021)

New Business (Alex Vacha):
    a. Airfield/Facility Improvements
          i. Hangar Exterior LED lighting installed (24 Fixtures) – January 18-22
          ii. Back-up power outlet installed on T-Hangar #270 – January 21
          iii. Drainage upgrade in front of Eagles Landing Hangars – January 25-28
          iv. Pressure washed 18 Executive Hangars and Driveways – February 1-2
          v. New Hangar identification signage installed (38 signs) – February 5
          vi. Main Terminal lighting and landscaping improvements – February 4-8
    b. Johnson Consulting Introductory Meeting – January 29
          i. A specialized real estate and hospitality consulting firm based in Chicago and has local connections in
          ii. They heard about us through an article regarding the upcoming Business Plan and contacted us to set
               up a Zoom meeting with the City leadership and Blake from Hanson Professional Services
          iii. Potential future hospitality study for a future hotel for Fiscal Year 2021/2022

Airport Project Updates (Alex Vacha):
    a. FBO Update – Lucas Johnson, Airport Operations Technician II
           i. Mr. Vacha introduced Cathy Jilbert who was recently promoted to Airport Operations Lead Technician
                II; both she and Lucas Johnson are full time Lead Operations Technicians
           ii. Cathy Jilbert gave an introduction of herself
                     i. Civil Air Patrol cadet for 5 years prior to working at KGIF; Attended Central Florida Aerospace
                         Academy; Has been working at KGIF for 2 years as a Part-time Operations Technician;
                         recently promoted to Full-time Lead Operations Tech. II
           iii. Interviews for a Part-time Operations Technician are complete; the new technician should begin within
                the next few weeks
           iv. Fuel sales have continued to be high; Jet-A sales in January were more than any other month during
                the past few years; AvGas sales are increasing each month
           v. Aircraft incident occurred on Runway 23 yesterday; no one was injured; however, the aircraft was
                damaged; Mr. Vacha, Mr. Johnson and Brett Molick, Operations Technician I, handled the incident
                along with the Winter Haven Police Department; the staff will continue to work on emergency
                procedures, spill safety, and spill control
    b. Taxiway C Extension (Design & Construction)
           i. Carr & Collier, Inc. (Contractor) Hanson Professional Services, Inc. (CEI) and AVCON, Inc. (CA)
           ii. Electrical work, foundations for guidance signs poured, storm sewer work, and limerock delivered
           iii. Construction Notice to Proceed Date: October 19, 2020; Contract Time: 165 Calendar Days (Day
    c. Airport Security Improvements
           i. Ready to bid for construction. FDOT construction phase funding delayed until July, 2021
    d. Taxiway B Rehabilitation & Lighting (Design to be completed by March, 2021)
Winter Haven Regional Airport (KGIF) Airport Advisory Committee February 11, 2021
i.  Preliminary plans/specifications expected next week; set up meeting with FAA to go over design; the
                new plan will save money for the airport
           ii. Completed plans/specifications expected March, 2021
    e. Business, Marketing, and Management Program Development – Hanson Professional Services, Inc. &
       Clark/Nikdel/Powell, Inc. (CNP Agency)
           i. Data collection completed (10 SWOT Analysis surveys and 40 Tenant surveys received)
           ii. Establish property development plan, condition assessment of existing facilities, and define aviation
                services and facility needs currently underway
           iii. Marketing plan development, develop administrative best management practices, and develop airport
                operational documents anticipated to begin in March, 2021

Public Comments:
   a. Citizen David Lane shared the following comments:
           a. Mr. Lane picked up brochures in Avon Park showcasing their city and their airport; Mr. Lane would like
               to share this brochure with the City of Winter Haven leadership and others who would be interested in
               marketing the airport
           b. Mr. Lane was happy to see that Hertz opened their office in the airport terminal; it might be beneficial
               for them to market themselves in Northwest Winter Haven; Mr. Vacha stated this is the only Hertz
               location in Winter Haven and the surrounding area

Committee Member Comments:
           a. Ben Shipps inquired about the T-Hangar waiting list; Ms. Wasmund stated there are 28 people on the
              T-Hangar waiting list; the person at the top of the list has been waiting since September 15, 2020;
              multiple storage units are also available; Mr. Shipps inquired if airport administration is ready to lease
              land to individuals or companies to building hangars at KGIF; Mr. Vacha stated the airport is ready to
              begin discussions for future land development; Mr. Swafford of Hanson Professional Services stated it
              is very rare for individuals to follow through with building hangars; however, businesses tend to follow
              through with these type of proposals
           b. Vice Chairman McGuire stated he would like to set up a meeting with Mr. Vacha, Mr. Swafford and a
              contact from a development company that is interested in building hangars
           c. Commissioner Powell requested a copy of the Avon Park brochure from Mr. Lane; Extended thanks to
              everyone for attending the AAC meeting
Next Meeting Date and Time:
   a. The next regularly scheduled AAC meeting will be March 11, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. in the Jack Brown Conference

Adjourn – Chairman Lyon

Meeting was adjourned at 4:07 p.m.

Minutes prepared by Jana Wasmund.
Winter Haven Regional Airport (KGIF) Airport Advisory Committee February 11, 2021
Winter Haven Regional Airport (KGIF) Airport Advisory Committee February 11, 2021
How CAP Began
• Civil Air Patrol was born one week prior to
  the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
• Thousands of volunteers with a love for
  aviation put their planes and flying skills to
  use in defense of their country.
Winter Haven Regional Airport (KGIF) Airport Advisory Committee February 11, 2021
Civil Air Patrol
• The official auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force, is a nonprofit
  organization with about 65,000 volunteer members
• CAP performs 90 percent of continental U.S. inland
  search and rescue missions as tasked by the Air Force
  Rescue Coordination Center (AFRCC), saving 117 lives in
• Our members play a leading role in STEM/aerospace
  education and serve as mentors to more than 26,000
  CAP cadets.
• CAP performs homeland security and disaster relief
  missions at the request of federal, state and local
Winter Haven Regional Airport (KGIF) Airport Advisory Committee February 11, 2021
CAP Teams Up with NORAD

                         • CAP works with NORAD, FLANG,
                           Homeland Defense & other
                           local agencies to test air
                           intercept capabilities at Super
                           Bowl LV

Winter Haven Regional Airport (KGIF) Airport Advisory Committee February 11, 2021
• Civil Air Patrol has one of the largest single-engine aircraft fleets in the
           world, operating 560 powered planes in the US
Aircraft   • Possibility of relocating C-172 from KISM to KGIF
           • FL-274 currently onboarding 6 “New” Pilots & 2 CAP Pilot transfers
Winter Haven Regional Airport (KGIF) Airport Advisory Committee February 11, 2021
FL-274 Cadet Pilots
• 14 Recipients of the James C.
  Ray Flight Scholarship
• 1 CAP Flight Scholarship
• 3 Current Cadet Pilots
• All currently training to be CAP
  Mission Pilots
Winter Haven Regional Airport (KGIF) Airport Advisory Committee February 11, 2021
Cadet Orientation Flights
• 5 Powered Aircraft
• 5 Glider
• Currently training both cadets & senior members as Ground Teams & Aircrew
                     • Most common AFRCC activations are Non-Distress ELTs
Emergency Services   • Provide disaster-relief photography and support to various agencies
                     • Expanding capabilities with sUAS
Cost-Effective Force Multiplier
                      Average Cost Per Flying Hour

            $165          $504        $9,523      $15,166
          Auxiliary - Cessna       RPA - MQ-1B
          Helicopter - HH60G       Airlift - MC-130H
Cadet Program
Developing young people into
responsible citizens and
tomorrow’s aerospace leaders
   • Leadership
   • Aerospace & STEM
   • Fitness
   • Character Development

ONE CIVIL AIR PATROL | Excelling in Service to Our Nation and Our Members   10
Core Values

     • Integrity
• Volunteer Service
    • Excellence
      • Respect
Cadet Summer Activities

Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training Familiarization Course (SUPTFC), Columbus AF Base

• Volunteer Hours
• Leadership Opportunities
• Scholarships
• National & International
  Summer Activities
• 10 Free Glider & Powered
  Orientation Flights
• Partnerships with AFJROTC
• Actual Air Force Missions
• Memorable Activities!

                              ONE CIVIL AIR PATROL | Excelling in Service to Our Nation and Our Members   13
Membership Options
•   Senior Member (18+)
•   Cadet Member (12-18)
•   Aerospace Education Member
•   Cadet Sponsor Member

• Visit to find a unit near you!
• Reach out to the unit contact for meeting information
• Attend 3 meetings (live or virtual)
• Adult Members- Need to submit a fingerprint card
• Have Squadron Commander review application
• Submit application to NHQ @ Maxwell AFB
• Submit annual dues with application ($49 Cadets, $69 SM)

Polk County Composite Squadron
 WH Stoltz-Patterson Police Training Center
        36 Lake Idylwild Dr. North
         Winter Haven, FL 33881
Civil Air Patrol

Citizens Serving Communities
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